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... through Bertha Dudde

Only God can convey the truth to a person ....
Let Me speak to you and accept My teachngs .... Beleve that
purest truth s !parted to you and there"ore also pass t on #th
convcton$ then you are true la%ourers n My vneyard$ "or
hu!anty&s sprtual adversty re'ures the pure truth to %e
passed on to t.
(s long as people don&t recognse Me correctly$ as long as they
don&t have the rght n"or!aton a%out ther God and )reator and
*s nature they #ll not strve to#ards Me ether$ "or they #ll not
consder Me #orth strvng "or as long as they don&t kno# that My
nature s love$ that + only ever gve love and #ant to receve love
,evertheless$ n order to gve love My nature has to %e
recognsed as pro"oundly per"ect$ and a person also has to %e
a%le to "eel My love #hch$ n turn$ s only poss%le " My lvng
creatons .... you hu!ans .... open the!selves and voluntarly
hand the!selves over to Me$ so that My love can llu!nate the!
and !ake the! happy.
(nd there"ore you also ought to kno# that you are My lvng
creatons$ #hch My greater than great love %rought "orth$ you
ought to kno# that you are the products o" My #ll o" love and
My strength o" love and that your %asc nature s love too .... But
such kno#ledge can only %e gven to you %y Me$ Who kno#s
everythng ....
*ence you should let yourselves %e taught %y Me and also !part
the sa!e n"or!aton to those #ho are not n contact #th Me
the!selves. For all hu!an %engs shall kno# #hat they
"unda!entally are$ and they all shall endeavour to reach ther
orgnal startng pont agan$ %ecause then they #ll %eco!e
n"ntely happy.
Only #hen + (! recognsed as the !ost per"ect Beng n n"nty
#ll love "or Me gnte n people&s hearts$ "or then they #ll also
kno# that + (! Love Mysel"$ and love #ll press on to#ards love.
But as long as people are not gven the rght e-planaton a%out
My nature$ as long as + (! presented as a conde!nng and
#rath"ul God$ they #ll not trustngly approach Me lke chldren
and there"ore cannot learn anythng a%out My love ether. (nd
even less #ll they gve ther love to Me$ nstead they #ll only
ever "ear Me and never esta%lsh the relatonshp o" a chld
to#ards ts Father. .hs$ ho#ever$ s #hat + re'ure "ro! you n
order to %e a%le to !ake you e-tre!ely happy #th My love.
/et through My adversary&s n"luence My !age s %eng dstorted$
and through My adversary&s n"luence the truth s also %eng
under!ned$ co!%ned #th error or #thheld "ro! you .... snce
people$ #ho voluntarly %elong to My adversary$ #ll "ght aganst
the truth and thus advocate n the #orld supposed sprtual
kno#ledge as truth #hch n realty should not %e a%le to lay any
such cla! to t. (nd these are the people you should counteract$
snce you are tryng to "ul"l My #ll and #ant to %e o" servce to
Me n My vneyard ....
For you have receved the pure truth "ro! Me as the rght seeds
and you shall so# the! nto hearts #hch #llngly open
the!selves$ "or the truth cannot %e "orc%ly !parted to any
person$ t has to %e lovngly o""ered and voluntarly accepted. But
then t #ll also result n !any %lessngs$ nso"ar that people$ #ho
prevously !oved #thn dark regons %ecause no lght #as as yet
shnng "or the!$ #ll then %e enlghtened. + (! provdng you
hu!ans #th an a!ple a!ount o" seeds #hch you should use to
cultvate the "elds so as to %rng "orth good "rut .... /et only +
can grant you ths precous kno#ledge. Only + can convey t to
you$ + alone (! the source "ro! #hch the "ont o" l"e arses ....
you can only get the correct noursh!ent "ro! Me. But you$ #ho
are #llng$ can also gve ths sustenance to your "ello# hu!an
%engs$ #ho 0ust as urgently need good noursh!ent and a
re"reshng drnk n order to contnue ther plgr!&s 0ourney on
For you have to travel your earthly path "or the purpose o"
!aturng your souls. +n earthly l"e you shall look "or and "nd
your God and )reator$ and as Father o" My chldren .... the lvng
creatons havng proceeded "ro! Me .... + #ll also allo# Mysel" to
%e "ound %y anyone #ho s sncerely strvng to#ards Me ....
(nd once you have "ound Me$ My love #ll constantly provde "or
you$ you #ll %e endo#ed #th earthly and sprtual
possessons .... the sprtual possessons$ ho#ever$ ental
kno#ledge a%out all sprtual occurrences #hch preceded your
e-stence as a hu!an %eng$ and a%out My lovng e""ort to gude
you nto supre!e per"ecton .... .he sprtual possessons consst
o" a hgh level o" realsaton .... a lght #ll %e kndled n you
#hch #ll shne "ar and #de and gve you an nsght agan nto
regons #hch can only %e !ade access%le to you n a sprtual
#ay ....
(nd anyone #ho has the !!ense grace o" recevng such
e-tensve kno#ledge shall also sho# hs grattude %y passng on
My g"ts o" grace$ he shall only ever consder hs "ello# hu!an
%engs& sprtual adversty #ho stll lve n co!plete gnorance
%ecause they are co!pletely #thout love$ and they should "rst
o" all encourage the! nto knd1hearted actvty$ so that they #ll
%eco!e open1!nded to the sprtual g"ts you %rng to the! ....
.hs s #hy your !an task conssts o" repeatedly re!ndng
people o" My co!!and!ents o" love$ "or a person only gans the
pure truth through a l"e o" love$ only through a l"e o" love do
you ac'ure the understandng "or deeper kno#ledge$ and only
love lets a person realse the reason and purpose o" hs earthly
l"e$ #hch he #ll then also genunely try to reach ....
2u%lshed %y "rends o" ne# revelatons o" God 3 +n"or!aton$
do#nload o" all translated revelatons$ the!e1%ooklets at4


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