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Dr. Julia F. Morton

JULIA F. MORTON is Resear! "rofessor of Biolo#y an$ Diretor of t!e Morton
Colletanea% Uni&ersity of Mia'i% an$ resear! an$ infor'ation enter $e&ote$ to
eono'i (otany. S!e reei&e$ !er D.S. fro' Flori$a State Uni&ersity in )*+, an$ -as
elete$ a Fello- of t!e Linnean Soiety of Lon$on in )*+.. S!e !as on$ute$ e/tensi&e
fiel$ stu$ies for t!e U.S. National Institutes of 0ealt! an$ t!e De1art'ent of Defense% !as
ser&e$ as !ortiultural $e&elo1'ent onsultant in Flori$a an$ tro1ial A'eria% an$%
sine )*2.% !as (een onsultant for t!e "oison Control Centers in Flori$a. In )*+3% s!e
-as selete$ as t!e First Distin#uis!e$ Eono'i Botanist (y t!e international Soiety
for Eono'i Botany. S!e ser&e$ as "resi$ent of t!e Flori$a State 0ortiultural Soiety
in )*+*. S!e is a 'e'(er of t!e Boar$ of Trustees of Fair!il$ Tro1ial 4ar$en% Mia'i%
an$ of t!e Boar$ of Diretors of t!e Flori$a National "ar5s an$ Monu'ents Assoiation.
S!e is t!e aut!or of )6 (oo5s an$ o7aut!or of or ontri(utor to )8 ot!ers9 !as -ritten *.
sientifi 1a1ers an$ o7aut!ore$ 8+ ot!ers9 !as 1ro$ue$ 8 full7olor -all !arts of
1oisonous 1lants9 a set of Sur&i&al Car$s for Sout!east Asia an$ a )2+71a#e re1ort on t!e
Sur&i&al7relate$ Flora an$ Fauna of t!e Me5on# for t!e U.S. De1art'ent of Defense. S!e
is -ell 5no-n as a leturer on to/i% e$i(le an$ ot!er-ise useful 1lants.

Dr. Julia F. Morton
4eneral flo- of infor'ation in t!is (oo5
Ori#in an$ Distri(ution
"ests an$ Diseases
Foo$ Uses
Ot!er Uses
Ja5fruit an$ Relate$ S1eies
Ficus carica
W!ile t!e anient !istory of t!e fi# enters aroun$ t!e Me$iterranean re#ion% an$ it is
'ost o''only ulti&ate$ in 'il$7te'1erate li'ates% it ne&ert!eless !as its 1lae in
tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial !ortiulture. Botanially i$entifie$ as Ficus carica L. <fa'ily
Moraeae=% it is uni>ue in a #enus e'(rain# 1er!a1s o&er )%666 s1eies% 'ostly #iant
?ru((er trees?% an$ 'ostly tro1ial. It is al'ost uni&ersally 5no-n si'1ly as fi#% o''on
fi#% or e$i(le fi#. T!e na'e is &ery si'ilar in Fren! <figue=% 4er'an <feige=% Italian an$
"ortu#uese <figo=. In S1anis! it is higo or brevo. 0aitians #i&e it t!e na'e% figue France%
to $istin#uis! it fro' t!e s'all% $rie$ (ananas alle$ ?fi#s?.
"late :@ FI4% Ficus carica
T!e fi# is a tree of s'all $i'ensions% )6 to ,6 ft <,7* '= !i#!% -it! nu'erous s1rea$in#
(ran!es an$ a trun5 rarely 'ore t!an + in <)+.2 '= in $ia'eter. It ontains o1ious
'il5y late/. T!e root syste' is ty1ially s!allo- an$ s1rea$in#% so'eti'es o&erin# 26 ft
<)2 '= of #roun$% (ut in 1er'ea(le soil so'e of t!e roots 'ay $esen$ to 86 ft <A '=.
T!e $ei$uous lea&es are 1al'ate% $ee1ly $i&i$e$ into , to + 'ain lo(es% t!ese 'ore
s!allo-ly lo(e$ an$ irre#ularly toot!e$ on t!e 'ar#ins. T!e (la$e is u1 to )6 in <82 '=
in len#t! an$ -i$t!% fairly t!i5% rou#! on t!e u11er surfae% softly !airy on t!e
un$ersi$e. W!at is o''only ae1te$ as a ?fruit? is te!nially a synoniu'% t!at is% a
fles!y% !ollo- ree1tale -it! a s'all o1enin# at t!e a1e/ 1artly lose$ (y s'all sales.
It 'ay (e o(o&oi$% tur(inate% or 1ear7s!a1e$% ) to . in <8.27)6 '= lon#% an$ &aries in
olor fro' yello-is!7#reen to o11ery% (ronBe% or $ar571ur1le. Tiny flo-ers are 'asse$
on t!e insi$e -all. In t!e ase of t!e o''on fi# $isusse$ !ere% t!e flo-ers are all
fe'ale an$ nee$ no 1ollination. T!ere are , ot!er ty1es% t!e CCCa1rifi#CC -!i! !as 'ale
an$ fe'ale flo-ers re>uirin# &isits (y a tiny -as1% Blastophaga grossorum9 t!e
?S'yrna? fi#% nee$in# ross1ollination (y Ca1rifi#s in or$er to $e&elo1 nor'ally9 an$ t!e
?San "e$ro? fi# -!i! is inter'e$iate% its first ro1 in$e1en$ent li5e t!e o''on fi#% its
seon$ ro1 $e1en$ent on 1ollination. T!e s5in of t!e fi# is t!in an$ ten$er% t!e fles!y
-all is -!itis!% 1ale7yello-% or a'(er% or 'ore or less 1in5% rose% re$ or 1ur1le9 Duiy an$
s-eet -!en ri1e% #u''y -it! late/ -!en unri1e. See$s 'ay (e lar#e% 'e$iu'% s'all or
'inute an$ ran#e in nu'(er fro' ,6 to )%A66 1er fruit.
Origin and Distribution
T!e fi# is (elie&e$ to (e in$i#enous to Western Asia an$ to !a&e (een $istri(ute$ (y 'an
t!rou#!out t!e Me$iterranean area. It !as (een ulti&ate$ for t!ousan$s of years%
re'nants of fi#s !a&in# (een foun$ in e/a&ations of Neolit!i sites trae$ to at least
2%666 B.C. As ti'e -ent on% t!e fi#7#ro-in# territory stret!e$ fro' Af#!anistan to
sout!ern 4er'any an$ t!e Canary Islan$s. "liny -as a-are of 8* ty1es. Fi#s -ere
intro$ue$ into En#lan$ so'e ti'e (et-een )282 an$ )2.3. It is not lear -!en t!e
o''on fi# entere$ C!ina (ut (y )226 it -as relia(ly re1orte$ to (e in C!inese #ar$ens.
Euro1ean ty1es -ere ta5en to C!ina% Ja1an% In$ia% Sout! Afria an$ Australia.
T!e first fi#s in t!e Ne- Worl$ -ere 1lante$ in Me/io in )2A6. Fi#s -ere intro$ue$
into California -!en t!e San Die#o Mission -as esta(lis!e$ in )+A*. Later% 'any s1eial
&arieties -ere reei&e$ fro' Euro1e an$ t!e eastern Unite$ States -!ere t!e fi# rea!e$
:ir#inia in )AA*. T!e S'yrna fi# -as (rou#!t to California in )33)738 (ut it -as not
until )*66 t!at t!e -as1 -as intro$ue$ to ser&e as t!e 1ollinatin# a#ent an$ 'a5e
o''erial fi# ulture 1ossi(le. Fro' :ir#inia% fi# ulture s1rea$ to t!e Carolinas%
4eor#ia% Flori$a% Ala(a'a% Mississi11i% Louisiana an$ Te/as. T!e tree -as 1lante$ in
Ber'u$a in early ti'es an$ -as o''on aroun$ Ba!a'ian 1lantations in Colonial $ays.
It (ea'e a fa'iliar $ooryar$ 1lant in t!e West In$ies% an$ at 'e$iu' an$ lo- altitu$es
in Central A'eria an$ nort!ern Sout! A'eria. T!ere are fair7siBe$ 1lantations on
'ountainsi$es of 0on$uras an$ at lo- ele&ations on t!e "aifi si$e of Costa Ria. Fro'
Flori$a to nort!ern Sout! A'eria an$ in In$ia only t!e o''on fi# is #ro-n. C!ile an$
Ar#entina #ro- t!e ty1es suite$ to ooler Bones.
In :eneBuela% t!e fi# is one of t!e fruits in #reatest $e'an$ (y fruit 1roessors. Beause
of t!e ina$e>uate su11ly% a 1ro#ra' -as laun!e$ in )*A6 to enoura#e o''erial
1lantin#s. In )*+A% fres! fi#s -ere re#ar$e$ as !i#!ly $esira(le lu/uries an$ -ere sellin#
for EA.,2 to E+.82 1er l( <E).7E)AF5#= in Colo'(ia. T!e Instituto Colo'(iano
A#ro1euario !a$ realiBe$ so'e years earlier t!at fi# #ro-in# s!oul$ (e enoura#e$ an$
!a$ esta(lis!e$ an e/1eri'ental 1lantation in )*+,. T!e results -ere so fa&ora(le t!at
t!ey irulate$ an a$&isory (ulletin to far'ers in )*++% inlu$in# i'1ro&e$ 'et!o$s of
ulti&ation% osts of 1ro$ution an$ 1otential re&enue.
T!ere are 'any ulti&ate$ &arieties in ea! lass of fi#s. In fat% o&er +66 &arietal na'es
are in use (ut 'any are synony's. 0ere -e nee$ only 1resent t!ose t!at are suite$ to
-ar' areas an$ $o not re>uire 1ollination. Most 1o1ular a'on# t!ese are CCelesteC an$
CBro-n Tur5eyC% follo-e$ (y CBruns-i5C an$ CMarseillesC% $esri(e$ as follo-s@
'Celeste'G1ear7s!a1e$% ri((e$% so'eti'es -it! a s!ort ne5 an$ slen$er stal5 to ,F. in
<8 '= lon#9 t!e eye <o1enin# at a1e/= is lose$9 t!e fruit is s'all to 'e$iu'9 t!e s5in
1ur1lis!7(ro-n or (ronBe tin#e$ -it! 1ur1le an$ o&ere$ -it! (loo'9 t!e 1ul1 -!itis! or
1in5is! a'(er% of ri! fla&or an$ #oo$ >uality9 al'ost see$less. Main ro1 is !ea&y (ut of
s!ort $uration. T!ere is rarely an early% ?(re(a?% ro1.
'Brown Turkey'G(roa$71yrifor'% usually -it!out ne59 'e$iu' to lar#e9 o11er7
olore$9 1ul1 is -!itis! s!a$in# to 1in5 or li#!t re$9 of #oo$ to &ery #oo$ >uality9 -it!
fe- see$s. T!e tree is 1rolifi. T!e 'ain ro1% (e#innin# in 'i$7July% is lar#e9 t!e early%
(re(a% ro1 is s'all. T!is ulti&ar is -ell a$a1te$ to -ar' li'ates. It is #ro-n on all t!e
islan$s of 0a-aii.
'Brunswick' <CMa#noliaC=Glea&es narro-7lo(e$9 fruits of 'ain ro1 are o(li>ue7
tur(inate% 'ostly -it!out ne59 fruit stal5 t!i5% often s-ollen9 fruit of 'e$iu' siBe9
(ronBe or 1ur1le7(ro-n9 1ul1 -!itis! near s5in% s!a$in# to 1in5 or a'(er9 !ollo- in
enter9 of fair to #oo$ >uality9 nearly see$less. Ri1ens o&er a lon# season. Bre(a ro1
1oor9 lar#e% (ronBe7s5inne$9 fles! li#!t7re$9 oarse.
'Marseilles' <CW!ite MarseillesC% or CLe'onC=Gfruits of 'ain ro1 roun$ to o(late -it!out
ne59 on slen$er stal5s to )F. in <A ''= lon#9 of 'e$iu' siBe. T!ose of (re(a ro1%
tur(inate -it! s!ort% t!i5 ne5 an$ s!ort stal59 yello-7#reen -it! s'all #reen fle5s9
1ul1 -!ite% s-eet9 see$s lar#e% ons1iuous. Of fair >uality.
In Hueenslan$% CBro-n Tur5eyC% CA$riatiC% C4enoaC an$ C"ur1le 4enoaC 1erfor' &ery -ell.
'Adriatic' <CW!ite A$riatiC% or C4rosse :erteC=Gtur(inate -it! s!ort% t!i5 ne5 an$ s!ort
stal59 a(o&e 'e$iu' siBe9 #reen to yello-is!7#reen -it! re$ 1ul19 of $istinti&e fla&or
an$ &ery #oo$ >uality. In early% 'inor% (re(a ro1 t!e fruits are o(li>ue71yrifor'% lar#e%
#reen% often tin#e$ -it! 1ur1lis!7re$ -it! $ar57re$ 1ul1 an$ stron# fla&or.
'Genoa' <CW!ite 4enoaC=G1yrifor' or tur(inate% &ery faintly ri((e$9 ne5 t!i5 an$
s!ort% or a(sent9 a(o&e 'e$iu' in siBe9 s5in $o-ny% #reenis!7yello-9 1ul1 #reenis!7
-!ite near s5in% 'ostly a'(er tin#e$ -it! re$9 !ollo-9 of fair >uality. Fruits of (re(a
ro1 o(li>ue7o(o&ate -it! t!i5 ne5 an$ s!ort stal59 yello-is!7#reen e/ternally9 1ul1
li#!t7re$9 of fair to #oo$ >uality.
'Purple Genca' <CBla5 4enoaC9 CBla5 S1anis!C= o(lon#% (roa$ at a1e/% narro- at (ase9
lar#e9 &ery $ar571ur1le -it! t!i5 (lue (loo'9 1ul1 yello-is! (eo'in# re$$is! to re$ at
t!e enter9 Duiy% -it! s-eet% ri! fla&or.
At Sa!aran1ur% In$ia% CBro-n Tur5eyC% CBan#aloreC% CBla5 Is!iaC an$ CLu5no-C are
suessfully #ro-n. Aroun$ Bo'(ay% t!ere is only one &ariety% C"oonaC.
'Black sc!ia' <CBlue Is!iaC=Gan Italian &ariety9 'ain ro1 is elon#ate$ 1ear s!a1e$
-it! 'any notiea(le rl(s9 s!ort ne5 an$ s!ort to 'e$iu' stal59 lar#e% 8 )F8 in <A.,2 '=
lon# an$ ) )F8 in <,.3 '= -i$e9 $ar5 1ur1le7(la5 e/e1t at t!e a1e/ -!ere it is li#!ter
an$ #reenis!9 t!ere are 'any #ol$en fle5s9 s5in is -!olly oate$ -it! t!in% $ar57(lue
(loo'9 eye o1en% -it! re$7&iolet sales9 1ul1 is &iolet7re$% of #oo$ >uality. In t!e (re(a
ro1% t!ere are fe- rl(s an$ 'ostly in$istint9 t!e fruit is s'all% a(out ) )F8 in <,.3 '=
lon# an$ of t!e sa'e -i$t! at t!e a1e/9 t!e 1ul1 is re$ to #reenis!7a'(er9 of 1oor fla&or.
T!e tree is 1artiularly orna'ental an$ t!e lea&es are #lossy% only s!allo-ly , lo(e$. A
!ea&y (earer.
'Poona'"(ell7s!a1e$% of 'e$iu' siBe% -ei#!in# a(out ) )F8 oB <.8 #=9 t!in7s5inne$9 li#!t7
1ur1le -it! re$ fles!% of s-eet% #oo$ fla&or.
We !a&e no $esri1tions of CBan#aloreC an$ CLu5no-C.
In sout!ern In$ia% CMarseillesC flouris!es on !ills a(o&e 2%666 ft <)%282 '=. In tro1ial
areas #enerally% fi#s t!ri&e (et-een 8%A66 an$ 2%*66 ft <3667)%366 '=. T!e tree an
tolerate )6I to 86I of frost in fa&ora(le sites. It s!oul$ !a&e a $ry li'ate -it! li#!t early
s1rin# rains if it is inten$e$ for t!e 1ro$ution of fres! fruit. Rains $urin# fruit
$e&elo1'ent an$ ri1enin# are $etri'ental to t!e ro1% ausin# t!e fruits to s1lit. T!e se'i
ari$ tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial re#ions of t!e -orl$ are i$eal for fi#7#ro-in# if 'eans of
irri#ation are a&aila(le. But &ery !ot% $ry s1ells -ill ause fruit7$ro1 e&en if t!e trees are
T!e fi# an (e #ro-n on a -i$e ran#e of soils9 li#!t san$% ri! loa'% !ea&y lay or
li'estone% 1ro&i$in# t!ere is suffiient $e1t! an$ foo$ $raina#e. San$y soil t!at is
'e$iu'7$ry an$ ontains a #oo$ $eal of li'e is 1referre$ -!en t!e ro1 is inten$e$ for
$ryin#. 0i#!ly ai$ soils are unsuita(le. T!e 10 s!oul$ (e (et-een A.6 an$ A.2. T!e tree
is fairly tolerant of 'o$erate salinity.
Fi# trees !a&e (een raise$ fro' see$% e&en see$ e/trate$ fro' o''erial $rie$ fruits.
4roun$7 or air7layerin# an (e $one satisfatorily% an$ ra1i$ 'ass 'ulti1liation (y tissue
ulture !as (een a!ie&e$ in 4reee% (ut t!e tree is o''only 1ro1a#ate$ (y uttin#s of
'ature -oo$ 8 to , years of a#e% )F8 to ,F. in <).8278 '= t!i5 an$ 3 to )8 in <867,6 '=
lon#. "lantin# 'ust (e $one -it!in 8. !ours (ut% first% t!e u11er% slantin# en$ of t!e
uttin# s!oul$ (e treate$ -it! a sealant to 1rotet it fro' $isease% an$ t!e lo-er% flat% en$
-it! a root71ro'otin# !or'one. Trees of unsatisfatory &arieties an (e to1-or5e$ (y
s!iel$7 or 1at!7(u$$in#% or left7 or (ar57#raftin#.
Cuttin#s are raise$ in nursery (e$s an$ are set out in t!e fiel$ after )8 or )2 'ont!s. T!ey
'ay (e s1ae$ fro' A to 82 ft <).37+.2 '= a1art $e1en$in# on t!e ulti&ar an$ t!e fertility
of t!e soil. A s1ain# of ), / ), ft <./. '= allo-s 8A6 treesFare <A82 treesF!a=. In
Colo'(ia% #ro-ers are a$&ise$ to set t!e trees at )6 / )6 ft <,/, '= on le&el lan$% )6 / ),
ft <,/. '= on slo1es. Fruitin# -ill o''ene in less t!an a year fro' 1lantin# out.
;oun# 1lants -ill (enefit fro' s!a$in# -it! 1al' fron$s or ot!er 'aterial until t!ey are
-ell esta(lis!e$. A fertiliBer for'ula of )67,67)6 or )6786786 N"J is reo''en$e$ 8 oB
<a(out A6 #= ea! for youn# 1lants an$ )F2 l( <)66 #= ea! for a$ults% 1lus 'inor ele'ents
at t!e rate of ) oB <,6 #= 1er tree e&ery A 'ont!s.
Fi# trees are ut (a5 se&erely in fall or -inter% $e1en$in# on -!et!er t!e ro1 is $esire$
t!e follo-in# su''er or fall. Bran!es are often not!e$ to in$ue lateral (ran!in# an$
inrease t!e yiel$. If t!ere are !ea&y rains% $raina#e $it!es s!oul$ (e $u# to 1re&ent
-ater7lo##in#. Fi# trees re'ain 1ro$uti&e u1 to )8 or )2 years of a#e an$ t!ereafter t!e
ro1 $elines t!ou#! t!e trees 'ay li&e to a &ery a$&ane$ a#e.
Fi# trees usually (ear 8 ro1s a year% t!e early season <?(re(a?= fruits (ein# inferior an$
fre>uently too ai$% an$ only t!ose of t!e seon$% or 'ain% ro1 of atual &alue.
In Colo'(ia an$ :eneBuela% so'e fruits are (orne t!rou#!out t!e year (ut t!ere are 8
1rini1al ro1s% one in May an$ June an$ t!e ot!er in Dee'(er an$ January.
Lar#e7sale fi# 1ro$uers in California s1ray et!e1!on to s1ee$ u1 ri1enin# an$ t!en
-in$7'a!ines are $ra-n 1ast t!e trees or !elio1ter o&erfli#!ts are 'a$e to !asten fruit
$ro1% t!us s!ortenin# t!e !ar&est 1erio$ (y as 'u! as )6 $ays in or$er to a&oi$
i'1en$in# rain an$ inset atta5. "ro1er ti'in# of t!e #ro-t! re#ulator is ruial to fruit
%ar&esting and 'ield
T!e fruits 'ay (e 1i5e$ fro' t!e tree or #at!ere$ nor'ally or (y 'e!anial s-ee1ers
after t!ey fall to t!e #roun$. CBruns-i5C is so ten$er it 'ust (e 1i5e$ -!en sli#!tly
unri1e in or$er to (e fir' enou#! for 1roessin#. Wor5ers 'ust -ear #lo&es an$
1roteti&e lot!in# (eause of t!e late/. 0ar&este$ fruits are s1rea$ out in t!e s!a$e for a
$ay so t!at t!e late/ -ill $ry a little. T!en t!ey are trans1orte$ to 1roessin# 1lants in
-oo$en (o/es !ol$in# 88 to ,, l(s <)67)2 5#=. In In$ia% a fi# tree (ears )36 to ,A6 fruits
1er year. :eneBuelan #ro-ers e/1et ),8 to )+A l(s <A73 5#= 1er tree.
(eeping )uality
Fres! fi#s are &ery 1eris!a(le. At .6I to .,IF <....I7A.))IC= an$ +2K relati&e !u'i$ity%
fi#s re'ain in #oo$ on$ition for 3 $ays (ut !a&e a s!elf life of only ) to 8 $ays -!en
re'o&e$ fro' stora#e. At 26IF <)6IC= an$ relati&e !u'i$ity of 32K% fi#s an (e 5e1t no
lon#er t!an 8) $ays. T!ey re'ain in #oo$ on$ition for ,6 $ays -!en store$ at ,8I to ,2I
F <6I7).A+I C=. If froBen -!ole% t!ey an (e 'aintaine$ for se&eral 'ont!s.
Pests and Diseases
Fi# trees are 1rone to atta5 (y ne'ato$es <es1eially Meloidogyne s11.= an$% in t!e
tro1is% !a&e (een tra$itionally 1lante$ lose to a -all or (uil$in# so t!at t!e roots an #o
un$erneat! an$ esa1e $a'a#e. A !ea&y 'ul! -ill ser&e e>ually -ell. To$ay% ontrol is
1ossi(le -it! 1ro1er a11liation of ne'atii$es.
In In$ia% a ste'7(orer% Batocera rufomaculata% fee$s on t!e (ran!es an$ 'ay 5ill t!e
tree. Le1i$o1terous 1ests in :eneBuela inlu$e t!e fi# (orer% Azochis gripusalis% t!e
lar&ae of -!i! fee$ on t!e ne- #ro-t!% tunnel $o-n t!rou#! t!e trees to t!e roots an$
5ill t!e tree. Anot!er% alle$ cachudo de la higuera% !as 1ro'inently !orne$ lar&ae u1 to
, )F3 in <3 '= lon# t!at an $estroy a fi# tree in a fe- $ays. T!ere are also oleo1terous
insets of t!e #enera Epitrix an$ Colaspis t!at 1erforate an$ se&erely $a'a#e t!e lea&es
an$ s!oots. Sale insets inlu$e Asterolecanium s1. -!i! atta5s t!e (ar5 of trees
-ea5ene$ (y e/essi&e !u'i$ity or 1rolon#e$ $rou#!t% an$ t!e lesser ene'y% Saissetia
A o''on an$ -i$es1rea$ 1ro(le' is leaf rust ause$ (y Cerotelium fici9 (rin#in# a(out
1re'ature leaf fall an$ re$uin# yiel$s. It is 'ost 1re&alent in rainy seasons. Leaf s1ot
results fro' infetion (y Cylindrocladium scoparium or Cercospora fici. Fi# 'osai is
ause$ (y a &irus an$ is inura(le. Affete$ trees 'ust (e $estroye$.
T!e $rie$ fruit (eetle% or sour (u#% Carpophilus s11.% enters t!e fruit t!rou#! t!e eye an$
lea$s to sourin# an$ s'ut ause$ (y Aspergillus niger. T!is fun#us 'ay atta5 ri1enin#
Food *ses
So'e 1eo1le 1eel t!e s5in (a5 fro' t!e ste' en$ to e/1ose t!e fles! for eatin# out of7
!an$. T!e 'ore fasti$ious eater !ol$s t!e fruit (y t!e ste' en$% uts t!e fruit into >uarters
fro' t!e a1e/% s1rea$s t!e setions a1art an$ lifts t!e fles! fro' t!e s5in -it! a 5nife
(la$e% $isar$in# t!e ste' an$ s5in. Co''erially% fi#s are 1eele$ (y i''ersion for )
'inute in (oilin# lye -ater or a (oilin# solution of so$iu' (iar(onate. In -ar'% !u'i$
li'ates% fi#s are #enerally eaten fres! an$ ra- -it!out 1eelin#% an$ t!ey are often ser&e$
-it! rea' an$ su#ar. "eele$ or un1eele$% t!e fruits 'ay (e 'erely ste-e$ or oo5e$ in
&arious -ays% as in 1ies% 1u$$in#s% a5es% (rea$ or ot!er (a5ery 1ro$uts% or a$$e$ to ie
rea' 'i/. 0o'e o-ners 1reser&e t!e -!ole fruits in su#ar siru1 or 1re1are t!e' as Da'%
'ar'ala$e% or 1aste. Fi# 1aste <-it! a$$e$ -!eat an$ orn flour% -!ey% siru1% oils an$
ot!er in#re$ients= for's t!e fillin# for t!e -ell 5no-n (a5ery 1ro$ut% ?Fi# Ne-ton?.
T!e fruits are so'eti'es an$ie$ -!ole o''erially. In Euro1e9 -estern Asia% nort!ern
Afria an$ California% o''erial annin# an$ $ryin# of fi#s are in$ustries of #reat
So'e $ryin# is $one in "oona% In$ia% an$ t!ere is urrently interest in solar7$ryin# in
4uate'ala. Usually% t!e fruits are allo-e$ to fully ri1en an$ 1artially $e!y$rate on t!e
tree% t!en are e/1ose$ to sul1!ur fu'es for a(out a !alf !our% 1lae$ out in t!e sun an$
turne$ $aily to a!ie&e unifor' $ryin#% an$ 1resse$ flat $urin# t!e 27 to +7$ay 1roess.
CBla5 MissionC an$ CJa$otaC fi#s are suita(le for freeBin# -!ole in siru1% or slie$ an$
layere$ -it! su#ar.
Drie$ ull fi#s !a&e (een roaste$ an$ #roun$ as a offee su(stitute. In Me$iterranean
ountries% lo-7#ra$e fi#s are on&erte$ into alo!ol. An alo!oli e/trat of $rie$ fi#s !as
(een use$ as a fla&orin# for li>ueurs an$ to(ao.
T!e late/ of t!e unri1e fruits an$ of any 1art of t!e tree 'ay (e se&erely irritatin# to t!e
s5in if not re'o&e$ 1ro'1tly. It is an ou1ational !aBar$ not only to fi# !ar&esters an$
1a5ers (ut also to -or5ers in foo$ in$ustries% an$ to t!ose -!o e'1loy t!e late/ to treat
s5in $iseases.
Ot!er *ses
$eed oil, Drie$ see$s ontain ,6K of a fi/e$ oil ontainin# t!e fatty ai$s@ olei% )3.**K9
linolei% ,,.+8K9 linoleni% ,8.*2K9 1al'iti% 2.8,K9 steari% 8.) 3K9 ara!i$i% ).62K. It
is an e$i(le oil an$ an (e use$ as a lu(riant.
-ea&es, Fi# lea&es are use$ for fo$$er in In$ia. T!ey are 1lu5e$ after t!e fruit !ar&est.
Analyses s!o-@ 'oisture% A+.AK9 1rotein% ..,K9 fat% ).+K9 ru$e fi(er% ..+K9 as!% 2.,K9
N7free e/trat% )A..K9 1entosans% ,.AK9 arotene on a $ry -ei#!t (asis% 6.668K. Also
1resent are (er#a1tene% sti#'asterol% sitosterol% an$ tyrosine.
In sout!ern Frane% t!ere is so'e use of fi# lea&es as a soure of 1erfu'e 'aterial alle$
?fi#7leaf a(solute?Ga $ar57#reen to (ro-nis!7#reen% se'i7soli$ 'ass or t!i5 li>ui$ of
!er(aeous7-oo$y7'ossy o$or% e'1loye$ in reatin# -oo$lan$ sents.
-ate+, T!e late/ ontains aout!ou <8..K=% resin% al(u'in% erin% su#ar an$ 'ali ai$%
rennin% 1roteolyti enBy'es% $iastase% esterase% li1ase% atalase% an$ 1ero/i$ase. It is
ollete$ at its 1ea5 of ati&ity in early 'ornin#% $rie$ an$ 1o-$ere$ for use in
oa#ulatin# 'il5 to 'a5e !eese an$ Dun5et. Fro' it an (e isolate$ t!e 1rotein7$i#estin#
enBy'e ficin -!i! is use$ for ten$eriBin# 'eat% ren$erin# fat% an$ larifyin# (e&era#es.
In tro1ial A'eria% t!e late/ is often use$ for -as!in# $is!es% 1ots an$ 1ans. It -as an
in#re$ient in so'e of t!e early o''erial $eter#ents for !ouse!ol$ use (ut -as
a(an$one$ after 'any re1orts of irritate$ or infla'e$ !an$s in !ouse-i&es.
Medicinal *ses, T!e late/ is -i$ely a11lie$ on -arts% s5in ulers an$ sores% an$ ta5en as
a 1ur#ati&e an$ &er'ifu#e% (ut -it! onsi$era(le ris5. In Latin A'eria% fi#s are 'u!
e'1loye$ as fol5 re'e$ies. A $eotion of t!e fruits is #ar#le$ to relie&e sore t!roat9 fi#s
(oile$ in 'il5 are re1eate$ly 1a5e$ a#ainst s-ollen #u's9 t!e fruits are 'u! use$ as
1oulties on tu'ors an$ ot!er a(nor'al #ro-t!s. T!e leaf $eotion is ta5en as a re'e$y
for $ia(etes an$ alifiations in t!e 5i$neys an$ li&er. Fres! an$ $rie$ fi#s !a&e lon#
(een a11reiate$ for t!eir la/ati&e ation.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Fresh ried
Calories 36 8+.
Moisture ++.273A.3# 8,.6#
"rotein ).87).,# ..,#
Fat 6.).76.,6# ).,#
Car(o!y$rates )+.)786.,# A*.)#
Fi(er ).878.8 # 2.A #
As! 6..3 6.32 # 8., #
Caliu' ,27+3.8 '# )8A '#
"!os1!orus 887,8.* '# ++ '#
Iron 6.A7..6* '# ,.6 '#
So$iu' 8.6 '# ,. '#
"otassiu' )*. '# A.6 '#
Carotene 6.6),76.)*2 '# G
as :ita'in A 8678+6 I.U. 36 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6,.76.6A '# 6.)6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.62,76.6+* '# 6.)6 '#
Niain 6.,876..)8 '# 6.+ '#
Asor(i Ai$ )8.87)+.A '# 6 '#
Citri Ai$ 6.)676... '#
Note@ T!ere are s'all a'ounts of 'ali% (ori an$ o/ali ai$s.
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in In$ia% 0a-aii% Central A'eria% an$ (y t!e U.S.
De1art'ent of A#riulture in Was!in#ton% D.C
Artocarpus altilis
One of t!e #reat foo$ 1ro$uers in its real' an$ -i$ely 5no-n% at least (y na'e% t!rou#!
its ro'antiiBe$ an$ $ra'atiBe$ !istory% t!e (rea$fruit% Artocarpus altilis Fos(. <syns. A.
communis J.R. an$ 4. Forst.9 A. incisus L.f.= (elon#s to t!e 'ul(erry fa'ily% Moraeae.
T!e o''on na'e is al'ost uni&ersal% in En#lis!% or tanslate$ into S1anis! as fruta de
pan <fruit=% or arbor de pan% arbor del pan <tree=% or pan de pobre9 into Fren!% as fruit a
pain <see$less=% chataignier <-it!see$s=% arbre a pain <tree=9 "ortu#uese% fruta pao% or
pao de massa9 Dut!% broodvrucht <fruit=% broodboom <tree=. In:eneBuela it 'ay (e
alle$ pan de ano% pan de todo el ano% pan de palo! pan de name! topan% or tupan9 in
4uate'ale an$ 0on$uras% mazapan <see$less=% castana <-it! see$s=9 in "eru% marure9 in
;uatan% castano de Malabar <-it! see$s=9 in "uerto Rio% panapen <see$less=% pana de
pepitas <-it! see$s=. In Malaya an$ Ja&a% it is su"u or su"un <see$less=9 "ulur! "elur% or
"ulor <-it! see$s=9 in T!ailan$% sa#"e% in t!e "!ili11ines% rimas <see$less=9 in 0a-aii% ulu.
T!e ty1e -it! see$s is so'eti'es alle$ ?(rea$nut?% a na'e (etter li'ite$ to Brosimum
alicastrum S-artB% an e$i(le7see$e$ tree of ;uatan% Central A'eria an$ near(y areas.
Its S1anis! na'e is ramon an$ t!e see$s% lea&es an$ t-i#s are 1riBe$ as sto5 fee$.
T!e (rea$fruit tree is !an$so'e an$ fast #ro-in#% rea!in# 32 ft <8A '= in !ei#!t% often
-it! a lear trun5 to 86 ft <A '= (eo'in# 8 to A ft <6.A7).3 '= in -i$t! an$ often
(uttresse$ at t!e (ase% t!ou#! so'e &arieties 'ay ne&er e/ee$ )F. or )F8 of t!ese
$i'ensions. T!ere are 'any s1rea$in# (ran!es% so'e t!i5 -it! lateral folia#e7(earin#
(ran!lets% ot!ers lon# an$ slen$er -it! folia#e lustere$ only at t!eir ti1s. T!e lea&es%
e&er#reen or $ei$uous $e1en$in# on li'ati on$itions% on t!i5% yello- 1etioles to )
)F8 in <,.3 '= lon#% are o&ate% * to ,A in <88.37*6 '= lon#% 3 to 86 in <86726 '= -i$e%
entire at t!e (ase% t!en 'ore or less $ee1ly ut into 2 to )) 1ointe$ lo(es. T!ey are (ri#!t7
#reen an$ #lossy on t!e u11er surfae% -it! ons1iuous yello- &eins9 $ull% yello-is!
an$ oate$ -it! 'inute% stiff !airs on t!e un$ersi$e.
T!e tree (ears a 'ultitu$e of tiny flo-ers% t!e 'ale $ensely set on a $roo1in#% ylin$rial
or lu(7s!a1e$ s1i5e 2 to )8 in <)8.27,6 '= lon# an$ ) to ) )F8 in <8.27,.+2 '= t!i5%
yello-is! at first an$ (eo'in# (ro-n. T!e fe'ale are 'asse$ in a so'e-!at roun$e$ or
elli1ti% #reen% 1ri5ly !ea$% 8 )F8 in <A.,2 '= lon# an$ ) )F8 in <,.3 '= aross% -!i!
$e&elo1s into t!e o'1oun$ fruit <or synar1=% o(lon#% ylin$rial% o&oi$% roun$e$ or
1ears!a1e$% , )F8 to )3 in <*7.2 '= in len#t! an$ 8 to )8 in <27,6 '= in $ia'eter. T!e
t!in rin$ is 1atterne$ -it! irre#ular% .7 to A7si$e$ faes% in so'e ?s'oot!? fruits le&el
-it! t!e surfae% in ot!ers onial9 in so'e% t!ere 'ay rise fro' t!e enter of ea! fae a
s!ar1% (la5 1oint% or a #reen% 1lia(le s1ine to )F3 in <, ''= lon# or lon#er. So'e fruits
'ay !a&e a !ars!% san$1a1er7li5e rin$. 4enerally t!e rin$ is #reen at first% turnin#
yello-is!7#reen% yello- or yello-7(ro-n -!en ri1e% t!ou#! one &ariety is la&en$er.
Fi#. ),@ Ri1e (rea$fruit <Artocarpus altilis=. In@ J. M J. Morton% Fifty $ropical Fruits of %assau% )*.A.
In t!e #reen sta#e% t!e fruit is !ar$ an$
t!e interior is -!ite% star!y an$
so'e-!at fi(rous. W!en fully ri1e% t!e
fruit is so'e-!at soft% t!e interior is
rea' olore$ or yello- an$ 1asty% also
s-eetly fra#rant. T!e see$s are
irre#ularly o&al% roun$e$ at one en$%
1ointe$ at t!e ot!er% a(out ,F. in <8 '=
lon#% $ull7(ro-n -it! $ar5er stri1es. In
t!e enter of see$less fruits t!ere is a
ylin$rial or o(lon# ore% in so'e ty1es
o&ere$ -it! !airs (earin# flat% (ro-n%
a(orti&e see$s a(out )F3 in <, ''= lon#.
T!e fruit is (orne sin#ly or in lusters of
8 or , at t!e (ran! ti1s. T!e fruit stal5
<1e$iel= &aries fro' ) to 2 in <8.27)8.2
'= lon#.
All 1arts of t!e tree% inlu$in# t!e unri1e fruit% are ri! in 'il5y% #u''y late/. T!ere are
t-o 'ain ty1es@ t!e nor'al% ?-il$? ty1e <ulti&ate$ in so'e areas= -it! see$s an$ little
1ul1% an$ t!e ?ulti&ate$? <'ore -i$ely #ro-n= see$less ty1e% (ut oasionally a fe-
fully $e&elo1e$ see$s are foun$ in usually see$less ulti&ars. So'e for's -it! entire
lea&es an$ -it! (ot! see$s an$ e$i(le 1ul1 !a&e (een lassifie$ (y Dr. F.R. Fos(er# as
(elon#in# to a se1arate s1eies% A. mariannensis Treul. (ut t!ese o''only inte#rate
-it! A. altilis an$ so'e ot!er (otanists re#ar$ t!e' as inlu$e$ in t!at !i#!ly &aria(le
Origin and Distribution
T!e (rea$fruit is (elie&e$ to (e nati&e to a &ast area e/ten$in# fro' Ne- 4uinea t!rou#!
t!e In$o7Malayan Ar!i1ela#o to Western Mironesia. It is sai$ to !a&e (een -i$ely
s1rea$ in t!e "aifi area (y 'i#ratin# "olynesians% an$ 0a-aiians (elie&e$ t!at it -as
(rou#!t fro' t!e Sa'oan islan$ of U1alu to Oa!u in t!e )8t! Century A.D. It is sai$ to
!a&e (een first seen (y Euro1eans in t!e Mar>uesas in )2*2% t!en in Ta!iti in )A6A. At
t!e (e#innin# of t!e )3t! Century% t!e early En#lis! e/1lorers -ere lou$ in its 1raises%
an$ its fa'e% to#et!er -it! se&eral 1erio$s of fa'ine in Ja'aia (et-een )+36 an$ )+3A%
ins1ire$ 1lantation o-ners in t!e Britis! West In$ies to 1etition Jin# 4eor#e III to
i'1ort see$less (rea$fruit trees to 1ro&i$e foo$ for t!eir sla&es.
T!ere is #oo$ e&i$ene t!at t!e Fren! na&i#ator Sonnerat in )++8 o(taine$ t!e see$e$
(rea$fruit in t!e "!ili11ines an$ (rou#!t it to t!e Fren! West In$ies. It see's also t!at
so'e see$less an$ see$e$ (rea$fruit 1lants rea!e$ Ja'aia fro' a Fren! s!i1 (oun$ for
Martini>ue (ut a1ture$ (y t!e Britis! in )+38. T!ere -ere at least t-o 1lants of t!e
see$e$ (rea$fruit in Ja'aia in )+3. an$ $istri(utions -ere >ui5ly 'a$e to t!e ot!er
islan$s. T!ere is a reor$ of a 1lant !a&in# (een sent fro' Martini>ue to t!e St. :inent
Botanial 4ar$en (efore )+*,. T!e story of Ca1tain Bli#!Cs first &oya#e to Ta!iti% in
Fi#. ). Brea$fruit is (orne sin#ly or in 8Cs or ,Cs at t!e
(ran! ti1s of t!is !an$so'e% lar#e7lea&e$ tree.
)+3+% an$ t!e loss of !is ar#o of )%6)2 1otte$ (rea$fruit 1lants on !is $isastrous return
&oya#e is -ell 5no-n. 0e set out a#ain in )+*) an$ $eli&ere$ 2 $ifferent 5in$s totallin#
8%)8A 1lants to Ja'aia in Fe(ruary )+*,. On t!at islan$% t!e see$less (rea$fruit
flouris!e$ an$ it a'e to (e o''only 1lante$ in ot!er islan$s of t!e West In$ies% in t!e
lo-lan$s of Central A'eria an$ nort!ern Sout! A'eria. In so'e areas% only t!e
see$less ty1e is #ro-n% in ot!ers% 1artiularly 0aiti% t!e see$e$ is 'ore o''on. Ja'aia
is (y far t!e lea$in# 1ro$uer of t!e see$less ty1e% follo-e$ (y St. Luia. In Ne- 4uinea%
only t!e see$e$ ty1e is #ro-n for foo$.
It !as (een su##este$ t!at t!e see$e$ (rea$fruit -as arrie$ (y S1aniar$s fro' t!e
"!ili11ines to Me/io an$ Central A'eria lon# (efore any rea!e$ t!e West In$ies. On
t!e "aifi oast of Central A'eria% t!e see$e$ ty1e is o''on an$ stan$ar$ fare for
$o'esti s-ine. On t!e Atlanti Coast% see$less &arieties are 'u! onsu'e$ (y 1eo1le
of Afrian ori#in. T!e (rea$fruit tree is 'u! #ro-n for s!a$e in ;uatan. It is &ery
o''on in t!e lo-lan$s of Colo'(ia% a 1o1ular foo$ in t!e Caua :alley% t!e C!oo%
an$ t!e San An$res Islan$s9 'ostly fe$ to li&e sto5 in ot!er areas. In 4uyana% in )*+3%
a(out )%666 ne- (rea$fruit trees -ere (ein# 1ro$ue$ ea! year (ut not nearly enou#! to
fill re>uests for 1lants. T!ere an$ in Trini$a$% (eause of 'any Asians in t!e 1o1ulation%
(ot! see$e$ an$ see$less (rea$fruits are 'u! a11reiate$ as a re#ular artile of t!e $iet9
in so'e ot!er areas of t!e Cari((ean% (rea$fruit is re#ar$e$ 'erely as a foo$ for t!e 1oor
for use only in e'er#enies. No-a$ays% it is attratin# t!e attention of #our'ets an$
so'e islan$s are 'a5in# s'all s!i1'ents to t!e Unite$ States% Cana$a an$ Euro1e for
s1eialiBe$ et!ni 'ar5ets. In t!e "alau Islan$s of t!e Sout! "aifi% (rea$fruit is (ein#
outlasse$ (y assa&a an$ i'1orte$ flour an$ rie. For so'e ti'e (rea$fruit -as losin#
#roun$ to taro <Colocasia esculenta S!ott.= in 0a-aii% (ut no- lan$ for taro is li'ite$
an$ its ulture is stati.
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture (rou#!t in (rea$fruit 1lants fro' t!e Canal
None% "ana'a% in )*6A <S.".I. O)*883=. For 'any years t!ere !a&e (een a nu'(er of
see$less (rea$fruit trees in Jey West% Flori$a% an$ t!ere is no- at least one on :aa Jey
a(out 26 'iles to t!e nort!east. On t!e 'ainlan$ of Flori$a% t!e tree an (e 'aintaine$
out$oors for a fe- years -it! 'il$ -inters (ut% unless 1rotete$ -it! 1lasti o&erin# to
1re&ent $e!y$ration% it ulti'ately suu'(s. A fe- !a&e (een 5e1t ali&e in #reen!ouses
or onser&atories su! as t!e Rare "lant 0ouse of Fair!il$ Tro1ial 4ar$en% an$ t!e
in$oor #ar$en of t!e Ja'aia Inn on Jey Bisayne.
An un1u(lis!e$ re1ort of )*8) o&ere$ 866 ulti&ars of (rea$fruit in t!e Mar>uesas. T!e
Sout! "aifi Co''ission 1u(lis!e$ t!e results of a (rea$fruit sur&ey in )*AA. In it% t!ere
-ere $esri(e$ )AA na'e$ sorts fro' Ton#a% Niue% Western an$ A'erian Sa'oa% "a1ua
an$ Ne- 4uinea% Ne- 0e(ri$es an$ Rotu'a. T!ere are +6 na'e$ &arieties of see$e$ an$
see$less (rea$fruits in FiDi. T!ey are loally se1arate$ into 3 lasses (y leaf for'. T!e
follo-in#% (riefly 1resente$% are t!ose t!at are reor$e$ as ?&ery #oo$?. It -ill (e note$
t!at so'e &arietal na'es are re1orte$ un$er 'ore t!an one lass.
Class &@ Leaf entire% or -it! one or t-o% oasionally% t!ree lo(es.
'(o/o'G roun$9 . in <)6 '= -i$e9 see$less9 $oes not $eteriorate >ui5ly.
'Ta#aikora'G#our$ s!a1e$ <onstrite$ aroun$ 'i$$le=9 to . )F8 in <)).2 '= lon#% , in
<+.2 '= -i$e9 -it! 'any see$s. Can (e eaten ra- -!en ri1e. 0i#!ly 1eris!a(le. Tree to
.6 or .2 ft <)87),.2 '=.
Class &&@ Leaf $issete$ at a1e/.
'Te#aipo'Groun$9 , )F8 in <* '= lon#9 see$less. Can (e eaten ra- -!en ri1e. T!ere is
also an o(lon# for' -it! 'any see$s.
Class &&&@ Leaf 'o$erately $ee1ly $issete$ at a1e/.
'*to (uro'Groun$9 2 in <)8.2 '= lon#9 $oes not $eteriorate >ui5ly.
Class &'@ Leaf 'o$erately $ee1ly $issete$ on u11er !alf.
'$a#oa'G<CJasa Bala&uC= roun$9 . to A in <)67)2 '= lon#9 see$s s1arse to 'any.
'*to 'alewa'Go(lon#9 to 3 in <86 '= lon# an$ A in <)2 '= -i$e9 see$less.
'(ulu Dina'Go(lon#9 to )A in <.6 '= lon# an$ ), in <,, '= -i$e9 see$less. Nee$ not
(e 1eele$ after oo5in#. Tree (ears all year.
'$ogasoga'Go(lon#9 to * in <8, '= lon# an$ A )F8 in <)A.2 '= -i$e9 see$less.
'*to Dina'Go(lon#9 to A in <)2 '= lon# an$ , to , )F8 in <+.27* '= -i$e9 see$less9
nee$ not (e 1eele$ after oo5in#. Tree A6 to +6 ft <)378) '= !i#!.
'Buco 0i Viti'Go(lon#9 )) to ). in <837,2.2 '= lon#% A to + in <)27)3 '= -i$e9
see$less9 one of t!e (est ulti&ars.
'Ta#aikora'Go(lon#9 + to * in <)378, '= lon#% 2 to A )F8 in <)8.27)A.2 '= -i$e9
see$s s1arse9 1ul1 eaten ra- -!en ri1e. Tree to +2 or 32 ft <8,78A '= !i#!9 (ears 8 ro1s
1er year.
'(ulu Mabo#abo'Go&al9 A to 3 in <)2786 '= lon#% . to 2 )F8 in <)67). '= -i$e9
Class '@ Leaf 'o$erately $ee1ly $issete$9 s!a1e of leaf (ase &aria(le.
'*to Dina'Groun$9 . )F8 to 2 in <)).27)8.2 '= -i$e9 see$ less. 0i#!ly reo''en$e$.
Tree is 827,6 ft <+.27* '= tall.
'Balekana 0i $a#oa'Groun$9 . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '= lon#9 see$s s1arse. Best of all
Sa'oan &arieties. T!ere is an o&al for' (y t!e sa'e na'e9 see$less9 $eteriorates &ery
'Balekana 0i Vita'Groun$9 , )F8 to . in <*7)6 '= lon#9 see$less. Does not $eteriorate
'Balekana Dina'Go&al9 A to 3 in <)2786 '= lon#% , to 2 in <+.27)8.2 '= -i$e9 see$s
s1arse. One of t!e (est% es1eially -!en (oile$.
'Tabukiraro'Groun$9 3 in <86 '= lon#9 see$less9 s5in so'eti'es eaten after oo5in#.
'$ici 0i $a#oa'Go&al9 2 to A in <)8.27)2 '= lon#% , to , )F8 in <+.27* '= -i$e9
see$less. One of t!e !i#!ly reo''en$e$ Sa'oan &arieties.
'*to Me'Go&al9 2 to A ,F. in <)8.27)+ '= lon#% . )F8 to 2 in <)).2 '= -i$e9 -it! 'any
see$s9 $oes not $eteriorate >ui5ly.
'*to 1a'Go&al9 A to + )F8 in <)27)* '= lon#% 2 to 2 )F8 in <)8.27). '= -i$e. T!e
&ariety 'ost reo''en$e$.
'(ulu Vawiri'Go&al9 * to )8 in <887,6 '= lon#% 3 to * in <86788 '= -i$e9 es1eially
#oo$ -!en (oile$.
Class '&@ Leaf $ee1ly $issete$.
'(ulu Dina'Groun$9 , to . in <+.27)6 '= lon#9 see$less. Nee$ not (e 1eele$ after
(oilin#. 0i#!ly reo''en$e$.
'Balekana'Go&al9 . in <)6 '= lon#% , in <+.2 '= -i$e9 of t!e (est >uality. Tree +6 to
36 ft <8)78. '= !i#!.
'Balekana 0i $a#oa'Groun$9 , in <+.2 '= lon#9 see$s s1arse. Best of all Sa'oan
'Balekana 0i Viti'Go(lon#9 2 to A in <)8.27)2 '= lon#% , to . in <+.27)6 '= -i$e9
see$less. T!e (est nati&e7ty1e &ariety.
'*to Dina'G<CJasa Le5aC= roun$9 . in <)6 '= lon#9 see$less.
'*to Matala'Groun$9 , to . in <+.27)6 '= lon#. Es1eially fine -!en (oile$. Tree (ears
, ti'es a year.
Class '&&@ Leaf $ee1ly $issete$9 a1e/ 1ointe$.
'Balekana 0i $a#oa'Groun$9 2 to 2 )F8 in <)8.27). '= lon#9 see$s s1arse. Best of all
Sa'oan &arieties.
'(ulu Dina'G<CJasa Bala&uC= o&al9 A to + in <)27)3 '= lon#% . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '=
-i$e9 see$less.
'*to Dina'G<Lar#e= o&al9 3 to * in <86788 '= lon#% . to + in <)67)3 '= -i$e9 see$less.
Also% (y t!e sa'e na'e% a for' -it! only 'o$erately $issete$ lea&es.
'Bokasi'Groun$9 . in <)6 '= lon#% , in <+.2 '= -i$e.
Class '&&&@ Leaf $ee1ly $issete$% -i$e s1aes (et-een lo(es.
'$a&isa&i 0i $a#oa'Go&al9 . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '= lon#% , to , )F8 in <+.27* '= -i$e.
Ran5s -it! (est Sa'oan &arieties.
'$a&isa&i 0i Viti'Go(lon#9 A to 3 in<)A786 '= lon#% . to A in <)67)2 '= -i$e9
see$less9 es1eially #oo$ -!en (oile$.
'$a&isa&i'Groun$9 , to , )F8 in <+.27* '= -i$e9 es1eially #oo$ -!en (oile$.
'Balawa 0i Viti'Go&al9 A to + in <)27)3 '= lon#% , )F8 to . in <*7)6 '= -i$e9 see$less.
'*to (asekasei'Groun$9 . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '= lon#9 see$s s1arse.
'Via -oa'Go(lon#9 A to + in <)27)3 '= lon#% . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '= -i$e9 see$less9 $oes
not $eteriorate >ui5ly.
Joroie&ei(au 1ro&i$es a 5ey to t!e 3 lasses illustrate$ (y leaf an$ fruit outline s5et!es.
".J. Wester% in )*83% 1u(lis!e$ $esri1tions of 28 (rea$fruit ulti&ars of t!e "aifi
Islan$s. In t!e (oo5% $he Breadfruit of $ahiti9 (y 4.". Wil$er% t!ere are $etaile$
$esri1tions an$ lose7u1% (la57an$7-!ite 1!oto#ra1!i illustrations of t!e folia#e an$
fruit of ,6 na'e$ &arieties% an$ of t!e folia#e only of one -!i! $i$ not !a&e 'ature fruit
at t!e ti'e of -ritin#. One CAataC% an o(lon# fruit% is $esri(e$ as of 1oor >uality an$
eaten (y !u'ans only -!en (etter (rea$fruits are sare% (ut it is i'1ortant as fee$ for
1i#s an$ !orses. T!e tree (ears !ea&ily. A'on# t!e (est are@
'Ara&ei'Gfruit elli1soi$al9 lar#e% 3 to )8 in <)67,6 '= lon#% A to * in <)2788 '= -i$e9
rin$ yello-is!7#reen -it! (ro-n s1ots on t!e sunny si$e9 rou#!% -it! s!ar1 1oints -!i!
are s!e$ on 'aturity. "ul1 is li#!t7yello-% $ry or fla5y an$ of $eliious fla&or after
oo5in# -!i! ta5es &ery little ti'e. Core lon#% sli'% -it! 'any a(orti&e see$s.
'%a&ana'Gfruit o&al7roun$9 t!e rin$ yello-is!7#reen% s1iny9 1ul1 #ol$en7yello-% 'oist%
1asty% se1arates into loose fla5es -!en oo5e$9 &ery s-eet -it! e/ellent fla&or9 ore
o&al% lar#e% -it! a ro- of a(orti&e see$s. :ery 1eris!a(le9 'ust (e use$ -it!in 8 $ays9
oo5s >ui5ly o&er fire. Fruit (orne in 8Cs an$ ,Cs. "o1ularly lai'e$ to (e one of t!e (est
'Mao!i'Gfruit roun$9 A in <)2 '= -i$e9 rin$ (ri#!t yello-7#reen -it! 1at!es of re$7
(ro-n9 rou#!% -it! s1ines% an$ often (ears 'u! e/u$e$ late/. "ul1 rea'7olore$ an$
s'oot! -!en oo5e$9 of &ery #oo$ fla&or9 slo- oo5in#% nee$s e&en !eat. Core is lar#e.
Fruit is (orne in 8Cs an$ ,Cs. Tree a !ea&y (earer. T!is is t!e 'ost o''on (rea$fruit of
'Paea'Gelli1soi$al9 &ery lar#e% to )) in <83 '= lon# an$ * in <88.3 '= -i$e9 rin$
yello-is!7#reen% s1iny9 ore o(lon#% t!i5% -it! a ro- of (ro-n% a(orti&e see$s9 1ul1
(ri#!t7yello-% 'oist% sli#!tly 1asty% se1aratin# into fla5es -!en oo5e$9 a#reea(le (ut
only one of its for's% C"aea MaaroaroC% is really s-eet. For'erly% C"aeaC -as reser&e$ for
!iefs only. Nee$s one !our to roast on o1en fire. T!e tree is tall% es1eially -ell for'e$
an$ ele#ant.
'Pei'G(roa$7elli1soi$al9 lar#e9 rin$ li#!t7#reen% relati&ely s'oot!9 1ul1 li#!t7yello- an$
fla5y -!en oo5e$% aro'ati% of s-eet% $eliious ?fruity? fla&or9 oo5s >ui5ly. Ri1ens
earlier t!an ot!ers. W!en t!e (rea$fruit ro1 is sant% t!e fruits of t!is ulti&ar are store$
(y (uryin# in t!e #roun$ until nee$e$% e&en for a year% t!en ta5en u1% -ra11e$ in
Cordyline lea&es an$ (oile$.
'Pucro'Gfruit s1!erial or elon#ate$9 lar#e9 rin$ yello-7#reen -it! s'all (ro-n s1ots%
&ery rou#!% s1iny% t!in9 1ul1 li#!t7yello- an$ s'oot!% of e/ellent fla&or. Coo5s >ui5ly.
0i#!ly estee'e$% ran5e$ -it! t!e &ery (est (rea$fruits. T!ere are t-o o(lon# for's% one
-it! a lar#e% !airy ore.
'2are'Gfruit (roa$7o&oi$9 to + in <)+.2 '= lon#% rin$ (ri#!t7#reen% rou#!% s1iny9 1ul1 of
$ee17rea' tone% fine7#raine$% s'oot!% fla5y -!en oo5e$9 of &ery s-eet% e/ellent
fla&or. Core is s'all -it! a #reat 'any s'all a(orti&e see$s. Must (e oo5e$ for a(out
one !our. T!ere are , for's t!at are -ell reo#niBe$. Fruits are (orne sin#ly on a tall%
o1en% s!ort (ran!e$ tree.
'2are Au#ee'Gfruit roun$9 A )F8 in <)A.2 '= aross9 rin$ (ri#!t7#reen -it! re$7(ro-n
s1lot!es% fairly s'oot! at t!e (ase (ut rou#! at t!e a1e/9 1ul1 $ee17i&ory% fir'% s'oot!
-!en oo5e$9 not &ery s-eet (ut of e/ellent fla&or. Coo5s >ui5ly. 0i#!ly 1riBe$9 in
sare su11ly (eause t!e tall% fe- (ran!e$ tree (ears santily.
'2are Autia'Gfruit roun$9 A in <)2 '= aross9 rin$ $ull7#reen -it! re$7(ro-n 'ar5in#s.
"ul1 li#!t7yello- -!en oo5e$ an$ se1arates into !un5s9 !as e/ellent fla&or. Core is
lar#e -it! s'all a(orti&e see$s all aroun$. T!is ulti&ar is so su1erior it -as restrite$ to
royalty an$ !i#! !iefs in ol$en ti'es.
'Tatara'Gfruit (roa$7elli1soi$9 &erylar#e% u1 to )6 l(s<..2 5#= in -ei#!t9 rin$ !as
1ro'inent faes -it! lon# #reen s1ines9 1ul1 li#!t7yello-% s'oot! -!en oo5e$ an$ of
1leasant fla&or. Core is o(lon#. T!is &ariety is #reatly estee'e$. T!e tree is foun$ only in
a s'all oastal &alley -!ere t!ere is !ea&y rainfall. It is of lar#e $i'ensions an$ !i#!7
(ran!in# an$ it is $iffiult to !ar&est t!e fruits.
'Vai Paere'Gfruit is o(o&oi$9 )6 to )8 in <827,6 '= lon#% + to 3 in <)+.2786 '= -i$e9
rin$ is yello-7#reen -it! re$7(ro-n s1lot!es an$ t!ere is a s!ort raise$ 1oint at t!e
enter of ea! fae9 1ul1 li#!t7yello-% fir'% s'oot!% a little $ryis! -!en oo5e$% -it! a
sli#!tly ai$% (ut e/ellent fla&or. Core is o(lon#% lar#e% -it! a fe- a(orti&e see$s
atta!e$. Fruit oo5s easily. Tree is &ery tall% (ears fruit in lusters. 4ro-s at sea le&el in
fairly $ry loations.
T!ere are at least 26 ulti&ars on "ona1e an$ a(out t!e sa'e nu'(er on Tru5. In Sa'oa%
a &ariety 5no-n as 'Maopo'% -it! lea&es t!at are al'ost entire or so'eti'es &ery
s!allo-ly lo(e$% is &ery o''on an$ onsi$ere$ one of t!e (est.
'Puou' is anot!er !oie an$ 'u! 1lante$ &ariety sine early ti'es. It !as $ee1ly ut
lea&es an$ nearly roun$ fruits A in <)2 '= lon#. CUlu EaC% -it! lea&es e&en 'ore $ee1ly
lo(e$% !as o(lon# fruits to A )F3 in <)2.2 '= lon# an$ 2 in <)8.2 '= -i$e9 is a lon#ti'e
In t!e 1ast t!ree $ea$es t!ere !as (een an a-a5enin# to t!e 1ossi(ilities of inreasin#
t!e foo$ su11ly of tro1ial ountries (y 'ore 1lantin#s of selete$ &arieties of see$less
(rea$fruit. In )*23% 'any a11ealin# &arieties <so'e early% so'e late in season= -ere
ollete$ aroun$ t!e Sout! "aifi re#ion an$ transferre$ to Western Sa'oa% Ta!iti an$
FiDi for o'1arati&e trials. T-o years later% 1lans -ere 'a$e to intro$ue "olynesian
&arieties into Mironesia% an$ 1ro1a#atin# 'aterial of ,A Mironesian ty1es -as
$istri(ute$ to ot!er areas.
T!e (rea$fruit is ultra7tro1ial% 'u! ten$erer t!an t!e 'an#o tree. It !as (een re1orte$
t!at it re>uires a te'1erature ran#e of A6I to )66IF <)2.2AI7,+.+3IC=% an annual rainfall
of 36 to )66 in <86,782. '=% an$ a relati&e !u'i$ity of +6 to 36K. 0o-e&er% in sout!ern
In$ia% it is ulti&ate$ at sea le&el an$ u1 !u'i$ slo1es to an altitu$e of ,%266 ft <)%6A2 '=%
also in t!i5ets in $ry re#ions -!ere it an (e irri#ate$. In t!e ?e>uatorial $ry li'ate? of
t!e Mar>uesas% -!ere t!e (rea$fruit is an essential ro1% t!ere is an a&era#e rainfall of
only .6 to A6 in <)667)26 '= an$ fre>uent $rou#!ts. In Central A'eria% it is #ro-n
only (elo- 8%666 ft <A66 '=.
Aor$in# to 'any re1orts% t!e (rea$fruit tree 'ust !a&e $ee1% fertile% -ell7$raine$ soil.
But so'e of t!e (est aut!orities on Sout! "aifi 1lants 1oint out t!at t!e see$less
(rea$fruit $oes -ell on san$y oral soils% an$ see$e$ ty1es #ro- naturally on ?oraline
li'estone? islan$s in Mironesia. In Ne- 4uinea% t!e (rea$fruit tree ours -il$ alon#
-ater-ays an$ on t!e 'ar#ins of forests in t!e floo$ 1lain% an$ often in fres!-ater
s-a'1s. It is (elie&e$ t!at t!ere is #reat &ariation in t!e a$a1ta(ility of $ifferent strains to
li'ati an$ soil on$itions% an$ t!at ea! s!oul$ (e 'at!e$ -it! its 1ro1er
en&iron'ent. T!e Ta!itian CManitar&a5aC is 5no-n to (e $rou#!t7resistant. T!e &ariety
CMai7Tari5aC% of t!e 4il(ert Islan$s% is salt7tolerant. CMeD-aanC% a see$e$ &ariety of t!e
Mars!all Islan$s% is not !ar'e$ (y (ra5is! -ater nor salt s1ray an$ !as (een intro$ue$
into Western Sa'oa an$ Ta!iti.
T!e see$e$ (rea$fruit is al-ays #ro-n fro' see$s% -!i! 'ust (e 1lante$ -!en fairly
fres! as t!ey lose &ia(ility in a fe- -ee5s. T!e see$less (rea$fruit is often 1ro1a#ate$ (y
trans1lantin# su5ers -!i! s1rin# u1 naturally fro' t!e roots. One an $eli(erately
in$ue su5ers (y uno&erin# an$ inDurin# a root. "runin# t!e 1arent tree -ill inrease
t!e nu'(er of su5ers% an$ root 1runin# ea! su5er se&eral ti'es o&er a 1erio$ of
'ont!s (efore ta5in# it u1 -ill ontri(ute to its sur&i&al -!en trans1lante$. For
'ulti1liation in >uantity% it is (etter to 'a5e root uttin#s a(out ) to 8 )F8 in <8.27A.,2
'= t!i5 an$ * in <88 '= lon#. T!e en$s 'ay (e $i11e$ into a solution of 1otassiu'
1er'an#anate to oa#ulate t!e late/% an$ t!e uttin#s are 1lante$ lose to#et!er
!oriBontally in san$. T!ey s!oul$ (e s!a$e$ an$ -atere$ $aily% unless it is 1ossi(le to
a11ly inter'ittent 'ist. Calluses 'ay for' in A -ee5s <t!ou#! rootin# ti'e 'ay &ary
fro' 8 to 2 'ont!s= an$ t!e uttin#s are trans1lante$ to 1ots% at a slant% an$ -atere$ one
or t-ie a $ay for se&eral 'ont!s or until t!e 1lants are 8 ft <A6 '= !i#!. A refine$
'et!o$ of ra1i$ 1ro1a#ation uses ste' uttin#s ta5en fro' root s!oots. In "uerto Rio%
t!e uttin#s are trans1lante$ into 1lasti (a#s ontainin# a 'i/ture of soil% 1eat an$ san$%
5e1t un$er 'ist for a -ee5% t!en un$er A2K s!a$e% an$ #i&en li>ui$ fertiliBer an$ re#ular
-aterin#s. W!en t!e root syste' is -ell $e&elo1e$% t!ey are allo-e$ full sun until ti'e to
set out in t!e fiel$.
In In$ia% it is re1orte$ t!at (rea$fruit sions an (e suessfully #rafte$ or (u$$e$ onto
see$lin#s of -il$ Da5fruit trees.
;oun# (rea$fruit trees are 1lante$ in -ell7enri!e$ !oles )2 in <.6 '= $ee1 an$ , ft <6.*
'= -i$e t!at are first 1re1are$ (y (urnin# tras! in t!e' to steriliBe t!e soil an$ t!en
insetii$e is 'i/e$ -it! t!e soil to 1rotet t!e roots an$ s!oots fro' #ru(s. T!e trees are
s1ae$ 82 to .6 ft <+.27)8 '= a1art in 1lantations. Usually t!ere are a(out 82 trees 1er
are <3.F!a=. T!ose #ro-n fro' root su5ers -ill (ear in 2 years an$ -ill (e 1ro$uti&e
for 26 years. So'e #ro-ers reo''en$ 1runin# of (ran!es t!at !a&e (orne fruit an$
-oul$ nor'ally $ie (a5% (eause t!is 1ratie sti'ulates ne- s!oots an$ also ten$s to
5ee1 t!e tree fro' (ein# too tall for on&enient !ar&estin#.
Stan$ar$ 'i/tures of N"J are a11lie$ seasonally. W!en t!e trees rea! (earin# a#e% t!ey
ea! reei&e% in a$$ition% ... l(s <8 5#= su1er1!os1!ate 1er year to inrease t!e siBe an$
>uality of t!e fruits.
In t!e Sout! Seas% t!e tree fruits 'ore or less ontinuously% fruit in all sta#es of
$e&elo1'ent (ein# 1resent on t!e tree t!e year aroun$% (ut t!ere are t-o or t!ree 'ain
fruitin# 1erio$s. In t!e Caroline Islan$s an$ t!e 4il(ert Islan$s% t!e 'ain ri1enin# season
is May to July or Se1te'(er9 in t!e Soiety Islan$s an$ Ne- 0e(ri$es% fro' No&e'(er
to A1ril% t!e seon$ary ro1 (ein# in July an$ Au#ust. Brea$fruits are 'ost a(un$ant in
0a-aiian 'ar5ets off an$ on fro' July to Fe(ruary. Flo-erin# starts in Mar! in
nort!ern In$ia an$ fruits are rea$y for !ar&est in a(out , 'ont!s. See$e$ (rea$fruits
#ro-in# in t!e Eastern Caroline Islan$s fruit only one a year (ut t!e season is , 'ont!s
lon#Gfro' Dee'(er to Mar!. See$less &arieties intro$ue$ fro' "ona1e (ear 8 to ,
ti'es a year. In t!e Ba!a'as% (rea$fruit is a&aila(le 'ainly fro' June to No&e'(er% (ut
so'e fruits 'ay 'ature at ot!er ti'es $urin# t!e year.
%ar&esting and 'ield
Brea$fruits are 1i5e$ -!en 'aturity is in$iate$ (y t!e a11earane of s'all $ro1s of
late/ on t!e surfae. 0ar&esters li'( t!e trees an$ (rea5 t!e fruit stal5 -it! a for5e$
sti5 so t!at t!e fruit -ill fall. E&en t!ou#! t!is 'ay ause so'e (ruisin# or s1littin#% it is
onsi$ere$ (etter t!an at!in# t!e fruits (y !an$ (eause t!e (ro5en 1e$iel lea5s 'u!
late/. T!ey are 1a5e$ in artons in -!i! t!ey are se1arate$ in$i&i$ually (y $i&i$ers.
In t!e Sout! "aifi% t!e trees yiel$ 26 to )26 fruits 1er year. In sout!ern In$ia% nor'al
1ro$ution is )26 to 866 fruits annually. "ro$uti&ity &aries (et-een -et an$ $ry areas.
In t!e West In$ies% a onser&ati&e esti'ate is 82 fruits 1er tree. Stu$ies in Bar(a$os
in$iate a reasona(le 1otential of A.+ to ),.. tons 1er are <)A7,8 tonsF!a=. Mu! !i#!er
yiel$s !a&e (een foreaste$% (ut e/1erts are s5e1tial an$ &ie- t!ese as unrealisti.
(eeping )uality
In Ja'aia% sur1lus (rea$fruits are often 5e1t un$er -ater until nee$e$. Fully ri1e fruits
t!at !a&e fallen fro' t!e tree an (e -ra11e$ in 1olyet!ylene% or 1ut into 1olyet!ylene
(a#s% an$ 5e1t for )6 $ays in stora#e at a te'1erature of 2,.AIF <)8IC=. At lo-er
te'1erature% t!e fruit s!o-s !illin# inDury. Sli#!tly unri1e fruits t!at !a&e (een au#!t
(y !an$ -!en 5no5e$ $o-n an (e 'aintaine$ for )2 $ays un$er t!e sa'e on$itions.
T!e t!i5ness of t!e 1olyet!ylene is i'1ortant@ ,37or e&en 267'iro'eter (a#s are
(enefiial% (ut not 827'iro'eter.
So'e Ja'aian e/1orters 1artly roast t!e -!ole fruits to oa#ulate t!e late/% let t!e'
ool% an$ t!en s!i1 t!e' (y sea to Ne- ;or5 an$ Euro1e. :arious 'eans of 1reser&in#
(rea$fruit for future loal use are 'entione$ un$er ?Foo$ Uses?% >.&.
Pests and Diseases
Soft7sales an$ 'ealy(u#s are foun$ on (rea$fruit trees in t!e West In$ies an$ ants infest
(ran!es t!at $ie (a5 after fruitin#. In sout!ern In$ia% t!e fruits on t!e tree are su(Det to
soft rot. T!is fun#us $isease an (e ontrolle$ (y t-o s1rays of Bor$eau/ 'i/ture% one
'ont! a1art. ;oun# (rea$fruit trees in Trini$a$ !a&e (een 5ille$ (y a $isease ause$ (y
(osellinia s1. In t!e "aifi Islan$s Fusarium s1. is (elie&e$ to (e t!e ause of $ie (a5%
an$ )ythium s1. is sus1ete$ in ases of root rot. A 'ysterious 'ala$y% alle$ ?"in#ala1
$isease?% 5ille$ t!ousan$s of trees fro' )*2+ to )*A6 in t!e 4il(ert an$ Ellie Islan$s% t!e
Caroline Islan$s% Mars!alls an$ Mariannas. T!e folia#e -ilts an$ t!en t!e (ran! $ies
(a5. So'eti'es t!e -!ole tree is affete$ an$ 5ille$ to t!e roots9 oasionally only !alf
of a tree $elines. T!e fun#us% )hytophthora palmivora% atta5s t!e fruit on t!e islan$ of
Tru5. )homopsis% othiorella an$ )hylospora ause ste'7en$ rot.
Food *ses
Li5e t!e (anana an$ 1lantain% t!e (rea$fruit 'ay (e eaten ri1e as a fruit or un$erri1e as a
&e#eta(le. For t!e latter 1ur1ose% it is 1i5e$ -!ile still star!y an$ is (oile$ or% in t!e
tra$itional "aifi Islan$ fas!ion% roaste$ in an un$er#roun$ o&en on 1re7!eate$ ro5s.
So'eti'es it is ore$ an$ stuffe$ -it! oonut (efore roastin#. Malayans 1eel fir'7ri1e
fruits% slie t!e 1ul1 an$ fry it in siru1 or 1al' su#ar until it is ris1 an$ (ro-n. Fili1inos
enDoy t!e oo5e$ fruit -it! oonut an$ su#ar.
Fully ri1e fruits% (ein# s-eeter% are (a5e$ -!ole -it! a little -ater in t!e 1an. So'e
oo5s re'o&e t!e ste' an$ ore (efore oo5in# an$ 1ut (utter an$ su#ar in t!e a&ity%
an$ ser&e -it! 'ore of t!e sa'e. Ot!ers 'ay ser&e t!e (a5e$ fruit -it! (utter% salt an$
1e11er. Ri1e fruits 'ay (e !al&e$ or >uartere$ an$ stea'e$ for ) or 8 !ours an$ seasone$
in t!e sa'e 'anner as (a5e$ fruits. T!e stea'e$ fruit is so'eti'es slie$% rolle$ in flour
an$ frie$ in $ee1 fat. In 0a-aii% un$erri1e fruits are $ie$% (oile$% an$ ser&e$ -it! (utter
an$ su#ar% or salt an$ 1e11er% or $ie$ an$ oo5e$ -it! ot!er &e#eta(les% (aon an$ 'il5
as a !o-$er. In t!e Ba!a'as% (rea$fruit sou1 is 'a$e (y (oilin# un$erri1e !un5s of
(rea$fruit in -ater until t!e li>ui$ (e#ins to t!i5en% t!en a$$in# oo5e$ salt 1or5%
!o11e$ onion% -!ite 1e11er an$ salt% stirrin# till t!i5% t!en a$$in# 'il5 an$ (utter%
strainin#% a$$in# a (it of s!erry an$ si''erin# until rea$y to ser&e.
T!e 1ul1 sra1e$ fro' soft% ri1e (rea$fruits is o'(ine$ -it! oonut 'il5 <not oonut
-ater=% salt an$ su#ar an$ (a5e$ to 'a5e a 1u$$in#. A 'ore ela(orate $essert is
onote$ of 'as!e$ ri1e (rea$fruit% -it! (utter% 8 (eaten e##s% su#ar% nut'e#% inna'on
an$ rose-ater% a $as! of s!erry or (ran$y% (len$e$ an$ (oile$. T!ere are nu'erous ot!er
$is!es 1euliar to $ifferent areas. Brea$fruit is also an$ie$% or so'eti'es 1re1are$ as a
s-eet 1i5le.
In Mironesia% t!e 1eel is sra1e$ off -it! a s!ar1ene$ o-rie s!ell% or t!e fruits are
1eele$ -it! a 5nife% ore$% ut u1 an$ 1ut into sa5s or (as5ets% soa5e$ in t!e sea for
a(out 8 !ours -!ile (ein# (eaten or tra'1le$9 allo-e$ to $rain on s!ore for a fe- $ays9
t!en 1a5e$ in (anana leaf7line$ (o/es to fer'ent for a 'ont! or 'u! lon#er% t!e lea&es
(ein# !an#e$ -ee5ly.
In "olynesia an$ Mironesia% a lar#e nu'(er of fruits are (a5e$ in a nati&e o&en an$ left
t!ere to fer'ent. O&er a 1erio$ of a fe- -ee5s% (at!es are ta5en out as nee$e$. In t!e
Ne- 0e(ri$es% 1eele$ (rea$fruits are -ra11e$ in lea&es an$ 1lae$ to fer'ent in 1iles of
stones on o1en (ea!es -!ere t!ey -ill (e floo$e$ at !i#! ti$e. In Sa'oa% see$e$
(rea$fruits are s5inne$% -as!e$% >uartere$ an$ left to fer'ent in a 1it line$ an$ o&ere$
-it! layers of (anana an$ *eliconia lea&es% an$ to11e$ -it! eart! an$ ro5s. T!e fruits
fer'ent for lon# 1erio$s% so'eti'es for se&eral years% an$ for' a 1asty 'ass alle$ masi.
T!e see$s are s>ueeBe$ out% t!e 1aste is -ra11e$ in *eliconia lea&es s'eare$ -it!
oonut rea' an$ t!e 1ro$ut is (a5e$ for 8 !ours. T!ere is a stron#% !eese7li5e o$or%
(ut it is 'u! relis!e$ (y t!e nati&es.
T!e ori#inal 'et!o$ of 1oi 'a5in# in&ol&e$ 1eelin#% -as!in# an$ !al&in# t!e fruit%
$isar$in# t!e ore% 1lain# t!e fruits in stone 1its line$ -it! lea&es of Cor$yl'e
ter'inalis Junt!% alternatin# t!e layers of fruit -it! ol$ fer'ente$ 1o$% o&erin# t!e
u11er layer -it! lea&es% to11in# t!e 1it -it! soil an$ ro5s an$ lea&in# t!e ontents to
fer'ent% -!i! ai$ifies an$ 1reser&es t!e (rea$fruit for se&eral years.
Mo$ern 1oi is 'a$e fro' fir'7ri1e fruits% (oile$ -!ole until ten$er% ore$% slie$%
#roun$% 1oun$e$ to a 1aste% 5nea$e$ -it! a$$e$ -ater to t!in it% straine$ t!rou#! lot!%
an$ eaten. If it is to (e 5e1t in t!e refri#erator for 8 $ays% only a little -ater is a$$e$ in
5nea$in#9 'ore is a$$e$ an$ it is straine$ Dust (efore ser&in#. Foo$ &alue an$
$i#esti(ility are i'1ro&e$ (y 'i/in# -it! 1oi 'a$e fro' taro -!i! is rate$ !i#!ly as a
non7aller#eni foo$. In t!e Sey!elles% t!e see$less (rea$fruit is ut into slies )F8 in
<).82 '= t!i5% $rie$ for . $ays at )86IF <.3.3*IC=. In so'e "aifi Islan$s% t!e fruits
are 1artly roaste$% t!en 1eele$% $rie$ an$ for'e$ into loa&es for lon#7ti'e stora#e. T!e
Ceylonese $i1 (rea$fruit slies into a salt solution% t!en (lan! t!e' in (oilin# -ater for
2 'inutes% $ry t!e' at )23IF <+6IC= for . to A !ours (efore storin#. T!e slies -ill 5ee1
in #oo$ on$ition for 3 to )6 'ont!s. In 4ua'% oo5e$ fruits 'ay (e 'as!e$ to a 1aste
-!i! is s1rea$ out t!in% $rie$ in t!e sun% an$ -ra11e$ in lea&es for stora#e. It is soa5e$
in -ater to soften it for eatin#. T!is 'i#!t (e alle$ ?(rea$fruit leat!er?. On t!e s'all
Ja1in#a'aran#i Atoll in t!e Caroline Islan$s% t!e oo5e$ 1aste is 1resse$ into s!eets 2 ft
<).2 '= lon# an$ 86 in <26 '= -i$e% $rie$ in t!e sun on oonut leaf 'ats% t!en rolle$
into ylin$ers% -ra11e$ in )andanus lea&es an$ store$ for at least , years.
T!e $rie$ fruit !as (een 'a$e into flour an$ i'1ro&e$ 'et!o$s !a&e (een e/1lore$ in
Bar(a$os an$ BraBil -it! a &ie- to su(stitutin# (rea$fruit in 1art for -!eat flour in
(rea$'a5in#. T!e o'(ination !as (een foun$ 'ore nutritious t!an -!eat flour alone.
Brea$fruit flour is 'u! ri!er t!an -!eat flour in lysine an$ ot!er essential a'ino ai$s.
In Ja'aia% t!e flour is (oile$% s-eetene$% an$ eaten as 1orri$#e for (rea5fast.
Soft or o&erri1e (rea$fruit is (est for 'a5in# !i1s an$ t!ese are (ein# 'anufature$
o''erially in Trini$a$ an$ Bar(a$os. So'e (rea$fruit is anne$ in Do'inia an$
Trini$a$ for s!i1'ent to Lon$on an$ Ne- ;or5.
In Ja'aia% "uerto Rio an$ t!e Sout! "aifi% fallen 'ale flo-er s1i5es are (oile$%
1eele$ an$ eaten as &e#eta(les or are an$ie$ (y reoo5in#% for 87, !ours% in siru19 t!en
rolle$ in 1o-$ere$ su#ar an$ sun7$rie$.
T!e see$s are (oile$% stea'e$% roaste$ o&er a fire or in !ot oals an$ eaten -it! salt. In
West Afria% t!ey are so'eti'es 'a$e into a 1uree. In Costa Ria% t!e oo5e$ see$s are
sol$ (y street &en$ors.
Un$erri1e fruits are oo5e$ for fee$in# to 1i#s. Soft7ri1e fruits nee$ not (e oo5e$ an$
onstitute a lar#e 1art of t!e ani'al fee$ in 'any (rea$fruit7#ro-in# areas of t!e Ol$ an$
Ne- Worl$. Brea$fruit !as (een in&esti#ate$ as 1otential 'aterial for !i5fee$ (ut !as
(een foun$ to 1ro$ue less -ei#!t #ain t!an assa&a or 'aiBe $es1ite !i#!er inta5e% an$ it
also auses $elaye$ 'aturity.
E/1eri'ents (y te!nolo#ists at t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureCs Western
Re#ional Resear! La(oratory in Ber5eley% California% !a&e $e'onstrate$ t!at (rea$fruit
an (e o''erially $e!y$rate$ (y tunnel $ryin# or freeBe7$ryin# an$ t!e -aste fro'
t!ese 1roesses onstitutes a !i#!ly7$i#esti(le sto5 fee$.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Fruit +underripe!
Calories )627)6*
Moisture A8.+73*.)A # A+.3 #
.,.36 #
"rotein ).,78.8. # ).,. # 2.827),., # +.+8 # ),.37)*.*A #
Fat 6.)76.3A # 6.,) # 8.2*72.2* # ,.,6 # 2.)7)8.+* #
Car(o!y$rates 8).2 8*..* # 8+.38 #
.).A) # )2.*2 #
Fi(er ).63 8.) # ).2 # ).,.78.).# ).A+ # ,.67,.3+ #
As! 6.2A7).8 # ).8, # ).2672.23 # ).*6 # ,..87,.2 #
Caliu' 6.62 '# 6.688 # 6.)) '# .6 '# 6.)8 '#
"!os1!orus 6.6. '# 6.6A8'# 6.,2 '# )+3 '# 6.,+ '#
Iron 6.A)78.. '# ,.+3 '# 8.AA '#
6.66. '# <,27.6
T!ia'ine 6.6376.632 '# 6.82 '# 6.,8 '# )36 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6,,76.6+ '# 6.)6 '# 6.)6 '# 3. '#
Niain 6.26A 6.*8 '# ,.2. '# 8.*. '# 8.A '#
Asor(i Ai$ )2 ,, '# ),.+6 '# ). '#
A'ino Ai$s PN Q )A 1. )66R=
Ar#inine ..* 6.AA
Cystine 7 6.A8
0isti$ine ).A 6.*)
Isoleuine A.+ 8..)
Leuine +.. 8.A6
Lysine 2.3
Met!ionine ).8 ,.)+
"!enylalanine 3., ).62
T!reonine A.3 6.+3
Try1to1!an +.6
:aline +.3
As1arti Ai$ )6.3
4luta'i Ai$ ))., 6.*3
Alanine ,.* ).2,
4lyine +.8 6.*2
"roline A.2 6.+8
Serine 2.+ 8.63
Tyrosine )..2
LA o'1osite of analyses 'a$e in Central A'eria% Me/io% Colo'(ia% Afria an$ In$ia.
Note@ T!ere are re1orte$ly t-o enBy'es in t!e (rea$fruitGpapayotin an$ artocarpine.
Ne#ron $e Bra&o an$ ollea#ues in "uerto Rio s!o- niain ontent u1 to 3.,, '# in
$rie$% #roun$ see$s ollete$ loally.
It -ill (e seen fro' t!e a(o&e t!at t!e see$less (rea$fruit is lo- in 1rotein% t!e see$s
onsi$era(ly !i#!er% an$ t!erefore t!e see$e$ (rea$fruit is atually of 'ore &alue as foo$.
Brea$fruit flour ontains ..62K 1rotein9 +A.+6K ar(o!y$rates% an$ ,,) alories% -!ile
assa&a flour ontains% ).)AK 1rotein% 3,.3,K ar(o(y$rates% an$ ,.+ alories 1er )66 #.
Most &arieties of (rea$fruit are 1ur#ati&e if eaten ra-. So'e &arieties are (oile$ t-ie
an$ t!e -ater t!ro-n a-ay% to a&oi$ un1leasant effets% -!ile t!ere are a fe- na'e$
ulti&ars t!at an (e safely eaten -it!out oo5in#.
T!e ylo1ro1ane7ontainin# sterol% cycloartenol% !as (een isolate$ fro' t!e fres! fruit.
It ontitutes )8K of t!e non7sa1onifia(le e/trat.
Ot!er *ses
-ea&es, Brea$fruit lea&es are ea#erly eaten (y $o'esti li&esto5. In In$ia% t!ey are fe$
to attle an$ #oats9 in 4ua'% to attle% !orses an$ 1i#s. 0orses are a1t to eat t!e (ar5 of
youn# trees as -ell% so ne- 1lantin#s 'ust (e 1rotete$ fro' t!e'.
-ate+, Brea$fruit late/ !as (een use$ in t!e 1ast as (ir$li'e on t!e ti1s of 1osts to at!
(ir$s. T!e early 0a-aiians 1lu5e$ t!e feat!ers for t!eir ere'onial loa5s% t!en
re'o&e$ t!e #u''y su(stane fro' t!e (ir$sC feet -it! oil fro' t!e an$lenut% Aleurites
moluccana Will$.% or -it! su#arane Duie% an$ release$ t!e'.
After (oilin# -it! oonut oil% t!e late/ ser&es for aul5in# (oats an$% 'i/e$ -it!
olore$ eart!% is use$ as a 1aint for (oats.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is yello-is! or yello-7#ray -it! $ar5 'ar5in#s or oran#e s1e5les9
li#!t in -ei#!t9 not &ery !ar$ (ut stron#% elasti an$ ter'ite resistant <e/e1t for $ry-oo$
ter'ites= an$ is use$ for onstrution an$ furniture. In Sa'oa% it is t!e stan$ar$ 'aterial
for !ouse71osts an$ for t!e roun$e$ roof7en$s of nati&e !ouses. T!e -oo$ of t!e Sa'oan
&ariety CA&eloloaC -!i! !as $ee1ly ut lea&es% is 'ost 1referre$ for !ouse7(uil$in#% (ut
t!at of C"uouC% an anient &ariety% is also utiliBe$. In 4ua' an$ "uerto Rio t!e -oo$ is
use$ for interior 1artitions. Beause of its li#!tness% t!e -oo$ is in $e'an$ for
surf(oar$s. Tra$itional 0a-aiian $ru's are 'a$e fro' setions of (rea$fruit trun5s 8 ft
<A6 '= lon# an$ ) ft <,6 '= in -i$t!% an$ t!ese are 1laye$ -it! t!e 1al's of t!e !an$s
$urin# 0ula $anes. After seasonin# (y (uryin# in 'u$% t!e -oo$ is &alue$ for 'a5in#
!ouse!ol$ artiles. T!ese are rou#!7san$e$ (y oral an$ la&a% (ut t!e final s'oot!in# is
ao'1lis!e$ -it! t!e $rie$ sti1ules of t!e (rea$fruit tree itself.
Fiber, Fi(er fro' t!e (ar5 is $iffiult to e/trat (ut !i#!ly $ura(le. Malaysians fas!ione$
it into lot!in#. Material for ta1e lot! is o(taine$ fro' t!e inner (ar5 of youn# trees an$
(ran!es. In t!e "!ili11ines% it is 'a$e into !arnesses for -ater (uffalo.
Flowers, T!e 'ale flo-er s1i5e use$ to (e (len$e$ -it! t!e fi(er of t!e 1a1er 'ul(erry%
Broussonetia papyrifera :ent. to 'a5e ele#ant loinlot!s. W!en t!orou#!ly $ry% t!e
flo-er s1i5es also ser&e as tin$er.
Medicinal *ses, In Trini$a$ an$ t!e Ba!a'as% a $eotion of t!e (rea$fruit leaf is
(elie&e$ to lo-er (loo$ 1ressure% an$ is also sai$ to relie&e ast!'a. Crus!e$ lea&es are
a11lie$ on t!e ton#ue as a treat'ent for t!rus!. T!e leaf Duie is e'1loye$ as ear7$ro1s.
As!es of (urne$ lea&es are use$ on s5in infetions. A 1o-$er of roaste$ lea&es is
e'1loye$ as a re'e$y for enlar#e$ s1leen. T!e rus!e$ fruit is 1oultie$ on tu'ors to
?ri1en? t!e'. Toaste$ flo-ers are ru((e$ on t!e #u's aroun$ an a!in# toot!. T!e late/
is use$ on s5in $iseases an$ is (an$a#e$ on t!e s1ine to relie&e siatia. Dilute$ late/ is
ta5en internally to o&ero'e $iarr!ea.

Bread.ruit Artocarpus altilis
Artocarpus heterophyllus
T!e Da5fruit% Artocarpus heterophyllus
La'. <syns. A. integrifolius Aut. NOT L.
f.9 A integrifolia L. f.9 A. integra Merr.9
(ademachia integra T!un(. =% of t!e
fa'ily Moraeae% is also alle$ Da57fruit%
Da5% Daa% an$% in Malaysia an$ t!e
"!ili11ines% nang"a9 in T!ailan$% "hanun9
in Ca'(o$ia% "hnor9 in Laos% ma" mi or
may mi9 in :ietna'% mit. It is an e/ellent
e/a'1le of a foo$ 1riBe$ in so'e areas of
t!e -orl$ an$ allo-e$ to #o to -aste in
ot!ers. O.W. Barrett -rote in )*83@ ?9T!e
Da5s . . . are su! lar#e an$ interestin#
fruits an$ t!e trees so -ell7(e!a&e$ t!at it
is $iffiult to e/1lain t!e #eneral la5 of
5no-le$#e onernin# t!e'.?9
Fi#. )2@ A !ea&ily fruitin# Da5fruit <Artocarpus
heterophyllus= on t!e #roun$s of t!e ol$ 0o(son estate%
Coonut 4ro&e. Mia'i% Eila.
3ack.ruit <Artocarpus heterophyllus=
T!e tree is !an$so'e an$ stately% ,6 to +6 ft <*78) '= tall% -it! e&er#reen% alternate%
#lossy% so'e-!at leat!ery lea&es to * in <88.2 '= lon#% o&al on 'ature -oo$%
so'eti'es o(lon# or $ee1ly lo(e$ on youn# s!oots. All 1arts ontain a sti5y% -!ite
late/. S!ort% stout flo-erin# t-i#s e'er#e fro' t!e trun5 an$ lar#e (ran!es% or e&en
fro' t!e soil7o&ere$ (ase of &ery ol$ trees. T!e tree is 'onoeious@ tiny 'ale flo-ers
are (orne in o(lon# lusters 8 to . in <27)6 '= in len#t!9 t!e fe'ale flo-er lusters are
elli1ti or roun$e$. Lar#est of all tree7(orne fruits% t!e Da5fruit 'ay (e 3 in to , ft <867*6
'= lon# an$ A to 86 in <)2726 '= -i$e% an$ t!e -ei#!t ran#es fro' )6 to A6 or e&en as
'u! as ))6 l(s <..2786 or 26 5#=. T!e ?rin$C or e/terior of t!e o'1oun$ or a##re#ate
fruit is #reen or yello- -!en ri1e an$ o'1ose$ of nu'erous !ar$% one7li5e 1oints
atta!e$ to a t!i5 an$ ru((ery% 1ale yello- or -!itis! -all. T!e interior onsists of lar#e
?(ul(s? <fully $e&elo1e$ 1eriant!s= of yello-% (anana7fla&ore$ fles!% 'asse$ a'on#
narro- ri((ons of t!in% tou#! un$e&elo1e$ 1eriant!s <or 1eri#ones=% an$ a entral% 1it!y
ore. Ea! (ul( enloses a s'oot!% o&al% li#!t7(ro-n ?see$? <en$oar1= o&ere$ (y a t!in
-!ite 'e'(rane <e/oar1=. T!e see$ is ,F. to ) )F8 in <87. '= lon# an$ )F8 to ,F. in
<).8278 '= t!i5 an$ is -!ite an$ ris1 -it!in. T!ere 'ay (e )66 or u1 to 266 see$s in a
sin#le fruit. W!en fully ri1e% t!e uno1ene$ Da5fruit e'its a stron# $isa#reea(le o$or%
rese'(lin# t!at of $eaye$ onions% -!ile t!e 1ul1 of t!e o1ene$ fruit s'ells of 1inea11le
an$ (anana.
Origin and Distribution
No one 5no-s t!e Da5fruitCs 1lae of ori#in (ut it is (elie&e$ in$i#enous to t!e
rainforests of t!e Western 4!ats. It is ulti&ate$ at lo- ele&ations t!rou#!out In$ia%
Bur'a% Ceylon% sout!ern C!ina% Malaya% an$ t!e East In$ies. It is o''on in t!e
"!ili11ines% (ot! ulti&ate$ an$ naturaliBe$. It is #ro-n to a li'ite$ e/tent in Hueenslan$
an$ Mauritius. In Afria% it is often 1lante$ in Jenya% U#an$a an$ for'er NanBi(ar.
T!ou#! 1lante$ in 0a-aii 1rior to )333% it is still rare t!ere an$ in ot!er "atfi islan$s%
as it is in 'ost of tro1ial A'eria an$ t!e West In$ies. It -as intro$ue$ into nort!ern
BraBil in t!e 'i$7)*t! Century an$ is 'ore 1o1ular t!ere an$ in Surina' t!an else-!ere
in t!e Ne- Worl$.
In )+38% 1lants fro' a a1ture$ Fren! s!i1 $estine$ for Martini>ue -ere ta5en to
Ja'aia -!ere t!e tree is no- o''on% an$ a(out )66 years later% t!e Da5fruit 'a$e its
a11earane in Flori$a% 1resu'a(ly i'1orte$ (y t!e ReasonerCs Nursery fro' Ceylon. T!e
Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureCs (eport on the Conditions of $ropical and
Semitropical Fruits in the .nited States in /001 states@ ?T!ere are (ut fe- s1ei'ens in
t!e State. Mr. Bi$-ell% at Orlan$o% !as a !ealt!y youn# tree% -!i! -as 5ille$ (a5 to t!e
#roun$% !o-e&er% (y t!e freeBe of )33A. ? T!ere are to$ay less t!an a $oBen (earin#
Da5fruit trees in Sout! Flori$a an$ t!ese are &alue$ 'ainly as uriosities. Many see$s
!a&e (een 1lante$ o&er t!e years (ut fe- see$lin#s !a&e sur&i&e$% t!ou#! t!e Da5fruit is
!ar$ier t!an its lose relati&e% t!e (rea$fruit <>.&.=.
In Sout! In$ia% t!e Da5fruit is a 1o1ular foo$ ran5in# ne/t to t!e 'an#o an$ (anana in
total annual 1ro$ution. T!ere are 'ore t!an )66%666 trees in (a5yar$s an$ #ro-n for
s!a$e in (etelnut% offee% 1e11er an$ ar$a'o' 1lantations. T!e total area 1lante$ to
Da5fruit in all In$ia is alulate$ at ).%38A ares <8A%666 !a=. 4o&ern'ent !ortiulturists
1ro'ote t!e 1lantin# of Da5fruit trees alon# !i#!-ays% -ater-ays an$ railroa$s to a$$ to
t!e ountryCs foo$ su11ly.
T!ere are o&er ))%666 ares <.%.28 !a= 1lante$ to Da5 fruit in Ceylon% 'ainly for ti'(er%
-it! t!e fruit a 'u!7a11reiate$ (y71ro$ut. T!e tree is o''only ulti&ate$
t!rou#!out T!ailan$ for its fruit. A-ay fro' t!e Far East% t!e Da5fruit !as ne&er #aine$
t!e ae1tane aor$e$ t!e (rea$fruit <e/e1t in settle'ents of 1eo1le of East In$ian
ori#in=. T!is is $ue lar#ely to t!e o$or of t!e ri1e fruit an$ to tra$itional 1referene for t!e
In Sout! In$ia% Da5fruits are lassifie$ as of t-o #eneral ty1es@ )= 2oozha cha""a% t!e
fruits of -!i! !a&e s'all% fi(rous% soft% 'us!y% (ut &ery s-eet ar1els9 8= 2oozha
pazham% 'ore i'1ortant o''erially% -it! ris1 ar1ers of !i#! >uality 5no-n as
'ari"a. T!ese ty1es are a11arently 5no-n in $ifferent areas (y ot!er na'es su! as
Bar"a% or Ber"a <soft% s-eet an$ (ro5en o1en -it! t!e !an$s=% an$ 2apa or 2apiya <ris1
an$ ut o1en -it! a 5nife=. T!e e>ui&alent ty1es are 5no-n as 2ha#nun nang <fir'9 (est=
an$ 2ha#nun lamoud <soft= in T!ailan$9 an$ as 'ela <soft= an$ 'ara"a% or 3ara"a <fir'=
in Ceylon. $he )eni,ara"a% or !oney Da5% !as s-eet 1ul1% an$ so'e !a&e lai'e$ it t!e
(est of all. T!e 2uru,ara"a !as s'all% roun$e$ fruits. Dr. Da&i$ Fair!il$% -ritin# of t!e
!oney Da5 in Ceylon% $esri(es t!e rin$ as $ar57#reen in ontrast to t!e #ol$en yello-
1ul1 -!en ut o1en for eatin#% (ut t!e fruits of !is o-n tree in Coonut 4ro&e an$ t!ose
of t!e Mat!eson tree -!i! !e 'aintaine$ -ere !oney Da5s are $efinitely yello- -!en
ri1e. T!e 'ela ty1e 1re$o'inates in t!e West In$ies.
Fir'in#er $esri(e$ t-o ty1es@ t!e 2hu4a <#reen% !ar$ an$ s'oot!% -it! Duiy 1ul1 an$
s'all see$s=9 t!e 5hila <rou#!% soft% -it! t!in 1ul1% not &ery Duiy% an$ lar#e see$s=. Dutta
says 2hu44a% or 2archa% !as 1ale7(ro-n or oasionally 1ale7#reen rin$% an$ 1ul1 as
!ar$ as an a11le9 5hila% or 5hula% is usually li#!t7#reen% oasionally (ro-nis!% an$ !as
soft 1ul1% s-eet or ai$ulously s-eet. 0e $esri(es 3 &arieties% only one -it! a na'e.
T!is is *azari9 si'ilar to (udra"shi9 -!i! !as a relati&ely s'oot! rin$ an$ fles! of
inferior >uality.
T!e '$ingapore'% or 'Ceylon'% Da5% a re'ar5a(ly early (earer 1ro$uin# fruit in )3
'ont!s to 8 )F8 years fro' trans1lantin#% -as intro$ue$ into In$ia fro' Ceylon an$
1lante$ e/tensi&ely in )*.*. T!e fruit is of 'e$iu' siBe -it! s'all% fi(rous ar1ers -!i!
are &ery s-eet. In a$$ition to t!e su''er ro1 <June an$ July=% t!ere is a seon$ ro1
fro' Oto(er to Dee'(er. In )*A)% t!e 0ortiultural Resear! Institute at Sa!aran1ur%
In$ia% re1orte$ t!e a>uisition of air7layere$ 1lants of t!e e/ellent &arieties% '$a.eda'%
'(!a4a'% 'B!usila'% 'B!adaiyan' an$ '%andia' an$ ot!ers. T!e Fruit E/1eri'ental
Station at Burliar% esta(lis!e$ a olletion of 2. Da5fruit lones fro' all 1ro$uin#
ountries% an$ ulti'ately selete$ 'T 0agar 3ack' as t!e (est in >uality an$ yiel$. T!e
Fruit E/1eri'ental Station at Jallar% (e#an (ree$in# -or5 in )*28 -it! a &ie- to
$e&elo1in# s!ort% o'1at% 'any7(ran!e$ trees% 1reoious an$ 1ro$uti&e% (earin#
lar#e% yello-% !i#! >uality fruits% )F8 in t!e 'ain season% )F8 late. CSin#a1ore Ja5C -as
!osen as t!e fe'ale 1arent (eause of its early an$ late ro1s9 an$% as t!e 'ale 1arent%
'Velipala'% a loal seletion fro' t!e forest !a&in# lar#e fruits -it! lar#e ar1ers of
su1erior >uality% an$ (orne re#ularly in t!e 'ain su''er season. After 82 years of
testin#% one !y(ri$ -as rate$ as outstan$in# for 1reoity% fruit siBe% off7season as -ell as
'ain season 1ro$ution% an$ yiel$ e/ellin# its 1arents. It !a$ not (een na'e$ -!en
re1orte$ on (y C!ella11an an$ Ro!e in )*38. In Assa'% nursery'en !a&e #i&en na'es
su! as CMa''ot!C% CE&er(earerC% an$ CRose7sente$C to 1referre$ ty1es.
0ortiulturists in Ma$ras !a&e foun$ t!at !an$71ollination 1ro$ues fruits -it! 'ore of
t!e fully $e&elo1e$ (ul(s t!an $oes nor'al -in$71ollination.
T!e Da5fruit is a$a1te$ only to !u'i$ tro1ial an$ near7tro1ial li'ates. It is sensiti&e
to frost in its early life an$ annot tolerate $rou#!t. If rainfall is $efiient% t!e tree 'ust (e
irri#ate$. In In$ia% it t!ri&es in t!e 0i'alayan foot!ills an$ fro' sea7le&el to an altitu$e
of 2%666 ft <)%266 '= in t!e sout!. It is state$ t!at Da5fruits #ro-n a(o&e .%666 ft <)%866
'= are of 1oor >uality an$ usa(le only for oo5in#. T!e tree asen$s to a(out 366 ft <8..
'= in J-an#tun#% C!ina.
T!e Da5fruit tree flouris!es in ri!% $ee1 soil of 'e$iu' or o1en te/ture% so'eti'es on
$ee1 #ra&elly or laterite soil. It -ill #ro-% (ut 'ore slo-ly an$ not as tall in s!allo-
li'estone. In In$ia% t!ey say t!at t!e tree #ro-s tall an$ t!in on san$% s!ort an$ t!i5 on
stony lan$. It annot tolerate ?-et feet?. If t!e roots tou! -ater% t!e tree -ill not (ear
fruit or 'ay $ie.
"ro1a#ation is usually (y see$s -!i! an (e 5e1t no lon#er t!an a 'ont! (efore
1lantin#. 4er'ination re>uires , to 3 -ee5s (ut is e/1e$ite$ (y soa5in# see$s in -ater
for 8. !ours. Soa5in# in a )6K solution of #i((erelli ai$ results in )66K #er'ination.
T!e see$s 'ay (e so-n in situ or 'ay (e nursery7#er'inate$ an$ 'o&e$ -!en no 'ore
t!an . lea&es !a&e a11eare$. A 'ore a$&ane$ see$lin#% -it! its lon# an$ $eliate ta1
root% is &ery $iffiult to trans1lant suessfully. Bu$$in# an$ #raftin# atte'1ts !a&e often
(een unsuessful% t!ou#! O!se onsi$ers t!e 'o$ifie$ For5ert 'et!o$ of (u$$in#
feasi(le. Eit!er Da5fruit or !a'1e$a5 <>.&.= see$lin#s 'ay ser&e as rootsto5s an$ t!e
#raftin# 'ay (e $one at any ti'e of year. Inar!in# !as (een 1ratie$ an$ a$&oate$ (ut
1resents t!e sa'e 1ro(le' of trans1lantin# after se1aration fro' t!e sion 1arent. To
a&oi$ t!is an$ yet a!ie&e onsistently early (earin# of fruits of 5no-n >uality% air7layers
1ro$ue$ -it! t!e ai$ of #ro-t! 1ro'otin# !or'ones are (ein# $istri(ute$ in In$ia. In
Flori$a uttin#s of youn# -oo$ !a&e (een roote$ un$er 'ist. At Calutta Uni&ersity%
uttin#s !a&e (een suessfully roote$ only -it! fore$ an$ etiolate$ s!oots treate$ -it!
in$ole (utyri ai$ <1refera(ly at 2%666 '#Fl= an$ 5e1t un$er 'ist. Tissue ulture
e/1eri'ents !a&e (een on$ute$ at t!e In$ian Institute of 0ortiultural Resear!%
Soa5in# one7'ont!7ol$ see$lin#s in a #i((erelli ai$ solution <827866 11'= en!anes
s!oot #ro-t!. 4i((erelli ai$ s1ray an$ 1aste inrease root #ro-t!. In 1lantations% t!e
trees are set ,6 to .6 ft <*7)8 '= a1art. ;oun# 1lantin#s re>uire 1rotetion fro' sunsal$
an$ fro' #raBin# ani'als% !ares% $eer% et. See$s in t!e fiel$ 'ay (e eaten (y rats.
Fir'in#er $esri(es t!e >uaint 1ratie of raisin# a youn# see$lin# in a , to . ft <6.*7).8
'= (a'(oo tu(e% t!en (en$in# o&er an$ oilin# t!e 1liant ste' (eneat! t!e soil% -it! only
t!e ti1 s!o-in#. In 2 years% su! a 1lant is sai$ to 1ro$ue lar#e an$ fine fruits on t!e
s1iral un$er#roun$. In Tra&anore% t!e -!ole fruit is (urie$% t!e 'any see$lin#s -!i!
s1rin# u1 are (oun$ to#et!er -it! stra- an$ t!ey #ra$ually fuse into one tree -!i! (ears
in A to + years. See$lin#s 'ay or$inarily ta5e . to ). years to o'e into (earin#% t!ou#!
ertain 1reoious ulti&ars 'ay (e#in to (ear in 8 )F8 to , )F8 years. T!e Da5fruit is a
fairly ra1i$ #ro-er% rea!in# 23 ft <)+.2 '= in !ei#!t an$ 83 in <+6 '= aroun$ t!e trun5
in 86 years in Ceylon. It is sai$ to li&e as lon# as )66 years. 0o-e&er% 1ro$uti&ity
$elines -it! a#e. In T!ailan$% it is reo''en$e$ t!at alternate ro-s (e 1lante$ e&ery )6
years so t!at 867year7ol$ trees 'ay (e routinely re'o&e$ fro' t!e 1lantation an$
re1lae$ (y a ne- #eneration. Little attention !as (een #i&en to t!e treeCs fertiliBer
re>uire'ents. Se&ere sy'1to's of 'an#anese $efiieny !a&e (een o(ser&e$ in In$ia.
After !ar&estin#% t!e fruitin# t-i#s 'ay (e ut (a5 to t!e trun5 or (ran! to in$ue
flo-erin# t!e ne/t season. In t!e Ca!ar $istrit of Assa'% 1ro$ution of fe'ale flo-ers
is sai$ to (e sti'ulate$ (y slas!in# t!e tree -it! a !at!et% t!e s!oots e'er#in# fro' t!e
-oun$s9 an$ (ran!es are lo11e$ e&ery , to . years to 'aintain fruitfulness. On t!e ot!er
!an$% stu$ies at t!e Uni&ersity of Jalyani% West Ben#al% s!o-e$ t!at neit!er sorin# nor
1runin# of s!oots inreases fruit set an$
t!at rin#in# en!anes fruit set only t!e
first year% 1ro$ution $elinin# in t!e
seon$ year.
In Asia% Da5fruits ri1en 1rini1ally fro'
Mar! to June% A1ril to Se1te'(er%
orJune to Au#ust% $e1en$in# on t!e
li'ati re#ion% -it! so'e off7season
ro1s fro' Se1te'(er to Dee'(er% or a
fe- fruits at ot!er ti'es of t!e year. In
t!e West In$ies% I !a&e seen 'any
ri1enin# in June9 in Flori$a% t!e season is
late su''er an$ fall.
Fruits 'ature , to 3 'ont!s fro'
flo-erin#. In Ja'aia% an ?S? is
so'eti'es ut in t!e a1e/ of t!e fruit to s1ee$ ri1enin# an$ i'1ro&e fla&or.
In In$ia% a #oo$ yiel$ is )26 lar#e fruits 1er tree annually% t!ou#! so'e trees (ear as
'any as 826 an$ a fully 'ature tree 'ay 1ro$ue 266% t!ese 1ro(a(ly of 'e$iu' or
s'all siBe.
Ja5fruits turn (ro-n an$ $eteriorate >ui5ly after ri1enin#. Col$ stora#e trials in$iate
t!at ri1e fruits an (e 5e1t for , to A -ee5s at 28I to 22IF <)).))I7)8.+3IC= an$ relati&e
!u'i$ity of 32 to *2K.
Pests and Diseases
"rini1al inset 1ests in In$ia are t!e s!oot7(orer ater1illar% iaphania caesalis9
'ealy(u#s. %ipaecoccus viridis! )seudococcus corymbatus% an$ Ferrisia virgata% t!e
s1ittle (u#% Cosmoscarta relata% an$ Da5 sale% Ceroplastes rubina. T!e 'ost $estruti&e
an$ -i$es1rea$ (ar5 (orers are &ndarbela tetraonis an$ Batocera rufomaculata. Ot!er
Fi#. )A@ Mu! -!ite% #u''y late/ flo-s fro' t!e
Da5fruit stal5 -!en t!e sli#!tly un$erri1e fruit is
'aDor 1ests are t!e ste' an$ fruit (orer% Margaronia caecalis% an$ t!e (ro-n (u$7-ee&il%
6chyromera artocarpio. In sout!ern C!ina% t!e lar&ae of t!e lon#iorn (eetles% inlu$in#
Apriona germarri9 )terolophia discalis!
7enolea tomenlosa asiatica% an$
6lenecamptus bilobus seriously $a'a#e
t!e fruit ste'. T!e ater1illar of t!e leaf
-e((ers% )erina nuda an$ iaphania
bivitralis% is a 'inor 1ro(le'% as are
a1!i$s% 5reenidea artocarpi an$
$oxoptera aurantii9 an$ t!ri1s%
)seudodendrothrips d,ivarna.
Diseases of i'1ortane inlu$e 1in5
$isease% )elliculana +Corticium-
salmonicolor% ste' rot% fruit rot an$ 'ale
infloresene rot ause$ (y (hizopus
artocarpi9 an$ leafs1ot $ue to )homopsis
artocarpina! Colletotrichum lagenarium!
Septoria artocarpi% an$ ot!er fun#i. 4ray
(li#!t% )estalotia elasticola% !aroal rot%
.stilana zonata% ollar rot% (osellinia
arcuata% an$ rust% .redo artocarpi% our
on Da5fruit in so'e re#ions.
T!e fruits 'ay (e o&ere$ -it! 1a1er
sa5s -!en &ery youn# to 1rotet t!e'
fro' 1ests an$ $iseases. Bur5ill says t!e
(a#s enoura#e ants to s-ar' o&er t!e
fruit an$ #uar$ it fro' its ene'ies.
Food *ses
Westerners #enerally -ill fin$ t!e
Da5fruit 'ost ae1ta(le in t!e full7#ro-n (ut unri1e sta#e% -!en it !as no o(Detiona(le
o$or an$ e/els oo5e$ #reen (rea$fruit an$ 1lantain. T!e fruit at t!is ti'e is si'1ly ut
into lar#e !un5s for oo5in#% t!e only !an$ia1 (ein# its o1ious #u''y late/ -!i!
au'ulates on t!e 5nife an$ t!e !an$s unless t!ey are first ru((e$ -it! sala$ oil. T!e
!un5s are (oile$ in li#!tly salte$ -ater until ten$er% -!en t!e really $eliious fles! is ut
fro' t!e rin$ an$ ser&e$ as a &e#eta(le% inlu$in# t!e see$s -!i!% if t!orou#!ly oo5e$%
are 'ealy an$ a#reea(le. T!e late/ lin#in# to t!e 1ot 'ay (e re'o&e$ (y ru((in# -it!
oil. T!e fles! of t!e unri1e fruit !as (een e/1eri'entally anne$ in (rine or -it! urry. It
'ay also (e $rie$ an$ 5e1t in tins for a year. Cross setions of $rie$% unri1e Da5fruit are
sol$ in nati&e 'ar5ets in T!ailan$. Ten$er youn# fruits 'ay (e 1i5le$ -it! or -it!out
Fi#. )+@ Drie$ slies of 1eele$ unri1e Da5fruit are
o''only 'ar5ete$ in Sout!east Asia
Fi# )3@ Ja5fruit see$s% sal&a#e$ fro' t!e ri1e fruits% are
sol$ for (oilin# or roastin# li5e !estnuts.
If t!e Da5fruit is allo-e$ to ri1en% t!e (ul(s an$ see$s 'ay (e e/trate$ out$oors9 or% if
in$oors% t!e o$orous resi$ue s!oul$ (e re'o&e$ fro' t!e 5it!en at one. T!e (ul(s 'ay
t!en (e enDoye$ ra- or oo5e$ <-it! oonut 'il5 or ot!er-ise=9 or 'a$e into ie rea'%
!utney% Da'% Delly% 1aste% ?leat!er? or papad% or anne$ in siru1 'a$e -it! su#ar or
!oney -it! itri ai$ a$$e$. T!e ris1 ty1es of Da5fruit are 1referre$ for annin#. T!e
anne$ 1ro$ut is 'ore attrati&e t!an t!e fres! 1ul1 an$ is so'eti'es alle$ ?&e#eta(le
'eat?. T!e ri1e (ul(s are 'e!anially 1ul1e$ to 'a5e Da5fruit netar or re$ue$ to
onentrate or 1o-$er. T!e a$$ition of synt!eti fla&orin#Get!yl an$ n7(utyl esters of .7
!y$ro/y(utyri ai$ at )86 11' an$ )66 11'% res1eti&ely #reatly i'1ro&es t!e fla&or of
t!e anne$ fruit an$ t!e netar.
If t!e (ul(s are (oile$ in 'il5% t!e latter -!en $raine$ off an$ oole$ -ill on#eal an$
for' a 1leasant% oran#e olore$ ustar$. By a 'et!o$ 1atente$ in In$ia% t!e ri1e (ul(s
'ay (e $rie$% frie$ in oil an$ salte$ for eatin# li5e 1otato !i1s. Can$ie$ Da5fruit 1ul1 in
(o/es -as (ein# 'ar5ete$ in BraBil in )*)+. I'1ro&e$ 'et!o$s of 1reser&in# an$
an$yin# Da5fruit 1ul1 !a&e (een $e&ise$ at t!e Central Foo$ Te!nolo#ial Resear!
Institute% Mysore% In$ia. Ri1e (ul(s% slie$ an$ 1a5e$ in siru1 -it! a$$e$ itri ai$% an$
froBen% retain #oo$ olor% fla&or an$ te/ture for one year. Canne$ Da5fruit retains >uality
for A, -ee5s at roo' te'1eratureG+2I to 36IF <8,.3*I78A.A+IC=% -it! only ,K loss of
B7arotene. W!en froBen% t!e anne$ 1ul1 5ee1s -ell for 8 years.
In Malaya% -!ere t!e o$or of t!e ri1e fruit is not a&oi$e$% s'all Da5fruits are ut in !alf%
see$e$% !ille$% an$ (rou#!t to t!e ta(le fille$ -it! ie rea'.
T!e ri1e (ul(s% fer'ente$ an$ t!en $istille$% 1ro$ue a 1otent li>uor.
T!e see$s% -!i! a11eal to all tastes% 'ay (e (oile$ or roaste$ an$ eaten% or (oile$ an$
1reser&e$ in siru1 li5e !estnuts. T!ey !a&e also (een suessfully anne$ in (rine% in
urry% an$% li5e (a5e$ (eans% in to'ato saue. T!ey are often inlu$e$ in urrie$ $is!es.
Roaste$% $rie$ see$s are #roun$ to 'a5e a flour -!i! is (len$e$ -it! -!eat flour for
W!ere lar#e >uantities of Da5fruit are a&aila(le% it is -ort!-!ile to utiliBe t!e ine$i(le
1ortion% an$ t!e rin$ !as (een foun$ to yiel$ a fair Delly -it! itri ai$. A 1etin e/trat
an (e 'a$e fro' t!e 1eel% un$e&elo1e$ 1eriant!s an$ ore% or Dust fro' t!e inner rin$9
an$ t!is -aste also yiel$s a siru1 use$ for to(ao urin#.
Ten$er Da5fruit lea&es an$ youn# 'ale flo-er lusters 'ay (e oo5e$ an$ ser&e$ as
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortion
"ul1 <ri1e7fres!= See$s <fres!= See$s <$rie$=
Calories *3
Moisture +8.67++.8 # 2).A72+.++ #
"rotein ).,7).* # A.A #
Fat 6.)76., # 6.. #
Car(o!y$rates )3.*782.. # ,3.. #
Fi(er ).67).) # ).2 #
As! 6.37).6 # ).827).26 # 8.*AK
Caliu' 88 '# 6.6276.22 '# 6.),K
"!os1!orus ,3 '# 6.),76.8, '# 6.2.K
Iron 6.2 '# 6.6687).8 '# 6.662K
So$iu' 8 '#
"otassiu' .6+ '#
:ita'in A 2.6 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6, '#
Niain . '#
Asor(i Ai$ 37)6 '#
T!e 1ul1 onstitutes 827.6K of t!e fruitCs -ei#!t.
In #eneral% fres! see$s are onsi$ere$ to (e !i#! in star!% lo- in aliu' an$ iron9 #oo$
soures of &ita'ins B
an$ B
E&en in In$ia t!ere is so'e resistane to t!e Da5fruit% attri(ute$ to t!e (elief t!at
o&erin$ul#ene in it auses $i#esti&e ail'ents. Bur5ill $elares t!at it is t!e ra-% unri1e
fruit t!at is astrin#ent an$ in$i#esti(le. T!e ri1e fruit is so'e-!at la/ati&e9 if eaten in
e/ess it -ill ause $iarr!ea. Ra- Da5fruit see$s are in$i#esti(le $ue to t!e 1resene of a
1o-erful try1sin in!i(itor. T!is ele'ent is $estroye$ (y (oilin# or (a5in#.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, In so'e areas% t!e Da5fruit is fe$ to attle. T!e tree is e&en 1lante$ in 1astures so
t!at t!e ani'als an a&ail t!e'sel&es of t!e fallen fruits. Sur1lus Da5fruit rin$ is
onsi$ere$ a #oo$ sto5 foo$.
-ea&es, ;oun# lea&es are rea$ily eaten (y attle an$ ot!er li&esto5 an$ are sai$ to (e
fattenin#. In In$ia% t!e lea&es are use$ as foo$ -ra11ers in oo5in#% an$ t!ey are also
fastene$ to#et!er for use as 1lates.
-ate+, T!e late/ ser&es as (ir$li'e% alone or 'i/e$ -it! Ficus sa1 an$ oil fro'
Schleichera tri4uga Will$. T!e !eate$ late/ is e'1loye$ as a !ouse!ol$ e'ent for
'en$in# !ina-are an$ eart!en-are% an$ to aul5 (oats an$ !oles in (u5ets. T!e
!e'ial onstituents of t!e late/ !a&e (een re1orte$ (y Tan!io an$ Ma#1anlay. It is
not a su(stitue for ru((er (ut ontains 38.A to 3A..K resins -!i! 'ay !a&e &alue in
&arnis!es. Its (ateriolyti ati&ity is e>ual to t!at of 1a1aya late/.
1ood, Ja5-oo$ is an i'1ortant ti'(er in Ceylon an$% to a lesser e/tent% in In$ia9 so'e
is e/1orte$ to Euro1e. It !an#es -it! a#e fro' oran#e or yello- to (ro-n or $ar57re$9 is
ter'ite 1roof% fairly resistant to fun#al an$ (aterial $eay% seasons -it!out $iffiulty%
rese'(les 'a!o#any an$ is su1erior to tea5 for furniture% onstrution% turnery% 'asts%
oars% i'1le'ents% (rus! (a5s an$ 'usial instru'ents. "alaes -ere (uilt of Da5-oo$
in Bali an$ Maassar% an$ t!e li'ite$ su11ly -as one reser&e$ for te'1les in In$o!ina.
Its stren#t! is +2 to 36K t!at of tea5. T!ou#! s!ar1 tools are nee$e$ to a!ie&e a s'oot!
surfae% it 1olis!es (eautifully. Roots of ol$ trees are #reatly 1riBe$ for ar&in# an$
1iture fra'in#. Drie$ (ran!es are e'1loye$ to 1ro$ue fire (y frition in reli#ious
ere'onies in Mala(ar.
Fro' t!e sa-$ust of Da5-oo$ or !i1s of t!e !eart-oo$% (oile$ -it! alu'% t!ere is
$eri&e$ a ri! yello- $ye o''only use$ for $yein# sil5 an$ t!e otton ro(es of
Bu$$!ist 1riests. In In$onesia% s1linters of t!e -oo$ are 1ut into t!e (a'(oo tu(es
olletin# oonut to$$y in or$er to i'1art a yello- tone to t!e su#ar. Besi$es t!e yello-
olorant% morin% t!e -oo$ ontains t!e olorless cyanomaclurin an$ a ne- yello-
olorin# 'atter% artocarpin% -as re1orte$ (y -or5ers in Bo'(ay in )*22. Si/ ot!er
fla&onoi$s !a&e (een isolate$ at t!e National C!e'ial La(oratory% "oona.
Bark, T!ere is only ,.,K tannin in t!e (ar5 -!i! is oasionally 'a$e into or$a#e or
Medicinal *ses, T!e C!inese onsi$er Da5fruit 1ul1 an$ see$s toni% oolin# an$
nutritious% an$ to (e ?useful in o&ero'in# t!e influene of alo!ol on t!e syste'.? T!e
see$ star! is #i&en to relie&e (iliousness an$ t!e roaste$ see$s are re#ar$e$ as
a1!ro$isia. T!e as! of Da5fruit lea&es% (urne$ -it! orn an$ oonut s!ells% is use$
alone or 'i/e$ -it! oonut oil to !eal ulers. T!e $rie$ late/ yiel$s artostenone%
on&erti(le to artosterone% a o'1oun$ -it! 'ar5e$ an$ro#eni ation. Mi/e$ -it!
&ine#ar% t!e late/ 1ro'otes !ealin# of a(sesses% sna5e(ite an$ #lan$ular s-ellin#s. T!e
root is a re'e$y for s5in $iseases an$ ast!'a. An e/trat of t!e root is ta5en in ases of
fe&er an$ $iarr!ea. T!e (ar5 is 'a$e into 1oulties. 0eate$ lea&es are 1lae$ on -oun$s.
T!e -oo$ !as a se$ati&e 1ro1erty9 its 1it! is sai$ to 1ro$ue a(ortion.
2elated $pecies
T!e C!a#pedak% A. integer Merr. <syns. A. champeden S1ren#.% A. polyphena "ers.=% is
also 5no-n as chempeda"! cempeda"! sempeda"! temeda" in Malaya9 cham#pa#da in
T!ailan$% t4ampeda" in In$onesia9 lemasa in t!e "!ili11ines. T!e -il$ for' in Malaya is
alle$ bang"ong or baroh. T!e fruit is (orne (y a $ei$uous tree% rea!in# a(out A6 ft <)3
'= in ulti&ation% u1 to )66 or )26 ft <,67.2.2 '= in t!e -il$. It is easy to $istin#uis!
fro' t!e Da5fruit (y t!e lon#% stiff% (ro-n !airs on youn# (ran!lets% lea&es% (u$s an$
1e$unles. T!e lea&es% often ,7lo(e$ -!en youn#% are o(o&ate o(lon# or elli1tial -!en
'ature an$ A to )) in <)2783 '= lon#. T!e 'ale flo-er s1i5es are only 8 in <2 '= lon#
an$ t!e fruit ylin$rial or irre#ular% no 'ore t!an ). in <,2.2 '= lon# an$ A in <)2 '=
t!i5% 'ustar$7yello- to #ol$en7(ro-n% retiulate$% -arty% an$ !i#!ly o$oriferous -!en
ri1e. In fat% it is $esri(e$ as !a&in# t!e ?stron#est an$ ri!est s'ell of any fruit in
reation.? T!e rin$ is t!inner t!an t!at of t!e Da5fruit an$ t!e see$s an$ surroun$in# 1ul1
an (e e/trate$ (y uttin# o1en t!e (ase an$ 1ullin# on t!e fruit stal5. T!e 1ul1 is $ee17
yello-% ten$er% sli'y% Duiy an$ s-eet. T!at of t!e -il$ for' is t!in% su(ai$ an$
T!e tree is nati&e an$ o''on in t!e -il$ in Malaya u1 to an altitu$e of .%866 ft <)%,66
'= an$ is ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out Malaysia an$ (y 'any 1referre$ to Da5fruit. It is #ro-n
fro' see$ or (u$$e$ onto self7see$lin#s or Da5fruit or ot!er Artocarpus s1eies.
See$lin#s (ear in 2 years. T!e 1ul1 is eaten -it! rie an$ t!e see$s are roaste$ an$ eaten.
T!e -oo$ is stron# an$ $ura(le an$ yiel$s yello- $ye% an$ t!e (ar5 is ri! in tannin.
T!e -akooc!a% A. la"oocha Ro/(.% is also 5no-n as 'on5ey Da5 or la"uchi in In$ia9
tampang an$ ot!er si'ilar nati&e na'es in Malaya9 as lo"hat in T!ailan$. T!e tree is 86
to ,6 ft <A7* '= tall -it! $ei$uous% lar#e% leat!ery lea&es% $o-ny on t!e un$ersi$e. Male
an$ fe'ale flo-ers are (orne on t!e sa'e tree% t!e for'er oran#e7yello-% t!e latter
re$$is!. T!e fruits are nearly roun$ or irre#ular% 8 to 2 in <27)8.2 '= -i$e% &el&ety% $ull7
yello- tin#e$ -it! 1in5% -it! s-eet sour 1ul1 -!i! is oasionally eaten ra- (ut 'ostly
'a$e into urries or !utney. T!e 'ale flo-er s1i5e% ai$ an$ astrin#ent% is 1i5le$.
A nati&e of t!e !u'i$ su(70i'alayan re#ion of In$ia% u1 to .%666 ft <)%866 '=% also
Malaya an$ Ceylon% it is so'eti'es #ro-n for s!a$e or for its fruit. See$lin#s o'e into
1ro$ution in 2 years. A s1ei'en -as 1lante$ at t!e Fe$eral E/1eri'ent Station%
Maya#ueB% "uerto Rio% in )*8). T!ere -as a lar#e tree in Ber'u$a in )*)3.
T!e -oo$% sol$ as la"uch% is !ea&ier t!an t!at of t!e Da5fruit% si'ilar to tea5% $ura(le
out$oors an$ un$er -ater% (ut $oes not 1olis! -ell. It is use$ for 1iles% an$ in
onstrution9 for (oats% furniture an$ a(inet-or5. T!e (ar5 ontains 3.2K tannin an$ is
!e-e$ li5e (etelnut. It yiel$s a fi(er for or$a#e. T!e -oo$ an$ roots yiel$ a $ye of
ri!er olor t!an t!at o(taine$ fro' t!e Da5fruit. Bot! see$s an$ 'il5y late/ are
1ur#ati&e. T!e (ar5 is a11lie$ on s5in ail'ents. T!e fruit is (elie&e$ to at as a toni for
t!e li&er.
T!e (wai Muk% 1ossi(ly A. lingnanensis Merr.% -as intro$ue$ into Flori$a as A.
hypargyraea 0ane% or A. hypargyraeus 0ane e/ Bent!. T!e tree is a slo-7#ro-in#%
slen$er% eret orna'ental 86 to 26 ft <A7)2 '= tall% -it! 'u! 'il5y late/ an$ e&er#reen
lea&es 8 to 2 in <27)8.2 '= lon#. Tiny 'ale an$ fe'ale flo-ers are yello-is! an$ (orne
on t!e sa'e tree% t!e fe'ale in #lo(ular !ea$s to ,F3 in <) '= lon#.
T!e fruits are 'ore or less o(late an$ irre#ular% ) to 8 in <8.272 '= -i$e% -it! &el&ety%
(ro-nis!% t!in% ten$er s5in an$ re1lete -it! late/ -!en unri1e. W!en ri1e% t!e 1ul1 is
oran#e7re$ or re$% soft% of a#reea(le su(ai$ to ai$ fla&or an$ 'ay (e see$less or ontain
) to + s'all% 1ale see$s. T!e 1ul1 is e$i(le ra-9 an (e 1reser&e$ in siru1 or $rie$. Ri1ens
fro' Au#ust to Oto(er in Flori$a.
T!e tree is nati&e fro' J-an#tun#% C!ina% to 0on# Jon#% an$ !as (een intro$ue$
s1arin#ly a(roa$. It -as 1lante$ e/1eri'entally in Flori$a in )*8+ an$ -as t!ri&in# in
"uerto Rio in )*8*. It #ro-s at an altitu$e of 266 ft <)28 '= in C!ina. ;oun# trees are
inDure$ (y (rief $ro1s in te'1erature to 83I to ,6IF <78.88I7).))IC=. Mature trees !a&e
en$ure$ 82I to 8AIF <7,.3*I7,.,,IC= in 0o'estea$% Flori$a9 !a&e (een 5ille$ (y 86IF <7
A.A+IC= in entral Flori$a.
Su#ar A11le
Custar$ A11le
"on$ A11le
Annona cherimola
Certainly t!e 'ost estee'e$ of t!e fruits of t!e #enus Annona <fa'ily Annonaeae=% t!e
!eri'oya% A. cherimola Mill.% (eause of its li'ite$ $istri(ution% !as a>uire$ fe-
ollo>uial na'es% an$ 'ost are 'erely loal &ariations in s1ellin#% su! as chirimoya!
cherimolia! chirimolla% cherimolier! cherimoyer. In :eneBuela% it is alle$ chirimorrinon9
in BraBil% graveola! graviola% or grabiola9 an$ in Me/io% pox or poox9 in BeliBe% tu"ib9 in
El Sal&a$or it is so'eti'es 5no-n as anona poshte9 an$ else-!ere 'erely as anona% or
anona blanca. In Frane% it is anone9 in 0aiti% cachiman la Chine. In$ian na'es in
4uate'ala inlu$e pac! pap! tsummy an$ tzumux. T!e na'e% cherimoya% is so'eti'es
'isa11lie$ to t!e less7
estee'e$ ustar$ a11le% A.
reticulata L. In Australia it is
often a11lie$ to t!e ate'oya <a
!eri'oya7su#ar a11le
T!e tree is eret (ut lo-
(ran!e$ an$ so'e-!at s!ru((y or s1rea$in#9 ran#in# fro' )A to ,6 ft <2 to * '= in
!ei#!t9 an$ its youn# (ran!lets are rusty7!airy. T!e lea&es are (riefly $ei$uous <Dust
(efore s1rin# flo-erin#=% alternate% 87ran5e$% -it! 'inutely !airy 1etioles )F. to )F8 in <A
to )8.2 ''= lon#9 o&ate to elli1ti or o&ate7laneolate% s!ort (lunt71ointe$ at t!e a1e/9
sli#!tly !airy on t!e u11er surfae% &el&ety on t!e un$ersi$e9 , to A in <+.27)2 '= lon#% )
)F8 to , )F8 in <,.373.* '= -i$e.
Fra#rant flo-ers% solitary or in #rou1s of 8 or ,% on s!ort% !airy stal5s alon# t!e (ran!es%
!a&e , outer% #reenis!% fles!y% o(lon#% $o-ny 1etals to ) )F. in <, '= lon# an$ , s'aller%
1in5is! inner 1etals. A o'1oun$ fruit% t!e !eri'oya is onial or so'e-!at !eart7
s!a1e$% . to 3 in <)6 to 86 '= lon# an$ u1 to . in <)6 '= in -i$t!% -ei#!in# on t!e
a&era#e 2 )F8 to )3 oB <)267266 #= (ut e/tra lar#e s1ei'ens 'ay -ei#! A l(s <8.+ 5#= or
'ore. T!e s5in% t!in or t!i5% 'ay (e s'oot! -it! fin#er1rint li5e 'ar5in#s or o&ere$
-it! onial or roun$e$ 1rotu(eranes. T!e fruit is easily (ro5en or ut o1en% e/1osin#
t!e sno-7-!ite% Duiy fles!% of 1leasin# aro'a an$ $eliious% su(ai$ fla&or9 an$
ontainin# nu'erous !ar$% (ro-n or (la5% (eanli5e% #lossy see$s% )F8 to ,F. in <).82 to 8
'= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e !eri'oya is (elie&e$ in$i#enous to t!e interan$ean &alleys of Eua$or% Colo'(ia
an$ Boli&ia. In Boli&ia% it flouris!es (est aroun$ MiB>ue an$ Ayo1aya% in t!e De1art'ent
of Co!a(a'(a% an$ aroun$ Luri(ay% Sa1a!a>ui an$ Rio A(aDo in t!e De1art'ent of La
"aB. Its ulti&ation 'ust !a&e s1rea$ in anient ti'es to C!ile an$ BraBil for it !as
(eo'e naturaliBe$ in !i#!lan$s t!rou#!out t!ese ountries. Many aut!ors inlu$e "eru
as a enter of ori#in (ut ot!ers assert t!at t!e fruit -as un5no-n in "eru until after see$s
-ere sent (y ". Berna(e Co(o fro' 4uate'ala in )A8* an$ t!at t!irteen years after t!is
intro$ution t!e !eri'oya -as o(ser&e$ in ulti&ation an$ sol$ in t!e 'ar5ets of Li'a.
T!e often7ite$ re1resentations of t!e !eri'oya on anient "eru&ian 1ottery are atually
i'a#es of t!e sourso1% A. muricata L. Co(o sent see$s to Me/io also in )A8*. T!ere it
t!ri&es (et-een .%666 an$ 2%666 ft <),)87)A.6 '= ele&ations.
It is o''only #ro-n an$ naturaliBe$ in te'1erate areas of Costa Ria an$ ot!er
ountries of Central A'eria. In Ar#entina% t!e !eri'oya is 'ostly #ro-n in t!e
"ro&ine of Tuu'an. In )+2+% it -as arrie$ to S1ain -!ere it re'aine$ a $ooryar$ tree
until t!e )*.6Cs an$ )*26Cs -!en it #aine$ i'1ortane in t!e "ro&ine of 4rana$a% in t!e
"late +@ C0ERIMO;A% Annona cherimola
Sierra Ne&a$a 'ountains% as a re1lae'ent for t!e 'any oran#e trees t!at suu'(e$ to
$isease an$ !a$ to (e ta5en out. By )*2,% t!ere -ere 8A8 ares <)6A !a= of !eri'oyas in
t!is re#ion.
In )+*6 t!e !eri'oya -as intro$ue$ into 0a-aii (y Don Franiso $e "aulo Marin. It
is still asually #ro-n in t!e islan$s an$ naturaliBe$ in $ry u1lan$ forests. In )+32% it
rea!e$ Ja'aia% -!ere it is ulti&ate$ an$ ours as an esa1e on !illsi$es (et-een
,%266 an$ 2%666 ft <)%6AA7)%28. '=. It foun$ its -ay to 0aiti so'eti'e later. T!e first
1lantin# in Italy -as in )+*+ an$ it (ea'e a fa&ore$ ro1 in t!e "ro&ine of Re##io
Cala(ria. T!e tree !as (een trie$ se&eral ti'es in t!e Botani 4ar$ens% Sin#a1ore first
aroun$ )3+3G(ut !as al-ays faile$ to sur&i&e (eause of t!e tro1ial li'ate. In t!e
"!ili11ines% it $oes -ell in t!e Mountain "ro&ine at an altitu$e a(o&e 8%.A6 ft <+26 '=.
It -as intro$ue$ into In$ia an$ Ceylon in )336 an$ t!ere is s'all7sale ulture in (ot!
ountries at ele&ations (et-een )%266 an$ +%666 ft <.2+78%),. '=. T!e tree -as 1lante$ in
Ma$eira in )3*+% t!en in t!e Canary Islan$s% Al#iers% E#y1t an$% 1ro(a(ly &ia Italy% in
Li(ya% Eritrea an$ So'alia.
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture i'1orte$ a nu'(er of lots of !eri'oya
see$s fro' Ma$eira in )*6+ <S.".I. Nos. )*32,% )*32.% )*322% )*3*3% )**6)% )**6.%
See$s fro' Me/io -ere 1lante$ in California in )3+). T!ere -ere *%666 trees in t!at
state in )*,A (ut 'any of t!e' -ere 5ille$ (y a freeBe in )*,+. Se&eral s'all o''erial
or!ar$s -ere esta(lis!e$ in t!e )*.6Cs. At 1resent t!ere 'ay (e less t!an )66 ares <.8
!a= in t!e 'il$er 1arts of San Die#o County. See$s% see$lin#s an$ #rafte$ trees fro'
California an$ else-!ere !a&e (een 1lante$ in Flori$a 'any ti'es (ut none !as $one
-ell. Any fruits 1ro$ue$ !a&e (een of 1oor >uality.
In "eru% !eri'oyas are lasse$ aor$in# to $e#ree of surfae irre#ularity% as@ '-isa'%
al'ost s'oot!9 '#presa'% -it! ?fin#er1rint? $e1ressions9 '*#bonada'% -it! roun$e$
1rotrusions9 'Papilonado'% or 'Tetilado'% -it! fles!y% ni11le7li5e 1rotrusions9
'Tuberculada'% -it! onial 1rotrusions !a&in# -artli5e ti1s. At t!e A#riultural
E/1eri'ent Station ?La Molina?% se&eral na'e$ an$ unna'e$ seletions ollete$ in
nort!ern "eru are 'aintaine$ an$ e&aluate$. A'on# t!e 'ore i'1ortant are@ O)%
'C!a&e5'% fruits u1 to ,., l(s <) )F8 5#=9 Fe(ruary to May9 O8% '0a#es'% fruits January to
A1ril9 O,% '$ander'% fruits -it! 'o$erate nu'(er of see$s9 July an$ early Au#ust9 O.%
fruit nearly s'oot!% not 'any see$s% ).) to 8.8 l(s <)F87) 5#=% June to Au#ust9 O2% nearly
s'oot!% &ery s-eet% 8.8 I(s <) 5#=% Mar! to June9 OA% fruit -it! s'all 1rotu(eranes% ).)
to 8.8 I(s <)F87) 5#=% not 'any see$s9 O+ fruit s'all% &ery s-eet% 'any see$s% Mar! to
May9 O3% fruit &ery s-eet% ).) to 8.8 I(s <)F8 ) 5#=% -it! &ery fe- see$s% Fe(ruary to
In t!e De1art'ent of Antio>uia% Colo'(ia% a ulti&ar alle$ '2io 0egro' !as !eart s!a1e$
fruits -ei#!in# ) ,F. to 8.8 I(s <6.37) 5#=. T!e !eri'oyas of MiB>ue% Co!a(a'(a%
Boli&ia% are loally fa'e$ for t!eir siBe an$ >uality. 'Conc!a -isa' an$ 'Bronceada' are
#ro-n o''erially in C!ile. Ot!er ulti&ars 'entione$ in C!ilean literature are
'Conc!a Picuda' an$ 'Terciopelo'6
Dr. Ernesto Saa&e$ra% Uni&ersity of C!ile% after e/ 1eri'entin# -it! #ro-t! re#ulators
for . years% $e&elo1e$ a su1er !eri'oya% . to A in <)67)2 '= -i$e an$ -ei#!in# u1 to .
I(s <).3 5#=9 sy''etrial% easy to 1eel an$ see$less% !ene !a&in# 82K 'ore fles! t!an
an or$inary !eri'oya. 0o-e&er% t!e lar#er fruits are su(Det to ra5in#.
T!e lea$in# o''erial ulti&ars in S1ain are 'Pinc!ua' <t!in7s5inne$= an$ 'Baste'
Na'e$ ulti&ars in California inlu$e@
'Bays'Groun$e$% fin#er1rinte$% li#!t #reen% 'e$iu' to lar#e% of e/ellent fla&or9 #oo$
(earer9 early.
'1!aley'Glon#7onial% so'eti'es s!oul$ere$ at t!e (ase% sli#!tly an$ irre#ularly
tu(erulate% -it! fairly t!i5% $o-ny s5in. Of #oo$ fla&or% (ut 'e'(ranous sa aroun$
ea! see$ 'ay a$!ere to fles!. Bears -ell9 #ro-n o''erially9 early.
'Deliciosa'Glon#7onial% 1ro'inently 1a1illate9 s5in t(in% sli#!tly $o-ny9 &aria(le in
fla&or9 only fair in >uality9 #enerally (ears -ell (ut $oesnCt s!i1 -ell9 ol$7resistant.
'Boot!'Gs!ort7onial% fin#er1rinte$% 'e$iu' to lar#e9 of #oo$ fla&or9 ne/t to CDeliiosa
in !ar$iness. Late.
'McP!erson'Gs!ort onial% fin#er1rinte$ (ut u'(onate at t!e (ase9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 of
!i#! >uality9 (ears -ell. Mi$season.
'Carter'Glon#7onial% (ut not s!oul$ere$9 s'oot! or faintly fin#er1rinte$9 s5in #reen to
(ronBe9 (ears -ell. Late. Lea&es -a&y or t-iste$.
'2yerson'Glon#7onial% s'oot! or fin#er1rinte$% -it! t(i5% tou#!% #reen or yello-
#reen s5in9 of fair >uality9 s!i1s -ell. Lea&es -a&y or t-iste$.
'1!ite'Gs!ort7onial -it! roun$e$ a1e/9 sli#!tly 1a1il late to u'(onate9 'e$iu' to
lar#e9 s5in 'e$iu' t!i59 of #oo$ fla&or9 $oesn t (ear -ell near t!e oast.
'C!a..ey'Gintro$ue$ in )*.6s9 roun$e$% s!ort% fin#er 1rinte$9 of 'e$iu' siBe9 e/ellent
>uality9 (ears -ell% e&en -it!out !an$71ollination.
'Ott'G<"atent OA2A=Gintro$ue$ in )*.6Cs9 lon# onial to !eart s!a1e$% sli#!tly
tu(erulate9 of e/ellent fla&or9 s!i1s -ell.
A'on# ot!ers t!at !a&e (een 1lante$ in California (ut onsi$ere$ inferior are@ '%orton'%
'Golden 2usset'% '-o#a'% 'Mire Vista'% '$all#on'.
A 1ro(le' -it! t!e !eri'oya is ina$e>uate natural 1ollination (eause t!e 'ale an$
fe'ale strutures of ea! flo-er $o not 'ature si'ultaneously. Fe- insets &isit t!e
flo-ers. T!erefore% !an$71ollination is !i#!ly $esira(le an$ 'ust (e $one in a A7 to 37
!our 1erio$ -!en t!e sti#'as are -!ite an$ sti5y. It !as (een foun$ in C!ile t!at in t!e
first flo-ers to o1en t!e 1ollen #rains are loa$e$ -it! star!% -!ereas flo-ers t!at o1en
later !a&e 'ore a(un$ant 1ollen% no star! #rains% an$ t!e 1ollen #er'inates rea$ily.
"artly7o1ene$ flo-ers are ollete$ in t!e afternoon an$ 5e1t in a 1a1er (a# o&erni#!t.
T!e ne/t 'ornin# t!e s!e$ 1ollen is 1ut% to#et!er -it! 'oist 1a1er% in a &ial an$
transferre$ (y (rus! to t!e ree1ti&e sti#'as. Usually only a fe- of t!e flo-ers on a tree
are 1ollinate$ ea! ti'e% t!e o1eration (ein# re1eate$ e&ery . or 2 $ays in or$er to e/ten$
t!e season of ri1enin#. T!e losely relate$ A. senegalensis "ers.% if a&aila(le% is a #oo$
soure of a(un$ant 1ollen for 1ollinatin# t!e !eri'oya. T!e 1ollen of t!e su#ar a11le is
not satisfatory. Fruits fro' !an$71ollinate$ flo-ers -ill (e su1erior in for' an$ siBe.
T!e !eri'oya is su(tro1ial or 'il$7te'1erate an$ $oes not suee$ in t!e lo-lan$
tro1is. It re>uires lon# $ays. In Colo'(ia an$ Eua$or% it #ro-s naturally at ele&ations
(et-een .%A66 an$ A%A66 ft <)%.6678%666 '= -!ere t!e te'1erature ran#es (et-een A8.AI
an$ A3IF <)+I786IC=. In "eru% t!e i$eal li'ate for t!e !eri'oya is sai$ to lie (et-een
A..2I an$ ++IF <)3I782IC= in t!e su''er an$ A..2I an$ .)IF <)3I72IC= in -inter. In
4uate'ala% naturaliBe$ trees are o''on (et-een .%666 an$ 3%866 ft <)%86678%266 '=
t!ou#! t!e tree 1ro$ues (est (et-een .%666 an$ 2%*66 ft <)%8667)%366 '= an$ an (e
#ro-n at ele&ations as lo- as 8%*26 ft <*66 '=. T!e tree annot sur&i&e t!e ol$ in t!e
:alle $e Me/io at +%866 ft <8%)*2 '=. In Ar#entina% youn# trees are -ra11e$ -it! $ry
#rass or (urla1 $urin# t!e -inter. T!e !eri'oya an tolerate li#!t frosts. ;oun# trees
an -it!stan$ a te'1erature of 8AIF <7,.,,IC=% (ut a fe- $e#rees lo-er -ill se&erely
inDure or 5ill 'ature trees. In Fe(ruary )*.*% a s'all sale o''erial #ro-er <B. E.
Nee$!a'= in 4len$ora% California% re1orte$ t!at 'ost of !is ro1 -as lost (eause of
frost an$ sno-% t!e !eri'oya sufferin# 'ore ol$ $a'a#e t!an !is a&oa$os% oran#es or
T!e tree 1refers a rat!er $ry en&iron'ent as in sout!ern 4uate'ala -!ere t!e rainfall is
26 in <)8+ '= an$ t!ere is a lon# $ry season. It is not a$a1ta(le to nort!ern 4uate'ala
-!ere t!e )66 in! <82. '= rainfall is s1rea$ t!rou#!out t!e year.
Finally% t!e tree s!oul$ (e 1rotete$ fro' stron# -in$s -!i! interfere -it! 1ollination
an$ fruit set.
T!e !eri'oya tree 1erfor's -ell on a -i$e ran#e of soil ty1es fro' li#!t to !ea&y% (ut
see's to $o (est on a 'e$iu' soil of 'o$erate fertility. In Ar#entina% it 'a5es e/ellent
#ro-t! on ro5stre-n% loose% san$y loa' 8 to , ft <6.A76.* '= a(o&e a #ra&el su(soil. T!e
o1ti'u' 10 ran#es fro' A.2 to +.A. A #reen!ouse trial in san$ !as $e'onstrate$ t!at t!e
first nutritional $efiieny e&o5e$ in su! soil is la5 of aliu'.
C!eri'oya see$s% if 5e1t $ry% -ill re'ain &ia(le for se&eral years. W!ile t!e tree is
tra$itionally #ro-n fro' see$ in Latin A'eria% t!e ten$eny of see$lin#s to 1ro$ue
inferior fruits !as #i&en i'1etus to &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation.
See$s for rootsto5s are first soa5e$ in -ater for ) to . $ays an$ t!ose t!at float are
$isar$e$. T!en 1lantin# is $one $iretly in t!e nursery ro- unless t!e soil is too ool% in
-!i! ase t!e see$s 'ust (e 1lae$ in san$ 1eat see$(e$s% o&ere$ -it! ) in <8.2 '= of
soil an$ 5e1t in a #reen!ouse. T!ey -ill #er'inate in , to 2 -ee5s an$ -!en t!e 1lants
are , to . in <+.27)6 '= !i#!% t!ey are trans1lante$ to 1ots or t!e nursery 1lot -it! 86 in
<26 '= (et-een ro-s. W!en )8 to 8. 'ont!s ol$ an$ $or'ant% t!ey are (u$$e$ or
#rafte$ an$ t!en allo-e$ to #ro- to , or . ft <6.*7).8 '= !i#! (efore settin# out in t!e
fiel$. Lar#e see$lin#s an$ ol$ trees an (e to1-or5e$ (y left7#raftin#. It is neessary to
1rotet t!e trun5 of to11e$ trees to a&oi$ sun(urn.
T!e !eri'oya an also (e #rafte$ onto t!e ustar$ a11le <A. reticulata=. In In$ia t!is
rootsto5 !as #i&en *6K suess. Cuttin#s of 'ature -oo$ of !ealt!y !eri'oya trees
!a&e roote$ in oral san$ -it! (otto' !eat in 83 $ays.
T!e youn# trees s!oul$ (e s1ae$ 82 to ,6 ft <+.27* '= a1art ea! -ay in 1its 86 to 8. in
<267A6 '= -i$e% enri!e$ -it! or#ani 'aterial. In Colo'(ia% orn <'aiBe=% &e#eta(les%
orna'ental folia#e 1lants% roses or annual flo-ers for 'ar5et are inter1lante$ $urin# t!e
first fe- years. In S1ain% t!e trees are ori#inally s1ae$ )A.2 ft <2 '= a1art -it! t!e
intention of later t!innin# t!e' out. T!innin# is not al-ays $one an$ aroun$ t!e &illa#e
of Jete% -!ere t!e finest !eri'oyas are 1ro$ue$% t!e trees !a&e #ro-n so lose to#et!er
as to for' a forest. In t!e early years t!ey are inter1lante$ -it! orn% (eans an$ 1otatoes.
"runin# to eli'inate lo- (ran!es% 1ro&i$in# a lean trun5 u1 to ,8 in <36 '=% to
i'1ro&e for'% an$ o1en u1 to sunli#!t an$ 1estii$e ontrol% is $one 1refera(ly $urin#
$or'any. After A 'ont!s% fertiliBer <)6737A N% "% J= is a11lie$ at t!e rate of )F8 l( <88+
#= 1er tree an$ a#ain A 'ont!s later at ) l( <.2. #= 1er tree. In t!e ,r$ year% t!e fertiliBer
for'ula is !an#e$ to A7)673 N%"%J an$ ea! year t!ereafter t!e a'ount 1er tree is
inrease$ (y ) l( <.2. #= until t!e le&el of 2 l(s <8.8+ 5#= is rea!e$. T!enefort! t!is
a'ount is ontinue$ ea! year 1er tree. T!e fertiliBer is a11lie$ in tren!es A in <)2 '=
$ee1 an$ 3 in <86 '= -i$e $u# aroun$ ea! tree at a $istane of 2 ft <).2 '= fro' t!e
(ase% at first9 later% at an a11ro1riately #reater $istane.
;oun# trees are irri#ate$ e&ery )2 to 86 $ays for t!e first fe- years e/e1t $urin# t!e
-inter -!en t!ey 'ust (e allo-e$ to #o $or'antGi$eally for . 'ont!s. W!en t!e first
leaf(u$s a11ear% irri#ation is resu'e$. Wit! (earin# trees% -aterin# is $isontinue$ as
soon as t!e fruits are full7#ro-n.
In C!ile% atte'1ts to inrease fruit set -it! !e'ial #ro-t! re#ulators !a&e (een
$isa11ointin#. S1rayin# flo-ers -it! #i((erelli ai$ !as inrease$ fruit set an$ i'1ro&e$
for' an$ siBe (ut in$ues $ee1 ra5in# 1rior to full 'aturity% far (eyon$ t!e nor'al rate
of ra5in# in fruits fro' natural or !an$71ollinate$ flo-ers.
Cropping and 'ield
T!e !eri'oya (e#ins to (ear -!en , )F8 to 2 years ol$ an$ 1ro$ution stea$ily inreases
fro' t!e 2t! to t!e )6t! year% -!en t!ere s!oul$ (e a yiel$ of 82 fruits 1er treeG8%68.
1er are <2%666 1er !a=. ;iel$s of in$i&i$ual trees !a&e (een re1orte$ (y eye-itnesses as
a $oBen% 32% or e&en ,66 fruits annually. In Colo'(ia% t!e a&era#e yiel$ is 82 fruits9 as
'any as 36 is e/e1tional. In Italy% trees ,6 to ,2 years ol$ 1ro$ue 8,6 to 836 fruits
T!e fruits 'ust (e 1i5e$ -!en full #ro-n (ut still fir' an$ Dust (e#innin# to s!o- a
sli#!t !int of yello-is!7#reen an$ 1er!a1s a (ronBe ast. Boli&ians Du$#e t!at a fruit is at
full 'aturity (y s!a5in# it an$ listenin# for t!e soun$ of loose see$s. Italians usually -ait
for t!e yello-is! !ue an$ t!e s-eet aro'a notiea(le at a $istane% 1i5in# t!e fruits only
8. to 83 !ours 1rior to onsu'1tion. 0o-e&er% if t!e fruits 'ust tra&el to 'ar5ets in
entral Italy% t!ey are !ar&este$ -!en t!e s5in turns fro' $ar57#reen to li#!ter #reen.
In !ar&estin#% t!e fruits 'ust (e li11e$ fro' t!e (ran! so as to lea&e only a &ery s!ort
ste' atta!e$ to t!e fruit to a&oi$ ste' ause$ $a'a#e to t!e fruits in !an$lin#% 1a5in#
an$ s!i11in#.
(eeping )uality and $torage
Fir' fruits s!oul$ (e !el$ at a te'1erature of 26IF <)6IC= to retar$ softenin#. W!en
transferre$ to nor'al roo' te'1erature% t!ey -ill (eo'e soft an$ rea$y to eat in , to .
$ays. T!en t!ey an (e 5e1t !ille$ in t!e !o'e refri#erator if not to (e onsu'e$
i''e$iately. A California #ro-er !as s!i11e$ !eri'oyas <CDeliiosaC an$ CBoot!C=
1a5e$ in e/elsior in )8 l( <2.275#= (o/es to Boston an$ Ne- ;or5 >uite satisfatorily.
An$ t!e fruit !as (een s!i11e$ fro' Ma$eira to Lon$on for 'any years.
In Boli&ia% fruits for !o'e use are -ra11e$ in -oollen lot! as soon as 1i5e$ an$ 5e1t at
roo' te'1erature so t!at t!ey an (e eaten , $ays later.
Pests and Diseases
T!e !eri'oya tree is resistant to ne'ato$es. :ery fe- 1ro(le's !a&e (een note$ in
California e/e1t for infestations of 'ealy(u#s% es1eially at t!e (ase of t!e fruit% an$
t!ese an (e flus!e$ off. In Colo'(ia% on t!e ot!er !an$% it is sai$ t!at a 1erfetly !ealt!y
tree is a rarity. In t!e :alle $e TenBa% for'erly an i'1ortant enter of 1ro$ution% la5 of
ontrol of 1ests #reatly re$ue$ t!e 1lantations (efore )*A6 -!en 1ro#ra's -ere
laun!e$ to i'1ro&e !eri'oya ulture !ere an$ in &arious ot!er re#ions of t!e ountry.
Cater1illars <$hecla s1. an$ Oi5etius 5u(eyi= 'ay $efoliate t!e tree. A sale inset%
Conchaspis angraeci atta5s t!e trun5 an$ (ran!es. "ri'e ene'ies are re1orte$ to (e
fruit flies <Anastrepha s 1. =9 leaf 'iners <8eucoptera s1.=% 1artiularly in t!e :alle $e
TenBa% -!i! neessitate t!e olletion an$ (urnin# of affete$ lea&es 1lus t!e
a11liation of syste'i insetii$es9 an$ t!e see$ (orer <Bephrata maculicollis=. T!e
latter 1est $e1osits e##s on t!e surfae of t!e $e&elo1in# fruits% t!e lar&ae in&a$e t!e fruit
an$ onsu'e t!e see$s% ausin# 1re'ature an$ $efeti&e ri1enin# an$ ren$erin# t!e fruits
suse1ti(le to fun#al $iseases. T!is 1est is $iffiult to o'(at. Borers atta5 t!e tree in
Ar#entina re$uin# its life s1an fro' A6 to ,6 years.
T!e oi$% )seudococcus filamentosus
atta5s t!e fruit in 0a-aii% an$
Aulacaspis miranda an$ Ceropute
yuccae in Me/io. In S1ain% t!e t!in7
s5inne$ ulti&ar C"in!uaC is su(Det to
atta5 (y t!e Me$iterranean fruit7fly%
Ceratitis capitata.
Store$ see$s for 1lantin# are su(Det to
atta5 (y -ee&ils. To a&oi$ $a'1in#7off
of youn# see$lin#s% $ustin# of see$s -it!
fun#ii$e is reo''en$e$. T!e tree 'ay
suu'( to root7rot in lay soils or
-!ere t!ere is too 'u! 'oisture an$
insuffiient $raina#e. Sooty 'ol$ 'ay our on lea&es an$ fruits -!ere ants% a1!i$s an$
ot!er insets !a&e $e1osite$ !oney$e-.
Food *ses
T!e fles! of t!e ri1e !eri'oya is 'ost o''only eaten out of7!an$ or soo1e$ -it! a
s1oon fro' t!e ut o1en fruit. It really nee$s no e'(ellis!'ent (ut so'e 1eo1le in
Me/io li5e to a$$ a fe- $ro1s of li'e Duie. Oasionally it is see$e$ an$ a$$e$ to fruit
sala$s or use$ for 'a5in# s!er(et or ie rea'. Colo'(ians strain out t!e Duie% a$$ a
slie of le'on an$ $ilute -it! ie7-ater to 'a5e a refres!in# soft $rin5. T!e fruit !as
(een fer'ente$ to 1ro$ue an alo!oli (e&era#e.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortion
Fi#. )*@ C!eri'oyas <Annona !eri'ola= fro' t!e
!i#!lan$s are sol$ at fruit stan$s alon# :eneBuelan
Analysis of cherimoyas in Ecuador Colombian Analysis
Moisture +..A # Moisture ++.) #
Et!er E/trat 6..2 # "rotein ).* #
Cru$e Fi(er ).2 # Fat 6.) #
Nitro#en .88+ # Car(o!y$rates )3.8 #
As! 6.A) # Fi(er 8.6 #
Caliu' 8).+ # As! 6.+ #
"!os1!orus ,6.8 '# Caliu' ,8.6 '#
Iron 6.36 '# "!os1!orus ,+.6 '#
Carotene 6.666 '# Iron 6.2 '#
T!ia'ine 6.))+ '# :ita'in A <Carotene= 6.6 I.U.
Ri(ofla&in 6.))8 '# T!ia'ine 6.)6 '#
Niain ).68 '# Ri(ofla&in 6.). '#
Asor(i Ai$ )A.3 '# Niain 6.* '#
Asor(i Ai$ 2.6 '#
T!e see$s% li5e t!ose of ot!er Annona s1eies% are rus!e$ an$ use$ as insetii$e. "aul
Allen% in !is )oisonous and &n4urious )lants of )anama% <see Bi(lio#ra1!y=% i'1lies
1ersonal 5no-le$#e of a ase of (lin$ness resultin# fro' ?t!e Duie of t!e rus!e$ see$s
o'in# in ontat -it! t!e eyes. ? T!e see$s ontain se&eral al5aloi$s@ affeine% < T =7
retiuline% <7=7anonaine% lirio$enine% an$ lanu#inosine.
0u'an in#estion of 6.)2 # of t!e $ar57yello- resin isolate$ fro' t!e see$s 1ro$ues
$ilate$ 1u1ils% intense 1!oto1!o(ia% &o'itin#% nausea% $ryness of t!e 'out!% (urnin# in
t!e t!roat% flatulene% an$ ot!er sy'1to's rese'(lin# t!e effets of atro1ine. A $ose of
6.2 #% inDete$ into a 'e$iu'7siBe$ $o#% ause$ 1rofuse &o'itin#.
Wilson "o1enoe -rote t!at !o#s fee$ on t!e fallen fruits in sout!ern Eua$or -!ere t!ere
are 'any !eri'oya trees an$ fe- 1eo1le. One -on$ers -!et!er t!e !o#s s-allo- t!e
!ar$ see$s -!ole an$ a&oi$ inDury.
T!e t-i#s 1ossess t!e sa'e al5aloi$s as t!e see$s 1lus 'i!elal(ine. A tea' of
1!ar'ao#nosists in S1ain an$ Frane !as re1orte$ 3 al5aloi$s in t!e lea&es@ < T =7
iso(ol$ine% <7=7ste1!oli$ine% < T =7orytu(erine% < T = nornantenine% < T =7retiuline% <7=7
anonaine% lirio$enine% an$ lanu#inosine.
Ot!er *ses
In Ja'aia% t!e $rie$ flo-ers !a&e (een use$ as fla&orin# for snuff.
Medicinal *ses, In Me/io% rural 1eo1le toast% 1eel an$ 1ul&eriBe ) or 8 see$s an$ ta5e
t!e 1o-$er -it! -ater or 'il5 as a 1otent e'eti an$ at!arti. Mi/e$ -it! #rease% t!e
1o-$er is use$ to 5ill lie an$ is a11lie$ on 1arasiti s5in $isor$ers. A $eotion of t!e
s5in of t!e fruit is ta5en to relie&e 1neu'onia.
$ugar Apple
Annona squamosa
T!e 'ost -i$ely #ro-n of all t!e s1eies of Annona% t!e su#ar a11le% A. s9uamosa L.%
!as a>uire$ &arious re#ional na'es@ anon <Boli&ia% Costa Ria% Cu(a% "ana'a=9 anon de
azucar% anon domestico! hanon! mocuyo <Colo'(ia=9 anona blanca <0on$uras%
4uate'ala% Do'inian Re1u(li=9 anona de castilla <El Sal&a$or=9 anona de 5uatemala
<Niara#ua=9 a11le(us! <4rena$ines=9 ata! fruta do conde! fruta de condessa! frutiera
deconde! pinha! araticutitaia! or ati <BraBil=9 ates or atis <"!ili11ines=9 atte <4a(on=9
chirimoya <4uate'ala% Eua$or=9 cachiman <Ar#entina=9 cachiman cannelle <0aiti=9
"aneelappel <Surina'=9 pomme cannelle <4ua$elou1e% Fren! 4uiana% Fren! West
Afria=9 rinon <:eneBuela=9 saramulla! saramuya! ahate <Me/io=9 scopappel
<Net!erlan$s Antilles=9 s-eetso1 <Ja'aia% Ba!a'as=9 ata! luna! meba! sharifa! sarifa!
sitaphal! sita pandu% ustar$ a11le% saly ustar$ a11le <In$ia=9 bnah nona! nona! seri
"aya <Malaya= manonah! noinah! pomme cannelle du Cap <T!ailan$=9 9u a na <:ietna'=9
mang cau ta <Ca'(o$ia=9 ma" "hbieb <Laos=9 fan#li#chi <C!ina=.
T!e su#ar a11le tree ran#es fro' )6 to
86 ft <,7A '= in !ei#!t -it! o1en ro-n
of irre#ular (ran!es% an$ so'e7-!at
Bi#Ba# t-i#s. Dei$uous lea&es%
alternately arran#e$ on s!ort% !airy
1etioles% are laneolate or o(lon#% (lunt
ti11e$% 8 to A in <27)2 '= lon# an$ ,F.
to 8 in <872 '= -i$e9 $ull7#reen on t!e
u11ersi$e% 1ale% -it! a (loo'% (elo-9
sli#!tly !airy -!en youn#9 aro'ati
-!en rus!e$. Alon# t!e (ran! ti1s%
o11osite t!e lea&es% t!e fra#rant flo-ers
are (orne sin#ly or in #rou1s of 8 to .. T!ey are o(lon#% ) to ) )F8 in <8.27,.3 '= lon#%
ne&er fully o1en9 -it! ) in <8.2 '= lon#% $roo1in# stal5s% an$ , fles!y outer 1etals%
yello-7#reen on t!e outsi$e an$ 1ale7yello- insi$e -it! a 1ur1le or $ar57re$ s1ot at t!e
(ase. T!e , inner 1etals are 'erely tiny sales. T!e o'1oun$ fruit is nearly roun$%
o&oi$% or onial9 8 )F, to . in <A7)6 '= lon#9 its t!i5 rin$ o'1ose$ of 5no((y
se#'ents% 1ale7#reen% #ray7#reen% (luis!7#reen% or% in one for'% $ull% $ee171in5
e/ternally <nearly al-ays -it! a (loo'=9 se1aratin# -!en t!e fruit is ri1e an$ re&ealin#
t!e 'ass of onially se#'ente$% rea'y7-!ite% #listenin#% $eli#!tfully fra#rant% Duiy%
s-eet% $eliious fles!. Many of t!e se#'ents enlose a sin#le o(lon#7ylin$ri% (la5 or
$ar57(ro-n see$ a(out )F8 in <).82 '= lon#. T!ere 'ay (e a total of 86 to ,3% or 1er!a1s
'ore% see$s in t!e a&era#e fruit. So'e trees% !o-e&er% (ear see$less fruits.
Origin and Distribution
T!e ori#inal !o'e of t!e su#ar a11le is un5no-n. It is o''only ulti&ate$ in tro1ial
Sout! A'eria% not often in Central A'eria% &ery fre>uently in sout!ern Me/io% t!e
West In$ies% Ba!a'as an$ Ber'u$a% an$ oasionally in sout!ern Flori$a. In Ja'aia%
"uerto Rio% Bar(a$os% an$ in $ry re#ions of Nort! Hueenslan$% Australia% it !as esa1e$
fro' ulti&ation an$ is foun$ -il$ in 1astures% forests an$ alon# roa$si$es.
T!e S1aniar$s 1ro(a(ly arrie$ see$s fro' t!e Ne- Worl$ to t!e "!ili11ines an$ t!e
"ortu#uese are assu'e$ to !a&e intro$ue$ t!e su#ar a11le to sout!ern In$ia (efore )2*6.
It -as #ro-in# in In$onesia early in t!e )+ t! entury an$ !as (een -i$ely a$o1te$ in
sout!ern C!ina% Hueenslan$% Australia% "olynesia% 0a-aii% tro1ial Afria% E#y1t an$ t!e
lo-lan$s of "alestine. Culti&ation is 'ost e/tensi&e in In$ia -!ere t!e tree is also &ery
o''on as an esa1e an$ t!e fruit e/ee$in#ly 1o1ular an$ a(un$ant in 'ar5ets. T!e
su#ar a11le is one of t!e 'ost i'1ortant fruits in t!e interior of BraBil an$ is ons1iuous
in t!e 'ar5ets of Ba!ia.
"late 3@ SU4AR A""LE% Annona s9uamosa
T!e '$eedless Cuban' su#ar a11le -as intro$ue$ into Flori$a in )*22% !as 1ro$ue$
sant ro1s of sli#!tly 'alfor'e$ fruits -it! 'ere &esti#es of un$e&elo1e$ see$s. T!e
fla&or is less a11ealin# t!an t!at of nor'al fruits (ut it is &e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ an$
$istri(ute$ as a no&elty. Anot!er see$less ty1e -as intro$ue$ fro' BraBil.
In$ian !ortiulturists !a&e stu$ie$ t!e $i&erse -il$ an$ ulti&ate$ su#ar a11les of t!at
ountry an$ reo#niBe ten $ifferent ty1es@ '2ed' <A. s9uamosa &ar. Sangareddyiz=Gre$7
tinte$ folia#e an$ flo-ers% $ee171in5 rin$% 'ostly non7re$uin# su#ars% insi1i$% -it!
s'all% (la5is!71in5 see$s9 1oor >uality9 o'es true fro' see$. '2ed7speckled'G!a&in#
re$ s1ots on #reen rin$. 'Cri#son'Gons1iuous re$7tone$ folia#e an$ flo-ers% $ee17
1in5 rin$% 1in5 fles!. ''ellow'9 '1!ite7ste##ed'9 'Ma##ot!' <A. s9uamosa &ar.
mammoth=G1ale yello- 1etals% s'oot!% (roa$% t!i5% roun$ rin$ se#'ents t!at are li#!t
russet #reen9 fruits lo1si$e$% 1ul1 soft% -!ite% &ery s-eet9 o'es true fro' see$.
'Balangar'Glar#e% -it! #reen rin$ !a&in# rou#!% -arty Ptu(erulateR% fairly t!i5 rin$
se#'ents -it! rea'y 'ar#ins9 s-eet9 !i#! yiel$in#. '(akarlapa!ad'G&ery !i#!
yiel$in#. '1as!ington'Gaute tu(erulate rin$ se#'ents% oran#e7yello- 'ar#ins9 !i#!
yiel$in#9 late in season% 86 $ays after ot!ers. 'Barbados' an$ 'Britis! Guiana'G!a&in#
#reen rin$% oran#e7yello- 'ar#ins9 !i#!7yiel$in#9 late.
Na'e$ ulti&ars #ro-in# at t!e Sa(a!ia E/1eri'ent Station% Ale/an$ria% E#y1t% inlu$e@
'Beni Ma5ar'Gnearly roun$% lar#e% 2 )F. to A )F8 oB <)267)36 #=9 2A7A6K fles!9 )2 ,6
see$s. 'Abd 7l 2a5ik'Gli#!t7#reen or re$$is! rin$9 nearly roun$% lar#e% 'a/i'u' 3 )F,
oB <8,A., #=9 A*.2K fles!9 ). see$s.
T!e su#ar a11le tree re>uires a tro1ial or near7tro1ial li'ate. It $oes not suee$ in
California (eause of t!e ool -inters t!ou#! in Israel it !as sur&i&e$ se&eral $e#rees
(elo- freeBin#. 4enerally% it $oes (est in $ry areas an$ it !as !i#! $rou#!t tolerane.
0o-e&er% in Ceylon it flouris!es in t!e -et as -ell as t!e $ry Bones fro' sea le&el to
,%266 ft <)%6AA '= ele&ation. Durin# t!e (loo'in# season% $rou#!t interferes -it!
1ollination an$ it is% t!erefore% onlu$e$ t!at t!e su#ar a11le s!oul$ !a&e !i#!
at'os1!eri !u'i$ity (ut no rain -!en flo-erin#. In se&ere $rou#!ts% t!e tree s!e$s its
lea&es an$ t!e fruit rin$ !ar$ens an$ -ill s1lit -it! t!e a$&ent of rain.
T!e su#ar a11le is not 1artiular as to soil an$ !as 1erfor'e$ -ell on san$% ooliti
li'estone an$ !ea&y loa' -it! #oo$ $raina#e. Water7lo##in# is intolera(le. T!e tree is
s!allo-7roote$ an$ $oesnCt nee$ $ee1 soil. Irri#ation -ater ontainin# o&er ,66 11'
!lorine !as $one t!e tree no !ar'.
Su#ar a11le see$s !a&e a relati&ely lon# life% !a&in# 5e1t -ell for , to . years. T!ey
#er'inate (etter a -ee5 after re'o&al fro' t!e fruit t!an -!en 1erfetly fres!.
4er'ination 'ay ta5e ,6 $ays or 'ore (ut an (e !astene$ (y soa5in# for , $ays or (y
sarifyin#. T!e 1erenta#e of #er'ination is sai$ to (e (etter in unsoa5e$ see$s. W!ile
t!e tree is #enerally #ro-n fro' see$% &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is 1ratie$ -!ere t!e ro1
is i'1ortant an$ early fruitin# is a $istint a$&anta#e.
See$lin#s 'ay (e (u$$e$ or #rafte$ -!en one7year ol$. In In$ia% selete$ lones #rafte$
on A. reticulata see$lin#s !a&e flo-ere$ -it!in . 'ont!s an$ fruite$ in 3 'ont!s after
1lantin# out% o'1are$ -it! 8 to . years in see$lin#s. T!e #rafte$ trees are &i#orous% t!e
fruits less see$y an$ 'ore unifor' in siBe. A. senegalensis is e'1loye$ as a rootsto5 in
E#y1t. A. glabra is suita(le (ut less !ar$y. T!e su#ar a11le itself ran5s ne/t after A.
reticulata as a rootsto5. In In$ia% (u$$in# is (est $one in January% Mar! an$ June.
Results are 1oor if $one inJuly% Au#ust% No&e'(er or Dee'(er unless t!e sions are
$efoliate$ an$ $e(u$$e$ in a$&ane an$ ut only after t!e 1etioles !a&e $e!ise$. Si$e7
#raftin# an (e $one only fro' Dee'(er to May% re>uires 'u! s5ill an$ t!e rate of
suess !as not e/ee$e$ 23.,,K. S!iel$7(u$$in# #i&es +2K suess an$ is t!e only
o''erially feasi(le 'et!o$.
Inar!in# is )66K suessful. Cuttin#s% layers% airlayers !a&e a lo- rate of suess% an$
trees #ro-n (y t!ese te!ni>ues !a&e s!allo- root syste's an$ annot en$ure $rou#!t as
-ell as see$lin#s $o.
In E#y1t% su#ar a11le trees are s1ae$ at )6 / )6 ft <,/, '= in or$er to ele&ate
at'os1!eri !u'i$ity an$ i'1ro&e 1ollination. "alestinian #ro-ers -ere s1ain# at )A /
)A ft <2/2 '= (ut !an#e$ to )A / )6 ft <2/, '= as 'ore feasi(le. On li#!t soils% t!ey
a11ly ),8 to )+A l(s <A6736 5#= 'anure 1er tree annually an$ t!ey reo''en$ t!e
a$$ition of nitro#en. Co''erial fertiliBer ontainin# ,K N% )6 K " an$ )6K J
si#nifiantly inreases flo-erin#% fruit set an$ yiel$. Ju$iious 1runin# to i'1ro&e s!a1e
an$ stren#t! of tree 'ust (e $one only in s1rin# -!en t!e sa1 is risin#% ot!er-ise 1runin#
'ay 5ill t!e tree. Irri#ation $urin# t!e $ry season an$ one $urin# ri1enin# -ill inrease
fruit siBe.
Cropping and 'ield
See$lin#s 2 years ol$ 'ay yiel$ 26 fruits 1er tree in late su''er an$ fall. Ol$er trees
rarely e/ee$ )66 fruits 1er tree unless !an$71ollinate$. Wit! a#e% t!e fruits (eo'e
s'aller an$ it is onsi$ere$ (est to re1lae t!e trees after )6 to 86 years. T!e fruits -ill
not ri1en (ut Dust turn (la5 an$ $ry if 1i5e$ (efore t!e -!ite% yello-is! or re$ tint
a11ears (et-een t!e rin$ se#'ents% t!e first si#ns of se1aration. If allo-e$ to ri1en on t!e
tree% t!e fruit falls a1art.
(eeping )uality
In In$ia% 'ature fruits treate$ -it! 267A6 # ar(i$e ri1ene$ in 8 $ays an$ t!ereafter
re'aine$ in #oo$ on$ition only 8 $ays at roo' te'1erature% -!ile t!ose 1a5e$ in stra-
ri1ene$ in 27A $ays an$ 5e1t -ell for . $ays.
Stora#e trials in Malaya in$iate t!at t!e ri1enin# of su#ar a11les an (e $elaye$ (y
stora#e at te'1eratures (et-een 2*I an$ A3IF <)2I786IC= an$ 327*6K relati&e !u'i$ity%
-it! lo- O8 an$ C8 08. To s1ee$ ri1enin# at t!e sa'e te'1erature an$ relati&e
!u'i$ity% le&els of O8 an$ CO8 s!oul$ (e !i#!. Storin# at ,*.8IF <.IC= for 2 $ays
resulte$ in !illin# inDury.
In E#y1t% of CBeni MaBarC fruits% 1i5e$ -!en full#ro-n% ll2 $ays fro' set% an$ !el$ at
roo' te'1erature% 3AI%to ri1ene$ in )6 $ays. Of CA($ E) RaBi5C fruits% ).6 $ays fro' set%
2AK -ere ri1e in )2 $ays. T!erefore% CA($ E) RaBi5C is (etter a$a1te$ to U11er E#y1t
-!ere t!e li'ate s!oul$ 1ro'ote nor'al ri1enin#.
Pests and Diseases
In Flori$a an$ t!e Cari((ean% a see$ (orer <!ali$ fly=% Bephratelloides cubensis% infests
t!e see$s an$ an assoiate$ fun#us 'u''ifies t!e 1artly #ro-n fruits on t!e tree. T!is
!as $isoura#e$ 'any fro' #ro-in# t!e su#ar a11le% t!ou#! in t!e 1ast it -as a fairly
o''on $ooryar$ fruit tree. Si'ilar $a'a#e is ause$ (y B. maculicollis in Colo'(ia%
:eneBuela an$ Surina'% (y B. ruficollis in "ana'a% an$ B. paraguayensis in "ara#uay.
T!e soft sale% )hilephedra s1.% atta5s lea&es an$ t-i#s an$ $e1osits !oney$e- on
-!i! sooty 'ol$ $e&elo1s. A'(rosia (eetles lay e##s on youn# ste's an$ t!e lar&ae
in$ue $ie(a5 $urin# t!e -inter.
T!e 'ealy(u# is t!e 'ain 1est in Hueenslan$% Australia% (ut is easily ontrolle$. T!e
#reen tree ant is a nuisane (eause of t!e nests it 'a5es in t!e tree. Bir$ an$ ani'al
1re$ators fore In$ian #ro-ers to o&er t!e tree -it! nettin# or 1i5 t!e fruits
1re'aturely an$ ri1en t!e' in stra-.
A serious leaf (li#!t in In$ia is ause$ (y t!e fun#us Colletotrichum annonicola. In )*+3
a ne- fruit rot of su#ar a11le -as o(ser&e$ in In$ia% (e#innin# -it! $isoloration at one
en$ -!i! turns (ro-n or (la5 in . or 2 $ays% an$ 8 or , $ays later t!e entire fruit starts
to rot. Later% t!e fruit is o&ere$ -it! #ray7(la5 'yeliu' an$ s1!erial (o$ies. T!e
isolate$ fun#us -as i$entifie$ as t!e Colletotrichum state of 5lomerella cingulata.
Food *ses
T!e ri1e su#ar a11le is usually (ro5en o1en an$ t!e fles! se#'ents enDoye$ -!ile t!e
!ar$ see$s are se1arate$ in t!e 'out! an$ s1at out. It is so lusious t!at it is -ell -ort!
t!e trou(le. In Malaya% t!e fles! is 1resse$ t!rou#! a sie&e to eli'inate t!e see$s an$ is
t!en a$$e$ to ie rea' or (len$e$ -it! 'il5 to 'a5e a ool (e&era#e. It is ne&er oo5e$.
T!e see$s are ari$ an$ 1oisonous. Bar5% lea&es an$ see$s ontain t!e al5aloi$% anonaine.
Si/ ot!er a1or1!ine al5aloi$s !a&e (een isolate$ fro' t!e lea&es an$ ste's@ ory$ine%
roe'erine% norory$ine% norisoary$ine% isoory$ine an$ #lauine. A1or1!ine%
norlaureline an$ $ienone 'ay (e 1resent also. "o-$ere$ see$s% also 1oun$e$ $rie$ fruits
ser&e as fis! 1oison an$ insetii$es in In$ia. A 1aste of t!e see$ 1o-$er !as (een
a11lie$ to t!e !ea$ to 5ill lie (ut 'ust (e 5e1t a-ay fro' t!e eyes as it is !i#!ly irritant
an$ an ause (lin$ness. If a11lie$ to t!e uterus% it in$ues a(ortion. 0eat7e/trate$ oil
fro' t!e see$s !as (een e'1loye$ a#ainst a#riultural 1ests. Stu$ies !a&e s!o-n t!e
et!er e/trat of t!e see$s to !a&e no resi$ual to/iity after 8 $ays. 0i#! onentrations
are 1otent for 8 $ays an$ -ea5en stea$ily% all ati&ity (ein# lost after 3 $ays. In Me/io%
t!e lea&es are ru((e$ on floors an$ 1ut in !enCs nests to re1el lie.
Ot!er *ses
T!e seed kernels ontain ).7.*K of -!itis! or yello-is!% non7$ryin# oil -it!
sa1onifiation in$e/ of )3A..6. It !as (een 1ro1ose$ as a su(stitute for 1eanut oil in t!e
'anufature of soa1 an$ an (e $eto/ifie$ (y an al5ali treat'ent an$ use$ for e$i(le
1ur1oses. T!e lea&es yiel$ an e/ellent oil ri! in ter1enes an$ ses>uiter1enes% 'ainly B7
aryo1!yllene% -!i! fin$s li'ite$ use in 1erfu'es% #i&in# a -oo$y s1iy aent.
Fiber e/trate$ fro' t!e (ar5 !as (een e'1loye$ for or$a#e. T!e tree ser&es as !ost for
la7e/retin# insets.
Medicinal *ses, In In$ia t!e rus!e$ lea&es are sniffe$ to o&ero'e !ysteria an$ faintin#
s1ells9 t!ey are also a11lie$ on ulers an$ -oun$s an$ a leaf $eotion is ta5en in ases
of $ysentery. T!rou#!out tro1ial A'eria% a $eotion of t!e lea&es alone or -it! t!ose
of ot!er 1lants is i'(i(e$ eit!er as an e''ena#o#ue% fe(rifu#e% toni% ol$ re'e$y%
$i#esti&e% or to larify t!e urine. T!e leaf $eotion is also e'1loye$ in (at!s to alle&iate
r!eu'ati 1ain. T!e #reen fruit% &ery astrin#ent% is e'1loye$ a#ainst $iarr!ea in El
Sal&a$or. In In$ia% t!e rus!e$ ri1e fruit% 'i/e$ -it! salt% is a11lie$ on tu'ors. T!e (ar5
an$ roots are (ot! !i#!ly astrin#ent. T!e (ar5 $eotion is #i&en as a toni an$ to !alt
$iarr!ea. T!e root% (eause of its stron# 1ur#ati&e ation% is a$'inistere$ as a $rasti
treat'ent for $ysentery an$ ot!er ail'ents.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Calories 33.*7*2.+ #
Moisture A*.37+2.)3 #
Fat 6.8A7).)6 #
Car(o!y$ratesLL )*.)A782.)* #
Cru$e Fi(er ).).78.26 #
"rotein ).2,78.,3 #
Amino Acids@
Try1to1!an *7)6 '#
Met!ionine +73 '#
Lysine 2.7A* '#
As! 6.227).,. '#
"!os1!orus 8,.A722., '#
Caliu' )*..7...+ '#
Iron 6.837).,. '#
Carotene 27+ I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.)6676.), '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.)),76.)A+ '#
Niain 6.A2.76.*,) '#
Asor(i Ai$ ,..+7.8.8 '#
LMini'u' an$ 'a/i'u' le&els of onstituents fro' analyses 'a$e in t!e "!ili11ines%
Central A'eria an$ Cu(a.
LLT!e a&era#e su#ar ontent is )..23K an$ is a(out 26726 #luose an$ surose.

$ugar Apple
Annona muricata
Of t!e A6 or 'ore s1eies of t!e #enus Annona% fa'ily Annonaeae% t!e sourso1% A.
muricata L.% is t!e 'ost tro1ial% t!e lar#est7fruite$% an$ t!e only one len$in# itself -ell
to 1reser&in# an$ 1roessin#.
It is #enerally 5no-n in 'ost S1anis!7s1ea5in# ountries as guanabana9 in E) Sal&a$or%
as guanaba9 in 4uate'ala% as huanaba9 in Me/io% often as zopote de vie4as% or cabeza
de negro9 in :eneBuela% as catoche or catuche9 in Ar#entina% as anona de puntitas or
anona de bro9uel9 in Boli&ia% sinini9 in BraBil% araticum do grande! graviola% or 4aca do
)ara9 in t!e Net!erlan$s Antilles% sorsa"a or zunrza"% t!e latter na'e also use$ in
Surina' an$Ja&a9 in Fren!7s1ea5in#
areas of t!e West In$ies% West Afria%
an$ Sout!east Asia% es1eially Nort!
:ietna'% it is 5no-n as corossol% grand
corossol! corossol epineux% or cachiman
epineux. In Malaya it 'ay (e alle$
durian belanda! durian ma"i9 or seri
"aya belanda9 in T!ailan$% thu#rian#
In )*2)% "rof. Clery SalaBar% -!o -as
enoura#in# t!e $e&elo1'ent of sourso1
1ro$uts at t!e Colle#e of A#riulture at
Maya#ueB% "uerto Rio% tol$ 'e t!at t!ey
-oul$ li5e to a$o1t an En#lis! na'e
'ore a11ealin# t!an t!e -or$ ?sourso1?%
an$ not as li5ely as guanabana to (e
'is1ronoune$. To $ate% no alte'ati&es
!a&e (een !osen.
T!e sourso1 tree is lo-7(ran!in# an$ (us!y (ut slen$er (eause of its u1turne$ li'(s%
an$ rea!es a !ei#!t of 82 or ,6 ft <+.27* '=. ;oun# (ran!lets are rusty7!airy. T!e
'alo$orous lea&es% nor'ally e&er#reen% are alternate% s'oot!% #lossy% $ar5 #reen on t!e
u11er surfae% li#!ter (eneat!9 o(lon#% elli1ti or narro-o(o&ate% 1ointe$ at (ot! en$s% 8
)F8 to 3 in <A.82786 '= lon# an$ ) to 8 )F8 in <8.27A.82 '= -i$e. T!e flo-ers% -!i! are
(orne sin#ly% 'ay e'er#e any-!ere on t!e trun5% (ran!es or t-i#s. T!ey are s!ort
stal5e$% ) )F8 to 8 in <. 2 '= lon#% 1lu'1% an$ trian#ular7onial% t!e , fles!y% sli#!tly
s1rea$in#% outer 1etals yello-7#reen% t!e , lose7set inner 1etals 1ale7yello-.
T!e fruit is 'ore or less o&al or !eart7s!a1e$% so'e ti'es irre#ular% lo1si$e$ or ur&e$%
$ue to i'1ro1er ar1er $e&elo1'ent or inset inDury. T!e siBe ran#es fro' . to )8 in <)67
,6 '= lon# an$ u1 to A in <)2 '= in -i$t!% an$ t!e -ei#!t 'ay (e u1 to )6 or )2 l(s
<..27A.3 5#=. T!e fruit is o'1oun$ an$ o&ere$ -it! a retiulate$% leat!ery7a11earin# (ut
"late )6@ SOURSO"% Annona muricata
ten$er% ine$i(le% (itter s5in fro' -!i! 1rotru$e fe- or 'any stu((y% or 'ore elon#ate$
an$ ur&e$% soft% 1lia(le ?s1ines?. T!e ti1s (rea5 off easily -!en t!e fruit is fully ri1e.
T!e s5in is $ar57#reen in t!e i''ature fruit% (eo'in# sli#!tly yello-is!7#reen (efore
t!e 'ature fruit is soft to t!e tou!. Its inner surfae is rea'7olore$ an$ #ranular an$
se1arates easily fro' t!e 'ass of sno-7-!ite% fi(rous% Duiy se#'entsG'u! li5e fla5es
of ra- fis!Gsurroun$in# t!e entral% soft71it!y ore. In aro'a% t!e 1ul1 is so'e-!at
1inea11le7li5e% (ut its 'us5y% su(ai$ to ai$ fla&or is uni>ue. Most of t!e losely71a5e$
se#'ents are see$less. In ea! fertile se#'ent t!ere is a sin#le o&al% s'oot!% !ar$% (la5
see$% lF8 to ,F. in <).8278 '= lon#9 an$ a lar#e fruit 'ay ontain fro' a fe- $oBen to
866 or 'ore see$s.
Origin and Distribution
O&ie$o% in )28A% $esri(e$ t!e sourso1 as a(un$ant in t!e West In$ies an$ in nort!ern
Sout! A'eria. It is to$ay foun$ in Ber'u$a an$ t!e Ba!a'as% an$ (ot! -il$ an$
ulti&ate$% fro' sea7le&el to an altitu$e of ,%266 ft <)%)26 '= t!rou#!out t!e West In$ies
an$ fro' sout!ern Me/io to "eru an$ Ar#entina. It -as one of t!e first fruit trees arrie$
fro' A'eria to t!e Ol$ Worl$ Tro1is -!ere it !as (eo'e -i$ely $istri(ute$ fro'
sout!eastern C!ina to Australia an$ t!e -ar' lo-lan$s of eastern an$ -estern Afria. It
is o''on in t!e 'ar5ets of Malaya an$ sout!east Asia. :ery lar#e% sy''etrial fruits
!a&e (een seen on sale in Sout! :ietna'. It (ea'e -ell esta(lis!e$ at an early $ate in
t!e "aifi Islan$s. T!e tree !as (een raise$ suessfully (ut !as ne&er fruite$ in Israel.
In Flori$a% t!e sourso1 !as (een #ro-n to a li'ite$ e/tent for 1ossi(ly ))6 years.
Sturte&ant note$ t!at it -as not inlu$e$ (y At-oo$ a'on# Flori$a fruits in )3A+ (ut -as
liste$ (y t!e A'erian "o'olo#ial Soiety in )3+*. A tree fruite$ at t!e !o'e of Jo!n
Fo#arty of Manatee (efore t!e freeBe of )33A. In t!e sout!eastern 1art of t!e state an$
es1eially on t!e Flori$a Jeys% it is often 1lante$ in !o'e #ar$ens.
In re#ions -!ere s-eet fruits are 1referre$% as in Sout! In$ia an$ 4ua'% t!e sourso1 !as
not enDoye$ #reat 1o1ularity. It is #ro-n only to a li'ite$ e/tent in Ma$ras. 0o-e&er% in
t!e East In$ies it !as (een alai'e$ one of t!e (est loal fruits. In 0onolulu% t!e fruit is
oasionally sol$ (ut t!e $e'an$ e/ee$s t!e su11ly. T!e sourso1 is one of t!e 'ost
a(un$ant fruits in t!e Do'inian Re1u(li an$ one of t!e 'ost 1o1ular in Cu(a% "uerto
Rio% t!e Ba!a'as% Colo'(ia an$ nort!eastern BraBil.
In )33+% Cu(an sourso1s -ere sellin# in Jey West% Flori$a% at )6 to 26 ents a1iee. In
)*86% Wilson "o1enoe -rote t!at@ ?In t!e lar#e ities of tro1ial A'eria% t!ere is a #oo$
$e'an$ for t!e fruits at all ti'es of t!e year% a $e'an$ -!i! is not a$e>uately 'et at
1resent.? T!e islan$ of 4rena$a 1ro$ues 1artiularly lar#e an$ 1erfet sourso1s an$
re#ularly $eli&ers t!e' (y (oat to t!e 'ar5et of "ort7of S1ain (eause of t!e s!orta#e in
Trini$a$. In Colo'(ia% -!ere t!e sourso1 is #enerally lar#e% -ell7for'e$ an$ of !i#!
>uality% t!is is one of t!e ). tro1ial fruits reo''en$e$ (y t!e Instituto
Latinoa'eriano $e Mera$eo A#riola for lar#e7sale 1lantin# an$ 'ar5etin#. Sourso1s
1ro$ue$ in s'all 1lots% none o&er 2 ares <8.8+ !a=% t!rou#!out :eneBuela su11ly t!e
1roessin# 1lants -!ere t!e froBen onentrate is 1a5e$ in A oB <)+6 #= ans. In )*A3%
8%8AA tons <*,A MT= of Duie -ere 1roesse$ in :eneBuela. T!e straine$ 1ul1 is also
1reser&e$ o''erially in Costa Ria. T!ere are a fe- o''erial sourso1 1lantations
near t!e sout! oast of "uerto Rio an$ se&eral 1roessin# fatories. In )*++% t!e "uerto
Rian ro1 totale$ 8)*%2,3 l(s <**%+*6 5#=.
At t!e First International Con#ress of A#riultural an$ Foo$ In$ustries of t!e Tro1ial
an$ Su(tro1ial Nones% !el$ in )*A.% sientists fro' t!e Resear! La(oratories of Nestle
"ro$uts in :e&ey% S-itBerlan$% 1resente$ an e&aluation of lesser75no-n tro1ial fruits
an$ ite$ t!e sourso1% t!e #ua&a an$ 1assionfruit as t!e , 'ost 1ro'isin# for t!e
Euro1ean 'ar5et% (eause of t!eir $istinti&e aro'ati >ualities an$ t!eir suita(ility for
1roessin# in t!e for' of 1reser&e$ 1ul1% netar an$ Delly.
In "uerto Rio% t!e -i$e ran#e of for's an$ ty1es of see$lin# sourso1s are rou#!ly
$i&i$e$ into , #eneral lassifiations@ s-eet% su(ai$% an$ ai$9 t!en su($i&i$e$ as roun$%
!eart7s!a1e$% o(lon# or an#ular9 an$ finally lasse$ aor$in# to fles! onsisteny -!i!
&aries fro' soft an$ Duiy to fir' an$ o'1arati&ely $ry. T!e Uni&ersity of "uerto RioCs
A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station at one ti'e atalo#e$ ). $ifferent ty1es of sourso1s in
an area (et-een Ai(onito an$ Coa'o. In El Sal&a$or% 8 ty1es of sourso1s are
$istin#uis!e$@ guanaba azucaron <s-eet= eaten ra- an$ use$ for $rin5s9 an$ guanaba
acida <&ery sour=% use$ only for $rin5s. In t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% t!e guanabana dulce
<s-eet sourso1= is 'ost sou#!t after. T!e ter' ?s-eet? is use$ in a relati&e sense to
in$iate lo- ai$ity. A 'e$iu'7siBe$% yello-7#reen sourso1 alle$ guanabana sin fibre
<fi(erless= !as (een &e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ at t!e A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station at
Santia#o $e las :e#as% Cu(a. T!e folia#e of t!is su1erior lone is $istintly (luis!7#reen.
In )*86% Dr. Wilson "o1enoe sent to t!e
Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture%
fro' Costa Ria% (u$-oo$ of a sourso1
!e na'e$ CBennettC in !onor of 4.S.
Bennett% A#riultural Su1erinten$ent of
t!e Costa Rian Di&ision of t!e Unite$
Fruit Co'1any. 0e $esri(e$ t!e fruit as
lar#e an$ !an$so'e <as s!o-n in t!e
1!oto#ra1! ao'1anyin# t!e
intro$ution reor$ No. 2)626= an$ !e
$elare$ t!e tree to (e t!e 'ost
1ro$uti&e !e !a$ seen.
T!e sourso1 is truly tro1ial. ;oun# trees in e/1ose$ 1laes in sout!e' Flori$a are 5ille$
(y only a fe- $e#rees of frost. T!e trees t!at sur&i&e to fruitin# a#e on t!e 'ainlan$ are
in 1rotete$ situations% lose to t!e sout! si$e of a !ouse an$ so'eti'es near a soure of
!eat. E&en so% t!ere -ill (e te'1orary $efoliation an$ interru1tion of fruitin# -!en t!e
te'1erature $ro1s to near freeBin#. In Jey West% -!ere t!e tro1ial (rea$fruit t!ri&es% t!e
Fi#. 8)@ T!e sourso1 tree 'ay (ear fruits any-!ere on
its trun5 or (ran!es. Multi1le7ste's of t!is tree are t!e
result of its !a&in# (een froBen to t!e #roun$ 'ore t!an
sourso1 is 1erfetly at !o'e. In "uerto Rio% t!e tree is sai$ to 1refer an altitu$e (et-een
366 an$ )%666 ft <8..,66 '=% -it! 'o$erate !u'i$ity% 1lenty of sun an$ s!elter fro'
stron# -in$s.
Best #ro-t! is a!ie&e$ in $ee1% ri!% -ell7$raine$% se'i7$rysoil% (ut t!e sourso1 tree an
(e an$ is o''only #ro-n in ai$ an$ san$y soil% an$ in t!e 1orous% ooliti li'estone of
Sout! Flori$a an$ t!e Ba!a'a Islan$s.
T!e sourso1 is usually #ro-n fro' see$s. T!ey s!oul$ (e so-n in flats or ontainers an$
5e1t 'oist an$ s!a$e$. 4er'ination ta5es fro' )2 to ,6 $ays. Selete$ ty1es an (e
re1ro$ue$ (y uttin#s or (y s!iel$7(u$$in#. Sourso1 see$lin#s are #enerally t!e (est
sto5 for 1ro1a#ation% t!ou#! #raftin# onto ustar$ a11le <Annona reticulata=% t!e
'ountain sourso1 <A. montana=% or 1on$ a11le <A. glabra=% is usually suessful. T!e
1on$ a11le !as a $-arfin# effet. 4rafts on su#ar a11le <A. s9uamosa= an$ !eri'oya <A.
cherimola= $o not li&e for lon#% $es1ite t!e fat t!at t!e sourso1 is a satisfatory rootsto5
for su#ar a11le in Ceylon an$ In$ia.
In or$inary 1ratie% see$lin#s% -!en ) ft <,6 '= or 'ore in !ei#!t are set out in t!e fiel$
at t!e (e#innin# of t!e rainy season an$ s1ae$ )8 to )2 ft <,.A27..2 '= a1art% t!ou#! 82
ft <+.2 '= ea! -ay !as (een su##este$. A s1ain# of 86 / 82 ft <A/+.2 '= allo-s 3+ trees
1er are <8)2F!a=. Close7s1ain#% 3 / 3 ft <8../8.. '= is t!ou#!t auffiient for s'all
#ar$ens in "uerto Rio. T!e tree #ro-s ra1i$ly an$ (e#ins to (ear in , to 2 years. In
Hueenslan$% -ell7-atere$ trees !a&e attaine$ )2 to )3 ft <..272.2 '= in A to + years.
Mul!in# is reo''en$e$ to a&oi$ $e!y$ration of t!e s!allo-% fi(rous root syste'
$urin# $ry% !ot -eat!er. If in too $ry a situation% t!e tree -ill ast off all of its ol$ lea&es
(efore ne- ones a11ear. A fertiliBer 'i/ture ontainin# )6K 1!os1!ori ai$% )6K
1otas! an$ ,K nitro#en !as (een a$&oate$ in Cu(a an$ Hueenslan$. But e/ellent
results !a&e (een o(taine$ in 0a-aii -it! >uarterly a11liations of )67)67)6 N " JG)U8
l( <.882 5#= 1er tree t!e first year% ) l( <..2 5#=Ftree t!e 8n$ year% , l(s <).,A 5#=Ftree t!e
,r$ year an$ t!ereafter.
T!e sourso1 ten$s to flo-er an$ fruit 'ore or less ontinuously% (ut in e&ery #ro-in#
area t!ere is a 1rini1al season of ri1enin#. In "uerto Rio% t!is is fro' Mar! to June or
Se1te'(er9 in Hueenslan$% it (e#ins in A1ril9 in sout!ern In$ia% Me/io an$ Flori$a% it
e/ten$s fro' June to Se1te'(er9 in t!e Ba!a'as% it ontinues t!rou#! Oto(er. In
0a-aii% t!e early ro1 ours fro' January to A1ril9 'i$season ro1% June to Au#ust%
-it! 1ea5 in July9 an$ t!ere is a late ro1 in Oto(er or No&e'(er.
T!e fruit is 1i5e$ -!en full #ro-n an$ still fir' (ut sli#!tly yello-7#reen. If allo-e$ to
soften on t!e tree% it -ill fall an$ rus!. It is easily (ruise$ an$ 1unture$ an$ 'ust (e
!an$le$ -it! are. Fir' fruits are !el$ a fe- $ays at roo' te'1erature. W!en eatin# ri1e%
t!ey are soft enou#! to yiel$ to t!e sli#!t 1ressure of oneCs t!u'(. 0a&in# rea!e$ t!is
sta#e% t!e fruit an (e !el$ 8 or , $ays lon#er in a refri#erator. T!e s5in -ill (la5en an$
(eo'e unsi#!tly -!ile t!e fles! is still uns1oile$ an$ usa(le. Stu$ies of t!e ri1enin#
1roess in 0a-aii !a&e $eter'ine$ t!at t!e o1ti'u' sta#e for eatin# is 2 to A $ays after
!ar&est% at t!e 1ea5 of et!ylene 1ro$ution. T!ereafter% t!e fla&or is less 1ronoune$ an$
a faint offo$or $e&elo1s. In :eneBuela% t!e !ief !an$ia1 in o''erial 1roessin# is
t!at t!e fruits store$ on ra5s in a ool s!e$ 'ust (e #one o&er e&ery $ay to selet t!ose
t!at are ri1e an$ rea$y for Duie e/tration.
T!e sourso1% unfortunately% is a s!y7(earer% t!e usual ro1 (ein# )8 to 86 or 8. fruits 1er
tree. In "uerto Rio% 1ro$ution of 2%666 to 3%666 l(s 1er are <rou#!ly e>ual 5#F!a=% is
onsi$ere$ a #oo$ yiel$ fro' -ell7are$7for trees. A stu$y of t!e first ro1 of ,2 2 year7
ol$ trees in 0a-aii s!o-e$ an a&era#e of *,.A l(s <.8.2 5#= of fruits 1er tree. ;iel$ -as
sli#!tly lo-er t!e 8n$ year. T!e ,r$ year% t!e a&era#e yiel$ -as )+8 l(s <+3 5#= 1er tree.
At t!is rate% t!e annual ro1 -oul$ (e )A%666 l(s 1er are <rou#!ly e>ual 5#F!a=.
Pests 8 Diseases
Hueenslan$Cs 1rini1al sourso1 1est is t!e 'ealy(u# -!i! 'ay our in 'asses on t!e
fruits. T!e 'ealy(u# is a o''on 1est also in Flori$a% -!ere t!e tree is often infesse$
-it! sale insets. So'eti'es it 'ay (e infete$ (y a lae7-in# (u#.
T!e fruit is su(Det to atta5 (y fruit fliesGAnastrepha suspensa% A. striata an$ Ceratitis
capitata. Re$ s1i$ers are a 1ro(le' in $ry li'ates.
Do'in#ueB 4il <)*+3 an$ )*3,=% 1resents an e/tensi&e list of 1ests of t!e sourso1 in t!e
State of Nulia% :eneBuela. T!e 2 'ost $a'a#in# are@ )= t!e -as1% Bephratelloides
<Bephrata= maculicollis% t!e lar&ae of -!i! li&e in t!e see$s an$ e'er#e fro' t!e fully7
#ro-n ri1e fruit% lea&in# it 1erforate$ an$ !i#!ly 1eris!a(le9 8= t!e 'ot!% Cerconota
<Stenoma= anonella% -!i! lays its e##s in t!e &ery youn# fruit ausin# stuntin# an$
'alfor'ation9 ,= Corythucha gossipii9 -!i! atta5s t!e lea&es9 .= Cratosomus
inae9ualis% -!i! (ores into t!e fruit% (ran!es an$ trun59 2= 8aspeyresia s1.% -!i!
1erforates t!e flo-ers. T!e first , are a'on# t!e + 'aDor 1ests of t!e sourso1 in
Colo'(ia% t!e ot!er . (ein#@ $oxoptera aurantii9 -!i! affets s!oots% youn# lea&es%
flo-ers an$ fruits9 1resent (ut not i'1ortant in :eneBuela9 Aphis spiraecola9 Empoasca
s1.% atta5in# t!e lea&es9 an$ Aconophora concolor% $a'a#in# t!e flo-ers an$ fruits.
I'1ortant (enefiial a#ents 1reyin# on a1!i$s are A phidius testataceipes! Chrysopa s1.%
an$ Curinus s1. Lesser ene'ies of t!e sourso1 in Sout! A'eria inlu$e@ $alponia
bac"eri an$ $. batesi -!i! $a'a#e flo-ers an$ fruits9 *oriola picta an$ *. lineolata%
fee$in# on flo-ers an$ youn# (ran!es9 Membracis foliata% atta5in# youn# (ran!es%
flo-er stal5s an$ fruits9 Saissetia nigra9 Escama ovalada% on (ran!es% flo-ers an$ fruits9
Cratosomus bombina% a fruit (orer9 an$ Cyclocephala signata% affetin# t!e flo-ers.
In Trini$a$% t!e $a'a#e $one to sourso1 flo-ers (y $hecla ortygnus seriously li'its t!e
ulti&ation of t!is fruit. T!e s1!in/ ater1illar% Cocytius antueus antueus 'ay (e foun$
fee$in# on sourso1 lea&es in "uerto Rio. Ba##in# of sourso1s is neessary to 1rotet
t!e' fro' Cerconota anonella. 0o-e&er% one #ro-er in t!e Ma#$alena :alley of
Colo'(ia lai's t!at (a##e$ fruits are 'ore ai$ t!an ot!ers an$ t!e flo-ers !a&e to (e
It !as (een o(ser&e$ in :eneBuela an$ El Sal&a$or t!at sourso1 trees in &ery !u'i$ areas
often #ro- -ell (ut (ear only a fe- fruits% usually of 1oor >uality% -!i! are a1t to rot at
t!e ti1. Most of t!eir flo-ers an$ youn#
fruits fall (eause of ant!ranose ause$
(y Collectotrichum gloeosporioides. It
!as (een sai$ t!at sourso1 trees for
ulti&ation near San Juan% "uerto Rio%
s!oul$ (e see$lin#s of trees fro'
si'ilarly !u'i$ areas -!i! !a&e #reater
resistane to ant!ranose t!an see$lin#s
fro' $ry Bones. T!e sa'e fun#us auses
$a'1in#7off of see$lin#s an$ $ie7(a5 of
t-i#s an$ (ran!es. Oasionally t!e
fun#us% Scolecotrichum s1. ruins t!e
lea&es in :eneBuela. In t!e East In$ies%
sourso1 trees are so'eti'es su(Det to
t!e root7fun#i% Fomes lamaoensis an$
iplodia s1. an$ (y 1in5 $isease $ue to
Corticum salmonicolor.
Food *ses
Sourso1s of least ai$ fla&or an$ least fi(rous onsisteny are ut in setions an$ t!e fles!
eaten -it! a s1oon. T!e see$e$ 1ul1 'ay (e torn or ut into (its an$ a$$e$ to fruit u1s
or sala$s% or !ille$ an$ ser&e$ as $essert -it! su#ar an$ a little 'il5 or rea'. For years%
see$e$ sourso1 !as (een anne$ in Me/io an$ ser&e$ in Me/ian restaurants in Ne-
;or5 an$ ot!er nort!ern ities.
Most -i$es1rea$ t!rou#!out t!e tro1is is t!e 'a5in# of refres!in# sourso1 $rin5s
<alle$ champola in BraBil9 carato in "uerto Rio=. For t!is 1ur1ose% t!e see$e$ 1ul1 'ay
(e 1resse$ in a olan$er or sie&e or s>ueeBe$ in !eeselot! to e/trat t!e ri!% rea'y
Duie% -!i! is t!en (eaten -it! 'il5 or -ater an$ s-eetene$. Or t!e see$e$ 1ul1 'ay (e
(len$e$ -it! an e>ual a'ount of (oilin# -ater an$ t!en straine$ an$ s-eetene$. If an
eletri (len$er is to (e use$% one 'ust first (e areful to re'o&e all t!e see$s% sine t!ey
are so'e-!at to/i an$ none s!oul$ (e ai$entally #roun$ u1 in t!e Duie.
Fi#. 88@ Canne$ sourso1 onentrate is 1ro$ue$ in
:eneBuela. On t!e (ran! at t!e ri#!t is a sourso1
In "uerto Rian 1roessin# fatories% t!e !an$71eele$ an$ ore$ fruits are 1asse$ t!rou#!
a 'e!anial 1ul1er !a&in# nylon (rus!es t!at 1ress t!e 1ul1 t!rou#! a sreen% se1aratin#
it fro' t!e see$s an$ fi(er. A sourso1 soft $rin5% ontainin# )8 to )2K 1ul1% is anne$ in
"uerto Rio an$ 5ee1s -ell for a year or 'ore. T!e Duie is 1re1are$ as a ar(onate$
(ottle$ (e&era#e in 4uate'ala% an$ a fer'ente$% i$er7li5e $rin5 is so'eti'es 'a$e in
t!e West In$ies. T!e &auu'7onentrate$ Duie is anne$ o''erially in t!e
"!ili11ines. T!ere sourso1 $rin5s are 1o1ular (ut t!e nor'al ?'il5? olor is not. T!e
1eo1le usually a$$ 1in5 or #reen foo$ olorin# to 'a5e t!e $rin5s 'ore attrati&e. T!e
straine$ 1ul1 is sai$ to (e a $eliay 'i/e$ -it! -ine or (ran$y an$ seasone$ -it!
nut'e#. Sourso1 Duie% t!i5ene$ -it! a little #elatin% 'a5es an a#reea(le $essert.
In t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% a sourso1 ustar$ is enDoye$ an$ a onfetion is 'a$e (y
oo5in# sourso1 1ul1 in su#ar siru1 -it! inna'on an$ le'on 1eel. Sourso1 ie rea' is
o''only froBen in refri#erator ie7u(e trays in -ar' ountries.
In t!e Ba!a'as% it is si'1ly 'a$e (y 'as!in# t!e 1ul1 in -ater% lettin# it stan$% t!en
strainin# to re'o&e fi(rous 'aterial an$ see$s. T!e li>ui$ is t!en (len$e$ -it! s-eetene$
on$ense$ 'il5% 1oure$ into t!e trays an$ stirre$ se&eral ti'es -!ile freeBin#. A ri!er
1ro$ut is 'a$e (y t!e usual 'et!o$ of 1re1arin# an ie rea' 'i/ an$ a$$in# straine$
sourso1 1ul1 Dust (efore freeBin#. So'e Jey West restaurants !a&e al-ays ser&e$
sourso1 ie rea' an$ no- t!e influ/ of resi$ents fro' t!e Cari((ean an$ Latin
A'erian ountries !as reate$ a stron# $e'an$ for it. T!e anne$ 1ul1 is i'1orte$ fro'
Central A'eria an$ "uerto Rio an$ use$ in 'a5in# ie rea' an$ s!er(et
o''erially. T!e 1ul1 is use$% too% for 'a5in# tarts an$ Delly% siru1 an$ netar. T!e
siru1 !as (een (ottle$ in "uerto Rio for loal use an$ e/1ort. T!e netar is anne$ in
Colo'(ia an$ froBen in "uerto Rio an$ is 1re1are$ fres! an$ sol$ in 1a1er artons in t!e
Net!erlan$s Antilles. T!e straine$% froBen 1ul1 is sol$ in 1lasti (a#s in "!ili11ine
I''ature sourso1s are oo5e$ as &e#eta(les or use$ in sou1 in In$onesia. T!ey are
roaste$ or frie$ in nort!eastern BraBil. I !a&e (oile$ t!e !alf7#ro-n fruit -!ole% -it!out
1eelin#. In an !our% t!e fruit is ten$er% its fles! off7-!ite an$ 'ealy% -it! t!e aro'a an$
fla&or of roaste$ ears of #reen orn <'aiBe=.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Calories A).,72,.)
Moisture 38.3#
"rotein ).66#
Fat 6.*+#
Car(o!y$rates )..A,#
Fi(er 6.+*#
As! A6#
Caliu' )6., '#
"!os1!orus 8+.+ '#
Iron 6.A. '#
:ita'in A <B7arotene= 6
T!ia'ine 6.)) '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.62 '#
Niain ).83'#
Asor(i Ai$ 8*.A '#
A'ino Ai$s@
Try1to1!an )) '#
Met!ionine + '#
Lysine A6'#
LAnalyses 'a$e at t!e La(oratorio FIM $e Nutriion% 0a&ana% Cu(a.
T!e 1resene of t!e al5aloi$s anonaine an$ anoniine !as (een re1orte$ in t!is s1eies.
T!e al5aloi$s 'uriine% C
N <1ossi(ly $es7N7'et!ylisoory$ine or $es7N
'et!ylory$ine= an$ 'uriinine% C
<1ossi(ly $es7N7'et!ylorytu(erine=% are
foun$ in t!e (ar5. Muriinine is (elie&e$ to (e i$ential to retiuline. An unna'e$
al5aloi$ ours in t!e lea&es an$ see$s. T!e (ar5 is !i#! in !y$royani ai$. Only s'all
a'ounts are foun$ in t!e lea&es an$ roots an$ a trae in t!e fruit. T!e see$s ontain .2K
of a yello- non7$ryin# oil -!i! is an irritant 1oison% ausin# se&ere eye inflarn'ation.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, In t!e :ir#in Islan$s% t!e fruit is 1lae$ as a (ait in fis! tra1s.
$eeds, W!en 1ul&eriBe$% t!e see$s are effeti&e 1estii$es a#ainst !ea$ lie% sout!ern
ar'y -or's an$ 1ea a1!i$s an$ 1etroleu' et!er an$ !lorofor' e/trats are to/i to
(la5 ar1et (eetle lar&ae. T!e see$ oil 5ills !ea$ lie.
-ea&es, T!e leaf $eotion is let!al to !ea$ lie an$ (e$(u#s.
Bark, T!e (ar5 of t!e tree !as (een use$ in tannin#. T!e (ar5 fi(er is stron# (ut% sine
fruitin# trees are not e/1en$a(le% is resorte$ to only in neessity. Bar5% as -ell as see$s
an$ roots% !as (een use$ as fis! 1oison.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is 1ale% aro'ati% soft% li#!t in -ei#!t an$ not $ura(le. It !as (een use$
for o/ yo5es (eause it $oes not ause !air loss on t!e ne5.
In Colo'(ia% it is $ee'e$ to (e suita(le for 1i1este's an$ (arrelsta&es. Analyses in
BraBil s!o- ellulose ontent of A2 to +AK% !i#! enou#! to (e a 1otential soure of 1a1er
Medicinal *ses, T!e Duie of t!e ri1e fruit is sai$ to (e $iureti an$ a re'e$y for
!ae'aturia an$ uret!ritis. Ta5en -!en fastin#% it is (elie&e$ to relie&e li&er ail'ents an$
le1rosy. "ul&eriBe$ i''ature fruits% -!i! are &ery astrin#ent% are $eote$ as a
$ysentery re'e$y. To $ra- out !i##ers an$ s1ee$ !ealin#% t!e fles! of an ai$ sourso1 is
a11lie$ as a 1oultie un!an#e$ for , $ays.
In Materia Medica of Britis! 4uiana% -e are tol$ to (rea5 sourso1 lea&es in -ater%
?s>ueeBe a ou1le of li'es t!erein% #et a $run5en 'an an$ ru( !is !ea$ -ell -it! t!e
lea&es an$ -ater an$ #i&e !i' a little of t!e -ater to $rin5 an$ !e #ets as so(er as a Du$#e
in no ti'e.? T!is so(erin# or tran>uiliBin# for'ula 'ay not !a&e (een -i$ely teste$% (ut
sourso1 lea&es are re#ar$e$ t!rou#!out t!e West In$ies as !a&in# se$ati&e or so1orifi
1ro1erties. In t!e Net!erlan$s Antilles% t!e lea&es are 1ut into oneCs 1illo-sli1 or stre-n
on t!e (e$ to 1ro'ote a #oo$ ni#!tCs slee1. An infusion of t!e lea&es is o''only ta5en
internally for t!e sa'e 1ur1ose. It is ta5en as an anal#esi an$ antis1as'o$i in
Es'eral$as "ro&ine% Eua$or. In Afria% it is #i&en to !il$ren -it! fe&er an$ t!ey are
also (at!e$ li#!tly -it! it. A $eotion of t!e youn# s!oots or lea&es is re#ar$e$ in t!e
West In$ies as a re'e$y for #all (la$$er trou(le% as -ell as ou#!s% atarr!% $iarr!ea%
$ysentery an$ in$i#estion9 is sai$ to ?ool t!e (loo$%? an$ to (e a(le to sto1 &o'itin# an$
ai$ $eli&ery in !il$(irt!. T!e $eotion is also e'1loye$ in -et o'1resses on
infla''ations an$ s-ollen feet. T!e !e-e$ lea&es% 'i/e$ -it! sali&a% are a11lie$ to
inisions after sur#ery% ausin# 1rou$fles! to $isa11ear -it!out lea&in# a sar. Mas!e$
lea&es are use$ as a 1oultie to alle&iate eBe'a an$ ot!er s5in afflitions an$
r!eu'atis'% an$ t!e sa1 of youn# lea&es is 1ut on s5in eru1tions.
T!e roots of t!e tree are e'1loye$ as a &er'ifu#e an$ t!e root (ar5 as an anti$ote for
1oisonin#. A tinture of t!e 1o-$ere$ see$s an$ (ay ru' is a stron# e'eti. Sourso1
flo-ers are (elie&e$ to alle&iate atarr!.
Custard Apple
Annona reticulata
Bot! in tree an$ in fruit% t!e ustar$ a11le% Annona reticulata L.% is #enerally rate$ as t!e
'e$iore or ?u#ly $u5lin#? s1eies a'on# t!e 1ro'inent 'e'(ers of t!is #enus. Its
$esri1ti&e En#lis! na'e !as (een -i$ely 'isa11lie$ to ot!er s1eies an$ to t!e !y(ri$
ATEMO;A% an$ it is so'eti'es erroneously ter'e$ ?su#ar a11le?% ?s-eetso1? an$% (y
S1anis!7s1ea5in# 1eo1le% ?anon? or ?rinon?% in In$ia% ?ramphal?% all 1ro1erly a11lie$
only to Annona s>ua'osa. It !as% itself% a>uire$ relati&ely fe- a11ro1riate re#ional
na'es. Most o''only e'1loye$ as an alternate na'e in En#lis!7s1ea5in# areas is
(ullo5Cs7!eart or (ullCs7!eart9 in Fren!% coeur de boeuf9 "ortu#uese% coracao de boi9 in
S1anis!% often 'erely corazonGall allu$in# to its for' an$ e/ternal (lus!. T!e s5in
olor is reflete$ in t!e Boli&ian na'e% chirimoya roia% t!e Sal&a$oran anona rosada% an$
t!e 4uate'alan anona ro4a or anona colorada. In t!e latter ountry it is also 5no-n as
anona de seso. Araticum ape or araticum do mato are a$$itional na'es in BraBil. So'e
1eo1le refer to it as Ja'aia a11le% or as nette$ ustar$ a11le% -!i! is translate$ as
anona de redecilla in 0on$uras an$ Niara#ua. Cachiman! cachiman coeur de boeuf an$
corossol sauvage 'ay (e !ear$ in t!e Fren!7influene$ West In$ies.
In t!e Net!erlan$s Antilles it is "as4oema. T!is na'e an$ boeah nona are use$ in
Surina'. In Cu(a% it is mamon or chirimoya. So'e Central A'erians #i&e it t!e na'e
anona% or anonillo9 Colo'(ians% anon
pelon. To t!e Cari( In$ians t!e fruit -as
5no-n as alacalyoua9 to t!e ABtes%
9uaultzapotl% an$ to t!e Maya% tsulimay%
tsulilpox! tsulipox! pox! oop% or op. It is
#enerally alle$ in t!e "!ili11ines
sari"aya9 in In$ia ramphal% nona or
luvuni% in Malaya% nona "apri% or lonang9
in T!ailan$% noi nong?99 in Ca'(o$ia%
mo bat or mean bat9 in Laos% "han tua
lot9 in Sout! :ietna'% binh bat9 Nort!
:ietna'% 9ua na.
T!e ustar$ a11le tree is not es1eially attrati&e. It is eret% -it! a roun$e$ or s1rea$in#
ro-n an$ trun5 )6 to ). in <827,2 '= t!i5. 0ei#!t ran#es fro' )2 to ,2 ft <..27)6 '=.
T!e ill7s'ellin# lea&es are $ei$uous% alternate% o(lon# or narro-7laneolate% . to 3 in
<)6786 '= lon#% ,F. to 8 in <8 2 '= -i$e% -it! ons1iuous &eins. Flo-ers% in $roo1in#
lusters% are fra#rant% slen$er% -it! , outer fles!y% narro- 1etals ,F. to ) )F. in <8 , '=
lon#9 li#!t7#reen e/ternally an$ 1ale7yello- -it! a $ar57re$ or 1ur1le s1ot on t!e insi$e
at t!e (ase. T!e flo-ers ne&er fully o1en.
T!e o'1oun$ fruit% , lF. to A )F8 in <37)A '= in $ia'eter% 'ay (e sy''etrially !eart7
s!a1e$% lo1si$e$% or irre#ular9 or nearly roun$% or o(late% -it! a $ee1 or s!allo-
$e1ression at t!e (ase. T!e s5in% t!in (ut tou#!% 'ay (e yello- or (ro-nis! -!en ri1e%
-it! a 1in5% re$$is! or (ro-nis!7re$ (lus!% an$ faintly% 'o$erately% or $istintly
retiulate$. T!ere is a t!i5% rea'7-!ite layer of ustar$li5e% so'e-!at #ranular% fles!
(eneat! t!e s5in surroun$in# t!e onolorous 'o$erately Duiy se#'ents% in 'any of
-!i! t!ere is a sin#le% !ar$% $ar57(ro-n or (la5% #lossy see$% o(lon#% s'oot!% less t!an
)F8 in <).82 '= lon#. Atual see$ ounts !a&e (een 22% A6 an$ +A. A 1ointe$% fi(rous%
entral ore% atta!e$ to t!e t!i5 ste'% e/ten$s 'ore t!an !alf-ay t!rou#! t!e fruit. T!e
fla&or is s-eet an$ a#reea(le t!ou#! -it!out t!e $istint !arater of t!e !eri'oya%
su#ar a11le% or ate'oya.
Origin and Distribution
Fi#. 8,@ Ba!a'ian ustar$ a11les <Annona reticulata=
s!o- ty1ial &aria(ility in for' an$ rou#!ness of
T!e ustar$ a11le is (elie&e$ to (e a nati&e of t!e West In$ies (ut it -as arrie$ in early
ti'es t!rou#! Central A'eria to sout!ern Me/io. It !as lon# (een ulti&ate$ an$
naturaliBe$ as far sout! as "eru an$ BraBil. It is o''only #ro-n in t!e Ba!a'as an$
oasionally in Ber'u$a an$ sout!ern Flori$a.
A11arently it -as intro$ue$ into tro1ial Afria early in t!e )+t! entury an$ it is #ro-n
in Sout! Afria as a $ooryar$ fruit tree. In In$ia t!e tree is ulti&ate$% es1eially aroun$
Calutta% an$ runs -il$ in 'any areas. It !as (eo'e fairly o''on on t!e east oast of
Malaya% an$ 'ore or less t!rou#!out sout!east Asia an$ t!e "!ili11ines t!ou#! no-!ere
1artiularly estee'e$. Ei#!ty years a#o it -as re1orte$ as t!orou#!ly naturaliBe$ in
4ua'. In 0a-aii it is not -ell 5no-n.
No na'e$ ulti&ars are re1orte$ (ut t!ere is onsi$era(le &ariation in t!e >uality of fruit
fro' $ifferent trees. T!e yello-7s5inne$ ty1es see' su1erior to t!e (ro-nis!% an$% -!en
-ell fille$ out% !a&e t!i5er an$ Duiier fles!. See$s of a 1ur1le7s5inne$% 1ur1le7fles!e$
for'% fro' Me/io% -ere 1lante$ in Flori$a an$ t!e tree !as 1ro$ue$ fruit of
unre'ar5a(le >uality.
T!e ustar$ a11le tree nee$s a tro1ial li'ate (ut -it! ooler -inters t!an t!ose of t!e
-est oast of Malaya. It flouris!es in t!e oastal lo-lan$s of Eua$or9 is rare a(o&e 2%666
ft <)%266 '=. In 4uate'ala% it is nearly al-ays foun$ (elo- .%666 ft <)%886 '=. In In$ia% it
$oes -ell fro' t!e 1lains u1 to an ele&ation of .%666 ft <)%886 '=9 in Ceylon% it annot (e
#ro-n a(o&e ,%666 ft <*)2 '=. Aroun$ LuBon in t!e "!ili11ines% it is o''on (elo-
8%A66 ft <366 '=. It is too ten$er for California an$ trees intro$ue$ into "alestine
suu'(e$ to t!e ol$. In sout!e' Flori$a t!e lea&es are s!e$ at t!e first onset of ol$
-eat!er an$ t!e tree is $or'ant all -inter. Fully #ro-n% it !as sur&i&e$ te'1eratures of
8+V to 83VF <78.+3V to 8.88VC= -it!out serious !ar'. T!is s1eies is less $rou#!t7tolerant
t!an t!e su#ar a11le an$ 1refers a 'ore !u'i$ at'os1!ere.
T!e ustar$ a11le $oes (est in lo-7lyin#% $ee1% ri! soil -it! a'1le 'oisture an$ #oo$
$raina#e. It #ro-s to full siBe on ooliti li'estone in sout!ern Flori$a an$ runs -il$ in
li#!t san$ an$ &arious ot!er ty1es of soil in t!e Ne- an$ Ol$ Worl$ tro1is (ut is
$ou(tless less 1ro$uti&e in t!e less $esira(le sites.
See$ is t!e usual 'eans of 1ro1a#ation. Ne&ert!eless% t!e tree an (e 'ulti1lie$ (y
inar!in#% or (y (u$$in# or #raftin# onto its o-n see$lin#s or onto sourso1% su#ar a11le
or 1on$ a11le rootsto5s. E/1eri'ents in Me/io% utiliBin# !eri'oya% lla'a% sourso1%
ustar$ a11le% Annona s1. Af. lutescens an$ (ollinia 4imenezii S!le!t. as rootsto5s
s!o-e$ (est results -!en ustar$ a11le sions -ere si$e7#rafte$ onto self7rootsto5%
sourso1% or A. s1. Af. lutescens. Custar$ a11le see$lin#s are fre>uently use$ as rootsto5s
for t!e sourso1% su#ar a11le an$ ate'oya.
T!e tree is fast7#ro-in# an$ res1on$s -ell to 'ul!in#% or#ani fertiliBers an$ to fre>uent
irri#ation if t!ere is $ry -eat!er $urin# t!e #ro-in# 1erio$. T!e for' of t!e tree 'ay (e
i'1ro&e$ (y Du$iious 1runin#.
%ar&esting and 'ield
T!e ustar$ a11le !as t!e a$&anta#e of ro11in# in late -inter an$ s1rin# -!en t!e
1referre$ 'e'(ers of t!e #enus are not in season. It is 1i5e$ -!en it !as lost all #reen
olor an$ ri1ens -it!out s1littin# so t!at it is rea$ily sol$ in loal 'ar5ets. If 1i5e$
#reen% it -ill not olor -ell an$ -ill (e of inferior >uality. T!e tree is naturally a fairly
!ea&y (earer. Wit! a$e>uate are% a 'ature tree -ill 1ro$ue +2 to )66 l(s <,.7.2 5#= of
fruits 1er year. T!e s!ort t-i#s are s!e$ after t!ey !a&e (orne flo-ers an$ fruits.
Pests and Diseases
T!e ustar$ a11le is !ea&ily atta5e$ (y t!e !ali$ fly. Many if not all of t!e fruits on a
tree 'ay (e 'u''ifie$ (efore 'aturity. In In$ia% t!e ri1enin# fruits 'ust (e o&ere$
-it! (a#s or nets to a&oi$ $a'a#e fro' fruit (ats.
A $ry !aroal rot -as o(ser&e$ on t!e fruits in Assa' in )*.+. In )*2+ an$ )*23 it
'a$e its a11earane at Sa!aran1ur. T!e ausal fun#us -as i$entifie$ as iplodia
annonae. T!e infetion (e#ins at t!e ste' en$ of t!e fruit an$ #ra$ually s1rea$s until it
o&ers t!e entire fruit.
Food *ses
In In$ia% t!e fruit is eaten only (y t!e lo-er lasses% out7of7!an$. In Central A'eria%
Me/io an$ t!e West In$ies% t!e fruit is a11reiate$ (y all. W!en fully ri1e it is soft to t!e
tou! an$ t!e ste' an$ atta!e$ ore an (e easily 1ulle$ out. T!e fles! 'ay (e soo1e$
fro' t!e s5in an$ eaten as is or ser&e$ -it! li#!t rea' an$ a s1rin5lin# of su#ar. Often it
is 1resse$ t!rou#! a sie&e an$ a$$e$ to 'il5 s!a5es% ustar$s or ie rea'. I !a&e 'a$e a
$eliious saue for a5e an$ 1u$$in#s (y (len$in# t!e see$e$ fles! -it! 'as!e$ (anana
an$ a little rea'.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Calories 367)6)
Moisture A3.,736.) #
"rotein ).)+78..+ #
Fat 6.276.A #
Car(o!y$rates 86782.8 #
Cru$e Fi(er 6.*7A.A #
As! 6.27).)) #
Caliu' )+.A78+ '#
"!os1!orus )..+7,8.) '#
Iron 6..87).). '#
Carotene 6.66+76.6)3 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6+276.))* '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.63A76.)+2 '#
Niain 6.2837).)*6 '
Asor(i Ai$ )2.67.... '#
Niotini Ai$ 6.2 '#
LMini'u' an$ 'a/i'u' le&els of onstituents fro' analyses 'a$e in Central A'eria%
"!ili11ines an$ else-!ere.
T!e see$s are so !ar$ t!at t!ey 'ay (e s-allo-e$ -!ole -it! no ill effets (ut t!e
5ernels are &ery to/i. T!e see$s% lea&es an$ youn# fruits are insetii$al. T!e leaf Duie
5ills lie. T!e (ar5 ontains 6.)8K anonaine. InDetion of an e/trat fro' t!e (ar5 ause$
1aralysis in a rear li'( of an e/1eri'ental toa$. Sa1 fro' ut (ran!es is ari$ an$
irritant an$ an se&erely inDure t!e eyes. T!e root (ar5 !as yiel$e$ , al5aloi$s@ anonaine%
lirio$enine an$ retiuline <'uriinine=.
Ot!er *ses
T!e lea&es !a&e (een e'1loye$ in tannin# an$ t!ey yiel$ a (lue or (la5 $ye. A fi(er
$eri&e$ fro' t!e youn# t-i#s is su1erior to t!e (ar5 fi(er fro' Annona s9uamosa.
Custar$ a11le -oo$ is yello-% rat!er soft% fi(rous (ut $ura(le% 'o$erately lose7#raine$%
-it! a s1eifi #ra&ity of 6.A26. It !as (een use$ to 'a5e yo5es for o/en.
Medicinal *ses, T!e leaf $eotion is #i&en as a &er'ifu#e. Crus!e$ lea&es or a 1aste of
t!e fles! 'ay (e 1oultie$ on (oils% a(sesses an$ ulers. T!e unri1e fruit is ri! in
tannin9 is $rie$% 1ul&eriBe$ an$ e'1loye$ a#ainst $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery. T!e (ar5 is
&ery astrin#ent an$ t!e $eotion is ta5en as a toni an$ also as a re'e$y for $iarr!ea an$
$ysentery. In se&ere ases% t!e lea&es% (ar5 an$ #reen fruits are all (oile$ to#et!er for 2
'inutes in a liter of -ater to 'a5e an e/ee$in#ly 1otent $eotion. Fra#'ents of t!e
root (ar5 are 1a5e$ aroun$ t!e #u's to relie&e toot!a!e. T!e root $eotion is ta5en as
a fe(rifu#e.
Custard Apple
Rollinia mucosa
Of t!e a11ro/i'ately A2 s1eies of t!e #enus (ollinia <fa'ily Annonaeae=% only a fe-
!a&e e$i(le fruit an$ t!e (est75no-n is t!e (iri(a% (. mucosa Baill. <syns. (. orthopetala
A. DC.9 Annona mucosa Ja>.9 A. sieberi A. DC.9 an$ 1ossi(ly (. deliciosa Saffor$W=.
T!e 1o1ular BraBilian na'e !as (een -i$ely a$o1te$% (ut in t!at ountry it 'ay also (e
alle$ biriba de )ernambuco! fruta da condessa! 4aca de pobre! araticu! araticum!
araticum pitaya. In "eru% it is anon9 in Eua$or% chirimoya9 in Colo'(ia% mulato9 in
:eneBuela% rinon or rinon de monte9 in Me/io% anona babosa or zambo. In Trini$a$ it is
alle$ -il$ su#ar a11le9 in 4ua$elou1e% cachiman morveux! cachiman cochon or
cachiman montagne! in "uerto Rio% cachiman or anon cimarron% in t!e Do'inian
Re1u(li% candongo or anona.
T!e (iri(a <(ollinia mucosa= is an attrati&e li#!t7yello- at first.
T!is fast7#ro-in# tree ran#es fro' ), to 26 ft <.7)2 '= in !ei#!t9 !as (ro-n% !airy t-i#s
an$ alternate% $ei$uous% o(lon#7elli1ti or o&ate7o(lon# lea&es% 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/%
roun$e$ at t!e (ase% . to )6 in <)6782 '= lon#% t!in (ut so'e-!at leat!ery an$ !airy on
t!e un$ersi$e. T!e flo-ers% (orne ) to , or oasionally 'ore to#et!er in t!e leaf a/ils%
are !er'a1!ro$iti% ,F. to ) ,F3 in <8,.2 '= -i$e9 trian#ular% -it! , !airy se1als% , lar#e%
fles!y outer 1etals -it! u1turne$ or !oriBontal -in#s% an$ , ru$i'entary inner 1etals. T!e
fruit is onial to !eart7s!a1e$% or o(late9 to A in <)2 '= in $ia'eter9 t!e rin$ yello- an$
o'1ose$ of 'ore or less !e/a#onal% onial se#'ents% ea! ti11e$ -it! a -art7li5e
1rotrusion9 nearly )F3 in <, ''= t!i5% leat!ery% tou#! an$ in$e!isent. T!e 1ul1 is -!ite%
'uila#inous% transluent% Duiy% su(ai$ to s-eet. T!ere is a slen$er% o1a>ue7-!ite ore
an$ nu'erous $ar57(ro-n% elli1ti or o(o&ate see$s 2F3 to ,F. in <).A78 '= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!is s1eies !as an e/tensi&e natural ran#e% fro' "eru an$ nort!ern Ar#entina% "ara#uay
an$ BraBil an$ nort!-ar$ to 4uyana% :eneBuela% Colo'(ia an$ sout!ern Me/io9
Trini$a$% t!e Lesser Antilles inlu$in# 4ua$elou1e% Martini>ue an$ St. :inent9 an$
"uerto Rio an$ 0is1aniola. It is 'u! ulti&ate$ aroun$ I>uitos% "eru% an$ Rio $e
Janeiro% BraBil an$ t!e fruits are 'ar5ete$ in a(un$ane. It is t!e fa&orite fruit in -estern
See$s -ere first intro$ue$ into t!e Unite$ States fro' "ara% BraBil% (y O.W. Barrett in
)*63 <S.".I. O882)8=9 a seon$ ti'e fro' "arain )*)6 <S.".I. O8+2+*= an$ a#ain in )*)8
<S.".I. O8+A6*=. T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Rio $e
Janeiro in )*). <S.".I. O,3)+)=. ".J. Wester 'ay !a&e ta5en see$s to t!e "!ili11ines
-!ere t!e s1eies first fruite$ in )*)2. See$lin#s -ere $istri(ute$ to 1ioneers in sout!ern
Flori$a (ut only a &ery fe- trees e/ist !ere to$ay.
T!e only na'e$ seletion referre$ to in t!e literature is '2egnard' re1orte$ (y ".J.
Wester in )*)+ as t!e (est &ariety intro$ue$ into t!e "!ili11ines. A for' in t!e -estern
A'aBon re#ion !as &ery 1ronoune$ 1oints9 -ei#!s u1 to 3.3 l(s <. 5#=.
BraBilian sientists !a&e foun$ t!at . s1eies of (eetles of t!e fa'ily C!ryso'eli$ae
1ollinate t!e flo-ers% (ut only ,8K of t!e (loo's set fruit. Fruitin# (e#ins 22 $ays after
t!e onset of flo-erin#.
Cli#ate and $oil
T!e (iri(a is li'ite$ to -ar' lo-lan$s% fro' 86V nort! to ,6V sout! latitu$es in tro1ial
A'eria. In "uerto Rio% it ours at ele&ations (et-een 266 an$ 8%666 ft <)267A66 '=. It
!as suu'(e$ to te'1erature $ro1s to
8A.2VF <7,.)6VC= in sout!ern Flori$a. In
BraBil% t!e tree #ro-s naturally in lo-
areas alon# t!e A'aBon su(Det to
1erio$i floo$in# an$ it -as e/1ete$ to
$o -ell in t!e Flori$a E&er#la$es. In t!e
"!ili11ines it is sai$ to flouris! -!ere t!e
rainfall is e>ually $istri(ute$ t!rou#!out
t!e year. Calareous soils $o not see' to
(e unsuita(le in Flori$a or "uerto Rio as
lon# as t!ey are 'oist.
$eason and %ar&esting
In A'aBonia% t!e tree 'ay flo-er an$ fruit off an$ on $urin# t!e year (ut t!e fruits are
'ost a(un$ant fro' January to June. T!e fruits ri1en in Fe(ruary an$ Mar! in Rio $e
Janeiro. In Flori$a% fruits !a&e 'ature$ in No&e'(er an$ Dee'(er. In Sout! A'eria%
t!e fruit is 1i5e$ -!en still #reen an$ !ar$ in or$er to trans1ort it intat to ur(an 'ar5ets
-!ere it #ra$ually turns yello- an$ soft. W!en t!e fruit is fully ri1e% !an$lin# auses t!e
-art7li5e 1rotu(eranes on t!e rin$ to turn (ro-n or near7(la5% ren$erin# it unattrati&e.
Pests and Diseases
T!e 'ost i'1ortant 1ests in BraBil are t!e lar&ae of Cerconota anonella <8epidopterae=
-!i! atta5 fruits in t!e 1roess of 'aturin#. T!e (orer% Cratosomus bombina%
1enetrates t!e (ar5 an$ trun5. A stin#in# ater1illar% Sabine s1.% fee$s on t!e lea&es. A
-!ite fly% Aleurodicus cocois% atta5s folia#e of youn# an$ a$ult 1lants. )seudococcus
brevipes an$ Aspidiotus destructor are foun$ on t!e lea&es an$ so'eti'es on t!e fruits.
Bla5 s1ots on t!e lea&es are ause$ (y t!e fun#us Cercospora anonae. 5lomerella
cingulata auses $ie(a5 an$ fruit rot in Flori$a.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortionL
Calories 36
Moisture ++.8 #
"rotein 8.3 #
Li1i$s 6.8 #
Fi#. 8+@ 0an$lin# auses t!e onial 1roDetions on t!e
fruit to turn (la5.
4lyeri$es l*.) #
Fi(er )., #
As! 6.+ #
Caliu' 8. '#
"!os1!orus 8A '#
Iron ).8 '#
:ita'in B) 6.6. '#
:ita'in B8 6.6. '#
Niain 6.2 '#
Asor(i Ai$ ,,.6 '#
Amino Acids <'# 1er # of Nitro#en <N Q A.82=@
Lysine ,)A '#
Met!ionine )+3 '#
T!reonine 8)* '#
Try1to1!an 2+ '#
LAor$in# to BraBilian analyses.
Food *ses
T!e fruit is eaten fres! an$ is fer'ente$ to 'a5e -ine in BraBil.
Ot!er *ses
T!e -oo$ of t!e tree is yello-% !ar$% !ea&y% stron# an$ is use$ for ri(s for anoes% (oat
'asts% (oar$s an$ (o/es.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruit is re#ar$e$ as refri#erant% anale1ti an$ antisor(uti. T!e
1o-$ere$ see$s are sai$ to (e a re'e$y for enteroolitis.
Pond Apple
Annona glabra

T!e Pond"apple <Annona glabra= is a tro1ial fruit tree in t!e fa'ily Annonaeae% in t!e
sa'e #enus as t!e Sourso1 an$ C!eri'oya.
Ot!er na#es@ It is 5no-n (y t!e alternate na'es Alli#ator7a11le% Cor5-oo$% Bo(-oo$%
an$ Mon5ey7a11le. T!e na'e Alli#ator7a11le $eri&es fro' t!e fat t!at alli#ators
so'eti'es eat t!e fruit.
0ait&e, T!e tree is nati&e to t!e West In$ies an$ Flori$a% an$ is o''on in t!e
E&er#la$es. It #ro-s in s-a'1s% is tolerant of salt -ater% an$ annot #ro- in $ry soil.
T!e trees #ro- to a !ei#!t of aroun$ )67)8 '. T!ey !a&e t!in% #ray trun5s an$
so'eti'es #ro- in lu'1s. T!e lea&es are o&ate to o(lon# -it! an aute ti1% 37)2
' lon# an$ .7A ' (roa$.
T!e .ruit is o(lon# to s1!erial an$ a11le7siBe$ or lar#er% +7)2 ' lon# an$ u1 to * '
$ia'eter% an$ falls -!en it is #reen or ri1enin# yello-. It $is1erses (y floatin# to
ne- loations% an$ it is foo$ for 'any ani'al s1eies. It is e$i(le for !u'ans% an$
an (e 'a$e into 4a#% alt!ou#! t!e taste is usually not 1refera(le to sourso1 an$
ot!er relate$ fruits. T!e fles! is s-eet7sente$ an$ a#reea(le in fla&or% (ut so
stron#ly naroti t!at it !as ne&er attaine$ #eneral 1o1ular use.
*ses, "on$ a11les are usually eaten ra-% (ut so'eti'es 'a$e into Dellies an$ -ine.
"on$ a11les an stan$ i''ense floo$in# an$ s1en$ -ee5s at a ti'e -it! t!eir roots un$er
-ater. T!e 1on$ a11le is &ery useful as a rootsto5 for ot!er Annona s1eies.
Propagation@ Al'ost e/lusi&ely (y see$s% as 1on$ a11leCs are not ulti&ate$
o''erially for t!eir fruit.

A&oa$o an$ Relate$ S1eies
Persea Americana
T!e a&oa$o% unflatterin#ly 5no-n in t!e 1ast as alli#ator 1ear% 'i$s!i1'anCs (utter%
&e#eta(le (utter% or so'eti'es as (utter 1ear% an$ alle$ (y S1anis!7s1ea5in# 1eo1le
aguacate% cura% cupandra% or palta9 in
"ortu#uese% abacate9 in Fren!%
avocatier9 is t!e only i'1ortant e$i(le
fruit of t!e laurel fa'ily% Lauraeae. It is
(otanially lassifie$ in t!ree #rou1s@ A=%
)ersea americana Mill. &ar. americana
<". gratissima 4aertn.=% West In$ian
A&oa$o9 B= ). americana Mill. &ar.
drymifolia Bla5e <). drymifolia S!le!t.
M C!a'.=% t!e Me/ian A&oa$o9 C= ).
nubigena &ar. guatemalensis L. W's.%
t!e 4uate'alan A&oa$o.
Fi#. 83@ West In$ian a&oa$os <)ersea americana=. T!e
fruit ut o1en is a C0allC.
T!e a&oa$o tree 'ay (e eret% usually to ,6 ft <* '= (ut so'eti'es to A6 ft <)3 '= or
'ore% -it! a trun5 )8 to 8. in <,67A6 '= in $ia'eter% <#reater in &ery ol$ trees= or it 'ay
(e s!ort an$ s1rea$in# -it! (ran!es (e#innin# lose to t!e #roun$. Al'ost e&er#reen%
(ein# s!e$ (riefly in $ry seasons at (loo'in# ti'e% t!e lea&es are alternate% $ar57#reen
an$ #lossy on t!e u11er surfae% -!itis! on t!e un$ersi$e9 &aria(le in s!a1e <laneolate%
elli1ti% o&al% o&ate or o(o&ate=% , to )A in <+.27.6 '= lon#. T!ose of t!e Me/ian rae
are stron#ly anise7sente$. S'all% 1ale7#reen or yello-7#reen flo-ers are (orne 1rofusely
in rae'es near t!e (ran! ti1s. T!ey la5 1etals (ut !a&e 8 -!orls of , 1eriant! lo(es%
'ore or less 1u(esent% an$ * sta'ens -it! 8 (asal oran#e netar #lan$s. T!e fruit% 1ear7
s!a1e$% often 'ore or less ne5e$% o&al% or nearly roun$% 'ay (e , to ), in <+.27,, '=
lon# an$ u1 to A in <)2 '= -i$e. T!e s5in 'ay (e yello-7#reen% $ee17#reen or &ery
$ar57#reen% re$$is!71ur1le% or so $ar5 a 1ur1le as to a11ear al'ost (la5% an$ is
so'eti'es s1e5le$ -it! tiny yello- $ots% it 'ay (e s'oot! or 1e((le$% #lossy or $ull%
t!in or leat!ery an$ u1 to )F. in <A ''= t!i5% 1lia(le or #ranular an$ (rittle. In so'e
fruits% i''e$iately (eneat! t!e s5in t!ere is a t!in layer of soft% (ri#!t7#reen fles!% (ut
#enerally t!e fles! is entirely 1ale to ri!7yello-% (uttery an$ (lan$ or nutli5e in fla&or.
T!e sin#le see$ is o(late% roun$% onial or o&oi$% 8 to 8 )U8 in <27A.. '= lon#% !ar$ an$
!ea&y% i&ory in olor (ut enlose$ in t-o (ro-n% t!in% 1a1ery see$oats often a$!erin# to
t!e fles! a&ity% -!ile t!e see$ sli1s out rea$ily. So'e fruits are see$less (eause of la5
of 1ollination or ot!er fators.
Origin and Distribution
T!e a&oa$o 'ay !a&e ori#inate$ in sout!ern Me/io (ut -as ulti&ate$ fro' t!e Rio
4ran$e to entral "eru lon# (efore t!e arri&al of Euro1eans. T!ereafter% it -as arrie$ not
only to t!e West In$ies <-!ere it -as first re1orte$ in Ja'aia in )A*A=% (ut to nearly all
1arts of t!e tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial -orl$ -it! suita(le en&iron'ental on$itions. It -as
ta5en to t!e "!ili11ines near t!e en$ of t!e )At! Century9 to t!e Dut! East In$ies (y
)+26 an$ Mauritius in )+369 -as first (rou#!t to Sin#a1ore (et-een )3,6 an$ )3.6 (ut
!as ne&er (eo'e o''on in Malaya. It rea!e$ In$ia in )3*8 an$ is #ro-n es1eially
aroun$ Ma$ras an$ Ban#alore (ut !as ne&er (eo'e &ery 1o1ular (eause of t!e
1referene for s-eet fruits. It -as 1lante$ in 0a-aii in )382 an$ -as o''on t!rou#!out
t!e islan$s (y )*)69 it -as intro$ue$ into Flori$a fro' Me/io (y Dr. 0enry "errine in
)3,, an$ into California% also fro' Me/io% in )3+). :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation (e#an in
)3*6 an$ sti'ulate$ t!e i'1ortation of (u$-oo$ of &arious ty1es% 1ri'arily to e/ten$ t!e
season of fruitin#. So'e a'e fro' 0a-aii in )*6. <S. ". I. Nos. )*,++7)*,36=.
No- t!e a&oa$o is #ro-n o''erially not only in t!e Unite$ States an$ t!rou#!out
tro1ial A'eria an$ t!e lar#er islan$s of t!e Cari((ean (ut in "olynesia% t!e "!ili11ines%
Australia% Ne- Nealan$% Ma$a#asar% Mauritius% Ma$eira% t!e Canary Islan$s% Al#eria%
tro1ial Afria% Sout! Afria% sout!ern S1ain an$ sout!ern Frane% Siily% Crete% Israel
an$ E#y1t.
T!ou#! t!e S1aniar$s too5 t!e a&oa$o to C!ile% 1ro(a(ly early in t!e )+t! Century an$
it -as 1lante$ fro' t!e "eru&ian (or$er sout!-ar$ for o&er )666 'i <)%A66 5'= atual
o''erial 1lantin#s -ere not esta(lis!e$ until California ulti&ars -ere intro$ue$
a(out )*,6 into t-o areas -it!in )66 'i <)A6 5'= of Santia#o -!ere t!e in$ustry is no-
T!e first trees -ere 1lante$ in Israel in )*63% (ut na'e$ ulti&ars <CFuerteC an$
CDi5insonC= -ere not intro$ue$ until )*8.. T!ese arouse$ interest in t!e feasi(ility of
t!e ro1 for t!e sout!ern !alf of t!e oastal 1lain an$ t!e interior &alleys% an$
$e&elo1'ent of t!e in$ustry !as stea$ily #one for-ar$% e/e1t for a 1erio$ in t!e )*A6Cs
-!en 'u! 1lantin# sto5 -as $estroye$ (eause of 'ar5etin# 1ro(le's. In )*+*% Israel
1ro$ue$ ,,%666 tons <,6%666 MT= an$ e/1orte$ 83%A66 tons <8A%666 MT=.
In Dust t!e last fe- years% Ne- Nealan$ !as laun!e$ a 1ro#ra' to e/1an$ o''erial
1ro$ution% es1eially in t!e Bay of "lenty area% -it! 1rotetion fro' -in$ an$ frost%
-it! a &ie- to (eo'in# a 'aDor e/1orter of a&oa$os.
California 1ro$ue$ 8A2 'illion l(s <)8%6.2 MT= in )*+A9 .3A 'illion l(s <88%6*6 MT=
in )*3). T!e Flori$a a&oa$o 1otential is esti'ate$ at )26 'illion l(s <A%3)3 MT=. Bot!
states suffer flutuations (eause of t!e i'1at of 1erio$i freeBes% $rou#!ts% !i#! -in$s
or ot!er seasonal fators.
"resently% Me/io% -it! )26%666 ares <A8%266 !a= is t!e lea$in# 1ro$uerG8A+%+3A tons
<8.,%666 MT=9 t!e Do'inian Re1u(li is seon$G)..%,A8 tons <),)%666 MT=9 U.S.A.
<California an$ Flori$a o'(ine$= -it! 28%666 ares <8)%AAA !a=% t!ir$G),)%),3 tons
<))*%666 MT=9 BraBil is fourt!G)83%*,. tons <))+%666 MT=. Israel% -it! )A%666 ares
<A%AAA !a=% is fift!9 an$ Sout! Afria si/t!. 0alf of CaliforniaCs 1lantin#s are in San Die#o
County lose to Me/io.
As an e/1orter% Me/io a#ain lea$s% follo-e$ (y California% Israel% Sout! Afria an$
Flori$a% in t!at or$er. Nearly all of BraBilCs ro1 is onsu'e$ $o'estially.
WEST INDIAN rae@ Flori$a a&oa$os -ere at first 'ainly of t!e su''er fruitin# West
In$ian rae% (ut t!ese !a$ to o'1ete o''erially -it! si'ilar fruits i'1orte$ fro'
Cu(a% an$ #ro-ers sou#!t ot!er ulti&ars 'aturin# at a later season. T!is le$ to t!e
$e&elo1'ent of West In$ian S 4uate'alan !y(ri$s. T!e essation of tra$e -it! Cu(a in
t!e early )*A6Cs (rou#!t a(out a s!ift (a5 to su''er ulti&ars in ne- #ro&es to fill t!e
#a1. T!e 'aDority of t!e a&oa$os #ro-n in t!e West In$ies% Ba!a'as an$ Ber'u$a an$
t!e tro1is of t!e Ol$ Worl$ are still of t!e West In$ian rae. T!e s5in is leat!ery% 1lia(le%
non7#ranular% an$ t!e fles! lo- in oil. T!e lea&es are not aro'ati. T!e follo-in# are t!e
'ost 1ro'inent of early an$ 'ore reent West In$ian ulti&ars -!i! !a&e 1laye$ an
i'1ortant role in t!e $e&elo1'ent of t!e a&oa$o in$ustry in Flori$a an$ else-!ere. Ne-
seletions a11ear fro' ti'e to ti'e t!at 'ay !a&e s1eial a$a1ta(ility to ertain loales
or on$itions.
'Butler' <a USDA seletion in Flori$a9 fruite$ in )*6*% 1ro1a#ate$ fro' )*). to )*)3=
1ear s!a1e$9 'e$iu'7lar#e9 s5in s'oot!9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t in t!e a&ity.
Season@ Au#.7Se1t. No lon#er #ro-n in Flori$a. Culti&ate$ in "uerto Rio.
'Fuc!s' <CFu!siaC= <see$ of un5no-n ori#in 1lante$ in 0o'estea$% Flori$a% in )*)69
1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in )*8A=9 1ear s!a1e$ to o(lon#% so'eti'es -it! a ne59 of
'e$iu' siBe9 s5in s'oot!9 fles! 1ale #reenis!7yello-9 . to AK oil9 see$ loose. Season@
earlyJune7Au#.9 a 1oor s!i11er. Tree not &ery 1ro$uti&e in Flori$a9 no lon#er 1o1ular in
o''erial #ro&es.
'Mao5' <a see$lin# selete$ fro' a 1lot near MaoB% Israel=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 of 'e$iu' siBe9
s5in rou#!% leat!ery% &iolet71ur1le -!en ri1e9 fles! s-eetis! an$ &ery lo- in oil. Season@
'e$iu'7late <Ot.=. Tree is an alternate (earer (ut is fairly s'all% !i#!ly salt7tolerant9
use$ in Israel as rootsto5 on eit!er saline or alareous soils.
'Pollock' <ori#inate$ in Mia'i (efore )3*A9 o''erially 1ro1a#ate$ in )*6)=9 o(lon#
to 1ear s!a1e$9 &ery lar#e% u1 to 2 l(s <8.8+ 5#=9 s5in s'oot!9 fles! #reen near s5in%
ontains , to 2K oil9 see$ lar#e% fre>uently loose in a&ity. Season@ early July to Au#. or
Ot. S!y7(earin# an$ too lar#e (ut of su1erior >uality.
'2uc!le' <a see$lin# of Wal$in 1lante$ at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation
Center% 0o'estea$% in )*8,9 first 1ro1a#ate$ in )*.A=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 of 'e$iu' siBe% )6
to 86 oB <83672A6 #=9 fles! lo- in oil <872K=. Season (e#ins in July in Flori$a9 Jan. in
Hueenslan$. 0ea&y (earer in Flori$a.
'2ussell' <ori#inate$ in Isla'ora$a in Flori$a Jeys=9 1ears!a1e$ at a1e/ -it! lon# ne5
#i&in# it a total len#t! u1 to ), in <,8.2 '=9 s5in% s'oot!% #lossy% t!in% leat!ery9 fles! of
e/ellent >uality9 see$ s'all. Season@ Au#. an$ Se1t. Tree (ears -ell an$ is
reo''en$e$ for !o'e #ar$ens.
'$i##onds' <1ossi(ly fro' a see$ of "ollo5% first fruite$ in Mia'i in )*),9 1ro1a#ate$
o''erially in )*8)=9 o(lon#o&al to 1ear7s!a1e$9 lar#e9 s5in s'oot!% li#!t #reen9 fles!
of #oo$ fla&or% , to AK oil9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% usually ti#!t. Season@ 'i$7July to 'i$7
Se1t. Tree (ears 'ore re#ularly t!an "ollo5 (ut is less &i#orous9 so'eti'es s!e$s 'any
of its fruits9 no lon#er 1lante$ o''erially in Flori$a.
'Trapp' <ori#inate$ in Mia'i in )3*.9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*6)=9 roun$ to 1ear7s!a1e$9
'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in s'oot!9 fles! #ol$en7yello-% #reen near s5in% of e/ellent >uality%
, to AK oil9 see$ lar#e% loose in a&ity. Season@ 'e$iu'7late <Se1t. to No&. or De.=9 a
#oo$ s!i11er. Was 1ro'inent in Flori$a for 82 years $es1ite ten$eny to o&er(loo' an$
(ear li#!tly so'e years9 usually (ore re#ularly an$ -ell.
'1aldin' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*6*9 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in )*)+=9 o(lon# to
o&al9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in s'oot!9 fles! 1ale to #reenis!7yello-% of #oo$ fla&or% 2 to
)6K oil9 see$ 'e$iu' to lar#e% ti#!t. Season@ fairly late <'i$7Se1t. t!rou#! Ot.=. Tree
ten$s to o&er(ear an$ $ie (a59 is !ar$y. 0as (een a lea$in# o''erial ulti&ar in
entral an$ sout!ern Flori$a.
T!ere are se&eral "uerto Rian seletionsGCAlBa'oraC% CA&ilaC% CFariaC% C4ariaC%
C0ernan$eBC% CSt. JustCGan$ so'e ulti&ars of un5no-n anestry@ CA'a$orC% C4aloC%
C4i'eneBC% CTorresC% an$ CTruDilloC.
4UATEMALAN rae@ <s5in &aries fro' t!in to &ery t!i5 an$ is #ranular or #ritty=.
A'on# 1ro'inent early Flori$a an$ California ulti&ars -ere@
'Ana!ei#' <ori#inate$ in California=9 o&al to elli1tial9 lar#e9 s5in #lossy% rou#!% t!i59
fles! of fair to #oo$ fla&or% u1 to 88K oil% (ut inferior toCFuerteC% CNa(alC an$ CBeni5C9 is
(est in Mar. an$ A1r. in Israel% July an$ Au#. in Hueenslan$. Tree slen$er% eret% tall%
ol$7sensiti&e9 (ears re#ularly% u1 to 886 l(s <)66 5#= annually in Israel. Consi$ere$ of
1oor >uality an$ su(Det to $isease $urin# ri1enin# in Hueenslan$.
'Benik' <intro$ue$ fro' 4uate'ala to California in )*)+ an$ fro' California into Israel
in )*,.=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in rou#!% 1ur1le% 'e$iu'7t!i59 fles! of #oo$
>uality% )2 to 8.K oil9 see$ nearly roun$% 'e$iu'. Season@ A1r. to Au#. in Calif.9 Jan. to
Mar. in Israel9 July an$ Au#. in Hueenslan$. T!e tree (e#ins to (ear late an$ yiel$s only
a(out ))A l(s <2, 5#= 1er year. Color is not 1o1ular on t!e 'ar5et. Not #ro-n in Flori$a.
'Dickinson' <a California seletion% first 1ro1a#ate$ in )*)8=9 o&al to o(o&ate9 s'all to
'e$iu'9 s5in $ar571ur1le -it! lar#e 'aroon $ots% rou#!% &ery t!i5% #ranular% (rittle9
fles! of #oo$ >uality9 see$ s'all to 'e$iu'% ti#!t. Season@ June7Ot. in California9 Fe(.
an$ Mar. in Flori$a9 Jan. an$ Fe(. in "uerto Rio. Tree is a 'o$erate (ut re#ular (earer.
In Israel CDi5insonC is $esri(e$ as roun$% s'all to lar#e% &ery t!i57s5inne$ -it! &ery
lar#e see$9 of 1oor >uality% not -ort! #ro-in#. It is no lon#er #ro-n in Flori$a or
'7dranol' <see$lin# 1lante$ at :ista% California in )*8+9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*,8=% 1ear7
s!a1e$9 of 'e$iu' siBe9 s5in oli&e#reen% sli#!tly rou#!% t!in leat!ery9 fles! of !i#!
>uality an$ nutty fla&or% )2 to )3K oil9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ Fe(. to July at :ista9
A1r. to De. at Santa Bar(ara9 May an$ June in Hueenslan$. Disease resistant. Rate$ as
e/ellent. No lon#er 1lante$ in California (ut 1o1ular in Me/io.
'%a55ard' <see$lin# of CLyonC1lante$ at :ista% California in )*83= 1ear7s!a1e$9 of
'e$iu' siBe9 s5in rou#!% fairly t!in9 fles! of #oo$ >uality% )2 to ,.K oil9 see$ s'all.
Season@ A1r. to July in California% July an$ Au#. in Hueenslan$ -!ere it is rate$ as
e/ellent an$ free of e/ternal an$ internal $iseases an$ $isolorations in stora#e. T!e tree
#ro-s slo-ly% rea!es only )8 to )2 ft <,.27..2 '=% (e#ins (earin# early an$ is a
$e1en$a(le 1ro$uer. So'e fruits 'ay ra5 if left on tree too lon#. More t!an )66 trees
an (e 1lante$ 1er are <8.6 1er !a=.
't5a#na' <(u$-oo$ (rou#!t fro' 4uate'ala to Flori$a in )*)A=9 o(lon# 1ear7s!a1e$9
'e$iu' lar#e9 s5in rou#!9 fles! yello-% ))K oil9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ &ery late
<Mar. to May=. May not (ear -ell9 little 1lante$ in Flori$a9 a o''erial ulti&ar in
California an$ in "uerto Rio -!ere it is a onsistently !ea&y (earer.
'-inda' <(u$-oo$ intro$ue$ into California fro' 4uate'ale in )*).9 1ro1a#ate$ in
Flori$a in )*)+=9 elli1tial9 &ery lar#e9 s5in rou#!% $ull71ur1le -!en ri1e9 fles! yello-% )6
to ).K oil9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ May to Ot. in California9 late <De. to Fe(.= in
Flori$a. A #oo$ s!i11er (ut not 1o1ular in Flori$a (eause of siBe an$ olor. Of so'e
o''erial i'1ortane in California. Tree lo-% s1rea$in#% &i#orous an$ (ears re#ularly.
'-yon' <ori#inate$ in California9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*))=9 (roa$71ear7s!a1e$9 (eyon$
'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in so'e-!at rou#! to rou#!9 (ri#!t7#reen -it! 'any s'all yello-is!
or re$7(ro-n $ots9 'e$iu'7t!i5% #ranular an$ (rittle9 fles! #reenis! near s5in% of !i#!
>uality9 see$ 'e$iu'7s'all to 'e$iu'% ti#!t. Season@ A1r. to Au#. in California. Tree
o'es into (earin# early an$ (ears !ea&ily% so 'u! so as to -ea5en t!e tree. 4ro-n in
Flori$a only fro' )*)3 to )*88.
'Macart!ur' <ori#inate$ in )*88 at Monro&ia% California=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 lar#e9 s5in t!in%
1lia(le9 fles! !as s-eet% nutty (ut -atery fla&or% ontains ), to )A.+K oil9 see$ 'e$iu'
to lar#e. Season@ Au#. to No&. in California9 Au#. an$ Se1t. in Hueenslan$ -!ere it is
rate$ as of 1oor >uality. It is one of t!e A lea$in# o''erial ulti&ars in California%
-!ere it is &ery ol$7!ar$y.
'0abal'<(u$-oo$ (rou#!t fro' 4uate'ala in )*)+9 1ro1a#ate$ in California sine )*8+%
in Flori$a fro' )*,+9 in Israel sine )*,.=9 nearly roun$9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in nearly
s'oot!% t!i5% #ranular9 fles! of !i#! >uality% #reen near s5in9 )6 to )2 K oil in Flori$a%
)3 to 88 K in Hueenslan$9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ June to Se1t. in California9 Jan. an$
Fe(. in Flori$a9 Ot. an$ No&. in Hueenslan$. Tree (ears -ell in entral Flori$a9 (ears
late an$ 1oorly in Israel a&era#in# A3 l(s <,) 5#= 1er year in alternate years. In
Hueenslan$% (ears in alternate years &ery !ea&ily% (ut is rate$ as of 'e$iu' >uality an$
$isease71rone $urin# 1rolon#e$ ri1enin#.
'0i#lio!' <USDA (u$-oo$ (rou#!t fro' 4uate'ala in )*)+9 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially
in )*8)=9 elli1tial9 lar#e9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!9 fles! t!i59 see$ fairly s'all% ti#!t. Season@
late <Jan. an$ Fe(.= in Flori$a9 May to Au#. in California. Tree (ears 'o$erate ro1s on
sout! oast of "uerto Rio. A(an$one$ in Flori$a in )*82 (eause tree foun$ to (e -ea5
an$ not 1rolifi.
'Panc!oy' <a USDA intro$ution into Flori$a fro' 4uate'ala9 fruite$ in )*)*=9 1ear7
s!a1e$ to al'ost elli1tial9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in rou#!% &ery t!i59 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe%
ti#!t. Season@ &ery late <Mar. to early A1r.= in Flori$a9 A1r. to Au#. in California.
For'erly a !ea&y (earer in Flori$a an$ still is on t!e sout! oast of "uerto Rio (ut
su(Det to $ie7(a5. 0as (een o''erially i'1ortant in California an$ 0a-aii.
'Pinkerton' <see$lin#% 1ro(a(ly of CRinonC% foun$ on "in5erton ran! in :entura Co.%
California% in )*+69 1atente$=9 early ro1 roun$is!9 later% 1ear s!a1e$ -it! ne59 of
'e$iu' siBe% 3 to ). oB <88+7,*+ #=9 s5in 'e$iu'7leat!ery% 1lia(le9 fles! t!i5% u1 to
)6K 'ore t!an in C0assC or CFuerteC9 s'oot! te/ture$% of #oo$ fla&or% !i#! in oil% rate$ as
of #oo$ >uality (ut inferior to C0assC an$ CFuerteC9 ten$s to $ar5en in t!e latter 1art of t!e
season9 see$ s'all% se1arates rea$ily fro' t!e fles! -it! t!e oat a$!erin# to t!e see$.
Season@ first ro1% Ot. or No&.% 8n$ ro1% De. or Jan. Fruit s!i1s -ell an$ !as #oo$ s!elf
life% (ut t!e ne5 is a $isa$&anta#e on t!e fres! fruit 'ar5et9 aor$in#ly% t!e late7season
fruits are sent to 1roessin# 1lants. T!e tree is of lo-% s1rea$in# !a(it9 (ears early an$
!ea&ily9 is as ol$7sensiti&e as C0assC. A(out )866 ares <.3A !a= in California in )*3..
'2eed' <ori#inate$ a(out )*.3 on Ree$ 1ro1erty in Carls(a$% California% as a see$lin#%
1ossi(ly of a CAna!ei'C S CNa(alC !y(ri$9 1atente$ in )*A69 1atent no- e/1ire$=9 roun$9
'e$iu' to lar#e% 3 to )3 oB <88+72)6 #=9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!% 'e$iu'7t!i5% 1lia(le9 fles!
rea'7olore$ -it! ri!% faintly nutty fla&or9 $oesnCt $ar5en -!en ut9 rate$ as e/ellent
>uality9 see$ s'all to 'e$iu'% ti#!t9 oat a$!eres to see$. Season@July to Ot. in
California9 late Fe(. to A1r. in Ne- Nealan$ -!ere it is one of t!e 'ost 1ro'isin#
ulti&ars. Tree eret% an (e s1ae$ )2 / )2 ft <..A/..A '=9 (ears early an$ re#ularly9
a(out as ol$7sensiti&e as C0assC. In )*3.% a(out )%666 ares <.62 !a= in California.
'$c!#idt' <(u$-oo$ intro$ue$ into California in )*))9 1ro1a#ate$ in Flori$a in )*88=9
1ear7s!a1e$9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in rou#!9 fles! 1ale7yello-% )8 to )AK oil9 see$ of
'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t. Season@ &ery late <Fe(. an$ Mar.=. T!e tree is a 1oor (earer an$ ol$7
sensiti&e an$ t!e fruit of 1oor 5ee1in# >uality.
'$!arpless' <ori#inate$ in California9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*),=9 slen$er71ear7s!a1e$%
so'eti'es -it! lon# ne59 lar#e to &ery lar#e9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!% #reenis!71ur1le to
$ar571ur1le -it! 'any yello-is! $ots% t!i5% #ranular9 fles! of su1erior >uality an$
fla&or9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. :ery late <Ot. to Fe(.= in California.
'$olano' <ori#inate$ in California9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*)8=9 o(o&ate to o&al9 (eyon$ 'e$iu'
to lar#e9 s5in nearly s'oot!% (ri#!t7#reen -it! 'any yello-is! $ots% 'e$iu'7t!i5%
#ranular9 fles! #reenis! near s5in% of fair >uality9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ Mar. to May
in California9 Ot. to 'i$ No&. or De. in Flori$a. A #oo$ (earer% (ut not #ro-n in
Flori$a for 'any years.
'$pinks' <ori#inate$ in California9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*)2=9 (roa$7o(o&ate9 &ery lar#e9 s5in
rou#!% $ar571ur1le% t!i5% #ranular% (rittle9 fles! of &ery #oo$ >uality an$ fla&or9 see$
s'all% ti#!t. Season@ Au#. to A1r. in California. For'erly #ro-n in entral Flori$a.
'Ta.t' <ori#inate$ in )3** in California9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*)8=9 (roa$ 1ear7s!a1e$9 'e$iu'
to &ery lar#e9 s5in faintly rou#!% 'ore so at (ase9 'any yello-is! $ots% t!i5% #ranular
(ut so'e-!at 1lia(le9 fles! of e/ellent >uality an$ fla&or9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t.
Season@ May to De. in California9 Fe(. an$ Mar. in Flori$a. "oor (earer in California9
fair in Flori$a (ut ol$7sensiti&e.
'Taylor' <see$ of CRoyalC 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*63% 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in )*).=9
o(o&ate to 1ear7s!a1e$% oasionally -it! ne59 s'all to 'e$iu' siBeG)8 to )3 oB
<,.62)6 #=9 s5in rou#!% -it! 'any s'all yello- $ots9 fairly t!in9 fles! of e/ellent
>uality an$ fla&or% )8 to )+K oil9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t. Season@ late <De. an$ Jan.
or e&en to en$ of Mar.=. T!e tree is ol$7!ar$y (ut e/essi&ely tall an$ slen$er.
'Tonnage' <see$ of CTaylorC 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*)A9 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in
)*,6=9 1ear7s!a1e$% 'e$iu' lar#e9 s5in $ar5 #reen% rou#!% t!i59 fles! #reen near s5in%
ri! in fla&or% 3 to )2K oil9 see$ 'e$iu'% fairly ti#!t. Season@ fro' 'i$7Ot. t!rou#!
No&. in Flori$a9 May to 'i$7Au#. inAr#entine. Tree eret% fairly slen$er% re>uirin# less
$istane (et-een trees9 is a !ea&y (earer. Cross 1ollinate$ (y CLulaC an$ CColliesonC in
'1agner' <see$ of CRoyalC 1lante$ in California in )*639 1ro1a#ate$ in Flori$a in )*)A=9
roun$e$ to o(o&ate9 s'all to 'e$iu'9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!9 fles! li#!t yello-% )A to 86K
oil9 see$ lar#e% ti#!t. Season@ Late <'i$7Jan. to 'i$7Mar.=. Tree lo-er7#ro-in# t!an
CTaylorC% a !ea&y (earer% (ut fruit 'ore su(Det to (la5 s1ot t!an CTaylorC. Not
reo''en$e$ in Flori$a.
'1urt5' <ori#inate$ in )*,2 at Eninitas% California9 ulti&ate$ in Hueenslan$ for only
t!e 1ast )8 or ), years=9 1ears!a1e$% s'all to 'e$iu'9 3 to )8 oB <88A78.6 #=9 see$ lar#e.
Season@ May to Se1t. in Calif.9 late in Hueenslan$. Tree is s'all an$ slo- #ro-in#% (ears
'o$erately (ut re#ularly. More t!an )66 trees 'ay (e 1lante$ 1er are <8.6 1er !a=.
4UATEMALAN S WEST INDIAN !y(ri$s@ Inas'u! as 1ure 4uate'alan a&oa$os
1ro&e$ not -ell a$a1te$ to Flori$a% 4uate'aian S West In$ian !y(ri$s !a&e o'e to (e
of ut'ost i'1ortane in t!e Flori$a a&oa$o in$ustry% re1resentin# 'ore t!an !alf of t!e
'ore t!an 86 'aDor an$ 'inor o''erial ulti&ars #ro-n in t!is state to$ay. "ro'inent
ulti&ars 1ast an$ 1resent inlu$e@
'Bonita' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*82=9 o(o&ate% sli#!tly flattene$ on one si$e9 of
'e$iu' siBe9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!9 fles! ontains 3 to )6K oil9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe.
Season@ late <De. an$ Jan.=. 0ar$y in California.
'Boot! 9' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*86=9 roun$7o(o&ate9 'e$iu'7lar#e9 s5in al'ost
s'oot!% 'e$iu' t!i5% (rittle9 fles! 1ale% 3 to )8K oil9 see$ lar#e an$ loose9 Season@ late
<De. an$ Jan.=. T!e tree is a !ea&y (earer (ut t!e fruit is of 1oor >uality an$ t!e see$ is
too (i#.
'Boot! :' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*869 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in )*,2=9 roun$
o(o&ate9 of 'e$iu' siBe9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!% t!i5% (rittle9 fles! ontains + to ).K oil9
see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t. Season@ late <De. to 'i$7Jan.=. T!e fruit is o''erially
1o1ular an$ t!e tree is a #oo$ (earer.
'Boot! ;' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*86=9 o(lon#7o(o&ate9 'e$iu'7lar#e9 s5in sli#!tly
rou#!% fairly t!i5% (rittle9 fles! ontains A to )8K oil9 see$ 'e$iu' lar#e% ti#!t. Season@
late <No&. to 'i$7De.=. "o1ular o''erially an$ t!e tree is a !ea&y (earer.
'C!e/uette' <ori#inate$ in Mia'i fro' see$ 1lante$ in )*8*9 1ro1a#ate$ in )*,*=9 o&al9
lar#e9 s5in #lossy% s'oot!% sli#!tly leat!ery9 fles! of #oo$ >uality% ),K oil9 see$ 'e$iu'%
ti#!t. Season@ Jan. to Mar. Tree (ears !ea&ily in alternate years.
'Collinson' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*)2=9 (roa$7o(o&oi$ to elli1tial9 lar#e9 s5in
s'oot!9 fles! of e/ellent fla&or% )6 to )AK oil9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t. Season@ late
<No&. an$ De.=. Tree $oesnCt 1ro$ue 1ollen in Flori$a9 is a !ea&y (earer in "uerto Rio
-!en inter1lante$ -it! ot!er ulti&ars. T!e fles! is a1t to (la5en aroun$ t!e see$ in ol$
stora#e Col$7sensiti&e an$ unfruitful in Israel.
'Fuc!s7<=' <a see$lin# of CFu!sC selete$ in Israel=9 elli1soi$9 'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in
s'oot!% s1e5le$ -it! yello-is! lentiels -!en ri1e9 fles! fla&or is e/ellent. Season@
'e$iu' late <Ot.=. Tree is &i#orous (ut a 1oor (earer9 see$lin#s &ary in salt7tolerane
(ut uttin#s of resistant seletions 1erfor' -ell in saline on$itions.
'Grande' <(rou#!t to California in )*)) fro' Atli/o% Me/io=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 lar#e9 s5in
rou#!% #reen to 1ur1lis!9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe% ti#!t. Season@ late <De. an$ Jan. in Fla.9
A1r. an$ May in Calif.=. 4ro-n in California an$ "uerto Rio. Tree is a !ea&y (earer
aroun$ Maya#ueB.
'%all' <ori#inate$ in Mia'i9 of un5no-n 1arenta#e9 fruite$ in )*,+% 1ro1a#ate$ in )*,3=9
1ear7s!a1e$9 lar#e@ s5in s'oot!% fairly t!i59 fles! $ee17yello-% )8 to )AK oil9 see$
'e$iu' lar#e% ti#!t. Season@ No&. an$ De. 0ea&y (earer an$ ol$!ar$y (ut su(Det to
'%er#an' <see$ 1lante$ in Flori$a in )*,2=9 o(o&ate9 s5in s'oot!% fairly t!in% fle/i(le9
fles! yello-% )6 to ).K oil9 see$ s'all. Season@ fairly late <'i$7No&. to 'i$7Jan.=. Tree a
!ea&y (earer an$ !ar$y.
'%ickson'<see$lin#% fruite$ in Flori$a in )*,89 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in )*,3=9
o(o&ate9 'e$iu' to s'all9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!% t!i5% (rittle9 fles! of fair to #oo$ >uality%
3 to )6K oil9 see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season@ late <De. an$ Jan.=. Tree (ears !ea&ily e&ery
ot!er year9 is ol$7sensiti&e.
'$i#pson' <a s1rout of CCollinsonC9 fruite$ in Flori$a in )*82=9 o(o&ate7elli1tial9 rat!er
lar#e9 s5in sli#!tly rou#! an$ t!i5 (ut not (rittle9 fles! 1ale% )6 to ).K oil9 see$
'e$iu'7lar#e% ti#!t. Season@ late <'i$ No&. an$ Dee'(er=. T!e tree is a #oo$ (earer.
'1inslowson' <see$ of CWinslo-C 1lante$ in Mia'i in )*))9 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially in
)*8)=9 roun$7o(late9 lar#e9 s5in s'oot!9 fles! 1ale% * to )2K oil9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe%
loose. Season@ late <Ot. to De. in Fla.9 De. an$ Jan. in "uerto Rio=. T!is !y(ri$ is
loser to t!e West In$ian rae t!an t!e 4uate'alan an$ t!erefore 1o1ular in "uerto Rio.
For'erly o''erial in Flori$a (ut a(an$one$ (eause of loose see$% o&er(loo'in#%
ten$eny to s!e$ ro1% an$ tree an$ fruit are suse1ti(le to ant!ranose.
In )*A,% "uerto Rian !ortiulturists re1orte$ on t!e 1erfor'ane of 82 seletions fro'
)66 stu$ie$ in t!e 1re&ious 2 years. Four of t!e seletions 1ree$e$ t!e esta(lis!'ent of
t!e olletion at t!e Isa(ela Su(station of t!e Uni&ersity of "uerto Rio. One of t!e
o(Deti&es -as to i$entify late 'aturin# &arieties -it! su1erior >uality an$ yiel$. Of t!e
lea$in# )6% all are 1resu'e$ to (e 4uate'alan S West In$ian !y(ri$s e/e1t one% CJanan
No. )C% -!i! is 1ro(a(ly 4uate'alan% an$ t!is an$ CMelen$eB No. 8C are t!e only ones of
alternate (earin# !a(it. C4ri1inaC Nos. 8% 2 an$ )8 -ere !i#!ly rate$ as% res1eti&ely%
(etter t!an CNa(alC% one of t!e (est o''erial ulti&ars% an$ 'ost attrati&e of all. CSe'ilC
Nos. 8,% ,)% ,.% .8% .,% an$ .. see'e$ e>ually $esira(le% -it! Nos. ,. an$ .8 note$ as
"uerto Rian (ree$ers !a&e no- $e&elo1e$ t!e follo-in# 4uate'alan S West In$ian
!y(ri$s@ CA$DuntasC% C4uate'alaC% CMelen$eB 8C% C4ri1ina .2C% an$ CSe'il ,.C an$ .,% as late7
'aturin# <No&. to Mar.=% !a&in# 'e$iu' oil ontent% ri!7yello- fles!% an$ ti#!t see$ in
or$er to (e a(le to stan$ !an$lin# an$ s!i1'ent.
MESICAN rae@ <s5in t!in an$ ten$er% lin#s to t!e fles!9 fles! of !i#! oil ontent% u1 to
,6K. T!e folia#e !as a 1ronoune$ anise7li5e o$or9 t!e tree is 'ore ol$ resistant t!an
t!ose of t!e ot!er raes or !y(ri$s% t!ri&in# near "ue(la% Me/io% at 266 ft <)%366 '=
a(o&e sea7le&el.
'Duke' <ori#inate$ in California in )*)8=9 elon#ate$9 rat!er s'all 2 )U8 to + oB <)26 866
#=9 fles! of #oo$ >uality% )..2K oil. Season@ Se1t. to No&. in Calif.9 late July or 'i$ Au#.
to 'i$7Se1t. in Israel. Tree is lar#e% sy''etrial an$ -in$ an$ ol$7resistant% an$ also
!i#!ly resistant to root rot% es1eially -!en #ro-n fro' uttin#s. It is a 1oor (earer in
so'e areas of California9 !as (orne )A3 l(s <+3 5#= annually fro' t!e At! to t!e )2t! year
in Israel.
'Ganter' <ori#inate$ in )*62 in California9 intro$ue$ into Israel in )*.,=9 s'all% a(out 2
)F8 oB <)26 #=9 of #oo$ >uality% )3K oil9 see$ s'all to 'e$iu'% usually loose. Season@
Ot. to De. in Calif.9 seon$ !alf of Se1t. in Israel. Tree is s'all% yiel$s no 'ore t!an ..
l(s <86 5#= 1er year. "oor s!i11er.
'Gott.ried' <see$ of a see$lin# on Jey Lar#o 1lante$ at USDA% Mia'i% in )*6A9
$istri(ute$ in )*)3=9 1ear s!a1e$9 'e$iu' siBe9 s5in s'oot!% 1ur1le9 fles! of e/ellent
>uality% * to ),K oil9 see$ 'e$iu'. Season@ Au#. to Ot. Tree 1rolifi in California9 a
1oor (earer in sout!ern Flori$a an$ su(Det to ant!ranose% (ut !ar$y an$ $esira(le for
!o'e #ar$ens on -est oast of Flori$a.
'Me+icola' <ori#inate$ a(out )*)6 at "asa$ena% California9 1ro1a#ate$ a(out )*)8=9 &ery
s'all9 s5in (la59 fles! of e/ellent fla&or9 see$ lar#e. Season@ Au#. to Ot. 4ro-n only
in !o'e #ar$ens in California. Bears early an$ re#ularly9 &ery !eat7 an$ ol$7resistant9
'u! use$ as a 1arent in California (ree$in# 1ro#ra's.
'0ort!rop' <see$lin# fro' C.". Taft 1lante$ a(out )*66 near Tustin% California9
1ro1a#ate$ a(out )*))=9 s'all% , )F8 to 2 )F8 oB <)667)26 #=9 s5in nearly (la59 fles! of
#oo$ >uality% 8AK oil9 see$ 'e$iu'. Season@ Ot. an$ No&. in California9 'i$ July to
'i$7Se1t. in Flori$a9 'i$ Se1t. to 'i$ Ot. in Israel. Fruit $oes not 5ee1 -ell9 fla&or
$isa#reea(le -!en o&erri1e. Tree (ears re#ularly (ut !as lo-er yiel$ t!an CDu5eC.
'Puebla' <onsi$ere$ 1ure Me/ian (ut so'e su##est 'ay (e a Me/ian S 4uate'alan
!y(ri$9 -as foun$ in )*)) at Atli/o near -!ere CFu!sC ori#inate$=. Of 'e$iu' siBe9
s5in s'oot!% 1ur1le9 fles! of #oo$ fla&or9 oil ontent nearly 86K9 see$ 'e$iu' to lar#e.
Season@ Se1t. an$ Ot. in Flori$a9 early to 'i$7-inter in ool re#ions of California. Tree
$oes not set fruit re#ularly in California or Israel an$ t!erefore is sel$o' 1lante$ no-.
0as (een reo''en$e$ for !o'e #ar$ens in Central Flori$a (eause of !ar$iness.
'>utano' <!y(ri$% ori#inate$ in )*8A at Fall(roo5% California9 re#istere$ in )*,8=9 1ear
s!a1e$9 'e$iu'7s'all% s5in li#!t #reen% &ery t!in% leat!ery9 fles! -atery% )2 to 88K oil9
see$ 'e$iu'. Season@ De. an$ Jan. in California9 A1r. an$ May in Hueenslan$ -!ere it
is onsi$ere$ of 1oor >uality $eliate to !an$le% an$ 1rone to $isease $urin# ri1enin#.
Tree is a #oo$ (earer. Ran5s a'on# A lea$in# o''erial ulti&ars in California% (ein#
#ro-n -!ere it is too ol$ for C0assC.
4UATEMALAN S MESICAN !y(ri$s inlu$e@
'Bacon' Huality of fles! sli#!tly (etter t!an CNutanoC. Season@ sli#!tly later t!en CNutanoC.
Ten$s to (e affete$ -it! en$ s1ot% an e/ternal (le'is!. T!is ulti&ar an$ CNutanoC are t!e
only 8 reasona(ly 1ro$uti&e of A6 ulti&ars trie$ in Los An#eles an$ Oran#e Counties in
California. In )*2+% to1 -or5in# of all t!e ot!ers to t!ese 8 ol$ !ar$y ulti&ars -as
stron#ly reo''en$e$. CBaonC is a #oo$ !oie for tro1ial A'erian !i#!lan$s a(out
2%866 ft <)A6 '=.
'Fuerte' <a natural !y(ri$ ori#inate$ at Atli/o% Me/io9 intro$ue$ into California in
)*))=9 1ear s!a1e$9 s'all to 'e$iu' or a little lar#er9 s5in sli#!tly rou#! to rou#!% -it!
'any s'all yello- $ots% t!in% not a$!erent to fles!9 fles! #reen near s5in% )8 to )+K oil9
see$ s'all% ti#!t. Season Jan. to Au#. in sout!ern California9 De. to Fe(. in Israel9 A1r.
an$ May in Hueenslan$% an$ Ne- Sout! Wales9 'i$7Au#. to Ot. in Ne- Nealan$. Tree
is (roa$% &ery 1ro$uti&e% (ut ten$s to (ear (iennially. Su(Det to sa( an$ ant!ranose in
Flori$a. For'erly &ery 1o1ular in California <A) K of all a&oa$os s!i11e$=9 no- seon$
to C0assC (eause of a tren$ to su''er instea$ of -inter 1ro$ution an$ 'ar5etin# t!at
(e#an in )*+8. It is t!e lea$in# ulti&ar in C!ile -!ere it (ears 'ore $e1en$a(ly t!an in
California. It is a &ery errati (earer in Israel. Re1resents .8K of all Australian 1lantin#s.
0as lon# (een t!e lea$in# a&oa$o on t!e Euro1ean 'ar5et.
'%ass' <see$ 1lante$ at La 0a(ra 0ei#!ts% Calif.9 re#istere$ in )*,8=9 1ear s!a1e$ to
o&oi$9 of 'e$iu' siBe9 !as a ten$eny to (e un$ersiBe$ e/e1t in Ne- Nealan$9 s5in
tou#!% leat!ery% $ar571ur1le or nearly (la5 -!en ri1e9 1e((le$9 fairly t!in9 fles! of #oo$
fla&or% )3 to 88K oil% #enerally9 u1 to ,2K in Hueenslan$9 see$ s'all. Season@ (e#ins in
'i$7Mar. in California9 No&. to Jan. in Hueenslan$9 'i$7No&. to Mar. in Ne- Nealan$9
Au#. an$ Se1t. in Ne- Sout! Wales. For'erly aounte$ for 86K of California a&oa$os
s!i11e$9 no- is t!e lea$in# ulti&ar <+6K of t!e ro1 in )*3.=. Tree (ears (etter t!en
CNa(alC in ool areas of California% (ut #ro-s tall an$ re>uires to11in#. T!is is t!e lea$in#
ulti&ar in Ne- Nealan$% re1resentin# 26K of all o''erial 1lantin#s9 82K in
Hueenslan$. It is seon$ in i'1ortane to CFuerteC in C!ile.
'%ayes' <a ne- !y(ri$ in 0a-aii% one 1arent (ein# C0assC=. Fruit rese'(les C0assC (ut is
lar#er9 s5in is #lossier% is 1e((le$% rou#!% t!i5 an$ (eo'es (ro-n71ur1le. Season@ late
<'i$7Ot. to De. in Ne- Nealan$=. Tree is eret -it! $roo1in# (ran!es an$ t!e fruit is
lar#ely s!eltere$ (y t!e folia#e.
'-ula' <see$ of CTaftC 1lante$ in Mia'i in )*)2=9 1ears!a1e$% so'eti'es -it! ne59
'e$iu' lar#e9 s5in al'ost s'oot!9 fles! 1ale7to #reenis!7yello-% )8 to )AK oil9 see$
lar#e% ti#!t. Season@ 'e$iu'7late <'i$7No&. an$ De.=. Tree tall% (ears early an$ !ea&ily9
ol$ resistant% suessful in entral an$ sout!ern Flori$a -!ere it -as for'erly t!e
lea$in# o''erial ulti&ar. It is t!e 1rini1al ulti&ar in Martini>ue for e/1ortin# to
Frane9 re1resents *2K of t!e ro1.
'2incon' <ori#inate$ at Car1interia% California=9 1ears!a1e$9 s'all to 'e$iu'9 s5in fairly
t!in% s'oot!% leat!ery9 fles! (uttery% ontains )2 to 8A.2K oil9 fi(ers in fles! near (ase
turn (la5 -!en fruit is ut9 see$ of 'e$iu' siBe. Season@ Mar. an$ A1r. in Hueenslan$%
-!ere it is rate$ as of 1oor >uality. It is one of t!e A lea$in# ulti&ars in California. Tree
!as a lo- s1rea$in# !a(it.
'2yan' <1er!a1s see$lin# of Ca'i#oC foun$ in )*8+ at W!ittier% California=9 1ear7s!a1e$9
of 'e$iu' siBe% 3 to )8 oB <88A7,.6 #=9 s5in 'e$iu'7rou#!9 fles! of fair >uality9 see$
rat!er lar#e. Season@ May to Se1t. in California9 July to Ot. in Hueenslan$. Tree lar#e
an$ (ears re#ularly (ut not as !ea&ily as CFuerteC or C0assC in Hueenslan$. I'1ortant in
'$!arwil' <ori#inate$ in Australia=9 si'ilar to CFuerteC in s!a1e (ut a little 'ore o&al9 of
'e$iu' siBe% s5in rat!er rou#!% fairly t!in9 fles! ri! in fla&or% of !i#! >uality% )2 to 8AK
oil. Season@ May an$ June in Ne- Sout! Wales an$ Hueenslan$. Tree (ears re#ularly (ut
not !ea&ily. Re1resents )3 to 86 K of all a&oa$os in Ne- Sout! Wales an$ Hueenslan$.
Disease7free $urin# ri1enin#.
'$usan' <e&aluate$ (y California A&oa$o Soiety January 8% )*+29 1atente$ (ut 1atent
!as no- e/1ire$=9 1ear7s!a1e$9 of 'e$iu' siBe% a&era#in# 3 to )6 oB <88+783, #=9 s5in
li#!t7#reen s'oot!% t!in% 1eels -ell9 fles! 1ale rea'7olor% of (lan$ fla&or9 ri1ens
une&enly -it! $ar5enin# s1ots9 !as sli#!t ten$eny to turn $ar5 -!en ut9 not attrati&e9
of only fair >uality9 see$ lar#e% loose9 oat a$!eres to see$. Season@ early fall9 s!ort. Tree
of 'e$iu' siBe9 #ro-n o''erially only in t!e San Joa>uin :alley (eause of its ol$
Many loal an$ intro$ue$ ulti&ars re1resentin# all , raes are (ein# #ro-n an$
e&aluate$ at t!e e/1eri'ental station at Minas 4erais% BraBil. A lar#e olletion is also
'aintaine$ in Ba!ia. T!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture !as an international re1ository
of )+6 lones in Mia'i.
In #eneral% s'all to 'e$iu'7siBe$ fruits are (est for o''erial 1ro$ution an$
es1eially for 'etro1olitan 'ar5ets. Lar#e fruits are suita(le for loal use es1eially (y
lar#e fa'ilies. S'oot!% t!in or fairly t!in% 1lia(le% #reen s5in is 1referre$ (y t!e
onsu'er. T!e fles! s!oul$ (e &irtually fi(erless an$ of a#reea(le fla&or an$% for t!e
$ieter% of lo- oil ontent. T!e see$ 'ust (e s'all an$ ti#!t so as not to (ruise t!e fles!
$urin# !an$lin# an$ s!i11in#. T!e see$ oats ou#!t to a$!ere to t!e see$ an$ not to t!e
a&ity. T!e fruit s!oul$ s!i1 -ell an$ stan$ ol$ stora#e. T!e tree s!oul$ (e of 'o$erate
!ei#!t% slen$er enou#! to 1er'it Du$iiously lose 1lantin# -it!out ro-$in#. It s!oul$
(ear at an early a#e an$ re#ularly (ut not so !ea&ily as to suffer $ie (a5% an$% of ourse%
s!oul$ (e $isease7% inset7% an$% in su(tro1ial areas% ol$7resistant. Col$7resistant
ulti&ars stan$ ol$7stora#e (etter t!an ol$7sensiti&e ulti&ars.
Many isolate$ a&oa$o trees fail to fruit fro' la5 of 1ollination. Co''erial #ro-ers
are areful to 'at! Class A ulti&ars -!ose flo-ers -ill reei&e 1ollen in t!e 'ornin#
-it! Class B ulti&ars t!at release 1ollen in t!e 'ornin# an$ e&ery #ro-er 'ust (e sure
to inlu$e o'1ati(le 1ollinators in !is #ro&e. Bulletin 8* <)*+)= of t!e Ministry of
A#riulture in 4uate'ala ta(ulates t!e flo-erin# 1erio$s <&aryin# fro' Au#ust to A1ril=
of .3 intro$ue$ an$ loally selete$ ulti&ars% an$ t!e !ours of t!e $ay -!en ea! is
ree1ti&e to or s!e$$in# 1ollen.
T!e West In$ian rae re>uires a tro1ial or near tro1ial <sout!ern Flori$a= li'ate an$
!i#! at'os1!eri !u'i$ity es1eially $urin# flo-erin# an$ fruitsettin#. T!e 4uate'alan
rae is so'e-!at !ar$ier% !a&in# arisen in su(tro1ial !i#!lan$s of tro1ial A'eria% an$
it is suessful in oastal California. T!e Me/ian rae is t!e !ar$iest an$ t!e soure of
'ost of California a&oa$os. It is not suite$ to sout!ern Flori$a% "uerto Rio or ot!er
areas of si'ilar li'ate. Te'1eratures as lo- as 82VF <7.VC= $o it little !ar'. In areas of
stron# -in$s% -in$7(rea5s are neessary. Win$ re$ues !u'i$ity% $e(y$rates t!e flo-ers
an$ interferes -it! 1ollination% an$ also auses 'any fruits to fall 1re'aturely.
T!e a&oa$o tree is re'ar5a(ly &ersatile as to soil a$a1ta(ility% $oin# -ell on su!
$i&erse ty1es as re$ lay% san$% &olani loa'% lateriti soils% or li'estone. In "uerto Rio%
it !as (een foun$ !ealt!ier on nearly neutral or sli#!tly al5aline soils t!an on 'o$erately
or !i#!ly ai$ soils. T!e $esira(le 10 le&el is #enerally onsi$ere$ to (e (et-een A an$ +%
(ut% in sout!ern Flori$a% a&oa$os are #ro-n on li'estone soils ran#in# fro' +.8 to 3.,.
Me/ian an$ 4uate'alan ulti&ars !a&e s!o-n !lorosis on alareous soils in Israel.
T!e treeCs 1ri'ary re>uire'ent is #oo$ $raina#e. It annot stan$ e/essi&e soil 'oisture
or e&en te'1orary -ater7lo##in#. Sites -it! un$erlyin# !ar$1an 'ust (e a&oi$e$. T!e
-ater ta(le s!oul$ (e at least , ft <.* '= (elo- t!e surfae. Salinity is 1reDu$iial (ut
ertain ulti&ars <see CFu!s786C an$ CMaoBC= !a&e s!o-n onsi$era(le salt7tolerane in
Israel. A&oa$os #rafte$ onto CFu!786C rootsto5s an$ irri#ate$ -it! -ater ontainin#
,36 to .66 11' C) 1erfor'e$ -ell in a o''erial or!ar$. In t!e Rio 4ran$e :alley of
Te/as% ulti&ars of t!e Me/ian rae 'ust (e #rafte$ onto salt tolerant West In$ian
Nor'ally% a&oa$o see$s lose &ia(ility -it!in a 'ont!. CLulaC see$s an (e store$ u1 to 2
'ont!s if 1lae$ in non71erforate$ 1olyet!ylene (a#s an$ 5e1t at .6VF <...VC=% t!us
in$iatin# t!at it 'ay (e 1ossi(le to suessfully store see$s of ot!er ulti&ars ri1enin# at
$ifferent seasons for later si'ultaneous 1lantin#. Fres! see$s #er'inate in . to A -ee5s%
an$ 'any 1eo1le in 'etro1olitan areas #ro- a&oa$o trees as no&elty !ouse 1lants (y
1ierin# t!e see$ 1art-ay t!rou#! -it! toot!1i5s on (ot! si$es to !ol$ it on t!e to1 of a
tu'(ler -it! -ater Dust o&erin# )F8 in <).82 '= of t!e (ase. W!en roots an$ lea&es are
-ell for'e$ <in 8 to A -ee5s=% t!e 1lant is set in 1ottin# soil. Of ourse% it 'ust (e #i&en
a$e>uate li#!t an$ &entilation. In nurseries% see$s t!at !a&e (een in ontat -it! t!e soil
are $isinfete$ -it! !ot -ater. E/1eri'ents -it! #i((erelli ai$ an$ uttin# of (ot! en$s
of t!e see$ -it! a &ie- to a!ie&in# 'ore unifor' #er'ination !a&e not 1ro$ue$
enoura#in# results. See$lin#s -ill (e#in to (ear in . or 2 years an$ t!e a&oa$o tree -ill
ontinue to (ear for 26 years or 'ore. So'e (earin# trees !a&e (een Du$#e$ to (e 'ore
t!an )66 years ol$.
In Australia% see$s 1lante$ in early fall #er'inate in . to A -ee5s9 if 1lante$ later% t!ey
'ay re'ain $or'ant all -inter an$ #er'inate in early s1rin#. See$lin#s s!oul$ (e 5e1t in
1artial s!a$e an$ not o&er-atere$. W!ile 'any i'1ortant seletions !a&e ori#inate$ fro'
see$s% &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is essential to early fruitin# an$ t!e 1er1etuation of
$esira(le ulti&ars. 0o-e&er% see$lin#s are #ro-n for rootsto5s.
For 'any years% s!iel$ (u$$in# -as o''only 1ratie$ in Flori$a% (ut t!is 'et!o$
re>uires onsi$era(le s5ill an$ e/1eriene an$ is not suessful -it! all ulti&ars.
T!erefore% it -as lar#ely re1lae$ (y -!i1% si$e7% or left7#raftin#% all of -!i! 'a5e a
stron#er union t!an (u$$in#.
In t!e 1ast% see$lin#s -ere #rafte$ -!en )3 to ,A in <.27*6 '= !i#!. It is no- onsi$ere$
far (etter to #raft -!en A to * in <)278, '= !i#!% 'a5in# t!e #raft ) to , in <8.27+.2 '=
a(o&e #roun$ le&el. West In$ian rootsto5s are $esira(le for o&ero'in# !lorosis in
a&oa$os in Israel.
A&oa$o uttin#s are #enerally $iffiult to root. Cuttin#s of West In$ian ulti&ars -ill
#enerally root only if t!ey are ta5en fro' t!e to1s or si$e s!oots of youn# see$ rin#s. But
etiolate$ uttin#s <ne- s!oots= fro' #i((erellin treate$ !ar$-oo$ an$ se'i !ar$-oo$
uttin#s of C"ollo5C as -ell as CLulaC !a&e (een roote$ -it! 267A6K suess an$% -!en
treate$ -it! IBA% AA73,K suess un$er 'ist in Trini$a$. Cuttin#s of CFu!s786C !a&e
roote$ un$er 'ist -it! .6 to 26 or e&en +6K in Israel. Cuttin#s of CMaoBC !a&e roote$ at
t!e rate of A6K (y a s1eial te!ni>ue $e&elo1e$ in California. An Israeli seletion% C4.A.
),C !as #i&en +6 to *6K suess in rootin# uttin#s un$er 'ist for t!e 1ur1ose of utiliBin#
t!e' as rootsto5s in saline an$ !i#! li'e situations. Air7layerin# is so'eti'es $one to
o(tain unifor' 'aterial uninfluene$ (y rootsto5% for resear! on s1eifi 1ro(le's.
De#ree of suess $e1en$s on t!e ulti&ar <t!ose of t!e Me/ian rae rootin# 'ost
>ui5ly=% an$ air7layerin# is (est $one in s1rin# an$ early su''er.
At ti'es% 'ature a&oa$o #ro&es are to1 -or5e$ to !an#e fro' an unsatisfatory
ulti&ar% or one $elinin# in 1o1ularity% to a 'ore 1rofita(le one% or an assort'ent of
ulti&ars for $ifferent 'ar5ets. In )*2+% 8%+66 ?9o(solete?9 a&oa$o trees in :entura%
California% -ere (ein# #rafte$ <to17-or5e$= to 'ainly C0assC% so'e to CBaonC an$
CRinonC. T!is 1roe$ure 'ay in&ol&e t!ousan$s of trees in a #i&en re#ion. It is $one in
Dee'(er an$ January in Flori$a.
Inas'u! as a&oa$o roots are sensiti&e to trans1lantin#% it is no- onsi$ere$ a$&isa(le
to raise 1lantin# 'aterial in 1lasti (a#s -!i! an (e slit an$ set in t!e fiel$ -it!out
$istur(in# t!e root syste'.
S1ain# is $eter'ine$ (y t!e !a(it of t!e ulti&ar an$ t!e !arater of t!e soil. In li#!t
soil% 82 / 82 ft <+.2/+.2 '= 'ay (e suffiient. In $ee1% ri! soil% t!e tree 'a5es its
'a/i'u' #ro-t! an$ a s1ain# of ,6 or ,2 ft <*.) or )6.+ '= 'ay (e neessary. If trees
are 1lante$ so lose t!at t!ey -ill ulti'ately tou! ea! ot!er% t!e (ran!es -ill $ie (a5.
So'e #ro-ers 1lant )6 to )2 ft <,7..2 '= a1art initially an$ re'o&e e&ery ot!er tree at +
to 3 years of a#e. If t!e sur1lus trees are not (ull$oBe$ (ut Dust ut $o-n lea&in# a stu'1%
a11liation of !er(ii$e 'ay (e nee$e$ to 1re&ent re#ro-t!. A''oniu' sulfa'ate !as
(een 1ro&en effeti&e. In 'o$erniBe$ 1lantin#s% s1ae (et-een ro-s is neessary for
'e!anial o1erations.
0oles at least 8 ft <6. A '= $ee1 an$ -i$e are 1re1are$ -ell in a$&ane -it! enri!e$ soil
for'e$ into a 'oun$. After t!e youn# 1lant is 1ut in 1lae a 'ul! is (enefiial% -ee$s
s!oul$ (e ontrolle$% an$ -aterin# is neessary until t!e roots are -ell esta(lis!e$.
4enerally s'all a'ounts of fertiliBer are #i&en e&ery 8 'ont!s -it! t!e a'ount #ra$ually
inreasin# until fruitin# (e#ins. Bearin# trees nee$% on t!e a&era#e% , to . l(s <) )F878 5#=
, ti'es a year% (e#innin# -!en t!e tree is 'a5in# &e#etati&e #ro-t!. No fertiliBer s!oul$
(e #i&en at (loo'in# ti'e9 one 'ust -ait until t!e fruits are fir'ly set. Nitro#en !as t!e
#reatest influene on tree #ro-t!% its resistane to ol$ te'1eratures% an$ on fruit siBe an$
yiel$. FertiliBer 'i/es &ary #reatly -it! t!e ty1e of soil. Mineral $efiienies $eter'ine$
(y leaf analysis% are usually re'e$ie$ (y foliar s1rayin#. Ma#nesiu' $efiieny -as
for'erly a serious !an$ia1 to a&oa$o #ro-ers in Flori$a an$ Jenya. In California% Bin
$efiieny !as (een orrete$ (y a11lyin# Bin !elates or Bin sulfate to t!e soil instea$
of s1rayin# t!e folia#e.
Jee1in# t!e u11er soil 'oist !as (een #reatly failitate$ (y $ri1 irri#ation% -!i! also
'ay arry 36K of t!e fertiliBer re>uire'ent.
Beause so'e ulti&ars ten$ to #ro- too tall for 1ratial 1ur1oses% o''erial #ro-ers
ut trees (a5 to )A or )3 ft <..372.. '=% let t!e' #ro- (a5 to ,6 ft <*.) '= an$ to1 t!e'
a#ain. But $ea1itation is not a 1erfet re'e$y (eause t!e ten$eny of t!e a&oa$o tree
is to #ro- a ne- to1 &ery >ui5ly. Reently it !as (een foun$ t!at t!e #ro-t!7in!i(itin#
!e'ial% TIBA <triio$o(enBoi ai$= slo-s $o-n ter'inal #ro-t! an$ enoura#es lateral
s!oots. A syste' of 1runin# to enoura#e lo-er (ran!in# is (ein# trie$ on CLulaC in
A&oa$o (ran!es fre>uently nee$ 1ro11in# to a&oi$ (rea5in# -it! t!e -ei#!t of t!e
$e&elo1in# fruits.
So'e #ro-ers fin$ it 1rofita(le to inter1lant (ananas until t!e a&oa$o trees rea!
(earin# a#e.
Maturity and %ar&esting
A&oa$os -ill not ri1en -!ile t!ey are still atta!e$ to t!e tree% a11arently (eause of an
in!i(itor in t!e fruit ste'. 0o'eo-ners usually onsi$er t!e entire ro1 1i5a(le -!en a
fe- 'ature <full #ro-n= fruits !a&e fallen. T!is is not a $e1en$a(le #ui$e (eause t!e
1rolon#e$ flo-erin# of t!e a&oa$o results in fruits in &aryin# sta#es of $e&elo1'ent on
t!e tree at t!e sa'e ti'e. T!e lar#est fruits% of ourse% s!oul$ (e 1i5e$ first (ut t!e
1ro(le' is to $eter'ine -!en t!e lar#est are full #ro-n <1erfetly 'ature for later 1erfet
ri1enin#=. If 1i5e$ -!en full #ro-n an$ fir'% a&oa$os -ill ri1en in ) to 8 -ee5s at
roo' te'1erature. If allo-e$ to re'ain too lon# on t!e tree% t!e fruits 'ay (e (lo-n
$o-n (y -in$ an$ t!ey -ill (e (ruise$ or (ro5en (y t!e fall.
Flori$a 'aturity stan$ar$s for 'ar5etin# !a&e (een $eter'ine$ (y -ei#!t an$ ti'e of
year for ea! o''erial ulti&ar so t!at i''ature fruits -ill not rea! t!e 'ar5et.
I''ature fruits $o not ri1en (ut (eo'e ru((ery% s!ri&ele$ an$ $isolore$. Most West
In$ian ulti&ars -ill ri1en 1ro1erly if 1i5e$ -!en t!e s1eifi #ra&ity (eo'es 6. *A or
lo-er% (ut CWal$inC is fully 'ature -!en t!e s1eifi #ra&ity is still a(o&e 6.*3.
4uate'alan an$ 4uate'alan S West In$ian ulti&ars #enerally are !ar&est7'ature -!en
t!e s1eifi #ra&ity is 6.*3 or lo-er. In California% 1!ysiolo#ial 'aturity of CBaonC%
CFuerte%C C0assC an$ CNutanoC !as (een $eter'ine$ (y 'easure'ent of len#t!% $ia'eter an$
&olu'e% (ut $ry -ei#!t% orrelatin# -it! oil ontent% is onsi$ere$ a (etter 'aturity
in$e/. California la- !as% sine )*82% re>uire$ a 'ini'u' of 3 K oil% (ut oil ontent
&aries #reatly a'on# ulti&ars an$ also t!e li'ati re#ion -!ere t!e fruit is #ro-n.
So'e 1eo1le o'1lain t!at t!e 3K stan$ar$ is too lo- for so'e ulti&ars. Ma/i'u'
fla&or of CFuerteC $e&elo1s -!en t!e fruit is !ar&este$ at an oil ontent of )AK. T!erefore%
a 'ini'u' $ry -ei#!t stan$ar$ of 8) K !as (een reo''en$e$.
For'erly% a&oa$os -ere $eta!e$ (y 'eans of a for5e$ sti5 an$ allo-e$ to fall% (ut t!is
auses 'u! $a'a#e an$ loss. No-a$ays !ar&esters usually use li11ers for lo-!an#in#
fruits an$ for t!ose !i#!er u1 a lon# !an$le$ 1i5in# 1ole -it! a s!ar1 ?9:?9 on t!e 'etal
ri' to ut t!e ste' an$ a stron# lot! (a# to at! t!e fruit. 4lo&es are -orn to a&oi$
fin#ernail srat!es on t!e fruit. In California% stu$ies !a&e (een 'a$e of t!e effets of
!an$ li11in# <lea&in# ste' on=% !an$ sna11in# <-!i! re'o&es t!e ste'=% tree7s!a5in#%
an$ li'( s!a5in# <-!i! re'o&es t!e ste' fro' so'e of t!e fruits=. All 'et!o$s are
ae1ta(le if t!e ste' sar is -a/e$ on ste'less fruits to a&oi$ -ei#!t loss (efore
ri1enin# at -!i! ti'e t!e ste' $eta!es naturally. In Australia% so'e #ro-ers are usin#
!y$rauli lifts to failitate !an$71i5in#. A trator fitte$ -it! a tri1le7$e5e$ 1i5in#
1latfor' !as (een a$o1te$ (y so'e lar#e #ro-ers in C!ile. Efforts to $e&elo1 $-arf
a&oa$o trees (y 'eans of san$-i! intersto5s fro' lo- #ro-in# ty1es !a&e (een #oin#
on in California sine )*A..
A&oa$os 'ust (e !an$le$ -it! are an$ are 1a5e$ an$ 1a$$e$ in sin#le or $ou(le7layer
(o/es or artons for s!i1'ent. A s1eial ?9Brue (o/?9% !ol$in# ,8 l(s <)..2 5#= is use$
for lar#e fruit. T!e fruits 'ay (e !el$ in 1osition in 'ol$e$ trays.
It -ill (e seen t!at t!e yiel$ &aries #reatly -it! t!e ulti&ar% a#e of tree% t!e loale%
-eat!er an$ ot!er on$itions. T!e s'all tree% C4anterC% !as yiel$e$ .. l(s <86 5#=
annually9 CNa(alC% A3 l(s <,) 5#=9 CBeni5C% ))A l(s <2, 5#=9 CDu5eC% )A3 l(s <+A 5#=% an$
CAna!ei'C% 886 l(s <)66 5#=. Close71lantin# in sout!ern Flori$a 1ro&i$es yiel$s a&era#in#
))%666 l(s 1er are <))%666 5# 1er !a= in youn# #ro&es an$ nearly t-ie t!is a'ount is
antii1ate$ after t!e ti'e !as o'e to t!in t!e 1lantin# (y !alf.
4ir$lin# !as (een teste$ in Flori$a% Australia an$ Israel as a 'eans of inreasin# t!e yiel$
of s!y (earin# (ut 1o1ular ulti&ars. It 'ust (e re1eate$ e&ery year to (e fully effeti&e.
It 'ay $erease t!e yiel$ of nor'ally fruitful ulti&ars.
Inas'u! as t!e a&oa$o% outsi$e of Latin A'eria% !as (een -i$ely re#ar$e$ as a lu/ury
fruit% lar#e sale 'ar5etin# !as (een $e1en$ent on onsu'er e$uation an$ a$&ertisin#.
Cala&o 4ro-ers of California is an enter1risin# assoiation of 8%A66 a&oa$o #ro-ers.
T!e Mayflo-er Fruit Assoiation% of -!i! Blue An!or is a 'e'(er% 1a5s o&er A6K of
t!e a&oa$os #ro-n in t!e San Joa>uin :alley. T!e California A&oa$o Co''ission
s1en$s 'illions of $ollars in ne-s1a1er% 'a#aBine% tele&ision% ra$io an$ ot!er 1u(liity
finane$ (y #ro-er assess'ents. T!e Flori$a Li'e an$ A&oa$o A$'inistrati&e
Co''ittees% to#et!er -it! t!e Flori$a Di&ision of Mar5etin#Cs Bureau of Mar5et
E/1ansion an$ "ro'otion% s1en$ a(out )F. 'illion $ollars annually for a$&ertisin# an$
1u(liity t!rou#! t!e "ress an$ (y 'eans of s1eial 'ar5etin# $is1lays an$ $istri(ution
of rei1es. T!e tra$e'ar5s% ?9Cala&o?9 an$ ?9Fla&oa$o?9 <Flori$a A&oa$o 4ro-ers
E/!an#e=% are reo#niBe$ nationally an$ internationally.
T!e 3K oil stan$ar$ esta(lis!e$ in California 5e1t Flori$a a&oa$os out of t!e California
'ar5et until a ourt $eision in )*+8 outla-e$ t!e $isri'ination a#ainst Flori$a fruits
-!i! a&era#e a(out !alf t!e oil ontent of California ulti&ars an$ are a$&oate$ (y
#ro-ers as !a&in# (etter fla&or an$ fe-er alories. Cala&o 4ro-ers Coo1erati&e of
California no- !an$les 2+K of t!e loal a&oa$o ro1 an$ ,,K of t!e Flori$a ro1%
sellin# $iretly to t!e retail 'ar5ets. Co'(ine$ Flori$a an$ California efforts !a&e raise$
t!e rate of re#ular a&oa$o onsu'1tion in t!e Unite$ States fro' AK in t!e late )*A6Cs
to o&er )2K to$ay. In California% t!e A&oa$o Mar5etin# Resear! Infor'ation Center
-as reate$ in )*3, to #at!er an$ re1ort infor'ation on 1ro$ution% forei#n an$ $o'esti
s!i1'ents an$ ot!er ati&ities.
Israel 'a5es su(stantial in&est'ents in $e&elo1in# Euro1ean 'ar5ets for a&oa$os an$
!as attaine$ t!e 1osition of 1rini1al e/1orter to Euro1e. Frane an$ t!e Unite$ Jin#$o'
are t!e !ief onsu'ers.
Ri1enin# of a&oa$os 'ay (e !astene$ (y e/1osure to an at'os1!ere of at least )6 11'
et!ylene 82 to .* !ours after !ar&est. T!e a&oa$o $oes not res1on$ to earlier treat'ent.
C!an#es in 1etinesterase ati&ity an$ 1etin ontent are (ein# stu$ie$ to 'easure
ri1enin# of a&oa$os in stora#e. Di11in# in late/ !as retar$e$ $eay in a&oa$os store$ at
roo' te'1erature.
A&oa$os s!i1 -ell an$ are sent to o&erseas 'ar5ets un$er refri#eration in surfae
&essels. T!e fruits are su(Det to !illin# inDury <$ar57(ro-n or #ray $isoloration of t!e
'esoar1= in refri#erate$ stora#e an$ $e#ree of suse1ti(ility &aries -it! t!e ulti&ar an$
sta#e at !ar&estin# an$ len#t! of ti'e in stora#e. Most o''erial ulti&ars an (e !el$
safely at te'1eratures (et-een .6V an$ 22VF <..2V7)8.3VC= for at least t-o -ee5s. T!e
(est ri1enin# te'1erature after re'o&al fro' stora#e is A6VF <)2.2VC=.
Re'o&al of et!ylene fro' ontrolle$ at'os1!eri stora#e <8K o/y#en% )6K ar(on
$io/i$e= 1rolon#s t!e 'ar5eta(le life of a&oa$os. Re$uin# at'os1!eri 1ressure to
su(at'os1!eri A6 '' 0# in t!e refri#erate$ stora#e unit at .8.3VF <AVC= retar$s ri1enin#
of a&oa$os (y re$uin# res1iration an$ et!ylene 1ro$ution. Re'o&e$ after +6 $ays%
fruits !a&e ri1ene$ nor'ally at at'os1!eri 1ressure an$ 2+.8VF <).VC=. E/1eri'ental
aliu' treat'ents !a&e $elaye$ ri1enin# an$ re$ue$ internal !illin# inDury in stora#e
(ut 'a5e t!e fruit e/ternally less attrati&e an$ are% t!erefore% onsi$ere$ o''erially
C0assC fruits $i11e$ in fun#ii$e 8. !ours after !ar&est an$ seale$ in 1olyet!ylene (a#s
ontainin# an et!ylene a(sor(ent <1otassiu' 1er'an#anate on &er'iulite or on
alu'inu' siliate=% !a&e (een suessfully store$ for .6 or 26 $ays at 26VF <)6VC=.
Wa/e$ CFuerteC a&oa$os store$ for 8 -ee5s at .)VF <2VC= an$ ri1ene$ at A3VF <86VC=
ri1ene$ only ) $ay later t!an non7-a/e$9 !o-e&er% -a/in# $oes re$ue -ei#!t loss.
In )*A2% to o&ero'e t!e 1ro(le' of o&ersu11ly $urin# t!e !ar&estin# season an$
un$ersu11ly $urin# t!e offseason% California a$o1te$ li>ui$7nitro#en freeBin# of 1eele$
or un1eele$ a&oa$o !al&es% -!i! an (e t!a-e$ an$ ser&e$ as t!e e>ui&alent of fres!
fruits in restaurants% on air1lanes an$ in institutions.
Pests and Diseases
A&oa$os !a&e no 'aDor inset ene'ies in Flori$a (ut 'i#ratin# e$ar -a/-in#s fee$ on
lea&es% flo-ers an$ &ery youn# fruits an$ t!e fruits are o''only atta5e$ (y s>uirrels%
rats an$ 'ie. T!e a&oa$o re$ 'ite% 6ligonychus yothersi9 is t!e 'ost o''on 1re$ator
on t!e lea&es in so'e #ro&es an$ not in ot!ers. Re$7(an$e$ t!ri1s% Selenothrips
rubrocinctus% t!e #reen!ouse t!ri1s% *eliothrips haemorrhoidalis% an$ re$7s1i$er%
$etranychus mytilaspidis% 'ay fee$ on a&oa$o lea&es an$ (le'is! t!e fruits fro' ti'e to
ti'e. T!ere are se&eral sales also -!i! 'ay fee$ on folia#e% es1eially t!e Flori$a -a/
sale% Ceroplastes floridensis% t!e 1yrifor'% or soft -!ite% sale% )rotopulvinaria
pyriformis% Dityos1er'u' sale% Chrysomphalus dictyospermi9 an$ t!e (la5 sale%
Saissetia oleae. A'on# t-o $oBen ot!er 'inor 1ests in Flori$a are t!e itrus 'ealy(u#%
)seudococcus citri an$ a&oa$o 'ealy(u#% ). nipae. Stin5(u#s 'ay 1ri5 t!e fruits
lea&in# little $ents in t!e s5in ou1le$ -it! #ritty areas at t!e sa'e loations insi$e.
In California% 8 le1i$o1terous 1ests% Amorbia cuneana an$ t!e o'ni&orous loo1er%
Sabulodes aegrotata% -!en 1resent in lar#e nu'(ers% ause se&ere $efoliation an$ fruit7
sarrin#. Biolo#ial ontrol is (ein# a!ie&e$ (y release of t!e e## 1arasite%
$richogramma platneri9 -!i! is no- o''erially a&aila(le to #ro-ers. Sine )*.*%
t!e oran#e tortri/ <a leaf roller=% Argyrotaenia citrana% !as (een inreasin# as a 'enae to
t!e a&oa$o in California% t!e lar&ae fee$in# on t-i#s% ter'inal (u$s an$ folia#e% flo-ers%
an$ fruits. Sine t!e 1est re>uires s!a$e$ areas% it is (est ontrolle$ (y t!innin# out a
lose71lante$ #ro&e or to17-or5in# to less suse1ti(le ulti&ars.
T!e fruit7s1ottin# (u#% Amblypelta nitida% an$ (anana s1ottin# (u#% A. &utescens% are
i'1ortant 1ests re>uirin# ontrol in Hueenslan$. T!e Me$iterranean fruit fly is a 'aDor
!aBar$ in Israel% (ut &ery t!i57s5inne$ fruits su! as CAna!ei'C are not atta5e$. T!e
Hueenslan$ fruit fly% acus tryoni9 seriously $a'a#es only Me/ian ulti&ars or
4uate'alan S Me/ian !y(ri$s in Australia. In )*+)% a ne'ato$e sur&ey in Ba!ia%
BraBil% re&eale$ * #enera of 5no-n or sus1ete$ 1arasiti ne'ato$es assoiate$ -it!
a&oa$o tree $eline. Israeli a&oa$o #ro-ers are see5in# an$ testin# 'eans of (iolo#ial
ontrol of t!e 'ore serious of t!e , $oBen insets an$ 'ites 1reyin# on t!e ro1 in t!at
ountry. In Me/io% t!e a&oa$o -ee&il% *eilipus lauri9 tunnels into t!e see$s.
T!e 'aDor $isease of a&oa$os in Sout! an$ Central A'eria an$ so'e islan$s of t!e
West In$ies% in California% 0a-aii% an$ &arious ot!er areas% is root7rot ause$ (y t!e
fun#us% )hytophthora cinnamomi% -!i! is (ein# o'(atte$ (y t!e use of strit sanitary
1roe$ures an$ resistant rootsto5s% es1eially CDu5eC. At t!e Uni&ersity of California%
Ri&ersi$e% o&er +26 see$lin#s an$ uttin#s -ere (ein# teste$ for root7rot resistane in
)*+A an$ )*++ an$ t!e 'ost 1ro'isin# trie$ out for #raftin# o'1ati(ility -it!
o''erial ulti&ars. Also% soil fu'i#ation e/1eri'ents -it! 'et!yl (ro'i$e an$ ne-ly
$e&elo1e$ !e'ials -ere (ein# arrie$ for-ar$. T!e $isease !as (een so $e&astatin# in
t!e !i#! rainfall areas of Ne- Sout! Wales an$ Hueenslan$ t!at 1lantin#s !a&e e/1an$e$
into t!e se'i7ari$ Murray :alley in t!e !o1e of a&oi$in# it. In Ne- Nealan$% it is not a
1ro(le' on $ee1% &olani soils% (ut ours on s!allo-% !ea&ier soils. It -as alle#e$ly
intro$ue$ into C!ile -it! (alle$ trees fro' California an$ &i#orous 'easures are (ein#
ta5en to ontrol it.
Mus!roo' root7rot fro' Clitocybe tabescens 'ay oasionally our. Ceros1ora s1ot
<(ro-n s1ots on t!e lea&es an$ fruits=% ause$ (y t!e fun#us% Cercospora purpurea% 'ay
ause ra5s in affete$ areas of t!e s5in an$ t!us allo- entrane of t!e ant!ranose
fun#us% Colletotrichum gloeosporioides% -!i! in&a$es an$ s1oils t!e fles!. 5lomerella
cingulata is an i'1ortant soure of ant!ranose in Hueenslan$. So'e ulti&ars are
su(Det to sa( -!i! is rea$ily ontrolle$ (y o11er s1rays.
More t!an ,6 ot!er 1at!o#ens are &ariously res1onsi(le for -oo$ rot% ollar rot% $ie(a5%
leafs1ot% ste'7an$ rot of fruit% (ran! an5er% an$ 1o-$ery 'il$e-. Sun(lot! &iroi$
ri11les youn# trees an$ $a'a#es fruits in California an$ Israel. So far% it is un5no-n in
Ne- Nealan$. Ste's of youn# trees 'ay (e affete$ (y sun(ur'% an$ !ot% $ry -in$s
ause ti1(ur' of lea&es. T!e a&oa$o tree 'ay s!o- o11er or Bin $efiieny or
ti1(ur' fro' an e/ess of 'ineral salts.
Food *ses
In$ians in tro1ial A'eria (rea5 a&oa$os in !alf% a$$ salt an$ eat -it! tortillas an$ a
u1 of offeeGas a o'1lete 'eal. In Nort! A'eria% a&oa$os are 1ri'arily ser&e$ as
sala$ &e#eta(les% 'erely !al&e$ an$ #arnis!e$ -it! seasonin#s% li'e Duie% le'on Duie%
&ine#ar% 'ayonnaise or ot!er $ressin#s. Often t!e !al&es are stuffe$ -it! s!ri'1% ra( or
ot!er seafoo$. A&oa$o fles! 'ay (e slie$ or $ie$ an$ o'(ine$ -it! to'atoes%
ou'(ers or ot!er &e#eta(les an$ ser&e$ as a sala$. T!e seasone$ fles! is so'eti'es
use$ as a san$-i! fillin#. A&oa$o% rea' !eese an$ 1inea11le Duie 'ay (e (len$e$ as
a rea'y $ressin# for fruit sala$s.
Me/ian #uaa'ole% a (len$ of t!e 1uree$ fles! -it! le'on or li'e Duie% onion Duie or
1o-$er% 'ine$ #arli% !ili 1o-$er or Ta(aso saue% an$ salt an$ 1e11er !as (eo'e a
-i$ely 1o1ular ?9$i1?9 for ra5ers% 1otato !i1s or ot!er sna5s. T!e in#re$ients of
#uaa'ole 'ay &ary an$ so'e 1eo1le a$$ 'ayonnaise.
Beause of its tannin ontent% t!e fles! (eo'es (itter if oo5e$. Die$ a&oa$o an (e
a$$e$ to le'on7fla&ore$ #elatin after oolin# an$ (efore it is set% an$ !un5s of a&oa$o
'ay (e a$$e$ to !ot foo$s su! as sou1% ste-% !ili or o'elettes Dust (efore ser&in#. In
4uate'alan restaurants% a ri1e a&oa$o is 1lae$ on t!e ta(le -!en a !ot $is! is ser&e$
an$ t!e $iner soo1s out t!e fles! an$ a$$s it Dust (efore eatin#. For a ?9#our'et?9
(rea5fast% a&oa$o !al&es are -ar'e$ in an o&en at lo- !eat% t!en to11e$ -it! sra'(le$
e##s an$ an!o&ies.
In BraBil% t!e a&oa$o is re#ar$e$ 'ore as a true fruit t!an as a &e#eta(le an$ is use$
'ostly 'as!e$ in s!er(et% ie rea'% or 'il5 s!a5es. A&oa$o fles! is a$$e$ to !eate$
ie rea' 'i/es <su! as (oile$ ustar$= only after t!ey !a&e oole$. If 'as!e$ (y !an$%
t!e for5 'ust (e a sil&er one to a&oi$ $isolorin# t!e a&oa$o. A Ne- Nealan$ rei1e for
a&oa$o ie rea' is a (len$ of a&oa$o% le'on Duie% oran#e Duie% #rate$ oran#e rin$%
'il5% rea'% su#ar an$ salt% froBen% (eaten until rea'y% an$ froBen a#ain.
So'e Oriental 1eo1le in 0a-aii also 1refer t!e a&oa$o s-eetene$ -it! su#ar an$ t!ey
o'(ine it -it! fruits su! as 1inea11le% oran#e% #ra1efruit% $ates% or (anana.
In Ja&a% a&oa$o fles! is t!orou#!ly 'i/e$ -it! stron# (la5 offee% s-eetene$ an$ eaten
as a $essert.
A&oa$o slies !a&e (een 1i5le$ an$ 'ar5ete$ in #lass Dars. California (e#an 'ar5etin#
froBen #uaa'ole in )*2)% an$ a froBen a&oa$o -!i1% $e&elo1e$ at t!e Uni&ersity of
Mia'i% -as laun!e$ in )*22. To !el1 1re&ent enBy'ati (ro-nin# of t!ese 1ro$uts% it
is reo''en$e$ t!at so$iu' (isulfite an$For asor(i ai$ (e 'i/e$ in (efore freeBin#.
A&ocado Oil
Oil e/1resse$ fro' t!e fles! is ri! in &ita'ins A% B% 4 an$ E. It !as a $i#esti(ility
oeffiient of *,.3K (ut !as re'aine$ too ostly to (e utiliBe$ e/tensi&ely as sala$ oil.
T!e a'ino ai$ ontent !as (een re1orte$ as@ 1al'iti% +.69 steari% ).69 olei% +*.69
linolei% ),.6.
T!e oil !as e/ellent 5ee1in# >uality. Sa'1les 5e1t in a la(oratory in Los An#eles at
.6VF <...VC= s!o-e$ only sli#!t rani$ity after )8 years. T!ere is 'u! interest in t!e oil
in Italy an$ Frane. T!e Institut Franais $e Re!er!es Fruitieres Outre Mer !as stu$ie$
t!e yiel$ of oil in 82 ulti&ars. Joint ItalianF:eneBuelan stu$ies of 2 1ro'inent ulti&ars
in$iate$ t!at t!e fatty ai$ o'1osition an$ try#lyeri$e struture -as not influene$ (y
&ariety. T!e oil is use$ as !air7$ressin# an$ is e'1loye$ in 'a5in# faial rea's% !an$
lotions an$ fine soa1. It is sai$ to filter out t!e tannin# rays of t!e sun% is non7aller#eni
an$ is si'ilar to lanolin in its 1enetratin# an$ s5insoftenin# ation. In BraBil% ,6K of t!e
a&oa$o ro1 is 1roesse$ for oil% 8U, of -!i! is utiliBe$ in soa1% )F, in os'etis. T!e
1ul1 resi$ue after oil e/tration is usa(le as sto5fee$.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortion <Fles!=L
Moisture A2.+73+.+ #
Et!er E/trat 2.),7)*.36 #
Fi(er ).678.) #
Nitro#en 6.),67.,38 #
As! 6..A7) A3 #
Caliu' ,.A786.. '#
"!os1!orus 86.+7A..) '#
Iron 6.,37).83 '#
Carotene 6.6827.6.+2 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6,,76.))+ '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6A276.)+A '#
Niain 6.***78.886 '#
Asor(i Ai$ ..278)., '#
LAnalyses of West In$ian% 4uate'alen an$ Me/ian a&oa$os 'ar5ete$ in Central
Bro-nin# of t!e fles! of fres!ly ut a&oa$o fruits is ause$ (y 1oly1!enol o/i$ase
isoenBy'es. A&oa$o !al&es a&era#e only ),A to )26 alories.
T!e a&oa$o !as a !i#! li1i$ ontent7fro' 2 to 82K $e1en$in# on t!e ulti&ar. A'on#
t!e saturate$ fatty ai$s% 'yristi le&el 'ay (e .)K% 1al'iti% +.8% )..) or 88.)K9 steari%
6.8% 6.A or ).+K. Of t!e unsaturate$ fatty ai$s% 1al'itolei 'ay ran#e fro' 2.2 to )).6K9
olei 'ay (e 2).*% +6.+ or 36.*+K% linolei% *.,% )).8 or )..,K. Non sa1onifia(le
re1resents ).A to 8..K. Io$ine nu'(er is *.... In fee$in# e/1eri'ents -!i! e/lu$e$
ani'al fat% )A 1atients -ere #i&en )F8 to ) lF8 a&oa$os 1er $ay. Total seru' !olesterol
an$ 1!os1!oli1i$ &alues in t!e (loo$ (e#an to fall in one -ee5. Bo$y -ei#!t $i$ not
inrease. C!olesterol &alues $i$ not rise an$ 3 1atients s!o-e$ $ereases in total seru'
!olesterol an$ 1!os1!oli1i$s.
A'ino ai$s of t!e 1ul1 <N Q )A 1. )66= are reor$e$ as@ ar#inine% ,..9 ystine% 6@
!isti$ine% ).39 isoleuine% ,..9 leuine% 2.29 lysine% ..,9'et!ionine% 8.)9 1!enylalanine%
,.29 t!reonine% 8.*9 try1to1!an% 69 tyrosine% 8.,9 &aline% ..A9 as1arti ai$% 88.A9 #luta'i
ai$% )8.,9 alanine% A.69 #lyine% ..69 1roline% ,.*9 serine% ..).
Unri1e a&oa$os are sai$ to (e to/i. T-o resins $eri&e$ fro' t!e s5in of t!e fruit are
to/i to #uinea 1i#s (y su(utaneous an$ 1eritoneal inDetion. Do1a'ine !as (een foun$
in t!e lea&es. T!e leaf oil ontains 'et!yl !a&iol. Not all &arieties are e>ually to/i.
Ra((its fe$ on lea&es of CFuerteC an$ CNa(alC $ie$ -it!in 8. !ours. T!ose fe$ on lea&es of
CMe/iolaC s!o-e$ no a$&erse reations. In#estion of a&oa$o lea&es an$For (ar5 !as
ause$ 'astitis in attle% !orses% ra((its an$ #oats. Lar#e $oses !a&e (een fatal to #oats.
Crai#'ill et al. at Da&is% California% !a&e onfir'e$ $eleterious effets on latatin# #oats
-!i! -ere allo-e$ to #raBe on lea&es of CAna!ei'C a&oa$o an !our ea! $ay for 8 $ays.
Mil5 -as ur$le$ an$ not 'il5a(le% t!e ani'als #roun$ t!eir teet!% ne5s -ere s-ollen
an$ t!ey ou#!e$% (ut t!e ani'als -oul$ still ae1t t!e lea&es on t!e .t! $ay of t!e
e/1eri'ent. By t!e )6t! $ay% all (ut one #oat -ere on t!e roa$ to reo&ery. All a(nor'al
si#ns !a$ $isa11eare$ 86 $ays later. In anot!er test% lea&es of a 4uate'alan &ariety -ere
store$ for 8 -ee5s in 1lasti (a#s an$ t!en #i&en to 8 Nu(ian #oats in a$$ition to re#ular
fee$ o&er a 1erio$ of 8 $ays. Bot! suffere$ 'astitis for .3 !ours. A&oa$o lea&es in a
1ool !a&e 5ille$ t!e fis!. Canaries !a&e $ie$ fro' eatin# t!e ri1e fruit. T!e see$s% #roun$
an$ 'i/e$ -it! !eese or orn'eal% !a&e (een use$ to 1oison ro$ents. 0o-e&er% tests in
0a-aii $i$ not s!o- any ill effet on a 'ouse e&en at t!e rate of )F. oB <+ #= 1er ea! 8.8
l(s <) 5#= of (o$y -ei#!t% t!ou#! t!e 'ouse refuse$ to eat t!e $rie$% #rate$ see$ 'aterial
until it -as (len$e$ -it! orn'eal. A&oa$o see$ e/trats inDete$ into #uinea 1i#s !a&e
ause$ only a fe- $ays of !y1ere/ita(ility an$ anore/ia. At Da&is% 'ie #i&en )6 to ).
# of !alf7an$7!alf nor'al ration an$ eit!er fres! or $rie$ a&oa$o see$ $ie$ in 8 or ,
$ays% t!ou#! one 'ouse #i&en . ti'es t!e $ose of t!e ot!ers sur&i&e$ for 8 -ee5s.
T!e see$ ontains ),.AK tannin% ),.82K star!. A'ino ai$s in t!e see$ oil are re1orte$
as@ a1ri ai$% 6.A9 'yristi% ).+9 S% ),.29 1al'iti% 8,..9 S% )6..9 steari% 3.+9 olei% )2.)9
linolei% 8..)9 linoleni% 8.2K. T!e $rie$ see$ ontains ).,,K of a yello- -a/ ontainin#
sterol an$ or#ani ai$. T!e see$ an$ t!e roots ontain an anti(ioti -!i! 1re&ents
(aterial s1oila#e of foo$. It is t!e su(Det of t-o Unite$ States 1atents.
T!e (ar5 ontains ,.2K of an essential oil -!i! !as an anise o$or an$ is 'a$e u1 lar#ely
of 'et!yl !a&iol -it! a little anet!ole.
Ot!er *ses
T!e see$ yiel$s a 'il5y flui$ -it! t!e o$or an$ taste of al'on$. Beause of its tannin
ontent% it turns re$ on e/1osure% 1ro&i$in# an in$eli(le re$7(ro-n or (la5is! in5 -!i!
-as use$ to -rite 'any $ou'ents in t!e $ays of t!e S1anis! Con>uest. T!ese are no-
1reser&e$ in t!e ar!i&es of "o1ayan. T!e in5 !as also (een use$ to 'ar5 otton an$
linen te/tiles.
In 4uate'ala% t!e (ar5 is (oile$ -it! $yes to set t!e olor.
Mu! a&oa$o -oo$ is a&aila(le -!en #ro&es are t!inne$ out or tall trees are to11e$. T!e
sa1-oo$ is rea'7olore$ or (ei#e9 t!e !eart-oo$ is 1ale re$7(ro-n% 'ottle$% an$ $otte$
-it! s'all $ro1s of #u''y re$ sa19 fine7#raine$9 li#!tG.6 l(s 1er u ftG<2A67A.6
5#Fu '=9 'o$erately soft (ut (rittle9 not $ura(le9 suse1ti(le to $ry-oo$ ter'ites an$
fun#i. T!e -oo$ !as (een utiliBe$ for onstrution% (oar$s an$ turnery. An Australian
-oo$-or5er !as re1orte$ t!at it is suita(le for ar&in#% rese'(les W!ite Bee!
<Eucalyptus "irtonii=9 is easy to -or5% an$ $resses an$ 1olis!es (eautifully. 0e !as 'a$e
it into fany De-el (o/es. It 1ro(a(ly re>uires areful seasonin#. A Flori$a e/1eri'enter
'a$e (o-ls of it (ut t!ey ra5e$.
0oney(ees #at!er a 'o$erate a'ount of 1ollen fro' a&oa$o flo-ers. T!e netar is
a(un$ant -!en t!e -eat!er is fa&ora(le. W!en un'i/e$ (y t!at fro' ot!er soures it
1ro$ues a $ar5% t!i5 !oney fa&ore$ (y t!ose -!o li5e (u5-!eat !oney or su#arane
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruit s5in is anti(ioti9 is e'1loye$ as a &er'ifu#e an$ re'e$y for
$ysentery. T!e lea&es are !e-e$ as a re'e$y for 1yorr!ea. Leaf 1oulties are a11lie$ on
-oun$s. 0eate$ lea&es are a11lie$ on t!e fore!ea$ to relie&e neural#ia. T!e leaf Duie !as
anti(ioti ati&ity. T!e a>ueous e/trat of t!e lea&es !as a 1rolon#e$ !y1ertensi&e effet.
T!e leaf $eotion is ta5en as a re'e$y for $iarr!ea% sore t!roat an$ !e'orr!a#e9 it
alle#e$ly sti'ulates an$ re#ulates 'enstruation. It is also $run5 as a sto'a!i. In Cu(a%
a $eotion of t!e ne- s!oots is a ou#! re'e$y. If lea&es% or s!oots of t!e 1ur1le7
s5inne$ ty1e% are (oile$% t!e $eotion ser&es as an a(ortifaient. So'eti'es a 1iee of
t!e see$ is (oile$ -it! t!e lea&es to 'a5e t!e $eotion.
T!e see$ is ut in 1iees% roaste$ an$ 1ul&eriBe$ an$ #i&en to o&ero'e $iarr!ea an$
$ysentery. T!e 1o-$ere$ see$ is (elie&e$ to ure $an$ruff. A 1iee of t!e see$% or a (it of
t!e $eotion% 1ut into a toot! a&ity 'ay relie&e toot!a!e. An oint'ent 'a$e of t!e
1ul&eriBe$ see$ is ru((e$ on t!e fae as a ru(efaientGto re$$en t!e !ee5s. An oil
e/trate$ fro' t!e see$ !as (een a11lie$ on s5in eru1tions.
2elated $pecies
)ersea schiedeana Nees% alle$ coyo% coyocte% chalte% chinini: chucte! chupte! cotyo%
aguacate de monte! aguacaton% -il$ 1ear% an$ yas% #ro-s -il$ in 'ountain forests fro'
sout!ern Me/io to "ana'a at altitu$es (et-een .%A66 an$ A%866 ft <)%.667)%*66 '=. T!e
tree is usually fro' 26 to A2 ft <)2786 '= tall% oasionally to )A2 ft <26 '=. ;oun#
(ran!es are $ensely (ro-n7!airy. T!e lea&es are $ei$uous% o(o&ate to o&al% often
or$ate at t!e (ase9 2 to )8 in <)8.27,6 '= lon#% 8 ,F. to A in <+7)2 '= -i$e% -!ite7
!airy on t!e un$ersi$e. Do-ny flo-ers% (orne in $ensely #rayis!7!airy 1aniles% are li#!t
#reenis!7yello-% t!e 1eriant! an$ sta'ens turnin# re$ -it! a#e. T!e fruit% rese'(lin# t!at
of t!e a&oa$o an$ e>ually &aria(le% is #enerally 1ear7s!a1e$% -ei#!in# 3 to ). oB <88+7
,*+ #=% -it! t!i5% leat!ery% fle/i(le s5in. :ariously $esri(e$ as (ro-nis!7-!ite% li#!t7
(ro-n% 1ale7#reen% #reenis!7(ro-n or $ar57(ro-n% t!e fles! is oily -it! a 'il5y Duie%
fe- to 'any oarse fi(ers% (ut a &ery a11ealin#% a&oa$o7oonut fla&or. T!e see$ is &ery
lar#e. T!e otyle$ons% unli5e t!ose of t!e a&oa$o% are 1in5 internally.
T!e tree is left stan$in# -!en forests are leare$ an$ is ulti&ate$ in :eraruB an$ on
so'e far's in 4uate'ala. T!e fruits fro' t!e (est of t!e -il$ an$ ulti&ate$ trees are
'ar5ete$ loally. T!e ti'(er is use$ in onstrution an$ ar1entry. T!is s1eies -as
intro$ue$ into t!e USA fro' 4uate'ala an$ 0on$uras in )*.3 as a -ilt7resistant
rootsto5 for t!e a&oa$o. It is &ery sensiti&e to frost. In )*+. it -as re1orte$ to (e a 1oor
(earer in "uerto Rio.
A 'ore $istant relati&e is Beilschmiedia anay Joster'. <*uielandia anay Bla5e=% alle$
anay! payta! escalalan or excalan% -!i! is nati&e to 'oist% relati&ely lo- altitu$es% *32
to 8%,66 ft <,66 to +66 '= in sout!ern Me/io% 4uate'ala% Costa Ria an$ Colo'(ia.
See$s -ere ollete$ (y Dr. Wilson "o1enoe in )*)+ an$ see$lin#s -ere set out in t!e
"lant Intro$ution 4ar$en of t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture% Mia'i.
T!e tree attains a !ei#!t of AA ft <86 '=9 t!e youn# (ran!es are (ro-n7!airy. Leat!ery
lea&es% (roa$7elli1ti or (roa$7o&ate% are . ,F. to )8 in <)87,6 '= lon# an$ , to + )F8 in
<+.27)* '= -i$e% -!ite7!airy only on t!e &eins. T!e flo-ers <in Dee'(er an$ January=
are fra#rant% #reenis!% in slen$er 1aniles to 2 in <), '= lon#. T!e fruit is elli1soi$7
1yrifor'% 8 ,F. to A in <+7)2 '= lon#% -it! &ery t!in% #lossy% 1ur1lis!7(la5 s5in an$
s1arse #reen% oily fles! si'ilar to t!at of t!e a&oa$o in te/ture an$ fla&or. T!e see$ is
o(o&oi$% u1 to 8 ,U. in lon#% -it! t!i5% 1ur1lis!7yello-% re$ s1otte$ oat% an$ stron#
al'on$ o$or. In 4uate'ala% t!e fruit 'atures in Au#ust an$ Se1te'(er% falls -!ile !ar$%
an$ ri1ens in 8 or , $ays. Analyses in 4uate'ala s!o- <1er )66 #Ffles!=@ 'oisture% +,.3A
#9 1rotein% ).A87).36 #9 ar(o!y$rates% ,.,87,.*6 #9 fat% )8.*37)+... #9 ellulose% 8.)8 #9
as!% ).,3 #.
Foo$ :alue "er )66 # of E$i(le "ortion <flesh=L
Moisture +A.27++.A #
Et!er E/trat 2.227+.2* #
Fi(er ).67).3 #
Nitro#en 6.)*)76.86. #
As! 6.+876.*) #
Caliu' ))..7)8.2'#
"!os1!orus ,2.27,A.8 '#
Iron 6.,)76.,2 '#
Carotene 6.66,76.6,, '#
T!ia'ine 6.6.376.6+6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6A+76.63* '#
Niain 6.2*376.+)3 '#
Asor(i Ai$ 2.+7)A..'#
LAnalyses (y Munsell et al.
Tamarindus indica
Of all t!e fruit trees of t!e tro1is% none is 'ore -i$ely $istri(ute$ nor 'ore a11reiate$
as an orna'ental t!an t!e ta'arin$% $amarindus indica L. <syns. $. occidentalis 4aertn.9
$. officinalis 0oo5.=% of t!e fa'ily Le#u'inosae. Most of its ollo>uial na'es are
&ariations on t!e o''on En#lis! ter'. In S1anis! an$ "ortu#uese% it is tamarindo: in
Fren!% tamarin! tamarinier! tamarinier des &ndes! or tamarindier: in Dut! an$ 4er'an%
tamarinde: in Italian% tamarandizio: in "a1ia'iento of t!e Lesser Antilles% tamari4n. In
t!e :ir#in Islan$s% it is so'eti'es alle$ taman: in t!e "!ili11ines% sampalo" or &arious
ot!er $ialetal na'es9 in Malaya% asam 4a,a: in In$ia% it is ta'arin$ or ambli! imli!
chinch! et.9 in Ca'(o$ia% it is ampil or "houa me: in Laos% ma" "ham: in T!ailan$% ma#
"harm: in :ietna'% me. T!e na'e ?ta'arin$? -it! a >ualifyin# a$Deti&e is often a11lie$
to ot!er 'e'(ers of t!e fa'ily Le#u'inosae !a&in# so'e-!at si'ilar folia#e.
T!e ta'arin$% a slo-7#ro-in#% lon#7
li&e$% 'assi&e tree rea!es% un$er
fa&ora(le on$itions% a !ei#!t of 36 or
e&en )66 ft <8.7,6 '=% an$ 'ay attain a
s1rea$ of .6 ft <)8 '= an$ a trun5
iru'ferene of 82 ft <+.2 '=. It is
!i#!ly -in$7resistant% -it! stron#% su11le
(ran!es% #raefully $roo1in# at t!e
en$s% an$ !as $ar57#ray% rou#!% fissure$
(ar5. T!e 'ass of (ri#!t7#reen% fine%
feat!ery folia#e is o'1ose$ of 1innate
lea&es% , to A in <+.27)2 '= in len#t!%
ea! !a&in# )6 to 86 1airs of o(lon# leaflets )F8 to ) in <).8278.2 '= lon# an$ )F2 to )F.
in <27A ''= -i$e% -!i! fol$ at ni#!t. T!e lea&es are nor'ally e&er#reen (ut 'ay (e
s!e$ (riefly in &ery $ry areas $urin# t!e !ot season. Inons1iuous% in!7-i$e flo-ers%
(orne in s'all rae'es% are 271etalle$ <8 re$ue$ to (ristles=% yello- -it! oran#e or re$
strea5s. T!e flo-er(u$s are $istintly 1in5 $ue to t!e outer olor of t!e . se1als -!i!
are s!e$ -!en t!e flo-er o1ens.
T!e fruits% flattis!% (eanli5e% irre#ularly ur&e$ an$ (ul#e$ 1o$s% are (orne in #reat
a(un$ane alon# t!e ne- (ran!es an$ usually &ary fro' 8 to + in lon# an$ fro' ,F. to )
)F. in <87,.8 '= in $ia'eter. E/e1tionally lar#e ta'arin$s !a&e (een foun$ on
in$i&i$ual trees. T!e 1o$s 'ay (e inna'on7(ro-n or #rayis!7(ro-n e/ternally an$% at
first% are ten$er7s5inne$ -it! #reen% !i#!ly ai$ fles! an$ soft% -!itis!% un$er7$e&elo1e$
see$s. As t!ey 'ature% t!e 1o$s fill out so'e-!at an$ t!e Duiy% ai$ulous 1ul1 turns
(ro-n or re$$is!7(ro-n. T!ereafter% t!e s5in (eo'es a (rittle% easily7ra5e$ s!ell an$
t!e 1ul1 $e!y$rates naturally to a sti5y 1aste enlose$ (y a fe- oarse stran$s of fi(er
e/ten$in# len#t!-ise fro' t!e stal5. T!e ) to )8 fully for'e$ see$s are !ar$% #lossy7
(ro-n% s>uaris! in for'% )F3 to )F8 in <).)7).82 '= in $ia'eter% an$ ea! is enlose$ in a
1ar!'entli5e 'e'(rane.
Origin and Distribution
Nati&e to tro1ial Afria% t!e tree #ro-s -il$ t!rou#!out t!e Su$an an$ -as so lon# a#o
intro$ue$ into an$ a$o1te$ in In$ia t!at it !as often (een re1orte$ as in$i#enous t!ere
also% an$ it -as a11arently fro' t!is Asiati ountry t!at it rea!e$ t!e "ersians an$ t!e
Ara(s -!o alle$ it ;tamar hindi; <In$ian $ate% fro' t!e $ate7li5e a11earane of t!e $rie$
1ul1=% #i&in# rise to (ot! its o''on an$ #eneri na'es. Unfortunately% t!e s1eifi
na'e% ;indica;! also 1er1etuates t!e illusion of In$ian ori#in. T!e fruit -as -ell 5no-n to
t!e anient E#y1tians an$ to t!e 4ree5s in t!e .t! Century B.C.
T!e tree !as lon# (een naturaliBe$ in t!e East In$ies an$ t!e islan$s of t!e "aifi. One of
t!e first ta'arin$ trees in 0a-aii -as 1lante$ in )+*+. T!e ta'arin$ -as ertainly
intro$ue$ into tro1ial A'eria% Ber'u$a% t!e Ba!a'as% an$ t!e West In$ies 'u!
"late SI:@ TAMARIND% $amarindus indica
earlier. In all tro1ial an$ near7tro1ial areas% inlu$in# Sout! Flori$a% it is #ro-n as a
s!a$e an$ fruit tree% alon# roa$si$es an$ in $ooryar$s an$ 1ar5s. Me/io !as o&er )6%666
ares <.%..6 !a= of ta'arin$s% 'ostly in t!e states of C!ia1as% Coli'a% 4uerrero% Jaliso%
Oa/aa an$ :eraruB. In t!e lo-er Mota#ua :alley of 4uate'ala% t!ere are so 'any
lar#e ta'arin$ trees in one area t!at it is alle$ ?El Ta'arin$al?. T!ere are o''erial
1lantin#s in BeliBe an$ ot!er Central A'erian ountries an$ in nort!ern BraBil. In In$ia
t!ere are e/tensi&e ta'arin$ or!ar$s 1ro$uin# 8+2%266 tons <826%666 MT= annually.
T!e 1ul1 is 'ar5ete$ in nort!ern Malaya an$ to so'e e/tent -!ere&er t!e tree is foun$
e&en if t!ere are no 1lantations.
In so'e re#ions t!e ty1e -it! re$$is! fles! is $istin#uis!e$ fro' t!e or$inary (ro-n7
fles!e$ ty1e an$ re#ar$e$ as su1erior in >uality. T!ere are ty1es of ta'arin$s t!at are
s-eeter t!an 'ost. One in T!ailan$ is 5no-n as 'Mak!a# waan'6 One $istri(ute$ (y t!e
Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureCs Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture Resear! Unit%
Mia'i% is 5no-n as 'Manila $weet'6
:ery youn# trees s!oul$ (e 1rotete$ fro' ol$ (ut ol$er trees are sur1risin#ly !ar$y.
Wilson "o1enoe -rote t!at a lar#e tree -as 5ille$ on t!e -est oast of Flori$a <a(out +.2V
lat. N= (y a freeBe in )33.. 0o-e&er% no ol$ $a'a#e -as note$ in Sout! Flori$a
follo-in# t!e lo- te'1eratures of t!e -inter of )*2+7)*23 -!i! !a$ se&ere effets on
'any 'an#o% a&oa$o% ly!ee an$ li'e trees. Dr. 0enry Ne!rlin# re1orte$ t!at a
ta'arin$ tree in !is #ar$en at 4ot!a% Flori$a% t!ou#! $a'a#e$ (y freeBes% al-ays
s1route$ out a#ain fro' t!e roots. In nort!-estern In$ia% t!e tree #ro-s -ell (ut t!e fruits
$o not ri1en. Dry -eat!er is i'1ortant $urin# t!e 1erio$ of fruit $e&elo1'ent. In Sout!
Malaya% -!ere t!ere are fre>uent rains at t!is ti'e% t!e ta'arin$ $oes not (ear.
T!e tree tolerates a #reat $i&ersity of soil ty1es% fro' $ee1 allu&ial soil to ro5y lan$ an$
1orous% ooliti li'estone. It -it!stan$s salt s1ray an$ an (e 1lante$ fairly lose to t!e
Ta'arin$ see$s re'ain &ia(le for 'ont!s% -ill #er'inate in a -ee5 after 1lantin#. In t!e
1ast% 1ro1a#ation !as (een usto'arily (y see$ so-n in 1osition% -it! t!orny (ran!es
1rotetin# t!e youn# see$lin#s. 0o-e&er% to$ay% youn# trees are usually #ro-n in
nurseries. An$ t!ere is intensifie$ interest in &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation of selete$ &arieties
(eause of t!e o''erial 1otential of ta'arin$ 1ro$uts. T!e tree an (e #ro-n easily
fro' uttin#s% or (y s!iel$7(u$$in#% si$e7&eneer #raftin#% or air7layerin#.
Nursery7#ro-n trees are usually trans1lante$ $urin# t!e early rainy season. If 5e1t until
t!e seon$ rainy season% t!e 1lants 'ust (e ut (a5 an$ t!e ta1root tri''e$. S1ain#
'ay (e ,, to A2 ft <)6786 '= (et-een trees ea! -ay% $e1en$in# on t!e fertility of t!e
soil. Wit! suffiient -ater an$ re#ular -ee$in#% t!e see$lin#s -ill rea! 8 ft <A6 '= t!e
first year an$ . ft <)86 '= (y t!e seon$ year.
In Ma$a#asar% see$lin#s !a&e (e#un to (ear in t!e .t! year9 in Me/io% usually in t!e 2t!
year9 (ut in In$ia% t!ere 'ay (e a $elay of )6 to ). years (efore fruitin#. T!e tree (ears
a(un$antly u1 to an a#e of 267A6 years or so'eti'es lon#er% t!en 1ro$uti&ity $elines%
t!ou#! it 'ay li&e anot!er )26 years.
Me/ian stu$ies re&eal t!at t!e fruits (e#in to $e!y$rate 86, $ays after fruit7set% losin#
a11ro/i'ately )F8 'oisture u1 to t!e sta#e of full ri1eness% a(out 8.2 $ays fro' fruit7set.
In Flori$a% Central A'eria% an$ t!e West In$ies% t!e flo-ers a11ear in su''er% t!e
#reen fruits are foun$ in Dee'(er an$ January an$ ri1enin# ta5es 1lae fro' A1ril
t!rou#! June. In 0a-aii t!e fruits ri1en in late su''er an$ fall.
Ta'arin$s 'ay (e left on t!e tree for as lon# as A 'ont!s after 'aturity so t!at t!e
'oisture ontent -ill (e re$ue$ to 86K or lo-er. Fruits for i''e$iate 1roessin# are
often !ar&este$ (y 1ullin# t!e 1o$ a-ay fro' t!e stal5 -!i! is left -it! t!e lon#%
lon#itu$inal fi(ers atta!e$. In In$ia% !ar&esters 'ay 'erely s!a5e t!e (ran!es to ause
'ature fruits to fall an$ t!ey lea&e t!e re'ain$er to fall naturally -!en ri1e. "i5ers are
not allo-e$ to 5no5 t!e fruits off -it! 1oles as t!is -oul$ $a'a#e $e&elo1in# lea&es
an$ flo-ers. To 5ee1 t!e fruit intat for 'ar5etin# fres!% t!e stal5s 'ust (e li11e$ fro'
t!e (ran!es so as not to $a'a#e t!e s!ell%
A 'ature tree 'ay annually 1ro$ue ,,6 to 266 l(s <)267882 5#= of fruits% of -!i! t!e
1ul1 'ay onstitute ,6 to 22K% t!e s!ells an$ fi(er% )) to ,6 K% an$ t!e see$s% ,, to .6K.
(eeping )uality
To 1reser&e ta'arin$s for future use% t!ey 'ay (e 'erely s!elle$% layere$ -it! su#ar in
(o/es or 1resse$ into ti#!t (alls an$ o&ere$ -it! lot! an$ 5e1t in a ool% $ry 1lae. For
s!i1'ent to 1roessors% ta'arin$s 'ay (e s!elle$% layere$ -it! su#ar in (arrels an$
o&ere$ -it! (oilin# siru1. East In$ians s!ell t!e fruits an$ s1rin5le t!e' li#!tly -it! salt
as a 1reser&ati&e. In Ja&a% t!e salte$ 1ul1 is rolle$ into (alls% stea'e$ an$ sun7$rie$% t!en
e/1ose$ to $e- for a -ee5 (efore (ein# 1a5e$ in stone Dars. In In$ia% t!e 1ul1% -it! or
-it!out see$s an$ fi(ers 'ay (e 'i/e$ -it! salt <)6K=% 1oun$e$ into (lo5s% -ra11e$ in
1al'leaf 'attin#% an$ 1a5e$ in (urla1 sa5s for 'ar5etin#. To store for lon# 1erio$s% t!e
(lo5s of 1ul1 'ay (e first stea'e$ or sun7$rie$ for se&eral $ays.
Pests and Diseases
One of t!e 'aDor 1ests of t!e ta'arin$ tree in In$ia is t!e Oriental yello- sale%
Aonidiella orientalis. Ta'arin$ sale% A. tamarindi! an$ (la5% or oli&e% sale% Saissetia
oleae! are also 1artial to ta'arin$ (ut of less i'1ortane. Butani <)*+6= lists 3 ot!er sale
s1eies t!at 'ay (e foun$ on t!e tree% t!e youn# an$ a$ults su5in# t!e sa1 of (u$s an$
flo-ers an$ aor$in#ly re$uin# t!e ro1.
T!e 'ealy(u#% )lanococcus lilacinus! is a lea$in# 1est of ta'arin$ in In$ia% ausin# leaf7
fall an$ so'eti'es s!e$$in# of youn# fruits. Anot!er 'ealy(u#% %ipaecoccus viridis! is
less of a 'enae e/e1t in Sout! In$ia -!ere it is o''on on 'any fruit trees an$
orna'ental 1lants. Chionaspis acuminata#atricolor an$ Aspidiotus s11.% su5 t!e sa1 of
t-i#s an$ (ran!es an$ t!e latter also fee$s on youn# fruits. W!ite #ru(s of *olotrichia
insularis 'ay fee$ on t!e roots of youn# see$lin#s. T!e ne'ato$es% 7iphinema citri an$
8ongidorus elongatus 'ay affet t!e roots of ol$er trees. Ot!er 1re$ators atta5in# t!e
lea&es or flo-ers inlu$e t!e ater1illars% $hosea aperiens! $halarsodes 9uadraria!
Stauropus alternus! an$ 8aspeyresia palamedes: t!e (la5 itrus a1!i$% $oxoptera
aurantii! t!e -!itefly% Acaudaleyrodes rachispora: t!ri1s% (amas,amia hiella
subnudula! Scirtothrips dorsalis! an$ *aplothrips ceylonicus: an$ o- (u#s% 6xyrhachis
tarandus! 6tinotus onerotus! an$ 8aptoentrus obli9uis.
Fruit (orers inlu$e lar&ae of t!e i#arette (eetle% 8asioderma serricorne! also of
'irachola isocrates! ichocrocis punctiferalis! $ribolium castaneum! )hycita orthoclina!
Cryptophlebia +Argyroploca- illepide! 6ecadarchis sp.! *olocera pulverea! Assara
albicostalis! Araecerus suturalis! Aephitobius laevigiatus! an$ Aphomia gularis. T!e
latter infests ri1enin# 1o$s on t!e tree an$ 1ersists in t!e store$ fruits% as $o t!e ta'arin$
(eetle% )achymerus +Coryoborus- gonogra! an$ ta'arin$ see$ (orer% Calandra
+Sitophilus- linearis. T!e rie -ee&il% Sitophilus oryzae! t!e rie 'ot!% Corcyra
cepholonica! an$ t!e fi# 'ot!% Ephestia cautella! infest t!e fruits in stora#e. T!e lesser
#rain (orer% (hyzopertha dominica (ores into store$ see$s.
In In$ia% a (aterial leaf7s1ot 'ay our. Sooty 'ol$ is ause$ (y Meliola tamarindi.
Rots atta5in# t!e tree inlu$e sa1rot% 7ylaria euglossa! (ro-nis! sa1rot% )olyporus
calcuttensis! an$ -!ite rot% $rametes floccosa. T!e se1arate$ 1ul1 !as #oo$ 5ee1in#
>uality (ut is su(Det to &arious 'ol$s in refri#erate$ stora#e.
Food *ses
T!e foo$ uses of t!e ta'arin$ are 'any.
T!e ten$er% i''ature% &ery sour 1o$s are
oo5e$ as seasonin# -it! rie% fis! an$
'eats in In$ia. T!e fully7#ro-n% (ut still
unri1e fruits% alle$ ?s-ells? in t!e
Ba!a'as% are roaste$ in oals until t!ey
(urst an$ t!e s5in is t!en 1eele$ (a5 an$
t!e siBBlin# 1ul1 $i11e$ in -oo$ as!es
an$ eaten. T!e fully ri1e% fres! fruit is
relis!e$ out7of7!an$ (y !il$ren an$
a$ults% ali5e. T!e $e!y$rate$ fruits are
easily reo#niBe$ -!en 1i5in# (y t!eir
o'1arati&ely li#!t -ei#!t% !ollo-
soun$ -!en ta11e$ an$ t!e ra5in# of
t!e s!ell un$er #entle 1ressure. T!e s!ell
lifts rea$ily fro' t!e 1ul1 an$ t!e
len#t!-ise fi(ers are re'o&e$ (y !ol$in#
t!e ste' -it! one !an$ an$ sli11in# t!e
1ul1 $o-n-ar$ -it! t!e ot!er. T!e 1ul1
is 'a$e into a &ariety of 1ro$uts. It is an
i'1ortant in#re$ient in !utneys% urries
an$ saues% inlu$in# so'e (ran$s of
Woresters!ire an$ (ar(eue saue% an$
in a s1eial In$ian seafoo$ 1i5le alle$ ?ta'arin$ fis!?. Su#are$ ta'arin$ 1ul1 is often
1re1are$ as a onfetion. For t!is 1ur1ose% it is $esira(le to se1arate t!e 1ul1 fro' t!e
see$s -it!out usin# -ater. If ri1e% fres!% un$e!y$rate$ ta'arin$s are a&aila(le% t!is 'ay
(e $one (y 1ressin# t!e s!elle$ an$ $efi(ere$ fruits t!rou#! a olan$er -!ile a$$in#
1o-$ere$ su#ar to t!e 1oint -!ere t!e 1ul1 no lon#er sti5s to t!e fin#ers. T!e see$e$
1ul1 is t!en s!a1e$ into (alls an$ oate$ -it! 1o-$ere$ su#ar. If t!e ta'arin$s are
$e!y$rate$% it is less la(orious to layer t!e s!elle$ fruits -it! #ranulate$ su#ar in a stone
ro5 an$ (a5e in a 'o$erately -ar' o&en for a(out . !ours until t!e su#ar is 'elte$%
t!en t!e 'ass is ru((e$ t!rou#! a sie&e% 'i/e$ -it! su#ar to a stiff 1aste% an$ for'e$ into
1atties. T!is s-eet'eat is o''only foun$ on t!e 'ar5et in Ja'aia% Cu(a an$ t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li. In "ana'a% t!e 1ul1 'ay (e sol$ in orn !us5s% 1al'leaf fi(er
(as5ets% or in 1lasti (a#s.
Ta'arin$ a$e !as lon# (een a 1o1ular $rin5 in t!e Tro1is an$ it is no- (ottle$ in
ar(onate$ for' in 4uate'ala% Me/io% "uerto Rio an$ else-!ere. For'ulas for t!e
o''erial 1ro$ution of s1ie$ ta'arin$ (e&era#es !a&e (een $e&elo1e$ (y
te!nolo#ists in In$ia. T!e si'1lest !o'e 'et!o$ of 1re1arin# t!e a$e is to s!ell t!e
fruits% 1lae , or . in a (ottle of -ater% let stan$ for a s!ort ti'e% a$$ a ta(les1oonful of
su#ar an$ s!a5e &i#orously. For a ri!er (e&era#e% a >uantity of s!elle$ ta'arin$s 'ay (e
o&ere$ -it! a !ot su#ar siru1 an$ allo-e$ to stan$ se&eral $ays <-it! or -it!out t!e
Fi# ,8@ Ai$7s-eet 1ul1 of t!e ta'arin$ +$amarindus
indica- is (len$e$ -it! su#ar as a onfetion% or
1reser&e$ as Da' or netar. It en!anes !utney an$
so'e -ell75no-n saues.
Fi#. ,,@ Ba!a'ian !il$ren !ol$ 'ature (ut still #reen
ta'arin$s in !ot as!es until t!ey siBBle% t!en $i1 t!e ti1
in t!e as!es an$ eat t!e'. T!e !i#! aliu' ontent
ontri(utes to #oo$ teet!.
a$$ition of seasonin#s su! as lo&es% inna'on% alls1ie% #in#er% 1e11er or li'e slies=
an$ finally $ilute$ as $esire$ -it! ie -ater an$ straine$.
In BraBil% a >uantity of s!elle$ fruits 'ay (e o&ere$ -it! ol$ -ater an$ allo-e$ to
stan$ )6 to )8 !ours% t!e see$s are straine$ out% an$ a u1 of su#ar is a$$e$ for e&ery 8
u1s of 1ul19 t!e 'i/ture is (oile$ for )2 to 86 'inutes an$ t!en 1ut u1 in #lass Dars
to11e$ -it! 1araffin. In anot!er 'et!o$% s!elle$ ta'arin$s -it! an e>ual >uantity of
su#ar 'ay (e o&ere$ -it! -ater an$ (oile$ for a fe- 'inutes until stirrin# s!o-s t!at
t!e 1ul1 !as loosene$ fro' t!e see$s% t!en 1resse$ t!rou#! a sie&e. T!e straine$ 1ul1%
'u! li5e a11le (utter in a11earane% an (e store$ un$er refri#eration for use in ol$
$rin5s or as a saue for 'eats an$ 1oultry% 1lain a5es or 1u$$in#s. A foa'y ?ta'arin$
s!a5e? is 'a$e (y stirrin# t!is saue into an e>ual a'ount of $ar57(ro-n su#ar an$ t!en
a$$in# a ta(les1oonful of t!e 'i/ture to 3 ounes of a 1lain ar(onate$ (e&era#e an$
-!i11in# it in an eletri (len$er.
If t-ie as 'u! -ater as ta'arin$s is use$ in oo5in#% t!e straine$ 1ro$ut -ill (e a
siru1 rat!er t!an a saue. So'eti'es a little so$a is a$$e$. Ta'arin$ siru1 is (ottle$ for
$o'esti use an$ e/1ort in "uerto Rio. In Maya#ueB% street &en$ors sell ones of s!a&e$
ie saturate$ -it! ta'arin$ siru1. Ta'arin$ 1ul1 an (e 'a$e into a tart Delly% an$
ta'arin$ Da' is anne$ o''erially in Costa Ria. Ta'arin$ s!er(et an$ ie rea' are
1o1ular an$ refres!in#. In 'a5in# fruit 1reser&es% ta'arin$ is so'eti'es o'(ine$ -it!
#ua&a% 1a1aya or (anana. So'eti'es t!e fruit is 'a$e into -ine.
Inas'u! as s!ellin# (y !an$ is la(orious an$ re>uires 3 'an7!ours to 1ro$ue )66 l(s
<.2 5#= of s!elle$ fruits% foo$ te!nolo#ists at t!e Uni&ersity of "uerto Rio !a&e
$e&elo1e$ a 'et!o$ of 1ul1 e/tration for in$ustrial use. T!ey foun$ t!at s!ellin# (y
'e!anial 'eans alone is i'1ossi(le (eause of t!e !i#! 1etin an$ lo- 'oisture
ontent of t!e 1ul1. T!erefore% ins1ete$ an$ -as!e$ 1o$s are 1asse$ t!rou#! a s!ell7
(rea5in# #rater% t!en fe$ into stainless steel tan5s e>ui11e$ -it! a#itators. Water is a$$e$
at t!e ratio of )@) )F8 or )@8 1ul1F-ater% an$ t!e fruits are a#itate$ for 2 to + 'inutes. T!e
resultin# 'as! is t!en 1asse$ t!rou#! a sreen -!ile nylon (rus!es se1arate t!e s!ells
an$ see$s. Ne/t t!e 1ul1 is 1a$$le$ t!rou#! a finer sreen% 1asteuriBe$% an$ anne$.
;oun# lea&es an$ &ery youn# see$lin#s an$ flo-ers are oo5e$ an$ eaten as #reens an$
in urries in In$ia. In Ni'(a(-e% t!e lea&es are a$$e$ to sou1 an$ t!e flo-ers are an
in#re$ient in sala$s.
Ta'arin$ see$s !a&e (een use$ in a li'ite$ -ay as e'er#eny foo$. T!ey are roaste$%
soa5e$ to re'o&e t!e see$oat% t!en (oile$ or frie$% or #roun$ to a flour or star!.
Roaste$ see$s are #roun$ an$ use$ as a su(stitute for% or a$ulterant of% offee. In
T!ailan$ t!ey are sol$ for t!is 1ur1ose. In t!e 1ast% t!e #reat (ul5 of see$s a&aila(le as a
(y71ro$ut of 1roessin# ta'arin$s% !as #one to -aste. In )*.8% t-o In$ian sientists% T.
". 4!ose an$ S. Jris!na% announe$ t!at t!e $eortiate$ 5ernels ontaine$ .A to .3K of
a #el7for'in# su(stane. Dr. 4. R. Sa&ur of t!e "etin Manufaturin# Co'1any%
Bo'(ay% 1atente$ a 1roess for t!e 1ro$ution of a 1urifie$ 1ro$ut% alle$ ?Jellose?%
?1olyose?% or ?1etin?% -!i! !as (een foun$ su1erior to fruit 1etin in t!e 'anufature
of Dellies% Da's% an$ 'ar'ala$es. It an (e use$ in fruit 1reser&in# -it! or -it!out ai$s
an$ #elatiniBes -it! su#ar onentrates e&en in ol$ -ater or 'il5. It is reo''en$e$ as
a sta(iliBer in ie rea'% 'ayonnaise an$ !eese an$ as an in#re$ient or a#ent in a
nu'(er of 1!ar'aeutial 1ro$uts.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion
)ulp +ripe- < 8eaves +young- Flo,ers
Calories ))2
Moisture 83.8728 # +6.2 # 36 #
"rotein ,.)6 # 2.3 # 6..2 #
Fat 6.) # 8.) # ).2. #
Fi(er 2.A # ).* # ).2 #
Car(o!y$rates A+.. # )3.8 #
In&ert Su#ars ,67.) #
<+6K #luose9 ,6K frutose=
As! 8.* # ).2 # 6.+8 #
Caliu' ,27)+6 '# )6) '# ,2.2 '#
Ma#nesiu' +) '#
"!os1!orus 2.7))6 '# ).6 '# .2.A '#
Iron ).,7)6.* '# 2.8 '# ).2 '#
Co11er 8.6* '#
C!lorine *. '#
Sulfur A, '#
So$iu' 8. '#
"otassiu' ,+2 '#
:ita'in A )2 I.U. 826 '# 6.,) '#
T!ia'ine 6.)A '# 6.8. '# 6.6+8 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6+ '# 6.)+ '# 6.).3 '#
Niain 6.A76.+ '# ..) '# ).). '#
Asor(i Ai$ 6.+7,.6 '# ,.6 '# ),.3 '#
O/ali Ai$ )*A '#
Tartari Ai$ 378,.3 '#
O/ali Ai$ trae only
LT!e 1ul1 is onsi$ere$ a 1ro'isin# soure of tartari ai$% alo!ol <)8K yiel$= an$
1etin <8 )F8K yiel$=. T!e re$ 1ul1 of so'e ty1es ontains t!e 1i#'ent% !rysant!e'in.
See$s ontain a11ro/i'ately A,K star!% ).7)3K al(u'inoi$s% an$ ..27A.2K of a se'i7
$ryin# oil.
Food Value
Analyses of t!e 1ul1 are 'any an$ &arie$. Rou#!ly% t!ey s!o- t!e 1ul1 to (e ri! in
aliu'% 1!os1!orus% iron% t!ia'ine an$ ri(ofla&in an$ a #oo$ soure of niain. Asor(i
ai$ ontent is lo- e/e1t in t!e 1eel of youn# #reen fruits.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit pulp, in West Afria% an infusion of t!e -!ole 1o$s is a$$e$ to t!e $ye -!en
olorin# #oat !i$es. T!e fruit 1ul1 'ay (e use$ as a fi/ati&e -it! tur'eri or annatto in
$yein# an$ !as ser&e$ to oa#ulate ru((er late/. T!e 1ul1% 'i/e$ -it! sea -ater% leans
sil&er% o11er an$ (rass.
-ea&es, T!e lea&es are eaten (y attle an$ #oats% an$ furnis! fo$$er for sil5-or's=
Anaphe sp. in In$ia% *ypsoides vuilletii in West Afria. T!e fine sil5 is onsi$ere$
su1erior for e'(roi$ery.
Ta'arin$ lea&es an$ flo-ers are useful as 'or$ants in $yein#. A yello- $ye $eri&e$
fro' t!e lea&es olors -ool re$ an$ turns in$i#o7$ye$ sil5 to #reen. Ta'arin$ lea&es in
(oilin# -ater are e'1loye$ to (lea! t!e lea&es of t!e (uri 1al' +Corypha elata Ro/(.=
to 1re1are t!e' for !at7'a5in#. T!e folia#e is a o''on 'ul! for to(ao 1lantin#s.
Flowers, T!e flo-ers are rate$ as a #oo$ soure of netar for !oney(ees in Sout! In$ia.
T!e !oney is #ol$en7yello- an$ sli#!tly ai$ in fla&or.
$eeds, T!e 1o-$er 'a$e fro' ta'arin$ 5ernels !as (een a$o1te$ (y t!e In$ian te/tile
in$ustry as ,66K 'ore effiient an$ 'ore eono'ial t!an ornstar! for siBin# an$
finis!in# otton% Dute an$ s1un &isose% as -ell as !a&in# ot!er te!nial a$&anta#es. It is
o''only use$ for $ressin# !o'e'a$e (lan5ets. Ot!er in$ustrial uses inlu$e
e'1loy'ent in olor 1rintin# of te/tiles% 1a1er siBin#% leat!er treatin#% t!e 'anufature of
a strutural 1lasti% a #lue for -oo$% a sta(iliBer in (ri5s% a (in$er in sa-$ust (ri>uettes%
an$ a t!i5ener in so'e e/1losi&es. It is e/1orte$ to Ja1an% t!e Unite$ States% Cana$a an$
t!e Unite$ Jin#$o'.
Ta'arin$ see$s yiel$ an a'(er oil useful as an illu'inant an$ as a &arnis! es1eially
1referre$ for 1aintin# $olls an$ i$ols. T!e oil is sai$ to (e 1alata(le an$ of ulinary
>uality. T!e tannin7ri! see$oat <testa= is un$er in&esti#ation as !a&in# so'e utility as
an a$!esi&e for 1ly-oo$s an$ in $yein# an$ tannin#% t!ou#! it is of inferior >uality an$
#i&es a re$ !ue to leat!er.
1ood, T!e sa1-oo$ of t!e ta'arin$ tree is 1ale7yello-. T!e !eart-oo$ is rat!er s'all%
$ar5 1ur1lis!7(ro-n% &ery !ar$% !ea&y% stron#% $ura(le an$ inset7resistant. It (en$s -ell
an$ ta5es a #oo$ 1olis! an$% -!ile !ar$ to -or5% it is !i#!ly 1riBe$ for furniture%
1anellin#% -!eels% a/les% #ears for 'ills% 1lou#!s% 1lan5in# for si$es of (oats% -ells%
'allets% 5nife an$ tool !an$les% rie 1oun$ers% 'ortars an$ 1estles. It !as at ti'es (een
sol$ as ?Ma$eira 'a!o#any?. Wi$e (oar$s are rare% $es1ite t!e trun5 $i'ensions of ol$
trees% sine t!ey ten$ to (eo'e !ollo-7entere$. T!e -oo$ is &alue$ for fuel% es1eially
for (ri5 5ilns% for it #i&es off an intense !eat% an$ it also yiel$s a !aroal for t!e
'anufature of #un71o-$er. In Malaysia% e&en t!ou#! t!e trees are sel$o' felle$% t!ey
are fre>uently to11e$ to o(tain fire-oo$. T!e -oo$ as!es are e'1loye$ in tannin# an$ in
$e7!airin# #oats5ins. ;oun# ste's an$ also slen$er roots of t!e ta'arin$ tree are
fas!ione$ into -al5in#7sti5s.
Twigs and barks, Ta'arin$ t-i#s are so'eti'es use$ as ?!e-sti5s? an$ t!e (ar5 of
t!e tree as a 'astiatory% alone or in 1lae of li'e -it! (etelnut. T!e (ar5 ontains u1 to
+K tannin an$ is often e'1loye$ in tannin# !i$es an$ in $yein#% an$ is (urne$ to 'a5e
an in5. Bar5 fro' youn# trees yiel$s a lo-7>uality fi(er use$ for t-ine an$ strin#. 4alls
on t!e youn# (ran!es are use$ in tannin#.
-ac, T!e ta'arin$ tree is a !ost for t!e la inset% 2erria lacca! t!at $e1osits a resin on
t!e t-i#s. T!e la 'ay (e !ar&este$ an$ sol$ as sti57la for t!e 1ro$ution of la>uers
an$ &arnis!. If it is not seen as a useful (y1ro$ut% ta'arin$ #ro-ers tri' off t!e resinous
t-i#s an$ $isar$ t!e'.
Medicinal *ses,Me$iinal uses of t!e ta'arin$ are unounta(le. T!e 1ul1 !as (een
offiial in t!e Britis! an$ A'erian an$ 'ost ot!er 1!ar'ao1oeias an$ so'e 866%666
l(s <*6%666 5#= of t!e s!elle$ fruits !a&e (een annually i'1orte$ into t!e Unite$ States
for t!e $ru# tra$e% 1ri'arily fro' t!e Lesser Antilles an$ Me/io. T!e Euro1ean su11ly
!as o'e lar#ely fro' Calutta% E#y1t an$ t!e 4reater Antilles. Ta'arin$ 1re1arations
are uni&ersally reo#niBe$ as refri#erants in fe&ers an$ as la/ati&es an$ ar'inati&es.
Alone% or in o'(ination -it! li'e Duie% !oney% 'il5% $ates% s1ies or a'1!or% t!e 1ul1
is onsi$ere$ effeti&e as a $i#esti&e% e&en for ele1!ants% an$ as a re'e$y for (iliousness
an$ (ile $isor$ers% an$ as an antisor(uti. In nati&e 1ratie% t!e 1ul1 is a11lie$ on
infla''ations% is use$ in a #ar#le for sore t!roat an$% 'i/e$ -it! salt% as a lini'ent for
r!eu'atis'. It is% furt!er% a$'inistere$ to alle&iate sunstro5e% atura 1oisonin#% an$
alo!oli into/iation. In Sout!east Asia% t!e fruit is 1resri(e$ to ounterat t!e ill
effets of o&er$oses of false !aul'oo#ra% *ydnocarpus anthelmintica "ierre% #i&en in
le1rosy. T!e 1ul1 is sai$ to ai$ t!e restoration of sensation in ases of 1aralysis. In
Colo'(ia% an oint'ent 'a$e of ta'arin$ 1ul1% (utter% an$ ot!er in#re$ients is use$ to ri$
$o'esti ani'als of &er'in.
Ta'arin$ lea&es an$ flo-ers% $rie$ or (oile$% are use$ as 1oulties for s-ollen Doints%
s1rains an$ (oils. Lotions an$ e/trats 'a$e fro' t!e' are use$ in treatin#
onDunti&itis% as antise1tis% as &er'ifu#es% treat'ents for $ysentery% Daun$ie% erysi1elas
an$ !e'orr!oi$s an$ &arious ot!er ail'ents. T!e fruit s!ells are (urne$ an$ re$ue$ to an
al5aline as! -!i! enters into 'e$iinal for'ulas. T!e (ar5 of t!e tree is re#ar$e$ as an
effeti&e astrin#ent% toni an$ fe(rifu#e. Frie$ -it! salt an$ 1ul&eriBe$ to an as!% it is
#i&en as a re'e$y for in$i#estion an$ oli. A $eotion is use$ in ases of #in#i&itis an$
ast!'a an$ eye infla''ations9 an$ lotions an$ 1oulties 'a$e fro' t!e (ar5 are a11lie$
on o1en sores an$ ater1illar ras!es. T!e 1o-$ere$ see$s are 'a$e into a 1aste for
$ra-in# (oils an$% -it! or -it!out u'in see$s an$ 1al' su#ar% are 1resri(e$ for
!roni $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery. T!e see$oat% too% is astrin#ent% an$ it% also% is s1eifie$
for t!e latter $isor$ers. An infusion of t!e roots is (elie&e$ to !a&e urati&e &alue in !est
o'1laints an$ is an in#re$ient in 1resri1tions for le1rosy.
T!e lea&es an$ roots ontain t!e #lyosi$es@ &ite/in% iso&ite/in% orientin an$ isoorientin.
T!e (ar5 yiel$s t!e al5aloi$% !or$enine.
Fe- 1lants -ill sur&i&e (eneat! a ta'arin$ tree an$ t!ere is a su1erstition t!at it is
!ar'ful to slee1 or to tie a !orse (eneat! one% 1ro(a(ly (eause of t!e orrosi&e effet
t!at fallen lea&es !a&e on fa(ris in $a'1 -eat!er. So'e Afrian tri(es &enerate t!e
ta'arin$ tree as sare$. To ertain Bur'ese% t!e tree re1resents t!e $-ellin#71lae of t!e
rain #o$ an$ so'e !ol$ t!e (elief t!at t!e tree raises t!e te'1erature in its i''e$iate
&iinity. 0in$us 'ay 'arry a ta'arin$ tree to a 'an#o tree (efore eatin# t!e fruits of t!e
latter. In Nyasalan$% ta'arin$ (ar5 soa5e$ -it! orn is #i&en to $o'esti fo-l in t!e
(elief t!at% if t!ey stray or are stolen% it -ill ause t!e' to return !o'e. In Malaya% a little
ta'arin$ an$ oonut 'il5 is 1lae$ in t!e 'out! of an infant at (irt!% an$ t!e (ar5 an$
fruit are #i&en to ele1!ants to 'a5e t!e' -ise.
Averrhoa carambola
A urious% attrati&e fruit of t!e O/ali$aeae% t!e ara'(ola% Averrhoa carambola L.% !as
tra&ele$ suffiiently to !a&e a>uire$ a nu'(er of re#ional na'es in a$$ition to t!e
1o1ular S1anis! a11elation -!i! (elies its Far Eastern ori#in. In t!e Orient% it is usually
alle$ balimbing! belimbing! or belimbing manis <?s-eet (eli'(in#?=% to $istin#uis! it
fro' t!e (ili'(i or belimbing asam! A. bilimbi L. In Ceylon an$ In$ia% t!e ara'(ola !as
t!e alternate na'es of "amaranga! "amru"! or ot!er &ariants of t!e nati&e "amra"h. In
:ietna'% it is alle$ "he! "he ta! or si'ilar ter's9 in Ja'1u!ea% spu9 in Laos% na" fuang!
or t!e Fren! na'e% carambolier: in T!ailan$% ma fueang. Malayans 'ay refer to it as
belimbing batu! belimbing besi! belimbing pessegi! belimbing sayur! belimbing sa4i!
"ambola! caramba! or as ?star fruit?. Australians use t!e $esri1ti&e ter'% fi&e orner9 in
4ua'% it is bilimbines: to t!e C!inese% it is yang#t>o. Early En#lis! tra&elers alle$ it
C!inese% or Coro'an$el #oose(erry% or uu'(er tree. In 4uyana% it is fi&e fin#ers9 in t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li% it is vinagrillo: in 0aiti% zibline: in so'e of t!e Fren! Antilles%
cornichon: in El Sal&a$or% pepino de la
&ndia: in Surina'% blimbing legi or
fransman#birambi: Costa Ria% tiriguro:
in BraBil% camerunga or caramboleiro! or
limas de Cayena: in Me/io%
carambolera or caramboler or Xrbol de
pepino: in Trini$a$% it 'ay (e alle$
oolie ta'arin$. :eneBuelans all it
tamarindo chino or tamarindo dulce.
T!e ara'(ola tree is slo-7#ro-in#%
s!ort7trun5e$ -it! a 'u!7(ran!e$%
(us!y% (roa$% roun$e$ ro-n an$ rea!es 86 to ,6 ft <A7* '= in !ei#!t. Its $ei$uous
lea&es% s1irally arran#e$% are alternate% i'1ari1innate% A to )6 in<)2786 '= lon#% -it! 2
to )) nearly o11osite leaflets% o&ate or o&ate7o(lon#% ) )F8 to , )F8 in <,.37* '= lon#9
soft% 'e$iu'7#reen% an$ s'oot! on t!e u11er surfae% finely !airy an$ -!itis! on t!e
un$ersi$e. T!e leaflets are sensiti&e to li#!t an$ 'ore or less inline$ to fol$ to#et!er at
ni#!t or -!en t!e tree is s!a5en or a(ru1tly s!o5e$. S'all lusters of re$7stal5e$% lila%
1ur1le7strea5e$% $o-ny flo-ers% a(out )F. in <A ''= -i$e% are (orne on t!e t-i#s in t!e
a/ils of t!e lea&es. T!e s!o-y% o(lon#% lon#itu$inally 27 to A7an#le$ fruits% 8 )F8 to A in
<A.,27)2 '= lon# an$ u1 to , )F8 <* '= -i$e% !a&e t!in% -a/y% oran#e7yello- s5in an$
Duiy% ris1% yello- fles! -!en fully ri1e. Slies ut in ross7setion !a&e t!e for' of a
star. T!e fruit !as a 'ore or less 1ronoune$ o/ali ai$ o$or an$ t!e fla&or ran#es fro'
&ery sour to 'il$ly s-eetis!. T!e so7alle$ ?s-eet? ty1es rarely ontain 'ore t!an .K
su#ar. T!ere 'ay (e u1 to )8 flat% t!in% (ro-n see$s )F. to )F8 in <A7)8.2 ''= lon# or
none at all.
Origin and Distribution
T!e ara'(ola is (elie&e$ to !a&e ori#inate$ in Ceylon an$ t!e Moluas (ut it !as (een
ulti&ate$ in sout!east Asia an$ Malaysia for 'any enturies. It is o''only #ro-n in
t!e 1ro&ines of Fu5ien% Juan#tun# an$ Juan#si in sout!ern C!ina% in Tai-an an$ In$ia.
It is rat!er 1o1ular in t!e "!ili11ines an$ Hueenslan$% Australia% an$ 'o$erately so in
so'e of t!e Sout! "aifi islan$s% 1artiularly Ta!iti% Ne- Cale$onia an$ Net!erlan$s
Ne- 4uinea% an$ in 4ua' an$ 0a-aii.
T!ere are so'e s1ei'ens of t!e tree in s1eial olletions in t!e Cari((ean islan$s%
Central A'eria% tro1ial Sout! A'eria% an$ also in West Tro1ial Afria an$ NanBi(ar.
Se&eral trees !a&e (een #ro-in# sine )*,2 at t!e Re!o&ot! Resear! Station in Israel. In
'any areas% it is #ro-n 'ore as an orna'ental t!an for its fruits.
It -as intro$ue$ into sout!ern Flori$a (efore )33+ an$ -as &ie-e$ 'ainly as a uriosity
until reent years -!en so'e s'all #ro&es !a&e (een esta(lis!e$ an$ t!e fruits !a&e (een
use$ as ?on&ersation 1iees? to $eorate #ift s!i1'ents of itrus fruits% an$ also% in lear7
"late S:I@ CARAMBOLA% Averrhoa carambola
1lasti7-ra11e$ trays% !a&e (een a11earin# in t!e 1ro$ue setions of so'e
su1er'ar5ets. One fruit7#ro-er an$ s!i11er no- !as 26 ares <86 !a= 1lante$ (ut
su##ests t!at ot!er 1ros1eti&e #ro-ers (e autious as t!e 'ar5et 'ay re'ain li'ite$.
S!i1'ents #o 'ainly to :anou&er% Hue(e% Cle&elan$% an$ Disney-orl$. S'all
a'ounts are sol$ loally.
T!ere are 8 $istint lasses of ara'(olaYt!e s'aller% &ery sour ty1e% ri!ly fla&ore$%
-it! 'ore o/ali ai$9 t!e lar#er% so7alle$ ?s-eet? ty1e% 'il$7fla&ore$% rat!er (lan$%
-it! less o/ali ai$.
In )*,2% see$s fro' 0a-aii -ere 1lante$ at t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$aCs A#riultural
Resear! an$ E$uation Center in 0o'estea$. A seletion fro' t!e resultin# see$lin#s
-as &e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ $urin# t!e )*.6Cs an$ )*26Cs an$% in late )*A2% -as offiially
release$ un$er t!e na'e 'Golden $tar' an$ $istri(ute$ to #ro-ers. T!e fruit is lar#e%
$ee1ly -in#e$% $eorati&e% an$ 'il$ly su(ai$ to s-eet. Furt!er'ore% t!is ulti&ar s!o-s
t!e least 'inor7ele'ent $efiieny in al5aline soil% an$ e&en isolate$ trees (ear -ell an$
re#ularly -it!out ross71ollination.
Se&eral ulti&ars fro' Tai-an are (ein# #ro-n at t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of
A#riultureCs Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture Resear! Unit in Mia'i% inlu$in# CMi! TaoC <". I.
No. 8+86A2= intro$ue$ in )*A,% also CDa! "onC an$ CTean MaC an$ ot!ers i$entifie$ only
(y nu'(ers% an$ F-an# Tun#C (rou#!t fro' T!ailan$ (y Dr. R J. Jni#!t in )*+,. T!ere
are ertain ?lines? of ara'(ola% su! as CNe-o'(C% CT!ayerC an$ CAr5inC (ein# #ro-n
o''erially in sout!ern Flori$a. So'e ulti&ars an$ see$lin#s (ear flo-ers -it! s!ort
styles% ot!ers only flo-ers -it! lon# styles% a fator -!i! affets self7 an$ ross7
T!e ara'(ola s!oul$ (e lasse$ as tro1ial an$ su(7tro1ial (eause 'ature trees an
tolerate freeBin# te'1eratures for s!ort 1erio$s an$ sustain little $a'a#e at 8+V F <78.+3V
C=. In Flori$a% t!e tree sur&i&es in s!eltere$ sites as far nort! as St. "eters(ur# on t!e -est
oast an$ Daytona Bea! on t!e east. It t!ri&es u1 to an ele&ation of .%666 ft <)%866 '= in
In$ia. In an interior &alley of Israel% all trees suu'(e$ to t!e 1re&ailin# !ot% $ry -in$s.
T!e ara'(ola nee$s 'oisture for (est 1erfor'ane an$ i$eally rainfall s!oul$ (e fairly
e&enly $istri(ute$ all year. In Australia% it is lai'e$ t!at fruit >uality an$ fla&or are (est
-!ere annual rainfall is +6 in <)36 '= or so'e-!at 'ore.
Not too 1artiular as to soil% t!e ara'(ola $oes -ell on san$% !ea&y lay or li'estone%
(ut -ill #ro- faster an$ (ear 'ore !ea&ily in ri! loa'. It is often !loroti on li'estone.
It nee$s #oo$ $raina#e9 annot stan$ floo$in#.
T!e ara'(ola is -i$ely #ro-n fro' see$ t!ou#! &ia(ility lasts only a fe- $ays. Only
1lu'1% fully $e&elo1e$ see$s s!oul$ (e 1lante$. In $a'1 1eat 'oss% t!ey -ill #er'inate
in one -ee5 in su''er% re>uire ). to )3 $ays in -inter. T!e see$lin#s are trans1lante$ to
ontainers of li#!t san$y loa' an$ !el$ until ti'e to set out. T!ey are &ery ten$er an$
nee$ #oo$ are. See$lin#s are !i#!ly &aria(le. Air7layerin# !as (een 1ratie$ an$
a$&oate$. 0o-e&er% root for'ation is slo- an$ later 1erfor'ane is not -!olly
satisfatory. Inar!in# is suessful in In$ia% s!iel$7(u$$in# in t!e "!ili11ines an$ t!e
For5ert 'et!o$ in Ja&a. Trees an (e to17-or5e$ (y (ar57#raftin#% a 1o1ular te!ni>ue in
Ja&a. For 'ass 1ro$ution% si$e7&eneer #raftin# of 'ature% 1ur1lis! -oo$% onto
ara'(ola see$lin#s #i&es (est results for 'ost -or5ers. T!e rootsto5s s!oul$ (e at least
) year ol$ an$ ,F3 to 2F+ in <)7).2 '= t!i5. One Flori$a far'er 1refers left7#raftin# of
#reen (u$-oo$ an$ !as *6K suess. 4rafte$ trees -ill fruit in )6 'ont!s fro' t!e ti'e
of 1lantin# out. Mature trees an (e to17-or5e$ (y (ar57#raftin#.
T!e tree nee$s full sun. A s1ain# of 86 ft <A '= !as (een a$&oate$ (ut if t!e trees are
on #oo$ soil no less t!an ,6 ft <* '= s!oul$ (e onsi$ere$. At t!e Resear! Center in
0o'estea$% trees 3 to )6 ft <8..7, '= !i#! res1on$ -ell to ) l( <6.2 5#= a11liations of N%
"% J% M# in t!e ratio of A7A7A7, #i&en , to . ti'es 1er year. If !lorosis ours% it an (e
orrete$ (y a$$e$ iron% Bin an$ 'an#anese. So'e a$&isers reo''en$ 'inor7ele'ent
s1rayin# . ti'es $urin# t!e year if t!e trees are on li'estone soils. Mo$erate irri#ation is
!i#!ly $esira(le $urin# $ry seasons. 0ea&y rains $urin# (loo'in# season interfere -it!
1ollination an$ fruit 1ro$ution. Inter1lantin# of $ifferent strains is usually neessary to
1ro&i$e ross71ollination an$ o(tain t!e !i#!est yiel$s.
%ar&esting and 'ield
In In$ia% ara'(olas are a&aila(le in Se1te'(er an$ Oto(er an$ a#ain in Dee'(er an$
January. In Malaya% t!ey are 1ro$ue$ all t!e year. In Flori$a% sattere$ fruits are foun$
t!rou#! t!e year (ut t!e 'ain ro1 usually 'atures fro' late su''er to early -inter.
So'e trees !a&e fruite$ !ea&ily in No&e'(er an$ Dee'(er% an$ a#ain in Mar! an$
A1ril. T!ere 'ay e&en (e t!ree ro1s. Weat!er on$itions aount for 'u! of t!e
seasonal &aria(ility.
T!e fruits naturally fall to t!e #roun$ -!en fully ri1e. For 'ar5etin# an$ s!i11in# t!ey
s!oul$ (e !an$71i5e$ -!ile 1ale7#reen -it! Dust a tou! of yello-.
Trees t!at reei&e a$e>uate !ortiultural attention !a&e yiel$e$ )66 to 826 or e&en ,66
l(s <.27)),7),A 5#= of fruit.
(eeping )uality
Cara'(olas !a&e (een s!i11e$ suessfully -it!out refri#eration fro' Flori$a to
nort!ern ities in a&oa$o lu#s line$ an$ to11e$ -it! e/elsior. T!e fruits are 1a5e$
soli$ly% ste'7en$ $o-n% at a .2V an#le% t!e flan#es of one fruit fittin# into t!e ?:?
#roo&es of anot!er. Of ourse% t!ey annot en$ure rou#! !an$lin#.
In stora#e trials at Winter 0a&en% Flori$a% ara'(olas 1i5e$ -!en s!o-in# t!e first
si#ns of yello-in# 5e1t in #oo$ on$ition for . -ee5s at 26V F <)6V C=9 , -ee5s at A6V F
<)2.2AV C=9 8 -ee5s at +6V F <8).)V C=. Wa/in# e/ten$s stora#e life an$ 1reser&es t!e
&ita'in &alue.
Pests and Diseases
T!e ara'(ola is relati&ely 1est7free e/e1t for fruit flies. In Malaya% fruit flies
<es1eially acus dorsalis= are so trou(leso'e on ara'(olas t!at #ro-ers !a&e to -ra1
t!e fruits on t!e tree -it! 1a1er. E/1eri'ental tra11in#% -it! 'et!yl eu#enol as an
attratant% !as re$ue$ fruit $a'a#e (y 86K. In Flori$a% a s'all stin5(u# auses
su1erfiial (le'is!es an$ a (la5 (eetle atta5s o&erri1e fruits. Renifor' ne'ato$es 'ay
ause tree $eline.
Ant!ranose ause$ (y Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 'ay (e a 1ro(le' in Flori$a% an$
leaf s1ot 'ay arise fro' atta5 (y )homopsis s1.% )hyllosticta s1. or Cercospora
averrhoae. Cercospora leaf s1ot is re1orte$ also fro' Malaya% Ceylon% C!ina an$ 'ay
our in t!e "!ili11ines as -ell. A su(stane rese'(lin# sooty 'ol$ 'a5es 'any fruits
un'ar5eta(le in su''er.
Food *ses
Ri1e ara'(olas are eaten out7of7!an$% slie$ an$ ser&e$ in sala$s% or use$ as #arnis! on
a&oa$o or seafoo$. T!ey are also oo5e$ in 1u$$in#s% tarts% ste-s an$ urries. In
Malaya% t!ey are often ste-e$ -it! su#ar an$ lo&es% alone or o'(ine$ -it! a11les. T!e
C!inese oo5 ara'(olas -it! fis!. T!ais (oil t!e slie$ #reen fruit -it! s!ri'1. Sli#!tly
un$erri1e fruits are salte$% 1i5le$ or 'a$e into Da' or ot!er 1reser&es. In 'ainlan$
C!ina an$ in Tai-an% ara'(olas are slie$ len#t!-ise an$ anne$ in siru1 for e/1ort. In
Hueenslan$% t!e s-eeter ty1e is oo5e$ #reen as a &e#eta(le. Cross7setions 'ay (e
o&ere$ -it! !oney% allo-e$ to stan$ o&erni#!t% an$ t!en oo5e$ (riefly an$% 1ut into
steriliBe$ Dars. So'e oo5s a$$ raisins to #i&e t!e 1ro$ut 'ore !arater. A relis! 'ay
(e 'a$e of !o11e$ unri1e fruits o'(ine$ -it! !orsera$is!% elery% &ine#ar% seasonin#s
an$ s1ies. In$ian e/1eri'enters (oile$ !oriBontal slies -it! ,F. of t!eir -ei#!t in su#ar
until &ery t!i5% -it! a Bri/ of A3V. T!ey foun$ t!at t!e s5in (ea'e &ery tou#!% t!e
fla&or -as not $istinti&e% an$ t!e Da' -as rate$ as only fair. Sour fruits% 1ri5e$ to
1er'it a(sor1tion of su#ar an$ oo5e$ in siru1% at first ,,V Bri/% later +8V% 'a$e an
ae1ta(le an$ie$ 1ro$ut t!ou#! t!e s5in -as still tou#!. T!e ri1e fruits are so'eti'es
$rie$ in Ja'aia.
Cara'(ola Duie is ser&e$ as a oolin# (e&era#e. In 0a-aii% t!e Duie of sour fruits is
'i/e$ -it! #elatin% su#ar% le'on Duie an$ (oilin# -ater to 'a5e s!er(et. Fili1inos often
use t!e Duie as a seasonin#. T!e Duie is (ottle$ in In$ia% eit!er -it! a$$e$ itri ai$
<)K (y -ei#!t= an$ 6.62 K 1otassiu' 'eta(isul1!ite% or 'erely steriliBin# t!e fille$
(ottles for )F8 !r in (oilin# -ater.
To 'a5e Delly% it is neessary to use unri1e ?s-eet? ty1es or ri1e sour ty1es an$ to a$$
o''erial 1etin or so'e ot!er fruit ri! in 1etin su! as #reen 1a1aya% to#et!er -it!
le'on or li'e Duie.
T!e flo-ers are ai$ an$ are a$$e$ to sala$s in Ja&a9 also% t!ey are 'a$e into 1reser&es in
In$ia. T!e lea&es !a&e (een eaten as a su(stitute for sorrel.
Food Value
Ri1enin# an$ stora#e stu$ies -ere on$ute$ at t!e Flori$a Citrus E/1eri'ent Station at
La5e Alfre$ in )*AA. T!ey foun$ >uite a $ifferene in t!e ai$ 'a5e7u1 of 'ature #reen
an$ 'ature yello- ara'(olas. Fres! 'ature #reen fruits of C4ol$en StarC -ere foun$ to
!a&e a total ai$ ontent of )8.2) '#F# onsistin# of 2 '# o/ali% ..,+ tartari% ).,8
itri% ).8) 'ali% 6.,* 75eto#lutari% 6.88 suini% an$ a trae of fu'ari. Mature
yello- fruits !a$ a total ai$ ontent of ), '#F#% 'a$e u1 of *.23 '# o/ali% 6.*)
tartari% 8.86 75eto#lutari% 6.,) fu'ari.
In )*+2% )A ara'(ola seletions an$ 8 na'e$ ulti&ars -ere assaye$ at t!e Unite$ States
Citrus an$ Su(tro1ial "ro$uts La(oratory% Winter 0a&en% Flori$a. "reli'inary taste
tests ran5e$ CNo. )+% CNo. ,+C% CNo. .8C an$ CTean MaC as 1referre$. In a later test% CDa! "onC
-as ran5e$ a(o&e CTean MaC. CNo. )+C <V Bri/ *.*= -as $esri(e$ as ?s-eet% #oo$ an$
a11le7li5e?. CNo. ,+C <V Bri/ A.+=% as ?sour an$ s-eet?. CNo. .8C <V Bri/ 3.,=% as ?sour% tart
an$ a11le7li5e?. CDa! "onC <V Bri/ 3.6=% as ?#oo$ an$ 'il$?. CTean Ma <V Bri/ +.8=% as
?s-eet% #oo$ an$ 'il$?. Analyses s!o-e$ t!at t!ese 2 -ere a'on# t!ose -it! relati&ely
!i#! asor(i ai$ ontentYCNo. )+% ,6 '#9 CDa! "onC% ,6 '#9 CNo. ,+C% ,+ '#9 CNo. .8C%
,+ '#9 an$ CTean MaC% .) '#. CNo. .6C !a$ ., '# an$ CNo. ))C% 26 '#% -!ereas CM78,66+C
!a$ only ). '# an$ CNo. )6C only )+ '#.
O/ali ai$ ontent of t!e )3 seletions an$ ulti&ars ran#e$ fro' 6.6,* '# to 6.A+* '#
an$ . of t!e 1referre$ ara'(olas -ere in t!e lo-er ran#e as follo-s@ CNo. )+C% 6.)A+9
CDa! "onC% 6.)3.9 CTean MaC% 6.8689 CNo. .8C% 6.8+A '#% (ut CNo. ,+C% -it! 6..A) -as ,r$
fro' t!e !i#!est of all.
"uerto Rian te!nolo#ists foun$ t!e o/ali ai$ ontent of ri1e ara'(olas to a&era#e
6.2 # 1er )66 'l of Duie% t!e ai$ (ein# 'ostly in t!e free state. T!ey li5ene$ t!e Duie to
r!u(ar( Duie an$ a$&ise$ t!at 1!ysiians (e infor'e$ of t!is (eause t!ere are
in$i&i$uals -!o 'ay (e a$&ersely affete$ (y in#estion of e&en s'all a'ounts of o/ali
ai$ or o/alates. Ot!er in&esti#ators !a&e 1resu'e$ t!e o/ali ai$ in fully ri1e
ara'(olas to (e 1rei1itate$ as aliu' o/alate or in solution as neutral salts. T!e !ealt!
ris5 nee$s furt!er stu$y.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories ,2.+
Moisture 3*.67*).6 #
"rotein 6.,3 #
Fat 6.63 #
Car(o!y$rates *.,3 #
Fi(er 6.3676.*6 #
As! 6.8A76..6 #
Caliu' ...7A.O '#
"!os1!orus )2.278).6 '#
Iron 6.,87).A2 '#
Carotene 6.66,76.228 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6,76.6,3 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6)*76.6, '#
Niain 6.8*.76.,3 '#
Asor(i Ai$L 8A.672,.) '#
L Aor$in# to analyses 'a$e in Cu(a an$ 0on$uras.
A'ino Ai$s@ <s!o-n in Cu(an analyses=
Try1to1!an ,.6 '#
Met!ionine 8 '#
Lysine 8A '#
Ot!er a'ino ai$s re1orte$ (y t!e Flori$a Citrus E/1eri'ent Station at La5e Alfre$ an$
e/1resse$ in 'iro'oles 1er # in 'ature #reen fruits <!i#!er= an$ 'ature yello- fruits
<lo-er=% res1eti&ely% are@
As1ara#ine 6.3876.A.
T!reonine 6.*876.+*
Serine ,.3378.66
4luta'i Ai$ 8..)7).36
"roline 6.8,76.6*
4lyine 6.8676.)6
Alanine 2..67).8A
:aline 6.)+76.))
Isoleuine 6.6,7trae
Leuine trae
"!enylalanine trae
4a''a A'ino Bytyri Ai$ 6.++76.22
Ornit!ine 6.))76.),
0isti$ine trae
LLAnalyses in In$ia s!o-e$ )6..6 '# asor(i ai$ in t!e Duie of a ?s-eet? &ariety9 )2..
'# in Duie of a sour &ariety. Asor(i ai$ ontent of (ot! -a/e$ an$ un-a/e$ fruits
store$ at 26V F <)6V C= !as (een re1orte$ as 86 '#F)66 'l of Duie. Wa/e$ fruits store$
for )+ $ays at A6V F <)2.2AV C= !a$ )) '#F)66 'l of Duie. Un-a/e$ fruits !a$ lost
asor(i ai$.
Ot!er *ses
T!e ai$ ty1es of ara'(ola !a&e (een use$ to lean an$ 1olis! 'etal% es1eially (rass%
as t!ey $issol&e tarnis! an$ rust. T!e Duie -ill also (lea! rust stains fro' -!ite lot!.
Unri1e fruits are use$ in 1lae of a on&entional 'or$ant in $yein#.
1ood, Cara'(ola -oo$ is -!ite% (eo'in# re$$is! -it! a#e9 lose7#raine$% 'e$iu'7
!ar$. It !as (een utiliBe$ for onstrution an$ furniture.
Medicinal *ses, In In$ia% t!e ri1e fruit is a$'inistere$ to !alt !e'orr!a#es an$ to relie&e
(lee$in# !e'orr!oi$s9 an$ t!e $rie$ fruit or t!e Duie 'ay (e ta5en to ounterat fe&ers.
A onser&e of t!e fruit is sai$ to allay (iliousness an$ $iarr!ea an$ to relie&e a
?!an#o&er? fro' e/essi&e in$ul#ene in alo!ol. A sal&e 'a$e of t!e fruit is e'1loye$
to relie&e eye afflitions. In BraBil% t!e ara'(ola is reo''en$e$ as a $iureti in 5i$ney
an$ (la$$er o'1laints% an$ is (elie&e$ to !a&e a (enefiial effet in t!e treat'ent of
eBe'a. In Chinese Materia Medica it is state$% ?Its ation is to >uen! t!irst% to inrease
t!e sali&ary seretion% an$ !ene to allay fe&er.?
A $eotion of o'(ine$ fruit an$ lea&es is $run5 to o&ero'e &o'itin#. Lea&es are
(oun$ on t!e te'1les to soot!e !ea$a!e. Crus!e$ lea&es an$ s!oots are 1oultie$ on t!e
eru1tions of !i5en71o/% also on rin#-or'.
T!e flo-ers are #i&en as a &er'ifu#e. In sout!east Asia% t!e flo-ers are ru((e$ on t!e
$er'atitis ause$ (y la>uer $eri&e$ fro' (hus verniciflua Sto5es.
Bur5ill says t!at a 1re1aration of t!e inner (ar5% -it! san$al-oo$ an$ Alyxia sp.! is
a11lie$ on 1ri5ly !eat. T!e roots% -it! su#ar% are onsi$ere$ an anti$ote for 1oison.
0y$royani ai$ !as (een $etete$ in t!e lea&es% ste's an$ roots.
A $eotion of t!e rus!e$ see$s ats as a #alata#o#ue an$ ern'ena#o#ue an$ is 'il$ly
into/iatin#. T!e 1o-$ere$ see$s ser&e as a se$ati&e in ases of ast!'a an$ oli.
Averrhoa bilimbi
T!e (ili'(i% Averrhoa bilimbi! L.% <O/ali$aeae=% is losely allie$ to t!e ara'(ola (ut
>uite $ifferent in a11earane% 'anner of fruitin#% fla&or an$ uses. T!e only stritly
En#lis! na'es are ?uu'(er tree? an$ ?tree sorrel?% (esto-e$ (y t!e Britis! in olonial
ti'es. ?Bili'(i? is t!e o''on na'e in In$ia an$ !as (eo'e -i$ely use$. In Malaya% it
is alle$ belimbing asam! belimbing buloh! b?ling! or billing#billing. In In$onesia% it is
belimbing besu! balimbing! blimbing! or
blimbing ,uluh: in T!ailan$% it is taling
pling! or "aling pring.
In 0aiti% it is alle$ blimblin: in Ja'aia%
bimbling plum: in Cu(a% it is grosella
china: in El Sal&a$or an$ Niara#ua%
mimbro: in Costa Ria% mimbro or
tiriguro: in :eneBuela% vinagrillo: in
Surina' an$ 4uyana% birambi: in
Ar#entina% pepino de &ndias. To t!e
Fren! it is carambolier bilimbi! or
cornichon des &ndes. Fili1inos #enerally
all it "amias (ut t!ere are a(out a $oBen
ot!er nati&e na'es.
T!e tree is attrati&e% lon#7li&e$% rea!es
)A to ,, ft <27)6 '= in !ei#!t9 !as a s!ort trun5 soon $i&i$in# into a nu'(er of u1ri#!t
(ran!es. T!e lea&es% &ery si'ilar to t!ose of t!e Ota!eite #oose(erry an$ 'ainly
lustere$ at t!e (ran! ti1s% are alternate% i'1ari1ir'ate9 )8 to 8. in <,67A6 '= lon#%
-it! )) to ,+ alternate or su(o11osite leaflets% o&ate or o(lon#% -it! roun$e$ (ase an$
"late S:II@ BILIMBI% Averrhoa bilimbi
1ointe$ ti19 $o-ny9 'e$iu'7#reen on t!e u11er surfae% 1ale on t!e un$ersi$e9 ,F. to . in
<87)6 '= lon#% )F8 to ) )F3 in <).87).82 '= -i$e.
S'all% fra#rant% 271etalle$ flo-ers% yello-is!7#reen or 1ur1lis! 'ar5e$ -it! $ar571ur1le%
are (orne in s'all% !airy 1aniles e'er#in# $iretly fro' t!e trun5 an$ ol$est% t!i5est
(ran!es an$ so'e t-i#s% as $o t!e lusters of urious fruits. T!e (ili'(i is elli1soi$%
o(o&oi$ or nearly ylin$rial% faintly 27si$e$% ) )F8 to . in <.7)6 '= lon#9 a11e$ (y a
t!in% star7s!a1e$ aly/ at t!e ste'7en$ an$ ti11e$ -it! 2 !air7li5e floral re'nants at t!e
a1e/. T!e fruit is ris1 -!en unri1e% turns fro' (ri#!t7#reen to yello-is!7#reen% i&ory or
nearly -!ite -!en ri1e an$ falls to t!e #roun$. T!e outer s5in is #lossy% &ery t!in% soft
an$ ten$er% an$ t!e fles! #reen% Delly7li5e% Duiy an$ e/tre'ely ai$. T!ere 'ay (e a fe-
<1er!a1s A or += flattene$% $is7li5e see$s a(out )F. in <A ''= -i$e% s'oot! an$ (ro-n.
Origin and Distribution
"er!a1s a nati&e of t!e Moluas% t!e (ili'(i is ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out In$onesia9 is
ulti&ate$ an$ se'i7-il$ e&ery-!ere in t!e "!ili11ines9 is 'u! #ro-n in Ceylon an$
Bur'a. It is &ery o''on in T!ailan$% Malaya an$ Sin#a1ore9 fre>uent in #ar$ens aross
t!e 1lains of In$ia% an$ !as run -il$ in all t!e -ar'est areas of t!at ountry. It is 'u!
1lante$ in NanBi(ar. Intro$ue$ into Hueenslan$ a(out )3*A% it -as rea$ily a$o1te$ an$
o''erially $istri(ute$ to #ro-ers.
In )+*,% t!e (ili'(i -as arrie$ fro' t!e islan$ of Ti'or to Ja'aia an$% after so'e
years% -as 1lante$ in Cu(a an$ "uerto Rio% Trini$a$% t!e lo-lan$s of Central A'eria%
:eneBuela% Colo'(ia% Eua$or% Surina'% 4uyana an$ BraBil% an$ e&en in nort!ern
Ar#entina% an$ it is &ery 1o1ular a'on# t!e Asiati resi$ents of t!ose ountries as it 'ust
(e in 0a-aii. Still it is #ro-n only as an oasional uriosity in sout!ern Flori$a.
Bili'(is are all 'u! t!e sa'e -!ere&er t!ey are #ro-n% (ut ".J. Wester re1orte$ t!at a
for' -it! s-eet fruits !a$ (een $iso&ere$ in t!e "!ili11ines.
T!e (ili'(i is a tro1ial s1eies% 'ore sensiti&e to ol$ t!an t!e ara'(ola% es1eially
-!en &ery youn#. In Flori$a% it nee$s 1rotetion fro' ol$ an$ -in$. I$eally% rainfall
s!oul$ (e rat!er e&enly $istri(ute$ t!rou#!out 'ost of t!e year (ut t!ere s!oul$ (e a 87 to
,7'ont! $ry season. T!e (ili'(i is not foun$ in t!e -ettest Bones of Malaya. T!e tree
'a5es slo- #ro-t! in s!a$y or se'i7s!a$y situations. It s!oul$ (e in full sun.
W!ile t!e (ili'(i $oes (est in ri!% 'oist% (ut -ell7$raine$ soil% it #ro-s an$ fruits >uite
-ell on san$ or li'estone.
Most efforts at #raftin# an$ (u$$in# !a&e not (een re-ar$in#% t!ou#! Wester !a$ suess
in s!iel$7(u$$in#% utiliBin# non71etiole$% ri1e% (ro-n (u$-oo$ ut ) )F8 to 8 in <,.372
'= lon#. Air7layerin# !as (een 1ratie$ in In$onesia for 'any years. 0o-e&er% t!e tree
is 'ore -i$ely #ro-n fro' see$.
Bili'(i trees are &i#orous an$ reei&e no s1eial !ortiultural attention. It !as (een
su##este$ t!at t!ey -oul$ res1on$ -ell to -!ate&er ultural treat'ent #i&es #oo$ results
-it! t!e ara'(ola.
$eason@ %ar&esting and (eeping )uality
In In$ia as in Flori$a% t!e tree (e#ins to flo-er a(out Fe(ruary an$ t!en (loo's an$ fruits
'ore or less ontinuously until Dee'(er. T!e fruits are 1i5e$ (y !an$% sin#ly or in
lusters. T!ey nee$ #entle !an$lin# (eause of t!e t!in s5in. T!ey annot (e 5e1t on !an$
for 'ore t!an a fe- $ays.
Pests and Diseases
No 1ests or $iseases !a&e (een re1orte$ s1eifially for t!e (ili'(i.
Food *ses
T!e (ili'(i is #enerally re#ar$e$ as too ai$ for eatin# ra-% (ut in Costa Ria% t!e #reen%
unoo5e$ fruits are 1re1are$ as a relis! -!i! is ser&e$ -it! rie an$ (eans. So'eti'es it
is an ao'1ani'ent for fis! an$ 'eat. Ri1e fruits are fre>uently a$$e$ to urries in t!e
Far East. T!ey yiel$ ...8K Duie !a&in# a 10 of ...+% an$ t!e Duie is 1o1ular for 'a5in#
oolin# (e&era#es on t!e or$er of le'ona$e.
Mainly% t!e (ili'(i is use$ in 1lae of 'an#o to 'a5e !utney% an$ it is 'u! 1reser&e$.
To re$ue ai$ity% it 'ay (e first 1ri5e$ an$ soa5e$ in -ater o&erni#!t% or soa5e$ in
salte$ -ater for a s!orter ti'e9 t!en it is (oile$ -it! 'u! su#ar to 'a5e a Da' or an ai$
Delly. T!e latter% in Malaya% is a$$e$ to ste-e$ fruits t!at are o&ers-eet. 0alf7ri1e fruits
are salte$% set out in t!e sun% an$ 1i5le$ in (rine an$ an (e t!us 5e1t for , 'ont!s. A
>ui5er 1i5le is 'a$e (y 1uttin# t!e fruits an$ salt into (oilin# -ater. T!is 1ro$ut an
(e 5e1t only . to 2 $ays.
T!e flo-ers are so'eti'es 1reser&e$ -it! su#ar.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture *..87*..+ #
"rotein 6.A) #
Fi(er 6.A#
As! 6.,)76..6 #
Caliu' ,.. '#
"!os1!orus )).) '#
Iron ).6) '#
Carotene 6.6,2 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6)6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68A '#
Niain 6.,68 '#
Asor(i Ai$ )2.2 '#
LAor$in# to analyses of fruits stu$ie$ in Niara#ua an$ t!e "!ili11ines.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, :ery ai$ (ili'(is are e'1loye$ to lean t!e (la$e of a "ris <$a##er=% an$ t!ey
ser&e as 'or$ants in t!e 1re1aration of an oran#e $ye for sil5 fa(ris. Bili'(i Duie%
(eause of its o/ali ai$ ontent% is useful for (lea!in# stains fro' t!e !an$s an$ rust
fro' -!ite lot!% an$ also tarnis! fro' (rass.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is -!ite% soft (ut tou#!% e&en7#raine$% an$ -ei#!s ,2 l(sFu ft. It is
sel$o' a&aila(le for ar1entry.
Medicinal *ses, In t!e "!ili11ines% t!e lea&es are a11lie$ as a 1aste or 1oultie$ on
it!es% s-ellin#s of 'u'1s an$ r!eu'atis'% an$ on s5in eru1tions. Else-!ere% t!ey are
a11lie$ on (ites of 1oisonous reatures. Malayans ta5e t!e lea&es fres! or fer'ente$ as a
treat'ent for &enereal $isease. A leaf infusion is a re'e$y for ou#!s an$ is ta5en after
!il$(irt! as a toni. A leaf $eotion is ta5en to relie&e retal infla''ation. A flo-er
infusion is sai$ to (e effeti&e a#ainst ou#!s an$ t!rus!.
In Ja&a% t!e fruits o'(ine$ -it! 1e11er are eaten to ause s-eatin# -!en 1eo1le are
feelin# ?un$er t!e -eat!er?. A 1aste of 1i5le$ (ili'(is is s'eare$ all o&er t!e (o$y to
!asten reo&ery after a fe&er. T!e fruit onser&e is a$'inistere$ as a treat'ent for
ou#!s% (eri7(eri an$ (iliousness. A siru1 1re1are$ fro' t!e fruit is ta5en as a ure for
fe&er an$ infla''ation an$ to sto1 retal (lee$in# an$ alle&iate internal !e'orr!oi$s.
Bar(a$os C!erry
Barbados C!erry A1est ndian C!erryB
Malpighia punicifolia -6
Malpighia glabra Millsp6
T!e Bar(a$os !erry% a 'e'(er of t!e Mal1i#!iaeae% is an interestin# e/a'1le of a fruit
t!at rose% li5e Cin$erella% fro' relati&e o(surity a(out .6 years a#o. It -as at t!at ti'e
t!e su(Det of 'u! ta/ono'i onfusion% !a&in# (een $esri(e$ an$ $isusse$
1re&iously un$er t!e (ino'ial Malpighia glabra L.% -!i! 1ro1erly (elon#s to a -il$
relati&e in!a(itin# t!e West In$ies% tro1ial A'eria an$ t!e lo-lan$s of Me/io to
sout!ern Te/as% an$ !a&in# s'aller%
1ointe$ lea&es% s'aller flo-ers in
1e$unle$ u'(els% styles nearly e>ual%
an$ s'aller fruits. M. )unicifolia L. <M.
glabra Mills1. NOT Linn.= !as (een
#enerally a11ro&e$ as t!e orret
(otanial na'e for t!e Bar(a$os !erry%
-!i! is also alle$ West In$ian !erry%
nati&e !erry% #ar$en !erry% Fren!
!erry9 in S1anis!% acerola! cereza!
cereza colorada! cereza de la sabana! or
grosella: in Fren!% cerisier! cerise de St.
omingue: in "ortu#uese% cere4eira. T!e
na'e in :eneBuela is semeruco! or
cemeruco: in t!e Net!erlan$s Antilles%
shimarucu: in t!e "!ili11ines% malpi <an
a((re&iation of t!e #eneri na'e=.
"late SS:@ BARBADOS C0ERR;% Malpighia
T!e Bar(a$os !erry is a lar#e% (us!y s!ru( or s'all tree attainin# u1 to 86 ft <A '= in
!ei#!t an$ an e>ual (rea$t!9 -it! 'ore or less eret or s1rea$in# an$ $roo1in#% 'inutely
!airy (ran!es% an$ a s!ort trun5 to . in <)6 '= in $ia'eter. Its e&er#reen lea&es are
elli1ti% o(lon#% o(o&ate% or narro-ly o(laneolate% so'e-!at -a&y% ,F. to 8 ,F. in <87+
'= lon#% ,F3 to ) 2F3 in <*.27.6 ''= -i$e% o(tuse or roun$e$ at t!e a1e/% aute or
uneate at t!e (ase9 (earin# -!ite% sil5y% irritatin# !airs -!en &ery youn#9 !airless% $ar5
#reen% an$ #lossy -!en 'ature. T!e flo-ers% in sessile or s!ort71e$unle$ y'es% !a&e 2
1in5 or la&en$er% s1oon7s!a1e$% frin#e$ 1etals. T!e fruits% (orne sin#ly or in 8Cs or ,Cs in
t!e leaf a/ils% are o(late to roun$% !erry7li5e (ut 'ore or less o(&iously ,7lo(e$9 )F8 to )
in <).8278.2 '= -i$e9 (ri#!t7re$% -it! t!in% #lossy s5in an$ oran#e7olore$% &ery Duiy%
ai$ to su(ai$% 1ul1. T!e , s'all% roun$e$ see$s ea! !a&e 8 lar#e an$ ) s'all flute$
-in#s% t!us for'in# -!at are #enerally onei&e$ to (e , trian#ular% yello-is!% leat!ery7
oate$% orru#ate$ ine$i(le ?stones?.
Origin and Distribution
T!e Bar(a$os !erry is nati&e to t!e Lesser Antilles fro' St. Croi/ to Trini$a$% also
Curaao an$ Mar#arita an$ nei#!(orin# nort!ern Sout! A'eria as far sout! as BraBil. It
!as (eo'e naturaliBe$ in Cu(a% Ja'aia an$ "uerto Rio after ulti&ation% an$ is
o''only #ro-n in $ooryar$s in t!e Ba!a'as an$ Ber'u$a% an$ to so'e e/tent in
Central an$ Sout! A'eria.
T!e 1lant is t!ou#!t to !a&e (een first (rou#!t to Flori$a fro' Cu(a (y "liny Reasoner
(eause it a11eare$ in t!e atalo# of t!e Royal "al' Nursery for )33+7)333. It -as
arrie$ a(roa$ rat!er early for it is 5no-n to !a&e (orne fruit for t!e first ti'e in t!e
"!ili11ines in )*)A. In )*)+% 0.M. Curran (rou#!t see$s fro' Curaao to t!e Unite$
States De1art'ent of A#riulture. <S.".I. O...23=. T!e 1lant -as asually #ro-n in
sout!ern an$ entral Flori$a until after Worl$ War II -!en it (ea'e 'ore o''only
1lante$. In "uerto Rio% Dust 1rior to t!at -ar% t!e Fe$eral Soil Conser&ation De1art'ent
1lante$ Bar(a$os !erry trees to ontrol erosion on terraes at t!e Rio "ie$ras
E/1eri'ent Station. Durin# t!e -ar% ,)8 see$lin#s fro' t!e trees -it! t!e lar#est an$
'ost a#reea(ly7fla&ore$ fruits -ere $istri(ute$ to fa'ilies to raise in t!eir :itory
4ar$ens. Later% se&eral t!ousan$ trees -ere 1ro&i$e$ for 1lantin# in s!ool yar$s to
inrease t!e &ita'in inta5e of !il$ren% -!o are naturally 1artial to t!e fruits.
An e/1losion of interest ourre$ as a result of so'e foo$ analyses (ein# on$ute$ at
t!e S!ool of Me$iine% Uni&ersity of "uerto Rio% in Rio "ie$ras in )*.2. T!e e'(li
+Emblica officinalis L.= -as foun$ to (e e/tre'ely !i#! in asor(i ai$. T!is ins1ire$
one of t!e la(oratory assistants to (rin# in so'e Bar(a$os !erries -!i! t!e loal 1eo1le
-ere austo'e$ to eatin# -!en t!ey !a$ ol$s. T!ese fruits -ere foun$ to ontain far
'ore asor(i ai$ t!an t!e e'(li% an$% (eause of t!eir attrati&eness an$ su1erior
eatin# >uality% interest >ui5ly s-it!e$ fro' t!e e'(li to t!e Bar(a$os !erry. Mu!
1u(liity ensue$% featurin# t!e fruit un$er t!e "uerto Rian na'e of acerola. A 1lantation
of .66 trees -as esta(lis!e$ at Rio "ie$ras in )*.+ an$% fro' )*2) to )*2,% 8,3 trees
-ere set out at t!e Isa(ela Su(station. By )*2.% t!ere -ere ,6%666 trees in o''erial
#ro&es on t!e islan$. Se&eral 1lantin#s !a$ (een 'a$e in Flori$a an$ a 8%6667are <3,,7
!a= 1lantation in 0a-aii. T!ere -as a #reat flurry of ati&ity. 0ortiulturists -ere (usy
'a5in# seletions of !i#!7asor(i7ai$ lones an$ i'1ro&in# 'et!o$s of &e#etati&e
1ro1a#ation% an$ a#rono'ists -ere stu$yin# t!e effets of ultural 1raties. S'aller
1lantin#s -ere (ein# $e&elo1e$ in Ja'aia% :eneBuela% 4uate'ala% 4!ana% In$ia% t!e
"!ili11ines an$ Hueenslan$% Australia% an$ e&en in Israel. Many so7alle$ ?natural foo$?
outlets 1ro'ote$ &arious ?&ita'in C? 1ro$uts fro' t!e fruitsY1o-$er% ta(lets% a1sules%
Duie% siru1.
At len#t!% ent!usias' su(si$e$ -!en it -as realiBe$ t!at a fruit oul$ not (eo'e a
su1erstar (eause of its asor(i ai$ ontent alone9 t!at asor(i ai$ fro' a natural
soure oul$ not eono'ially o'1ete -it! t!e 'u! !ea1er synt!eti 1ro$ut%
inas'u! as resear! 1ro&e$ t!at t!e asor(i ai$ of t!e Bar(a$os !erry is 'eta(oliBe$
in a 'anner i$ential to t!e assi'ilation of rystalline asor(i ai$.
T!e lar#e 1lantation of t!e 0a-aiian Aerola Co'1any <a su(si$iary of Nutrilite
"ro$uts Co'1any= -as a(an$one$ for t!is reason% an$ lo- fruit yiel$s9 an$% so it is sai$%
t!e lo- asor(i ai$ ontent (eause of t!e !i#! o11er le&els in t!e soil. "uerto Rian
1ro$ution -as $irete$ t!ereafter 'ainly to t!e use of t!e fruit in s1eialty (a(y foo$s.
FroBen fruits are s!i11e$ to t!e Unite$ States for 1roessin#.
In )*2A% -or5ers at t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$aCs A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation
Center in 0o'estea$% after 'a5in# 1reli'inary e&aluations an$ seletions% !ose as
su1erior an$ na'e$ t!e 'Florida $weet'% a lone t!at -as o(ser&e$ to !a&e an u1ri#!t
!a(it of #ro-t!% lar#e fruits% t!i5 s5in% a11le7li5e% se'i7s-eet fla&or% an$ !i#! yiel$.
T!e first 1ro'isin# seletions in "uerto Rio% on t!e (ases of fruit siBe% yiel$ an$ &ita'in
ontent% -ere i$entifie$ as CA7lC an$ CB7)+C% (ut t!ese -ere later foun$ to (e inferior to CB7
)2C in asor(i ai$ le&el an$ 1ro$uti&ity. ;iel$s of )6 lones <CA7lC% CA78C% CA7.C% CA7)6C%
CA78)C% CB78C% CB7*C% CB7)2C% CB7)+C% an$ CJ7+C= -ere o'1are$ o&er a 87year 1erio$ <)*227
2A= in "uerto Rio an$ CB7)2C far e/ee$e$ t!e ot!ers in (ot! years.
A !ortiultural &ariety in St. Croi/% for'erly 5no-n as M. thompsonii Britton M S'all%
!as $is1laye$ unusually lar#e lea&es an$ fruits an$ 'ore a(un$ant flo-ers t!an t!e
o''on strain of Bar(a$os !erry.
T!e Bar(a$os !erry an (e lasse$ as tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial% for 'ature trees an
sur&i&e (rief e/1osure to 83V F <78.88V C=. ;oun# 1lants are 5ille$ (y any $ro1 (elo- ,6V
F <7).))V C=. It is naturally a$a1te$ to (ot! 'e$iu'7 an$ lo-7rainfall re#ions9 an tolerate
lon# 1erio$s of $rou#!t% t!ou#! it 'ay not fruit until t!e o'in# of rain.
T!e tree $oes -ell on li'estone% 'arl an$ lay% as lon# as t!ey are -ell $raine$. T!e 10
s!oul$ (e at least 2.2. Ele&ation to A.2 si#nifiantly i'1ro&es root $e&elo1'ent. Ai$
soils re>uire t!e a$$ition of li'e to a&oi$ aliu' $efiieny an$ inrease yiel$. T!e li'e
s!oul$ (e -or5e$ into t!e soil to a $e1t! of 3 in <86 '= or 'ore.
If see$s are use$ for 1lantin#% t!ey s!oul$ (e selete$ fro' $esira(le lones not e/1ose$
to ross71ollination (y inferior ty1es. T!ey s!oul$ (e leane$% $rie$% an$ $uste$ -it! a
fun#ii$e. It s!oul$ also (e realiBe$ t!at t!e see$s in an in$i&i$ual fruit $e&elo1 une&enly
an$ only t!ose t!at are fully $e&elo1e$ -!en t!e fruit is ri1e -ill #er'inate satisfatorily.
4er'ination rates 'ay (e only 26K or as lo- as 2K. See$lin#s s!oul$ (e transferre$
fro' flats to ontainers -!en 8 to , in <27+.2 '= !i#!.
Air7layerin# <in su''er= an$ si$e7&eneer% left% or 'o$ifie$ ro-n #raftin# are feasi(le
(ut not 1o1ular (eause it is so 'u! easier to raise t!e tree fro' uttin#s. Cuttin#s of
(ran!es )F. to )F8 in <A7)8.2 ''= t!i5 an$ 3 to )6 in <86782 '= lon#% -it! 8 or ,
lea&es atta!e$% !or'one7treate$ an$ set in san$ or ot!er suita(le 'e$ia un$er onstant or
inter'ittent 'ist% -ill root in A6 $ays. T!ey are t!en trans1lante$ to nursery ro-s or
ontainers an$ !el$ in s!a$e for A 'ont!s or a year (efore (ein# set out in t!e fiel$. So'e
fruits -ill (e (orne a year after 1lantin# (ut a #oo$ ro1 annot (e e/1ete$ until t!e ,r$
or .t! year. T!e tree -ill ontinue (earin# -ell for a(out )2 years. T!ere is a la1se of
only 88 $ays (et-een flo-erin# an$ o'1lete fruit 'aturity.
4raftin# is #enerally 1ratie$ only -!en uttin#s of a $esire$ lone are sare or if a
ne'ato$e7resistant rootsto5 is a&aila(le on -!i! to #raft a 1referre$ ulti&ar9 or -!en
to17-or5in# a tree t!at (ears fruits of lo- >uality.
T!e Bar(a$os !erry tree -ill #ro- an$ fruit fairly -ell -it! little are. For (est
1erfor'ane% "uerto Rian a#rono'ists !a&e reo''en$e$ a fertiliBer for'ula of 3737),
t-ie annually for t!e first . years at t!e rate of )F8 to ) l( <6.8876..2 5#=. Ol$er trees
s!oul$ !a&e , to 2 l(s <).,278.82 5#= 1er tree. In a$$ition% or#ani 'aterial s!oul$ (e
-or5e$ into t!e 1lantin# !ole an$ also su11lie$ in a'ounts of )6 to 86 l(s <..27* 5#= 1er
tree. Un$er Flori$a on$itions% a )67)67)6 for'ula is #i&en in Fe(ruary% ) l( <6.88 5#= for
ea! year of #ro-t!. In May% July an$ Se1te'(er% a .7+727, for'ula is reo''en$e$% )
l( <6.88 5#= for ea! year of a#e u1 to t!e )6t! year. T!ereafter% a A7.7A7, 'i/ture is
#i&enY2 l(s <8.82 5#= 1er tree in late -inter an$ )6 l(s <..2 5#= 1er tree for ea! of t!e
su''er fee$in#s. On li'estone soils% s1rays of 'inor ele'entsYo11er% Bin% an$
so'eti'es 'an#aneseY-ill en!ane #ro-t! an$ 1ro$uti&ity. ;oun# trees nee$ re#ular
irri#ation until -ell esta(lis!e$9 ol$er trees re>uire -aterin# only $urin# $rou#!ts.
Mature 1lants -ill (ear (etter if t!inne$ out (y Du$iious 1runin# after t!e late ro1 an$
t!en fertiliBe$ one 'ore.
Pollination and Fruit $et
In Flori$a% (ees &isit Bar(a$os !erry flo-ers in #reat nu'(ers an$ are t!e 1rini1al
1ollinators. Maintenane of !i&es near Bar(a$os !erry trees su(stantially i'1ro&es fruit
set. In 0a-aii% t!ere -as foun$ to (e &ery little trans1ort of 1ollen (y -in$% an$ inset
1ollination is ina$e>uate. Conse>uently% fruits are often see$less. In&esti#ations !a&e
s!o-n t!at #ro-t! re#ulators <IBA at )66 11'9 "CA at 26 11'= in$ue 'u! !i#!er fruit
set (ut t!ese !e'ials 'ay (e too ostly to (uy an$ a11ly.
In Flori$a% t!e Ba!a'as% "uerto Rio an$ 0a-aii t!e fruitin# season &aries -it! t!e
-eat!er. T!ere 'ay (e a s1rin# ro1 ri1enin# in May an$ t!en suessi&e s'all ro1s off
an$ on until Dee'(er% (ut so'eti'es% if s1rin# rains are la5in#% t!ere 'ay (e no fruits
at all until Dee'(er an$ t!en a !ea&y ro1. In NanBi(ar% t!e (earin# season is sai$ to (e
Dust t!e 'ont!s of Dee'(er an$ January.
For !o'e use% as $essert% t!e fruits are 1i5e$ -!en fully ri1e. For 1roessin# or
1reser&in#% t!ey an (e !ar&este$ -!en sli#!tly i''ature% -!en t!ey are turnin# fro'
yello- to re$. As t!ere is ontinuous fruitin# o&er lon# 1erio$s% 1i5in# is $one e&ery
$ay% e&ery ot!er $ay% or e&ery , $ays to a&oi$ loss (y fallin#.
T!e fruits are usually 1i5e$ 'anually in t!e ool of t!e early 'ornin#% an$ 'ust (e
!an$le$ -it! are. For i''e$iate 1roessin#% so'e #ro-ers s!a5e t!e tree an$ allo- t!e
ri1e fruits to fall onto s!eets s1rea$ on t!e #roun$. 0ar&este$ fruits s!oul$ (e 5e1t in t!e
s!a$e until transferre$ fro' t!e fiel$% -!i! ou#!t to (e $one -it!in , !ours% an$
olletin# lu#s are (est o&ere$ -it! !ea&y an&as to retar$ loss of asor(i ai$.
T!ere is #reat &ariation in 1ro$uti&ity. In$i&i$ual trees 'ay yiel$ ,6 to A8 l(s <),.2783
5#= in "uerto Rio. In Ja'aia% 'a/i'u' yiel$ in t!e At! year is a(out 36 l(s <,A 5#= 1er
tree9 8.%666 l(sFare <8.%666 5#F!a=. :eneBuelan #ro-ers !a&e re1orte$ )6 to )2 tonsF!a9
t!e a&era#e in "uerto Rio is 82 tonsF!aFyr. CFlori$a S-eetC in Flori$a !as yiel$e$ A2
tonsF!a. A 1lot of ,66 trees of CFlori$a S-eetC !as (orne ro1s of A%,66 to 2)%,66 l(s
<8%32378,%8+6 5#= of fruit fro' Mar! to No&e'(er% in 0o'estea$% Flori$a.
In "uerto Rio% a 1lantin# of 866 trees 'ay (e e/1ete$ to 1ro$ue ,%A66 to 2%.66 l(s
<)%A,A78%.22 5#= of Duie. Fro' t!e Duie t!ere an (e e/trate$ at least )86 l(s <2..2 5#=
of &ita'in C e/1resse$ as $e!y$roasor(i an$ asor(i ai$% 1ro&i$in# t!e ontent is
$eter'ine$ to (e 8K. In "uerto Rio% it is alulate$ t!at )6 tons of fruit s!oul$ yiel$ .,2
l(s <)*+ 5#= asor(i ai$. In a o''erial o1eration usin# ion7e/!an#e resins% t!e yiel$
of asor(i ai$ fro' Bar(a$os !erry Duie is e/1ete$ to (e a(out 33K.
(eeping )uality
Ri1e Bar(a$os !erries (ruise easily an$ are !i#!ly 1eris!a(le. "roessors store t!e' for
no 'ore t!an , $ays at .2V F <+.88V C=. 0alf7ri1e fruits an (e 'aintaine$ for a fe- 'ore
$ays. If lon#er stora#e is neessary% t!e fruits 'ust (e froBen an$ 5e1t at )6V F <7)8.88V C=
an$ later t!a-e$ for use. At one ti'e it -as (elie&e$ t!at t!e fruits oul$ (e trans1orte$
to 1roessin# 1lants in -ater tan5s <as is $one -it! true !erries= (ut it -as $iso&ere$
t!at t!ey lose t!eir olor an$ asor(i ai$ ontent in -ater.
At roo' te'1eratureY32V F <8*...V C= in "uerto RioYanne$ Bar(a$os !erries an$ also
t!e Duie lose olor an$ fres! fla&or an$ 2,K to 36K of t!eir asor(i ai$ ontent in one
'ont!% an$ 'etal ans s-ell (eause of t!e $e&elo1'ent of CO
. Refri#eration at ...AV F
<+V C= onsi$era(ly re$ues su! $eterioration. Juie in t!e !o'e refri#erator -ill lose
86K of its asor(i ai$ in )3 $ays. T!erefore% t!e Duie an$ t!e 1uree s!oul$ (e 5e1t no
lon#er t!an one -ee5.
Pests and Diseases
One of t!e 'aDor o(stales to suessful ulti&ation of t!e Bar(a$os !erry is t!e treeCs
suse1ti(ility to t!e root75not ne'ato$e% Meloidogyne incognita &ar. acrita! es1eially in
san$y ai$ soils. Soil fu'i#ation% 'ul!in# an$ re#ular irri#ation -ill !el1 to 5ee1 t!is
1ro(le' un$er ontrol. T!e (urro-in# ne'ato$e% (adopholus similis! is also a ause of
$eline in ot!er-ise !ealt!y trees.
In Flori$a% t!e folia#e is atta5e$ (y -a/ sale% Flori$a 'an#o sale% an$ ot!er sale
insets% -!iteflies% a leaf roller% an$ a1!i$s. In 4uate'ala% t!e a1!i$% Aphis spiraecola!
atta5s t!e lea&es an$ youn#% ten$er (ran!es. T!is 1est an$ t!e 0es1eri$ ater1illar%
Ephyriades arcas! re>uire !e'ial ontrol. In "uerto Rio% t!e tree is often $a'a#e$ (y
t!e (lue !ryso'eli$ of aerola% 8eucocera laevicollis. So'e fruits 'ay (e 'alfor'e$
(ut not ot!er-ise affete$ (y t!e stin# of stin5(u#s. None of t!ese 1re$ators is of any
#reat i'1ortane.
T!e 'aDor 1est in Flori$a is t!e Cari((ean fruit fly% Anastrepha suspensa! -!i! see's to
atta5 all (ut &ery sour fruits an$ t!e lar&ae are o''only foun$ insi$e. In 4uate'ala% a
fruit -or'% Anthonomus florus! $e1osits its e##s in t!e floral o&ary an$ also in t!e fruits9
t!e lar&ae fee$ in t!e fruits ausin# $efor'ity an$ total ruin. Drasti ontrol 'easures
!a&e (een e'1loye$ a#ainst t!is 1re$ator% inlu$in# t!e inineration of all fallen% infeste$
fruits an$ t!e eli'ination of all relate$ s1eies t!at ser&e as !osts.
Fe- $iseases !a&e (een re1orte$. 0o-e&er% in Flori$a% t!ere are ases of ant!ranose
ause$ (y Colletotrichum gloeosporioides! an$ leafs1ottin# (y t!e fun#us% Cercospora
bunchosiae! is a serious 'ala$y in Flori$a% "uerto Rio an$ 0a-aii. 4reen surf%
i$entifie$ -it! t!e al#a% Cephaleuros virescens! ours in "uerto Rio.
Food *ses
Bar(a$os !erries are eaten out7of7!an$% 'ainly (y !il$ren. For $essert use% t!ey are
$eliious 'erely ste-e$ -it! -!ate&er a'ount of su#ar is $esire$ to 'o$ify t!e ai$ity
of t!e 1artiular ty1e a&aila(le. T!e see$s 'ust (e se1arate$ fro' t!e 1ul1 in t!e 'out!
an$ returne$ (y s1oon to t!e $is!. Many 'ay feel t!at t!e nuisane is o'1ensate$ for (y
t!e 1leasure of enDoyin# t!e fla&orful 1ul1 an$ Duie. Ot!er7-ise% t!e oo5e$ fruits 'ust
(e straine$ to re'o&e t!e see$s an$ t!e resultin# saue or 1uree an (e utiliBe$ as a
to11in# on a5e% 1u$$in#% ie rea' or slie$ (ananas% or use$ in ot!er ulinary 1ro$uts.
Co''erially 1re1are$ 1uree 'ay (e $rie$ or froBen for future use. T!e fres! Duie -ill
1re&ent $ar5enin# of (ananas slie$ for fruit u1s or sala$s. It an (e use$ for #elatin
$esserts% 1un! or s!er(et% an$ !as (een a$$e$ as an asor(i ai$ su11le'ent to ot!er
fruit Duies. T!e Duie -as $rie$ an$ 1o-$ere$ o''erially in "uerto Rio for a $ea$e
until t!e ost of 1ro$ution ause$ t!e fatory to (e lose$ $o-n.
T!e fruits 'ay (e 'a$e into siru1 or% -it! a$$e$ 1etin% e/ellent Delly% Da'% an$ ot!er
1reser&es. Coo5in# auses t!e (ri#!t7re$ olor to !an#e to (ro-nis!7re$. T!e
1asteuriBation 1roess in t!e annin# of t!e Duie !an#es t!e olor to oran#e7re$ or
yello-% an$ 1a5in# in tin ans (rin#s on furt!er olor $eterioration. Ena'el7line$ ans
1reser&e t!e olor (etter.
Wine 'a$e fro' Bar(a$os !erries in 0a-aii -as foun$ to retain A6K of t!e asor(i
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories 2*
Moisture 3).*7*).)6 #
"rotein 6.A37).3 #
Et!er E/trat 6.)*76.6* #
Fi(er 6.A67).8 #
Fat 6.)376.) #
Car(o!y$rates A.*37)..6 #
As! 6.++76.38 #
Caliu' 3.87,..A '#
"!os1!orus )A.87,+.2 '#
Iron 6.)+7).)) '#
Carotene 6.66,76..63 '#
<:ita'in A= .637)666 I.U.
T!ia'ine '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6,376.6+* '#
Niain 6.,.76.28A '#
Asor(i Ai$LL
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in 0a-aii% 4uate'ala% an$ else-!ere.
LLAor$in# to analyses at t!e Massa!usetts Institute of Te!nolo#y of fruits #ro-n in
Bar(a$os@ .%266 '# <#reen=% ,%,66 '# <'e$iu'7ri1e=% 8%666 '# <&ery ri1e=. T!e asor(i
ai$ le&el of unri1e fruits an ran#e u1 to .%A+A '# an$ su! ratin#s are e/ee$e$ only (y
t!e fruits <rose !i1s= of (osa rugosa T!un(.% -!i! 'ay !a&e as 'u! as A%*++ '#F)66
#. T!is onstituent &aries as 'u! as 82K -it! t!e lone% t!e loale% ultural 'et!o$s an$
$e#ree of e/1osure to sunli#!t $urin# $e&elo1'ental sta#es an$ after !ar&estin#. At
INCA" <Instituto $e Nutriion $e Central A'eria an$ "ana'a=% in 4uate'ala assays in
)*267)*22 s!o-e$ $istressin#ly lo- le&elsYan a&era#e of )+ '#F)66 #% -!ereas fruits
sent to INCA" (y air an$ in $ry ie fro' Flori$a -ere analyBe$ an$ ontaine$ )%.86
'#F)66 #. In fiel$ e/1eri'ents% treat'ent of youn# fruits on t!e tree -it! 866 11'
#i((erelli ai$ !as (rou#!t a(out a 'ar5e$ inrease in t!e asor(i ai$ ontent of t!e
'ature fruits.
T!e asor(i ai$ is not totally $estroye$ (y !eat% for t!e Delly 'ay ontain .**7)%*66
'#F)66 #. Of t!e total asor(i ai$ in Bar(a$os !erry Duie% 6.)3K is in t!e (oun$
for'. Ot!er onstituents inlu$e $e/trose% le&ulose% an$ a little surose.
%ar#.ul 7..ects
"!ysiians in Curaao re1ort t!at !il$ren often re>uire treat'ent for intestinal
infla''ation an$ o(strution ause$ (y eatin# >uantities of t!e entire fruits% inlu$in#
see$s% fro' t!e -il$ Bar(a$os !erries -!i! a(oun$ on t!e islan$.
"eo1le -!o 1i5 Bar(a$os !erries -it!out #lo&es an$ lon# slee&es 'ay suffer s5in
irritation fro' ontat -it! t!e 'inute stin#in# !airs on t!e lea&es an$ 1etioles.
Ot!er *ses
Bark, T!e (ar5 of t!e tree ontains 86782K tannin an$ !as (een utiliBe$ in t!e leat!er
1ood, T!e -oo$ is sur1risin#ly !ar$ an$ !ea&y. Trials !a&e $e'onstrate$ t!at it refuses
to i#nite e&en -!en treate$ -it! fla''a(le flui$ unless 1erfetly $ry.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruits are onsi$ere$ (enefiial to 1atients -it! li&er ail'ents%
$iarr!ea an$ $ysentery% as -ell as t!ose -it! ou#!s or ol$s. T!e Duie 'ay (e #ar#le$
to relie&e sore t!roat.
%ig! Vita#in C
Man#o an$ Relate$ S1eies
Cas!e- A11le
"ur1le Mo'(in
;ello- Mo'(in an$ Relate$ S1eies
Mangifera indica -6
It is a 'atter of astonis!'ent to 'any t!at t!e lusious 'an#o% Mangifera indica 8.! one
of t!e 'ost ele(rate$ of tro1ial fruits% is a 'e'(er of t!e fa'ily Anaar$iaeaeY
notorious for e'(rain# a nu'(er of !i#!ly 1oisonous 1lants. T!e e/tent to -!i! t!e
'an#o tree s!ares so'e of t!e !arateristis of its relati&es -ill (e e/1laine$ furt!er on.
T!e uni&ersality of its reno-n is atteste$ (y t!e -i$e usa#e of t!e na'e% 'an#o in
En#lis! an$ S1anis! an$% -it! only sli#!t &ariations in Fren! +mangot! mangue!
manguier-! "ortu#uese +manga! mangueira-! an$ Dut! +man4a-. In so'e 1arts% of Afria%
it is alle$ mangou! or mangoro. T!ere
are $issi'ilar ter's only in ertain tri(al
Fi#. 2*@ So'e 'an#oes +Mangifera indica- 'ore
or less o''only #ro-n in $ooryar$s of
sout!ern Flori$a in t!e 'i$7)*.6Cs.
T!e 'an#o tree is eret% ,6 to )66 ft
<rou#!ly )67,6 '= !i#!% -it! a (roa$%
roun$e$ ano1y -!i! 'ay% -it! a#e%
attain )66 to )82 ft <,67,3 '= in -i$t!%
or a 'ore u1ri#!t% o&al% relati&ely slen$er ro-n. In $ee1 soil% t!e ta1root $esen$s to a
$e1t! of 86 ft <A in=% t!e 1rofuse% -i$e7s1rea$in#% fee$er root syste' also sen$s $o-n
'any an!or roots -!i! 1enetrate for se&eral feet. T!e tree is lon#7li&e$% so'e
s1ei'ens (ein# 5no-n to (e ,66 years ol$ an$ still fruitin#.
Nearly e&er#reen% alternate lea&es are (orne 'ainly in rosettes at t!e ti1s of t!e (ran!es
an$ nu'erous t-i#s fro' -!i! t!ey $roo1 li5e ri((ons on slen$er 1etioles ) to . in <8.27
)6 '= lon#. T!e ne- lea&es% a11earin# 1erio$ially an$ irre#ularly on a fe- (ran!es at
a ti'e% are yello-is!% 1in5% $ee17rose or -ine7re$% (eo'in# $ar57#reen an$ #lossy
a(o&e% li#!ter (eneat!. T!e 'i$ri( is 1ale an$ ons1iuous an$ t!e 'any !oriBontal &eins
$istint. Full7#ro-n lea&es 'ay (e . to )8.2 in <)67,8 '= lon# an$ ,F. to 8 )F3 in <872..
'= -i$e. 0un$re$s an$ e&en as 'any as ,%666 to .%666 s'all% yello-is! or re$$is!
flo-ers% 82K to *3K 'ale% t!e rest !er'a1!ro$iti% are (orne in 1rofuse% s!o-y% eret%
1yra'i$al% (ran!e$ lusters 8 )F8 to )2 )F8 in <A7.6 '= !i#!. T!ere is #reat &ariation in
t!e for'% siBe% olor an$ >uality of t!e fruits. T!ey 'ay (e nearly roun$% o&al% o&oi$7
o(lon#% or so'e-!at 5i$ney7s!a1e$% often -it! a (rea5 at t!e a1e/% an$ are usually 'ore
or less lo17si$e$. T!ey ran#e fro' 8 )F8 to )6 in <A.82782 '= in len#t! an$ fro' a fe-
ounes to . to 2 l(s <).378.8A 5#=. T!e s5in is leat!ery% -a/y% s'oot!% fairly t!i5%
aro'ati an$ ran#es fro' li#!t7or $ar57#reen to lear yello-% yello-7oran#e% yello- an$
re$$is!71in5% or 'ore or less (lus!e$ -it! (ri#!t7or $ar57re$ or 1ur1le7re$% -it! fine
yello-% #reenis! or re$$is! $ots% an$ t!in or t!i5 -!itis!% #ray or 1ur1lis! (loo'% -!en
fully ri1e. So'e !a&e a ?tur1entine? o$or an$ fla&or% -!ile ot!ers are ri!ly an$
1leasantly fra#rant. T!e fles! ran#es fro' 1ale7yello- to $ee17oran#e. It is essentially
1ea!7li5e (ut 'u! 'ore fi(rous <in so'e see$lin#s e/essi&ely so7atually ?strin#y?=9
is e/tre'ely Duiy% -it! a fla&or ran#e fro' &ery s-eet to su(ai$ to tart.
T!ere is a sin#le% lon#itu$inally ri((e$% 1ale yello-is!7-!ite% so'e-!at -oo$y stone%
flattene$% o&al or 5i$ney7s!a1e$% so'eti'es rat!er elon#ate$. It 'ay !a&e alon# one si$e
a (ear$ of s!ort or lon# fi(ers lin#in# to t!e fles! a&ity% or it 'ay (e nearly fi(erless
an$ free. Wit!in t!e stone is t!e star!y see$% 'onoe'(ryoni <usually sin#le7s1routin#=
or 1olye'(ryoni <usually 1ro$uin# 'ore t!an one see$lin#=.
Origin and Distribution
Nati&e to sout!ern Asia% es1eially eastern In$ia% Bur'a% an$ t!e An$a'an Islan$s% t!e
'an#o !as (een ulti&ate$% 1raise$ an$ e&en re&ere$ in its !o'elan$ sine Anient ti'es.
Bu$$!ist 'on5s are (elie&e$ to !a&e ta5en t!e 'an#o on &oya#es to Malaya an$ eastern
Asia in t!e .t! an$ 2t! Centuries B.C. T!e "ersians are sai$ to !a&e arrie$ it to East
Afria a(out t!e )6t! Century A.D. It -as o''only #ro-n in t!e East In$ies (efore t!e
earliest &isits of t!e "ortu#uese -!o a11arently intro$ue$ it to West Afria early in t!e
)At! Century an$ also into BraBil. After (eo'in# esta(lis!e$ in BraBil% t!e 'an#o -as
arrie$ to t!e West In$ies% (ein# first 1lante$ in Bar(a$os a(out )+.8 an$ later in t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li. It rea!e$ Ja'aia a(out )+38 an$% early in t!e )*t! Century%
rea!e$ Me/io fro' t!e "!ili11ines an$ t!e West In$ies.
In )3,,% Dr. 0enry "errine s!i11e$ see$lin# 'an#o 1lants fro' ;uatan to Ca1e Sa(le at
t!e sout!ern ti1 of 'ainlan$ Flori$a (ut t!ese $ie$ after !e -as 5ille$ (y In$ians. See$s
-ere i'1orte$ into Mia'i fro' t!e West In$ies (y a Dr. Flet!er in )3A8 or )3A,. Fro'
t!ese% t-o trees #re- to lar#e siBe an$ one -as still fruitin# in )*)6 an$ is (elie&e$ to
!a&e (een t!e 1arent of t!e CNo. ))C -!i! -as o''only 1lante$ for 'any years
t!ereafter. In )3A3 or )3A*% see$s -ere 1lante$ sout! of Coonut 4ro&e an$ t!e resultant
trees 1ros1ere$ at least until )*6*% 1ro$uin# t!e so7alle$ C"ea!C or CTur1entineC 'an#o
-!i! (ea'e fairly o''on. In )3+8% a see$lin# of CNo. ))C fro' Cu(a -as 1lante$ in
Bra$enton. In )3++ an$ )3+*% W.". Neel$ 'a$e suessful 1lantin#s on t!e -est oast
(ut t!ese an$ 'ost ot!ers nort! of Ft. Myers -ere 5ille$ in t!e January freeBe of )33A.
In )332% see$s of t!e e/ellent CBo'(ayC 'an#o of In$ia -ere (rou#!t fro' Jey West to
Mia'i an$ resulte$ in t-o trees -!i! flouris!e$ until )*6*. "lants of #rafte$ &arieties
-ere (rou#!t in fro' In$ia (y a -est oast resi$ent% Re&. D.4. Watt% in )332 (ut only
t-o sur&i&e$ t!e tri1 an$ t!ey -ere soon froBen in a ol$ s1ell. Anot!er unsuessful
i'1ortation of inar!e$ trees fro' Calutta -as 'a$e in )333. Of si/ #rafte$ trees t!at
arri&e$ fro' Bo'(ay in )33*% t!rou#! t!e efforts of t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of
A#riulture% only one li&e$ to fruit nine years later. T!e tree s!i11e$ is (elie&e$ to !a&e
(een a CMul#oaC <erroneously la(ele$ CMul#o(aC% a na'e un5no-n in In$ia e/e1t as
ori#inatin# in Flori$a=. 0o-e&er% t!e fruit 1ro$ue$ $i$ not orres1on$ to CMul#oaC
$esri1tions. It -as (eautiful% ri'son7(lus!e$% Dust un$er ) l( <.2. #= -it! #ol$en7
yello- fles!. No In$ian &isitor !as reo#niBe$ it as 'at!in# any In$ian &ariety. So'e
su##est t!at it -as t!e fruit of t!e rootsto5 if t!e sion !a$ (een froBen in t!e freeBe of
)3*.7*2. At any rate% it ontinue$ to (e 5no-n as CMul#o(aC% an$ it fostere$ 'any off7
s1rin# alon# t!e sout!eastern oast of t!e State an$ in Cu(a an$ "uerto Rio% t!ou#! it
1ro&e$ to (e &ery suse1ti(le to t!e $isease% ant!ranose% in t!is li'ate. See$s fro' t!is
tree -ere o(taine$ an$ 1lante$ (y a Ca1tain 0a$en in Mia'i. T!e trees fruite$ so'e
years after !is $eat! an$ !is -i$o- #a&e t!e na'e C0a$enC to t!e tree t!at (ore t!e (est
fruit. T!is &ariety -as re#ar$e$ as t!e stan$ar$ of e/ellene loally for 'any $ea$es
t!ereafter an$ -as 1o1ular for s!i11in# (eause of its tou#! s5in.
4eor#e B. Cellon starte$ e/tensi&e &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation <1at!7(u$$in#= of t!e C0a$enC
in )*66 an$ s!i11e$ t!e fruits to nort!ern 'ar5ets. ".J. Wester on$ute$ 'any
e/1eri'ents in (u$$in#% #raftin# an$ inar!in# fro' )*6. to )*63 -it! less suess.
S!iel$7(u$$in# on a o''erial sale -as a!ie&e$ (y Mr. Oran#e "oun$ of Coonut
4ro&e in )*6* an$ t!is -as a 1ioneer (rea5t!rou#! -!i! #a&e stron# i'1etus to 'an#o
#ro-in#% (ree$in#% an$ $isse'ination.
Ent!usiasti intro$ution of ot!er &arieties (y t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riultureCs
Bureau of "lant In$ustry% (y nursery'en% an$ ot!er in$i&i$uals follo-e$% an$ t!e 'an#o
#re- stea$ily in 1o1ularity an$ i'1ortane. T!e Reasoner Brot!ers Nursery% on t!e -est
oast% i'1orte$ 'any 'an#o &arieties an$ -as lar#ely res1onsi(le for t!e ulti'ate
esta(lis!'ent of t!e 'an#o in t!at area% to#et!er -it! a Mr. J.W. Barney of "al'a Sola
-!o !a$ a lar#e olletion of &arieties an$ !a$ -or5e$ out a feasi(le te!ni>ue of
1ro1a#ation -!i! !e alle$ ?slot #raftin#?.
Dr. Wilson "o1enoe% one of t!e early "lant E/1lorers of t!e U.S. De1art'ent of
A#riulture% (ea'e Diretor of t!e Esuela A#riola "ana'eriana% Te#ui#al1a%
0on$uras. For 'ore t!an a >uarter of a entury% !e -as a lea$er in t!e intro$ution an$
1ro1a#ation of outstan$in# 'an#os fro' In$ia an$ t!e East In$ies% !a$ t!e' 1lante$ at
t!e s!ool an$ at t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ent Station at Tela% 0on$uras% an$ $istri(ute$
aroun$ tro1ial A'eria.
In ti'e% t!e 'an#o (ea'e one of t!e 'ost fa'iliar $o'estiate$ trees in $ooryar$s or in
s'all or lar#e o''erial 1lantin#s t!rou#!out t!e !u'i$ an$ se'i7ari$ lo-lan$s of t!e
tro1ial -orl$ an$ in ertain areas of t!e near7tro1is su! as t!e Me$iterranean area
<Ma$eira an$ t!e Canary Islan$s=% E#y1t% sout!ern Afria% an$ sout!ern Flori$a. Loal
'ar5ets t!rou#!out its ran#e are !ea1e$ !i#! -it! t!e fra#rant fruits in season an$ lar#e
>uantities are e/1orte$ to non71ro$uin# ountries.
Alto#et!er% t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture 'a$e 283 intro$utions fro' In$ia% t!e
"!ili11ines% t!e West In$ies an$ ot!er soures fro' )3** to )*,+. Seletion% na'in# an$
1ro1a#ation of ne- &arieties (y #o&ern'ent a#enies an$ in$i&i$ual #ro-ers !as (een
#oin# on e&er sine. T!e Man#o For' -as reate$ in )*,3 t!rou#! t!e Doint efforts of t!e
Bro-ar$ County 0o'e De'onstration Offie of t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$aCs Coo1erati&e
E/tension Ser&ie an$ t!e Fort Lau$er$ale 4ar$en Clu(% -it! enoura#e'ent an$
$iretion fro' t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$aCs Su(tro1ial E/1eri'ent Station <no- t!e
A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center= in 0o'estea$% an$ Mrs. Willia' J. Jro'e%
a 1ioneer tro1ial fruit #ro-er. Meetin#s -ere !el$ annually% -!ene&er 1ossi(le% for t!e
e/!i(itin# an$ Du$#in# of 1ro'isin# see$lin#s% an$ e/!an#in# an$ 1u(liation of
$esri1tions an$ ultural infor'ation.
Mean-!ile% a re&erse flo- of &arieties -as #oin# on. I'1ro&e$ 'an#os $e&elo1e$ in
Flori$a !a&e (een of #reat &alue in u1#ra$in# t!e 'an#o in$ustry in tro1ial A'eria an$
Wit! su! intense interest in t!is ro1% 'an#o area#e a$&ane$ in Flori$a $es1ite
oasional set(a5s fro' ol$ s1ells an$ !urrianes. But -it! t!e e/1an$in# 1o1ulation%
inrease$ lan$ &alues an$ ost an$ s!orta#e of a#riultural la(or after Worl$ War II% a
nu'(er of lar#e #ro&es -ere su($i&i$e$ into real estate $e&elo1'ents #i&en na'es su!
as ?Man#o 0ei#!ts? an$ ?Man#o Terrae?. T!ere -ere esti'ate$ to (e +%666 ares <8%*)+
!a= in 8+ Flori$a ounties in )*2.% o&er !alf in o''erial #ro&es. T!ere -ere .%666
ares <)%A)* !a= in )*A). To$ay% 'an#o 1ro$ution in Flori$a% on a11ro/i'ately )%+66
ares <A33 !a=% is a(out 3%3)3 tons <3%666 MT= annually in ?#oo$? years% an$ &alue$ at E,
'illion. Fruits are s!i11e$ not only to nort!ern 'ar5ets (ut also to t!e Unite$ Jin#$o'%
Net!erlan$s% Frane an$ Sau$i Ara(ia. In a$&ane of t!e loal season% >uantities are
i'1orte$ into t!e USA fro' 0aiti an$ t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% an$% t!rou#!out t!e
su''er% Me/ian soures su11ly 'an#os to t!e "aifi Coast onsu'er. Su11lies also
o'e in fro' In$ia an$ Tai-an.
A 'an#o see$ fro' 4uate'ala -as 1lante$ in California a(out )336 an$ a fe- trees !a&e
(orne fruit in t!e -ar'est loations of t!at state% -it! areful 1rotetion -!en e/tre'ely
lo- te'1eratures our.
Man#os !a&e (een #ro-n in "uerto Rio sine a(out )+26 (ut 'ostly of in$ifferent
>uality. A 1ro#ra' of 'an#o i'1ro&e'ent (e#an in )*.3 -it! t!e intro$ution an$
testin# of o&er )26 su1erior ulti&ars (y t!e Uni&ersity of "uerto Rio. T!e sout! oast of
t!e islan$% !a&in# a $ry at'os1!ere% is (est suite$ for 'an#o ulture an$ su(stantial
>uantities of 'an#os are 1ro$ue$ t!ere -it!out t!e nee$ to s1ray for ant!ranose
ontrol. T!e fruits are 1lentiful on loal 'ar5ets an$ s!i1'ents are 'a$e to Ne- ;or5
City -!ere t!ere are 'any "uerto Rian resi$ents. A stu$y of )A ulti&ars -as
un$erta5en in )*A6 to $eter'ine t!ose (est suite$ to 'ore intense o''erial
1ro$ution. "ro$uti&ity e&aluations starte$ in )*A2 an$ ontinue$ to )*+8.
T!e earliest reor$ of t!e 'an#o in 0a-aii is t!e intro$ution of se&eral s'all 1lants
fro' Manila in )38.. T!ree 1lants -ere (rou#!t fro' C!ile in )382. In )3**% #rafte$
trees of a nu'(er of In$ian &arieties% inlu$in# C"airiC% -ere i'1orte$. See$lin#s (ea'e
-i$ely $istri(ute$ o&er t!e si/ 'aDor islan$s. In )*,6% t!e C0a$enC -as intro$ue$ fro'
Flori$a an$ (ea'e esta(lis!e$ in o''erial 1lantations. T!e loal in$ustry (e#an to
$e&elo1 seriously after t!e i'1ortation of a series of 'onoe'(ryoni ulti&ars fro'
Flori$a. But 0a-aiian 'an#os are 1ro!i(ite$ fro' entry into 'ainlan$ USA% Australia%
Ja1an an$ so'e ot!er ountries% (eause of t!e 1re&alene of t!e 'an#o see$ -ee&il in
t!e islan$s.
In BraBil% 'ost 'an#os are 1ro$ue$ in t!e state of Minas% 4erais -!ere t!e ro1
a'ounts to 8.,%6)3 tons <88%666 MT= annually on 8.%+)6 ares <)6%666 !a=. T!ese are
'ainly see$lin#s% as are t!ose of t!e ot!er states -it! 'aDor 'an#o ro1sYCearX% "arai(X%
4oias% "erna'(uo% an$ Maran!ao. Sao "aulo raises a(out A,%,38 tons <2+%266 MT= 1er
year on *%33. ares <.%666 !a=. T!e (ul5 of t!e ro1 is for $o'esti onsu'1tion. In
)*+,% BraBil e/1orte$ .+.. tons <., MT= of 'an#os to Euro1e.
Man#o #ro-in# (e#an -it! t!e earliest settlers in Nort! Hueenslan$% Australia% -it!
see$s (rou#!t asually fro' In$ia% Ceylon% t!e East In$ies an$ t!e "!ili11ines. In )3+2%
.6 &arieties fro' In$ia -ere set out in a sin#le 1lantation. O&er t!e years% seletions !a&e
(een 'a$e for o''erial 1ro$ution an$ ulture !as e/ten$e$ to su(tro1ial Western
T!ere is no reor$ of t!e intro$ution of t!e 'an#o into Sout! Afria (ut a 1lantation -as
set out in Dur(an a(out )3A6. "ro$ution to$ay 1ro(a(ly !as rea!e$ a(out )A%2,2 tons
<)2%666 MT= annually% an$ Sout! Afria e/1orts fres! 'an#os (y air to Euro1e.
Jenya e/1orts 'ature 'an#os to Frane an$ 4er'any an$ (ot! 'ature an$ i''ature to
t!e Unite$ Jin#$o'% t!e latter for !utney7'a5in#. E#y1t 1ro$ues ))6%8,6 tons
<)66%666 MT= of 'an#os annually an$ e/1orts 'o$erate a'ounts to 86 ountries in t!e
Near East an$ Euro1e. Man#o ulture in t!e Su$an ou1ies a(out 8.%+)6 ares <)6%666
!a= 1ro$uin# a total of AA%),3 tons <A6%666 MT= 1er year.
In$ia% -it! 8%.+)%666 ares <)%666%666 !a= of 'an#os <+6K of its fruit7#ro-in# area=
1ro$ues A2K of t!e -orl$Cs 'an#o ro1Y*%*86%+66 tons <*%666%666 MT=. In )*32%
'an#o #ro-ers aroun$ 0y$era(a$ sou#!t #o&ern'ent 1rotetion a#ainst terrorists -!o
ut $o-n 'an#o or!ar$s unless t!e o-ners 1ai$ ranso' <26%666 ru1ees in one ase=.
In$ia far outran5s all ot!er ountries as an e/1orter of 1roesse$ 'an#os% s!i11in# 8F, of
t!e total 88%6.A tons <86%666 MT=. Man#o 1reser&es #o to t!e sa'e ountries reei&in#
t!e fres! fruit an$ also to 0on# Jon#% Ira>% Cana$a an$ t!e Unite$ States. Follo-in#
In$ia in &olu'e of e/1orts are T!ailan$% ++.%,A2 tons <+68%266 MT=% "a5istan an$
Ban#la$es!% follo-e$ (y BraBil. Me/io ran5s 2t! -it! a(out )66%366 ares <.8%666 !a=
an$ an annual yiel$ of a11ro/i'ately A.6%666 tons <236%666 MT=. T!e "!ili11ines !a&e
risen to At! 1lae. TanBania is +t!% t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% 3t! an$ Colo'(ia% *t!.
Lea$in# e/1orters of fres! 'an#os are@ t!e "!ili11ines% s!i11in# to 0on# Jon#%
Sin#a1ore an$ Ja1an9 T!ailan$% s!i11in# to Sin#a1ore an$ Malaysia9 Me/io% s!i11in#
'ostly C0a$enC to t!e Unite$ States% 8%86. tons <8%666 MT=% annually% also to Ja1an an$
"aris9 In$ia% s!i11in# 'ainly CAl1!onsoC an$ CBo'(ayC to Euro1e% Malaya% Sau$i Ara(ia
an$ Ju-ait9 In$onesia% s!i11in# to 0on# Jon# an$ Sin#a1ore9 an$ Sout! Afria
s!i11in# <A6K C0a$enC an$ CJentC= (y air to Euro1e an$ Lon$on in 'i$7-inter.
C!ief i'1orters are En#lan$ an$ Frane% a(sor(in# 38K of all 'an#o s!i1'ents. Man#o
onsu'ers in En#lan$ are 'ostly resi$ents of In$ian ori#in% or En#lis! 1eo1le -!o
for'erly li&e$ in In$ia.
T!e first International Symposium on
Mango and Mango Culture! of t!e
International Soiety for 0ortiultural
Siene% -as !el$ in Ne- Del!i% In$ia% in
)*A* -it! a &ie- to asse'(lin# a
olletion of #er'1las' fro' aroun$ t!e
-orl$ an$ enoura#in# oo1erati&e
resear! on rootsto5s an$ (earin#
(e!a&ior% !y(ri$iBation% $isease% stora#e
an$ trans1ort 1ro(le's% an$ ot!er areas
of stu$y.
T!e ori#inal -il$ 'an#os -ere s'all fruits -it! sant% fi(rous fles!% an$ it is (elie&e$
t!at natural !y(ri$iBation !as ta5en 1lae (et-een M. indica an$ M. sylvatica Ro/(. in
Sout!east Asia. Seletion for !i#!er >uality !as (een arrie$ on for .%666 to A%666 years
an$ &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation for .66 years.
O&er 266 na'e$ &arieties <so'e say )%666= !a&e e&ol&e$ an$ !a&e (een $esri(e$ in
In$ia. "er!a1s so'e are $u1liates (y $ifferent na'es% (ut at least ,26 are 1ro1a#ate$ in
o''erial nurseries. In )*.*% J.C. Nai5 $esri(e$ 38 &arieties #ro-n in Sout! In$ia.
L.B. an$ R.N. Sin#! 1resente$ an$ illustrate$ )26 in t!eir 'ono#ra1! on t!e 'an#os of
Uttar "ra$es! <)*2A=. In )*23% 8. -ere $esri(e$ as a'on# t!e i'1ortant o''erial
ty1es in In$ia as a -!ole% t!ou#! in t!e &arious li'ati Bones ot!er ulti&ars 'ay (e
1ro'inent loally. Of t!e 8.% t!e 'aDority are lasse$ as early or 'i$7season@
'Bo#bay 'ellow' <CBo'(aiC=Y!i#! >uality
'Malda' <CBo'(ay 4reenC=
'=9our' <1olye'(ryoni=Ya !ea&y (earer.
'Pairi' <C"a!eriC% C"irieC% C"eterC% CNa$usalaiC% C#ra1eC% CRas1uriC% C4o!a (un$erC=
'$a.dar Pasand'
Fi#. A6@ T!e tiny% olorful CABuarC 'an#o of Santa
Marta an$ Baran>uilla% Colo'(ia% is s-eet an$
'$u&arnarek!a' <CSun$riC=
Early to Mid#Season@
'Ala#pur Banes!an'Y!i#! >uality (ut s!y (earer
'Alp!onso' <CBa$a'iC% C#un$uC% Ca11asC% C5!a$erC=Y!i#! >uality
'Bangalora'<CTota1uriC% ColletionC% C5ili7'u55uC% a(u Sa'a$aC in t!e Su$an=Yof !i#!est
>uality% (est 5ee1in#% re#ular (earer% (ut 'ost suse1ti(le to see$ -ee&il.
'Banganapally' <CBanes!anC% C!a1taiC% CSafe$aC=Yof !i#! >uality (ut s!y (earer
'Duse!ri' <CDas!e!ari a'anC% Cnirali a'anC% C5a'ya(C=Y!i#! >uality
'Gulab (!as'
'(6O6 99'
Mid# to 8ate#Season@
'2u#ani' <often (earin# an off7season ro1=
'$a#arbe!ist' <CC!o-saC% CC!ausaC% CJ!aDriC=Y!i#! >uality
'(6O6 :CD' <C0i'ayu$$inC Z CNeelu'C=
'Fa5li' <CFaBli 'al$aC=Y!i#! >uality
'$a.eda -ucknow'
6ften 8ate@
'Mulgoa'Y!i#! >uality (ut a s!y (earer
'0eelu#' <so'eti'es t-ie a year=Yso'e-!at $-arf% of in$ifferent >uality% an$
Most of t!e lea$in# In$ian ulti&ars are see$lin# seletions. O&er 26%666 rosses -ere
'a$e o&er a 1erio$ of 86 years in In$ia an$ +26 !y(ri$s -ere raise$ an$ sreene$. Of
t!ese% 'Mallika'@ a ross of CNeelu'C <fe'ale 1arent= -it! 'Das!e!ari' <'ale 1arent= -as
release$ for ulti&ation in )*+8. T!e !y(ri$ ten$s to-ar$ re#ular (earin#% t!e fruits are
s!o-ier an$ are t!i5er of fles! t!an eit!er 1arent% t!e fla&or is su1erior an$ 5ee1in#
>uality (etter. T!e season is nearly a 'ont! later t!an CDas!e!ariC. Anot!er ne- !y(ri$%
'A#rapali'@ of -!i! CDas!e!ariC -as t!e fe'ale 1arent an$ CNeelu'C t!e 'ale% is
$efinitely $-arf% 1reoious% a re#ular an$ !ea&y (earer% an$ late in t!e season. T!e fruit
is only 'e$iu' in siBe9 fles! is ri! oran#e% fi(erless% s-eet an$ 8 to , ti'es as !i#! in
arotene as eit!er 1arent.
T!e Central Foo$ Te!nolo#ial Resear! Institute E/1eri'ent Station in 0y$era(a$ !as
e&aluate$ * ?ta(le &arieties? <fir'7fles!e$=% . ?Duiy? &arieties% an$ 2 !y(ri$s as to
suita(ility for 1roessin#. 'Banes!an'@ '$u&arnarek!a' and 'DCD 2a4apuri' E '-angra'
-ere $ee'e$ suita(le for sliin# an$
annin#. 'Banes!an'@ '0a&aneeta#'@
'Goabunder'@ '2oyal $pecial'@
'%ydersa!eb' an$ 'FCG 0eelu#
Banes!an'@ for anne$ Duie9 an$
CBanes!anC% CNa&aneeta'C% C4oa(un$erC%
CJ.O. +Can$ CS!ar(at#a$iC for anne$
It is interestin# to note t!at all (ut four of
t!e lea$in# In$ian ulti&ars are yello-7
s5inne$. T!e e/e1tions are@ t-o yello-
-it! a re$ (lus! on s!oul$ers% one re$7
yello- -it! a (lus! of re$% an$ one
#reen. In T!ailan$% t!ere is a 1o1ular 'an#o alle$ 'Tong du#' <CBla5 4ol$C= 'ar5ete$
-!en t!e s5in is &ery $ar57#reen an$ usually $is1laye$ -it! t!e s5in at t!e ste' en$ ut
into 1oints an$ s1rea$ out-ar$ to s!o- t!e #ol$en fles! in t!e 'anner t!at re$ ra$is!es
are fas!ione$ into ?ra$is! roses? in A'erian ulinary art.
Euro1ean onsu'ers 1refer a $ee17yello- 'an#o t!at $e&elo1s a re$$is!71in5 tin#e. In
Flori$a% t!e olor of t!e 'an#o is an i'1ortant fator an$ e&eryone a$'ires a !an$so'e
'an#o 'ore or less #enerously o&erlai$ -it! re$. Re$ s5in is onsi$ere$ a neessity in
'an#os s!i11e$ to nort!ern 'ar5ets% e&en t!ou#! t!e >uality 'ay (e inferior to t!at of
non7s!o-y ulti&ars. Also% $e1en$a(le (earin# an$ s!i11a(ility are rate$ a(o&e internal
>ualities for 1ratial reasons. An$ a s!i11in# 'an#o 'ust (e one t!at an (e 1i5e$ 8
-ee5s (efore full 'aturity -it!out a11reia(le loss of fla&or. Too% t!ere 'ust (e se&eral
&arieties to e/ten$ t!e season o&er at least , 'ont!s.
Flori$a 'an#os are lasse$ in . #rou1s@
Fi#. A,@ CBla5 Col$C 'an#oes% $ar57#reen e/ternally
-!en ri1e% are 1artly 1eele$ li5e ?ra$is! roses? on t!e
Ban#5o5 'ar5et to s!o- t!eir yello-% fi(erless fles!.
)YIn$ian &arieties% 'ainly 'onoe'(ryoni% intro$ue$ in t!e 1ast an$ 'aintaine$ 'ostly
in olletions9 ty1ially of so'e-!at ?tur1entine? !arater.
8Y"!ili11ine an$ In$o7C!inese ty1es% lar#ely 1olye'(ryoni% non7tur1entiney% fi(erless%
fairly ant!ranose7resistant. Sattere$ in $ooryar$ 1lantin#s.
,YWest In$ianFSout! A'erian 'an#os% es1eially CTur1entineC an$ CNo.))C an$ t!e
su1erior CJulieC fro' Trini$a$% CMa$a'e FranisC fro' 0aiti% CIta'araaC fro' BraBil.
T!ese are non7o''erial.
.YFlori$a7ori#inate$ seletions or ulti&ars% of -!i! 'any !a&e risen an$ $eline$ o&er
t!e $ea$es.
In #eneral% 'an#os fro' t!e "!ili11ines <CCara(aoC= an$ T!ailan$ <CSai#onC%
CCa'(o$ianaC= (e!a&e (etter in Flori$aCs !u'i$ity t!an t!e In$ian &arieties.
T!e 'u!71riBe$ C0a$enC -as (ein# reo#niBe$ in t!e late )*,6Cs an$ early )*.6Cs as
ant!ranose71rone% a li#!t an$ irre#ular (earer% an$ -as (ein# re1lae$ (y 'ore $isease7
resistant an$ 1rolifi ulti&ars. T!e
1resent7$ay lea$ers for o''erial
1ro$ution an$ s!i11in# are CTo''y
At5insC% CJeittC% CJentC% C:an Dy5eC an$
Ju(ileeC. T!e first 8 re1resent 26K of t!e
o''erial ro1.
'To##y Atkins' <fro' a see$ 1lante$
early in t!e )*86Cs at Fort Lau$er$ale%
Flori$a9 o''erially a$o1te$ in t!e late
)*26Cs=9 o(lon#7o&al9 'e$iu' to lar#e9
s5in t!i5% oran#e7yello-% lar#ely
o&erlai$ -it! (ri#!t7 to $ar57re$ an$
!ea&y 1ur1lis! (loo'% an$ $otte$ -it!
'any lar#e% yello-7#reen lentiels. Fles!
'e$iu'7 to $ar57yello-% fir'% Duiy%
-it! 'e$iu' fi(er% of fair to #oo$
>uality9 fla&or 1oor if o&er7fertiliBe$ an$ irri#ate$. See$ s'all. Season@ 'i$7May to early
July% or late June t!rou#! July% $e1en$in# on s1rin# -eat!er9 an (e 1i5e$ early%
$e&elo1in# #oo$ olor an$ usually !as lon# s!elf7life. So'eti'es t!ere is an o1en s1ae
in t!e fles! at t!e ste'7en$. Interior softenin# near t!e see$ ours in so'e years.
'(eitt'Yroun$e$7o&al to o&ate9 lar#e9 s5in 'e$iu'7t!i5% yello- -it! li#!t7re$ (lus! an$
a la&en$er (loo'9 t!e 'any lentiels s'all% yello- to re$. Fles! oran#e7yello-% fir'%
fi(erless e/e1t near t!e see$9 of ri!% s-eet fla&or9 &ery #oo$ >uality. See$ s'all% or
'e$iu' to lar#e. Season@ early July t!rou#! Au#ust or Au#ust an$ Se1te'(er% $e1en$in#
on s1rin# -eat!er. Tree s'all to 'e$iu'% eret% o1en% rat!er sra##ly (ut &ery
"late SS:III@ MAN4O% Mangifera indicaYCJentC%
CTo''y At5insC% an$ CIr-inC
1ro$uti&e. For 'ar5et ae1tane% re>uires 1ost7!ar&est et!ylene treat'ent to en!ane
'(ent'Yo&ate% t!i59 lar#e9 s5in #reenis!7yello- -it! $ar57re$ (lus! an$ #ray (loo'9
'any s'all% yello- lentiels. Fles! fi(erless% Duiy% s-eet9 &ery #oo$ to e/ellent. See$
s'all. Season@ July an$ Au#ust an$ often into Se1te'(er% (ut if left on too lon# t!e see$
ten$s to s1rout in t!e fruitYa on$ition alle$ o&i1ary. Su(Det to (la5 s1ot. Tree is of
eret% slen$er !a(it% of 'o$erate siBe% 1reoious9 (ears &ery -ell an$ fruit s!i1s -ell%
(ut% for t!e 'ar5et% nee$s et!ylene treat'ent to enri! olor.
'Van Dyke' an$ '3ubilee' are relati&ely ne- ulti&ars 'aturin# fro' late June t!rou#!
July. C:an Dy5eC is of su1erior olor an$ e/ellent >uality (ut su(Det to ant!ranose an$
'ay not !ol$ its 1lae for lon#.
T-o ulti&ars t!at !a&e stoo$ t!e test of ti'e an$ !a&e (een s!i11e$ nort! on a lesser
sale are@
'$ensation' <ori#inate$ in Nort! Mia'i9 tree 'o&e$ to Car'i!ael #ro&e near "errine
an$ 1ro1a#ate$ an$ #ro-n o''erially sine )*.*=. O&al% o(li>ue% an$ faintly (ea5e$9
'e$iu' to 'e$iu'7s'all9 s5in t!in% a$!erent9 (asially yello- to yello-7oran#e o&erlai$
-it! $ar5 1lu'7re$% an$ -it! tiny% 1ale7yello- lentiels. Fles! 1ale7yello-% fir'% -it!
&ery little fi(er% faintly aro'ati% of 'il$% sli#!tly s-eet fla&or9 of #oo$ >uality.
Monoe'(ryoni. Tree (ears !ea&ily in Au#ust.
'Pal#er'Yo(lon#7o&ate% 1lu'19 lar#e9 s5in 'e$iu'7t!i5% oran#e7yello- -it! re$ (lus!
an$ 1ale (loo' an$ 'any lar#e lentiels. Fles! $ull7yello-% fir'% -it! &ery little or no
fi(er9 of fair to #oo$ >uality. See$ lon#% of 'e$iu' siBe. Season@ July an$ Au#ust%
so'eti'es into Se1te'(er. Tree is 'e$iu' to lar#e9 1reoious9 usually (ears -ell.
T!e lea$in# ulti&ar for loal 'ar5et at 1resent is@
'rwin' <a see$lin# of CLi11ensC% 1lante$ (y F.D. Ir-in of Mia'i in )*,*9 (ore its first
fruits in )*.2=9 o(lon#7o&ate% one s!oul$er o(li>ue9 of 'e$iu' siBe9 s5in oran#e to 1in5
-it! e/tensi&e $ar57re$ (lus! an$ s'all% -!ite lentiels. See$ of 'e$iu' siBe. Fles!
yello-% al'ost fi(erless% -it! 'il$% s-eet fla&or9 #oo$ to &ery #oo$ >uality. See$ s'all.
Season@ 'i$7May to early July9 or June t!rou#! July. Tree so'e-!at $-arf9 (ears !ea&y
ro1s of fruits in lusters. Fruit no lon#er s!i11e$ (eause if 1i5e$ (efore full 'aturity
ri1ens -it! a 'ottle$ a11earane -!i! is not ae1ta(le on t!e 'ar5et.
Non7olorful or not !i#!7yiel$in#
ulti&ars of e/ellent >uality
reo''en$e$ for Flori$a !o'eo-ners
'Carrie' <so'e-!at $-arf=9 '7dward'
<C0a$enC see$lin#=9 'Florigon'9
'3ac/uelin'9 'Ca#bodiana'9 'Cecil'9
A'on# ulti&ars for'erly o''erial
(ut lar#ely to17-or5e$ to ot!ers fa&ore$
for &arious reasons@ 'Da&is"%aden' <a
C0a$enC see$lin#=9 'Fascell'9 '-ippens' <a C0a$enC see$lin#=9 '$#it!' <a C0a$enC see$lin#=9
'$pring".els'H 'Di+on'H '$unset'H '>ill' <a C0a$enC see$lin#=.
Many ulti&ars t!at !a&e lost 1o1ularity in Flori$a !a&e (eo'e of i'1ortane else-!ere.
CSan$ers!aC% for e/a'1le% !as 1ro&e$ re'ar5a(ly resistant to 'ost 'an#o fruit $iseases in
Sout! Afria.
T!e !istories an$ $esri1tions of .A ulti&ars #ro-in# in BraBil -ere 1u(lis!e$ in )*22.
T!ese inlu$e$ 'Brooks'@ 'Cacipura'@ 'Ca#bodiana'@ 'Goa"Alp!onso'@ '%aden'@
'Mulgoba'@ 'Pairi'@ 'Pico'@ '$anders!a'@ '$ingapore'@ '1!ite -angra'@ all (rou#!t in
fro' Flori$a. T!e rest are 'ostly loal see$lin#s. C0a$enC -as intro$ue$ fro' Flori$a in
)*,) an$ !as (een -i$ely ulti&ate$. It is still inlu$e$ a'on# t!e ulti&ars of 'aDor
i'1ortane% t!e ot!ers (ein# '7+tre#a'% '0on"Plus"*ltra'. 'Carlota'9 (ut in )*++ t!e
lea$in# ulti&ar in BraBil -as re1orte$ to (e 'Bourbon'@ also 5no-n as CEs1a$aC. It is
foun$ es1eially in nort!eastern BraBil (ut is reo''en$e$ for all ot!er 'an#o areas. A
olletion of 2, ulti&ars is 'aintaine$ at "iriia(a an$ anot!er of 38 at Ba!ia.
Of Me/ian 'an#os% A2K are Flori$a seletions9 ,2K are of t!e ty1e o''only #ro-n
in t!e "!ili11ines. O&er a 1erio$ of , years $etaile$ stu$ies !a&e (een 'a$e of t!e
o''erial ulti&ars in Culiaan% Sinaloa% Me/io% -it! a &ie- to $eter'inin# t!e 'ost
1rofita(le for e/1ort. Results in$iate$ t!at 1ro1a#ation of 'Purple rwin'@ '2ed rwin'@
CSensationC an$ CNillC s!oul$ (e $isontinue$% an$ t!at C0a$enC% CJentC an$ CJeittC -ill
ontinue to (e 1lante$% t!e first t-o (eause% of t!eir olor an$ >uality% an$ t!e t!ir$ in
s1ite of its $efiieny in olor.
'Manila'% a "!ili11ine 'an#o% early7ri1enin#% is 'u! #ro-n in :eraruB. CMan5anillo"
0une5'% a !ane see$lin# first notie$ in )*+8% is #ainin# in 1o1ularity (eause of its
re#ular (earin#% s5in olor <+2K re$=% nearly fi(erless fles!% #oo$ >uality% !i#! yiel$ an$
resistane to ant!ranose.
'3ulie' is t!e 'ain 'an#o e/1orte$ fro' t!e West In$ies to Euro1e. T!e fruit is
so'e-!at flattene$ on one si$e% of 'e$iu' siBe9 t!e fles! is not o'1letely fi(erless (ut
is of #oo$ fla&or. It a'e to Flori$a fro' Trini$a$ (ut !as lon# (een 1o1ular in Ja'aia.
"late SS:II@ MAN4O% Mangifera indicaYCCa'(o$ianaC
T!e tree is so'e-!at $-arf% !as ,6K to 26K !er'a1!ro$ite flo-ers9 (ears -ell an$
re#ularly. It is a$a1ta(le to !u'i$ en&iron'ents an$ $isease7resistant an$ t!e fruit is
resistant to t!e fruit fly. CJulieC !as (een #ro-n in 4!ana sine t!e early )*86Cs. Fro'
CJulieC% t!e -ell75no-n 'an#o (ree$er% La-rene Nill% $e&elo1e$ CCarrieC% (ut CJulieC !as
not (een 1lante$ in Flori$a for 'any years.
4rafte$ 1lants of t!e CBo'(ay 4reenC% so 1o1ular in Ja'aia% -ere (rou#!t t!ere fro'
In$ia in )3A* (y t!e t!en #o&ernor% Sir Jo!n "eter 4rant% (ut -ere 1lante$ in Castleton
#ar$ens -!ere t!e trees flouris!e$ (ut faile$ to fruit in t!e !u'i$ at'os1!ere. ;ears
later% a Diretor of A#riulture !a$ (u$-oo$ fro' t!ese trees transferre$ to rootsto5s at
0o1e 4ar$ens. T!e results -ere so suessful t!at t!e CBo'(ay 4reenC (ea'e
o''only 1lante$ on t!e islan$. T!e aut!or (rou#!t si/ #rafte$ trees fro' Ja'aia to
Mia'i in )*2) an$% after t!ey -ere release$ fro' >uarantine% $istri(ute$ t!e' to t!e
Su(tro1ial E/1eri'ent Station in 0o'estea$% t!e Ne-o'( Nursery% an$ a 1ri&ate
#ro-er% (ut all suu'(e$ to t!e ol$ in suee$in# -inters. T!e fruit is o'1letely
fi(erless an$ freestone so t!at it is fre>uently ser&e$ ut in !alf an$ eaten -it! a s1oon.
T!e see$ is 1iere$ -it! a 'an#o for5 an$ ser&e$ also so t!at t!e lusious fles! t!at
a$!eres to it 'ay (e enDoye$ as -ell.
One of t!e (est75no-n 'an#os 1euliar to t!e West In$ies is CMa$a'e FranisC -!i! is
1ro$ue$ a(un$antly in 0aiti. It is a lar#e% flattene$% 5i$ney7s!a1e$ 'an#o% li#!t7#reen%
sli#!tly yello-is! -!en ri1e% -it! oran#e% lo-7fi(er% ri!ly fla&ore$ fles!. T!is 'an#o
!as (een re#ularly e/1orte$ to Flori$a in late s1rin# after fu'i#ation a#ainst t!e fruit fly.
4!ana reei&e$ 'ore t!an a $oBen ulti&ars (a5 in t!e early )*86Cs. In )*+,% it -as
foun$ t!at only t!ree of t!eseYCJulieC% CJaffnaC an$ CRu1eeCYoul$ (e reo#niBe$ -it!
ertainty. More t!an a $oBen ot!er ulti&ars -ere (rou#!t in 'u! later fro' Flori$a an$
In$ia. An effort -as (e#un in )*A+ to lassify t!e see$lin#s <fro' )6 to 26 years of a#e=
in t!e EDura $istrit% t!e EDura A#riultural Station% an$ t!e 1lantation of t!e Faulty of
A#riulture% Uni&ersity of Siene an$ Te!nolo#y% Ju'asi% in or$er to eli'inate
onfusion an$ !a&e i$entifia(le ulti&ars 'ar5e$ for future resear!. After !e5in# -it!
a&aila(le 1u(lis!e$ 'aterial on ot!er ulti&ars for 1ossi(le rese'(lanes% $esri1tions
an$ 1!oto#ra1!s of 8) ne-ly na'e$ ulti&ars -ere 1u(lis!e$ in )*+,. Of t!ese% )8 are
fi(rous an$ * fi(erless. <See 4o$frey7Sa'7A##rey an$ Ar(utiste in t!e Bi(lio#ra1!y=.
One of t!e fi(rous ulti&ars% na'e$ CTee7:ee7DeeC% is so -ell fla&ore$ an$ aro'ati t!at
it is loally e/tre'ely 1o1ular.
Until t!e 'i$7)*A6Cs 'an#os -ere #ro-n only in $ooryar$s in Surina' an$ t!e fe-
&arieties -ere lar#ely 1olye'(ryoni ty1es fro' In$onesia% an$ t!ese !a&e #i&en rise to
'any !ane see$lin#s. In or$er to $iso&er t!e (est for o''erial 1lantin#% 'an#o
e/!i(its -ere s1onsore$ an$ (u$-oo$ of t!e (est seletions !as (een #rafte$ onto &arious
rootsto5s at t!e "ara'ari(o A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station. T!e t-o 'ost i'1ortant
loal 'an#os are@
'Golek' <fro' Ja&a9 also #ro-n in Hueenslan$= lon#7o(lon#9 s5in $ull7#reen or
yello-is!7#reen e&en -!en ri1e% leat!ery9 fles! 1ale yello-% t!i5% fi(erless% s-eet% ri!%
of e/ellent >uality. Jee1s -ell in ol$ stora#e for , -ee5s. Season@ early <Dee'(er in
Hueenslan$=. Tree (ears 'o$erately to !ea&ily. T!is ulti&ar is onsi$ere$ t!e 'ost
1ro'isin# for lar#e7sale ulture an$ e/1ort. In Hueenslan$ it ten$s to ra5
lon#itu$inally as it 'atures.
'2oodborst4e'Y'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in $ee17re$9 fles! s-eet% Duiy% -it! &ery little fi(er.
Not a #oo$ 5ee1er. Season@ early to 'i$season. Tree is a !ea&y (earer.
In :eneBuela% ele&en ulti&ars -ere e&aluate$ (y foo$ te!nolo#ists for 1roessin#
suita(ilityYCBla5'anC% C4lennC% CIr-inC% CJentC% CLi11ensC% CMartiniaC% CSensationC% CS'it!C%
CSeletion 36C% CSeletion 32C% an$ CNillC. T!e 'ost a11ro1riate% (eause of 1!ysio!e'ial
!arateristis an$ 1ro$uti&ity -ere $eter'ine$ to (e@ C4lennC% CIr-inC% CJentC an$ CNillC.
In 0a-aii% '%aden' !as re1resente$ *6K of all o''erial 1ro$ution. C"airiC is 'ore
1riBe$ for !o'e use (ut is a s!y (earer% a 1oor 5ee1er% not as olorful as C0a$enC% so it
ne&er attaine$ o''erial status. In a sear! for earlier an$ later &arieties of o''erial
1otential% o&er )82 &arieties -ere ollete$ an$ teste$ (et-een )*,. an$ )*A*. In )*2A%
one of t!e -innin# entries in a 'an#o ontest attrate$ 'u! attention. After 1ro1a#ation
an$ $ue o(ser&ation it -as na'e$ C4ou&eiaC in )*A* an$ $esri(e$ as@ o&ate7o(lon#% of
'e$iu' siBe% -it! 'e$iu'7t!i5% o!re7yello- s5in (lus!e$ -it! (loo$7re$ o&er 8F, of
t!e surfae. Fles! is oran#e% nearly fi(erless% s-eet% Duiy. See$ is s'all% slen$er%
'onoe'(ryoni. Season@ late. Tree is of 'e$iu' siBe% a onsistent (ut not !ea&y (earer.
In >uality tests C4ou&eiaC reei&e$ to1 sorin# o&er C0a$enC% C"airiC% an$ se&eral ot!er
ulti&ars. Flori$a 'an#os rate$ as 1ro'isin# for 0a-aii -ere C"o1eC% CJentC% CJeittC an$
CBroo5sC <later t!an C0a$enC= an$ CEarly#ol$C an$ CNillC <earlier t!an C0a$enC=.
In Hueenslan$% '(ensington Pride' is t!e lea$in# o''erial ulti&ar in t!e $rier areas.
In !u'i$ re#ions it is ant!ranose71rone an$ re>uires s1rayin#. It is t!ou#!t to !a&e (een
intro$ue$ (y tra$ers in Bo-en -!o -ere s!i11in# !orses for 'ilitary use in In$ia. It
'ay (e alle$ CJensin#tonC% CBo-enC% or% (eause of its olor% CA11leC or CStra-(erryC. T!e
fruit is $istintly (ea5e$ -!en i''ature% -it! a #roo&e e/ten$in# fro' t!e ste' to t!e
(ea5. It is 'e$iu'7lar#e9 t!e s5in is (ri#!t oran#e7yello- -it! re$71in5 (lus! o&erlyin#
areas e/1ose$ to t!e sun. Fles! is oran#e% t!i5% nearly fi(erless% Duiy% of ri! fla&or. T!is
ulti&ar is lassifie$ as 'i$7season. T!e fruit 'atures fro' early to 'i$7No&e'(er at
latitu$e ),IS9 A -ee5s later at Bo-en <86IS= an$ ) -ee5 later for ea! $e#ree of latitu$e
fro' Bo-en to Bris(ane. But at )+IS an$ an altitu$e of )%).3 ft <,26 '= 1ea5 'aturity is
in 'i$7 to late7January. "olye'(ryoni. T!e fruit s!i1s -ell (ut t!e tree is not a
$e1en$a(le nor !ea&y (earer. It !as an o&al ro-n an$ unusually s-eet7sente$ lea&es.
In )*3)% after e&aluatin# ., aessions see5in# to len#t!en t!e 'an#o season in
Hueenslan$% * t!at 'ature (et-een 8 -ee5s earlier an$ . -ee5s later t!an CJensin#ton
"ri$eC -ere !osen for o''erial testin#. Only one% CBanana7)C% -as a Hueenslan$
seletion. T!e ot!er 3 -ere intro$utions fro' Flori$aYCS'it!C% C"al'erC% C0a$enC% CNillC%
CCarrieC% CIr-inC% CJentC% CJeittC. CJentC an$ C0a$enC !a&e 1ro&e$ to (e !i#!ly suse1ti(le to
(la5s1ot in Hueenslan$9 CJeittC% CS'it!C% an$ CNillC less so9 an$ C"al'erC an$ CJensin#ton
"ri$eC resistant.
In t!e "!ili11ines% t!e 'Carabao' onstitutes AAK of t!e ro1 an$ 'Pico' 8AK. T!ese
ulti&ars% a11arently of Sout!east Asian ori#in !a&e re'aine$ t!e 'ost o''only #ro-n
an$ e/1orte$ for 'any years.
In Israel% C0a$enC !as (een 1o1ular for a lon# ti'e t!ou#! it is sensiti&e to lo-
te'1eratures in s1rin#. An E#y1tian intro$ution% 'Mabroka' is later in season an$
esa1es t!e early frosts. 'Maya'% a loal see$lin# of C0a$enC !as $one -ell. "er!a1s t!e
'ost 1ro'isin# to$ay is '0i#rod'@ a see$lin# of CMayaC% o1en 1ollinate$% 1er!a1s (y
C0a$enC% 1lante$ in )*.,% o(ser&e$ for 86 years an$ (u$$e$ 1ro#eny for anot!er * years9
na'e$ an$ release$ in )*+6. T!e fruit is roun$7o&ate% lar#e9 s5in is fairly t!in% oli&e7
#reen to yello-7#reen% (lus!e$ -it! re$9 attrati&e. Fles! is $ee17yello-% nearly fi(erless%
of fair fla&or. See$ is lar#e% 'onoe'(ryoni. Matures in 'i$7season <all Au#ust to 'i$7
Se1te'(er in Israel=. Tree is lar#e% u1ri#!t% &ery ol$7resistant. A&era#e yiel$ is .36 l(s
<8)3 5#= 1er tree o&er )6 years.
It is i'1ressi&e to see !o- t!e early fa&orite% C0a$enC% !as influene$ 'an#o ulture in
'any 1arts of t!e -orl$. To$ay%
t!e Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture
Resear! Unit of t!e U.S.
De1art'ent of A#riulture an$
t!e A#riultural Resear! an$
E$uation Center of t!e
Uni&ersity of Flori$a% to#et!er
'aintain )82 'an#o ulti&ars as
a resoure for 'an#o #ro-ers
an$ (ree$ers in 'any ountries.
Fi#. A2@ Man#o trees 1ro$ue 'assi&e
s1rays of re$$is! or yello-is! flo-ers
(ut only a fe- fruits $e&elo1 fro'
ea! s1ray.
Bloo#ing and Pollination
Man#o trees less t!an )6 years ol$ 'ay flo-er an$ fruit re#ularly e&ery year. T!ereafter%
'ost 'an#os ten$ to-ar$ alternate% or (iennial% (earin#. A #reat $eal of resear! !as
(een $one on t!is 1ro(le' -!i! 'ay in&ol&e t!e entire tree or only a 1ortion of t!e
(ran!es. Bran!es t!at fruit one year 'ay rest t!e ne/t% -!ile (ran!es on t!e ot!er si$e
of t!e tree -ill (ear.
Bloo'in# is stron#ly affete$ (y -eat!er% $ryness sti'ulatin# flo-erin# an$ rainy
-eat!er $isoura#in# it. In 'ost of In$ia% flo-erin# ours in Dee'(er an$ January9 in
nort!ern In$ia% in January an$ Fe(ruary or as late as Mar!. T!ere are so'e &arieties
alle$ ?Bara'asi? t!at flo-er an$ fruit irre#ularly t!rou#!out t!e year. T!e ulti&ar '$a#
2u Du' of T!ailan$ (ears , ro1s a yearYin January% June an$ Oto(er. In t!e $rier
islan$s of t!e Lesser Antilles% t!ere are 'an#o trees t!at flo-er an$ fruit 'ore or less
ontinuously all year aroun$ (ut ne&er !ea&ily at any ti'e. So'e of t!ese are ulti&ars
intro$ue$ fro' Flori$a -!ere t!ey flo-er an$ fruit only one a year. In sout!ern
Flori$a% 'an#o trees (e#in to (loo' in late No&e'(er an$ ontinue until Fe(ruary or
Mar!% inas'u! as t!ere are early% 'e$iu'% an$ late &arieties. Durin# e/e1tionally
-ar' -inters% 'an#o trees !a&e (een 5no-n to (loo' , ti'es in suession% ea! ti'e
settin# an$ 'aturin# fruit.
In t!e "!ili11ines% &arious 'et!o$s are e'1loye$ to 1ro'ote flo-erin#@ s'u$#in#
<s'o5in#=% e/1osin# t!e roots% 1runin#% #ir$lin#% -it!!ol$in# nitro#en an$ irri#ation% an$
e&en a11lyin# salt. In t!e West In$ies% t!ere is a o''on fol5 1ratie of slas!in# t!e
trun5 -it! a 'a!ete to 'a5e t!e tree (loo' an$ (ear in ?off? years. De(los7so'in#
<re'o&in# !alf t!e flo-er lusters= in an ?on? year -ill in$ue at least a s'all ro1 in t!e
ne/t ?off? year. Al'ost any treat'ent or on$ition t!at retar$s &e#etati&e #ro-t! -ill
!a&e t!is effet. S1rayin# -it! #ro-t!7retar$ant !e'ials !as (een trie$% -it!
inonsistent results. "otassiu' nitrate !as (een effeti&e in t!e "!ili11ines.
In In$ia% t!e ulti&ar CDas!eriC% -!i! is self ino'1ati(le% ten$s to (e#in (loo'in# &ery
early <Dee'(er an$ January= -!en no ot!er ulti&ars are in flo-er. An$ t!e early
1artiles s!o- a lo- 1erenta#e of !er'a1!ro$ite flo-ers an$ a !i#! ini$ene of floral
'alfor'ation. Furt!er'ore% early (loo's are often $a'a#e$ (y frost. It !as (een foun$
t!at a sin#le 'e!anial $e(losso'in# in t!e first (u$7(urst sta#e% in$ues su(se>uent
$e&elo1'ent of 1artiles -it! less 'alfor'ation% 'ore !er'a1!ro$ite flo-ers% an$% as a
result% a 'u! !i#!er yiel$ of fruits.
T!ere is one ulti&ar% CNeelu'C% in Sout! In$ia t!at (ears !ea&ily e&ery year% a11arently
(eause of its !i#! rate <)AK= of !er'a1!ro$ite flo-ers. <T!e a&era#e for CAl1!onsoC is
)6K.= 0o-e&er% In$ian !ortiulturists re1ort #reat tree7to7tree &ariation in see$lin#s of
t!is ulti&ar9 in so'e sur&eys as 'u! as 3.K of t!e trees -ere rate$ as 1oor (earers.
O&er *8K of CBan#aloraC see$lin#s !a&e (een foun$ (earin# li#!t ro1s.
Man#o flo-ers are &isite$ (y fruit (ats% flies% -as1s% -il$ (ees% (utterflies% 'ot!s%
(eetles% ants an$ &arious (u#s see5in# t!e netar an$ so'e transfer t!e 1ollen (ut a
ertain a'ount of self71ollination also ours. 0oney(ees $o not es1eially fa&or 'an#o
flo-ers an$ it !as (een foun$ t!at effeti&e 1ollination (y !oney(ees -oul$ re>uire , to A
olonies 1er are <A7)8 1er !a=. Many of t!e un1ollinate$ flo-ers are s!e$ or fail to set
fruit% or t!e fruit is set (ut is s!e$ -!en &ery youn#. 0ea&y rains -as! off 1ollen an$ t!us
1re&ent fruit settin#. So'e ulti&ars ten$ to 1ro$ue a !i#! 1erenta#e of s'all fruits
-it!out a fully $e&elo1e$ see$ (eause of unfa&ora(le -eat!er $urin# t!e fruit7settin#
S!y7(earin# ulti&ars of ot!er-ise $esira(le !arateristis are !y(ri$iBe$ -it! !ea&y
(earers in or$er to o(tain (etter ro1s. For e/a'1le@ s!y7(earin# C0i'ayu$$inC Z !ea&y7
(earin# CNeelu'C. Bree$ers usually !an$71ollinate all t!e flo-ers t!at are o1en in a
luster% re'o&e t!e rest% an$ o&er t!e infloresene -it! a 1lasti (a#. But resear!ers in
In$ia !a&e foun$ t!at t!ere is &ery little !ane of onta'ination an$ t!at o'ittin# t!e
o&erin# #i&es as 'u! as ,.32K fruit set in 1lae of 6.8,K to ).2+K -!en (a##e$. T!us
lar#e 1o1ulations of !y(ri$s 'ay (e raise$ for stu$y. One of t!e latest te!ni>ues
in&ol&es #raftin# t!e 'ale an$ fe'ale 1arents onto a !osen tree% t!en o&erin# t!e
1aniles -it! a 1olyet!ylene (a#% an$ intro$uin# !ouse flies as 1ollinators.
In$ian sientists !a&e foun$ t!at 1ollen for ross(ree$in# an (e store$ at ,8I F <6I C=
for )6 !ours. If not se1arate$ fro' t!e flo-ers% it re'ains &ia(le for 26 !ours in a !u'i$
at'os1!ere at A2I to +2I F <)3.,,I 78,.6*I C=. T!e sti#'a is ree1ti&e )3 !ours (efore
full flo-er o1enin# an$% so'e say% for +8 !ours after.
T!e 'an#o is naturally a$a1te$ to tro1ial lo-lan$s (et-een 82IN an$ 82IS of t!e
E>uator an$ u1 to ele&ations of ,%666 ft <*)2 '=. It is #ro-n as a $ooryar$ tree at sli#!tly
ooler altitu$es (ut is a1t to suffer ol$ $a'a#e. T!e amount of rainfall is not as ritial
as ,hen it occurs. T!e (est li'ate for 'an#o !as rainfall of ,6 to )66 in <+27826 '= in
t!e four su''er 'ont!s <June to Se1te'(er= follo-e$ (y 3 'ont!s of $ry season. T!is
ro1 is -ell suite$ to irri#ate$ re#ions (or$erin# t!e $esert frontier in E#y1t.
Ne&ert!eless% t!e tree flouris!es in sout!ern Flori$aCs a11ro/i'ately 2 'ont!s of
inter'ittent% sattere$ rains <Oto(er to Fe(ruary=% , 'ont!s of $rou#!t <usually Mar! to
May= an$ . 'ont!s of fre>uently !ea&y rains <June to Se1te'(er=.
Rain% !ea&y $e-s or fo# $urin# t!e (loo'in# season <No&e'(er to Mar! in Flori$a= are
$eleterious% sti'ulatin# tree #ro-t! (ut interferin# -it! flo-er 1ro$ution an$
enoura#in# fun#us $iseases of t!e infloresene an$ fruit. In Hueenslan$% $ry areas -it!
rainfall of .6 in <)66 '=% +2K of -!i! ours fro' January to Mar!% are fa&ore$ for
'an#o #ro-in# (eause &e#etati&e #ro-t! is in!i(ite$ an$ t!e fruits are -ell e/1ose$ to
t!e sun fro' Au#ust to Dee'(er% (eo'e -ell olore$% an$ are relati&ely free of
$isease. Stron# -in$s $urin# t!e fruitin# season ause 'any fruits to fall 1re'aturely.
T!e 'an#o tree is not too 1artiular as to soil ty1e% 1ro&i$in# it !as #oo$ $raina#e. Ri!%
$ee1 loa' ertainly ontri(utes to 'a/i'u' #ro-t!% (ut if t!e soil is too ri! an$ 'oist
an$ too -ell fertiliBe$% t!e tree -ill res1on$ &e#etati&ely (ut -ill (e $efiient in
flo-erin# an$ fruitin#. T!e 'an#o 1erfor's &ery -ell in san$% #ra&el% an$ e&en ooliti
li'estone <as in sout!ern Flori$a an$ t!e Ba!a'as=
A 1olye'(ryoni see$lin#% CNo. ),7)C% intro$ue$ into Israel fro' E#y1t in )*,)% !as
(een teste$ sine t!e early )*A6Cs in &arious re#ions of t!e ountry for tolerane of
alareous soils an$ saline on$itions. It !as $one so -ell in san$ -it! a 'e$iu' <)2K=
li'e ontent an$ !i#!ly saline irri#ation -ater <o&er A66 11'= t!at it !as (een a$o1te$ as
t!e stan$ar$ rootsto5 in o''erial 1lantin#s in salty% li'estone $istrits of Israel.
W!ere t!e li'e ontent is a(o&e ,6K% iron !elates are a$$e$.
Man#o trees #ro- rea$ily fro' see$. 4er'ination rate an$ &i#or of see$lin#s are !i#!est
-!en see$s are ta5en fro' fruits t!at are fully ri1e% not still fir'. Also% t!e see$ s!oul$ (e
fres!% not $rie$. If t!e see$ annot (e 1lante$ -it!in a fe- $ays after its re'o&al fro' t!e
fruit% it an (e o&ere$ -it! 'oist eart!% san$% or sa-$ust in a ontainer until it an (e
1lante$% or 5e1t in !aroal $ust in a $essiator -it! 26K relati&e !u'i$ity. See$s store$
in t!e latter 'anner !a&e s!o-n 36K &ia(ility e&en after +6 $ays. 0i#! rates of
#er'ination are o(taine$ if see$s are store$ in 1olyet!ylene (a#s (ut t!e see$lin#
(e!a&ior 'ay (e 1oor. Inlusion of s1!a#nu' 'oss in t!e sa5 !as no (enefit an$ s!o-s
inferior rates of #er'ination o&er 87 to .7-ee5 1erio$s% an$ none at all at A -ee5s.
T!e fles! s!oul$ (e o'1letely re'o&e$. T!en t!e !us5 is o1ene$ (y arefully 1arin#
aroun$ t!e on&e/ e$#e -it! a s!ar1 5nife an$ ta5in# are not to ut t!e 5ernel% -!i!
-ill rea$ily sli$e out. 0us5 re'o&al s1ee$s #er'ination an$ a&oi$s ra'1in# of roots%
an$ also 1er'its $iso&ery an$ re'o&al of t!e lar&a of t!e see$ -ee&il in areas -!ere t!is
1est is 1re&alent. Finally% t!e !us5e$ 5ernels are treate$ -it! fun#ii$e an$ 1lante$
-it!out $elay. T!e (e$s 'ust !a&e soli$ (otto's to 1re&ent e/essi&e ta1root #ro-t!%
ot!er-ise t!e ta1root -ill (eo'e )3 to 8. in <.27A6 '= lon# -!ile t!e to1 -ill (e only
one t!ir$ to a !alf as !i#!% an$ t!e see$lin# -ill (e $iffiult to trans1lant -it! any
assurane of sur&i&al. T!e see$ is 1lae$ on its &entral <ona&e= e$#e -it! )F.
1rotru$in# a(o&e t!e san$. S1routin# ours in 3 to ). $ays in a -ar'% tro1ial li'ate9 ,
-ee5s in ooler li'ates. See$lin#s #enerally ta5e A years to fruit an$ )2 years to attain
o1ti'u' yiel$ for e&aluation.
0o-e&er% t!e fruits of see$lin#s 'ay not rese'(le t!ose of t!e 1arent tree. Most In$ian
'an#os are 'onoe'(ryoni9 t!at is% t!e e'(ryo usually 1ro$ues a sin#le s1rout% a
natural !y(ri$ fro' ai$ental rossin#% an$ t!e resultin# fruit 'ay (e inferior% su1erior%
or e>ual to t!at of t!e tree fro' -!i! t!e see$ a'e. Man#os of Sout!east Asia are
'ostly 1olye'(ryoni. In t!ese% #enerally% one of t!e e'(ryos in t!e see$ is a !y(ri$9 t!e
ot!ers <u1 to .= are &e#etati&e #ro-t!s -!i! fait!fully re1ro$ue t!e !arateristis of
t!e 1arent. T!e $istintion is not a(solute% an$ oasionally a see$ su11ose$ly of one
lass 'ay (e!a&e li5e t!e ot!er.
See$s of 1olye'(ryoni 'an#os are 'ost on&enient for loal an$ international
$istri(ution of $esira(le &arieties. 0o-e&er% in or$er to re1ro$ue an$ s!are t!e su1erior
'onoe'(ryoni seletions% &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is neessary. Inar!in# an$ a11roa!7
#raftin# are tra$itional in In$ia. Ton#ue7% sa$$le7% an$ root7#raftin# <stoolin#= are also
o''on In$ian 1raties. S!iel$7 an$ 1at!7#raftin# !a&e #i&en u1 to +6K suess (ut
t!e For5ert syste' of (u$$in# !as (een foun$ e&en 'ore 1ratial. After 'any syste's
-ere trie$% &eneer #raftin# -as a$o1te$ in Flori$a in t!e 'i$7)*26Cs. C!oie of rootsto5
is i'1ortant. Use of see$lin#s of un5no-n 1arenta#e !as resulte$ in #reat &aria(ility in a
sin#le ulti&ar. So'e !a&e (elie&e$ t!at 1olye'(ryoni rootsto5s are (etter t!an
'onoe'(ryoni% (ut t!is is not neessarily so. In trials at Ta'il Na$u A#riultural
Uni&ersity% )67year7ol$ trees of CNeelu'C #rafte$ on 1olye'(ryoni CBa1a55aiC s!o-e$
&i#or an$ s1rea$ of tree an$ 1ro$uti&ity far su1erior to t!ose #rafte$ on COlourC -!i! is
also 1olye'(ryoni. T!ose #rafte$ on 'onoe'(ryoni rootsto5 also s!o-e$ (etter
#ro-t! an$ yiel$ t!an t!ose on COlourC. In )*3)% e/1eri'enters at Lu5no-% In$ia%
re1orte$ t!e eono'i a$&anta#e of ?stone7#raftin#?% -!i! re>uires less s1ae in t!e
nursery an$ results in #reater unifor'ity. Sions fro' t!e s1rin# flus! of selete$
ulti&ars are $efoliate$ an$% after a )67$ay $elay% are left7#rafte$ on 27$ay7ol$ see$lin#s
-!i! 'ust t!ereafter (e 5e1t in t!e s!a$e an$ 1rotete$ fro' $rasti !an#es in t!e
Ol$ trees of inferior ty1es are to17-or5e$ to (etter ulti&ars (y eit!er si$e7#raftin# or
ro-n7#raftin# t!e (e!ea$e$ trun5 or (e!ea$e$ 'ain (ran!es. Su! trees nee$
1rotetion fro' sun(urn until t!e #raft affor$s s!a$e. In Sout! Afria% t!e trun5s are
-!ite-as!e$ an$ (un!es of $ry #rass are tie$ onto ut (ran! en$s. T!e trees -ill (ear
in 8 to , years. Atte'1ts to #ro- , or . &arieties on one rootsto5 'ay a11ear to suee$
for a -!ile (ut t!e stron#est al-ays out#ro-s t!e ot!ers.
Cuttin#s% e&en -!en treate$ -it! #ro-t! re#ulators% are only .6K suessful. Best results
are o(taine$ -it! uttin#s of 'ature trees% rin#e$ .6 $ays (efore $eta!'ent% treate$% an$
roote$ un$er 'ist. But neit!er uttin#s nor air layers $e&elo1 #oo$ root syste's an$ are
not 1ratial for esta(lis!in# 1lantations. Clonal 1ro1a#ation t!rou#! tissue ulture is in
t!e e/1eri'ental sta#e.
In s1ite of &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation% 'utations arise in t!e for' of (u$ s1orts. T!e fruit
'ay $iffer ra$ially fro' t!e ot!ers on a #rafte$ tree71er!a1s lar#er an$ su1erior7an$ t!e
folia#e on t!e (ran! 'ay (e >uite unli5e t!at on ot!er (ran!es.
Re$ution in t!e siBe of 'an#o trees -oul$ (e a 'ost $esira(le #oal for t!e o''erial
an$ 1ri&ate 1lanter. It -oul$ #reatly assist !ar&estin# an$ also -oul$ 'a5e it 1ossi(le for
t!e !o'eo-ner to 'aintain trees of $ifferent fruitin# seasons in li'ite$ s1ae.
In In$ia% $ou(le7#raftin# !as (een foun$ to $-arf 'an#o trees an$ in$ue early fruitin#.
Naturally $-arf !y(ri$s su! as CJulieC !a&e (een $e&elo1e$. T!e 1olye'(ryoni In$ian
ulti&ars% COlourC an$ C:ellai Cola'(anC% -!en use$ as rootsto5s% !a&e a $-arfin# effet9
so !as t!e 1olye'(ryoni CSa(reC in e/1eri'ents in Israel an$ Sout! Afria.
In "eru% t!e 1olye'(ryoni CManBo $e IaC% is use$ as rootsto59 in Colo'(ia% C0ilaBaC an$
C"ueroC. CJae-C is utiliBe$ in T!ailan$.
A(out A -ee5s (efore trans1lantin# eit!er a see$lin# or a #rafte$ tree% t!e ta1root s!oul$
(e ut (a5 to a(out )8 in <,6 '=. T!is enoura#es fee$er7root $e&elo1'ent in t!e fiel$.
For a -ee5 (efore settin# out% t!e 1lants s!oul$ (e e/1ose$ to full 'ornin# sun.
Inas'u! as 'an#o trees &ary in lateral $i'ensions% s1ain# $e1en$s on t!e !a(it of t!e
ulti&ar an$ t!e ty1e of soil% an$ 'ay &ary fro' ,. to A6 ft <)6.27)3 '= (et-een trees.
Closer 1lantin# -ill ulti'ately re$ue t!e ro1. A s1ain# of ,. / ,. ft <)6.2 / l6.2 '=
allo-s ,2 trees 1er are <3A 1er !a=9 26 / 26 ft <)2.8 / l2.8 '= allo-s only )3 trees 1er
are <...2 1er !a=. In Flori$aCs li'estone% one o''erial #ro-er 'aintains )66 trees 1er
are <8.+ 1er !a=% ontrollin# siBe (y !e$#in# an$ to11in#.
T!e youn# trees s!oul$ (e 1lae$ in 1re1are$ an$ enri!e$ !oles at least 8 ft <A6 '=
$ee1 an$ -i$e% an$ ,F. of t!e to1 s!oul$ (e ut off. In o''erial #ro&es in sout!ern
Flori$a% t!e trees are set at t!e intersetion of ross tren!es 'e!anially ut t!rou#! t!e
Man#os re>uire !i#! nitro#en fertiliBation in t!e early years (ut after t!ey (e#in to (ear%
t!e fertiliBer s!oul$ (e !i#!er in 1!os1!ate an$ 1otas!. A 2737)6 fertiliBer 'i/ is
reo''en$e$ an$ a11lie$ 8 or ,% or 1ossi(ly e&en .% ti'es a year at t!e rate of ) l( <.2.
#= 1er year of a#e at ea! $ressin#% FertiliBer for'ulas -ill &ary -it! t!e ty1e of soil. In
san$y ai$ soils% e/ess nitro#en ontri(utes to ?soft nose? (rea5$o-n of t!e fruits. T!is
an (e ounterate$ (y a$$in# aliu'. On or#ani soils <'u5 an$ 1eat=% nitro#en 'ay
(e o'itte$ entirely. In In$ia% fertiliBer is a11lie$ at an inreasin# rate until t!e tree is
rat!er ol$% an$ t!en it is $isontinue$. 4roun$ fertiliBers are su11le'ente$ (y foliar
nutrients inlu$in# Bin% 'an#anese an$ o11er. Iron $efiieny is orrete$ (y s'all
a11liations of !elate$ iron.
In$ian #ro-ers #enerally irri#ate t!e trees only t!e first , or . years -!ile t!e ta1root is
$e&elo1in# an$ (efore it !as rea!e$ t!e -ater ta(le. 0o-e&er% in o''erial
1lantations% irri#ation of (earin# trees is -it!!el$ only for t!e 8 or , 'ont!s 1rior to
flo-erin#. W!en t!e (loo's a11ear% t!e tree is #i&en a !ea&y -aterin# an$ t!is is
re1eate$ 'ont!ly until t!e rains (e#in. In Flori$a #ro&es% irri#ation is (y 'eans of
o&er!ea$ s1rin5lers -!i! also 1ro&i$e frost 1rotetion -!en nee$e$.
Usually no 1runin# is $one until t!e .t! year% an$ t!en only to i'1ro&e t!e for' an$ t!is
is $one ri#!t after t!e fruitin# season. If to11in# is 1ratie$% t!e trees are ut at ). ft
<..82 '= to failitate (ot! s1rayin# an$ !ar&estin#. 4rafte$ 'an#os 'ay set fruit -it!in a
year or t-o fro' 1lantin#. T!e trees are t!en too -ea5 to (ear a full ro1 an$ t!e fruits
s!oul$ (e t!inne$ or o'1letely re'o&e$.
Man#os nor'ally rea! 'aturity in . to 2 'ont!s fro' flo-erin#. Fruits of ?s'u$#e$?
trees ri1en se&eral 'ont!s (efore t!ose of untreate$ trees. E/1erts in t!e "!ili11ines !a&e
$e'onstrate$ t!at CCara(aoC 'an#os s1raye$ -it! et!e1!on <866 11'= 2. $ays after full
(loo' an (e !ar&este$ 8 -ee5s later at reo''en$e$ 'ini'u' 'aturity. T!e fruits -ill
(e lar#er an$ !ea&ier e&en t!ou#! !ar&este$ 8 -ee5s (efore untreate$ fruits. If s1raye$ at
A3 $ays after full (loo' an$ !ar&este$ 8 -ee5s after s1rayin#% t!ere -ill (e an
i'1ro&e'ent in >uality in re#ar$ to solu(le soli$s an$ titrata(le ai$ity.
W!en t!e 'an#o is full7#ro-n an$ rea$y for 1i5in#% t!e ste' -ill sna1 easily -it! a
sli#!t 1ull. If a stron# 1ull is neessary% t!e fruit is still so'e-!at i''ature an$ s!oul$
not (e !ar&este$. In t!e 'ore or less re$ ty1es of 'an#os% an a$$itional in$iation of
'aturity is t!e $e&elo1'ent of a 1ur1lis!7re$ (lus! at t!e (ase of t!e fruit. A lon#71ole$
1i5in# (a# -!i! !ol$s no 'ore t!an . fruits is o''only use$ (y 1i5ers. Fallin#
auses (ruisin# an$ later s1oilin#. W!en lo- fruits are !ar&este$ -it! li11ers% it is
$esira(le to lea&e a .7in! <)6 '= ste' to a&oi$ t!e s1urt of 'il5yFresinous sa1 t!at
e/u$es if t!e ste' is initially ut lose. Before 1a5in#% t!e ste' is ut off )F. in <A ''=
fro' t!e (ase of t!e fruit. In Hueenslan$% after final li11in# of t!e ste'% t!e fruits are
1lae$ ste'7en$7$o-n to $rain.
In a so1!istiate$ Flori$a o1eration% !ar&este$ fruits are 1ut into tu(s of -ater on tru5s
in or$er to -as! off t!e sa1 t!at e/u$es fro' t!e ste' en$. At t!e 1a5in# !ouse% t!e
fruits are transferre$ fro' t!e tu(s to (ins% #ra$e$ an$ siBe$ an$ 1a5e$ in artons
<?lu#s?= of 3 to 86 ea! $e1en$in# on siBe. T!e artons are 'a$e 'e!anially at t!e
1a5in# !ouse an$ !ol$ ). l(s <A.,2 5#= of fruit. T!e fille$ artons are sta5e$ on 1allets
an$ for57lifte$ into refri#erate$ tru5s -it! te'1erature set at no less t!an 22I F <)8.+3I
C= for trans1ort to $istri(ution enters in 'aDor ities t!rou#!out t!e USA an$ Cana$a.
T!e yiel$ &aries -it! t!e ulti&ar an$ t!e a#e of t!e tree. At )6 to 86 years% a #oo$ annual
ro1 'ay (e 866 to ,66 fruits 1er tree. At t-ie t!at a#e an$ o&er% t!e ro1 -ill (e
$ou(le$. In Ja&a%% ol$ trees !a&e (een 5no-n to (ear )%666 to )%266 fruits in a season.
So'e ulti&ars in In$ia (ear 366 to ,%666 fruits in ?on? years an$% -it! #oo$ ultural
attention% yiel$s of 2%666 fruits !a&e (een re1orte$. T!ere is a fa'ous 'an#o% C"ane Ja
Aa'C of Ma!aras!tra an$ J!a'#aon% In$ia% -it! ?1a1er7t!in? s5in an$ fi(erless fles!.
One of t!e ol$est of t!ese trees% -ell o&er )66 years of a#e% (ears !ea&ily 2 years out of
)6 -it! 8 years of lo- yiel$. A&era#e annual yiel$ is A%266 fruits9 t!e !i#!est reor$ is
Re1orte$ annual yiel$s for A ulti&ars in "uerto Rio are@
CLi11ensC A+%6+* l(s 1er are
CJeittC .2%A63 l(s 1er are
CEarly#ol$C .8%,)6 l(s 1er are
C"ar&inC ,3%,A* l(s 1er are
C0a$enC ,8%+,8 l(s 1er are
C"al'erC 83%3A3 l(s 1er are
T!e nu'(er of l(s 1er are is rou#!ly t!e e>ui&alent of 5# 1er !etare.
A&era#e 'an#o yiel$ in Flori$a is sai$ to (e a(out ,6%666 l(sFare. One lea$in#
o''erial #ro-er !as re1orte$ !is annual ro1 as 88%666 to 8+%266 l(sFare. One
#ro-er -!o !as !e$#e$ an$ to11e$ trees lose71lante$ at t!e rate of )66 1er are <.)F!a=
a&era#es ).%666 to )*.666 l(sFare.
In In$ia% 'an#os are 1i5e$ >uite #reen to a&oi$ (ir$ $a'a#e an$ t!e $ealers layer t!e'
-it! rie stra- in &entilate$ stora#e roo's o&er a 1erio$ of one -ee5. Huality is
i'1ro&e$ (y ontrolle$ te'1eratures (et-een A6I an$ +6I F <)2I 78)I C=. In ri1enin#
trials in "uerto Rio% t!e CE$-ar$C 'an#o -as !ar&este$ -!ile $ee17#reen% $i11e$ in !ot
-ater at )8.I F <2)I C= to ontrol ant!ranose% sorte$ as to siBe% t!en store$ for )2 $ays
at +6I F <8)I C= -it! relati&e !u'i$ity of 32K to *6K. T!ose 1i5e$ -!en 'ore t!an ,
in <+.2 '= in $ia'eter ri1ene$ satisfatorily an$ -ere of e/ellent >uality.
Et!ylene treat'ent auses #reen 'an#os to $e&elo1 full olor in + to )6 $ays $e1en$in#
on t!e $e#ree of 'aturity% -!ereas untreate$ fruits re>uire )6 to )2 $ays. One of t!e
a$&anta#es is t!at t!ere an (e fe-er 1i5in#s an$ t!e fruit olor after treat'ent is 'ore
unifor'. T!erefore% et!ylene treat'ent is a o''on 1ratie in Israel for ri1enin# fruits
for t!e loal 'ar5et. So'e #ro-ers in Flori$a $e1en$ on et!ylene treat'ent. 4enerally%
8. !ours of e/1osure is suffiient if t!e fruits are 1i5e$ at t!e 1ro1er sta#e. It !as (een
$eter'ine$ t!at 'an#os !a&e (een 1i5e$ 1re'aturely if t!ey re>uire 'ore t!an .3 !ours
of et!ylene treat'ent an$ are not fit for 'ar5et.
(eeping )uality and $torage
Was!in# t!e fruits i''e$iately after !ar&est is essential% as t!e sa1 -!i! lea5s fro' t!e
ste' (u's t!e s5in of t!e fruit 'a5in# (la5 lesions -!i! lea$ to rottin#.
So'e ulti&ars% es1eially CBan#aloraC% CAl1!onsoC% an$ CNeelu'C in In$ia% !a&e 'u!
(etter 5ee1in# >uality t!an ot!ers. In Bo'(ay% CAl1!onsoC !as 5e1t -ell for . -ee5s at
28I F <)).))I C=9 A to + -ee5s at .2I F <+.88I C=. Stora#e at lo-er te'1eratures is
$etri'ental inas'u! as 'an#os are &ery suse1ti(le to !illin# inDury. Any te'1erature
(elo- 22..I F <),I C= is $a'a#in# to CJentC. In Flori$a% t!is is re#ar$e$ as t!e o1ti'u'
for 8 to , -ee5s stora#e. T!e (est ri1enin# te'1eratures are +6I to +2I F <8).))I78,.3*I
E/1eri'ents in Flori$a !a&e $e'onstrate$ t!at CIr-inC% CTo''y At5insC an$ CJentC
'an#os% !el$ for , -ee5s at stora#e te'1erature of 22..I F <),I C=% *3K to )66K
relati&e !u'i$ity an$ at'os1!eri 1ressure of +A or )28 ''0#% ri1ene$ t!ereafter -it!
less $eay at A*.3I F <8)I C= un$er nor'al at'os1!eri 1ressure% as o'1are$ -it! fruits
store$ at t!e sa'e te'1erature -it! nor'al at'os1!eri 1ressure. T!ose store$ at )28
''0# too5 , to 2 $ays lon#er to ri1en t!an t!ose store$ at +A ''0#. Deay rates -ere
86K for CTo''y At5insC an$ .6K for CIr-inC. S1oila#e fro' ant!ranose !as (een
re$ue$ (y i''ersion for )2 'in in -ater at )82I F <2).A+I C= or for 2 'in at ),8I F
<22.2AI C=. Di11in# in 266 11' 'alei !y$raBi$e for ) 'in an$ storin# at 3*.AI F <,8I
C= also retar$s $eay (ut not loss of 'oisture. In Sout! Afria% 'an#os are su('er#e$
i''e$iately after 1i5in# in a sus1ension of (eno'yl for 2 'in at ),)I F <22I C= to
ontrol soft (ro-n rot.
In Australia% 'ature7#reen CJensin#ton "ri$eC 'an#os !a&e (een $i11e$ in a .K solution
of aliu' !lori$e un$er re$ue$ 1ressure <826 '' 0#= an$ t!en store$ in ontainers at
++I F <82I C= in et!ylene7free at'os1!ere. Ri1enin# -as retar$e$ (y a -ee59 t!at is% t!e
treate$ fruits ri1ene$ in 86 to 88 $ays -!ereas ontrols ri1ene$ in )8 to ). $ays. Eatin#
>uality -as e>ual e/e1t t!at t!e aliu'7treate$ fruits -ere foun$ sli#!tly !i#!er in
asor(i ai$.
Wra11in# fruits in$i&i$ually in !eat7s!rin5a(le 1lasti fil' !as not retar$e$ $eay in
stora#e. T!e only (enefit !as (een ,K less -ei#!t loss. Coatin# -it! 1araffin -a/ or
fun#ii$al -a/ an$ storin# at A3I to 3*.AI F <86I 7,8I C= $elays ri1enin# ) to 8 -ee5s
an$ 1re&ents s!ri&elin# (ut interferes -it! full $e&elo1'ent of olor.
4a''a irra$iation <,6 Jra$= auses ri1enin# $elay of + $ays in 'an#os store$ at roo'
te'1erature. T!e irra$iate$ fruits ri1en nor'ally an$ s!o- no a$&erse effet on >uality.
Irra$iation !as not yet (een a11ro&e$ for t!is 1ur1ose.
In In$ia% lar#e >uantities of 'an#os are trans1orte$ to $istant 'ar5ets (y rail. To a&oi$
e/essi&e !eat (uil$u1 an$ onse>uent s1oila#e% t!e fruits% 1a$$e$ -it! 1a1er s!a&in#s%
are 1a5e$ in &entilate$ -oo$en rates an$ loa$e$ into &entilate$ -oo$en (o/ars.
Relati&e !u'i$ity &aries fro' 8.K to 32K an$ te'1erature fro' 33I to ))2I F <,).AI7
.A.AI C=. T!ese i'1ro&e$ on$itions !a&e 1ro&e$ su1erior to t!e on&entional 1a5in# of
t!e fruits in )hoenix71al'7'i$ri( or (a'(oo% or t!e ne-er 1i#eon1ea7ste'% (as5ets
1a$$e$ -it! rie stra- an$ 'an#o lea&es an$ trans1orte$ in steel (o/ars% -!i! !as
resulte$ in 86K to ,6K losses fro' s!ri&elin#% uns!a1eliness an$ s1oila#e.
4reen see$lin# 'an#os% !ar&este$ in In$ia for o''erial 1re1aration of !utneys an$
1i5les as -ell as for ta(le use% are store$ for as lon# as .6 $ays at .8I to .2I F <2.2AI7
+.88I C= -it! relati&e !u'i$ity of 32K to **K. So'e of t!ese 'ay (e $i&erte$ for ta(le
use after a 87-ee5 ri1enin# 1erio$ at A8I to A2I F <)A.A+I 7)3.),I C=.
Pests and Diseases
T!e fruit flies% acus ferrugineus an$ . zonatus! atta5 t!e 'an#o in In$ia9 . tryoni
<no- Strumeta tryoni- in Hueenslan$% an$ . dorsalis in t!e "!ili11ines9 )ardalaspis
cosyra in Jenya9 an$ t!e fruit fly is t!e #reatest ene'y of t!e 'an#o in Central A'eria.
Beause of t!e 1resene of t!e Cari((ean fruit fly% Anastrepha suspensa! in Flori$a% all
Flori$a 'an#os for interstate s!i1'ent or for e/1ort 'ust (e fu'i#ate$ or i''erse$ in
!ot -ater at ))2I F <.A.))I C= for A2 'inutes.
In In$ia% Sout! Afria an$ 0a-aii% 'an#o see$ -ee&ils% Sternochetus +Cryptorhynchus-
mangiferae an$ S. gravis! are 'aDor 1ests% un$eteta(le until t!e lar&ae tunnel t!eir -ay
out. T!e lea$in# 1re$ators of t!e tree in In$ia are Dassi$ !o11ers +&diocerus s11.=
&ariously atta5in# trun5 an$ (ran!es or folia#e an$ flo-ers% an$ ausin# s!e$$in# of
youn# fruits. T!e !oney$e- t!ey e/rete on lea&es an$ flo-ers #i&es rise to sooty 'ol$.
T!e 'an#o7leaf -e((er% or ?tent ater1illar?% 6rthaga euadrusalis! !as (eo'e a 'aDor
1ro(le' in Nort! In$ia% es1eially in ol$% ro-$e$ or!ar$s -!ere t!ere is e/essi&e
s!a$e. Aroun$ Lu5no-% CDas!e!ariC is !ea&ily infeste$ (y t!is 1est9 CSa'ar(e!istC
<CC!ausaC= less. In Sout! Afria% )) s1eies of sales !a&e (een reor$e$ on t!e fruits.
Coccus mangiferae an$ C. acuminatus are t!e 'ost o''on sale insets #i&in# rise to
t!e sooty 'ol$ t!at #ro-s on t!e !oney$e- e/rete$ (y t!e 1ests. In so'e areas% t!ere
are oasional out(rea5s of t!e sales% )ulvinaria psidii! ). polygonata! Aulacaspis
cinnamoni! A. tubercularis! Aspidiotus destructor an$ 8eucaspis indica. In Flori$a%
1yrifor' sale% )rotopulvinaria )yrformis! an$ Flori$a -a/ sale% Ceroplastes
floridensis! are o''on% an$ t!e lesser sno- sale% )innaspis strachani! infests t!e
trun5s of s'all trees an$ lo-er (ran!es of lar#e trees. 0ea&y atta5s 'ay result in
ra5in# of t!e (ar5 an$ ooBin# of sa1.
T!e itrus t!ri1s% Scirtothrips aurantii! (le'is!es t!e fruit in so'e 'an#o7#ro-in# areas.
T!e re$7(an$e$ t!ri1s% Selenothrips rubrocinctus! at ti'es !ea&ily infests 'an#o folia#e
in Flori$a% 5illin# youn# lea&es an$ ausin# s!e$$in# of 'ature lea&es. Mealy(u#s%
)henacoccus citri an$ ). mangiferae! an$ rosicha stebbingi an$ . mangiferae 'ay
infest youn# lea&es% s!oots an$ fruits. T!e 'an#o ste' (orer% Batocera rufomaculata
in&a$es t!e trun5. Lea&es an$ s!oots are 1reye$ on (y t!e ater1illars of )arasa lepida!
Chlumetia transversa an$ 6rthaga exvinacea. Mites fee$ on 'an#o lea&es% flo-ers an$
youn# fruits. In Flori$a% t!e 'ost o''on is t!e a&oa$o re$ 'ite% )aratetranychus
Mistletoe +8oranthus an$ 'iscum s11.= 1arasitiBes an$ 5ills 'an#o (ran!es in In$ia an$
tro1ial A'eria. Dr. B. Re$$y% Re#ional "lant "ro$ution an$ "rotetion Offier% FAO%
Ban#5o5% o'1ile$ an e/tensi&e roster of insets% 'ites% ne'ato$es% ot!er 1ests% fun#i%
(ateria an$ 1!anero#a'i 1arasites in Sout!east Asia an$ t!e "aifi Re#ion <)*+2=.
One of t!e 'ost serious $iseases of t!e 'an#o is 1o-$ery 'il$e- +6idium mangiferae-!
-!i! is o''on in 'ost #ro-in# areas of In$ia% ours 'ostly in Mar! an$ A1ril in
Flori$a. T!e fun#us affets t!e flo-ers an$ auses youn# fruits to $e!y$rate an$ fall% an$
86K of t!e ro1 'ay (e lost. It is ontrolla(le (y re#ular s1rayin#. In !u'i$ li'ates%
ant!ranose ause$ (y Colletotrichum gloeosporioides +5lomerella cingulata- affets
flo-ers% lea&es% t-i#s% fruits% (ot! youn# an$ 'ature. T!e latter s!o- (la5 s1ots
e/ternally an$ t!e orres1on$in# fles! area is affete$. Control 'easures 'ust (e ta5en in
a$&ane of flo-erin# an$ re#ularly $urin# $ry s1ells. In Flori$a% 'an#o #ro-ers a11ly u1
to 86 s1rayin#s u1 to t!e ut7off 1oint (efore !ar&estin#. T!e (la5 s1ots are si'ilar to
t!ose 1ro$ue$ (y A&ternaria sp. often assoiate$ -it! ant!ranose in ol$ stora#e in
In$ia. Insi$e t!e fruits atta5e$ (y A&ternaria t!ere are orres1on$in# areas of !ar$%
or5y% s1on#y lesions. Inas'u! as t!e fun#us enters t!e ste'7en$ of t!e fruit% it is
o'(atte$ (y a11lyin# Fun#io11er 1aste in linsee$ oil to t!e ut ste' an$ also (y
steriliBin# t!e stora#e o'1art'ent -it! For'alin )@86. A 1re7!ar&est $ry ste'7en$ rot
-as first notie$ on CTo''y At5insC in Me/io in )*+,% an$ it !as s1rea$ to all Me/ian
1lantin#s of t!is ulti&ar ausin# losses of )6736K es1eially in -et -eat!er. Fusarium!
Alternaria an$ Cladosporium spp. -ere 1ro'inent a'on# assoiate$ fun#i.
Malfor'ation of infloresene an$ &e#etati&e (u$s is attri(ute$ to t!e o'(ine$ ation of
Fusarium moniliforme an$ any of t!e 'ites% Aceria mangifera! Eriophyes sp.!
$yrophagus castellanii! or $yphlodromus asiaticus. T!is #ra&e 1ro(le' ours in
"a5istan% In$ia% Sout! Afria an$ E#y1t% El Sal&a$or% Niara#ua% Me/io% BraBil an$
:eneBuela% (ut not as yet in t!e "!ili11ines. It is on t!e inrease in In$ia. Re'o&in# an$
(urnin# t!e infloresene !as (een t!e only re'e$y% (ut it !as (een foun$ t!at
'alfor'ation an (e re$ue$ (y a sin#le s1ray of NAA <866 '# in 26 'l alo!ol -it!
-ater a$$e$ to 'a5e ) liter= in Oto(er% an$ $e(loo'in# in early January.
T!ere are ). ty1es of 'an#o #alls in In$ia% )8 ourrin# on t!e lea&es. T!e 'ost serious
is t!e a/illary (u$ #all ause$ (y Apsylla cistellata of t!e fa'ily "sylli$ae.
In Flori$a% leaf s1ot is ause$ (y )estalotia mangiferae! )hyllosticta mortoni! an$
Septoria sp.: al#al leaf s1ot% or #reen surf (y Cephaleuros virescens. In )*3,% a ne-
$isease% rusty leaf s1ot% ause$ (y t!e fun#us% Aimmermaniella trispora! -as re1orte$ as
o''on on ne#lete$ 'an#o trees in Malaya. T-i# $ie(a5 an$ $ie(a5 are fro'
infetion (y )homopsis sp.! )hysalospora abdita! an$ ). rhodina. Wilt is ause$ (y
'erticillium alboatrum: (ro-n felt (y Septobasidium pilosum an$ S.
pseudopedicellatum: -oo$ rot% (y )olyporus sanguineus: an$ sa( (y Elsinoe
mangiferae +Sphaceloma mangiferae-. Cercospora mangiferae atta5s t!e fruits in t!e
A nu'(er of or#anis's in In$ia ause -!ite sa1% !eart rot% #ray (li#!t% leaf (li#!t% -!ite
1o5et rot% -!ite s1on#y rot% sa1 rot% (la5 (ar5 an$ re$ rust. In Sout! Afria% Asbergillus
atta5s youn# s!oots an$ fruit rot is ause$ (y A. niger. 5loeosporium mangiferae auses
(la5 s1ottin# of fruits. Er,inia mangiferae an$ )seudomonas mangiferaeindicae are
soures of (aterial (la5 s1ot in Sout! Afria an$ Hueenslan$. Bacterium carotovorus is
a soure of soft rot. Ste'7en$ rot is a 'aDor 1ro(le' in In$ia an$ "uerto Rio fro'
infetion (y )hysalospora rhodina +iplodia natalensis-. Soft (ro-n rot $e&elo1s $urin#
1rolon#e$ ol$ stora#e in Sout! Afria.
Leaf ti1 (urn 'ay (e a si#n of e/ess !lori$es. Man#anese $efiieny is in$iate$ (y
1aleness an$ li'1ness of folia#e follo-e$ (y yello-in#% -it! $istint #reen &eins an$
'i$ri(% fine (ro-n s1ots an$ (ro-nin# of leaf ti1s. Ina$e>uate Bin is e&i$ent in less
notiea(le 1aleness of folia#e% $istortion of ne- s!oots% s'all lea&es% nerosis% an$
stuntin# of t!e tree an$ its roots. In (oron $efiieny% t!ere is re$ue$ siBe an$ $istortion
of ne- lea&es an$ (ro-nin# of t!e 'i$ri(. Co11er $efiieny is seen in 1aleness of
folia#e an$ se&ere ti17(u' -it! #ray7(ro-n 1at!es on ol$ lea&es9 a(nor'ally lar#e
lea&es9 also $ie7(a5 of ter'inal s!oots9 so'eti'es #u''osis of t-i#s an$ (ran!es.
Ma#nesiu' is nee$e$ -!en youn# trees are stunte$ an$ 1ale% ne- lea&es !a&e yello-7
-!ite areas (et-een t!e 'ain &eins an$
1ro'inent yello- s1e5s on (ot! si$es of
t!e 'i$ri(. T!ere 'ay also (e (ro-nin#
of t!e leaf ti1s an$ 'ar#ins. La5 of iron
1ro$ues !lorosis in youn# trees.
Food *ses
Man#os s!oul$ al-ays (e -as!e$ to
re'o&e any sa1 resi$ue% (efore !an$lin#.
So'e see$lin# 'an#os are so fi(rous t!at
t!ey annot (e slie$9 instea$% t!ey are
'assa#e$% t!e ste'7en$ is ut off% an$
t!e Duie s>ueeBe$ fro' t!e fruit into t!e 'out!. Non7fi(rous 'an#os 'ay (e ut in !alf
to t!e stone% t!e t-o !al&es t-iste$ in o11osite $iretions to free t!e stone -!i! is t!en
re'o&e$% an$ t!e !al&es ser&e$ for eatin# as a11etiBers or $essert. Or t!e t-o ?!ee5s?
'ay (e ut off% follo-in# t!e ontour of t!e stone% for si'ilar use9 t!en t!e re'ainin#
si$e ?fin#ers? of fles! are ut off for use in fruit u1s% et.
Most 1eo1le enDoy eatin# t!e resi$ual fles! fro' t!e see$ an$ t!is is $one 'ost neatly (y
1ierin# t!e ste'7en$ of t!e see$ -it! t!e lon# entral tine of a 'an#o for5% o''only
sol$ in Me/io% an$ !ol$in# t!e see$ u1ri#!t li5e a lolly1o1. S'all 'an#os an (e 1eele$
an$ 'ounte$ on t!e for5 an$ eaten in t!e sa'e 'anner. If t!e fruit is sli#!tly fi(rous
es1eially near t!e stone% it is (est to 1eel an$ slie t!e fles! an$ ser&e it as $essert% in
fruit sala$% on $ry ereal% or in #elatin or ustar$s% or on ie rea'. T!e ri1e fles! 'ay (e
s1ie$ an$ 1reser&e$ in Dars. Sur1lus ri1e 'an#os are 1eele$% slie$ an$ anne$ in siru1%
or 'a$e into Da'% 'ar'ala$e% Delly or netar. T!e e/trate$ 1ul1y Duie of fi(rous ty1es is
use$ for 'a5in# 'an#o !al&a an$ 'an#o leat!er. So'eti'es orn flour an$ ta'arin$
see$ Dellose are 'i/e$ in. Man#o Duie 'ay (e s1ray7$rie$ an$ 1o-$ere$ an$ use$ in
infant an$ in&ali$ foo$s% or reonstitute$ an$ $run5 as a (e&era#e. T!e $rie$ Duie%
(len$e$ -it! -!eat flour !as (een 'a$e into ?ereal? fla5es% A $e!y$rate$ 'an#o
ustar$ 1o-$er !as also (een $e&elo1e$ in In$ia% es1eially for use in (a(y foo$s.
Ri1e 'an#os 'ay (e froBen -!ole or 1eele$% slie$ an$ 1a5e$ in su#ar <) 1art su#ar to
)6 1arts 'an#o (y -ei#!t= an$ >ui57froBen in 'oisture71roof ontainers. T!e $ie$
fles! of ri1e 'an#os% (at!e$ in s-eetene$ or uns-eetene$ li'e Duie% to 1re&ent
$isoloration% an (e >ui57froBen% as an s-eetene$ ri1e or #reen 'an#o 1uree.
I''ature 'an#os are often (lo-n $o-n (y s1rin# -in$s. 0alf7ri1e or #reen 'an#os are
1eele$ an$ slie$ as fillin# for 1ie% use$ for Delly% or 'a$e into saue -!i!% -it! a$$e$
'il5 an$ e## -!ites% an (e on&erte$ into 'an#o s!er(et. 4reen 'an#os are 1eele$%
slie$% 1ar(oile$% t!en o'(ine$ -it! su#ar% salt% &arious s1ies an$ oo5e$% so'eti'es
-it! raisins or ot!er fruits% to 'a5e !utney9 or t!ey 'ay (e salte$% sun7$rie$ an$ 5e1t for
use in !utney an$ 1i5les. T!in slies% seasone$ -it! tur'eri% are $rie$% an$ so'eti'es
1o-$ere$% an$ use$ to i'1art an ai$ fla&or to !utneys% &e#eta(les an$ sou1. 4reen or
ri1e 'an#os 'ay (e use$ to 'a5e relis!.
Fi#. A)@ Lo-7fi(er 'an#oes are easily 1re1are$ for t!e
ta(le (y first uttin# off t!e ?!ee5s? -!i! an t!en (e
ser&e$ for eatin# (y s1oonin# t!e fles! fro' t!e ?s!ell?.
In T!ailan$% #reen7s5inne$ 'an#os of a
lass alle$ ?5eo?% -it! s-eet% nearly
fi(erless fles! an$ &ery o''only #ro-n
an$ ine/1ensi&e on t!e 'ar5et% are
soa5e$ -!ole for )2 $ays in salte$ -ater
(efore 1eelin#% sliin# an$ ser&in# -it!
"roessin# of 'an#os for e/1ort is of
#reat i'1ortane in 0a-aii in &ie- of
t!e restritions on e/1ortin# t!e fres!
fruits. 0a-aiian te!nolo#ists !a&e
$e&elo1e$ 'et!o$s for stea'7 an$ lye7
1eelin#% also $e&ies for re'o&in# 1eel
fro' un1eele$ fruits in t!e 1re1aration of
netar. C!oie of suita(le ulti&ars is an
essential fator in 1roessin# 'an#os for
$ifferent 1ur1oses.
T!e Foo$ Resear! Institute of t!e
Cana$a De1art'ent of A#riulture !as
$e&elo1e$ 'et!o$s of 1reser&in# ri1e or #reen 'an#o slies (y os'oti $e!y$ration%
T!e fres! 5ernel of t!e 'an#o see$ <stone= onstitutes ),K of t!e -ei#!t of t!e fruit%
22K to A2K of t!e -ei#!t of t!e stone. T!e 5ernel is a 'aDor (y71ro$ut of t!e 'an#o7
1roessin# in$ustry. In ti'es of foo$ sarity in In$ia% t!e 5ernels are roaste$ or (oile$
an$ eaten. After soa5in# to $is1el t!e astrin#eny <tannins=% t!e 5ernels are $rie$ an$
#roun$ to flour -!i! is 'i/e$ -it! -!eat or rie flour to 'a5e (rea$ an$ it is also use$
in 1u$$in#s.
T!e fat e/trate$ fro' t!e 5ernel is -!ite% soli$ li5e ooa (utter an$ tallo-% e$i(le% an$
!as (een 1ro1ose$ as a su(stitute for ooa (utter in !oolate.
T!e 1eel onstitutes 86K to 82K of t!e total -ei#!t of t!e fruit. Resear!ers in In$ia
!a&e s!o-n t!at t!e 1eel an (e utiliBe$ as a soure of 1etin. A&era#e yiel$ on a $ry7
-ei#!t (asis is ),K.
I''ature 'an#o lea&es are oo5e$ an$ eaten in In$onesia an$ t!e "!ili11ines.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 2ipe Mango Fles!?
Fi#. A8@ T!e lon# enter tine of t!e 'an#o for5 is
$esi#ne$ for 1ierin# t!e (ase of t!e enter setion an$
ri#!t t!rou#! t!e see$. Wit! t!e stri1 of 1eel re'o&e$%
t!e 'ost fla&orful fles! aroun$ t!e see$ an (e enDoye$
li5e a lolli1o1.
Calories A8.)7A,.+
Moisture +3.*738.3 #
"rotein 6.,A76..6 #
Fat 6.,676.2, #
Car(o!y$rates )A.867)+.)3 #
Fi(er 6.327).6A #
As! 6.,.76.28 #
Caliu' A.)7)8.3 '#
"!os1!orus 2.27)+.* '#
Iron 6.8676.A, '#
:ita'in A <arotene= 6.),27).3+8 '#
T!ia'ine 6.68676.6+, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68276.6A3 '#
Niain 6.68276.+6+ '#
Asor(i Ai$ +.37)+8.6 '#
Try1to1!an ,7A '#
Met!ionine . '#
Lysine ,87,+ '#
LMini'u' an$ 'a/i'u' le&els of foo$ onstituents $eri&e$ fro' &arious analyses 'a$e
in Cu(a% Central A'eria% Afria an$ In$ia.
"uerto Rian analyses of ,6 ulti&ars s!o-e$ (7arotene as ran#in# fro' a lo- of .%)+)
I.U.F)66 # in CStrin#less "ea!C to a !i#! of +%*66 I.U. in CCarrieC. Asor(i ai$ ran#e$
fro' ,.., '#F)66 # in CJeittC to A8.*A in CJulieC.
Seed 2ernelLL
Moisture )6.227)).,2K
"rotein ..+A73.2K
Fat A7)2K
Star! .67+8K
Su#ar ).6+K
Fi(er ).)+78.AK
As! ).+87,.AAK
Silia 6..)K
Iron 6.6,K
Caliu' 6.))76.8,K
Ma#nesiu' 6.,.K
"!os1!orus 6.8)76.AAK
So$iu' 6.83K
"otassiu' ).,)K
Sulfur 6.8,K
Car(onate 6.6*K
LLAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in In$ia an$ Cu(a.
In$ian analyses of t!e 'an#o 5ernel re&eal t!e a'ino ai$sYalanine% ar#inine% as1arti
ai$% ystine% #luta'i ai$% #lyine% !isti$ine% isoleuine% leuine% lysine% 'et!ionine%
1!enylalanine% 1roline% serine% t!reonine% tyrosine% &aline% at le&els lo-er t!an in -!eat
an$ #luten. Tannin ontent 'ay (e 6.)876.)3K or 'u! !i#!er in ertain ulti&ars.
2ernel Flour<
"rotein 2.2AK
Fat )A.)+K
Car(o!y$rates A*.8K
As! <'inerals= 6.,2K
LIt is sai$ to (e e>ual to rie in foo$ &alue% if tannin7free.
2ernel Fat
Fully saturate$ #lyeri$es )..8K
Mono7oleo#lyeri$es 8..8K
Di7oleo#lyeri$es A6.3K
Tri7unsaturate$ #lyeri$es 6.3K
Fatty Acids@
Mysristi 6.A*K
"al'iti ...73.3,K
Steari ,,.*A7.+.3K
Ara!i$i 8.+7A.+.K
Olei ,3.87.*.+3K
Linolei ...72..K
Linoleni 6.2K
8eaves <i''ature=
Moisture +3.8K
"rotein ,.6K
Fat 6..K
Car(o!y$rates )A.2K
Fi(er ).AK
As! ).*K
Caliu' 8* '#F)66 #
"!os1!orus +8 '#
Iron A.8 '#
:ita'in A <arotene= [ )%.*6 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6. '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6A '#
Niain 8.8 '#
Asor(i Ai$LL 2, '#F)66#
LLAor$in# to &arious analyses 'a$e in In$ia.
T!e sa1 -!i! e/u$es fro' t!e stal5 lose to t!e (ase of t!e fruit is so'e-!at 'il5y at
first% also yello-is!7resinous. It (eo'es 1ale7yello- an$ transluent -!en $rie$. It
ontains 'an#iferen% resinous ai$% 'an#iferi ai$% an$ t!e resinol% 'an#iferol. It% li5e
t!e sa1 of t!e trun5 an$ (ran!es an$ t!e s5in of t!e unri1e fruit% is a 1otent s5in irritant%
an$ a1a(le of (listerin# t!e s5in of t!e nor'al in$i&i$ual. As -it! 1oison i&y% t!ere is
ty1ially a $elaye$ reation. 0y1ersensiti&e 1ersons 'ay reat -it! onsi$era(le s-ellin#
of t!e eyeli$s% t!e fae% an$ ot!er 1arts of t!e (o$y. T!ey 'ay not (e a(le to !an$le% 1eel%
or eat 'an#os or any foo$ ontainin# 'an#o fles! or Duie. A #oo$ 1reaution is to use
one 5nife to 1eel t!e 'an#o% an$ a lean 5nife to slie t!e fles! to a&oi$ onta'inatin#
t!e fles! -it! any of t!e resin in t!e 1eel.
T!e lea&es ontain t!e #luosi$e% 'an#iferine. In In$ia% o-s -ere for'erly fe$ 'an#o
lea&es to o(tain fro' t!eir urine eu/ant!i ai$ -!i! is ri! yello- an$ !as (een use$ as
a $ye. Sine ontinuous inta5e of t!e lea&es 'ay (e fatal% t!e 1ratie !as (een outla-e$.
W!en 'an#o trees are in (loo'% it is not uno''on for 1eo1le to suffer it!in# aroun$
t!e eyes% faial s-ellin# an$ res1iratory $iffiulty% e&en t!ou#! t!ere is no air(orne
1ollen. T!e fe- 1ollen #rains are lar#e an$ t!ey ten$ to a$!ere to ea! ot!er e&en in $ry
-eat!er. T!e sti#'a is s'all an$ not $esi#ne$ to at! -in$(orne 1ollen. T!e irritant is
1ro(a(ly t!e &a1oriBe$ essential oil of t!e flo-ers -!i! ontains t!e ses>uiter1ene
alo!ol% 'an#iferol% an$ t!e 5etone% 'an#iferone.
Man#o -oo$ s!oul$ ne&er (e use$ in fire1laes or for oo5in# fuel% as its s'o5e is
!i#!ly irritant.
Ot!er *ses
$eed kernels, After soa5in# an$ $ryin# to )6K 'oisture ontent% t!e 5ernels are fe$ to
1oultry an$ attle. Wit!out t!e re'o&al of tannins% t!e fee$in# &alue is lo-. Cu(an
sientists $elare t!at t!e 'ineral le&els are so lo- 'ineral su11le'entation is nee$e$ if
t!e 5ernel is use$ for 1oultry fee$% for -!i! 1ur1ose it is reo''en$e$ 'ainly (eause
it !as little ru$e fi(er.
$eed .at, 0a&in# !i#! steari ai$ ontent% t!e fat is $esira(le for soa17'a5in#. T!e see$
resi$ue after fat e/tration is usa(le for attle fee$ an$ soil enri!'ent.
A 'an#o stone $eortiator !as (een $esi#ne$ an$ suessfully o1erate$ (y t!e
A#riultural En#ineerin# De1art'ent of "antna#ar Uni&ersity% In$ia.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is 5iln7$rie$ or seasone$ in salt-ater. It is #ray or #reenis!7(ro-n%
oarse7te/ture$% 'e$iu'7stron#% !ar$% $ura(le in -ater (ut not in t!e #roun$9 easy to
-or5 an$ finis!es -ell. In In$ia% after 1reser&ati&e treat'ent% it is use$ for rafters an$
Doists% -in$o- fra'es% a#riultural i'1le'ents% (oats% 1ly-oo$% s!oe !eels an$ (o/es%
inlu$in# rates for s!i11in# tins of as!e- 5ernels. It 'a5es e/ellent !aroal.
Bark, T!e (ar5 1ossesses )AK to 86K tannin an$ !as (een e'1loye$ for tannin# !i$es.
It yiel$s a yello- $ye% or% -it! tur'eri an$ li'e% a (ri#!t rose71in5.
Gu#, A so'e-!at resinous% re$7(ro-n #u' fro' t!e trun5 is use$ for 'en$in# ro5ery
in tro1ial Afria. In In$ia% it is sol$ as a su(stitute for #u' ara(i.
Medicinal *ses, Drie$ 'an#o flo-ers% ontainin# )2K tannin% ser&e as astrin#ents in
ases of $iarr!ea% !roni $ysentery% atarr! of t!e (la$$er an$ !roni uret!ritis resultin#
fro' #onorr!ea. T!e (ar5 ontains 'an#iferine an$ is astrin#ent an$ e'1loye$ a#ainst
r!eu'atis' an$ $i1!t!eria in In$ia. T!e resinous #u' fro' t!e trun5 is a11lie$ on ra5s
in t!e s5in of t!e feet an$ on sa(ies% an$ is (elie&e$ !el1ful in ases of sy1!ilis.
Man#o 5ernel $eotion an$ 1o-$er <not tannin7free= are use$ as &er'ifu#es an$ as
astrin#ents in $iarr!ea% !e'orr!a#es an$ (lee$in# !e'orr!oi$s. T!e fat is a$'inistere$ in
ases of sto'atitis. E/trats of unri1e fruits an$ of (ar5% ste's an$ lea&es !a&e s!o-n
anti(ioti ati&ity. In so'e of t!e islan$s of t!e Cari((ean% t!e leaf $eotion is ta5en as a
re'e$y for $iarr!ea% fe&er% !est o'1laints% $ia(etes% !y1ertension an$ ot!er ills. A
o'(ine$ $eotion of 'an#o an$ ot!er lea&es is ta5en after !il$(irt!.
2elated $pecies
Of a11ro/i'ately .6 ot!er s1eies of Mangifera! a fe- are ulti&ate$ for t!eir fruits an$
se&eral !a&e (een e'1loye$ as rootsto5s for t!e 'an#o in Malaya.
M. sylvatica Ro/(.% is a lar#e tree to )26 ft <.2 '= #ro-in# -il$ in t!e eastern 0i'alayas%
Ne1al an$ t!e An$a'an Islan$s% fro' *36 to .%866 ft <,667)%,66 '=. T!e elli1ti fruit% ,
)F. to . in <37)6 '= lon#% !as yello- s5in an$ fi(erless% t!ou#! rat!er t!in% fles!. It is
'ostly utiliBe$ -!ile still unri1e for 1i5les an$ ot!er 1reser&es. T!e tree is &alue$
'ainly for its ti'(er -!i! is lar#ely sa1-oo$% li#!t in -ei#!t an$ easily -or5e$ (ut
'e$iu'7!ar$ an$ stron#.
M. foetida Lour.% t!e !orse 'an#o% is a !an$so'e% -ell7for'e$ tree% A6 to 36 ft <)378. '=
tall -it! &ery stiff lea&es an$ s!o-y 1artiles of 1in57re$% o$orless flo-ers. T!e fruit is
o(lon#% , to 2 )F8 in <+.27)A '= lon#% 1lu'1% -it! yello-is!7 or #rayis!7#reen s5in
-!en ri1e. T!e fles! is &aria(le% in so'e ty1es oran#e% ai$% stron#ly tur1entine7sente$9
in ot!ers% 1ale7yello-% s-eet in fla&or an$ 'il$ly aro'ati. All ty1es are fi(rous an$ t!e
stone !as 'u! fi(er. S-eet ty1es are eaten ra- -!en ri1e9 ot!ers are use$ for 1i5les%
!utneys an$ in urries. T!e sa1 of t!e tree an$ t!e i''ature fruit is !i#!ly irritatin#.
M. caesia Ja5% ran#in# fro' A2 to )26 ft <867.2 '= at lo- altitu$es in Malaysia an$ t!e
"!ili11ines% is fre>uently ulti&ate$ in In$onesia. T!e flo-ers are (lue or la&en$er.
Stron#ly an$% to so'e 1eo1le% un1leasantly aro'ati% t!e fruit is o&al to 1ear7s!a1e$% .
)F. to A in <))7)2 '= lon#% -it! t!in% 1ale7#reen or li#!t7(ro-n% surfy s5in -!i! lin#s
to t!e -!ite or 1ale7yello-% Duiy% fi(rous fles!. Huality is !i#!ly &aria(le9 so'e ty1es
(ein# su(ai$ to s-eet an$ a#reea(le an$ t!ese are o''only eaten in Malaya. T!e see$
is lar#e an$ 1in5% enlose$ in 'atte$ fi(ers9 e$i(le9 'onoe'(ryoni. ;oun# lea&es are
eaten ra-. T!e sa1 of t!e tree an$ i''ature fruits is e/ee$in#ly irritant.
M. odorata 4riff. is a 'e$iu' to lar#e tree% A6 to 36 ft <)278. '= !i#!% (etter suite$ t!an
t!e 'an#o to !u'i$ re#ions an$ 'u! ulti&ate$ fro' Malaya to t!e "!ili11ines -!ere it
is 'ore fa'iliar t!an t!e 'an#o in eastern Min$anao. T!e flo-ers are -!itis! to
yello-is! an$ &ery fra#rant. T!e fruit is roun$7o(li>ue% so'e-!at o(late9 to 2 in <)8.2
'= lon#% 1lu'1% -it! #reen or yello-7#reen% t!i5% tou#! s5in. W!en ri1e t!e fles! is
1ale7oran#e or yello-is!% fi(rous an$ resinous (ut Duiy an$ s-eet% t!ou#! 'ost ty1es are
$istintly tur1entine 7fla&ore$. Ne&ert!eless% all ty1es are 1o1ular for urries an$ 1i5les.
T!e stone is lar#e -it! 'any oarse fi(ers. T!e sa1 of t!is tree is sai$ to (e fairly 'il$%
(ut t!e 'il5y sa1 of t!e i''ature fruit e/tre'ely ari$.
In a$$ition to t!e a(o&e% Malayan &illa#ers oasionally ulti&ate so'e lesser75no-n
s1eies@ M. longipetiolata Jin#% M. maingayi 0oo5 f.% M. "emanga Blu'e% an$ M.
pentandra 0oo5 f.
T!e #an$aria% "late SSIS% Bouea gandaria Blu'e <syn. B. macrophylla 4riff.=% is also
alle$ "undangan! "undang! setar! star an$ rumia in Malaya9 gandareed in Ja&a9 ma#
prang in T!ailan$. T!e tree% usually to ,6 ft <* '=% so'eti'es to A6 ft <)3 '=% is s!ort7
trun5e$ -it! resinous sa1% $roo1in# (ran!es an$ e&er#reen% o11osite% resinous% leat!ery%
$o-n-ar$71ointin# lea&es . to )8 in <)67,6 '= lon#% 8 to . )F8 in <27)).82 '= -i$e.
T!ey are 1ur1le7re$ an$ sil5y -!en t!ey first a11ear. S'all% #reenis! flo-ers are (orne in
1en$ent 1aniles to 2 in <)8.2 '= in len#t!. T!e fruit% li5e a 'iniature 'an#o% is o&al%
roun$ or o(lon#7o&oi$% ) )F8 to 8 )F8 in <.7A.82 '= lon#% -it! t!in% s'oot!% (rittle%
e$i(le s5in% yello- or a1riot7olore$ -!en ri1e. T!e yello- or oran#e 1ul1 is Duiy%
&aries fro' ai$ to s-eet% an$ a$!eres to t!e leat!ery% -!is5ere$ stone. T!ere is #reat
&ariation in t!e fruits of see$lin# trees% es1eially in t!e $e#ree of ?tur1entine? o$or. T!e
tree is nati&e to Malaya an$ Su'atra9 is fre>uently ulti&ate$% eit!er fro' see$ or air7
layers% in its natural ran#e an$ also rat!er -i$ely t!rou#! Malaysia an$ t!e fruits are sol$
in 'ar5ets. T!ey are 'a$e into Da' an$ !utney. W!en still i''ature% t!ey are 1i5le$ in
(rine an$ use$ in urries. In In$onesia% t!e youn# lea&es are 'ar5ete$ an$ eaten ra- -it!
rie. Bu$-oo$ of a ulti&ar na'e$ CWanC% 'eanin# ?s-eet?% -as o(taine$ (y Willia' F.
W!it'an fro' an or!ar$ near Ban#5o5 in )*A+. 0is resultin# #rafte$ tree% in a 1rotete$
loation in Sout! Flori$a% fruite$ in )*+.. Earlier intro$utions <)*,2% )*,A an$ )*,3= (y
t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center in 0o'estea$ faile$ to sur&i&e.
A lesser s1eies% B. oppositifolia A$el(. <syn. B. micro1!ylla 4riff.=% is alle$ 1lu'
'an#o% rembunia! gemis! or rumia in Malaya9 ma#pring in T!ailan$. T!e tree is si'ilar
(ut $ei$uous% s'aller in all its 1arts% an$ t!e fruit is oran#e or yello- an$ only ) in <8.2
'= lon#% ai$ an$ usually oo5e$ -!en !alf7ri1e. T!is s1eies is a(un$ant -il$ in
lo-lan$ forests of Malaya an$ 'u! ulti&ate$ as a s!a$e tree. T!e -oo$ is !ar$ an$
&ery !ea&y% sin5s in -ater% an$ is use$ for !ouse1osts.
Food Value
Fruits fro' a 867year7ol$ #an$aria tree +Bouea gandaria
Blu'e= in t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ental 4ar$en% Tela%
0on$uras% -ere analyBe$ in )*26 an$ t!e follo-in# &alues
-ere re1orte$@
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion
Cas!ew Apple
occidentale -6
T!is 1seu$ofruit <or ?false
fruit?= is a (y71ro$ut of t!e
as!e- nut in$ustry. T!e
as!e- tree% Anacardium
occidentale L.% is alle$
maraBon in 'ost S1anis!7
s1ea5in# ountries% (ut merey in
:eneBuela9 an$ ca4u or ca4ueiro
in "ortu#uese. It is #enerally (us!y% lo-7(ran!e$ an$
s1rea$in#9 'ay rea! ,2 ft <)6.A '= in !ei#!t an$ -i$t!. Its
lea&es% 'ainly in ter'inal lusters% are o(lon#7o&al or
Moisture 32.8 #
"rotein 6.))8 #
Fat 6.6.#
Fi(er 6.A #
As! 6.8, #
Caliu' A.6 '#
"!os1!orus )6.3 '#
Iron 6.,) '#
Carotene 6.6., '#
T!ia'ine 6.6,) '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.682 '#
Niain 6.83A '#
Asor(i Ai$ +2.6 '#
"late SSS@ CAS0EW A""LE% Anacardium
Fi#. AA@ T!e so7alle$ ?as!e- a11le?% a 1seu$ofruitY
atually t!e s-ollen stal5 of t!e true fruit of
Anacardium occidentale! t!e as!e- nutYis fi(rous (ut
Duiy an$ loally 1o1ular 1reser&e$ in siru1.
Fi#. A+@ Foo$ te!nolo#ists in Mysore% In$ia% $e&elo1e$
a an$ie$ as!e- a11le 1ro$ut% 'ore a11ealin# t!an
t!e anne$. A si'ilar onfetion is 'a$e an$ sol$ in t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li.
o(o&ate% . to 3 in <)6786 '= lon# an$ 8 to . in <27)6 '= -i$e% an$ leat!ery. ;ello-is!7
1in5% 271etalle$ flo-ers are (orne in A to )67in <)2782 '= ter'inal 1aniles of 'i/e$
'ale% fe'ale an$ (ise/ual. T!e true fruit of t!e tree is t!e as!e- nut rese'(lin# a
'iniature (o/in#7#lo&e9 onsistin# of a $ou(le s!ell ontainin# a austi 1!enoli resin in
!oneyo'(7li5e ells% enlosin# t!e e$i(le 5i$ney7s!a1e$ 5ernel. An interestin# feature
of t!e as!e- is t!at t!e nut $e&elo1s first an$ -!en it is full7#ro-n (ut not yet ri1e% its
1e$unle or% 'ore te!nially% ree1tale% fills out% (eo'es 1lu'1% fles!y% 1ear7s!a1e$
or r!o'(oi$7to7o&ate% 8 to . )F8 in <27)).82 '= in len#t!% -it! -a/y% yello-% re$% or
re$7an$7yello- s5in an$ s1on#y% fi(rous% &ery Duiy% astrin#ent% ai$ to su(ai$% yello-
1ul1. T!us is for'e$ t!e ons1iuous% so7alle$ as!e- a11le.
T!e as!e- is nati&e to an$ nort!east BraBil an$% in t!e )At! Century% "ortu#uese tra$ers
intro$ue$ it to MoBa'(i>ue an$ oastal In$ia% (ut only as a soil retainer to sto1 erosion
on t!e oasts. It flouris!e$ an$ ran -il$ an$ for'e$ e/tensi&e forests in t!ese loations
an$ on near(y islan$s% an$ e&entually it also (ea'e $is1erse$ in East Afria an$
t!rou#!out t!e tro1ial lo-lan$s of nort!ern Sout! A'eria% Central A'eria an$ t!e
West In$ies. It !as (een 'ore or less asually 1lante$ in all -ar' re#ions an$ a fe-
fruitin# s1ei'ens are foun$ in e/1eri'ental stations an$ 1ri&ate #ar$ens in sout!ern
T!e 1ro$ution an$ 1roessin# of as!e- nuts are o'1le/ an$ $iffiult 1ro(le's.
Beause of t!e #reat !an$ia1 of t!e to/i s!ell oil% Latin A'erians an$ West In$ians
o&er t!e years !a&e (een 'ost ent!usiasti a(out t!e suulent as!e- a11le an$ !a&e
#enerally t!ro-n t!e nut a-ay or 1roesse$ it ru$ely on a li'ite$ sale% e/e1t in BraBil%
-!ere t!ere is a !i#!ly $e&elo1e$ as!e- nut 1roessin# in$ustry% es1eially in Ceara. In
MoBa'(i>ue% also% t!e a11le rei#ne$ su1re'e for $ea$es. Attention t!en fouse$ on t!e
nut% (ut% in )*+8% t!e in$ustrial 1otential of t!e Duie an$ siru1 fro' t!e esti'ate$ 8
'illion tons of sur1lus as!e- a11les -as (ein# in&esti#ate$. In In$ia% on t!e ot!er !an$%
&ast tonna#es of as!e- a11les !a&e lar#ely #one to -aste -!ile t!at ountry 1ioneere$
in t!e utiliBation an$ 1ro'otion of t!e nut.
T!e a11le an$ nut fall to#et!er -!en (ot! are ri1e an$% in o''erial nut 1lantations% it
is 'ost 1ratial to t-ist off t!e nut an$ lea&e t!e a11le on t!e #roun$ for later #raBin# (y
attle or 1i#s. But% -!ere la(or osts are &ery lo-% t!e a11les 'ay (e #at!ere$ u1 an$
ta5en to 'ar5ets or 1roessin# 1lants. In 4oa% In$ia% t!e a11les are still tra'1le$ (y foot
to e/trat t!e Duie for t!e loally fa'ous $istille$ li>uor% feni. In BraBil% #reat !ea1s are
$is1laye$ (y fruit &en$ors% an$ t!e Duie is use$ as a fres! (e&era#e an$ for -ine.
In t!e fiel$% t!e fruits are 1i5e$ u1 an$ !e-e$ for refres!'ent% t!e Duie s-allo-e$% an$
t!e fi(rous resi$ue $isar$e$. In t!e !o'e an$% in a li'ite$ -ay for o''erial 1ur1oses%
t!e as!e- a11les are 1reser&e$ in siru1 in #lass Dars. Fres! a11les are !i#!ly 1eris!a(le.
:arious s1eies of yeast an$ fun#i ause s1oila#e after t!e first $ay at roo' te'1erature.
Foo$ te!nolo#ists in In$ia !a&e foun$ t!at #oo$ on$ition an (e 'aintaine$ for 2
-ee5s at ,8V to ,2V F <6V7).A+V C= an$ relati&e !u'i$ity of 32K to *6K. Inas'u! as t!e
Duie is astrin#ent an$ so'e-!at ari$ $ue to ,2K tannin ontent <in t!e re$@ less in t!e
yello-= an$ ,K of an oily su(stane% t!e fruit is 1ressure7stea'e$ for 2 to )2 'inutes
(efore an$yin# or 'a5in# into Da' or !utney or e/tratin# t!e Duie for ar(onate$
(e&era#es% siru1 or -ine. Efforts are 'a$e to retain as 'u! as 1ossi(le of t!e asor(i
ai$. Foo$ te!nolo#ists in Costa Ria reently -or5e$ out an i'1ro&e$ 1roess for
1ro$uin# t!e loally 1o1ular an$ie$% sun7$rie$ as!e- a11les. Failure to re'o&e t!e
tannin fro' t!e Duie 'ay aount for t!e nutritional $efiieny in !ea&y i'(i(ers of
as!e- a11le -ine in MoBa'(i>ue% for tannin 1re&ents t!e (o$yCs full assi'ilation of
Food Value Per 9== g o. Fres! Cas!ew Apple?
Moisture 3...733.+ #
"rotein 6.)6)76.)A8 #
Fat 6.6276.26 #
Car(o!y$rates *.637*.+2 #
Fi(er 6..7).6 #
As! 6.)*76.,. #
Caliu' 6.*72.. '#
"!os1!orus A.)78).. '#
Iron 6.)*76.+) '#
Carotene 6.6,76.+.8 '#
T!ia'ine 6.68,76.6, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.),76.. '#
Niain 6.),76.2,* '#
Asor(i Ai$ ).A.A7,+8.6 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Central A'eria an$ Cu(a.
Medicinal *ses, Cas!e- a11le Duie% -it!out re'o&al of tannin% is 1resri(e$ as a
re'e$y for sore t!roat an$ !roni $ysentery in Cu(a an$ BraBil. Fres! or $istille$% it is a
1otent $iureti an$ is sai$ to 1ossess su$orifi 1ro1erties. T!e (ran$y is a11lie$ as a
lini'ent to relie&e t!e 1ain of r!eu'atis' an$ neural#ia.
Cas!e- <tree% flo-ers an$ fruits=
Purple Mo#bin
Spondias purpurea -6
One of t!e 'ost 1o1ular s'all fruits of t!e A'erian tro1is% t!e 1ur1le 'o'(in%
Spondias )urpurea L.% !as a>uire$ 'any ot!er ollo>uial na'es@ in En#lis!% re$
'o'(in% S1anis! 1lu'% !o# 1lu'% sarlet 1lu'9 1ur1le 1lu' in t!e :ir#in Islan$s9
Ja'aia 1lu' in Trini$a$9 C!ile 1lu' in Bar(a$os9 -il$ 1lu' in Costa Ria an$ "ana'a9
re$ 1lu'% as -ell as noba an$ ma""a pruim in t!e Net!erlan$s Antilles. S1anis! na'es
inlu$e@ a4uela ciruela: chiabal: cirguelo: ciruela: ciruela agria: ciruela calentana:
ciruela campechana: ciruela colorada: ciruela de coyote: ciruela de hueso: ciruela del
paCs: ciruela de Mexico: ciruela morada: ciruela ro4a: ciruela san4uanera: hobo: hobo
colorado: ismoyo: 4obillo: 4obito: 4obo: 4obo colorado: 4obo francDs: 4ocote: 4ocote
agrio: 4ocote amarillo <yello- for'=9 4ocote comEn: 4ocote de corona: 4ocote de iguana:
4ocote iguanero: 4ocote tronador: 4ocotillo: pitarillo: sineguelas <"!ili11ines=9 sismoyo.
In "ortu#uese% it is alle$ ambu: ambuzeiro: ameixa da Espanha: ca4> vermelha <yello-
for'=9 ciriguela: ciroela: imbu: imbuzeiro: umbu! or umbuzeiro. In Fren!% it is
cirouelle! mombin rouge! prune du Chili! prune d?Espagne! prune 4aune <yello- for'= or
prune rouge.
T!e 1ur1le 'o'(in 'ay (e a s!ru( or
lo-7(ran!e$ s'all tree in lo-lan$s% or a
s1rea$in#% t!i57trun5e$ tree rea!in# 82
or e&en 26 ft <+.27)2 '= in !i#!lan$s.
T!e (ran!es are t!i5is! an$ (rittle. T!e
$ei$uous% alternate% o'1oun$ lea&es
(ri#!t7re$ or 1ur1le -!en youn#9 . ,F. to
)6 in <)8782 '= lon# -!en 'ature9 !a&e 2 to )* nearly sessile% o(o&ate to laneolate or
o(lon#7elli1ti leaflets ,F. to ) )F8 in <87. '= lon#9 o(li>ue to-ar$ t!e (ase an$ faintly
toot!e$ to-ar$ t!e a1e/. T!e tiny% .7 to 271etalle$ flo-ers% 'ale% fe'ale an$ (ise/ual%
are re$ or 1ur1le an$ (orne in s!ort% !airy 1aniles alon# t!e (ran!es (efore t!e lea&es
a11ear. So'e-!at 1lu'li5e% t!e fruits% (orne sin#ly or in #rou1s of 8 or ,% 'ay (e 1ur1le%
$ar57 or (ri#!t7re$% oran#e% yello-% or re$7an$7yello-. T!ey &ary fro' ) to 8 in <8.272
'= in len#t! an$ 'ay (e o(lon#% o&al% o(o&oi$ or 1ear7s!a1e$% -it! s'all in$entations
an$ often a 5no( at t!e a1e/. T!e s5in is #lossy an$ fir'9 t!e fles! aro'ati% yello-%
fi(rous% &ery Duiy% -it! a ri!% 1lu'7li5e% su(ai$ to ai$ fla&or% so'eti'es a trifle
tur1entiney9 an$ it a$!eres to t!e rou#!% fi(rous% !ar$% o(lon#% 5no((y% t!i5% 1ale stone%
-!i! is )F8 to ,F. in <).8278 '= lon# an$ ontains u1 to 2 s'all see$s.
Origin and Distribution
T!e 1ur1le 'o'(in is nati&e an$ o''on (ot! -il$ an$ ulti&ate$ fro' sout!ern
Me/io t!rou#! nort!ern "eru an$ BraBil% 1artiularly in an$ Bones. T!ere are so'e
reent o''erial 1lantin#s in Me/io
an$ :eneBuela. It is o''only 1lante$
in 'ost of t!e islan$s of t!e West In$ies
an$ t!e Ba!a'as. E&ery-!ere t!e fruits
are sol$ alon# t!e roa$s an$ streets as
-ell as in t!e nati&e 'ar5ets. S1anis!
e/1lorers arrie$ t!is s1eies to t!e
"!ili11ines% -!ere it !as (een -i$ely
a$o1te$. T!e tree is naturaliBe$
t!rou#!out 'u! of Ni#eria an$
oasionally ulti&ate$ for its fruit. It !as
(een infre>uently 1lante$ in sout!ern
Flori$a% 'ainly as a uriosity.
T!e fruit is !i#!ly &aria(le. T!e yello- for' <uno''on= !as (een i$entifie$ (y so'e
(otanists as S. purpurea for'a lutea F. M R.% or e&en as a se1arate s1eies% S. cirouella
Fi#. A3@ T!e 1ur1le% or re$% 'o'(in +Spondias
)urpurea-! $es1ite its lar#e see$% is 1o1ular for asual
ni((lin#. In@ J. M J. Morton% Fifty $ropical Fruits of
%assau! )*.A.
Fi#. A*@ T!e yello- for' of t!e 1ur1le 'o'(in% -!i!
!as (een alle$ S. purpurea &ar. lutea! is s'aller% less
irre#ular in for'.
Tassa. It !as (een onfuse$ -it! t!e true yello- 'o'(in% S. mombin L. <syn. S. lutea
L.=% >.&.
In 4uate'ala% t!e &ariety alle$ 4ocote de corona! -!i! is flattene$ an$ so'e-!at
s!oul$ere$ at t!e a1e/% is sai$ to (e of su1erior >uality% an$ 4ocote tronador is nearly its
T!e tree is tro1ial% ran#in# fro' sea7le&el to 2%266 or A%666 ft <)%+667)%366 '= in
Me/io an$ Central A'eria9 to 8%266 ft <+A6 '= in Ja'aia% in eit!er $ry or !u'i$
re#ions. It flo-ers (ut $oes not fruit in Israel9 is ol$7sensiti&e in Flori$a.
T!e tree is foun$ #ro-in# naturally on a #reat $i&ersity of soils t!rou#!out Latin
A'eria7san$% #ra&el% !ea&y lay loa'% or li'estone.
Propagation and Culture
T!e 1ur1le 'o'(in% inlu$in# its yello- for'% is #ro-n &ery easily an$ >ui5ly (y
settin# lar#e uttin#s u1ri#!t in t!e #roun$. It is one of t!e trees 'ost use$ to reate
?li&in# fenes?. It #ro-s &ery slo-ly fro' see$.
T!ere are flo-ers an$ fruits of t!e re$ for' nearly all year in Ja'aia% (ut 'ainly in July
an$ Au#ust% -!ile t!e yello- &ariant fruits only fro' Se1te'(er to No&e'(er. In t!e
Ba!a'as% t!e fruitin# season of t!e re$ ty1e is (rief% Dust May an$ June9 t!e yello- ri1ens
fro' Au#ust to early Oto(er.
Pests and Diseases
Fruit flies o''only infest t!e ri1e fruits. In Flori$a% t!e folia#e is su(Det to s1ot
ant!ranose ause$ (y Sphaceloma spondiadis.
Food *ses
T!e ri1e fruits are o''only eaten out7of7!an$. W!ile not of !i#! >uality% t!ey are
1o1ular -it! 1eo1le -!o !a&e enDoye$ t!e' fro' !il$!oo$% an$ t!ey ser&e a useful
1ur1ose in t!e a(sene of ?sna5(ars?. In t!e !o'e% t!ey are ste-e$ -!ole% -it! su#ar%
an$ onsu'e$ as $essert. T!ey an (e 1reser&e$ for future use 'erely (y (oilin# an$
$ryin#% -!i! 5ee1s t!e' in #oo$ on$ition for se&eral 'ont!s. T!e straine$ Duie of
oo5e$ fruits yiel$s an e/ellent Delly an$ is also use$ for 'a5in# -ine an$ &ine#ar. It is
a 1leasant a$$ition to ot!er fruit (e&era#es.
In Me/io% unri1e fruits are 'a$e into a tart% #reen saue% or are 1i5le$ in &ine#ar an$
eaten -it! salt an$ !ili 1e11ers.
T!e ne- s!oots an$ lea&es are ai$ an$ eaten ra- or oo5e$ as #reens in nort!ern Central
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture A2.*73A.A #
"rotein 6.6*A76.8A) #
Fat 6.6,76.)+ #
Fi(er 6.876.A #
As! 6..+7).), #
Caliu' A.)78,.* '#
"!os1!orus ,).2722.+ '#
Iron 6.6*7).88 '#
Carotene* '#
T!ia'ine 6.6,,76.)6, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6).76.6.* '#
Niain 6.2.67).++6 '#
Asor(i Ai$ 8A..7+,.6 '#
Amino Acids<< <'# 1er # nitro#en PN Q A.82R=
Lysine ,)A '#
Met!ionine )+3 '#
T!reonine 8)* '#
Try1to1!an 2+ '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Central A'eria an$ Eua$or.
LLBraBilian analyses.
In t!e "!ili11ines% it is sai$ t!at eatin# a lar#e >uantity of t!e fruits on an e'1ty sto'a!
'ay ause sto'a!a!e.
Ot!er *ses
Gu#, T!e tree e/u$es a #u' t!at !as ser&e$ in Central A'eria as a #lue.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is li#!t an$ soft9 !as (een foun$ to (e suita(le for 1a1er 1ul1 in BraBil.
It is so'eti'es (urne$ to as!es -!i! are e'1loye$ in 'a5in# soa1.
-ea&es and .ruits, T!e lea&es are rea$ily #raBe$ (y attle an$ t!e fruits are fe$ to !o#s.
-ac, La insets !a&e (een raise$ on t!e re$ 'o'(in in Me/io.
Medicinal *ses, in Me/io% t!e fruits are re#ar$e$ as $iureti an$ antis1as'o$i. T!e
fruit $eotion is use$ to (at!e -oun$s an$ !eal sores in t!e 'out!. A siru1 1re1are$
fro' t!e fruit is ta5en to o&ero'e !roni $iarr!ea. T!e astrin#ent (ar5 $eotion is a
re'e$y for 'an#e% ulers% $ysentery an$ for (loatin# ause$ (y intestinal #as in infants.
In t!e "!ili11ines% t!e sa1 of t!e (ar5 is use$ to treat sto'atitis in infants.
T!e Duie of t!e fres! lea&es is a re'e$y for t!rus!. A $eotion of t!e lea&es an$ (ar5 is
e'1loye$ as a fe(rifu#e. In sout!-estern Ni#eria% an infusion of s!re$$e$ lea&es is
&alue$ for -as!in# uts% sores an$ (urns. Resear!ers at t!e Uni&ersity of Ife !a&e foun$
t!at an a>ueous e/trat of t!e lea&es !as anti(aterial ation% an$ an alo!oli e/trat is
e&en 'ore effeti&e. T!e #u'7resin of t!e tree is (len$e$ -it! 1inea11le or sourso1 Duie
for treatin# Daun$ie. Most of t!e ot!er uses in$iate t!at t!e fruits% lea&es an$ (ar5 are
fairly ri! in tannin.
'ellow Mo#bin
Spondias mombin -6
Spondias lutea -6
T!e true yello- 'o'(in% S. mombin L. <syn. S. lutea L.= is 'ost often alle$ !o# 1lu' in
t!e Cari((ean Islan$s. In Ja'aia% it is also 5no-n as S1anis! 1lu'% or #ully 1lu'. In
Malaya% it is $istin#uis!e$ as t!orny !o# 1lu'9 in 4!ana% it is !o# 1lu' or As!anti 1lu'.
A'on# its S1anis! na'es are caimito! chupandilla! ciruela agria! ciruela amarilla!
ciruela de 4obo! ciruela del pais! ciruela de monte! ciruela loca! cirueld mango! ciruela
obo! cua4o! guama zapotero! hobo de monte! hubu! 4obillo! 4obito! 4obo! 4obo arisco!
4oboban! 4obo blanco! 4obo de Castilla! Fobo de perro! 4obo de puerco! 4obo espino! 4obo
espinoso! 4obo gusanero! 4obo hembra! 4obo 4ocote! 4obo negro! 4obo roBoso! 4obo vano!
4ocote! 4ocote amarillo! 4ocote de chanche! 4ocote de4obo! 4ocote 4obo! 4ocote montanero!
4ocote montero! 4ovo! marapa! obo de
zopilote! palo de mulato! noma! tobo de
montana! obo an$ uvo. In "ortu#uese% it
is alle$ acaiba! acaimiri! aca4a!
aca4aiba! ca4a! ca4a mirim! ca4a
pe9ueno! ca4azeiro! an$ ca4a miudo. In
Fren!% it is mombin franc! mombin
fruits 4aunes! mombinier! myrobalane!
prune mombin! prune myrobalan! or
prunier mombin. Loal na'es in
Surina' are hoeboe! mompe! monbe!
mopD an$ moppD. A'aBonian In$ians
all it taperiba or tapiriba <fruit of t!e
T!e yello- 'o'(in tree% unli5e t!at of t!e 1ur1le 'o'(in% is eret% stately% to A2 ft <86
'= tall% -it! trun5 to 8 or 8 )F8 ft <A67+2 '= in $ia'eter% so'e-!at (uttresse$% an$
Fi#. +6@ T!e true yello- 'o'(in +Spondias mombin- is
(orne in $an#lin# lusters. It is eaten 'ostly (y !il$ren
an$ li&esto5.
t!i5% fissure$ (ar5% often% in youn# trees% (earin# 'any (lunt71ointe$ s1ines or 5no(s u1
to ,F. in <8 '= lon#. 4enerally% its lo-er (ran!es are -!orle$. Its $ei$uous% alternate%
1innate lea&es% 3 to )3 in <867.2 '= lon#% !a&e !airy% often 1in5is!% 1etioles an$ * to )*
su(7o11osite% o&ate or laneolate% 1ointe$ leaflets% 8 to A in <27)2 '= lon#% ine>uilateral
an$ o(li>ue at t!e (ase. S'all% fra#rant% -!itis!% 'ale% fe'ale an$ (ise/ual flo-ers are
(orne% after t!e ne- lea&es% in 1aniles A to )8 in <)27,6 '= lon#. T!e fruit% !an#in# in
nu'erous% (ran!e$% ter'inal lusters of a $oBen or 'ore% is aro'ati% o&oi$ or o(lon#% )
)F. to ) )F8 in <,.87. '= lon# an$ u1 to ) in <8.2 '= -i$e9 #ol$en7yello-9 -it! t!in%
tou#! s5in% an$ sant% 'e$iu'7yello-% transluent% fi(rous% &ery Duiy 1ul1% so'e-!at
'us5y% &ery ai$% often -it! a !int of tur1entine% lin#in# to t!e -!ite% fi(rous or ?or5y?
Origin and Distribution
T!e tree is nati&e an$ o''on in 'oist lo-lan$ forests fro' sout!ern Me/io to "eru
an$ BraBil% an$ in 'any of t!e West In$ies. It !as (een 1lante$ in Ber'u$a9 is #ro-n to a
li'ite$ e/tent in In$ia an$ In$onesia9 is rare in Malaya% (ut -i$ely ulti&ate$ an$
naturaliBe$ in tro1ial Afria.
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Colo'(ia in )*).
<S.".I. O,*2A,=9 'ore see$s arri&e$ in )*)+ <S.".I. O.263A=9 an$ Dr. Da&i$ Fair!il$
ollete$ see$s in "ana'a in )*8) <S.".I. O2.A,8=. Still% only a fe- s1ei'ens e/ist in
s1eial olletions in sout!ern Flori$a.
T!is is a stritly tro1ial tree% not #ro-in# a(o&e an ele&ation of ,%866 ft <)%666 '= in
Sout! A'eria. It is -ell7a$a1te$ to ari$ as -ell as !u'i$ Bones.
T!e tree 'ay (e 1ro1a#ate$ (y see$s (ut it is usually #ro-n fro' lar#e uttin#s -!i!
root >ui5ly.
T!e tree is fast7#ro-in# in full sun an$ in t!e A'erian tro1is an$ Afria is e/tensi&ely
1lante$ as a li&in# fene71ost% as -ell as for s!a$e an$ for its fruits.
In Costa Ria% t!e tree (loo's in No&e'(er an$ Dee'(er an$ a#ain in Mar!% an$ t!e
fruits ri1en in Au#ust% an$ in Dee'(erFJanuary. Bloo'in# ours in Ja'aia in A1ril%
May an$ June an$ t!e ro1 'atures in July an$ Au#ust. T!e fruits are in season in
Me/io fro' July to Oto(er9 in Flori$a fro' Au#ust to No&e'(er% T!ey fall to t!e
#roun$ -!en fully ri1e% (ut !il$ren t!ro- sti5s u1 into t!e trees to (rin# t!e' $o-n
T!e fruits are o''only infeste$ -it! fruit7fly lar&ae.
Food *ses
T!e yello- 'o'(in is less $esira(le t!an t!e 1ur1le 'o'(in an$ is a11reiate$ 'ostly
(y !il$ren an$ -ay7farers as a 'eans of alle&iatin# t!irst. Ri1e fruits are eaten out7of7
!an$% or ste-e$ -it! su#ar. T!e e/trate$ Duie is use$ to 1re1are ie rea'% ool
(e&era#es an$ Delly. So'e 1eo1le 'a5e t!ose of fair >uality into Da' an$ &arious ot!er
In A'aBonas% t!e fruit is use$ 'ainly to 1ro$ue -ine sol$ as ? 'inho de $aperiba;. In
4uate'ala% t!e fruit is 'a$e into a i$er7li5e $rin5.
Me/ians 1i5le t!e #reen fruits in &ine#ar an$ eat t!e' li5e oli&es -it! salt an$ !ili% as
t!ey $o -it! t!e unri1e 1ur1le 'o'(in.
;oun# lea&es are oo5e$ as #reens.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories 8).37.3.)
Moisture +8.3733.2, #
"rotein ).837).,3 #
Fat 6.)76.2A #
Fi(er ).)A7).)3 #
Car(o!y$rates 3.+67)6.6 #
As! 6.A276.AA #
Caliu' ,).. '#
Iron 8.3 '#
Carotene <:ita'in A= +) I.U.
T!ia'ine *2 '#
Ri(ofla&in 26 '#
Asor(i Ai$ .A.. '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in 4uate'ala% Afria an$ t!e "!ili11ines.
Aor$in# to Alts!ul% E.L. Little reor$e$ on an !er(ariu' s1ei'en ollete$ in
Colo'(ia@ ?. . . fruit e$i(le% (ut sai$ to (e (a$ for t!e t!roat.? In tro1ial Afria%
e/essi&e in$ul#ene in t!e fruits is sai$ to ause $ysentery.
Ot!er *ses
Fruits, T!e fruits are -i$ely &alue$ as fee$ for attle an$ 1i#s.
Gu#, T!e tree e/u$es a #u' t!at is use$ as a #lue.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is yello- or yello-is!7(ro-n -it! $ar5er 'ar5in#s9 li#!t in -ei#!t%
(uoyant% fle/i(le% stron#9 1rone to atta5 (y ter'ites an$ ot!er 1ests. It is 'u! use$ in
ar1entry% also for 'at!sti5s% 'at!7(o/es% 1!ysiianCs s1atulas% sti5s for s-eet'eats%
1enils% 1en7!ol$ers% 1a5in# ases% interior s!eat!in# of !ouses an$ (oats an$ as a
su(stitute for or5. It is not suite$ for turnery an$ $oes not 1olis! -ell. In BraBil% t!e
-oo$y tu(erles on t!e trun5 are ut off an$ use$ for (ottle sto11ers an$ to 'a5e seals
for sta'1in# sealin# -a/. In tro1ial Afria% sa1lin#s ser&e as 1oles for !uts9 (ran!es for
#ar$en 1oles an$ for a/e an$ !oe !an$les. In Costa Ria an$ "uerto Rio t!e -oo$ is
e'1loye$ only as fuel. As!es fro' t!e (urne$ -oo$ are utiliBe$ in in$i#o7$yein# in
Bark, T!e (ar5% (eause of its tannin ontent% is use$ in tannin# an$ $yein#. It is so t!i5
t!at it is 1o1ular for ar&in# a'ulets% statuettes% i#arette !ol$ers% an$ &arious orna'ental
2oots, "ota(le -ater an (e $eri&e$ fro' t!e roots in e'er#eny.
0ectar, T!e flo-ers are -or5e$ intensi&ely (y !oney(ees early in t!e 'ornin#.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruit Duie is $run5
as a $iureti an$ fe(rifu#e. T!e $eotion
of t!e astrin#ent (ar5 ser&es as an
e'eti% a re'e$y for $iarr!ea% $ysentery%
!e'orr!oi$s an$ a treat'ent for
#onorr!ea an$ leuorr!ea9 an$% in
Me/io% it is
(elie&e$ to e/1el alifiations fro' t!e
(la$$er. T!e 1o-$ere$ (ar5 is a11lie$ on
-oun$s. A tea of t!e flo-ers an$ lea&es
is ta5en to relie&e sto'a!a!e%
(iliousness% uret!ritis% ystitis an$ eye
an$ t!roat infla''ation. In BeliBe% a
$eotion of t!e youn# lea&es is a
re'e$y for $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery. T!e Duie of rus!e$ lea&es an$ t!e 1o-$er of $rie$
Fi#. +)@ T!e i'(u. +Spondias tuberosa- of nort!eastern
BraBil is an a11reiate$ -il$ soure of Duie in t!at
se'i7ari$ lan$. "!otoC$ (y t!e 1lant e/1lorer% ".0.
Dorsett in )*).% for t!e U.S. De1t. of A#riulture.
lea&es are use$ as 1oulties on -oun$s an$ infla''ations. T!e #u' is e'1loye$ as an
e/1etorant an$ to e/1el ta1e-or's.
2elated $pecies
T!e i'(u% or u'(u% S. tuberosa Arru$a% is a lo-7(ran!in# tree to ), or )A ft <.72 '=
!i#!% s1rea$in# to a -i$t! of ,6 ft <* '=. It !as a s!allo- syste' of soft% tu(erous roots
alle$ cunca! -!i! store 'u! -ater. T!e 1innate lea&es !a&e 2 to * o(lon#7o&ate
leaflets% ) to ) ,F. in <8.27..2 '= lon#% so'eti'es faintly toot!e$. Flo-ers% s'all% -!ite
an$ .7 to 271etalle$% are 1ro$ue$ in 1aniles . to A in <)67)2 '= in len#t!. T!e fruit%
(orne in #reat a(un$ane% e/!i(its 'inor see$lin# &ariations9 is usually 'ore or less o&al%
) )F8 in <. '= lon#% -it! #reenis!7yello-% fairly t!i5% tou#! s5in an$ ten$er% 'eltin#
1ul1% ai$ unri1e% s-eet -!en ri1e% an$ a$!erent to t!e sin#le stone% ,F. in <8 '= lon#.
T!e tree t!ri&es in &ery $ry soil% #ra&elly loa'% san$y or 1artly lay% t!rou#!out 'u! of
su(tro1ial% se'i7ari$ nort!eastern BraBil. It is rarely ulti&ate$. It is a 'u!7a11reiate$%
(ountiful% -il$ foo$ resoure of rural 1eo1le. T!e fruits are #at!ere$ fro' t!e #roun$ an$
sol$ in &illa#e 'ar5ets. T!ey are eaten out7of7!an$% or t!e Duie is (len$e$ -it! (oile$
'il5 an$ su#ar% or 'a$e into ie rea' or Delly. T!e roots !a&e (een onsu'e$ in
e'er#eny an$ t!ey rea$ily yiel$ 1ota(le -ater.
Intro$utions into Flori$a an$ Malaya !a&e (een unsuessful.
Fi#. +8@ T!e i'(u +Spondias tuberosa- fro' T!e Na&el Oran#e of Ba!ia% -it! notes on so'e
little75no-n BraBilian fruits% (y ".0. Dorsett% A.D. S!a'el an$ W. "o1enoe. Bull. ..2% Bureau of "lant
In$ustry% U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture% Was!in#ton% D.C. )*)+.
Spondias dulcis Forst6
Spondias cytherea $onn6
An un$er7a11reiate$ 'e'(er of t!e
Anaar$iaeae% (ut $eser&in# of
i'1ro&e'ent% is t!e a'(arella% Spondias
dulcis Forst. <syn. S. cytherea Sonn.=.
A'on# &arious ollo>uial na'es are
Ota!eite a11le% Ta!itian >uine%
"olynesian 1lu'% Je- 1lu' an$ #ol$en
a11le. In Malaya it is alle$ #reat !o#
1lu' or "edondong: in In$onesia%
"edongdong: in T!ailan$% ma#"o"#
farang: in Ca'(o$ia% mo"a": in
:ietna'% coc% pomme cythere or
)ommier de cythere. In Costa Ria% it is
5no-n as 4uplGn: in Colo'(ia% hobo de
racimos: in :eneBuela% 4obo de la &ndia!
4obo de &ndio! or mango 4obo: in
Eua$or% manzana de oro: in BraBil%
T!e tree is ra1i$7#ro-in#% attainin# a !ei#!t of A6 ft <)3 '= in its !o'elan$9 #enerally not
'ore t!an ,6 or .6 ft <*7)8 '= in ot!er areas. U1ri#!t an$ rat!er ri#i$ an$ sy''etrial% it
is a stately orna'ental -it! $ei$uous% !an$so'e% 1innate lea&es% 3 to 8. in <867A6 '=
in len#t!% o'1ose$ of * to 82 #lossy% elli1ti or o(o&ate7o(lon# leaflets 8 )F8 to . in
<A.827)6 '= lon#% finely toot!e$ to-ar$ t!e a1e/. At t!e (e#innin# of t!e $ry% ool
season% t!e lea&es turn (ri#!t7yello- an$ fall% (ut t!e tree -it! its nearly s'oot!% li#!t
#ray7(ro-n (ar5 an$ #raeful% roun$e$ (ran!es is not unattrati&e $urin# t!e fe- -ee5s
"late SSSI@ AMBARELLA% Spondias dulcis
t!at it re'ains (are. S'all% inons1iuous% -!itis! flo-ers are (orne in lar#e ter'inal
1aniles. T!ey are assorte$% 'ale% fe'ale an$ 1erfet in ea! luster. Lon#7stal5e$ fruits
$an#le in (un!es of a $oBen or 'ore9 o&al or so'e-!at irre#ular or 5no((y% an$ 8 )F8 to
, )F8 in <A.827* '= lon#% -it! t!in (ut tou#! s5in% often russette$. W!ile still #reen an$
!ar$% t!e fruits fall to t!e #roun$% a fe- at a ti'e% o&er a 1erio$ of se&eral -ee5s. As t!ey
ri1en% t!e s5in an$ fles! turn #ol$en7yello-. W!ile t!e fruit is still fir'% t!e fles! is ris1%
Duiy an$ su(ai$% an$ !as a so'e-!at 1inea11le7li5e fra#rane an$ fla&or. If allo-e$ to
soften% t!e aro'a an$ fla&or (eo'e 'us5y an$ t!e fles! $iffiult to slie (eause of
ons1iuous an$ tou#! fi(ers e/ten$in# fro' t!e rou#! ri$#es of t!e 27elle$% -oo$y
ore ontainin# ) to 2 flat see$s. So'e fruits in t!e Sout! Sea Islan$s -ei#! o&er ) l(
<6..2 5#= ea!.
Origin and Distribution
T!e a'(arella is nati&e fro' Melanesia t!rou#! "olynesia an$ !as (een intro$ue$ into
tro1ial areas of (ot! t!e Ol$ an$ Ne- Worl$. It is o''on in Malayan #ar$ens an$
fairly fre>uent in In$ia an$ Ceylon. T!e fruits are sol$ in 'ar5ets in :ietna' an$
else-!ere in for'er In$o!ina. It first fruite$ in t!e "!ili11ines in )*)2. It is ulti&ate$ in
Hueenslan$% Australia% an$ #ro-n on a s'all sale in 4a(on an$ NanBi(ar.
It -as intro$ue$ into Ja'aia in )+38 an$ a#ain )6 years later (y Ca1tain Bli#!%
1ro(a(ly fro' 0a-aii -!ere it !as (een #ro-n for 'any years. It is ulti&ate$ in Cu(a%
0aiti% t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% an$ fro' "uerto Rio to Trini$a$9 also in Central
A'eria% :eneBuela% an$ Surina'9 is rare in BraBil an$ ot!er 1arts of tro1ial A'eria.
"o1enoe sai$ t!ere -ere only a fe- trees in t!e "ro&ine of 4uayas% Eua$or% in )*8..
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Li(eria in )*6*%
t!ou#! Wester re1orte$ at t!at ti'e t!at t!e tree !a$ alrea$y (een fruitin# for . years in
Mia'i% Flori$a. In )*))% a$$itional see$s rea!e$ Was!in#ton fro' Hueenslan$%
Australia. A nu'(er of s1ei'ens are sattere$ aroun$ t!e ti1 of Flori$a% fro' "al'
Bea! sout!-ar$% (ut t!e tree !as ne&er (eo'e o''on !ere. So'e t!at -ere 1lante$ in
t!e 1ast !a&e $isa11eare$.
T!e tree flouris!es in !u'i$ tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial areas% (ein# only a trifle ten$erer
t!an its lose relati&e% t!e 'an#o. It suee$s u1 to an altitu$e of 8%,66 ft <+66 '=. In
Israel% t!e tree $oes not t!ri&e% re'ainin# s'all an$ (earin# only a fe-% inferior fruits.
T!e a'(arella #ro-s on all ty1es of soil% inlu$in# ooliti li'estone in Flori$a% as lon# as
t!ey are -ell7$raine$.
T!e tree is easily 1ro1a#ate$ (y see$s% -!i! #er'inate in a(out . -ee5s% or (y lar#e
!ar$-oo$ uttin#s% or air7layers. It an (e #rafte$ on its o-n rootsto5% (ut Fir'in#er
says t!at in In$ia it is usually #rafte$ on t!e nati&e S. pinnata JurB <see (elo-=. Wester
a$&ise$@ ?Use non71etiole$% slen$er% 'ature% (ut #reen an$ s'oot! (u$-oo$9 ut lar#e
(u$s -it! a'1le -oo$7s!iel$% ) )F8 to ) ,F. in <.7..2 '= lon#9 insert t!e (u$s in t!e
sto5 at a 1oint of a11ro/i'ately t!e sa'e a#e an$ a11earane as t!e sion.?
See$lin#s 'ay fruit -!en only . years ol$. O!se reo''en$s t!at t!e youn# trees (e
#i&en li#!t s!a$e. Mature trees are so'e-!at (rittle an$ a1t to (e $a'a#e$ (y stron#
-in$s9 t!erefore% s!eltere$ loations are 1referre$.
In 0a-aii% t!e fruit ri1ens fro' No&e'(er to A1ril9 in Ta!iti% fro' May to July. In
Flori$a% a sin#le tree 1ro&i$es a stea$y su11ly for a fa'ily fro' fall to 'i$-inter% at a
ti'e -!en 'an#os an$ 'any ot!er 1o1ular fruits are out of season.
Pests and Diseases
O!se says t!at in In$onesia t!e lea&es are se&erely atta5e$ (y t!e lar&ae of t!e
5e$on#$on# s1rin#7(eetle% )odontia affinis. In Costa Ria% t!e (ar5 is eaten (y a -as1
<?Con#o?=% ausin# nerosis -!i! lea$s to $eat!. No 1artiular insets or $iseases !a&e
(een re1orte$ in Flori$a. In Ja'aia% t!e tree is su(Det to #u''osis an$ is onse>uently
Food *ses
T!e a'(arella !as suffere$ (y o'1arison -it! t!e 'an#o an$ (y re1etition in literature
of its inferior >uality. 0o-e&er% ta5en at t!e 1ro1er sta#e% -!ile still fir'% it is relis!e$ (y
'any out7of7!an$% an$ it yiel$s a $eliious Duie for ol$ (e&era#es. If t!e ris1 slie$
fles! is ste-e$ -it! a little -ater an$ su#ar an$ t!en straine$ t!rou#! a -ire sie&e% it
'a5es a 'ost ae1ta(le 1ro$ut% 'u! li5e tra$itional a11lesaue (ut -it! a ri!er
fla&or. Wit! t!e a$$ition of inna'on or any ot!er s1ies $esire$% t!is saue an (e
slo-ly oo5e$ $o-n to a t!i5 onsisteny to 'a5e a 1reser&e &ery si'ilar to a11le
(utter. Unri1e fruits an (e 'a$e into Delly% 1i5les or relis!es% or use$ for fla&orin#
saues% sou1s an$ ste-s.
;oun# a'(arella lea&es are a11ealin#ly ai$ an$ onsu'e$ ra- in sout!east Asia. In
In$onesia% t!ey are stea'e$ an$ eaten as a &e#eta(le -it! salte$ fis! an$ rie% an$ also
use$ as seasonin# for &arious $is!es. T!ey are so'eti'es oo5e$ -it! 'eat to ten$eriBe
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories )2+.,6
Total Soli$s )..2,7.67,2K
Moisture 2*.A2732..+K
"rotein 6.2676.36K
Fat 6.837).+*K
Su#ar <surose= 3.627)672.K
Ai$ 6..+K
Cru$e Fi(er 6.327,7A6K
As! 6...76.A2K
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in t!e "!ili11ines an$ 0a-aii. I
Miller% Louis an$ ;anaBa-a in 0a-aii re1orte$ an asor(i ai$ ontent of .8 '# 1er
)66 # of ra- 1ul1. It is a #oo$ soure of iron. Unri1e fruits ontain *.+AK of 1etin.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is li#!t7(ro-n an$ (uoyant an$ in t!e Soiety Islan$s !as (een use$ for
Medicinal *ses, In Ca'(o$ia% t!e astrin#ent (ar5 is use$ -it! &arious s1eies of
$erminalia as a re'e$y for $iarr!ea.
2elated $pecies
T!e a'ra% S. pinnata JurB <syns. Mangifera pinnata L. f.9 )ourpartia pinnata Blano=%
-!i! so'e (otanists onsi$er 'erely a -il$ for' of S. dulcis! is -il$ an$ ulti&ate$
fro' t!e 0i'alayas of nort!ern In$ia to t!e An$a'an Islan$s an$ is o''only
ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out sout!east Asia an$ Malaysia. T!e t-i#s are s'oot! an$ t!e lea&es
are not toot!e$9 t!e fruit is s'aller t!an t!e a'(arella an$ inferior in >uality (ut !as t!e
sa'e uses. T!e aro'ati% ai$ulous lea&es an$ flo-ers are e'1loye$ as fla&orin# an$
onsu'e$ ra- or oo5e$% es1eially in urries. T!e -oo$ is use$ for 'a5in# (oats%
floats% 'at!es% et. T!ere are se&eral 'e$iinal a11liations of t!e (ar5% root% an$ t!e
#u' t!at e/u$es fro' t!e trun5.

Litchi chinensis $onn6
Nephelium litchi Ca#bess
T!e ly!ee is t!e 'ost reno-ne$ of a #rou1 of e$i(le fruits of t!e soa1(erry fa'ily%
Sa1in$aeae. It is (otanially $esi#nate$ 8itchi chinensis Sonn. +%ephelium litchi
Ca'(ess= an$ -i$ely 5no-n as lit!i an$ re#ionally as lichi! lichee! laichi! leechee or
ly!ee. "rofessor 4. Wei$'an 4roff% an influential aut!ority of t!e reent 1ast% ur#e$ t!e
a$o1tion of t!e latter as a11ro/i'atin# t!e 1ronuniation of t!e loal na'e in Canton%
C!ina% t!e lea$in# enter of ly!ee 1ro$ution. I a' #i&in# it 1referene !ere (eause t!e
s1ellin# (est in$iates t!e $esire$ 1ronuniation an$ !el1s to stan$ar$iBe En#lis! usa#e.
S1anis! an$ "ortu#uese7s1ea5in# 1eo1le all t!e fruit lechia: t!e Fren!% litchi! or% in
Fren!7s1ea5in# 0aiti% 9uenepe chinois! $istin#uis!in# it fro' t!e 9uenepe! genip or
'a'onillo of t!e West In$ies% Melicoccus bi4ugatus! >.&. T!e 4er'an -or$ is litschi.
Description T!e ly!ee tree is !an$so'e% $ense% roun$7to11e$% slo-7#ro-in#% ,6 to )66
ft <*7,6 '= !i#! an$ e>ually (roa$. Its e&er#reen lea&es% 2 to 3 in <)8.2786 '= lon#% are
1innate% !a&in# . to 3 alternate% elli1ti7
o(lon# to laneolate% a(ru1tly 1ointe$%
leaflets% so'e-!at leat!ery% s'oot!%
#lossy% $ar57#reen on t!e u11er surfae
an$ #rayis!7#reen (eneat!% an$ 8 to , in
<27+.2 '= lon#. T!e tiny 1etalless%
#reenis!7-!ite to yello-is! flo-ers are
(orne in ter'inal lusters to ,6 in <+2
'= lon#. S!o-y fruits% in loose% 1en$ent
lusters of 8 to ,6 are usually stra-(erry7
re$% so'eti'es rose% 1in5is! or a'(er%
an$ so'e ty1es tin#e$ -it! #reen. Most
are aro'ati% o&al% !eart7s!a1e$ or nearly
roun$% a(out ) in <8.2 '= -i$e an$ ) )F8
in <. '= lon#9 !a&e a t!in% leat!ery%
rou#! or 'inutely -arty s5in% fle/i(le
an$ easily 1eele$ -!en fres!.
I''e$iately (eneat! t!e s5in of so'e
&arieties is a s'all a'ount of lear% $eliious Duie. T!e #lossy% suulent% t!i5%
transluent7-!ite to #rayis! or 1in5is! fles!y aril -!i! usually se1arates rea$ily fro'
t!e see$% su##ests a lar#e% lusious #ra1e. T!e fla&or of t!e fles! is su(ai$ an$
$istinti&e. T!ere is 'u! &ariation in t!e siBe an$ for' of t!e see$. Nor'ally% it is
o(lon#% u1 to ,F. in <86 ''= lon#% !ar$% -it! a s!iny% $ar57(ro-n oat an$ is -!ite
internally. T!rou#! faulty 1ollination% 'any fruits !a&e s!run5en% only 1artially
$e&elo1e$ see$s <alle$ ?!i5en ton#ue?= an$ su! fruits are 1riBe$ (eause of t!e
#reater 1ro1ortion of fles!. In a fe- $ays% t!e fruit naturally $e!y$rates% t!e s5in turns
(ro-n an$ (rittle an$ t!e fles! (eo'es $ry% s!ri&ele$% $ar57(ro-n an$ raisin7li5e% ri!er
an$ so'e-!at 'us5y in fla&or. Beause of t!e fir'ness of t!e s!ell of t!e $rie$ fruits%
"late SSSII@ L;C0EE% 8itchi chinensis
t!ey a'e to (e ni5na'e$ ?ly!ee% or lit!i% nuts? (y t!e uninitiate$ an$ t!is erroneous
na'e !as le$ to 'u! 'isun$erstan$in# of t!e nature of t!is !i#!ly $esira(le fruit. It is
$efinitely not a ?nut?% an$ t!e see$ is ine$i(le.
Origin and Distribution
T!e ly!ee is nati&e to lo- ele&ations of t!e 1ro&ines of J-an#tun# an$ Fu5ien in
sout!ern C!ina% -!ere it flouris!es es1eially alon# ri&ers an$ near t!e seaoast. It !as a
lon# an$ illustrious !istory !a&in# (een 1raise$ an$ 1iture$ in C!inese literature fro'
t!e earliest 5no-n reor$ in )62* A.D. Culti&ation s1rea$ o&er t!e years t!rou#!
nei#!(orin# areas of sout!eastern Asia an$ offs!ore islan$s. Late in t!e )+t! Century% it
-as arrie$ to Bur'a an$% )66 years later% to In$ia. It arri&e$ in t!e West In$ies in )++2%
-as (ein# 1lante$ in #reen!ouses in En#lan$ an$ Frane early in t!e )*t! Century% an$
Euro1eans too5 it to t!e East In$ies. It rea!e$ 0a-aii in )3+,% an$ Flori$a in )33,% an$
-as on&eye$ fro' Flori$a to California in )3*+. It first fruite$ at Santa Bar(ara in )*)..
In t!e )*86Cs% C!inaCs annual ro1 -as ,6 'illion l(s <),.A 'illion 5#=. In )*,+ <(efore
WW II= t!e ro1 of Fu5ien "ro&ine alone -as o&er ,2 'illion l(s <)A 'illion 5#=. In
ti'e% In$ia (ea'e seon$ to C!ina in ly!ee 1ro$ution% total 1lantin#s o&erin# a(out
,6%666 ares <)8%266 !a=. T!ere are also e/tensi&e 1lantin#s in "a5istan% Ban#la$es!%
Bur'a% for'er In$o!ina% Tai-an% Ja1an% t!e "!ili11ines% Hueenslan$% Ma$a#asar%
BraBil an$ Sout! Afria. Ly!ees are #ro-n 'ostly in $ooryar$s fro' nort!ern
Hueenslan$ to Ne- Sout! Wales% (ut o''erial or!ar$s !a&e (een esta(lis!e$ in t!e
1ast 86 years% so'e onsistin# of 2%666 trees.
Ma$a#asar (e#an e/1eri'ental refri#erate$ s!i1'ents of ly!ees to Frane in )*A6. It is
reor$e$ t!at t!ere -ere 8 trees a(out A years ol$ in Natal% Sout! Afria% in )3+2. Ot!ers
-ere intro$ue$ fro' Mauritius in )3+A. Layers fro' t!ese latter trees -ere $istri(ute$
(y t!e Dur(an Botanial 4ar$ens an$ ly!ee7#ro-in# e/1an$e$ stea$ily until in )*.+
t!ere -ere 2%666 (earin# trees on one estate an$ 2%666 ne-ly 1lante$ on anot!er
1ro1erty% a total of .6%666 in all.
In 0a-aii% t!ere are 'any $ooryar$ trees (ut o''erial 1lantin#s are s'all. T!e fruit
a11ears on loal 'ar5ets an$ s'all >uantities are e/1orte$ to t!e 'ainlan$ (ut t!e ly!ee
is too un$e1en$a(le to (e lasse$ as a ro1 of serious eono'i 1otential t!ere. Rat!er% it
is re#ar$e$ as a o'(ination orna'ental an$ fruit tree.
T!ere are only a fe- sattere$ trees in t!e West In$ies an$ Central A'eria a1art fro'
so'e #ro&es in Cu(a% 0on$uras an$ 4uate'ala. In California% t!e ly!ee -ill #ro- an$
fruit only in 1rotete$ loations an$ t!e li'ate is #enerally too $ry for it. T!ere are a fe-
&ery ol$ trees an$ one s'all o''erial #ro&e. In t!e early )*A6Cs% interest in t!is ro1
-as rene-e$ an$ so'e ne- 1lantin#s -ere (ein# 'a$e on irri#ate$ lan$.
At first it -as (elie&e$ t!at t!e ly!ee -as not -ell suite$ to Flori$a (eause of t!e la5
of -inter $or'any% e/1osin# suessi&e flus!es of ten$er ne- #ro-t! to t!e oasional
1erio$s of lo- te'1erature fro' Dee'(er to Mar!. T!e earliest 1lantin#s at Sanfor$
an$ O&ie$o -ere 5ille$ (y se&ere freeBes. A ste1 for-ar$ a'e -it! t!e i'1ortation of
youn# ly!ee trees fro' Fu5ien% C!ina% (y t!e Re&. W.M. Bre-ster (et-een )*6, an$
)*6A. T!is ulti&ar% t!e enturies7ol$ CC!en7TBeC or CRoyal C!en "ur1leC% rena'e$
CBre-sterC in Flori$a% fro' t!e nort!ern li'it of t!e ly!ee7#ro-in# area in C!ina%
-it!stan$s li#!t frost an$ 1ro&e$ to (e &ery suessful in t!e La5e "lai$ areaYt!e
?Ri$#e? setion of Central Flori$a.
Layere$ trees -ere a&aila(le fro' ReasonerCs Royal "al' Nurseries in t!e early )*86Cs%
an$ t!e ReasonerCs an$ t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture 'a$e 'any ne- intro$utions
for trial. But t!ere -ere no lar#e 1lantin#s until an i'1ro&e$ 'et!o$ of 1ro1a#ation -as
$e&elo1e$ (y Col. Willia' R. 4ro&e -!o (ea'e a>uainte$ -it! t!e ly!ee $urin#
'ilitary ser&ie in t!e Orient% retire$ fro' t!e Ar'y% 'a$e !is !o'e at Laurel <). 'iles
sout! of Sarasota% Flori$a= an$ -as enoura#e$ (y 5no-le$#ea(le "rof. 4. Wei$'an
4roff% -!o !a$ s1ent 86 years at Canton C!ristian Colle#e. Col. 4ro&e 'a$e
arran#e'ents to air7layer !un$re$s of (ran!es on so'e of t!e ol$% flouris!in# CBre-sterC
trees in Se(rin# an$ Ba(son "ar5 an$ t!us a>uire$ t!e sto5 to esta(lis! !is ly!ee
#ro&e. 0e 1lante$ t!e first tree in )*,3% an$ (y )*.6 -as sellin# ly!ee 1lants an$
1ro'otin# t!e ly!ee as a o''erial ro1. Many s'all or!ar$s -ere 1lante$ fro'
MerrittCs Islan$ to 0o'estea$ an$ t!e Flori$a Ly!ee 4ro-ersC Assoiation -as foun$e$
in )*28% es1eially to or#aniBe oo1erati&e 'ar5etin#. T!e s1ellin# ?ly!ee? -as
offiially a$o1te$ (y t!e assoiation u1on t!e stron# reo''en$ation of "rofessor 4roff.
In )*A6% o&er A%666 l(s <8%+86 5#= -ere s!i11e$ to Ne- ;or5% .%666 l(s <)%3). 5#= to
California% nearly A%666 l(s <8%+86 5#= to Cana$a% an$ ,%*66 l(s <)% +A* 5#= -ere
onsu'e$ in Flori$a% t!ou#! t!is -as far fro' a reor$ year. T!e o''erial ly!ee ro1
in Flori$a !as flutuate$ -it! -eat!er on$itions% (ein# affete$ not only (y freeBes (ut
also (y $rou#!t an$ stron# -in$s. "ro$ution -as #reatly re$ue$ in )*2*% to a lesser
e/tent in )*A,% fell $rastially in )*A2% rea!e$ a !i#! of 26%++6 l(s <88%+8+ 5#= in )*+6%
an$ a lo- of +%866 l(s <,%8+, 5#= in )*+.. So'e #ro-ers lost u1 to +6K of t!eir ro1
(eause of se&ere ol$ in t!e -inter of )*+*736. Of ourse% t!ere are 'any (earin# trees
in !o'e #ar$ens t!at are not re1resente$ in 1ro$ution fi#ures. T!e fruit fro' t!ese trees
'ay (e 'erely for !ouse!ol$ onsu'1tion or 'ay (e 1ur!ase$ at t!e site (y C!inese
#roers or restaurant o1erators% or sol$ at roa$si$e stan$s.
T!ou#! t!e Flori$a ly!ee in$ustry is s'all% 'ainly (eause of -eat!er !aBar$s% irre#ular
(earin# an$ la(or of !an$7!ar&estin#% it !as attrate$ 'u! attention to t!e ro1 an$ !as
ontri(ute$ to t!e $isse'ination of 1lantin# 'aterial to ot!er areas of t!e Western
0e'is1!ere. Esalatin# lan$ &alues -ill 1ro(a(ly li'it t!e e/1ansion of ly!ee 1lantin#s
in t!is ra1i$ly $e&elo1in# state. Anot!er li'itin# fator is t!at 'u! lan$ suita(le for
ly!ee ulture is alrea$y $e&ote$ to itrus #ro&es.
"rofessor 4roff% in !is (oo5% $he lychee and the lungan! tells us t!at t!e 1ro$ution of
su1erior ty1es of ly!ee is a 'atter of #reat fa'ily 1ri$e an$ loal ri&alry in C!ina% -!ere
t!e fruit is estee'e$ as no ot!er. In ).*8% a list of .6 ly!ee &arieties% 'ostly na'e$ for
fa'ilies% -as 1u(lis!e$ in t!e Annals of Fu"ien. In t!e J-an# 1ro&ines t!ere -ere 88
ty1es% ,6 -ere liste$ in t!e Annals of J-an#tun#% an$ +6 -ere tallie$ as &arieties of Lin#
Na'. T!e C!inese lai' t!at t!e ly!ee is !i#!ly &aria(le un$er $ifferent ultural an$
soil on$itions. "rofessor 4roff onlu$e$ t!at one oul$ atalo# .6 or 26 &arieties as
reo#niBe$ in J-an#tun#% (ut t!ere -ere only )2 $istint% -i$ely75no-n an$ o''erial
&arieties #ro-n in t!at 1ro&ine% !alf of t!e' 'ar5ete$ in season in t!e City of Canton.
So'e of t!ese are lasse$ as ?'ountain? ty1es9 t!e 'aDority are ?-ater ty1es? <#ro-n in
lo-% -ell7irri#ate$ lan$=. T!ere is a s1eial $istintion (et-een t!e 5in$s of ly!ee t!at
lea5 Duie -!en t!e s5in is (ro5en an$ t!ose t!at retain t!e Duie -it!in t!e fles!. T!e
latter are alle$ ?$ry7 an$ 7lean? an$ are !i#!ly 1riBe$. T!ere is 'u! &ariation in for'
<roun$% e##7s!a1e$ or !eart7s!a1e$=% s5in olor an$ te/ture% t!e fra#rane an$ fla&or an$
e&en t!e olor% of t!e fles!9 an$ t!e a'ount of ?ra#? in t!e see$ a&ity9 an$% of 1ri'e
i'1ortane% t!e siBe an$ for' of t!e see$.
T!e follo-in# are t!e )2 ulti&ars reo#niBe$ (y "rofessor 4roff@
'0o Mai Ts5e'% or CNo 'i ts CBC <#lutinous rie= is t!e lea$in# &ariety in C!ina9 lar#e% re$%
?$ry7an$7lean?9 see$s often s'all an$ s!ri&ele$. It is one of t!e (est for $ryin#% an$ is
late in season. It $oes (est -!en #rafte$ onto t!e CMountainC ly!ee.
'(wa uk' or CJua luC <!an#in# #reen= is a fa'ous ly!ee9 lar#e% re$ -it! a #reen ti1 an$
a ty1ial #reen line9 ?$ry7an$7lean?9 of outstan$in# fla&or an$ fra#rane. It -as% in ol$en
ti'es% a s1eial fruit for 1resentation to !i#! offiials an$ ot!er 1ersons in 1ositions of
!onor. "rofessor 4roff -as #i&en a sin#le fruit in a little re$ (o/\
'(wai #i' or CJuei WeiC% <inna'on fla&or= -!i! a'e to (e alle$ CMauritiusC is
s'aller% !eart7s!a1e$% -it! rou#! re$ s5in tin#e$ -it! #reen on t!e s!oul$ers an$ usually
!a&in# a t!in line runnin# aroun$ t!e fruit. T!e see$ is s'all an$ t!e fles! &ery s-eet an$
fra#rant. T!e (ran!es of t!e tree ur&e u1-ar$ at t!e ti1s an$ t!e leaflets url in-ar$
fro' t!e 'i$ri(.
'%siang li'% or C0eun# laiC <fra#rant ly!ee= is !o'e (y a tree -it! $istinti&e eret !a(it
!a&in# u1-ar$71ointin# lea&es. T!e fruit is s'all% &ery rou#! an$ 1ri5ly% $ee17re$% -it!
t!e s'allest see$s of all% an$ t!e fles! is of su1erior fla&or an$ fra#rane. It is late in
season. T!ose #ro-n in Sin 0sin# are (etter t!an t!ose #ro-n in ot!er loations.
'%si C!io tsu'@ or CSai 5o5 tsBC <r!inoeros !orn= is (orne (y a lar#e7#ro-in# tree. T!e
fruit is lar#e% rou#!% (roa$ at t!e (ase an$ narro- at t!e a1e/9 !as so'e-!at tou#! an$
fi(rous% (ut fra#rant% s-eet% fles!. It ri1ens early.
'%ak ip'% or C0ei ye!C% <(la5 leaf= is (orne (y a $ensely7(ran!e$ tree -it! lar#e%
1ointe$% sli#!tly urle$% $ar57#reen leaflets. T!e fruit is 'e$iu'7re$% so'eti'es -it!
#reen tin#es% (roa$7s!oul$ere$% -it! t!in% soft s5in an$ t!e fles!% oasionally 1in5is!% is
ris1 an$ s-eet. T!is is rate$ as ?one of t!e (est C-aterC ly!ees.?
'Fei tsu !siao'@ or CFi tsB siuC <i'1erial onu(ineCs lau#!% or s'ile= is lar#e% a'(er7
olore$% t!in7s5inne$% -it! &ery s-eet% &ery fra#rant fles!. See$s &ary fro' lar#e to &ery
s'all. It ri1ens early.
'T' ang po'% or CTC on# 1o5C <1on$ e'(an5'ent= is fro' a s'all7lea&e$ tree. T!e fruit is
s'all% re$% rou#!% -it! t!in% Duiy ai$ fles! an$ &ery little ra#. It is a &ery early &ariety.
'$!eung s!u wai' orCS!an# !ou !uaiC% <"resi$ent of a Boar$Cs e'(rae= is (orne on a
s'all7lea&e$ tree. T!e fruit is lar#e% roun$e$% re$% -it! 'any $ar5 s1ots. It !as s-eet
fles! -it! little sent an$ t!e see$ siBe is &aria(le. It is rat!er late in season.
'C!'u #a lsu'@ or CC!u 'a lsBC <C!ina #rass fi(er= !as $istinti&e% lus! folia#e. T!e lea&es
are lar#e% o&erla11in#% -it! lon# 1etioles. T!e fruits are lar#e -it! 1ro'inent s!oul$ers
an$ rou#! s5in% $ee1 re$ insi$e. W!ile &ery fra#rant% t!e fles! is of inferior fla&or an$
lin#s to t!e see$ -!i! &aries fro' lar#e to s'all.
'Ta tsao'% or CTai tsoC <lar#e ro1= is -i$ely #ro-n aroun$ Canton9 so'e-!at e##7s!a1e$9
s5in rou#!% (ri#!t7re$ -it! 'any s'all% $ense $ots9 fles! fir'% ris1% s-eet% faintly
strea5e$ -it! yello- near t!e lar#e see$. T!e Duie lea5s -!en t!e s5in is (ro5en. T!e
fruit ri1ens early.
'%uai c!i!'@ or CWai !iC <t!e Wai Ri&er ly!ee= !as 'e$iu'7siBe$% (lunt lea&es. T!e
fruit is roun$ -it! 'e$iu'7s'oot! s5in% a ri! re$ outsi$e% 1in5 insi$e9 an$ lea5in# Duie.
T!is is not a !i#! lass &ariety (ut t!e 'ost o''only #ro-n% !i#! yiel$in#% an$ late in
'$an yue! !ung'@ or CSa' ut !un#C <t!ir$ 'ont! re$=% also alle$ CMa yuenC% CMa unC% CTsao
5uoC% CTso 5-oC% CTsao liC% or CTsoliC <early ly!ee= is #ro-n alon# $y5es. T!e (ran!es are
(rittle an$ (rea5 rea$ily9 t!e lea&es are lon#% 1ointe$% an$ t!i5. T!e fruit is &ery lar#e%
-it! re$% t!i5% tou#! s5in an$ t!i5% 'e$iu'7s-eet fles! -it! 'u! ra#. T!e see$s are
lon# (ut a(orte$. T!is &ariety is 1o1ular 'ainly (eause it o'es into season &ery early.
'Pai la li c!i!'@ or C"a5 la1 lai !iC <-!ite -a/ ly!ee=% also alle$ C"o le tBuC% or C"a5 li5
tsB <-!ite fra#rant 1lant=% is lar#e% 1in5% rou#!% -it! 1in5is!% fi(rous% not &ery s-eet fles!
an$ lar#e see$s. It ri1ens &ery late% after C0uai !i!C.
'$!an c!i'@ or CS!an !i!C <'ountain ly!ee=% also alle$ CSuan !i!C% or CSun !iC <sour
ly!ee= #ro-s -il$ in t!e !ills an$ is often 1lante$ as a rootsto5 for (etter &arieties. T!e
tree is of eret !a(it -it! eret t-i#s an$ lar#e% 1ointe$% s!ort71etiole$ lea&es. T!e fruit is
(ri#!t7re$% elon#ate$% &ery rou#!% -it! t!in fles!% ai$ fla&or an$ lar#e see$.
'T'i# nga#'@ or CTCien ye!C <s-eet liff= is a o''on &ariety of ly!ee -!i! "rofessor
4roff re1orte$ to (e >uite -i$ely #ro-n in J-antun#% (ut not really on a o''erial
In !is (oo5% $he 8itchi! Dr. Lal Be!ari Sin#! -rote t!at Bi!ar is t!e enter of ly!ee
ulture in In$ia% 1ro$uin# ,, selete$ &arieties lassifie$ into )2 #rou1s. 0is e/tre'ely
$etaile$ $esri1tions of t!e )6 ulti&ars reo''en$e$ for lar#e7sale ulti&ation I !a&e
a((re&iate$ <-it! a fe- (ra5ete$ a$$itions fro' ot!er soures=@
'7arly $eedless'% or CEarly Be$anaC. Fruit ) )F, in <,.. '= lon#% !eart7s!a1e$ to o&al9
rou#!% re$% -it! #reen inters1aes9 s5in fir' an$ leat!ery9 fles! Pi&oryR to -!ite% soft%
s-eet9 see$ s!run5en% li5e a $o#Cs toot!. Of #oo$ >uality. T!e tree (ears a 'o$erate ro1%
early in season.
'2ose"scented'. Fruit ) )F. in <,.8 '= lon#9 roun$e$7!eart7s!a1e$9 sli#!tly rou#!%
1ur1lis!7rose% sli#!tly fir' s5in9 fles! #ray7-!ite% soft% &ery s-eet. See$ roun$7o&ate%
fully $e&elo1e$. Of #oo$ >uality. PTree (ears a 'o$erate ro1R in 'i$season.
'7arly -arge 2ed'. Fruit sli#!tly 'ore t!an ) )F, in <,.. '= lon#% usually o(li>uely
!eart7s!a1e$9 ri'son Pto ar'ineR% -it! #reen inters1aes9 &ery rou#!9 s5in &ery fir'
an$ leat!ery% a$!erin# sli#!tly to t!e fles!. Fles! #rayis!7-!ite% fir'% s-eet an$ fla&orful.
Of &ery #oo$ >uality. PTree is a 'o$erate (earerR% early in season.
'De!ra Dun'@ Por CDe!ra D!unCR. Fruit less t!an ) )F8 in <. '= lon#9 o(li>uely !eart7
s!a1e$ to onial9 a (len$ of re$ an$ oran#e7re$9 s5in rou#!% leat!ery9 fles! #ray7-!ite%
soft% of #oo$% s-eet fla&or. See$ often s!run5en% oasionally &ery s'all. Of #oo$
>uality9 'i$season. PT!is is #ro-n e/tensi&ely in Uttar "ra$es! an$ is t!e 'ost
satisfatory ly!ee in "a5istan.R
'-ate -ong 2ed'@ or CMuBaffar1urC. Fruit less t!an ) )F8 in <. '= lon#9 usually o(lon#7
onial9 $ar57re$ -it! #reenis! inters1aes9 s5in rou#!% fir' an$ leat!ery% sli#!tly
a$!erin# to t!e fles!9 fles! #rayis!7-!ite% soft% of #oo$% s-eet fla&or. See$ ylin$rial%
fully $e&elo1e$. Of #oo$ >uality. PTree is a !ea&y (earerR% late in season.
'Pya5i'6 Fruit ) )F, in <,.. '= lon#9 o(lon#7onial to !eart7s!a1e$9 a (len$ of oran#e
an$ oran#e7re$% -it! yello-is!7re$% not &ery 1ro'inent% tu(erles. S5in leat!ery%
a$!erin#9 fles! #ray7-!ite% fir'% sli#!tly s-eet% -it! fla&or re'inisent of ?(oile$
onion?. See$ ylin$rial% fully $e&elo1e$. Of 1oor >uality. Early in season.
'7+tra 7arly Green'6 Fruit ) )F. in <,.8 '= lon#9 'ostly !eart7s!a1e$% rarely roun$e$
or o(lon#9 yello-is!7re$ -it! #reen inters1aes9 s5in sli#!tly rou#!% leat!ery% sli#!tly
a$!erin#9 fles! rea'y7-!ite% Pfir'% of #oo$% sli#!tly ai$ fla&orR9 see$ o(lon#%
ylin$rial or flat. Of in$ifferent >uality. :ery early in season.
'(alkattia'@ PCCaluttiaC% or CCaluttaCR. Fruit ) )F8 in <. '= lon#9 o(lon# or lo1si$e$9
rose7re$ -it! $ar5er tu(erles9 s5in &ery rou#!% leat!ery% sli#!tly a$!erin#9 fles! #rayis!
i&ory% fir'% of &ery s-eet% #oo$ fla&or. See$ o(lon# or ona&e. Of &ery #oo$ >uality. PA
!ea&y (earer9 -it!stan$s !ot -in$sR. :ery late in season.
'Gulabi'6 Fruit ) )F, in <,.. '= lon#9 !eart7s!a1e$% o&al or o(lon#9 1in57re$ to ar'ine
-it! oran#e7re$ tu(erles9 s5in &ery rou#!% leat!ery% non7a$!erent9 fles! #ray7-!ite%
fir'% of #oo$ su(ai$ fla&or9 see$ o(lon#7ylin$rial% fully $e&elo1e$. Of &ery #oo$
>uality. Late in season.
'-ate $eedless'% or CLate Be$anaC. Fruit less t!an ) ,F3 in <,.A2 '= lon#9 'ainly onial%
rarely o&ate9 oran#e7re$ to ar'ine -it! (la5is!7(ro-n tu(erles9 s5in rou#!% fir'% non7
a$!erent9 fles! rea'y7-!ite% soft9 &ery s-eet% of &ery #oo$ fla&or e/e1t for sli#!t
(itterness near t!e see$. See$ sli#!tly s1in$le7s!a1e$% or li5e a $o#Cs toot!9
un$er$e&elo1e$. Of &ery #oo$ >uality. PTree (ears !ea&ily. Wit!stan$s !ot -in$s.R Late
in season.
T!ere are nu'erous ly!ee or!ar$s in t!e su('ontane re#ion of t!e "unDa(. T!e lea$in#
&ariety is@
'Pan4ore co##on'. Fruit is lar#e% !eart7s!a1e$% $ee17oran#e to 1in59 s5in is rou#!% &ery
t!in% a1t to s1lit. Tree (ears !ea&ily an$ !as t!e lon#est fruitin# season7for an entire
'ont! (e#innin# near t!e en$ of May. Si/ ot!er &arieties o''only #ro-n t!ere are@
CRose7sente$C% CB!a$-ariC% CSee$less No. )C% CSee$less No. 8C% CDe!ra DunC% an$ CJal5attiaC.
In Sout! Afria% only one &ariety is 1ro$ue$ o''erially. It is t!e CJ-ai MiC (ut it is
loally alle$ CMauritiusC (eause nearly all of t!e trees are $esen$ants of t!ose (rou#!t
in fro' t!at islan$. In Sout! Afria% t!e fruit is of 'e$iu' siBe% nearly roun$ (ut sli#!tly
o&al% re$$is!7(ro-n. Fles! is fir'% of #oo$ >uality an$ usually ontains a 'e$iu'7siBe$
see$% (ut ertain fruits -it! (roa$% flat s!oul$ers an$ s!ortene$ for' ten$ to !a&e
?!i5en7ton#ue? see$s.
T!ere !a&e (een 'any ot!er intro$utions into Sout! Afria fro' C!ina an$ In$ia (ut
'ost faile$ to sur&i&e. In )*83% )A &arieties fro' In$ia -ere 1lante$ at Lo-eCs Or!ar$s%
Sout!1ort% Natal% (ut t!e reor$s -ere lost an$ t!ey re'aine$ unna'e$. A Lit!i :ariety
Or!ar$ of 8A ulti&ars fro' In$ia% C!ina% Tai-an an$ else-!ere -as esta(lis!e$ at t!e
Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture Resear! Station in Nels1ruit. Tentati&e lassifiations #rou1e$
t!ese into , $istint ty1esYCJ-ai MiC PCMauritiusCR% C0a5 I1C <of !i#! >uality an$ s'all see$
(ut a s!y (earer in t!e Lo-7&el$=% an$ t!e CMa$rasC% a !ea&y (earer of !oie fruits%
(ri#!t7re$% &ery rou#!% an$ -it! lar#e see$s% (ut &ery s-eet% lusious fles!.
T!e first ly!ee intro$ue$ into 0a-aii -as t!e CJ-ai MiC% as -as t!e seon$ intro$ution
se&eral years later. T!e !i#! >uality of t!is &ariety <so'eti'es loally alle$ CC!arlie
Lon#C= ause$ t!e ly!ee to (eo'e e/tre'ely 1o1ular an$ -i$ely 1lante$. T!e 0a-aiian
A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station i'1orte$ , CBre-sterC trees in )*6+% an$ &arious efforts
-ere 'a$e to (rin# ot!er ty1es fro' C!ina (ut not all sur&i&e$. A total of )A &arieties
(ea'e -ell esta(lis!e$ in 0a-aii% inlu$in# C0a5 I1C -!i! !as (eo'e seon$ to CJ-ai
MiC in i'1ortane.
In )*.8% t!e A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station set out a olletion of 266 see$lin#s of
CJ-ai MiC% C0a5 I1C an$ CBre-sterC -it! a &ie- to seletin# t!e trees s!o-in# t!e (est
1erfor'ane. One tree of outstan$in# !arater <a see$lin# of C0a5 I1C= -as first
$esi#nate$ 0.A.E.S. Seletion )7)37, an$ -as #i&en t!e na'e C4roffC in )*2,. It is a
onsistent (earer% late in season. T!e fruit is of 'e$iu' siBe% $ar5 rose7re$ -it! #reen or
yello-is! tin#es on t!e a1e/ of ea! tu(erle. T!e fles! is -!ite an$ fir'9 t!ere is no
lea5in# Duie9 t!e fla&or is e/ellent% s-eet an$ su(ai$9 'ost of t!e fruits !a&e a(orti&e%
?!i5en7ton#ue? see$s an$% aor$in#ly !a&e 86K 'ore fles! t!an if t!e see$s -ere
fully $e&elo1e$.
'0o Mai Ts5e' !as (een #ro-in# in 0a-aii for o&er .6 years (ut !as 1ro$ue$ &ery fe-
fruits. C"at "o 0eun#C <ei#!t 1reious fra#ranes=% erroneously alle$ C"at "o 0un#C <ei#!t
1reious re$=% so'e-!at rese'(les CNo Mai TsBeC (ut is s'aller9 t!e s5in is 1ur1lis!7re$%
t!in an$ 1lia(le9 t!e Duie lea5s -!en t!e s5in is (ro5en9 t!e fles! is soft% Duiy% s-eet
e&en -!en sli#!tly unri1e9 t!e see$ &aries fro' 'e$iu' to lar#e. T!e tree is slo-7
#ro-in# an$ of -ea5% s1rea$in# !a(it9 it (ears -ell in 0a-aii. Ne&ert!eless% it is not
o''only 1lante$.
'(ai#ana'% or C"oa'o!oC% an o1en71ollinate$ see$lin# of C0a5 I1C% $e&elo1e$ (y Dr. R.A.
0a'ilton at t!e "oa'o!o E/1eri'ent Station of t!e Uni&ersity of 0a-aii% -as release$
in )*38. T!e fruit rese'(le$ CJ-ai MiC (ut is t-ie as lar#e% $ee17re$% of !i#! >uality%
an$ t!e tree is a re#ular (earer.
'Brewster' is lar#e% onial or -e$#e7s!a1e$% re$% -it! soft fles!% 'ore ai$ t!an t!at of
CJ-ai 'iC% an$ t!e see$s are &ery often fully for'e$ an$ lar#e. T!e leaflets are flat -it!
sli#!tly reur&e$ 'ar#ins an$ ta1er to a s!ar1 1oint.
T!ere -ere 'any ot!er intro$utions of see$s% see$lin#s% uttin#s or air7layers into t!e
Unite$ States% fro' )*68 to )*8.% 'ostly fro' C!ina9 also fro' In$ia an$ 0a-aii% an$ a
fe- fro' Ja&a% Cu(a% an$ Trini$a$9 an$ t!ese -ere $istri(ute$ to e/1eri'enters in
Flori$a an$ California% an$ so'e to (otanial #ar$ens in ot!er states% an$ to Cu(a% "uerto
Rio% "ana'a% 0on$uras% Costa Ria an$ BraBil. Many -ere 5ille$ (y ol$ -eat!er in
California an$ Flori$a.
In )*63% t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture (rou#!t in 8+ 1lants of CJ-ai 'iC.
At t!e sa'e ti'e% 86 1lants of C0a5 I1C -ere i'1orte$ an$ t!ese -ere sent to 4eor#e B.
Cellon in Mia'i in )*)3. A tree of t!e CBe$anaC -as intro$ue$ fro' In$ia in )*),. In
)*86% "rofessor 4roff o(taine$ see$lin#s of CS!an C!iC <'ountain ly!ee= fro' J-antun#
"ro&ine% to#et!er -it! air7layers of CS!eun# s!u -aiC% CNo 'ai ts CBC% an$ CTC i' n#a'C
<s-eet liff=. T!e latter -as foun$ to (ear 'ore re#ularly t!an CBre-sterC (ut e/!i(ite$
nutritional $efiienies in li'estone soil.
Most of t!e &arious 1lants an$ roote$ uttin#s fro' t!e' -ere $istri(ute$ for trial9 t!e
rest -ere 5e1t in U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture #reen!ouses in Marylan$.
'Bengal'YIn )*8*% t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ a s'all ly!ee 1lant%
su11ose$ly a see$lin# of CRose7sente$C% fro' Calutta. It -as 1lante$ at t!e "lant
Intro$ution Station in Mia'i an$ (e#an (earin# in )*.6. T!e fruits rese'(le$ CBre-sterC
(ut -ere 'ore elon#ate$% -ere !o'e in lar#e lusters% an$ t!e fles! -as fir'% not lea5in#
Duie -!en 1eele$. All t!e fruits !a$ fully $e&elo1e$ see$s (ut s'aller in 1ro1ortion to
fles! t!an t!ose of CBre-sterC. T!e !a(it of t!e tree is 'ore s1rea$in# t!an t!at of
CBre-sterC9 it !as lar#er% 'ore leat!ery% $ar5er #reen lea&eCs% an$ t!e (ar5 is s'oot!er an$
1aler. T!e ori#inal tree an$ its air7layere$ 1ro#eny !a&e s!o-n no !lorosis on li'estone
in ontrast to CBre-sterC trees #ro-in# near(y.
'Peerless'% (elie&e$ to (e a see$lin# of CBre-sterC% ori#inate$ at t!e Royal "al' Nursery
at Oneo9 -as trans1lante$ to t!e T.R. "al'er Estate in Belleair -!ere C.E. Ware notie$
fro' )*,A to )*,3 t!at it (ore fruit of lar#er siBe% (ri#!ter olor an$ !i#!er 1erenta#e of
a(orti&e see$ t!an CBre-sterC. In )*,3% Ware air7layere$ an$ re'o&e$ 866 (ran!es%
1ur!ase$ t!e tree an$ 'o&e$ it to !is 1ro1erty in Clear-ater. It resu'e$ fruitin# in )*.6
an$ annual ro1s reor$e$ to )*2A s!o-e$ #oo$ 1ro$uti&ity7a&era#in# ,3,.. l(s <)+.
5#= 1er year% an$ t!e rate of a(orti&e see$s ran#e$ fro' A8K to 32K. T!e 866 air7layers
-ere 1lante$ out (y Ware in )*.8 an$ (e#an (earin# in )*.A. Most of t!e fruits !a$ fully
$e&elo1e$ see$s (ut t!e rate of a(orti&e see$s inrease$ year (y year an$ in )*26 -as
A)K to +6K. T!e ulti&ar -as na'e$ -it! t!e a11ro&al of t!e Flori$a Ly!ee 4ro-ers
Assoiation. T-o see$lin# seletions (y Col. 4ro&e% C;ello- Re$C an$ CLate 4lo(eC% "rof.
4roff (elie&e$ to (e natural !y(ri$s of CBre-sterC Z CMountainC.
In nort!ern Hueenslan$% CJ-ai MiC is t!e earliest ulti&ar #ro-n% an$ a(out )6K of t!e
fruits !a&e ?!i5en ton#ue? see$s. CBre-sterC (ears in 'i$7season an$ is i'1ortant
t!ou#! t!e see$ is nearly al-ays fully for'e$ an$ lar#e. C0a5 I1C is also 'i$season an$
lar#e7see$e$ t!ere. CBe$anaC is #ro-n only in !o'e #ar$ens an$ t!e fruits !a&e lar#e
see$s unli5e t!e usual ?!i5en ton#ue? see$s of t!e fruits of t!is ulti&ar (orne in In$ia i
'1ai C!i' is late in season <Dee'(er=% !as s'all% roun$ fruits% (asially yello- o&erlai$
-it! re$9 t!e see$ is s'all an$ o&al. T!e tree is &ery o'1at -it! u1ri#!t (ran!es% an$
1refers a ooler li'ate t!an t!at of oastal nort! Hueenslan$ -!ere it $oes not fruit
!ea&ily. T!e leaflets are ona&e li5e t!ose of CJ-ai MiC.
A &ery si'ilar% 1er!a1s i$ential% ulti&ar alle$ C0on# Jon#C is #ro-n in Sout!
Hueenslan$. CNo MaiC (ears 1oorly in Hueenslan$ an$ see's (etter a$a1te$ to ooler
Bloo#ing and Pollination
T!ere are , ty1es of flo-ers a11earin# in irre#ular se>uene or% at ti'es% si'ultaneously%
in t!e ly!ee infloresene@ a= 'ale9 (= !er'a1!ro$ite% fruitin# as fe'ale <a(out ,6K of
t!e total=9 = !er'a1!ro$ite fruitin# as 'ale. T!e latter ten$ to 1ossess t!e 'ost &ia(le
1ollen. Many of t!e flo-ers !a&e $efeti&e 1ollen an$ t!is fat 1ro(a(ly is t!e 'ain ause
of t!e a(orti&e see$s an$ also t!e o''on 1ro(le' of s!e$$in# of youn# fruits. T!e
flo-ers re>uire transfer of 1ollen (y insets.
In In$ia% L.B. Sin#! reor$e$ )) s1eies of (ees% flies% -as1s an$ ot!er insets as &isitin#
ly!ee flo-ers for netar. But !oney(ees% 'ostly Apis cerana indica! A. dorsata an$ A.
florea! onstitute +3K of t!e ly!ee71ollinatin# insets an$ t!ey -or5 t!e flo-ers for
1ollen an$ netar fro' sunrise to sun$o-n. A. cerana is t!e only !i&e (ee an$ is essential
in o''erial or!ar$s for 'a/i'u' fruit 1ro$ution.
A A7-ee5 sur&ey in Flori$a re&eale$ 8+ s1eies of ly!ee7flo-er &isitors% re1resentin# A
$ifferent inset Or$ers. Most a(un$ant% 'ornin# an$ afternoon% -as t!e seon$ary sre-7
-or' fly +Callitroga macellaria-! an un$esira(le 1est. Ne/t -as t!e i'1orte$ !oney(ee
+Apis mellifera- see5in# netar $aily (ut only $urin# t!e 'ornin# an$ a11arently not
intereste$ in t!e 1ollen. No -il$ (ees -ere seen on t!e ly!ee flo-ers% t!ou#! -il$ (ees
-ere foun$ in lar#e nu'(ers olletin# 1ollen in an a$Daent fruit7tree 1lantin# a fe-
-ee5s later. T!ir$ in or$er% (ut not a(un$ant% -as t!e sol$ier (eetle +Chauliognathus
marginatus-. T!e rest of t!e inset &isitors -ere 1resent only in insi#nifiant nu'(er.
Maintenane of (ee !i&es in Flori$a ly!ee #ro&es is neessary to en!ane fruit set an$
$e&elo1'ent. T!e fruits 'ature 8 'ont!s after flo-erin#.
In In$ia an$ 0a-aii% t!ere !as (een so'e interest in 1ossi(le ross7(ree$in# of t!e ly!ee
an$ 1ollen stora#e tests !a&e (een on$ute$. Ly!ee 1ollen !as re'aine$ &ia(le at roo'
te'1erature for )6 to ,6 $ays in 1etri $is!es9 for , to 2 'ont!s in $esiators9 )2 'ont!s
at ,8I F <6I C= an$ 82K relati&e !u'i$ity in $esiators9 an$ ,) 'ont!s un$er $ee17
freeBe% 7*..I F <78,I C=. T!ere is onsi$era(le &ariation in t!e #er'ination rates of 1ollen
fro' $ifferent ulti&ars. In In$ia% CRose Sente$C !as s!o-n 'ean &ia(ility of A).**K
o'1are$ -it! .8.28K in CJ!attlC.
4roff 1ro&i$e$ a lear &ie- of t!e li'ati re>uire'ents of t!e ly!ee. 0e sai$ t!at it
t!ri&es (est in re#ions ?not su(Det to !ea&y frost (ut ool an$ $ry enou#! in t!e -inter
'ont!s to 1ro&i$e a 1erio$ of rest.? In C!ina an$ In$ia% it is #ro-n (et-een )2I an$ ,6I
N. ?T!e Canton $elta ... is rosse$ (y t!e Tro1i of Caner an$ is a su(tro1ial area of
onsi$era(le ran#e in li'ate. 4reat flutuations of te'1erature are o''on t!rou#!out
t!e fall an$ -inter 'ont!s. In t!e -inter su$$en rises of te'1erature -ill at ti'es ause
t!e ly!ee ... to flus! fort! ... ne- #ro-t!. T!is ne- #ro-t! is sel$o' su(Det to a freeBe
a(out Canton. On t!e !i#!er ele&ations of t!e 'ountain re#ions -!i! are su(Det to frost
t!e ly!ee is sel$o' #ro-n . . . T!e 'ore !ar$y 'ountainous ty1es of t!e ly!ee are &ery
sour an$ t!ose #ro-n near salt -ater are sai$ to (e li5e-ise. T!e ly!ee t!ri&es (est on
t!e lo-er 1lains -!ere t!e su''er 'ont!s are !ot an$ -et an$ t!e -inter 'ont!s are $ry
an$ ool.?
0ea&y frosts -ill 5ill youn# trees (ut 'ature trees an -it!stan$ li#!t frosts. Col$
tolerane of t!e ly!ee is inter'e$iate (et-een t!at of t!e s-eet oran#e on one !an$ an$
'an#o an$ a&oa$o on t!e ot!er. Loation% lan$ slo1e% an$ 1ro/i'ity to (o$ies of -ater
an 'a5e a #reat $ifferene in $e#ree of $a'a#e (y freeBin# -eat!er. In t!e se&ere lo-
te'1erature risis $urin# t!e -inter of )*2+723% t!e effets ran#e$ fro' 'ini'al to total
t!rou#!out entral an$ sout!ern Flori$a. A #ro&e of )87to ).7year7ol$ trees sout! of
Sanfor$ -as 5ille$ (a5 nearly to t!e #roun$9 on Merritt Islan$ trees of t!e sa'e a#e
-ere &irtually un$a'a#e$% -!ile a o''erial 'an#o 1lantin# -as totally $estroye$.
L.B. Sin#! resists t!e o''on (elief t!at t!e ly!ee nee$s -inter ol$ s1ells t!at 1ro&i$e
1erio$s of te'1erature (et-een ,6I an$ .6I F <7).))I an$ ....I C= (eause it $oes -ell
in Mauritius -!ere t!e te'1erature is ne&er (elo- .6I F <7).))I C=. 0o-e&er% ly!ee
trees in "ana'a% Ja'aia% an$ ot!er tro1ial areas set fruit only oasionally or not at all.
0ea&y rain or fo# $urin# t!e flo-erin# 1erio$ is $etri'ental% as are !ot% $ry% stron# -in$s
-!i! ause s!e$$in# of flo-ers% also s1littin# of t!e fruit s5in. S1littin# ours% too%
$urin# s1ells of alternatin# rain an$ !ot% $ry 1erio$s% es1eially on t!e sunny si$e of t!e
tree. S1rayin# -it! Et!e1!on at )6 11' re$ue$ s1littin# in CEarly Lar#e Re$C in
e/1eri'ents in Ne1al.
T!e ly!ee #ro-s -ell on a -i$e ran#e of soils. In C!ina it is ulti&ate$ in san$y or
layey loa'% ?ri&er 'u$?% 'oist san$y lay% an$ e&en !ea&y lay. T!e 10 s!oul$ (e
(et-een A an$ +. If t!e soil is $efiient in li'e% t!is 'ust (e a$$e$. 0o-e&er% in an early
e/1eri'ent in a #reen!ouse in Was!in#ton% D.C.% see$lin#s 1lante$ in ai$ soil s!o-e$
su1erior #ro-t! an$ t!e roots !a$ 'any no$ules fille$ -it! 'yorr!iBal fun#i. T!is
ause$ so'e to s1eulate t!at inoulation 'i#!t (e $esira(le. Later% in Flori$a% 1rofuse
no$ulation -as o(ser&e$ on roots of ly!ee see$lin#s t!at !a$ not (een inoulate$ (ut
'erely #ro-n in 1ots of s1!a#nu' 'oss an$ #i&en a -ell7(alane$ nutrient solution.
T!e ly!ee attains 'a/i'u' #ro-t! an$ 1ro$uti&ity on $ee1 allu&ial loa' (ut
flouris!es in e/tre'e sout!ern Flori$a on ooliti li'estone 1ro&i$in# it is 1ut in an
a$e>uate !ole an$ irri#ate$ in $ry seasons.
T!e C!inese often 1lant t!e ly!ee on t!e (an5s of 1on$s an$ strea's. In lo-% -et lan$%
t!ey $i# $it!es )6 to )2 ft <,7..2 '= -i$e an$ ,6 to .6 ft <*7)8 '= a1art% usin# t!e
e/a&ate$ soil to for' raise$ (e$s on -!i! t!ey 1lant ly!ee trees% so t!at t!ey !a&e
1erfet $raina#e (ut t!e soil is al-ays 'oist. T!ou#! t!e ly!ee !as a !i#! -ater
re>uire'ent% it annot stan$ -ater7lo##in#. T!e -ater ta(le s!oul$ (e at least . to A ft
<).87).3 '= (elo- t!e surfae an$ t!e un$er#roun$ -ater s!oul$ (e 'o&in# inas'u! as
sta#nant -ater in$ues root rot. T!e ly!ee an stan$ oasionally (rief floo$in# (etter
t!an itrus. It -ill not t!ri&e un$er saline on$itions.
Ly!ees $o not re1ro$ue fait!fully fro' see$% an$ t!e !oiest !a&e a(orti&e% not &ia(le%
see$. Furt!er'ore% ly!ee see$s re'ain &ia(le only . to 2 $ays% an$ see$lin# trees -ill
not (ear until t!ey are 2 to )8% or e&en 82% years ol$. For t!ese reasons% see$s are 1lante$
'ostly for seletion an$ (ree$in# 1ur1oses or for rootsto5.
Atte'1ts to #ro- t!e ly!ee fro' uttin#s !a&e (een #enerally $isoura#in#% t!ou#! 36K
suess !as (een lai'e$ -it! s1rin# uttin#s in full sun% un$er onstant 'ist an$ #i&en
-ee5ly li>ui$ nutrients. 4roun$7layerin# !as (een 1ratie$ to so'e e/tent. In C!ina% air7
layerin# <'arottin#% or #ootee= is t!e 'ost 1o1ular 'eans of 1ro1a#ation an$ !as (een
1ratie$ for a#es. By t!eir 'et!o$% a (ran! of a !osen tree is #ir$le$% allo-e$ to allus
for ) to 8 $ays an$ t!en is enlose$ in a (all of sti5y 'u$ 'i/e$ -it! !o11e$ stra- or
$ry lea&es an$ -ra11e$ -it! (urla1. Wit! fre>uent -aterin#% roots $e&elo1 in t!e 'u$
an$% in a(out )66 $ays% t!e (ran! is ut off% t!e (all of eart! is inrease$ to a(out )8 in
<,6 '= in -i$t!% an$ t!e air7layer is 5e1t in a s!eltere$ nursery for a little o&er a year%
t!en #ra$ually e/1ose$ to full sun (efore it is set out in t!e or!ar$. So'e air7layers are
1lante$ in lar#e lay 1ots an$ #ro-n as orna'entals.
T!e C!inese 'et!o$ of air7layerin# !as 'any &ariations. In fat% *8 'o$ifiations !a&e
(een reor$e$ an$ e/1eri'ente$ -it! in 0a-aii. Inar!in# is also an anient usto'%
selete$ ulti&ars (ein# Doine$ to CMountainC ly!ee rootsto5.
In or$er to 'a5e air7layerin# less la(or7intensi&e% to eli'inate t!e -aterin#% an$ also to
1ro$ue 1orta(le% s!i11a(le layers% Colonel 4ro&e% after 'u! e/1eri'entation%
$e&elo1e$ t!e te!ni>ue of 1a5in# t!e #ir$le -it! -et s1!a#nu' 'oss an$ soil%
-ra11in# it in 'oisture71roof lear 1lasti t!at 1er'its e/!an#e of air an$ #asses% an$
ti#!tly seurin# it a(o&e an$ (elo-. In a(out A -ee5s% suffiient roots are for'e$ to
1er'it $eta!in# of t!e layer% re'o&al of t!e 1lasti -ra1% an$ 1lantin# in soil in nursery
ontainers. It is 1ossi(le to air7layer (ran!es u1 to . in <)6 '= t!i5% an$ to ta5e 866 to
,66 layers fro' a lar#e tree.
Stu$ies in Me/io !a&e le$ to t!e onlusion t!at% for 'a/i'u' root for'ation% (ran!es
to (e air7layere$ s!oul$ not (e less t!an 2F3 in <)2 ''= in $ia'eter% an$% to a&oi$ un$ue
$efoliation of t!e 1arent tree% s!oul$ not e/ee$ ,F. in <86 ''=. T!e (ran!es% of any
a#e% aroun$ t!e 1eri1!ery of t!e ano1y an$ e/1ose$ to t!e sun% 'a5e (etter air7layers
-it! #reater root $e&elo1'ent t!an (ran!es ta5en fro' s!a$e$ 1ositions on t!e tree. T!e
a11liation of #ro-t! re#ulators% at &arious rates% !as s!o-n no si#nifiant effet on root
$e&elo1'ent in t!e Me/ian e/1eri'ents. In In$ia% ertain of t!e &arious au/ins trie$
sti'ulate$ root for'ation% fore$ early 'aturity of t!e layers% (ut ontri(ute$ to !i#!
'ortality. Sout! Afrian !ortiulturists (elie&e t!at tyin# t!e (ran! u1 so t!at it is nearly
&ertial in$ues &i#orous rootin#.
T!e ne- trees% -it! a(out !alf of t!e to1 tri''e$ off an$ su11orte$ (y sta5es% are 5e1t in
a s!a$e!ouse for A -ee5s (efore settin# out. I'1ro&e'ents in Colonel 4ro&eCs syste'
later inlu$e$ t!e use of onstant 'ist in t!e s!a$e!ouse. Also% it -as foun$ t!at (ir$s
1e5e$ at t!e youn# roots s!o-in# t!rou#! t!e trans1arent -ra11in#% 'a$e !oles in t!e
1lasti an$ ause$ $e!y$ration. It (ea'e neessary to s!iel$ t!e air7layers -it! a
ylin$er of ne-s1a1er or alu'inu' foil. As ti'e -ent on% so'e 1eo1le s-it!e$ to foil
in 1lae of 1lasti for -ra11in# t!e air7layers.
T!e air7layere$ trees -ill fruit in 8 to 2 years after 1lantin#% "rofessor 4roff sai$ t!at a
ly!ee tree is not in its 1ri'e until it is 86 to .6 years ol$9 -ill ontinue (earin# a #oo$
ro1 for )66 years or lon#er. One $isa$&anta#e of air7layerin# is t!at t!e resultant trees
!a&e -ea5 root syste's. In C!ina% a ru$e 'et!o$ of left7#raftin# !as lon# (een
e'1loye$ for s1eial 1ur1oses% (ut% #enerally s1ea5in#% t!e ly!ee !as (een onsi$ere$
&ery $iffiult to #raft. Bar5% ton#ue% left% an$ si$e7&eneer #raftin#% also !i17an$ s!iel$7
(u$$in#% !a&e (een trie$ (y &arious e/1eri'enters in Flori$a% 0a-aii% Sout! Afria an$
else-!ere -it! &arin# $e#rees of suess. T!e ly!ee is 1euliar in t!at t!e entire
a'(iu' is ati&e only $urin# t!e earliest 1!ases of seon$ary #ro-t!. T!e use of &ery
youn# rootsto5s% only )F. in <A ''= in $ia'eter an$ -ra11in# t!e union -it! stri1s of
&inyl 1lasti fil'% !a&e #i&en #oo$ results. A +6K suess rate !as (een a!ie&e$ in
s1lie7#raftin# in Sout! Afria. 0ar$ene$7off% not ter'inal% -oo$ of youn# (ran!es )F.
in <A ''= t!i5 is first rin#e$ an$ t!e (ar57rin# re'o&e$. After a $elay of 8) $ays% t!e
(ran! is ut off at t!e rin#% $efoliate$ (ut lea&in# t!e (ase of ea! 1etiole% t!en a
slantin# ut is 'a$e in t!e rootsto5 ) ft <,6 '= a(o&e t!e soil% at t!e 1oint -!ere it
'at!es t!e t!i5ness of t!e #raft-oo$ <sion=% an$ retainin# as 'any lea&es as 1ossi(le.
T!e ut is tri''e$ to a 1erfetly s'oot! surfae ) in <8.2 '= lon#9 t!e sion is t!en
tri''e$ to . in <)6 '= lon#% 'a5in# a slantin# ut to 'at! t!at on t!e rootsto5. T!e
sion s!oul$ !a&e 8 sli#!tly s-ollen (u$s. After Doinin# t!e sion an$ t!e rootsto5% t!e
union is -ra11e$ -it! 1lasti #raftin# ta1e an$ t!e sion is o'1letely o&ere$ -it!
#raftin# stri1s to 1re&ent $e!y$ration. In A -ee5s t!e (u$s (e#in to s-ell% an$ t!e 1lasti
is slit Dust a(o&e t!e (u$ to 1er'it s1routin#. W!en t!e ne- #ro-t! !as !ar$ene$ off% all
t!e #raftin# ta1e is re'o&e$. T!e #raftin# is 1erfor'e$ in a 'oist% -ar' at'os1!ere. T!e
#rafte$ 1lants are 'aintaine$ in ontainers for 8 years or 'ore (efore 1lantin# out% an$
t!ey $e&elo1 stron# ta1roots.
In In$ia% a 'ore reent $e&elo1'ent is 1ro1a#ation (y stoolin#% -!i! !as (een foun$
?si'1ler% >ui5er an$ 'ore eono'ial? t!ere t!an air7layerin#. First% air7layers fro'
su1erior trees are 1lante$ . ft <).8 '= a1art in ?stool (e$s? -!ere enri!e$ !oles !a&e
(een 1re1are$ an$ left o1en for 8 -ee5s. FertiliBer is a11lie$ -!en 1lantin# <at t!e
(e#innin# of Se1te'(er= an$ t!e air7layers are -ell esta(lis!e$ (y 'i$7Oto(er an$
1uttin# out ne- flus!es of #ro-t! in No&e'(er. FertiliBer is a11lie$ a#ain in Fe(ruary7
Mar! an$ June7July. S!allo- ulti&ation is 1erfor'e$ to 5ee1 t!e 1lot -ee$7free. At t!e
en$ of 8 )F8 years% in 'i$7Fe(ruary% t!e 1lants are ut (a5 to )6 in <82 '= fro' t!e
#roun$. Ne- s!oots fro' t!e trun5 are allo-e$ to #ro- for . 'ont!s. In 'i$7June% a rin#
of (ar5 is re'o&e$ fro' all s!oots e/e1t one on ea! 1lant an$ lanolin 1aste ontainin#
IBA <8%266 11'= is a11lie$ to t!e u11er 1ortion of t!e rin#e$ area. Ten $ays later% eart!
is !ea1e$ u1 to o&er . to A in <)67)2 '= of t!e ste' a(o&e t!e rin#. T!is auses t!e
s!oots to root 1rofusely in 8 'ont!s. T!e roote$ s!oots are se1arate$ fro' t!e 1lant an$
are i''e$iately 1lante$ in nursery (e$s or 1ots. T!ose -!i! $o not -ilt in , -ee5s are
Du$#e$ suita(le for settin# out in t!e fiel$. T!e eart! aroun$ t!e 1arent 1lants is le&ele$
an$ t!e 1roess of fertiliBation% ulti&ation% rin#in# an$ eart!in#7u1 an$ !ar&estin# of
stools is re1eate$ o&er an$ o&er for years until t!e 1arent 1lants !a&e lost t!eir &itality. It
is re1orte$ t!at t!e trans1lante$ s!oots !a&e a sur&i&al rate of 3)738K as o'1are$ -it!
.6K to 26K in air7layers.
$pacing, For a 1er'anent or!ar$% t!e trees are (est s1ae$ .6 ft <)8 '= a1art ea! -ay.
In In$ia% a ,6 ft s1ain# is onsi$ere$ a$e>uate% 1ro(a(ly (eause t!e $rier li'ate li'its
t!e o&erall #ro-t!. "ortions of t!e tree s!a$e$ (y ot!er trees -ill not (ear fruit. For
'a/i'u' 1ro$uti&ity% t!ere 'ust (e full e/1osure to li#!t on all si$es.
In t!e Coo5 Islan$s% t!e trees are 1lante$ on a .6 / 86 ft <)8 / A '= s1ain#Y2A trees 1er
are <),. 1er !a=Y(ut in t!e )2t! year% t!e 1lantation is t!inne$ to .6 / .6 ft <)8 / l8 '=.
1ind protection, ;oun# trees (enefit #reatly (y -in$ 1rotetion. T!is an (e 1ro&i$e$
(y 1lain# sta5es aroun$ ea! s'all tree an$ stret!in# lot! aroun$ t!e' as a
-in$sreen. In &ery -in$y loations% t!e entire 1lantation 'ay (e 1rotete$ (y trees
1lante$ as -in$(rea5s (ut t!ese s!oul$ not (e so lose as to s!a$e t!e ly!ees. T!e
ly!ee tree is struturally !i#!ly -in$7resistant% !a&in# -it!stoo$ ty1!oons% (ut s!elter
'ay (e nee$e$ to safe#uar$ t!e ro1. Durin# $ry% !ot 'ont!s% ly!ee trees of any a#e
-ill (enefit fro' o&er!ea$ s1rin5lin#9 t!ey are seriously retar$e$ (y -ater stress.
Fertili5ation, Ne-ly 1lante$ trees 'ust (e -atere$ (ut not fertiliBe$ (eyon$ t!e
enri!'ent of t!e !ole -ell in a$&ane of 1lantin#. In C!ina% ly!ee trees are fertiliBe$
only t-ie a year an$ only or#ani 'aterial is use$% 1rini1ally ni#!t soil% so'eti'es -it!
t!e a$$ition of soy(ean or 1eanut resi$ue after oil e/tration% or 'u$ fro' anals an$ fis!
1on$s. T!ere is no #reat e'1!asis on fertiliBation in In$ia. It !as (een esta(lis!e$ t!at a
!ar&est of )%666 l(s <.2..2 5#= re'o&es a11ro/i'ately , l(s <)%,A) #= J
O% ) l( <.2. #=
% ) l( <.2. #= N% ,F. l( <,.6 #= CaO% an$ )F8 l( <883 #= M#O fro' t!e soil. It is
Du$#e$% t!erefore% t!at a11liations of 1otas!% 1!os1!ate% li'e an$ 'a#nesiu' s!oul$ (e
'a$e to restore t!ese ele'ents.
FertiliBer e/1eri'ents on fine san$ in entral Flori$a !a&e s!o-n t!at 'e$iu' rates of N
<eit!er sulfate of a''onia or a''oniu' nitrate=% "
% J
O% an$ M#O% to#et!er -it!
one a11liation of $olo'ite li'estone at 8 tonsFare <..3 tonsF!a= are (enefiial in
ounteratin# !lorosis an$ 1ro'otin# #ro-t!% flo-erin# an$ fruit7set an$ re$uin# early
fruit s!e$$in#. E/essi&e use of nitro#en su11resses #ro-t! an$ interferes -it! t!e
u1ta5e of ot!er nutrients. If &e#etati&e $or'any is to (e enoura#e$ in (earin# trees%
fertiliBer s!oul$ (e -it!!el$ in fall an$ early -inter.
In li'estone soil% it 'ay (e neessary to s1rea$ !elate$ iron 8 or , ti'es a year to a&oi$
!lorosis. Nin $efiieny is e&i$ene$ (y (ronBin# of t!e lea&es. It is orrete$ (y a
foliar s1ray of 3 l(s <,.2 5#= Bin sul1!ate an$ . l(s <).3 5#= !y$rate$ li'e in .3 >ts <.2
liters= of -ater. Beause of t!e &ery s!allo- root syste' of t!e ly!ee% a surfae 'ul! is
&ery (enefiial in !ot -eat!er.
Pruning, Or$inarily% t!e tree is not 1rune$ after t!e Du$iious s!a1in# of t!e youn# 1lant%
(eause t!e li11in# off of a (ran! ti1 -it! ea! luster of fruits is suffiient to 1ro'ote
ne- #ro-t! for t!e ne/t ro1. Se&ere 1runin# of ol$ trees 'ay (e $one to inrease fruit
siBe an$ yiel$ for at least a fe- years.
Girdling, T!e In$ian far'er 'ay #ir$le t!e (ran!es or trun5 of !is ly!ee trees in
Se1te'(er to en!ane flo-erin# an$ fruitin#. Tests on CBre-sterC in 0a-aii onfir'e$ t!e
'u! !i#!er yiel$ o(taine$ fro' (ran!es #ir$le$ in Se1te'(er. 4ir$lin# of trees t!at
(e#in to flus! in Oto(er an$ No&e'(er is ineffeti&e. Si'ilar trials in Flori$a s!o-e$
inrease$ yiel$ of trees t!at !a$ 1oor ro1s t!e 1re&ious year% (ut t!ere -as no si#nifiant
inrease in trees t!at !a$ (een !ea&y (earers. Furt!er'ore% 'any (ran!es -ere
-ea5ene$ or 5ille$ (y #ir$lin#. Re1eate$ #ir$lin# as a re#ular 1ratie -oul$ 1ro(a(ly
seriously interfere -it! o&erall #ro-t! an$ 1ro$uti&ity.
In$ian !ortiulturists -arn t!at #ir$lin# in alternate years% or #ir$lin# Dust !alf of t!e tree%
'ay (e 1refera(le to annual #ir$lin# an$ t!at% in any ase% !ea&y fertiliBation an$
irri#ation s!oul$ 1ree$e #ir$lin#. Fall s1rayin# of #ro-t! in!i(itors !as not (een foun$
to inrease yiel$s.
For !o'e use or for loal 'ar5ets% ly!ees are !ar&este$ -!en fully olore$9 for
s!i1'ent% -!en only 1artly olore$. T!e final s-ellin# of t!e fruit auses t!e
1rotu(eranes on t!e s5in to (e less ro-$e$ an$ to sli#!tly flatten out% t!us an
e/1eriene$ 1i5er -ill reo#niBe t!e sta#e of full 'aturity. T!e fruits are rarely 1i5e$
sin#ly e/e1t for i''e$iate eatin# out7of7!an$% (eause t!e ste' $oes not nor'ally
$eta! -it!out (rea5in# t!e s5in an$ t!at auses t!e fruit to s1oil >ui5ly. T!e lusters
are usually li11e$ -it! a 1ortion of ste' an$ a fe- lea&es atta!e$ to 1rolon# fres!ness.
In$i&i$ual fruits are later li11e$ fro' t!e luster lea&in# a stu( of ste' atta!e$.
0ar&estin# 'ay nee$ to (e $one e&ery , to . $ays o&er a 1erio$ of ,7. -ee5s. It is ne&er
$one ri#!t after rain% as t!e -et fruit is &ery 1eris!a(le. T!e ly!ee tree is not &ery
suita(le for t!e use of la$$ers. 0i#! lusters are usually !ar&este$ (y 'etal or (a'(oo
1runin# 1oles. A -or5er an !ar&est 22 l(s <82 5#= of fruits 1er !our.
T!e yiel$ &aries -it! t!e ulti&ar% a#e% -eat!er% 1resene of 1ollinators% an$ ultural
1raties. In In$ia% a 27year7ol$ tree 'ay 1ro$ue 266 fruits% a 867year7ol$ tree .%666 to
2%666 fruitsY)A6 to ,,6 l(s <+8.27).*.A 5#=. E/e1tional trees !a&e (orne )%666 l(s <.22
5#= of fruit 1er year. One tree in Flori$a !as (orne )%866 l(s <2.. 5#=. In C!ina% t!ere are
re1orts of )%266 l( ro1s <A36 5#=. In Sout! Afria% trees 82 years ol$ !a&e a&era#e$ A66
l(s <8+8 5#= ea! in #oo$ years9 an$ an a&era#e yiel$ 1er are is a11ro/i'ately )6%666
l(s annually <rou#!ly e>ui&alent to )6%666 5# 1er !etare=.
(eeping )uality@ $torage and $!ipping
Fres!ly 1i5e$ ly!ees 5ee1 t!eir olor an$ >uality only , to 2 $ays at roo' te'1erature.
If 1re7treate$ -it! 6.2K o11er sul1!ate solution an$ 5e1t in 1erforate$ 1olyet!ylene
(a#s% t!ey -ill re'ain fres! so'e-!at lon#er.
Fres! fruits% 1i5e$ in$i&i$ually (y sna11in# t!e ste's an$ later $e7ste''e$ $urin#
#ra$in#% an$ 1a5e$ in s!allo-% &entilate$ artons -it! s!re$$e$71a1er us!ionin#% !a&e
(een suessfully s!i11e$ (y air fro' Flori$a to 'ar5ets t!rou#!out t!e Unite$ States
an$ also to Cana$a. In Sout! Afria% fres!ly 1i5e$ ly!ees !a&e (een 1lae$ on trays in
&entilate$ s!e$s% $uste$ -it! sul1!ur an$ left o&erni#!t% an$ t!en allo-e$ to ?-ilt? in
lu#s for 8. to .3 !ours to 1er'it any infeste$ or inDure$ fruits to (eo'e ons1iuous
(efore #ra$in# an$ 1a5in#. It is sai$ t!at fruits so treate$ retain t!eir fres! olor an$ are
unaffete$ (y fun#i or 1ests for se&eral -ee5s.
In C!ina an$ In$ia% ly!ees are 1a5e$ in (as5ets or rates line$ -it! lea&es or ot!er
us!ionin#. T!e lusters or loose fruits are (est 1a5e$ in trays -it! 1roteti&e s!eets
(et-een t!e layers an$ no 'ore t!an 2 sin#le layers or , $ou(le layers are Doine$
to#et!er. T!e 1a5 s!oul$ not (e too ti#!t. Containers for sta5e$ trays or fruits not so
arran#e$% 'ust (e fairly s!allo- to a&oi$ too 'u! -ei#!t an$ rus!in#. S1oila#e 'ay (e
retar$e$ (y 'oistenin# t!e fruits -it! a salt solution.
In t!e Coo5 Islan$s% t!e fruits are re'o&e$ fro' t!e lusters% $i11e$ in Benlate to ontrol
fun#al #ro-t!% $rie$ on ra5s% t!en 1a5e$ in artons for s!i1'ent to Ne- Nealan$.
Sout! Afrian s!i11ers i''erse t!e fruits for )6 'inutes in a sus1ension of 6.,+2
$iloran 26K -1 1lus 6.A82 # (eno'yl 26K -1 1er liter of -ater -ar'e$ to )82.AV F
<28V C=. Tests at CSIRO% Di&. of Foo$ Resear!% Ne- Sout! Wales% Australia% in )*38%
s!o-e$ #oo$ olor retention% retar$ation of -ei#!t loss an$ fun#al s1oila#e in ly!ees
$i11e$ in !ot (eno'yl 6.62K at )82.AV F <28V C= for t-o 'inutes an$ 1a5e$ in trays
-it! ":C ?s5rin5? fil' o&erin#. T!e !e'ial treat'ent !a$ not yet (een a11ro&e$ (y
!ealt! aut!orities.
Ly!ee lusters s!i11e$ to Frane (y air fro' Ma$a#asar !a&e arri&e$ in fres! on$ition
-!en 1a5e$ ), l(s <A 5#= to t!e arton an$ us!ione$ -it! lea&es of t!e tra&elerCs tree
+(avenala madagascariensis Sonn.=.
Boat s!i1'ent re>uires !y$rooolin# at t!e 1lantation at ,8V7,2.AV F <6V78V C=% 1a5in# in
seale$ 1olyet!ylene (a#s% storin# an$ on&eyin# to t!e 1ort at 7.V to 7),V F <786V7782V C=
an$ s!i11in# at ,8V to ,2.AV F <6V78V C=.
In Flori$a% fres! ly!ees in seale$% !ea&y7#au#e 1olyet!ylene (a#s 5ee1 t!eir olor for +
$ays in stora#e or transit at ,2V to 26V F <).A+V7)6V C=. Ea! (a# s!oul$ ontain no 'ore
t!an )2 l(s <A.3 5#= of fruit.
Ly!ees 1lae$ in 1olyet!ylene (a#s -it! 'oss% lea&es% 1a1er s!a&in#s or otton 1a5in#
!a&e retaine$ fres! olor an$ >uality for 8 -ee5s in stora#e at .2V F <+.88V C=9 for a
'ont! at .6V F <....V C=. At ,8V to ,2V F<6V7).A+V C= an$ 32K to *6K relati&e !u'i$ity%
untreate$ ly!ees% an (e store$ for )6 -ee5s9 t!e s5in -ill turn (ro-n (ut t!e fles! -ill
(e &irtually in fres! on$ition (ut s-eeter.
FroBen% 1eele$ or un1eele$% ly!ees in 'oisture7&a1or71roof ontainers 5ee1 for 8 years.
Drying o. -yc!ees
Ly!ees $e!y$rate naturally. T!e s5in
loses its ori#inal olor% (eo'es
inna'on7(ro-n% an$ turns (rittle. T!e
fles! turns $ar57(ro-n to nearly (la5 as
it s!ri&els an$ (eo'es &ery 'u! li5e a
raisin. T!e s5in of CJ-ai MiC (eo'es
&ery tou#! -!en $rie$9 t!at of CMa$rasC
less so. T!e fruits -ill $ry 1erfetly if
lusters are 'erely !un# in a lose$% air7
on$itione$ roo'.
In C!ina% ly!ees are 1refera(ly $rie$ in t!e sun on !an#in# -ire trays an$ (rou#!t insi$e
at ni#!t an$ $urin# s!o-ers. So'e are $rie$ (y 'eans of (ri5 sto&es $urin# !u'i$
W!en e/1orts of $rie$ fruits fro' C!ina to t!e Unite$ States -ere sus1en$e$% In$ia
-elo'e$ t!e o11ortunity to su11ly t!e 'ar5et. E/1eri'ental $ryin# in&ol&e$
1reli'inary $isinfetion (y i''ersin# t!e fruits in 6.2K o11er sul1!ate solution for 8
'inutes. Sun7$ryin# on oir7'es! trays too5 )2 $ays an$ t!e results -ere #oo$ e/e1t
t!at t!in7s5inne$ fruits ten$e$ to ra5. It -as foun$ t!at s!a$e7$ryin# for 8 $ays (efore
full e/1osure to t!e sun 1re&ente$ ra5in#.
Eletri7o&en $ryin# of sin#le layers arran#e$ in tiers% at )88V to ).6V F <26V7A2V C=%
re>uires only . $ays. 0ot7air7(last at )A6V F<+6V C= $ries see$less fruits in .3 !ours. Fire7
o&en an$ &auu'7o&en $ryin# -ere foun$ unsatisfatory. Flori$a resear!ers !a&e
$e'onstrate$ t!e feasi(ility of $ryin# untreate$ ly!ees at )86V F <.3.3V C= -it! free7
strea' air flo- rates a(o&e ,2 CMFFf
. Dryin# at !i#!er te'1eratures #a&e t!e fruits a
(itter fla&or.
T!e (est >uality an$ li#!t olor of fles! instea$ of $ar57(ro-n is a!ie&e$ (y first
(lan!in# in (oilin# -ater for 2 'inutes% i''ersin# in a solution of 8K 1otassiu'
'eta(isul1!ite for .3 !ours% an$ $i11in# in itri ai$ 1rior to $ryin#.
Drie$ fruits an (e store$ in tins at roo' te'1erature for a(out a year -it! no !an#e in
te/ture or fla&or.
In 'ost areas -!ere ly!ees are #ro-n% t!e 'ost serious folia#e 1est is t!e erinose% or
leaf7url% 'ite% Aceria litchii! -!i! atta5s t!e ne- #ro-t! ausin# !airy% (lister7li5e
#alls on t!e u11ersi$e of t!e lea&es% t!i5enin#% -rin5lin# an$ $istortin# t!e'% an$
(ro-n% felt7li5e -ool on t!e un$ersi$e. T!e 'ite a11arently a'e to Flori$a on 1lants
fro' 0a-aii in )*2, (ut !as (een effeti&ely era$iate$. A leaf7-e((er% udua
aprobola! atta5s t!e ne- #ro-t! of all ly!ee trees in t!e "unDa(.
"late SSSIII@ L;C0EE% 8itchi chinensis@ $rie$
T!e 'ost $estruti&e ene'y of t!e ly!ee in C!ina is a stin5(u# +$essaratoma papillosa-
-it! (ri#!t7re$ 'ar5in#s. It su5s t!e sa1 fro' youn# t-i#s an$ t!ey often $ie9 at least
t!ere is a !i#! rate of fruit7s!e$$in#. T!is 1est is o'(atte$ (y s!a5in# t!e trees in
-inter% olletin# t!e (u#s an$ $ro11in# t!e' into 5erosene. Wit!out su! efforts% it
-or5s !a&o. A stin5(u# +Banasa lenticularis- !as (een foun$ on ly!ee folia#e in
Flori$a. T!e leaf7eatin# false7uniorn ater1illar +Schizura ipomeae-! -!i! is 1arasitiBe$
(y a ta!ini$ fly +$horocera floridensis- fee$s on t!e lea&es. T!e folia#e is so'eti'es
infeste$ -it! re$ s1i$er 'ites +)aratetranychus ha,aiiensis-. T!e itrus a1!i$
+$oxoptera aurantii- 1reys on flus! folia#e. T-o leaf rollers% Argyroploce leucaspis! an$
A. aprobola! are ati&e on ly!ee trees in In$ia. T!ri1s +olicothrips idicus- atta5 t!e
folia#e an$ Megalurothrips +$aeniothrips- distalis an$ 8ymantria mathura $a'a#e t!e
A t-i#71runer% *ypermallus villosus! !as $a'a#e$ ly!ee trees in Flori$a an$ a t-i#
(orer% )roteoteras implicata! !as 5ille$ t-i#s of ne- #ro-t! on Flori$a ly!ees. T!e
lar&ae of a nati&e leaf (eetle% Exema nodulosa! !as (een foun$ 1unturin# an$ #ir$lin#
ly!ee (ran!lets )F3 to )F. in <,7A ''= t!i5. A'(rosia (eetles (ore into t!e ste's of
youn# trees an$ fun#i enter t!rou#! t!eir !oles. A s!oot7(orer% Chlumetia transversa! is
foun$ on ly!ee trees all o&er In$ia. T-o (ar57(orin# ater1illars% &ndarbela
9uadrinotata an$ &. tetraonis! (ore rin#s aroun$ t!e trun5 un$erneat! t!e (ar5 of ol$er
trees. T!e lar&ae of a s'all 'ot!% Acrocerops cramerella! eat $e&elo1in# see$s an$ t!e
1it! of youn# t-i#s. A s'all 1arasiti -as1 !el1s to ontrol t!is 1re$ator% as $oes t!e
sanitary 1ratie of (urnin# t!e fallen ly!ee lea&es.
T!e a1!i$ +Aphis spiraecola- ours on youn# 1lants in s!a$e$ nurseries% as $oes t!e
ar'ore$ sale% or ly!ee (ar5 sale% )seudaulacaspis ma4or! an$ -!ite 1ea! sale% ).
pentagona. T!e Flori$a re$ sale% Chrysomphalus aonidum! !as (een seen on ly!ee
trees% also t!e (anana7s!a1e$ sale% Coccus acutissimus! an$ #reen7s!iel$ sale%
)ulvinaria psidii. T!e latter is t!e seon$ 'ost serious 1est in Flori$a. Ot!ers are t!e si/7
s1otte$ 'ite% Eotetranychus sexmaculatus! t!e leaf7foote$ (u#% 8eptoglossus phyllopus!
an$ less trou(leso'e reatures su! as t!e se&eral s1eies of Sara(aei$ae <relate$ to
June (u#s= -!i! atta5 lea&es an$ flo-er (u$s.
In Sout! Afria% t!e 1arasiti ne'ato$e *emicriconemoides mangiferae an$ 7iphinema
brevicolle ause $ie7(a5% $eline an$ ulti'ately $eat! of ly!ee trees% so'eti'es
$e&astatin# or!ar$s. T!e root75not ne'ato$e% Meloidogyne 4avanica! also atta5s t!e
ly!ee in Sout! Afria (ut is less 1re&alent.
In Flori$a% t!e sout!ern #reen stin5(u#% %ezara viridula! an$ t!e lar&ae of t!e otton
s>uare (orer% Strymon metinus! atta5 t!e fruit. See$7fee$in# Le1i$o1tera% es1eially
Cryptophlebia ombrodelta an$ 8obesia s1. ause 'u! fruit $a'a#e an$ fallin# in
nort!ern Hueenslan$. Car(aryl s1rays onsi$era(ly re$ue t!e losses. In Sout! Afria% a
'ot!% Argyroploce peltastica! lays e##s on t!e surfae of t!e fruit an$ t!e lar&ae 'ay
1enetrate -ea5 areas of t!e s5in an$ infest t!e fles!. T!e fruit flies% Ceratites capitata
an$ )terandrus rosa 'a5e 'inute !oles an$ ra5s in t!e s5in an$ ause internal $eay.
T!ese 1ests are so $etri'ental t!at #ro-ers !a&e a$o1te$ t!e 1ratie of enlosin#
(un!es of lusters <-it! 'ost of t!e lea&es re'o&e$= in (a#s 'a$e of ?-et7stren#t!?
1a1er or un(lea!e$ alio A to 3 -ee5s (efore !ar&est7ti'e. T!e Cari((ean fruit fly%
Anastrepha suspensa! !as atta5e$ ly!ee fruits in Flori$a.
Bir$s% (ats an$ (ees $a'a#e ri1e fruits on t!e trees in C!ina an$ so'eti'es a stilt !ouse
is (uilt (esi$e a !oie ly!ee tree for a -at!'an to 5ee1 #uar$ an$ -ar$ off t!ese
1re$ators% or a lar#e net 'ay (e t!ro-n o&er t!e tree. In Flori$a% (ir$s% s>uirrels% raoons
an$ rats are 1ri'e ene'ies. Bir$s !a&e (een re1elle$ (y !an#in# on t!e (ran!es t!in
'etalli ri((ons -!i! 'o&e% #lea' an$ rattle in t!e -in$. 4rass!o11ers% ri5ets% an$
5aty$i$s 'ay% at ti'es% fee$ !ea&ily on t!e folia#e.
Fe- $iseases !a&e (een re1orte$ fro' any ly!ee7#ro-in# loality. T!e #lossy lea&es are
&ery resistant to fun#i. In Flori$a% ly!ee trees are oasionally su(Det to #reen surf% or
al#al leaf s1ot +Cephaleuros virescens-! leaf (li#!t <5leosporium s1.=% $ie7(a5% ause$
(y )homopsis s1.% an$ 'us!roo' root rot +Clitocybe tabescens- -!i! is 'ost li5ely to
atta5 ly!ee trees 1lante$ -!ere oa5 trees for'erly stoo$. Ol$ oa5 roots an$ stu'1s
!a&e (een foun$ t!orou#!ly infete$ -it! t!e fun#us.
In In$ia% leaf s1ot ause$ (y )estalotia pauciseta 'ay (e 1re&alent in Dee'(er an$ an
(e ontrolle$ (y li'e7sul1!ur s1rays. Leaf s1ots ause$ (y Botryodiplodia theobromae
an$ Colletotrichum gloeosporioides! -!i! (e#in at t!e ti1 of t!e leaflet% -ere first
notie$ in In$ia in )*A8.
Li!ens an$ al#ae o''only #ro- on
t!e trun5s an$ (ran!es of ly!ee trees.
T!e 'ain 1ost7!ar&est 1ro(le' is
s1oila#e (y t!e yeast7li5e or#anis'%
-!i! is >ui5 to atta5 -ar'% 'oist
fruits. It is i'1ortant to 5ee1 t!e fruits
$ry an$ ool% -it! #oo$ irulation of
air. W!en on$itions fa&or rottin#%
$ustin# -it! fun#ii$e -ill (e neessary.
Food *ses
Ly!ees are 'ost relis!e$ fres!% out7of7
!an$. "eele$ an$ 1itte$% t!ey are
o''only a$$e$ to fruit u1s an$ fruit
sala$s. Ly!ees stuffe$ -it! otta#e
!eese are ser&e$ as sala$ to11e$ -it! $ressin# an$ 1eans. Or t!e fruit 'ay (e stuffe$
-it! a (len$ of rea' !eese an$ 'ayonnaise% or stuffe$ -it! 1ean 'eats% an$ #arnis!e$
-it! -!i11e$ rea'. Slie$ ly!ees% on#eale$ in li'e #elatin% are ser&e$ on lettue -it!
-!i11e$ rea' or 'ayonnaise. T!e fruits 'ay (e layere$ -it! 1ista!io ie rea' an$
Fi#. +,@ "eele$% see$e$% ly!ees +8itchi chinensis- are
anne$ in siru1 in t!e Orient an$ e/1orte$ to t!e Unite$
States an$ ot!er ountries.
-!i11e$ rea' in 1arfait #lasses% as $essert. 0al&e$ ly!ees !a&e (een 1lae$ on to1 of
!a' $urin# t!e last !our of (a5in#% or #rille$ on to1 of stea5. "uree$ ly!ees are a$$e$ to
ie rea' 'i/. S!er(et is 'a$e (y e/tratin# t!e Duie fro' fres!% see$e$ ly!ees an$
a$$in# it to a 'i/ture of 1re1are$ 1lain #elatin% !ot 'il5% li#!t rea'% su#ar an$ a little
le'on Duie% an$ freeBin#.
"eele$% see$e$ ly!ees are anne$ in su#ar siru1 in In$ia an$ C!ina an$ !a&e (een
e/1orte$ fro' C!ina for 'any years. Bro-nin#% or 1in5 $isoloration% of t!e fles! is
1re&ente$ (y t!e a$$ition of .K tartari ai$ solution% or (y usin# ,6V Bri/ siru1
ontainin# 6.)K to 6.)2K itri ai$ to a!ie&e a 10 of a(out ..2% 1roessin# for a
'a/i'u' of )6 'inutes in (oilin# -ater% an$ !illin# i''e$iately.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Fresh ried
Calories A,7A. 8++
Moisture 3).*73..3,K )+.*6788.,K
"rotein 6.A37).6 # 8.*67,.3 #
Fat 6.,76.23 # 6.867).8 #
Car(o!y$rates ),.,)7)A.. # +6.+7++.2 #
Fi(er 6.8,76.. # ).. #
As! 6.,+76.2 # ).278.6 #
Caliu' 37)6 '# ,, '#
"!os1!orus ,67.8 '#
Iron 6.. '# ).+ '#
So$iu' , '# , '#
"otassiu' )+6 '# )%)66 '#
T!ia'ine 83 '#
Niotini Ai$ 6.. '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.62 '# 6.62 '#
Asor(i Ai$ 8.7A6 '# .8 '#
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in C!ina% In$ia an$ t!e "!ili11ines.
T!e ly!ee is lo- in 1!enols an$ non7astrin#ent in all sta#es of 'aturity.
To a s'all e/tent% ly!ees are also s1ie$ or 1i5le$% or 'a$e into saue% 1reser&es or
-ine. Ly!ee Delly !as (een 'a$e fro' (lan!e$% 'ine$ ly!ees an$ t!eir
ao'1anyin# Duie% -it! )K 1etin% an$ o'(ine$ 1!os1!ori an$ itri ai$ a$$e$ to
en!ane t!e fla&or.
T!e fles! of $rie$ ly!ees is eaten li5e raisins. C!inese 1eo1le enDoy usin# t!e $rie$ fles!
in t!eir tea as a s-eetener in 1lae of su#ar.
W!ole froBen ly!ees are t!a-e$ in te1i$ -ater. T!ey 'ust (e onsu'e$ &ery soon% as
t!ey $isolor an$ s1oil >ui5ly.
Ot!er *ses
In C!ina% #reat >uantities of !oney are !ar&este$ fro' !i&es near ly!ee trees. 0oney
fro' (ee olonies in ly!ee #ro&es in Flori$a is li#!t a'(er% of t!e !i#!est >uality% -it! a
ri!% $eliious fla&or li5e t!at of t!e Duie -!i! lea5s -!en t!e fruit is 1eele$% an$ t!e
!oney $oes not #ranulate.
Medicinal *ses, In#este$ in 'o$erate a'ounts% t!e ly!ee is sai$ to relie&e ou#!in#
an$ to !a&e a (enefiial effet on #astral#ia% tu'ors an$ enlar#e'ents of t!e #lan$s. One
sto'a!7uler 1atient in Flori$a% !as re1orte$ t!at% after eatin# se&eral fres! ly!ees !e
-as a(le to enDoy a lar#e 'eal t!at% or$inarily% -oul$ !a&e ause$ #reat $iso'fort.
C!inese 1eo1le (elie&e t!at e/essi&e onsu'1tion of ra- ly!ees auses fe&er an$
nose(lee$. Aor$in# to le#en$s% anient $e&otees !a&e onsu'e$ fro' ,66 to )%666 1er
In C!ina% t!e see$s are re$ite$ -it! an anal#esi ation an$ t!ey are #i&en in neural#ia
an$ or!itis. A tea of t!e fruit 1eel is ta5en to o&ero'e s'all1o/ eru1tions an$ $iarr!ea.
In In$ia% t!e see$s are 1o-$ere$ an$% (eause of t!eir astrin#eny% a$'inistere$ in
intestinal trou(les% an$ t!ey !a&e t!e re1utation t!ere% as in C!ina% of relie&in# neural#i
1ains. Deotions of t!e root% (ar5 an$ flo-ers are #ar#le$ to alle&iate ail'ents of t!e
t!roat. Ly!ee roots !a&e s!o-n ati&ity a#ainst one ty1e of tu'or in e/1eri'ental
ani'als in t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureFNational Caner Institute Caner
C!e'ot!era1y Sreenin# "ro#ra'.
Melicoccus biugatus 3ac/6
Melicocca biuga -6
One of t!e 'inor fruits of t!e fa'ily Sa1in$aeae% t!e 'a'onillo +Melicoccus bi4ugatus
Ja>.% syn. Melicocca bi4uga L.= !as% ne&ert!eless a>uire$ an assort'ent of re#ional
na'es% su! as@ a5ee <Bar(a$os only9 not to (e onfuse$ -it! Blighia sapida! >.&.=9
#eni1% #ine1% #ine1e% #uene1a% #uine1 <Bar(a$os% Ja'aia% Ba!a'as% "uerto Rio%
Trini$a$ an$ To(a#o=9 grosella de miel <Me/io=9 guayo <Me/io=9 !oney(erry
<4uyana=9 Ja'aia (ullae 1lu'% 5ana11y <"uerto Rio=9 "enet <Fren! 4uiana=9 "nepa
<Surina'=9 "nepe <Fren! West In$ies=9 "nippa <Surina'=9 limoncillo <Do'inian
Re1u(li=9 macao <Colo'(ia% :eneBuela=9 maco <:eneBuela=9 mamon <Colo'(ia%
:eneBuela% El Sal&a$or% Niara#ua% Costa Ria% "ana'a% Ar#entina=9 mamon de
Cartagena <Costa Ria=9 'ar'ala$e (o/
<4uyana=9 mauco <:eneBuela=9 muco
<Colo'(ia% :eneBuela=9 9uenepa
<Do'inian Re1u(li% "uerto Rio%
Colo'(ia=9 9uenepe <0aiti=9 9uenett
<Fren! 4uiana=9 sensiboom <Surina'=9
S1anis! li'e <Flori$a=9 tapal4ocote <El
T!e 'a'onillo tree is slo-7#ro-in#%
eret% stately% attrati&e9 to 32 ft <82 '=
!i#!% -it! trun5 to 2 )F8 ft <).+ '= t!i59 s'oot!% #ray (ar5% an$ s1rea$in# (ran!es.
;oun# (ran!lets are re$$is!. T!e lea&es are (riefly $ei$uous% alternate% o'1oun$%
!a&in# . o11osite% elli1ti% s!ar171ointe$ leaflets 8 to 2 in <27)8.2 '= lon# an$ ) )F. to 8
)F8 in <,.827A.82 '= -i$e% t!e ra!is fre>uently ons1iuously -in#e$ as is t!at of t!e
relate$ soa1(erry +Sapindus saponaria L.=. T!e flo-ers% in slen$er rae'es 8 )F, to . in
<A7)6 '= lon#% often lustere$ in ter'inal 1aniles% are fra#rant% -!ite% )F2 to )F, in <273
''= -i$e% -it! . 1etals an$ 3 sta'ens. Male an$ fe'ale are usually (orne on se1arate
trees (ut so'e trees are 1artly 1oly#a'ous. T!e fruit lusters are (ran!e$% o'1at an$
!ea&y -it! nearly roun$% #reen fruits ti11e$ -it! a s'all 1rotrusion% an$ su##estin# at
first #lane s'all unri1e li'es% (ut t!ere t!e rese'(lane en$s. T!e s5in is s'oot!% t!in
(ut leat!ery an$ (rittle. T!e #listenin# 1ul1 <aril= is sal'on7olore$ or yello-is!%
transluent% #elatinous% Duiy (ut &ery sant an$ so'e-!at fi(rous% usually lin#in#
tenaiously to t!e see$. W!en fully ri1e% t!e 1ul1 is 1leasantly ai$7s-eet (ut if unri1e
ai$ity 1re$o'inates. In 'ost fruits t!ere is a sin#le% lar#e% yello-is!7-!ite% !ar$7s!elle$
see$% -!ile so'e !a&e 8 !e'is1!erial see$s. T!e 5ernel is -!ite% ris1% star!y% an$
Origin and Distribution
T!e 'a'onillo is nati&e to Colo'(ia% :eneBuela% an$ t!e islan$ of Mar#arita% also
Fren! 4uiana% 4uyana an$ Surina'. It is o''only ulti&ate$ an$ s1ontaneous in t!ose
ountries% also in oastal Eua$or% t!e lo-lan$s of Central A'eria% t!e West In$ies an$
in t!e Ba!a'as. In Flori$a% it is oasionally #ro-n as far nort! as Ft. Myers on t!e West
Coast an$ "al' Bea! on t!e east9 is 'u! 'ore 1lentiful in Jey West% es1eially as a
street tree. T!ere are so'e s1ei'ens in California an$ in (otanial #ar$ens in t!e
"!ili11ines% NanBi(ar% 0a-aii an$ else-!ere. Aor$in# to Britton% t!ere -as a tree a(out
,6 ft <* '= tall in Ber'u$a in )*). (ut it !a$ ne&er (loo'e$. T!ere are a fe- trees in
Israel (ut none !as flo-ere$ (efore )6 years of a#e.
Little !ortiultural attention !as (een #i&en t!is fruit. In t!e )*26Cs% a lar#e7fruite$% s-eet
ty1e -as foun$ in Jey West. Air7layers an$ inar!in#s -ere 'a$e in or$er to 1er'it trial
Fi#. +2@ T!e 'a'onillo +Melicoccus bi4ugatus-! -it!
its lar#e see$s an$ t!in layer of a$!erin# fles!% 1ro&i$es
little (ut Duie.
of t!is ty1e on t!e 'ainlan$. In t!e )*A6Cs% !ortiulturist 4eor#e Ja5son e&aluate$ t!e
fruits of 2. trees in sout!ern "uerto Rio. Fruits -it! less t!an .2K e$i(le 1ul1 an$ 86K
total su#ars -ere $isre#ar$e$. 0e rate$ * trees as 'eritin# furt!er testin#. Of t!ese% .
-ere selete$ as !a&in# t!e 'ost $esira(le >ualities. T!eir 'ain !araters -ere liste$ as
'Puerto 2ico I9'Yroun$% of 'e$iu' siBe% 83 to t!e l( <A8F5#=9 fles! fir'% se'i7$ry%
se1aratin# easily fro' t!e see$9 s-eet% -it! 8A.6K su#ars.
'Puerto 2ico I<'Yroun$% of 'e$iu' siBe% 8+ to t!e 1oun$ <A6F5#=9 rin$ 'e$iu'7t!i59
fles! fir'% se'i7$ry% se1aratin# easily fro' see$9 s-eet% 8..)K total su#ars.
'Puerto 2ico IJ'Yroun$ 7o(lon#% s'all% .* to t!e 1oun$ <)63F5#=9 rin$ t!in% 1lia(le9 fles!
fir'% se'i7$ry% se1aratin# easily fro' t!e see$9 &ery s-eet% 8..)K total su#ars.
'Puerto 2ico IG'Yroun$% 'e$iu'7s'all% .6 to t!e l( <33F5#=9 rin$ 'e$iu'7t!in% fles!
fir'% se'i7$ry% se1aratin# easily fro' see$9 a#reea(ly ai$ an$ sli#!tly s-eet9 88.+K
total su#ar.
T!e 1erenta#e of e$i(le 'atter (y fruit7-ei#!t ran#e$ fro' .A.AK to .3.AK.
In )*+A% Dr. Carl Ca'1(ell of t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$aCs A#riultural Resear! an$
E$uation Center in 0o'estea$% Flori$a% re1orte$ on !is o'1arison of , seletions 'a$e
(y intereste$ in$i&i$uals an$ an or$inary see$lin# #ro-in# at t!e Center. T!e latter%
la(ele$ CNo. )C% -as #ra$e$ as@ s'all% .*.)K 1ul1% (ut of only fair fla&or% an$ 1oor annual
'0o6 <'% or ')ueen'% (rou#!t (y W.F. W!it'an fro' Jey West9 lar#e% 22.AK 1ul1% only
fair in fla&or% an$ 'e$iu' in yiel$.
'0o6 J'% (rou#!t (y R.4. Ne-o'( fro' Jey West9 of #oo$ siBe% .3.8K 1ul19 of #oo$
fla&or an$ (orne !ea&ily in 'ost years.
'0o6 G'% or 'Montgo#ery'% fro' t!e Mont#o'ery <later% Jennin#s= Estate in Coral
4a(les9 lar#e% -it! so'eti'es )3K of ro1 !a&in# 8 see$s9 2).2K 1ul19 of #oo$ fla&or%
an$ (orne !ea&ily in 'ost years.
4enerally% t!e 1resene of a 'ale tree is neessary to 1ollinate t!e flo-ers of trees t!at
are 1re$o'inantly fe'ale <or !er'a1!ro$ite funtionin# as fe'ale=. 0o-e&er% in Cu(a%
so'e trees !a&e suffiient nu'(ers of flo-ers of (ot! se/es to yiel$ re#ularly lar#e ro1s
-it!out inter1lantin#.
T!e 'a'onillo is not stritly tro1ial% for it asen$s u1 to ,%,66 ft <)%666 '= a(o&e sea7
le&el in Sout! A'eria. It an stan$ se&eral $e#rees of frost in Flori$a. Ne&ert!eless% it is
too ten$er to fruit in California t!ou#! it !as (een 1lante$ t!ere on &arious oasions. It is
-ell a$a1te$ to areas of lo- rainfall. T!at of Jey West ran#es fro' ,6 to 26 in <+27)82
'= annually. T!e tree an tolerate lon# 1erio$s of $rou#!t.
In Cu(a% t!e tree is sai$ to flouris! in nearly all ty1es of terrain (ut 1artiularly in $ee1%
ri! soil of alareous ori#in. It see's 1erfetly at !o'e in t!e ooliti7li'estone of
sout!ern Flori$a an$ t!e Flori$a Jeys. In Colo'(ia% it !as (een o(ser&e$ to #ro- on
su! 1oor soils t!at it !as (een a$o1te$ for 1lantin# in soil rela'ation efforts. It is
s1ontaneous es1eially in $ry% oastal $istrits.
T!e 'a'onillo is usually #ro-n fro' see$ (ut su1erior ty1es s!oul$ (e &e#etati&ely
re1ro$ue$. Air7layerin# of fairly lar#e (ran!es% at least 8 in <2 '= in $ia'eter% is
suessful in t!e su''er an$ t!ere -ill (e a$e>uate root $e&elo1'ent in 2 to A -ee5s.
A11roa!7#raftin# is feasi(le 1ro&i$e$ t!e rootsto5s are raise$ in a li#!t-ei#!t 'e$iu'%
in 1lasti (a#s to failitate atta!'ent to t!e selete$ tree. Atte'1ts to &eneer7#raft or
!i17(u$ !a&e #enerally faile$.
Or$inarily% t!e 'a'onillo% tree is #i&en no are e/e1t for -aterin# an$ fertiliBin# -!en
first 1lante$. :e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ trees (ear earlier t!an see$lin#s.
$eason and %ar&esting
In Flori$a% t!e fruits ri1en fro' June to Se1te'(er. In t!e Ba!a'as% t!e season e/ten$s
fro' July to Oto(er. La$$ers an$ 1i5in# 1oles e>ui11e$ -it! utters are neessary in
!ar&estin# fruits fro' tall trees. T!e entire luster is li11e$ fro' t!e (ran! -!en
sa'1lin# in$iates t!at t!e fruits are fully ri1e. At t!is sta#e% t!e rin$ (eo'es (rittle (ut
$oes not !an#e olor. If 1i5e$ 1re'aturely% t!e rin$ turns (la5is!% a si#n of
(eeping )uality
Beause of t!e leat!ery s5in% t!e fruit re'ains fres! for a lon# ti'e an$ s!i1s an$ 'ar5ets
-ell. T!e tro1ial !ortiulturist% Da&i$ Sturro5% relate$ t!at !orse'en in Cu(a often
!un# (ran!es of 'a'onillos on t!e sa$$le !orn to enDoy an$ relie&e t!irst $urin# lon#
Pests and Diseases
T!e tree is a !ost of t!e Citrus (la5 fly% Aleurocanthus ,oglumi. T!ere are se&eral
1arasites <)rospaltella s11.% Eretmocerus serius% an$ Amitus hesperidium= -!i! 1ro&i$e
effeti&e ontrol of t!is 1est. In Flori$a% Armillariella +Clitocybe- tabescens auses
'us!roo' root rot9 Fusarium an$ )hyllosticta ause leaf s1ot9 an$ Cephaleuros
virescens% al#al leaf s1ot an$ #reen surf.
Food *ses
For eatin# out7of7!an$% t!e rin$ is 'erely torn o1en at t!e ste' en$ an$ t!e 1ul17oate$
see$ is s>ueeBe$ into t!e 'out!% t!e Duie (ein# su5e$ fro' t!e 1ul1 until t!ere is
not!in# left of it (ut t!e fi(er. Wit! fruits t!at !a&e non7a$!erent 1ul1% t!e latter 'ay (e
sra1e$ fro' t!e see$ an$ utiliBe$ to 'a5e 1ie7fillin#% Da'% 'ar'ala$e or Delly% (ut t!is
entails 'u! -or5 for t!e s'all a'ount of e$i(le 'aterial realiBe$. More o''only% t!e
1eele$ fruits are (oile$ an$ t!e resultin# Duie is 1riBe$ for ol$ $rin5s. In Colo'(ia% t!e
Duie is anne$ o''erially.
T!e see$s are eaten after roastin#. In$ians of t!e Orinoo onsu'e t!e oo5e$ see$s as a
su(stitute for assa&a.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories 23.))7+,
Moisture A3.3738.2 #
"rotein 6.267).6 #
Fat 6.6376.8 #
Car(o!y$rates ),.27)*.8 #
Fi(er 6.6+78.A6 #
As! 6.,.76.+.#
Caliu' ,..7)2 '#
"!os1!orus *.378,.* '#
Iron 6..+7).)* '#
Carotene 6.6876... '# <+6 I.U.=
T!ia'ine 6.6,76.8) '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6)76.86 '#
Niain 6.)276.*6 '#
Asor(i Ai$ 6.37)6 '#
Tannin ).33 #
Amino Acids
Try1to1!an ). '#
Met!ionine 6
Lysine )+ '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Cu(a% Central A'eria an$ Colo'(ia.
$eed %a5ard
It !as (een sai$ t!at t!e 1ul1 fi(ers oat t!e linin# of t!e sto'a!% a$&ersely affetin# t!e
!ealt!% (ut t!is !as (een $enie$ (y t!e 4o&ern'ent C!e'ist of t!e De1art'ent of
Siene an$ A#riulture in Ja'aia -!o $elares t!at fatalities in !il$ren are t!e result
of !o5in# on t!e see$. W!en oate$ -it! 1ul1% it is &ery sli11ery% is ai$entally
s-allo-e$ an$% (eause of its siBe% lo$#es in t!e t!roat% ausin# suffoation or
Ot!er *ses
3uice, A $ye !as (een e/1eri'entally 'a$e fro' t!e Duie of t!e ra- fruit -!i! 'a5es
an in$eli(le stain.
Flowers, T!e flo-ers are ri! in netar an$ !i#!ly a11ealin# to !u''in#(ir$s an$
!oney(ees. T!e !oney is so'e-!at $ar5 in olor (ut of a#reea(le fla&or. T!e tree is
estee'e$ (y Ja'aian (ee5ee1ers t!ou#! t!e flo-erin# season <Mar!FA1ril= is s!ort.
-ea&es, In "ana'a% t!e lea&es are sattere$ in !ouses -!ere t!ere are 'any fleas. It is
lai'e$ t!at t!e fleas are attrate$ to t!e lea&es an$ are ast out -it! t!e s-e1t7u1
folia#e. So'e (elie&e t!at t!e lea&es atually 5ill t!e fleas.
1ood, T!e !eart-oo$ is yello- -it! $ar5 lines% o'1at% !ar$% !ea&y% fine7#raine$9
inline$ to $eay out of $oors% (ut &alue$ for rafters% in$oor fra'in#% an$ a(inet-or5.
Medicinal *ses, In :eneBuela% t!e astrin#ent roaste$ see$ 5ernels are 1ul&eriBe$% 'i/e$
-it! !oney an$ #i&en to !alt $iarr!ea. T!e astrin#ent leaf $eotion is #i&en as an ene'a
for intestinal o'1laints.
Nephelium lappaceum -6
Euphoria nephelium DC.
Dimocarpus crinita Lour.
T!ou#! a lose relati&e of t!e ly!ee an$ an
e>ually $esira(le fruit% t!is 'e'(er of t!e
Sa1in$aeae is not nearly as -ell75no-n.
Botanially% it is %ephelium lappaceum L. <syns.
Euphoria nephelium DC.9 imocarpus crinita
Lour.=. In t!e &ernaular% it is #enerally alle$
ra'(utan <in Fren!% ramboutan or
ramboutanier: in Dut!% ramboetan-:
oasionally in In$ia% ramboostan. To t!e C!inese it is shao tzu! to :ietna'ese% chom
chom or vai thieu: to Ja'1u!eans% ser
mon! or chle sao mao. T!ere are ot!er
loal na'es in t!e &arious $ialets of
sout!east Asia an$ t!e East In$ies.
T!e ra'(utan tree rea!es 26 to 36 ft
<)2782 '= in !ei#!t% !as a strai#!t trun5
to 8 ft <A6 '= -i$e% an$ a $ense% usually
s1rea$in# ro-n. T!e e&er#reen lea&es
are alternate% 1innately o'1oun$% 8 ,F.
to )8 in <+7,6 '= lon#% -it! re$$is!
ra!is% !airy -!en youn#% an$ ) to .
1airs of leaflets% su(o11osite or alternate%
elli1ti to o(lon#7elli1ti% or rat!er
o(o&ate% so'eti'es o(li>ue at t!e (ase9
sli#!tly leat!ery9 yello-is!7#reen to
$ar57#reen an$ so'e-!at $ull on t!e
u11er surfae% yello-is! or (luis!7#reen
(eneat!9 8 to 3 in <2786 '= lon#% ) to .
"late SSSI:@ RAMBUTAN% %ephelium lappaceum
"ainte$ (y Dr. M.J. DiD5'an
)F, in <8.27)) '= -i$e% t!e A to )2 1airs of 1rini1al &eins 1ro'inent on t!e un$ersi$e.
T!e s'all% 1etalless flo-ers% of t!ree 5in$s@ 'ales% !er'a1!ro$ite funtionin# as 'ales%
an$ !er'a1!ro$ite funtionin# as fe'ales% are (orne in a/illary or 1seu$o7ter'inal% 'u!
(ran!e$% !airy 1aniles. T!e fruit is o&oi$% or elli1soi$% 1in5is!7re$% (ri#!t7or $ee17re$%
oran#e7re$% 'aroon or $ar571ur1le% yello-is!7re$% or all yello- or oran#e7yello-9 ) )F,
to , )F3 in <,..73 '= lon#. Its t!in% leat!ery rin$ is o&ere$ -it! tu(erles fro' ea! of
-!i! e/ten$s a soft% fles!y% re$% 1in5is!% or yello- s1ine )F2 to ,F. in <6.278 '= lon#%
t!e ti1s $ei$uous in so'e ty1es. T!e so'e-!at !airli5e o&erin# is res1onsi(le for t!e
o''on na'e of t!e fruit% -!i! is (ase$ on t!e Malay -or$ ;rambut;! 'eanin# ?!air?.
Wit!in is t!e -!ite or rose7tinte$% transluent% Duiy% ai$% su(ai$ or s-eet fles!% )FA to
)F, in <6..76.3 '= t!i5% a$!erin# 'ore or less to t!e o&oi$ or o(lon#% so'e-!at
flattene$ see$% -!i! is ) to ) )F, in <8.27,.. '= lon# an$ 8F2 to ,F2 in <)7).2 '= -i$e.
T!ere 'ay (e ) or 8 s'all un$e&elo1e$ fruits nestle$ lose to t!e ste' of a 'ature fruit.
Origin and Distribution
T!e ra'(utan is nati&e to Malaysia an$ o''only ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out t!e ar!i1ela#o
an$ sout!east Asia. Many years a#o% Ara( tra$ers intro$ue$ it into NanBi(ar an$ "e'(a.
T!ere are li'ite$ 1lantin#s in In$ia% a fe- trees in Surina'% an$ in t!e oastal lo-lan$s
of Colo'(ia% Eua$or% 0on$uras% Costa Ria% Trini$a$ an$ Cu(a. So'e fruits are (ein#
'ar5ete$ in Costa Ria. T!e ra'(utan -as ta5en to t!e "!ili11ines fro' In$onesia in
)*)8. Furt!er intro$utions -ere 'a$e in )*86 <fro' In$onesia= an$ )*,6 <fro'
Malaya=% (ut until t!e )*26Cs its $istri(ution -as rat!er li'ite$. T!en 1o1ular $e'an$
(rou#!t a(out syste'ati efforts to i'1ro&e t!e ro1 an$ resulte$ in t!e esta(lis!'ent of
'any o''erial 1lantations in t!e 1ro&ines of Batan#as% Ca&ite% Da&an% Iloilo%
La#una% Oriental Min$oro an$ Na'(oan#a. See$s -ere i'1orte$ into t!e Unite$ States
fro' Ja&a in )*6A <S"I O)+2)2= (ut t!e s1eies is not #ro-n in t!is ountry.
"o1ular &arieties in Malaya inlu$e CC!ooi An#C% C"en# T!in# BeeC% C;a To-C% CABi'atC%
an$ CAyer MasC. Dr. J.J. O!se $esri(e$ A na'e$ &arieties in In$onesia@
'-ebakbooloos'Ya (roa$7to11e$ tree -it! $ar57re$ fruits !a&in# unro-$e$ s1ines ,F2 in
<).2 '= lon#% an$ #rayis!7-!ite% tou#!% su(ai$ fles! )F2 in <6.2 '= t!i5% fre>uently
$iffiult to se1arate fro' t!e see$ an$ often ta5es 1iees of t!e testa -it! it. S!i1s -ell
o&er lon# $istanes. <Culti&ate$ also in In$ia=.
'$ee#at4an'YTree !as an o1en ro-n an$ lon#% fle/i(le (ran!es. Fruits are $ar57re$
-it! s1ines to ,F. in <8 '= lon#. In Ja&a t!e tree is es1eially 1rone to atta5 (y &arious
insets. It is ulti&ate$ also in In$ia an$ in t!e "!ili11ines -!ere it !as a&era#e$ )A
l(sFare <)A 5#F!a=. T!ere are 8 for's@ )= CSee'atDan (esarC -it! s'all fruit% t!in rin$%
s1ines fairly far a1art9 &ery s-eet% so'e-!at oarse% fairly Duiy fles! to -!i! t!e
oarse% fi(rous testa ti#!tly a$!eres9 8= CSee'atDan 5etDilC <or CJoo'(an#C=Yt!e fruit !as
soft% tou#!% an$ less s-eet fles! to -!i! t!e see$ oat $oes not ti#!tly a$!ere.
'$een4on4a'YTree lo-7#ro-in#9 !as a $roo1in# ro-n. Fruit nearly o&oi$% a(out ) )F8 in
<. '= lon# an$ ) )F2 in <, '= -i$e9 $ar5 -ine7re$ -it! slen$er% fle/i(le s1ines a(out
8F2 in <) '= lon#. Fles! lin#s fir'ly to t!e see$. In t!e "!ili11ines !as yiel$e$ on t!e
a&era#e .) l(sFare <.) 5#F!a=.
'$ectangkoowe!'YTree (roa$7to11e$. Fruit flattene$ elli1soi$% a(out 8 in <2 '= lon#% )
)F8 in <. '= -i$e -it! sli' s1ines 8F2 in <) '= lon#. Rin$ is t!in% 1lia(le% tou#!. Fles!
yello-is!7-!ite% s-eet% lin#s ti#!tly to t!e t!i5 testa -!i! se1arates fro' t!e see$.
Fruits stan$ lon#7$istane s!i1'ent.
'$eelengkeng'YTree lo-7#ro-in# -it! $roo1in# ro-n. Fruit o&oi$% ) )F2 in <, '= lon#%
,F. in <8 '= -i$e% -it! &ery fine% soft s1ines. Fles! sli#!tly #lossy% tou#!% 'o$erately
s-eet% an$ se1arates fro' t!e see$ -it! a fe- 1artiles of testa lin#in# to it. Air7layers
are unsatisfatory% so it is rare in ulti&ation an$ e/1ensi&e on t!e 'ar5et. Mu! fa&ore$
(y C!inese (eause of its rese'(lane to t!e ly!ee. <Culti&ate$ also in In$ia.=
'$eekonto'YTree !as (roa$ ro-n9 is fast7#ro-in#. Fruits elli1soi$% faintly flattene$%
a(out 8 in <2 '= lon#% ) )F8 in <. '= -i$e. S1ines are t!i5 an$ s!ort. Fles! is $ull%
#rayis!7-!ite% so'e-!at oarse an$ $ry9 lin#s to t!e testa -!i! se1arates rea$ily fro'
t!e see$.
'Ma!arlika' <no $esri1tion a&aila(le= !as yiel$e$ 8) l(sF are <8) 5#F!a= in t!e
;ello-7fruite$ ra'(utans are alle$ CAtDe! 5ooni#C in Bata&ia. In Malaya% CRa'(utan
#a$in#C in$iates a yello- ty1e.
A'on# t!e 'any ?raes? of ra'(utan in Malaya% t!e (est ?freestone? ty1es are foun$ in
"enan#. One rae -it! a 1artly free stone is 5no-n as Cra'(utan leDan#C. Bur5ill says t!at
so'e ra'(utans are so sour t!at 'on5eys are relutant to eat t!e'.
In )*26% "!ili11ine a#riulturists un$ertoo5 a 1ro#ra' of seletion an$ t!e reation of a
Testin# "lot at t!e "ro&inial Nursery% :itoria% Oriental Min$oro. T!ere t!ey asse'(le$
,A6 trees of -!i! ).6 -ere foun$ to (e (earin# in )*A6 an$ )*A <'ostly 'ales= -ere
non7(earin#. O(ser&ations of t!e (earin# trees t!ere an$ at t!e Ara#o Far' not far a-ay%
resulte$ in t!e seletion of 8) lones -!i! t!ey lassifie$ into . #rou1s aor$in# to
fruit siBe@ )= &ery lar#e% ). or less 1er l( <,) or lessF5#=9 8= lar#e% )2 to )A 1er l( <,87
,AF5#=9 ,= 'e$iu'% )+ to )* 1er l( <,+7.)F5#=9 .= s'all% 86 or 'ore 1er l( <.8 or
T!e 'ain !arateristis of t!e 8) na'e$ seletions are !ere su''ariBe$@
')ueen >aida'YDar57re$% o(lon#% 'e$iu'7siBe9 fles! t!i5 <,3.+AK of fruit=% s-eet%
Duiy9 freestone9 A6K of fruits 5e1t -ell for 8 -ee5s in ol$ stora#e. ;iel$@ 8+2 l(s <)82
5#= 1er tree at 86 years of a#e.
'Baby 7ulie'YLi#!t7re$% &ery lar#e% fles! t!i5 <,*.*8K of fruit=% soft% freestone. Je1t
-ell only ) -ee5 at A6V F <)2.2AV C=. ;iel$@ ,28 l(s <)A6 5#= 1er tree at 3 years of a#e.
'Princess Caroline'YDar57re$% s'all% rin$ 1lia(le9 fles! t!i5 <...).K of fruit=9 see$s
s'all. Je1t -ell for 8 -ee5s at A6V F <)2.2AV C=. ;iel$9 ..6 l(s <866 5#= 1er tree at 3
years of a#e.
')ue5on'Y;ello-is!7 re$% s'all to 'e$iu'9 rin$ 1lia(le9 fles! t!i5 <,3.8.K of fruit=9
s-eet% sli#!tly ai$% Duiy. ;iel$@ ,., l(s <)2A 5#= 1er tree at 3 years of a#e.
'2o+as'YDar57re$9 'e$iu'7siBe$9 fles! t!i5 <.8.*+K of fruit=9 Duiy% s-eet% a$!eres to
see$. ;iel$@ .8* l(s <)*2 5#= 1er tree at 3 years of a#e.
'>a#ora'Y;ello-is! rin$ -it! 1ale71in5 s1ines9 o(lon#9 s'all9 rin$ !ar$9 fles! t!i5
<,3.8*K of fruit=% Duiy an$ s-eet. ;iel$@ ,,6 l(s <)26 5#= 1er tree at + years of a#e.
Ri1ens 'i$7to late Oto(er. After 8 -ee5s of refri#eration at A6V F <)2.2AV C= 36K of t!e
fruits -ere still in #oo$ on$ition.
')uirino'Y;ello-is! -it! 1in5is!7re$ s1ines9 s'all9 fles! t!i5 <,8.+3 K of fruit=% Duiy
an$ s-eet. Borne in lar#e lusters of u1 to 32 fruits ea!.
'Magsaysay'YDar57re$ to near7(la5 -it! $ar57re$ s1ines9 o(lon#% lar#e9 rin$ 1lia(le9
fles! t!i5 <.8.A3K of fruit=9 Duiy% s-eet9 freestone. ;iel$@ )+A l(s <36 5#= 1er tree at A
years of a#e.
'$anto To#as'Y;ello-is!71in5 -it! re$$is!71in5% soft s1ines. Nearly roun$9 rin$ !ar$9
fles! t!i5 <.,.82K of fruit=9 see$ s'all. ;iel$@ ,28 l(s <)A6 5#= 1er tree at 3 years of
'Victoria'Y;ello-is! -it! re$ s1ines9 rin$ t!i59 fles! t!i5% Duiy% s-eet% freestone.
;iel$@ ),8 l(s <A6 5#= 1er tree at A years of a#e. Early in season <'i$7July=.
'Baby C!ristie'Y;ello-is!7re$ -it! soft% sil&ery71in5 s1ines9 lar#e. Fles! t!i5 <,A..)K
of fruit=.
'Go&ernor n.antada'YO(lon#% &ery lar#e9 rin$ 1lia(le9 fles! t!i5 <,*.83K of fruit=%
Duiy% s-eet an$ sli#!tly ai$9 a$!eres ti#!tly to see$. ;iel$@ ,,6 l(s <)26 5#= 1er tree at A
years of a#e. Fruits 5ee1 only ) -ee5 at A6V F <)2.2AV C=.
'-aurel@ $r6'Y"in5is!7re$% s'all9 fles! t!i5 <,*.+AK of fruit=. Tree &ery lo-7#ro-in#%
'Fortic!'Y;ello-is!7re$9 'e$iu'7siBe$9 fles! t!i5 <.6.*2K of fruit=9 Duiy% s-eet9
freestone. Early in season.
'Os#eKa@ $r6'Y"ur1le7re$9 'e$iu'7siBe$9 fles! t!i5 <,3.*6K of fruit=9 Duiy% s-eet9
freestone. Ri1ens late in season.
'Ponderosa Ferreras' <fro' Ara#o% Far'=YCri'son re$ -it! &ery 1ro'inent s1ines9
&ery lar#e9 fles! t!i5 <,2.+,K of fruit=9 Duiy% s-eet% freestone. Early in season. ;iel$@
,6, l(s <),3 5#= 1er tree at A years of a#e.
'2odrigas' <fro' Ara#o Far'=YMe$iu'7siBe$9 fles! t!i5 <,3..AK of fruit=.
'Mana!an' <fro' Ara#o Far'=YMe$iu'7siBe$9 fles! t!i5 <,+.,+K of fruit=.
'$antan' <fro' Ara#o Far'=YFles! t!i5 <,..8AK of fruit=.
'Arago' <fro' Ara#o Far'=Yfles! &ery t!i5 <.)..8K of fruit=.
'Cru5' or CCruBasC <fro' Ara#o Far'=Yfles! 'e$iu'7t!i5 <8A.)2K of fruit=.
A(out )*A6% )6 outstan$in# ra'(utans -ere selete$ in an e&aluation of )66 see$lin#
trees of t!e unsur1asse$ In$onesian CSee'atDanC% also CSeenDonDaC% CMa!arli5aC% CDi&ataC%
CMari5itC% CDalisayC% CMarila#C% CBituinC% CAlin$o#C% an$ C"aralu'anC.
T!e ra'(utan flouris!es fro' sea7le&el to )%A66 or e&en )%366 ft <2667A66 '=% in tro1ial%
!u'i$ re#ions !a&in# -ell7$istri(ute$ rainfall. In t!e i$eal en&iron'ent of Oriental
Min$ora "!ili11ines% t!e a&era#e te'1erature year7roun$ is a(out 3)V F <8+.,V C=%
relati&e !u'i$ity is 38K% rainfall +) in <)36 '=7a(out )A2 rainy $ays. T!e $ry season
s!oul$ not last 'u! o&er , 'ont!s.
T!e tree $oes (est on $ee1% lay7loa' or ri! san$y loa' ri! in or#ani 'atter% or in
$ee1 1eat. It nee$s #oo$ $raina#e.
Ra'(utan see$s% after re'o&al fro' t!e fruit an$ t!orou#! -as!in#% s!oul$ (e 1lante$
!oriBontally -it! t!e flattene$ si$e $o-n-ar$ in or$er t!at t!e see$lin# -ill #ro- strai#!t
an$ !a&e a nor'al% stron# root syste'. See$s -ill #er'inate in * to 82 $ays% t!e earlier%
t!e 'ore &i#or in t!e see$lin#. T!e rate of #er'ination of 87$ay7ol$ see$s is 3+K to *2K.
A -ee5 after see$ re'o&al fro' t!e fruit% t!ere 'ay (e only 26K to A2K #er'ination.
Sun7$ryin# for 3 !ours an$ o&en7$ryin# at 3AV F <,6V C= 5ills see$s -it!in a -ee5.
Was!e$ see$s -ill re'ain &ia(le in 'oist sa-$ust% s1!a#nu' 'oss or !aroal for ,7.
-ee5s% an$ so'e -ill e&en s1rout in stora#e. T!e Duie of t!e fles! in!i(its #er'ination.
Aor$in#ly% un-as!e$ see$s or see$s treate$ -it! t!e Duie an (e !el$ for a 'ont! in
'oist sa-$ust -it!out s1routin#.
Ra'(utan see$lin#s (ear in 27A years% (ut t!e ratio of fe'ale to 'ale trees is . or 2 to +.
One "!ili11ine see$lin# or!ar$ -as foun$ to !a&e A+K 'ale trees. T!en% too% !ar$ly 2K
of fe'ale trees #i&e a 1rofita(le yiel$. :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is essential.
Cuttin#s !a&e (een roote$ e/1eri'entally un$er 'ist an$ -it! t!e use of #ro-t!7
1ro'otin# !or'ones% (ut t!is te!ni>ue is not (ein# 1ratie$. Air7layerin# 'ay at first
a11ear suessful% (ut 'any air7layers $ie after (ein# trans1lante$ into 27#al ontainers%
or% later% in t!e fiel$% lon# after se1aration fro' t!e 'ot!er tree.
Mar!in# is &ery effeti&e onto 27 to *7'ont!7ol$ see$lin#s of ra'(utan or of 1ulasan
+%. mutabile L.= or %. intermedium Ra$l5.% (ut is a rat!er u'(erso'e 1roe$ure. After 8
or , 'ont!s% t!e sion is not!e$ , ti'es o&er a 1erio$ of 8 -ee5s an$ t!en se&ere$ fro'
t!e 1arent tree. Cleft7% s1lie7% an$ si$e7#raftin# are not too satisfatory. "at!7(u$$in# is
1referre$ as !a&in# a 'u! #reater rate of suess. See$lin#s for use as rootsto5s are
ta5en fro' t!e see$(e$ after .2 $ays an$ trans1lante$ into )7>uart ans -it! a 'i/ture of
26K ure$ 'anure an$ later transferre$ to 2 #al ontainers. In Oriental Min$oro
"ro&ine% if t!e (u$$in# is $one in t!e 'ont! of May% t!ey an a!ie&e 3,.AK suess9 if
$one in June an$ July% 38K. Bu$$e$ trees flo-er 8 )F8 to , years after 1lantin# in t!e
In t!e "!ili11ines% it is reo''en$e$ t!at t!e trees (e 1lante$ at least ,, ft <)6 '= a1art
ea! -ay% t!ou#! .6 ft <)8 '= is not too 'u! in ri! soil. If t!e trees are set too lose to
ea! ot!er% t!ey -ill (eo'e o&erro-$e$ in a fe- years an$ 1ro$ution -ill (e seriously
"!ili11ine a#rono'ists a11ly 8.8 l(s <) 5#= a''oniu' sulfate to#et!er -it! 8.8 l(s <)
5#= o'1lete fertiliBer <)878.7)8= 1er tree i''e$iately after !ar&est an$ #i&e t!e sa'e
a'ount of a''oniu' sulfate to ea! tree near t!e en$ of t!e rainy season. Stu$ies in
Malaya s!o- t!at a !ar&est of A%666 l(sFare <A%+86 5#F!a= of ra'(utan fruits re'o&es
fro' t!e soil )2 l(sFare <a11ro/i'ately )2 5#F!a= nitro#en% 8 l(sFare <8 5#F!a=
1!os1!orus% )).2 l(sFare <)).2 5#F!a= 1otassiu'% 2.* l(sFare <2.* 5#F!a= aliu'% an$
8.A+ l(sFare <8.A+ 5#F!a= 'a#nesiu'.
Irri#ation is #i&en as nee$e$ in $ry seasons. Li#!t 1runin# is $one only to i'1ro&e t!e
for' of t!e tree an$ stren#t!en it. Ra'(utan trees s!oul$ (e s!eltere$ fro' stron# -in$s
-!i! $o 'u! $a'a#e $urin# t!e flo-erin# an$ fruitin# 1erio$s.
In Malaya% t!e ra'(utan #enerally fruits t-ie a year% t!e first% 'ain ro1 in June an$ a
lesser one in Dee'(er. In t!e "!ili11ines% flo-erin# ours fro' late Mar! to early
May an$ t!e fruits 'ature fro' July to Oto(er or oasionally to No&e'(er.
T!e entire fruit luster is ut fro' t!e (ran! (y !ar&esters. If sin#le fruits are 1i5e$%
t!ey s!oul$ (e sna11e$ off -it! a 1iee of t!e ste' atta!e$% so as not to ru1ture t!e rin$.
T!e fruits 'ust (e !an$le$ arefully to a&oi$ (ruisin# an$ rus!in#% an$ 5e1t $ry% ool%
an$ -ell7&entilate$ to $elay s1oila#e.
4enerally% s!oots t!at (ear fruit one year -ill 1ut out ne- #ro-t! an$ -ill (loo' an$
fruit t!e ne/t year% so t!at (iennial (earin# is rare in t!e ra'(utan. 0o-e&er% yiel$ 'ay
&ary fro' year to year. In$i&i$ual trees 3 years ol$ or ol$er !a&e (orne as 'u! as ..6
l(s <866 5#= one season an$ only ),8 l(s <A6 5#= t!e ne/t. In t!e "!ili11ines% t!e a&era#e
1ro$ution 1er tree of 8) seletions -as 8A. l(s <)86 5#= o&er a .7year 1erio$% -!ile t!e
#eneral a&era#e is only )6A l(s <.3 5#=.
Fro' )*A2 to )*A+% a#rono'ists at t!e Colle#e of A#riulture% Uni&ersity of t!e
"!ili11ines% stu$ie$ t!e #ro-t!% flo-erin# !a(its an$ yiel$ of t!e In$onesian ulti&ars%
CSee'atDanC% CSeenDonDaC% an$ CMa!arli5aC. T!ey foun$ t!at all t!e CSee'atDanC flo-ers -ere
!er'a1!ro$ite funtionin# as fe'ale <!.f.f.= an$ t!at it is neessary to 1lant 'ale trees
-it! t!is ulti&ar. CSeenDonDaC an$ CMa!arli5aC flo-ers -ere 'ostly !.f.f. -it! a &ery fe-
!er'a1!ro$ite funtionin# as 'ales <!.f.'.= in t!e sa'e 1aniles% an$ onlu$e$ t!at%
t!ou#! self71ollination is 1ossi(le% 1lantin# of 'ale trees -it! t!ese ulti&ars s!oul$
i'1ro&e 1ro$ution.
(eeping )uality
Or$inarily% t!e fruits 'ust (e #otten to loal 'ar5ets -it!in , $ays of 1i5in# (efore
s!ri&elin# an$ $eay (e#in. Fun#ii$al a11liations an$ 1a5in# in 1erforate$
1olyet!ylene (a#s !a&e e/ten$e$ fres! life so'e-!at. Wei#!t loss !as (een re$ue$ (y
1a5in# in sa-$ust% or oatin# -it! a -a/ e'ulsion. Storin# in seale$ 1olyet!ylene (a#s
at .6V F <)6V C= an$ *2K relati&e !u'i$ity !as 1reser&e$ t!e fruits in fres! on$ition for
)8 $ays. So'e ulti&ars% as note$% 5ee1 (etter t!an ot!ers.
Pests and Diseases
Fe- 1ests or $iseases !a&e (een re1orte$ (y ra'(utan #ro-ers. Leaf7eatin# insets% t!e
'ealy(u#% )seudococcus lilacinus! an$ t!e #iant (u#% $essaratoma longicorne! 'ay
re>uire ontrol 'easures. T!e 'an#o t-i#7(orer% %iphonoclea albata! oasionally
a11ears on ra'(utan trees. T!e Oriental fruit fly atta5s &ery ri1e fruits. Bir$s an$ flyin#
fo/es <fruit7eatin# (ats= onsu'e 'any of t!e fruits% 1ro(a(ly onsi$era(ly re$uin#
yiel$ fi#ures.
T!ere are se&eral 1at!o#ens t!at atta5 t!e fruits an$ ause rottin# un$er -ar'% 'oist
on$itions. "o-$ery 'il$e-% ause$ (y 6idium s1.% 'ay affet t!e folia#e or ot!er 1arts
of t!e tree. A serious $isease% ste' an5er% ause$ (y Fomes lignosus in t!e "!ili11ines
an$ 6phioceras s1. in Malaya% an (e fatal to ra'(utan trees if not ontrolle$ at t!e
Food *ses
Ra'(utans are 'ost o''only eaten out7of7!an$ after 'erely tearin# t!e rin$ o1en% or
uttin# it aroun$ t!e 'i$$le an$ 1ullin# it off. It $oes not lin# to t!e fles!. T!e 1eele$
fruits are oasionally ste-e$ as $essert. T!ey are anne$ in siru1 on a li'ite$ sale. In
Malaya a 1reser&e is 'a$e (y first (oilin# t!e 1eele$ fruit to se1arate t!e fles! fro' t!e
see$s. After oolin#% t!e testa is $isar$e$ an$ t!e see$s are (oile$ alone until soft. T!ey
are o'(ine$ -it! t!e fles! an$ 1lenty of su#ar for a(out 86 'inutes% an$ , lo&es 'ay
(e a$$e$ (efore sealin# in Dars. T!e see$s are so'eti'es roaste$ an$ eaten in t!e
"!ili11ines% alt!ou#! t!ey are re1ute$ly 1oisonous -!en ra-.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture 38., #
"rotein 6..A #
Total Car(o!y$rates )A.68 #
Re$uin# Su#ars 8.* #
Surose 2.3 #
Fi(er 6.8.#
Caliu' )6.A '#
"!os1!orus )8.* '#
Asor(i Ai$ ,6 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Ceylon.
T!ere are traes of an al5aloi$ in t!e see$% an$ t!e testa ontains sa1onin an$ tannin. T!e
see$s are sai$ to (e (itter an$ naroti. T!e fruit rin$ also is sai$ to ontain a to/i
sa1onin an$ tannin.
Ot!er *ses
$eed .at, t!e see$ 5ernel yiel$s ,+7.,K of a soli$% -!ite fat or tallo- rese'(lin# aao
(utter. W!en !eate$% it (eo'es a yello- oil !a&in# an a#reea(le sent. Its fatty ai$s
are@ 1al'iti% 8.6K9 steari% ),.3K9 ara!i$i% ,..+K9 olei% .2.,K9 an$ eriosenoi%
..8K. Fully saturate$ #lyeri$es a'ount to )..K. T!e oil oul$ (e use$ in 'a5in# soa1
an$ an$les if it -ere a&aila(le in #reater >uantity.
1ood, T!e tree is sel$o' felle$. 0o-e&er% t!e -oo$Yre$% re$$is!7-!ite% or (ro-nis!Yis
suita(le for onstrution t!ou#! a1t to s1lit unless arefully $rie$.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruit <1er!a1s unri1e= is astrin#ent% sto'a!i9 ats as a &er'ifu#e%
fe(rifu#e% an$ is ta5en to relie&e $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery. T!e lea&es are 1oultie$ on t!e
te'1les to alle&iate !ea$a!e. In Malaya t!e $rie$ fruit rin$ is sol$ in $ru#stores an$
e'1loye$ in loal 'e$iine. T!e astrin#ent (ar5 $eotion is a re'e$y for t!rus!. A
$eotion of t!e roots is ta5en as a fe(rifu#e.
!lighia sapida (6 (onig
"upania sapida Voigt6
More -i$ely 5no-n for its 1oisonous 1ro1erties t!an as an e$i(le fruit% t!e a5ee% Blighia
sapida J. Joni# <syn. Cupania sapida :oi#t.=% of t!e fa'ily Sa1in$aeae% is so'eti'es
alle$ a5ee% a5ee a11le% or &e#eta(le (rain +seso vegetal in S1anis!=. Ot!er S1anis!
na'es are arbol de seso! palo de seso <Cu(a=9 huevo vegetal an$ fruto de huevo
<4uate'ala an$ "ana'a=9 arbor del huevo an$ pera ro4a <Me/io=9 merey del diablo
<:eneBuela=9 bien me sabe or pan y 9uesito <Colo'(ia=9 a"C <Costa Ria=. In "ortu#uese%
it is castanha or castanheiro de Africa. In Fren!% it is arbre fricassD or arbre a fricasser
<0aiti=9 yeux de crabe or ris de veau <Martini>ue=. In Surina' it is 5no-n as a"ie. On t!e
I&ory Coast of West Afria% it is alle$ "a"a or finzan: in t!e Su$an% finza. Else-!ere in
Afria it is #enerally 5no-n as a"ye! a"yen or ishin! t!ou#! it !as 'any ot!er $ialetal
na'es. In t!e ti'(er tra$e% t!e -oo$ is 'ar5ete$ as achin.
It s!oul$ (e note$ t!at t!e na'e ?a5ee? 'ay refer to t!e 'a'onillo% >.&.% in Bar(a$os.
As a ollo>uial ter' for t!e 'a'onillo it 'ay (e a orru1tion of t!e Mayan ?a!e?
-!i! -as a11lie$ to se&eral 1lants -!ose flo-ers attrat !oney(ees.
T!e tree% rea!in# ,, to .6 ft <)67)8 '=%
is rat!er !an$ so'e% usually -it! a s!ort
trun5 to A ft < ).3 '= in iru'ferene%
an$ a $ense ro-n of s1rea$in#
(ran!es. Its (ar5 is #ray an$ nearly
s'oot!. T!e e&er#reen <rarely
$ei$uous=% alternate lea&es are
o'1oun$ -it! , to 2 1airs of o(lon#%
o(o&ate7o(lon#% or elli1ti leaflets% A to )8 in <)27,6 '= lon#% roun$e$ at t!e (ase% s!ort7
1ointe$ at t!e a1e/9 (ri#!t7#reen an$ #lossy on t!e u11er surfae% $ull an$ 1aler an$
finely !airy on t!e &eins on t!e un$er si$e. Bise/ual an$ 'ale flo-ers% (orne to#et!er in
si'1le rae'es , to + in <+.27)+.2 '= lon#% are fra#rant% 2 1etalle$% -!ite an$ !airy. T!e
fruit is a leat!ery% 1ear s!a1e$% 'ore or less $istintly ,7lo(e$ a1sule 8 ,F. to . in <+7)6
'= lon#9 (asially yello-% 'ore or less flus!e$ -it! (ri#!t7sarlet. W!en it is fully
'ature% it s1lits o1en re&ealin# , rea'7olore$% fles!y% #lossy arils% ris1% so'e-!at
nutty7fla&ore$% atta!e$ to t!e lar#e% (la5% nearly roun$% s'oot!% !ar$% s!inin# see$sY
nonnally ,9 often ) or 8 'ay (e a(orte$. T!e (ase of ea! aril is atta!e$ to t!e insi$e of
t!e ste'7en$ of t!e ?Da5et? (y 1in5 or oran#e7re$ 'e'(ranes.
Origin and Distribution
T!e a5ee is in$i#enous to t!e forests of t!e I&ory Coast an$ 4ol$ Coast of West tro1ial
Afria -!ere it is little eaten (ut &arious 1arts !a&e $o'esti uses. In 4!ana% t!e fruitin#
tree is a$'ire$ as an orna'ental an$ is 1lante$ in &illa#es an$ alon# streets for s!a$e.
T!e a5ee -as (rou#!t to Ja'aia in )+*, (y t!e reno-ne$ Ca1tain Bli#! to furnis! foo$
for t!e sla&es. It -as rea$ily a$o1te$ an$ (ea'e o''only #ro-n in $ooryar$s an$
alon# roa$si$es an$% to so'e e/tent% naturaliBe$. T!e arils still onstitute a fa&orite foo$
of t!e islan$ an$ t!e fruit is feature$ in a aly1so $es1ite t!e !ealt! !aBar$s assoiate$
-it! it. Canne$ arils are e/1orte$ to t!e Unite$ Jin#$o' -!ere t!ey are -elo'e$
(yJa'aian i''i#rants. I'1ortation !as (een (anne$ (y t!e Unite$ States Foo$ an$
Dru# A$'inistration.
T!e a5ee -as 1lante$ also in Trini$a$ an$ 0aiti an$ so'e ot!er islan$s of t!e West
In$ies an$ t!e Ba!a'as an$ a11arently -as arrie$ (y Ja'aian sla&es to "ana'a an$
t!e Atlanti Coast of 4uate'ala an$ Costa Ria. In )*66 it -as outla-e$ in Trini$a$
after it !a$ ause$ so'e fatalities. T!ere are sattere$ trees in Surina'% :eneBuela%
Colo'(ia% Eua$or an$ BraBil% >uite a nu'(er 'aintaine$ as uriosities in sout!ern
Flori$a9 an$ so'e 1lante$ aroun$ Calutta% In$ia. T!e tree !as (een trie$ in t!e -ar'%
'oist li'ate of 4uyana an$ Malaya (ut !as ne&er sur&i&e$. At La'ao in t!e "!ili11ines
it first (ore fruit in )*)*.
Fi#. +A@ T!e a5ee +Blighia sapida- fro' Afria is a
fa&orite in Ja'aia (ut t!e fles!y arils are 1oisonous
until fully e/1ose$ to li#!t. T!e see$s are al-ays
T!e a5ee tree is tro1ial to su(tro1ial9 flouris!es fro' sea7le&el to an ele&ation of
,%666ft <*66 '= in Ja'aia. It $oes not (ear fruit in 4uate'ala City9 fruits !ea&ily in
sout!ern Flori$a -!ere youn# trees !a&e (een 5ille$ (y -inter ol$ (ut 'ature trees !a&e
esa1e$ serious inDury $urin# (rief 1erio$s of 8AI F <7,.,,I C=.
T!e tree $oes &ery -ell on ooliti li'estone an$ on san$ in sout!ern Flori$a an$ t!e
Ba!a'as% t!ou#! it #ro-s faster in 'ore fertile soils.
Propagation and Culture
A5ee trees are #ro-n fro' see$s or (y s!iel$7(u$$in#% an$ s!o- &ery little &ariation. In
Euro1ean #reen!ouses% uttin#s of ri1e s!oots are roote$ in san$ an$ raise$ in a 'i/ture
of 1eat an$ loa'. In -ar' li'ates% t!e tree #ro-s fast an$ re>uires little ultural
T!ere is so'e flo-erin# an$ fruitin# all year in Ja'aia. In Flori$a% flo-ers a11ear in
s1rin# an$ t!e fruits in 'i$ su''er an$ t!ere 'ay (e a li#!t (loo'in# 1erio$ in t!e fall.
In t!e Ba!a'as% t!ere are 8 $istint ro1s a year% one fro' Fe(ruary t!rou#! A1ril an$
t!e seon$ fro' July to Oto(er.
Food *ses
T!e a5ee 'ust (e allo-e$ to o1en fully or at least 1artly (efore it is $eta!e$ fro' t!e
tree. W!en it !as ?ya-ne$?% t!e see$s are $isar$e$ an$ t!e arils% -!ile still fres! an$
fir'% are (est 1ar(oile$ in salte$ -ater or 'il5 an$ t!en li#!tly frie$ in (utter. T!en t!ey
are really $eliious. In Ja'aia% t!ey are often oo5e$ -it! o$fis!% onions an$ to'atoes.
After 1ar(oilin#% t!ey are a$$e$ to a ste- of (eef% salt71or5 an$ sallions% t!y'e an$
ot!er seasonin#s. So'eti'es t!ey are urrie$ an$ eaten -it! rie. T!ey are ser&e$% not
only in t!e !o'e% (ut also in !otel $inin# roo's an$ ot!er restaurants. In Afria% t!ey
'ay (e eaten ra- or in sou1% or after fryin# in oil.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 2aw Arils?
Moisture 2+.A6 #
"rotein 3.+2 #
Fat )3.+3 #
Fi(er ,..2 #
Car(o!y$rates *.22 #
As! ).3+ #
Caliu' 3, '#
"!os1!orus *3 '#
Iron 2.28 '#
Carotene 77
T!ia'ine 6.)6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.)3 '#
Niain ,.+. '#
Asor(i Ai$ A2 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Me/io.
T!e to/iity of t!e a5ee -as lon# 'isun$erstoo$ an$ (elie&e$ to resi$e in t!e 'e'(ranes
atta!in# t!e arils to t!e Da5et% or only in t!e o&erri1e an$ $eo'1osin# arils. T!ere !a&e
(een intensi&e linial an$ !e'ial stu$ies of t!e a5ee an$ its effets sine )*.6% an$ it
is no- 5no-n t!at t!e unri1e arils ontain !y1o#lyin% a7a'ino7B7<87
'et!yleneylo1ro1yl= 1ro1ioni ai$% for'erly alle$ !y 1o#lyin A. T!is to/i
1ro1erty is lar#ely $is1elle$ (y li#!t as t!e Da5et o1ens. W!en fully ri1e% t!e arils still
1ossess )F)8 of t!e a'ount in t!e unri1e. T!e see$s are al-ays 1oisonous. T!ey ontain
!y1o#lyin an$ its y7#luta'yl $eri&ati&e% y7L7#luta'yl a7a'ino7B7<87'et!ylene
ylo1ro1yl= 1ro1ioni ai$% for'erly alle$ !y1o#lyin B. T!e latter is )F8 as to/i as
t!e for'er.
In fee$in# e/1eri'ents at t!e Uni&ersity of Mia'i% Dr. E$-ar$ Larson foun$ t!at t!e
'e'(rane of o1en fruits -as !ar'less9 ra((its -ere rea$ily 5ille$ (y t!e unri1e arils9 rats
-ere resistant an$ !a$ to (e fore fe$ to (e fatally 1oisone$. I !a&e foun$ t!at s>uirrels
-ill 'a5e !oles in t!e uno1ene$ fruits on t!e tree to onsu'e t!e unri1e arils (ut t!ey
lea&e t!e see$s untou!e$.
A5ee 1oisonin# in !u'ans is e&i$ene$ (y aute &o'itin#% so'eti'es re1eate$% -it!out
$iarr!ea <alle$ ?&o'itin# si5ness? in Ja'aia=% follo-e$ (y $ro-siness% on&ulsions%
o'a an$% too often% $eat!. Beause of !y1o#lyae'i effets% a$'inistration of su#ar
solutions !a&e (een foun$ !el1ful. Most ases our in -inter in Ja'aia -!en ,6K to
26K of t!e arils !a&e s'all% un$er$e&elo1e$ see$s% often not a11arent e/ternally.
In#estion of su! arils% ra- or oo5e$% is !aBar$ous. For 'ore infor'ation on t!e to/iity
of t!e a5ee% one 'ay onsult Jean% *ypoglycin <)*+2=% an$ Morton% Forensic Medicine!
:ol. III% C!a1. +) <)*++=.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, In West Afria% t!e #reen fruits% -!i! 1ro$ue lat!er in -ater% are use$ for
laun$erin#. Crus!e$ fruits are e'1loye$ as fis! 1oison. T!e see$s% (eause of t!eir oil
ontent% an$ t!e Da5et (eause of its 1otas! ontent% are (urne$ an$ t!e as!es use$ in
'a5in# soa1.
Flowers, In Cu(a an e/trat of t!e flo-ers is a11reiate$ as olo#ne.
Bark, On t!e 4ol$ Coast% a 'i/ture of t!e 1ul&eriBe$ (ar5 an$ #roun$ !ot 1e11ers is
ru((e$ on t!e (o$y as a sti'ulant.
1ood, T!e sa1-oo$ is -!ite or li#!t #reenis!7(ro-n. T!e !eart-oo$ is re$$is!7(ro-n%
!ar$% oarse7#raine$% $ura(le% i''une to ter'ites. It is use$ loally for onstrution an$
1ilin#s an$ !as (een reo''en$e$ for rail-ay slee1ers. It is also fas!ione$ into oars%
1a$$les an$ as5s.
Medicinal *ses, In BraBil% re1eate$ s'all $oses of an a>ueous e/trat of t!e see$ !as
(een a$'inistere$ to e/1el 1arasites. T!e treat'ent is follo-e$ (y a saline or oily
1urati&e. Cu(ans (len$ t!e ri1e arils -it! su#ar an$ inna'on an$ #i&e t!e 'i/ture as a
fe(rifu#e an$ as a treat'ent for $ysentery. On t!e I&ory Coast% t!e (ar5 is 'i/e$ -it!
1un#ent s1ies in an oint'ent a11lie$ to relie&e 1ain. T!e rus!e$ ne- folia#e is a11lie$
on t!e fore!ea$ to relie&e se&ere !ea$a!e. T!e lea&es% rus!e$ -it! salt% are 1oultie$
on ulers. T!e leaf Duie is e'1loye$ as eye $ro1s in o1!t!al'ia an$ onDunti&itis. In
Colo'(ia% t!e lea&es an$ (ar5 are onsi$ere$ sto'a!i. :arious 1re1arations are 'a$e
for treat'ent of e1ile1sy an$ yello- fe&er
In$ian JuDu(e <Dun5s=
ndian 3u4ube
#i$iphus mauritiana -a#6
#i$iphus uuba -6
W!ile t!e (etter75no-n%
s'oot!7lea&e$ C!inese
DuDu(e +Aiziphus 4u4uba
Mill.= of t!e fa'ily
R!a'naeae% is of anient
ulture in nort!ern C!ina
an$ is -i$ely #ro-n in
'il$7te'1erate% rat!er $ry
areas% of (ot! !e'is1!eres%
t!e In$ian DuDu(e% A.
mauritiana La'. <syn. A.
4u4uba L.= is a$a1te$ to -ar' li'ates. It is often alle$ 'erely DuDu(e% or C!inese $ate%
-!i! lea$s to onfusion -it! t!e !ar$ier s1eies. Ot!er En#lis! na'es are In$ian "lu'%
In$ian !erry an$ Malay DuDu(e. In
Ja'aia it 'ay (e alle$ oolie 1lu' or
ra(a11le9 in Bar(a$os% $un5 or
'an#ustine9 in Trini$a$ an$ Tro1ial
Afria% $un5s9 in Hueenslan$% C!inee
a11le. In :eneBuela it is ponsigne or
yuyubo: in "uerto Rio% aprin or yuyubi:
in t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% perita
haitiana: in t!e Fren!7s1ea5in# West
In$ies% pomme malcadi! pomme surette!
petit pomme! liane croc chien! gingeolier
or dindoulier. In t!e "!ili11ines it is
alle$ manzana or manzanita <?a11le? or
?little a11le?=9 in Malaya% bedara: in
In$onesia an$ Surina'% ,idara: in
T!ailan$% phutsa or ma#tan: in
Ca'(o$ia% putrea: in :ietna'% tao or
tao nhuc. In In$ia it is 'ost o''only
5no-n as ber! orbor.
"late SSS:@ INDIAN JUJUBE% Aizyphus mauritiana
T!e 1lant is a &i#orous #ro-er an$ !as a ra1i$ly7$e&elo1in# ta1root. It 'ay (e a (us!y
s!ru( . to A ft <).87).3 '= !i#!% or a tree )6 to ,6 or e&en .6 ft <,7* or )8 '= tall9 eret or
-i$e7s1rea$in#% -it! #raefully $roo1in# (ran!es an$ $o-ny% Bi#Ba# (ran!lets%
t!ornless or set -it! s!ort% s!ar1 strai#!t or !oo5e$ s1ines. It 'ay (e e&er#reen% or
leafless for se&eral -ee5s in !ot su''ers. T!e lea&es are alternate% o&ate7 or o(lon#7
elli1ti% ) to 8 )F8 in <8.27A.82 '= lon#% ,F. to ) )F8 in <87. '= -i$e9 $istin#uis!e$ fro'
t!ose of t!e C!inese DuDu(e (y t!e $ense% sil5y% -!itis! or (ro-nis! !airs on t!e
un$ersi$e an$ t!e s!ort% $o-ny 1etioles. On t!e u11er surfae% t!ey are &ery #lossy% $ar57
#reen% -it! , ons1iuous% $e1resse$% lon#itu$inal &eins% an$ t!ere are &ery fine teet! on
t!e 'ar#ins.
T!e 271etalle$ flo-ers are yello-% tiny% in 8Cs or ,Cs in t!e leaf a/ils. T!e fruit of -il$
trees is )F8 to ) in <).8278.2 '= lon#. Wit! so1!istiate$ ulti&ation% t!e fruit rea!es 8
)F8 in <A.82 '= in len#t! an$ ) ,F. in <..2 '= in -i$t!. T!e for' 'ay (e o&al% o(o&ate%
roun$ or o(lon#9 t!e s5in s'oot! or rou#!% #lossy% t!in (ut tou#!% turns fro' li#!t7#reen
to yello-% later (eo'es 1artially or -!olly (urnt7oran#e or re$7(ro-n or all7re$. W!en
sli#!tly un$erri1e% t!e fles! is -!ite% ris1% Duiy% ai$ or su(ai$ to s-eet% so'e-!at
astrin#ent% 'u! li5e t!at of a ra(a11le. Fully ri1e fruits are less ris1 an$ so'e-!at
'ealy9 o&erri1e fruits are -rin5le$% t!e fles! (uff7olore$% soft% s1on#y an$ 'us5y. At
first t!e aro'a is a11leli5e an$ 1leasant (ut it (eo'es 1euliarly 'us5y as t!e fruit a#es.
T!ere is a sin#le% !ar$% o&al or o(late% rou#! entral stone -!i! ontains 8 elli1ti%
(ro-n see$s% )F. in <A ''= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e In$ian DuDu(e is nati&e fro' t!e "ro&ine of ;unnan in sout!ern C!ina to
Af#!anistan% Malaysia an$ Hueenslan$% Australia. It is ulti&ate$ to so'e e/tent
t!rou#!out its natural ran#e (ut 'ostly in In$ia -!ere it is #ro-n o''erially an$ !as
reei&e$ 'u! !ortiultural attention an$ refine'ent $es1ite t!e fat t!at it fre>uently
esa1es an$ (eo'es a 1est. It -as intro$ue$ into 4ua' a(out )326 (ut is not often
1lante$ t!ere or in 0a-aii e/e1t as an orna'ental. S1ei'ens are sattere$ a(out t!e
$rier 1arts of t!e West In$ies% t!e Ba!a'as% Colo'(ia an$ :eneBuela% 4uate'ala%
BeliBe% an$ sout!ern Flori$a. In Bar(a$os% Ja'aia an$ "uerto Rio t!e tree is naturaliBe$
an$ for's t!i5ets in unulti&ate$ areas. In )*,*% A trees fro' Malaysia -ere intro$ue$
into Israel an$ flouris!e$ t!ere. T!ey (ore &ery li#!t ro1s of fruit !ea&ily infeste$ -it!
fruit flies an$ -ere t!erefore $estroye$ to 1rotet ot!er fruit trees.
In In$ia% t!ere are *6 or 'ore ulti&ars $ifferin# in t!e !a(it of t!e tree% leaf s!a1e% fruit
for'% siBe% olor% fla&or% 5ee1in# >uality% an$ fruitin# season. A'on# t!e i'1ortant
ulti&ars% ele&en are $esri(e$ in t!e enylo1ae$i 3ealth of &ndia@ 'Banarasi <or
Banarsi= Pewandi'@ 'Dandan'@ '(ait!li' <C"at!a'C=% 'Muria Ma!rara'@ '0arikelee'@
'0a5uk'@ '$anauri 9'@ '$anauri D'@ 'T!ornless' and '*#ran' <CU'riC=. T!e s5in of 'ost
is s'oot! an$ #reenis!7yello- to yello-.
At 0aryana A#riultural Uni&ersity% a stu$y -as 'a$e of +6 ulti&ars ollete$ fro' all
DuDu(e7#ro-in# areas of nort!ern In$ia an$ set out in an e/1eri'ental or!ar$ in )*A+7A3.
In )*36% )A 'i$season seletions fro' t!ese -ere e&aluate$. 'Banarasi (araka' <1oor7
fla&ore$= #a&e t!e !i#!est yiel$783A l(s <),6 5#= 1er tree7follo-e$ (y CMu$ia Mur!araC
an$ CJait!liC <(ot! of #oo$ fla&or=% an$ CSanauri 2C an$ 'Desi Alwar' <(ot! of 'e$iu'
fla&or=. It -as $ei$e$ t!at CMu$ia Mur!araC% CJait!liC an$ CSanauri 2C -ere -ort!y of
o''erial ulti&ation. For (ree$in# 1ur1oses% CBanarasi Jara5aC an$ CDesi Al-arC oul$
ontri(ute !i#! 1ul1 ontent9 CMu$ia Mur!araC% total solu(le soli$s9 CJait!liC% !i#!
asor(i ai$ ontent an$ #oo$ fla&or% in efforts to $e&elo1 a su1erior 'i$season ulti&ar.
In )*38% . -ere sin#le$7out as t!e 'ost 1ro'isin# ulti&ars@
'*#ran'Ylar#e% #ol$en7yello- turnin# !oolate7(ro-n -!en fully ri1e9 s-eet9 )*K
TSS9 6.)8K ai$ity9 a&era#e fruit -ei#!t% ,673* #9 yiel$% ,367..6 l(s <)267866 5#= 1er
tree9 late7ri1enin#9 of #oo$ 5ee1in# an$ s!i11in# >uality.
'Gola'Y'e$iu' to lar#e <a&era#e% ).7)+ #=9 )+7)*K TSS9 6..A76.2)K ai$ity9 #ol$en7
yello-% Duiy% of #oo$ fla&or9 yiel$% )+27886 l(s <367)66 5#= 1er tree. Earliest to ri1en9
sells at a !i#! 1rie.
'(ait!li'Yof 'e$iu' siBe <a&era#e )36.6 #=9 )3K TSS9 6.2K ai$ity9 1ul1 soft an$ s-eet.
A&era#e yiel$% 8867,,6 l(s <)667)26 5#=.
'(at!a p!al'Ys'all to 'e$iu' <a&era#e )6.6 #=9 #reenis! (lus!e$ on one !ee5 -it!
re$$is!7yello-9 8,K TSS9 6.++K ai$ity9 yiel$% 'e$iu'% )+27886 l(s <367 )66 5#= 1er
tree. Late in season.
In a$$ition to t!ese% 2 ulti&ars !a&e (een $esri(e$ at t!e In$ian A#riultural Resear!
Institute% Ne- Del!i. All are #ro-n in Del!i% t!e sout!eastern "unDa( an$ nei#!(orin#
Uttar "ra$es!. T!eir s1eial features are% (riefly% as follo-s@
'Dandan'Ynon7s1iny9 fruit 'e$iu' to lar#e9 of fairly #oo$ >uality9 5ee1s -ell. Late in
'Gular Bas!i'Yfruit of 'e$iu' siBe% Duiy% s-eet% nonari$9 of e/ellent >uality -!en
fres!% 'us5y after stora#e. TSS )3.3K -!en yello-% 88..K after turnin# (ro-n. Stone
'e$iu' to t!in% funnel7s!a1e$% easily se1arate$ fro' t!e fles!. Late in season. Jee1s
'(!eera'Y'e$iu' to lar#e% o&al -it! a (ea59 1ul1 soft% Duiy% of #oo$% s-eet fla&or. TSS
)*.3K. Late9 a !ea&y (earer9 of fairly #oo$ 5ee1in# >uality.
'0a5uk'Y'e$iu' to s'all% elli1ti7o(lon#9 1ul1 sli'y% fairly Duiy9 of #oo$% s-eet fla&or%
nearly -it!out astrin#eny. TSS )+..K. Mi$season. A 'o$erate (earer. Of 1oor 5ee1in#
'$eo ber' <CSe(C=Y'e$iu' to lar#e9 s5in t!i59 1ul1 'o$erately Duiy% astrin#ent unless
1eele$ or not eaten until li#!t7(ro-n% -!en it is &ery s-eet an$ e/ellent. TSS )*K.
Stone lar#e% t!i5% 1itte$. Late in season. Jee1s &ery -ell.
In Assa' 2 -il$ or ulti&ate$ ty1es% ollete$ fro' &arious 1arts of t!e state% !a&e (een
$esri(e$ (y S. Dutta@
'Var6 9'Ya &ery t!orny -il$ s!ru(% -it! s'all% roun$% inferior fruits9 #ro-n as a fene to
1rotet ro1s.
'Var6 <'Ya -il$% t!orny tree to ,6 ft <* '= -it! re$7(ro-n% tou#!7s5inne$ fruit !a&in#
sli'y% ai$7s-eet 1ul1. Mu! eaten (y !il$ren an$ rural fol5. Co''only use$ in
oo5in# an$ 1reser&in#.
'Var6 J'Ya &ery t!orny% s1rea$in# tree. Fruit $ar57re$ or (ro-n% -it! sour 1ul1. Bears
!ea&ily. "lante$ for s!a$e.
'Var6 G' <CBali (o#riC=Ya -il$% t!ornless tree% -it! #reenis!7yello- fruits (lus!e$ -it! re$9
1ul1 sli#!tly sli'y% 'ealy% s-eet7an$7ai$% of #oo$ fla&or. Bears !ea&ily.
'Var6 D' <CTen#a7'it!a7(o#riC=YA -il$% t!orny tree% -it! o(lon#% (ro-nis! fruit9 1ul1
sli#!tly sli'y% s-eet7an$7ai$% -it! &ery 1leasant fla&or. Bears !ea&ily. A !oie DuDu(e
reo''en$e$ for &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation an$ o''erial ulti&ation.
"ollen of t!e In$ian DuDu(e is t!i5 an$ !ea&y. It is not air(orne (ut is transferre$ fro'
flo-er to flo-er (y !oney(ees <Apis s11.=% a yello- -as1 +)olister hebraeus-! an$ t!e
!ouse fly +Musca domestica-.
T!e ulti&ars CBanarasi Jara5aC% CBanarasi "e-an$iC an$ CT!ornlessC are self7ino'1ati(le.
CBanarasi Jara5aC an$ CT!ornlessC are rei1roally ross7ino'1ati(le.
In C!ina an$ In$ia% -il$ trees are foun$ u1 to an ele&ation of 2%.66 ft <)%A26 '= (ut
o''erial ulti&ation e/ten$s only u1 to ,%836 ft <)%666 '=. In nort!ern Flori$a% it is
sensiti&e to frost. ;oun# trees 'ay (e froBen to t!e #roun$ (ut -ill reo&er. Mature trees
!a&e -it!stoo$ oasional s!ort 1erio$s of freeBin# te'1eratures -it!out $a'a#e. In
In$ia% t!e 'ini'u' s!a$e te'1erature for sur&i&al is ...AV to 22..V F <+V7),V C=9 t!e
'a/i'u'% *3.AV to ))3V F <,+V7.3V C=. T!e tree re>uires a fairly $ry li'ate -it! an
annual rainfall of A to 33.2 in <)27882 '=% (ein# unsuite$ to t!e lo-er% -etter 1arts of
Malaysia. For !i#! fruit 1ro$ution% t!e tree nee$s full sun.
In In$ia% t!e tree $oes (est on san$y loa'% neutral or sli#!tly al5aline. It also #ro-s -ell
on laterite% 'e$iu' (la5 soils -it! #oo$ $raina#e% or san$y% #ra&elly% allu&ial soil of $ry
ri&er7(e$s -!ere it is &i#orously s1ontaneous. E&en 'o$erately saline soils are tolerate$.
T!e tree is re'ar5a(le in its a(ility to tolerate -ater7lo##in# as -ell as $rou#!t.
T!e In$ian DuDu(e is -i$ely #ro-n fro' see$s% -!i! 'ay re'ain &ia(le for 8 )F8 years
(ut t!e rate of #er'ination $elines -it! a#e. Su1erior seletions are #rafte$ or (u$$e$
onto see$lin#s of -il$ ty1es. :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation of !i#!ly 1riBe$ &arieties -as
1ratie$ near Bo'(ay a(out )3,2 (ut 5e1t seret until )*6.% an$ t!en -as >ui5ly
a$o1te$ (y 'any 1eo1le. Rin#7(u$$in# !as (een 1o1ular in t!e 1ast (ut !as (een lar#ely
su1erse$e$ (y s!iel$7(u$$in# or T7(u$$in#. 4rafte$ 1lants are less t!orny t!an see$lin#s.
To selet see$s for #ro-in# rootsto5s% t!e stones 'ust (e ta5en fro' fruits t!at !a&e
fully ri1ene$ on t!e tree. T!ey are 1ut into a )+ to )3K salt solution an$ all t!at float are
$isar$e$. T!e stones t!at sin5 are $i11e$ in 266 11' t!iourea for . !ours% t!en ra5e$
an$ t!e se1arate$ see$s -ill #er'inate in + $ays. See$s in unra5e$ stones re>uire 8) to
83 $ays. If see$s are so-n in s1rin#% t!e see$lin#s -ill (e rea$y for (u$$in# in . 'ont!s.
4reat are 'ust (e ta5en in trans1lantin# nursery sto5 to t!e fiel$ (eause of t!e ta1root.
T!erefore% t!e rootsto5s 'ay (e raise$ $iretly in t!e fiel$ an$ (u$$in# $one in situ.
Inferior see$lin# trees% inlu$in# -il$ trees% an (e to1-or5e$ to 1referre$ ulti&ars in
June an$ so'e fruit -ill (e (orne a year later. Fro' )*,2 to )*,*% t!e "unDa( De1art'ent
of A#riulture to17-or5e$ 26%666 trees -it!out ost to t!e #ro-ers. Air7layers -ill root if
treate$ -it! IBA an$ NAA at 2%666 to +%266 11' an$ #i&en )66 11' (oron. Cuttin#s of
'ature -oo$ at least 8 years ol$ an (e roote$ an$ result in (etter yiel$s t!an t!ose ta5en
at a youn#er sta#e.
At "unDa( Uni&ersity% !ortiulturists !a&e e/1eri'ente$ -it! stoolin# as a 'eans of
1ro1a#ation. T!ey trans1lante$ one7year7ol$ see$lin#s into stool (e$s% ut t!e' (a5 to .
in <)6 '=% foun$ t!at t!e s!oots -oul$ root only if rin#e$ an$ treate$ -it! IBA%
1refera(ly at )8%666 11'.
Untri''e$ trees 'ust (e s1ae$ at ,A to .6 ft <))7)8 '=% (ut arefully 1rune$ trees an
(e set at 8, to 8A ft <+73 '=. "runin# s!oul$ (e $one $urin# t!e first year of #ro-t! to
re$ue t!e 1lant to one !ealt!y s!oot% an$ (ran!es lo-er t!an ,6 in <+2 '= s!oul$ (e
re'o&e$. At t!e en$ of t!e year% t!e 1lant is to11e$. Durin# t!e 8n$ an$ ,r$ years% t!e
tree is arefully s!a1e$. T!ereafter% t!e tree s!oul$ (e 1rune$ i''e$iately after
!ar&estin# at t!e (e#innin# of $or'any an$ 82 to 26K of t!e 1re&ious yearCs #ro-t!
'ay (e re'o&e$. So'eti'es a seon$ li#!ter 1runin# is 1erfor'e$ Dust (efore flo-erin#.
T!ere -ill (e #reat i'1ro&e'ent in siBe% >uality an$ nu'(er of fruits t!e follo-in#
In In$ia% it !as (een tra$itional to a11ly 'anure an$ as! as fertiliBer% (ut% in reent years%
ea! tree !as (een #i&en annual treat'ents of 88 l(s <)6 5#= 'anure -it! ).) l(s <6.2 5#=
a''oniu' sul1!ate for e&ery year of a#e u1 to t!e 2t! year. More a$&ane$ far'ers
utiliBe only o''erial fertiliBer <N"J= in lar#er a'ounts% t-ie annually% t!e first at t!e
rate of ))6 l(sFare <a(out ))6 5#F!a= an$ t!e seon$ at )+8 l(sFare <a(out )+8 5#F!a=.
4ro-t! re#ulators are no- (ein# utiliBe$ to (rin# a(out early an$ !ea&ier (loo'in#%
en!ane fruit settin#% 1re&ent fruit $ro1% an$ inrease fruit siBe% an$ 1ro'ote unifor'
ri1enin#. T!ese 1raties !a&e $e'onstrate$ t!at an i'1ro&e$ ro1 an (rin# in 8 to ,
ti'es t!e re&enue of t!at a!ie&e$ (y on&entional 1raties.
Durin# !ot -eat!er an$ also in t!e 1erio$ of fruit $e&elo1'ent% irri#ation is !i#!ly
(enefiial. Water7stress -ill ause i''ature fruit $ro1. In In$ia% -ater !as (een a11lie$
as 'any as ,2 ti'es $urin# t!e -inter 'ont!s. Nin an$ (oron s1rays are so'eti'es
a11lie$ to en!ane #lossiness of t!e fruits.
$eason and %ar&esting
In In$ia% so'e ty1es ri1en as early as Oto(er% ot!ers fro' 'i$7Fe(ruary to 'i$7Mar!%
ot!ers in Mar!% or 'i$7Mar!% to t!e en$ of A1ril. In t!e Assiut 4o&ernorate% t!ere are 8
ro1s a year% t!e 'ain in early s1rin#% t!e seon$ in t!e fall. In In$ia% 8 or , 1i5in#s are
$one (y !an$ fro' la$$ers% a -or5er (ein# a1a(le of 'anually !ar&estin# a(out ))6 l(s
<26 5#= 1er $ay. T!e fruits re'ainin# on t!e tree are s!a5en $o-n. After -ra11in# in
-!ite lot!% t!e fruits are 1ut into 1a1er7line$ (urla1 (a#s !ol$in# ))6 l(s <26 5#= for
lon# tri1s to 'ar5ets t!rou#!out t!e ountry.
See$lin# trees (ear 2%666 to )6%666 s'all fruits 1er year in In$ia. Su1erior #rafte$ trees
'ay yiel$ as 'any as ,6%666 fruits. T!e (est ulti&ar in In$ia% -it! fruits nor'ally
a&era#in# ,6 to t!e l( <AA to t!e 5#=% yiel$s )+2 l(s <++ 5#= annually. S1eial ultural
treat'ent inreases (ot! fruit siBe an$ yiel$.
(eeping )uality
T!e In$ian DuDu(e stan$s !an$lin#% s!i1'ent an$ 'ar5etin# &ery -ell. Stora#e
e/1eri'ents in In$ia s!o-e$ t!at sli#!tly un$erri1e fruits ri1en an$ 5ee1 for 3 $ays un$er
-!eat stra-% + $ays un$er lea&es% an$ . $ays in ar(i$e <26 to A6 #=.
Pests and Diseases
T!e #reatest ene'ies of t!e DuDu(e in In$ia are fruit flies% Carpomyia vesuviana an$ C.
incompleta. So'e ulti&ars are 'ore suse1ti(le t!an ot!ers% t!e flies 1referrin# t!e
lar#est% s-eetest fruits% )66K of -!i! 'ay (e atta5e$ -!ile on a nei#!(orin# tree%
(earin# a s'aller% less7s-eet ty1e% only 8K of t!e ro1 'ay (e $a'a#e$. T!e lar&ae
1u1ate in t!e soil an$ it !as (een foun$ t!at treat'ent of t!e #roun$ (eneat! t!e tree
!el1s re$ue t!e 1ro(le'. Control is 1ossi(le -it! re#ular an$ effeti&e s1rayin# of
A leaf7eatin# ater1illar% )orthmologa paraclina! an$ t!e #reen slu# ater1illar% $hosea
s1.% atta5 t!e folia#e. A 'ite% 8arvacarus transitans! for's sale7li5e #alls on t-i#s
retar$in# #ro-t! an$ re$uin# t!e fruit ro1.
Lesser 1ests inlu$e a s'all ater1illar% Meridarches scyrodes! t!at (ores into t!e fruit9
t!e #ray7!airy ater1illar% $hiacidas postica! also $arucus theophrastus! Myllocerus
transmarinus! an$ 7anthochelus superciliosus.
T!e tree is su(Det to s!rou$in# (y a 1arasiti &ine +Cuscuta spp.-. "o-$ery 'il$e-
+6idium sp.- auses $efoliation an$ fruit7$ro1. Sooty 'ol$ +Cladosporium zizyphi- auses
lea&es to fall. Leafs1ot results fro' infestation (y Cercospora s11. an$ &sariopsis indica
&ar. zizyphi. In )*+,% a -it!esC7(roo' $isease ause$ (y a 'yo1las'a7li5e or#anis'
-as foun$ in DuDu(e 1lants near "oona Uni&ersity. It 1ro&e$ to (e trans'itte$ (y #raftin#
or (u$$in# $isease$ sions onto !ealt!y A. mauritiana see$lin#s. Leaf rust% ause$ (y
)ha"opsora zizyphivulgaris! ran#es fro' 'il$ to se&ere on all o''erial ulti&ars in
t!e "unDa(.
Fruits on t!e tree are atta5e$ (y Alternaria chartarum! Aspergillus nanus! A.
parasiticus! *elminthosporium atroolivaceum! )homa hessarensis! an$ Stemphyliomma
valparadisiacum. T-i#s an$ (ran!es 'ay (e affete$ (y Entypella zizyphi! *ypoxylon
hypomiltum! an$ )atellaria atrata. In stora#e% t!e fruits 'ay (e s1otte$ (y t!e fun#i%
Alternaria brassicicola! )homa s11.% Curvularia lunata! Cladosporium herbarum. Fruit
rots are ause$ (y Fusarium s11.% %igrospora oryzae! Epicoccum nigrum! an$
5lomerella cingulata.
Food *ses
In In$ia% t!e ri1e fruits are 'ostly onsu'e$ ra-% (ut are so'eti'es ste-e$. Sli#!tly
un$erri1e fruits are an$ie$ (y a 1roess of 1ri5in#% i''ersin# in a salt solution
#ra$ually raise$ fro' 8 to 3K% $rainin#% i''ersin# in anot!er solution of 3K salt an$
6.8K 1otassiu' 'eta(isul1!ite% storin# for ) to , 'ont!s% rinsin# an$ oo5in# in su#ar
siru1 -it! itri ai$. Resi$ents of Sout!east Asia eat t!e unri1e fruits -it! salt. Ri1e
fruits rus!e$ in -ater for' a &ery 1o1ular ol$ $rin5. Ri1e fruits are 1reser&e$ (y sun7
$ryin# an$ a 1o-$er is 1re1are$ for out7of7season 1ur1oses. Ai$ ty1es are use$ for
1i5lin# or for !utneys. In Afria% t!e $rie$ an$ fer'ente$ 1ul1 is 1resse$ into a5es
rese'(lin# #in#er(rea$.
;oun# lea&es are oo5e$ an$ eaten in In$onesia. In :eneBuela% a DuDu(e li>ueur is 'a$e
an$ sol$ as Crema de ponsigue. See$ 5ernels are eaten in ti'es of fa'ine.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion
<Fruits! fresh@
Moisture 3).A73,.6 #
"rotein 6.3 #
Fat 6.6+ #
Fi(er 6.A6 #
Car(o!y$rates )+.6 #
Total Su#ars 2..7)6.2 #
Re$uin# Su#ars )..7A.8 #
Non7Re$uin# Su#ars ,.873.6 #
As! 6.,76.2* #
Caliu' 82.A '#
"!os1!orus 8A.3 '#
Iron 6.+A7).3 '#
Carotene 6.68) '#
T!ia'ine 6.6876.68. '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6876.6,3 '#
Niain 6.+76.3+, '#
Citri Ai$ 6.87).) '#
Asor(i Ai$ A2.37+A.6 '#
Fluori$e 6.)76.8 11'
"etin <$ry (asis= 8.87,..K
T!e fres! fruits also ontain so'e 'ali an$ o/ali ai$ an$ >ueretin.
< <Fruits! dried@
Calories .+,Fl( <)%6.)F5#=
Moisture A3.)6 #
"rotein )... #
Fat 6.8) #
Car(o!y$rates 8..+ #
Su#ar 8).AA #
Fi(er ).83 #
LAnalyses 'a$e in In$ia an$ 0on$uras.
LLAnalyses 'a$e in t!e "!ili11ines.
In Et!io1ia% t!e fruits are use$ to stu1efy fis! <1ossi(ly t!ere is suffiient sa1onin for t!is
1ur1ose=. T!e lea&es ontain sa1onin (eause t!ey are 5no-n to 1ro$ue lat!er if ru((e$
in -ater.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is re$$is!% lose7#raine$% fine7te/ture$% !ar$% tou#!% $ura(le% 1lanin#
an$ 1olis!in# -ell. It !as (een use$ to line -ells% to 'a5e le#s for (e$stea$s% (oat ri(s%
a#riultural i'1le'ents% !ouse 1oles% tool !an$les% yo5es% #unsto5s% sa$$le trees%
san$als% #olf lu(s% !ouse!ol$ utensils% toys an$ #eneral turnery. It is also &alue$ as
fire-oo$9 is a #oo$ soure of !aroal an$ ati&ate$ ar(on. In tro1ial Afria% t!e
fle/i(le (ran!es are -ra11e$ as retainin# (an$s aroun$ onial t!at!e$ roofs of !uts%
an$ are t-ine$ to#et!er to for' t!orny orral -alls to retain li&esto5.
-ea&es, T!e lea&es are rea$ily eaten (y a'els% attle an$ #oats an$ are onsi$ere$
nutritious. Analyses s!o- t!e follo-in# onstituents <K $ry -ei#!t=@ ru$e 1rotein% )8.*7
)A.*9 fat% ).278.+9 fi(er% ),.27)+.)9 N7free e/trat% 22.,72A.+9 as!% )6.87)).+9 aliu'%
)..87,.+.9 1!os1!orus% 6.)+76.,,9 'a#nesiu'% 6..A76.3,9 1otassiu'% 6..+7).2+9 so$iu'%
6.6876.629 !lorine% 6.).76.,39 Sul1!ur% 6.),76.,,K. T!ey also ontain eryl alo!ol an$
t!e al5aloi$s% 1roto1ine an$ (er(erine.
T!e lea&es are #at!ere$ as foo$ for sil5-or's.
Dye, In Bur'a% t!e fruit is use$ in $yein# sil5. T!e (ar5 yiel$s a non7fa$in#% inna'on7
olore$ $ye in Jenya.
0ectar, In In$ia an$ Hueenslan$% t!e flo-ers are rate$ as a 'inor soure of netar for
!oney(ees. T!e !oney is li#!t an$ of fair fla&or.
-ac, T!e In$ian DuDu(e is one of se&eral trees #ro-n in In$ia as a !ost for t!e la inset%
2erria lacca! -!i! su5s t!e Duie fro' t!e lea&es an$ enrusts t!e' -it! an oran#e7re$
resinous su(stane. Lon# a#o% t!e la -as use$ for $yein#% (ut no- t!e 1urifie$ resin is
t!e s!ella of o''ere. Lo- #ra$es of s!ella are 'a$e into sealin# -a/ an$ &arnis!9
!i#!er #ra$es are use$ for fine la>uer -or5% lit!o#ra1!7in5% 1olis!es an$ ot!er 1ro$uts.
T!e trees are #ro-n aroun$ 1easant !uts an$ !ea&ily inoulate$ -it! (roo$la in Oto(er
an$ No&e'(er e&ery year% an$ t!e resin is !ar&este$ in A1ril an$ May. T!e trees 'ust (e
1rune$ syste'atially to 1ro&i$e an a$e>uate nu'(er of youn# s!oots for inoulation.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fruits are a11lie$ on uts an$ ulers9 are e'1loye$ in 1ul'onary
ail'ents an$ fe&ers9 an$% 'i/e$ -it! salt an$ !ili 1e11ers% are #i&en in in$i#estion an$
(iliousness. T!e $rie$ ri1e fruit is a 'il$ la/ati&e. T!e see$s are se$ati&e an$ are ta5en%
so'eti'es -it! (utter'il5% to !alt nausea% &o'itin#% an$ a($o'inal 1ains in 1re#nany.
T!ey !e5 $iarr!ea% an$ are 1oultie$ on -oun$s. Mi/e$ -it! oil% t!ey are ru((e$ on
r!eu'ati areas.
T!e lea&es are a11lie$ as 1oulties an$ are !el1ful in li&er trou(les% ast!'a an$ fe&er
an$% to#et!er -it! ate!u% are a$'inistere$ -!en an astrin#ent is nee$e$% as on -oun$s.
T!e (itter% astrin#ent (ar5 $eotion is ta5en to !alt $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery an$ relie&e
#in#i&itis. T!e (ar5 1aste is a11lie$ on sores. T!e root is 1ur#ati&e. A root $eotion is
#i&en as a fe(rifu#e% taenii$e an$ e''ena#o#ue% an$ t!e 1o-$ere$ root is $uste$ on
-oun$s. Juie of t!e root (ar5 is sai$ to alle&iate #out an$ r!eu'atis'. Stron# $oses of
t!e (ar5 or root 'ay (e to/i. An infusion of t!e flo-ers ser&es as an eye lotion.
%arcinia mangostana -6
One of t!e 'ost 1raise$ of tro1ial fruits% an$ ertainly t!e 'ost estee'e$ fruit in t!e
fa'ily 4uttiferae% t!e 'an#osteen% 5arcinia mangostana L.% is al'ost uni&ersally 5no-n
or !ear$ of (y t!is na'e. T!ere are nu'erous &ariations in no'enlature@ a'on#
S1anis!7s1ea5in# 1eo1le% it is alle$ mangostan: to t!e Fren!% it is mangostanier!
mangoustanier! mangouste or mangostier: in "ortu#uese% it is mangostao! mangosta or
mangusta: in Dut!% it is manggis or manggistan: in :ietna'ese% mang cut: in Malaya% it
'ay (e referre$ to in any of t!ese lan#ua#es or (y t!e loal ter's% mesetor! semetah! or
sementah: in t!e "!ili11ines% it is mangis or mangostan. T!rou#!out t!e Malay
Ar!i1ela#o% t!ere are 'any $ifferent s1ellin#s of na'es si'ilar to 'ost of t!e a(o&e.
T!e 'an#osteen tree is &ery slo-7
#ro-in#% eret% -it! a 1yra'i$al ro-n9
attains 86 to 38 ft <A782 '= in !ei#!t% !as
$ar57(ro-n or nearly (la5% fla5in# (ar5%
t!e inner (ar5 ontainin# 'u! yello-%
#u''y% (itter late/. T!e e&er#reen%
o11osite% s!ort7stal5e$ lea&es are o&ate7
o(lon# or elli1ti% leat!ery an$ t!i5%
$ar57#reen% sli#!tly #lossy a(o&e%
yello-is!7#reen an$ $ull (eneat!9 , )F8
to )6 in <*782 '= lon#% ) ,F. to . in
<..27)6 '= -i$e% -it! ons1iuous% 1ale
'i$ri(. Ne- lea&es are rosy. Flo-ers% )
)F8 to 8 in <.72 '= -i$e an$ fles!y% 'ay
(e 'ale or !er'a1!ro$ite on t!e sa'e
tree. T!e for'er are in lusters of ,7* at
t!e (ran! ti1s9 t!ere are . se1als an$ .
o&ate% t!i5% fles!y 1etals% #reen -it! re$
s1ots on t!e outsi$e% yello-is!7re$
insi$e% an$ 'any sta'ens t!ou#! t!e a(orte$ ant!ers (ear no 1ollen. T!e !er'a1!ro$ite
are (orne sin#ly or in 1airs at t!e ti1s of youn# (ran!lets9 t!eir 1etals 'ay (e yello-is!7
#reen e$#e$ -it! re$ or 'ostly re$% an$ are >ui5ly s!e$.
T!e fruit% a11e$ (y t!e 1ro'inent aly/ at t!e ste' en$ an$ -it! . to 3 trian#ular% flat
re'nants of t!e sti#'a in a rosette at t!e a1e/% is roun$% $ar571ur1le to re$71ur1le an$
s'oot! e/ternally9 ) )F, to , in <,..7+.2 '= in $ia'eter. T!e rin$ is )F. to ,F3 in <A7)6
''= t!i5% re$ in ross7setion% 1ur1lis!7-!ite on t!e insi$e. It ontains (itter yello-
late/ an$ a 1ur1le% stainin# Duie. T!ere are . to 3 trian#ular se#'ents of sno-7-!ite%
Duiy% soft fles! <atually t!e arils of t!e see$s=. T!e fruit 'ay (e see$less or !a&e ) to 2
fully $e&elo1e$ see$s% o&oi$7o(lon#% so'e-!at flattene$% ) in <8.2 '= lon# an$ 2F3 in
<).A '= -i$e% t!at lin# to t!e fles!. T!e fles! is sli#!tly ai$ an$ 'il$ to $istintly ai$
in fla&or an$ is alai'e$ as e/>uisitely lusious an$ $eliious.
Origin and Distribution
T!e 1lae of ori#in of t!e 'an#osteen is un5no-n (ut is (elie&e$ to (e t!e Sun$a Islan$s
an$ t!e Moluas9 still% t!ere are -il$ trees in t!e forests of Je'a'an% Malaya. Corner
su##ests t!at t!e tree 'ay !a&e (een first $o'estiate$ in T!ailan$% or Bur'a. It is 'u!
ulti&ate$ in T!ailan$Y-!ere t!ere -ere *%+66 ares <.%666 !a= in )*A2Yalso in
Ja'1u!ea% sout!ern :ietna' an$ Bur'a% t!rou#!out Malaya an$ Sin#a1ore. T!e tree
-as 1lante$ in Ceylon a(out )366 an$ in In$ia in )33). T!ere it suee$s in . li'ite$
areasYt!e Nil#iri 0ills% t!e Tinne&elly $istrit of sout!ern Ma$ras% t!e Janya75u'ani
$istrit at t!e sout!ern'ost ti1 of t!e Ma$ras 1eninsula% an$ in Jerala State in
sout!-estern In$ia. T!e tree is fairly o''on only in t!e 1ro&ines of Min$anao an$
"late SLI@ MAN4OSTEEN% 5arcinia mangostanaG
"ainte$ (y Dr. M.J. DiD5'an
Sulu <or Jolo= in t!e "!ili11ines. It is rare in Hueenslan$% -!ere it !as (een trie$ 'any
ti'es sine )32.% an$ 1oorly re1resente$ in tro1ial Afria <NanBi(ar% 4!ana% 4a(on an$
Li(eria=. T!ere -ere fruitin# trees in #reen!ouses in En#lan$ in )322. T!e 'an#osteen
-as intro$ue$ into Trini$a$ fro' t!e Royal Botani 4ar$en at Je-% En#lan$% (et-een
)326 an$ )3A6 an$ t!e first fruit -as (orne in )3+2. It rea!e$ t!e "ana'a Canal None
an$ "uerto Rio in )*6, (ut t!ere are only a fe- trees in t!ese areas% in Ja'aia%
Do'inia an$ Cu(a% an$ so'e sattere$ aroun$ ot!er 1arts of t!e West In$ies. T!e
Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Ja&a in )*6A <S.".I.
O)+).A=. A lar#e test (lo5 of 1ro$uti&e trees !as (een 'aintaine$ at t!e Lanetilla
E/1eri'ental Station at Tela% 0on$uras% for 'any years. Huite a fe- trees $istri(ute$ (y
t!e Unite$ Fruit Co'1any lon# a#o !a&e $one -ell on t!e Atlanti oast of 4uate'ala.
In )*8.% Dr. Wilson "o1enoe sa- t!e 'an#osteen #ro-in# at one site in Eua$or. In
)*,*% )2%666 see$s -ere $istri(ute$ (y t!e Canal None E/1eri'ent 4ar$ens to 'any
areas of tro1ial A'eria. It is 1ro(a(le t!at only a relati&ely fe- see$lin#s sur&i&e$. It is
5no-n t!at 'any $ie $urin# t!e first year. Dr. :itor "ati]o !as o(ser&e$ flouris!in#
'an#osteen trees at t!e site of an ol$ 'inin# settle'ent in Mari>uita% Colo'(ia% in t!e
Ma#$alena :alley an$ t!e fruits are sol$ on loal 'ar5ets. Dier(er#er A#riola Lt$a.% of
Sao "aulo% inlu$e$ t!e 'an#osteen in t!eir nursery atalo# in )*.*.
Des1ite early trials in 0a-aii% t!e tree !as not (eo'e -ell ali'atiBe$ an$ is still rare
in t!ose islan$s. Neit!er !as it (een suessful in California. It enounters &ery
unfa&ora(le soil an$ li'ate in Flori$a. So'e 1lants !a&e (een #ro-n for a ti'e in
ontainers in #reen!ouses. One tree in a &ery 1rotete$ oastal loation an$ s1eial soil
li&e$ to 1ro$ue a sin#le fruit an$ t!en suu'(e$ to -inter ol$.
Des1ite t!e oft7re1eate$ Ol$ Worl$ ent!usias' for t!is fruit% it is not al-ays &ie-e$ as
-ort! t!e trou(le to 1ro$ue. In Ja'aia% it is re#ar$e$ as nie (ut o&errate$9 not
o'1ara(le to a #oo$ fiel$7ri1e 1inea11le or a !oie 'an#o.
Aor$in# to Corner% t!e fruit fro' see$lin# trees is fairly unifor'9 only one $istint
&ariation is 5no-n an$ t!at is in t!e Sulu Islan$s. T!e fruit is lar#er% t!e rin$ t!i5er t!an
nor'al% an$ t!e fles! 'ore ai$9 t!e fla&or 'ore 1ronoune$. In Nort! Borneo% a
see'in#ly -il$ for' !as only . ar1els% ea! ontainin# a fully7$e&elo1e$ see$% an$ t!is
is 1ro(a(ly not uni>ue.
T!e 'an#osteen is ultra7tro1ial. It annot tolerate te'1eratures (elo- .6V F <....V C=%
nor a(o&e )66V F <,+.+3V C=. Nursery see$lin#s are 5ille$ at .2V F <+.88V C=.
It is li'ite$ in Malaya to ele&ations (elo- )%266 ft <.26 '=. In Ma$ras it #ro-s fro' 826
to 2%666 ft <+A7)%266 '= a(o&e sea7le&el. Atte'1ts to esta(lis! it nort! of 866 latitu$e
!a&e all faile$.
It or$inarily re>uires !i#! at'os1!eri !u'i$ity an$ an annual rainfall of at least 26 in
<)8+ '=% an$ no lon# 1erio$s of $rou#!t. In Do'inia% 'an#osteens #ro-in# in an area
!a&in# 36 in <866 '= of rain yearly re>uire$ s1eial are% (ut t!ose in anot!er loality
-it! )62 in <822 '= an$ soil -it! (etter 'oisture7 !ol$in# a1aity% flouris!e$.
T!e tree is not a$a1te$ to li'estone an$ $oes (est in $ee1% ri! or#ani soil% es1eially
san$y loa' or laterite. In In$ia% t!e 'ost 1ro$uti&e s1ei'ens are on lay ontainin#
'u! oarse 'aterial an$ a little silt. San$y allu&ial soils are unsuita(le an$ san$ lo- in
!u'us ontri(utes to lo- yiel$s. T!e tree nee$s #oo$ $raina#e an$ t!e -ater ta(le ou#!t
to (e a(out A ft <).3 '= (elo- #roun$ le&el. 0o-e&er% in t!e Canal None% 1ro$uti&e
'an#osteen #ro&es !a&e (een esta(lis!e$ -!ere it is too -et for ot!er fruit treesYin
s-a'1s re>uirin# $raina#e $it!es (et-een ro-s an$ in situations -!ere t!e roots -ere
(at!e$ -it! flo-in# -ater 'ost of t!e year% in s1ite of t!e fat t!at stan$in# -ater in
nursery (e$s -ill 5ill see$lin#s. T!e 'an#osteen 'ust (e s!eltere$ fro' stron# -in$s
an$ salt s1ray% as -ell as saline soil or -ater.
Te!nially% t!e so7alle$ ?see$s? are not true see$s (ut a$&entitious e'(ryos% or
!y1ootyl tu(erles% inas'u! as t!ere !as (een no se/ual fertiliBation. W!en #ro-t!
(e#ins% a s!oot e'er#es fro' one en$ of t!e see$ an$ a root fro' t!e ot!er en$. But t!is
root is s!ort7li&e$ an$ is re1lae$ (y roots -!i! $e&elo1 at t!e (ase of t!e s!oot. T!e
1roess of re1ro$ution (ein# &e#etati&e% t!ere is naturally little &ariation in t!e resultin#
trees an$ t!eir fruits. So'e of t!e see$s are 1olye'(ryoni% 1ro$uin# 'ore t!an one
s!oot. T!e in$i&i$ual nuellar e'(ryos an (e se1arate$% if $esire$% (efore 1lantin#.
Inas'u! as t!e 1erenta#e of #er'ination is $iretly relate$ to t!e -ei#!t of t!e see$%
only 1lu'1% fully $e&elo1e$ see$s s!oul$ (e !osen for 1lantin#. E&en t!ese -ill lose
&ia(ility in 2 $ays after re'o&al fro' t!e fruit% t!ou#! t!ey are &ia(le for , to 2 -ee5s in
t!e fruit. See$s 1a5e$ in li#!tly $a'1ene$ 1eat 'oss% s1!a#nu' 'oss or oonut fi(er
in airti#!t ontainers !a&e re'aine$ &ia(le for , 'ont!s. Only 88K #er'ination !as (een
realiBe$ in see$s 1a5e$ in #roun$ !aroal for )2 $ays. Soa5in# in -ater for 8. !ours
e/1e$ites an$ en!anes t!e rate of #er'ination. 4enerally% s1routin# ours in 86 to 88
$ays an$ is o'1lete in ., $ays.
Beause of t!e lon#% $eliate ta1root an$ 1oor lateral root $e&elo1'ent% trans1lantin# is
notoriously $iffiult. It 'ust not (e atte'1te$ after t!e 1lants rea! 8 ft <A6 '=. At t!at
ti'e t!e $e1t! of t!e ta1root 'ay e/ee$ t!at !ei#!t. T!ere is #reater see$lin# sur&i&al if
see$s are 1lante$ $iretly in t!e nursery ro- t!an if first #ro-n in ontainers an$ t!en
trans1lante$ to t!e nursery. T!e nursery soil s!oul$ (e , ft <) '= $ee1% at least. T!e
youn# 1lants ta5e 8 years or 'ore to rea! a !ei#!t of )8 in <,6 '=% -!en t!ey an (e
ta5en u1 -it! a $ee1 (all of eart! an$ set out. Fruitin# 'ay ta5e 1lae in + to * years
fro' 1lantin# (ut usually not for )6 or e&en 86 years.
Con&entional &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation of t!e 'an#osteen is $iffiult. :arious 'et!o$s of
#raftin# !a&e faile$. Cuttin#s an$ air7layers% -it! or -it!out #ro-t!71ro'otin#
!e'ials% usually fail to root or result in $efor'e$% s!ort7li&e$ 1lants. Inar!in# on
$ifferent rootsto5s !as a11eare$ 1ro'isin# at first (ut later ino'1ati(ility !as (een
e&i$ent -it! all e/e1t 4. xanthochymus 0oo5. f. <4 tinctoria Dunn.= or 4. lateriflora
Bl.% no- o''only e'1loye$ in t!e "!ili11ines.
In Flori$a% a11roa!7#raftin# !as suee$e$ only (y 1lantin# a see$ of 5. xanthochymus
a(out ) )F. in <, '= fro' t!e (ase of a 'an#osteen see$lin# in a ontainer an$% -!en
t!e ste' of t!e 5. xanthochymus see$lin# !as (eo'e )F3 in <, ''= t!i5% Doinin# it onto
t!e ,F)A to )F. in <27A ''= t!i5 ste' of t!e 'an#osteen at a 1oint a(out . in <)6 '=
a(o&e t!e soil. W!en t!e #raft !as !eale$% t!e 5. xanthochymus see$lin# is (e!ea$e$. T!e
'an#osteen -ill 'a5e #oo$ 1ro#ress !a&in# (ot! root syste's to #ro- on% -!ile t!e 5.
xanthochymus rootsto5 -ill $e&elo1 &ery little.
A s1ain# of ,2 to .6 ft <)6.+7)8 '= is reo''en$e$. "lantin# is 1refera(ly $one at t!e
(e#innin# of t!e rainy season. "its . / . / . )F8 ft <).8 / l.8 / l., '= are 1re1are$ at least
,6 $ays in a$&ane% enri!e$ -it! or#ani 'atter an$ to1soil an$ left to -eat!er. T!e
youn# tree is 1ut in 1lae &ery arefully so as not to inDure t!e root an$ #i&en a !ea&y
-aterin#. "artial s!a$in# -it! 1al' fron$s or (y ot!er 'eans s!oul$ (e 'aintaine$ for ,
to 2 years. In$ian #ro-ers #i&e ea! tree re#ular fee$in# -it! -ell7rotte$ 'anureY)66 to
866 l(s <.27*6 5#=Yan$ 1eanut 'ealY)6 to )2 l(s <..27A.3 5#= total% 1er year.
So'e of t!e 'ost fruitful 'an#osteen trees are #ro-in# on t!e (an5s of strea's% la5es%
1on$s or anals -!ere t!e roots are al'ost onstantly -et. 0o-e&er% $ry -eat!er Dust
(efore (loo'in# ti'e an$ $urin# flo-erin# in$ues a #oo$ fruit7set. W!ere a 'oist
1lantin# site is not a&aila(le% irri#ation $it!es s!oul$ (e $u# to 'a5e it 1ossi(le to
'aintain an a$e>uate -ater su11ly an$ t!e trees are irri#ate$ al'ost $aily $urin# t!e $ry
In Malaya an$ Ceylon% it is a o''on 1ratie to s1rea$ a 'ul! of oonut !us5s or
fron$s to retain 'oisture. A )A7in <.67'= 'ul! of #rass restore$ trees t!at !a$ (e#un
$e!y$ratin# in Li(eria. It !as (een su##este$ t!at s'all inner (ran!es (e 1rune$ fro'
ol$% un1ro$uti&e trees to sti'ulate (earin#. In T!ailan$% t!e tree is sai$ to ta5e )8 to 86
years to fruit. In "ana'a an$ "uerto Rio trees #ro-n fro' lar#e see$ an$ #i&en #oo$
ulture !a&e (orne in si/ years.
$eason and %ar&esting
At lo- altitu$es in Ceylon t!e fruit ri1ens fro' May to July9 at !i#!er ele&ations% in July
an$ Au#ust or Au#ust an$ Se1te'(er. In In$ia% t!ere are 8 $istint fruitin# seasons% one
in t!e 'onsoon 1erio$ <July7Oto(er= an$ anot!er fro' A1ril t!rou#! June. "uerto Rian
trees in full sun fruit in July an$ Au#ust9 s!a$e$ trees% in No&e'(er an$ Dee'(er.
Cro11in# is irre#ular an$ t!e yiel$ &aries fro' tree to tree an$ fro' season to season. T!e
first ro1 'ay (e 866 to ,66 fruits. A&era#e yiel$ of a full7#ro-n tree is a(out 266 fruits.
T!e yiel$ stea$ily inreases u1 to t!e ,6t! year of (earin# -!en ro1s of )%666 to 8%666
fruits 'ay (e o(taine$. In Ma$ras% in$i&i$ual trees (et-een t!e a#es of 86 an$ .2 years
!a&e (orne 8%666 to ,%666 fruits. "ro$uti&ity #ra$ually $elines t!ereafter% t!ou#! t!e
tree -ill still (e fruitin# at )66 years of a#e.
Ri1eness is #au#e$ (y t!e full $e&elo1'ent of olor an$ sli#!t softenin#. "i5in# 'ay (e
$one -!en t!e fruits are sli#!tly un$erri1e (ut t!ey 'ust (e fully 'ature <$e&elo1e$= or
t!ey -ill not ri1en after 1i5in#. T!e fruits 'ust (e !ar&este$ (y !an$ fro' la$$ers or (y
'eans of a uttin# 1ole an$ not (e allo-e$ to fall.
(eeping )uality
In $ry% -ar'% lose$ stora#e% 'an#osteens an (e !el$ 86 to 82 $ays. Lon#er 1erio$s
ause t!e outer s5in to tou#!en an$ t!e rin$ to (eo'e ru((ery9 later% t!e rin$ !ar$ens
an$ (eo'es $iffiult to o1en an$ t!e fles! turns $ry.
Ri1e 'an#osteens 5ee1 -ell for , to . -ee5s in stora#e at .6V to 22V F <....V7)8.+3V C=.
Trials in In$ia !a&e s!o-n t!at o1ti'u' on$itions for ol$ stora#e are te'1eratures of
,*V to .8V F <,.3*V72.2AV C= an$ relati&e !u'i$ity of 32 to *6K% -!i! 'aintain >uality
for .* $ays. It is reo''en$e$ t!at t!e fruits (e -ra11e$ in tissue 1a1er an$ 1a5e$ 827
to7t!e7(o/ in li#!t -oo$en rates -it! e/elsior 1a$$in#. Fruits 1i5e$ sli#!tly unri1e
!a&e (een s!i11e$ fro' Bur'a to t!e Unite$ Jin#$o' at 26V to 22V F <)6V7)8.+3V C=.
Fro' )*8+ to )*8*% trial s!i1'ents -ere 'a$e fro' Ja&a to 0ollan$ at ,+..V F
<a11ro/i'ately 8.,3V C= an$ t!e fruits 5e1t in #oo$ on$ition for 8. $ays.
Pests and Diseases
Fe- 1ests !a&e (een re1orte$. A leaf7eatin# ater1illar in In$ia 'ay 1er!a1s (e t!e sa'e
as t!at -!i! atta5s ne- s!oots in t!e "!ili11ines an$ -!i! !as (een i$entifie$ as
6rgyra s1. of t!e tusso5 'ot! fa'ily% Ly'antri$ae. A s'all ant% Myrnelachista
ramulorum! in "uerto Rio% oloniBes t!e tree% tunnels into t!e trun5 an$ (ran!es% an$
$a'a#es t!e ne- #ro-t!. Mites so'eti'es $efae t!e fruits -it! s'all (ites an$
srat!es. Fully ri1e fruits are atta5e$ (y 'on5eys% (ats an$ rats in Asia.
In "uerto Rio% t!rea$ (li#!t ause$ (y t!e fun#us% )ellicularia "oleroga! is often seen on
(ran!lets% folia#e an$ fruits of trees in s!a$e$% !u'i$ areas. T!e fruits 'ay (eo'e
oate$ -it! -e((in# an$ ruine$. In Malaya% t!e fun#us% Aignoella garcineae! #i&es rise
to ?an5er?Ytu(erous #ro-t!s on t!e (ran!es% ausin# a fatal $yin#7(a5 of folia#e%
(ran!es an$ e&entually t!e entire tree. Brea5$o-n in stora#e is ause$ (y t!e fun#i
iplodia gossypina! )estalotia s1.% )homopsis s1.% 5loeosporium s1.% an$ (hizopus
A 'aDor 1!ysiolo#ial 1ro(le' alle$ ?#a'(o#e? is e&i$ene$ (y t!e ooBin# of late/
onto t!e outer surfae of t!e fruits an$ on t!e (ran!es $urin# 1erio$s of !ea&y an$
ontinuous rains. It $oes not affet eatin# >uality. Fruit7ra5in# 'ay our (eause of
e/essi&e a(sor1tion of 'oisture. In ra5e$ fruits t!e fles! -ill (e s-ollen an$ 'us!y.
Bruisin# ause$ (y t!e fore of stor's 'ay (e an i'1ortant fator in (ot! of t!ese
a(nor'alities. Fruits e/1ose$ to stron# sun 'ay also e/u$e late/. Man#osteens 1ro$ue$
in 0on$uras often !a&e rystal7li5e ?stones? in t!e fles! an$ t!ey 'ay ren$er t!e fruit
o'1letely ine$i(le.
Food *ses
To selet t!e (est ta(le fruits% !oose t!ose -it! t!e !i#!est nu'(er of sti#'a lo(es at t!e
a1e/% for t!ese !a&e t!e !i#!est nu'(er of fles!y se#'ents an$ aor$in#ly t!e fe-est
see$s. T!e nu'(ers al-ays orres1on$. Man#osteens are usually eaten fres! as $essert.
One nee$ only !ol$ t!e fruit -it! t!e ste'7en$ $o-n-ar$% ta5e a s!ar1 5nife an$ ut
aroun$ t!e 'i$$le o'1letely t!rou#! t!e rin$% an$ lift off t!e to1 !alf% -!i! lea&es t!e
fles!y se#'ents e/1ose$ in t!e olorful ?u1?Yt!e (otto' !alf of t!e rin$. T!e se#'ents
are lifte$ out (y for5.
T!e fles!y se#'ents are so'eti'es anne$% (ut t!ey are sai$ to lose t!eir $eliate fla&or
in annin#% es1eially if 1asteuriBe$ for as 'u! as )6 'inutes. Tests !a&e s!o-n t!at it
is (est to use a .6K siru1 an$ steriliBe for only 2 'inutes. T!e 'ore ai$ fruits are (est
for 1reser&in#. To 'a5e Da'% in Malaya% see$less se#'ents are (oile$ -it! an e>ual
a'ount of su#ar an$ a fe- lo&es for )2 to 86 'inutes an$ t!en 1ut into #lass Dars. In t!e
"!ili11ines% a 1reser&e is 'a$e (y si'1ly (oilin# t!e se#'ents in (ro-n su#ar% an$ t!e
see$s 'ay (e inlu$e$ to enri! t!e fla&or.
T!e see$s are so'eti'es eaten alone after (oilin# or roastin#.
T!e rin$ is ri! in 1etin. After treat'ent -it! AK so$iu' !lori$e to eli'inate
astrin#eny% t!e rin$ is 'a$e into a 1ur1lis! Delly.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories A67A,
Moisture 36.873..* #
"rotein 6.2676.A6 #
Fat 6.)76.A #
Total Car(o!y$rates )..,7)2.A #
Total Su#ars )A..87)A.38 #
<surose% #luose an$ frutose=
Fi(er 2.672.) #
As! 6.876.8, #
Caliu' 6.6)73.6 '#
"!os1!orus 6.687)8.6 '#
Iron 6.8676.36 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6, '#
Asor(i Ai$ ).678.6 '#
LMini'u'F'a/i'u' &alues fro' analyses 'a$e in t!e "!ili11ines an$ Was!in#ton%
"!ytin <an or#ani 1!os1!orus o'1oun$= onstitutes u1 to 6.A3K on a $ry7-ei#!t (asis.
T!e fles! a'ounts to ,)K of t!e -!ole fruit.
Ot!er *ses
Man#osteen t-i#s are use$ as !e-sti5s in 4!ana. T!e fruit rin$ ontains + to ).K
ate!in tannin an$ rosin% an$ is use$ for tannin# leat!er in C!ina. It also yiel$s a (la5
1ood, In T!ailan$% all non7(earin# trees are felle$% so t!e -oo$ is a&aila(le (ut usually
only in s'all $i'ensions. It is $ar57(ro-n% !ea&y% al'ost sin5s in -ater% an$ is
'o$erately $ura(le. It !as (een use$ to 'a5e !an$les for s1ears% also rie 1oun$ers% an$
is e'1loye$ in onstrution an$ a(inet-or5.
Medicinal *ses, Drie$ fruits are s!i11e$ fro' Sin#a1ore to Calutta an$ to C!ina for
'e$iinal use. T!e slie$ an$ $rie$ rin$ is 1o-$ere$ an$ a$'inistere$ to o&ero'e
$ysentery. Ma$e into an oint'ent% it is a11lie$ on eBe'a an$ ot!er s5in $isor$ers. T!e
rin$ $eotion is ta5en to relie&e $iarr!ea an$ ystitis% #onorr!ea an$ #leet an$ is a11lie$
e/ternally as an astrin#ent lotion. A 1ortion of t!e rin$ is stee1e$ in -ater o&erni#!t an$
t!e infusion #i&en as a re'e$y for !roni $iarr!ea in a$ults an$ !il$ren. Fili1inos
e'1loy a $eotion of t!e lea&es an$ (ar5 as a fe(rifu#e an$ to treat t!rus!% $iarr!ea%
$ysentery an$ urinary $isor$ers. In Malaya% an infusion of t!e lea&es% o'(ine$ -it!
unri1e (anana an$ a little (enBoin is a11lie$ to t!e -oun$ of iru'ision. A root
$eotion is ta5en to re#ulate 'enstruation. A (ar5 e/trat alle$ ?a'i(iasine?% !as (een
'ar5ete$ for t!e treat'ent of a'oe(i $ysentery.
T!e rin$ of 1artially ri1e fruits yiel$s a 1oly!y$ro/y7/ant!one $eri&ati&e ter'e$
'an#ostin% also [7'an#ostin. T!at of fully ri1e fruits ontains t!e /ant!ones% #artanin% 37
$iso/y#artanin% an$ nor'an#ostin. A $eri&ati&e of 'an#ostin% 'an#ostin7e% A7$i767
#luosi$e% is a entral ner&ous syste' $e1ressant an$ auses a rise in (loo$ 1ressure.
Mammea americana -6
T!e 'a'ey stan$s al'ost 'i$-ay (et-een ?'aDor? an$ ?'inor? tro1ial fruits an$ is
uni>ue in re'ainin# &irtually stati in t!e 1ast .6 years% reei&in# little attention at !o'e
or a(roa$. Botanially% it is i$entifie$ as Mammea americana L.% of t!e fa'ily 4uttiferae%
an$ t!erefore relate$ to t!e 'an#osteen% >.&. A'on# alternati&e na'es in En#lis! are
'a''ee% 'a''ee a11le% St. Do'in#o a1riot an$ Sout! A'erian a1riot. To S1anis!7
s1ea5in# 1eo1le% it is 5no-n as mamey de Santo omingo! mamey amarillo! mamey de
Cartagena! mata serrano! zapote mamey! or zapote de Santo omingo. In "ortu#uese it is
alle$ abricote! abrico do )ar>! abrico selvagem! or pecego de Sao omingos. In Fren!%
it is abricot d? Ameri9ue! abricot des Antilles! abricot pays! abricot de Saint#omin9ue or
abricotier sauvage.
T!is s1eies is often onfuse$ -it! t!e sa1ote% or mamey colorado! )outeria sapota! >.&.%
-!i! is o''only alle$ mamey in Cu(a9 an$ re1orts of its ourrin# -il$ in Afria are
$ue to onfusion -it! t!e Afrian 'a'ey% M. africana Sa(ine <syn. 6chrocarpus
africana Oli&.=. Mammea americana is often onfuse$ -it! t!e Ma'ey sa1ote tree
<)outeria sapota=% -!ose fruit is also alle$ mammee or mamey.
T!e 'a'ey tree% !an$so'e an$ #reatly
rese'(lin# t!e sout!ern 'a#nolia%
rea!es A6 to +6 ft <)378) '= in !ei#!t%
!as a s!ort trun5 -!i! 'ay attain , or .
ft <6.*7).8 '= in $ia'eter% an$ asen$in#
(ran!es for'in# an eret% o&al !ea$%
$ensely folia#e$ -it! e&er#reen%
o11osite% #lossy% leat!ery% $ar57#reen%
(roa$ly elli1ti lea&es% u1 to 3 in <86 '=
lon# an$ . in <)6 '= -i$e. T!e fra#rant
flo-ers% -it! . to A -!ite 1etals an$ -it! oran#e sta'ens or 1istils or (ot!% are ) to ) )F8
in <8.27. '= -i$e -!en fully o1en an$ (orne sin#ly or in #rou1s of 8 or , on s!ort
stal5s. T!ey a11ear $urin# an$ after t!e fruitin# season@ 'ale% fe'ale an$ !er'a1!ro$ite
to#et!er or on se1arate trees.
T!e fruit% nearly roun$ or so'e-!at irre#ular% -it! a s!ort% t!i5 ste' an$ a 'ore or less
$istint ti1 or 'erely a (ristle7li5e floral re'nant at t!e a1e/% ran#es fro' . to 3 in <)6786
'= in $ia'eter% is !ea&y an$ !ar$ until fully ri1e -!en it softens sli#!tly. T!e s5in is
li#!t7(ro-n or #rayis!7(ro-n -it! s'all% sattere$% -arty or surfy areas% leat!ery% a(out
)F3 in <, ''= t!i5 an$ (itter. Beneat! it% a t!in% $ry% -!itis! 'e'(rane% or ?ra#?%
astrin#ent an$ often (itter% a$!eres to t!e fles!. T!e latter is li#!t7 or #ol$en7yello- to
oran#e% non7fi(rous% &aries fro' fir' an$ ris1. an$ so'eti'es $ry to ten$er% 'eltin# an$
Duiy. It is 'ore or less free fro' t!e see$ t!ou#! (its of t!e see$7o&erin#% -!i! 'ay (e
(itter% usually a$!ere to t!e i''e$iately surroun$in# -all of fles!. T!e ri1e fles! is
a11etiBin#ly fra#rant an$% in t!e (est &arieties% 1leasantly su(ai$% rese'(lin# t!e a1riot
or re$ ras1(erry in fla&or. Fruits of 1oor >uality 'ay (e too sour or 'a-5is!ly s-eet.
S'all fruits are usually sin#le7see$e$9 lar#er fruits 'ay !a&e 8% , or . see$s. T!e see$ is
russet7(ro-n% rou#!% o&oi$ or elli1soi$ an$ a(out 8 )F8 in <A.82 '= lon#. T!e Duie of
t!e see$ lea&es an in$eli(le stain.
Origin and Distribution
T!e 'a'ey is nati&e to t!e West In$ies an$ nort!ern Sout! A'eria. It -as reor$e$ as
#ro-in# near Dari^n% "ana'a% in )2).% an$ in )28* -as inlu$e$ (y O&ie$o in !is
re&ie- of t!e fruits of t!e Ne- Worl$. It !as (een nurture$ as a s1ei'en in En#lis!
#reen!ouses sine )+,2. It #ro-s -ell in Ber'u$a an$ is >uite o''only ulti&ate$ in
t!e Ba!a'a Islan$s an$ t!e 4reater an$ Lesser Antilles. In St. Croi/ it is s1ontaneous
alon# t!e roa$si$es -!ere see$s !a&e (een tosse$. In sout!ern Me/io an$ Central
A'eria% it is s1arin#ly #ro-n e/e1t in t!e lo-lan$s of Costa Ria% El Sal&a$or an$ in
4uate'ala -!ere it 'ay (e seen 1lante$ as a -in$(rea5 an$ orna'ental s!a$e tree alon#
ity streets% an$ is fre>uently #ro-n for its fruit on t!e 1lains an$ foot!ills of t!e "aifi
oast. Culti&ation is sattere$ in Colo'(ia% :eneBuela% 4uyana% Surina' an$ Fren!
4uiana% Eua$or an$ nort!ern BraBil.
"late SLII@ MAME;% Mammea americana
Intro$ue$ into t!e tro1is of t!e Ol$ Worl$% it is of &ery li'ite$ ourrene in West
Afria <1artiularly Sierra Leone=% NanBi(ar% sout!eastern Asia% Ja&a% t!e "!ili11ines% an$
0a-aii. All see$lin#s 1lante$ in Israel !a&e $ie$ in t!e first or seon$ year. Fro' ti'e to
ti'e% see$lin#s !a&e (een 1lante$ in California% (ut 'ost !a&e suu'(e$ t!e first
-inter. Dr. Ro(ert 0o$son% of t!e Uni&ersity of California% state$ in )*.6@ ?I 5no- of
only one lar#e an$ ol$ tree of Mammea americana #ro-in# out of $oors in sout!ern
California% an$ it !as ne&er fruite$.?
T!e 'a'ey 'ay !a&e (een (rou#!t to Flori$a first fro' t!e Ba!a'as% (ut t!e Unite$
States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Eua$or in )*)* <S.".I. O.+.82=.
One of t!e lar#est fruitin# s1ei'ens in Flori$a is at t!e Fair!il$ Tro1ial 4ar$en%
Mia'i% stan$in# on a site for'erly 1art of an early nursery% an$ t!ou#!t to (e o&er A6
years of a#e. Anot!er% as ol$ or ol$er% on a 1ri&ate estate in "al' Bea!% -as fruitin#
!ea&ily (efore )*.6. T!e 'ost nort!erly rea!e$ ,6 feet <* '= an$ fruite$ in Dr.
Tal'a$#e WilsonCs #ar$en at Stuart (ut -as 5ille$ (y li#!tnin# a(out )*2A. T!ere -as a
,27foot <)6.2 '= fruitin# tree in t!e E$ison Botanial 4ar$en at Fort Myers% its trun5 at
least 86 in <26 '= t!i5% (ut it -as re'o&e$ after se&ere !urriane $a'a#e in )*A6 an$
re1lae$ (y a youn# one. A nu'(er of fruitin# trees on 1ri&ate 1ro1erty in t!e Mia'i
area !a&e (een $estroye$ to 'a5e roo' for onstrution. T!e Fair!il$ Tro1ial 4ar$en
!as $istri(ute$ nu'erous see$lin#s fro' t!eir lar#e tree (ut 'ost a11arently fail to
sur&i&e t!e -inter in t!e !an$s of ne- o-ners Many see$s -ere 1lante$ as nursery sto5
(y Ro(ert Ne-o'( of 0o'estea$ -!o offere$ #rafte$ 1lants for sale fro' )*2, to )*2A
an$ t!en% $isoura#e$ (y -inter75illin#% #a&e !is re'ainin# 1lants to a #ar$en lu( on
Jey Lar#o. 0urriane ?Donna? of )*A6 $ou(tless eli'inate$ 'ost of t!ese.
T!e 'a'ey is li'ite$ to tro1ial or near7tro1ial li'ates. In Central A'eria% it t!ri&es
fro' near sea7le&el to ,%,66 ft <)%666 '=. T!ree trees at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$
E$uation Center% 0o'estea$% in sout!ern Flori$a% -ere 5ille$ (y a te'1erature $ro1 to
83V F <78.88V C= in January )*.6.
T!e 'a'ey tree fa&ors $ee1% ri!% -ell7$raine$ soil% (ut is a11arently >uite a$a1ta(le to
e&en s!allo-% san$y terrain% an$ it #ro-s naturally in li'estone areas of Ja'aia% also
$oes -ell in t!e ooliti li'estone of t!e Ba!a'as an$ sout!eastern Flori$a.
See$s are t!e usual 'eans of $isse'ination an$ t!ey #er'inate in 8 'ont!s or less an$
s1rout rea$ily in leaf7'ul! un$er t!e tree. See$lin#s (ear in A to 3 years in Me/io% 3 to
)6 years in t!e Ba!a'as. :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is 1refera(le to a&oi$ $isa11oint'ent in
raisin# 'ale trees an$ to a!ie&e earlier fruitin#. In En#lis! #reen!ouse ulture% !alf7ri1e
uttin#s -it! lo-er lea&es atta!e$ are e'1loye$. Bot! Ro(ert Ne-o'( an$ Al(ert
Ca&es of "al' Lo$#e Tro1ial 4ro&e% 0o'estea$% suessfully #rafte$ t!e 'a'ey onto
T!e 'a'ey #enerally reei&es little or no ultural attention% a1art fro' 1rotetion fro'
ol$ $urin# t!e first fe- -inters in ot!er t!an stritly tro1ial li'ates. It see's
re'ar5a(ly resistant to 1ests an$ $iseases.
In Bar(a$os% t!e fruits (e#in to ri1en in A1ril an$ ontinue for se&eral -ee5s. T!e season
e/ten$s fro' May t!rou#! July in t!e Ba!a'as% so'e fruits (ein# offere$ in t!e Nassau
nati&e 'ar5et an$ on roa$si$e stan$s. In sout!ern Flori$a% 'a'eys ri1en fro' late June
t!rou#! July an$ Au#ust. In "uerto Rio% so'e trees 1ro$ue t-o ro1s a year. Central
Colo'(ia !as t-o ro1s ourrin# in June an$ Dee'(er.
Ri1eness 'ay (e in$iate$ (y a sli#!t yello-in# of t!e s5in or% if t!is is not a11arent% one
an srat! t!e surfae &ery li#!tly -it! a fin#ernail. If #reen (eneat!% t!e fruit s!oul$ not
(e 1i5e$% (ut% if yello-% it is fully 'ature. If fruits are allo-e$ to fall -!en ri1e% t!ey
-ill (ruise an$ s1oil. T!ey s!oul$ (e li11e$% lea&in# a s'all 1ortion of ste' atta!e$.
T!e 1ro$uti&ity of in$i&i$ual trees &aries onsi$era(ly. In "uerto Rio% !i#!7yiel$in#
trees 'ay (ear )26 to 866 fruits 1er ro1% totallin# ,66 to .66 fruits 1er year.
Food *ses
To failitate 1eelin#% t!e s5in is sore$ fro' t!e ste' to t!e a1e/ an$ re'o&e$ in stri1s.
T!e ra# 'ust (e t!orou#!ly sra1e$ fro' t!e fles! -!i! is t!en ut off in slies% lea&in#
any 1art -!i! 'ay a$!ere to t!e see$% an$ tri''in# off any 1artiles of see$7o&erin#
fro' t!e rou#!ene$ inner surfae of t!e fles!.
T!e fles! of ten$er &arieties is $eliious ra-% eit!er 1lain% in fruit sala$s% or ser&e$ -it!
rea' an$ su#ar or -ine. In Ja'aia% it 'ay (e stee1e$ in -ine an$ su#ar for a -!ile
1rior to eatin#. In t!e Ba!a'as% so'e 1refer to let t!e fles! stan$ in li#!tly salte$ -ater
?to re'o&e t!e (itterness? (efore oo5in# -it! 'u! su#ar to a Da'7li5e onsisteny. I
!a&e often ste-e$ t!e fles!% -it!out 1retreat'ent% a$$in# a little su#ar an$ 1ossi(ly a
$as! of li'e or le'on Duie. One% so'e of t!e 1ul1% ste-e$ -it!out itrus Duie% -as left
in a o&ere$ 1lasti ontainer in a refri#erator for one 'ont!. At t!e en$ of t!is ti'e%
t!ere -as no loss of fla&or% no fer'entation or ot!er e&i$ene of s1oila#e9 an$ t!e fruit
-as eaten -it! no ill effet. In t!is onnetion% it is interestin# to note t!at an anti(ioti
1rini1le in t!e 'a'ey -as re1orte$ (y t!e A#riultural E/1eri'ent Station% Rio "ie$ras%
"uerto Rio% in )*2).
Slie$ 'a'ey fles! 'ay also (e oo5e$ in 1ies or tarts% an$ 'ay (e seasone$ -it!
inna'on or #in#er. Canne$% slie$ 'a'ey !as in t!e 1ast (een e/1orte$ fro' Cu(a. T!e
'a'ey is -i$ely 'a$e into 1reser&es su! as s1ie$ 'ar'ala$e an$ 1astes <rese'(lin#
#ua&a 1aste= an$ use$ as a filler for 1ro$uts 'a$e of ot!er fruits. Sli#!tly un$er7ri1e
fruits% ri! in 1etin% are 'a$e into Delly. Wine is 'a$e fro' t!e fruit an$ fer'ente$
?to$$y? fro' t!e sa1 of t!e tree in BraBil.
In t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% t!e unoo5e$ fles!% (len$e$ -it! su#ar% is 'a$e into froBen
s!er(et. T!e Duie or siru1 of ste-e$ fles!% is seasone$ -it! su#ar an$ le'on Duie to
'a5e ?a$e?. W!en oo5in# t!e fles! for any 1ur1ose% one is a$&ise$ to s5i' off any foa'
t!at for's on t!e surfae of t!e -ater% as t!is is usually (itter.
Food Value Per 9== g o. Fres! Pulp?
Calories ...27.2.,
Moisture 32.273+.A #
"rotein 6..+676.633 #
Fat 6.)276.** #
Total Car(o!y$rates )).287)8.A+ #
Fi(er 6.367).6+ #
As! 6.)+76.8* #
Caliu' ..67)*.2 '#
"!os1!orus +.37)..2 '#
Iron 6.)278.2) '#
:ita'in A <[7Carotene= 6.6.,76.,+ '#
T!ia'ine 6.6)+76.6,6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68276.6A3 '#
Niain 6.)A676.+,3 '#
Asor(i Ai$ )6.8788.6 '#
Amino Acids@
Try1to1!an 2 '#
Met!ionine 27A '#
Lysine ).7,2 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Cu(a an$ Central A'eria.
Rural fol5 in t!e Do'inian Re1u(li !a&e so'e $ou(t of t!e -!oleso'eness of 'a'ey
fles!. In t!e escription and *istory of 'egetable Substances .sed in the Arts and
omestic Economy! 1u(lis!e$ in Lon$on in )38*% it is state$@ ?To 1eo1le -it! -ea5
sto'a!s% it is sai$ to (e 'ore $eliious t!an !ealt!ful.? T!e Ba!a'ian 1ratie of
soa5in# t!e 1ul1 in salte$ -ater 'ay (e a safety 1reaution inas'u! as (itterness is not
only $isli5e$ (ut $istruste$. T!e ol$ Ja'aian usto' of stee1in# in -ine 'i#!t also (e
onsi$ere$ a safe#uar$. Jennar$ an$ Winters o(ser&e t!at% in "uerto Rio% ?Alt!ou#! t!e
fruit is -i$ely eaten% it is reo''en$e$ t!at only 'o$erate a'ounts (e onsu'e$.? A
for'er S1anis! 1rofessor at t!e Uni&ersity of Mia'i relate$ t!at% -!en !e -as a(out )*
in Maya#ueB% "uerto Rio% !e ate !alf of a lar#e 'a'ey fro' a tree in !is !o'e yar$%
after 1eelin# an$ sra1in# off t!e ra# (ut not re'o&in# any a$!erent see$7o&erin#. T!en
!e ate t!e 1ul1 of one star a11le. An !our later% !e !a$ sto'a! ra'1s an$% later% !is
a($o'en -as re$$ene$ an$ o$$ly retiulate$. 0e attri(ute$ t!is reation to t!e 'a'ey
an$ -as on&ine$ t!ere -as ?so'et!in# 1oisonous a(out it.?
Morris et al. <)*28= o''ente$ t!at% -!ile t!e $eliious 'a'ey ?!as for'e$ 1art of t!e
$iet of t!e in!a(itants of t!e Cari((ean Islan$s for 'any #enerations% it is -ell 5no-n
t!at t!is fruit 1ro$ues $iso'fort% es1eially in t!e $i#esti&e syste'% in so'e 1ersons.?
T!ey re1orte$ also t!at ?a onentrate$ e/trat of t!e fres! fruit? 1ro&e$ fatally to/i to
#uinea 1i#s% an$ -as also foun$ 1oisonous to $o#s an$ ats. T!e e/trat -as 'a$e fro'
t!e e$i(le 1ortion only. T!e aut!ors li5ene$ t!e 'a'ey to t!e a5ee +Blighia sapida-! >.&.%
as a !u'an !aBar$% an$ DDerassi% et al.! a&er t!at ?re1orts of 1oisonin# in !u'ans are
Ot!er *ses
nsecticidal &alue, T!at &arious 1arts of t!e 'a'ey tree ontain to/i 1ro1erties !as
(een lon# reo#niBe$ an$ -as first re1orte$ (y 4rosour$y in El MDdico Botanico Criollo
in )3A.. A Colo'(ian $eotion of 'a'ey resin -as $is1laye$ at t!e "aris E/1osition in
)3A+. It is si#nifiant t!at in t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureCs reor$ of
'a'ey see$ intro$ution fro' Eua$or in )*)*% only t!e insetii$al an$ 'e$iinal uses
of t!e s1eies -ere note$. T!ere -as no o''ent on e$i(le uses of t!e fruit.
In "uerto Rio% t!ere% is a ti'e7!onore$ 1ratie of -ra11in# a 'a'ey leaf li5e a ollar
aroun$ youn# to'ato 1lants -!en settin# t!e' in t!e #roun$ to 1rotet t!e' fro' 'ole
ri5ets an$ ut-or's. T!e leaf 'ust (e 1lae$ at Dust t!e ri#!t !ei#!t% !alf a(o&e #roun$
an$ !alf (elo-.
In Me/io an$ Ja'aia% t!e t!i5% yello- #u' fro' t!e (ar5 is 'elte$ -it! fat an$
a11lie$ to t!e feet to o'(at !i##ers an$ use$ to ri$ ani'als of fleas an$ ti5s. A
#reenis!7yello-% #u''y resin fro' t!e s5in of i''ature fruits% an$ an infusion of !alf7
ri1e fruits are si'ilarly e'1loye$. T!e (ar5 is stron#ly astrin#ent an$ a $eotion is
effeti&e a#ainst !i##ers. In El Sal&a$or% a 1aste 'a$e of t!e #roun$ see$s is use$
a#ainst 1oultry lie% 'ites an$ !ea$ lie. In t!e Do'inian Re1u(li% 'a'ey see$s%
a&oa$o see$s% an$ Aamia see$s frie$ in oil% are 'as!e$ an$ a11lie$ to t!e !ea$ as a
?t!era1euti s!a'1oo?% 1ro(a(ly to eli'inate lie.
At t!e Fe$eral E/1eri'ent Station% Maya#ueB% "uerto Rio% t!e insetii$al ati&ity of
&arious 1arts of t!e 'a'ey tree an$ t!e fruit !a&e (een un$er ati&e in&esti#ation. T!e
see$ 5ernel% 'ost 1otent% -as foun$% in fee$in# e/1eri'ents an$ -!en teste$ as a ontat
1oison a11lie$ as a $ust or s1ray% to (e effeti&e in &aryin# $e#ree a#ainst ar'y-or's%
'elon-or's% o5roa!es% ants% $ry-oo$ ter'ites% 'os>uitoes an$ t!eir lar&ae% flies%
lar&ae of $ia'on$7(a5 'ot!% an$ a1!i$s. In ertain tests% 'a'ey see$s a11eare$ to (e
)F2 as to/i as 1yret!ru' an$ less to/i to 1lant 1ests t!an niotine sulfate an$ DDT.
W!en 1o-$ere$ see$s an$ slie$ unri1e fruit infusions% ) l( <6..2 5#= in a #allon <,.+3
liters= of -ater% -ere teste$ on $o#s% (ot! 1ro$uts -ere as effeti&e as DDT an$ faster in
5illin# fleas an$ ti5s (ut not as lon#7lastin# in re#ar$ to reinfestation. None of t!e $o#s
-as 1oisone$ $es1ite t!e 1resene of !ealin# sores an$ 'inor a(rasions of t!e s5in% (ut%
after si'ilar trials on 'ie% . out of +6 $ie$. T!e ati&e in#re$ients of t!e infusion are t!e
resin fro' t!e unri1e s5in an$ t!e $e&elo1in# see$s. In Eua$or% ani'als -it! 'an#e or
s!ee1 ti5s are -as!e$ -it! a $eotion 'a$e (y (oilin# t!e see$ (ut% in one instane% a
$o# -it! 'an#e an$ ulers $ie$ .3 !ours after t-o a11liations.
T!e $rie$ an$ 1o-$ere$ i''ature fruit% t!e (ar5% -oo$% roots an$ flo-ers !a&e s!o-n
1oor insetii$al ati&ity9 t!e see$ !ulls a11eare$ inert. T!e 1o-$ere$ lea&es -ere foun$
2*K effeti&e a#ainst fall ar'y-or's an$ +2K a#ainst t!e 'elon-or'. :arious e/trats
fro' t!e fruit% (ar5% lea&es or roots are to/i to -e((in# lot!es 'ot!s% (la5 ar1et
(eetle lar&ae an$ also to 'il5-ee$ (u#s.
In fis!71oisonin# e/1eri'ents% "a#an an$ Morris re1orte$ 'a'ey see$ e/trats to (e
)F,6 as to/i as rotenone9 )FA6 to )F36 as 1otent as 1o-$ere$ $rie$ $erris root. Fee$in#
trails !a&e s!o-n t!e see$s to (e &ery to/i to !i5s an$ t!ey are onsi$ere$ a !aBar$ to
!o#s in t!e :ir#in Islan$s.
T!e ru$e resinous e/trat fro' 1o-$ere$ 'a'ey see$s% #i&en orally% !as 1ro$ue$
sy'1to's of 1oisonin# in $o#s an$ ats an$ a $ose of 866 '# 1er 5' -ei#!t !as ause$
$eat! in #uinea 1i#s -it!in 3 !ours. T!e rystalline insetii$al 1rini1le fro' t!e $rie$
an$ #roun$ see$s% 1otent e&en after se&eral 'ont!s of stora#e% !as (een na'e$ mammein
an$ assi#ne$ t!e for'ula C
. T!e sta(ility of t!is 1rini1le -as $e'onstrate$ (y
M.". Morris -!o foun$ no si#nifiant $ifferene in to/iity of 1o-$ere$ fres! 'a'ey
fruit an$ 'a'ey 1o-$er store$ for A years in steel $ru's. Neit!er -as t!e 1oteny of
'a'ey e/trat $estroye$ (y su(Detion to ,*8V F <866V C=.
E/tensi&e !e'ial e/1eri'ents -it! t!e e/trate$ o'1oun$ are re1orte$ (y S.".
Marfey -!o onsi$ere$ t!e 'a'ey a 1otential su(stitute for 1yret!ru' an$ rotenone.
T!e 'ain onstituent of a -a/ isolate$ fro' t!e see$ oil is t!e sy''etrial C
tetraosanyl tetraosanoate.
1ood, In Central A'eria% t!e tree is 1rotete$ (eause t!e fruit is &alue$. Else-!ere% if
t!e 'a'ey is o''on% it 'ay (e felle$ for its ti'(er. T!e !eart-oo$ is re$$is!7 or
1ur1le7(ro-n9 t!e sa1-oo$ 'u! li#!ter in olor. T!e -oo$ is !ea&y% !ar$% (ut not
$iffiult to -or5% fine7#raine$ an$ stron#9 !as an attrati&e #rain an$ 1olis!es -ell. It is
useful in a(inet-or5% &alue$ for 1illars% rafters% $eorati&e features of fine !ouses%
interior s!eat!in#% turnery an$ for fene1osts sine it is fairly $eay7resistant. It is%
!o-e&er% !i#!ly suse1ti(le to ter'ites. So'e of t!e -oo$ is onsu'e$ as fuel.
Bark, T!e tannin fro' t!e (ar5 is so'eti'es use$ for !o'e treat'ent of leat!er in t!e
:ir#in Islan$s.
Medicinal *ses, In :eneBuela% t!e 1o-$ere$ see$s are e'1loye$ in t!e treat'ent of
1arasiti s5in $iseases. In BraBil% t!e #roun$ see$s% 'inus t!e e'(ryo% -!i! is
onsi$ere$ on&ulsant% are stirre$ into !ot -ater an$ t!e infusion e'1loye$ as an
ant!el'inti for a$ults only.
In t!e Fren! West In$ies% an aro'ati li>ueur alle$ Eau de Creole! or Creme de
Creole! is $istille$ fro' t!e flo-ers an$ sai$ to at as a toni or $i#esti&e.
An infusion of t!e fres! or $ry lea&es <one !an$ful in a 1int P6..+ literR of -ater= is #i&en
(y t!e u1ful o&er a 1erio$ of se&eral $ays in ases of inter'ittent fe&er an$ it is lai'e$
to !a&e (een effeti&e -!ere >uinine !as faile$.
4iant 4rana$illa
S-eet 4rana$illa
Giant Granadilla
Passiflora quadrangularis -6
Passiflora macrocarpa M6T6 Mast6
T!e lar#est fruit in its #enus% t!e #iant #rana$illa% )assiflora 9uadrangularis L. <syn. ).
macrocarpa M.T. Mast.=% is often alle$ 'erely granadilla! or parcha! S1anis! na'es
loosely a11lie$ to &arious relate$ s1eies9 or it 'ay (e $istin#uis!e$ as granadilla real!
grandadilla grande! parcha granadina or parcha de 5uinea. In El Sal&a$or% it is 5no-n
as granadilla de fresco or granadilla para refrescos: in 1arts of Colo'(ia% it is badea or
corve4o: in t!e State of Ta!ira% :eneBuela% badea: in Boli&ia% granadilla real or sandCa
de )asiGn. In BraBil% it is maracuya#acu! maracu4a#assu! maracu4a silvestre! maracuya
grande! maracu4a suspiro! maracu4a mamao! or maracu4a de caiena. In Surina'% it is
grote or groote mar"oesa: in "eru an$ Eua$or% tumbo or tambo. In t!e "!ili11ines% its
loal na'es are parola! "asaflora! an$ s>uare7ste''e$ 1assion flo-er. To In$onesians% it
is fa'iliar as mar"iza! mar"oesa! mar"eesa! or manesa! an$ to t!e Malays% timun
belanda! mar9uesa or mentimun. In T!ailan$% it is su#"hontha#rot: in :ietna'% dua gan
tay! or barbadine! t!e Fren! na'e.
T!e &ine is fast7#ro-in#% lar#e% oarse%
!er(aeous (ut -oo$y at t!e (ase%
arisin# fro' a fles!y root t!at (eo'es
enlar#e$ -it! a#e% an$ li'(in# trees to
a !ei#!t of ,, to 26 ft <)67)2 '= or e&en
)26 ft <.2 '= in Ja&a. It !as t!i5 .7
an#le$ ste's 1ro'inently -in#e$ on t!e
an#les% an$ a/illary ten$rils to )8 in <,6
'= lon#% flan5e$ (y leafli5e% o&ate or o&ate7laneolate sti1ules ,F. to ) ,F3 in<87,.2 '=
lon#% so'eti'es faintly toot!e$. T!e alternate lea&es are (roa$7o&ate or o(lon#7o&ate% ,
)F. to A in <3.827)2 '= -i$e% . to 3 in <)6786 '= lon#9 roun$e$ or or$ate at t!e (ase%
a(ru1tly 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/% so'eti'es toot!e$ near t!e (ase9 t!in% -it! ons1iuous
&eins sun5en on t!e u11er surfae% 1ro'inent (eneat!. T!e solitary% fra#rant flo-ers% u1
to . ,F. or 2 in <)87)8.2 '= -i$e% !a&e a (ell7s!a1e$ aly/% t!e 2 se1als #reenis! or
re$$is!7#reen on t!e outsi$e% -!ite% 1in5 or 1ur1le insi$e9 t!e 2 1etals% to ) ,F. in <..2
'= lon#% -!ite7an$71in59 t!e orona fila'ents 87ran5e$% to 8 ,F3 in <A '= lon#% 1ur1le7
an$7-!ite (elo-% (lue in t!e 'i$$le% an$ 1in5is!7(lue a(o&e% aroun$ t!e ty1ial o'1le/
of 1istil% style an$ sti#'as.
T!e 1leasantly aro'ati% 'elon7li5e fruit is o(lon#7o&oi$% . ,F. to A in <)87)2 '= -i$e%
an$ 3 to )8 in <)67,6 '= lon#9 'ay (e faintly ri((e$ or lon#itu$inally ,7lo(e$9 !as a
t!in% $eliate s5in% #reenis!7-!ite to 1ale7 or $ee17yello-% often (lus!e$ -it! 1in5.
Beneat! it is a layer of fir'% 'ealy% -!ite or 1in5 fles!% ) to ) )F8 in <8.27. '= t!i5% of
&ery 'il$ fla&or% an$ oate$ -it! a 1ar!'ent7li5e 'aterial on t!e inner surfae. T!e
entral a&ity ontains so'e Duie an$ 'asses of -!itis!% yello-is!% 1artly yello- or
1ur1le71in5% s-eet7ai$ arils <o''only referre$ to as t!e 1ul1=% enlosin# flattene$7
o&al% 1ur1lis!7(ro-n see$s to )F8 in <).82 '= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e #iant #rana$illa is #enerally a#ree$ to (e a nati&e of tro1ial A'eria% t!ou#! t!e
atual 1lae of ori#in is un5no-n. It -as #ro-in# in Bar(a$os in )+26 an$ is 1resent in
se&eral ot!er Cari((ean Islan$s an$ in Ber'u$a. It is o''only ulti&ate$% an$
so'eti'es an esa1e fro' ulti&ation or truly -il$% fro' Me/io to BraBil an$ "eru. At
so'e 1oint in t!e )3t! Century% it -as intro$ue$ into Malaya% -!ere it t!ri&es in (ot!
t!e nort! an$ t!e sout!. In :ietna'% it is li'ite$ to t!e sout!ern !alf of t!e ountry.
"er!a1s it !a$ rea!e$ In$onesia earlier% for it is 'ore o''on an$ e&en naturaliBe$
t!ere. It is also ulti&ate$ in t!e lo-lan$s of In$ia% Ceylon an$ t!e "!ili11ines9 in tro1ial
Afria% an$ t!rou#!out Hueenslan$% Australia. In tro1ial Nort! Hueenslan$ it !as run
-il$% #ro-in# lus!ly in Dun#le areas. It flouris!es an$ fruits !ea&ily es1eially in t!e
Cairns $istrit. It -as (ein# #ro-n in 0a-aii in )333 an$ (y )*,) !a$ (eo'e
naturaliBe$ in 'oist 1laes. T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s
fro' Trini$a$ in )*6* an$ t!e &ine is &ery oasionally 1lante$ in sout!ern Flori$a% (ut is
too ol$7sensiti&e to sur&i&e in California.
T!ere are &arious strains 1ro$uin# fruits of $ifferent siBes an$ >uality. Wester state$ t!at
so'e are insi1i$% -!ile one of su1erior fla&or !a$ ori#inate$ at Cota(ato. One strain -it!
es1eially lar#e fruits an$ #oo$ fla&or -as for'erly onsi$ere$ a se1arate s1eies <).
macrocarpa-! (ut it !y(ri$iBes rea$ily -it! s'aller strains an$ t!ere are inter'e$iate
ty1es. An orna'ental for'% C:arie#ataC% !as lea&es s1las!e$ -it! yello-.
T!e &ine 'ay 1ro$ue fe- or no fruits in a $ry at'os1!ere% or in t!e a(sene of inset
1ollinators. Also t!e 1ollen 'ay ri1en (efore t!e sti#'a is rea$y to reei&e it% an$% at
ti'es% (ees 'ay steal t!e 1ollen too early in t!e 'ornin#. 0an$71ollination is re#ularly
1ratie$ in Hueenslan$ an$ !as (een suessful in li'ite$ e/1eri'ents in Flori$a. It
s!oul$ (e $one in t!e late 'ornin#% no later t!an . to A !ours after t!e flo-ers o1en.
T!e i$eal li'ate for t!e #iant #rana$illa is one t!at is truly tro1ial% -ar' (ot! $ay an$
ni#!t% -it! little flutuation% an$ -it! !i#! !u'i$ity. It is #ro-n (et-een +66 an$ )%266
ft <8), an$ .2+ '= ele&ations in Ja'aia an$ 0a-aii% an$ u1 to ,%666 ft <*). '= in In$ia9
to 2%666 or% at 'ost% +%866 ft <)%366 or 8%866 '= in Eua$or. :ines se&eral years ol$ !a&e
(een 5ille$ (y -inter ol$ on t!e Ri&iera.
For 'a/i'u' #ro-t! an$ 1ro$uti&ity% t!e &ine re>uires $ee1% fertile% 'oist (ut -ell7
$raine$ soil. Australians !a&e o(ser&e$ #oo$ #ro-t! on &olani% allu&ial% an$ san$y soil%
an$ e&en $eo'1ose$ #ranite. :ines 1lante$ in !i#!ly al5aline situations in Israel !a&e
$ie$ after e&i$enin# aute !lorosis.
T!e #iant #rana$illa #ro-s rea$ily fro' see$s% -!i! #er'inate in 8 to , -ee5s an$ t!e
see$lin#s an (e set out -!en A to )8 in <)27,6 '= !i#!. Cuttin#s of 'ature -oo$ )6 to
)8 in <827,6 '= or e&en 8 to , ft <.A7.* '= lon#% are 1artially $efoliate$ an$ $ee1ly
1lante$ in -ell7-atere$ san$. T!ere -ill (e suffiient &e#etati&e #ro-t! an$ root
$e&elo1'ent to 1er'it trans1lantin# in ,6 $ays. Air7 or #roun$7layers are also
In o''erial 1lantin#s in In$onesia% t!e &ines are set A.2 to )6 ft <87, '= a1art ea!
-ay. W!en t!e 1lants rea! a(out A.2 ft <8 '= in !ei#!t% t!ey 'ust (e traine$ to a stron#%
!oriBontal trellis. "runin# 'ay (e neessary if t!e #ro-t! (eo'es too $ense. Re#ular
a11liations of fertiliBer !i#! in or#ani 'atter% an$ o1ious -aterin# are neessary.
%ar&esting and 'ield
In In$onesia an$ Hueenslan$% a 1ro$uti&e &ine -ill fruit 'ore or less ontinually all year
an$ t!e annual yiel$ 'ay ran#e fro' 82 to ,2 fruits in t!e lar#er ty1es to +6 to )86 fruits
in 'e$iu' to s'all ty1es. :eneBuelan !ortiulturists re1ort t!at t!eir 'ain (loo'in#
1erio$ is May to Oto(er an$ t!e fruits ri1en in A8 to 32 $ays fro' flo-er7o1enin#% t!e
ro1 (ein# !ar&este$ 'ainly fro' July t!rou#! Oto(er. T!e yiel$ of 87 to ,7year7ol$
&ines &aries fro' )A to 26 fruits. T!e fruits are rea$y for !ar&estin# -!en t!e s5in
(eo'es transluent an$ #lossy an$ is (e#innin# to turn yello-is! at t!e a1e/. It is
li11e$ fro' t!e &ine. :ery areful !an$lin# an$ 1a5in# are essential.
Pests and Diseases
;oun# 1lants in nurseries 'ay (e se&erely $efoliate$ (y isonycha glabrata in
In Hueenslan$% t!e 1rini1al 1est of t!e #iant #rana$illa is t!e #reen &e#eta(le (u#%
%ezara viridula! -!i! 1untures youn# fruits an$ su5s out t!e Duie% ausin# t!e' to
-it!er an$ fall9 or !ar$ lu'1s -ill for' in t!e fles!. To a&oi$ $a'a#e (y fruit flies% t!e
fruits are so'eti'es (a##e$.
Leaf s1ot% fro' fun#al infetion% ours oasionally in Hueenslan$ (ut it is onsi$ere$
of little i'1ortane. Ste'7en$ rot in East Afria !as (een attri(ute$ to t!e fun#us%
Botryodiplodia theobromae.
Food *ses
T!e fles! of t!e ri1e fruit% -it! t!e inner s5in re'o&e$% is ut u1 an$ a$$e$ to 1a1aya%
1inea11le an$ (anana slies in fruit sala$s% seasone$ -it! le'on or li'e Duie. It is
oo5e$ -it! su#ar an$ eaten as $essert% or is anne$ in siru19 so'eti'es an$ie$9 (ut it is
so (lan$ t!at it nee$s a$$e$ fla&orin#. In In$onesia% t!e fles! an$ arils are eaten to#et!er
-it! su#ar an$ s!a&e$ ie. Australians a$$ a little oran#e Duie an$ usually ser&e t!e $is!
-it! rea'. T!ey also use t!e ste-e$ fles! an$ ra- arils to#et!er as 1ie fillin#. T!e
-!ole arils an (e eaten ra- -it!out re'o&in# t!e see$s.
Jelly an (e 'a$e fro' t!e un1eele$ fles! (oile$ for 8 !ours an$ t!e 1ul1 si''ere$
se1arately. T!e Duie straine$ fro' (ot! is o'(ine$ an$% -it! a$$e$ su#ar an$ le'on
Duie% is (oile$ until it Dells.
T!e 1ul1 <arils= yiel$s a 'ost a#reea(le Duie for ol$ $rin5s. It is (ottle$ in In$onesia
an$ ser&e$ in restaurants. Wine is 'a$e in Australia (y 'as!in# se&eral of t!e -!ole ri1e
fruits% a$$in# su#ar an$ -ar' -ater an$ allo-in# t!e 'i/ to fer'ent for , -ee5s% a$$in#
8 1ints of (ran$y% an$ lettin# stan$ for * to )8 'ont!s.
T!e youn#% unri1e fruit 'ay (e stea'e$ or (oile$ an$ ser&e$ as a &e#eta(le% or 'ay (e
ut u1% (rea$e$ an$ oo5e$ in (utter -it! 'il5% 1e11er an$ nut'e#. In Ja&a ri1e fruits are
sare (eause of s>uirrels an$ ot!er 1re$ators.
T!e root of ol$ &ines is (a5e$ an$ eaten in Ja'aia as a su(stitute for ya'.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
$hic" Flesh Arils and Seeds
Moisture *... # +3.. #
"rotein 6.))8 # 6.8** #
Fat 6.)2 # ).8* #
Cru$e Fi(er 6.+ # ,.A #
As! 6..) # 6.36 #
Caliu' ),.3 '# *.8 #
"!os1!orus )+.) '# ,*., '#
Iron 6.36 '# 8.*, '#
Carotene 6.66. '# 6.6)* '#
T!ia'ine 6.66, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6,, '# 6.)86 '#
Niain 6.,+3 '# )2., '#
Asor(i Ai$ ).., '#
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in El Sal&a$or.
T!e lea&es% s5in an$ i''ature see$s ontain a yano#eni #lyosi$e. T!e 1ul1 ontains
1assiflorine an$% if in$ul#e$ in e/essi&ely% auses let!ar#y an$ so'nolene. T!e ra-
root is sai$ to (e e'eti% naroti an$ 1oisonous.
Medicinal *ses
T!e fruit is &alue$ in t!e tro1is as antisor(uti an$ sto'a!i. In BraBil% t!e fles! is
1resri(e$ as a se$ati&e to relie&e ner&ous !ea$a!e% ast!'a% $iarr!ea% $ysentery%
neurast!enia an$ inso'nia. T!e see$s ontain a ar$iotoni 1rini1le% are se$ati&e% an$%
in lar#e $oses% naroti. T!e leaf $eotion is a &er'ifu#e an$ is use$ for (at!in# s5in
afflitions. Leaf 1oulties are a11lie$ in li&er o'1laints. T!e root is e'1loye$ as an
e'eti% $iureti an$ &er'ifu#e. "o-$ere$ an$ 'i/e$ -it! oil% it is a11lie$ as a soot!in#
$weet Granadilla
Passiflora ligularis 3uss6
Ran5in# lose to )assiflora edulis in
1o1ular a11eal an$ 1otential% t!e s-eet
#rana$illa% ). ligularis Juss.% is also
5no-n as granadilla <Boli&ia% Costa
Ria% Eua$or% Me/io% "eru=9
granadilla comEn <4uate'ala=9
granadilla de China or parchita
amarilla <:eneBuela=9 an$ granaditta
T!e &ine is a &i#orous% stron# #ro-er%
-oo$y at t!e (ase% li'(in# (y ten$rils%
to11in# t!e !i#!est trees% s!a$in# out
an$ 5illin# t!e un$erstory. Its lea&es are (roa$ly !eart7s!a1e$% 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/% , ,F)A
to 3 in <3786 '= lon#% 8 ,F3 to A in <A7)2 '= -i$e% ons1iuously &eine$% 'e$iu'7
#reen on t!e u11er surfae% 1ale7#reen -it! a (loo' on t!e un$ersi$e. S1ae$ alon# t!e
1etiole% are , 1airs of !airli5e #lan$s a(out ,F3 in <) '= lon#. At t!e leaf a/ils% t!ere are
1aire$% leafli5e sti1ules% o&ate7o(lon# an$ a(out ) in <8.2 '= lon# an$ a little o&er )F8 in
<).82 '= -i$e9 'ore or less finely toot!e$.
T!e flo-ers% s-eet an$ 'us5y in o$or% usually 8 to a no$e% 'ay (e . in <)6 '= aross%
on a ) )F8 in <. '= 1e$unle (earin# , leafli5e% o&ate7o(lon#% 1ointe$ (rats% ) )F8 in <.
'= lon# an$ ) in <8.2 '= -i$e% faintly toot!e$. T!e se1als are #reenis!7-!ite%
laneolate9 t!e 1etals 1in5is! -!ite9 t!e fila'ents% in 8 ro-s% -!ite% !oriBontally stri1e$
-it! 1ur1le7(lue.
T!e fruit is (roa$7elli1ti% 8 ,F3 to , in <A7+.2 '= lon#% #reen -it! 1ur1le (lus! on sunny
si$e an$ 'inutely $otte$ -!en unri1e% oran#e7yello- -it! -!ite s1e5s -!en ri1e. T!e
rin$ is s'oot!% t!in% !ar$ an$ (rittle e/ternally% -!ite an$ soft on t!e insi$e. T!e 1ul1
<arils= is -!itis!7yello- or 'ore or less oran#e% 'uila#inous% &ery Duiy% of s1ri#!tly%
aro'ati fla&or% an$ enloses nu'erous (la5% flat% 1itte$% ris1 (ut fairly ten$er see$s.
Origin and Distribution
T!e s-eet #rana$illa is t!e o''on s1eies of )assiflora ran#in# fro' entral Me/io
t!rou#! Central A'eria an$ -estern Sout! A'eria% t!rou#! -estern Boli&ia to sout!7
entral "eru. T!rou#!out t!is re#ion% it is 1o1ular an$ a(un$ant in t!e 'ar5ets.
It !as (een #ro-n in 0a-aii sine late in t!e )*t! Century. In )*)A% t!e Unite$ States
De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Huito% Eua$or. T!e &ine is not suite$ to
California% !as (een #ro-n in #reen!ouses in Flori$a (ut !as ne&er sur&i&e$ for lon#.
Nort!ern #ar$eners so'eti'es 1lant it as a su''er orna'ental. It is not re1orte$ in
4ua'9 'ay (e #ro-n to so'e e/tent in Ne- 4uinea. Trial 1lantin#s in Israel -ere 5ille$
(y ol$ -eat!er. It is ulti&ate$ an$ naturaliBe$ in Ja'aia an$% in reent years% !as (een
(loo'in# an$ fruitin# 1rolifially in 'ountainous 0aiti.
T!e s-eet #rana$illa is su(tro1ial% not tro1ial. In its natural ran#e% it is -il$ an$
ulti&ate$ at ele&ations of ,%666 to 3%326 ft <*6678%+66 '=. In 0a-aii% it fin$s suffiiently
ool te'1eratures at ,%666 ft <*66 '=. In Ja'aia% t!e &ine &olunteers freely at altitu$es
(et-een ,%266 an$ .%666 ft <)%6667)%866 '=. At 2%666 to 3%866 ft <)%26678%266 '= in
Colo'(ia% t!e &ine fruits -ell. At !i#!er altitu$es% it flouris!es an$ (loo's (ut -ill not
fruit. An ele&ation of A% 666 ft <)%383 '=% -!ere t!e lou$s $esen$ on 1ea5s in t!e
afternoon% !as 1ro&en i$eal in 0aiti. T!e &ine is intolerant of !eat. It -ill $o -ell o&er t!e
-inter in Flori$a (ut $elines -it! t!e onset of !ot -eat!er.
T!in% &olani soils $o not $isoura#e t!e s-eet #rana$illa% 1ro&i$in# t!ey are 'oist. It is
naturally a$a1te$ to !i#! rainforests.
T!e s-eet #rana$illa an (e #ro-n fro' see$s or uttin#s.
$eason and (eeping )uality
T!ere is (ut one ro1 1er year. In Boli&ia% t!e fruits ri1en in May an$ June. T!e fruit%
$es1ite its !ar$ s!ell% !as 1oor 5ee1in# >uality% $eterioratin# soon after t!e !ar&est.
In 0aiti% t!e 1lante$ see$s are often $e&oure$ (y ro$ents% t!ou#! t!e see$s of ). edulis in
t!e sa'e situation !a&e ne&er (een $istur(e$. S>uirrels ra&a#e t!e ro1 in t!e forests of
Food *ses
Usually% t!e fruit is ra5e$ o1en an$ t!e 1ul1 an$ see$s onsu'e$ out7of7!an$. For t!e
ta(le% t!e fruit is ut in !alf an$ t!e ontents are eaten -it! a s1oon. T!e straine$ Duie is
'u! use$ for 'a5in# ol$ $rin5s an$ s!er(et <ie=.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
)ulp and Seeds Combined
Moisture A*.*7+*.) #
"rotein 6.,.676..+. #
Fat ).267,.)3 #
Cru$e Fi(er ,.872.A #
As! 6.3+7).,A #
Caliu' 2.A7),.+ '#
"!os1!orus ...67+3.6 '#
Iron 6.237).2A '#
Carotene 6.6676.6,2 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6676.668 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6A,76.)82 '#
Niain )..87).3), '#
Asor(i Ai$ )6.3783.) '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Eua$or% El Sal&a$or% Costa Ria an$ 4uate'ala
Bar(a$os 4oose(erry
Barbados Gooseberry
Peres&ia aculeata Mill6
Pereskia pereskia Karst.
Cactus pereskia L.
A li'(in#% leafy atus% t!e Bar(a$os #oose(erry% )eres"ia aculeata Mill.% <syn. ).
peres"ia Jarst.9 Cactus peres"ia L.=% !as &arious En#lis! na'es@ West In$ian #oose(erry%
S1anis! #oose(erry% le'on &ine% s-eet Mary% leaf atus% (la$e a11le% an$ #oose(erry
s!ru(Yt!e latter in Bar(a$os. It is 5no-n as grosellero or ramo de novia in Cu(a9
buganvilla blanca in C!ia1as% Me/io9 guamacho in :eneBuela9 ora#pro#nobis <1ray for
us= in BraBil9 bladappel in Surina'. T!e #eneri na'e is so'eti'es s1elle$ )eires"ia!
es1eially in Euro1e% for it -as a$o1te$ in !onor of Ni!olas "eires5% a senator of Ai/ in
"ro&ene% Frane% an$ a 1atron of (otany.
T!e 1lant is an eret -oo$y s!ru( -!en
youn#% (eo'in#% -it! a#e% sra'(lin#
or li'(in# an$ &ineli5e% -it! (ran!es
u1 to ,, ft <)6 '= lon# t!at 'ay s!rou$ a
lar#e tree. S1ines on t!e trun5 are lon#%
slen$er% in #rou1s9 t!ose on t!e (ran!es
are s!ort% reur&e$% usually in 1airs%
rarely solitary or in ,Cs% in t!e leaf a/ils.
T!e $ei$uous% alternate% s!ort71etiole$%
-a/y lea&es are elli1ti% o(lon# or o&ate% -it! a s!ort 1oint at t!e a1e/9 ) )F. to . in <,.87
)6 '= lon#% so'eti'es fles!y. To so'e 1eo1le% t!e flo-ers are le'on7sente$9 ot!ers
say s-eet an$ 1un#ent in o$or9 still ot!ers% of un1leasant or re1ulsi&e o$or. T!ey are
(orne 1rofusely in 1aniles or ory'(s9 are -!ite% yello-is! or 1in57tinte$9 ) to ) ,F. in
<8.27..2 '= aross an$ t!e aly/ tu(e is 1ri5ly. T!e fruit is roun$% o&al or 1yrifor'%
le'on7 or oran#e7yello- or re$$is!9 ,F3 to ,F. in <)78 '= -i$e% -it! t!in% s'oot!%
so'e-!at leat!ery s5in. It is (eset -it! t!e urlin#% leafy se1als of t!e aly/ an$ often a
fe- s1ines% until fully ri1e% -!en it is Duiy an$ su(ai$ to tart. T!ere are only a fe- flat%
t!in% (ro-n or (la5% soft see$s a(out )FA in <. ''= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e Bar(a$os #oose(erry is (elie&e$ to (e in$i#enous to t!e West In$ies% oastal
nort!ern Sout! A'eria an$ "ana'a. It is sel$o' foun$ truly -il$ (ut is fre>uently
#ro-n as an orna'ental or oasionally for its fruits in t!e A'erian tro1is% Ber'u$a%
California% 0a-aii% Israel% t!e "!ili11ines% In$ia an$ Australia. In 'any areas it !as
esa1e$ fro' ulti&ation an$ (eo'e t!orou#!ly naturaliBe$. It -as #ro-in# at t!e
A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center in 0o'estea$ in t!e early )*.6Cs an$
runnin# -il$ to so'e e/tent in t!e Re$lan$s% (ut !as sine $isa11eare$% 1ossi(ly
$estroye$ (y -inter ol$ or e/essi&e rainfall. At least one nursery in Winter 0a&en%
Flori$a% is no- #ro-in# t!e 1lant in >uantity. 4ar$eners !a$ to #i&e u1 t!e 1lant in Sout!
Afria in )*+* -!en it -as (anne$ as an ille#al -ee$ (eause it !a$ (een in&a$in# an$
o&er-!el'in# natural &e#etation. It is fre>uently #ro-n in #reen!ouses an$ as a !ouse
1lant in te'1erate re#ions of (ot! !e'is1!eres. 0ortiulturists often use t!is s1eies as a
rootsto5 on -!i! to #raft ot!er less &i#orous ati.
T!ere are 8 ulti&ars in t!e orna'ental71lant tra$e@
'Godse..iana'Y(us!y% -it! (roa$ lea&es (asially yello-7#reen &arie#ate$ -it! sarlet
an$ o11er on t!e u11er surfae% 1ur1lis! or rosy7re$ on t!e un$ersi$e.
'2ubescens'Yt!e lea&es &arie#ate$ -it! re$.
Fi#. *+@ A leafy% s1iny% li'(in# s!ru(% t!e Bar(a$os
#oose(erry +)eres"ia aculeata- is an aty1ial atus.
Fi#. *3@ T!e 1eular yello- or re$$is! fruits of t!e
Bar(a$os #oose(erry (ear reur&e$% leafy se1als until
fully ri1e.
T!e Bar(a$os #oose(erry is tro1ial an$ suite$ only to lo- ele&ations. In #reen!ouses%
t!e fa&ora(le te'1erature ran#e is fro' A3V F <86V C= at ni#!t to **V F <,+.88V C= in
$ayti'e. C!illin# auses t!e lea&es to fall.
T!e 1lant is easily #ro-n fro' see$s or uttin#s of !alf7ri1e -oo$.
Flouris!in# -it! little or no are% t!e 1lant is $rou#!t7tolerant an$ suffers fro' o&er7
-aterin#. In #reen!ouse e/1eri'ents% it !as (een foun$ !i#!ly res1onsi&e to li#!t. Un$er
!i#! li#!t intensity% it an (e 5e1t eret an$ o'1at9 un$er lo- li#!t% it #ro-s !i#!er%
-it! asen$in# ste's an$ t!e lea&es are lar#er an$ t!inner.
In Ja'aia% t!e 1lant (loo's in June an$ a#ain in Oto(er an$ No&e'(er9 fruits 'ature
in Mar! an$ Oto(er.
Food *ses
T!e fruits are #enerally ste-e$ or 1reser&e$ -it! su#ar% or 'a$e into Da'. ;oun# s!oots
an$ lea&es are oo5e$ an$ eaten as #reens. In rural BraBil% t!ey are i'1ortant as foo$ for
!u'ans an$ li&esto5.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion
Fruit 8eaves
Moisture *).. #
"rotein ).6 #
Fat 6.+ # A.37)).+ #
Car(o!y$rates A., #
Fi(er 6.+ # *.)7*.A #
As! 6.A # 86.)78).+ #
Caliu' )+. '# 8.37,.. '#
"!os1!orus 8A '# ).378.6 '#
Iron Trae
:ita'in A ,%8)2 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6, '#
Niain 6.* '#
Asor(i Ai$ 8 '#
Ma#nesiu' ).87).2 '#
Amino acid per /HH g )rotein@
Ar#inine 2.6672.,A #
0isti$ine 8..*78.2. #
Isoleuine ,.+37..8, #
Leuine A.**73.6, #
Lysine 2.,872.., #
Met!ionine ).+878.6, #
"!enylanine 2.6A72.63 #
T!reonine ,.6*7,.A6 #
:aline ..+372.28 #
Stu$ies of t!e lea&es in BraBil s!o- a 1rotein ontent of )+..782.2K an$ a 'ean
$i#esti(ility of 32.6K.
"rotein% lysine% aliu'% 1!os1!orus an$ 'a#nesiu' le&els are !i#!er t!an in a((a#e%
lettue an$ s1ina!.
Ot!er *ses
In Israel% t!e flo-ers are sai$ to (e of #reat &alue in a1iulture.
Medicinal *ses, In BraBil% t!e lea&es are &alue$ for t!eir e'ollient nature an$ are
a11lie$ on infla''ations an$ tu'ors.
Punica granatum -6
Stee1e$ in !istory an$ ro'ane an$ al'ost in a lass (y itself% t!e 1o'e#ranate% )unica
granatum L.% (elon#s to t!e fa'ily "uniaeae -!i! inlu$es only one #enus an$ t-o
s1eies% t!e ot!er one% little75no-n% (ein# ). protopunica Balf. 1euliar to t!e islan$ of
Des1ite its anient (a5#roun$% t!e 1o'e#ranate !as a>uire$ only a relati&ely fe-
o''only reo#niBe$ &ernaular na'es a1art fro' its 'any re#ional e1it!ets in In$ia%
'ost of -!i! are &ariations on t!e Sans5rit dadima or dalim! an$ t!e "ersian dulim or
dulima. By t!e Fren! it is alle$ grenade: (y t!e S1anis!% granada <t!e fruit=% granado
<t!e 1lant=9 (y t!e Dut!% granaatappel! an$ 4er'ans% granatapfel: (y t!e Italians%
melogranato! melograno granato! pomo granato! or pomo punico. In In$onesia% it is
gangsalan: in T!ailan$% tab tim: an$ in Malaya% delima. BraBilians 5no- it as roma!
romeira or romazeira. T!e Hue!i In$ian na'e in 4uate'ala is granad. T!e Sa'oan
na'e is limoni. T!e #eneri ter'% )unica! -as t!e Ro'an na'e for Cart!a#e fro'
-!ene t!e (est 1o'e#ranates a'e to
An attrati&e s!ru( or s'all tree% to 86 or
,6 ft <A or )6 '= !i#!% t!e 1o'e#ranate
is 'u!7(ran!e$% 'ore or less s1iny%
an$ e/tre'ely lon#7li&e$% so'e
s1ei'ens at :ersailles 5no-n to !a&e
sur&i&e$ t-o enturies. It !as a stron#
ten$eny to su5er fro' t!e (ase. T!e
lea&es are e&er#reen or $ei$uous%
o11osite or in -!orls of 2 or A% s!ort7ste''e$% o(lon#7laneolate% ,F3 to . in <)7)6 '=
lon#% leat!ery. S!o-y flo-ers are !o'e on t!e (ran! ti1s sin#ly or as 'any as 2 in a
luster. T!ey are ) )F. in <, '= -i$e an$ !arateriBe$ (y t!e t!i5% tu(ular% re$ aly/
!a&in# 2 to 3 fles!y% 1ointe$ se1als for'in# a &ase fro' -!i! e'er#e t!e , to +
rin5le$% re$% -!ite or &arie#ate$ 1etals enlosin# t!e nu'erous sta'ens. Nearly roun$%
(ut ro-ne$ at t!e (ase (y t!e 1ro'inent aly/% t!e fruit% 8 )F8 to 2 in <A.827)8.2 '=
-i$e% !as a tou#!% leat!ery s5in or rin$% (asially yello- 'ore or less o&erlai$ -it! li#!t
or $ee1 1in5 or ri! re$. T!e interior is se1arate$ (y 'e'(ranous -alls an$ -!ite s1on#y
tissue <ra#= into o'1art'ents 1a5e$ -it! trans1arent sas fille$ -it! tart% fla&orful%
fles!y% Duiy% re$% 1in5 or -!itis! 1ul1 <te!nially t!e aril=. In ea! sa% t!ere is one
-!ite or re$% an#ular% soft or !ar$ see$. T!e see$s re1resent a(out 28K of t!e -ei#!t of
t!e -!ole fruit.
Origin and Distribution
T!e 1o'e#ranate tree is nati&e fro' Iran to t!e 0i'alayas in nort!ern In$ia an$ !as (een
ulti&ate$ sine anient ti'es t!rou#!out t!e Me$iterranean re#ion of Asia% Afria an$
Euro1e. T!e fruit -as use$ in 'any -ays as it is to$ay an$ -as feature$ in E#y1tian
'yt!olo#y an$ art% 1raise$ in t!e Ol$ Testa'ent of t!e Bi(le an$ in t!e Ba(ylonian
Tal'u$% an$ it -as arrie$ (y $esert ara&ans for t!e sa5e of its t!irst7>uen!in# Duie. It
tra&ele$ to entral an$ sout!ern In$ia fro' Iran a(out t!e first entury A.D. an$ -as
re1orte$ #ro-in# in In$onesia in ).)A. It !as (een -i$ely ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out In$ia an$
$rier 1arts of sout!east Asia% Malaya% t!e East In$ies an$ tro1ial Afria. T!e 'ost
i'1ortant #ro-in# re#ions are E#y1t% C!ina% Af#!anistan% "a5istan% Ban#la$es!% Iran%
Ira>% In$ia% Bur'a an$ Sau$i Ara(ia. T!ere are so'e o''erial or!ar$s in Israel on
t!e oastal 1lain an$ in t!e Jor$an :alley.
It is rat!er o''only 1lante$ an$ !as (eo'e naturaliBe$ in Ber'u$a -!ere it -as first
reor$e$ in )A8)% (ut only oasionally seen in t!e Ba!a'as% West In$ies an$ -ar'
areas of Sout! an$ Central A'eria. Many 1eo1le #ro- it at ool altitu$es in t!e interior
of 0on$uras. In Me/io it is fre>uently 1lante$% an$ it is so'eti'es foun$ in #ar$ens in
0a-aii. T!e tree -as intro$ue$ in California (y S1anis! settlers in )+A*. It is #ro-n for
its fruit 'ostly in t!e $ry Bones of t!at state an$ AriBona. In California% o''erial
"late SLIS@ "OME4RANATE% )unica granatum
1o'e#ranate ulti&ation is onentrate$ in Tulare% Fresno an$ Jern ounties% -it! s'all
1lantin#s in I'1erial an$ Ri&ersi$e ounties. T!ere -ere 8%666 ares <3)6 !a= of !earin#
trees in t!ese areas in t!e )*86Cs. "ro$ution $eline$ fro' la5 of $e'an$ in t!e )*,6Cs
(ut ne- 1lantin#s -ere 'a$e -!en $e'an$ inrease$ in t!e )*A6Cs.
T!ere is little infor'ation a&aila(le on t!e ty1es #ro-n in t!e Near East% e/e1t t!at t!e
ulti&ars 'A!#ar'@ 'Aswad'@ '%alwa' are i'1ortant in Ira>% an$ 'Mangulati' in Sau$i
Ara(ia. '1onder.ul' an$ '2ed -ou.ani' are often #ro-n in t!e Je-is! setor of Israel%
-!ile t!e s-eeter% less tan#y 'Malissi' an$ '2as el Bag!l'@ are fa&ore$ in t!e Ara( setor.
In In$ia t!ere are se&eral na'e$ ulti&ars. "referene is usually #i&en t!ose -it! fles!y%
Duiy 1ul1 aroun$ t!e see$s. Ty1es -it! relati&ely soft see$s are often lasse$ as
?see$less?. A'on# t!e (est are 'Bedana' an$ '(and!ari'6 CBe$anaC is 'e$iu' to lar#e%
-it! (ro-nis! or -!itis! rin$% 1ul1 1in5is!7-!ite% s-eet% see$s soft. CJan$!ariC is lar#e%
$ee17re$% -it! $ee171in5 or (loo$7re$% su(ai$ 1ul1 an$ !ar$ see$s. Ot!ers inlu$e@
'Alandi' <C:a$5iC=Y'e$iu'7siBe$% -it! fles!y re$ or 1in5% su(ai$ 1ul1% &ery !ar$ see$s.
'D!olka'Ylar#e% yello-7re$% -it! 1at!es of $ar571in5 an$ 1ur1le at (ase% or all7o&er
#reenis!7-!ite9 t!i5 rin$% fles!y% 1ur1lis!7-!ite or -!ite% s-eet% 1ul19 !ar$ see$s. T!e
1lant is e&er#reen% non7su5erin#% $esira(le for o''erial 1ur1oses in Del!i.
'(abul'Ylar#e% -it! $ar57re$ an$ 1ale7yello- rin$9 fles!y% $ar57re$% s-eet% sli#!tly (itter
'Muscat 2ed'Ys'all to 'e$iu'% -it! t!in or fairly t!i5 rin$% fles!y% Duiy% 'e$iu'7
s-eet 1ul1% soft or 'e$iu'7!ar$ see$s. T!e 1lant is a 'o$erately 1rolifi (earer.
'Paper $!ell'Yroun$% 'e$iu' to lar#e% 1ale7yello- (lus!e$ -it! 1in59 -it! &ery t!in
rin$% fles!y% re$$is! or 1in5% s-eet% &ery Duiy 1ul1 an$ soft see$s. Bears !ea&ily.
'Poona'Ylar#e% -it! $ar57re$% #ray or #rayis!7#reen rin$% so'eti'es s1otte$% an$ oran#e7
re$ or 1in57an$7re$ 1ul1.
'$panis! 2uby'Yroun$% s'all to 'e$iu' or lar#e9 (ri#!t7re$% -it! t!in rin$% fles!y% rose7
olore$% s-eet% aro'ati 1ul1% an$ s'all to 'e$iu'% fairly soft see$s. Consi$ere$
'e$iu' in >uality.
'Vellodu'Y'e$iu' to lar#e% -it! 'e$iu'7t!i5 rin$% fles!y% Duiy 1ul1 an$ 'e$iu'7!ar$
'Muscat 1!ite'Ylar#e% rea'y7-!ite tin#e$ -it! 1in59 t!in rin$9 fles!y% rea'7olore$%
s-eet 1ul19 see$s 'e$iu'7!ar$. Bears -ell. Desira(le for o''erial 1lantin# in Del!i.
'1onder.ul'Yori#inate$ as a uttin# in Flori$a an$ 1ro1a#ate$ in California in )3*A. T!e
fruit is o(late% &ery lar#e% $ar5 1ur1le7re$% -it! 'e$iu'7t!i5 rin$9 $ee17re$% Duiy%
-iney 1ul19 'e$iu'7!ar$ see$s. "lant is &i#orous an$ 1ro$uti&e.
In California% CS1anis! Ru(yC an$ CS-eet Fruite$C -ere t!e lea$in# ulti&ars in t!e 1ast
entury% (ut -ere su1erse$e$ (y CWon$erfulC. In reent years CWon$erfulC is losin# #roun$
to t!e 'ore olorful C4rena$aC.
Me/ians ta5e es1eial 1ri$e in t!e 1o'e#ranates of Te!uaan% "ue(la. Many ulti&ars
are #ro-n% inlu$in# 'Granada de C!ina' an$ 'Granada Agria'6
T!e Ja1anese $-arf 1o'e#ranate% ). granatum &ar. nana! is es1eially !ar$y an$ -i$ely
#ro-n as an orna'ental in 1ots. T!e flo-ers are sarlet% t!e fruit only 8 in <2 '= -i$e
(ut (orne a(un$antly. A'on# ot!er orna'ental ulti&ars are 'Multiple+' -it! $ou(le%
rea'y -!ite (loo's9 'C!ico'@ $ou(le% oran#e7re$9 'Pleni.lora'@ $ou(le% re$9 '2ubra
Plena'@ $ou(le% re$9 'M#e6 -egrelle' an$ 'Variegata'@ $ou(le% sarlet (or$ere$ an$
strea5e$ -it! yello-is!7-!ite.
T!e 1o'e#ranate is (ot! self71ollinate$ an$ ross71ollinate$ (y insets. T!ere is &ery
little -in$ $is1ersal of 1ollen. Self71ollination of (a##e$ flo-ers !as resulte$ in .2K
fruit set. Cross71ollination !as inrease$ yiel$ to A3K. In !er'a1!ro$ite flo-ers% A to
86K of t!e 1ollen 'ay (e infertile9 in 'ale% ). to 83K. T!e siBe an$ fertility of t!e 1ollen
&ary -it! t!e ulti&ar an$ season.
T!e s1eies is 1ri'arily 'il$7te'1erate to su(tro1ial an$ naturally a$a1te$ to re#ions
-it! ool -inters an$ !ot su''ers% (ut ertain ty1es are #ro-n in !o'e $ooryar$s in
tro1ial areas% su! as &arious islan$s of t!e Ba!a'as an$ West In$ies. In sout!ern
Flori$a% fruit $e&elo1'ent is en!ane$ after a ol$ -inter. Else-!ere in t!e Unite$
States% t!e 1o'e#ranate an (e #ro-n out$oors as far nort! as Was!in#ton County% Uta!%
an$ Was!in#ton% D.C.% t!ou#! it $oesnCt fruit in t!e latter loations. It an (e se&erely
inDure$ (y te'1eratures (elo- )8V F <7)).))V C=. T!e 1lant fa&ors a se'i7ari$ li'ate an$
is e/tre'ely $rou#!t 7tolerant.
T!e 1o'e#ranate t!ri&es on alareous% al5aline soil an$ on $ee1% ai$i loa' an$ a -i$e
ran#e of soils in (et-een t!ese e/tre'es. In nort!ern In$ia% it is s1ontaneous on
ro5stre-n #ra&el.
"o'e#ranate see$s #er'inate rea$ily e&en -!en 'erely t!ro-n onto t!e surfae of loose
soil an$ t!e see$lin#s s1rin# u1 -it! &i#or. 0o-e&er% to a&oi$ see$lin# &ariation% selete$
ulti&ars are usually re1ro$ue$ (y 'eans of !ar$-oo$ uttin#s )6 to 86 in <82726 '=
lon#. Treat'ent -it! 26 11'. in$ole7(utyri ai$ an$ 1lantin# at a 'oisture le&el of
)2.*2K #reatly en!anes root $e&elo1'ent an$ sur&i&al. T!e uttin#s are set in (e$s -it!
) or 8 (u$s a(o&e t!e soil for ) year% an$ t!en trans1lante$ to t!e fiel$. 4raftin# !as ne&er
(een suessful (ut (ran!es 'ay (e air7layere$ an$ su5ers fro' a 1arent 1lant an (e
ta5en u1 an$ trans1lante$.
Roote$ uttin#s or see$lin#s are set out in 1re7fertiliBe$ 1its 8 ft <A6 '= $ee1 an$ -i$e
an$ are s1ae$ )8 to )3 ft <,.272.2 '= a1art% $e1en$in# on t!e fertility of t!e soil.
Initially% t!e 1lants are ut (a5 to 8. to ,6 in <A67+2 '= in !ei#!t an$ after t!ey (ran!
out t!e lo-er (ran!es are 1rune$ to 1ro&i$e a lear 'ain ste'. Inas'u! as fruits are
(orne only at t!e ti1s of ne- #ro-t!% it is reo''en$e$ t!at% for t!e first , years% t!e
(ran!es (e Du$iiously s!ortene$ annually to enoura#e t!e 'a/i'u' nu'(er of ne-
s!oots on all si$es% 1re&ent stra##ly $e&elo1'ent% an$ a!ie&e a stron#% -ell7fra'e$
1lant. After t!e ,r$ year% only su5ers an$ $ea$ (ran!es are re'o&e$.
For #oo$ fruit 1ro$ution% t!e 1lant 'ust (e irri#ate$. In Israel% (ra5is! -ater is utiliBe$
-it! no a$&erse effet. In California% irri#ation -ater is su11lie$ (y o&er!ea$ s1rin5lers
-!i! also 1ro&i$e frost 1rotetion $urin# ol$ s1ells. T!e 1o'e#ranate 'ay (e#in to
(ear in ) year after 1lantin# out% (ut 8 )F8 to , years is 'ore o''on.
%ar&esting and 'ield
T!e fruits ri1en A to + 'ont!s after flo-erin#. In Israel% ulti&ar CWon$erfulC is $ee'e$
rea$y for !ar&est -!en t!e solu(le soli$s <SSC= rea! )2K. In California% 'aturity !as
(een e>uate$ -it! ).3K titrata(le ai$ity <TA= an$ SSC of )+K or 'ore. T!e fruit annot
(e ri1ene$ off t!e tree e&en -it! et!ylene treat'ent. 4ro-ers #enerally onsi$er t!e fruit
rea$y for !ar&est if it 'a5es a 'etalli soun$ -!en ta11e$. T!e fruit 'ust (e 1i5e$
(efore o&er 'aturity -!en it ten$s to ra5 o1en if raine$ u1on or un$er ertain
on$itions of at'os1!eri !u'i$ity% $e!y$ration (y -in$s% or insuffiient irri#ation. Of
ourse% one 'i#!t assu'e t!at ulti'ate s1littin# is t!e natural 'eans of see$ release an$
T!e fruits s!oul$ not (e 1ulle$ off (ut li11e$ lose to t!e (ase so as to lea&e no ste' to
ause $a'a#e in !an$lin# an$ s!i11in#. A11earane is i'1ortant% es1eially in t!e
Unite$ States -!ere 1o'e#ranates 'ay (e 1ur!ase$ 1ri'arily to en!ane ta(le
arran#e'ents an$ ot!er fall <!ar&est7ti'e= $eorations. Too 'u! sun e/1osure auses
sunsal$Y(ro-n% russete$ (le'is!es an$ rou#!enin# of t!e rin$.
T!e fruit s!i1s -ell% us!ione$ -it! 1a1er or stra-% in -oo$en rates or% for near(y
'ar5ets% in (as5ets. Co''erial California #ro-ers #ra$e t!e fruits into 3 siBes% 1a5 in
layers% un-ra11e$ (ut to11e$ -it! s!re$$e$ 1lasti% in o&ere$ -oo$ (o/es% 1reool
ra1i$ly% an$ s!i1 in refri#erate$ tru5s.
(eeping )uality and $torage
T!e 1o'e#ranate is e>ual to t!e a11le in !a&in# a lon# stora#e life. It is (est 'aintaine$
at a te'1erature of ,8V to .)V F <6V72V C=. T!e fruits i'1ro&e in stora#e% (eo'e Duiier
an$ 'ore fla&orful9 'ay (e 5e1t for a 1erio$ of + 'ont!s -it!in t!is te'1erature ran#e
an$ at 36 to 32K relati&e !u'i$ity% -it!out s!rin5in# or s1oilin#. At *2K relati&e
!u'i$ity% t!e fruit an (e 5e1t only 8 'ont!s at .)V F <2V C=9 for lon#er 1erio$s at 26V F
<)6V C=. After 1rolon#e$ stora#e% internal (rea5$o-n is e&i$ene$ (y fa$e$% strea5y 1ul1
of flat fla&or. CWon$erfulC 1o'e#ranates% store$ in Israel for C!rist'as s!i1'ent to
Euro1e% are su(Det to su1erfiial (ro-nin# <?!us5 sal$?=. Control !as (een a!ie&e$ (y
$elayin# !ar&est an$ storin# in 8K O
at ,2.AV F <8V C=. Su(se>uent transfer to A3V F <86V
C= $is1els off7fla&or fro' et!anol au'ulation.
Pests and Diseases
T!e 1o'e#ranate (utterfly% 'irachola isocrates! lays e##s on flo-er7(u$s an$ t!e aly/
of $e&elo1in# fruits9 in a fe- $ays t!e ater1illars enter t!e fruit (y -ay of t!e aly/.
T!ese fruit (orers 'ay ause loss of an entire ro1 unless t!e flo-ers are s1raye$ 8 ti'es
,6 $ays a1art. A ste' (orer so'eti'es 'a5es !oles ri#!t t!rou#! t!e (ran!es. T-i#
$ie(a5 'ay (e ause$ (y eit!er )leuroplaconema or Ceuthospora )hyllosticta.
Disoloration of fruits an$ see$s results fro' infestation (y Aspergillus castaneus. T!e
fruits 'ay (e so'eti'es $isfi#ure$ (y Sphaceloma punicae. Dry rot fro' )homopsis s1.
or Aythia versoniana 'ay $estroy as 'u! as 36K of t!e ro1 unless t!ese or#anis's are
ontrolle$ (y a11ro1riate s1rayin# 'easures. E/essi&e rain $urin# t!e ri1enin# season
'ay in$ue soft rot. A 1ost7!ar&est rot ause$ (y Alternaria solani -as o(ser&e$ in In$ia
in )*+.. It is 1artiularly 1re&alent in ra5e$ fruits.
Minor 1ro(le's are leaf an$ fruit s1ot ause$ (y Cercospora! 5loeosporium an$
)estalotia s1.9 also foliar $a'a#e (y -!itefly% t!ri1s% 'ealy(u#s an$ sale insets9 an$
$efoliation (y Euproctis s11. an$ Archyophora dentula. Ter'ites 'ay infest t!e trun5. In
In$ia% 1a1er or 1lasti (a#s or ot!er o&ers 'ay (e 1ut o&er t!e fruits to 1rotet t!e'
fro' (orers% (ir$s% (ats an$ s>uirrels.
Food *ses
For enDoyin# out7of7!an$ or at t!e ta(le% t!e .ruit is $ee1ly sore$ se&eral ti'es &ertially
an$ t!en (ro5en a1art9 t!en t!e lusters of Duie sas an (e lifte$ out of t!e rin$ an$
eaten. Italians an$ ot!er 1o'e#ranate faniers onsi$er t!is not a la(orious !an$ia1 (ut a
soial% fa'ily or #rou1 ati&ity% 1rolon#in# t!e 1leasure of $inin#.
In so'e ountries% su! as Iran% t!e 4uice is a &ery 1o1ular (e&era#e. Most si'1ly% t!e
Duie sas are re'o&e$ fro' t!e fruit an$ 1ut t!rou#! a (as5et 1ress. Ot!er-ise% t!e fruits
are >uartere$ an$ rus!e$% or t!e -!ole fruits 'ay (e 1resse$ an$ t!e Duie straine$ out.
In Iran% t!e ut7o1en fruits 'ay (e sto'1e$ (y a 1erson -earin# s1eial s!oes in a lay
tu( an$ t!e Duie runs t!rou#! outlets into lay trou#!s. 0y$rauli e/tration of Duie
s!oul$ (e at a 1ressure of less t!an )66 1si to a&oi$ un$ue yiel$ of tannin. T!e Duie fro'
rus!e$ -!ole fruits ontains e/ess tannin fro' t!e rin$ <as 'u! as .)+2K= an$ t!is is
1rei1itate$ out (y a #elatin 1roess. After filterin#% t!e Duie 'ay (e 1reser&e$ (y a$$in#
so$iu' (enBoate or it 'ay (e 1asteuriBe$ for ,6 'inutes% allo-e$ to settle for 8 $ays%
t!en straine$ an$ (ottle$. For (e&era#e 1ur1oses% it is usually s-eetene$. 0ouse-i&es in
Sout! Carolina 'a5e 1o'e#ranate Delly (y a$$in# + )F8 u1s of su#ar an$ ) (ottle of
li>ui$ 1etin for e&ery . u1s of Duie. In Sau$i Ara(ia% t!e Duie sas 'ay (e froBen
intat or t!e e/trate$ Duie 'ay (e onentrate$ an$ froBen% for future use. "o'e#ranate
Duie is -i$ely 'a$e into #rena$ine for use in 'i/e$ $rin5s. In t!e Asiati ountries it
'ay (e 'a$e into a t!i5 siru1 for use as a saue. It is also often on&erte$ into -ine.
In t!e !o'e 5it!en% t!e Duie an (e easily e/trate$ (y rea'in# t!e !al&e$ fruits on an
or$inary oran#e7Duie s>ueeBer.
In nort!ern In$ia% a 'aDor use of t!e -il$ fruits is for t!e 1re1aration of ?anar$ana?Yt!e
Duie sas (ein# $rie$ in t!e sun for )6 to )2 $ays an$ t!en sol$ as a s1ie.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories A,7+3
Moisture +8.A73A.. #
"rotein 6.627).A #
Fat Trae only to 6.* #
Car(o!y$rates )2..7)*.A #
Fi(er ,..72.6 #
As! 6.,A76.+, #
Caliu' ,7)8 '#
"!os1!orus 37,+ '#
Iron 6.,7).8 '#
So$iu' , '#
"otassiu' 82* '#
Carotene None to Trae
T!ia'ine 6.66, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6)876.6, '#
Niain 6.)3676., '#
Asor(i Ai$ .7..8 '#
Citri Ai$ 6..A7,.A '#
Bori Ai$ 6.662 '#
LAnalyses of fres! Duie sas 'a$e (y &arious in&esti#ators.
A tannin ontent of no 'ore t!an 6.82K in t!e e$i(le 1ortion is t!e $esi$eratu'. Many
stu$ies !a&e s!o-n t!at tannin is arino#eni an$ e/essi&e in#estion of tannin fro' one
or 'ore soures% o&er a 1rolon#e$ 1erio$% is $etri'ental to !ealt!. <See also ?Me$iinal
Uses? re#ar$in# o&er$oses of (ar5.=
Ot!er *ses
All 1arts of t!e tree !a&e (een utiliBe$ as soures of tannin for urin# leat!er. T!e trunk
bark ontains )6 to 82K tannin an$ -as for'erly i'1ortant in t!e 1ro$ution of
Moroo leat!er. T!e root bark !as a 83K tannin ontent% t!e lea&es% ))K% an$ t!e fruit
rin$ as 'u! as 8AK. T!e latter is a (y71ro$ut of t!e ?anar$ana? in$ustry. Bot! t!e rind
an$ t!e .lowers yiel$ $yes for te/tiles. In5 an (e 'a$e (y stee1in# t!e lea&es in &ine#ar.
In Ja1an% an insetii$e is $eri&e$ fro' t!e (ar5. T!e 1ale7yello- wood is &ery !ar$ an$%
-!ile a&aila(le only in s'all $i'ensions% is use$ for -al5in#7sti5s an$ in -oo$rafts.
Medicinal *ses, T!e Duie of -il$ 1o'e#ranates yiel$s itri ai$ an$ so$iu' itrate for
1!ar'aeutial 1ur1oses. "o'e#ranate Duie enters into 1re1arations for treatin#
$ys1e1sia an$ is onsi$ere$ (enefiial in le1rosy.
T!e (ar5 of t!e ste' an$ root ontains se&eral al5aloi$s inlu$in# iso1elletierine -!i! is
ati&e a#ainst ta1e-or's. Eit!er a $eotion of t!e (ar5% -!i! is &ery (itter% or t!e safer%
insolu(le "elletierine Tannate 'ay (e e'1loye$. O&er$oses are e'eti an$ 1ur#ati&e%
1ro$ue $ilation of 1u1ila% $i'ness of si#!t% 'usular -ea5ness an$ 1aralysis.
Beause of t!eir tannin ontent% e/trats of t!e (ar5% lea&es% i''ature fruit an$ fruit rin$
!a&e (een #i&en as astrin#ents to !alt $iarr!ea% $ysentery an$ !e'orr!a#es. Drie$%
1ul&eriBe$ flo-er (u$s are e'1loye$ as a re'e$y for (ron!itis. In Me/io% a $eotion
of t!e flo-ers is #ar#le$ to relie&e oral an$ t!roat infla''ation. Lea&es% see$s% roots an$
(ar5 !a&e $is1laye$ !y1otensi&e% antis1as'o$i an$ ant!el'inti ati&ity in (ioassay.
Malay A11le
Ja&a A11le
Water A11le
Rose A11le
Surina' C!erry
Psidium guaava -6
One of t!e 'ost #re#arious of fruit trees% t!e #ua&a% )sidium gua4ava L.% of t!e 'yrtle
fa'ily <Myrtaeae=% is al'ost uni&ersally 5no-n (y its o''on En#lis! na'e or its
e>ui&alent in ot!er lan#ua#es. In S1anis!% t!e tree is guayabo% or guayavo% t!e fruit
guayaba or guyava. T!e Fren! all it goyave or goyavier9 t!e Dut!% guyaba%
goea4aaba9 t!e Surina'ese% guave or goe4aba: an$ t!e "ortu#uese% goiaba or goaibeira.
0a-aiians all it #ua&a or "ua,a. In
4ua' it is abas. In Malaya% it is
#enerally 5no-n eit!er as #ua&a or
4ambu batu% (ut !as also nu'erous
$ialetal na'es as it $oes in In$ia%
tro1ial Afria an$ t!e "!ili11ines -!ere
t!e orru1tion% bayabas! is often a11lie$.
:arious tri(al na'es=pichi! posh!
enandi! etc.Yare e'1loye$ a'on# t!e
In$ians of Me/io an$ Central an$ Sout!
A s'all tree to ,, ft <)6 in= !i#!% -it!
s1rea$in# (ran!es% t!e #ua&a is easy to reo#niBe (eause of its s'oot!% t!in% o11er7
olore$ (ar5 t!at fla5es off% s!o-in# t!e #reenis! layer (eneat!9 an$ also (eause of t!e
attrati&e% ?(ony? as1et of its trun5 -!i! 'ay in ti'e attain a $ia'eter of )6 in <82
'=. ;oun# t-i#s are >ua$ran#ular an$ $o-ny. T!e lea&es% aro'ati -!en rus!e$% are
e&er#reen% o11osite% s!ort71etiole$% o&al or o(lon#7elli1ti% so'e-!at irre#ular in outline9
8 ,F. to A in <+7)2 '= lon#% I CA to 8 in <,72 '= -i$e% leat!ery% -it! ons1iuous
1arallel &eins% an$ 'ore or less $o-ny on t!e un$ersi$e. Faintly fra#rant% t!e -!ite
flo-ers% (orne sin#ly or in s'all lusters in t!e leaf a/ils% are ) in <8.2 '= -i$e% -it! .
or 2 -!ite 1etals -!i! are >ui5ly s!e$% an$ a 1ro'inent tuft of 1er!a1s 826 -!ite
sta'ens ti11e$ -it! 1ale7yello- ant!ers.
T!e fruit% e/u$in# a stron#% s-eet% 'us5y o$or -!en ri1e% 'ay (e roun$% o&oi$% or 1ear7
s!a1e$% 8 to . in <27)6 '= lon#% -it! . or 2 1rotru$in# floral re'nants <se1als= at t!e
a1e/9 an$ t!in% li#!t7yello- s5in% fre>uently (lus!e$ -it! 1in5. Ne/t to t!e s5in is a layer
of so'e-!at #ranular fles!% )F3 to )F8 in <,7)8.2 ''= t!i5% -!ite% yello-is!% li#!t7 or
$ar571in5% or near7re$% Duiy% ai$% su(ai$% or s-eet an$ fla&orful. T!e entral 1ul1%
onolorous or sli#!tly $ar5er in tone% is Duiy an$ nor'ally fille$ -it! &ery !ar$%
yello-is! see$s% )F3 in <, 'in= lon#% t!ou#! so'e rare ty1es !a&e soft% !e-a(le see$s.
Atual see$ ounts !a&e ran#e$ fro' ))8 to 2,2 (ut so'e #ua&as are see$less or nearly
W!en i''ature an$ until a &ery s!ort ti'e (efore ri1enin#% t!e fruit is #reen% !ar$%
#u''y -it!in an$ &ery astrin#ent.
Origin and Distribution
T!e #ua&a !as (een ulti&ate$ an$ $istri(ute$ (y 'an% (y (ir$s% an$ sun$ry .7foote$
ani'als for so lon# t!at its 1lae of ori#in is unertain% (ut it is (elie&e$ to (e an area
e/ten$in# fro' sout!ern Me/io into or t!rou#! Central A'eria. It is o''on
t!rou#!out all -ar' areas of tro1ial A'eria an$ in t!e West In$ies <sine )28A=% t!e
Ba!a'as% Ber'u$a an$ sout!ern Flori$a -!ere it -as re1orte$ly intro$ue$ in )3.+ an$
"late L@ 4UA:A% )sidium gua4ava
-as o''on o&er 'ore t!an !alf t!e State (y )33A. Early S1anis! an$ "ortu#uese
oloniBers -ere >ui5 to arry it fro' t!e Ne- Worl$ to t!e East In$ies an$ 4ua'. It -as
soon a$o1te$ as a ro1 in Asia an$ in -ar' 1arts of Afria. E#y1tians !a&e #ro-n it for a
lon# ti'e an$ it 'ay !a&e tra&ele$ fro' E#y1t to "alestine. It is oasionally seen in
Al#eria an$ on t!e Me$iterranean oast of Frane. In In$ia% #ua&a ulti&ation !as (een
esti'ate$ at )82%,8+ ares <26%+86 !a= yiel$in# 8+%,)* tons annually.
A11arently it $i$ not arri&e in 0a-aii until t!e early )366Cs. No- it ours t!rou#!out t!e
"aifi islan$s. 4enerally% it is a !o'e fruit tree or 1lante$ in s'all #ro&es% e/e1t in
In$ia -!ere it is a 'aDor o''erial resoure. A #ua&a resear! an$ i'1ro&e'ent
1ro#ra' -as laun!e$ (y t!e #o&ern'ent of Colo'(ia in )*A). In )*A3% it -as esti'ate$
t!at t!ere -ere a(out )6 'illion -il$ trees <aroun$ Santan$er% BoyaX% Antio>uia%
"al'ira% Bu#a% Cali an$ Carta#o= (earin#% 33 l(s <.6 5#= ea! 1er year an$ t!at only )6K
of t!e fruit -as (ein# utiliBe$ in 1roessin#. Bo#ot_ a(sor(s .6K of t!e 1ro$ution an$
1reser&e$ 1ro$uts are e/1orte$ to 'ar5ets in :eneBuela an$ "ana'a.
BraBilCs 'o$ern #ua&a in$ustry is (ase$ on see$s of an Australian seletion #ro-n in t!e
(otanial #ar$en of t!e Sao "aulo Rail-ay Co'1any at Tatu. "lantations -ere $e&elo1e$
(y Ja1anese far'ers at Ita>uera an$ t!is !as (eo'e t!e lea$in# #ua&a71ro$uin# area in
BraBil. T!e #ua&a is one of t!e lea$in# fruits of Me/io -!ere t!e annual ro1 fro'
,A%..+ ares <).%+26 !a= of see$lin# trees totals )*8%326 tons <)+2%266 MT=. Only in
reent years !as t!ere (een a resear! 1ro#ra' $esi#ne$ to e&aluate an$ selet su1erior
ty1es for &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation an$ lar#e7sale ulti&ation.
In Flori$a% t!e first o''erial #ua&a 1lantin# -as esta(lis!e$ aroun$ )*)8 in "al'a
Sola. Ot!ers a11eare$ at "unta 4or$a an$ O1alo5a. A .67are <)A !a= #ua&a #ro&e -as
1lante$ (y Mia'i Fruit In$ustries at In$ian7to-n in )*.A. T!ere !a&e (een 'ore t!an
t-o $oBen #ua&a Delly 'anufaturers t!rou#!out t!e state. A Sarasota onern -as
1roessin# 826 (us!els of #ua&as 1er $ay an$ a "inellas County 1roessor -as o1eratin#
a )267(us!el a1aity 1lant in )*.A. T!ere !as al-ays (een a stea$y 'ar5et for #ua&a
1ro$uts in Flori$a an$ t!e $e'an$ !as inrease$ in reent years -it! t!e influ/ of
Cari((ean an$ Latin A'erian 1eo1le.
T!e #ua&a suu'(s to frost in California e/e1t in a fe- fa&ora(le loations. E&en if
su''ers are too oolYa 'ean of A6V F <)2.2AV C=Yin t!e oastal sout!ern 1art of t!e state%
t!e tree -ill $ie (a5 an$ it annot stan$ t!e intense $ayti'e !eat of interior &alleys.
In 'any 1arts of t!e -orl$% t!e #ua&a runs -il$ an$ for's e/tensi&e t!i5etsYalle$
?#uaya(ales? in S1anis!Yan$ it o&erruns 1astures% fiel$s an$ roa$si$es so &i#orously in
0a-aii% Malaysia% Ne- Cale$onia% FiDi% t!e U.S. :ir#in Islan$s% "uerto Rio% Cu(a an$
sout!ern Flori$a t!at it is lasse$ as a no/ious -ee$ su(Det to era$iation. Ne&ert!eless%
-il$ #ua&as !a&e onstitute$ t!e (ul5 of t!e o''erial su11ly. In )*+8% 0a-aii
1roesse$% for $o'esti use an$ e/1ort% 'ore t!an 8%266 tons <8%8+. MT= of #ua&as% o&er
*6K fro' -il$ trees. Durin# t!e 1erio$ of !i#! $e'an$ in Worl$ War II% t!e -il$ #ua&a
ro1 in Cu(a -as sai$ to (e )6%666 tons <*%666 MT=% an$ o&er A%266 tons <A%666 MT= of
#ua&a 1ro$uts -ere e/1orte$.
For'erly% roun$ an$ 1ear7s!a1e$ #ua&as -ere onsi$ere$ se1arate s1eiesY). pomiferum
L. an$ ). pyriferum L.Y(ut t!ey are no- reo#niBe$ as 'ere &ariations. S'all% sour
#ua&as 1re$o'inate in t!e -il$ an$ are &alue$ for 1roessin#.
'2edland'@ t!e first na'e$ ulti&ar in Flori$a% -as $e&elo1e$ at t!e Uni&ersity of Flori$a
A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center% 0o'estea$% an$ $esri(e$ in )*.). :ery
lar#e% -it! little o$or% -!ite7fles!e$ an$ -it! relati&ely fe- see$s% it -as at first
onsi$ere$ 1ro'isin# (ut (eause of its e/essi&ely 'il$ fla&or% lo- asor(i ai$
ontent% an$ suse1ti(ility to al#al s1ottin#% it -as a(an$one$ in fa&or of (etter
'$upre#e' a'e ne/t% of faint o$or% t!i5% -!ite fles!% relati&ely fe-% s'all see$s% !i#!
asor(i ai$ ontent an$ a(ility to 1ro$ue !ea&y ro1s o&er a 1erio$ of 3 'ont!s fro'
late fall to early s1rin#.
'2ed ndian'@ of stron# o$or% 'e$iu' to lar#e siBe% roun$ (ut sli#!tly flattene$ at t!e
(ase an$ a1e/% yello- s5in often -it! 1in5 (lus!9 -it! 'e$iu' t!i5% re$ fles! of s-eet
fla&or9 nu'erous (ut s'all see$s9 a#reea(le for eatin# fres!9 fairly 1ro$uti&e in fall an$
early -inter.
'2uby'% -it! 1un#ent o$or% 'e$iu' to lar#e siBe9 o&ate9 -it! t!i5% re$ fles!% s-eet
fla&or% relati&ely fe- see$s. An e/ellent #ua&a for eatin# fres! an$ for annin#9 fairly
1ro$uti&e% 'ainly in fall an$ early -inter.
'Blitc!' <a see$lin# -!i! ori#inate$ in West "al' Bea! an$ -as 1lante$ at
0o'estea$=Yof stron# o$or% 'e$iu' siBe% o&al% -it! li#!t71in5 fles!% nu'erous% s'all
see$s9 tart% 1leasant fla&or9 #oo$ for Delly.
'Patillo' <a see$lin# seletion at DeLan$ 1ro1a#ate$ (y a root su5er an$ fro' t!at (y
air7layer an$ 1lante$ at 0o'estea$=Yof &ery 'il$ o$or% 'e$iu' siBe% o&ate to o(o&ate%
-it! 1in5 fles!% 'o$erate nu'(er of s'all see$s9 su(ai$% a#reea(le fla&or9 #oo$ for
#eneral oo5in#. <As #ro-n in 0a-aii it is !i#!ly ai$ an$ (est use$ for 1roessin#=.
'Mia#i 2ed' an$ 'Mia#i 1!ite'@ lar#e% nearly o$orless an$ t!i57fles!e$% -ere release$
(y t!e Uni&ersity of Mia'iCs E/1eri'ental Far' in )*2..
In early )*28% Dr. J.J. O!se i'1orte$ into Flori$a air7layers of a see$less #ua&a fro'
Ja&a. All $ie$. In Se1te'(er )*2,% t!e -riter reei&e$ air7layers fro' Sa!aran1ur% In$ia.
One sur&i&e$ an$ -as turne$ o&er to t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center%
0o'estea$. Four 'ore -ere or$ere$ fro' Coi'(atore (ut arri&e$ $ea$. Willi' W!it'an
(rou#!t in a #rafte$ 1lant fro' Ja&a in )*2. -!i! #re- -ell% fruite$ an$ -as t!e soure
of 1ro1a#atin# 'aterial. In )*22% W!it'an o(taine$ a 1lant of a see$less #ua&a fro'
Cu(a an$ it (ore its first fruit in )*2+. See$less #ua&as are t!e result of lo- fertility of
1ollen #rains an$ self7ino'1ati(ility. T!e fruits ten$ to (e 'alfor'e$ an$ t!e trees are
sant (earers. A11liations of #i((erelli ai$ inrease fruit siBe% -ei#!t an$ asor(i
ai$ ontent (ut in$ue 1ro'inent ri$#es on t!e surfae.
A'on# early California ulti&ars -ere@
'1ebber' <for'erly CRi&ersi$eC=% of 'e$iu'7lar#e siBe% 1ale7yello-is! fles!% #oo$ fla&or
an$ *.2K su#ar.
'2ol.s'@ of 'e$iu' siBe -it! 1in5 fles!9 of #oo$ >uality an$ ontainin# *K su#ar.
'%art'% fairly lar#e% -it! 1ale7yello- fles!% an$ 3K su#ar ontent.
Currently% so'e rare fruit faniers #ro- t!e Flori$a7$e&elo1e$ '2ed ndian' an$ '1!ite
ndian'H also 'Detwiler' and 'Turnbull'6
In )*+2% a #ua&a trial 1roDet -as un$erta5en at t!e Maroo!y 0ortiultural Resear!
Station in sout!eastern Hueenslan$% (e#innin# -it! 2 strains fro' 0a-aii. By )*3)% .
seletions <4A*7,*R)T8C% C4A))72AT+C% 4A))72AR2T8C an$ C4A))72A.T)C= see'e$ to
!ol$ 1ro'ise for 1roessin# an$ 8 seletions <C4A))72AT,C an$ C4A))72AR)T)C= for
'ar5etin# fres!. T!ey -ere all &e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ an$ teste$ as to 1erfor'ane. T!e
#reen7s5inne$% ai$% C4A))72AC an$ anot!er 0a-aiian seletion% C)626C% yello-7s5inne$
an$ 'il$ in fla&or an$ o$or% are (ein# #ro-n o''erially for 1roessin# in Ne- Sout!
In In$ia 'u! attention is #i&en t!e !arateristis of loal an$ intro$ue$ #ua&a
ulti&ars an$ t!eir suita(ility for &arious 1ur1oses. A'on# o''on -!ite7fles!e$
ulti&ars are@
'Apple Colour'Lof 'e$iu' siBe% sli#!tly o(late9 $ee171in5 s5in% rea'y7-!ite fles!%
'o$erate a'ount of see$s% &ery s-eet fla&or <6.,.78.)8K ai$% * to )).,AK su#ar=9
!ea&y (earer9 #oo$ 5ee1in# >uality9 #oo$ for annin#.
'Be!at Coconut'Ylar#e% -it! t!i5 -!ite fles!% fe- see$s9 1oor for annin#.
'C!ittidar'Y'e$iu' to lar#e% roun$7o&ate% -!ite7fles!e$% 'il$ ai$7s-eet fla&or9 (ears
'o$erately -ell9 5ee1s -ell9 #oo$ for annin#.
'%abs!i'Yof 'e$iu' siBe -it! t!i5% -!ite fles!% fe- see$s9 !al&es #oo$ for annin#.
'-ucknow G<'Yof 'e$iu' siBe% roun$is!% -it! rea'y7-!ite% soft fles!9 s-eet% 1leasant
fla&or9 &ery fe- see$s9 #oo$ >uality9 (ears !ea&ily9 5ee1s fairly -ell9 not suita(le for
'-ucknow GF'Y'e$iu'7lar#e -it! rea'7-!ite% t!i5 fles!% fe- see$s9 ai$7s-eet9 #oo$
>uality9 !ea&y (earer9 !i#! in 1etin an$ #oo$ for Delly9 !al&es #oo$ for annin#.
'$a.eda'Yof 'e$iu' siBe% -it! &ery t!in s5in% t!i5% -!ite fles!% fe- see$s. Outstan$in#
>uality for annin#. A fa'ous #ua&a% -i$ely 1lante$% (ut suse1ti(le to -ilt an$ (ran!es
are (rittle an$ (rea5 rea$ily.
'$#oot! Green'Yof 'e$iu' siBe% -it! t!i5 -!ite fles!% fe-% s'all% !ar$ see$s. 0al&es
are fir'% #oo$ for annin#.
'Alla!abad'Ylar#e% -!ite7fles!e$% -it! fe-% 'e$iu'7siBe$% fairly !ar$ see$s.
'(arela'Y'e$iu'7lar#e% 1ear7s!a1e$% furro-e$% rou#!7s5inne$% -it! soft% #ranular% -!ite
fles!9 s-eet% ri!% 1leasant fla&or. "oor (earer. Not 1o1ular.
'0agpur $eedless'Ys'all to 'e$iu'% often irre#ular in s!a1e9 -!ite7fles!e$.
'$eedless' <fro' Alla!a(a$=Y'e$iu' to lar#e% 1ear7s!a1e$ to o&oi$9 -it! t!i5 -!ite
fles!% fir' to soft% s-eet. Li#!t (earer9 1oor 5ee1er.
A see$less ty1e at "oona% In$ia% -as foun$ to (e a tri1loi$ -it! ,, !ro'oso'es in 1lae
of t!e usual 88.
Ot!er -!ite7fles!e$ #ua&as -it! 1oor annin# >ualities are@ 'D!arwar'@ 'Mir5apuri'@
'0asik'@ '$ind!'@ an$ '1!ite $upre#e M 2uby'6
A'on# re$7fles!e$ ulti&ars in In$ia t!ere are@
'Anakapalle'Ys'all% -it! t!in% re$ fles!% 'any see$s9 not suita(le for annin#.
'Florida $eedling'Ys'all% -it! t!in% re$% ai$ fles!9 'any see$s9 not suita(le for annin#.
'%api'Y'e$iu' to lar#e% -it! re$ fles!.
'%ybrid 2ed $upre#e'Ylar#e% -it! t!in% re$% ai$ fles!9 'o$erate a'ount of see$s9 not
suita(le for annin#.
'(ot!rud'Yof 'e$iu' siBe -it! 'e$iu' t!i5% re$ fles!9 'o$erate a'ount of see$s9 not
suita(le for annin#.
'2ed".les!ed'Yof 'e$iu' siBe -it! 'any <a(out 2A+= fairly soft see$s9 !i#! in 1etin an$
#oo$ for Delly9 not suita(le for annin#.
A'on# ot!er In$ian ulti&ars are@ 'Banaras'@ 'D!olka'@ '%asi4ka'@ '(a..ree'@ an$
'1ickra#asekara'6 T!e latter is a s'all fruit an$ 1oor (earer.
In$ian (ree$ers !a&e rosse$ t!e #ua&a -it! its $-arf% s'all7fruite$ relati&e% ).
guineense S-.% -it! a &ie- to re$uin# tree siBe an$ en!anin# !ar$iness an$ yiel$.
In E#y1t% a ulti&ar na'e$ 'Bassateen 7l $aba!ia' !as lon# (een t!e stan$ar$
o''erial #ua&a. Efforts !a&e (een 'a$e to i'1ro&e >uality an$ yiel$ an$ to t!is en$
seletions -ere 'a$e fro' ,66 see$lin#s. T!e 'ost 1ro'isin# seletion -as teste$ an$
intro$ue$ into ulti&ation in )*+2 un$er t!e na'e 'Bassateen 7d.ina'6 It is 1ear7s!a1e$%
of 'e$iu' siBe% so'eti'es 1in57(lus!e$% -it! t!i5% -!ite fles!% fe- see$s% #oo$ fla&or
an$ !i#!er asor(i ai$ ontent t!an t!e 1arent. It (ears -ell o&er a lon# season.
In "uerto Rio% o&er )66 1ro'isin# seletions -ere un$er o(ser&ation in )*A,.
Nu'erous ulti&ate$ lones i$entifie$ only (y nu'(er !a&e (een e&aluate$ for
1roessin# !araters. Ot!ers !a&e (een teste$ an$ rate$ for resistane to 5lomerella
$isease. A'on# t!e fe- na'e$ ulti&ars are 'Coro5al Mi+ta'@ 'Corriente'@ an$ '$eedling
In Trini$a$% a lar#e% -!ite7fles!e$ ty1e is 5no-n as 'Cayenne'.
In )*A+% Fren! !ortiulturists 'a$e a $etaile$ e&aluation of )) #ua&a ulti&ars #ro-n at
t!e Neuf!ateau Station in 4ua$elou1e@
'7lisabet!'Ylar#e% roun$% 1in57fles!e$% &ery ai$9 #oo$ for 1roessin#.
'2ed' M '$upre#e' M '2uby'Ylar#e% o&oi$% -it! $ee171in5 fles!9 a#reea(le for eatin#
'-arge 1!ite'Ylar#e% roun$% -!ite7fles!e$9 lo- su#ar ontent% astrin#ent9 an (e useful
as filler in 1reser&es.
'Acid $peer'Ylar#e% roun$% -it! 1ale7yello- fles!9 ai$9 reo''en$e$ only as soure of
'2ed' M '$upre#e' M '2uby' M '1!ite'Ylar#e to &ery lar#e% 1ear7s!a1e$% -it! rea'y7
-!ite fles!9 #oo$ for eatin# fres! an$ for Duie an$ netar.
'Pink ndian'Yof 'e$iu' siBe% re$7fles!e$9 a#reea(ly ai$9 #oo$ for eatin# fres! an$ for
'2ed %ybrid'Y'e$iu'% su(7o&oi$% re$7fles!e$9 'e$iu' >uality.
'$upre#e' M '2uby'Y'e$iu'% su(7o&oi$% -!ite7fles!e$9 unre'ar5a(le e/e1t for !i#!
'$tone'Ys'all% o&oi$% -it! $ee171in5 fles!9 attrati&e an$ of a#reea(le fla&or for eatin#
'$upre#e'Ys'all% o&oi$% -it! 1ale7yello-% 1in57tin#e$ fles!9 s-eet9 #oo$ for s!er(et an$
1aste9 &ery 1ro$uti&e.
'Patricia'Y&ery s'all% o&oi$% sal'on7fles!e$9 attrati&e9 #oo$ to eat fres! (ut >ui5ly
loses its $istint stra-(erry fla&or9 #oo$ for siru19 &ery 1ro$uti&e.
Bet-een )*.3 an$ )*A*% 8) #ua&a ulti&ars fro' + ountries -ere intro$ue$ into
0a-aii. So'e !a&e (een test 1lante$ an$ e&aluate$ at t!e Wai'analo E/1eri'ental
Far'. Four s-eet% -!ite7fles!e$% t!i57-alle$ ulti&ars -ere rate$ as o''erially
$esira(le@ 'ndonesian 1!ite'@ 'ndonesian $eedless'@ '-ucknow GF'@ an$ '0o6 NJNJ' <a
CRu(yC S CSu1re'eC !y(ri$ fro' Flori$a=. Lo-er ratin#s -ere #i&en four ot!ers of t!is
#rou1@ 'Apple' <too 'us5y an$ see$y=9 'Alla!abad $a.eda' <too (u'1y of surfae=9
'Bur#a' <too see$y= an$ '%ong (ong 1!ite' <too see$y=. Of t!e s-eet% 1in57fles!e$%
t!i57-alle$ ulti&ars e/a'ine$% '%ong (ong Pink' -as 1referre$. Seon$ !oie -as
'0o6 NJN<' <a see$lin# of a CRu(yC SC Su1re'eC ross in Flori$a=. '0o6 :9FF'% a see$lin# of
a CStone Ai$C S CRu(yC ross in Flori$a% -as onsi$ere$ too 'us5y. A'on# ai$% non7
'us5y% t!i57-alle$ #ua&as% 'Beau#ont'% a 0a-aiian seletion% is lar#e an$ 1in57
fles!e$. 'Pink Acid' <O+)*3=% fro' a Flori$a ross of CS1eerC an$ CStone Ai$C% !as $ar57
1in5 fles! an$ fe- see$s. T!ese ulti&ars are e'1loye$ in (ree$in# 1ro#ra's in 0a-aii.
In )*+3% a ne- ulti&ar% '(a %ua (ula'@ selete$ fro' )%866 see$lin#s of CBeau'ontC%
-as release$ an$ reo''en$e$ for o''erial #ua&a 1uree. T!e fruit is lar#e% -it!
t!i5% $ee171in5 fles!% an$ fe-er see$s t!an CBeau'ontC% an$ is less ai$. It is also a
!ea&ier (earer.
In Colo'(ia% t!e ulti&ars 'Puerto 2ico'@ '2o4o A.ricano'@ an$ 'Agrio'@ all yiel$ o&er
8%866 fruits annually. Ot!er !i#!7yiel$in# ulti&ars (ein# e&aluate$ are '1!ite'@ '2ed'@
'D"9J'@ 'D"9G'@ an$ 'Tru4illo <'6
Colletin# #ua&a ulti&ars is a !o((y of Mr. Art!ur Sto5$ale% Fina Catalina% Nitauaro%
Me/io. 0e is sai$ to !a&e so'e &ery su1erior seletions in !is #ro&e.
T!e !ief 1ollinator of #ua&as is t!e !oney(ee <Apis mellifera-. T!e a'ount of ross7
1ollination ran#es fro' 82.+ to .).,K.
T!e #ua&a t!ri&es in (ot! !u'i$ an$ $ry li'ates. In In$ia% it flouris!es u1 to an altitu$e
of ,%836 ft <)%666 '=9 in Ja'aia% u1 to ,%*6A ft <)%866 '=9 in Costa Ria% to .%2*6 ft
<)%.66 '=9 in Eua$or% to +%2.6 ft <8%,66 '=. It an sur&i&e only a fe- $e#rees of frost.
;oun# trees !a&e (een $a'a#e$ or 5ille$ in ol$ s1ells at Alla!a(a$% In$ia% in California
an$ in Flori$a. Ol$er trees% 5ille$ to t!e #roun$% !a&e sent u1 ne- s!oots -!i! fruite$ 8
years later. T!e #ua&a re>uires an annual rainfall (et-een .6 an$ 36 in <)%66678%666
''=9 is sai$ to (ear 'ore !ea&ily in areas -it! a $istint -inter season t!an in t!e $ee1
T!e #ua&a see's in$isri'inate as to soil% $oin# e>ually -ell on !ea&y lay% 'arl% li#!t
san$% #ra&el (ars near strea's% or on li'estone9 an$ toleratin# a 10 ran#e fro' ..2 to *...
It is so'e-!at salt7resistant. 4oo$ $raina#e is reo''en$e$ (ut #ua&as are seen
#ro-in# s1ontaneously on lan$ -it! a !i#! -ater ta(leYtoo -et for 'ost ot!er fruit trees.
4ua&a see$s re'ain &ia(le for 'any 'ont!s. T!ey often #er'inate in 8 to , -ee5s (ut
'ay ta5e as lon# as 3 -ee5s. "retreat'ent -it! sulfuri ai$% or (oilin# for 2 'inutes% or
soa5in# for 8 -ee5s% -ill !asten #er'ination. See$lin#s are trans1lante$ -!en 8 to ,6 in
<27+2 '= !i#! an$ set out in t!e fiel$ -!en ) or 8 years ol$. Inas'u! as #ua&a trees
annot (e $e1en$e$ u1on to o'e true fro' see$% &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is -i$ely
In 0a-aii% In$ia an$ else-!ere% t!e tree !as (een #ro-n fro' root uttin#s. "iees of any
roots e/e1t t!e s'allest an$ t!e &ery lar#e% ut into 2 to )6 in <)8.2786 '= len#t!s% are
1lae$ flat in a 1re1are$ (e$ an$ o&ere$ -it! 8 to . in <27)6 '= of soil -!i! 'ust (e
5e1t 'oist. Or one an 'erely ut t!rou#! roots in t!e #roun$ 8 to , ft <6.A76.* '= a-ay
fro' t!e tree trun59 t!e ut en$s -ill s1rout an$ an (e $u# u1 an$ trans1lante$.
By anot!er 'et!o$% air7layers of selete$ lones are allo-e$ to #ro- , to 2 years an$ are
t!en sa-n off lose to t!e #roun$. T!en a rin# of (ar5 is re'o&e$ fro' ea! ne- s!oot9
root7in$uin# !e'ial is a11lie$. Ten $ays later% t!e s!oots are (an5e$ -it! soil to a
!ei#!t . to 2 in <)67)8.2 '= a(o&e t!e rin#. After 8 'ont!s% t!e s!oots are se1arate$ an$
1lante$ out.
"rune$ (ran!es 'ay ser&e as 1ro1a#atin# 'aterial. Cuttin#s of !alf7ri1ene$ -oo$% )F. to
)F8 in <A7)8.2 ''= t!i5 -ill root -it! (otto' !eat or rootin#7!or'one treat'ent. Usin#
(ot!% 3+K suess !as (een a!ie&e$. Treate$ soft-oo$ uttin#s -ill also root -ell in
inter'ittent 'ist. In Trini$a$% soft-oo$% treate$ uttin#s !a&e (een roote$ in )3 $ays in
oonut fi(er $ust or san$ in s!a$e$ (ins s1raye$ 8 or , ti'es $aily to 5ee1 !u'i$ity
a(o&e *6K. O&er )66%666 1lants -ere 1ro$ue$ (y t!is 'et!o$ o&er a 87year 1erio$.
Un$er tro1ial on$itions <!i#! !eat an$ !i#! !u'i$ity=% 'ature -oo$ ,F. to ) in <878.2
'= t!i5 an$ ) )F8 to 8 ft <.27A6 '= lon#% stu5 into )7ft <,67'= !i#! (la5 1lasti
(a#s fille$ -it! soil% rea$ily roots -it!out !e'ial treat'ent.
In In$ia% air7layerin# an$ inar!in# !a&e (een 1ratie$ for 'any years. 0o-e&er% trees
#ro-n fro' uttin#s or air7layers !a&e no ta1root an$ are a1t to (e (lo-n $o-n in t!e
first 8 or , years. For t!is reason% (u$$in# an$ #raftin# are 1referre$.
A11roa! #raftin# yiel$s 32 to *2K suess. Trials !a&e (een 'a$e of t!e s!iel$% 1at!
an$ For5ert 'et!o$s of (u$$in#. T!e latter al-ays #i&es t!e (est results <33 to )66K=.
:i#orous see$lin#s )F8 to ) in <).8278.2 '= t!i5 are use$ as rootsto5s. T!e (ar5 s!oul$
sli1 easily to failitate insertion of t!e (u$% -!i! is t!en ti#!tly (oun$ in 1lae -it! a
1lasti stri1 an$ t!e rootsto5 is (e!ea$e$% lea&in# only A to 3 lea&es a(o&e t!e (u$.
A(out a 'ont! later% an inision is 'a$e !alf-ay t!rou#! 8 or , in <27+.2 '= a(o&e t!e
(u$ an$ t!e 1lant is (ent o&er to fore t!e (u$ to #ro-. W!en t!e (u$ !as 1ut u1 se&eral
in!es of #ro-t!% t!e to1 of t!e rootsto5 is ut off i''e$iately a(o&e t!e (u$. S1routin#
of t!e (u$ is e/1e$ite$ in t!e rainy season.
At t!e 0ortiultural E/1eri'ent an$ Trainin# Center% Basti% In$ia% a syste' of 1at!
(u$$in# !as (een $e'onstrate$ as o''erially feasi(le. A s-ollen (ut uns1route$%
$or'ant (u$ is ta5en as a ,F. / ,F3 in <8 / l '= 1at! fro' a leaf a/il of 1re&ious
seasonCs #ro-t! an$ ta1e$ onto a s1ae of t!e sa'e siBe ut A to 3 in <)2786 '= a(o&e
t!e #roun$ on a )7year7ol$% 1enil7t!i5 see$lin# $urin# t!e 1erio$ A1ril7June. After t!e
(u$ !as ?ta5en?% )F, is ut fro' t!e to1 of t!e see$lin#9 87, -ee5s later% t!e rest of t!e to1
is ut off lea&in# only ,F. to ) )F. in <87,.8 '= of ste' a(o&e t!e (u$. T!is 'et!o$
#i&es 36 to *6K suess. If $one in July% only +6K. In 0a-aii% ol$ see$lin# or!ar$s
!a&e (een to1-or5e$ to su1erior seletions (y 1at! (u$$in# on stu'1 s!oots.
4ua&a trees are fre>uently 1lante$ too lose. O1ti'u' $istane (et-een t!e trees s!oul$
(e at least ,, ft <)6 '=. "lantin# )A )F8 ft <2 '= a1art is 1ossi(le if t!e trees are ?!e$#e$?.
T!e yiel$ 1er tree -ill (e less (ut t!e total yiel$ 1er lan$ area -ill (e !i#!er t!an at t!e
-i$er s1ain#. So'e reo''en$ settin# t!e trees 3 ft <8.. '= a1art in ro-s 8. ft <+., '=
a1art an$ re'o&in# e&ery ot!er tree as soon as t!ere is o&erro-$in#. W!ere 'ass
1ro$ution is not $esire$ an$ s1ae is li'ite$% #ua&a trees an (e #ro-n as or$ons on a
-ire fene. Ro-s s!oul$ al-ays run nort! an$ sout! so t!at ea! tree reei&es t!e
'a/i'u' sunli#!t. E/u$ates fro' t!e roots of #ua&a trees ten$ to in!i(it t!e #ro-t! of
-ee$s o&er t!e root syste'.
Li#!t 1runin# is al-ays reo''en$e$ to $e&elo1 a stron# fra'e-or5% an$ su5ers
s!oul$ also (e eli'inate$ aroun$ t!e (ase. E/1eri'ental !ea$in#7(a5 !as inrease$
yiel$ in so'e ulti&ars in "uerto Rio. In "alestine% t!e trees are ut (a5 to A )F8 ft <8 '=
e&ery ot!er s1rin# to failitate !ar&estin# -it!out la$$ers. Fruits are (orne (y ne- s!oots
fro' 'ature -oo$. If trees (ear too !ea&ily% t!e (ran!es 'ay (rea5. T!erefore% t!innin#
is reo''en$e$ an$ results in lar#er fruits.
4ua&a trees #ro- ra1i$ly an$ fruit in 8 to . years fro' see$. T!ey li&e ,6 to .6 years (ut
1ro$uti&ity $elines after t!e )2t! year. Or!ar$s 'ay (e reDu&enate$ (y $rasti 1runin#.
T!e tree is $rou#!t7tolerant (ut in $ry re#ions la5 of irri#ation $urin# t!e 1erio$ of fruit
$e&elo1'ent -ill ause t!e fruits to (e $efiient in siBe. In areas reei&in# only )2 to 86
in <,3726 '= rainfall annually% t!e #ua&a -ill (enefit fro' an a$$itional 8%.A6 ' <8
are feet= a11lie$ (y 'eans of 3 to )6 irri#ations% one e&ery )2786 $ays in su''er an$
one ea! 'ont! in -inter.
4ua&a trees res1on$ to a o'1lete fertiliBer 'i/ a11lie$ one a 'ont! $urin# t!e first
year an$ e&ery ot!er 'ont! t!e seon$ year <e/e1t fro' 'i$7No&e'(er to 'i$7January=
at t!e rate of 3 oB <88+ #= 1er tree initially -it! a #ra$ual inrease to 8. oB <A36 #= (y t!e
en$ of t!e seon$ year. Nutritional s1rays 1ro&i$in# o11er an$ Bin are reo''en$e$
t!rie annually for t!e first 8 years an$ one a year t!ereafter. In In$ia% fla&or an$ >uality
of #ua&as !as (een so'e-!at i'1ro&e$ (y s1rayin# t!e folia#e -it! an a>ueous solution
of 1otassiu' sulfate -ee5ly for + -ee5s after fruit set.
Control o. 1ild Trees
Lar#e trees t!at !a&e o&errun 1astures are 5ille$ in FiDi -it! 8%.7D $ia'(a or 8%.%27T in
$iesel fuel or ol$ en#ine oil. E/tensi&e -il$ stan$s of youn# trees are (est (urne$.
Cuttin# results in re#ro-t! -it! 'ulti1le ste's.
Cropping and 'ield
T!e fruit 'atures *6 to )26 $ays after flo-erin#. 4enerally% t!ere are 8 ro1s 1er year in
sout!ern "uerto Rio9 t!e !ea&iest% -it! s'all fruits% in late su''er an$ early fall9
anot!er% -it! lar#er fruits% in late -inter an$ early s1rin#. In nort!ern In$ia% t!e 'ain ro1
ri1ens in 'i$7-inter an$ t!e fruits are of t!e (est >uality. A seon$ ro1 is !o'e in t!e
rainy season (ut t!e fruits are less a(un$ant an$ -atery. 4ro-ers usually -it!!ol$
irri#ation after Dee'(er or January or root71rune t!e trees in or$er to a&oi$ a seon$
ro1. T!e trees -ill s!e$ 'any lea&es an$ any fruits set -ill $ro1. An a&era#e -inter ro1
in nort!ern In$ia is a(out .26 fruits 1er tree. Trees 'ay (ear only )667,66 fruits in t!e
rainy season (ut t!e 1rie is !i#!er (eause of relati&e sarity $es1ite t!e lo-er >uality.
Of ourse% yiel$s &ary -it! t!e ulti&ar an$ ultural treat'ent. E/1eri'ents !a&e s!o-n
t!at s1rayin# youn# #ua&a trees -it! 82K urea 1lus a -ettin# a#ent -ill (rin# t!e' into
1ro$ution early an$ s!orten t!e !ar&est 1erio$ fro' t!e usual )2 -ee5s to . -ee5s.
%andling and (eeping )uality
Ri1e #ua&as (ruise easily an$ are !i#!ly 1eris!a(le. Fruits for 1roessin# 'ay (e
!ar&este$ (y 'e!anial tree7s!a5ers an$ 1lasti nets. For fres! 'ar5etin# an$ s!i11in#%
t!e fruits 'ust (e li11e$ -!en full #ro-n (ut un$erri1e% an$ !an$le$ -it! #reat are.
After #ra$in# for siBe% t!e fruits s!oul$ (e -ra11e$ in$i&i$ually in tissue an$ 1a5e$ in )
to . 1a$$e$ layers -it! e/tra 1a$$in# on to1 (efore t!e o&er is 1ut on. T!ey !a&e (een
suessully s!i11e$ fro' Mia'i to -!olesalers in 'aDor nort!ern ities in refri#erate$
tru5s at te'1eratures of .2V to 22V F <+.88V7)8.+3V C=. It is o''only sai$ t!at #ua&as
'ust (e tree7ri1ene$ to attain 1ri'e >uality% (ut t!e ost of 1rotetin# t!e ro1 fro' (ir$s
'a5es early 1i5in# neessary. It !as (een $e'onstrate$ t!at fruits 1i5e$ -!en yello-7
#reen an$ artifiially ri1ene$ for A $ays in stra- at roo' te'1erature $e&elo1e$ su1erior
olor an$ su#ar ontent.
4ua&as 5e1t at roo' te'1erature in In$ia are nor'ally o&erri1e an$ 'ealy (y t!e At!
$ay% (ut if -ra11e$ in 1liofil' -ill 5ee1 in #oo$ on$ition for * $ays. In ol$ stora#e%
1liofil'7-ra11e$ fruits re'ain un!an#e$ for 'ore t!an )8 $ays. Wra11in# !e5s
-ei#!t loss an$ 1reser&es #lossiness. Un-ra11e$ CSafe$aC #ua&as% Dust turne$ yello-%
!a&e 5e1t -ell for . -ee5s in ol$ stora#e at .+V to 26V F <3.,,V7)6V C= an$ relati&e
!u'i$ity of 327*2K% an$ -ere in #oo$ on$ition for , $ays t!ereafter at roo'
te'1erature of +AV to 3+V F <8.V7..V C=.
Fruits oate$ -it! a ,K -a/ e'ulsion -ill 5ee1 -ell for 3 $ays at +8V to 3AV F <88.8V7,6V
C= an$ .6 to A6K relati&e !u'i$ity% an$ for 8) $ays at .+V to 26V F <3.,V7)6V C= an$
relati&e !u'i$ity of 327*6K. Stora#e life of 'ature #reen #ua&as is 1rolon#e$ at A3V F
<86V C=% relati&e !u'i$ity of 32K% less t!an )6K ar(on $io/i$e% an$ o'1lete re'o&al
of et!ylene.
Resear!ers at Juru5s!etra Uni&ersity% In$ia% !a&e s!o-n t!at treat'ent of !ar&este$
#ua&as -it! )66 11' 'or1!atin <!lorflurenol 'et!yl ester +.626= inreases t!e stora#e
life of #ua&as (y ontrollin# fun#al $eay% an$ re$uin# loss of olor% -ei#!t% su#ars%
asor(i ai$ an$ non7&olatile or#ani ai$s. Co'(ine$ fun#ii$al an$ $ou(le7-a/
oatin# !as inrease$ 'ar5eta(ility (y ,6 $ays.
Australian -or5ers re1ort 1rolon#e$ life an$ re$ue$ rottin# in stora#e after a !ot -ater
$i1% (ut (etter results -ere a!ie&e$ (y $i11in# in an a>ueous (eno'yl sus1ension at
)88V F <26V C=. 0i#!er te'1eratures ause so'e s5in inDury% as $oes a #uaBatine $i1
-!i! is also a less effeti&e fun#ii$e.
Fruits s1raye$ on t!e tree -it! #i((erelli ai$ 867,2 $ays (efore nor'al ri1enin#% -ere
retar$e$ nearly a -ee5 as o'1are$ -it! t!e untreate$ fruits. Also% 'ature #ua&as soa5e$
in #i((erelli ai$ off t!e tree s!o-e$ a 1rolon#e$ stora#e life.
Trials at 0aryana A#riultural Uni&ersity% 0issar% In$ia% s!o-e$ t!at -ee5ly s1rayin#
-it! ).6K 1otassiu' sulfateY).A #als <A liters= 1er treeY(e#innin# + $ays after fruit set
an$ en$in# Dust (efore !ar&estin# at t!e 1ale7#reen sta#e% $elays yello-in#% retains
fir'ness an$ fla&or (eyon$ nor'al stora#e life.
Foo$ te!nolo#ists in In$ia foun$ t!at (ottle$ #ua&a Duie <straine$ fro' slie$ #ua&as
(oile$ ,2 'inutes=% 1reser&e$ -it! +66 11' SO
% lost 'u! asor(i ai$ (ut little 1etin
-!en store$ for , 'ont!s -it!out refri#eration% an$ it 'a$e 1erfetly set Delly.
Pests and Diseases
4ua&a trees are seriously $a'a#e$ (y t!e itrus flat 'ite% Brevipa/pus californicus in
E#y1t. In In$ia% t!e tree is atta5e$ (y 36 inset s1eies% inlu$in# , (ar57eatin#
ater1illars +&ndarbella s11.= an$ t!e #ua&a sale% (ut t!is an$ ot!er sale insets are
#enerally 5e1t un$er ontrol (y t!eir natural ene'ies. T!e #reen s!iel$ sale% )ulvinaria
psidii! re>uires !e'ial 'easures in Flori$a% as $oes t!e #ua&a -!ite fly% $rialeurodes
floridensis! an$ a -ee&il% Anthonomus irroratus! -!i! (ores !oles in t!e ne-ly for'in#
T!e re$7(an$e$ t!ri1s fee$ on lea&es an$ t!e fruit surfae. In In$ia% o5!afer (eetles
fee$ on t!e lea&es at t!e en$ of t!e rainy season an$ t!eir #ru(s% !at!e$ in t!e soil%
atta5 t!e roots. T!e lar&ae of t!e #ua&a s!oot (orer 1enetrates t!e ten$er t-i#s% 5illin#
t!e s!oots. So'eti'es a1!i$s are 1re&alent% su5in# t!e sa1 fro' t!e un$ersi$e of t!e
lea&es of ne- s!oots an$ e/retin# !oney$e- on -!i! sooty 'ol$ $e&elo1s.
T!e #ua&a fruit -or'% Argyresthia eugeniella! in&isi(ly infiltrates !ar$ #reen fruits% an$
t!e itron 1lant (u#% $heognis gonagia! t!e yello- (eetle% Costalimaita ferruginea! an$
t!e fruit7su5in# (u#% *elopeltis antonii! fee$ on ri1e fruits. A false s1i$er 'ite%
Brevipalpus phoenicis! auses surfae russetin# (e#innin# -!en t!e fruits are !alf7#ro-n.
Fruit russetin# an$ $efoliation result also fro' infestations of re$7(an$e$ t!ri1s%
Selenothrips rubrocinctus. T!e oonut 'ealy(u#% )seudococcus nipae! !as (een a
serious 1ro(le' in "uerto Rio (ut !as (een effeti&ely o'(atte$ (y t!e intro$ution of
its 1arasiti ene'y% )seudaphycus utilis.
Soil7in!a(itin# -!ite #ru(s re>uire 1lo-in#7in of an a11ro&e$ an$ effeti&e 1estii$e
$urin# fiel$ 1re1aration in "uerto Rio. T!ere are ot!er 'inor 1ests% (ut t!e #reat
1ro(le's -!ere&er t!e #ua&a is #ro-n are fruit flies.
T!e #ua&a is a 1ri'e !ost of t!e Me$iterranean% Oriental% Me/ian% an$ Cari((ean fruit
flies% an$ t!e 'elon fly=Ceratitis capitata! acus dorsalis! Anastrepha ludens! A.
suspensa! an$ acus cucurbitae. Ri1e fruits -ill (e foun$ infeste$ -it! t!e lar&ae an$
totally unusa(le e/e1t as fee$ for attle an$ s-ine. To a&oi$ fruit fly $a'a#e% fruits 'ust
(e 1i5e$ (efore full 'aturity an$ t!is re>uires !ar&estin# at least , ti'es a -ee5. In
BraBil% !oie% un$a'a#e$ #ua&as are 1ro$ue$ (y o&erin# t!e fruits -it! 1a1er sa5s
-!en youn# <t!e siBe of an oli&e=. Infeste$ fruits s!oul$ (e (urne$ or ot!er-ise
$estroye$. In reent years% t!e Coo1erati&e E/tension Ser&ie in Da$e County% Flori$a%
!as $istri(ute$ -as1s t!at atta5 t!e lar&ae an$ 1u1ae of t!e Cari((ean fruit fly an$ !a&e
so'e-!at re$ue$ t!e 'enae.
In "uerto Rio% u1 to 26K of t!e #ua&a ro1 <'ainly fro' -il$ trees= 'ay (e ruine$ (y
t!e unontrolla(le fun#us% 5lomerella cingulata! -!i! 'u''ifies an$ (la5ens
i''ature fruits an$ rots 'ature fruits. iplodia natalensis 'ay si'ilarly affet .6K of
t!e ro1 on so'e trees in Sout! In$ia.
Fruits 1unture$ (y insets are su(Det to 'uor rot <ause$ (y t!e fun#us% Mucor
hiemalis- in 0a-aii. On so'e trees% 36K of t!e 'ature #reen fruits 'ay (e ruine$.
Al#al s1ottin# of lea&es an$ fruits <ause$ (y Cephaleuros virescens- ours in so'e
ulti&ars in !u'i$ sout!ern Flori$a (ut an (e ontrolle$ -it! o11er fun#ii$es. Durin#
t!e rainy season in In$ia% an$ t!e "ro&ine of Santi S1iritus% Cu(a% t!e fun#us%
)hytophthora parasitica! is res1onsi(le for 'u! infetious fruit rot. Botryodiplodia s1.
an$ othiorella s1. ause ste'7en$ rot in fruits $a'a#e$ $urin# !ar&estin#.
Macrophomina s1. !as (een lin5e$ to fruit rot in :eneBuela an$ 5liocladium roseum !as
(een i$entifie$ on rottin# fruits on t!e 'ar5et in In$ia.
In Ba!ia% BraBil% se&ere $efiieny sy'1to's of #ua&a trees -as attri(ute$ to ne'ato$es
an$ ne'atii$e treat'ent of t!e soil in a irle , ft <6.* in= out fro' t!e (ase restore$ t!e
trees to nor'al in 2 'ont!s. Nin $efiieny 'ay (e ons1iuous -!en t!e #ua&a is
#ro-n on li#!t soils. It is orrete$ (y t-o su''er s1rayin#s A6 $ays a1art -it! Bin
Wilt% assoiate$ -it! t!e fun#i Fusarium solani an$ Macrophomina phaseoli% (rin#s
a(out #ra$ual $eline an$ $eat! of un$ernouris!e$ )7to 27year7ol$ #ua&a trees in West
Ben#al. A -ilt $isease (rou#!t a(out (y t!e -oun$ 1arasite% Myxosporium psidii% auses
t!e $eat! of 'any #ua&a trees% es1eially in su''er% t!rou#!out Tai-an. Wilt is also
ause$ (y Fusarium oxysporum f. psidii -!i! in&a$es t!e trun5 an$ roots t!rou#!
tunnels (ore$ (y t!e lar&ae of Coelosterna (eetles. Ant!ranose <Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides= 'ay atta5 t!e fruits in t!e rainy season. )estalotia psidii so'eti'es
auses an5er on #reen #ua&as in In$ia an$ rots fruits in stora#e.
Se&ere losses are oasione$ in In$ia (y (ir$s an$ (ats an$ so'e efforts are 'a$e to
1rotet t!e ro1 (y nets or noise'a5ers.
Food *ses
Ra- #ua&as are eaten out7of7!an$% (ut are 1referre$ see$e$ an$ ser&e$ slie$ as $essert
or in sala$s. More o''only% t!e fruit is oo5e$ an$ oo5in# eli'inates t!e stron# o$or.
A stan$ar$ $essert t!rou#!out Latin A'eria an$ t!e S1anis!7s1ea5in# islan$s of t!e
West In$ies is ste-e$ #ua&a s!ells <cascos de guayaba=% t!at is% #ua&a !al&es -it! t!e
entral see$ 1ul1 re'o&e$% straine$ an$ a$$e$ to t!e s!ells -!ile oo5in# to enri! t!e
siru1. T!e anne$ 1ro$ut is -i$ely sol$ an$ t!e s!ells an also (e >ui57froBen. T!ey
are often ser&e$ -it! rea' !eese. So'eti'es #ua&as are anne$ -!ole or ut in !alf
-it!out see$ re'o&al.
Bars of t!i5% ri! #ua&a 1aste an$ #ua&a !eese are sta1le s-eets% an$ #ua&a Delly is
al'ost uni&ersally 'ar5ete$. 4ua&a Duie% 'a$e (y (oilin# slie$% unsee$e$ #ua&as an$
strainin#% is 'u! use$ in 0a-aii in 1un! an$ ie rea' so$as. A lear #ua&a Duie -it!
all t!e asor(i ai$ an$ ot!er 1ro1erties un$a'a#e$ (y e/essi&e !eat% is 'a$e in Sout!
Afria (y tri''in# an$ 'inin# #ua&as% 'i/in# -it! a natural fun#al enBy'e <no-
a&aila(le un$er &arious tra$e na'es=% lettin# stan$ for )3 !ours at )86V to ),6V F <.*V72.V
C= an$ filterin#. It is 'a$e into siru1 for use on -affles% ie rea'% 1u$$in#s an$ in
'il5s!a5es. 4ua&a Duie an$ netar are a'on# t!e nu'erous 1o1ular anne$ or (ottle$
fruit (e&era#es of t!e Cari((ean area. After -as!in# an$ tri''in# of t!e floral re'nants%
-!ole #ua&as in siru1 or 'erely s1rin5le$ -it! su#ar an (e 1ut into 1lasti (a#s an$
T!ere are innu'era(le rei1es for utiliBin# #ua&as in 1ies% a5es% 1u$$in#s% saue% ie
rea'% Da'% (utter% 'ar'ala$e% !utney% relis!% atsu1% an$ ot!er 1ro$uts. In In$ia%
$isoloration in anne$ #ua&as !as (een o&ero'e (y a$$in# 6.6AK itri ai$ an$
6.)82K asor(i ai$ to t!e siru1. For 1in5 s!er(et% Fren! resear!ers reo''en$ 8
1arts of t!e ulti&ar CAi$ S1eerC an$ A 1arts CStoneC. For -!ite or 1ale7yello- s!er(et% 8
1arts CSu1re'eC an$ . 1arts CLar#e W!iteC. In Sout! Afria% a (a(y7foo$ 'anufaturer
'ar5ets a #ua&a7ta1ioa 1ro$ut% an$ a #ua&a e/trat 1re1are$ fro' s'all an$ o&erri1e
fruits is use$ as an asor(i7ai$ enri!'ent for soft $rin5s an$ &arious foo$s.
De!y$rate$ #ua&as 'ay (e re$ue$ to a 1o-$er -!i! an (e use$ to fla&or ie rea'%
onfetions an$ fruit Duies% or (oile$ -it! su#ar to 'a5e Delly% or utiliBe$ as 1etin to
'a5e Delly of lo-71etin fruits. In$ia fin$s it 1ratial to $e!y$rate #ua&as $urin# t!e
seasonal #lut for Delly7'anufature in t!e off7season. In )*.+% 0a-aii (e#an sea s!i1'ent
of froBen #ua&a Duie an$ 1uree in 27#allon ans to 1roessors on t!e 'ainlan$ of t!e
Unite$ States. Sine )*+2% BraBil !as (een e/1ortin# lar#e >uantities of #ua&a 1aste%
onentrate$ #ua&a 1ul1% an$ #ua&a s!ells not only to t!e Unite$ States (ut to Euro1e% t!e
Mi$$le East% Afria an$ Ja1an.
Canne$% froBen #ua&a netar is an i'1ortant 1ro$ut in 0a-aii an$ "uerto Rio (ut 'ay
(e e/essi&ely #ritty unless stone ells fro' t!e outer fles! an$ s5in are re$ue$ (y use of
a stone 'ill or re'o&e$ (y entrifu#in#.
In Sout! Afria% #ua&as are 'i/e$ -it! orn'eal an$ ot!er in#re$ients to 'a5e
(rea5fast7foo$ fla5es.
4reen 'ature #ua&as an (e utiliBe$ as a soure of 1etin% yiel$in# so'e-!at 'ore an$
!i#!er >uality 1etin t!an ri1e fruits.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories ,A726
Moisture ++73A #
Cru$e Fi(er 8.372.2 #
"rotein 6.*7).6 #
Fat 6.)76.2 #
As! 6..,76.+ #
Car(o!y$rates *.27)6 #
Caliu' *.)7)+ '#
"!os1!orus )+.37,6 '#
Iron 6.,676.+6 '#
Carotene <:ita'in A= 8667.66 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6.A '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6,76.6. '#
Niain 6.A7).6A3 '#
:ita'in B, .6 I.U.
:ita'in 4. ,2 I.U.
LAnalyses of -!ole ri1e #ua&as.
Asor(i ai$Y'ainly in t!e s5in% seon$ly in t!e fir' fles!% an$ little in t!e entral 1ul1Y
&aries fro' 2A to A66 '#. It 'ay ran#e u1 to ,267.26 '# in nearly ri1e fruit. W!en
s1ei'ens of t!e sa'e lot of fruits are fully ri1e an$ soft% it 'ay $eline to 267)66 '#.
Cannin# or ot!er !eat 1roessin# $estroys a(out 26K of t!e asor(i ai$. 4ua&a 1o-$er
ontainin# 8%2667,%666 '# asor(i ai$ -as o''only a$$e$ to 'ilitary rations in
Worl$ War II. 4ua&a see$s ontain ).K of an aro'ati oil% )2K 1rotein an$ ),K star!.
T!e stron# o$or of t!e fruit is attri(ute$ to ar(onyl o'1oun$s.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is yello- to re$$is!% fine7#raine$% o'1at% 'o$erately stron#% -ei#!s
A267+26 5# 1er u(i 'eter9 is $ura(le in$oors9 use$ in ar1entry an$ turnery. T!ou#! it
'ay -ar1 on seasonin#% it is 'u! in $e'an$ in Malaya for !an$les9 in In$ia% it is &alue$
for en#ra&in#s. 4uate'alans use #ua&a -oo$ to 'a5e s1innin# to1s% an$ in El Sal&a$or it
is fas!ione$ into !air o'(s -!i! are 1eris!a(le -!en -et. It is #oo$ fuel-oo$. an$
also a soure of !aroal.
-ea&es and bark, T!e lea&es an$ (ar5 are ri! in tannin <)6K in t!e lea&es on a $ry
-ei#!t (asis% ))7,6K in t!e (ar5=. T!e (ar5 is use$ in Central A'eria for tannin# !i$es.
Malayans use t!e lea&es -it! ot!er 1lant 'aterials to 'a5e a (la5 $ye for sil5. In
sout!east Asia% t!e lea&es are e'1loye$ to #i&e a (la5 olor to otton9 an$ in In$onesia%
t!ey ser&e to $ye 'attin#.
1ood .lowers, In Me/io% t!e tree 'ay (e 1arasitiBe$ (y t!e 'istletoe% )sittacanthus
calyculatus Don% 1ro$uin# t!e rosette7li5e 'alfor'ations alle$ ?-oo$ flo-ers? -!i!
are sol$ as orna'ental uriosities.
Medicinal *ses, T!e roots% (ar5% lea&es an$ i''ature fruits% (eause of t!eir
astrin#eny% are o''only e'1loye$ to !alt #astroenteritis% $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery%
t!rou#!out t!e tro1is. Crus!e$ lea&es are a11lie$ on -oun$s% ulers an$ r!eu'ati
1laes% an$ lea&es are !e-e$ to relie&e toot!a!e. T!e leaf $eotion is ta5en as a
re'e$y for ou#!s% t!roat an$ !est ail'ents% #ar#le$ to relie&e oral ulers an$ infla'e$
#u's9 an$ also ta5en as an e''ena#o#ue an$ &er'ifu#e% an$ treat'ent for leuorr!ea. It
!as (een effeti&e in !altin# &o'itin# an$ $iarr!ea in !olera 1atients. It is also a11lie$
on s5in $iseases. A $eotion of t!e ne- s!oots is ta5en as a fe(rifu#e. T!e leaf infusion
is 1resri(e$ in In$ia in ere(ral ail'ents% ne1!ritis an$ a!e/ia. An e/trat is #i&en in
e1ile1sy an$ !orea an$ a tinture is ru((e$ on t!e s1ine of !il$ren in on&ulsions. A
o'(ine$ $eotion of lea&es an$ (ar5 is #i&en to e/1el t!e 1laenta after !il$(irt!.
T!e lea&es% in a$$ition to tannin% 1ossess essential oil ontainin# t!e ses>uiter1ene
!y$roar(ons aryo1!yllene% 7(isa(olene% aro'a$en$rene% 7selinene% neroli$iol%
aryo1!yllene o/i$e an$ sel7))7en7./ 7ol% also so'e triter1enoi$s an$ 7sitosterol. T!e
(ar5 ontains tannin% rystals of aliu' o/alate% ella#i ai$ an$ star!. T!e youn# fruits
are ri! in tannin.
Myrciaria cauliflora Berg6
'ugenia cauliflora DC6
Little 5no-n outsi$e t!eir natural ran#e% t!ese 'e'(ers of t!e 'yrtle fa'ily% Myrtaeae%
are 1er!a1s t!e 'ost 1o1ular nati&e fruit7(earers of BraBil. 4enerally i$entifie$ as
Myrciaria cauliflora Ber#. <syn. Eugenia cauliflora DC.=% t!e na'es 4aboticaba!
4abuticaba or yabuticaba <for t!e fruit9 4aboticabeira for t!e tree= atually e'(rae .
s1eies of &ery si'ilar trees an$ fruits@ M. cauliflora! sabar> 4aboticaba! also 5no-n as
4abuticaba sabar>! 4abuticaba de Campinas! guapuru! guaperu! hivapuru! or ybapuru:
M. 4aboticaba Berg.! #reat Da(otia(a% also 5no-n as 4aboticaba de Sao )aulo!
4aboticaba do mato! 4aboticaba batuba! 4aboticaba grauda: M. tenella Ber#.% Faboticaba
macia! also 5no-n as guayabo colorado! cambui preto! murta do campo! camboinzinho:
M. trunciflora Ber#.% lon#7ste''e$ Da(otia(a% also alle$ 4aboticaba de Cabinho! or
4aboticaba do )ar>.
T!e -or$ ?Da(otia(a? is sai$ to !a&e (een $eri&e$ fro' t!e Tu1i ter'% 4abotim! for
turtle% an$ 'eans ?li5e turtle fat?% 1resu'a(ly referrin# to t!e fruit 1ul1.
Fi#. )6)@ A Da(otia(a tree in full (loo' in BraBil is a stri5in# e/a'1le of auliflory <flo-ers arisin# fro'
a/illary (u$s on 'ain trun5s or ol$er (ran!es
Ja(otia(a trees are slo-7#ro-in#% in M. tenella! s!ru((y% , )F8 to . )F8 ft <)7).,2 '=
!i#!9 in M. trunciflora! ), to 8, or rarely .6 ft <.7+ or )8 '=9 in t!e ot!er s1eies usually
rea!in# ,2 to .6 ft <)6.27)8 '=. T!ey are 1rofusely (ran!e$% (e#innin# lose to t!e
#roun$ an$ slantin# u1-ar$ an$ out-ar$ so t!at t!e $ense% roun$e$ ro-n 'ay attain an
ulti'ate s1rea$ of .2 ft <),.+ '=. T!e t!in outer (ar5% li5e t!at of t!e #ua&a% fla5es off%
lea&in# li#!t 1at!es. ;oun# folia#e an$ (ran!lets are !airy.
T!e e&er#reen% o11osite lea&es% on &ery s!ort% $o-ny 1etioles% are laneolate or elli1ti%
roun$e$ at t!e (ase% s!ar1ly or (luntly 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/9 ) to . in <8.27)6 '= lon#% )F8
to ,F. in <).8278 '= in -i$t!9 leat!ery% $ar57#reen% an$ #lossy. S1etaularly e'er#in#
fro' t!e 'ulti1le trun5s an$ (ran!es in #rou1s of .% on &ery s!ort% t!i5 1e$iels% t!e
flo-ers !a&e . !airy% -!ite 1etals an$ a(out A6 sta'ens to )FA in <. ''= lon#. T!e fruit%
(orne in a(un$ane% sin#ly or in lusters% on s!ort stal5s% is lar#ely !i$$en (y t!e folia#e
an$ t!e s!a$e of t!e ano1y% (ut ons1iuous on t!e lo-er 1ortions of t!e trun5s. Roun$%
sli#!tly o(late% (roa$71yrifor'% or elli1soi$% -it! a s'all $is5 an$ &esti#es of t!e . se1als
at t!e a1e/% t!e fruits &ary in siBe -it! t!e s1eies an$ &ariety% ran#in# fro' )F. in <A
''= in M. tenella an$ fro' 2F3 to ) )F8 in <).A7. '= in $ia'eter in t!e ot!er s1eies.
T!e s'oot!% tou#! s5in is &ery #lossy% (ri#!t7#reen% re$71ur1le% 'aroon71ur1le% or so
$ar5 a 1ur1le as to a11ear nearly (la5% sli#!tly ai$ an$ faintly s1iy in taste9 enloses a
#elatinous% Duiy% transluent% all7-!ite or rose7tinte$ 1ul1 t!at lin#s fir'ly to t!e see$s.
T!e fruit !as an o&erall su(ai$ to s-eet% #ra1eli5e fla&or% 'il$ly to $isa#reea(ly
resinous% an$ is so'eti'es >uite astrin#ent. T!ere 'ay (e ) to 2 o&al to nearly roun$ (ut
flattene$% !ar$ to ten$er% li#!t7(ro-n see$s% )F. to )F8 in <A7)8.2 ''= lon#% (ut often
so'e are a(orti&e. T!e fruit !as (een -ell li5ene$ to a 'usa$ine #ra1e e/e1t for t!e
lar#er see$s.
Origin and Distribution
M. cauliflora is nati&e to t!e !illy re#ion aroun$ Rio $e Janeiro an$ Minas 4erais% BraBil%
also aroun$ Santa CruB% Boli&ia% Asuni`n% "ara#uay% an$ nort!eastern Ar#entina. M.
4aboticaba #ro-s -il$ in t!e forest aroun$ Sao "aulo an$ Rio $e Janeiro9 M. tenella
ours in t!e an$ Bone of Ba!ia an$ t!e 'ountains of Minas 4erais9 in t!e states of Sao
"aulo% "erna'(uo an$ Rio 4ran$e $o Sul9 also aroun$ ;a#uar`n% Uru#uay% an$ San
Martin% "eru. M. trunciflora is in$i#enous to t!e &iinity of Minas 4erais.
Ja(otia(as are ulti&ate$ fro' t!e sout!ern ity of Rio 4ran$e to Ba!ia% an$ fro' t!e
seaoast to 4oyaB an$ Matto 4rosso in t!e -est% not only for t!e fruits (ut also as
orna'ental trees. T!ey are 'ost o''on in 1ar5s an$ #ar$ens t!rou#!out Rio $e Janeiro
an$ in s'all or!ar$s all aroun$ Minas 4erais. Many ulti&ate$ for's are (elie&e$ to (e
inters1eifi !y(ri$s.
An early ?!earsay? aount of t!e Da(otia(as of BraBil -as 1u(lis!e$ in A'ster$a' in
)A23. T!e Da(otia(a -as intro$ue$ into California <at Santa Bar(ara= a(out )*6.. A
fe- of t!e trees -ere still li&in# in )*)8 (ut all -ere #one (y )*,*. In )*63% BraBilCs
National Soiety of A#riulture sent to t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture
1lants of , &arieties% 'Coroa'@ 'Murta'@ an$ 'Paulista'6 T!e first 8 $ie$ soon (ut C"aulistaC
li&e$ until )*)+. A Dr. W. 0entB (ou#!t A s'all inar!e$ 1lants in Rio Janeiro in )*))
an$ 1lante$ t!e' in City "oint% Bre&ar$ County% Flori$a. Only one% &ariety CMurtaC%
sur&i&e$ an$ !e 'o&e$ it to Winter 0a&en in )*)3. It (e#an fruitin# in )*,8 an$
ontinue$ to (ear in #reat a(un$ane. Anot!er intro$ution -as 'a$e (y t!e U.S.
De1art'ent of A#riulture in )*), in t!e for' of see$s ollete$ (y t!e 1lant e/1lorers%
".0. Dorsett% A.D. S!a'el% an$ W. "o1enoe fro' 'ar5ete$ fruits in Rio $e Janeiro% t!e
(est of -!i! -as $esri(e$ as ) )F8 in <,.3 '= t!i5. In )*).% t!e U.S. De1art'ent of
A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' .6 l(s <83 5#= of fruit 1ur!ase$ in t!e 1u(li 'ar5et in
Rio $e Janeiro% -!i! a11eare$ $ifferent fro' 1re&ious intro$utions (ein# 1ur1le7
'aroon% roun$ or sli#!tly o(late% an$% at 'ost% not >uite ) in <8.2 '= in $ia'eter. "lants
#ro-n fro' t!ese see$s% (elie&e$ to re1resent 'ore t!an one s1eies% -ere $istri(ute$ to
Flori$a% California an$ Cu(a. A see$lin# of M. trunciflora fro' t!is lot -as% u1 until
)*83% #ro-n at t!e C!arles Deerin# estate% Buena :ista% Flori$a% an$ t!en transferre$ to
t!e t!en U.S.D.A. "lant Intro$ution Station <no- t!e Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture Resear!
Unit= on Ol$ Cutler Roa$. It 'a$e 1oor #ro-t! in t!e li'estone% (ut sur&i&e$.
In )*)3% see$s -ere 1resente$ to t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture (y t!e Diretor of
t!e Esola A#riola $e La&ras in Minas 4erais% an$ 'ost of t!e resultin# trees -ere
#ro-in# at t!e Bri5ell A&enue 4ar$en until )*8A -!en t!ey -ere 5ille$ (y t!e , ft <)
'= of salt -ater 1us!e$ o&er t!e #ar$en (y t!e $isastrous !urriane of t!at year. Dr.
Da&i$ Fair!il$ reDoie$ t!at% in )*8,% !e !a$ set out t-o of t!e see$lin#s at !is !o'e%
?T!e Ja'1on#?% in Coonut 4ro&e an$ t!ese li&e$9 one fruitin# for t!e first ti'e in
)*,2. See$lin#s of t!e sa'e lot -ere suessfully #ro-n an$ fruite$ !ea&ily at t!e At5ins
4ar$en of 0ar&ar$ Uni&ersity at Sole$a$% near Cienfue#os% Cu(a.
In )*86% Dr. Fair!il$ an$ ".0. Dorsett too5 se&eral youn# trees to "ana'a an$ 1lante$
t!e' at Juan Mina at sea7le&el -!ere t!ey #re- -ell an$ fruite$ for 'any years. Later%
Da(otia(as -ere set out in t!e ne- Su''it Botani 4ar$en. Bet-een )*,6 an$ )*.6%
1lants 1resu'a(ly fro' t!e Su''it 4ar$en% -ere installe$ at t!e Estaion A#raola $e
"al'ira% in sout!ern Colo'(ia.
See$s -ere sent fro' Was!in#ton to t!e "!ili11ines in )*8.. "lants -ere sent to "uerto
Arturo% 0on$uras% an$ transferre$ to t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ental 4ar$en% at Tela% in )*8A
an$ a#ain in )*8*. Ot!er 1lants -ere transferre$ fro' t!e Su''it 4ar$en in )*83. T!e
trees flouris!e$ an$ fruite$ -ell in 0on$uras. Dr. 0a'ilton ". Trau(% of t!e Orlan$o%
Flori$a% (ran! of t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riulture% -as esta(lis!in# a 8 )F8 are
<nearly ) !a= e/1eri'ental (lo5 of Da(otia(as in )*.6 for testin# an$ stu$y. At t!at ti'e
t!ere -ere only a fe- (earin# trees in t!e state. Soon% nurseries (e#an sellin# #rafte$
trees an$ t!ey (e#an a11earin# in !o'e #ar$ens.
M. cauliflora $iffers 'ainly fro' t!e ot!er s1eies in t!e lar#e siBe of t!e tree an$ of t!e
fruits. T!e -ell75no-n &ariety CCoroaC is (elie&e$ to (elon# to t!is s1eies% also CMurtaC
-!i! !as s'aller lea&es an$ lar#er fruits. T!e latter -as a'on# t!ose sent to California
in )*6..
A'on# o''erial sorts in BraBil are@
'$abarO@ a for' of M. cauliflora% is t!e 'ost 1riBe$ an$ 'ost often 1lante$. T!e fruit is
s'all% t!in7s5inne$ an$ s-eet. T!e tree is of 'e$iu' siBe% 1reoious% an$ &ery
1ro$uti&e. Early in season9 (ears . ro1s a year. Suse1ti(le to rust on flo-ers an$
'Paulista'Yfruit is &ery lar#e% -it! t!i5% leat!ery s5in. T!e tree is a stron# #ro-er an$
!i#!ly 1ro$uti&e t!ou#! it (ears a sin#le ro1. Later in season t!an CSa(arXC Fruits are
resistant to rust. Was intro$ue$ into California in )*6..
'2a4ada'Yfruit &ery lar#e% s5in #reen7(ronBe% t!inner t!an t!at of C"aulistaC. Fla&or is
s-eet an$ &ery #oo$. T!e tree is 'u! li5e t!at of C"aulistaC. Mi$season.
'Branca'Yfruit is lar#e% not -!ite% (ut (ri#!t7#reen9 $eliious. Tree is of 'e$iu' siBe an$
1rolifi9 reo''en$e$ for !o'e #ar$ens.
'Pon!e#a'Yfruit is turni17s!a1e$ -it! 1ointe$ a1e/9 lar#e9 -it! so'e-!at leat!ery s5in.
Must (e fully ri1e for eatin# ra-9 is 'ost use$ for Delly an$ ot!er 1reser&es. Tree is &ery
lar#e an$ e/tre'ely 1ro$uti&e.
'2u4ada'Lfruit is stri1e$ -!ite an$ 1ur1le.
'2o+a'Yan ol$ ty1e 'entione$ (y "o1enoe as (ein# 'ore re$$is! t!an 1ur1le% as t!e
na'e <'eanin# ?re$?= i'1lies.
'$ao Paulo' <1ro(a(ly M. 4aboticaba=Ytree is lar#e7lea&e$.
'Mineira'Y-as intro$ue$ into California in )*6..
It !as (een re1orte$ fro' BraBil t!at solitary Da(otia(a trees (ear 1oorly o'1are$ -it!
t!ose 1lante$ in #rou1s% -!i! in$iates t!at ross71ollination en!anes 1ro$uti&ity.
In BraBil% Da(otia(as #ro- fro' sea7le&el to ele&ations of 'ore t!an ,%666 ft <*)6 '=. At
Minas 4erais% t!e te'1erature rarely falls (elo- ,,V F <6.2AV C=. Trees in entral Flori$a
!a&e li&e$ t!rou#! freeBin# -eat!er. In )*)+% one &ery youn# Da(otia(a tree at
Broo5s&ille sur&i&e$ a $ro1 in te'1erature to )3V F <7+.+3V C=% only t!e folia#e an$
(ran!es (ein# 5ille$ (a5. In sout!ern Flori$a% Da(otia(as !a&e not (een $a'a#e$ (y
(rief 1erio$s of 8AV F <7,.,,V C=.
Ja(otia(a trees #ro- (est on $ee1% ri!% -ell7$raine$ soil% (ut !a&e #ro-n an$ (orne
-ell on san$ in entral Flori$a an$ !a&e (een fairly satisfatory in t!e sout!ern 1art of t!e
state on ooliti li'estone.
Ja(otia(as are usually #ro-n fro' see$s in Sout! A'eria. T!ese are nearly al-ays
1olye'(ryoni% 1ro$uin# . to A 1lants 1er see$. T!ey #er'inate in 86 to .6 $ays.
Selete$ strains an (e re1ro$ue$ (y inar!in# <a11roa!7#raftin#= or air7layerin#.
Bu$$in# is not easily ao'1lis!e$ (eause of t!e t!inness of t!e (ar5 an$ !ar$ness of
t!e -oo$. Si$e7&eneer #raftin# is fairly suessful. An$ e/1eri'ental -or5 !as s!o-n
t!at 1ro1a#ation (y tissue ulture 'ay (e feasi(le.
At t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center in 0o'estea$% Flori$a% A relate$
#enera% inlu$in# )6 s1eies% -ere trie$ as rootsto5s in #raftin# e/1eri'ents (ut none
-as suessful. 0o-e&er% M. cauliflora sions -ere satisfatorily Doine$ to rootsto5 of
t!e sa'e s1eies )F3 to )F. in <,7A ''= t!i5% (oun$ -it! 1arafil' an$ #ro-n in 1lasti
(a#s un$er 'ist.
Ja(otia(a trees in 1lantations s!oul$ (e s1ae$ at least ,6 ft <* '= a1art ea! -ay. Dr.
Wilson "o1enoe -rote t!at in BraBil t!ey -ere nearly al-ays 1lante$ too loseYa(out )2
ft <..2 '= a1art% #reatly restritin# nor'al $e&elo1'ent.
4ro-t! is so slo- t!at a see$lin# 'ay ta5e , years to rea! )3 in <.2 '= in !ei#!t.
0o-e&er% a see$lin# tree in san$ at Orlan$o% Flori$a% -as )2 ft <..2 '= !i#! -!en )6
years ol$. Ot!ers on li'estone at t!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riultureCs
Su(tro1ial 0ortiulture Resear! Unit -ere s!ru((y an$ only 2 to A ft <).27).3 '= !i#!
-!en )6 an$ )) years ol$. See$lin#s 'ay not (ear fruit until 3 to )2 years of a#e% t!ou#!
one see$lin# seletion flo-ere$ in . to 2 years. 4rafte$ trees !a&e fruite$ in + years. One
1lante$ near Bra$enton% Flori$a% in (a#asse7enri!e$ soil starte$ (earin# t!e At! year.
T!e fruit $e&elo1s >ui5ly% in ) to , 'ont!s% after flo-erin#.
Tra$itionally% Da(otia(as !a&e not (een #i&en fertiliBer in BraBil% t!e (elief 1re&ailin#
t!at it 'i#!t (e 1reDu$iial rat!er t!an (enefiial (eause of t!e sensiti&ity of t!e root
syste'. So'e a#rono'ists !a&e a$&oate$ $i##in# a series of 1its aroun$ t!e (ase of t!e
tree an$ fillin# t!e' -it! or#ani 'atter enri!e$ -it! ) 1art a''oniu' sulfate% 8 1arts
su1er1!os1!ate% an$ ) 1art 1otassiu' !lorate. T!e 1its store an$ #ra$ually release t!e
nutrients an$ t!e -ater fro' t!e fall rains.
In )*+3% E.A. A5er'an of t!e Rare Fruit Counil International% In.% re1orte$ on
fertiliBer e/1eri'ents -it! A, one7year7ol$ an$ .3 t-o7 an$ t!ree7year7ol$ see$lin#s in
ontainers. Better #ro-t! -as o(taine$ -it! 1lants in a 'i/ture of e>ual a'ounts of ai$
san$y 'u5% &er'iulite% an$ 1eat% #i&en fee$in#s of ,8 # of ).7).7). slo-7release
fertiliBer <Os'oote=% rou#!ly e&ery 8 )F8 'ont!s% an$ , #allons <)).. liters= of -ell
-ater <10 +.86= (y a $ri1 syste' e&ery 8 $ays o&er a 1erio$ of )3 'ont!s% t!an 1lants
#i&en ot!er treat'ents. T!e a$$ition of !elate$ iron -as of no a$&anta#e9 !elate$ Bin
retar$e$ #ro-t! rate% !elate$ 'an#anese sto11e$ #ro-t! an$ ause$ $efoliation.
A(un$ant -ater -as foun$ to (e essential to sur&i&al. Irri#ation to 1ro'ote flo-erin# in
t!e $ry season is reo''en$e$ in BraBil to a&oi$ t!e $etri'ental effets of flo-erin# in
t!e rainy season.
T!e ti'e of fruitin# &aries -it! t!e s1eies an$For ulti&ar an$% of ourse% t!e loale. In
Rio $e Janeiro% M. cauliflora fruits in May an$ M. 4aboticaba in Se1te'(er. If t!e trees
are !ea&ily irri#ate$ in t!e $ry season% t!ey 'ay (ear se&eral ro1s a year. Trees in
sout!ern Flori$a usually 1ro$ue 8 ro1s a year.
%ar&esting and Packing
In BraBil% Da(otia(as !ar&este$ in t!e interior are s!i11e$ ru$ely in seon$7!an$
-oo$en (o/es to ur(an 'ar5ets. T!e tou#!ness of t!e s5in 1re&ents serious (ruisin# if
t!e (o/es are !an$le$ -it! so'e are.
(eeping )uality
Ja(otia(as% one !ar&este$% fer'ent >ui5ly at or$inary te'1eratures.
Pests and Diseases
If t!e Da(otia(a (loo's $urin# a 1erio$ of $rou#!t% 'any flo-ers $esiate. If (loo'in#
ours $urin# !ea&y rains% 'any flo-ers -ill (e affete$ (y rust ause$ (y a fun#us. T!e
&ariety CSa(arXC is 1artiularly suse1ti(le to atta5s of rust on t!e flo-ers an$ fruits. T!is
is t!e 'ost serious $isease of t!e Da(otia(a in BraBil. T!e initial si#ns are irular s1ots%
at first yello- t!en $ar57(ro-n.
Fruit7eatin# (ir$s are &ery trou(leso'e to Da(otia(a #ro-ers in BraBil. To 1rotet t!e
ro1% $ou(le7fol$e$ ne-s1a1er 1a#es are 1lae$ aroun$ in$i&i$ual lusters an$ tie$ at t!e
to1. If (ir$s are &ery a##ressi&e% or if t!ere are !i#! -in$s% t!e 1a1er 'ust (e seure$
-it! strin# at t!e (otto' also. To failitate t!is o1eration% it 'ay (e neessary in -inter
or early s1rin# to $o so'e 1runin# to 'a5e it easier to li'( t!e trees an$ t!is -ill result
in 1rotetin# a lar#er 1ortion of t!e ro1. Furt!er'ore% re$uin# t!e nu'(er of fruits !as
t!e effet of inreasin# t!e siBe of t!ose
t!at re'ain. In Flori$a% raoons an$
o1ossu's 'a5e rai$s on Da(otia(as.
Food *ses
Ja(otia(as are 'ostly eaten out7of7!an$
in Sout! A'eria. By s>ueeBin# t!e fruit
(et-een t!e t!u'( an$ forefin#er% one
an ause t!e s5in to s1lit an$ t!e 1ul1 to
sli1 into t!e 'out!. T!e 1lant e/1lorers%
Dorsett% S!a'el an$ "o1enoe% -rote t!at !il$ren in BraBil s1en$ !ours ?sear!in# out
an$ $e&ourin# t!e ri1e fruits.? Boys s-allo- t!e see$s -it! t!e 1ul1% (ut% 1ro1erly% t!e
see$s s!oul$ (e $isar$e$.
T!e fruits are often use$ for 'a5in# Delly an$ 'ar'ala$e% -it! t!e a$$ition of 1etin. It
!as (een reo''en$e$ t!at t!e s5in (e re'o&e$ fro' at least !alf t!e fruits to a&oi$ a
stron# tannin fla&or. In &ie- of t!e un$esira(ility of tannin in t!e $iet% it -oul$ (e (etter
to 1eel 'ost of t!e'. T!e sa'e s!oul$ a11ly to t!e 1re1aration of Duie for (e&era#e
1ur1oses% fres! or fer'ente$. T!e a(ori#ines 'a$e -ine of t!e Da(otia(as% an$ -ine is
still 'a$e to a li'ite$ e/tent in BraBil.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories .2.+
Moisture 3+.) #
"rotein 6.)) #
Fat 6.6) #
Car(o!y$rates )8.23 #
Fi(er 6.63 #
As! 6.86 #
Caliu' A., '#
"!os1!orus *.8 '#
Iron 6..* '#
T!ia'ine 6.68 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68 '#
Niain 6.8) '#
Asor(i Ai$L 88.+ '#
A'ino Ai$s@
Try1to1!an ) '#
"late LI@ JABOTICABA% Myrciaria cauliflora
Lysine + '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in )*22 at t!e La(oratories FIM $e Nutriion% 0a&ana% Cu(a.
LLOt!ers !a&e s!o-n ,6.+ '#.
Re#ular% >uantity onsu'1tion of t!e s5ins s!oul$ (e a&oi$e$ (eause of t!e !i#! tannin
ontent% inas'u! as tannin is antinutrient an$ arino#eni if inta5e is fre>uent an$ o&er
a lon# 1erio$ of ti'e.
Medicinal *ses
T!e astrin#ent $eotion of t!e sun7$rie$ s5ins is 1resri(e$ in BraBil as a treat'ent for
!e'o1tysis% ast!'a% $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery9 also as a #ar#le for !roni infla''ation of
t!e tonsils. Su! use also 'ay lea$ to e/essi&e onsu'1tion of tannin.
Malay Apple APo#eracB
Sy$ygium malaccense Merr6 8 Perry
Eugenia malaccensis L.
Jambos malaccensis DC.
A $eli#!t to t!e eye in e&ery res1et% t!e Malay a11le is 'u! a$'ire$ for t!e (eauty of
t!e tree% its flo-ers an$ its olorful% #listenin# fruits% -it!out 1arallel in t!e fa'ily
Myrtaeae. Botanially i$entifie$ as Syzygium malaccense Merr. M "erry <syns. Eugenia
malaccensis L.% Fambos malaccensis DC.=% t!is s1eies !as earne$ a fe- alternate En#lis!
na'es inlu$in# Malay rose7a11le% 'ountain a11le% -ater a11le% an$% unfortunately%
Ota!eite a11le% -!i! is (etter li'ite$ to t!e a'(arella% Spondias dulcis "ar5.% an$
as!e-% or Fren! as!e- <4uyana= or Ota!eite as!e- <In$ia= (eause of its
rese'(lane to t!e as!e- a11le% t!e 1seu$ofruit or s-ollen fruit7stal5 of t!e as!e- nut.
In Malaya t!ere are 'any loal na'es inlu$in# 4ambu merah! 4ambu bar! 4ambu bol!
4ambu mela"a! 4ambu "ling an$ 4ambu "apal. In T!ailan$% it is chom#phu#sa#rae" or
chom#phu#daeng: in Ca'(o$ia% chompuh "raham: in :ietna'% man hurong tau: in
In$onesia% darsana! 4ambu tersana! or d4amboo bol: in t!e "!ili11ines% ma"opang#
"alabau or tersana: in 4ua'% ma"upa: in Ta!iti% ahia: in 0a-aii% ohia. In t!e Fren!
lan#ua#e it is 4ambosier rouge! poire de Mala9ue! pomme Malac <orru1te$ to 1o'era=%
pomme de Malaisie! an$ pomme de $ahiti. A'on# S1anis! na'es are@ pomarosa! or
pomarrosa! Malaya <"uerto Rio=9 manzana <Costa Ria=% maraBon 4aponDs <EI
Sal&a$or=% pomarosa de Malaca <Colo'(ia=9 pera de agua or pomag>s <:eneBuela=9 an$
maraBon de Curacao <"ana'a=% t!ou#! t!e so'e-!at si'ilar 1lant in Curaao is S.
samarangense Merr. M "erry% loally alle$ cashu di Surinam! in "a1ia'ento%
Curacaose appel! in Dut!. T!e latter s1eies !as yello-is!7-!ite flo-ers an$ li#!t7re$%
#reenis!7-!ite or rea'7olore$ fruits.
4lossy% re$% Duiy% Malay a11les <SyBy#iu'
malaccense- are sol$ in 'ar5ets an$ alon# streets in -ar' areas of t!e Ol$ an$ Ne- Worl$
T!e Malay a11le tree is rat!er fast7#ro-in#% rea!in# .6 to A6 ft <)87)3 '= in !ei#!t% an$
!as an eret trun5 to )2 ft <..2 '= in iru'ferene an$ a 1yra'i$al or ylin$rial ro-n.
Its e&er#reen lea&es are o11osite% s!ort71etiole$% elli1ti7laneolate or o(laneolate9 soft7
leat!ery% $ar57#reen an$ fairly #lossy on t!e u11er surfae% 1aler (eneat!9 A to )3 in <)27
.2 '= lon#% , )F8 to 3 in <*786 '= -i$e. T!e &eins are in$istint a(o&e% (ut t!ey an$ t!e
1ale 'i$ri( are 1ro'inent on t!e un$ersi$e. Ne- #ro-t! is -ine7re$ at first% !an#in# to
1in57(uff. T!e a(un$ant flo-ers% only 'il$ly fra#rant% an$ (orne on t!e u11er trun5 an$
alon# leafless 1ortions of 'ature (ran!es in s!ort7stal5e$ lusters of 8 to 3% are 8 to , in
<27+.2 '= -i$e% an$ o'1ose$ of a funnel7li5e (ase to11e$ (y 2 t!i5% #reen se1als% .
usually 1in5is!71ur1le to $ar57re$ <so'eti'es -!ite% yello- or oran#e= 1etals% an$
nu'erous onolorous sta'ens to ) )F8 in <. '= lon# ti11e$ -it! yello- ant!ers.
T!ou#! s!o-y% t!e flo-ers are !i$$en (y t!e folia#e until t!ey fall an$ for' a lo&ely

ar1et on t!e #roun$. T!e fruit% o(lon#% o(o&oi$% or (ell7s!a1e$% 8 to . in <27)6 '.=
lon#% ) to , in <8.27+.2 '= -i$e at t!e a1e/% !as t!in% s'oot!% -a/y s5in% rose7re$ or
ri'son or so'eti'es -!ite -it! strea5s of re$ or 1in5% an$ -!ite% ris1 or s1on#y% Duiy
fles! of &ery 'il$% s-eetis! fla&or. T!ere 'ay (e a sin#le o(late or nearly roun$ see$ or
8 !e'is1!erial see$s% 2F3 to ,F. in <).A78 '= in -i$t!% li#!t7(ro-n e/ternally% #reen
internally an$ so'e-!at 'eaty in te/ture. T!e fruits of so'e trees are entirely see$less.
Origin and Distribution
T!e Malay a11le is 1resu'e$ to (e a nati&e of Malaysia. It is o''only ulti&ate$ fro'
Ja&a to t!e "!ili11ines an$ :ietna'% also in Ben#al an$ Sout! In$ia. "ortu#uese
&oya#ers arrie$ it fro' Malaa to 4oa an$ fro' t!ere it -as intro$ue$ into East
Afria. It 'ust !a&e s1rea$ t!rou#!out t!e "aifi Islan$s in &ery early ti'es for it is
feature$ in FiDian 'yt!olo#y an$ t!e -oo$ -as use$ (y anient 0a-aiians to 'a5e i$ols.
In$ee$% it !as (een reor$e$ t!at% (efore t!e arri&al of 'issionaries in 0a-aii% t!ere -ere
no fruits e/e1t (ananas% oonuts an$ t!e Malay a11le. T!e flo-ers are onsi$ere$
sare$ to "ele% t!e fiery &olano #o$$ess. Ca1tain Bli#! on&eye$ s'all trees of ,
&arieties fro' t!e islan$s of Ti'or an$ Ta!iti to Ja'aia in )+*,. T!e tree -as #ro-in#
un$er #lass in Ca'(ri$#e% Massa!usetts% in )3,*% an$ s1ei'ens -ere fruitin# in
Ber'u$a in )3+3.
E##ers% -!o stu$ie$ t!e flora of St. Croi/% re1orte$ seein# naturaliBe$ trees in s!a$e$
&alleys $urin# !is stay on t!e islan$ fro' )3+6 to )3+A. T!e Malay a11le -as un5no-n
in "uerto Rio in )*6, (ut 'ust !a&e arri&e$ soon after. Britton an$ Wilson o(ser&e$ 8
trees ., ft <), '= !i#! at 0a11y 0ollo- in )*8.. T!ereafter% t!e tree -as rat!er
fre>uently 1lante$ as an orna'ental or -in$7(rea5. "er!a1s t!e "ortu#uese -ere
res1onsi(le for its intro$ution into BraBil% for it is ulti&ate$ t!ere% as it is also in
Surina' an$ "ana'a. Dr. Da&i$ Fair!il$ sent see$s fro' "ana'a to t!e Unite$ States
De1art'ent of A#riulture in )*8). In )*8*% youn# trees fro' t!e Canal None -ere
trans1orte$ to t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ental 4ar$ens at Tela% 0on$uras% -!ere t!ey
flouris!e$ an$ fruite$. T!e Malay a11le is so'eti'es seen in ot!er 1arts of Central
A'eria% inlu$in# BeliBe% El Sal&a$or an$ Costa Ria% 'u! 'ore fre>uently in 1ar5s
an$ #ar$ens in :eneBuela. T!e fruits are sol$ in loal 'ar5ets an$ alon# t!e streets
-!ere&er t!e tree is #ro-n.
O!se 'entions an o(lon# to 1ear7s!a1e$% -!ite for' alle$ d4amboo pootih! d4amboo
bodas! or d4amboo "emang! -!i!% in Ja&a% is less fla&orful t!an t!e re$ ty1e. 0e says
t!at t!ere are 'any for's (eause of see$lin# &ariation. A lar#e% es1eially s-eet an$
Duiy lone -as intro$ue$ into t!e "!ili11ines fro' 0a-aii in )*88.
T!e Malay a11le is stritly tro1ial% too ten$er for Flori$a an$ California e/e1t un$er
&ery unusual on$itions. It is naturaliBe$ an$ ulti&ate$ fro' sea7le&el to *%666 ft <8%+.6
'= in &alleys an$ on 'ountain slo1es of t!e lo-est forest Bone of t!e 0a-aiian Islan$s%
an$ is #ro-n u1 to 8%666 ft <A)6 '= in Ceylon an$ "uerto Rio. T!e tree nee$s a !u'i$
li'ate% -it! an annual rainfall of A6 in <)28 '= or 'ore.
T!e tree #ro-s &i#orously on a ran#e of soil ty1es fro' san$ to !ea&y lay. It tolerates
'o$erately ai$ soil% reats unfa&ora(ly to !i#!ly al5aline situations. In In$ia% it #ro-s
(est on t!e (an5s of 1on$s% la5es an$ strea's -!ere t!ere is #oo$ $raina#e an$ no
stan$in# -ater. It is re1orte$ to (e one of t!e first trees to s1rin# u1 in ne- la&a flo-s in
Malay a11le see$s #er'inate rea$ily. Many s1rout on t!e #roun$ un$er t!e tree. W!ile
see$ 1ro1a#ation is o''on% su1erior ty1es are 'ulti1lie$ (y (u$$in# onto t!eir o-n
see$lin#s. Air7layerin# !as (een suessful an$ uttin#s !a&e (een roote$ in san$ in
0a-aii. See$s are 1lante$ no 'ore t!an ) )F8 in <. '= $ee1 in nurseries or $iretly in
t!e fiel$. T!ey -ill #er'inate in 8 to . -ee5s an$% if in nurseries% t!e see$lin#s are
trans1lante$ to t!e fiel$ -!en 3 'ont!s ol$. Cuttin#s are rea$y for trans1lantin# in A
-ee5s after rootin#.
In In$ia% Malay a11le trees are s1ae$ 8A to ,8 feet <37)6 '= a1art in fiel$s 1re1are$ an$
enri!e$ as for any ot!er ro1% an$ t!ereafter t!ey re>uire little are e/e1t for
eli'ination of -ee$s an$ 1erio$i fertiliBation an$ 1lentiful irri#ation in &ery $ry
Pests and Diseases
;oun# Malay a11le trees are fre>uently atta5e$ (y ter'ites in In$ia. It is re1orte$ t!at
sa17fee$ers% $efoliators% 'iners an$ (orers !a&e (een foun$ on t!e folia#e an$ on $ea$
In Ja&a% t!e tree flo-ers in May an$ June an$ t!e fruits ri1en in Au#ust an$ Se1te'(er.
T!e fruitin# season is a(out t!e sa'e aroun$ Castleton 4ar$ens in Ja'aia (ut at t!e
lo-er le&el of Jin#ston it is earlier an$ en$s $urin# t!e first -ee5 of June. In In$ia% t!e
'ain ro1 ours fro' May to July an$ t!ere is often a seon$ ro1 in No&e'(er an$
Dee'(er. In "uerto Rio% t!e tree 'ay flo-er 8 or , ti'es a year% in s1rin#% su''er an$
fall% t!e (loo'in# season o&erin# .6 to A6 $ays. T!e s1rin# an$ fall flo-erin# seasons
1ro$ue t!e (i##est ro1s. Fruits 'ature in A6 $ays fro' t!e full o1enin# of t!e flo-ers
an$ t!ey fall >ui5ly after t!ey (eo'e fully ri1e an$ $eteriorate ra1i$ly. For 'ar5etin#%
t!ey 'ust (e !an$71i5e$ to a&oi$ $a'a#e an$ to !a&e lon#er s!elf7life.
T!e yiel$ &aries fro' .3 to )33 l(s <8)732 5#= 1er tree.
Food *ses
T!e ri1e fruit is eaten ra- t!ou#! 'any 1eo1le onsi$er it insi1i$. It is (est ste-e$ -it!
lo&es or ot!er fla&orin# an$ ser&e$ -it! rea' as $essert. Asiati 1eo1le in 4uyana ste-
t!e 1eele$ fruit% oo5in# t!e s5in se1arately to 'a5e a siru1 -!i! t!ey a$$ to t!e oo5e$
fruit. Malayan 1eo1le 'ay a$$ t!e 1etals of t!e re$7flo-ere$ !i(isus +*ibiscus rosa#
sinensis L.= to 'a5e t!e 1ro$ut 'ore olorful. Malay a11les are often oo5e$ -it! ai$
fruits to t!e (enefit of (ot!. T!ey are so'eti'es 'a$e into saue or 1reser&es. T!e
sli#!tly unri1e fruits are use$ for 'a5in# Delly an$ 1i5les..
In "uerto Rio% (ot! re$ an$ -!ite ta(le -ines are 'a$e fro' t!e Malay a11le. T!e fruits
are 1i5e$ as soon as t!ey are fully olore$ <not allo-e$ to fall= an$ i''e$iately $i11e$
in (oilin# -ater for one 'inute to $estroy surfae (ateria an$ fun#i. T!e see$s are
re'o&e$ an$% for re$ -ine% t!e fruits are 1asse$ t!rou#! a 'eat #rin$er an$ t!e resultin#
Duie an$ 1ul1 -ei#!e$. To t!is 'aterial% t!ey a$$ t-ie t!e a'ount of -ater an$ ) )F8
l(s <A36 #= of -!ite su#ar 1er #allon% an$ 1our into steriliBe$ (arrels -it! t!e 'out!
o&ere$ soon -it! !eeselot!. ;east is a$$e$ an$ a oil inserte$ to 'aintain irulation
of t!e -ater. T!e (arrels are 5e1t in t!e oolest 1lae 1ossi(le for A 'ont!s to ) year%
t!en t!e -ine is filtere$. It -ill (e of a 1ale7rose olor so artifiial olor is a$$e$ to #i&e it
a ri!7re$ !ue. In 'a5in# -!ite -ine% t!e fruits are 1eele$% t!e only li>ui$ is t!e fruit
Duie% an$ less su#ar is use$% only ) )F. l(s <2A2 #= 1er #allon% so as to li'it alo!ol
for'ation o&er a fer'entin# 1erio$ of , to A 'ont!s.
In In$onesia% t!e flo-ers are eaten in sala$s or are 1reser&e$ in siru1. ;oun# lea&es an$
s!oots% (efore turnin# #reen% are onsu'e$ ra- -it! rie or are oo5e$ an$ eaten as
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture *6.,7*).A #
"rotein 6.276.+ #
Fat 6.)76.8 #
Fi(er 6.A76.3 #
As! 6.8A76.,* #
Caliu' 2.A72.* '#
"!os1!orus )).A7)+.* '#
Iron 6.876.38 '#
Carotene 6.66,76.663 '#
<:ita'in A= ,7)6 I.U.
T!ia'ine )27,* '#
Ri(ofla&in 867,* '#
Niain 6.8)76..6 '#
Asor(i Ai$ A.27)+.6 '#
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in 0a-aii% El Sal&a$or an$ 4!ana.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e ti'(er is re$$is!% soft to !ar$% tou#! an$ !ea&y% (ut inline$ to -ar1. It is
$iffiult to -or5% (ut is e'1loye$ for onstrution% rail-ay ties% an$ for fas!ionin# (o-ls
an$ 1oi7(oar$s in 0a-aii.
Medicinal *ses, Aor$in# to A5anaCs translation of *a,aiian *erbs of Medicinal
'alue! t!e astrin#ent (ar5 !as (een 'u! use$ in loal re'e$ies. It is 1oun$e$ to#et!er
-it! salt% t!e rus!e$ 'aterial is straine$ t!rou#! oonut !us5 fi(er% an$ t!e Duie
1oure$ into a $ee1 ut. ?T!e 1atient 'ust e/erise a(solute self7ontrol as t!e li>ui$
(u's its -ay into t!e fles! an$ ner&es.?
In t!e Molua% or S1ie% Islan$s% a $eotion of t!e (ar5 is use$ to treat t!rus!.
Malayans a11ly a 1o-$er of t!e $rie$ lea&es on a ra5e$ ton#ue. A 1re1aration of t!e
root is a re'e$y for it!in#. T!e root ats as a $iureti an$ is #i&en to alle&iate e$e'a.
root (ar5 is useful a#ainst $ysentery% also ser&es as an e''ena#o#ue an$ a(ortifaient.
Ca'(o$ians ta5e a $eotion of t!e fruit% lea&es or see$s as a fe(rifu#e. T!e Duie of
rus!e$ lea&es is a11lie$ as a s5in lotion an$ is a$$e$ to (at!s. In BraBil% &arious 1arts of
t!e 1lant are use$ as re'e$ies for onsti1ation% $ia(etes% ou#!s% 1ul'onary atarr!%
!ea$a!e an$ ot!er ail'ents. See$e$ fruits% see$s% (ar5 an$ lea&es !a&e s!o-n anti(ioti
ati&ity an$ !a&e so'e effet on (loo$ 1ressure an$ res1iration.
3a&a Apple A1a+ AppleB
Sy$ygium samarangense Merr6 8 Perry
Syzygium javanicum Miq.
Eugenia javanica Lam.
Mu! less 5no-n t!an t!e Malay A11le% t!is 'e'(er of t!e Myrtaeae is (otanially
i$entifie$ as Syzygium samarangense Merr. M "erry <syns. S. 4avanicum Mi>.9 Eugenia
4avanica 8am. in 1art9 E. alba Ro/(.=. A'on# its &arious &ernaular na'es are@ sa'aran#
rose a11le% d4amboe semarang <In$onesia=9 4ambu ayer r!io <Malaya=9 pini 4ambu
+Ceylon-:4umrool! 4amrul% or amrool <In$ia=9 chom pu "ao% or chom pu "io <T!ailan$=9
ma"opa <"!ili11ines=9 cashu di Surinam%
or Curacaose appel <Curaao=9 -a/
a11le% -a/ Da'(u an$ -ater a11le%
T!e tree% )A to 26 ft <27)2 '= tall% !as a
s!ort trun5 )6 to )8 in <827,6 '= t!i5%
an$ o1en% -i$es1rea$in# ro-n% an$ 1in5is!7#ray% fla5in# (ar5. T!e o11osite lea&es are
nearly sessile% elli1ti7o(lon#% roun$e$ or sli#!tly or$ate at t!e (ase9 yello-is! to $ar5
(luis!7#reen9 . to )6 in <)6782 '= lon# an$ 8 to . ,F. in <27)8 '= -i$e9 &ery aro'ati
-!en rus!e$. Flo-ers% (orne in $roo1in# 1aniles of , to ,6 at t!e (ran! ti1s or in
s'aller lusters in t!e a/ils of fallen lea&es% are fra#rant% yello-is!7-!ite% ,F. to ) )F8 in
<87. '= (roa$% .71etalle$% -it! nu'erous sta'ens ,F2 to ) in <).278.2 '= lon#. T!e
-a/y fruit% usually li#!t7re$% so'eti'es #reenis!7-!ite or rea'7olore$% is 1ear7s!a1e$%
narro- at t!e (ase% &ery (roa$% flattene$% in$ente$ an$ a$orne$ -it! t!e . fles!y aly/
lo(es at t!e a1e/9 ) )F, to 8 in <,..72 '= lon#% ) ,F. to 8 )F3 in <..272.. '= -i$e. T!e
s5in is &ery t!in% t!e fles! -!ite% s1on#y% $ry to Duiy% su(ai$ an$ &ery (lan$ in fla&or.
T!ere 'ay (e ) or 8 so'e-!at roun$e$ see$s ,F)A to 2F)A in <6.276.3 '= -i$e% or none.
Origin and Distribution
T!e tree is in$i#enous fro' Malaya to t!e An$a'an an$ Nio(ar Islan$s -!ere t!ere are
-il$ trees in t!e oastal forests. It -as intro$ue$ into t!e "!ili11ines in 1re!istori ti'es
an$ is -i$ely #ro-n t!rou#!out t!ose islan$s. It is o''on in T!ailan$% Ca'(o$ia%
Laos% :ietna' an$ Tai-an% fre>uently ulti&ate$ in In$ia an$ in NanBi(ar an$ "e'(a% (ut
1ri'arily as an orna'ental% sel$o' for its fruits -!i! are little &alue$. It -as intro$ue$
into Ja'aia (efore )*6, an$ also into Surina' an$ t!e islan$s of Curaao% Aru(a an$
Bonaire. A fe- trees !a&e (een #ro-n in Israel (ut !a&e (orne s1arsely.
T!e Ja&a a11le is e/tra7tro1ial% #ro-in# only at t!e lo-er altitu$esYu1 to .%666 ft
<)%886'=Yin In$ia. It $oes (est in 1arts of t!e "!ili11ines t!at !a&e a lon# $ry season.
T!e soil 'ust (e fertile% or t!e ro1s -ill (e s'all an$ t!e fruit >uality 1oor.
T!e trees #ro- s1ontaneously fro' see$. "referre$ ty1es are re1ro$ue$ (y layerin#%
(u$$in# onto t!eir o-n rootsto5s% or onto see$lin#s of S. densiflorum A. DC.% <t!e
(eautiful Wil$ Rose A11le of Malaya% -!i! !as e$i(le flo-ers% un$esira(le fruits% (ut is
"late LIII@ JA:A A""LE% Syzygium samarangense
not atta5e$ (y ter'ites=. So'eti'es t!e Ja&a a11le is #rafte$ onto t!e ulti&ate$ Rose
A11le <>.&.=.
If 1lante$ in or!ar$s% t!e trees are s1ae$ 8A to ,8 ft <37)6 '= a1art an$ are #i&en a
'ini'u' of attention.
In Ceylon% t!e fruits are ri1e fro' Mar! to May9 in In$ia% t!e tree (loo's in Mar! an$
A1ril an$ t!e fruit ri1ens in May an$ June9 in Ja&a% flo-erin# ours fro' A1ril to June
an$ fruitin# fro' June to Au#ust.
T!e Ja&a a11le is a !ea&y (earer on #oo$ soil. W!en 2 years ol$ it 'ay yiel$ a ro1 of
+66 fruits.
Food *ses
In Malaya% t!e #reenis! fruits are eaten ra- -it! salt or 'ay (e oo5e$ as a saue. T!ey
are also ste-e$ -it! true a11les. T!e 1in5 fruits are Duiier an$ 'ore fla&orful an$
suita(le for eatin# out7of7!an$ or oo5in# -it!out ao'1ani'ents e/e1t su#ar.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture *)..67*8.*A #
"rotein 6.26 #
Su#ar A.2A #
Iron 6.66) #
As! 6.8)76.8+ #
Caliu' 6.6) #
"!os1!orus 6.6, #
Sul1!uri Ai$ 6.)+K
Citri Ai$ 6.)2K
LAnalyses 'a$e in t!e "!ili11ines.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is re$% oarse% !ar$9 use$ for onstrutin# !uts in t!e An$a'an an$
Nio(ar Islan$s.
Medicinal *ses, T!e flo-ers are astrin#ent an$ use$ in Tai-an to treat fe&er an$ !alt
$iarr!ea. In&esti#ators !a&e foun$ t!eir 1rini1al onstituent to (e tannin. T!ey also
ontain $es'et!o/y'atteuinol% 2767'et!yl7.C7$es'et!o/y'atteuinol% oleani ai$ an$
B7sitosterol. T!ey s!o- -ea5 anti(ioti ation a#ainst Staphylococcus aureus!
Mycobacterium smegmatis! an$ Candida albicans.
2ose Apple
Sy$yygium ambos Alston
Eugenia jambos L.
Jambosa jambos Millsp.
Li5e 'any ot!er fruits to -!i! t!e -or$ ?a11le? !as (een atta!e$% t!e rose a11le in no
-ay rese'(les an a11le% neit!er in t!e tree nor in its fruit. It is a 'e'(er of t!e 'yrtle
fa'ily% Myrtaeae% an$ is te!nially 5no-n as Syzygium 4ambos Alston <syn. Eugenia
4ambos L.9 Fambosa 4ambos Mills1.9 Fambosa vulgaris DC.9 Caryophyllus 4ambos
T!e ter' ?rose a11le? <in Fren!% pomme rose! pommier rose9 in S1anis!% poma rosa!
pomarrosa! manzana rosa! or manzanita de rosa= is so -i$ely e'1loye$ t!at t!e s1eies
!as fe- alternate na'es a1art fro' t!ose in t!e 'any loal $ialets of Afria% In$ia%
Malaya% sout!eastern Asia% t!e East In$ies an$ Oeania. It is so'eti'es alle$ 4ambosier
(y Fren!7s1ea5in# 1eo1le% 1lu' rose or 'ala(ar 1lu' in t!e En#lis!7s1ea5in# West
In$ies% pommeroos or appelroos in Surina'% an$ 4ambeiro or 4ambo amarelo in BraBil9
4aman in In$ia% an$ yambo in t!e "!ili11ines.
T!e rose a11le tree 'ay (e 'erely a
s!ru( (ut is #enerally a tree rea!in# 82
or e&en .6 ft <+.27)8 '= in !ei#!t% an$
!as a $ense ro-n of slen$er% -i$e7
s1rea$in# (ran!es% often t!e o&erall
-i$t! e/ee$in# t!e !ei#!t. T!e
e&er#reen lea&es are o11osite% laneolate
or narro-7elli1ti% ta1erin# to a 1oint9 . to * in <)6788 '= lon#% an$ fro' ) to 8 )F8 in
<8.27A.82 '= -i$e9 so'e-!at leat!ery% #lossy% $ar57#reen -!en 'ature% rosy -!en
youn#. T!e flo-ers are rea'y7-!ite or #reenis!7-!ite% 8 to . in <27)6 '= -i$e%
onsistin# 'ostly of a(out ,66 ons1iuous sta'ens to ) )F8 in <. '= lon#% a .7lo(e$
aly/% an$ . #reenis!7-!ite% ona&e 1etals. T!ere are usually . or 2 flo-ers to#et!er in
ter'inal lusters. Ca11e$ -it! t!e 1ro'inent% #reen% tou#! aly/% t!e fruit is nearly
roun$% o&al% or sli#!tly 1ear7s!a1e$% ) )F8 to 8 in <.72 '= lon#% -it! s'oot!% t!in% 1ale7
yello- or -!itis! s5in% so'eti'es 1in57(lus!e$% o&erin# a ris1% 'ealy% $ry to Duiy
layer of yello-is! fles!% s-eet an$ rese'(lin# t!e sent of a rose in fla&or. In t!e !ollo-
enter% t!ere are ) to . (ro-n% rou#!7oate$% 'e$iu'7!ar$% 'ore or less roun$e$ see$s%
,F3 to 2F3 in <)7).A '= t!i5% -!i! loosen fro' t!e inner -all an$ rattle -!en t!e fruit
is s!a5en. Fra#'ents of t!e see$oat 'ay (e foun$ in t!e a&ity.
Origin and Distribution
T!e rose a11le is nati&e to t!e East In$ies an$ Malaya an$ is ulti&ate$ an$ naturaliBe$ in
'any 1arts of In$ia% Ceylon an$ for'er In$o!ina an$ t!e "aifi Islan$s. It -as
intro$ue$ into Ja'aia in )+A8 an$ (ea'e -ell $istri(ute$ in Ber'u$a% t!e Ba!a'as%
t!e West In$ies an$% at lo- an$ 'e$iu' ele&ations% fro' sout!ern Me/io to "eru. In
4uate'ala% t!e tree 'ay (e 1lante$ as a li&in# fene1ost or in !e$#ero-s aroun$ offee
1lantations. For t!is 1ur1ose% it is $rastially 1rune$ to 1ro'ote $ense #ro-t!. It #ro-s
-il$ a(un$antly% for'in# soli$ stan$s an$ t!i5ets% in "uerto Rio% t!e :ir#in Islan$s%
4uate'ala% 0on$uras an$ "ana'a.
In )382% ei#!t youn# trees -ere ta5en fro' Rio $e Janeiro to 0a-aii (y s!i1% an$% in
)32,% a Unite$ States -ars!i1 $eli&ere$ a&oa$o an$ rose a11le trees fro' Central
A'eria to t!e islan$ of 0ilo. T!e rose a11le (ea'e naturaliBe$ on t!e islan$s of Jauai%
Molo5ai% Oa!u% Maui an$ 0a-aii. In )3*,% it -as re1orte$ as alrea$y ulti&ate$ in
4!ana. It is se'i7naturaliBe$ in so'e areas of West Tro1ial Afria an$ on t!e islan$s of
NanBi(ar% "e'(a an$ Reunion. It is (elie&e$ to !a&e (een first 1lante$ in Hueenslan$%
Australia% a(out )3*A. A tree o(taine$ fro' an Italian nursery !as #ro-n an$ (orne -ell
on t!e oastal 1lain of Israel. 0o-e&er% it is not of interest t!ere as a fruit tree (ut rat!er
as an orna'ental.
T!e rose a11le -as intro$ue$ into Flori$a% at Ja5son&ille% (efore )3++% (ut% as a fruit
tree% it is suite$ only to t!e entral an$ sout!ern 1arts of t!e state. In California% it is
1lante$ as far nort! as San Franiso for its orna'ental folia#e an$ flo-ers. Beause t!e
Fi#. )6,@ T!e rose a11le +Syzygium 4ambos- is a 'inor
fruit% (ut t!e tree is a >ui57#ro-in# soure of fuel an$
ot!er 1ro$uts.
tree ou1ies onsi$era(le s1ae an$ t!e fruit is little &alue$% t!e rose a11le !as not (een
1lante$ in Flori$a in reent years% t!ou#! t!ere are >uite a nu'(er of s1ei'ens
re'ainin# fro' for'er ti'es.
T!e rose a11le flouris!es in t!e tro1ial an$ near7tro1ial li'ates only. In Ja'aia% it is
naturaliBe$ fro' near sea7le&el u1 to an altitu$e of ,%666 ft <*)2 '=9 in 0a-aii% fro' sea7
le&el to .%666 ft <)%866 '=. In In$ia% it ran#es u1 to .%.66 ft <)%,26 '=9 in Eua$or% to
+%266 ft <8%,66 '=. At t!e u11er li'its% as in California% t!e tree #ro-s &i#orously (ut
-ill not (ear fruit.
In In$ia% it $oes (est on t!e (an5s of anals an$ strea's an$ yet tolerates se'i7ari$
on$itions. "rolon#e$ $ry s1ells% !o-e&er% are $etri'ental.
A $ee1% loa'y soil is onsi$ere$ i$eal for t!e rose a11le (ut it is not too e/atin#% for it
flouris!es also on san$ an$ li'estone -it! &ery little or#ani 'atter.
Most rose a11le trees are #ro-n fro' see$s% -!i! are 1olye'(ryoni <1ro$uin# ) to ,
s1routs=% (ut t!e see$lin#s are not unifor' in !arater nor (e!a&ior. In In$ia% &e#etati&e
1ro1a#ation !as (een un$erta5en -it! a &ie- to stan$ar$iBin# t!e ro1 an$ also to selet
an$ 1er1etuate $-arf ty1es. Usin# uttin#s% it -as foun$ t!at !ar$-oo$ $oes not root
e&en -it! !e'ial #ro-t! 1ro'oters. Treate$ se'i!ar$ -oo$ #a&e 86K suess. Air7
layers ta5en in t!e s1rin# an$ treate$ -it! )%666 11' NAA #a&e A6K suess. Air7layers
$i$ not root in t!e rainy season. In (u$$in# e/1eri'ents% neit!er !i1 nor ?T? (u$s -oul$
ta5e. :eneer #raftin# in July of s1rin#7flus! sions on )7year7ol$ rootsto5s -as
satisfatory in ,)K of t!e 1lants. In West Ben#al% air7layerin# is o''only 1erfor'e$ in
July an$ t!e layers are 1lante$ in Oto(er an$ No&e'(er. Fruitin# an (e e/1ete$ -it!in
. years. So'eti'es t!e rose a11le is inar!e$ onto its o-n see$lin#s.
Rarely $o rose a11le trees reei&e any ultural attention. So'e e/1eri'ental -or5 !as
s!o-n t!at see$less% t!i57fles!e$ fruits an (e 1ro$ue$ (y treatin# o1ene$ flo-ers -it!
#ro-t! re#ulatorsYna1!t!o/y aeti ai$ <NOA=% 8%.%27T% or na1!t!alene aeti ai$.
In Ja'aia an$ "uerto Rio% t!e rose a11le trees (loo' an$ fruit s1ora$ially nearly all
year% t!ou#! so'e-!at less in su''er t!an at ot!er ti'es. T!e 'ain season in t!e
Ba!a'as an$ in Flori$a is May t!rou#! July. T!e fruitin# 1erio$ &aries in $ifferent 1arts
of In$ia. In Sout! In$ia% (loo'in# usually ours in January% -it! fruit ri1enin# in Mar!
an$ A1ril% -!ereas in t!e Cirars% ri1enin# ta5es 1lae in A1ril an$ May. In t!e entral
1art of t!e ountry% flo-erin# ours in Fe(ruary% Mar! an$ A1ril an$ t!e fruits ri1en
fro' June t!rou#! July. T!en a#ain% it is re1orte$ t!at t!ere are &arieties t!at 1ro$ue
fruit in Fe(ruary an$ Mar!.
In In$ia% t!ey say t!at a 'ature rose a11le tree -ill yiel$ 2 l(s <8 5#= of fruit ea! season.
T!e fruits are% of ourse% &ery li#!t in -ei#!t (eause t!ey are !ollo-% (ut t!is is a &ery
s'all return for a tree t!at ou1ies so 'u! s1ae.
(eeping )uality
Rose a11les (ruise easily an$ are !i#!ly 1eris!a(le. T!ey 'ust (e fres!ly 1i5e$ to (e
ris1. So'e stu$ies of res1iration rate an$ et!ylene 1ro$ution in stora#e !a&e (een 'a$e
in 0a-aii. T!e fruit is non7li'ateri.
Pests and Diseases
T!e rose a11le tree !as fe- inset ene'ies. In !u'i$ li'ates% t!e lea&es are often oate$
-it! sooty 'ol$ #ro-in# on t!e !oney$e- e/rete$ (y a1!i$s. T!ey are also 1rone to
leaf s1ot ause$ (y Cercospora s1.% 5loeosporium s1.% an$ )hyllosticta eugeniae9 al#al
leaf s1ot <Cephaleuros virescens=9 (la5 leaf s1ot <Asterinella puiggarii=9 an$
ant!ranose <5lomerella cingulata=. Root rot ause$ (y Fusarium s1.% an$ 'us!roo'
root rot <Armillariella +Clitocybe- tabescens= atta5 t!e tree.
Food *ses
Aroun$ t!e tro1ial -orl$% rose a11les are 'ostly eaten out7of7!an$ (y !il$ren. T!ey are
sel$o' 'ar5ete$. In t!e !o'e% t!ey are so'eti'es ste-e$ -it! so'e su#ar an$ ser&e$ as
$essert. Culinary e/1eri'enters !a&e $e&ise$ ot!er 'o$es of usin# t!e u1li5e !al&e$
fruits. One stuffs t!e' -it! a rie7an$7'eat 'i/ture% o&ers t!e' -it! a to'ato saue
seasone$ -it! 'ine$ #arli% an$ (a5es t!e' for a(out 86 'inutes. "ossi(le &ariations
are li'itless. T!e fruit is 'a$e into Da' or Delly -it! le'on Duie a$$e$% or 'ore
fre>uently 1reser&e$ in o'(ination -it! ot!er fruits of 'ore 1ronoune$ fla&or. It is
also 'a$e into a siru1 for use as a saue or to fla&or ol$ $rin5s. In Ja'aia% t!e !al&e$
or slie$ fruits are an$ie$ (y ste-in# t!e' in &ery !ea&y su#ar siru1 -it! inna'on.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories 2A
Moisture 3..273*.) #
"rotein 6.276.+ #
Fat 6.876., #
Car(o!y$rates )..8 #
Fi(er ).)7).* #
As! 6..76... #
Caliu' 8*7.2.8 '#
Ma#nesiu' . '#
"!os1!orus )).+7,6 '#
Iron 6..27).8 '#
So$iu' ,..) '#
"otassiu' 26 '#
Co11er 6.6) '#
Sulfur ), '#
C!lorine . '#
Carotene )8,78,2 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6)76.)* '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68376.62 '#
Niain 6.28)76.3 '#
Asor(i Ai$ ,7,+ '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Central A'eria an$ else-!ere.
T!e see$s are sai$ to (e 1oisonous. An un5no-n a'ount of !y$royani ai$ !as (een
re1orte$ in t!e roots% ste's an$ lea&es. An al5aloi$% Da'(osine% !as (een foun$ in t!e
(ar5 of t!e tree an$ of t!e roots% an$ t!e roots are onsi$ere$ 1oisonous.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, In )3.*% it -as announe$ in Ben#al t!at t!e ri1e fruits% -it! see$s re'o&e$% oul$
(e $istille$ . ti'es to 'a5e a ?rose-ater? e>ual to t!e (est o(taine$ fro' rose 1etals.
Branc!es, T!e fle/i(le (ran!es !a&e (een e'1loye$ in "uerto Rio to 'a5e !oo1s for
lar#e su#ar as5s% an$ also are &alue$ for -ea&in# lar#e (as5ets.
Bark, T!e (ar5 !as (een use$ for tannin# an$ yiel$s a (ro-n $ye.
1ood, T!e sa1-oo$ is -!ite. T!e !eart-oo$ is $ar57re$ or (ro-n% fi(rous% lose7
#raine$% 'e$iu'7!ea&y to !ea&y% stron#9 an$ !as (een use$ to 'a5e furniture% s1o5es for
-!eels% ar's for easy !airs% 5nees for all 5in$s of (oats% (ea's for onstrution% fra'es
for 'usial instru'ents <&iolins% #uitars% et.=% an$ 1a5in# ases. It is also 1o1ular for
#eneral turnery. It is not $ura(le in t!e #roun$ an$ is 1rone to atta5 (y $ry-oo$
T!e tree #ro-s (a5 ra1i$ly after uttin# to a stu'1 an$ onse>uently yiel$s a ontinuous
su11ly of s'all -oo$ for fuel. Rose a11le -oo$ 'a5es &ery #oo$ !aroal.
-ea&es, A yello- essential oil% $istille$ fro' t!e lea&es% ontains% a'on# ot!er
1ro1erties% 8A.3.K dl#a71inene an$ 8,.3.K l7li'onene% an$ an (e resorte$ to as a soure
of t!ese ele'ents for use in t!e 1erfu'e in$ustry.
Flowers, T!e flo-ers are a ri! soure of netar for !oney(ees an$ t!e !oney is a #oo$
a'(er olor. Mu! o'es fro' t!e San Cristo(al Ri&er :alley in Cu(a.
Medicinal *ses, In In$ia% t!e fruit is re#ar$e$ as a toni for t!e (rain an$ li&er. An
infusion of t!e fruit ats as a $iureti.
A s-eetene$ 1re1aration of t!e flo-ers is (elie&e$ to re$ue fe&er. T!e see$s are
e'1loye$ a#ainst $iarr!ea% $ysentery an$ atarr!. In Niara#ua% it !as (een lai'e$ t!at
an infusion of roaste$% 1o-$ere$ see$s is (enefiial to $ia(etis. T!ey say in Colo'(ia
t!at t!e see$s !a&e an anest!eti 1ro1erty.
T!e leaf $eotion is a11lie$ to sore eyes% also ser&es as a $iureti an$ e/1etorant an$
treat'ent for r!eu'atis'. T!e Duie of 'aerate$ lea&es is ta5en as a fe(rifu#e.
"o-$ere$ lea&es !a&e (een ru((e$ on t!e (o$ies of s'all1o/ 1atients for t!e oolin#
T!e (ar5 ontains +7)8..K tannin. It is e'eti an$ at!arti. T!e $eotion is
a$'inistere$ to relie&e ast!'a% (ron!itis an$ !oarseness. Cu(an 1eo1le (elie&e t!at t!e
root is an effeti&e re'e$y for e1ile1sy.
$urina# C!erry
'ugenia uniflora -6
Eugenia Michelii Lam.
Stenocalyx Michelii Berg
T!e 'ost -i$ely 5no-n of t!e e$i(le7fruite$ Eugenia s1eies% (eause of its #reat
a$a1ta(ility% t!e Surina' !erry% E. uniflora L. <syns. E. Michelii La'.9 Stenocalyx
Michelii Ber#9 )linia rubra :ell.=% is also alle$ BraBil or BraBilian !erry% Cayenne
!erry% 1itan#a% an$% unfortunately% Flori$a !erry. In S1anis! it is #enerally cereza de
cayena: (ut pendanga in :eneBuela9 guinda in El Sal&a$or9 Banga#pirD in Ar#entina9
cereza 9uadrada in Colo'(ia. In 4ua$elou1e an$ Martini>ue it is alle$ cerese I cJtes
or cerises#cotes: in Fren! 4uiana% cerise de Cayenne! cerise de pays! or cerise carDe: in
Surina'% Surinaamsche "ersh! zoete "ers! or mon"ie mon"ie "ersie.
T!e s!ru( or tree% to 82 ft <+.2 '= !i#!% !as slen$er% s1rea$in# (ran!es an$ resinously
aro'ati folia#e. T!e o11osite lea&es% (ronBe -!en youn#% are $ee17#reen an$ #lossy
-!en 'ature9 turn re$ in ol$% $ry -inter -eat!er. T!ey are o&ate to o&ate7laneolate%
(lunt7 to s!ar171ointe$% ) )F8 to 8 )F8 in <.7A.82 '= lon#. Lon#7stal5e$ flo-ers% (orne
sin#ly or as 'any as . to#et!er in t!e leaf a/ils% !a&e . $eliate% reur&e$% -!ite 1etals
an$ a tuft of 26 to A6 1ro'inent -!ite sta'ens -it! 1ale7yello- ant!ers. T!e +7 to 37
ri((e$ fruit% o(late% ,F. to ) )F8 in <87. '= -i$e% turns fro' #reen to oran#e as it
$e&elo1s an$% -!en 'ature% (ri#!t7re$ to $ee17sarlet or $ar5% 1ur1lis! 'aroon <?(la5?=
-!en fully ri1e. T!e s5in is t!in% t!e fles! oran#e7re$% 'eltin# an$ &ery Duiy9 ai$ to
s-eet% -it! a tou! of resin an$ sli#!t (itterness. T!ere 'ay (e ) fairly lar#e% roun$ see$
or 8 or , s'aller see$s ea! -it! a flattene$ si$e% 'ore or less atta!e$ to t!e fles! (y a
fe- slen$er fi(ers.
Origin and Distribution
T!e 1lant is nati&e fro' Surina'% 4uyana an$ Fren! 4uiana to sout!ern BraBil
<es1eially t!e states of Rio $e Janeiro% "ara]a% Santa Cat!arina an$ Rio 4ran$e $o Sul=%
an$ to nort!ern% eastern an$ entral Uru#uay. It #ro-s -il$ in t!i5ets on t!e (an5s of t!e
"ilo'ayo Ri&er in "ara#uay. It -as first $esri(e$ (otanially fro' a 1lant #ro-in# in a
#ar$en at "isa% Italy% -!i! is (elie&e$ to !a&e (een intro$ue$ fro' 4oa% In$ia.
"ortu#uese &oya#ers are sai$ to !a&e arrie$ t!e see$ fro' BraBil to In$ia% as t!ey $i$ t!e
as!e-. It is ulti&ate$ an$ naturaliBe$ in Ar#entina% :eneBuela an$ Colo'(ia9 also
alon# t!e Atlanti oast of Central A'eria9 an$ in so'e islan$s of t!e West In$iesYt!e
Cay'an Islan$s% Ja'aia% St. T!o'as% St. Croi/% "uerto Rio% Cu(a% 0aiti% t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li% an$ in t!e Ba!a'as an$ Ber'u$a. In )*)3% Britton -rote% in t!e
Flora of Bermuda! t!at ?. . as it !ar(ors t!e fruit fly% t!e tree !as (een lar#ely ut out in
reent years.? It is fre>uently #ro-n in 0a-aii% Sa'oa% In$ia an$ Ceylon as an
orna'ental 1lant an$ oasionally in tro1ial Afria% sout!ern C!ina an$ in t!e
"!ili11ines -!ere it first fruite$ in )*)). It -as lon# a#o 1lante$ on t!e Me$iterranean
oast of Afria an$ t!e Euro1ean Ri&iera. T!e first Surina' !erry -as intro$ue$ into
oastal Israel in )*88 an$ arouse$ onsi$era(le interest (eause it 1ro$ue$ fruit in May
-!en ot!er fruits are sare% an$ it re>uires so little are9 (ut o&er )6 years of
o(ser&ation% t!e yiel$s reor$e$ -ere $isa11ointin#ly s'all.
In Flori$a% t!e Surina' !erry is one of t!e 'ost o''on !e$#e 1lants t!rou#!out t!e
entral an$ sout!ern 1arts of t!e state an$ t!e Flori$a Jeys. T!e fruits are to$ay 'ostly
eaten (y !il$ren. In t!e 1ast% 'any 1eo1le allo-e$ t!e tree to #ro- naturally an$
!ar&este$ t!e fruits for ulinary use. For a -!ile% s'all >uantities -ere sol$ in Mia'i
'ar5ets. In te'1erate Bones% t!e 1lant is #ro-n in 1ots for its attrati&e folia#e an$ (ri#!t
T!ere are 8 $istint ty1es@ t!e o''on (ri#!t7re$ an$ t!e rarer $ar57ri'son to nearly
(la5% -!i! ten$s to (e s-eeter an$ less resinous.
T!e Surina' !erry is a$a1te$ to tro1ial an$ su(tro1ial re#ions. In t!e "!ili11ines% it
t!ri&es fro' sea7le&el to ,%,66 ft <)%666 '=9 in 4uate'ala% u1 to A%666 ft <)%366 '=.
;oun# 1lants are $a'a#e$ (y te'1eratures (elo- 83V F <78.88V C=% (ut -ell7esta(lis!e$
1lants !a&e suffere$ only su1erfiial inDury at 88V F <72.2AV C=. T!e 1lant re&els in full
sun. It re>uires only 'o$erate rainfall an$% (ein# $ee17roote$% an stan$ a lon# $ry
T!e Surina' !erry #ro-s in al'ost any ty1e of soilYsan$% san$y loa'% stiff lay% soft
li'estoneYan$ an e&en stan$ -aterlo##in# for a ti'e% (ut it is intolerant of salt.
See$s are t!e usual 'eans of 1ro1a#ation. T!ey re'ain &ia(le for not 'u! lon#er t!an a
'ont! an$ #er'inate in , to . -ee5s. :olunteer see$lin#s an (e ta5en u1 an$
suessfully trans1lante$. Layerin# !as (een suessful in In$ia. T!e see$lin#s an (e
to1-or5e$ to su1erior seletions (y si$e7 or left7#raftin# (ut t!ey ten$ to su5er (elo-
t!e #raft.
Surina' !erry see$lin#s #ro- slo-ly9 so'e (e#in to fruit -!en 8 years ol$9 so'e 'ay
$elay fruitin# for 2 or A years% or e&en )6 if in unfa&ora(le situations. T!ey are 'ost
1ro$uti&e if un1rune$% (ut still 1ro$ue a #reat 'any fruits -!en lose7li11e$ in
!e$#es. Huarterly fee$in# -it! a o'1lete fertiliBer for'ula 1ro'otes fruitin#. T!e 1lant
res1on$s >ui5ly to irri#ation% t!e fruit ra1i$ly (eo'in# lar#er an$ s-eeter in fla&or
after a #oo$ -aterin#.
$eason and %ar&esting
T!e fruits $e&elo1 an$ ri1en >ui5ly% only , -ee5s after t!e flo-ers o1en. In BraBil% t!e
1lants (loo' in Se1te'(er an$ fruits ri1en in Oto(er9 t!ey (loo' a#ain in Dee'(er
an$ January. In Flori$a an$ t!e Ba!a'as% t!ere is a s1rin# ro1% Mar! or A1ril t!rou#!
May or June9 an$ a seon$ ro1% Se1te'(er t!rou#! No&e'(er% oini$in# -it! t!e
s1rin# an$ fall rains.
T!e fruits s!oul$ (e 1i5e$ only -!en t!ey are so ri1e as to fall into t!e !an$ at t!e
li#!test tou!% ot!er-ise t!ey -ill (e un$esira(ly resinous. 4at!erin# 'ust (e $one $aily
or e&en t-ie a $ay.
In In$ia% 1rune$ (us!es yiel$ an a&era#e of A to 3 l(s <8.+7,.A 5#= 1er 1lant. T!e !i#!est
yiel$ o(taine$ in Israel -as 8%+66 fruits -ei#!in# a(out 8. l(s <)) 5#= fro' one
untri''e$ 1lant.
Pests and Diseases
Surina' !erries are !i#!ly attrati&e to Cari((ean an$ Me$iterranean fruit flies% (ut t!e
ini$ene of infestation -as foun$ to &ary #reatly in Israel fro' loation to loation%
so'e 1lants (ein# un'oleste$.
T!e folia#e is oasionally atta5e$ (y sale insets an$ ater1illars. A lar#e% e/tensi&e
!e$#e alon# a anal in Da$e County (le- $o-n in Se1te'(er )*38. E/a'ination s!o-e$
t!at t!e roots !a$ (een !e-e$ off an$ t!ere -ere a(out a $oBen -!ite #ru(s u1 to 8 in <2
'= lon# un$er ea! 1lant. T!ese -ere i$entifie$ as t!e lar&ae of a su#ar ane 1est t!at is
o''on in 0aiti.
A'on# $iseases enountere$ in Flori$a are leaf s1ot ause$ (y Cercospora eugeniae!
*elminthosporium sp.! an$ )hyllostica eugeniae: t!rea$ (li#!t fro' infetion (y
Corticium stevensii: ant!ranose fro' Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: t-i# $ie(a5 an$
root rot ause$ (y (hizoctonia solani: an$ 'us!roo' root rot% Armillariella +Clitocybe-
Food *ses
C!il$ren enDoy t!e ri1e fruits out7of7!an$. For ta(le use% t!ey are (est slit &ertially on
one si$e% s1rea$ o1en to release t!e see$<s=% an$ 5e1t !ille$ for 8 or , !ours to $is1el
'ost of t!eir resinously aro'ati !arater. If see$e$ an$ s1rin5le$ -it! su#ar (efore
1lain# in t!e refri#erator% t!ey -ill (eo'e 'il$ an$ s-eet an$ -ill e/u$e 'u! Duie
an$ ser&e &ery -ell instea$ of stra-(erries on s!orta5e an$ to11e$ -it! -!i11e$ rea'.
T!ey are an e/ellent a$$ition to fruit u1s% sala$s an$ ustar$ 1u$$in#9 also ie rea'9
an$ an (e 'a$e into 1ie or saue or 1reser&e$ -!ole in siru1. T!ey are often 'a$e into
Da'% Delly% relis! or 1i5les. BraBilians fer'ent t!e Duie into &ine#ar or -ine% an$
so'eti'es 1re1are a $istille$ li>uor.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories .,72) #
Moisture 32..7*6.+6 #
"rotein 6.3.7).6) #
Fat 6..76.33 #
Car(o!y$rates +.*,7)8.2 #
Fi(er 6.,.76.A#
As! 6.,.76.2 #
Caliu' * '#
"!os1!orus )) '#
Iron 6.8 '#
Carotene <:ita'in A= )%86678%666 I.U.
T!ia'ine 6.6, '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6. '#
Niain 6.6, '#
Asor(i Ai$LL 867,6 '#
LA o'1osite of analyses 'a$e in 0a-aii% Afria% Flori$a.
LLDr. Mar#aret Mustar$ foun$ ,,.*7.,.* '# in ri1e re$ fruits9 82., in t!e ?(la5? ty1e.
T!e see$s are e/tre'ely resinous an$ s!oul$ not (e eaten. Diarr!ea !as ourre$ in $o#s
t!at !a&e (een fe$ t!e -!ole fruits (y !il$ren. T!e stron#% s1iy e'anation fro' (us!es
(ein# 1rune$ irritates t!e res1iratory 1assa#es of sensiti&e 1ersons.
Ot!er *ses
T!e lea&es !a&e (een s1rea$ o&er t!e floors of BraBilian !o'es. W!en -al5e$ u1on% t!ey
release t!eir 1un#ent oil -!i! re1els flies. T!e bark ontains 86 to 83.2K tannin an$
an (e use$ for treatin# leat!er. T!e .lowers are a ri! soure of 1ollen for !oney(ees (ut
yiel$ little or no netar.
Medicinal *ses, In BraBil t!e leaf infusion is ta5en as a sto'a!i% fe(rifu#e an$
astrin#ent. In Surina'% t!e leaf $eotion is $run5 as a ol$ re'e$y an$% in o'(ination
-it! le'on#rass% as a fe(rifu#e. T!e lea&es yiel$ essential oil ontainin# itronellal%
#eranyl aetate% #eraniol% ineole% ter1inene% ses>uiter1enes an$ 1olyter1enes.
'ugenia brasiliensis -a#6
'ugenia dombeyi $keels
An often a$'ire$ (ut still &ery 'inor fruitin# 'e'(er of t!e Myrtaeae% t!e
#ru'i!a'a% Eugenia brasiliensis La'. <syn. E. dombeyi S5eels=% is also alle$
grumixama! grumichameira! or grumixameira in BraBil% an$ so'eti'es BraBil !erry
T!e !i#!ly orna'ental tree is slen$er%
eret% usually to 82 or ,2 ft <+.27)6.2 '=
!i#!% s!ort7trun5e$ an$ !ea&ily folia#e$
-it! o11osite% o(lon#7o&al lea&es , )F8
to 2 in <*7)A '= lon#% 8 ,F3 in <27A '=
-i$e% -it! reur&e$ 'ar#in9 #lossy%
t!i5% leat!ery% an$ 'inutely 1itte$ on
(ot! surfaes. T!ey 1ersist for 8 years.
Ne- s!oots are rosy. T!e flo-ers% (orne sin#ly in t!e leaf a/ils% are ) in <8.2 '= -i$e9
!a&e . #reen se1als an$ . -!ite 1etals% an$ a(out )66 -!ite sta'ens -it! 1ale7yello-
ant!ers. T!e lon#7stal5e$ fruit is o(late% )F8 to ,F. in <).8278 '= -i$e9 turns fro' #reen
to (ri#!t7re$ an$ finally $ar571ur1le to nearly (la5 as it ri1ens% an$ (ears t!e 1ersistent%
1ur1le7 or re$7tinte$ se1als% to )F8 in <).82 '= lon#% at its a1e/. T!e s5in is t!in% fir' an$
e/u$es $ar57re$ Duie. T!e re$ or -!ite 1ul1 is Duiy an$ tastes 'u! li5e a true su(ai$
or s-eet !erry e/e1t for a tou! of aro'ati resin. T!ere 'ay (e ) 'ore or less roun$%
or 8 to , !e'is1!erial% !ar$% li#!t7tan or #reenis!7#ray see$s to )F8 in <).82 '= -i$e
an$ !alf as t!i5.
Origin and Distribution
T!e #ru'i!a'a is nati&e an$ -il$ in oastal sout!ern BraBil% es1eially in t!e states of
"arana an$ Santa Catarina. It is ulti&ate$ in an$ aroun$ Rio $e Janeiro% also in "ara#uay.
A s1ei'en -as #ro-in# in 0o1e 4ar$ens% Ja'aia% in )336 an$ a tree -as 1lante$ in
t!e Botanial 4ar$ens% Sin#a1ore% in )333% fruite$ in )*6,. It !as lon# sine &anis!e$
fro' (ot! of t!ese loations. An atte'1t to #ro- it in t!e "!ili11ines in t!e early )*86Cs
$i$ not 'eet -it! suess. Neit!er $i$ a trial in Israel. An early intro$ution% 1er!a1s (y
Don Franiso $e "aula Marin in )+*)% -as 'a$e in 0a-aii an$ t!e tree -as a$o1te$
into nu'erous loal #ar$ens.
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Mauritius in )*))
<S.".I. O,66.6=9 1lants an$ see$s fro' Ba!ia% BraBil% in )*). <S.".I. O,A*A3=% an$ 'ore
see$s fro' Mauritius in )*88 <S.".I. O2.+*+=. "lants -ere set out at t!e "lant
Intro$ution Station in Mia'i an$ 1ros1ere$. Ot!er 1lantin#s -ere 'a$e in California
-!ere it see'e$ e&en (etter a$a1te$ (ut !as a11arently $isa11eare$. T!e Unite$ States
De1art'ent of A#riulture raise$ see$lin#s at "uerto Arturo% 0on$uras% an$ transferre$
so'e 1lants to t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ental 4ar$en at Tela in )*8A. T!ey flouris!e$ t!ere
an$ flo-ere$ an$ fruite$ -ell.
O&er t!e years t!ere !a&e (een 'il$ efforts to enoura#e interest in t!e &irtues of t!e
#ru'i!a'a in Flori$a% 'ainly (eause of t!e (eauty an$ !ar$iness of t!e tree an$ t!e
1leasant fla&or of t!e fruit (ut t!e se1als are a nuisane an$ t!ere is too little fles! in
1ro1ortion to see$ for t!e fruit to (e ta5en seriously.
Fi#. )62@ T!e #ru'i!a'a +Eugenia brasiliensis- is
'ore !erry7li5e t!an 'any so7alle$ ?!erries? (ut
!an$ia11e$ (y s'all siBe% a1ial se1als an$ lar#e see$s.
:ariety leucocarpus Ber#. in BraBil (eo'es a lar#e tree to A2 ft <86 '= !i#! an$ !as
fruits -it! -!ite fles!. It is not as o''on as t!e re$7fles!e$ ty1e.
T!e #ru'i!a'a is su(tro1ial% sur&i&in# te'1eratures of 8AV F <7,.,,V C= in BraBil. It is
(etter suite$ to "al' Bea! t!an to sout!ern Flori$a. In 0a-aii% t!e tree fruits (est fro'
sea7le&el to an altitu$e of no 'ore t!an ,66 ft <*6 '=.
T!e #ru'i!a'a $oes (etter on ai$ san$ in Central Flori$a t!an it $oes on li'estone in
t!e sout!. It is re1orte$ to 1refer $ee1% fertile% san$y loa'. Sturro5 says it #ro-s -ell in
ri! lay in Cu(a (ut is a$&ersely affete$ (y t!e lon#% $ry season.
Wilson "o1enoe state$ t!at 1ro1a#ation in BraBil is entirely (y see$s -!i! re'ain &ia(le
for se&eral -ee5s an$ #er'inate in a(out a 'ont!. FenBi says t!at see$s% uttin#s an$ air7
layers are e'1loye$% an$ Sturro5 !as 'entione$ t!at #raftin# is easy.
T!e #ru'i!a'a is of slo- #ro-t! -!en youn# unless raise$ in a 'i/ture of 1eat 'oss
an$ san$ an$ t!en #i&en a t!i5 layer of 1eat 'oss aroun$ t!e roots -!en settin# out% an$
5e1t !ea&ily fertiliBe$. In 0a-aii% it !as ta5en + years to rea! + ft. Fruitin# (e#ins -!en
t!e 1lants are . to 2 years ol$.
T!e tree is re#ar$e$ as re'ar5a(le for t!e s!ort 1erio$ fro' flo-erin# to fruitin#. In
Flori$a% it !as (een in full (loo' in late A1ril an$ loa$e$ -it! fruits ,6 $ays later. T!e
ro1 ri1ens >ui5ly o&er Dust a fe- $ays. In 0a-aii% t!e trees (loo' an$ fruit fro' July to
Dee'(er% -it! t!e 'ain ro1 in t!e fall. Trees in BraBil &ary onsi$era(ly in ti'e of
flo-erin# an$ fruitin# so t!at t!e o&erall season e/ten$s fro' No&e'(er to Fe(ruary.
In 0a-aii% t!e fruits are !ea&ily atta5e$ (y t!e Me$iterranean fruit fly.

Food *ses
Fully ri1e #ru'i!a'as are 1leasant to ni((le out7of7!an$. in 0a-aii% !alf7ri1e fruits are
'a$e into 1ie% Da' or Delly.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture 3,.2 #
"rotein 6.)68 #
Fi(er 6.A #
As! 6.., #
Caliu' ,*.2 '#
"!os1!orus ),.A '#
Iron 6..2 '#
Carotene 6.6,* '#
T!ia'ine 6.6.. '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6,) '#
Niain 6.,,A '#
Asor(i Ai$ )3.3 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in 0on$uras.
Medicinal *ses
T!e (ar5 an$ lea&es ontain ).2K of essential oil. T!e leaf or (ar5 infusionY)F, oB <)6 #=
of 1lant 'aterial in )6 )F8 oB <,66 #= -ater7is aro'ati% astrin#ent% $iureti an$ ta5en as a
treat'ent for r!eu'atis' at t!e rate of 8 to . u1s $aily% in BraBil.
Sa1ote an$ Relate$ S1eies
Star A11le
Manil&ara $apota &an 2oyen
Manilkara achras Fosb.
Manilkara zapotilla Gilly
One of t!e 'ost interestin# an$ $esira(le of all tro1ial fruit trees% t!e sa1o$illa% a
'e'(er of t!e fa'ily Sa1otaeae% is no- 5no-n (otanially as Manil"ara zapota &an
Royen <syns. M. achras Fos(.% M. zapotilla 4illy9 Achras sapota L.% A. zapota L.9 Sapota
achras Mill.=.
A'on# nu'erous &ernaular na'es% so'e of t!e 'ost o''on are@ baramasi <Ben#al
an$ Bi!ar% In$ia=9 buah chi"u <Malaya=9 chicle <Me/io=9 chico <"!ili11ines% 4uate'ala%
Me/io=9 chicozapote <4uate'ala% Me/io% :eneBuela=9 chi"oo <In$ia=9 chi"u <Malaya%
In$ia=9 $illy <Ba!a'as9 Britis! West In$ies=9 "orob <Costa Ria=9 mespil <:ir#in Islan$s=9
mispel! mispu <Net!erlan$s Antilles% Surina'=9 muy <4uate'ala=9 muyozapot <El
Sal&a$or=9 nase(erry <Ja'aia9 Britis! West In$ies=9 neese(erry <Britis! West In$ies9
nispero <"uerto Rio% Central A'eria% :eneBuela=9 nispero 9uitense <Eua$or=9
sa1o$illa 1lu' <In$ia=9 sapota <In$ia=9 sa1ota <BraBil=9 sa1otille <Fren! West In$ies=9 tree
1otato <In$ia=9 Ka <4uate'ala9 ;uatan=9 zapota <:eneBuela=9 zapote <Cu(a=9 zapote
chico <Me/io9 4uate'ala=9 zapote morado <BeliBe=9 zapotillo <Me/io=.
T!e sa1o$illa is a fairly slo-7#ro-in#%
lon#7li&e$ tree% u1ri#!t an$ ele#ant%
$istintly 1yra'i$al -!en youn#9 to A6 ft
<)3 '= !i#! in t!e o1en (ut rea!in# )66
ft <,6 '= -!en ro-$e$ in a forest. It is
stron# an$ -in$7resistant% ri! in -!ite%
#u''y late/. Its lea&es are !i#!ly
orna'ental% e&er#reen% #lossy% alternate% s1irally lustere$ at t!e ti1s of t!e for5e$ t-i#s9
elli1ti% 1ointe$ at (ot! en$s% fir'% , to . )F8 in <+.27)).82 '= lon# an$ ) to ) )F8 in
<8.27. '= -i$e. Flo-ers are s'all an$ (ell7li5e% -it! , (ro-n7!airy outer se1als an$ ,
inner se1als enlosin# t!e 1ale7#reen orolla an$ A sta'ens. T!ey are (orne on slen$er
stal5s at t!e leaf (ases. T!e fruit 'ay (e nearly roun$% o(late% o&al% elli1soi$al% or onial9
&aries fro' 8 to . in <27)6 '= in -i$t!. W!en i''ature it is !ar$% #u''y an$ &ery
astrin#ent. T!ou#! s'oot!7s5inne$ it is oate$ -it! a san$y (ro-n surf until fully ri1e.
T!e fles! ran#es in olor fro' yello-is! to li#!t7 or $ar57(ro-n or so'eti'es re$$is!7
(ro-n9 'ay (e oarse an$ so'e-!at #rainy or s'oot!9 (eo'es soft an$ &ery Duiy% -it!
a s-eet fla&or rese'(lin# t!at of a 1ear. So'e fruits are see$less% (ut nor'ally t!ere 'ay
(e fro' , to )8 see$s -!i! are easily re'o&e$ as t!ey are loosely !el$ in a -!orl of
slots in t!e enter of t!e fruit. T!ey are (ro-n or (la5% -it! one -!ite 'ar#in9 !ar$%
#lossy9 lon#7o&al% flat% -it! usually a $istint ur&e$ !oo5 on one 'ar#in9 an$ a(out )F.
in <8 '= lon#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e sa1o$illa is (elie&e$ nati&e to ;uatan an$ 1ossi(ly ot!er near(y 1arts of sout!ern
Me/io% as -ell as nort!ern BeliBe an$ Nort!eastern 4uate'ala. In t!is re#ion t!ere -ere
one )66%666%666 trees. T!e s1eies is foun$ in forests t!rou#!out Central A'eria
-!ere it !as a11arently (een ulti&ate$ sine anient ti'es. It -as intro$ue$ lon# a#o
t!rou#!out tro1ial A'eria an$ t!e West In$ies% t!e Ba!a'as% Ber'u$a% t!e Flori$a
Jeys an$ t!e sout!ern 1art of t!e Flori$a 'ainlan$. Early in olonial ti'es% it -as arrie$
to t!e "!ili11ines an$ later -as a$o1te$ e&ery-!ere in t!e Ol$ Worl$ tro1is. It rea!e$
Ceylon in )368.
Culti&ation is 'ost e/tensi&e in oastal In$ia <Ma!arastra% 4uDarat% An$!ra "ra$es!%
Ma$ras an$ Ben#al States=% -!ere 1lantations are esti'ate$ to o&er .%*.8 ares <8%666
!a=% -!ile Me/io !as ,%+,,.2 ares <)%2)) !a= $e&ote$ to t!e 1ro$ution of fruit <'ainly
in t!e states of Ca'1e!e an$ :eraruB= an$ 3%)*8 ares <.%666 !a= 1ri'arily for
e/tration of !ile <see un$er ?Ot!er Uses?= as -ell as 'any $ooryar$ an$ -il$ trees.
Co''erial 1lantin#s 1ros1er in Sri Lan5a% t!e "!ili11ines% t!e interior &alleys of
"alestine% as -ell as in &arious ountries of Sout! an$ Central A'eria% inlu$in#
:eneBuela an$ 4uate'ala.
Fi#. )6+@ T!e sa1o$illa +Manil"ara zapota- is s-eet%
lusious% 1ratial an$ (orne a(un$antly (y a !an$so'e%
$rou#!t7 an$ -in$7resistant tree.
In 'ost areas% ty1es are $istin#uis!e$ 'erely (y s!a1e% as CRoun$C an$ CO&alC in
Sa!aran1ur% In$ia. Se&eral na'e$ ulti&ars are #ro-n for o''erial or !o'e use in
-estern an$ sout!ern In$ia@ '(alipatti'@ s'all% early% !i#! >uality9 'Calcutta $pecial'@
lar#e% late9 'Pilipatti'@ s'all% 'i$season to late9 'B!uripatti'@ s'all% 'i$season9
3u#ak!ia'@ s'all% in lusters% late9 'Mo!an Gooti'@ s'all% 'i$season% not &ery s-eet9
'(ittubarti'@ &ery s'all% ri$#e$% &ery s-eet9 '(ittubarti Big'@ lar#e% (ut of inferior
>uality9 'Cricket Ball'@ &ery lar#e% -it! ris1% #ranular% &ery s-eet fles! (ut not
$istinti&e in fla&or9 'Dwarapudi'@ si'ilar% (ut not >uite as (i#% s-eet an$ &ery 1o1ular9
'Bangalore'% lar#e% ri$#e$% an$ 'Va&i&alasa' are o&al an$ 1o1ular in t!e Cirars (ut are
only 'e$iu'7s-eet an$ (ear 1oorly.
Ot!er 1ro'inent ulti&ars in In$ia are '3onna&alosa"'@ of 'e$iu' siBe% 1ale7fles!e$%
s-eet9 '3onna&alosa"l'@ of 'e$iu' siBe% ri$#e$% -it! yello-is!71in5 fles!% s-eet (ut not
a#reea(le in fla&or9 '3onna&alosa 2ound'@ lar#e% ri$#e$% -it! rea'7olore$ fles!% &ery
s-eet9 'Gauranga'% s'all% lo17si$e$% ri$#e$% &ery s-eet% (ears !ea&ily9 'Ayyangar'%
lar#e% &ery t!i57s5inne$% s-eet% rose7sente$9 'T!agara#pudi'@ of 'e$iu' siBe% t!in7
s5inne$% &ery s-eet9 'Oaka'@ s'all% roun$e$ to o&al% of #oo$ fla&or an$ 1o1ular. A'on#
t!e lesser75no-n are 'Bada#'@ 'B!uri'@ 'Calcutta 2ound'@ 'CO6 9' <CCri5et BallC S
CLon# O&alC=% 'D!ola diwani'@ 'Fingar'@ 'Ga&arayya'@ 'Gut!i'@ '(ali'@ an$ 'Van4et'6
A $-arf ty1e alle$ 'Pot' (ears early an$ an (e 'aintaine$ as a 1ot s1ei'en for )6
0enry "ittier% in )*).% $esri(e$ -!at !e $ee'e$ a ?re'ar5a(le &ariety? alle$ nispero
de monte at "ati]o% "ana'a. T!e trees $o not e/ee$ 8A ft <3 '= in !ei#!t an$ (ear s'all%
o(late fruits in $ense lusters.
In In$onesia% sa1o$illas are lasse$ in t-o 'ain #rou1s@ )= Sa-o 'aneela% nor'al7siBe
trees !a&in# narro-% 1ointe$ lea&es9 an$ 8= Sa-o a1el% lo-% s!ru(li5e trees% -it! o(lon#
lea&es (roa$est a(o&e t!e 'i$$le. Belon#in# to #rou1 O) are t!e o''on ulti&ars '$awo
betawi' <fruit lar#e% in lusters of 87.% 1o1ular% 1eris!a(le% ri1enin# in , $ays fro'
1i5in#=9 '$awo koolon' <fruit lar#e% solitary% t!i5 s5inne$% -it! fir' fles!% s!i11in#
-ell=9 '$awo #ad4a' <lar#e% -it! 1ersistent surf% 1ul1 of fine te/ture% s-eet -it! an ai$
tan#=. Belon#in# to #rou1 O8 are '$awo apel bener' <fruits s'all in lusters of ,7A% t!i57
s5inne$=9 '$awo apel klapa' <fruits 'e$iu'7siBe% -it! 1ersistent surf=. So'e ot!ers are
little #ro-n (eause t!e fruits are eit!er &ery s'all% too san$y% too #u''y% or too $ry.
In Me/io% so'e su1erior seletions are 5no-n 'erely as '$C%"=<'@'$C%"=J'@'$C%"=:'@
'$C%"=;'@ an$ '$C%"<;'6
In Flori$a% see$lin# seletions of !i#! >uality !a&e (een na'e$ an$ &e#etati&ely
re1ro$ue$. T!e first of t!ese -as '2ussell' fro' Isla'ora$a in t!e Flori$a Jeys% na'e$
an$ 1ro1a#ate$ (y R.0. FitB1atri5. It is nearly roun$% u1 to . in <)6 '= in $ia'eter an$
len#t!% (ro-n7surfy -it! #ray 1at!es% an$ lusious% re$$is! fles!. It is not a $e1en$a(le
(earer. T!e seon$% 'Proli.ic'@ a see$lin# #ro-n at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$
E$uation Center% 0o'estea$% an$ release$ in )*.)% is roun$7onial% 8 )F8 to , )F8 in
<A.827* '= lon# an$ (roa$% -it! s'oot!% 1in5is!7tan fles!. T!e s5in is li#!ter t!an t!at
of t!e CRussellC an$ ten$s to lose 'u! of t!e surf as it ri1ens. T!e tree (ears early%
onsistently an$ !ea&ily. Of later seletion% 'Modello' is a #oo$ >uality fruit (ut not a
!ea&y 1ro$uer9 '$eedless' yiel$s 1oorly9 'Brown $ugar' is a #oo$% re#ular% !i#! yiel$er9
!an$les an$ 5ee1s -ell.
So'e intro$ue$ ulti&ars (ein# teste$ in Flori$a inlu$e@ 'Boet5berg'@ '-arsen'@
'Morning $tar'@ '3a#aica ;'@ an$ '3a#aica 9='6 'Tikal'@ a reent see$lin# seletion%
see's &ery 1ro'isin#. It is li#!t7(ro-n% elli1ti to onial% 'u! s'aller t!an C"rolifiC%
(ut of e/ellent fla&or an$ o'es into season &ery early. Se&eral ulti&ars not
reo''en$e$ (eause of lo- yiel$ in sout!ern Flori$a are 'Addley'@ 'Adelaide'@ 'Big
Pine (ey'@ 'Black'@ '3a#aica 0o6 G'@ '3a#aica 0o6 D'@ 'Martin' an$ '$aunders'6
In )*2)% in Ja'aia% I &isite$ an En#lis! #entle'an -!o !a$ a &ery s1eial sa1o$illa tree
-!i! (ore #reat >uantities of tiny sa1o$illas% no 'ore t!an ) )F8 in <. '= in $ia'eter.
T!ey -ere all see$less an$ !e ser&e$ t!e' !ille$% -!ole.
In t!e "!ili11ines% selete$ ulti&ars% 'Ponderosa'@ '3a&a'@ '$ao Manila'@ '0ati&e'@
'For#osa'@ '2angel'@ an$ t!e C"rolifiC fro' Flori$a are 'aintaine$ (y t!e Bureau of
"lant In$ustry for 1ro1a#ation an$ $istri(ution to far'ers. CSao ManilaC fruits 'ature in
)*6 $ays an$ ri1en , to 2 $ays after 1i5in#.
0y(ri$iBation stu$ies !a&e (een on$ute$ in In$ia.
T!e sa1o$illa #ro-s fro' sea le&el to )%266 ft <.2+ '= in t!e "!ili11ines% u1 to .%666 ft
<)%886 '= in In$ia% to ,%*,+ ft <)%866 in= in :eneBuela% an$ is o''on aroun$ Huito%
Eua$or% at *%)3A ft <8%366 '=. It is not stritly tro1ial% for 'ature trees an -it!stan$
te'1eratures of 8AV to 83V F <7,.,,V to 78.8V C= for se&eral !ours. ;oun# trees are ten$erer
an$ a1t to (e 5ille$ (y ,6V F <7).))V C= unless t!e ste' is (an5e$ -it! san$ or -ra11e$
-it! stra- an$ (urla1 $urin# t!e ol$ s1ell. A nu'(er of sa1o$ilia trees !a&e li&e$ for a
fe- years in California -it!out fruitin# an$ t!en !a&e suu'(e$ to ol$. Cool ni#!ts are
onsi$ere$ a onstant li'itin# fator. 0o-e&er% I !a&e learne$ of one tree in a 1rotete$
loation in t!e Sara'ento :alley t!at !as sur&i&e$ for 'any years% rea!in# a lar#e siBe
an$ fruitin# re#ularly. T!e sa1o$illa see's e>ually at !o'e in !u'i$ an$ relati&ely $ry
T!e sa1o$illa #ro-s naturally in t!e alareous 'arl an$ $isinte#rate$ li'estone of its
!o'elan$% t!erefore it s!oul$ not (e sur1risin# t!at it is so -ell a$a1te$ to sout!ern
Flori$a an$ t!e Flori$a Jeys. Ne&ert!eless% it flouris!es also in $ee1% loose% or#ani soil%
or on li#!t lay% $ia(ase% san$ or lateriti #ra&el. 4oo$ $raina#e is essential% t!e tree
(earin# 1oorly in lo-% -et loations. It is !i#!ly $rou#!t7resistant% an stan$ salt s1ray%
an$ a11roa!es t!e $ate 1al' in its tolerane of soil salinity% rate$ as ECe )..86.
See$s re'ain &ia(le for se&eral years if 5e1t $ry. T!e (est see$s are lar#e ones fro' lar#e
fruits. T!ey #er'inate rea$ily (ut #ro-t! is slo- an$ t!e trees ta5e 2 to 3 years to (ear.
Sine t!ere is #reat &ariation in t!e for'% >uality an$ yiel$ of fruits fro' see$lin# trees%
&e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation !as lon# (een onsi$ere$ $esira(le (ut !as (een !a'1ere$ (y t!e
#u''y late/. In In$ia% se&eral 'et!o$s are 1ratie$@ #raftin#% inar!in#% #roun$7
layerin# an$ air7layerin#. 4rafts !a&e (een suessful on se&eral rootsto5s@ sa1o$illa%
Bassia latifolia! B. longifolia! Sideroxylon dulcificum an$ Mimusops hexandra. T!e last
!as (een 1artiularly suessful% t!e #rafts #ro-in# &i#orously an$ fruitin# !ea&ily.
In Flori$a% s!iel$7(u$$in#% left7#raftin# an$ si$e7#raftin# -ere 'o$erately suessful
(ut too slo- for lar#e7sale 1ro$ution. An i'1ro&e$ 'et!o$ of si$e7#raftin# -as
$e&elo1e$ usin# year7ol$ see$lin#s -it! ste's )F. in <A ''= t!i5. T!e sion <youn#
ter'inal s!oot= -as 1re1are$ A -ee5s to se&eral 'ont!s in a$&ane (y #ir$lin# an$
$efoliatin#. Just (efore #raftin# t!e rootsto5 -as sore$ Dust a(o&e t!e #raftin# site an$
t!e late/ ?(le$? for se&eral 'inutes. After t!e sto5 -as not!e$ an$ t!e sion set in% it
-as (oun$ -it! ru((er an$ #i&en a 1roteti&e oatin# of -a/ or as1!alt. T!e sion starte$
#ro-in# in ,6 $ays an$ t!e rootsto5 -as t!en (e!ea$e$. So'e years later% furt!er
e/1eri'ents s!o-e$ t!at (etter results -ere o(taine$ (y o'ittin# t!e 1re7on$itionin# of
t!e sion an$ t!e (lee$in# of t!e late/. T!e o1erator 'ust -or5 fast an$ lean !is 5nife
fre>uently. T!e sions are &eneer7#rafte$ an$ t!en o'1letely o&ere$ -it! 1lasti%
allo-in# free #as e/!an#e -!ile 1re&entin# $e!y$ration. Suess is $ee'e$ 'ost
$e1en$ent on season@ t!e 8 or , 'ont!s of late su''er an$ early fall.
In t!e "!ili11ines% ter'inal s!oots are o'1letely $efoliate$ 8 to , -ee5s (efore #raftin#
onto rootsto5 -!i! !as (een 5e1t in 1artial s!a$e for 8 'ont!s. 0o-e&er% inar!in# is
t!ere onsi$ere$ su1erior to #raftin#% #i&in# a #reater 1erenta#e of suess.
0o'eo-ners often fin$ air7layerin# easier an$ 'ore suessful t!an #raftin#% an$ air7
layere$ trees often (e#in (earin# -it!in 8 years after 1lantin#.
In In$ia% 26K suess !as (een realiBe$ in to17-or5in# 867year7ol$ trees77uttin# (a5 to
, )F8 ft <) '= fro' t!e #roun$ an$ insertin# sions of su1erior ulti&ars.
See$lin#s for #raftin# are (est #ro-n in full sun% 5e1t 'oist an$ fertiliBe$ -it! 37.73 N "
J e&ery .2 $ays.
Trees set out in o''erial #ro&es s!oul$ (e s1ae$ ,6 to .2 ft <*7),.2 '= a1art ea!
In In$ia% t!e 1lants are 1lae$ in $ee1% 1re7fertiliBe$ 1its an$ 'anure$ t-ie a year%
so'eti'es -it! t!e a$$ition of astor (ean 'eal or resi$ue of nee' see$ +Azadirachta
indica A. Juss.=% -oo$ as! an$For a''oniu' sulfate. In an e/1eri'ent at Marat!-a$a
A#riultural Uni&ersity% "ar(!ani% In$ia% -it! 37year7ol$ trees 1lante$ at )8 '%
a11liation of 83 oB <366 #= NFtree inrease$ trun5 siBe an$ nu'(er an$ -ei#!t of fruits.
Co'(ine$ a11liation of t!is a'ount of N 1lus A )F. oB <)+A #= " an$ 2 ,F. oB <)AA #=
JFtree #a&e t!e !i#!est fruit yiel$. FertiliBer e/1eri'ents o&er a 1erio$ of 82 years at
4uDarat A#riultural Uni&ersity re&eale$ t!at N alone inreases yiel$ (y +6K% a
o'(ination of N an$ " ele&ates yiel$ (y *6K% an$ o'(ine$ N an$ J% )83K% o&er t!at
of ontrol <unfertiliBe$= trees. Of ourse% o1ti'u' nutrient for'ulas $e1en$ on t!e
!arater of t!e soil. In Sout! Flori$aCs li'estone a 'i/e$ fertiliBer of N% "% J% M# in a .7
+727, ratio is reo''en$e$ in s1rin#% su''er an$ fall.
Most 'ature sa1o$illa trees reei&e no -aterin#% (ut irri#ation in $ry seasons -ill
inrease 1ro$uti&ity. In so'e 1arts of In$ia% (ra5is! or saline -ater is so'eti'es use$
to re$ue &e#etati&e #ro-t! an$ 1ro'ote fruitin#.
T!e fruits 'ature . to A 'ont!s after flo-erin#. In t!e tro1is% so'e ulti&ars (ear al'ost
ontinuously. In In$ia% t!e 'ain season is fro' Dee'(er to Mar!. T!e trees (ear fro'
May to Se1te'(er in Flori$a% -it! t!e 1ea5 of t!e ro1 in June an$ July. In Me/io% t!ere
are t-o 1ea5 seasons@ Fe(ruary7A1ril an$ Oto(er7Dee'(er.
Most 1eo1le fin$ it $iffiult to tell -!en a sa1o$illa is rea$y to 1i5. Wit! ty1es t!at s!e$
'u! of t!e ?san$? on 'aturity% it is relati&ely easy to o(ser&e t!e sli#!t yello- or 1ea!
olor of t!e ri1e s5in% (ut -it! ot!er ty1es it is neessary to ru( t!e surf to see if it
loosens rea$ily an$ t!en srat! t!e fruit to 'a5e sure t!e s5in is not #reen (eneat! t!e
surf. If t!e s5in is (ro-n an$ t!e fruit se1arates fro' t!e ste' easily -it!out lea5in# of
t!e late/% it is fully 'ature t!ou#! still !ar$ an$ 'ust (e 5e1t at roo' te'1erature for a
fe- $ays to soften. It is (est to -as! off t!e san$y surf (efore 1uttin# t!e fruit asi$e to
ri1en. It s!oul$ (e eaten -!en fir'7soft% not 'us!y.
In t!e Ba!a'as% !il$ren (ury t!eir ?$illies? in 1ot!oles in t!e li'estone to ri1en% or t!e
fruits 'ay (e -ra11e$ in s-eaters or ot!er t!i5 'aterial an$ 1ut in $ra-ers to !asten
softenin#. Fruits 1i5e$ i''ature -ill s!ri&el as t!ey soften an$ -ill (e of inferior
>uality% so'eti'es -it! s'all 1o5ets of #u''y late/.
In o''erial #ro&es% it is Du$#e$ t!at -!en a fe- fruits !a&e softene$ an$ fallen fro'
t!e tree% all t!e full7#ro-n fruits 'ay (e !ar&este$ for 'ar5etin#. If in any $ou(t% t!e
#ro-er s!oul$ ut o1en a fe- fruits to 'a5e sure t!e see$s are (la5 <or &ery $ar57
(ro-n=. "i5ers s!oul$ use li11ers or 1i5in# 1oles -it! (a# an$ s!ar1 not! at t!e 1ea5
of t!e 'etal fra'e to ut t!e fruit ste'.
In In$ia% t!e fruits are s1rea$ out in t!e s!a$e to allo- any late/ at t!e ste' en$ to $ry
(efore 1a5in#. T!e fruits s!i1 -ell -it! 'ini'al 1a5in#.
T!e C"rolifiC sa1o$illa yiel$s A to * (us!els 1er tree annually9 or% 866 to .26 l(s <*6 to
)36 5#=. CBro-n Su#arC yiel$s 2 to 3 (us!els. In In$ia% it is sai$ t!at a 1ro$uti&e tree -ill
(ear )%666 fruits in its )6t! year an$ t!e yiel$ inreases stea$ily. At ,67,2 years of a#e%
t!e tree s!oul$ 1ro$ue 8%266 to ,%666 fruits annually. A #reat $eal $e1en$s on t!e
ulti&ar. A )67year7ol$ CO&alC tree #a&e )%)23 fruits -ei#!in# )3. l(s <)83.3 5#=% -!ile a
)67year7ol$ CCri5et BallC (ore ,2, fruits -ei#!in# ))8 l(s <26 5#=. 0an$71ollination !as
(een foun$ to inrease fruit set.
(eeping )uality and $torage
Mature% !ar$ sa1o$illas -ill ri1en in * to )6 $ays an$ rot in 8 -ee5s at nor'al su''er
te'1erature an$ relati&e !u'i$ity. More t!an 26 years a#o% sa1o$illas -ere s!i11e$ fro'
Ja&a to 0ollan$% !el$ at .6V726V F <....7)6V C= for , $ays% an$ t!ey ri1ene$ satisfatorily
after arri&al. T!ey -ere s'o5e$ o&er (urnin# stra- for a fe- !ours (efore 1a5in#.
Stora#e trials in Malaya $e'onstrate$ t!at 'ature% !ar$ sa1o$illas store$ at A3V F <86V C=
-in ri1en in )6 $ays an$ re'ain in #oo$ on$ition for anot!er 2 $ays. In :eneBuela%
'ature fruits !el$ at A3V F <86V C= an$ *6K relati&e !u'i$ity -ere in e/ellent on$ition
at t!e en$ of 8, $ays. Lo-er te'1eratures% in efforts to 1rolon# stora#e life% seriously
retar$ ri1enin# an$ lo-er fruit >uality. Lo- relati&e !u'i$ity auses s!ri&elin# an$
-rin5lin#. 0u'i$ on$itions 1ro'ote so##iness. If lon# stora#e is neessary% t!e fruits
'ay (e 5e1t at 2*V7A3V F <)2V786V C= in a ontrolle$ at'os1!ere of 327*6K relati&e
!u'i$ity% 27)6K <&F&= CO
%-it! total re'o&al Of C
to $elay ri1enin#.
Fir'7ri1e sa1o$illas 'ay (e 5e1t for se&eral $ays in #oo$ on$ition in t!e !o'e
refri#erator. At ,2V F <).A+V C=% t!ey an (e 5e1t for A -ee5s. Fully ri1e fruits froBen at
,8V F <6V C= 5ee1 1erfetly for ,, $ays.
Pests and Diseases
In #eneral% t!e sa1o$illa tree re'ains su1re'ely !ealt!y -it! little or no are. In In$ia% it
is so'eti'es atta5e$ (y a (ar57(orer% &ndarbela +Arbela- tetraonis. Mealy(u#s 'ay
infest ten$er s!oots an$ $efae t!e fruits. A #ale!i$ ater1illar +Anarsia- !as ause$
flo-er (u$s an$ flo-ers to $ry u1 an$ fall. In In$onesia% ater1illars of $arsolepis
remicauda 'ay o'1letely $efoliate t!e tree. A ater1illar% %ephopteryx engraphella!
fee$s on t!e lea&es% flo-er (u$s an$ youn# fruits in 1arts of In$ia. T!e ri1enin# an$
o&erri1e fruits are fa&orite !osts of t!e Me$iterranean% Cari((ean% Me/ian an$ ot!er
fruit flies.
:arious sales% inlu$in# *o,ardia biclavis! )ulvinaria <or Chloropulvinaria- psidii!
(astrococcus iceryoides! an$ 1ustule sale% Asterolecanium pustulans C5ll.% 'ay lea$ to
(la5 sooty 'ol$ ause$ (y t!e fun#us Capnodium sp. on ste's% folia#e an$ fruits. In
so'e years% $urin# -inter an$ s1rin# in Flori$a% a rust <1ossi(ly .redo sapotae- 'ay
affet t!e folia#e of so'e ulti&ars. A leaf s1ot +Septoria s1.= !as ause$ $efoliation in a
fe- loations. T!e 'ot! of a leaf 'iner +Acrocercops gemoniella- is ati&e on youn#
lea&es. Ot!er 'inor ene'ies !a&e (een oasionally o(ser&e$.
In In$ia% it 'ay (e neessary to s1rea$ nets o&er t!e tree to 1rotet t!e fruits fro' fruit
Food *ses
4enerally% t!e ri1e sa1o$illa% un!ille$ or 1refera(ly !ille$% is 'erely ut in !alf an$ t!e
fles! is eaten -it! a s1oon. It is an i$eal $essert fruit as t!e s5in% -!i! is not eaten%
re'ains fir' enou#! to ser&e as a ?s!ell?. Care 'ust (e ta5en not to s-allo- a see$% as
t!e 1rotru$in# !oo5 'i#!t ause lo$#in# in t!e t!roat. T!e fles!% of ourse% 'ay (e
soo1e$ out an$ a$$e$ to fruit u1s or sala$s. A $essert saue is 'a$e (y 1eelin# an$
see$in# ri1e sa1o$illas% 1ressin# t!e fles! t!rou#! a olan$er% a$$in# oran#e Duie% an$
to11in# -it! -!i11e$ rea'. Sa1o$illa fles! 'ay also (e (len$e$ into an e## ustar$
'i/ (efore (a5in#.
It -as lon# 1rolai'e$ t!at t!e fruit oul$ not (e oo5e$ or 1reser&e$ in any -ay% (ut it
is so'eti'es frie$ in In$onesia an$% in Malaya% is ste-e$ -it! li'e Duie or #in#er. I
foun$ t!at Ba!a'ians often rus! t!e ri1e fruits% strain% (oil an$ 1reser&e t!e Duie as a
siru1. T!ey also a$$ 'as!e$ sa1o$illa 1ul1 to 1ana5e (atter an$ to or$inary (rea$ 'i/
(efore (a5in#. My o-n e/1eri'ents s!o-e$ t!at a fine Da' oul$ (e 'a$e (y 1eelin#
an$ ste-in# ut7u1 ri1e fruits in -ater an$ s5i''in# off a #reen su' t!at rises to t!e
surfae an$ a11ears to (e $issol&e$ late/% t!en a$$in# su#ar to i'1ro&e te/ture an$ sour
oran#e Duie an$ a stri1 of 1eel to offset t!e inrease$ s-eetness. S5i''in# until all late/
su' is #one is t!e only -ay to a&oi$ #u''iness. Coo5in# -it! su#ar !an#es t!e (ro-n
olor of t!e fles! to a 1leasin# re$.
One la$y in Flori$a $e&elo1e$ a rei1e for sa1o$illa 1ie. S!e 1eele$ t!e ri1e fruits% ut
t!e' into 1iees as a11les are ut% an$ fille$ t!e ra- lo-er rust% s1rin5le$ )F8 u1 of
raisins o&er t!e fruit% 1oure$ o&er e&enly )F8 u1 of 26726 li'e an$ le'on Duie to
1re&ent t!e sa1o$illa 1iees fro' (eo'in# ru((ery% an$ t!en s1rin5le$ e&enly )F8 u1 of
#ranulate$ su#ar. After o&erin# -it! t!e to1 rust an$ 'a5in# a enter !ole to release
stea'% s!e (a5e$ for .6 'inutes at ,26V F <)+A.A+V C=. In In$ia% it !as (een s!o-n t!at
ri1e fruits an (e 1eele$ an$ slie$% 1a5e$ in 'etal ans% !eate$ for )6 'inutes at )23V F
<+6V C=% t!en treate$ for A 'inutes at a &auu' of 83 in 0#% &auu' $ou(le7sea'e$% an$
irra$iate$ -it! a total $ose of . / )6
ra$s at roo' te'1erature. T!is 1roess 1ro&i$es an
ae1ta(le anne$ 1ro$ut.
Ri1e sa1o$illas !a&e (een suessfully $rie$ (y 1retreat'ent -it! a A6K su#ar solution
an$ os'oti $e!y$ration for 2 !ours% an$ t!e 1ro$ut !as retaine$ ae1ta(le >uality for 8
Mr. E$-ar$ S'it! of Cresent "lae% Trini$a$% 'a$e sa1o$illa -ine an$ tol$ 'e t!at it
-as &ery #oo$. ;oun# leafy s!oots are eaten ra- or stea'e$ -it! rie in In$onesia% after
-as!in# to eli'inate t!e sti5y sa1.
Food Value
I''ature sa1o$illas are ri! in tannin <1roant!oyana$ins= an$ &ery astrin#ent. Ri1enin#
eli'inates t!e tannin e/e1t for a lo- le&el re'ainin# in t!e s5in.
Analyses of * seletions of sa1o$illas fro' sout!ern Me/io s!o-e$ #reat &ariation in
total solu(le soli$s% su#ars an$ asor(i ai$ ontent. Unfortunately% t!e fruits -ere not
1eele$ an$ t!erefore t!e results s!o- a(nor'al a'ounts of tannin ontri(ute$ (y t!e
Moisture ran#e$ fro' A*.6 to +2.+K9 asor(i ai$ fro' 3.* to .).. '#F)66 #9 total ai$%
6.6* to 6.)2K9 10% 2.6 to 2.,9 total solu(le soli$s% )+..V to 8,.+V Bri/9 as for
ar(o!y$rates% #luose ran#e$ fro' 2.3. to *.8,K% frutose% ...+ to +.),K% surose% )..3
to 3.+2K% total su#ars% )).). to 86..,K% star!% 8.*3 to A..6K. Tannin ontent% (eause
of t!e s5ins% &arie$ fro' ,.)A to A..2K.
T!e see$ 5ernel <26K of t!e -!ole see$= ontains )K sa1onin an$ 6.63K of a (itter
1rini1le% sa1otinin. In#estion of 'ore t!an A see$s auses a($o'inal 1ain an$ &o'itin#.
Ot!er *ses
C!icle, A 'aDor (y71ro$ut of t!e sa1o$illa tree is t!e #u''y late/ alle$ ?!ile?%
ontainin# )2K ru((er an$ ,3K resin. For 'any years it !as (een e'1loye$ as t!e !ief
in#re$ient in !e-in# #u' (ut it is no- in so'e $e#ree $ilute$ or re1lae$ (y late/ fro'
ot!er s1eies an$ (y synt!eti #u's.
C!ile is tasteless an$ !ar'less an$ is o(taine$ (y re1eate$ ta11in# of -il$ an$
ulti&ate$ trees in ;uatan% BeliBe an$ 4uate'ala. It is oa#ulate$ (y stirrin# o&er lo-
fires% t!en 1oure$ into 'ol$s to for' (lo5s for e/1ort. "roessin# onsists of $ryin#%
'eltin#% eli'ination of forei#n 'atter% o'(inin# -it! ot!er #u's an$ resins% s-eeteners
an$ fla&orin#% t!en rollin# into s!eets an$ uttin# into $esire$ units.
T!e $rie$ late/ -as !e-e$ (y t!e Mayas an$ -as intro$ue$ into t!e Unite$ States (y
4eneral Antonio Lo1eB $e Santa Ana a(out )3AA -!ile !e -as on Staten Islan$ a-aitin#
learane to enter t!is ountry. 0e !a$ a su11ly in !is 1o5et for !e-in# an$ #a&e a
1iee to t!e son of T!o'as A$a's. T!e latter at first onsi$ere$ t!e 1ossi(ility of usin# it
to 'a5e $entures% t!en $ei$e$ it -as useful only as a 'astiatory. 0e foun$ !e oul$
easily inor1orate fla&orin# an$ t!us soon laun!e$ t!e !ile7(ase$ !e-in#7#u'
in$ustry. In )*,6% at t!e 1ea5 of 1ro$ution% nearly ).%666%666 l(s <A%,A,%A,A 5#= of
!ile -ere i'1orte$.
Efforts !a&e (een 'a$e to e/trat !ile fro' t!e lea&es an$ unri1e fruit (ut t!e yiel$ is
insuffiient. It !as (een esti'ate$ t!at ,%866 lea&es -oul$ (e nee$e$ to 1ro$ue one
1oun$ <6..2,2 5#= of #u'.
A'on# 'isellaneous uses@ t!e late/ is e'1loye$ as (ir$li'e% as an a$!esi&e in 'en$in#
s'all artiles in In$ia9 it !as (een utiliBe$ in $ental sur#ery% an$ as a su(stitute for #utta
1er!a. T!e ABtes use$ it for 'o$elin# fi#urines.
Ti#ber, Sa1o$illa -oo$ is stron# an$ $ura(le an$ ti'(ers -!i! for'e$ lintels an$
su11ortin# (ea's in Mayan te'1les !a&e (een foun$ intat in t!e ruins. It !as also (een
use$ for rail-ay rossties% floorin#% nati&e arts% tool !an$les% s!uttles an$ rulers. T!e re$
!eart-oo$ is &alue$ for ar!erCs (o-s% furniture% (annisters% an$ a(inet-or5 (ut t!e
sa-$ust irritates t!e nostrils. Fellin# of t!e tree is 1ro!i(ite$ in ;uatan (eause of its
&alue as a soure of !ile.
Bark, T!e tannin7ri! (ar5 is use$ (y "!ili11ine fis!er'en to tint t!eir sails an$ fis!in#
Medicinal *ses, Beause of t!e tannin ontent% youn# fruits are (oile$ an$ t!e $eotion
ta5en to sto1 $iarr!ea. An infusion of t!e youn# fruits an$ t!e flo-ers is $run5 to relie&e
1ul'onary o'1laints. A $eotion of ol$% yello-e$ lea&es is $run5 as a re'e$y for
ou#!s% ol$s an$ $iarr!ea. A ?tea? of t!e (ar5 is re#ar$e$ as a fe(rifu#e an$ is sai$ to
!alt $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery. T!e rus!e$ see$s !a&e a $iureti ation an$ are lai'e$ to
e/1el (la$$er an$ 5i$ney stones. A flui$ e/trat of t!e rus!e$ see$s is e'1loye$ in
;uatan as a se$ati&e an$ so1orifi. A o'(ine$ $eotion of sa1o$illa an$ !ayote
lea&es is s-eetene$ an$ ta5en $aily to lo-er (loo$ 1ressure. A 1aste of t!e see$s is
a11lie$ on stin#s an$ (ites fro' &eno'ous ani'als. T!e late/ is use$ in t!e tro1is as a
ru$e fillin# for toot! a&ities.
A0ot to be con.used wit! #a#ey appleB
Pouteria sapota A3ac/6B %676 Moore 8 $tearn
Pouteria mammosa (L.) Cronquist
Lucuma mammosa Gaertn.
chra!elpha mammosa Cook
T!e -or$ ?sa1ote? is (elie&e$ to !a&e (een $eri&e$ fro' t!e ABte ?tBa1otl?% a #eneral
ter' a11lie$ to all soft% s-eet fruits. It !as lon# (een utiliBe$ as a o''on na'e for
)outeria sapota <Ja>.= 0.E. Moore M Stearn <syns. ). mammosa <L.= Cron>uist%
8ucuma mammosa 4aertn.% Achradelpha mammosa Coo5% 'itellaria mammosa Ra$l5.%
Calocarpum mammosum "ierre% C. sapota Merrill% Sideroxylon sapota Ja>.=. Alternate
&ernaular na'es inlu$e sapota! zapote! zapote colorado! zapote mamey! lava#zapote!
zapotillo! mamey sapote! mamee sapote! mamee zapote! mamey colorado! mamey ro4o!
mammee or mammee apple or re$ sa1ote. In El Sal&a$or% it is 5no-n as zapote grande% in
Colo'(ia as zapote de carne9 in Cu(a% it is mamey% -!i! ten$s to onfuse it -it!
Mammea americana L.% a >uite $ifferent fruit -i$ely 5no-n (y t!at na'e. T!e usual
na'e in "ana'a is mamey de la tierra9 in
0aiti% sapotier 4aune d?oeuf% or grand
sapotillier9 in 4ua$elou1e% sapote I
creme9 in Martini>ue% grosse sapote9 in
Ja'aia% it is 'ar'ala$e fruit or
'ar'ala$e 1lu'9 in Niara#ua% it 'ay (e
alle$ guaicume9 in Me/io% chachaas or
chachalhaas or tezonzapote9 in Malaya
an$ t!e "!ili11ines% chico#mamei% or
T!e sa1ote (elon#s to t!e fa'ily
Sa1otaeae% t!e sa'e fa'ily as t!e
sa1o$illa <Manil"ara zapota &an Royen=
-!i! !as also (een alle$ sapote!
zapote% or zapote chico to $istin#uis! it
fro' t!e lar#er fruit.
T!e sa1ote tree is eret% fre>uently to A6 ft <)3 '= so'eti'es to )66 or ),6 ft <,6 or .6
'= -it! s!ort or tall trun5 to , ft <) '= t!i5% often narro-ly (uttresse$% a narro- or
s1rea$in# ro-n% an$ -!ite% #u''y late/. T!e e&er#reen or $ei$uous lea&es% lustere$
at t!e (ran! ti1s% on 1etioles ,F. to 8 in <872 '= lon#% are o(o&ate% . to )8 in <)67,6 '=
lon#% an$ ) )F8 to . in <.7)6 '= -i$e% 1ointe$ at (ot! en$s. T!e s'all% -!ite% to 1ale7
yello- 271arte$ flo-ers e'er#e in lusters of A to )8 in t!e a/ils of fallen lea&es alon#
t!e (ran!es. T!e fruit 'ay (e roun$% o&oi$ or elli1ti% often (luntly 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/%
&aries fro' , to * in <+.2788.3 '= lon#% an$ ran#es in -ei#!t fro' )F8 l( to 2 l(s <88+ #7
8., 5#=. It !as rou#!% $ar57(ro-n% fir'% leat!ery% se'i7-oo$y s5in or rin$ to )F)A in <).2
''= t!i5% an$ sal'on71in5 to $ee17re$% soft fles!% s-eet an$ 1u'15in7li5e in fla&or%
enlosin# ) to . lar#e% sli5% s1in$le7s!a1e$% 1ointe$ see$s% !ar$% #lossy7(ro-n% -it! a
"late L:@ SA"OTE% )outeria sapota
-!itis!% sli#!tly rou#! !ilu' on t!e &entral si$e. T!e lar#e 5ernel is oily% (itter% an$ !as a
stron# (itter7al'on$ o$or.
Origin and Distribution
T!e sa1ote ours naturally at lo- ele&ations fro' sout!ern Me/io to nort!ern
Niara#ua. It is 'u! ulti&ate$ an$ 1ossi(ly also naturaliBe$ u1 to 8%666 ft <A66 '= an$
oasionally foun$ u1 to 2%666 ft <)%266 '= t!rou#!out Central A'eria an$ tro1ial
Sout! A'eria. It is a(un$ant in 4uate'ala. In t!e West In$ies% it is 1lante$ to a li'ite$
e/tent fro' Trini$a$ to 4ua$elou1e% an$ in "uerto Rio% 0aiti an$ Ja'aia% (ut 'ainly in
Cu(a -!ere it is often #ro-n in !o'e #ar$ens an$ alon# streets an$ for s!a$in# offee
(eause it loses its lea&es at t!e 1erio$ -!en offee 1lants nee$ sun% an$ t!e fruit is
e/tre'ely 1o1ular. It is #ro-n only oasionally in Colo'(ia% Eua$or% :eneBuela an$
BraBil. It -as intro$ue$ into t!e "!ili11ines (y t!e early S1aniar$s (ut is #ro-n only
aroun$ Ca&ite an$ La#una on LuBon an$ Ca#ayan on Min$anao. Fro' t!e "!ili11ines% it
-as arrie$ to sout!ern :ietna' -!ere t!e fruit is eaten -!en &ery ri1e.
T!e sa1ote !as e/iste$ in Flori$a for at least a entury. T!e 1ro'inent !ortiulturist%
"liny Reasoner% inlu$e$ it in !is re1ort in t!e U.S. De1art'ent of A#riultureCs
"o'olo#ial Bulletin in )33+. Su(se>uently% see$s -ere (rou#!t into t!e Unite$ States
on &arious oasions. In )*).% t!e Offie of Forei#n See$ an$ "lant Intro$ution reei&e$
see$s fro' t!e Costa Rian National Museu'% San Jos^ <".I. O,*,2+=. Mr. Ra'on Arias7
Ferau$ su11lie$ see$s fro' "ana'a in )*)3 <".I. O.A8,A=. In July% )*)*% see$s fro'
La#una% "!ili11ines% -ere sent (y t!e Bureau of A#riulture% Manila <".I. O.+2)A=. More
see$s fro' Costa Ria -ere 1resente$ (y Mr. Carlos Wer5le in Oto(er% )*)* <".I.
O.+*2A=. See$s of a su1erior seletion -ere o(taine$ an$ 1lante$ at t!e Fe$eral
E/1eri'ent Station% Maya#ueB% "uerto Rio% in )*,*.
Des1ite t!e fa&ora(le o''ents t!at ao'1anie$ t!ese an$ ot!er intro$utions% t!e
sa1ote -as re1resente$ (y only a fe- sattere$ trees in sout!ern Flori$a for a lon# ti'e.
One of t!e $isoura#in# fators -as t!e treeCs slo-ness ino'in# into (earin#. Willia' J.
Jro'e% a lea$in# 1ioneer% 1lante$ a see$lin# on !is 1ro1erty in 0o'estea$ in )*6+ an$ it
(ore its first fruits in )*.*% after !a&in# suffere$ re1eate$ set(a5s fro' freeBes an$
!urrianes o&er t!e years% an$ it -as t!en only )3 ft <2 )F8 '= !i#!. Ot!er trees in 'ore
1rotete$ loations !a$ fare$ 'u! (etter.
T!e arri&al of 'any Cu(ans in Da$e County $urin# t!e 1ast 8 $ea$es !as reate$ an
ati&e $e'an$ for t!e fruits an$ for t!e trees for !o'e 1lantin#% an$ so'e o''erial
or!ar$s of 2 to 86 ares <873 )F, !a= or 'ore !a&e (een esta(lis!e$. In )*3,% one 'an
-it! )2 trees in !is (a5yar$ -as sellin# t!e fruits to Cu(an 1eo1le an$ (rin#in# in
see$lin#s 2 ft <) )F8 in= !i#! fro' t!e Do'inian Re1u(li at E)66 ea!. Su!
ent!usias' !as s1urre$ efforts to $e&elo1 1ratial 'et!o$s of &e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation
an$ one e/1ert 1ro1a#ator is no- sellin# #rafte$ trees at E)6.26 ea!% -!olesale. In t!e
fall of )*3.% a nursery !a$ a>uire$ a sto5 of )%666 of t!ese trees an$ one usto'er
(ou#!t t!e' all. T!us !as t!e status of t!e sa1ote risen $ra'atially in sout!ern Flori$a
(eause of an et!ni !an#e in t!e 1o1ulation.
T!ere is 'u! see$lin# &ariation in t!e sa1ote. Su1erior seletions !a&e (een 'a$e in
Cu(a% Central A'eria an$ in Flori$a in reent years. T!e follo-in# na'e$ ulti&ars are
(ein# ulti&ate$ $o'estially or o''erially% or 'erely (ein# teste$ in Flori$a@
'A27C 0o6 J'YSee$ reei&e$ fro' Isle of "ines% Cu(a% )*.6. See$lin# #ro-n at AREC%
0o'estea$. 4rafte$ trees 1lante$ later. Fruit 'e$iu' to lar#e% ). to 8A oB <.667+.6 #=.
Fles! 1in59 of 1oor to #oo$ >uality9 ontains ,7. see$s. Ri1ens July7Se1t. Tree of
'e$iu' siBe% a fair (earer9 1ro(a(ly useful soure of see$s for rootsto5s.
'Cayo %ueso'YA seletion fro' t!e Do'inian Re1u(li9 fa&ore$ (y Cu(ans.
'C!eno+'LO(taine$ (y La-rene Nill fro' BeliBe. 4rafte$ trees (ein# teste$ at AREC%
0o'estea$% an$ else-!ere.
'Copan' A'A27C 0o6 9'BYSee$ reei&e$ fro' Cu(a in )*,3. See$lin# set out in fiel$ at
AREC% 0o'estea$% )*.6. 4rafte$ trees 1lante$ out in )*+29 later 1ro1a#ate$ (y
nurseries. Fruit of 'e$iu' siBe9 )27,8 oB <.827*66 #=. Fles! re$% of e/ellent >uality9
ontains ) see$. Fruit ri1ens in July7Au#. Tree is of s1rea$in# !a(it an$ 'e$iu' in siBe.
Lea&es turn re$ in De.% t!en (eo'e (ro-n an$ are s!e$ in s1rin#.
'Cuban 0o6 9'YBelie&e$ to !a&e ori#inate$ in Cu(a (ut intro$ue$ fro' El Sal&a$or.
Fruit lar#e9 * in <88.3 '= lon#9 -ei#!s 8.8 l(s <) 5#=.
'Flores'YA 4uate'alan seletion intro$ue$ (y To' Eono'ou of Mia'i an$ (ein#
teste$ at AREC% 0o'estea$.
'Francisco Fernande5'LA Cu(an seletion na'e$ for t!e Mia'i 'an -!o intro$ue$ it
into Flori$a.
'Magana'YIntro$ue$ fro' El Sal&a$or in )*A). See$lin# set in fiel$ at AREC%
0o'estea$% in )*28. 4rafte$ trees 1lante$ in )*+2. Later 1ro1a#ate$ (y nurseries. Fruit
lar#e to &ery lar#e9 8A to 32 oB <+.678%.66 #=. Fles! 1in5% of #oo$ to e/ellent >uality9
ontains ) see$. Fruit 'atures in less t!an )8 'os <A1r.7May=. Tree is s'all% slo-7
#ro-in#9 'ay fruit ) yr. after 1lantin#. Bears 1oorly in "uerto Rio9 &ery -ell in Flori$a.
'Mayapan' A'A27C 0o6 <'BYSee$ sent fro' Isle of "ines% Cu(a% in )*.6. Fruit a little
a(o&e 'e$iu' siBe9 )3 to .6 oB <2)67)%),2 #=. S5in &ery surfy. Fles! re$% of #oo$
>uality t!ou#! sli#!tly fi(rous9 ontains ) see$. Tree is eret an$ tall. 4rafte$ trees slo-
to fruit (ut 1ro$ue -ell after t!e la1se of a fe- years.
'Pantin'Aor '(ey 1est'BYIn )*2A% "antin fa'ily in Mia'i 1ro&i$e$ (u$-oo$ fro' a
see$lin# tree in Jey West. Fruit of 'e$iu' siBe9 ). to .6 oB <.667)%),6 #=. Fles! 1in5 to
re$% of e/ellent >uality% fi(erless9 ontains ) see$. Tree is tall. 4rafte$ trees #ro- slo-ly
at first% (ear little or no fruit for 87, years% t!en #ro-t! rate inreases an$ yiel$ is #oo$.
Lea&es (eo'e (ro-n in -inter. 4rafte$ trees sol$ (y nurseries.
'Progreso'YO(taine$ (y La-rene Nill fro' BeliBe. 4rafte$ trees (ein# teste$ at AREC%
0o'estea$% an$ else-!ere.
'Ta5u#al'LAREC% 0o'estea$% reei&e$ see$lin# tree fro' El Sal&a$or in )*.*. 4rafte$
an$ 1lante$ se&eral trees in )*+2. Fruit is of 'e$iu' siBe% ). to ,6 oB <.667326 #=. Fles!
1in5% of #oo$ >uality9 ontains )78 see$s. First ro1 ri1ens Jan.7Fe(.9 seon$ ro1% July7
Au#. Tree is of 'e$iu' siBe% fast7#ro-in#% (ears re#ularly an$ !ea&ily. 4rafte$ trees sol$
(y nurseries. Usually e&er#reen.
In -estern "uerto Rio% t!ere are so'e !i#!7yiel$in# trees 1ro$uin# lar#e fruits 8.8 l(s
<) 5#= or 'ore in -ei#!t !a&in# $ar57re$ fles!.
T!e sa1ote tree is li'ite$ to tro1ial or near7tro1ial li'ates. In Central A'eria% it
flouris!es fro' sea7le&el u1 to 8%666 ft <A)6 '=9 it is less o''on at ,%666 ft <*). '=9
an$ rare at .%666 ft <)%886 '=. Oasional trees !a&e sur&i&e$ at 2%666 ft <)%266 '= (ut
t!ese #ro- slo-ly an$ fruit 'aturity is onsi$era(ly $elaye$. ;oun# s1ei'ens are
!i#!ly ol$7sensiti&e an$ t!e lar#e lea&es of t!e tree are su(Det to $a'a#e (y ol$ -in$s.
T!e sa1ote !as (een foun$ too ten$er for California. It t!ri&es in re#ions of 'o$erate
rainfallYa(out +6 in <)+3 '= annuallyYan$ is intolerant of 1rolon#e$ $rou#!t. E&en a
s!ort $ry s1ell 'ay in$ue s!e$$in# of lea&es.
T!e tree 'a5es its (est #ro-t! on t!e !ea&y soilsY$ee1 lay an$ lay loa'Yof 4uate'ala
(ut it $oes -ell on a -i$e ran#e of soil ty1es% e&en infertile% 1orous san$. It -as
ori#inally (elie&e$ unsuite$ to t!e ooliti li'estone soils of sout!ern Flori$a. 0o-e&er%
-it! a$e>uate 1lantin# !oles% it !as 1ro&e$ to (e lon#7li&e$ an$ fruitful in Da$e County.
T!e tree -ill not t!ri&e -!ere t!ere is 1oor $raina#e% a !i#! -ater ta(le% or i'1er'ea(le
su(soil restritin# root $e&elo1'ent.
Sa1ote see$s lose &ia(ility >ui5ly an$ 'ust (e 1lante$ soon after re'o&al fro' t!e fruit.
T!ey nor'ally #er'inate in 8 to . -ee5s. Re'o&al of t!e !ar$ outer oat -ill s1ee$
#er'ination. T!e see$s 'ust (e 1lante$ -it! t!e 'ore 1ointe$ en$ u1-ar$ an$
1rotru$in# )F8 in <).82 '= a(o&e t!e soil in or$er to assure #oo$ for' in t!e see$lin#.
Ro$ents are attrate$ to t!e see$s an$ ause onsi$era(le losses in Cu(a. See$lin#s
s!oul$ (e #ro-n only in e/1eri'ental 1lantin#s inten$e$ for seletion of $esira(le
!araters% or for use as rootsto5s. Nor'ally see$lin#s -ill not (ear until t!ey are 3 to )6
years ol$ an$ t!ey $o not neessarily o'e true fro' see$. In Cu(a% see$s are ta5en only
fro' estee'e$ trees t!at are isolate$ fro' t!ose of lo- >uality in or$er to a&oi$ any
$etri'ental influene t!rou#! ross71ollination. For fruit 1ro$ution% t!e sa1ote is (est
1ro1a#ate$ &e#etati&ely an$ it -ill t!en 1ro$ue fruit in ) to . years% $e1en$in# on t!e
ulti&ar. Air7layerin# is sel$o' suessful. Cuttin#s treate$ -it! in$ole(utyri ai$ fail to
root. :arious 'et!o$s of #raftin# !a&e (een trie$. A11roa!7#raftin# !as (een o''only
1ratie$ in Cu(a an$ is a relia(le (ut so'e-!at u'(erso'e te!ni>ue. C!i17(u$$in#
!as #i&en #oo$ results at ti'es. Si$e7&eneer #raftin# is onsi$ere$ 'ost feasi(le in
Me/io an$ Flori$a. It !as (een a!ie&e$ -it! 36 to *3K suess utiliBin# )7yr7ol$
$efoliate$ trees in t!e Fe(ruary7May $ry season% (ut still 1resents $iffiulties. In#.
Fili(erto LaBo% a !ortiulturist of lon# e/1eriene in Cu(a% !as 1ro&i$e$ $etaile$
instrutions for ti17#raftin# -!i! !e 1ro&e$ to (e 1ratial. T!e see$lin#s for use as
rootsto5s are first #ro-n in )7>uart <.*. liter= ontainers an$% -!en t!e first ten$er lea&es
a11ear% are trans1lante$ into #allon <,.3 liter= ontainers an$ 5e1t in se'i7s!a$e until t!e
lea&es are full7#ro-n an$ $ar57#reen. At t!is sta#e t!ey are #i&en 'ore sun an$ are
fertiliBe$ an$ -atere$ fait!fully. Wit!in a year t!e ste' -ill (e ,F. in <8 '= t!i5 an$
rea$y for #raftin#. An i'1ortant 1oint is to selet (u$-oo$ <sion= t!at is not as t!i5 as
t!e rootsto5. T!e sion 'ay (e 1re1are$ (y one of t-o 'et!o$s@ a= selet fro' a tree
t!at you -is! to 1ro1a#ate a (ran! t!at !as flo-ere$9 ut off t!e ti1 Dust (elo- t!e
lea&es. A(out )6 to )8 $ays later t!e lateral (u$s of t!e (e!ea$e$ (ran! (e#in to s-ell
an$ t!is is t!e ti'e to li1 off t!e sion% 3 in <86 '= in len#t!% -ra1 it in a $a'1 lot!%
an$ 1roee$ to #raft as soon as 1ossi(le9 or (= li1 off t!e ter'inal 3 in <86 '= or 'ore
of a (ran! t!at !as flo-ere$% t!en i''e$iately ut off t!e a1e/ -it! t!e lea&es% -ra1 t!e
$ea1itate$ sion in a $a'1 lot! an$ 5ee1 in t!e nursery until you see t!e lateral (u$s of
t!e sion (e#in to s-ell9 t!en 1roee$ to #raft.
T!e first ut in t!e rootsto5 s!oul$ (e a trans&erse one -it! 1runin# s!ears% lea&in# t!e
ste' a(out ) ft <,6 '= !i#!. Beause of t!e o1ious late/% one 'ust -ait for it to $rain
out (efore #oin# a!ea$. W!en t!e flo- sto1s% ta5e t!e sion <1re1are$ eit!er -ay=% li1
off 8 in <2 '= or 'ore fro' t!e (ase% lea&in# t!e sion a(out A in <)2 '= lon#. Usin#
t!e (u$$in# 5nife% 'a5e a $ia#onal ut fro' 8 )F8 in <A.82 '= (elo- t!e ti1 $o-n-ar$%
t!e slant ter'inatin# at t!e si$e o11osite t!e si$e -!ere it -as (e#un. A re&erse ut of t!e
sa'e len#t! is 'a$e in t!e ti1 of t!e rootsto5 so t!at t!e (ase of t!e sion an$ t!e ti1 of
t!e rootsto5 -ill fit to#et!er 1erfetly an$ t!e (ar5 -ill 'at! u1. T!e sion 'ust t!en
(e ti#!tly (oun$ to t!e rootsto5 -it! 1olyet!ylene ri((on% lea&in# no air7s1ae% an$
o&erin# all of t!e sion u1 to 8 )F8 in <A.82 '= a(o&e t!e rootsto5. A ru((er (an$ is
1ut aroun$ o&er t!e 1olyet!ylene to 'a5e sure t!e -ra11in# is o'1letely seure. W!en
t!e sion !as $e&elo1e$ 'ature lea&es% t!is is a si#n t!at t!e #raft !as ta5en. T!e 1lasti is
re'o&e$ fro' t!e sion e/e1t for t!e 1art o&erin# t!e #raft -!i! is left on until t!e
sion !as $e&elo1e$ a >uantity of lea&es an$ $is1lays $istint &i#or. T!e #rafte$ 1lant is
rea$y to set out in t!e fiel$ one year later. Inferior ulti&ars% or #rafte$ trees t!at !a&e
(een froBen (a5% an (e to1-or5e$ (y &eneer7#raftin# 'ature or ?Du&enile7li5e? sions
onto intersto5s <see$lin# to1s 1re1are$ for t!e 1ur1ose=.
"lantin# $istanes 'ay &ary -it! t!e fertility of t!e soil an$ t!e for' an$ #ro-t! !a(it of
t!e ulti&ar. On ri! soil% sa1ote trees of s1rea$in# !a(it s!oul$ (e no less t!an ,6 ft <*
'= a1art ea! -ay. LaBo 1referre$ a s1ain# of .6 ft <)8 '= on an e>uilateral trian#le.
W!ere t!e soil is less fertile an$ t!e ulti&ar is fairly o'1at% t!e $istane 'ay (e
re$ue$ to 82 ft <+.2 '=.
Sa1ote trees $o not re>uire ela(orate are% (ut s!oul$ (e #i&en t!e a$&anta#e of a$e>uate
!oles% 1re7enri!e$% an$ routine fertiliBer a11liations% at first !i#! in nitro#en to
sti'ulate &e#etati&e #ro-t!. W!en nearin# fruitin# a#e% t!e tree -ill (enefit fro'
a11liations of a (alane$ fertiliBer in s1rin# an$ fall% t!e a'ount inreasin# ea! year. In
$ry seasons% fre>uent -aterin# is $esira(le until t!e tree is -ell esta(lis!e$. 4rafte$ trees
#ro- 'ore slo-ly t!an see$lin#s an$ $o not #ro- as tall% -!i! is a $istint a$&anta#e in
%ar&esting and 'ield
it is not easy to $eter'ine -!en t!e sa1ote is suffiiently 'ature to !ar&est. So'e say t!e
fruits are 1i5e$ -!en t!ey s!o- a re$$is! tin#e. Atually% in Cu(a% )6 or )8 fruits fro'
ea! tree are sa'1le$ (y re'o&in# a s'all 1art of t!e rin$ an$ Du$#in# t!e olor of t!e
fles!. If it !as a!ie&e$ 'a/i'u' olor for t!at 1artiular ulti&ar% t!e entire ro1 is
$ee'e$ rea$y to 1i5. Fruits are not !ar&este$ fro' trees in ati&e &e#etati&e #ro-t! <a
state alle$ ?1ri'a&era?=% (eause t!ey -ill ne&er ri1en o'1letely. 0ar&estin# of lar#e
trees re>uires a 1i5in# 1ole -it! a utter an$ a (as5et to at! t!e fruits9 or -or5ers 'ust
use la$$ers an$ t-ist t!e fruit until t!e ste' (rea5s. Trees t!at (eo'e too tall 'ay (e
to11e$ so t!at t!e ro1 -ill (e -it!in rea!. After 1i5in#% t!e ste' is lose7li11e$ an$
t!e fruits are 1a5e$ in (o/es or (as5ets to a&oi$ inDury. T!ere are no a&aila(le fi#ures on
1ro$uti&ity (ut it is sai$ in Cu(a t!at trees on fertile soil -ill li&e for at least )66 years
an$ (ear a(un$antly t!rou#!out t!eir li&es.
(eeping )uality
A fully 'ature sa1ote -ill ri1en in a fe- $ays. If s!i11e$ ri#!t after 1i5in#% t!e fruits
an (e sent to $istant 'ar5ets. In t!e 1ast% t!ey -ere e/1orte$ fro' Me/io an$ Cu(a to
t!e Unite$ States.
Pests and Diseases
Sa1ote lea&es an$ roots are atta5e$ (y t!e West In$ian su#ar ane root (orer% iaprepes
abbreviatus! in "uerto Rio. T!e re$ s1i$er 'ite% $etranychus bimaculatus! 'ay infest
t!e lea&es.
T!e fun#us% Colletotrichum gloeosporioides! auses ant!ranose on t!e lea&es an$ fruit
stal5s in rainy seasons an$ auses fruits to fall 1re'aturely. Leafs1ot resultin# fro'
atta5 (y t!e fun#us )hyllosticta sapotae ours in Cu(a an$ t!e Ba!a'as (ut sel$o' in
"uerto Rio. In a$$ition% (la5 leaf s1ot +)hyllachora sp.- an$ root rot +)ythium sp.- 'ay
our in Flori$a.
Food *ses
T!e sa1ote is re$ite$ -it! sustainin# CorteB an$ !is ar'y in t!eir !istori 'ar! fro'
Me/io City to 0on$uras. T!e fruit is of su! i'1ortane to t!e In$ians of Central
A'eria an$ Me/io t!at t!ey usually lea&e t!is tree stan$in# -!en learin# lan$ for
offee 1lantations or ot!er 1ur1oses. T!ey #enerally eat t!e fruit out7of7!an$ or s1oone$
fro' t!e !alf7s!ell. In ur(an areas% t!e 1ul1 is 'a$e into Da' or froBen as s!er(et. In
Cu(a% fi(rous ty1es are set asi$e for 1roessin#.
A 1ro'inent $airy in Mia'i !as for 'any years i'1orte$ sa1ote 1ul1 fro' Central
A'eria to 1re1are an$ $istri(ute o''erially as ?S1anis! s!er(et?. In Cu(a% a t!i5
1reser&e alle$ ?crema de mamey colorado ?is &ery 1o1ular. T!e 1ul1 is so'eti'es
e'1loye$ as a filler in 'a5in# #ua&a !eese.
T!e $eortiate$ see$s% alle$ zapoyotas! sapuyules% or sapuyulos% strun# on sti5s or
or$s% are 'ar5ete$ in t!e Ist!'us of Te!uante1e% Me/io% an$ in Central A'eria. T!e
5ernel is (oile$% roaste$ an$ 'i/e$ -it! aao in 'a5in# !oolateYso'e say to i'1ro&e
t!e fla&or% ot!ers say to inrease t!e (ul5% in -!i! ase it is atually an a$ulterant. In
Costa Ria% it is finely #roun$ an$ 'a$e into a s1eial onfetion. Aroun$ Oa/aa% in
sout!ern Me/io% t!e #roun$7u1 5ernel is 'i/e$ -it! 1ar!e$ orn% or orn'eal% su#ar
an$ inna'on an$ 1re1are$ as a nutritious (e&era#e alle$ ?1oBol?.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories ))..2
Moisture 22.,7+,.) #
"rotein 6.)337).*+ #
Fat 6.6*76.82 #
Car(o!y$rates )..)78*.+ #
Fi(er ).8)7,.86 #
As! 6.3*7).,8 #
Caliu' 83.87)8).6 '#
"!os1!orus 88.*7,,.) '#
Iron 6.2878.A8 '#
Carotene 6.6.276.AA2 '#
T!ia'ine 6.66876.682 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.66A76.6.A '#
Niain ).2+.78.236 '#
Asor(i Ai$ '#
Amino Acids@
Try1to1!an )* '#
Met!ionine )8 '#
Lysine *6 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Cu(a an$ Central A'eria.
De la MaBa% in )3*,% re1orte$ t!at t!e see$ !as stu1efyin# 1ro1erties% an$ t!is 'ay (e
$ue to its 0CN ontent. One is autione$ not to ru( t!e eyes after !an$lin# t!e #reen fruit
(eause of t!e sa1 e/u$in# fro' t!e ut or (ro5en stal5. T!e 'il5y sa1 of t!e tree is
!i#!ly irritant to t!e eyes an$ austi an$ &esiant on t!e s5in. T!e lea&es are re1orte$ly
Ot!er *ses
$eeds, Early in t!e )*t! Century% t!e see$s -ere use$ in Costa Ria to iron star!e$ fine
linen. T!e see$ 5ernel yiel$s .2 to A6K of a -!ite% se'i7soli$% &aseline7li5e oil -!i! is
e$i(le -!en fres!ly e/trate$ an$ refine$. It is so'eti'es use$ in soa1 an$ onsi$ere$ to
!a&e a #reater 1otential in t!e soa1 in$ustry% in os'etis an$ 1!ar'aeutial 1ro$uts. It
-as use$ in ol$en ti'es to fi/ t!e olors on 1ainte$ #our$s an$ ot!er artiles of
!an$iraft. T!e see$s !a&e ser&e$ as a soure of Noyeau sent in 1erfu'ery. T!e netar
of t!e flo-ers is #at!ere$ (y !oney(ees.
Trees, T!e trees are sel$o' ut for ti'(er% unless t!ey (ear 1oor >uality fruit. T!ere is
&ery little sa1-oo$. T!e !eart-oo$ is (uff or (ro-n -!en fres!% (eo'in# re$$is! -it!
a#e9 so'eti'es rese'(les 'a!o#any (ut is re$$er an$ 'ore or less 'ottle$ -it! $ar5er
tones. It is fine7#raine$% o'1at% #enerally !ar$ an$ fairly !ea&y% stron#% easy to -or5
an$ fairly $ura(le. It is rate$ as suita(le for a(inet-or5 an$ is 'a$e into furniture% (ut
'ostly ser&es for (uil$in# arts% an$ for s!el&in# an$ !ouse fra'es.
Medicinal *ses, In Santo Do'in#o% t!e see$ 5ernel oil is use$ as a s5in oint'ent an$ as
a !air $ressin# (elie&e$ to sto1 fallin# !air. In Me/io% 8 or , 1ul&eriBe$ 5ernels are
o'(ine$ -it! )6 oB <,66 #= astor oil for a11liation to t!e !air. In )*+6% linial tests at
t!e Uni&ersity of California at Los An#eles faile$ to re&eal any !air7#ro-t! 1ro'otin#
ati&ity (ut onfir'e$ t!at t!e oil of sa1ote see$ is effeti&e in sto11in# !air7fall ause$
(y se(orr!ei $er'atitis. T!e oil is e'1loye$ as a se$ati&e in eye an$ ear ail'ents. T!e
see$ resi$ue after oil e/tration is a11lie$ as a 1oultie on 1ainful s5in afflitions.
A see$ infusion is use$ as an eye-as! in Cu(a. In Me/io% t!e 1ul&eriBe$ see$ oat is
re1orte$ to (e a re'e$y for oronary trou(le an$% ta5en -it! -ine% is sai$ to (e !el1ful
a#ainst 5i$ney stones an$ r!eu'atis'. T!e ABtes e'1loye$ it a#ainst e1ile1sy. T!e see$
5ernel is re#ar$e$ as a $i#esti&e9 t!e oil is sai$ to (e $iureti. T!e (ar5 is (itter an$
astrin#ent an$ ontains luu'in% a yano#eni #lyosi$e. A $eotion of t!e (ar5 is ta5en
as a 1etoral. In Costa Ria a ?tea? of t!e (ar5 an$ lea&es is a$'inistere$ in
arterioslerosis an$ !y1ertension. T!e 'il5y sa1 is e'eti an$ ant!el'inti an$ !as (een
use$ to re'o&e -arts an$ fun#al #ro-t!s on t!e s5in.
2elated $pecies
T!e green sapote@ )outeria viridis Cron>.% <syns. Calocarpum viride "itt.9 Achradelpha
viridis O.F. Coo5=% is alle$ in4erto! in4erto verde or raxtul in 4uate'ala9 zapote in4erto
in Costa Ria9 -!ite faisan or re$ faisan in BeliBe. T!e tree is eret% to .6 or e&en 36 ft
<)878. '= in !ei#!t% its youn# (ran!es $ensely (ro-n7!airy. It 1ossesses an a(un$ane
of -!ite% #u''y late/. T!e lea&es are lustere$ at t!e ti1s of flo-erin# (ran!es an$
irre#ularly alternate alon# non7fruitin# li'(s. T!ey are o(laneolate% 1ointe$% . to )6 in
<)6782 '= lon#% 8 to 8 ,F. in <27+ '= -i$e9 !airy on t!e u11er 'i$ri( an$ $o-ny7-!ite
(eneat!. Flo-ers% (orne in #rou1s of 8 to 2 in t!e leaf a/ils an$ 'asse$ alon# leafless
(ran!es% are tu(ular% 27lo(e$% 1in5is! or i&ory an$ sil5y7!airy. T!e fruit &aries fro'
nearly roun$ to o&oi$% 1ointe$ at t!e a1e/ an$ so'eti'es at t!e (ase9 'ay (e , )F8 to 2 in
<*7)8.2 '= lon# an$ 8 )F8 to , in <A.827+.2 '= t!i5% -it! t!in% oli&e7#reen or yello-7
#reen s5in $otte$ -it! re$7(ro-n an$ lin#in# ti#!tly to t!e fles!. T!e fles! is li#!t7
russet% of fine te/ture% 'eltin#% fairly Duiy an$ s-eet9 of (etter fla&or t!an t!e sa1ote.
T!ere 'ay (e ) or 8 $ar57(ro-n% s!iny% elli1ti or o&ate see$s to 8 in <2 '= lon#% -it! a
lar#e% $ull% #rayis! !ilu' on one surfae. T!e fruit is 1i5e$ -!ile !ar$ an$ !el$ until
soft. T!e fles! is #enerally eaten ra-% s1oone$ fro' t!e s5in% (ut a 1reser&e is 'a$e fro'
it in 4uate'ala.
T!e tree is nati&e an$ o''on in t!e -il$ in 4uate'ala an$ 0on$uras9 rarer in Costa
Ria an$ sout!-ar$ to "ana'a9 at ele&ations (et-een ,%666 an$ +%666 ft <*6678%)66 in=.
T!e fruits are o''only 'ar5ete$.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture A3.)7A*.2 #
"rotein 6.)2876.83, #
Fat #
Fi(er ).87).A #
As! 6.A*7).,3 #
Caliu' )3.A7,2.+ '#
"!os1!orus 88.)78,.A '#
Iron 6.2+76.+. '#
Carotene 6.6,)76.6A* '#
T!ia'ine 6.66*76.6)) '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.68+ '#
Niain ).337).)3* '#
Asor(i Ai$ .*.*7A8., '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in 4uate'ala.
T!e late/ <!ile= !as (een o''erially ollete$ an$ 'ar5ete$ li5e t!at fro' t!e
sa1o$illa for use in !e-in# #u'. T!e -oo$ is re$$is!% fine7#raine$% o'1at% stron#%
$ura(le9 oasionally use$ in onstrution% ar1entry% turnery% an$ for furniture an$
1anelin# in 4uate'ala.
Pouteria campechiana Bae!ni
Pouteria campechiana var. nervosa Baehni
Pouteria campechiana var. palmeri Baehni
T!e anistel% )outeria campechiana Bae!ni% !as (een t!e su(Det of 'u! (otanial
onfusion as is e&i$ene$ (y its 'any synony's@ ). campechiana &ar. nervosa Bae!ni9
). campechiana &ar. palmeri Bae!ni9 ). campechiana &ar. salicifolia Bae!ni9 8ucuma
campechiana 0BJ.9 8. *eyderi Stan$l.9 8. laeteviridis "ittier9 8. multiflora Mills1. NOT
A. DC.9 8. nervosa A. DC.9 8. palmeri Fernal$9 8. rivicoa 4aertn.9 8. rivicoa &ar.
angustifolia Mi>.9 8. salicifolia 0BJ.9 (ichardella salicifolia "ierre9 Sideroxylon
campestre T.S. Bran$e#.9 'itellaria campechiana En#l.9 '. salicfolia En#l.
It is t!e s!o-iest fruit of t!e fa'ily Sa1otaeae (ut #enerally un$ere&aluate$ in
!ortiultural literature an$ (y t!ose -!o !a&e only a asual a>uaintane -it! it.
Collo>uial na'es a11lie$ to t!is s1eies inlu$e@ e##7fruit% anistel% ti7es% yello- sa1ote
<Cu(a% 0a-aii% Ja'aia% "uerto Rio% Ba!a'as% Flori$a=9 anistel% siguapa! zapotillo
<Costa Ria=9 costiczapotl! custiczapotl fruta de huevo! zapote amarillo <Colo'(ia=9
ca"ixo! canizte! "anis! "aniste! hantzD! "antez! limoncillo! mamee ciruela! zapotillo de
montana <4uate'ala=9 huevo vegetal <"uerto Rio% :eneBuela=9 mammee sapota!
e##fruit% ti#es <Ba!a'as=9 mamey cerera! mamey cerilla! mamee ciruela! "anizte <BeliBe=9
atzapotl <t!e fruit=% atzapol9uahuitl <t!e tree=% caca de niBo! cozticzapotl! cucumu! mamey
de Campechi! mamey de Cartagena!
huicumo! huicon! "an ?iste?! "anixte!
"anizte! palo huicon! zapote amarillo!
zapote de niBo! zapote borracho
<$run5en sa1ote% 1er!a1s (eause t!e
fallen fruits fer'ent on t!e #roun$=9
zapote mante% zubul <Me/io=9
guaicume! guicume! zapotillo! zapotillo
amarillo <El Sal&a$or=9 zapote amarillo
<Niara#ua=9 boracho! anistel% toesa
T!e anistel tree is eret an$ #enerally no 'ore t!an 82 ft <3 '= tall% (ut it 'ay% in
fa&ora(le situations% rea! !ei#!t of *6 to )66 ft <8+7,6 '= an$ t!e trun5 'ay attain
$ia'eter of , ft <) '=. Slen$er in !a(it or -it! a s1rea$in# ro-n% it !as (ro-n% furro-e$
(ar5 an$ a(un$ant -!ite% #u''y late/. ;oun# (ran!es are &el&ety (ro-n. T!e
e&er#reen lea&es% alternate (ut 'ostly #rou1e$ at t!e (ran! ti1s% are relati&ely t!in%
#lossy% s!ort7 to lon#7ste''e$% o(laneolate% laneolate7o(lon#% or o(o&ate% (luntly
1ointe$ at t!e a1e/% 'ore s!ar1ly ta1ere$ at t!e (ase9 . )F8 to )) in <)).82783 '= lon#% )
)F8 to , in <.7+.2 '= -i$e. Fra#rant% (ise/ual flo-ers% solitary or in s'all lusters% are
(orne in t!e leaf a/ils or at leafless no$es on slen$er 1e$iels. T!ey are 27 or A7lo(e$%
rea'7olore$% sil5y7!airy% a(out 2F)A to +F)A in <37)) ''= lon#.
T!e fruit% e/tre'ely &aria(le in for' an$ siBe% 'ay (e nearly roun$% -it! or -it!out a
1ointe$ a1e/ or ur&e$ (ea5% or 'ay (e so'e-!at o&al% o&oi$% or s1in$le7s!a1e$. It is
often (ul#e$ on one si$e an$ t!ere is a 271ointe$ aly/ at t!e (ase -!i! 'ay (e roun$e$
or -it! a $istint $e1ression. Len#t! &aries fro' , to 2 in <+.27)8.2 '= an$ -i$t! fro' 8
to , in <27+.2 '=% e/e1t in t!e s!ru((y for'% &ar. palmeri% alle$ huicon=. to * ft <).27,
'= !i#!Y-!i! !as nearly roun$ fruits only ) in <8.2 '= lon#. W!en unri1e t!e fruit is
Fi#. )63@ 4lossy% yello-% lon#75ee1in#% !i#!ly
nutritious% t!e anistel +)outeria campechiana- $eser&es
-i$er reo#nition as a #oo$ foo$.
#reen7s5inne$% !ar$ an$ #u''y internally. On ri1enin#% t!e s5in turns le'on7yello-%
#ol$en7yello- or 1ale oran#e7yello-% is &ery s'oot! an$ #lossy e/e1t -!ere
oasionally oate$ -it! li#!t7(ro-n or re$$is!7(ro-n russettin#.
I''e$iately (eneat! t!e s5in t!e yello-
fles! is relati&ely fir' an$ 'ealy -it! a
fe- fine fi(ers. To-ar$ t!e enter of t!e
fruit it is softer an$ 'ore 1asty. It !as
(een often li5ene$ in te/ture to t!e yol5
of a !ar$7(oile$ e##. T!e fla&or is s-eet%
'ore or less 'us5y% an$ so'e-!at li5e
t!at of a (a5e$ s-eet 1otato. T!ere 'ay
(e ) to . !ar$% freestone see$s% )F. to 8
)F3 in <872., '= lon# an$ )F8 to ) )F. in
<).827,.8 '= -i$e% near7o&al or o(lon#7
o&al% #lossy an$ !estnut7(ro-n e/e1t
for t!e strai#!t or ur&e$ &entral si$e
-!i! is $ull li#!t7(ro-n% tan or #rayis!7
-!ite. Bot! en$s are s!ar17ti11e$.
Origin and Distribution
T!e anistel is so'eti'es erroneously reor$e$ as nati&e to nort!ern Sout! A'eria
-!ere relate$% so'e-!at si'ilar s1eies are in$i#enous. A11arently% it ours -il$ only
in sout!ern Me/io <inlu$in# ;uatan=% BeliBe% 4uate'ala an$ El Sal&a$or. It is
ulti&ate$ in t!ese ountries an$ in Costa Ria <-!ere it !as ne&er (een foun$ -il$=%
Niara#ua an$ "ana'a% "uerto Rio% Ja'aia% Cu(a <-!ere it is 'ost 1o1ular an$
o''erialiBe$ in "inar $el Rio=% t!e Ba!a'as% sout!ern Flori$a an$ t!e Flori$a Jeys.
So'e -riters !a&e re1orte$ t!e anistel as naturaliBe$ on t!e Flori$a Jeys% in t!e
Ba!a'as an$ Cu(a% (ut s1ei'ens t!at a11ear to (e #ro-in# in t!e -il$ are 1ro(a(ly on
t!e sites of for'er !o'estea$s. Oris Russell% -!o !as e/1lore$ !un$re$s of ares of
o11ies in t!e Ba!a'as% !as ne&er seen t!e anistel or its lose relati&e% ). domingensis
Bae!ni% in a -il$ state. 0e says t!at a(an$one$ 1lantin#s an (e o'1letely o&er#ro-n
(y o11ie in , to . years. Also% it is 1ossi(le t!at a see$lin# 'i#!t arise fro' t!e see$ of
a fruit arrie$ into t!e -oo$s (y an ani'al or tosse$ a-ay (y a !u'an. Man#o trees are
so'eti'es unintentionally 1lante$ in t!is -ay in sout!ern Flori$a% es1eially if t!e see$
lan$s in a !e$#e -!i! 1ro&i$es a 'oist an$ s!a$y site an$ 1!ysial 1rotetion.
See$s fro' Cu(a -ere 1lante$ at t!e Lanetilla E/1eri'ental 4ar$en% La Li'a%
0on$uras% in )*8+. Dr. :itor M. "atiflo (ou#!t fruits in a Cu(an 'ar5et in )*2+ an$ !a$
t!e see$s 1lante$ at t!e Estaion A#riola E/1eri'ental $e "al'ira% Colo'(ia. 0e
re1orte$ t!at se&eral trees -ere #ro-in# -ell t!ere in )*A,. T!e anistel is inlu$e$ in
e/1eri'ental olletions in :eneBuela. T!e tree -as intro$ue$ at lo- an$ 'e$iu'
ele&ations in t!e "!ili11ines (efore )*8. an$ it rea!e$ 0a-aii 1ro(a(ly aroun$ t!e sa'e
ti'e. Atte'1ts to #ro- it in Sin#a1ore -ere not suessful. In )*.* t!ere -ere a fe-
anistel trees #ro-in# in East Afria.
"late L:I@ CANISTEL% )outeria campechiana
T!ere are a11arently no na'e$ ulti&ars (ut ertain ty1es are so $istint as to !a&e (een
reor$e$ as $ifferent s1eies in t!e 1ast. T!e s1in$le7s!a1e$ for' <alle$ 'a''ee sa1ota
or e##fruit= -as t!e o''on strain in t!e Ba!a'as for 'any years% at least as far (a5 as
t!e )*86Cs. T!e roun$e$% (roa$er for' (e#an to a11ear in s1eial #ar$ens in t!e )*.6Cs%
an$ t!e lar#er ty1es -ere intro$ue$ fro' Flori$a in t!e )*26Cs
In )*.2% lar#e% !an$so'e% sy''etrial fruits -ere (ein# #ro-n un$er t!e na'es 8ucuma
salicifolia an$ yello- sa1ote at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center an$ at
"al' Lo$#e Tro1ial 4ro&e% 0o'estea$% Flori$a% (ut t!ese -ere soon lassifie$ as
su1erior strains of anistel. So'e fruits are 'us5ier in o$or an$ fla&or t!an ot!ers% so'e
are un$esira(ly $ry an$ 'ealy% so'e e/essi&ely s-eet. An e/ellent% non7'us5y% fine7
te/ture$% roun$e$ ty1e of 'e$iu' siBe !as (een selete$ an$ #ro-n (y Mr. Jo!n 4.
Du"uis% Jr.% at !is Bar7D Ran! in Martin County. It is -ell -ort!y of $isse'ination.
T!ere is onsi$era(le &ariation as to ti'e of flo-erin# an$ fruitin# a'on# see$lin# trees.
T!e anistel nee$s a tro1ial or su(tro1ial li'ate. In 4uate'ala% it is foun$ at or (elo-
.%A66 ft <)%.66 in= ele&ation. In Flori$a% it sur&i&es -inter ol$ as far nort! as "al'
Bea! an$ "unta 4or$a an$ in 1rotete$ areas of St. "eters(ur#. It !as ne&er rea!e$
fruitin# a#e in California. It re>uires no 'ore t!an 'o$erate 1rei1itation9 $oes -ell in
re#ions -it! a lon# $ry season.
T!e anistel is tolerant of a $i&ersity of soilsYalareous% lateriti% ai$7san$y% !ea&y lay.
It 'a5es (est &e#etati&e #ro-t! in $ee1% fertile% -ell7$raine$ soil (ut is sai$ to (e 'ore
fruitful on s!allo- soil. It an (e ulti&ate$ on soil onsi$ere$ too t!in an$ 1oor for 'ost
ot!er fruit trees.
Canistel see$s lose &ia(ility >ui5ly an$ s!oul$ (e 1lante$ -it!in a fe- $ays after
re'o&al fro' t!e fruit. If $eortiate$% see$s -ill #er'inate -it!in 8 -ee5s9 ot!er-ise
t!ere 'ay (e a $elay of , to 2 'ont!s (efore t!ey s1rout. T!e see$lin#s #ro- ra1i$ly an$
(e#in to (ear in , to A years. T!ere is onsi$era(le &ariation in yiel$ an$ in siBe an$
>uality of fruits. :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation is 1referre$ in or$er to !asten (earin# an$ to
re1ro$ue t!e (est seletions. Si$e7&eneer #raftin#% left #raftin#% 1at! (u$$in# an$ air7
layerin# are usually suessful. Cuttin#s ta5e a lon# ti'e to root.
Mul!in# is (enefiial in t!e early years. A (alane$ fertiliBer a11lie$ at ti'e of 1lantin#
an$ $urin# 1erio$s of ra1i$ #ro-t! is a$&isa(le t!ou#! t!e tree $oes not $e'an$ s1eial
are. Outstan$in# (ran!es s!oul$ (e 1rune$ (a5 to a&oi$ -in$ $a'a#e an$ s!a1e t!e
Pests and Diseases
Fe- 1ests an$ $iseases atta5 t!e anistel. In Flori$a only sale insets an$ t!e fun#i%
Acrotelium lucumae <rust=9 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides <fruit s1ot=9 ElsinoL lepagei
<leaf s1ot an$ sa(=9 an$ 5loeosporium <leaf nerosis= !a&e (een reor$e$ for t!is
s1eies. T!e tree is nearly al-ays &i#orous an$ !ealt!y.
Fruiting $eason and %ar&esting
Bloo'in# e/ten$s fro' January to June in Me/io <8A=. In Cu(a% flo-ers are (orne
'ostly in A1ril an$ May t!ou#! so'e trees flo-er all year. T!e anistel. !as t!e
a$&anta#e of o'in# into season in late fall an$ -inter% -!en fe- ot!er tro1ial fruits are
a&aila(le. T!e fruits #enerally 'ature fro' Se1te'(er to January or Fe(ruary in t!e
Ba!a'as% fro' No&e'(er or Dee'(er to Fe(ruary or Mar! in Flori$a. In Cu(a% t!e
'ain fruitin# season is fro' Oto(er to Fe(ruary (ut so'e trees 1ro$ue 'ore or less
ontinuously t!rou#!out t!e year. T!e 'ature (ut still fir' fruits s!oul$ (e li11e$ to
a&oi$ tearin# t!e s5in. W!en left to ri1en on t!e tree% t!e fruits s1lit at t!e ste' en$ an$
fall. A se&ere $ro1 in te'1erature -ill ause fir'7'ature fruits to s1lit an$ $ro1 to t!e
$torage and $!ip#ent
If 5e1t at roo' te'1erature% t!e fruits -ill soften to eatin#7ri1e in , to )6 $ays. T!ey
s!oul$ not (e allo-e$ to (eo'e too soft an$ 'us!y (efore eatin#. Ri1e fruits an (e
5e1t in #oo$ on$ition in t!e &e#eta(le tray of a !o'e refri#erator for se&eral $ays.
Fres!ly 1i5e$% !ar$ fruits !a&e (een suessfully s!i11e$ fro' Flori$a to fruiterers an$
ot!er s1eial usto'ers in Ne- ;or5 City an$ "!ila$el1!ia (y "al' Lo$#e Tro1ial
4ro&e% 0o'estea$.
Unfortunately% no stu$ies !a&e (een 'a$e to $eter'ine o1ti'u' te'1erature an$
!u'i$ity le&els for lon#7ter' stora#e an$ lon#7$istant s!i1'ent. T!is is an i$eal fruit for
e/1ort to Euro1ean 'ar5ets -!ere its (ri#!t olor% s'oot!ness an$ a11ealin# for' -oul$
(e es1eially -elo'e in t!e -inter season.
Food *ses
T!e fat t!at t!e anistel is not ris1 an$ Duiy li5e so 'any ot!er fruits see's to $is'ay
'any -!o sa'1le it asually. So'e ta5e to it i''e$iately. Durin# Worl$ War II -!en
RAF 1ilots an$ re-'en -ere un$er trainin# in t!e Ba!a'as% t!ey s!o-e$ #reat
fon$ness for t!e anistel an$ (ou#!t all t!ey oul$% fin$ in t!e Nassau 'ar5et.
So'e Flori$ians enDoy t!e fruit -it! salt% 1e11er an$ li'e or le'on Duie or 'ayonnaise%
eit!er fres! or after li#!t (a5in#. T!e 1uree$ fles! 'ay (e use$ in ustar$s or a$$e$ to ie
rea' 'i/ Dust (efore freeBin#. A ri! 'il5s!a5e% or ?e##fruit no#?% is 'a$e (y
o'(inin# ri1e anistel 1ul1% 'il5% su#ar% &anilla% nut'e# or ot!er seasonin# in an
eletri (len$er.
T!e late Mrs. "!yllis Storey of 0o'estea$ 'a$e su1er( C'o571u'15in? 1ie -it! ) )F8
u1s 'as!e$ anistel 1ul1% 8F, u1 (ro-n su#ar% )F8 teas1oon salt% )F. teas1oon nut'e#%
) teas1oon li'e Duie% 8 (eaten e##s% 8 u1s e&a1orate$ 'il5 or li#!t rea'. T!e 'i/ture
is 1oure$ into one rust an$ (a5e$ for ) !r at 826V F <)8)V C=.
Ot!ers !a&e 1re1are$ anistel 1ana5es% u1a5es% Da'% an$ 'ar'ala$e. Mrs. 4la$ys
Wil(ur 'a$e anistel ?(utter? (y (eatin# t!e ri1e 1ul1 in an eletri (len$er% a$$in#
su#ar% an$ oo5in# to a 1aste% -it! or -it!out le'on Duie. S!e use$ it as a s1rea$ on
toast. T!e fruit oul$ also (e $e!y$rate$ an$ re$ue$ to a nutritious 1o-$er as is (ein#
$one -it! t!e lu'o <>.&.= an$ t!is 'i#!t -ell !a&e o''erial use in 1u$$in# 'i/es.
Food Value
Canistels are ri! in niain an$ arotene <1ro&ita'in A= an$ !a&e a fair le&el of asor(i
ai$. T!e follo-in# analyses s!o- t!at t!e anistel e/els t!e #la'oriBe$ ara'(ola
+Averrhoa carambola L.= in e&ery res1et e/e1t in 'oisture an$ fi(er ontent% an$
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories ),3.3
Moisture A6.A #
"rotein ).A3 #
Fat 6.), #
Car(o!y$rates ,A.A* #
Fi(er 6.)6 #
As! 6.*6 #
Caliu' 8A.2 '#
"!os1!orus ,+., '#
Iron 6.*8 '#
Carotene 6.,8 '#
T!ia'ine 6.)+ '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6) '#
Niain ,.+8 '#
Asor(i Ai$ 23.) '#
Amino Acids@
Try1to1!an 83 '#
Met!ionine ), '#
Lysine 3. '#
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e at t!e La(oratorio FIM $e Nutriion in 0a&ana.
Ot!er *ses
-ate+ e/trate$ fro' t!e tree in Central A'eria !as (een use$ to a$ulterate !ile. T!e
ti#ber is fine7#raine$% o'1at% stron#% 'o$erately to &ery !ea&y an$ !ar$% an$ &alue$
es1eially for 1lan5s an$ rafters in onstrution. T!e !eartwood is #rayis!7(ro-n to
re$$is!7(ro-n an$ (len$s into t!e sa1-oo$ -!i! is so'e-!at li#!ter in olor. T!e
$ar5er t!e olor% t!e 'ore resistant to $eay.
Medicinal *ses, A $eotion of t!e astrin#ent (ar5 is ta5en as a fe(rifu#e in Me/io an$
a11lie$ on s5in eru1tions in Cu(a. A 1re1aration of t!e see$s !as (een e'1loye$ as a
re'e$y for ulers.
In )*+)% a 1!ar'aeutial o'1any in California -as e/1lorin# a $eri&ati&e of t!e see$
of )outeria sapota <'a'ey% >.&.= -!i! see'e$ to (e ati&e a#ainst se(orr!ei $er'atitis
of t!e sal1. Sine t!ey -ere !a&in# $iffiulty in 1rourin# suffiient see$s for stu$y% I
su##este$ t!at t!ey test t!e 'ore rea$ily a&aila(le see$s of t!e anistel. T!ey foun$ t!ese
ae1ta(le an$ -ere 1ursuin# t!e in&esti#ation -!en last !ear$ fro'.
Pouteria caimito 2adlk6
Lucuma caimito oem. ! "#hult.
chras caimito ui$ ! %av&n
A 'inor 'e'(er of t!e Sa1otaeae% t!e a(iu% )outeria caimito Ra$l5. <syns. 8ucuma
caimito Roe'. M S!ult.9 Achras caimito RuiB M "a&`n=% !as a>uire$ fe- &ernaular
na'es. In Colo'(ia% it is alle$ caimito! caimito amarilla! caimo or madura verde9 in
Eua$or% luma or cau4e9 in :eneBuela% temare9 in BraBil% abiu! abi! abio! abieiro or
caimito. It is alle$ yello- star a11le in Trini$a$.
T!e tree !as a 1yra'i$al or roun$e$ ro-n9 is #enerally a(out ,, ft <)6 '= !i#! (ut 'ay
rea! ))2 ft <,2 '= in fa&ora(le situations. A #u''y late/% -!ite or re$$is!% e/u$es
fro' -oun$s in t!e (ar5. T!e lea&es are alternate an$ !i#!ly &aria(le9 'ay (e o&ate7
o(lon#% o(o&ate or elli1ti9 . to 3 in <)6786 '= lon#% ) )F. to 8 ,F3 in <,7A '= -i$e9
s!ort71ointe$ at t!e a1e/% so'eti'es lon#7ta1erin# at t!e (ase9 s'oot! or -it! a fe-
sattere$ !airs. T!e flo-ers% (orne sin#ly or in #rou1s of 8 to 2 in t!e leaf a/ils% are
ylin$rial% .7 to 27lo(e$% -!ite or
#reenis!9 )FA to )F, in <.73 ''= lon#.
T!e fruit% $o-ny -!en youn#% is o&oi$%
elli1tial or roun$9 ) )F8 to . in <.7)6
'= lon#% so'eti'es !a&in# a s!ort
ni11le at t!e a1e/9 -it! s'oot!% tou#!%
1ale7yello- s5in -!en ri1e an$ fra#rant%
-!ite% 'uila#inous% transluent% 'il$7
fla&ore$% s-eet or insi1i$ 1ul1 ontainin#
) to . o(lon# see$s% (ro-n% -it! a 1ale
!ilu' on one si$e. Until fully ri1e% t!e
fruit is 1er'eate$ -it! late/ an$ is &ery
#u''y an$ astrin#ent.
Origin and Distribution
T!e a(iu is a $eniBen of t!e !ea$-aters of t!e A'aBon. It #ro-s -il$ on t!e lo-er
eastern slo1es of t!e An$es fro' sout!-estern :eneBuela to "eru. It is often ulti&ate$
aroun$ I>uitos% "eru. In Eua$or% it is o''on in t!e "ro&ine of 4uayas an$ t!e fruits
are sol$ in t!e 'ar5ets of 4uaya>uil. It is 'u! #ro-n aroun$ "arX% BraBil9 less
fre>uently near Rio $e Janeiro% an$ to a li'ite$ e/tent at Ba!ia. In Colo'(ia% it is fairly
o''on in t!e re#ions of Ca>uetX% Meta an$ :au1^s an$ it a(oun$s in t!e a$Daent areas
of A'aBonas% :eneBuela. It !as (een #ro-in# for 'any years in Trini$a$.
T!e 1lant e/1lorers% Dorsett% S!a'el an$ "o1enoe% ollete$ see$s for t!e Unite$ States
De1art'ent of A#riulture in Ba!ia in )*). <S.".I. O,+*8*=. In )*)2% see$s -ere reei&e$
fro' La&oras% Minas% BraBil <S.".I. O.)66,=. T!is s1eies !as (een 1lante$ se&eral ti'es
at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center% 0o'estea$% Flori$a% (ut 'ost of t!e
youn# 1lants !a&e (een 5ille$ (y -inter ol$. A fe- trees 1lante$ in )*2, fruite$ in )*A8.
T!ere is 'u! &ariation in t!e for'% siBe an$ >uality of t!e fruits of see$lin# trees% so'e
!a&in# fir' fles!% so'e soft9 an$ so'e are insi1i$% -!ile ot!ers !a&e a#reea(le fla&or. At
"uerto Os1ina% alon# t!e "uta'ayo Ri&er in Colo'(ia% t!ere is a ty1e t!at fruits in .
years. T!e fruit is roun$ an$ lar#e. Near t!e Ri&er Iniri$a% in :au1^s% Colo'(ia% t!ere is a
ty1e t!at (ears in one year fro' see$% (ut t!e fruits are s'all -it! little 1ul1.
Fi#. )6*@ T!e 1ale7yello- a(iu <)outertai caimito= as
sol$ in t!e nati&e 'ar5et of Buena&entura% Colo'(ia.
T!e fruit is #u''y -it! late/ until it (eo'es fully ri1e.
T!e a(iu is stritly tro1ial or near7tro1ial. It t!ri&es (est in a year7aroun$ -ar' an$
'oist li'ate% yet "o1enoe note$ t!at it $oes -ell in so'e-!at ooler Rio $e Janeiro. In
"eru it !as not (een foun$ a(o&e 8%666 ft <A26 '=% t!ou#! in Colo'(ia% it an (e #ro-n
u1 to an ele&ation of A%666 ft <)%*66 '=.
T!e tree is naturally suite$ to fertile% -et soil. It is su(Det to !lorosis in t!e li'estone of
sout!ern Flori$a.
T!e fruits are in season in Mar! an$ A1ril in Eua$or. T!ey are sol$ in so'e BraBilian
'ar5ets fro' Se1te'(er to A1ril (ut only a fe- are seen in t!e 'u! s!orter season of
Fe(ruary an$ Mar! at Ba!ia. Fruits !a&e 'ature$ in Oto(er in Flori$a. T!e a(iu an (e
1i5e$ -!ile un$erri1e an$ fir' for trans1ort to 'ar5ets.
Propagation and Culture
In BraBil% t!e -as!e$ see$s are $rie$ in t!e s!a$e an$ t!en 1lante$% , to#et!er an$ 8 in <2
'= $ee1 in enri!e$ soil. T!ey -ill #er'inate in )2 to 86 $ays. W!en t!e see$lin#s are .
in <)6 '= !i#!% t!e 8 -ea5est are re'o&e$. T!e stron# one is set out -!en )8 to )A in
<,67.6 '= !i#!. S1ain# is )+ / 86 ft <A / 2 '=. One year later% t!e lo-er (ran!es are
1rune$. Fruitin# -ill (e#in in , years9 -ill (e su(stantial in 2 years.
Pests and Diseases
Atually% t!e fruit !as little &alue o''erially (eause it is o''only $a'a#e$ (y
s'all insets <bichos in S1anis! an$ "ortu#uese=. In BraBil% t!e !ief 1ests are sai$ to (e
fruit flies.
Food *ses
In Colo'(ia% 1eo1le -!o -is! to eat t!e a(iu. are a$&ise$ to #rease t!eir li1s (efore!an$
to 5ee1 t!e #u''y late/ fro' lin#in# to t!e'. It is 'ostly eaten out7of7!an$ (ut% in
"arX% so'e ty1es are use$ to 'a5e ies an$ ie rea'.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories *2
Moisture +..) #
"rotein 8.) #
Li1i$s ).) #
4lyeri$es 88.6 #
Fi(er ,.6 #
As! 6.+ #
Caliu' *A.6 '#
"!os1!orus .2.6 '#
Iron ).3 '#
:ita'in B% 6.8 '#
:ita'in B8 6.8 '#
Niain ,.. '#
Asor(i Ai$ .*.6 '#
A'ino Ai$s <'# 1er # of nitro#en PN A.82R=
Lysine ,)A '#
Met!ionine )+3 '#
T!reonine 8)* '#
Try1to1!an 2+ '#
LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in BraBil.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is $ense an$ !ea&y% !ar$% an$ &alue$ for onstrution.
Medicinal *ses, In BraBil% t!e 1ul1% (eause of its 'uila#inous nature% is eaten to
relie&e ou#!s% (ron!itis an$ ot!er 1ul'onary o'1laints. T!e late/ is #i&en as a
&er'ifu#e an$ 1ur#e an$ is a11lie$ on a(sesses.
$tar Apple ACia#iteB
"hrysophyllum cainito -6
Achras caimito 2ui5 8 Pa&on
One of t!e relati&ely 'inor fruits of t!e fa'ily Sa1otaeae% t!e star a11le or #ol$enleaf
tree% Chrysophyllum cainito L. <syn. Achras caimito RuiB M "a&on=% !as a>uire$ a
'o$erate assort'ent of re#ional na'es. In S1anis!% it is usually caimito or estrella9 in
"ortu#uese% cainito or a4ara9 in Fren!%
#enerally% caimite or caimitier9 in 0aiti%
pied caimite or caimitier a feuilles d?or9
in t!e Fren! West In$ies% pomme
surette% or buis9 in t!e :ir#in Islan$s%
ainit9 in Trini$a$ an$ To(a#o% it is
ai'ite or 5ai'it9 in Bar(a$os% star7
1lu'9 in Colo'(ia% it 'ay (e caimo!
caimo morado <1ur1le &ariety= or
caimito maduraverde <#reen &ariety=9 in
Boli&ia% caimitero% or murucu4a9 in
Surina'% sterappel! apra or goudblad
boom9 in Fren! 4uiana% macoucou9 in
BeliBe% $a'sel9 in El Sal&a$or%
guayabillo9 in Ar#entina% aguay or
olivoa. T!e C!inese in Sin#a1ore all it
?!ile $urian?.
"late L:III@ STAR A""LE% Chrysophyllum cainito
T!e star a11le tree is eret% 82 to )66 ft <37,6 '= tall% -it! a s!ort trun5 to , ft <) '=
t!i5% an$ a $ense% (roa$ ro-n% (ro-n7!airy (ran!lets% an$ -!ite% #u''y late/. T!e
alternate% nearly e&er#reen% lea&es are elli1ti or o(lon#7elli1ti% 8 to A in <27)2 '= lon#%
sli#!tly leat!ery% ri! #reen an$ #lossy on t!e u11er surfae% oate$ -it! sil5y% #ol$en7
(ro-n 1u(esene (eneat! -!en 'ature% t!ou#! sil&ery -!en youn#. S'all%
inons1iuous flo-ers% lustere$ in t!e leaf a/ils% are #reenis!7yello-% yello-% or
1ur1lis!7-!ite -it! tu(ular% 27lo(e$ orolla an$ 2 or A se1als. T!e fruit% roun$% o(late%
elli1soi$ or so'e-!at 1ear7s!a1e$% 8 to . in <27)6 '= in $ia'eter% 'ay (e re$71ur1le%
$ar571ur1le% or 1ale7#reen. It feels in t!e !an$ li5e a ru((er (all. T!e #lossy% s'oot!%
t!in% leat!ery s5in a$!eres ti#!tly to t!e inner rin$ -!i!% in 1ur1le fruits% is $ar571ur1le
an$ )F. to )F8 in <A7)8.2 ''= t!i59 in #reen fruits% -!ite an$ )F3 to ,F)A in.<,72 ''=
t!i5. Bot! !a&e soft% -!ite% 'il5y% s-eet 1ul1 surroun$in# t!e A to )) #elatinous%
so'e-!at ru((ery% see$ ells in t!e enter -!i!% -!en ut t!rou#! trans&ersely% are seen
to ra$iate fro' t!e entral ore li5e an asteris5 or 'any71ointe$ star% #i&in# t!e fruit its
o''on En#lis! na'e. T!e fruit 'ay !a&e u1 to )6 flattene$% nearly o&al% 1ointe$% !ar$
see$s% ,F. in <8 '.= lon#% nearly )F8 in <).82 '= -i$e% an$ u1 to )F. in <A ''= t!i5%
(ut usually se&eral of t!e ells are not ou1ie$ an$ t!e (est fruits !a&e as fe- as , see$s.
T!ey a11ear (la5 at first% -it! a li#!t area on t!e &entral si$e% (ut t!ey $ry to a li#!t7
Origin and Distribution
It is o''only state$ t!at t!e star a11le is in$i#enous to Central A'eria (ut t!e e'inent
(otanists "aul Stan$ley an$ Louis Willia's !a&e $elare$ t!at it is not nati&e to t!at area%
no Na!uatl na'e !as (een foun$% an$ t!e tree 'ay 1ro1erly (elon# to t!e West In$ies.
0o-e&er% it is 'ore or less naturaliBe$ at lo- an$ 'e$iu' altitu$es fro' sout!ern
Me/io to "ana'a% is es1eially a(un$ant on t!e "aifi si$e of 4uate'ala% an$
fre>uently ulti&ate$ as far sout! as nort!ern Ar#entina an$ "eru. It -as reor$e$ (y
CieBo $e Leon as #ro-in# in "eru $urin# !is tra&els (et-een )2,8 an$ )226. It is
o''on t!rou#!out 'ost of t!e Cari((ean Islan$s an$ in Ber'u$a. In 0aiti% t!e star
a11le -as t!e fa&orite fruit of Jin# C!risto1!e an$ !e !el$ ourt un$er t!e s!a$e of a
&ery lar#e s1ei'en at Milot. T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$
see$s fro' Ja'aia in )*6. <S.".I. O)+6*,=. T!e star a11le is #ro-n oasionally in
sout!ern Flori$a an$ in 0a-aii -!ere it -as intro$ue$ (efore )*6). T!ere are so'e
trees in Sa'oa an$ in Malaya t!ou#! t!ey $o not (ear re#ularly. T!e tree is #ro-n in
sout!ern :ietna' an$ in Ja'1u!ea for its fruits (ut 'ore for its orna'ental &alue in
West Tro1ial Afria% NanBi(ar% an$ t!e -ar'er 1arts of In$ia. It -as intro$ue$ into
Ceylon in )368% rea!e$ t!e "!ili11ines 'u! later (ut !as (eo'e &ery o''on t!ere
as a roa$si$e tree an$ t!e fruit is a11reiate$.
A1art fro' t!e t-o $istint olor ty1es% t!ere is little e&i$ene of su! 1ronoune$
&ariation t!at #ro-ers -oul$ (e sti'ulate$ to 'a5e &i#orous efforts to selet an$
1ro1a#ate su1erior lones. Willia' W!it'an of Mia'i o(ser&e$ a tree yiel$in# !ea&y
ro1s of -ell7for'e$% !i#! >uality fruits in "ort7au7"rine% 0aiti% fro' late January to t!e
en$ of June. 0e (rou#!t (u$-oo$ to Flori$a in )*2,. 4rafte$ 1ro#eny an$ trees #ro-n
fro' air7layers !a&e (orne -ell !ere e&en 1rior to rea!in# )6 ft <, '= in !ei#!t. T!is
intro$ution% na'e$ t!e ?0aitian Star A11le?% is 1ro1a#ate$ o''erially for $ooryar$
ulture. See$s of t!e "ort7au7"rine tree !a&e 1ro$ue$ see$lin#s t!at !a&e 1erfor'e$
1oorly in Flori$a.
T!e star a11le tree is a tro1ial or near7tro1ial s1eies ran#in# only u1 to )%.66 ft <.82
'= ele&ation in Ja'aia. It $oes -ell only in t!e -ar'est loations of sout!ern Flori$a
an$ on t!e Flori$a Jeys. Mature trees are seriously inDure$ (y te'1eratures (elo- 83V F
<78.88V C= an$ reo&er slo-ly. ;oun# trees 'ay (e 5ille$ (y e&en s!ort e/1osure to ,)V F
<76.2AV C=.
T!e tree is not 1artiular as to soil% #ro-in# -ell in $ee1% ri! eart!% layey loa'% san$% or
li'estone% (ut it nee$s 1erfet $raina#e.
Star a11le trees are 'ost -i$ely #ro-n fro' see$s -!i! retain &ia(ility for se&eral
'ont!s an$ #er'inate rea$ily. T!e see$lin#s (ear in 2 to )6 years. :e#etati&e
1ro1a#ation !astens 1ro$ution an$ s!oul$ (e 'ore o''only 1ratie$. Cuttin#s of
'ature -oo$ root -ell. Air7layers an (e 1ro$ue$ in . to + 'ont!s an$ (ear early.
Bu$$e$ or #rafte$ trees !a&e (een 5no-n to fruit one year after (ein# set in t!e #roun$.
In In$ia% t!e star a11le is so'eti'es inar!e$ on star a11le see$lin#s. 4raftin# on t!e
relate$ satinleaf tree +C. oliviforme L.= !as !a$ t!e effet of slo-in# an$ stuntin# t!e
Durin# t!e first A 'ont!s% t!e youn# trees s!oul$ (e -atere$ -ee5ly. Later irri#ation 'ay
(e infre>uent e/e1t $urin# t!e flo-erin# season -!en -aterin# -ill inrease fruit7set.
Most star a11le trees in tro1ial A'eria an$ t!e West In$ies are ne&er fertiliBe$ (ut a
o'1lete% -ell7(alane$ fertiliBer -ill #reatly i'1ro&e 1erfor'ane in li'estone an$
ot!er infertile soils.
Star a11les are #enerally in season fro' late -inter or early s1rin# to early su''er. T!ey
$o not fall -!en ri1e (ut 'ust (e !an$71i5e$ (y li11in# t!e ste'. Care 'ust (e ta5en
to 'a5e sure t!at t!ey are fully 'ature. Ot!er-ise t!e fruits -ill (e #u''y% astrin#ent
an$ ine$i(le. W!en fully ri1e% t!e s5in is $ull% a trifle -rin5le$% an$ t!e fruit is sli#!tly
soft to t!e tou!.
In In$ia% a 'ature star a11le tree 'ay (ear )26 l(s <A6 5#= of fruits in t!e s!ort fruitin#
season of Fe(ruary an$ Mar!.
(eeping )uality
Ri1e fruits re'ain in #oo$ on$ition for , -ee5s at ,+..V to .8.3V F <,V7AV C= an$ *6K
relati&e !u'i$ity.
Pests and Diseases
Lar&ae of s'all insets are so'eti'es foun$ in t!e ri1e fruits.
T!e% 'ain $isease 1ro(le' in t!e "!ili11ines is ste'7en$ $eay ause$ (y s1eies of
)estalotia an$ iplodia. In Flori$a% so'e fruits 'ay 'u''ify (efore t!ey are full7
T!e folia#e is su(Det to leaf s1ots fro' atta5 (y )homopsis s1.% )hyllosticta s1.% an$
Cephaleuros virescens! t!e latter 5no-n as al#al leaf s1ot or #reen surf.
Bir$s an$ s>uirrels atta5 t!e fruits if t!ey are left to fully ri1en on t!e tree.
Food *ses
Star a11les 'ust not (e (itten into. T!e s5in an$ rin$ <onstitutin# a11ro/i'ately ,,K of
t!e total= are ine$i(le. W!en o1enin# a star a11le% one s!oul$ not allo- any of t!e (itter
late/ of t!e s5in to ontat t!e e$i(le fles!. T!e ri1e fruit% 1refera(ly !ille$% 'ay (e
'erely ut in !alf an$ t!e fles! s1oone$ out% lea&in# t!e see$ ells an$ ore. A
o'(ination of t!e !o11e$ fles! -it! t!at of 'an#o% itrus% 1inea11le% ot!er fruits an$
oonut -ater is froBen an$ ser&e$ as Ja'aia Fruit Sala$ Ie. An attrati&e -ay to ser&e
t!e fruit is to ut aroun$ t!e 'i$$le o'1letely t!rou#! t!e rin$ an$ t!en% !ol$in# t!e
fruit ste'7en$ $o-n% t-istin# t!e to1 #ently (a5 an$ fort!. As t!is is $one% t!e fles! -ill
(e felt to free itself fro' t!e $o-n-ar$ !alf of t!e rin$% an$ t!e latter -ill 1ull a-ay%
ta5in# -it! it t!e #reater 1art of t!e ore.
In Ja'aia% t!e fles! is often eaten -it! sour oran#e Duie% a o'(ination alle$
?'atri'ony?9 or it is 'i/e$ -it! oran#e Duie% a little su#ar% #rate$ nut'e# an$ a
s1oonful of s!erry an$ eaten as $essert alle$ ?stra-(erries an$7rea'?. Boli&ians 1ar(oil
t!e e$i(le 1ortion% an$ also 1re1are it as a $eotion. An e'ulsion of t!e sli#!tly (itter
see$ 5ernels is use$ to 'a5e i'itation 'il57of al'on$s% also nou#ats an$ ot!er
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Calories A+.8
Moisture +3..732.+ #
"rotein 6.+878.,, #
Car(o!y$rates )..A2 #
Fi(er 6.227,.,6 #
As! 6.,276.+8 #
Caliu' +..7)+., '#
"!os1!orus )2.*788.6 '#
Iron 6.,676.A3 '#
Carotene,* '#
T!ia'ine 6.6)376.63 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6),76.6. '#
Niain 6.*,27).,.6 '#
Asor(i Ai$ ,.67)2.8 '#
Amino Acids@
Try1to1!an . '#
Met!ionine 8 '#
Lysine 88 '#
LAnalyses 'a$e in Cu(a an$ Central A'eria.
T!e see$s ontain ).8K of t!e (itter% yano#eni #lyosi$e% luu'in9 6.66,+K 1outerin9
A.AK of a fi/e$ oil9 6.)*K sa1onin9 8..K $e/trose an$ ,.+2K as!. T!e lea&es 1ossess an
al5aloi$% also resin% resini ai$% an$ a (itter su(stane.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e tree is sel$o' felle$ for ti'(er unless t!ere is a 1artiular nee$ for it. T!e
!eart-oo$ is 1in5is! or re$7(ro-n% &iolet% or $ar571ur1le9 fine7#raine$% o'1at% !ea&y%
!ar$% stron#% tou#! (ut not $iffiult to -or59 $ura(le in$oors (ut not outsi$e in !u'i$
on$itions. It !as (een utiliBe$ for !ea&y onstrution an$ for $elu/e furniture%
a(inet-or5 an$ (alustra$es.
-ate+, T!e late/ o(taine$ (y 'a5in# inisions in t!e (ar5 oa#ulates rea$ily an$ !as
(een utiliBe$ as an a$ulterant of #utta 1er!a. It -as for'erly 1ro1ose$ as a su(stitute for
-a/ on t!e s!el&es of -ar$ro(es an$ losets.
Medicinal *ses, T!e ri1e fruit% (eause of its 'uila#inous !arater% is eaten to soot!
infla''ation in laryn#itis an$ 1neu'onia. It is #i&en as a treat'ent for $ia(etes 'ellitus%
an$ as a $eotion is #ar#le$ to relie&e an#ina. In :eneBuela% t!e sli#!tly unri1e fruits are
eaten to o&ero'e intestinal $istur(anes. In e/ess% t!ey ause onsti1ation. A $eotion
of t!e rin$% or of t!e lea&es% is ta5en as a 1etoral. A $eotion of t!e tannin7ri!%
astrin#ent (ar5 is $run5 as a toni an$ sti'ulant% an$ is ta5en to !alt $iarr!ea% $ysentery
an$ !e'orr!a#es% an$ as a treat'ent for #onorr!ea an$ ?atarr! of t!e (la$$er?. T!e
(itter% 1ul&eriBe$ see$ is ta5en as a toni% $iureti an$ fe(rifu#e. Cu(an resi$ents in
Mia'i are 5no-n to see5 t!e lea&es in or$er to a$'inister t!e $eotion as a aner
re'e$y. Many !i#!7tannin 1lant 'aterials are (elie&e$ (y Latin A'erians to (e
arinostati. In BraBil% t!e late/ of t!e tree is a11lie$ on a(sesses an$% -!en $rie$ an$
1o-$ere$% is #i&en as a 1otent &er'ifu#e. Else -!ere% it is ta5en as a $iureti% fe(rifu#e
an$ re'e$y for $ysentery.
Miracle .ruit
Manilkara bidentata
Ausu(o +Manil"ara bidentata-! also 5no-n a (alata% is a lar#e e&er#reen forest tree t!at
-as 1ro(a(ly t!e 'ost i'1ortant ti'(er tree of "uerto Rio. It #ro-s (est in "uerto Rio
on allu&ial 1lain -!ere it 'ay rea! t!e a#e of .66 years. Ausu(o is e/tre'ely tolerant of
s!a$e. T!e stron# an$ attrati&e -oo$ 'a5es it !i#!ly &alue$ o''erially an$ it is
-i$ely use$ in t!e tro1is for 'any -oo$ 1ro$uts. T!e tree is often ta11e$ for its 'il5y
late/ t!e soure of (alata #u'. Alt!ou#! #ro-t! is slo-% ausu(o is 1lante$ for s!a$e an$
Other Common Names: Chicozapote (Mexico), Ausubo (Puerto Rico, Dominican
Republic), Nispero (Panama), Beefwood (Guyana), Bolletri (Surinam), Balata rouge
(French Guiana), Macaranduba (Brazil).

Distribution: Widely distributed throughout the West Indies, Central America, and
northern South America; occurs in many forest types and not exacting as to soil or
topography. Locally frequent.
In "uerto Rio% ausu(o is foun$ in t!e Su(tro1ial Moist% Su(tro1ial Wet% an$
Su(tro1ial Rain Forest life Bones. Annual rainfall in t!ese forests &aries fro' )266 to
.666 '' <2* to )2+ in=. Te'1eratures ran#e fro' a 'ean 'ini'u' in January of )AI C
<A)I F= to a 'ean 'a/i'u' of ,)I C <33I F= in Au#ust <3=% t!e e/tre'es for t!e ran#e of
ausu(o or t!e islan$. E&a1otrans1iration o&er t!e sa'e re#ions &aries (et-een ).66 an$
)366 ''Fyr <22 an$ +) inFyr=% -it! t!e lo-est 'easure'ents in t!e 'ountainous interior.
T!rou#!out t!e West In$ies% ausu(o #ro-s in areas -!ere t!e annual rainfall &aries fro'
)266 to .666 '' <2* to )2+ in= <ta(le )=. In Sout! A'eria 'any areas 1ro(a(ly reei&e
'ore t!an t!at a'ount In t!e BaDo Cali'a re#ion of Colo'(ia% -est of t!e ity of Cali%
annual rainfall in Tro1ial Rain Forest a11roa!es +666 'in <8+A in=. All sites are frost
$oils and Topograp!y
In "uerto Rio% ausu(o is nati&e to ai$% lay soils $eri&e$ in situ% or $e1osite$ (y allu&ial
or ollu&ia 1roesses. E/istin# in&entories in$iate t!at it #ro- 'ainly on soils of t!e
or$ers Ine1tisol an$ O/isol "arent ro5s inlu$e an$esites an$ li'estone. In Trini$a$%
ausu(o t!ri&es on a &ariety of soils ran#in# fro' lays t!rou#! san$s% inlu$in# ro5y
soils% an$ on se&eral $ifferent #eolo#i for'ations. "!ysio#ra1!ially% it is foun$ on
slo1es an$ flats% an$ in o&es. In Trini$a$ it is o''on on !ills% an$ in "uerto Rio% it
attains its (est $e&elo1'ent on allu&ia 1lains. In Surina'e% it is o''on alon# ri&er
Propagation, By see$s. 4raftin# an (e $one as -ell as a si$e #raft% (alata on (alata.
The Tree: Well-formed tree reaching heights of 100 to 150 ft and diameters of 2 to 4 ft,
occasionally up to 6 ft or more. Boles straight and clear to 60 ft, often basally swollen.
In Trini$a$% for e/a'1le% ausu(o is foun$ in t!e Dry E&er#reen For'ation an$ Littoral
Woo$lan$ alon# -it! royal 1al' +(oystonea oleracea-! sierra 1al' +)restoea montana-!
an$ ti'ite +Manicaria saccifera-. It is also foun$ in E&er#reen Seasonal Forest in t!e
Carapa#Esch,eilera assoiation an$ in t!e )eltogyne assoiation. Finally% it is foun$
sattere$ in t!e Lo-er Mountain Rain Forest.
epro'u#tion an' (arly Gro)th
Mature ausu(o is !arateriBe$ (y a $ense #ro-t! of !oriBontal (ran!es -it! layere$
folia#e an$ $ar5 #reen elli1ti alternate lea&es -it! 'any faint 1arallel &eins. A -!ite
late/ a11ears in $ro1lets fro' ut lea&es an$ inisions in t!e trun5 an$ ste's. Lar#e
trun5s !a&e (roa$ roun$e$ (uttresses s1rea$in# at t!e (ase.
In "uerto Rio% t!e tree attains a !ei#!t of ,6 ' <)66 ft= an$ $ia'eter of )., ' <. ft= on
t!e (est sites. On fa&ora(le sites else-!ere -it!in its ran#e% t!e tree -ill #ro- .2 ' <)26
ft= in !ei#!t an$ nearly 866 ' <+* in= in $ia'eter.
Flowering and Fruiting" In "uerto Rio% t!e -!ite 1erfet flo-ers are (orne annually on
a stal5 at t!e (e#innin# of t!e -et season% 'ainly fro' May t!rou#! late Au#ust% -it!
oasional late autu'n flo-erin#. Fruits $e&elo1 t!rou#! t!e autu'n -it! t!e 1rini1al
fruit $ro1 in -inter an$ early s1rin# <)2=. In Trini$a$% ausu(o flo-ers at t!e (e#innin# of
t!e $ry season% January to Fe(ruary% an$ t!e fruit ri1ens (y A1ril an$ May <8+=. In (ot!
re#ions% #oo$ flo-erin# an$ fruitin# is at inter&als of , to . years.
At ran$o'ly 1lae$ olletion stations o'1rise$ of 6.2 'b <2.. ftb= sreen (as5ets in t!e
Su(tro1ial Wet Forest of "uerto Rio% ausu(o $ro11e$ so'e +6 fruits in ,* 'ont!s. Of
t!e s1eies of trees o(ser&e$% ausu(o ran5e$ )At! in nu'(er of fruits ollete$ <)2=.
$eed Production and Disse#ination" Ausu(o fruits are #lo(ose (erries a(out 8.2 ' <)
in= in $ia'eter an$ usually ontain a sin#le% s!iny% (la5 see$% surroun$e$ (y a s-eet%
#u''y 1ul1 t!at is e$i(le. Oasionally% t-o see$s 1er fruit are foun$ <8)%8+=.
In un1u(lis!e$ e/1eri'ental -or5 on$ute$ at t!e Institute of Tro1ial Forestry% )%836
air7$rie$ see$s 1er 5ilo#ra' <236Fl(= -ere ounte$. Cuttin# tests s!o-e$ t!at ,2 1erent
of t!e see$s -ere !ollo-. Moisture aounte$ for a(out ,6 1erent of t!e -ei#!t of t!e
See$ $is1ersal is li'ite$ to t!e &iinity of t!e 1arent tree unless ani'als onsu'e or arry
t!e fruits. A#outi an$ ot!er ani'als eat t!e fruit in Trini$a$ <8+=% -!ile in "uerto Rio
(ir$s !a&e (een i$entifie$ as $is1ersal a#ents.
$eedling De&elop#ent" 4er'ination is e1i#eous an$ irre#ular o&er a lon# 1erio$% -it!
so'e see$ #er'inatin# in t!e seon$ year. Trials in Trini$a$ yiel$e$ only )6 1erent
#er'ination% an$ efforts to i'1ro&e it (y soa5in# in -ater or sli#!tly ra5in# t!e see$
-ere a failure <8+=. In "uerto Rio% )66 see$s 1er treat'ent -ere store$ at roo'
te'1erature an$ at .I C <.6I F= in 1a1er sa5s an$ seale$ Dars for 1erio$s of )% 8% ,% an$ A
'ont!s. A ontrol -as so-n i''e$iately. 4er'ination for t!e treate$ see$s -as
essentially nil -!ile t!e ontrol s!o-e$ A6 1erent suess. It -as onlu$e$ t!at stora#e
(y t!e 'eans teste$ -as unsatisfatory. See$lin#s in t!e -il$ are a1a(le of #ro-in#
un$er !ea&y s!a$e an$ in !er(aeous o&er. A&era#e !ei#!t at t!e en$ of t!e first year is
)8 ' <2 in=% an$ after 2 years a(out ..2 ' <)2 ft=.
Artifiial re#eneration is (est attaine$ (y $iret so-in# of fruits or trans1lantin# of 1otte$
see$lin#s Ausu(o see$s s!oul$ (e so-n in 'oist lea&es (eause t!ey are not a1a(le of
e'er#in# fro' t!e soil <8A=. ?Li'ite$ suess? !as (een a!ie&e$ -it! (are root
1lantin#s after I year in t!e nursery% (ut if see$lin# are left too lon# in t!e (e$s% t!e
ta1root 1ro&es to ( a 1ro(le' <8+=.
In e/1eri'ental -or5 at t!e Institute of Tro1ial Forestry% see$s -ere so-n in nursery
(e$s in t!e su an$ un$er s!a$e$ on$itions. After )6 'ont!s% t!ose in t!e sun -ere t-ie
as tall as t!e s!a$e s1ei'ens. Diret out71lantin# of 1otte$ see$lin# un$er !ea&y s!a$e
in t!e li'estone forest on t!e nort! oast s!o-e$ sur&i&al rates #reater t!an * 1erent
after )6 'ont!s. T!e see$lin#s !o-e&er -ere sensiti&e to $rou#!t. Most !a$ -ilte$ an$
yello-e$ after a 1rolon#e$ 1erio$ -it!out rain.
Vegetati&e 2eproduction" E/e1t -!en >uite youn#% ausu(o $oes not o11ie% nor $oes
it 1ro$ue root su5ers
2ooting %abit" By 8 years of a#e% t!e see$lin# !as a ta1root. W!en ol$er% it !as a stron#%
'o$erately $ee1 root syste' 'a5in# t!e s1eies -in$7fir'.
$pecial *ses
Fruits are e$i(le an$ eaten fres!% t!e 'ore o''on use of t!e tree is as a o''erial
T!e !eart-oo$ is li#!t re$ -!en ut an$ turns to $ar5 re$$is! (ro-n -!en $ry. T!e
sa1-oo$ is -!itis! to 1ale (ro-n. T!e -oo$ is &ery !ar$% stron#% fine te/ture$% an$
!ea&y% -it! a s1eifi #ra&ity of 6.32. T!e -oo$ rates e/ellent for (orin#% fair for
1lanin#% an$ 1oor for turnin#. It is $iffiult to air season an$ s!o-s se&ere !e5in# an$
-ar1 if $rie$ too fast <*=. T!e -oo$ finis!es &ery -ell an$ rese'(les 'a!o#any. It is
resistant to t!e $ry -oo$ ter'ite% Crytotermes brevis! in "uerto Rio % !i#!ly resistant to
t!e su(terranean ter'ites% Coptotermes niger! *eterotermes convexinotatus! *. tennis!
an$ %asutitermes corniger! in "ana'a% (ut suse1ti(le to 'arine (orers. T!e -oo$ is also
&ery resistant to -!ite7 an$ (ro-n7rot fun#us an$ is &ery $ura(le in ontat -it! t!e
T!e tree is also ta11e$ for (alata #u' -!i! is si'ilar to #utta71er!a. In so'e areas%
trees !a&e yiel$e$ sa1 for 'ore t!an 82 years. T!e late/ is oa#ulate$ (y fire or $rie$ in
t!e sun% an$ sou&enirs or no&elties are t!en fa(riate$.
T!e sa1 fro' so'e of t!e s1eies -it!in t!e #enus a11arentl& an (e use$ as a su(stitute
for o-Cs 'il5. T!e late/ !as t!e onsisteny an$ taste of rea'% (ut o&erin$ul#ene in it
an result in se&ere onsti1ation.

A(o&e@ Mature Balata tree % (elo-@ 'ature (alata fruits
Mira#le Fruit
Synsepalum !ulci"icum

Co##on 0a#es, Mirale Fruit% Mirale Berry
Origin, Tro1ial -est Afria.
Adaptation, Co'in# fro' !ot% -et tro1ial lo-lan$s% t!e 1lant is intolerant of frost an$
s!oul$ (e onsi$ere$ a ontainer 1lant e/e1t in sout!ern Flori$a an$ 0a-aii. Ol$er
1lants an sur&i&e a li#!t frost (ut it is (est to a&oi$ it if 1ossi(le. Mirale fruit is a
'ar&elous on&ersation 1lant t!at $oes -ell in a ontainer. Out$oors it is sai$ to $o (est
in 1artial s!a$e.
Growt! %abit, Mirale fruit is an e&er#reen (us! or tree #ro-in# to )3 ft. in its nati&e
!a(itat% (ut rarely to 2 ft. ot!er-ise.
Foliage, T!e 1lant !as $ee1 #reen% elon#ate$ lea&es -!i! #ro- in a s1ire7li5e !a(it.
Bot! re#ular an$ lar#e7leaf an$ a !airy7leaf for' are 5no-n.
Flowers, T!e s'all )F. in! -!ite flo-ers of 'irale fruit are 1ro$ue$ in flus!es
t!rou#! 'any 'ont!s of t!e year.
Fruit, T!e fruit is a s'all (ri#!t re$% elli1soi$ (erry a11ro/i'ately 8 to , ' lon# an$
ontainin# a sin#le see$. Alt!ou#! not s-eet itself% -!en a sin#le fruit is eaten an$ t!e
fles!y 1ul1 allo-e$ to oat t!e taste (u$s of t!e ton#ue an$ insi$e of t!e 'out!% an
e/traor$inary effet ours. T!e fruit -ill no- allo- one to eat a slie of le'on or li'e
-it!out -inin#. T!e 'ar&elous aro'a an$ in!erent s-eetness of t!e itrus re'ains (ut
t!e sourness is al'ost o'1letely o&ere$. T!e effet re'ains for so'e ,6 'inutes or
T!e 'irale fruit is a re'ar5a(le natural s-eetener t!at is &irtually un5no-n too 'u! of
t!e -orl$.
Berries are eaten fres!. Afrians so'eti'es use t!e fruits to i'1ro&e t!e taste of stale
foo$. Fruits are (ein# in&esti#ate$ as a 1ossi(le soure for a natural foo$ s-eetener.

-ocation, As an in$oor 1lant% 1ro&i$e t!e 1lant -it! (ri#!t li#!t su! as a -ell lit
-in$o-. In t!e su''er t!e 1lant an (e 'o&e$ -it! are to a -ar'% li#!tly s!a$e$ s1ot.
$oils, An ai$ soil is a 'ust for 'irale fruit. T!ey 1refer a soil ai$ity of 10 ..2 to 2.3.
T!is an (e a!ie&e$ (y 1lantin# in e>ual 1arts Cana$ian ai$ 1eat an$ 1ine (ar5. Also
1eat an$ 1erlite 'i/es are sai$ to #i&e e/ellent result. In t!e (asi soils of California% t!e
1lants slo-ly $ie (a5 until &irtually only t!e ste's re'ain. Allo- t!e roots of t!e 1lant
to fill t!e ontainer (efore trans1lantin# into a lar#er one.
rrigation, Be sure t!at t!e soil is -ell $rainin# as t!e 1lants $o not li5e to sit in -et
soils. Co'in# fro' a tro1ial li'ate t!ey nee$ !i#!ly !u'i$ on$itions. W!en in$oors%
es1eially $urin# t!e -inter 'ont!s% a s'all lear 1lasti (a# 1ut aroun$ t!e 1lant an$
su11orte$ (y -oo$ or a -ire fra'e is !el1ful in 'aintainin# !u'i$ity. Also% 1lain# t!e
1lant ontainer on a tray -it! stones on t!e (otto' an$ fille$ -it! -ater to t!e to1 of t!e
stones -ill a$$ !u'i$ity to t!e loal area. Mistin# t!e lea&es -it! #oo$ -ater also !el1s.
Fertili5ation, Use a -ater solu(le fertiliBer su! as Mirai$ an$ follo- t!e la(el
$iretions. Use s1arin#ly -it! fre>ueny $e1en$ent on t!e #ro-in# season% fertiliBin#
'ore fre>uently $urin# t!e su''er 'ont!s
Pruning, In #eneral% t!ere is no nee$ to 1rune t!e 'irale fruit 1lant.
Propagation, "ro1a#ation of 'irale fruit is usually eit!er (y see$ or uttin#s. As t!e
see$ &ia(ility is s!ort% 1lant t!e leane$ see$ i''e$iately Dust (elo- t!e soil line. W!en
s!i11in# leane$ see$ for ot!ers to 1lant% 1a5a#e in a s'all 1lasti (a# an$ enlose a
sli#!tly 'oistene$ to-elin#. See$ t!at are allo-e$ to $ry an (e s!i11e$ for at least t-o
-ee5s (ut ra1i$ly loose t!eir &ia(ility.
Pests and diseases, Wat! for 'ealy(u#s% s1i$er 'ites an$ ot!er in$oor 1otte$ 1lant
1ests. Waterlo##e$ 1lant -ill suu'( to root rot.
Co##ercial Potential, T!e 1lant is not i'1ortant as a foo$ ro1. Atte'1ts to e/1loit t!e
stri5in# effet on 1ere1tion of sour fla&ors in $e&elo1'ent of artifiial s-eeteners !a&e
not (een suessful (ut are ontinuin#.
A for' -it! !airy lea&es intro$ue$ into Flori$a fro' Afria so'e years a#o.
S'all% o&al% re$ fruits9 lar#er t!an t!ose of t!e o''on s'oot!7leaf ty1e.
Bla5 Sa1ote
Black $apote
(iospyros digyna 3ac/6
(iospyros obtusifolia %u#b6 8 Bonpl6 e+ 1illd6
T!e (la5 sa1ote is not% as 'i#!t (e assu'e$%
allie$ to eit!er t!e sa1ote +)outeria sapota
0.E. Moore M Stearn= or t!e -!ite sa1ote
+Casimiroa edulis Lla&e M Le/.=. Instea$% it is
losely relate$ to t!e 1ersi''on in t!e fa'ily
E(enaeae. For 'any years it !as (een -i$ely
'isi$entifie$ as iospyros ebenaster RetB.% a
na'e onfusin#ly a11lie$ also to a stritly
-il$ s1eies of t!e West In$ies no-
$istin#uis!e$ as . revoluta "oir. T!e
1resently ae1te$ (ino'ial for t!e (la5
sa1ote is . digyna Ja>. <syn. . obtusifolia
0u'(. M Bon1l. e/ Will$.=.
In S1anis!% it is 5no-n &ariously as sa1ote% sapote negro! zapote! zapote negro! zapote
prieto! zapote de mico! matasano <or matazano- de mico! or ebano. It !as (een alle$
(la5 1ersi''on in 0a-aii.
T!e tree is !an$so'e% (roa$7to11e$%
slo-7#ro-in#% to 36 ft <82 '= in !ei#!t%
-it! furro-e$ trun5 to ,6 in <+2 '= in
$ia'eter% an$ (la5 (ar5. T!e e&er#reen%
alternate lea&es% elli1ti7o(lon# to
o(lon#7laneolate% ta1ere$ at (ot! en$s
or roun$e$ at t!e (ase an$ (luntly aute
at t!e a1e/% are leat!ery% #lossy% . to )8
in <)67,6 '= lon#. T!e flo-ers% (orne
sin#ly or in #rou1s of , to + in t!e leaf
a/ils% are tu(ular% lo(e$% -!ite% ,F3 to 2F3
in <)7).A '= -i$e% -it! 1ersistent #reen
aly/. So'e !a&e (ot! 'ale an$ fe'ale or#ans% lar#e aly/ lo(es an$ are faintly fra#rant9
ot!ers are solely 'ale an$ !a&e a 1ronoune$ #ar$enia7li5e sent an$ a fe- (la5 s1e5s
in t!e t!roat of t!e orolla. T!e fruit is (ri#!t7#reen an$ s!iny at first9 o(late or nearly
roun$9 8 to 2 in <27)8.2 '= -i$e9 -it! a 1ro'inent% .7lo(e$% un$ulate aly/% ) )F8 to 8 in
<.72 '= aross% las1in# t!e (ase. On ri1enin#% t!e s'oot!% t!in s5in (eo'es oli&e7
#reen an$ t!en rat!er 'u$$y7#reen. Wit!in is a 'ass of #lossy% (ro-n to &ery $ar57
(ro-n% al'ost (la5% so'e-!at Delly7li5e 1ul1% soft% s-eet an$ 'il$ in fla&or. In t!e
enter% t!ere 'ay (e ) to )6 flat% s'oot!% (ro-n see$s% ,F. to ) in <878.2 '= lon#% (ut t!e
fruits are often see$less.
Origin and Distribution
T!e (la5 sa1ote is nati&e alon# (ot! oasts of Me/io fro' Jaliso to C!ia1as% :eraruB
an$ ;uatan an$ in t!e foreste$ lo-lan$s of Central A'eria% an$ it is fre>uently
ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out t!is ran#e. It -as a11arently arrie$ (y t!e S1aniar$s to A'(oina
(efore )A*8% an$ to t!e "!ili11ines lon# (efore )++A% an$ e&entually rea!e$ Malaa%
Mauritius% 0a-aii% BraBil% Cu(a% "uerto Rio an$ t!e Do'inian Re1u(li. In )*)*%
see$s fro' 4ua$alaDara% Me/io% -ere sent to t!e Bureau of "lant In$ustry of t!e Unite$
States De1art'ent of A#riulture9 uttin#s an$ see$s -ere reei&e$ fro' t!e Isle of
"ines% Cu(a% in )*)29 see$s arri&e$ fro' 0a-aii in )*)A an$ )*)+9 ot!ers fro' Oa/aa%
Me/io% in )*86. Nu'erous see$lin#s !a&e (een #ro-n in sout!ern California (ut all
!a&e (een 5ille$ (y lo- te'1eratures. T!e tree $oes &ery -ell in sout!ern Flori$a% t!ou#!
it !as (een #ro-n 'ainly as a uriosity. Outsi$e of its !o'elan$% t!e fruit !as not
a!ie&e$ any #reat 1o1ularity. In Me/io% t!e fruits are re#ularly 'ar5ete$.
Certain trees ten$ to (ear &ery lar#e% see$less or nearly see$less fruits 'aturin# in
su''er instea$ of -inter as 'ost $o% (ut no &arietal na'es !a&e (een atta!e$ to t!e' in
"late LSI@ BLACJ SA"OTE% iospyros digyna
T!e (la5 sa1ote is not stritly tro1ial inas'u! as it is !ar$y as far nort! as "al' Bea!
County% Flori$a% if 1rotete$ fro' frost $urin# t!e first fe- years. Trees t!at !a&e (eo'e
-ell esta(lis!e$ !a&e -it!stoo$ oasional (rief e/1osures to 83V or ,6V F <78.88V or7
).))V C=. In Me/io% t!e tree is ulti&ate$ u1 to ele&ations of 2%666 or e&en A%666 ft
<)%2667)%366 '=.
T!e tree !as a (roa$ a$a1ta(ility as to terrain. In Me/io it #ro-s naturally in $ry forests
or on allu&ial lay near strea's or la#oons -!ere it is fre>uently su(Det to floo$in#.
Ne&ert!eless% it t!ri&es on 'oist san$y loa'% on -ell7$raine$ san$ or ooliti li'estone
-it! &ery little to17soil in sout!ern Flori$a. It is sai$ to flouris! on all t!e soils of Cu(a
T!e (la5 sa1ote is usually #ro-n fro' see$s% -!i! re'ain &ia(le for se&eral 'ont!s in
$ry stora#e an$ #er'inate in a(out ,6 $ays after 1lantin# in flats. :e#etati&e 1ro1a#ation
is not o''only 1ratie$ (ut t!e tree !as (een suessfully air7layere$ an$ also s!iel$7
(u$$e$ usin# 'ature sions.
See$lin#s are (est trans1lante$ to 1ots -!en a(out , in <+.2 '= !i#! an$ t!ey are set in
t!e fiel$ -!en ) to 8 years ol$% at -!i! ti'e t!ey are ) to 8 ft <,67A6 '= in !ei#!t. T!ey
s!oul$ (e s1ae$ at least .6 ft <)8 '= a1art. Most (e#in to (ear in 2 to A years (ut so'e
trees 'ay ta5e so'e-!at lon#er. T!e tree is naturally &i#orous an$ reei&es little or no
ultural attention in Flori$a t!ou#! it !as (een note$ t!at it (enefits fro' fertiliBation.
In Me/io% t!e fruits are o''on in t!e 'ar5ets fro' Au#ust to January. Most (la5
sa1otes in Flori$a ri1en in Dee'(er% January or Fe(ruary. Certain trees% es1eially t!e
lar#e7fruite$ ty1es% re#ularly o'e into season in June% ot!ers in July an$ Au#ust.
It is $iffiult to $etet t!e sli#!t olor !an#e of 'ature fruits a'i$ t!e $ense folia#e of
t!e (la5 sa1ote tree. Many (la5 sa1otes ri1en% fall an$ s'as! on t!e #roun$ (efore one
!as t!e !ane to 1i5 t!e'% an$ t!is is one reason -!y .t!e tree is not fa&ore$ for
lan$sa1in# in ur(an areas. An e/1eriene$ 1i5er an !ar&est t!e fruits at t!e #reen7
'ature or oli&e7#reen sta#e -it! a uttin# 1ole e>ui11e$ -it! a lot! sa5.
No yiel$ fi#ures are a&aila(le (ut t!e tree is note$ for (earin# -ell. In )3**% t!e annual
ro1 in Me/io -as &alue$ at E8+%666% a onsi$era(le su' at t!at ti'e.
(eeping )uality
Fruits 1i5e$ -!en full7#ro-n (ut unri1e <(ri#!t7#reen= !a&e ri1ene$ in )6 $ays at roo'
te'1erature. T!erefore it is at t!is sta#e t!at t!ey 'ust (e 1i5e$ for 'ar5etin# an$
s!i11in#. Fir'% oli&e7#reen fruits -ill ri1en in 8 to A $ays. Fruits $is1laye$ on 'ar5ets in
Me/io are so'e-!at s!ri&ele$ an$ -rin5le$. T!e (la5 sa1ote is &ery soft -!en fully
ri1e. T!ou#! it 'ay re'ain fit for eatin# if !el$ for a fe- $ays in ol$ stora#e% it is too
soft to stan$ !an$lin#.
Food *ses
Un5in$ -riters !a&e e'1loye$ unflatterin# 1!rases in $esri(in# t!e fles! of t!e (la5
sa1ote an$ !a&e 1ro(a(ly !in$ere$ its ae1tane. T!is see's >uite unreasona(le (eause
t!e olor an$ te/ture of t!e 1ul1 losely 'at! ste-e$ 1runes% to -!i! t!ere see's to (e
no aest!eti o(Detion. In t!e "!ili11ines% t!e see$e$ 1ul1 is ser&e$ as $essert -it! a little
'il5 or oran#e Duie 1oure$ o&er it. T!e a$$ition of le'on or li'e Duie 'a5es t!e 1ul1
$esira(le as a fillin# for 1ies an$ ot!er 1astry. It is also 'a$e into ie rea'. In Me/io%
t!e 1ul1 'ay (e 'as!e$% (eaten or 1asse$ t!rou#! a olan$er an$ 'i/e$ -it! oran#e
Duie or (ran$y% an$ t!en ser&e$ -it! or -it!out -!i11e$ rea'. Also% t!ey so'eti'es
'i/ t!e 1ul1 -it! -ine% inna'on an$ su#ar an$ ser&e as $essert. So'e Flori$ians use an
e##(eater to (len$ t!e 1ul1 -it! 'il5 an$ #roun$ nut'e#. A foa'y% $eliious (e&era#e is
'a$e (y 'i/in# t!e 1ul1 -it! anne$ 1inea11le Duie in an eletri (len$er. In Central
A'eria% t!e fer'ente$ fruits are 'a$e into a li>ueur so'e-!at li5e (ran$y.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Moisture +*..A73,.) #
"rotein 6.A876.A* #
Car(o!y$rates )8.327)2.)) #
Fat 6.6) #
As! 6.,+76.A #
Caliu' 88.6 '#
"!os1!orus 8,.6 '#
Iron 6.,A '#
Carotene 6.)* '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6, '#
Niain 6.86 '#
Asor(i Ai$LL )*).+ '#
LAor$in# to analyses in Me/io an$ 4uate'ala.
LLT!e asor(i ai$ ontent is sai$ to (e a(out t-ie t!at of t!e a&era#e oran#e.
Unri1e (la5 sa1otes are &ery astrin#ent% irritant% austi an$ (itter% an$ !a&e (een use$
as fis! 1oison in t!e "!ili11ines.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is yello-is! to $ee17yello- -it! (la5 'ar5in#s near t!e !eart of ol$
trun5s9 o'1at an$ suita(le for a(inet-or5 (ut little use$. Re1orts of $ar5 -oo$
utiliBe$ for furniture are 1ro(a(ly t!e result of onfusion -it! ot!er s1eies of iospyros.
Medicinal *ses, T!e rus!e$ (ar5 an$ lea&es are a11lie$ as a (listerin# 1oultie in t!e
"!ili11ines. In ;uatan% t!e leaf $eotion is e'1loye$ as an astrin#ent an$ is ta5en
internally as a fe(rifu#e. :arious 1re1arations are use$ a#ainst le1rosy% rin#-or' an$
it!in# s5in on$itions.
0ote, T!e rare% -il$ relati&e . revoluta "oir.% 'entione$ at t!e (e#innin#% !as not only
(een inlu$e$ -it! t!e (la5 sa1ote un$er t!e erroneous . ebanaster! (ut !as also (een
$ealt -it! as . nigra "err. an$ un$er at least 3 ot!er (ino'ials. In "uerto Rio% t!e
Do'inian Re1u(li% Montserrat% Do'inia an$ 4ua$elou1e it is &ariously alle$ (la5
a11le% barbara! bambarat! barbe9uois! bois noir! bois negresse! ebene! guayabota!
pla9ueminier! an$ zapote negro. It !as s'aller% t!i5er lea&es an$ s'aller fruits t!an t!e
(la5 sa1ote an$ t!e aly/ is s>uare. Little% Woo$(ury an$ Wa$s-ort! say t!e fruits are
1oisonous an$% -it! t!e (ar5% use$ as fis! 1oison.
W!ite Sa1ote
Bael Fruit
1!ite $apote
"asimiroa edulus -la&e6
T!e #enus Casimiroa of t!e fa'ily Rutaeae -as na'e$ in !onor of Car$inal Casi'iro
4o'eB $e Orte#a% a S1anis! (otanist of t!e )3t! CenturyL. It e'(raes 2 or A s1eies of
s!ru(s or trees. Of t!ese% , s!ru((y s1eies% C. pubescens Ra'ireB% C. pringlei En#l. an$
C. ,atsonii En#l.% are a11arently onfine$ to Me/io an$ !a&e reei&e$ sant attention.
An a$$itional s1eies% C. emarginata Stan$l. M Steyer'.% -as $esri(e$ in )*..% (ase$
on a sin#le s1ei'en in 4uate'ala. It 'ay (e 'erely a for' of C. sapota! (elo-.
PLT!e #enus Casimiroa -as atually na'e$ after Casi'iro 4o'eB% an Oto'e In$ian
fro' t!e to-n of Car$onal% 0i$al#o% Me/io% a 'artyr of Me/ioCs -ar of in$e1en$ene.R
Of t!e , lar#er7#ro-in# for's% t!e (est
5no-n is t!e o''on -!ite sa1ote%
alle$ zapote blanco (y S1anis!7
s1ea5in# 1eo1le% abchD or ahache (y
4uate'alan In$ians% an$ Me/ian a11le
in Sout! Afria% an$ -i$ely i$entifie$ as
C. edulis Lla&e M Le/. T!e matasano <or
matazano-! C. sapota Oerst.% is often not
$istin#uis!e$ fro' C. edulis in t!e
literature an$ t!e na'e matasano !as
(een a11lie$ to ot!er s1eies in &arious
loalities. T!e -oolly7lea&e$ -!ite
sa1ote% 5no-n to t!e Maya as yuy an$ set
a1art in 4uate'ala as matasano de mico!
!as (een o''only onsi$ere$ a $istint
s1eies% C. tetrameria Mills1.% (ut it 'ay
(e only a &ariant of C. edulis.
W!ite sa1ote trees ran#e fro' )2 to 86 ft <..27A '= u1 to ,6 to A6 ft <*7)3 '= in !ei#!t.
T!ey !a&e li#!t7#ray% t!i5% -arty (ar5 an$ often $e&elo1 lon#% $roo1in# (ran!es. T!e
lea&es% 'ostly e&er#reen are alternate% 1al'ately o'1oun$% -it! , to + laneolate
leaflets% s'oot! or !airy on t!e un$ersi$e. T!e o$orless flo-ers% s'all an$ #reenis!7
yello-% are .7 or 271arte$% an$ (orne in ter'inal an$ a/illary 1aniles. T!ey are
!er'a1!ro$ite or oasionally unise/ual (eause of a(orte$ sti#'as.
T!e fruit is roun$% o&al or o&oi$% sy''etrial or irre#ular% 'ore or less $istintly 27
lo(e$9 8 )F8 to . )F8 in <A.827)).82 '= -i$e an$ u1 to . ,F. in <)8 '= in len#t!9 -it!
t!in #reen% yello-is! or #ol$en s5in oate$ -it! a &ery t!in (loo'% ten$er (ut ine$i(le9
an$ rea'y7-!ite or yello- fles! #lintin# -it! 'any tiny% ons1iuous% yello- oil
#lan$s. T!e fla&or is s-eet -it! a !int or 'ore of (itterness an$ so'eti'es $istintly
resinous. T!ere 'ay (e ) to A 1lu'1% o&al% !ar$% -!ite see$s% ) to 8 in <8.272 '= lon#
an$ )F8 to ) in <).8278.2 '= t!i5% (ut often so'e see$s are un$er7$e&elo1e$ <a(orte$=
an$ &ery t!in. T!e 5ernels are (itter an$ naroti.
C. edulis !as lea&es t!at are usually o'1ose$ of 2 leaflets% #la(rous to sli#!tly 1u(esent
on t!e un$ersi$e% an$ 271arte$ flo-ers. T!e fruit is so'e-!at a11le7li5e e/ternally%
#enerally s'oot!% fairly sy''etrial an$ 8 )F8 to , in <A.827+.2 '= -i$e. C. sapota is
&ery si'ilar (ut t!e lea&es usually !a&e only ,% so'e-!at s'aller% leaflets. T!e -oolly7
lea&e$ -!ite sa1ote usually !as 2 leaflets% lar#er an$ t!i5er t!an t!ose of C. edulis an$
&el&ety7-!ite on t!e un$ersi$e% an$ all t!e 1arts of t!e flo-ers are in .Cs. T!e fruits are
Fi#. .3@ A see$less -!ite sa1ote% natural siBe%
1!oto#ra1!e$ (y Dr. Da&i$ Fair!il$ at Oran#e%
California% in Oto(er )*)*. In !is notes ao'1anyin#
t!e 1iture in &nventory of Seeds and )lants &mported!
No. A6% !e says@ ?It is not rare for trees of t!is
s1eies...'ay often (e $ue to $efeti&e 1ollination.?
<Bureau of "lant In$ustry% Unite$ States De1art'ent of
usually . to . )F8 in <)67)).82 '= -i$e% o&oi$% irre#ular an$ 5no((y% -it! rou#!% 1itte$
s5in% an$ t!ere are often #ritty 1artiles in t!e fles!.
Origin and Distribution
T!e o''on -!ite sa1ote ours (ot! -il$ an$ ulti&ate$ in entral Me/io. It is 1lante$
fre>uently in 4uate'ala% El Sal&a$or an$ Costa Ria an$ is oasionally #ro-n in
nort!ern Sout! A'eria% t!e Ba!a'as% West In$ies% alon# t!e Ri&iera an$ ot!er 1arts of
t!e Me$iterranean re#ion% In$ia an$ t!e East In$ies. It is #ro-n o''erially in t!e
4is(orne $istrit of Ne- Nealan$ an$ to so'e e/tent in Sout! Afria. 0ortiulturists in
Israel too5 serious interest in -!ite sa1otes aroun$ )*,2 an$ 1lante$ a nu'(er of
&arieties. T!e trees #re- -ell an$ 1ro$ue$ little in t!e oastal 1lain9 (ore #oo$ ro1s in
t!e interior an$ o''erial 1ros1ets see'e$ (ri#!t (ut t!e fruit $i$ not a11eal to
onsu'ers an$ -as too attrati&e to fruit flies. W!ite sa1otes !a&e not $one -ell in t!e
"!ili11ines. T!e o''on s1eies -as intro$ue$ into California (y Franisan 'on5s
a(out )3)6% an$ it is still ulti&ate$ on a li'ite$ sale in t!e sout!ern 1art of t!at state. In
Flori$a% it -as first 1lante$ -it! ent!usias'. To$ay it is sel$o' seen outsi$e of fruit tree
olletions. Of ourse% 'any of t!e trees 1lante$ !a&e (een see$lin#s (earin# fruits of
inferior siBe an$ >uality% (ut e&en t!e (est !a&e ne&er attaine$ 1o1ularity in t!is ountry.
C. sapota is -il$ in sout!ern Me/io an$ Niara#ua% o''only ulti&ate$ in Oa/aa an$
C!ia1as. T!e -oolly7lea&e$ -!ite sa1ote is nati&e fro' ;uatan to Costa Ria an$ !as
not (een -i$ely $istri(ute$ in ulti&ation. Aor$in# to C!an$ler% t!e fruits are
o(Detiona(ly (itter in California. In sout!ern Flori$a% t!e -oolly7lea&e$ is so'eti'es
1lante$ in 1referene to C. edulis.
W!ite sa1ote trees often are #ro-n stritly as orna'entals in California. T!ey are 1lante$
as s!a$e for offee 1lantations in Central A'eria.
Clonal seletions -ere 'a$e in California fro' a(out )*8. to )*2.% an$ se&eral also in
Flori$a. So'e of t!ese 'ay atually (e !ane !y(ri$s. A sur1risin# nu'(er !a&e (een
na'e$ an$ 1ro1a#ate$@ CBlu'ent!alC% CC!a1'anC% CCole'anC% CDa$eC% CFlournoyC%
C4allo-ayC% C4illes1ieC% C4ol$enC or CMa/ 4ol$enC% CJo!nstonCs 4ol$enC% C0ar&eyC% CLenBC%
CLo'itaC% CMae!tlenC% CMalt(yC or CNany Malt(yC% CNiesC% C"a#eC% C"arro>uiaC% C"i5eC% CSara!
JonesC% CSue(elleC% or C0u((ellC% CWaltonC% CW!atleyC% CWilsonC% CWoo$C% C;ello-C.
'Cole#an'Y-as one of t!e first na'e$ in California9 fruit is o(late% so'e-!at lo(e$%
furro-e$ at a1e/9 to , in <+.2 '= -i$e9 s5in is yello-7#reen9 fles! of #oo$ fla&or <88K
su#ar= (ut resinous9 see$s s'all. Fruit ri1ens fro' late fall to su''er. Tree so'e-!at
$-arf9 leaflets s'all an$ ten$ to t-ist. Diffiult to 1ro1a#ate.
'Dade'Y#ro-n at t!e A#riultural Resear! an$ E$uation Center% 0o'estea$% Flori$a
fro' a see$ of a selete$ fruit of a loal see$lin# tree. It -as 1lante$ in )*,2 an$ fruite$
in )*,*. Roun$9 s5in #ol$en7yello- tin#e$ -it! #reen% t!in9 fles! of #oo$% non7(itter
fla&or. T!ere are . to 2 see$s. Ri1ens in June7July. T!e tree is lo-7#ro-in# an$
s1rea$in#% -it! s'oot! leaflets.
'Gillespie'Yori#inate$ in California9 fruit is roun$% , in <+.2 '= -i$e9 s5in is li#!t7#reen
-it! russet !ee5% fairly tou#!% rou#!9 fles! is -!ite% of &ery #oo$ fla&or. Tree is 1rolifi
'Golden'% or CMa/ 4ol$enCY-oolly7lea&e$9 fruit onial% $e1resse$ at a1e/9 u1 to . )F8 in
<)).82 '= -i$e9 s5in yello-7#reen% fairly tou#!9 fles! !as stron# fla&or% so'e-!at
(itter9 fe- see$s.
'%ar&ey'Yori#inate$ in California9 roun$9 , )F8 in <* '= -i$e9 s5in s'oot!% yello-7
#reen -it! (ri#!t oran#e !ee59 fles! rea'7olore$ to 1ale7yello-9 not of t!e (est
fla&or. Tree is a 1rolifi (earer.
'Maec!tlen'Yna'e$ for t!e 1arent% an ol$ tree on 1ro1erty o-ne$ (y t!e Mae!tlen
fa'ily in Co&ina% California. "ro1a#ate$ (y (u$$in# an$ sol$ (y nursery'en in t!e
'Maltby'% or CNany Malt(yCYori#inate$ in California9 roun$% faintly furro-e$% (lunt7
1ointe$ at a1e/% (ase sli#!tly ta1ere$9 lar#e9 s5in yello-7#reen% s'oot!% of #oo$ fla&or
(ut sli#!tly (itter. Tree (ears -ell.
'Parro/uia'Yori#inate$ in California9 o&al%
Bael Fruit
Aegle marmelos Correa
syn6 Feronia pellucida 2ot!@ "rataeva marmelos -6
T!ou#! 'ore 1riBe$ for its 'e$iinal &irtues t!an its e$i(le >uality% t!is interestin#
'e'(er of t!e fa'ily Rutaeae is% ne&ert!eless% of suffiient i'1ortane as an e$i(le
fruit to (e inlu$e$ !ere. T!e (ael fruit% Aegle marmelos Correa <syns. Feronia pellucida
Rot!.% Crataeva marmelos L.=% is also
alle$ Ben#al >uine% In$ian >uine%
#ol$en a11le% !oly fruit% stone a11le% bel!
bela! sirphal! maredoo an$ ot!er
$ialetal na'es in In$ia9 matum an$
mapin in T!ailan$9 phneou or pnoi in
Ca'(o$ia9 bau nau in :ietna'9 bila"! or
ma4a pahit in Malaya9 mod4o in Ja&a9
oranger du Malabar in Fren!9
marmelos in "ortu#uese. So'eti'es it is
alle$ ele1!ant a11le% -!i! auses
onfusion -it! a relate$ fruit of t!at
na'e% Feronia limonia S-in#le <>.&.=.
Fi#. .+@ A !ar$7s!elle$ (ael fruit <Aegle marmelos-! of
t!e ty1e &alue$ 'ore for 'e$iinal 1ur1oses t!an for
T!e (ael fruit tree is slo-7#ro-in#% of 'e$iu' siBe% u1 to .6 or 26 ft <)87)2 '= tall -it!
s!ort trun5% t!i5% soft% fla5in# (ar5% an$ s1rea$in#% so'eti'es s1iny (ran!es% t!e lo-er
ones $roo1in#. ;oun# su5ers (ear 'any stiff% strai#!t s1ines. A lear% #u''y sa1%
rese'(lin# #u' ara(i% e/u$es fro' -oun$e$ (ran!es an$ !an#s $o-n in lon# stran$s%
(eo'in# #ra$ually soli$. It is s-eet at first taste an$ t!en irritatin# to t!e t!roat. T!e
$ei$uous% alternate lea&es% (orne sin#ly or in 8Cs or ,Cs% are o'1ose$ of , to 2 o&al%
1ointe$% s!allo-ly toot!e$ leaflets% ) )F8 to . in <.7)6 '= lon#% ,F. to 8 in <872 '=
-i$e% t!e ter'inal one -it! a lon# 1etiole. Ne- folia#e is #lossy an$ 1in5is!7'aroon.
Mature lea&es e'it a $isa#reea(le o$or -!en (ruise$. Fra#rant flo-ers% in lusters of . to
+ alon# t!e youn# (ran!lets% !a&e . reur&e$% fles!y 1etals% #reen outsi$e% yello-is!
insi$e% an$ 26 or 'ore #reenis!7yello- sta'ens. T!e fruit% roun$% 1yrifor'% o&al% or
o(lon#% 8 to 3 in <2786 '= in $ia'eter% 'ay !a&e a t!in% !ar$% -oo$y s!ell or a 'ore or
less soft rin$% #ray7#reen until t!e fruit is fully ri1e% -!en it turns yello-is!. It is $otte$
-it! aro'ati% 'inute oil #lan$s. Insi$e% t!ere is a !ar$ entral ore an$ 3 to 86 faintly
$efine$ trian#ular se#'ents% -it! t!in% $ar57oran#e -alls% fille$ -it! aro'ati% 1ale7
oran#e% 1asty% s-eet% resinous% 'ore or less astrin#ent% 1ul1. E'(e$$e$ in t!e 1ul1 are )6
to )2 see$s% flattene$7o(lon#% a(out ,F3 in <) '= lon#% (earin# -oolly !airs an$ ea!
enlose$ in a sa of a$!esi&e% trans1arent 'uila#e t!at soli$ifies on $ryin#.
Origin and Distribution
T!e tree #ro-s -il$ in $ry forests on !ills an$ 1lains of entral an$ sout!ern In$ia an$
Bur'a% "a5istan an$ Ban#la$es!% also in 'i/e$ $ei$uous an$ $ry $i1teroar1 forests of
for'er Fren! In$o!ina. Mention !as (een foun$ in -ritin#s $atin# (a5 to 366 B.C. It
is ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out In$ia% 'ainly in te'1le #ar$ens% (eause of its status as a sare$
tree9 also in Ceylon an$ nort!ern Malaya% t!e $rier areas of Ja&a% an$ to a li'ite$ e/tent
on nort!ern LuBon in t!e "!ili11ine Islan$s -!ere it first fruite$ in )*).. It is #ro-n in
so'e E#y1tian #ar$ens% an$ in Surina' an$ Trini$a$. See$s -ere sent fro' La!ore to
Dr. Walter T. S-in#le in )*6* <".I. No. 8..26=. S1ei'ens !a&e (een 'aintaine$ in
itrus olletions in Flori$a an$ in a#riulture resear! stations (ut t!e tree !as ne&er
(een #ro-n for its fruit in t!is state e/e1t (y Dr. Da&i$ Fair!il$ at !is !o'e% t!e
?Ja'1on#?% in Coonut 4ro&e% after !e a>uire$ a taste for it% ser&e$ -it! Da##ery <1al'
su#ar=% in Ceylon.
T!e (ael fruit tree is a su(tro1ial s1eies. In t!e "unDa(% it #ro-s u1 to an altitu$e of
.%666 ft <)%866 '= -!ere t!e te'1erature rises to )86V F <.3.3*V C= in t!e s!a$e in
su''er an$ $esen$s to 86V F <7A.A+V C= in t!e -inter% an$ 1rolon#e$ $rou#!ts our. It
-ill not fruit -!ere t!ere is no lon#% $ry season% as in sout!ern Malaya.
T!e (ael fruit is sai$ to $o (est on ri!% -ell7$raine$ soil% (ut it !as #ro-n -ell an$
fruite$ on t!e ooliti li'estone of sout!ern Flori$a. Aor$in# to L. B. Sin#! <)*A)=% it
?#ro-s -ell in s-a'1y% al5aline or stony soils?. . . ?#ro-s lu/uriantly in t!e soils !a&in#
10 ran#e fro' 2 to 3?. In In$ia it !as t!e re1utation of t!ri&in# -!ere ot!er fruit trees
annot sur&i&e.
One estee'e$% lar#e ulti&ar -it! t!in rin$ an$ fe- see$s is 5no-n as '(ag!5i'. Dr. L.B.
Sin#! an$ o7-or5ers at t!e 0ortiultural Resear! Institute% Sa!aran1ur% In$ia% sur&eye$
(ael fruit trees in Uttar "a$es!% sreene$ a(out )66 see$lin#s% selete$ as t!e 'ost
1ro'isin# for o''erial 1lantin#@ 'Mit5apuri'@ 'Daroga4i'@ 'O4!a'@ '2a#puri'@
'A5a#ati'@ '(!a#aria'6 Rate$ t!e (est -as CMitBa1uriC% -it! &ery t!in rin$% (rea5a(le
-it! sli#!t 1ressure of t!e t!u'(% 1ul1 of fine te/ture% free of #u'% of e/ellent fla&or%
an$ ontainin# fe- see$s.
S.J. Roy% in )*+2% re1orte$ on t!e e/tre'e &aria(ility of 8. ulti&ars ollete$ in A#ra%
Calutta% Del!i an$ :aranasi. 0e $ei$e$ t!at seletions s!oul$ (e 'a$e for !i#! su#ar
ontent an$ lo- le&els of 'uila#e% tannin an$ ot!er 1!enolis.
Only t!e s'all% !ar$7s!elle$ ty1e is 5no-n in Flori$a an$ t!is !as to (e sa-e$ o1en%
ra5e$ -it! a !a''er% or flun# forefully a#ainst a ro5. Fruits of t!is ty1e are stan$ar$
for 'e$iinal uses rat!er t!an for onsu'in# as nor'al foo$.
T!e (ael fruit is o''only #ro-n fro' see$ in nurseries an$ trans1lante$ into t!e fiel$.
See$lin#s s!o- #reat &ariation in for'% siBe% te/ture of rin$% >uantity an$ >uality of 1ul1
an$ nu'(er of see$s. T!e fla&or ran#es fro' $isa#reea(le to 1leasant. T!erefore%
su1erior ty1es 'ust (e 'ulti1lie$ &e#etati&ely. L.B. Sin#! a!ie&e$ 36K to *2K suess
in )*2. -!en !e (u$$e$ )7'ont!7ol$ s!oots onto 87year7ol$ see$lin# (ael rootsto5s in
t!e 'ont! of June. E/1eri'ental s!iel$7(u$$in# onto relate$ s1eies of Afraegle an$ onto
S,inglea glutinosa Merr. !as (een suessful. Oasionally% air7layers or root uttin#s
!a&e (een use$ for 1ro1a#ation.
T!e tree !as no e/atin# ultural re>uire'ents% $oin# -ell -it! a 'ini'u' of fertiliBer
an$ irri#ation. T!e s1ain# in or!ar$s is 82 to ,6 ft <A7* '= (et-een trees. See$lin#s
(e#in to (ear in A to + years% &e#etati&ely 1ro1a#ate$ trees in 2 years. Full 1ro$ution is
rea!e$ in )2 years. In In$ia flo-erin# ours in A1ril an$ May soon after t!e ne- lea&es
a11ear an$ t!e fruit ri1ens in )6 to )) 'ont!s fro' (loo'YMar! to June of t!e
follo-in# year.
Nor'ally% t!e fruit is !ar&este$ -!en yello-is!7#reen an$ 5e1t for 3 $ays -!ile it loses
its #reen tint. T!en t!e ste' rea$ily se1arates fro' t!e fruit. T!e fruits an (e !ar&este$
in January <8 to , 'ont!s (efore full 'aturity= an$ ri1ene$ artifiially in )3 to 8. $ays (y
treat'ent -it! )%666 to )%266 11' et!rel <87!loroet!ane 1!os1!oni ai$= an$ stora#e at
3AV F <,6V C=. Care is nee$e$ in !ar&estin# an$ !an$lin# to a&oi$ ausin# ra5s in t!e
A tree 'ay yiel$ as 'any as 366 fruits in a season (ut an a&era#e ro1 is )26 to 866% or%
in t!e (etter ulti&ars% u1 to .66.
(eeping )uality
Nor'ally7!ar&este$ (ael fruits an (e !el$ for 8 -ee5s at 3AV F <,6V C=% . 'ont!s at .3.8V
F <*V C=. T!ereafter% 'ol$ is li5ely to $e&elo1 at t!e ste'7en$ an$ any ra5 in t!e rin$.
Pests and Diseases
T!e (ael fruit see's to (e relati&ely free fro' 1ests an$ $iseases e/e1t for t!e fun#i
ausin# $eterioration in stora#e.
Food *ses
Bael fruits 'ay (e ut in !alf% or t!e soft ty1es (ro5en o1en% an$ t!e 1ul1% $resse$ -it!
1al' su#ar% eaten for (rea5fast% as is a o''on 1ratie in In$onesia. T!e 1ul1 is often
1roesse$ as netar or ?s>uas!? <$ilute$ netar=. A 1o1ular $rin5 <alle$ ?s!er(et? in
In$ia= is 'a$e (y (eatin# t!e see$e$ 1ul1 to#et!er -it! 'il5 an$ su#ar. A (e&era#e is
also 'a$e (y o'(inin# (ael fruit 1ul1 -it! t!at of ta'arin$. T!ese $rin5s are onsu'e$
1er!a1s less as foo$ or refres!'ent t!an for t!eir 'e$iinal effets.
Mature (ut still unri1e fruits are 'a$e into Da'% -it! t!e a$$ition of itri ai$. T!e 1ul1
is also on&erte$ into 'ar'ala$e or siru1% li5e-ise for (ot! foo$ an$ t!era1euti use% t!e
'ar'ala$e (ein# eaten at (rea5fast (y t!ose on&alesin# fro' $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery.
A fir' Delly is 'a$e fro' t!e 1ul1 alone% or% (etter still% o'(ine$ -it! #ua&a to 'o$ify
t!e astrin#ent fla&or. T!e 1ul1 is also 1i5le$.
Bael 1ul1 is stee1e$ in -ater% straine$% 1reser&e$ -it! ,26 11' S6
% (len$e$ -it! ,6K
su#ar% t!en $e!y$rate$ for )2 !rs at )86V F <.3.3*V C= an$ 1ul&eriBe$. T!e 1o-$er is
enri!e$ -it! AA '# 1er )66 # asor(i ai$ an$ an (e store$ for , 'ont!s for use in
'a5in# ol$ $rin5s <?s>uas!es?=. A onfetion% (ael fruit toffee% is 1re1are$ (y
o'(inin# t!e 1ul1 -it! su#ar% #luose% s5i' 'il5 1o-$er an$ !y$ro#enate$ fat. In$ian
foo$ te!nolo#ists &ie- t!e 1ros1ets for e/1an$e$ (ael fruit 1roessin# as !i#!ly
T!e youn# lea&es an$ s!oots are eaten as a &e#eta(le in T!ailan$ an$ use$ to season foo$
in In$onesia. T!ey are sai$ to re$ue t!e a11etite. An infusion of t!e flo-ers is a oolin#
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?
Water 2..*A7A).2 #
"rotein ).378.A8 #
Fat 6.876.,* #
Car(o!y$rates 83.))7,).3 #
As! ).6.7).+ #
Carotene 22 '#
T!ia'ine 6.), '#
Ri(ofla&in ).)* '#
Niain ).) '#
Asor(i Ai$ 37A6 '#
Tartari Ai$ 8.)) '#
LFres! (ael fruit% as analyBe$ in In$ia an$ in t!e "!ili11ines.
T!e 1ul1 also ontains a (alsa'7li5e su(stane% an$ 8 furoou'arins71soralen an$
'ar'elosin <C
=% !i#!est in t!e 1ul1 of t!e lar#e% ulti&ate$ for's.
T!ere is as 'u! as *K tannin in t!e 1ul1 of -il$ fruits% less in t!e ulti&ate$ ty1es. T!e
rin$ ontains u1 to 86K. Tannin is also 1resent in t!e lea&es% as is s5i''ianine.
T!e essential oil of t!e lea&es ontains d7li'onene% 2AK a7$71!ellan$rene% ineol%
itronellal% itral9 )+K 17yrnene% 2K u'in al$e!y$e. T!e lea&es ontain t!e al5aloi$s
67<,%,7$i'et!ylallyl=7!alfor$inol% %787et!o/y787<.7'et!o/y1!enyl= et!ylinna'i$e% %7
87'et!o/y787P.7<,C%,C7$i'et!yallo/y= 1!enyllRet!ylinna'i$e% an$ %787'et!o/y787<.7
T!e lea&es are sai$ to ause a(ortion an$ sterility in -o'en. T!e (ar5 is use$ as a fis!
1oison in t!e Cele(es. Tannin% in#este$ fre>uently an$ in >uantity o&er a lon# 1erio$ of
ti'e% is antinutrient an$ arino#eni.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, T!e fruit 1ul1 !as $eter#ent ation an$ !as (een use$ for -as!in# lot!es.
Huisu'(in# says t!at (ael fruit is e'1loye$ to eli'inate su' in &ine#ar7'a5in#. T!e
#u' en&elo1in# t!e see$s is 'ost a(un$ant in -il$ fruits an$ es1eially -!en t!ey are
unri1e. It is o''only use$ as a !ouse!ol$ #lue an$ is e'1loye$ as an a$!esi&e (y
De-elers. So'eti'es it is resorte$ to as a soa17su(stitute. It is 'i/e$ -it! li'e 1laster for
-ater1roofin# -ells an$ is a$$e$ to e'ent -!en (uil$in# -alls. Artists a$$ it to t!eir
-aterolors% an$ it 'ay (e a11lie$ as a 1roteti&e oatin# on 1aintin#s.
T!e li'onene7ri! oil !as (een $istille$ fro' t!e rin$ for sentin# !air oil. T!e s!ell of
!ar$ fruits !as (een fas!ione$ into 1ill7 an$ snuff (o/es% so'eti'es $eorate$ -it! #ol$
an$ sil&er. T!e rin$ of t!e unri1e fruit is e'1loye$ in tannin# an$ also yiel$s a yello-
$ye for alio an$ sil5 fa(ris.
-ea&es, In t!e 0in$u ulture% t!e lea&es are in$is1ensa(le offerin#s to t!e CLor$ S!i&aC.
T!e lea&es an$ t-i#s are lo11e$ for fo$$er.
Flowers, A olo#ne is o(taine$ (y $istillation fro' t!e flo-ers.
1ood, T!e -oo$ is stron#ly aro'ati -!en fres!ly ut. It is #ray7-!ite% !ar$% (ut not
$ura(le9 !as (een use$ for arts an$ onstrution% t!ou#! it is inline$ to -ar1 an$ ra5
$urin# urin#. It is (est utiliBe$ for ar&in#% s'all7sale turnery% tool an$ 5nife !an$les%
1estles an$ o'(s% ta5in# a fine 1olis!.
Medicinal *ses, T!e fres! ri1e 1ul1 of t!e !i#!er >uality ulti&ars% an$ t!e ?s!er(et?
'a$e fro' it% are ta5en for t!eir 'il$ la/ati&e% toni an$ $i#esti&e effets. A $eotion of
t!e unri1e fruit% -it! fennel an$ #in#er% is 1resri(e$ in ases of !e'orr!oi$s. It !as (een
sur'ise$ t!at t!e 1soralen in t!e 1ul1 inreases tolerane of sunli#!t an$ ai$s in t!e
'aintainin# of nor'al s5in olor. It is e'1loye$ in t!e treat'ent of leuo$er'a.
Mar'elosin $eri&e$ fro' t!e 1ul1 is #i&en as a la/ati&e an$ $iureti. In lar#e $oses% it
lo-ers t!e rate of res1iration% $e1resses !eart ation an$ auses slee1iness.
For 'e$iinal use% t!e youn# fruits% -!ile still ten$er% are o''only slie$ !oriBontally
an$ sun7$rie$ an$ sol$ in loal 'ar5ets. T!ey are 'u! e/1orte$ to Malaya an$ Euro1e.
Beause of t!e astrin#eny% es1eially of t!e -il$ fruits% t!e unri1e (ael is 'ost 1riBe$ as
a 'eans of !altin# $iarr!ea an$ $ysentery% -!i! are 1re&alent in In$ia in t!e su''er
'ont!s. Bael fruit -as resorte$ to (y t!e "ortu#uese in t!e East In$ies in t!e )266Cs an$
(y t!e Britis! olonials in later ti'es.
A (itter% li#!t7yello- oil e/trate$ fro' t!e see$s is #i&en in ).2 # $oses as a 1ur#ati&e. It
ontains )2.AK 1al'iti ai$% 3.,K steari ai$% 83.+K linolei an$ +.AK linoleni ai$.
T!e see$ resi$ue ontains +6K 1rotein.
T!e (itter% 1un#ent leaf Duie% 'i/e$ -it! !oney% is #i&en to allay atarr! an$ fe&er. Wit!
(la5 1e11er a$$e$% it is ta5en to relie&e Daun$ie an$ onsti1ation ao'1anie$ (y
e$e'a. T!e leaf $eotion is sai$ to alle&iate ast!'a. A !ot 1oultie of t!e lea&es is
onsi$ere$ an effeti&e treat'ent for o1!t!a!nia an$ &arious infla''ations% also fe(rile
$eliriu' an$ aute (ron!itis.
A $eotion of t!e flo-ers is use$ as eye lotion an$ #i&en as an antie'eti. T!e (ar5
ontains tannin an$ t!e ournarin% ae#elinol9 also t!e furoour'arin% 'ar'esin9
u'(elliferone% a !y$ro/y ou'arin9 an$ t!e al5aloi$s% fa#arine an$ s5i''ianine. T!e
(ar5 $eotion is a$'inistere$ in ases of 'alaria. Deotions of t!e root are ta5en to
relie&e 1al1itations of t!e !eart% in$i#estion% an$ (o-el infla''ations9 also to o&ero'e
T!e fruit% roots an$ lea&es !a&e anti(ioti ati&ity. T!e root% lea&es an$ (ar5 are use$ in
treatin# sna5e(ite. C!e'ial stu$ies !a&e re&eale$ t!e follo-in# 1ro1erties in t!e roots@
1soralen% /ant!oto/in% 67'et!ylso1oletin% so1oletin% te'(a'i$e% an$ s5i''in9 also
$eursinol% !a1lo1ine an$ ae#elinol% in t!e root (ar5.

Pe4ibaye APeewa!B
!actris gasipaes
0i#!ly re#ar$e$ to$ay as a soure of nutritious foo$% t!e 1eDi(aye% Bactris gasipaes 0BJ.
<syns. B. speciosa Jarst.9 5uilielma gasipaes L.0. Bailey9 5. speciosa Mart.9 5. utilis
Orst.=% fa'ily "al'ae% is also alle$ 1ea! 1al'. It is 5no-n as pe4ivalle in Costa Ria9
1ea!7nut% pe,a or pupunha in Trini$a$9 piva in "ana'a9 cachipay! chichagai!
chichaguai! contaruro! chonta! choritadura! chenga! 4i4irre! pi4iguay! pipire! piri4ao!
pupunha! or tenga in Colo'(ia9 bobi! cachipaes! rnacanilla! melocoton! pichiguao!
pihiguao! pi4iguao! piriguao! or pixabay in :eneBuela9 comer! chonta! an$ tempe in
Boli&ia9 chonta dura! chonta ruru! pi4uanyo! pifuayo! sara#pifuayo! pisho#guayo in "eru9
amana! in Surina'9 parepon in Fren! 4uiana9 popunha in BraBil.
T!e 1al' is eret% -it! a sin#le slen$er ste' or% 'ore often% se&eral ste's to 3 in <86 '=
t!i5% in a luster9 #enerally ar'e$ -it! stiff% (la5 s1ines in irular ro-s fro' t!e (ase
to t!e su''it. T!ere are oasional s1ei'ens -it! only a fe- s1ines. T!e 1eDi(aye
attains a !ei#!t of A2 to )66 ft <86 ,6 '= an$ usually 1ro$ues su5ers freely. T!e lea&es%
-it! s!ort% s1iny 1etioles% are 1innate% a(out 3 to )8 ft <8..7,.A '= lon#% -it! 'any linear%
1ointe$ leaflets to 8 ft <A6 '= lon# an$ ) )F. in <,.8 '= -i$e9 $ar5 #reen a(o&e% 1ale
(eneat!% s1iny on t!e &eins. T!e infloresene% at first enlose$ in a s1iny s1at!e% is
o'1ose$ of slen$er rae'es 3 to )8 in <867,6 '= lon# on -!i! t!e yello-is! 'ale
an$ fe'ale flo-ers are 'in#le$ e/e1t for t!e ter'inal fe- in!es -!ere t!ere are only
'ale flo-ers.
T!e fruit% !an#in# in lusters of 26 to )66 or so'eti'es as 'any as ,66% -ei#!in# 82 l(s
<)) 5#= or 'ore% is yello- to oran#e or sarlet% yello-7an$7re$% or (ro-nis! at first%
turnin# 1ur1le -!en fully ri1e. It is o&oi$% o(late% ylin$rial or onial% ) to 8 in <8.272
'= lon#% u11e$ at t!e (ase (y a #reen% leat!ery% ,71ointe$ aly/. A sin#le ste' 'ay
(ear 2 or A lusters at a ti'e. T!e s5in is t!in% t!e fles! yello- to li#!t7oran#e% s-eet%
oasionally -it! a trae of (itterness% $ry an$ 'ealy. So'e fruits are see$less. Nor'ally
t!ere is a sin#le onial see$ ,F. in <8 '= lon#% -it! a !ar$% t!in s!ell an$ a -!ite% oily%
oonut7fla&ore$ 5ernel. Rarely one fin$s 8 fuse$ see$s.
Origin and Distribution
T!is useful 1al' is a11arently in$i#enous to A'aBonian areas of Colo'(ia% Eua$or%
"eru an$ BraBil% (ut it !as (een ulti&ate$ an$ $istri(ute$ (y In$ians fro' anient ti'es
an$ is so o''only naturaliBe$ as an esa1e t!at its natural (oun$aries are o(sure. Of
1re!istori intro$ution into Costa Ria% it is 1lentiful in a see'in#ly -il$ state of t!e
Atlanti si$e of t!at ountry an$ also 'u! ulti&ate$. E&ery In$ian $-ellin# !as a 1at!
of 1eDi(aye 1al's. T!e 1al' !as also (een 1lante$ as 1artial s!a$e for offee. It is not as
o''on any-!ere else in Central A'eria% t!ou#! it is fairly a(un$ant in Niara#ua%
0on$uras an$ 4uate'ala% an$ !as lon# (een #ro-n in o''erial 1lots in "ana'a to
furnis! fruits for loal 'ar5ets. In Colo'(ia an$ "eru% #reat >uantities of t!e fruits a11ear
in t!e 'ar5ets an$ &en$ors sell t!e' alon# t!e streets. T!ere are lar#e stan$s of t!is 1al'
in t!e Orinoo re#ion of :eneBuela an$ e>uatorial BraBil. T!e In$ians of Colo'(ia an$
Eua$or !ol$ festi&als -!en t!e 1eDi(ayes are in season% t!ou#! in t!e latter ountry t!e
fruits are &alue$ 'ore as fee$ for li&esto5 t!an as foo$ for !u'ans.
T!e Unite$ States De1art'ent of A#riulture reei&e$ see$s fro' Costa Ria in )*86
<S.".I. O26A+*=% (ut t!ose in t!e first lot !a$ lost &ia(ility. T!e Unite$ Fruit Co'1any
s!i11e$ -!ole fruits (ut t!ey fer'ente$ en route an$ -ere 'ista5enly t!ro-n o&er(oar$
at Ne- ;or5% t!e ste&e$ores not (ein# a-are t!at t!ey -ere i'1orte$ only for t!eir see$s.
Anot!er s!i1'ent -as 'a$e -it! a$e>uate instrutions an$ )%666 see$lin#s -ere #ro-n
in #reen!ouses in Marylan$ an$ $istri(ute$. To$ay t!ere are sattere$ s1ei'ens in
sout!ern Flori$a% Cu(a% "uerto Rio an$ Trini$a$. T!e 1al' -as intro$ue$ into t!e
"!ili11ines in )*8.. In t!e )*+6Cs% t!e 1ossi(ility of #ro-in# 1eDi(ayes in In$ia -as
ins1ire$ (y settlers of East In$ian linea#e in Trini$a$ an$ Sout! A'eria -!o 1ro$ue
an$ sell t!e fruits. In )*+3% BraBilian !ortiulturists un$ertoo5 a stu$y to $eter'ine t!e
feasi(ility of esta(lis!in# 1eDi(aye 1lantations in t!e State of Sao "aulo -it! a &ie- to
e/1loitin# t!e fruit an$ t!e tenninal (u$ <!eart% or palmito-. T!ere !as (een 'u! interest
#enerate$ in reent years in t!e ulti&ation of t!e 1al' solely for its !earts -!i! are of
!i#! >uality. Costa Ria is a lea$er in t!is enter1rise an$ t!ere t!e !earts are (ein# anne$
T!ere is 'u! &ariation in for'% siBe%
olor an$ >uality of t!e fruits. So'e
-it! lon#itu$inal sars +pe4ibaye
rayodo- are onsi$ere$ of su1erior
>uality. T!ese sars in$iate lo- -ater
ontent% fir'ness an$ a 'ini'u' of
fi(er in t!e fles!. In Costa Ria t!ere are
1al's t!at (ear lusters !a&in# a
'aDority of see$less fruits. T!ese are
alle$ pe4ibaye macho <'ale 1eDi(aye=
an$ are 'u! 1riBe$. It !as (een foun$
in sur&eys t!at only ,6 to A6 1al's in a see$lin# 1lantin# of .66 -ill yiel$ !i#!#ra$e
fruit. As 'any as )66 'ay yiel$ fruit of su! lo- >uality t!at it is not 'ar5eta(le for
!u'an onsu'1tion.
In reent years% #er'1las' olletions !a&e (een initiate$ in Costa Ria% "ana'a%
Colo'(ia an$ BraBil% an$ t!ere is a #reat 1otential for ro1 i'1ro&e'ent an$
stan$ar$iBation. S1ineless for's +tapire-! es1eially% are (ein# sou#!t for (ree$in#
T!e 1eDi(aye re>uires a tro1ial li'ate. It is #enerally restrite$ to ele&ations (elo-
A%666 ft <)%366 '=. Fruitin# is re$ue$ a(o&e 2%666 ft <)%266 '=. T!e i$eal a&era#e
annual te'1erature ran#es (et-een A...I an$ +2.8IF <)3I78.IC=. At lo- ele&ations -it!
e/essi&e rainfall% t!e 1al' annot suee$. O1ti'u' rainfall is +3 to )2A in <8667.66
'=% rat!er e&enly $istri(ute$ t!e year aroun$.
T!e 1al' $oes -ell e&en on 1oor soils (ut t!ri&es (est on fertile% -ell $raine$ lan$. In a
fa&ora(le 1ro$uin# re#ion of Costa Ria% t!e soil &aries fro' lay loa' to nearly 1ure
lay. 0o-e&er% ri1arian% allu&ial soils are $ee'e$ 'ost $esira(le.
T!e 1eDi(a&e is #ro-n fro' see$ or fro' su5ers. See$s an (e s!a$e7$rie$ for a fe-
!ours% 1a5e$ in 'oist s1!a#nu' 'oss or !aroal an$ s!i11e$ to any 1art of t!e -orl$.
W!en 1lante$% t!ey -ill #er'inate in , 'ont!s. ;oun# 1lants 'ust (e 1rotete$ fro'
ants -!i! -ill $estroy t!e ten$er s!oots.
T!e 1al' #ro-s ra1i$ly an$ rea!es ., ft <), '= in )6 to )2 years. At lo- altitu$es%
see$lin#s (e#in to (ear in A to 3 years. In ool re#ions% (earin# 'ay not (e#in until t!e
1lant is )6 to )8 years ol$. "ro$uti&e life is sai$ to (e 26 to +2 years.
In fruit 1lantations% t!e 1al's are set 86 ft <A '= a1art. After a fe- years t!e su5ers
e'er#e an$ only 8 to . are allo-e$ to re'ain to 'aturity. W!en t!ey are . to A ft <).87).3
'= !i#! an$ a(out , in <+.2 '= t!i5 at t!e (ase% e/ess su5ers are ta5en u1% ut (a5
se&erely% 5e1t in t!e s!a$e an$ -atere$ until ne- roots are for'e$% an$ t!en trans1lante$
to ne- loations. Wee$in# is $one 8 or , ti'es a year.
For t!e 1ro$ution of 1al' !earts% t!e s1ain# is loser% fro' 2 to )6 ft <).27, '=% as t!e
ter'inal (u$s an (e !ar&este$ in 8 )F8 to , years. Resear!ers !a&e foun$ t!at an
a11liation of flurenol <)6 11'= -ill in$ue for'ation of lateral s!oots. At 866 11'%
s!oot #ro-t! is in!i(ite$.
In Colo'(ia% t!e fruits of ulti&ate$ 1al's 'ature in January an$ Fe(ruary. Wil$ 1al's
'ay (ear t-ie a year. T!ere are 8 ro1s a year in Trini$a$% one -it!out see$s% t!e ot!er
-it! see$s. In Costa Ria% t!e flo-ers a11ear in A1ril% May an$ June in t!e lo-lan$s%
later in t!e !i#!lan$s% an$ fruits 'ature fro' Se1te'(er to A1ril.
Beause of t!e s1ines on t!e ste's% t!e fruits are 5no5e$ $o-n -it! lon# 1oles or
!ar&este$ -it! lon# 1oles e>ui11e$ -it! utters% unless la$$ers are a&aila(le an$ t!e
(un!es an (e ut intat an$ lo-ere$ (y ro1e. If t!e (un! is $ro11e$ $o-n% it is au#!t
in a leaf7line$ sa5 !el$ (y 8 'en% or 'ay lan$ on a $ee1 1ile of (anana lea&es. W!en t!e
1al' #ets too tall% t!e far'er usually uts it $o-n to o(tain t!e fruits an$ t!e !eart. If !e
is fortunate enou#! to !a&e a nu'(er of nearly s1ineless 1al's% t!e s1ines an (e
tri''e$ off an$ t!e 1al' an (e li'(e$. If all t!e s1ines are ut off t!e s1iny trun5s% t!e
1al' -ill $ie% (ut 2 to 3 ft <).2 8.2 '= of trun5 an (e $es1ine$ safely. S1eial #ear of
ro1e an$ stirru1s !as (een $e&ise$ to failitate li'(in#. T!en% too% if t!e 1al's !a&e
sin#le trun5s an$ are lose enou#! to#et!er% t!e -or5er nee$ li'( only e&ery ot!er tree%
usin# a s1eially e>ui11e$ 1ole to ut (un!es fro' t!e nei#!(orin# tree. Jo!annessen
<)*AA= 1ro&i$es $etails of t!e 'o$es of !an$lin# t!e ro1 an$ t!e eono'i role of t!e
1eDi(aye in t!e li&es of Costa Rian far'ers.
In t!e 1erio$ )*.3 to )*A, in Costa Ria% t!e !ar&estin# ost -as alulate$ as
re1resentin# ))..K of t!e total as! &alue of t!e ro1. 0unter <)*A*= !as $e&elo1e$ $ata
s!o-in# t!at% effiiently 'ana#e$% t!e 1eDi(aye ro1% in ter's of finanial return to t!e
#ro-er% o'1ares fa&ora(ly -it! 'aiBe <orn=.
A 1al' -it! . or 2 ste's 'ay 1ro$ue )26 l(s <A3 5#= of fruit in a season.
(eeping )uality
Un$a'a#e$% ra- fruits 5ee1 in #oo$ on$ition in a $ry at'os1!ere -it! #oo$ air
irulation for a lon# ti'e% #ra$ually $e!y$ratin#. Rou#!ly !an$le$ an$ (ruise$ fruits
fer'ent in only , to . $ays. T!e oo5e$ fruits% as o''only 'ar5ete$% an (e !el$ for 2
or A $ays. In refri#erate$ stora#e at ,2.AI to .)IF <8I72IC=% unoo5e$ fruits an (e 5e1t
for A -ee5s -it! a 'ini'u' of $e!y$ration or s1oila#e.
Pests and Diseases
In Costa Ria% a ste' (orer% Metamasius hemipterus! so'eti'es 1enetrates t!e stal5 of
t!e fruit luster% ausin# t!e fruits to rot. T!ere !a&e (een no re1orts of $iseases atta5in#
t!e 1al'. Fruits inDure$ $urin# !ar&estin# or trans1ort are soon in&a$e$ (y rot7in$uin#
Food *ses
T!e fruit is austi in its natural state. It is o''only (oile$9 in fat% it is usto'ary to
(oil t!e fruits for , !ours in salte$ -ater% so'eti'es -it! fat 1or5 a$$e$% (efore
'ar5etin#. Boilin# auses t!e fles! to se1arate easily fro' t!e see$ an$ usually t!e s5in
as -ell% t!ou#! in so'e &arieties t!e s5in a$!eres to t!e fles! e&en after oo5in#. It is
only neessary to re'o&e t!e s5in fro' t!e oo5e$ fles! -!i! an t!en (e eaten out7of7
!an$. T!e 1re7(oile$ fruit is so'eti'es $ee17frie$ or roaste$ an$ ser&e$ as a sna5
#arnis!e$ -it! 'ayonnaise or a !eese7$i1. It is also 'i/e$ -it! orn'eal% e##s an$ 'il5
an$ frie$% an$ is often e'1loye$ as stuffin# for roaste$ fo-l. Oasionally it is 'a$e into
Da'. O&en $rie$ fruits !a&e (een 5e1t for A 'ont!s an$ t!en (oile$ for !alf an !our
-!i! auses t!e' to re#ain t!eir !arateristi te/ture an$ fla&or. "eele$% see$e$% !al&e$
fruits% anne$ in (rine% !a&e (een e/1orte$ to t!e Unite$ States. Drie$ fruits an (e
#roun$ into flour for use in &arious $is!es. A stron# alo!oli $rin5 is 'a$e (y allo-in#
t!e ra-% su#are$ fles! to stan$ for a fe- $ays until it fer'ents. T!is is 1ro!i(ite$ in so'e
1arts of tro1ial A'eria.
;oun# flo-ers 'ay (e !o11e$ an$ a$$e$ to o'elettes. T!e oo5e$ see$s are eaten li5e
!estnuts (ut are !ar$ an$ onsi$ere$ $iffiult to $i#est.
T!e 1al' !eart is e/ellent ra- or oo5e$. It is ser&e$ in sala$s or 1re1are$ -it! e##s
an$ &e#eta(les in a asserole. It is a tra$itional foo$ of t!e In$ians an$ its !ar&estin# !as
#reatly re$ue$ t!e stan$s of -il$ 1al's.
Food Value
One a&era#e 1eDi(aye fruit ontains )%6*A alories. Analyses 'a$e in 0on$uras an$
Costa Ria s!o- t!e follo-in# &alues for )66 # of ri1e fles! an$ s5in o'(ine$@
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion
Moisture ,A..7A6.* #
"rotein 6.,.676.A,, #
Fat ,.)673.)+ #
Cru$e Fi(er 6.37).. #
As! 6.+87).A. #
Caliu' 3.*7.6.. '#
"!os1!orus ,,.2722.8 '#
Iron 6.3278.82 '#
Carotene 6.8*678.+A6 '#
T!ia'ine 6.6,+76.6+6 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6**76.)2. '#
Niain 6.AA+7).*.2 '#
Asor(i Ai$ )..37.).. '#
T!e 1rotein ontains + of t!e 3 essential a'ino ai$s@ t!reonine 8.2KF#FN9 &aline% 8.+K9
'et!ionine% ).,K9 isoleuine% ).+K leuine% 8.AK: 1!enylalanine% ).,K9 lysine% ..AK9
an$ )6 ot!ers. Tests for try1to1!an !a&e #i&en ne#ati&e results.
T!e follo-in# a11ro/i'ate &alues are s!o-n for t!e see$ 5ernels 1er )66 #@ 'oisture
<loss at 8)8IF P)66ICR=% A.*K9 1rotein <N / A.82=% 3.3K9 fat% ,).,K9 ru$e fi(er% )3.8K9
star! <(y ai$ !y$rolysis=% 86.3K9 as!% ).*K9 un$eter'ine$ 'aterial% )8.)K.
Ot!er *ses
Fruit, E/ess fruits an$ 1eelin#s are use$ as fee$ for 1oultry an$ 1i#s.
-ea&es, Leaflets stri11e$ off for (etter &isi(ility in !ar&estin# are fe$ to li&esto5. T!e
lea&es !a&e (een i'1ortent for t!at!in# !uts.
$ap, T!e trun5 'ay (e ta11e$ for sa1 -!i! is fer'ente$ into -ine.
Bark, T!e (ar5 is 1eele$ off in one 1iee% $es1ine$ an$ use$ li5e an&as to 'a5e a
su(stitute for a flat s1rin# in a ru$e (e$ or (un5.
1ood, T!e $ar5 (ro-n -oo$ is &ery !ar$ (ut elasti an$ ta5es a #oo$ 1olis!. It !as (een
use$ for s1ears% In$ian satires% (o-s% arro-!ea$s% staffs an$ -al5in# sti5s. More 'o$ern
uses are si$in# for !ouses% &eneer an$ tool !an$les. S'all 1iees are fas!ione$ into
s1in$les an$ ot!er 1arts use$ in -ea&in#. S1lit trun5s are use$ as -ater trou#!s.
Ota!eite 4oose(erry
Ota!eite Gooseberry A$our C!erryB
Phyllanthus acidus $keels
Phyllanthus !istichus Muell. *rg.
Cicca aci!a Merr.
Cicca !isticha L.

Totally unli5e a #oose(erry e/e1t for its ai$ity% t!e Ota!eite #oose(erry% )hyllanthus
acidus S5eels <syns. ). distichus Muell. Ar#.9 Cicca acida Merr.9 C. disticha L.=% is
anot!er of t!e fe- 'e'(ers of t!e fa'ily Eu1!or(iaeae !a&in# e$i(le fruit. It !as (een
-i$ely $istri(ute$ an$ is &ariously 5no-n as Malay #oose(erry% ountry #oose(erry%
cheremai! chermela! chamin#chamin! or "emangor <Malaya=9 cherme! t4erme! or t4areme
<Ja&a=9 cherimbillier! tam duot! chum ruot <:ietna'=9 mayom <T!ailan$=9 ma"#nhom
<Laos=9 star #oose(erry% West In$ia #oose(erry% 4imbling! chalmeri! harpharori <In$ia.=9
iba <"!ili11ines=9 ciruela corteBa! manzana estrella <Me/io=% pimienta or guinda <El
Sal&a$or=9 grosella <Costa Ria% Cu(a% 4uate'ala% Niara#ua=9 groselha <BraBil=9
groseillier des Antilles <Fren! West In$ies=9 cereza amarilla! cerezo comun! cerezo de
la tierra <"uerto Rio=9 cerezo agrio <:eneBuela=9 cerezo occidental <Cu(a=9 -il$ 1lu'
<BeliBe% ;uatan=9 cheramina! 4imbling! s!ort 4imbelin <Ja'aia=.
T!is is a urious an$ orna'ental s!ru( or
tree% A )F8 to ,6 ft <87* '= !i#!% -it!
s1rea$in#% $ense% (us!y ro-n of
t!i5is!% rou#!% 'ain (ran!es% in
#eneral as1et rese'(lin# t!e Bili#bi
<>.&.=. At t!e (ran! ti1s are lusters of
$ei$uous% #reenis! or 1in5is! (ran!lets
A to )8 in <)27,6 '= lon#% (earin#
alternate% s!ort71etiole$% o&ate or o&ate7laneolate% 1ointe$ lea&es ,F. to , in <87+.2 '=
lon#% t!in% #reen an$ s'oot! on t!e u11er surfae% (lue7#reen -it! a (loo' on t!e
un$ersi$e9 alto#et!er #i&in# t!e i'1ression of 1innate lea&es -it! nu'erous leaflets.
T!ere are 8 tiny% 1ointe$ sti1ules at t!e (ase of ea! leaf. S'all% 'ale% fe'ale% an$ so'e
!er'a1!ro$ite% .71arte$% rosy flo-ers% are (orne to#et!er in little lusters arran#e$ in
1aniles 8 to 2 in <27)8.2 '= lon#% !an#in# $iretly fro' leafless len#t!s of t!e 'ain
(ran!es an$ t!e u11er trun5% an$ t!e fruits $e&elo1 so $ensely t!at t!ey for' s1etaular
'asses. T!e fruit is o(late -it! A to 3 ri(s9 is ,F3 to ) in <)78.2 '= -i$e9 1ale7yello- to
nearly -!ite -!en fully ri1e9 -a/y% fles!y% ris1% Duiy an$ !i#!ly ai$. Ti#!tly
e'(e$$e$ in t!e enter is a !ar$% ri((e$ stone ontainin# . to A see$s.
Origin and Distribution
T!is s1eies is (elie&e$ to !a&e ori#inate$ in Ma$a#asar an$ to !a&e (een arrie$ to t!e
East In$ies. Huisu'(in# says t!at it -as intro$ue$% into t!e "!ili11ines in 1re!istori
ti'es an$ is ulti&ate$ t!rou#!out t!ose islan$s (ut not e/tensi&ely. It is 'ore o''only
#ro-n in In$onesia% Sout! :ietna' an$ Laos% an$ fre>uently in nort!ern Malaya% an$ in
In$ia in !o'e #ar$ens. T!e tree is a fa'iliar one in &illa#es an$ on far's in 4ua'% -!ere
t!e fruit is fa&ore$ (y !il$ren% an$ ours in 0a-aii an$ so'e ot!er "aifi Islan$s.
It -as intro$ue$ into Ja'aia fro' Ti'or in )+*, an$ !as (een asually s1rea$
t!rou#!out t!e Cari((ean islan$s an$ to t!e Ba!a'as an$ Ber'u$a. It !as lon# (een
naturaliBe$ in sout!ern Me/io an$ t!e lo-lan$s of Central A'eria% an$ is oasionally
#ro-n in Colo'(ia% :eneBuela% Surina'% "eru an$ BraBil. For'erly an esa1e fro'
ulti&ation in Sout! Flori$a% t!ere are no- only sattere$ s1ei'ens re'ainin# !ere as
T!e Ota!eite #oose(erry is su(tro1ial to tro1ial% (ein# suffiiently !ar$y to sur&i&e an$
fruit in Ta'1a% Flori$a% -!ere ol$ s1ells are 'ore se&ere t!an in t!e sout!eastern 1art of
t!e state. It t!ri&es u1 to an ele&ation of ,%666 ft <*). '= in El Sal&a$or.
Fi#. 23@ No fruit is (orne in #reater a(un$ane t!an t!e
ris1% sour% 1ale7yello- Ota!eite #oose(erry
+)hyllanthus acidus-. W!en oo5e$ in su#ar% t!e fruit
an$ Duie turn ru(y7re$. In@ J. M J. Morton% Fifty
$ropical Fruits of %assau! )*.A.
T!e tree #ro-s on a -i$e ran#e of soils (ut 1refers rat!er 'oist sites.
T!e tree is #enerally #ro-n fro' see$ (ut 'ay also (e 'ulti1lie$ (y (u$$in#% #reen-oo$
uttin#s% or air7layers. See$lin#s -ill 1ro$ue a su(stantial ro1 in . years.
T!e Ota!eite #oose(erry is 1rone to atta5 (y t!e 1!yllant!us ater1iller in Flori$a. T!is
1est eats t!e (ar5 an$ also t!e youn# lea&es% ausin# total $efoliation in a fe- $ays if not
ontrolle$ (y 1estii$es.
T!e tree often (ears t-o ro1s a year in Sout! In$ia% t!e first in A1ril an$ May% an$ t!e
seon$ in Au#ust an$ Se1te'(er. In ot!er areas% t!e 'ain ro1 is in January -it!
sattere$ fruitin# t!rou#!out t!e year.
Food *ses
T!e fles! 'ust (e slie$ fro' t!e stone% or t!e fruits 'ust (e oo5e$ an$ t!en 1resse$
t!rou#! a sie&e to se1arate t!e stones. T!e slie$ ra- fles! an (e o&ere$ -it! su#ar an$
let stan$ in t!e refri#erator for a $ay. T!e su#ar $ra-s out t!e Duie an$ 'o$ifies t!e
ai$ity so t!at t!e fles! an$ Duie an (e use$ as a saue. If left lon#er% t!e fles! s!ri&els
an$ t!e Duie an (e straine$ off as a lear% 1ale7yello- siru1. In In$onesia% t!e tart fles!
is a$$e$ to 'any $is!es as a fla&orin#. T!e Duie is use$ in ol$ $rin5s in t!e "!ili11ines.
Ba!a'ian oo5s soa5 t!e -!ole fruits in salty -ater o&erni#!t to re$ue t!e ai$ity% t!en
rinse% (oil one or t-ie% $isar$in# t!e -ater% t!en (oil -it! e>ual a'ount of su#ar until
t!i5% an$ 1ut u1 in steriliBe$ Dars -it!out re'o&in# see$s. T!e re1eate$ 1roessin#
results in onsi$era(le loss of fla&or. Fully ri1e fruits $o not really re>uire t!is treat'ent.
If oo5e$ lon# enou#! -it! 1lenty of su#ar% t!e fruit an$ Duie turn ru(y7re$ an$ yiel$ a
s1ri#!tly Delly. In Malaya% t!e ri1e or unri1e Ota!eite #oose(erry is oo5e$ an$ ser&e$ as
a relis!% or 'a$e into a t!i5 siru1 or s-eet 1reser&e. It is also o'(ine$ -it! ot!er fruits
in 'a5in# !utney an$ Da' (eause it !el1s t!ese 1ro$uts to ?set?. Often% t!e fruits are
an$ie$% or 1i5le$ in salt. In t!e "!ili11ines% t!ey are use$ to 'a5e &ine#ar.
T!e youn# lea&es are oo5e$ as #reens in In$ia an$ In$onesia.
Food Value Per 9== g o. 7dible Portion?

LAor$in# to analyses 'a$e in El Sal&a$or.
Ot!er *ses
1ood, T!e -oo$ is li#!t7(ro-n% fine7#raine$% attrati&e% fairly !ar$% stron#% tou#!%
$ura(le if seasone$% (ut sare% as t!e tree is sel$o' ut $o-n.
2oot bark, T!e root (ar5 !as li'ite$ use in tannin# in In$ia.
Medicinal *ses, In In$ia% t!e fruits are ta5en as li&er toni% to enri! t!e (loo$. T!e siru1
is 1resri(e$ as a sto'a!i9 an$ t!e see$s are at!arti. T!e lea&es% -it! a$$e$ 1e11er%
are 1oultie$ on siatia% lu'(a#o or r!eu'atis'. A $eotion of t!e lea&es is #i&en as a
su$orifi. Beause of t!e 'uila#inous nature of t!e lea&es% t!ey are ta5en as a $e'ulent
in ases of #onorr!ea.
T!e root is $rastially 1ur#ati&e an$ re#ar$e$ as to/i in Malaya (ut is (oile$ an$ t!e
stea' in!ale$ to relie&e ou#!s an$ !ea$a!e. T!e root infusion is ta5en in &ery s'all
$oses to alle&iate ast!'a. E/ternally% t!e root is use$ to treat 1soriasis of t!e soles of feet.
T!e Duie of t!e root (ar5% -!i! ontains sa1onin% #alli ai$% tannin an$ a rystalline
su(stane -!i! 'ay (e lu1eol% !as (een e'1loye$ in ri'inal 1oisonin#.
T!e ari$ late/ of &arious 1arts of t!e tree is e'eti an$ 1ur#ati&e.
Moisture *).* #
"rotein 6.)22 #
Fat 6.28 #
Fi(er 6.3 #
As! 6.2) #
Caliu' 2.. '#
"!os1!orus )+.* '#
Iron ,.82 '#
Carotene 6.6)* '#
T!ia'ine 6.682 '#
Ri(ofla&in 6.6), '#
Niain 6.8*8 '#
Asor(i Ai$ ..A '#

$our C!erries " .lowers and .ruits pro.usely
)nga laurina
Pois Dou+

Common names: Sp: cujinicuil, paternillo (Salvador), palal
(Guatemala), jina (Dominican Rep.), guavo (Panama), guamo rosario
(Colombia), guabo, guamo; n: jac!"sac, sac!"sac! (#rinidad),
Spanis$ oa! (%ntilles), s&eet pea; 'r: pois dou(, pois dou( blanc.
Origin and geographical distribution: )o&land *orests *rom Central
%merica to Colombia and t$e %ntilles.
Status: +ild, cultivated.
Description: #ree to ,- m, *ruit is a green, rounded pod ./0, cm
long, ,/1.2 cm &ide, and 3/4 mm t$ic!; aril &$ite, s&eet, cotton"
Propagated: 5" seeds (germination in 2-/4- da"s).
Uses: %ril eaten *res$.
4o&ernorcs "lu'
Flacoutia indica

T!e 4o&ernorCs "lu' Flacourtia indica is a lar#e s!ru( or s'all tree nati&e to tro1ial
Afria an$ Asia. "lants are &ery attrati&e% -it! $ee1 #reen #lossy leat!ery lea&es% an$
'any &arieties !a&e lar#e s!ar1 s1ines. "lants #ro- ra1i$ly% often fi&e to se&en feet a
year% an$ 1ro$ue $urin# t!e late su''er lar#e >uantities of fruits a(out one in! in
$ia'eter -!i! are 1ur1lis!7re$ or (la5is! at 'aturity. Fruit 1ul1 is a $ee1 yello-is!7
oran#e -it! any-!ere fro' ei#!t to ten s'all flattene$ see$s. T!e fruits annot (e eaten
until fully ri1e. Ot!er-ise% t!ey are !i#!ly astrin#ent. Fruits 'a5e e/ellent fres! eatin#%
t!ou#!% -!en 'ature% or an (e use$ for a !i#!7>uality Delly or Da'. "lants #enerally nee$
1runin# at least one or t-ie a year to 5ee1 fro' (eo'in# too o&er#ro-n.
Description, ?$!rub or tree% #enerally s1iny% u1 to )6 ' tall9 bark rou#!9 s1ines of t!e
trun5 so'eti'es (ran!e$% u1 to )8 ' lon#. :e#etati&e 1arts &aryin# fro' #la(rous to
$ensely 1u(esent. -ea&es also &aria(le in s!a1e an$ siBe9 (la$e o&ate or elli1ti%
so'eti'es su(or(iular or o(o&ate% a1e/ o(tusely au'inate% o(tuse or roun$e$% (ase
uneate to roun$e$% 'e'(ranous to al'ost oriaeous% serrulate7renate% or 'ore rarely
su(entire% 8.27)8 <7)A= ' lon#% 873 ' (roa$9 lateral ner&es .7+ 1airs% sli#!tly 1ro'inent
on (ot! faes% as is t!e 'ore or less $ense retiulation9 1etiole u1 to 8 ' lon#. Flowers
$ioeious% or oasionally (ise/ual <) or se&eral (ran!es of a fe'ale s1ei'en -it!
1erfet flo-ers% -!i!% !o-e&er% (ear fe-er sta'ens t!an in t!e 'ale ones=. Male
flo-ers in a/illary rae'es 6.278 ' lon#9 1e$iles slen$er% 'ore or less 1u(esent% u1 to
) ' lon#% t!e (asal (rats 'inute an$ a$uous. Se1als (roa$ly o&ate% a1e/ aute to
roun$e$% 1u(esent on (ot! si$es% ).278.2 '' lon# an$ (roa$. Fila'ents 878.2 '' lon#9
ant!ers 6.2 '' lon#. Dis5 lo(ulate. Fe'ale flo-ers in s!ort rae'es or solitary9 1e$iels
u1 to 2 ''. Dis5 lo(ulate% las1in# t!e (ase of t!e o&oi$ o&ary9 styles .73% entral%
onnate at t!e (ase% s1rea$in#% u1 to ).2 '' lon#9 sti#'as trunate. Fruit #lo(ular%
re$$is! to re$$is! (la5 -!en ri1e% fles!y% u1 to 8.2 ' aross% -it! 1ersistent styles% u1
to )67see$e$. $eeds 37)6 '' lon#% .7+ '' (roa$9 testa ru#ose% 1ale (ro-n? <Sleu'er%
)*+29 11. 2+723=.
%abitatCecology, Woo$lan$% -oo$e$ #rasslan$ an$ (us!lan$% often ri1arian% 678.66 '?
<Sleu'er% )*+29 11. 2+723=. In La R^union an$ Mauritius% naturaliBe$ in lo-lan$ 'oist
forests <Da&i$ Lorene% 1ers. o'.=.
Propagation, Bir$7$is1erse$ see$. W!en #ro-n fro' see$% 'any &arieties ten$ to (e
one se/% so you 'ay not !a&e a !i#! 1erenta#e of fe'ale 1lants. For t!is reason% 'ost
nurseries 1ro1a#ate t!is 1lant (y uttin#s or air layerin# fro' fe'ale or lar#e7(earin#
trees or (y oasional su5ers.
0ati&e range, Afria an$ Asia.
*ses, Eaten fres! or oo5e$ or use$ for Delly an$ saue.


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