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Missionaries i

M/M. M.E. Sheffield

Casiiia 14017
Correo 21
Santiago Chile
Forwarding Agents
Mrs Serf Wight
Box 2868
Texas 79760
Name: Donald Gene Sheffield (Donnie) Born: December 26
1972 at 9:30 p* m. Weight: 7 lbs. 10 oz. Condition
Perfect! Praise the Lord!

i:s Ml mu i\
m:h W'A r
c r 0- =
Julio Carreno with accordian, Mike leading singing^
Sahar Holt with organ during campaign in Curacari*
It has been a busy year for all of us here In Chile. God has done
wonderful things.
The Church in Curacari began with some children and very few adults.
The first campaign in April saw 11 conversions. The second'campaign
in September was held in tent with 550 average attendance nightly.
The Church was on its own by October with its own preacher; by
December it had outgrown the building.
The correspondence course grew steadily from the first few enrolled
in January to 6,000 in December. Over 200 graduate weekly, with
more than half becoming active Christians. Ed Holt now heads this
division of the work, using the Bible Seminiary building as head-
Jeff Myers will be In charge of the Bible Seminary soon to open in
Santiago* The building was purchased in October and is now being
prepared for the opening in April of this year*
Mike also uses the College building as offices and to store the e-
vangelistic tent between campaigns* Since the first campaign in
September and extending into February of 1973, over 300 sou Is have
been won to Christ three churches have been established and
thousands have heard the gospel.
On the personal side Donnie was born perfect and healthy, Patsy
feels fine, Michael is well and growing every day, and I feel good
and work hard for the Lord* Living conditions have grown steadily
worse in January, beef could be bought once a week, now once a
month, if that often* Gas Is rationed* Food of ail kinds is scarce
and is now being rationed* Prices have gone up an unbelievable
250^* All Americans are being pressured to leave* Our time here
may be limited, but God^s power is limitless*
Many of you have received a special appeal bccause-of our emergency
situation* This situation has not been solved. We should know
within the next few weeks what action must be taken. You will be
in-formed immediately when and what action i-s to be taken* In the
meantime, continue to pray and, if possible, support*
Special Thanks for the special offerings
Schel! City Christian $143.01 Sheldon Christian $115.30
Paramount Terrace Christian 150*00 Antioch Christian 289*63
Puxico Christian 146*00 Individuals 850.00
Eastwood Christian 54*64
1st Christian-Puxico $45.00
Youth Group of Rinehart 10.00
Shell City Christian 57.08
Antioch Christian 50.00
TNT Class - Central
Christian^ Clovis 15.00
Harlandale Christian 23.05
Paramount Terrace-
designated 40.00
Pleansant Gap Missionary 42.03
Adult Women^s Bible Study
Group, Tyler 32.26
Durango Christian 20.00
Paramount Terrace 50.00
Northwest Christian-
McKinney 20.00
1st Christian-Lamar 25.00
A Missions Outreach of
Antioch Christian Church
4040 Maple
Odessa, Texas 79762
Mike Sheffield,
Box 177
Ind. 46049
Individuals ($153.00)
M/M Eddie Fowler
Mrs. Margaret August
Mary Jo Donaldson
M/M Jack Scott
M/M W.L. Vincent
M/M L. E. Bookover
M/M Harry Pecotte
Bernard Thalenfeld
Christmas Gifts
Mrs. Q. E. Simpson
Judy Wight
Betty Norman
M/M Richard Riepe
M/M Sam VantelIman
M/M Larry Osborne
Golden Rule Class-
Rinehart Chri st ian
M/M Frank Gaenes
Antioch Christian
Non-Prof it
Organizat ion
U.S. Postage
Paid ^
Perm i t
Odessa, Tx.79762
As you Jmow we have had an emergency situation j have been mable to tell
you until now. Because of the political situation all mail has been cen
sored both incoming and outgoing. Some of it has been "conveniently"
lost in route to the States^
In November, Mike wrote a letter stating he would need to purchase a
truck to haul his tent and equipment and stating he would purchase necess
ary truck unless told not to. The cost of living was increasing 250?^. fe
never received the letter and knemf nothing until the check bounced^ In
fear of imprisonment the Antioch Church covered the check, but because of
the large amount^ suggested he sell the truck. This he promptly did, and
all debts are covered. He sold it to an English speaking Church of Christ
who, in tiAfn, agreed to sell it back at $300;00 per month.
He needs the truck to carry on his work and all contributions are greatly
appreciated. If you can find it in your heart to increase your regular
support of Mike, it would aid him greatly in this most important work.
HOVv'EVER; Not only his mail is being censored^ but his telephone is bugged
and he is constantly inder surveillance. Therefore, DO NOT SIND ANY MONEY
TO HIM IN CHILE. Send it to the Forwarding Agent;
See Christian Standard, March 4, 9 7 'News of the Brethren"
The Sheffields
Casillia I4807
Correo al
Santiago, Chile
m. 11, No. 7
Dear Friends' in Christ,
I /
October, 1973
Forwarding Agent:
Carl Wight
Box 2868
Odessa, Texas 79760
Odessa, Texas
Box 2868
Odessa, Texas
September 24,
name of our wonderful Jesus Christ! Isn't it
wonderful what our Lord has done for us by saving us from-sin7-He
truly IS a wonderful Saviour and Priendo
I'm writing to you from the safe confines of the United States now.
AS most of you know by now, we decided to leave Chile for c-ood and
states. As many of you have been calling wondering
It out before the war started, we felt it might be good
oust to^ write to you all and tell you that we made:it out safe. We
^=1 ? 'iecided to come home much later than our actual leaving
anir,^ beart of my wife to persuade me to get
E Had we stayed until we had planned to
our 0!^ snd still not have gotten
for" u^ wanted to be home and hurried things up
We were fortunate in that we were able to sell all"of our personal be-
oEsfomf E''! because of the problems in shipping and
inl lTsf^Tf oomrn t r""! everything there except my books and we are hav ing to start completely from scratch again. But, God has provided so
lapked in nothing so far. , I was
mdecided as to^ whether or not to sell the truck and tent that I had
spent so much time and money getting together, but decided in-the-erra
I missionaries did, not feel that, tent campaigns
fEnLno doing, and neither one of them had the time nor the
therrr 1 r? ^^^^l^ans could not handle it either, so
This rr, finally sold to the Christian Missionary Society.
press sEd expenses as well as help buy a
press and other expenses such as travel and getting set up.
Santiago, it was a sad affair as we knew what was coming, but
rv,?i when. I honestly believe the work that I did while
work wEn i continue and know that now with this new government, the
Zith ZZei with a great push.. Since we have such a firm start
a ZLbll^n-flK5 - (oi-. 1 in every, 100 Chileans is
laZSst aZd Christian movement in Chile will be one of the
I hid tn5 ZE d , It was a sad night, though, when 1 nad to say good-bye to my Chilean brethren. I do not know if thev are
alive and well, but have to leave it all in God's handZ! ^
that included a mile walk with winter clothes
tZeel MiSli Miami, as well as having my wallet stolen soniewhers be- tween Miami^d my final destination, we were able to end our travels fin-
StL'Zo lilt all 16 plilL
'IblkinZ Ifl-illuf ^exas and be with my folks for a while,
are IIZ' il lll and preaching has filled my schedule since then. We
ChliltTan IhlllhTrl\'l'OdllZI
ApxaSo it IS so nice to be in our own ,
glili tl bl lir I i la fon;i!ist,a lilila while,.Now, we are
fllllv fill -il + visiting of churches, but we
tl be dofll we tell what we did and what we hope
, doing. Here is a t.gntati.'v.e list of speaking dates^ If vou don't
find your place here and would like for us to comeT blllte cintllt ul bv
writin^to_th_jjrwarding Agent, or calling
V '
SEPT. 23Harlandale Christian ChurchSan Antonio, Texas
Sspt 30Monahans Christian ChurchMonahans, Texas
October 7Paramount Terrace Christian Church (PM service only)-Amarillo,TX,
October 14First Christian ChurchDalhart, Texas
October 21Antioch Christian ChurchOdessa, Texas ' '
October 28Schell City Christian ChurchSchell City, Missoxrri
November 4First Christian ChurchSheldon, Missouri
November 11 Pleasant Gap Christian Church (AM servic0)-Butler Missouri
Rinehart Christian Church (PM service)Norton, Missouri
November 18^^go Christian ChurchDurango, ColoradoFaith Promise
November 25N. W. McKinney Christian ChurchMcKinney, Texas
December 2Eastwood Christian ChurchDallas, Texas
There are other faith promise rallys that I have just found out about
but have not confirmed the dates on them. I would like to sav that
the whole Idea and purpose behind going is not only to tell of what
we did while in Chile, but to attempt to get the churcLs that sunLrto^
that support to the missionaries remaining in Chile as
they desperately need the help that I was giving them if ofr shartL
of expenses. Vtith the new government coming'.into power prices are a-nfrxi-
to be very high, and the cost of living is going to go Ap greltl^
Running such a large course and training schools really costs Md
>wili cost even that much mofe. i =i.iiy costs, and
We will close this letter to you now with a big and heartlv thanks for
all you've done for us those two years. We will be nrintirir = f
newsletter sometime soon and will be mailing out a financial refrot ^
as cod
ever forget the Christians down in Chile and contin^to br^^fT'ST'"
are S God's hSdfli^L
Will be Shwoing us-saon what He wants us to do.
Grod bless you greatly.
<^asillia 14807 '
I;ii s .s i 0 n S v i c ^ s
Box -177
Kemriton, Ind. 46049
In His name,
Mike, Patsy, Michael, and
U.S. Postage
Permit /' 97
Odessa, Texas
The Sheffields Forwarding Agent:/
Casillia 14017 ^ .r\73 .. Carl Wight
Correo 21 ' - Box 2868
Santiago, Chile Odessa, Texas 79760
December 1, 1973
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter finds you
well and receiving the blessings of the Lord. As we go into this season remembering
the birth of our Saviour, our best wishes go to you for a happy season of joy and
praise and a profitable year for the Lord.
Since this is the last letter from us as missionaries to Chile, we want to take this
opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support and for your prayers
for us. God has richly blessed us and taken care of us while we were in C^ile and
since we have returned home. He has provided our every need and continues to watch
over us even now.
I would like to recap for you the events that have happened since we,returned home.
Upon our arrival in Miami and subsequently in North Carolina the last of August,
we discovered that my wallet had been stolen and thar some very precious mpney went
with it. That was the first of many things that worked out for the best in the end.
Wettraveled on from North Carolina to the Dallas area where we began our speaking
dates. It was therd that the fir^t door seemed to open for a ministry, but, the Lord
just as quickly seemed to close it and we continued on with our speaking way.
Arriving in the West Texas town of Odessa, we were greeted by many loved ones who .
had prepared for ns a small place to live while we were speaking in the different
churches. During that time we traveled to Oklahoma, Kansas, Amarillo, Texas and
Dalhart, Texas,. We also spoke in the Antioch congregation of Odessa, Texas as well
as the Monahans congregation in Monahans, Texas. Flying from Texas up to Missouri,
we began a whiil-wind week of speaking and working for the Lord.
Upon arrival in Missouri, we were again presented with the opportunity to go into a
ministry, and we again began to pray and seek God*s guidance. While there we spoke
at the Schell City Christian Church, the Pleasant Gap Christian Church, the Rinehart
Chrsstian Church, and the Shhldon Christian Church. This was all done in a full
week of working with one of the local congregations. But, after the wefek was over,
it again seemed that the Lord just didn*t want us in Missouri after all, so we again
left on the plane to return home to Odessa.
A job had been offered for some time in the city of Tyler, Texas so we left for
Tyler on our way home from Missouri. Upon arrival there, we again saw that God had
closed that door, at least for us, so we arrived home finally to Odessa a bit con
fused and bewildered. That Wednesday night we found out that our duplex apartments
other side had been rented out to a-large group of yourjg men and as we lay awake with
the window panes rattling from the vibrations of the music, we couldn*t help but
wonder what the Lord had next for us.
Thursday morning Patsy went to the Doctor for a check-up and Thursday afternoon,
PPatsy was in the hospital, li'figured the Lord was trying to'tell us something, so
I called Friday morning to a job offer that I had had before, and was hired to begin
on Monday. That evening we found a home to rent, and Saturday Patsy was released
from the hsopital with a godd possibility of further surgery. The next week was
a hectic one of prayer and seeking God's guidance. It seemed that, because of .our
participation in the Charismatic movement and our beliefs concerning the Holy Spirit,
- that God was leaving us on our own. How wrong we were.
Sunday morning, we just asked God to sliow us where He wanted us to worship Him,
where we could do the most good, and where we could be free in the Spirit of the
Lrd. He answered every need, praise His name, and led us to a wonderful fellowship
of people. It is a non-denominational group of people from many different groups
and fellowships who have felt led of God to come out and work together for the fur
therance of the gospel. The name of the group is called "Life, Unlimited" and they
are presently building a large group of buildings to be used for mass evangelism.
They have no "minister" nor "preacher" but instead everyone is considered a priest
and we are all a part of the great "priesthood of believers" described in Hebrews.
Everyone is financially independent and God is marvelously working within this group.
They espouse all the principles of the^ restoration movement, bh4 without the names
commonly placed on the church building of the movement. Being free in their worship
rf and through the Holy Spirit, they do not make a test of fellowship the belief in
K-i.i nc:: His powers today. Using only the name Christian for the members, they want
to seek and save the lost during these last days.
It was there that we prayed the prayer of faith for Patsy to be healed of her ill
ness. Monday she went to the doctor ready for anything, but he toid her that at
this time there would not be any need for surgery and that is she continead the way
she was, there would not even be any need for medication. Praise His name, He worked
out every detail.
We plan to just work for the Lord in every way that we can. We could all who call
^ upon the name of Jesus and are borne again with Him as brothers becuase of our re
lationship with the Father. We seek your prayers and letters, and want you to know
from the depths of our hearts that we love and cherish each and e^'ery one of you. -
We have been liiing a daily walk with the King, and it has been a wonderful life
with Him.
We would like to say that anything postmarked after December 1 and addressed to
Chilean Christian Mission will be sent on to the missionaries now working in Cj^ile.
All offerings will be handled in that way unless they have our name on them and
are sent to the address of Box 2868, Odessa, Texas. SfjOuld you wish to continue
/supporting the mission, the names of the missionaries and their forwarding agents
( will be sent to you on request.
Please continue to write to us as we will be here in Odessa until the Lord moves
us elsewhere or until He comes. A full financial report will be printed within a
short time and will be sent to the supporting chuxches.
God*s riches blessings upon each of you
P. S.
In.His name,
(> pJ
Mike, Patsy, Michael, and Donnie
Just a note of thanks for all the help and love you have shown to Mike and Patsy,
^l^nks als^for the ^offerings and prayers, as well as your patience with me in., my
wofk^hefe. Ybu may write to me anytime for information at my home address: P. 0,
8ox 103, GoiEdsmith, Texas 79741,
Thanks again,
An outreach of the
Antioch Christian Church
4040 E, Maple
Odessa, Texas 79762
, Carl Wight
Forwarding Agent
Non-profit Org.
U,.S, Postage
Permit 97
Odessa, Texas2
. 6i709t *P^I
drsO'>."A.acj i; UOT;.'ST'.'I
' -t-H

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