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Nepal Bank Li mi ted

Syllabus for Open Competitive Examination

Postr Senior Assistdt (lT)
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours
Pass M$ks;50
Level : Five
Subject: Bankirs Manasmetrt & Geleral IT.
Thh paper consists of fwo (2) p.rts. Part A cont ins 14 subj ctive questions among
this l0 questions should be aDsw.redwhich carries 50 narts.
Plrt B contaios objective qustions which ctrry 50 mar}'s and tU questions are
principles, functions & emersins chaLlenges
Cusiomer Relarions Service : Concept,
principles, inportdce, tools &
2. Banking
Buking Developmeni in Nepal
FinancialSysiem in Nepal
Role & tuncrions ofcent albank
Fxnctions of commercial bd*s
Lending & Deposit collection system and
procedure in Banking
Type ofcheque & paymentprocedure
l- AccoLinting & Math's
Bdki r
Accounl i ngPr ocedur e
Doxble Entry system & ifs chdacteristics
Simple, Compound & penal lnierst calculation
EMI caLcuLation
Percentage & Avera8e calculation
Unilary meLhod
Ratios & ploportion
4. cenerallT
Definition ofcore Bankine Solution
National IT Policy 2067
Cyber crime & code ofconduct
Trouble shooring and Maintenance in Bank's ICT system
Challenee in lT Service Mmagenent
Business Continuiry
plming and Disaster Recoverv Svstem for Banks
Manacement Infomation System(Mls)
. E-banking Producls, Debit/Credit CaJd, ATM, ABBS, SWIFT
Level : Five (5)
Time: 3 Hours
Nepal Bank Li mi ted
Syl l abus for Open Competi ti ve Exami oati on
Pos!: Senior Assistat (IT)
FullMarks: 100
Subject IDformation Tchnology
This paper coDshts of two (2) pfts. Part A contaiDs 14 subje.tiv quqtions anong
tbis t0 questions
should beaDsweredwhich carris 50 narks.
Part B contains objective quBtions which carry 50 mrrks and atl qustions are
Compurer Network
OSI reference model
TCP,{P p.otocol suile
lntemei and Intrdet protocols
Network Topologies
Switches and hubs
Vinual teminals
Elhemel Standard
Network troubleshooting rooh dd Gchniques
Componenrs ofa CPU
Hadware Troubleshooting ud hardw@ replacements
Computer System architecture
zuSC Architecture
CISC Architecture
ParalLel processing
Arirhmer;c p;peline
instruciion pipeline
RISC Pipeline
Vecto. processing
Inpuloutput orgdiation
Memory OrCanization
4. Operating Systems
File Systems
Memory MmaCement
Inpuy Ourput System
Basic DOS and Linux Conrmands
Troubleshooring and Recovery ofwindows and Linux syslens
5. Database mdaaement systems
Database Ai:hilecture
SQL queries (sinple, comple\ nested queries)
Daubase backup methods in nodem RDBMS (oracleAdssel-)
Client Server
3-tier archrecturc and tmplementation
Database recovery methods
6. Progmrng
Object oriented progranmins model.
Shell sclipting.
7. lnformarion Security
secLr i b Pol r ci es
lntrusion Detection
Malicious Loeic,
Nerworl, Securiry
Sysiem Security
User Securiiy
. Securiry
8. IT Enviroment Efecting $e Banking IT System
Local AEa Network dd Wide Arca Network
ODBC, Aclive Directory
ICT Inftastructu.e
Electricity, uPS, Generator and Power Supply
Sue Proiectors and line conditioning / Eanhing
Router, Modem and Switch
9. Microsoft Ofiice
MS Excel,
MS PowerPoint,
MS Word
MS Access
Microsoft Outlook
Nepql Bonk limited
Open Compel i ti ve Exomi noi i on
Syl l obus for Procti cql Test
Level: Five (5) Post Senior Assislonl (lT) Time: I Hours
fullMorkr: 50 Poss Morks: 25
1. Computer Network
OS feference mode
olo o .u.lp
niemel oncllnlronei
. Netvr'ork Topo ogies
Swllches ond hubs
. Viriuo lerminols
Eihernei Slondord
Neh4ork troub eshooling loo s ond lechniques
2. Computer Hor.lwore
Componenh oto CPU
Hordwore Troub eshooling ond hordwore replocemenh
3. OpeGling Syttems
Memory Monogemeni
hpul/ oulpul Sysiem
Bosic DOS ond LinuxCommonds
Troubleshooling ond Recovery of windoM ond Linux systems
4. Dotobo3e mondgement 3y!tem3
(simpe. complex. nested
Dolobose bockup melhods in modern RDBMS
Cllenl Server , 3 lier orchlleclu ond mplemenloiion
. Dotobose recovery meihods
5. P@srcmmlng
objecl oriented
progrommlng rnodel.
Shel scr i pl i nS.
6. II Environment Ettecling lhe BonHng lT Syrtem
LocolAreo Neiwork ond Wde Areo Nelwork
ODBC, Aciive Dkectory
ICT lnfroslrucfure
Eeclricity, UPS, Generolor ond Power Supply
Su|ge Pfotc16ls ond line condilioning / Eodhling
Router, Modem ond Swilch
MS Powefoinl.
Microsoit Outlook

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