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Excerpted from the following, with permission:


Troubleshooting Handbook
Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning Hints for Solaris

10 and

Scott Cromar
Solaris Troubleshooting Handbook
by Scott Cromar
Copyright 200! Scott Cromar" #ll rights reser$ed"
Printed in the %nited States of #merica"
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Published by Cromar A Cromar
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This boo+ e)tends and supplements information first published at
3emory and Paging
-n the real (orld! memory shortfalls are much more de$astating than ha$ing a CP% bottlenec+" T(o primary indicators of a
5#3 shortage are the scan rate and s(ap de$ice acti$ity" Table :1 sho(s some useful commands for monitoring both types
of acti$ity"
Table 8-1. Memory Monitoring Commands
Performance etric onitoring !ommands
3emory Saturation' Scan 5ate
sar -g
3emory Saturation' S(ap Space %sage and Paging 5ates
sar -g
sar -p
sar -r
sar -w
-n both cases! the high acti$ity rate can be due to something that does not ha$e a consistently large impact on performance"
The processes running on the system ha$e to be e)amined to see ho( fre.uently they are run and (hat their impact is" -t
may be possible to re:(or+ the program or run the process differently to reduce the amount of ne( data being read into
C"irtual memor# ta+es t(o shapes in a %ni) system' physical memory and s(ap space" Ph#sical memor# usually comes
in 1-33 modules and is fre.uently called 5#3" Swap space is a dedicated area of dis+ space that the operating system
addresses almost as if it (ere physical memory" Since dis+ -7O is much slo(er than -7O to and from memory! (e (ould
prefer to use s(ap space as infre.uently as possible" 3emory address space refers to the range of addresses that can be
assigned! or mapped! to $irtual memory on the system" The bul+ of an address space is not mapped at any gi$en point in
9e ha$e to (eigh the costs and benefits of upgrading physical memory! especially to accommodate an infre.uently
scheduled process" -f the cost is more important than the performance! (e can use s(ap space to pro$ide enough $irtual
memory space for the application to run" -f ade.uate total $irtual memory space is not pro$ided! ne( processes (ill not be
able to open" CThe system may report ENot enough spaceE or EWARNING: /tmp: File system full, swap
space limit exceeded.ED
S(ap space is usually only used (hen physical memory is too small to accommodate the systemFs memory re.uirements" #t
that time! space is freed in physical memory by paging Cmo$ingD it out to s(ap space" CSee GPagingH belo( for a more
complete discussion of the process"D
-f inade.uate physical memory is pro$ided! the system (ill be so busy paging to s(ap that it (ill be unable to +eep up (ith
demand" CThis state is +no(n as EthrashingE and is characteri*ed by hea$y -7O on the s(ap de$ice and horrendous
performance" -n this state! the scanner can use up to 0I of CP%"D
9hen this happens! (e can use the vmstat -p command to e)amine (hether the stress on the system is coming from
e)ecutables! application data or file system traffic" This command displays the number of paging operations for each type of
Scan $ate
9hen a$ailable memory falls belo( certain thresholds! the system attempts to reclaim memory that is being used for other
purposes" The page scanner is the program that runs through memory to see (hich pages can be made a$ailable by placing
them on the free list" The scan rate is the number of times per second that the page scanner ma+es a pass through memory"
CThe GPagingH section later in this chapter discusses some details of the page scannerFs operation"D The page scanning rate is
the main tipoff that a system does not ha$e enough physical memory" 9e can use sar -g or vmstat to loo+ at the scan
vmstat 30 chec+s memory usage e$ery ;0 seconds" C-gnore the summary statistics on the first line"D -f page/sr is much
abo$e *ero for an e)tended time! your system may be running short of physical memory" CShorter sampling periods may be
used to get a feel for (hat is happening on a smaller time scale"D
# $ery lo( scan rate is a sure indicator that the system is not running short of physical memory" On the other hand! a high
scan rate can be caused by transient issues! such as a process reading large amounts of uncached data" The processes on the
system should be e)amined to see ho( much of a long:term impact they ha$e on performance" Historical trends need to be
e)amined (ith sar -g to ma+e sure that the page scanner has not come on for a transient! non:recurring reason"
# non*ero scan rate is not necessarily an indication of a problem" O$er time! memory is allocated for caching and other
acti$ities" J$entually! the amount of memory (ill reach the lotsfree memory le$el! and the pageout scanner (ill be
in$o+ed" 4or a more thorough discussion of the paging algorithm! see GPagingH belo("
Swap %e&ice 'cti&it#
The amount of dis+ acti$ity on the s(ap de$ice can be measured using iostat" iostat -xPnce pro$ides information on
dis+ acti$ity on a partition:by:partition basis" sar -d pro$ides similar information on a per:physical:de$ice basis! and
vmstat pro$ides some usage information as (ell" 9here 2eritas 2olume 3anager is used! vxstat pro$ides per:$olume
performance information"
-f there are -7OFs .ueued for the s(ap de$ice! application paging is occurring" -f there is significant! persistent! hea$y -7O to
the s(ap de$ice! a 5#3 upgrade may be in order"
Process emor# (sage
The /usr/proc/bin/pmap command can help pin do(n (hich process is the memory hog" /usr/proc/bin/pmap -x
PID prints out details of memory use by a process"
Summary statistics regarding process si*e can be found in the RSS column of ps -ly or top"
dbx! the debugging utility in the SunPro pac+age! has e)tensi$e memory lea+ detection built in" The source code (ill need
to be compiled (ith the :g flag by the appropriate SunPro compiler"
ipcs -mb sho(s memory statistics for shared memory" This may be useful (hen attempting to si*e memory to fit e)pected
Segmentation "iolations
Segmentation $iolations occur (hen a process references a memory address not mapped by any segment" The resulting
SIGSEGV signal originates as a maKor page fault hard(are e)ception identified by the processor and is translated by
as_fault() in the address space layer"
9hen a process o$erflo(s its stac+! a segmentation $iolation fault results" The +ernel recogni*es the $iolation and can
e)tend the stac+ si*e! up to a configurable limit" -n a multithreaded en$ironment! the +ernel does not +eep trac+ of each user
threadFs stac+! so it cannot perform this function" The thread itself is responsible for stac+ SIGSEGV Cstac+ o$erflo( signalD
CThe SIGSEGV signal is sent by the threads library (hen an attempt is made to (rite to a (rite:protected page Kust
beyond the end of the stac+" This page is allocated as part of the stac+ creation re.uest"D
-t is often the case that segmentation faults occur because of resource restrictions on the si*e of a processFs stac+" See
G5esource 3anagementH in Chapter ? for information about ho( to increase these limits"
See GProcess 2irtual 3emoryH in Chapter > for a more detailed description of the structure of a processFs address space"
Solaris uses both common types of paging in its $irtual memory system" These types are swapping Cs(aps out all memory
associated (ith a user processD and demand paging Cs(aps out the not recently used pagesD" 9hich method is used is
determined by comparing the amount of a$ailable memory (ith se$eral +ey parameters'
ph#smem' physmem is the total page count of physical memory"
lotsfree' The page scanner is (o+en up (hen a$ailable memory falls belo( lotsfree" The default $alue for this is
physmem7?> Cor @12 L,! (hiche$er is greaterDM it can be tuned in the /etc/system file if necessary" The page
scanner runs in demand paging mode by default" The initial scan rate is set by the +ernel parameter slowscan C(hich
is 100 by defaultD"
minfree' ,et(een lotsfree and minfree! the scan rate increases linearly bet(een slowscan and fastscan"
Cfastscan is determined e)perimentally by the system as the ma)imum scan rate that can be supported by the system
hard(are" minfree is set to desfree72! and desfree is set to lotsfree72 by default"D Jach page scanner (ill
run for desscan pages" This parameter is dynamically set based on the scan rate"
maxpgio' maxpgio Cdefault >0 or ?0D limits the rate at (hich -7O is .ueued to the s(ap de$ices" -t is set to >0 for )?
architectures and ?0 for SP#5C architectures" 9ith modern hard dri$es! maxpgio can safely be set to 100 times the
number of s(ap dis+s"
throttlefree' 9hen free memory falls belo( throttlefree Cdefault minfreeD! the page_create routines force
the calling process to (ait until free pages are a$ailable"
pageout)reser&e' 9hen free memory falls belo( this $alue Cdefault throttlefree72D! only the page daemon and
the scheduler are allo(ed memory allocations"
The page scanner operates by first freeing a usage flag on each page at a rate reported as Escan rateE in vmstat and sar
-g" #fter handspreadpages additional pages ha$e been read! the page scanner chec+s to see (hether the usage flag has
been reset" -f not! the page is s(apped out" Chandspreadpages is set dynamically in current $ersions of Solaris" -ts
ma)imum $alue is pageout_new_spread"D
Solaris introduced an impro$ed algorithm for handling file system page caching Cfor file systems other than N4SD" This
ne( architecture is +no(n as the c#clical page cache" -t is designed to remo$e most of the problems (ith $irtual memory
that (ere pre$iously caused by the file system page cache"
-n the ne( algorithm! the cache of unmapped7inacti$e file pages is located on a cachelist (hich functions as part of the
9hen a file page is mapped! it is mapped to the rele$ant page on the cachelist if it is already in memory" -f the
referenced page is not on the cachelist! it is mapped to a page on the freelist and the file page is read Cor GpagedHD
into memory" Jither (ay! mapped pages are mo$ed to the segmap file cache"
Once all other freelist pages are consumed! additional allocations are ta+en from the cachelist on a least recently
accessed basis" 9ith the ne( algorithm! file system cache only competes (ith itself for memory" -t does not force
applications to be s(apped out of primary memory as sometimes happened (ith the earlier OS $ersions"
#s a result of these changes! vmstat reports statistics that are more in line (ith our intuition" -n particular! scan rates (ill
be near *ero unless there is a system(ide shortage of a$ailable memory" C-n the past! scan rates (ould reflect file caching
acti$ity! (hich is not really rele$ant to memory shortfalls"D
J$ery acti$e memory page in Solaris is associated (ith a &node C(hich is a mapping to a fileD and an offset Cthe location
(ithin that fileD" This references the backing store for the memory location! and may represent an area on the s(ap de$ice!
or it may represent a location in a file system" #ll pages that are associated (ith a $alid vnode and offset are placed on the
global page hash list"
vmstat -p reports paging acti$ity details for applications Ce)ecutablesD! data CanonymousD and file system acti$ity"
The parameters listed abo$e can be $ie(ed and set dynamically $ia mdb! as in J)ample :1'
Example 8-1. Paging Parameters
# mdb -kw
Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix specfs dtrace ufs sd ip sctp usba fcp fctl nca lofs zfs
random logindmux ptm cpc fcip sppp crypto nfs ]
> physmem/E
physmem: 258887
> lotsfree/E
lotsfree: 3984
> desfree/E
desfree: 1992
> minfree/E
minfree: 996
> throttlefree/E
throttlefree: 996
> fastscan/E
fastscan: 127499
> slowscan/E
slowscan: 100
> handspreadpages/E
> pageout_new_spread/E
pageout_new_spread: 161760
> lotsfree/Z fa0
lotsfree: 0xf90 = 0xfa0
> lotsfree/E
lotsfree: 4000
Swap Space
The Solaris $irtual memory system combines physical memory (ith a$ailable s(ap space $ia swapfs" -f insufficient total
$irtual memory space is pro$ided! ne( processes (ill be unable to open"
S(ap space can be added! deleted or e)amined (ith the swap command" swap -l reports total and free space for each of
the s(ap partitions or files that are a$ailable to the system" &ote that this number does not reflect total a$ailable $irtual
memory space! since physical memory is not reflected in the output" swap -s reports the total a$ailable amount of $irtual
memory! as does sar -r"
-f s(ap is mounted on /tmp $ia tmpfs! df -k /tmp (ill report on total a$ailable $irtual memory space! both s(ap and
physical" #s large memory allocations are made! the amount of space a$ailable to tmpfs (ill decrease! meaning that the
utili*ation percentages reported by df (ill be of limited use"
The 1Trace Tool+itFs swapinfo.d program prints out a summary of ho( $irtual memory is currently being used" See
J)ample :2'
Example 8-2. Virtual Memory Summary
# /opt/DTT/Bin/swapinfo.d
RAM _______Total 2048 MB
RAM Unusable 25 MB
RAM Kernel 564 MB
RAM Locked 2 MB
RAM Used 189 MB
RAM Free 1266 MB
Disk _______Total 4004 MB
Disk Resv 69 MB
Disk Avail 3935 MB
Swap _______Total 5207 MB
Swap Resv 69 MB
Swap Avail 5138 MB
Swap (Minfree) 252 MB
-f the system is consistently belo( desfree of free memory Co$er a ;0 second a$erageD! the memor# scheduler (ill start
to s(ap out processes" Cie! if both avefree and avefree30 are less than desfree! the s(apper begins to loo+ at
-nitially! the scheduler (ill loo+ for processes that ha$e been idle for maxslp seconds" Cmaxslp defaults to 20 seconds
and can be tuned in /etc/system"D This s(apping mode is +no(n as soft swapping"
S(apping priorities are calculated for an 89P by the follo(ing formula'
epri = swapin_time - rss/(maxpgio/2) - pri
(here swapin_time is the time since the thread (as last s(apped! rss is the amount of memory used by the 89Ps
process! and pri is the threadFs priority"
-f! in addition to being belo( desfree of free memory! there are t(o processes in the run .ueue and paging acti$ity
e)ceeds maxpgio! the system (ill commence hard swapping" -n this state! the +ernel unloads all modules and cache
memory that is not currently acti$e and starts s(apping out processes se.uentially until desfree of free memory is
Processes are not eligible for s(apping if they are'
-n the SOS or 5T scheduling class"
,eing e)ecuted or stopped by a signal"
# system thread"
,loc+ing a higher priority thread"
The 1Trace Tool+it pro$ides the anonpgpid.d script to attempt to identify the processes (hich are suffering the most
(hen the system is hard s(apping" 9hile this may be interesting! if (e are hard:s(apping! (e need to +ill the culprit! not
identify the $ictims" 9e are better off identifying (hich processes are consuming ho( much memory" prstat -s rss
does a nice Kob of ran+ing processes by memory usage" C$SS stands for Gresident set si*e! G (hich is the amount of
physical memory allocated to a process"D
Example 8-3. an!ing Pro"esses by Memory #sage
# prstat -s rss
213 daemon 19M 18M sleep 59 0 0:00:12 0.0% nfsmapid/4
7 root 9336K 8328K sleep 59 0 0:00:04 0.0% svc.startd/14
9 root 9248K 8188K sleep 59 0 0:00:07 0.0% svc.configd/15
517 root 9020K 5916K sleep 59 0 0:00:02 0.0% snmpd/1
321 root 9364K 5676K sleep 59 0 0:00:02 0.0% fmd/14
Total: 39 processes, 159 lwps, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
9e may also find oursel$es s(apping if (e are running tmpfs and someone places a large file in $tmp" -t ta+es some effort!
but (e ha$e to educate our user community that $tmp is not scratch space" -t is literally part of the $irtual memory space" -t
may help matters to set up a directory called $s"rat"% to allo( people to unpac+ files or manipulate data"
S#stem emor# (sage
mdb can be used to pro$ide significant information about system memory usage" -n particular! the ::memstat dcmd! and
the leak and leakbuf (al+ers may be useful"
::memstat displays a memory usage summary" CSee J)ample :>"D
walk leak finds lea+s (ith the same stac+ trace as a lea+ed bufctl or vmem_seg.
walk leakbuf (al+s buffers for lea+s (ith the same stac+ trace as a lea+ed bufctl or vmem_seg"
Example 8-&. System Memory #sage
> ::memstat
Page Summary Pages MB %Tot
------------ ---------------- ---------------- ----
Kernel 31563 246 12%
Anon 1523 11 1%
Exec and libs 416 3 0%
Page cache 70 0 0%
Free (cachelist) 78487 613 30%
Free (freelist) 146828 1147 57%
Total 258887 2022
Physical 254998 1992
-n addition! there are se$eral functions of interest that can be monitored by 1Trace'
Table 8-2. Memory 'un"tions
+unction ,ame %escription
Tests for a page (ith a gi$en vnode and offset"
Searches the hash list for a loc+ed page that is +no(n to ha$e a gi$en
vnode and offset"
4inds the first page on the global page hash list"
4rees a page" -f it has a vnode and offset! sent to the cachelist!
other(ise sent to the freelist"
Chec+s (hether a page has been modified"
Chec+s (hether a page has been referenced"
8oc+ a page structure"
4ind a page (ith the specified vnode and offset" -f found on a free list! it
(ill be mo$ed from the freelist"
4inds a page representing the specified vnode and offset that is not loc+ed
and is not on the freelist"
&otifies the 23 system that pages need to be freed"
&e)t page on the global hash list"
%nloc+ a page structure after unmapping it" Place it bac+ on the
cachelist if appropriate"
%nloc+ a page structure"
Lernel 3emory %sageSolaris +ernel memory is used to pro$ide space for +ernel te)t! data and data structures" 3ost of the
+ernelFs memory is nailed do(n and cannot be s(apped"
4or %ltraSP#5C and )?> systems! Solaris loc+s a translation mapping into the 33%Fs translation loo+aside buffer CT8,D
for the first >3, of the +ernelFs te)t and data segments" ,y using large pages in this (ay! the number of +ernel:related T8,
entries is reduced! lea$ing more buffer resources for user code" This has resulted in tremendously impro$ed performance for
these en$ironments"
9hen memory is allocated by the +ernel! it is typically not released to the freelist unless a se$ere system memory
shortfall occurs" -f this happens! the +ernel relin.uishes any unused memory"
The +ernel allocates memory to itself $ia the slab7kmem and vmem allocators" C# discussion of the internals of the
allocators is beyond the scope of this boo+! but Chapter 11 of 3c1ougall and 3auro discusses the allocators in detail"D
The +ernel memory statistics can be trac+ed using sar -k! and probed using mdbFs ::kmastat dcmd for an o$erall $ie( of
+ernel memory allocation" The kstat utility allo(s us to e)amine a particular cache" Truncated $ersions of ::kmastat and
kstat output are demonstrated in J)ample :@'
Example 8-(. )ernel Memory *llo"ation
# mdb -k
Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix specfs dtrace ufs sd ip sctp usba fcp fctl nca lofs zfs
random logindmux ptm cpc fcip sppp crypto nfs ]
> ::kmastat
cache buf buf buf memory alloc alloc
name size in use total in use succeed fail
------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
kmem_magazine_1 16 274 1016 16384 4569 0
bp_map_131072 131072 0 0 0 0 0
memseg_cache 112 0 0 0 0 0
mod_hash_entries 24 187 678 16384 408634 0
thread_cache 792 157 170 139264 75907 0
lwp_cache 904 157 171 155648 11537 0
turnstile_cache 64 299 381 24576 86758 0
cred_cache 148 50 106 16384 42752 0
rctl_cache 40 586 812 32768 541859 0
rctl_val_cache 64 1137 1651 106496 1148726 0
ufs_inode_cache 368 18526 102740 38256640 275296 0
process_cache 3040 38 56 172032 38758 0
zfs_znode_cache 192 0 0 0 0 0
------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
Total [static] 221184 150707 0
Total [hat_memload] 7397376 8417187 0
Total [kmem_msb] 1236992 362278 0
Total [kmem_va] 42991616 8893 0
Total [kmem_default] 152576000 112494417 0
Total [bp_map] 524288 3387 0
Total [kmem_tsb_default] 319488 83391 0
Total [hat_memload1] 245760 229486 0
Total [segkmem_ppa] 16384 127 0
Total [umem_np] 1048576 11204 0
Total [segkp] 11010048 30423 0
Total [pcisch2_dvma] 458752 8891868 0
Total [pcisch1_dvma] 98304 11 0
Total [ip_minor_arena] 64 13299 0
Total [spdsock] 64 1 0
Total [namefs_inodes] 64 21 0
------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
vmem memory memory memory alloc alloc
name in use total import succeed fail
------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -----
heap 1099614298112 4398046511104 0 20207 0
vmem_metadata 6619136 6815744 6815744 752 0
vmem_seg 5578752 5578752 5578752 681 0
vmem_hash 722560 729088 729088 46 0
vmem_vmem 295800 346096 311296 106 0
ibcm_local_sid 0 4294967295 0 0 0
------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -----
> $Q
# kstat -n process_cache
module: unix instance: 0
name: process_cache class: kmem_cache
align 8
alloc 38785
alloc_fail 0
buf_avail 18
buf_constructed 12
buf_inuse 38
buf_max 64
buf_size 3040
buf_total 56
chunk_size 3040
crtime 28.796560304
depot_alloc 2955
depot_contention 0
depot_free 2965
empty_magazines 0
free 38811
full_magazines 3
hash_lookup_depth 1
hash_rescale 0
hash_size 64
magazine_size 3
slab_alloc 104
slab_create 9
slab_destroy 2
slab_free 54
slab_size 24576
snaptime 1233645.2648315
vmem_source 23
Certain aspects of the +ernel memory allocation only become possible if the debug flags are enabled in kmdb at boot time!
as in J)ample :?'
Example 8-+. Enabling )ernel Memory *llo"ator ,ebug 'lag
ok boot kmdb -d
Loading kmdb...
Welcome to kmdb
[0]> kmem_flags/W 0x1f
kmem_flags: 0x0 = 0x1f
[0]> :c
-f the system crashes (hile kmdb is loaded! it (ill drop to the kmdb prompt rather than the P5O3 monitor
prompt" CThis is intended to allo( debugging to continue in the (a+e of a crash"D This is probably not the
desired state for a production system! so it is recommended that kmdb be unloaded once debugging is
0)1f sets all L3# flags" -ndi$idual flags can be set instead by using different $alues! but - ha$e ne$er run across a situation
(hen it (asnFt better to Kust ha$e them all enabled"
%irect -./
8arge se.uential -7O can cause performance problems due to e)cessi$e use of the memory page cache" One (ay to a$oid
this problem is to use direct -7O on file systems (here large se.uential -7Os are common"
1irect -7O is usually specified as a mount option in the -.stab" The specific file system option (ill $ary based on file system
type" 4or %4S! it is forcedirectio"
Coc+croft! #drian and Pettit! 5ichard" C#pril 1<<D Sun Performance and Tuning' 0a$a and the -nternet! 2
Prentice Hall"
Cromar! Scott" C200=D Solaris Troubles%ooting and Per.orman"e Tuning at Prin"eton #ni-ersity" Princeton! &0"
3c1ougall! 5ichard and 3auro! 0im" C0uly 200?D Solaris /nternals" %pper Saddle 5i$er! &0' Prentice Hall A Sun
3icrosystems Press"
3c1ougall! 5ichard! 3auro! 0im and Pregg! ,rendan" COctober 200?D Solaris Per.orman"e and Tools" %pper Saddle
5i$er! &0' Prentice Hall A Sun 3icrosystems Press"
OpenSolaris ProKect" COctober 200?D 1Trace Tool+it" Chttp'77((("opensolaris"org7os7community7dtrace7dtracetool+it7D
Sun 3icrosystems" C3ay 200?D Solaris Tunable Parameters e.eren"e Manual" Santa Clara! C#' Sun 3icrosystems!
-nc" C http'77docs"sun"com7app7docs7doc71=:0>0>D

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