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Bacterial Vaginosis Misery From raphaeloliveira [Log on to view profile]

on 2008-10-24
First, if you're still taking anything that you mentioned above it would be bett
er if you suspend it for now. That will allow you to see results from homeopathi
c treatment more quickly and clear.
Please, take a single dose of Mercurius Solubilis 200C.
- A dose is 5 pellets completely dissolved in little water (about 10ml).
- Do not eat or drink at least 1 hour before or after taking the dose
- Do not brush your teeth 3 hours before or after
- If you can avoid coffee and stay away from products that contains camphor
By single dose I mean only one dose for only one day. Make sure that the water t
ouches under your tongue before you swallow it. After taking it, wait and watch
your symptoms for the next 7 days and report back as soon as you feel any differ
Chronic Vaginitis Sepia 30c helped
From jbpeanut [Log on to view profile] on 2009-03-19
9 replies
Dear Practitioners,
I am : Female, Age 41, Self employed Bookkeeper, mother of one son Age 5.
Sexually contracted Yeast Infections off/on begining October 2006. Sudden onset
exhaustion July 2007. Could not get out of bed in mornings. Needed 2 - 3 hour na
ps during day. Became extremely noise sensitive. By October 2007 was constantly
irritable with son. Vaginitis pain became constant and often unbearable. Vag Dis
charge varied (white yellow green clear). Digestion weakened. Constipation.
December 2008 became pregnant. February 2009 took antibiotics for bladder infect
ion. Then began Sepia 30c for vaginitis. Took 3 tablets under tongue 1x/day for
5 days. Then 3 tablets under tongue 3x/day for one day. MUCH improved mentally,
emotionally, physically. SEPIA was Perfect.
Now have clear mind, peaceful emotions, but still some vaginal pain in the morni
ngs 3-4x/week. Bowels good, hangnails gone, migraines gone, sleeping through nig
ht not during day, fatigue almost gone, returning to normal daily activities.
Shall I continue Sepia 30c to clear vaginal pain?
Thank you for your excellent work.

Re: Chronic Vaginitis Sepia 30c helped From akshaymohl [Log on to view profile]
on 2009-03-20
pl take weekly dose of sepia 30 for one month
Re: Please help :Persistant Candida glabrata vaginitis From faisal qureshi [Log
on to view profile] on 2007-08-26
Dear Dianera,
thanks for your information i was waiting for your your history you can
try (Mercurius 30c)one dose mix in 500ML water and drink that water with in 3 d
ays then stop and wait for 1 weeek and you need get the pottassium permagnate mi
x in water and wash that affected area any change please don't hasitate you can
cantact me any cancern i am more happy to assist you,
Good luck

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