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Michael Griswold

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m3 System
the path to passion
Each week Mika and Clay from The Path to Passion interview a relationship
expert to share insights and valuable advice to help you have a better love life.
This week were excited to introduce you to Michael Griswold, the creator of the
M3 System.
Michael has been helping men and women going through breakups heal their
relationships and rekindle that spark of love and affection for quite a while. We frst
came across his work in early 2011 shortly after he created the M3 System.
What really struck us about his work is how honest and genuine it is. There is a lot of
questionable relationship advice out there these days. We really appreciate how
Michaels overall approach is to work on the one person you can control in your relation-
We had the opportunity to get a hold of Michael and ask him a few questions about
breakups, relationship, and love.
Mika and Clay
Michael Griswold
Clay and Mika
m3 System
The Path to Passion
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
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1. How did you get started giving relationship advice and helping others learn how
to save their relationship from a breakup?
It all happened by accident, really. I was dating this great girl, and I was crazy about her,
but I kept messing it up.
Finally, we broke up. It crushed me, but I was too proud to admit it.
I was desperate to fnd out why she broke up with me. And, why it seemed like I always
failed in relationships.
So I read, listened to and watched everything I could having to do with relationships. I
even went to some seminars to fgure it out.
When we got back together, I felt like I was home again.
And during the process, I took notes on what worked, what didnt and started putting to-
gether the course.
People really resonated with it, because breakups are such a vulnerable time.
Its like being in an emotional hell.
We feel like we dont know what to do and no one seems to get it.
Well I do get it. And because of that, I wanted to help others get through it.
Michael griswold
This document is provided courtesy of
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
This document is provided courtesy of
2. A lot of people Ive talked with who want to save their relationship after a break-
up want to know if it is even possible to save their relationship. Is there any advice
you could give them to help them know if they still have a chance?
Of course theres a chance. Ive heard the saying Your ex is your ex for a reason and
people think that is supposed to be the end of it.
Well, you dated for a reason too.
Which reason is more valuable to you?
3. In your experience, what would you say is the number one cause for most
Fear - People dont ever breakup because of fghts, because of a lack of sex
Unhelpful Communication
Lack of Vision - Every relationship has troubles. The relationships that last have at least
one partner (hopefully 2) who knows where the relationship is going and smooth out the
When there is no vision, every fght seems paramount and feels like The End.
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
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4. Have you seen a distinct difference between people who are actually successful
at getting their ex back and those who dont?
The people who do get back together have the courage to fght for what they want. This
really means they have the courage to get hurt MORE before they get back together.
After a breakup, both parties are hurt. And the one who ended it is likely angry, resentful
and this has to be addressed honestly.
This requires patience to let their partner get over what is bothering them.
Most people apologize over and over after a breakup, but that just comes across as ma-
What your partner wants frst is to feel like you really do understand why they are upset.
We all want to feel validated dont we? Thats true even when were angry.
5. What would you say is the biggest mistake you see people make when they try
to get their ex back?
Impatience. After a breakup, our emotions are all over the place.
Our heart is quivering and we want it to stop.
So we try everything to end the pain.
The people who have great relationships are the ones who are willing to face the pain,
Michael griswold
This document is provided courtesy of
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
This document is provided courtesy of
put themselves back together (with the help of friends, mentors, etc) and THEN reintro-
duce themselves to their ex.
That way, their ex can see and feel a real difference. This lets their ex feel a real sense of
hope that things can be different.
6. What is one thing youd recommend to someone who wants to get their ex back,
but they cant even seem to get their ex to answer the phone or sit down with them
to have a conversation at all?
Theres a life-sized difference between
My ex wont talk to me
My ex wont talk to me YET.
By using that 3 letter word, you get perspective and the ability to be intentional.
To tune in to how your ex is feeling and be willing to go at their pace.
The attraction is there; thats why you dated in the frst place.
Whats required is trust. And that requires new behaviors.
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
This document is provided courtesy of
7. What is the hardest part to getting your ex back?
The emotional hurricane that rages in your heart.
Until you get your emotions to stop working against you and start working FOR you,
youre sunk. Thats why the bulk of the mentoring I do with people is helping them put the
pieces back together.
8. I know you not only know that getting your ex back is only part of the battle.
Maintaining a strong relationship is key as well. Do you have any advice for keep-
ing a relationship going strong and not getting to the point where it is threatened
by breakup?
Listen. Make a regular time for communication every week.
I call it doing the laundry.
How long would you go without doing your laundry?
A week? 2 weeks? At some point its going to start to stink.
Your relationship is no different. Have proactive conversations before it starts to stink.
Ask this question:
Baby, what have I said or done this last week thats upset you? How have I been insen-
sitive? How have I made you feel unloved or unappreciated?
Michael griswold
This document is provided courtesy of
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
This document is provided courtesy of
Do this for 4 weeks and youll get to know and understand your partner more than you
ever thought possible.
After that, keep having the conversation, but ask this question instead:
Baby, whats the most fun thing we did together this week?
You change the focus from what is wrong to what is right and it gives great momentum.
9. Are there any personal practices that youve implemented in your own life to
help keep your relationship strong and healthy?
See above:)
10. Is there one piece of advice youd like to leave with someone who has maybe
going through a very diffcult break up right now and they are in a very dark place
in their life right now?
Find a friend and ask them:
Im really having a tough time right now. Can I lean on you for the next few weeks?
Most people love to help, as long as they feel like they are doing it voluntarily.
By asking them, you pu them in that position to be there for you and enjoy it.
This allows you to have someone safe with.
Michael Griswold, creator
of the M3 System
To learn more about
Michael Griswold and
the M3 System,
click here
Michael griswold >> m3 system
This document is provided courtesy of
And, get help from someone whos been there. Invest in your heart, your soul and your
relationship which is the most important part of our lives.
If this relationship is important, if you feel like this is a pattern, do whatever it takes to fx
it so you never have to feel this way again.
Closing Thoughts:
So thats a brief look at Michael Griswold, the creator of the M3 System. Over the years,
Michael has helped thousands of people going through diffcult relationship problems fnd
the strength to overcome the challenges that keep them from having the relationship that
they want for themselves.
Both Mika and I have reviewed the M3 System, and we agree that, based on our own
experience helping others with breakups, it is a powerful tool for anyone interested in
saving their relationship and getting back together with their ex. We have no hesitation in
recommending this.
To learn more about about Michael Griswold, go check out the M3 System.
Thanks, Michael, for taking the time to let us interview you.
-Clay and Mika
The Path to Passion

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