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Jun 08, 2014 1:17:28 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.

LogWrapper log
INFO: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
Jun 08, 2014 1:17:28 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
Jun 08, 2014 1:17:28 PM net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LogWrapper log
INFO: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
2014-06-08 13:17:29 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version
for Minecraft 1.6.4 loading
2014-06-08 13:17:29 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Serv
er VM, version 1.8.0_05, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program
2014-06-08 13:17:30 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.laun
ch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this
version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:30 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod worldcore.asm.WCFMLLo
adingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this
version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:30 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod biomesoplenty.asm.BOP
FMLLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with
this version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.core.laun
ch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issu
es with this version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugi
n does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod mcp.mobius.evoc.asm.C
oreDescription does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with th
is version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.F
MLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this ver
sion of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod mcp.mobius.mobiuscore
.asm.CoreDescription does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues w
ith this version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.N
EICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this
version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The coremod lumien.randomthings.T
ransformer.RTLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause is
sues with this version of Minecraft
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Loading tweak class name
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class
2014-06-08 13:17:31 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:32 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer confi
g file fml_at.cfg
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraf
t Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found valid fingerprint for Minecraf
t. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 110 rules from AccessTransformer conf
ig file forge_at.cfg
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:38 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 40 rules from AccessTransformer confi
g file fml_at.cfg
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: chickenchunks_at.c
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 44 rules from AccessTransformer confi
g file temp.dat
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding AccessTransformer: nei_at.cfg
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Adding Accesstransformer map: temp.dat
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [STDOUT] Loaded 55 rules from AccessTransformer confi
g file temp.dat
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.rel
2014-06-08 13:17:39 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Calling tweak class
2014-06-08 13:17:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Launching wrapped minecraft {net.min
2014-06-08 13:17:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found World.updateEntities()...
2014-06-08 13:17:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject tile entity profiler... Suc
cessful injection !
2014-06-08 13:17:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject entity profiler... Successf
ul injection !
2014-06-08 13:17:41 [INFO] [STDOUT] Inserted super call into axv.c
2014-06-08 13:17:41 [INFO] [STDOUT] awy was overriden from NotEnoughItems 1.6.1.
2014-06-08 13:17:42 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found WorldServer.tick()...
2014-06-08 13:17:43 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Setting user: CrypticAgent
2014-06-08 13:17:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] [RT CF] Patching Leaves Class
2014-06-08 13:17:44 [INFO] [Switches] Injecting Piston callback.
2014-06-08 13:17:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] Generated BlockMobSpawner helper method.
2014-06-08 13:17:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to overwrite method asg.h ()V
2014-06-08 13:17:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asg.h ()V in Vanilla.
2014-06-08 13:17:45 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asg.h ()V in Coremod.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject method asi.isHopperEmpty ()
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.isHopperEmpty ()Z in C
oremod. Injecting !
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject method asi.isHopperFull ()Z
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.isHopperFull ()Z in Co
remod. Injecting !
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject method asi.isInventoryFull
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.isInventoryFull (Lmo;I
)Z in Coremod. Injecting !
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject method asi.isInventoryEmpty
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.isInventoryEmpty (Lmo;
I)Z in Coremod. Injecting !
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to overwrite method asi.j ()Z
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.j ()Z in Vanilla.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.j ()Z in Coremod.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to overwrite method asi.u ()Z
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.u ()Z in Vanilla.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.u ()Z in Coremod.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to overwrite method asi.a (Lash;)Z
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.a (Lash;)Z in Vanilla.
2014-06-08 13:17:46 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found method node asi.a (Lash;)Z in Coremod.
2014-06-08 13:17:48 [INFO] [InfiniBows] Fix injected.
2014-06-08 13:17:48 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] LWJGL Version: 2.9.1
2014-06-08 13:17:51 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found FMLCH.tickStart()...
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject tick profiler... Successful
injection !
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found FMLCH.tickEnd()...
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Trying to inject tick profiler... Successful
injection !
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found FMLCH.onPostServerTick()...
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Found FMLCH.onPreServerTick()...
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Attempting early MinecraftForge init
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initialized
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] MinecraftForge v9.11.1.965 Initializ
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 111 ore recipies
2014-06-08 13:17:54 [INFO] [MinecraftForge] Completed early MinecraftForge initi
2014-06-08 13:17:55 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Reading custom logging properties fr
om C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World_2\minecraft\config\
2014-06-08 13:17:55 [OFF] [ForgeModLoader] Logging level for ForgeModLoader logg
ing is set to ALL
2014-06-08 13:17:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Searching C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Ma
gic_World_2\minecraft\mods for mods
2014-06-08 13:17:56 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Also searching C:\Users\Hari\Documen
ts\Magic_World_2\minecraft\mods\1.6.4 for mods
2014-06-08 13:18:02 [WARNING] [betterstorage] Mod betterstorage is missing the r
equired element 'version' and a file could not be found. Fall
ing back to metadata version
2014-06-08 13:18:02 [WARNING] [BiomesOPlenty] Mod BiomesOPlenty is missing the r
equired element 'version' and a file could not be found. Fall
ing back to metadata version 1.2.1
2014-06-08 13:18:03 [WARNING] [eplus] Mod eplus is missing the required element
'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to meta
data version 1.16.5b
2014-06-08 13:18:04 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Attempting to reparse the mod contai
2014-06-08 13:18:04 [WARNING] [PlayerBeacons] Mod PlayerBeacons is missing the r
equired element 'version' and a file could not be found. Fall
ing back to metadata version 1.2.2
2014-06-08 13:18:06 [WARNING] [ForgeMicroblock] Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing t
he required element 'version' and a file could not be found.
Falling back to metadata version
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [ForgeMultipart] Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the
required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Fa
lling back to metadata version
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [McMultipart] Mod McMultipart is missing the requi
red element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling
back to metadata version
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has identified 71 m
ods to load
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.bptblocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|blueprints
) without associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila) without associated AP
I reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [RandomThings] containi
ng declared API package mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila) without associated
API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without
associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) wit
hout associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) withou
t associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] conta
ining declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) withou
t associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core) without asso
ciated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without
associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) with
out associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [ThaumicTinkerer] conta
ining declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) wi
thout associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without
associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.inventory (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) with
out associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without
associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Found mod(s) [DragonAPI] containing
declared API package buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core) without
associated API reference
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [mcp] Activating mod mcp
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [FML] Activating mod FML
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Forge] Activating mod Forge
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CodeChickenCore] Activating mod CodeChickenCore
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Evoc] Activating mod Evoc
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [InfiniBows] Activating mod InfiniBows
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [MobiusCore] Activating mod MobiusCore
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NotEnoughItems] Activating mod NotEnoughItems
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [switches|pistontweak] Activating mod switches|piston
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [DamageIndicatorsMod] Activating mod DamageIndicators
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [AS1] Activating mod AS1
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [DC1] Activating mod DC1
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ArmorStatusHUD] Activating mod ArmorStatusHUD
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Activating mod bspkrsCore
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [StatusEffectHUD] Activating mod StatusEffectHUD
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [arsmagica2] Activating mod arsmagica2
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [betterstorage] Activating mod betterstorage
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [BiblioCraft] Activating mod BiblioCraft
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [BiblioWoodsBoP] Activating mod BiblioWoodsBoP
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [BiblioWoodsNatura] Activating mod BiblioWoodsNatura
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [BiomesOPlenty] Activating mod BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [AWWayofTime] Activating mod AWWayofTime
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ChickenChunks] Activating mod ChickenChunks
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CoFHCore] Activating mod CoFHCore
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CoFHLoot] Activating mod CoFHLoot
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CoFHMasquerade] Activating mod CoFHMasquerade
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CoFHSocial] Activating mod CoFHSocial
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Activating mod CoFHWorld
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [CraftHeraldry] Activating mod CraftHeraldry
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [DragonAPI] Activating mod DragonAPI
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [DyeTrees] Activating mod DyeTrees
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [eplus] Activating mod eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [EnderForest] Activating mod EnderForest
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [EnderStorage] Activating mod EnderStorage
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [farlanders] Activating mod farlanders
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [flatsigns] Activating mod flatsigns
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForbiddenMagic] Activating mod ForbiddenMagic
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [GeoStrata] Activating mod GeoStrata
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [HopperDuctMod] Activating mod HopperDuctMod
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [inventorytweaks] Activating mod inventorytweaks
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [JABBA] Activating mod JABBA
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [magicalcrops] Activating mod magicalcrops
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [standardcrops] Activating mod standardcrops
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Mimicry] Activating mod Mimicry
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Mystcraft] Activating mod Mystcraft
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Natura] Activating mod Natura
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Activating mod NEIAddons
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Activating mod NEIAddons|AE
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Activating mod NEIAddons|
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Activating mod NEIAddons|ExtraB
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Activating mod NEIAddons|Forestr
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Activating mod NEIAddons|C
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [NEIPlugins] Activating mod NEIPlugins
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [notenoughkeys] Activating mod notenoughkeys
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ObsidiPlates] Activating mod ObsidiPlates
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [PlayerBeacons] Activating mod PlayerBeacons
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [RandomThings] Activating mod RandomThings
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [xreliquary] Activating mod xreliquary
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Revamp] Activating mod Revamp
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [switches] Activating mod switches
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Thaumcraft] Activating mod Thaumcraft
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ThaumicTinkerer] Activating mod ThaumicTinkerer
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [TorchLevers] Activating mod TorchLevers
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [totemic] Activating mod totemic
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [TwilightForest] Activating mod TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [UtilityMobs] Activating mod UtilityMobs
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Waila] Activating mod Waila
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [witchery] Activating mod witchery
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeMicroblock] Activating mod ForgeMicroblock
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [ForgeMultipart] Activating mod ForgeMultipart
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [McMultipart] Activating mod McMultipart
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Damage Indicators] Mod Damage Indicators is missi
ng a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Arcane Scrolls] Mod Arcane Scrolls is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [DukeCore] Mod DukeCore is missing a pack.mcmeta f
ile, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [ArmorStatusHUD] Mod ArmorStatusHUD is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [bspkrsCore] Mod bspkrsCore is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [StatusEffectHUD] Mod StatusEffectHUD is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry] Mod Blood Magic
: Alchemical Wizardry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [ChickenChunks] Mod ChickenChunks is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CoFH Core] Mod CoFH Core is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CoFH Loot] Mod CoFH Loot is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CoFH Masquerade] Mod CoFH Masquerade is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CoFH Social] Mod CoFH Social is missing a
meta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CoFH World] Mod CoFH World is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [CraftHeraldry] Mod CraftHeraldry is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [DragonAPI] Mod DragonAPI is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Dye Trees] Mod Dye Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Ender Forest] Mod Ender Forest is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [The Farlanders] Mod The Farlanders is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [GeoStrata] Mod GeoStrata is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Hopper Ducts] Mod Hopper Ducts is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [JABBA] Mod JABBA is missing a pack.mcmeta file, t
hings may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Magical Crops] Mod Magical Crops is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Magical Crops - Crops & Food] Mod Magical Crops -
Crops & Food is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Mimicry] Mod Mimicry is missing a pack.mcmeta fil
e, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Mystcraft] Mod Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Natura] Mod Natura is missing a pack.mcmeta file,
things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons:
Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Mis
c Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bee
s is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is
missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Craf
ting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a
meta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Not Enough Keys] Mod Not Enough Keys is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Xeno's Reliquary] Mod Xeno's Reliquary is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Perfor
mance] Mod Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Performance is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Thaumic Tinkerer] Mod Thaumic Tinkerer is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Torch Levers] Mod Torch Levers is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Totemic] Mod Totemic is missing a pack.mcmeta fil
e, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Utility Mobs] Mod Utility Mobs is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Waila] Mod Waila is missing a pack.mcmeta file, t
hings may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missi
ng a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipa
rt Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:18:07 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FML
FileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:Damage Indicators, FMLFil
eResourcePack:Arcane Scrolls, FMLFileResourcePack:DukeCore, FMLFileResourcePack:
ArmorStatusHUD, FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore, FMLFileResourcePack:StatusEffect
HUD, FMLFileResourcePack:Ars Magica 2, FMLFileResourcePack:BetterStorage, FMLFil
eResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Editi
on, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Natura Edition, FMLFileResourcePack:Biomes O
' Plenty, FMLFileResourcePack:Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, FMLFileResourceP
ack:ChickenChunks, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Core, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Loot,
FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Masquerade, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Social, FMLFileRe
sourcePack:CoFH World, FMLFileResourcePack:CraftHeraldry, FMLFileResourcePack:Dr
agonAPI, FMLFileResourcePack:Dye Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:Enchanting Plus, FML
FileResourcePack:Ender Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResource
Pack:The Farlanders, FMLFileResourcePack:Flat Signs, FMLFileResourcePack:Forbidd
en Magic, FMLFileResourcePack:GeoStrata, FMLFileResourcePack:Hopper Ducts, FMLFi
leResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:JABBA, FMLFileResourcePack:
Magical Crops, FMLFileResourcePack:Magical Crops - Crops & Food, FMLFileResource
Pack:Mimicry, FMLFileResourcePack:Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Natura, FMLFile
ResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FM
LFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons:
Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Ad
dons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:Not
Enough Keys, FMLFileResourcePack:Obsidian Pressure Plates, FMLFileResourcePack:P
layer Beacons, FMLFileResourcePack:Random Things, FMLFileResourcePack:Xeno's Rel
iquary, FMLFileResourcePack:Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Performan
ce, FMLFileResourcePack:Switches, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourc
ePack:Thaumic Tinkerer, FMLFileResourcePack:Torch Levers, FMLFileResourcePack:To
temic, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:Utility Mobs
, FMLFileResourcePack:Waila, FMLFileResourcePack:Witchery, FMLFileResourcePack:F
orge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minec
raft Multipart Plugin
2014-06-08 13:18:09 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file 1.6.4-S
ortFix-1.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpa
th. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
2014-06-08 13:18:09 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] FML has found a non-mod file CodeChi
ckenLib-universal-1.6.4- in your mods directory. It will now be inje
cted into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be remov
ed if possible.
2014-06-08 13:18:09 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Registering Forge Packet Handler
2014-06-08 13:18:09 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Succeeded registering Forge Packet H
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive method acce
ss to class net.minecraft.item.Item.onItemUse (obfuscated as func_77648_a)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive method acce
ss to class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.dropFewItems (obfuscated as fu
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive method acce
ss to class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.dropEquipment (obfuscated as f
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive method acce
ss to class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.dropRareDrop (obfuscated as fu
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive method acce
ss to class net.minecraft.client.resources.AbstractResourcePack.getInputStreamBy
Name (obfuscated as func_110591_a)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderBiped.field_110859_k (obfu
scated as field_110859_k)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class (o
bfuscated as field_77461_d)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderSlime.scaleAmount (obfusca
ted as field_77092_a)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RendererLivingEntity.mainModel (
obfuscated as field_77045_g)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer.modelBipedMain (obf
uscated as field_77109_a)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.isJumping (obfuscated as field_
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class (obfuscat
ed as field_70833_d)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.potion.Potion.potionTypes (obfuscated as field_76425_a)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.item.ItemSword.weaponDamage (obfuscated as field_77827_
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class (obfuscated
as field_104003_g)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class (obfuscated as
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class (obfuscated
as field_82915_S)
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.block.Block.blockFlammability (obfuscated as blockFlamm
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Registering reflexive field acces
s to class net.minecraft.block.Block.blockFireSpreadSpeed (obfuscated as blockFi
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DragonAPI is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [SEVERE] [DragonAPI] The mod DragonAPI is expecting signatur
e @GET_FINGERPRINT@ for source DragonAPI 1.6, however there is no signa
ture matching that description
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] DragonAPI is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Dye Trees is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [SEVERE] [DyeTrees] The mod DyeTrees is expecting signature
@GET_FINGERPRINT@ for source DyeTrees 1.6, however there is no signature
matching that description
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Dye Trees is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Ender Forest is not running in a deobfuscate
d environment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [SEVERE] [EnderForest] The mod EnderForest is expecting sign
ature @GET_FINGERPRINT@ for source EnderForest 1.6, however there is no
signature matching that description
2014-06-08 13:18:15 [INFO] [STDOUT] Ender Forest is not running in a deobfuscate
d environment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:16 [INFO] [STDOUT] GeoStrata is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:16 [SEVERE] [GeoStrata] The mod GeoStrata is expecting signatur
e @GET_FINGERPRINT@ for source GeoStrata 1.6, however there is no signa
ture matching that description
2014-06-08 13:18:16 [INFO] [STDOUT] GeoStrata is not running in a deobfuscated e
nvironment! This is not an error!
2014-06-08 13:18:19 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Configured a dormant chunk cache siz
e of 0
2014-06-08 13:18:20 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod A
2014-06-08 13:18:20 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod S
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [betterstorage] BetterStorage will overwrite some of
its own items. Don't worry, this is normal.
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.C
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod betterstorage is overwritin
g existing item at 2834 (backpack from betterstorage) with net.mcft.copy.betters
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod betterstorage is overwritin
g existing item at 2835 (enderBackpack from betterstorage) with
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod betterstorage is overwritin
g existing item at 2880 (thaumcraftBackpack from betterstorage) with
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Using config path: C:\Use
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Registering compat plugin
for ForgeMultipart
2014-06-08 13:18:23 [INFO] [Natura] [PluginController] Registering compat plugin
for NotEnoughItems
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Main Confi
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Biome Gen
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Terrain Ge
n Config!
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generating Biome ID'
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated IDs Config
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Generated Misc Confi
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Extending Potions Ar
2014-06-08 13:18:24 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [BiomesOPlenty] Beginning version ch
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Creating logger. Log Loading: tru
e; Debug mode: false; Warnings: false
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] Replaced 7 ore recipies
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: RotaryCraft not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ReactorCraft not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: DyeTrees detected in the MC insta
llation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from DyeT
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for DyeTree
s: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for DyeTrees
: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ExpandedRedstone not detected in
the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: GeoStrata detected in the MC inst
allation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from GeoS
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for GeoStra
ta: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for GeoStrat
a: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: RealBiomes not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: FurryKingdoms not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: SpiderPet not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: EnderForest detected in the MC in
stallation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Ende
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for EnderFo
rest: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for EnderFor
est: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: VoidMonster not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: UsefulTNT not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: MeteorCraft not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: JetPlane not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: CaveControl not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: LegacyCraft not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ElectriCraft not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Energy not detected in
the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Factory not detected i
n the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: BuildCraft|Transport not detected
in the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Thaumcraft detected in the MC ins
tallation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Thau
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: IC2 not detected in the MC instal
lation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: GregTech not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Forestry not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: AppliedEnergistics not detected i
n the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: MFFS not detected in the MC insta
llation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: RedPower not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: TwilightForest detected in the MC
installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Twil
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Natura detected in the MC install
ation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Natu
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: BiomesOPlenty detected in the MC
installation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Biom
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ExtraBiomesXL not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: MineFactoryReloaded not detected
in the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: DartCraft not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: TConstruct not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ThermalExpansion not detected in
the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Mekanism not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: MekanismTools not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Railcraft not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ICBM|Explosion not detected in th
e MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: arsmagica2 detected in the MC ins
tallation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from arsm
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: TransitionalAssistance not detect
ed in the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: EnderStorage detected in the MC i
nstallation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Ende
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for EnderSt
orage: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for EnderSto
rage: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Optifine not detected in the MC i
nstallation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: TreeCapitator not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: pamharvestcraft not detected in t
he MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Mystcraft detected in the MC inst
allation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Myst
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not block class for Mystcra
ft: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Could not item class for Mystcraf
t: Specified class was null. This may not be an error.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: magicalcrops detected in the MC i
nstallation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from magi
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Mimicry detected in the MC instal
lation. Adjusting behavior accordingly.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Attempting to load data from Mimi
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: QuantumCraft not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: OpenBlocks not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: factorization not detected in the
MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: UniversalElectricity not detected
in the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: ExtraUtilities not detected in th
e MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: powersuits not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Redstone Arsenal not detected in
the MC installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: emashercore not detected in the M
C installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Highlands not detected in the MC
installation. No special action taken.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Version Check Failed: Server retu
rned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Overriding the vanilla PotionType
s array to allow for potion IDs up to 255 (up from 255).
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Initializing Configurations.
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin loaded: Treecapitatior
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin loaded: TConPlugin
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin loaded: ThaumcraftPlugin
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin initialized in PreInit... Treecapitati
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin initialized in PreInit... ThaumcraftPl
2014-06-08 13:18:26 [INFO] [eplus] Starting version check thread
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Localization en_US loaded
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Localization ru_RU loaded
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Localization de_DE loaded
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Initializing Blocks.
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Initializing Items.
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [STDOUT] ENDER FOREST: Creating logger. Log Loading:
true; Debug mode: false; Warnings: false
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Using the latest version [1.16.5] for Minecra
ft 1.6.4
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [eplus] Version check complete with CURRENT
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [Flat Signs] Config loaded from: C:\Users\Hari\Docume
2014-06-08 13:18:27 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registering Thaumic Tinkerer's automatic cra
sh reporter
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomO
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCustomO
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockWoodenD
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockWoodenD
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagical
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockMagical
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCosmeti
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:da
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.ttinkerer:da
2014-06-08 13:18:29 [INFO] [STDOUT] Thaumic Tinkerer: ComputerCraft not found.
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Creating logger. Log Loading: tru
e; Debug mode: false; Warnings: false
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: invtweaks.InvTweaksObfusc
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] Mimicry 965_mc 1.6.4
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [NEIAddons|AE] Required mod AppliedEnergistics is not
installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|AE] Requirements unmet, Applied Energis
tics Addon not loading
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Required mod MiscPeripher
als is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|MiscPeripherals] Requirements unmet, Mi
sc Peripherals Addon not loading
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Required mod ExtraBees is not i
nstalled, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|ExtraBees] Requirements unmet, Extra Be
es Addon not loading
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Required mod Forestry is not ins
talled, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [WARNING] [NEIAddons|Forestry] Requirements unmet, Forestry
Addon not loading
2014-06-08 13:18:30 [INFO] [ObsidiPlates] Config loaded from: C:\Users\Hari\Docu
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting
existing item at 123 (net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight from Minecraft) wi
th lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockLamp
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting
existing item at 124 (net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight from Minecraft) wi
th lumien.randomthings.ItemBlocks.ItemBlockLamp
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting
existing item at 20 (net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass from Minecraft) with lumien
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [STDOUT] Overriding Glass
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod RandomThings is overwriting
existing item at 152 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPoweredOre from Minecraft) with
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [Switches] Config loaded from: C:\Users\Hari\Document
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [Totemic] Moma had a cow, Moma had a chicken... dad w
as proud, he didn't care how!
2014-06-08 13:18:31 [INFO] [Totemic] Totemic is Loading
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stone
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.dirt
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebrick
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_1
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_2
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.wood_3
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_1
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_2
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.log_3
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_1
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_2
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.leaves_3
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sponge
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockLapis
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_1
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.sandStone_2
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_1
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_2
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_3
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_4
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_5
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_6
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_7
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_8
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_9
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_10
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_11
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_12
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_13
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_14
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.cloth_15
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockGold
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockIron
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.brick
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bookshelf
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stoneMoss
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.obsidian
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockDiamond
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.snow
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clay
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellrock
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.hellsand
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.lightgem
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksm
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksm
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksm
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.stonebricksm
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.netherBrick
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.whiteStone
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockEmerald
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockRedston
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.quartzBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.clayHardened
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.blockCoal
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.grass
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.mycel
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1275 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1276 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1277 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1278 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1280 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1281 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemDecayBlock with ID 1282 owned by mod Mystcraft, this
item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1284 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.ItemBlock with ID 1285 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item will NOT
survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemBlockFluid with ID 1286 owned by mod Mystcraft, this
item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
mcft.copy.betterstorage.item.ItemBackpack with ID 2834 owned by mod betterstorag
e, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
mcft.copy.betterstorage.item.ItemEnderBackpack with ID 2835 owned by mod betters
torage, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
mcft.copy.betterstorage.addon.thaumcraft.ItemThaumcraftBackpack with ID 2880 own
ed by mod betterstorage, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemScroll with ID 4256 owned by mod AS1, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemArcanePouch with ID 4257 owned by mod AS1, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemArcaneStone with ID 4258 owned by mod AS1, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemTome with ID 4259 owned by mod AS1, this item will NO
T survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemAnchorStone with ID 4260 owned by mod AS1, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemUselessStick with ID 4261 owned by mod AS1, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemOverride with ID 4262 owned by mod AS1, this item wil
l NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemMisc with ID 4263 owned by mod AS1, this item will NO
T survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class duke
605.arcanescrolls.item.ItemArcaneSword with ID 4264 owned by mod AS1, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemClassicEndermanEgg with ID 5000 owned by mo
d farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemElderEgg with ID 5001 owned by mod farlande
rs, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemEnderGolemEgg with ID 5002 owned by mod far
landers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemEnderGolemHorn with ID 5003 owned by mod fa
rlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemEnderminionEgg with ID 5004 owned by mod fa
rlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemFanEndermanEgg with ID 5005 owned by mod fa
rlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemFarlanderEgg with ID 5006 owned by mod farl
anders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemLooterEgg with ID 5007 owned by mod farland
ers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticEgg with ID 5008 owned by mod farland
ers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticEnderminionEgg with ID 5009 owned by
mod farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandFireballL with ID 5010 owned by m
od farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandFireballS with ID 5011 owned by m
od farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandInvisible with ID 5012 owned by m
od farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandOre with ID 5013 owned by mod far
landers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandRegen with ID 5014 owned by mod f
arlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemMysticWandTeleport with ID 5015 owned by mo
d farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemNightfall with ID 5016 owned by mod farland
ers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemRebelEgg with ID 5017 owned by mod farlande
rs, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemRuby with ID 5018 owned by mod farlanders,
this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemWandererEgg with ID 5019 owned by mod farla
nders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemEnderGuardianEgg with ID 5020 owned by mod
farlanders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ArmorNightfall with ID 5021 owned by mod farlan
ders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ArmorNightfall with ID 5022 owned by mod farlan
ders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ArmorNightfall with ID 5023 owned by mod farlan
ders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ArmorNightfall with ID 5024 owned by mod farlan
ders, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ArmorRebel with ID 5025 owned by mod farlanders
, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemTitanEgg with ID 5026 owned by mod farlande
rs, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.Farlanders.common.item.ItemTitanHide with ID 5027 owned by mod farland
ers, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemAgebook with ID 8956 owned by mod Mystcraft, this it
em will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLinkbook with ID 8957 owned by mod Mystcraft, this i
tem will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemNotebook with ID 8958 owned by mod Mystcraft, this i
tem will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemWritingDesk with ID 8959 owned by mod Mystcraft, thi
s item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemPage with ID 8960 owned by mod Mystcraft, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemInkVial with ID 8962 owned by mod Mystcraft, this it
em will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class com.
xcompwiz.mystcraft.item.ItemLinkbookUnlinked with ID 8963 owned by mod Mystcraft
, this item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class vazk
ii.heraldry.content.ItemHeraldry with ID 9100 owned by mod CraftHeraldry, this i
tem will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class eplu
s.items.ItemTableUpgrade with ID 10461 owned by mod eplus, this item will NOT su
rvive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class myra
thi.flatsigns.item.ItemSpongeWipe with ID 14647 owned by mod flatsigns, this ite
m will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tote
mic_commons.pokefenn.item.ItemSubItems with ID 18907 owned by mod totemic, this
item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class tote
mic_commons.pokefenn.item.ItemTotems with ID 18912 owned by mod totemic, this it
em will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class am2.
items.ItemBindingCatalyst with ID 22253 owned by mod arsmagica2, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class am2.
items.SpellBase with ID 22271 owned by mod arsmagica2, this item will NOT surviv
e a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class net.
minecraft.item.Item with ID 25135 owned by mod ForgeMicroblock, this item will N
OT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemGlowingBread with ID 27461 owned by mod xreliquary, this item w
ill NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemBullet with ID 27462 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will NO
T survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemDestructionCatalyst with ID 27463 owned by mod xreliquary, this
item will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemEmperorChalice with ID 27464 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemDistortionCloak with ID 27465 owned by mod xreliquary, this ite
m will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemFortuneCoin with ID 27466 owned by mod xreliquary, this item wi
ll NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemCondensedPotion with ID 27467 owned by mod xreliquary, this ite
m will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemMercyCross with ID 27468 owned by mod xreliquary, this item wil
l NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemEmptyVoidTear with ID 27469 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemHolyHandGrenade with ID 27470 owned by mod xreliquary, this ite
m will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemGunPart with ID 27471 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will N
OT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemHandgun with ID 27472 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will N
OT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemIceRod with ID 27473 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will NO
T survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemMagazine with ID 27474 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemMagicbane with ID 27475 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemWitherlessRose with ID 27476 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemSalamanderEye with ID 27477 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemVoidSatchel with ID 27478 owned by mod xreliquary, this item wi
ll NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemAlkahestryTome with ID 27480 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemSojournerStaff with ID 27481 owned by mod xreliquary, this item
will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemMidasTouchstone with ID 27482 owned by mod xreliquary, this ite
m will NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemVoidTear with ID 27483 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemGlowingWater with ID 27484 owned by mod xreliquary, this item w
ill NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:36 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Found anonymous item of class xrel
iquary.items.ItemWraithEye with ID 27485 owned by mod xreliquary, this item will
NOT survive a 1.7 upgrade!
2014-06-08 13:18:37 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Loading Liquid Icons
2014-06-08 13:18:37 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/repairer.png
2014-06-08 13:18:37 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_side.png
2014-06-08 13:18:37 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_bottom.png
2014-06-08 13:18:37 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_tile_831_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/magic_sigil.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcane_empowerment_table_side.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/essencenexus.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/custom_block.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/magnet.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/invisibleUtility.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_top.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/darknexus.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_880_blockHeraldry.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcanereconstructor.png
2014-06-08 13:18:38 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/lightnexus.png
2014-06-08 13:18:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3082_totemSocket.png
2014-06-08 13:18:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/hiddenTile.png
2014-06-08 13:18:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystonechest.png
2014-06-08 13:18:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3284_bookshelf.png
2014-06-08 13:18:39 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_tile_759_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystoneTrapdoor.png
2014-06-08 13:18:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World
2014-06-08 13:18:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 405 spell ic
2014-06-08 13:18:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World
2014-06-08 13:18:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 405 spell ic
2014-06-08 13:18:40 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Loading Liquid Icons
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/magic_broom.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: enderforest:textures/items/ender.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: geostrata:textures/items/liqcrystal3.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: enderforest:textures/items/flowingender.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22251_arsmagica2:textures/items/fire_ears.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22248_arsmagica2:textures/items/water_orbs.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22247_arsmagica2:textures/items/winter_arm.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/totemsNotATotem.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/mana_scepter.png
2014-06-08 13:18:42 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22255_arsmagica2:textures/items/air_sled.png
2014-06-08 13:18:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/totemicStaff.png
2014-06-08 13:18:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/infusedTotemicStaff.png
2014-06-08 13:18:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/chlorophyllCrystal.png
2014-06-08 13:18:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22252_arsmagica2:textures/items/earth_armor.png
2014-06-08 13:18:43 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/affinity_tome_magma.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] Removing TMI Uninstaller
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] Deleting Dir: C:\Users\Hari\Documents\versio
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.C
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/client/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/client/DIClientProxy$1.c
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/client/DIClientP
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/client/DIClientProxy.cla
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/configuration/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/configuration/DIConfig.c
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/DIEventBus.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/EntityConfiguration
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/KeyBindingR
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/PacketHandler.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/ParticleHan
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/TextTransfer.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/Tools$1.cla
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/core/Tools.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/DIMod.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/donatorcape.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/AdvancedGui.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/DIGuiTools$1
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/DIGuiTools.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/EntityConfig
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/GuiCheckBox.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/GuiEntityLis
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/GuiToolTip.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/RepositionGu
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/SkinGui.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/gui/SkinSlot.cla
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/rendering/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/rendering/DIWord
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/server/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/server/CommandDI
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/server/DIProxy$1.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/server/DIProxy.c
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/server/ServerEventHandle
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/util/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DamageIndicatorsMod/util/EntityConfiguration
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DamageIndicatorsMod/util/Util.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/AbstractSkin.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Default/background.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/centerPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Default/damage.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/DIFrameSkin.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Default/DITypeIcons.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/health.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Default/leftPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/NamePlate.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Default/rightPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Default/skin.cfg
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/EnumSkinPart.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/FileSkinRegistration.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/JarSkinRegistration.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Minimal/background.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/centerPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Minimal/damage.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/DIFrameSkin.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Minimal/DITypeIcons.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/health.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Minimal/leftPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/NamePlate.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Minimal/rightPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/Minimal/skin.cfg
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/Ordering.class
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/WoWLike/background.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/centerPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/WoWLike/damage.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/DIFrameSkin.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/WoWLike/DITypeIcons.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/health.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/WoWLike/leftPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/NamePlate.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] DITextures/WoWLike/rightPotions.png
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT] DITextures/WoWLike/skin.cfg
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader]
2014-06-08 13:18:44 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] Initializing ModVersionChecker for mod b
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [INFO] [bspkrsCore] bspkrsCore v5.2(1.6.4) is out of date! V
isit to download the latest release
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/de_DE.lang
cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error.
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/en_US.lang
cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error.
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [SEVERE] [arsmagica2] The language resource /lang/zh_CN.lang
cannot be located on the classpath. This is a programming error.
2014-06-08 13:18:46 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Redundant call to BiomeDictionary
.registerAllBiomes ignored
2014-06-08 13:18:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Unregistered spell p
art in skill trees: am2.spell.components.MeltArmor@c20848b
2014-06-08 13:18:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Initializing API Hoo
2014-06-08 13:18:47 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Finished API Initial
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bloodwood
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.willow
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareTree3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RareLeaves3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.Darkleaves3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDERR] [BiomesOPlenty] [skins.txt] Syntax error on
line 5:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDERR] [BiomesOPlenty] [skins.txt] Syntax error on
line 14:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDERR] [BiomesOPlenty] [skins.txt] Syntax error on
line 19:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.mud.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.mud.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.redRocks
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.ash
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves1.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves2.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves3.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves4.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leaves4.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesFr
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesFr
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.originGr
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.longGras
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood1.3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood2.3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood3.3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.wood4.2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.petals.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.petals.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holyGras
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holySton
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holySton
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.holySton
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.amethyst
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.generic.
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material:
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.0
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.2
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.3
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.4
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.5
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.6
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.7
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.8
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.9
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.planks.1
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:49 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bop.leavesCo
2014-06-08 13:18:52 [INFO] [eplus] Initializing GUI Handler.
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] ENDER FOREST: Instantiating Block Liquid End
er with ID 3300 to Block Variable BlockLiquidEnder (enum index 0)
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] ENDER FOREST: Instantiating Item Ender Bucke
t with ID 16256 to Item Variable ItemEnderBucket (enum index 0). Has 1 metadatas
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Smooth Rock w
ith ID 776 to Block Variable BlockSmooth (enum index 0) with ItemBlock ItemBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Cobble w
ith ID 775 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 1) with ItemBlock ItemB
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Brick wi
th ID 774 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 2) with ItemBlock ItemBl
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Cave Crystal
with ID 770 to Block Variable BlockCaveCrystal (enum index 3) with ItemBlock Ite
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Crystal Lamp
with ID 772 to Block Variable BlockCrystalLamp (enum index 4) with ItemBlock Ite
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Deco Blocks w
ith ID 773 to Block Variable BlockRockDeco (enum index 5) with ItemBlock ItemBlo
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Crystal Brewe
ry with ID 771 to Block Variable BlockCrystalBrewer (enum index 6)
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Potion Crysta
l with ID 777 to Block Variable BlockSuperCrystal (enum index 7) with ItemBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Smooth Rock 2
with ID 780 to Block Variable BlockSmooth (enum index 8) with ItemBlock ItemBlo
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Cobble 2
with ID 779 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 9) with ItemBlock Ite
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Brick 2
with ID 778 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 10) with ItemBlock Ite
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Guardian Ston
e with ID 729 to Block Variable BlockGuardianStone (enum index 11) with ItemBloc
k ItemBlockGuardianStone
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Round Brick w
ith ID 734 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 12) with ItemBlock Item
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Round Brick 2
with ID 735 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 13) with ItemBlock It
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Fitted Rock w
ith ID 727 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 14) with ItemBlock Item
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Fitted Rock 2
with ID 728 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 15) with ItemBlock It
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Tile wit
h ID 732 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 16) with ItemBlock ItemBl
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Rock Tile 2 w
ith ID 733 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 17) with ItemBlock Item
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Engraved Rock
with ID 725 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 18) with ItemBlock It
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Engraved Rock
2 with ID 726 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 19) with ItemBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Inscribed Sto
ne with ID 730 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 20) with ItemBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Inscribed Sto
ne 2 with ID 731 to Block Variable BlockShapedRock (enum index 21) with ItemBloc
k ItemBlockRock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Block Crystal Bloom
with ID 768 to Block Variable BlockCrystalPlant (enum index 22) with ItemBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Crystal Shard
with ID 10001 to Item Variable ItemCrystalShard (enum index 0). Has 16 metadatas
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Crystal Potion
with ID 10000 to Item Variable ItemCrystalPotion (enum index 1). Has 16 metadat
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Crystal Cluste
r with ID 10002 to Item Variable ItemCluster (enum index 2). Has 8 metadatas.
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Crystal Pendan
t with ID 10004 to Item Variable ItemPendant (enum index 3). Has 1 metadatas.
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Enhanced Cryst
al Pendant with ID 10005 to Item Variable ItemPendant (enum index 4). Has 1 meta
2014-06-08 13:18:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Instantiating Item Crystal Bloom
Seeds with ID 10003 to Item Variable ItemCrystalSeeds (enum index 5). Has 1 meta
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Magical Crops; Thaumcraft Found, Com
patibility Loaded!
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Mystcraft] Adding Entity Renderers
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading NEI Addons
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons] Loading Crafting Tables Addon...
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod EE3 is not in
stalled, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering EE3 Minium
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod BuildCraft|Fa
ctory is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering BC Autorcr
afting Table
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod powersuitaddo
ns is not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering MPSA In-Pl
ace Assembler
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Required mod TConstruct is
not installed, dependent features will be unavailable
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables] Not registering TC Craftin
g Station
2014-06-08 13:18:54 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdat
es: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false
2014-06-08 13:18:55 [WARNING] [TorchLevers] There is a Torch Levers Mod update!
2014-06-08 13:18:55 [WARNING] [TorchLevers] Go to to d
ownload it.
2014-06-08 13:18:55 [INFO] [Totemic] Totemic is entering its Initlisation stage
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 196 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 466 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 467 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 468 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 469 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 470 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 471 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 473 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 475 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.EngravedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.FittedRock2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.GuardianSton
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.InscribedSto
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_10
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_11
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_12
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_13
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_14
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile_15
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockTile2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RoundBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DecoBlocks_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_10
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_11
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_12
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_13
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_14
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick_15
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockBrick2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.RockCobble2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.SmoothRock2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1056 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1380 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1381 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1388 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1389 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1390 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1391 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.largeBloodSt
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1417 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.spectralBloc
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1609 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1610 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1629 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1649 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1652 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1653 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 1671 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2030 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_1
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_3
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_4
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_5
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_6
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_7
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_8
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_9
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_10
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_11
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_12
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_13
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_14
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.DyeBlock_15
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2730 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2731 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2732 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2733 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2734 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2735 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2746 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2747 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2760 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2761 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2762 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2765 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2766 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2767 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2769 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2770 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2771 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2772 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2781 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2782 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2783 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2785 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2788 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2789 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2793 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2794 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2795 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2796 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2797 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2799 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2800 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2801 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2802 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 2803 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 3003 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 3004 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 3174 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDERR] Warning: Unable to add micro material for bl
ock with ID 4072 as it doesn't exist
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered micro material: tile.bloodStoneBr
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Receiving registration request from [ Thaumic
Tinkerer ] for method vazkii.tinkerer.common.compat.TTinkererProvider.callbackRe
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Trying to reflect vazkii.tinkerer.common.comp
at.TTinkererProvider callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [WARNING] [Waila] Exception while trying to access the metho
d : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Receiving registration request from [ arsmagi
ca2 ] for method am2.interop.WailaSupport.callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Trying to reflect am2.interop.WailaSupport ca
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Success in registering arsmagica2
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Receiving registration request from [ JABBA ]
for method mcp.mobius.betterbarrels.BBWailaProvider.callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Trying to reflect mcp.mobius.betterbarrels.BB
WailaProvider callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Success in registering JABBA
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Receiving registration request from [ PlayerB
eacons ] for method playerbeacons.client.HUDPlayerBeacon.callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Trying to reflect playerbeacons.client.HUDPla
yerBeacon callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [WARNING] [Waila] Could not find class playerbeacons.client.
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Receiving registration request from [ RandomT
hings ] for method lumien.randomthings.Core.RandomThings.callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Trying to reflect lumien.randomthings.Core.Ra
ndomThings callbackRegister
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [Waila] Success in registering RandomThings
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for Treecapit
ating. Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantme
nt.frugal. Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantme
nt.charging. Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantme
nt.haste. Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantme Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:57 [INFO] [eplus] Add custom enchantment tool-tip for enchantme
nt.potency. Request sent from eplus
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Correcting blocks wi
th item placers - the following 3 conflicts are normal! I'll find a better way
to do this shortly.
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 568 item slot already occupied by
net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@11a44b24 while adding net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod arsmagica2 is overwriting e
xisting item at 824 (witchwoodSingleSlab from arsmagica2) with net.minecraft.ite
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 569 item slot already occupied by
net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@1b7999b7 while adding net.minecraft.item.ItemSlab@
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod arsmagica2 is overwriting e
xisting item at 825 (witchwoodDoubleSlab from arsmagica2) with net.minecraft.ite
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [STDOUT] CONFLICT @ 501 item slot already occupied by
net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@5addd523 while adding net.minecraft.item.ItemMulti
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [INFO] [fml.ItemTracker] The mod arsmagica2 is overwriting e
xisting item at 757 (illusionBlock from arsmagica2) with net.minecraft.item.Item
2014-06-08 13:18:58 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Redundant call to BiomeDictionary
.registerAllBiomes ignored
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Raspberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Blueberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Blackberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Maloberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Blightberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Duskberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Skyberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Stingberry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Apple Leaves]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Apple Leaves]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding clickable crop s
upport for [Berry Bush]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for []
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.soul] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.mCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.eCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.eCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.eCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Blacklisting [tile.eCro] for lamp of growth
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for [Water Artichoke]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for [Belladonna]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for [Mandrake]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Adding standard crop su
pport for [Snowbell]
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreApatitef1'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCertusae1'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCertusae2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCertusae2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreAluminumti
c1' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreAluminumti
c2' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreAluminumti
c3' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreDarkironfz
' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCopperte1'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCopperte2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreCopperte3'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreTinte1' is
invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreTinte2' is
invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreTinte3' is
invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreApatitef2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreSilverte1'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreSilverte2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreNickelte1'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreNickelte2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreNickelte3'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreLeadte1' i
s invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreLeadlte2'
is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'marirutileore
' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:18:59 [SEVERE] [CoFHWorld] The entry for custom ore 'oreSaltpeterr
c' is invalid - the block is null.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] TrueTypeFont loaded: java.awt.Font[family=Mi
necraftia,name=Minecraftia Regular,style=plain,size=14] - AntiAlias = true
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Tin (Ore N
ames: [oreTin])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Copper (Or
e Names: [oreCopper, oreTetrahedrite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Lead (Ore
Names: [oreLead])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nickel (Or
e Names: [oreNickel])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Silver (Or
e Names: [oreSilver])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Galena (Or
e Names: [oreGalena])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Aluminum (
Ore Names: [oreAluminum, oreAluminium, oreNaturalAluminum])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Iridium (O
re Names: [oreIridium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Firestone
(Ore Names: [oreFirestone])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Certus Qua
rtz (Ore Names: [oreCertusQuartz])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Uranium (O
re Names: [oreUranium, oreYellorite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Mercury (O
re Names: [oreCinnabar])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Amber (Ore
Names: [oreAmber])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Air Infuse
d (Ore Names: [oreInfusedAir])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Fire Infus
ed (Ore Names: [oreInfusedFire])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Water Infu
sed (Ore Names: [oreInfusedWater])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Earth Infu
sed (Ore Names: [oreInfusedEarth])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Entropy In
fused (Ore Names: [oreInfusedEntropy])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Order Infu
sed (Ore Names: [oreInfusedOrder])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Apatite (O
re Names: [oreApatite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Saltpeter
(Ore Names: [oreSaltpeter])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Tungsten (
Ore Names: [oreTungsten, oreTungstate])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nikolite (
Ore Names: [oreNikolite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Green Sapp
hire (Ore Names: [oreGreenSapphire])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Ruby (Ore
Names: [oreRuby])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Sapphire (
Ore Names: [oreSapphire])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Monazit (O
re Names: [MonazitOre])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Force (Ore
Names: [oreForce])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Coa
l (Ore Names: [oreNetherCoal])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Iro
n (Ore Names: [oreNetherIron])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Gol
d (Ore Names: [oreNetherGold])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Red
stone (Ore Names: [oreNetherRedstone])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Lap
is (Ore Names: [oreNetherLapis])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Dia
mond (Ore Names: [oreNetherDiamond])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Eme
rald (Ore Names: [oreNetherEmerald])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Tin
(Ore Names: [oreNetherTin])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Cop
per (Ore Names: [oreNetherCopper])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Lea
d (Ore Names: [oreNetherLead])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Nic
kel (Ore Names: [oreNetherNickel])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Sil
ver (Ore Names: [oreNetherSilver])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Nik
olite (Ore Names: [oreNetherNikolite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Cobalt (Or
e Names: [oreCobalt])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Ardite (Or
e Names: [oreArdite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Platinum (
Ore Names: [orePlatinum, oreCooperite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Pla
tinum (Ore Names: [oreNetherPlatinum])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Zinc (Ore
Names: [oreZinc, oreSphalerite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Osmium (Or
e Names: [oreOsmium, oreNetherOsmium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Pig Iron (
Ore Names: [oreNetherSteel])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Sulfur (Or
e Names: [oreSulfur])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Pitchblend
e (Ore Names: [orePitchblende])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Cadmium (O
re Names: [oreCadmium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Indium (Or
e Names: [oreIndium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Fluorite (
Ore Names: [oreFluorite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Bauxite (O
re Names: [oreBauxite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Sodalite (
Ore Names: [oreSodalite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Pyrite (Or
e Names: [orePyrite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Ammonium C
hloride (Ore Names: [oreAmmonium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Calcite (O
re Names: [oreCalcite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Chimerite
(Ore Names: [oreChimerite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Vinteum (O
re Names: [oreVinteum])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Blue Topaz
(Ore Names: [oreBlueTopaz])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Moonstone
(Ore Names: [oreMoonstone])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Sunstone (
Ore Names: [oreSunstone])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Titanium (
Ore Names: [oreTitanium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Magmanite
(Ore Names: [oreMagmanite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Magnetite
(Ore Names: [oreMagnetite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Essence (O
re Names: [oreEssence, oreNetherEssence])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Mimichite
(Ore Names: [oreMimichite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Ura
nium (Ore Names: [oreNetherUranium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Quantum (O
re Names: [oreQuantum])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Iri
dium (Ore Names: [oreNetherIridium])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Dark Iron
(Ore Names: [oreFzDarkIron])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Chromite (
Ore Names: [oreChromite])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Sap
phire (Ore Names: [oreNetherSapphire])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Adding ore entries for Nether Gre
en Sapphire (Ore Names: [oreNetherSapphire])
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood CANOPY f
rom TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood DARKWOOD
from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood MANGROVE
from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood TWILIGHT
OAK from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood GREATWOO
D from Thaumcraft
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood SILVERWO
OD from Thaumcraft
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood EUCALYPT
US from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood SEQUOIA
from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood SAKURA f
rom Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood GHOSTWOO
D from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood HOPSEED
from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood NATURADA
RKWOOD from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood BLOODWOO
D from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood FUSEWOOD
from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood TIGERWOO
D from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood SILVERBE
LL from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood MAPLE fr
om Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood WILLOW f
rom Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood AMARANTH
from Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood BAMBOO f
rom BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood MAGIC fr
om BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood DARK fro
m BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood FIR from
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood LOFTWOOD
from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood CHERRY f
rom BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood HELLBARK
from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood JACARAND
A from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood ACACIA f
rom BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood BOPMANGR
OVE from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood PALM fro
m BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood REDWOOD
from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood BOPWILLO
W from BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood PINE fro
m BiomesOPlenty
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading BXLREDWOOD from Extra
BiomesXL: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading IC2RUBBER from IC2: M
od not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading MFRRUBBER from MineFa
ctoryReloaded: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood TIMEWOOD
from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood TRANSFOR
MATION from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood MINEWOOD
from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Successfully loaded wood SORTING
from TwilightForest
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading GLOW from Transitiona
lAssistance: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading FORCE from DartCraft:
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHFIR from Highland
s: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHACACIA from Highl
ands: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHREDWOOD from High
lands: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading POPLAR from Highlands
: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHCANOPY from Highl
ands: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHPALM from Highlan
ds: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading IRONWOOD from Highlan
ds: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading HIGHMANGROVE from Hig
hlands: Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading ASH from Highlands: M
od not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod magicalcr
2014-06-08 13:19:00 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: magicalcrops field not found! see
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: seeddropchan
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Unkn
own Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.ModInteract.MagicCrop
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.ModInteract.MagicCrop
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.ModRegistry.ModCropLi
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Metho
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Sourc
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.Libraries.Java.ReikaJ
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.DragonAPIInit.loadHan
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at Reika.DragonAPI.DragonAPIInit.postloa
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke0(Native Method)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorI
mpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.h
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1.
invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorI
mpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke0(Native Method)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorI
mpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.di
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.initialize
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_7
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_9
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(S
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke0(Native Method)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorI
mpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unkno
wn Source)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod Natura
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod TConstruc
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod pamharves
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreTin"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ti
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCopper"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreTetrahedr
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Co
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreLead"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Le
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNickel"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ni
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreSilver"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Si
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreGalena"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ga
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreAluminum"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreAluminium
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNaturalAl
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Al
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreIridium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ir
idium (Rare)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreFirestone
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Fi
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCertusQua
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ce
rtus Quartz
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreUranium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreYellorite
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ur
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Mercur
y from OreDict "oreCinnabar": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@0]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Amber
from OreDict "oreAmber": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@7]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Air In
fused from OreDict "oreInfusedAir": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@1]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Fire I
nfused from OreDict "oreInfusedFire": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Water
Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedWater": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@3]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Earth
Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedEarth": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@4]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Entrop
y Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedEntropy": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@6]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Order
Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedOrder": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@5]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreApatite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ap
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreSaltpeter
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Sa
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreTungsten"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreTungstate
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Tu
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNikolite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ni
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreGreenSapp
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Gr
een Sapphire
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Ruby f
rom OreDict "oreRuby": [1xtile.bop.amethystOre@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Sapphi
re from OreDict "oreSapphire": [1xtile.bop.amethystOre@12]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "MonazitOre"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Mo
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreForce"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Fo
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherCoa
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Coal
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherIro
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Iron
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherGol
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Gold
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherRed
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Redstone
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherLap
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Lapis
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherDia
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Diamond
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherEme
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Emerald
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherTin
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Tin
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherCop
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Copper
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherLea
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Lead
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherNic
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Nickel
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherSil
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Silver
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherNik
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Nikolite
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCobalt"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Co
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreArdite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ar
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "orePlatinum"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCooperite
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Pl
atinum (Rare)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherPla
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Platinum (Rare)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreZinc"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreSphalerit
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Zi
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreOsmium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherOsm
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Os
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherSte
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Pi
g Iron
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreSulfur"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Su
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "orePitchblen
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Pi
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCadmium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ca
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreIndium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for In
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreFluorite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Fl
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreBauxite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ba
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreSodalite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for So
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "orePyrite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Py
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreAmmonium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Am
monium Chloride
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreCalcite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ca
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Chimer
ite from OreDict "oreChimerite": [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@1]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Vinteu
m from OreDict "oreVinteum": [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@0]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Blue T
opaz from OreDict "oreBlueTopaz": [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Moonst
one (Rare) from OreDict "oreMoonstone": [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@3]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Sunsto
ne from OreDict "oreSunstone": [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@4]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreTitanium"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ti
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreMagmanite
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ma
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreMagnetite
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ma
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreEssence"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherEss
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Es
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] Detected the following blocks for Mimich
ite from OreDict "oreMimichite": [1xtile.Mimichite Ore@0, 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@1
, 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherUra
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Uranium
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreQuantum"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Qu
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherIri
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Iridium (Rare)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreFzDarkIro
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Da
rk Iron
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreChromite"
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ch
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherSap
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Sapphire
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] No ore blocks detected for "oreNetherSap
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Ne
ther Green Sapphire
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Bcfactory
; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Bctranspo
rt; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod Thaumcraf
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod Thaumcraf
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Dartcraft
; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Dartcraft
; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Tinkerer;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Tinkerer;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod TwilightF
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Mekanism;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Mektools;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Transitio
nal; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Ic2; Mod
not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod arsmagica
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Appeng; M
od not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Forestry;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Thermalex
pansion; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Loading handler for mod Mimicry
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Qcraft; M
od not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Tinkerer;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Openblock
s; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Factoriza
tion; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Harvestcr
aft; Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Not loading handler for Arsenal;
Mod not present.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Repairing compatibility between A
lumin(i)um OreDictionary Names.
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Mercur
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@0]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Amber
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@7]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Air In
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@1]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Fire I
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Water
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@3]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Earth
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@4]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Entrop
y Infused
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@6]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Order
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.blockCustomOre@5]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Ruby
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.bop.amethystOre@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Sapphi
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.bop.amethystOre@12]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Chimer
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@1]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Vinteu
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@0]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Blue T
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Moonst
one (Rare)
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@3]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Sunsto
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@4]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Reloading ore listings for Mimich
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [STDOUT] DRAGONAPI: Found [1xtile.Mimichite Ore@0, 1x
tile.Mimichite Ore@1, 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@2]
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [INFO] [eplus] Plugin initialized in PostInit... TConPlugin
2014-06-08 13:19:01 [SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Research [Helmet of R
evealing] not added as it overlaps with existing research [Tome of Knowledge Sha
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreDic list size = 13
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mimicry]init smeltingList recipes
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 3 hasSubtype but is not h
andled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 4 hasSubtype but is not h
andled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 12 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 14 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 15 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 16 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 21 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 39 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 40 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 56 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 73 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 81 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 82 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 87 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 129 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 153 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 319 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 337 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 349 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 363 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 365 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 367 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 392 hasSubtype but is not
handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 2163 hasSubtype but is no
t handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 2405 hasSubtype but is no
t handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 28932 hasSubtype but is n
ot handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 28951 hasSubtype but is n
ot handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 28967 hasSubtype but is n
ot handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< itemID 28983 hasSubtype but is n
ot handled by Mimicry smelting fetcher
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] >>Mimicry<< decided not to handled smelting
quartz blocks, coffee, or Silverwood
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] [Mimicry]init metaSmeltingList recipes
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] registered 10 vanilla item recipes for Mimic
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] registered 39 dye recipes for Mimicry
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] registered 115 smelt alternative crafting re
cipes for Mimicry
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] registered 13 OreDictionary recipes for Mimi
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] 177 total recipes registered for Mimicry
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Note: redundant recipes registered by Mimicr
y WILL NOT effect performance
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Mimic recipes loaded
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [PlayerBeacons] Thaumcraft detected, enabling integra
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Reliquary loaded.
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] Is that thaumcraft I see?
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] This is more like Tech!
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] Oh, is this that Blood Magic I spy with my
bloody eye?
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] I'll show you real sacrifice!
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] Hey there Forbidden magic!
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Totemic] We are missing a few important wand cores :
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [TwilightForest] Loaded ThaumcraftAp
i integration.
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft tile.* 0
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8193
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8194
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8195
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8196
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8197
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8198
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8200
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion 8201
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [STDOUT] Registered Minecraft item.potion *
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Waila] Registered 10 entries from /mcp/mobius/waila/
2014-06-08 13:19:02 [INFO] [Waila] Buildcraft|Factory mod not found. Skipping.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Waila] [IC2] Class not found. java.lang.ClassNotF
oundException: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityStandardMachine
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] Thaumcraft mod found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] EnderStorage mod found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [GraveStone] GraveStone mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] TwilightForestMod mod found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Waila] [AppEng] Class not found. java.lang.ClassN
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [Thermal Expansion] ThermalExpansion mod not
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [Engineer Toolbox] Engineer Toolbox mod not f
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [EnderIO] EnderIO mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] Buildcraft Power API found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [ProjectRed] ProjectRed|Integration mod not f
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [ExtraUtilities] ExtraUtilities mod not found
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [OpenBlocks] OpenBlocks mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [Railcraft] Railcraft mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [StevesCarts] StevesCarts mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [SecretRooms] SecretRooms mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [CarpentersBlocks] CarpentersBlocks mod not f
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [PamHarvestCraft] PamHarvestCraft mod not fou
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] MagicalCrops mod found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [Statues] Statues mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] [Agriculture] Agriculture mod not found.
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Waila] Forge Multipart found and dedicated handler r
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.leaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leavesColorized1@327
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leavesColorized2@327
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leaves1@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leaves2@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leaves3@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leaves4@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leavesFruit@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.bop.leavesFruit2@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.TFLeaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.TFMagicLeaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeLeaves : 1xtile.witchLeaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemTanzanite : 1xitem.bop.gems@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockBasalt : 1xtile.SmoothRock@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWood@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodBirch@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodJungle@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodSpruce@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.redwoodStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.willowStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.acaciaStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.firStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.cherryStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.darkStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.magicStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.palmStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.mangroveStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.holyStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.pineStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.hellBarkStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.bop.jacarandaStairs@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.arsmagica2:stairsWitchwoo
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodAlder@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodHawthorn@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stairWood : 1xtile.stairsWoodRowan@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropVine : 1xtile.Thornvines@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGrayCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeRedCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterIron : 1xitem.ItemNugget@16
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreDiamond : 1xtile.oreDiamond@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] record : 1xitem.record@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePink : 1xitem.dyePowder@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePink : 1xitem.TreeDye@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemChimerite : 1xitem.arsmagica2:itemOre@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] quicksilver : 1xitem.ItemResource@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dustVinteum : 1xitem.arsmagica2:itemOre@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] granulite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockGlowstone : 1xtile.lightgem@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] transdimBlock : 1xtile.enderChest@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemMoonstone : 1xitem.arsmagica2:itemOre@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetCopper : 1xitem.ItemNugget@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneMarble : 1xtile.SmoothRock@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemMalachite : 1xitem.bop.gems@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xtile.vine@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.seeds@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.carrots@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.seeds_melon@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.seeds_pumpkin@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.potato@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xitem.potatoPoisonous@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xtile.sapling@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xtile.sapling@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xtile.sapling@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plant : 1xtile.sapling@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] taintedSoil : 1xtile.TaintedSoil@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.NetherShard@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardNether : 1xitem.GluttonyShard@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] sheetCardboard : 1xitem.betterstorage.cardbo
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] hornfel : 1xtile.SmoothRock@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockSlate : 1xtile.SmoothRock@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.log@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.blockMagicalLog@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.blockMagicalLog@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.RareTree@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.RareTree@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.RareTree@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.RareTree@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.willow@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.Darktree@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.Darktree@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood1@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood3@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood4@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood1@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood2@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood3@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood4@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood1@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood2@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood3@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood4@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood1@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood2@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.bop.wood3@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.arsmagica2:witchwoodlog@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.TFLog@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.TFMagicLog@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] logWood : 1xtile.witchLog@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemDiamond : 1xitem.diamond@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightGrayCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalSha
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetIron : 1xitem.ItemNugget@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreSapphire : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] peridotite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlackCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeMagentaCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.woodSlab@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.plankSlab1@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.plankSlab2@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.bop.woodenSingleSlab1@3276
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.bop.woodenSingleSlab2@3276
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.arsmagica2:witchwoodSingle
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slabWood : 1xtile.witchWoodSlab@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLimeCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBrown : 1xitem.dyePowder@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBrown : 1xitem.bop.miscItems@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBrown : 1xitem.TreeDye@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockSandstone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeOrangeCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePurple : 1xitem.dyePowder@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePurple : 1xitem.TreeDye@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockBlueTopaz : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreAmber : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterTin : 1xitem.ItemNugget@18
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreGold : 1xtile.oreGold@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneGranite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreRedstone : 1xtile.oreRedstone@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropRaspberry : 1xitem.berry@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLime : 1xitem.dyePowder@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLime : 1xitem.TreeDye@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] charcoal : 1xitem.coal@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneGranulite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemBlueTopaz : 1xitem.arsmagica2:itemOre@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemMimichite : 1xitem.Mimichite@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropBlueberry : 1xitem.berry@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] schist : 1xtile.SmoothRock@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeCyanCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterGold : 1xitem.ItemNugget@31
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] limestone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterCopper : 1xitem.ItemNugget@17
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightBlueCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneSandstone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneSlate : 1xtile.SmoothRock@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneGneiss : 1xtile.SmoothRock@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedEntropy : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] obsidian : 1xtile.obsidian@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockMarble : 1xtile.SmoothRock@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedAir : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockVinteum : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeMagentaCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneBasalt : 1xtile.SmoothRock@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardFire : 1xitem.ItemShard@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dustGlowstone : 1xitem.yellowDust@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterCinnabar : 1xitem.ItemNugget@21
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] marble : 1xtile.SmoothRock@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] knife : 1xitem.totemic:totemWhittlingKnife@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] knife : 1xitem.totemic:totemWhittlingKnife@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] knife : 1xitem.totemic:totemWhittlingKnife@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] knife : 1xitem.totemic:totemWhittlingKnife@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] knife : 1xitem.totemic:totemWhittlingKnife@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreBlueTopaz : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlueCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropMaloberry : 1xitem.berry@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePurpleCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetGold : 1xitem.goldNugget@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneSchist : 1xtile.SmoothRock@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBrownCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemPeridot : 1xitem.bop.gems@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightBlue : 1xitem.dyePowder@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightBlue : 1xitem.TreeDye@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] chestWood : 1xtile.chest@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] chestWood : 1xtile.chest@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockSchist : 1xtile.SmoothRock@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreSunstone : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockMigmatite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreIron : 1xtile.oreIron@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardOrder : 1xitem.ItemShard@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightGray : 1xitem.dyePowder@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightGray : 1xitem.TreeDye@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightBlueCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalSha
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreVinteum : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] craftingTableWood : 1xtile.workbench@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreTopaz : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropSkyberry : 1xitem.berry.nether@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeYellowCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardEntropy : 1xitem.ItemShard@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreMalachite : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePurpleCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemAmber : 1xitem.ItemResource@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardWater : 1xitem.ItemShard@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGray : 1xitem.dyePowder@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGray : 1xitem.TreeDye@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemEmerald : 1xitem.emerald@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemRuby : 1xitem.bop.gems@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.sapling@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.bop.saplings@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.bop.colorizedSaplings@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.Sapling@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.TFSapling@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] treeSapling : 1xtile.witchSapling@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.stone@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stone : 1xtile.SmoothRock2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlue : 1xitem.dyePowder@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlue : 1xitem.barleyFood@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlue : 1xitem.bop.miscItems@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlue : 1xitem.TreeDye@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGreenCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockChimerite : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeOrange : 1xitem.dyePowder@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeOrange : 1xitem.TreeDye@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] crafterWood : 1xtile.workbench@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneRod : 1xitem.microblock:stoneRod@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneMigmatite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] onyx : 1xtile.SmoothRock@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreChimerite : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockIron : 1xtile.blockIron@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeYellowCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneLimestone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeWhiteCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreEmerald : 1xtile.oreEmerald@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] leavesTree :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] leavesTree :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] leavesTree : 1xtile.RareLeaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] leavesTree : 1xtile.Darkleaves@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLightGrayCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slate : 1xtile.SmoothRock@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGrayCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropStingberry : 1xitem.berry.nether@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropBlightberry : 1xitem.berry.nether@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] ingotGold : 1xitem.ingotGold@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] ingotGold : 1xitem.ingotGold@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stonePumice : 1xtile.SmoothRock@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockGneiss : 1xtile.SmoothRock@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardAir : 1xitem.ItemShard@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePinkCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockGranite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneHornfel : 1xtile.SmoothRock@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slimeball : 1xitem.slimeball@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] slimeball : 1xitem.slimeball@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedWater : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetSilver : 1xitem.ItemNugget@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlackCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyePinkCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockGranulite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneOnyx : 1xtile.SmoothRock@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeCyanCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] pumice : 1xtile.SmoothRock@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBrownCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dustRedstone :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockRedstone : 1xtile.blockRedstone@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGreen : 1xitem.dyePowder@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGreen : 1xitem.bop.miscItems@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGreen : 1xitem.TreeDye@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] sandstone : 1xtile.sandStone@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] sandstone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] sandstone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] sandstone : 1xtile.sandStone@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shardEarth : 1xitem.ItemShard@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockOnyx : 1xtile.SmoothRock@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockMoonstone : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeLimeCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreMoonstone : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedEarth : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetQuicksilver : 1xitem.ItemResource@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] obsidianRod : 1xitem.itemCrafting@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockEmerald : 1xtile.blockEmerald@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneShale : 1xtile.SmoothRock@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gneiss : 1xtile.SmoothRock@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood : 1xitem.stick@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood : 1xtile.bop.bamboo@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood : 1xtile.bop.plants@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickWood : 1xitem.stick@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] orePeridot : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeRedCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreTanzanite : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockGold : 1xtile.blockGold@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeWhiteCrystal : 1xtile.CaveCrystal@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] whiteStone : 1xtile.whiteStone@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeRed : 1xitem.dyePowder@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeRed : 1xitem.TreeDye@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemTopaz : 1xitem.bop.gems@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneQuartz : 1xtile.SmoothRock@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeGreenCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeWhite : 1xitem.dyePowder@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeWhite : 1xitem.bop.miscItems@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeWhite : 1xitem.TreeDye@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreQuartz : 1xtile.netherquartz@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetEmerald : 1xitem.FMResource@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterLead : 1xitem.ItemNugget@20
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlueCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreCinnabar : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeOrangeCrystalShard : 1xitem.CrystalShard@
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreCoal : 1xtile.oreCoal@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreCoal : 1xtile.oreCoal@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemSunstone : 1xitem.arsmagica2:itemOre@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetTin : 1xitem.ItemNugget@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeMagenta : 1xitem.dyePowder@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeMagenta : 1xitem.TreeDye@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockPeridotite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlack : 1xitem.dyePowder@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlack : 1xitem.bop.miscItems@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlack : 1xitem.FMResource@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeBlack : 1xitem.TreeDye@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreLapis : 1xtile.oreLapis@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropDuskberry : 1xitem.berry.nether@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockPumice : 1xtile.SmoothRock@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] shale : 1xtile.SmoothRock@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cropBlackberry : 1xitem.berry@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetLead : 1xitem.ItemNugget@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeYellow : 1xitem.dyePowder@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeYellow : 1xitem.TreeDye@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeCyan : 1xitem.dyePowder@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] dyeCyan : 1xitem.TreeDye@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockGlass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockGlass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockGlass :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] coal : 1xitem.coal@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] clusterSilver : 1xitem.ItemNugget@19
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreMimichite : 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreMimichite : 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreMimichite : 1xtile.Mimichite Ore@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockShale : 1xtile.SmoothRock@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cloth : 1xtile.cloth@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.wood@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.blockWoodenDevice@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.blockWoodenDevice@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.bop.planks@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.arsmagica2:planksWitchwoo
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.TFTowerStone@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] plankWood : 1xtile.witchWood@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockOpal : 1xtile.SmoothRock2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] ingotThaumium : 1xitem.ItemResource@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedFire : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] ingotIron : 1xitem.ingotIron@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] ingotIron : 1xitem.ingotIron@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreRuby : 1xtile.bop.amethystOre@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockDiamond : 1xtile.blockDiamond@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockLimestone : 1xtile.SmoothRock@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] basalt : 1xtile.SmoothRock@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stoneOpal : 1xtile.SmoothRock2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.stonebrick@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@1
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@2
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@3
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@4
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@7
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@11
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@14
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble@15
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] cobblestone : 1xtile.RockCobble2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] saplingTree :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] saplingTree : 1xtile.RareSapling@32767
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockQuartz : 1xtile.SmoothRock@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] migmatite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@13
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] gemSapphire : 1xitem.bop.gems@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] quartz : 1xtile.SmoothRock@10
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] oreInfusedOrder : 1xtile.blockCustomOre@5
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stonePeridotite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@9
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] rockHornfel : 1xtile.SmoothRock@12
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] nuggetThaumium : 1xitem.ItemNugget@6
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] glassSoul :
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] granite : 1xtile.SmoothRock@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] stickObsidian : 1xitem.itemCrafting@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] opal : 1xtile.SmoothRock2@0
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] blockSunstone : 1xtile.arsmagica2:ores@8
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader has successfully lo
aded 71 mods
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Forge Mod Loader] Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Minecraft Forge] Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Not Enough Items] Mod Not Enough Items is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Damage Indicators] Mod Damage Indicators is missi
ng a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Arcane Scrolls] Mod Arcane Scrolls is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [DukeCore] Mod DukeCore is missing a pack.mcmeta f
ile, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [ArmorStatusHUD] Mod ArmorStatusHUD is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [bspkrsCore] Mod bspkrsCore is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [StatusEffectHUD] Mod StatusEffectHUD is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry] Mod Blood Magic
: Alchemical Wizardry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [ChickenChunks] Mod ChickenChunks is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Core] Mod CoFH Core is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Loot] Mod CoFH Loot is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Masquerade] Mod CoFH Masquerade is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CoFH Social] Mod CoFH Social is missing a
meta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CoFH World] Mod CoFH World is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [CraftHeraldry] Mod CraftHeraldry is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [DragonAPI] Mod DragonAPI is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Dye Trees] Mod Dye Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Ender Forest] Mod Ender Forest is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [EnderStorage] Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [The Farlanders] Mod The Farlanders is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [GeoStrata] Mod GeoStrata is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Hopper Ducts] Mod Hopper Ducts is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [JABBA] Mod JABBA is missing a pack.mcmeta file, t
hings may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Magical Crops] Mod Magical Crops is missing a pac
k.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Magical Crops - Crops & Food] Mod Magical Crops -
Crops & Food is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Mimicry] Mod Mimicry is missing a pack.mcmeta fil
e, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Mystcraft] Mod Mystcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta
file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Natura] Mod Natura is missing a pack.mcmeta file,
things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons] Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcme
ta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics] Mod NEI Addons:
Applied Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals] Mod NEI Addons: Mis
c Peripherals is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Extra Bees] Mod NEI Addons: Extra Bee
s is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Forestry] Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is
missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] Mod NEI Addons: Craf
ting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [NEI Plugins] Mod NEI Plugins is missing a
meta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Not Enough Keys] Mod Not Enough Keys is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Xeno's Reliquary] Mod Xeno's Reliquary is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Perfor
mance] Mod Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Performance is missing a p
ack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Thaumic Tinkerer] Mod Thaumic Tinkerer is missing
a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Torch Levers] Mod Torch Levers is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Totemic] Mod Totemic is missing a pack.mcmeta fil
e, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Utility Mobs] Mod Utility Mobs is missing a pack.
mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Waila] Mod Waila is missing a pack.mcmeta file, t
hings may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Forge Microblocks] Mod Forge Microblocks is missi
ng a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Forge Multipart] Mod Forge Multipart is missing a
pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [WARNING] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] Mod Minecraft Multipa
rt Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Reloading ResourceManager: Default
, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FML
FileResourcePack:Not Enough Items, FMLFileResourcePack:Damage Indicators, FMLFil
eResourcePack:Arcane Scrolls, FMLFileResourcePack:DukeCore, FMLFileResourcePack:
ArmorStatusHUD, FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore, FMLFileResourcePack:StatusEffect
HUD, FMLFileResourcePack:Ars Magica 2, FMLFileResourcePack:BetterStorage, FMLFil
eResourcePack:BiblioCraft, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Editi
on, FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioWoods Natura Edition, FMLFileResourcePack:Biomes O
' Plenty, FMLFileResourcePack:Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, FMLFileResourceP
ack:ChickenChunks, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Core, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Loot,
FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Masquerade, FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Social, FMLFileRe
sourcePack:CoFH World, FMLFileResourcePack:CraftHeraldry, FMLFileResourcePack:Dr
agonAPI, FMLFileResourcePack:Dye Trees, FMLFileResourcePack:Enchanting Plus, FML
FileResourcePack:Ender Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage, FMLFileResource
Pack:The Farlanders, FMLFileResourcePack:Flat Signs, FMLFileResourcePack:Forbidd
en Magic, FMLFileResourcePack:GeoStrata, FMLFileResourcePack:Hopper Ducts, FMLFi
leResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:JABBA, FMLFileResourcePack:
Magical Crops, FMLFileResourcePack:Magical Crops - Crops & Food, FMLFileResource
Pack:Mimicry, FMLFileResourcePack:Mystcraft, FMLFileResourcePack:Natura, FMLFile
ResourcePack:NEI Addons, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics, FM
LFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Misc Peripherals, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons:
Extra Bees, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Ad
dons: Crafting Tables, FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Plugins, FMLFileResourcePack:Not
Enough Keys, FMLFileResourcePack:Obsidian Pressure Plates, FMLFileResourcePack:P
layer Beacons, FMLFileResourcePack:Random Things, FMLFileResourcePack:Xeno's Rel
iquary, FMLFileResourcePack:Rivvest's Enhancements to Villager and Mob Performan
ce, FMLFileResourcePack:Switches, FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft, FMLFileResourc
ePack:Thaumic Tinkerer, FMLFileResourcePack:Torch Levers, FMLFileResourcePack:To
temic, FMLFileResourcePack:The Twilight Forest, FMLFileResourcePack:Utility Mobs
, FMLFileResourcePack:Waila, FMLFileResourcePack:Witchery, FMLFileResourcePack:F
orge Microblocks, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart, FMLFileResourcePack:Minec
raft Multipart Plugin
2014-06-08 13:19:03 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Loading Liquid Icons
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1908_witcheryPlacedItem.png
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_side.png
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_upArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_bottom.png
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_tile_831_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/magic_sigil.png
2014-06-08 13:19:04 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcane_empowerment_table_side.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/custom_block.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_880_blockHeraldry.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/arcanereconstructor.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_leftArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/lightnexus.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3082_totemSocket.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_rightArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/fireEffectBlock_rightArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystonechest.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_3284_bookshelf.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_input.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/repairer.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/fireEffectBlock_leftArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/essencenexus.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: ttinkerer:textures/blocks/magnet.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/invisibleUtility.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/blockthorns_top.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/darknexus.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/blocks/hiddenTile.png
2014-06-08 13:19:05 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_output.png
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/fireEffectBlock_downArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_downArrow.png
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_tile_759_arsmagica2:textures/blocks/keystoneTrapdoor.png
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/blocks/projectileParadigmBlock_blank.png
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 405 spell ic
2014-06-08 13:19:06 [INFO] [STDOUT] GEOSTRATA: Loading Liquid Icons
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: minecraft:textures/items/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1908_witcheryPlacedItem.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/magic_broom.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: enderforest:textures/items/ender.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: geostrata:textures/items/liqcrystal3.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: enderforest:textures/items/flowingender.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22251_arsmagica2:textures/items/fire_ears.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22248_arsmagica2:textures/items/water_orbs.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22247_arsmagica2:textures/items/winter_arm.png
2014-06-08 13:19:07 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/totemsNotATotem.png
2014-06-08 13:19:08 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/mana_scepter.png
2014-06-08 13:19:08 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22255_arsmagica2:textures/items/air_sled.png
2014-06-08 13:19:08 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/totemicStaff.png
2014-06-08 13:19:08 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/infusedTotemicStaff.png
2014-06-08 13:19:08 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: totemic:textures/items/chlorophyllCrystal.png
2014-06-08 13:19:09 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: alchemicalwizardry:textures/items/SigilOfTheFastMiner.png
2014-06-08 13:19:09 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: missing_icon_item_22252_arsmagica2:textures/items/earth_armor.png
2014-06-08 13:19:09 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to
load: arsmagica2:textures/items/affinity_tome_magma.png
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound spill.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble1.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble2.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble3.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound bubble4.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound alembickno
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound creak1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound creak2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound squeek1.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound squeek2.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound golemirons
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jar4.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarm3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swarmattac
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fly1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fly2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound key.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound doorfail.o
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound camerasuck
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameratick
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameradone
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclac
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclac
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound cameraclac
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pump3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound page1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound page2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound learn.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound write1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound write2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound erase.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound brain4.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound crystal1.o
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wispdead.o
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive1.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive2.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wisplive3.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wand3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wandfail.o
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound rumble.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound ice3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound jacobs.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound hhoff.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound hhon.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle1
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle2
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_idle3
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_trade
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_dice.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_hit1.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_hit2.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_death
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_charg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound pech_charg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound shock1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound shock2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound fireloop.o
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound zap1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound zap2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound craftfail.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound craftstart
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swing1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound swing2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wind1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound wind2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tool1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tool2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound gore1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound gore2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots1.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots2.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound roots3.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle1.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle2.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound tentacle3.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound upgrade.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound infuser.og
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound infusersta
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound runicShiel
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [Thaumcraft] Loaded sound runicShiel
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] loading sounds ...
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [WARNING] [Reliquary] Failed loading sound file: xload.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [WARNING] [Reliquary] Failed loading sound file: xshot.ogg
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [STDOUT] Starting up SoundSystem...
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> jar format detected
- searching for sound files.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] \C:\Users\Hari\Documents\Magic_World
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Scanning through jar file entries.
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Located 90 sound fil
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/c
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/c
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/e
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/e
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/e
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/g
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/i
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: misc/r
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ar
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ea
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ea
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ea
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/ea
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/fi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/he
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/he
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/he
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/he
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/he
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/mo
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/na
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/na
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/na
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/na
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/na
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wa
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wa
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: mob/wi
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:10 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Ars Magica 2 >> Loaded Sound: spell/
2014-06-08 13:19:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
2014-06-08 13:19:12 [INFO] [STDOUT] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more
information, see
2014-06-08 13:19:13 [INFO] [STDOUT] OpenAL initialized.
2014-06-08 13:19:13 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-06-08 13:19:16 [INFO] [Minecraft-Client] Stopping!
2014-06-08 13:19:16 [INFO] [STDOUT]
2014-06-08 13:19:16 [INFO] [STDOUT] SoundSystem shutting down...
2014-06-08 13:19:16 [INFO] [STDOUT] Author: Paul Lamb,
2014-06-08 13:19:16 [INFO] [STDOUT]
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; suppor
t was removed in 8.0

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