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141 Grammar Bank

countable and uncountable
countable nouns (C)
A countable noun is one that you can count. One cat, two cats, etc.
They can be singular or plural. a book > books
uncountable nouns (U)
An uncountable noun is one that you cant count. water 3 two waters 7
They cant be singular or plural. soup 3 a soup 7 soups 7
Use is before a singular countable noun or an uncountable noun,
e.g. This coffee is cold. My book is new.
Use are before a plural countable noun, e.g. There are two
computers in the classroom.
Dont use a / an before an uncountable noun.
Countable and uncountable nouns are not the same in all
languages. For example, news and information are uncountable
in English but countable in Spanish.
>> Now go to exercises 6.1 and 6.2 to practise.
some, any
+ ?
plural countable
Ive got some
I havent got any
Have you got any
Ive got some wine. I havent got any
Have you got any
Use some in positive statements with plural countable nouns
and uncountable nouns.
Use any in negative statements with plural countable nouns and
uncountable nouns.
Use any in questions with plural countable nouns and
uncountable nouns.
>> Now go to exercise 6.3 to practise.
there is, there are
+ ?
Theres some wine. There isnt any sugar. Is there any fruit?
There are some cups. There arent any oranges. Are there any chips?
short answers
Yes, there is. No, there isnt.
Yes, there are. No, there arent.
>> Now go to exercise 6.4 to practise.
much, many, a lot of
+ ?
plural countable
There are a lot of
There arent many
How many oranges
are there?
Theres a lot of red
There isnt much
white wine.
How much water is
Use is with uncountable nouns.
Use are with plural countable nouns.
>> Now go to exercise 6.5 to practise.
or, with
Use or when there are two or
more things to choose from.
Do you want tea or coffee?
Do you want oranges, apples, or bananas?
Use with when there are two
or more things together.
Id like tea with milk.
Do you want a biscuit with your coffee?
>> Now go to exercise 6.6 to practise.
6.1 Look at the words. Write C for countable or U for uncountable.
Example C dictionary
1 person 3 soup 5 sandwich
2 coffee 4 water 6 euro
6.2 Right or wrong? Tick (3) or correct the sentences.
Example How much is the biscuits? How much are the biscuits?
1 Can I have a cup of coffee?
2 A sandwich is four euros.
3 Do you usually drink wines?
4 How much are the oranges?
5 I dont like soups.
6 How much is these computers?
6.3 Complete the sentences with some, any, a, or an.
Example Weve got some apples.
1 Have you got eggs?
2 We havent got bread.
3 Can I have sausages, please?
4 Do you want orange?
5 Id like glass of wine.
6 He doesnt want sugar in his coffee.
7 Can I have piece of pizza, please?
8 Ive got steak for our dinner.
9 They want chocolate ice cream.
6.4 Match 19 with ai.
1 c Have we got any eggs?
2 Is there any sugar?
3 Whats for breakfast?
4 Are there any tomatoes in this soup?
5 Theres a new computer shop in the town centre.
6 There arent any apples.
7 What have we got to drink?
8 There are some books on your desk.
9 Is there any water?
a Theres wine or orange juice.
b Yes, there are. Theyre in the bag on the table.
c Yes, there are some in the fridge.
d Oh, those are the new dictionaries.
e Well, theres some toast and some jam.
f Yes, theres some in the cupboard.
g Yes, theres a bottle in the kitchen.
h Have they got any cheap printers?
i No, there arent.
6.5 Order the words to make sentences.
Example much water you how do drink ?
How much water do you drink?
1 week a hours they in work many do how ?
2 salt a use lot I of usually
3 meat do much eat they ?
4 much homework dont we do
5 are a there students of in lot class your ?
6 a sugar in there tea of lot s this
7 do you flms many watch ?
6.6 Complete the sentences with or or with.
Example Do you want some ice cream with your apple pie?
1 Use a black blue pen.
2 Theres red white wine.
3 Do you want some chips your hamburger?
4 Can I have coffee milk and two sugars?
5 I love toast jam.
6 Does he want meat fsh for dinner?

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