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And we know, that the characteJ:" of the

church for piety, stood so high, that it

was a living reproof to the world. So
much so, that we are told, Acts v. 13,
that "of the rest durst no join him-
self to them, but the people magnified
them." What a commentary is this
upon the practice of those who spend
their zeal in crowds of sin:-
ners, of all classes, into the church,
seerhlngly more anxious that they
should give their names t6 the church
roll, than their hearts to God.
would it .not be better that,
in the examination of candidates, for ad-
mission to the church, it should be con-
ducted by the whOle church, instead of
its officers merely? The whole church
would then not only have the benefit of
the candidate's experience, if he be a
true child of God, but it might be more
satisfactory, also, that each member
should hear and decide for himSelf.
Min.--In some particular aDd remark-
able cases of conversion, it woUld, no
doubt, be edifying and useful for all.the
members of the church to hear the can-
didate tell what God has done for him.
But particular cases should never be
made the ground of a general rule; and, I
think, the experience of all churches
who receive their members by a profes-
sion of their faith, as we do, will testi-
fy, that, as a general rule, it is more pro-
per and expedient, to have it done by
the officers of the church; But this in-
volves one of the principal features of
our form of church government, for
which, we believe, we have scriptural
authority and precedent. And a full and
SatisfaCtory ConSideration ' of this . sub-
ject, would require more 'time than we
can now devote to it. But if it would be
gratifying to you, we will consider it at
some future time.
have never had any difficulty.
on the score of church government. The
Presbyterian form hC!S always struck me
. as wise and ordedy, tho1,1gh my
ferences for it are not the resUlt of any
examination of its principles. I Would;'
therefore; be glad to embrace any dppor-
tunity of examining it more particular-.
ly. .
Min.--Call when you
and I will endeavour to explain it to
you, in the light of the Bible and or'
colllrtlon sense. CJ
Teacher Applications

Chalcedon Christian School, in north
Atlanta is seeking teacher aJlPiications
for the l988-89 scllool year. Pre-school,
Early & Later Elementary;. Middle &
High School positions are available.
Applicants must be exp.1 erienced,
Reformed (holding to the system of
doctrine taught in the Westminster
Confession of Faith)< committed to
Christ and to Christian education.
Christian School
P.O. Box 888022
Dunwoody, GA 30338 .
(404) 396-0960
Robert T. Lester, Administrator
Trinity Christian School is looking for
a teacher !o teach sixth grade and nandlc
the day !o day administrative needs of the
sehoul. Write: Trinity Christian School,
P.O. Box 2364, Swtcsboro, GA 30458,
or call 1-(912) 4H9- 1375 or 489 8186.
Page 22 ------------------------------The Counsel of Chalccdon, .July, 1988

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