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Quiz10 Follow-up MCQs: (ANSWERS BELOW!) MCQ

1. Common Bladder stone risk factors do NOT include:
B) recurrent UTI in the setting of high residual urine volumes
C) stones that have passed down from the kidney
D) poor bladder emptying

2. Bladder stones are generally composed a majority of:
A) calcium oxalate
B) calcium phosphate
C) ammonium phosphate
D) uric acid

3. Bladder stones may require
A) ESWL (shockwave lithotripsy)
B) Dissolution therapy
C) Observation always
D) Treatment of an underlying cause

4. Bladder stones are always
A) are generally easy to treat with crushing forceps
B) difficult to treat with laser in most cases
C) require an individualized approach
D) do not indicate any other pathology

5. Bladder stones
A) should always be sent for analysis to learn their composition
B) are not a problem in the Western word
C) are extremely uncommon
D) none of the above


Q1 Answer C: stones that have passed down from the kidney is relatively rare but known not associated A)
BPH B) recurrent UTI and D are correct
Q2 Answer D: uric acid whilst rest are minor if present
Q3 Answer D: Treatment of an underlying cause in almost all instances whilst A) ESWL (shockwave
lithotripsy)is ineffective, B) Dissolution therapy also ineffective and C) Observation rarely done
Q4 Answer C: require an individualized approach whilst A) generally easy to treat with crushing forceps no as
many too large B) difficult to treat with laser in most cases is incorrect as most respond easily and D) incorrect
as DO indicate any other pathology
Q5 Answer D: none correct whilst A) should always be sent for analysis to learn their composition- only
SOMETIMES; they B) ARE a problem in the Western word and C) are NOT THAT uncommon

By @lawrentschuk Editor-in-Chief @UrologyQuiz
Assoc. Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA

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