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Top 10 Most Expensive

Cars to Own in 2014
Most of the cars that are ranked as the most expensive cars in the world are
rare and this is because their automakers manufacture them in small numbers
to make sure that all the copies will be sold and that the customers will hurry to
get their cars. To know which cars are the most expensive, we brought you the
following top 10 most expensive cars to own in 201.
10. Mercedes-Benz CL65 M! Co"pe # $215.500%-
&t co'es at t(e )otto' o* t(e +ist not )eca"se it is )ad, )"t )eca"se it is t(e
c(eapest one. T(e car co'es wit( a 621 #(orsepower en-ine and (as t(e
a)i+it. to acce+erate *ro' 0 to 60 'p( in 4.2 seconds
/. ston Martin 0an1"is( # $22/./55%-
&t is t(e /t( 'ost expensive car and costs $22/./55. T(e car *eat"res 565-
(orepower en-ine and can -o *ro' 0 to 62 'p( in 4.1 seconds.
3. Bent+e. M"+sanne # $2/3./00%-
&t is ran4ed as t(e 3t( 'ost expensive car in t(e wor+d and co'es
wit( a 505-(orsepower en-ine. T(e car can ta4e .o" *ro' 0 to 60
'p( in 5.1 seconds and costs $2/3./00.
2. 5o++s-5o.ce 6(anto' Extended 7(ee+)ase # $2/3./00%-
&t is t(e 2t( 'ost expensive car and *eat"res a 458-(orsepower
en-ine. T(e car can acce+erate *ro' 0 to 60 'p( in 5.3 seconds and
costs $2/3./00.
6. 9errari 912)er+inetta # $815.333%-
&t co'es in t(e 6t( p+ace on t(e +ist o* 'ost expensive cars. &t *eat"res
a 240-(orsepower en-ine and -oes *ro' 0 to 62 'p( in 8.1 seconds.
T(e car costs $815.333.
5. 6orsc(e /13 :p.der # $345.000%-
&t is ran4ed as
t(e 5t( car on t(e +ist o* 'ost expensive cars in t(e wor+d. &t (as an
332-(orsepower en-ine and ta4es .o" *ro' 0 to 62 'p( in ;"st 2.5
seconds. T(e car costs $345.000 w(ic( 'a4es it 'ore a**orda)+e
t(an t(e ot(er 4 'ost expensive cars.
4. <ennesse. 0eno' !T # $1.2 '%-
&t is t(e 4t( 'ost expensive car and costs $1.2
'i++ion. &t *eat"res a 1.244-(orsepower en-ine
and acce+erates *ro' 0 to 60 'p( in 2.2 seconds.
8. =oeni-se-- -era : # $1.5 '%-
&t is t(e 8rd 'ost expensive car t(at costs $1.520.000. &t
co'es wit( a 1.080-(orsepower en-ine and can ta4e .o"
*ro' 0 to 62 'p( in ;"st 2./ seconds.
2. B"-atti 0e.ron 16.4 !rand :port 0itesse # $2.5 '%-
&t is ran4ed as t(e wor+d>s 2nd 'ost expensive car in 2014 as it costs $205
'i++ion. &t *eat"res a 1.200-(orsepower en-ine and can -o *ro' 0 to 62 'p( in
2.6 seconds on+.. T(e 9renc( a"to'a4er c+ai's t(at B"-atti is t(e *astest car
as its speed can reac( "p to 255.5 'p(. T(ere are 50 copies o* t(is car w(ic(
are avai+a)+e *or c"sto'ers.
1. La')or-(ini 0eneno 5oadster # $4.5'%-
&t is ran4ed as t(e wor+d>s
'ost expensive car to own in
2014. &t *eat"res a
250-(orsepower en-ine and
can acce+erate *ro' 0 to 62
'p( in ;"st 2./ seconds. &t is
+i-(t in its wei-(t w(ic(
increases its speed and t(e
(i-(est speed t(at it can reac(
is 221 'p(. T(e &ta+ian
a"to'a4er sa.s t(at it is -oin-
to 'an"*act"re ;"st nine
copies o* t(is car so .o" (ave
to ("rr. to -et .o"rs. 7ait?
Be*ore -oin- .o" (ave to
'a4e s"re t(at .o" (ave in
.o"r wa++et $4.5 'i++ion
@$4.500.000A not 'ore???
T(an4 .o"
9or .o"r interest
9or 'ore
9o++ow "s in,

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