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Autodesk Meshmixer

2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

All use of this Software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Autodesk
License and Services Agreement
siteID=123112&id=1023525. Search for 2014 latform ! "esign Suites License
and Services Agreement.#
Autodesk and $eshmi%er are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk& 'nc.&
and(or its subsidiaries and(or affiliates.
All other brand names& )roduct names or trademarks belong to their res)ective
Third!"rt# $o%t&re 'redits nd Attri(utions
)t 4.*.+
-o).right /-0 2011 "igia lc and(or its subsidiar./,ies0.
)t 4.*.4
-o).right 2012& "igia lc.
-o).right /-0 2011 "igia lc and(or its subsidiar./,ies0.
2his Autodesk software contains 3t v4.4.5& 32 4.4.4 and 3tSoa). 3t is licensed
under the 678 Lesser 6eneral ublic License v.2.1& which can be found at
htt)*((,licenses(lg)l,2.1.t%t. A te%t co). of this license
and the source code for 3t v4.4.5& 32 4.4.4 and 3tSoa) /and modifications made b.
Autodesk& if an.0 are included on the "9" or with the download of this Autodesk
software. :ou ma. modif.& debug and relink 3t to this Autodesk software as
)rovided under the terms of the 678 Lesser 6eneral ublic License v.2.1.
-o).right /c0 2001& 2he <egents of the 8niversit. of -alifornia& through
Lawrence =erkele. 7ational Laborator. /subject to recei)t of an. re+uired
a))rovals from 8.S. "e)t. of >nerg.0
All rights reserved.
<edistribution and use in source and binar. forms& with or without modification&
are )ermitted )rovided that the following conditions are met*
/10 <edistributions of source code must retain the above co).right notice&
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
/20 <edistributions in binar. form must re)roduce the above co).right notice&
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and(or other materials )rovided with the distribution.
/10 7either the name of Lawrence =erkele. 7ational Laborator.& 8.S. "e)t. of
>nerg. nor the names of its contributors ma. be used to endorse or )romote
)roducts derived from this software without s)ecific )rior written )ermission.
2?'S S@A2BA<> 'S <@9'">" =: 2?> -@:<'6?2 ?@L"><S A7" -@72<'=82@<S
'SC A7" A7: >D<>SS @< '$L'>" BA<<A72'>S& '7-L8"'76& =82 7@2 L'$'2>"
2@& 2?>
'$L'>" BA<<A72'>S @A $><-?A72A='L'2: A7" A'27>SS A@< A A<2'-8LA<
8<@S> A<> "'S-LA'$>". '7 7@ >9>72 S?ALL 2?> -@:<'6?2 @B7>< @<
-@72<'=82@<S => L'A=L> A@< A7: "'<>-2& '7"'<>-2& '7-'">72AL& S>-'AL&
>D>$LA<:& @< -@7S>38>72'AL "A$A6>S /'7-L8"'76& =82 7@2 L'$'2>" 2@&
<@-8<>$>72 @A S8=S2'282> 6@@"S @< S><9'->SE L@SS @A 8S>& "A2A& @<
<@A'2SE @< =8S'7>SS '72><<82'@70 ?@B>9>< -A8S>" A7" @7 A7: 2?>@<:
L'A='L'2:& B?>2?>< '7 -@72<A-2& S2<'-2 L'A='L'2:& @< 2@<2 /'7-L8"'76
7>6L'6>7-> @< @2?><B'S>0 A<'S'76 '7 A7: BA: @82 @A 2?> 8S> @A 2?'S
S@A2BA<>& >9>7 'A A"9'S>" @A 2?> @SS'='L'2: @A S8-? "A$A6>.
/ildMgic v4.10
-o).right F 200G 6eometric 2ools LL-
-o).right /c0 200H,2010 <.an Schmidt
-o).right /c0 2005,2010 <.an Schmidt
-o).right 2011 <.an Schmidt
1oost 1.+1.0
-o).right Jens $aurer 2000,2001
-o).right Steven Batanabe 2010
/-0 -o).right "ave Abrahams& Steve -lear.& =eman "awes&
/-0 -o).right 6reg -olvin and =eman "awes 1GG4& 1GGG.
/-0 -o).right Jens $auer 2001
/-0 -o).right John $addock 2000,2001& 200K,2004
/-0 -o).right $at $arcus& Jesse Jones and Adobe S.stems 'nc 2001
/-0 -o).right <ani Sharoni 2001,2005.
/-0 -o).right Steve -lear.& =eman "awes& ?oward ?innant ! John $addock 2000,
-o).right /c0 2001,200G eter "imov
-o).right 2000 John $addock /
-o).right 2004 ?oward ?innant
-o).right 2010 9icente J. =otet >scriba
-o).right =eman "awes 1GGG,2010
-o).right "ietmar Muehl 2001
-o).right "ouglas 6regor 2001,2004
-o).right Jan Langer 2002
-o).right avol "roba 2002,2004.
-o).right 9ladimir rus 2002
/-0 -o).right Steve -lear.& =eman "awes& ?oward ?innant ! John $addock 2000.
-o).right /-0 2001& Aernando Luis -acciola -arballal.
-o).right 1GGG& 2000 Jaakko Jarvi /jaakko.jarviLcs.utu.fi0
-o).right 2000 Jerem. Siek /jsiekLlsc.nd.edu0
-o).right 2000 John $addock /
-o).right 2001 /c0 2he 2rustees of 'ndiana 8niversit..
-o).right 2004 >ric 7iebler
-o).right Alekse. 6urtovo. 2000,200H
=oost Software License , 9ersion 1.0 , August 1Kth& 2001

ermission is hereb. granted& free of charge& to an. )erson or organiNation obtaining
a co). of the software and accom) documentation covered b. this license /the
CSoftwareC0 to use& re)roduce& dis)la.& distribute& e%ecute& and transmit the
Software& and to )re)are derivative works of the Software& and to )ermit third,
)arties to whom the Software is furnished to do so& all subject to the following*

2he co).right notices in the Software and this entire statement& including the above
license grant& this restriction and the following disclaimer& must be included in all
co)ies of the Software& in whole or in )art& and all derivative works of the Software&
unless such co)ies or derivative works are solel. in the form of machine,e%ecutable
object code generated b. a source language )rocessor.

2?> S@A2BA<> 'S <@9'">" CAS 'SC& B'2?@82 BA<<A72: @A A7: M'7"&
>D<>SS @< '$L'>"& '7-L8"'76 =82 7@2 L'$'2>" 2@ 2?> BA<<A72'>S @A
$><-?A72A='L'2:& A'27>SS A@< A A<2'-8LA< 8<@S>& 2'2L> A7" 7@7,
'7A<'76>$>72. '7 7@ >9>72 S?ALL 2?> -@:<'6?2 ?@L"><S @< A7:@7>
"'S2<'=82'76 2?> S@A2BA<> => L'A=L> A@< A7: "A$A6>S @< @2?>< L'A='L'2:&
B?>2?>< '7 -@72<A-2& 2@<2 @< @2?><B'S>& A<'S'76 A<@$& @82 @A @< '7
-@77>-2'@7 B'2? 2?> S@A2BA<> @< 2?> 8S> @< @2?>< ">AL'76S '7 2?>
"ugix2M- 0.+
-o).right /c0 200H,2010 Arsen. Ma)oulkine
3$,irit 4.0+
-o).right 200K,2010& John B. Bilkinson
ermission is hereb. granted& free of charge& to an. )erson obtaining a co). of this
software and associated documentation files /the CSoftwareC0& to deal in the Software
without restriction& including without limitation the rights to use& co).& modif.&
merge& )ublish& distribute& sublicense& and(or sell co)ies of the Software& and to
)ermit )ersons to whom the Software is furnished to do so& subject to the following
2he above co).right notice and this )ermission notice shall be included in all co)ies
or substantial )ortions of the Software.
2?> S@A2BA<> 'S <@9'">" CAS 'SC& B'2?@82 BA<<A72: @A A7: M'7"&
>D<>SS @< '$L'>"& '7-L8"'76 =82 7@2 L'$'2>" 2@ 2?> BA<<A72'>S @A
$><-?A72A='L'2:& A'27>SS A@< A A<2'-8LA< 8<@S> A7" 7@7'7A<'76>$>72.
'7 7@ >9>72 S?ALL 2?> A82?@<S @< -@:<'6?2 ?@L"><S => L'A=L> A@< A7:
-LA'$& "A$A6>S @< @2?>< L'A='L'2:& B?>2?>< '7 A7 A-2'@7 @A -@72<A-2&
2@<2 @< @2?><B'S>& A<'S'76 A<@$& @82 @A @< '7 -@77>-2'@7 B'2? 2?>
S@A2BA<> @< 2?> 8S> @< @2?>< ">AL'76S '7 2?> S@A2BA<>.
4igen 5.0.2
-o).right F 2011& >igen
678 Lesser 6eneral ublic License v. 1
TA.'$ 6ersion 2.0& 7ovember 2G& 2001
-o).right /c0 2001& 2002& 2001 b. Sivan 2oledo& 2el,Aviv 8niversit.&
All <ights <eserved.
2A8-S License*
:our use or distribution of 2A8-S or an. derivative code im)lies that .ou agree to
this License.
2?'S $A2><'AL 'S <@9'">" AS 'S& B'2? A=S@L82>L: 7@ BA<<A72: >D<>SS>"
@< '$L'>". A7: 8S> 'S A2 :@8< @B7 <'SM.
ermission is hereb. granted to use or co). this )rogram& )rovided that the
-o).right& this License& and the Availabilit. of the original version is retained on all
co)ies. 8ser documentation of an. code that uses this code or an. derivative code
must cite the -o).right& this License& the Availabilit. note& and C8sed b. )ermission.C
'f this code or an. derivative code is accessible from within $A2LA=& then t.)ing
Chel) taucsC must cite the -o).right& and Ct.)e taucsC must also cite this License and
the Availabilit. note. ermission to modif. the code and to distribute modified code is
granted& )rovided the -o).right& this License& and the Availabilit. note are retained&
and a notice that the code was modified is included. 2his software is )rovided to .ou
free of charge.
htt)*(( F 200H,2011
6eorge Mar.)is
6eorge Mar.)is
2he original documentation /"A file of the manual0can be found at
htt)*(( Aor .our reference&
)lease see A Aast and ?ighl. 3ualit. $ultilevel Scheme for artitioning 'rregular
6ra)hs#. 6eorge Mar.)is and 9i)in Mumar. S'A$ Journal on Scientific -om)uting& 9ol.
20& 7o. 1& )). 15GR1G2& 1GGG.
1ox27 2.1.2
-o).right 200H,2010& >rin -atto

'8A- 4.1
-o).right 1GGK,2012& 6eometr.Aactor.

8MM99 5
-o).right 2000,2012& :ves <enard& Julien ommier
:,enMesh, 2.0.0
-o).right 2001,2010& -om)uter 6ra)hics 6rou)& <B2? Aachen
li(;,eg!tur(o 1.2.1
-o).right 1GG1,2010& 2homas 6. Lane& 6uido 9ollbeding. All <ights <eserved e%ce)t
as s)ecified below.

2he authors make 7@ BA<<A72: or re)resentation& either e%)ress or im)lied& with
res)ect to this software& its +ualit.& accurac.& merchantabilit.& or fitness for a
)articular )ur)ose. 2his software is )rovided CAS 'SC& and .ou& its user& assume the
entire risk as to its +ualit. and accurac..

ermission is hereb. granted to use& co).& modif.& and distribute this software /or
)ortions thereof0 for an. )ur)ose& without fee& subject to these conditions*
/10 'f an. )art of the source code for this software is distributed& then this <>A"$>
file must be included& with this co).right and no,warrant. notice unalteredE and an.
additions& deletions& or changes to the original files must be clearl. indicated in
accom) documentation.
/20 'f onl. e%ecutable code is distributed& then the accom) documentation
must state that Cthis software is based in )art on the work of the 'nde)endent J>6
/10 ermission for use of this software is granted onl. if the user acce)ts full
res)onsibilit. for an. undesirable conse+uencesE the authors acce)t 7@ L'A='L'2: for
damages of an. kind.

2hese conditions a))l. to an. software derived from or based on the 'J6 code& not
just to the unmodified librar.. 'f .ou use our work& .ou ought to acknowledge us.

ermission is 7@2 granted for the use of an. 'J6 authorSs name or com)an. name in
advertising or )ublicit. relating to this software or )roducts derived from it. 2his
software ma. be referred to onl. as Cthe 'nde)endent J>6 6rou)Ss softwareC.

Be s)ecificall. )ermit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of
commercial )roducts& )rovided that all warrant. or liabilit. claims are assumed b.
the )roduct vendor.

ansi2knr.c is included in this distribution b. )ermission of L. eter "eutsch& sole
)ro)rietor of its co).right holder& Aladdin >nter)rises of $enlo ark& -A. ansi2knr.c is
7@2 covered b. the above co).right and conditions& but instead b. the usual
distribution terms of the Aree Software AoundationE )rinci)all.& that .ou must include
source code if .ou redistribute it. /See the file ansi2knr.c for full details.0 ?owever&
since ansi2knr.c is not needed as )art of an. )rogram generated from the 'J6 code&
this does not limit .ou more than the foregoing )aragra)hs do.

2he 8ni% configuration scri)t CconfigureC was )roduced with 678 Autoconf. 't is
co).right b. the Aree Software Aoundation but is freel. distributable. 2he same holds
for its su))orting scri)ts /config.guess& config.sub& ltmain.sh0. Another su))ort
scri)t& install,sh& is co).right b. D -onsortium but is also freel. distributable.

2he 'J6 distribution formerl. included code to read and write 6'A files. 2o avoid
entanglement with the 8nis.s LTB )atent& 6'A reading su))ort has been removed
altogether& and the 6'A writer has been sim)lified to )roduce Cuncom)ressed 6'AsC.
2his techni+ue does not use the LTB algorithmE the resulting 6'A files are larger
than usual& but are readable b. all standard 6'A decoders.

Be are re+uired to state that
C2he 6ra)hics 'nterchange Aormat/c0 is the -o).right )ro)ert. of -om)uServe
'ncor)orated. 6'A/sm0 is a Service $ark )ro)ert. of -om)uServe 'ncor)orated.C

-i(n,g 1.+.15
-o).right 1GG4,2012& 6lenn <anders,ehrson

-@:<'6?2 7@2'->& "'S-LA'$><& and L'->7S>*

'f .ou modif. lib)ng .ou ma. insert additional notices immediatel. following this

2his code is released under the lib)ng license.

lib)ng versions 1.2.H& August 15& 2004& through 1.H.2& A)ril 25& 2011& are -o).right
/c0 2004& 200H,2012 6lenn <anders,ehrson& and are distributed according to the
same disclaimer and license as lib)ng,1.2.5 with the following individual added to the
list of -ontributing Authors

-osmin 2ruta

lib)ng versions 1.0.K& Jul. 1& 2000& through 1.2.5 , @ctober 1& 2002& are -o).right
/c0 2000,2002 6lenn <anders,ehrson& and are distributed according to the same
disclaimer and license as lib)ng,1.0.H with the following individuals added to the list
of -ontributing Authors

Simon,ierre -adieu%
>ric S. <a.mond
6illes 9ollant

and with the following additions to the disclaimer*

2here is no warrant. against interference with .our enjo.ment of the librar. or
against infringement. 2here is no warrant. that our efforts or the librar. will fulfill
an. of .our )articular )ur)oses or needs. 2his librar. is )rovided with all faults& and
the entire risk of satisfactor. +ualit.& )erformance& accurac.& and effort is with the

lib)ng versions 0.GK& Januar. 1GG4& through 1.0.H& $arch 20& 2000& are -o).right
/c0 1GG4& 1GGG 6lenn <anders,ehrson& and are distributed according to the same
disclaimer and license as lib)ng,0.GH& with the following individuals added to the list
of -ontributing Authors*

2om Lane
6lenn <anders,ehrson
Billem van Schaik

lib)ng versions 0.4G& June 1GGH& through 0.GH& $a. 1GGK& are -o).right /c0 1GGH&
1GGK Andreas "ilger
"istributed according to the same disclaimer and license as lib)ng,0.44& with the
following individuals added to the list of -ontributing Authors*

John =owler
Mevin =race.
Sam =ushell
$agnus ?olmgren
6reg <oelofs
2om 2anner

lib)ng versions 0.5& $a. 1GG5& through 0.44& Januar. 1GGH& are -o).right /c0 1GG5&
1GGH 6u. >ric Schalnat& 6rou) 42& 'nc.

Aor the )ur)oses of this co).right and license& C-ontributing AuthorsC is defined as
the following set of individuals*

Andreas "ilger
"ave $artindale
6u. >ric Schalnat
aul Schmidt
2im Begner

2he 76 <eference Librar. is su))lied CAS 'SC. 2he -ontributing Authors and 6rou)
42& 'nc. disclaim all warranties& e%)ressed or im)lied&
including& without limitation& the warranties of merchantabilit. and of fitness for an.
)ur)ose. 2he -ontributing Authors and 6rou) 42& 'nc. assume no liabilit. for direct&
indirect& incidental& s)ecial& e%em)lar.& or conse+uential damages& which ma. result
from the use of the 76 <eference Librar.& even if advised of the )ossibilit. of such

ermission is hereb. granted to use& co).& modif.& and distribute this source code& or
)ortions hereof& for an. )ur)ose& without fee& subject to the following restrictions*

1. 2he origin of this source code must not be misre)resented.

2. Altered versions must be )lainl. marked as such and must not
be misre)resented as being the original source.

1. 2his -o).right notice ma. not be removed or altered from an.
source or altered source distribution.

2he -ontributing Authors and 6rou) 42& 'nc. s)ecificall. )ermit& without fee& and
encourage the use of this source code as a com)onent to su))orting the 76 file
format in commercial )roducts. 'f .ou use this source code in a )roduct&
acknowledgment is not re+uired but would be a))reciated.

A C)ngIgetIco).rightC function is available& for convenient use in CaboutC bo%es and
the like*


Also& the 76 logo /in 76 format& of course0 is su))lied in the files C)ngbar.)ngC
and C)ngbar.j)g /44%110 and C)ngnow.)ngC /G4%110.

Lib)ng is @S' -ertified @)en Source Software. @S' -ertified @)en Source is a
certification mark of the @)en Source 'nitiative.

6lenn <anders,ehrson
glennr) at
A)ril 25& 2011

Intel Mth <ernel -i(rr#
ortions related to 'ntelV $ath Mernel Librar. v.
/ are -o).right /-0 2004W2012& 'ntel
-or)oration. All rights reserved.

:,en'6 2.4.5
-o).right 2000,2004& 'ntel -or)oration

All rights reserved.

<edistribution and use in source and binar. forms& with or without modification& are
)ermitted )rovided that the following conditions are met*

<edistributions of source code must retain the above co).right notice& this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.

<edistributions in binar. form must re)roduce the above co).right notice& this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and(or other materials
)rovided with the distribution.

2?'S S@A2BA<> 'S <@9'">" =: 2?> -@:<'6?2 ?@L"><S A7" -@72<'=82@<S
CAS 'SC A7" A7: >D<>SS @< '$L'>" BA<<A72'>S& '7-L8"'76& =82 7@2
L'$'2>" 2@& 2?> '$L'>" BA<<A72'>S @A $><-?A72A='L'2: A7" A'27>SS A@< A
A<2'-8LA< 8<@S> A<> "'S-LA'$>". '7 7@ >9>72 S?ALL 2?> -@:<'6?2
?@L">< @< -@72<'=82@<S => L'A=L> A@< A7: "'<>-2& '7"'<>-2& '7-'">72AL&
S>-'AL& >D>$LA<:& @< -@7S>38>72'AL "A$A6>S /'7-L8"'76& =82 7@2
L'$'2>" 2@& <@-8<>$>72 @A S8=S2'282> 6@@"S @< S><9'->SE L@SS @A 8S>&
"A2A& @< <@A'2SE @< =8S'7>SS '72><<82'@70 ?@B>9>< -A8S>" A7" @7 A7:
2?>@<: @A L'A='L'2:& B?>2?>< '7 -@72<A-2& S2<'-2 L'A='L'2:& @< 2@<2
/'7-L8"'76 7>6L'6>7-> @< @2?><B'S>0 A<'S'76 '7 A7: BA: @82 @A 2?> 8S>
@A 2?'S S@A2BA<>& >9>7 'A A"9'S>" @A 2?> @SS'='L'2: @A S8-? "A$A6>.
:,en42> 1.?.0
-o).right 2002,2011& 'ndustrial Light ! $agic& a division of Lucasfilm >ntertainment
-om)an. Ltd. All rights reserved.
<edistribution and use in source and binar. forms& with or without modification& are
)ermitted )rovided that the following conditions are met*
<edistributions of source code must retain the above co).right notice& this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer.
<edistributions in binar. form must re)roduce the above co).right notice& this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and(or other
materials )rovided with the distribution.
7either the name of 'ndustrial Light ! $agic nor the names of its contributors
ma. be used to endorse or )romote )roducts derived from this software without
s)ecific )rior written )ermission.
2?'S S@A2BA<> 'S <@9'">" =: 2?> -@:<'6?2 ?@L"><S A7" -@72<'=82@<S
CAS 'SC A7" A7: >D<>SS @< '$L'>" BA<<A72'>S& '7-L8"'76& =82 7@2
L'$'2>" 2@& 2?> '$L'>" BA<<A72'>S @A $><-?A72A='L'2: A7" A'27>SS A@< A
A<2'-8LA< 8<@S> A<> "'S-LA'$>". '7 7@ >9>72 S?ALL 2?> -@:<'6?2
@B7>< @< -@72<'=82@<S => L'A=L> A@< A7: "'<>-2& '7"'<>-2& '7-'">72AL&
S>-'AL& >D>$LA<:& @< -@7S>38>72'AL "A$A6>S /'7-L8"'76& =82 7@2
L'$'2>" 2@& <@-8<>$>72 @A S8=S2'282> 6@@"S @< S><9'->SE L@SS @A 8S>&
"A2A& @< <@A'2SE @< =8S'7>SS '72><<82'@70 ?@B>9>< -A8S>" A7" @7 A7:
2?>@<: @A L'A='L'2:& B?>2?>< '7 -@72<A-2& S2<'-2 L'A='L'2:& @< 2@<2
/'7-L8"'76 7>6L'6>7-> @< @2?><B'S>0 A<'S'76 '7 A7: BA: @82 @A 2?> 8S>
@A 2?'S S@A2BA<>& >9>7 'A A"9'S>" @A 2?> @SS'='L'2: @A S8-? "A$A6>.

2erces!'99 5.1.1
-o).right 1GGG,2010& A)ache Software Aoundation

Licensed under the A)ache License& 9ersion 2.0 /the CLicenseC0E .ou ma. not use
this file e%ce)t in com)liance with the License. :ou ma. obtain a co). of the License


8nless re+uired b. a))licable law or agreed to in writing& software distributed under
the License is distributed on an CAS 'SC =AS'S B'2?@82 BA<<A72'>S @<
-@7"'2'@7S @A A7: M'7"& either e%)ress or im)lied. See the License for the
s)ecific language governing )ermissions and limitations under the License.

@li( 1.2.?
-o).right 1GG5,2011& Jean,lou) 6aill. and $ark Adler

2his software is )rovided Sas,isS& without an. e%)ress or im)lied warrant.. 'n no
event will the authors be held liable for an. damages arising from the use of this

ermission is granted to to use this software for an. )ur)ose& including
commercial a))lications& and to alter it and redistribute it freel.& subject to the
following restrictions*

1. 2he origin of this software must not be misre)resentedE .ou must not
claim that .ou wrote the original software. 'f .ou use this software
in a )roduct& an acknowledgment in the )roduct documentation would be
a))reciated but is not re+uired.
2. Altered source versions must be )lainl. marked as such& and must not be
misre)resented as being the original software.
1. 2his notice ma. not be removed or altered from an. source distribution.

Jean,lou) 6aill. $ark Adler
Sha)ewa.s is where designers bring ideas to life
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24(K ?el) , 6lobal su))ort team& in,de)th tutorials& and forums with thousands of
Scul)teo is an online 1" )rinting service based in San Arancisco and aris. 2he. offer
on,demand 1" )rinting of individual )roducts as well as short,run manufacturing.
2he. have 54 materials& colors& and finishes available& )lus su)erior file anal.sis and
re)air. 2heir factories use onl. )rofessional )rinters and )rovide fast turnaround with
worldwide deliver.. Scul)teo was founded in 200G b. >ric -arreel and -lYment
$oreau. Aor more information visit*
i.materialise is an online 1" )rinting service for all )eo)le with an e.e for design and
a head full of ideas.
2urn .our ideas into 1" )rinted realit..
-reate& share& and sell .our designs with i.materialise.
$aterials* "iscover a wide variet. of high +ualit. 1" )rinting materials including
/)recious0 metals& ceramics& and fle%ible materials. $ake .our ideas real in 1K
different materials and K0 )ossible color and finish combinations.
Aacilities that contain over 100 )rinters& including 12 of the world Zs largest
stereolithogra)h. machines /)rinting u) to 2100 % H40 % 400 mm0. Aor more
information visit*
'ur4ngine 14.05
-ura>ngine is the a )owerful& fast and robust engine for )rocessing 1" models into
1" )rinting instruction for 8ltimaker and other 6-ode based 1" )rinters. 't is )art of
the larger o)en source )roject called C-uraC.
C-o).right /-0 2011 "avid =raam , <eleased under terms of the A6Lv1 License.
2his Autodesk software contains -ura>ngine v.14.01. -ura>ngine is licensed under
the 678 Affero 6eneral ublic License v.1& which can be found
at htt)*((,1.0.html . A te%t co). of this license and
the source code for -ura>ngine v.14.01 /and modifications made b. Autodesk& if
an.0 are included on the "9" or with the download of this Autodesk software. 2his
Autodesk software shi)s with the -ura>ngine v14.01 binar. e%ecutable as an
e%ternal )rogram which is installed with this software.C
7ATA ':--4'TI:B
2hanks for considering our Anal.tics )rogram. ?ere is what we collect and how we
use the information*
'n order to im)rove our )roducts and understand how .ou use them& we collect non,
)ersonal )roduct usage information.
.niCue user I7 W creates a record for each use of a )roduct license& not
associated with a s)ecific )erson or user )rofile.
"roduct lunch nd close time W indicates when each )roduct is used& and
the length of each work session.
8eogr,hic loction W identifies the countr. where the )roduct is used.
'ommndsDevents W clickstream actions that determines which in )roduct
features are being used. Aor e%am)le& we collect information like how man.
times users clicked on commands like o)en&# close&# save&# or new.#
:ou can turn off data collection b. unchecking the a))rove collection of usage data#
bo%& below.

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