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A Christmas Carol

(Going onstage, Charles Dickens has a paper in his hand and holds his forehead with
the other while reading it. He looks very concerned about the content of the letter)
CD: (reading) Hereby we inform you that shant your !ebts be "ai! on De#ember $%
of the year of our Lor! of %&'() our a*ents sha++ "ro#ee! to sei,e a++ your
"ossessions-. (With great concern he stops reading and talks to the audience) Oh my
Lor!/ 0hat am I *oin* to !o1 If I !ont "ay in two !ays time what is *oin* to ha""en
to me an! my fami+y1 0e ha2e nowhere to *o) no one to turn to- 0e wi++ be for#e! to
+i2e on the #o+!) fo**y an! !ar3 streets of Lon!on4 0hat are we *oin* to eat1
I ha2e to !o somethin*4 I nee! to write a new boo34 If I #ou+! on+y *et the ins"iration
an! *et it !one by tomorrow) I #ou+! *o to my "ub+isher an! se++ it so that I #an *et my
!ebts4 5or 6o!s sa3e/// Its Christmas-4////
(ow he goes to the table, takes a feather and a blank paper and starts writing)
On#e u"on a time there was a tiny house in the mi!!+e of the #ountry where a boy
#a++e!- (He continues writing for a couple of seconds, then stops, takes the paper and
tears it apart)- 7o) no) they are *oin* to say that it is the same story as my +ast boo3-
(Head down on the table) I #ant thin3 of anythin* now/
8S: Sorry -4 (!nocking) May I #ome in) "+ease1
CD: 0ho are you1 One of my #re!itors1 9+ease) *i2e me some more time//// I sti++
ha2ent *ot the money you are as3in* for- I swear I++ ha2e it in !ue time-
8S: A #re!itor1 ("miling) 7O) I am not-4 I use! to be one of those 2u+tures that #orru"t
of our +i2es nowa!ays-4 :ut you he+"e! me4 ;ou #han*e! my +ife4
CD: Me1 ;ou must ha2e mista3en me) sir4 I2e ne2er seen you before4
8S:0e++4 Lets say) you ha2e ne2er seen or met me before) at "resent or in the future4
CD: (looking to the audience) Oh my 6o!//// I must be ha++u#inatin*//// 7ot now) my
Lor!/// I2e *ot so mu#h to !o-4
8S: I wou+!nt #a++ myse+f an! ha++u#ination but what its true is -4 I am a "ro!u#t of
your ima*ination
CD: Sorry1<1///
8S: ;es4 ;ou wi++ write the story of my +ife4
CD: A bio*ra"hy1 Im sorry but no one is intereste! in that 3in! of boo3s to!ay-4 I
ha2e to write a fi#tion no2e+ toni*ht or e+se I an! my fami+y wi++ be se++in* f+owers in
the streets of Lon!on4
A Christmas Carol
8S: 7ot a bio*ra"hy- I am a "ro!u#t of your ima*ination4 I am the main ro+e of your
ne=t no2e+4 One that wi++ +i2e throu*h *enerations an! wi++ immorta+i,e your name in
the ne=t mi++ennia4
CD: Im *oin* #ra,y-
8S: :ah) humbu*// 7o) you are not4 I2e >ust #ome to he+" you in this time of !ar3ness
for you an! your be+o2e! ones44 82erythin* +oo3s im"ossib+e for you at this moment)
but you ha2e to be+ie2e- At the en!444 who 3nows what ha""ens tomorrow1
What happens tomorrow#
$ighting, because we%re so close
&here are times we punish those who we need the most
o, we can%t wait for a saviour
'nly got ourselves to blame for this behaviour
And nobody knows what%s gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show how frightened we are
Would seem lonely, if you were the only star in the night
(ou%ve got to believe
it%ll be alright in the end
(ou%ve got to believe
it%ll be alright again
And nobody knows what%s gonna happen tomorrow
"o don%t let go, now we%ve come this far
Hope ) have peace
*nderstand me
you%re never alone
We%ve got to believe
it%ll be alright in the end
nobody knows
(ou%ve got to believe
it%ll be alright my friend
"o don%t let go
*nless we believe
it%ll be alright again
obody knows
A Christmas Carol
8S: 7ow wi++ you "+ease +isten to me an! +et yourse+f *o1 I am here to he+" you4 I wou+!
be nothin* without you-
CD: 0e++) honest+y4 I2e *ot nothin* e+se to +oose4 Im a++ ears4
8S: I su**est you start writin* e2erythin* I ha2e to say an! !ont +oose a sin*+e wor! of
what I ha2e to te++ you now4 (Dickens grabs his feather and some paper and sits down
again ready to write)4 My name is 8bene,er S#roo*e4 Stran*e name) isnt it1 My name
wi++ be use! in the future to refer to miserliness or misanthropy) isnt it sa!1
CD: I !ont un!erstan!4 ;ou are here to he+" me) then how #an someone refer to you
+i3e that1
8S: Ma3e no ?uestions an! "ay attention/// ("houting)4 Im sorry4 :a! manners of an
o+! man who sti++ re*rets some thin*s I ha2e !one in my "ast +ife4 As I was te++in* you) I
+i2e in Lon!on in a hu*e o+! house4 I #ou+!nt #a++ it home as there was nothin* warm in
it but the fire of my #himney4
I ha! my own business) a *oo! one) whi#h I foun!e! with my "artner @a#ob Mar+ey who
!ie! se2en years a*o on Christmas 82e4
@M: ($rom outside the stage) !i! I hear my name1 (Going on stage now) 0ho is ta+3in*
about me in my absen#e1
8S: ;ou o+! *ree!y *host/ 6et ba#3 to he++ thats where you be+on*///
CD: (scared) whos that1
@M: Its an honour to *et to 3now you) sir4 82en thou*h you #reate! me this way) instea!
of a han!some 3in* or an 8*y"tian "haraoh4 My name is @a#ob Mar+ey4
CD: 8bene,ers "artner at business1 0erent you !ea!1
@M: On+y in fi#tion) !ear Mr4 Di#3ens4 :ut I am a+i2e in the min! of future rea!ers4
0hat is 8bene,er te++in* you1 Is he te++in* you ba! thin*s about me1
8S 7ot yet) I was about to te++ him about us an! the +ife we ha2e +ea!4 I am he+"in* him
write our story4
@M: ;ou ha2e a+ways been *ree!y when it #omes to money or wor!s4 ;ou wou+! not be
a *oo! he+" for our #reator4
8S: :ah) Humbu*///
@M: Dear Mr4 Di#3ens4 Its true 8bene,er an! I foun!e! +on* a*o our +en!ers business4
0e wor3e! har! when we starte! as two youn* #+er3s at a so+i#itors house4 Money was
our re+i*ion an! *ettin* ri#h our on+y aim4 So we for*ot the rest of im"ortant thin*s in
+ife - an! we en!e! u" bein* a+one in this wor+!4
A Christmas Carol
8S: ;ou were e2en worse than me4 ;ou treate! "oor in the most miserab+e way4 ;ou
often +au*he! at their !is*ra#e an! en>oye! sei,in* a++ their "ro"erties if they were not
ab+e to "ay their !ebts no matter what their #on!itions were- 0ho was the *ree!iest of
@M: Thats true) but !ont minimi,e your a#ts4 82erythin* #ounte! for us on+y in +ar*e
82erythin* #ounts
The han!sha3e
Sea+s the #ontra#t
5rom the #ontra#t
ThereAs no turnin* ba#3
The turnin* "oint
Of a #areer
In Borea) bein* insin#ere
The ho+i!ay
0as fun "a#3e!1
The #ontra#t
Sti++ inta#t
The *rabbin* han!s
6rab a++ they #an
A++ for themse+2es
After a++
ItAs a #om"etiti2e wor+!
82erythin* #ounts in +ar*e amounts
82erythin* #ounts in +ar*e amounts
The *rabbin* han!s
6rab a++ they #an
82erythin* #ounts in +ar*e amounts
CD: O3) but) what !oes it a++ ha2e to !o with my "rob+em1
@M: One ste" at a time) Mr4 Di#3ens4 Some time a*o) I went to 2isit my o+! business
asso#iate) Mr4 S#roo*e4
8S: A 2isit1 ;ou #a++ that a 2isit1 ('utraged) He a+most 3i++e! me4 I was in my be!room
on Christmas 82e "re"arin* myse+f for the ni*ht an! su!!en+y I hear! some *host+y
soun!s #omin* from outsi!e my be!room4 Cou+!nt you >ust sen! a note +i3e any
#i2i+ise! #iti,en of this #ountry1
@M: 5or 6o!s sa3e4 I am a *host4 0hat !o you e="e#t1 I #ame to announ#e you the
2isit from the other *hosts4
A Christmas Carol
CD: Other *hosts1 0hi#h other *hosts1
@M: Mr4 Di#3ens) after the +ife that S#roo*e ha! been +ea!in*) his on+y #han#e of
re!em"tion was to witness in the f+esh how he ha! be#ome the se+fish an! *ree!y
"erson he was4 Therefore) I nee!e! a +itt+e bit of su"ernatura+. he+"4
CD: This is *ettin* 2ery #om"+i#ate!4 (&roubled)
8S: (ironically) you #ou+! ha2e written a +etter///
@M: I #annot ho+! a "en) my o+! frien!/ 0e++) if there are no more interru"tions) I wou+!
+i3e to #ontinue with my si!e of the story4 That ni*ht I to+! him that ( *hosts wou+!
meet him throu*hout the e2enin*: The *host from the "ast) who wou+! remin! him of
the thin*s he ha! !one wron*C the *host from the "resent) who wou+! show him how
miserab+e he was an! the *host from the future who wou+! *i2e him a hint of his fina+
!ays if he "ersiste! on bein* +i3e this4 :ut you 3now) I thin3 its better if they te++ you
the story themse+2es (closing the eyes and humming)4
CD: (whispering to "crooge) what is he !oin*1
8S: I !ont 3now4 6hosts/// (+oving his shoulders)
("uddenly a ghost comes from the aisle in the theatre and goes on stage)
659ast: 6reetin*s) *ent+emen4 (He looks like a real ghost with chains and everything,
8S: 7ot him a*ain/////
CD: Oh my !ear Lor!/// This is *ettin* weir!er an! weir!er
@M: Hi mate////
659ast: How is it *oin*1
@M: 6oo! *oo!4 0e++ you 3now how eternity is-4 Lets not waste time4 Let me
intro!u#e you to Mr4 Char+es Di#3ens) a 2ery we++D3nown writer from the Ei#torian era
in the Fnite! Bin*!om
8S: 82erybo!y 3nows who he is4 ;ou are not a 2ery *oo! *host-
659ast: How #ou+! I 3now him1 I am on+y the *host from the "ast4 I !ont !ea+ with
#urrent or future affairs4
@M: 0e++ anyway4 He is in bi* troub+e an! nee!s some he+" from us4 Can you "+ease te++
him the story about your +itt+e >ourney to the "ast with Mr4 S#roo*e1
659ast: (with very friendly manners)4 Of #ourse4 That ni*ht I was wan!erin* about the
"ast when I *ot one #a++ from Mr4 Mar+ey4 He nee!e! my he+" an! one moment after
thatC there I was at the !oorste" of Mr4 S#roo*es house4
A Christmas Carol
CD: 0ou+! you min! not s"ea3in* too fast1 I am tryin* to #o"y a++ what you are sayin*4
659ast: @ust +isten an! *et the i!ea4 I am sure you #an !es#ribe it +ater with your own
wor!s4 Thats if you are as *oo! as they say4
8S: ;es) he is4
659ast: So) as I was sayin*4 I was at his !oorste"4 Then Mr4 Mar+ey #ommuni#ate! with
me an! to+! me to !o +ots of noise when I went u" to 2isit Mr4 S#roo*e4 So I wore my
best #hains an! ma!e a++ the noise (whispering as a secret)C one must #om"+y with his
8S: 0e++) +et me te++ you he !i! a 2ery ni#e >ob4
659ast: He was "a+e as the moon when I a""eare! in the room4 ;ou 3now- I am a
"rofessiona+ an! I ha2e a re"utation to 3ee"4 I was tryin* to ma3e him re"ent from a++
the sins he ha! #ommitte!4 I wou+! not ha2e ma!e it without a++ the noise an! my best
robes an! #hains4
CD: robes an! #hains- (oting down) Do you min! if I a!! a b+a,in* +i*ht on your
hea! an! a meta+ #a"4
659ast: Of #ourse I !ont4 My >ob is to show the "ast fa#ts of a++ the #ustomers I 2isit to
offer them the "ossibi+ity of re*ret4 I ta3e them to the "ast where they #an see for
themse+2es their "ast +ife4
@M: ;ou ne2er !i! it with me
659ast: ;ou were a +ost #ause4 I first too3 Mr4 S#roo*e to his o+! boar!in* s#hoo+ where
he staye! (a+one but for his boo3s) whi+e his s#hoo+mate returne! home for the
Christmas ho+i!ays4 Then he was shown the !ay when his be+o2e!) youn*er sister 5an
"i#3e! him u" from there after re"eate!+y as3in* for his return4 He was shown an
e"iso!e from his time as an a""renti#e to Mr4 5e,,iwi*4
CD: Di! it wor31
8S: Humbu*4 7o) it !i!nt4 It meant nothin* to me4
659ast: 7O) it !i!nt - so I !e#i!e! to "+ay my best #ar!: :e++e4
CD: :e++e1
@M: (telling as a secret) Mr S#roo*es fian#He4
8S: :e++e/// (-ooking up as he was missing something)
659ast: ;es) but +et me #a++ her- She wi++ te++ you the story
8S: 9+ease) !o
659ast: (closing his eyes) :e++e4 9+ease show yourse+f
A Christmas Carol
;ou on+y see what your eyes want to see
How #an +ife be what you want it to be
;ouAre fro,en
0hen your heartAs not o"en
;ouAre so #onsume! with how mu#h you *et
;ou waste your time with hate an! re*ret
;ouAre bro3en
0hen your heartAs not o"en
+mmmmm, if ) could melt your heart
+mmmmm, we%d never be apart
+mmmmm, give yourself to me
+mmmmm, you hold the key
7ow thereAs no "oint in "+a#in* the b+ame
An! you shou+! 3now I suffer the same
If I +ose you
My heart wi++ be bro3en
Lo2e is a bir!) she nee!s to f+y
Let a++ the hurt insi!e of you !ie
;ouAre fro,en
0hen your heartAs not o"en
J#horus) re"eatK
If I #ou+! me+t your heart
:8LL8: 6oo! e2enin* Sirs
@M) CD) 8SL 659ast: 6oo! e2enin* my +a!y4
CD: Are you Mr4 S#roo*es finan#e1
:8LL8: I was
8S: (sadly) she was
CD: 0hat ha""ene!1
659ast: Te++ him a++ about it :e++e
A Christmas Carol
:8LL8: 0e++ +ets >ust say he was not in +o2e with me but in +o2e with money4
8S: Thats not fair4
:8LL8: It was +i3e that 8bene,er4 ;ou were in the "rime of your +ife an! you were
afrai! of be#omin* "oor- (&hinking) ;es) you were in +o2e with money4 I was so in
+o2e with you- I ha! to wait a++ those +on* hours for you whi+e you were !e2ote! to
your a##ountin*4
@M: ;es) that was 8bene,er4 He ne2er sto""e!4
:8LL8: Sometimes I thin3 I was too "atient (roughly)4 ;ou see (talking to Dickens) we
*rew u" to*ether an! neither of us ha! mu#h money4 0e were in +o2e4 I was faithfu+
throu*h a++ the u"s an! !owns but our +o2e was not e?ua+4 7ot unti+ I rea+ise! that he
wasnt so ha""y about our en*a*ement be#ause I #ou+!nt affor! to brin* a !owry to the
marria*e4 So on a Christmas ni*ht I went to his offi#e an! #onfronte! himD
8S: She was furious4
:8LL8: 0hat !i! you e="e#t1 0hat !i! he !o1 Instea! of bein* un!erstan!in* an!
em"atheti# he was ru!e an! im"atient4 Then I rea+ise! that he was no +on*er in +o2e
with me4 So I too3 off my en*a*ement rin* an! *a2e it ba#3 to him4 I
CD: ;ou !i! it1
:8LL8: ;es I !i!4 It bro3e my heart but I ha! no other #hoi#e4 Than3s 6o! I foun! a
*oo! man +ater whom I marrie! an! ha! #hi+!ren with4
659ast: ;es) 8bene,er 2isite! you on that ni*ht with me4
:8LL8: Di! you1 0ithout my "ermission1
659ast: Dont worry my #hi+!4 I >ust showe! him :e++e some years +ater D se2en years
before the "resent) she sits with her !au*hter4 At first S#roo*e thin3s the !au*hter is
:e++e) but she is now o+!er4 She has other #hi+!ren) too4 An! she is ha""y with her
8S: It was so har! for me- A !au*hter that #ou+! +oo3 u" to me- ("adly)
659ast: :ut none of this he+"e! me to a#hie2e my aim: To *et his re*ret4 So I ha! to *et
my o+! frien! the *host of the 9resent4
659resent: Sorry (coming from the corridor all of a sudden) !i! I hear my name1
659ast: Hey bu!!y/// How are you1
659resent: 0e++ you 3now same o+! story/// 0hat are you !oin* here1 I see a +ot of
we++D3nown fa#es here (looking around)4
@M: 0e++ you #ertain+y remember me
A Christmas Carol
8S: An! me
:8LL8: (looking at the ghost) Dont +oo3 at me4 I !ont ha2e the "+easure4
CD: Let me intro!u#e myse+f4 Im-4
659resent : Mr4 Char+es Di#3ens- 0hat an honour//// The *reatest no2e+ist of the
Ei#torian era- I am rea!in* your boo3s with !e+i*ht I must #onfess4 So) whats the
reason for this stran*e *atherin*1D
@M: 0e++ we are te++in* Mr4 Di#3ens the story of your 2isit to Mr4 S#roo*e for his new
659resent: Sorry/// Am I *oin* to be in one of your boo3s1 Oh my 6o!/// I wasnt
rea!y for this- (&ouching his clothes) 0e++) ha2e you to+! him anythin* about my
659ast: I was about to-4
659resent: 7o way) +et me te++ him myse+f4 I am the *host of the "resent4 As my name
in!i#ates) I was res"onsib+e for showin* Mr4 S#roo*e the Christmas of the "resent an!
his se#on! #han#e for re"entan#e4
CD: I see
8S: :ah Humbu*4 I wou+! say my se#on! fri*ht on that ni*ht4 A *iant !resse! in *reen
with "i+es of foo!4
659resent: Sorry those were my Sun!ay best4 (to +r Dickens) Sorry I !ont ha2e them
on at the moment4 I !i! not 3now I was re?uire! for this s"e#ia+ o##asion4
CD: Dont worry) its fine4 :ut "+ease) "ro#ee! te++in* the story4
659resent: So) I #ame to Mr S#roo*e on that Christmas ni*ht4 I !e#i!e! that the best
way to ma3e him rea+ise how wron* he was) was to show him how other "eo"+e
#e+ebrate! the Christmas4 9eo"+e #+ose to him that he 3new we++4 5or instan#e) by
2isitin* Mr4 S#roo*es #+er3 :ob Crat#hit an! his ne"hew 5re!4
(Coming from the aisle in the theatre .ob Cratchit)
:C: Ha++o4 6oo! e2enin* e2eryone La!y an! *ent+emen4 Can you "+ease te++ me where I
am1 I was in my sittin* room an! su!!en+y I was here
8S: Mr Crat#hit4 0hat are you !oin* here1
659resent: Sorry for my manners Mr4 Crat#hit I brou*ht you here4 0e are te++in* Mr
CD: That is me4 6oo! e2enin*4
A Christmas Carol
659resent: As I was sayin*) I was te++in* Mr4 Di#3ens about my 2isit on this Christmas
ni*ht to your home4
:C: I in2ite! him but he refuse! to #ome4
659resent: Thats my "rero*ati2e as a *host we #an 2isit you but you #annot see us4 He
has ne2er "hysi#a++y been there but we were there4
:C: I see4 So you *ot to 3now my fami+y then4 0e are 2ery "oor4 I +i2e in a sma++ house
with my wife an! my si= #hi+!ren4 I ha2e to stru**+e e2ery !ay to brin* a sa+ary so that
we #an +ea! a !e#ent +ife4
8S: I ha2e seen that4 Im sorry I !i! not 3now4
:C: ;ou !i! 3now Mr4 S#roo*e) but you were ne2er intereste! in #he#3in* it for
8S: How is Tiny Tim1
CD: 0ho is Tiny Tim1
:C: Tiny Tim is one of my #hi+!ren) Mr Di#3ens4 He is 2ery frai+4 He is a+ways i++ an!
un+ess we *et him to a *oo! !o#tor an! a better treatment I am afrai! he wi++ not *et to
the ne=t Christmas festi2ity4
8S: Thats what the *host of the "resent to+! me when we 2isite! you4 I am sorry
:C: 0e++ you werent when I to+! you that I nee! some he+" for my #hi+! an! you sai!
that he! better !o it an! !e#rease! the sur"+us "o"u+ation4
8S: Sorry) I !i! not 3now
:C: 82en so) we are a ha""y fami+y Sir4 I en>oy the +itt+e time I ha2e +eft with Tiny Tim4
I he+" him wa+3 as he a+ways uses a #run#h4
659resent: ;ou are a #o+!Dhearte! "erson S#roo*e4 ;ou see Mr4 Di#3ens) after our 2isit
to the Crat#hits I too3 him outsi!e Lon!on to a miners fami+y +i2in* in a hut) to some
sai+ors) to a +i*hthouse- 7o matter how far "eo"+e were or "oor they are) they were a++
#e+ebratin* Christmas an! they were fee+in* 3in!+y towar!s ea#h other4
CD: 0hat ha""ene! ne=t1
659resent: I too3 him to his ne"hews where a "arty was bein* he+!4 At that moment)
Mr4 S#roo*e was the main "oint of a !ebate4 82eryone was sayin* that he was to be
!es"ise!) but his ne"hew sai! he was to be "itie! instea!-4
8S: An! then) they were "+ayin* a #rue+ *ame) +au*hin* at my own !is*ra#e
659resent: That was your fau+t4 So) after that I too3 him ba#3 to his room-
A Christmas Carol
CD: Ha! he #han*e! his min! by then1
659resent: Im afrai! he ha!nt so we ha! to #a++ the +ast an! most fearfu+ of a++ of us
the 6host of the Christmas ;et To Come4
8S: :ut I was- I ho"e! I #ou+! be somewhere e+se instea!
Somewhere on+y we 3now
I wa+3e! a#ross an em"ty +an!
I 3new the "athway +i3e the ba#3 of my han!
I fe+t the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the ri2er an! it ma!e me #om"+ete
Oh sim"+e thin* where ha2e you *one
IAm *ettin* o+! an! I nee! somethin* to re+y on
So te++ me when youAre *onna +et me in
IAm *ettin* tire! an! I nee! somewhere to be*in
I #ame a#ross a fa++en tree
I fe+t the bran#hes of it +oo3in* at me
Is this the "+a#e we use! to +o2e1
Is this the "+a#e that IA2e been !reamin* of1
Oh sim"+e thin* where ha2e you *one
IAm *ettin* o+! an! I nee! somethin* to re+y on
So te++ me when youAre *onna +et me in
IAm *ettin* tire! an! I nee! somewhere to be*in
An! if you ha2e a minute why !onAt we *o
Ta+3 about it somewhere on+y we 3now1
This #ou+! be the en! of e2erythin*
So why !onAt we *o
Somewhere on+y we 3now1
Oh sim"+e thin* where ha2e you *one
IAm *ettin* o+! an! I nee! somethin* to re+y on
So te++ me when youAre *onna +et me in
IAm *ettin* tire! an! I nee! somewhere to be*in
So if you ha2e a minute why !onAt we *o
Ta+3 about it somewhere on+y we 3now1
This #ou+! be the en! of e2erythin*
So why !onAt we *o
So why !onAt we *o
This #ou+! be the en! of e2erythin*
A Christmas Carol
So why !onAt we *o
Somewhere on+y we 3now1
CD: Eery ni#e- but it wi++ be sunrise soon an! I nee! to finish writin* this story4 0i++
somebo!y #a++ the ne=t *host) "+ease1
659resent: Certain+y) Mr Di#3ens4 (Closing his eyes) :rother) brother are you there1
(.reak) I 3now you are there but I nee! you here ri*ht now4 It is 2ery im"ortant) Than3s4
(-ooking at Dickens)4 He is on his way4
(Coming from the stairs the G'&C(&Come)
6OTC;TCome: 0hats that ur*ent matter) brother1
659resent: Sorry to #a++ you on su#h short noti#e) brother4 9+ease +et me intro!u#e to
Mr4 Char+es Di#3ens who is writin* the story of 8bene,er S#roo*e4 He is a re+e2ant
writer) "+ease !ont for*et to bow4
6OTC;TCome: I wont- Mr4 Di#3ens (bowing)4 I 3now you a+rea!y
CD: Do you1 I ne2er ha! the "+easure4
6OTC;TCome: I 3now a++ about you) s"e#ia++y your future4 ;ou ha2e no i!ea of how
your future +ife is *oin* to be an! your future a#hie2ements4 I 3now a++ about it an! that
your name wi++ "re2ai+ throu*h the ne=t #enturies4
CD: 0i++ it1 (Asking proudly)
6OTC;TCome: ;es) most !efinite+y
659resent: 9+ease brother te++ him about that ni*ht4
8S: I rea++y hate this "art of the story4
6OTC;TCome: 0e++ you see Mr Di#3ens I am not the most "o"u+ar amon* my
brothers4 My "resen#e a+ways brin*s fear an! !es"air to whom I 2isit4
@M: 7o won!er by your +oo3s
:e++e: Abso+ute+y
6OTC;TCome: I #ame on that ni*ht an! I too3 Mr S#roo*e to !ifferent "+a#es but +et
me say first that I !o not norma++y s"ea3 to my #ustomers4 I am s"ea3in* now as it is
re?uire! for you to write the story4
CD: An! I than3 you for that4
6OTC;TCome: ;oure we+#ome4 5irst we met a *rou" of wea+thy men) !is#ussin*
someone who has !ie!4 This "erson seeme! 2ery un"o"u+ar4 Then we mo2e! to another
A Christmas Carol
"oor an! s?ua+i! "art of Lon!on4 A "awnDbro3er) O+! @oe) was buyin* sto+en "ro"erty
from three "eo"+e: a +aun!rywoman)) a #harwoman (a #+eaner) an! the un!erta3erAs
assistant4 A++ these "oor "eo"+e ha! ta3en thin*s from the !ea! man D e2en the #urtains
from his be! an! the shirt off his ba#34
8S: I as3e! the *host to see some Pemotion #ause! by this manAs !eathP4
6OTC;TCome: So I too3 him to see two s#enes4 5irst) a youn* #ou"+e who owe! the
man money4 The wife feare! they were ruine! but her husban! to+! her there was ho"e
as their #re!itor was !ea!4 The !ebt #ou+! be transferre! to someone e+se) but noDone
e+se #ou+! be as mer#i+ess as the man who ha! !ie!4
@M: 5or sure/// There is no one more ruth+ess than 8bene,er when it #omes to money
6OTC;TCome: 7e=t we returne! to the Crat#hitsA home4 They too were ta+3in* about
!eath an! "re"arin* for a funera+4 They were *rie2in* for Tiny Tim) who ha! !ie!4 He
was to be burie! in a beautifu+ *reen #hur#hyar!4 :ob was #omin* home from wor3 an!
went to sit with his son) who ha! ob2ious+y on+y >ust !ie!4
:C: :ut thats im"ossib+e) my son is a+i2e4 I >ust #ame from home4
6OTC;TCome: That is the future Mr4 Crat#hit4 I must say that Mr4 S#roo*e was
horrifie! with this +ast 2ision
8S: (head down, I was in!ee!
6OTC;TCome: :ut I wante! to ma3e sure that the messa*e #ame a#ross to him so we
went to another "+a#e to +earn the i!entity of the mysterious !ea! man) an u*+y
#hur#hyar!4 There he sees on a *ra2estone his own name4 He rea+i,e! that he was the
man about whom the others were ta+3in*4
:8LL8: Thats horrib+e e2en for 8bene,erD
CD: Sure it is4
8S: I be**e! him to for*i2e me4 I to+! him that I wou+! #han*e4
6OTC;TCome: It wasnt my !e#ision to for*i2e or not4 I >ust showe! him a "ossib+e
future in #ase he wou+! *o on +ea!in* the +ife he ha!4 Howe2er) I "itie! him4
CD: So-44 0hat ha""ene!1
(Coming from the corridor)
5R8D: My un#+e reDentere! the wor+! of humanity4
CD: An! you are1
8S: My !ear ne"hew 5re!
A Christmas Carol
5R8D: Than3s un#+e4 At your ser2i#e) Mr Di#3ens4
8S: 0hat are you !oin* here1
5R8D: I wou+!nt miss this meetin* for the wor+! an! te++ the best "art of the story to
Mr4 Di#3ens4 I ha2e a+ways been a "ositi2e man4
CD: Thats ni#e but #an someone "+ease te++ me the en! of the story its a+most !awn//
5R8D: My un#+e thou*ht at first he wou+! not be for*i2en but there he was) ba#3 in his
house4 A bran! new man #on2in#e! of be#omin* a new "erson4 He was #om"+ete+y
!isorientate! at first as it seeme! to him +on*er than a ni*ht the time he ha! s"ent with
the *hosts4 It was a snowy bri*ht !ay so he went to the street to fin! out the !ate4
8S: Thats true4
5R8D: A #hi+! to+! him it was Christmas Day
8S: I s"ent on+y one ni*ht with a++ the *hosts4
5R8D: An! here is where the *oo! thin* starts4 My un#+e as3e! the same *uy to *o to
the "ou+terer an! or!er the "ri,e tur3ey an! to sen! it to the Crat#hits4
:C: Thats true4 0e #ou+! not be+ie2e it when we *ot that hu*e tur3ey4 An! what was
e2en more ama,in* who ha! sent it: 8bene,er S#roo*e4
5R8D4 He #ame ri*ht afterwar!s to my house where we were #e+ebratin* Christmas4 I
#ou+! not be+ie2e it at first4 My un#+e in a "arty4 I thou*ht he wante! to ruin it but a++ my
sus"i#ions 2anishe! when I saw how mu#h fun he was ha2in* an! how *enerous he was
8S: Than3s) ne"hew4
TTim: (coming from the aisle) Hey !ont for*et about me4
8S: Tiny Tim (he goes to him and helps him on stage. He looks very happy about
&&)+/s visit)4
TTim: I a+so want to te++ my "art of the story4
CD: He++o Tim Crat#hit4 0heres your #run#h1
TTim: I !ont nee! it any more4 Let me #ontinue with the story an! you++ un!erstan!4
Mr4 S#roo*e s"ent that Christmas Day at 5re!s4 At :o=in* Day) he went to wor34 My
father was +ate an! Mr4 S#roo*e was 2ery an*ry with him sayin* he wou+!nt to+erate
that 3in! of beha2iour- but he was on+y >o3in*4
8S: ;es) I ha2e re#ent+y !is#o2ere! the benefits of humour4
A Christmas Carol
TTim: Then he to+! my father he wou+! *i2e him a raise4 More money for him an! his
fami+y4 My father #ou+! not be+ie2e it at first4 Howe2er) he rea+ise! that somethin*
mi*ht ha2e #han*e! when he saw that Mr4 S#roo*e "ut more #oa+ than norma+ in the
:C: Thats true Mr Di#3ens4
TTim: He has be#ome a se#on! father to me4 He 2isits us re*u+ar+y an! ta3es #are of a++
my brothers an! sisters4
CD: :ut you were *oin* to - (as if he doesn/t know how to finish the sentence...,
TTim: !ie1 Mr4 S#roo*e to+! me a++ about it4 7o) he has ta3en #are of a++ my me!i#a+
#osts so the best !o#tors of Lon!on ha2e #ure! me an! now I am a norma+ #hi+! who
#an *o outsi!e an! "+ay with the rest of the #hi+!ren4
8S: An! thats the en! of the story4 Do you fin! it interestin*1
CD: Interestin*1/ (01cited) I +o2e it- There are a few thin*s I nee! to rewrite) a!!
some !etai+s an! a few more !ia+o*ues4
8S: I am sure e2eryone wi++ +i3e it4 (-ooking to the rest, 9+ease +ea2e us4
8E8R;O78: 5arewe++ Mr4 Di#3ens (they go one by one, bowing when getting to
Charles Dickens)
8S: 7ow that we are a+one) !o you thin3 you #an ma3e me +oo3 a +itt+e bit +ess heart+ess
at the be*innin*1
CD: I am sorry S#roo*e4 I wi++ te++ the story as it has been to+! to me4 :ut I wi++ ma3e
sure that e2eryone un!erstan!s an! en>oys your #han*e at the en! of the boo34
8S: O34 I +ea2e it in your han!s4 7ow) I nee! to *o the first +i*ht of the !ay is #omin*
an! I am no +on*er a++owe! to be here4 6oo!bye Mr4 Di#3ens (bowing)
CD: 6oo! bye S#roo*e4 See you in my boo34 6o! b+ess us) e2ery one///
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
7ow the time has #ome
The musi#As between us
Thou*h the ni*ht seems youn*
Is at an en!
On+y #han*e wi++ brin*
;ou out of the !ar3ness
In this moment e2erythin* is born a*ain
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
A Christmas Carol
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
7ow the fireba++ burns
0e *o roun! to*ether
As the "+anet turns into the +i*ht
Somethin* more than !reams to
0at#h out for ea#h other
Co, we 3now what it means to be a+i2e
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
5ee+ the new !ay
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife
Rea#h u" for the sunrise
9ut your han!s into the bi* s3y
;ou #an tou#h the sunrise
5ee+ the new !ay enter your +ife

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