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II Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ -´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 30 -¢Ë’ 2006

Neeraj: What's wrong Suraj? Your head looks

rather odd. Let me see. Ah... it's your
ߪ’†ç îËÆæ’hçC.)
deal with/deals with (Present)
dealt with (Past tense & past participle)
(àçöÀ §Ò®Ω-§ƒô’? F ûª™‰üÓ N*vûªçí¬ éπ†- Neeraj: There are two or three books here. I
°æ-úø’-ûÓçC. îª÷úøF.. Ç Å®Ωn-¢Á’içC... †’´¤y find them interesting. Shall I take
îË®·ç--èπ◊†o hair cut) them? I promise to return them prompt-
(rather - ´’†-éÀ-≠dç æ -™‰E N≠æߪ’ç éÌClí¬ ly within ten days.
áèπ◊\´ ÅEpç-*-†-°æ¤púø’ rather Åçö«ç. Éçûª- (Ééπ\úø È®çúø’ ´‚úø’ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ Ø√èπ◊ ÇÆæéÀh éπL-Tç-
èπ◊-´·çü¿’ lessons ™ DFo îªJaçî√ç. îË-Ní¬ ÖØ√o®·. ؈’ ¢√öÀE BÆæ’-éÓØ√?10
îª÷úøçúÕ. Odd-´÷´‚©’ éπçõ‰ ¢ËÍ®/ N*-vûª- ®ÓV™x ûª°æpéπ AJT ÉîËa≤ƒh†E ´÷öÀ-Ææ’hØ√o.)
¢Á’i† (Ééπ\úÕ Å®√n©’) Odd Number = ¶‰Æœ Sentence group No. 7: show me - You didn't show me the books you
Suraj: Who's (who is) stopping you?
Ææçêu Rs. Two thousand odd = È®çúø’ ¢Ë© This book is different. It deals with the bought yesterday.
®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’© *©x®Ω (üµ¿®Ω, ê®Ω’a ™«çöÀN ¢√úË- E-ØÁo´®Ω’ Ç°æ¤-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’?(Åçõ‰ BÆæ’éÓ ÅE. future of Kashmir= (Ñlast sentence which
™ èπÿú≈ ™‰éπ-§Ú-´úøç
°æ¤púø’) ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ é¬F éÓ°æçí¬ é¬F, E-ØÁo´®Ω’ Ç°æ- This book which deals with the future of correct - í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ).
Suraj: You are talking about my hair cut! My
õ‰xü¿’. àç îËߪ÷-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ö«¢Ó îË®·, ÅE) Kashmir is different. 6) These are the books I bought them at a dis-
barber is an expert hair stylist. He O’ conversation™ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. N’í∫û√Sentence groups who (whom
†’ •ü¿’- count of 30% to 40% each. = These are the
always gives me the latest in hair cut. Neeraj: Thank you.
©’í¬Who) lessons
¢√úø-û√-®ΩE í∫ûª ™ ûÁ©’-Ææ’- books which I bought at a discount of 30% to
Any thing looks odd if it is the latest lesson
éÀçü¿öÀ ™ ´’†ç ØË®Ω’a-èπ◊†o who, èπ◊Ø√oç. 40% each =
hair cut what, whom, whose These are the books I bought at a discount
2) You should have gone to my barber.
(†’´¤y Ø√ †’ í∫’Jç* ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’- ûÓ, N†-ö«-EéÀ é¬Ææh ᶄs-
Ø√o¢√? ´÷ barber î√™« E°æ¤-ù’úø’. Ø√Èé- -ôdE-°œçîË §ÒöÀd §ÒöÀd Sentences äéπ Everyone likes him. of 30% to 40% each.
latest hair cut Sentence í¬ éπ-©°æ-úøç ØË®Ω’a-èπ◊Ø√oç. ´’J-éÌEo sentences which drop
°æ¤púø÷ îË≤ƒhúø’. éÌûªhüËüÁj† barber
(v°æA¢√∞¡Ÿx á´-JE É≠æd°æúøû√®Ó Ç ü¿í∫_-JéÀ *´J ™– î˨»ç.
¢Á·ü¿ô Nçûªí¬ØË éπ†-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC.) N´-®√©’ É°æ¤púø’... †’¢Áy-∞«x-LqçC. ´÷´‚©’ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ DEéÀ •ü¿’©’– Å®·Ø√ éπÈ®Íéd.
Hair stylist - barber Look at the following sentences from the v°æA-¢√∞¡⁄x É≠æd-°æúË ´÷ barber ü¿í∫_-JéÀ... ÅE 8) The author is a great historian. All scholars
Neeraj: It does perhaps. But I still feel you conversation above. Åçö«ç. Å°æ¤púø’ á´-JE ņ-ö«-EéÀ èπÿú≈ whom respect =
should have gone to my barber. Every 1) My barber is an expert hairstylist. He •ü¿’©’ who É™« ¢√-úø’û√ç.) The author is a great historian who all schol-
one likes him a lot. His shop is just always gives me the latest in hair cut You should have gone to my barber who ars respect=
across the road from your man's (£«®·®˝ éπöÀçí˚™ ´÷ barber î√™« E°æ¤-ù’úø’. everyone likes. The author is a great historian all scholars
(Å´¤-ûª’ç-üË¢Á÷. Å®·Ø√ †’´¤y ´÷barber Hair cut™ latest fashion îË≤ƒhúø’.) 3) My barber gave me respect.
ü¿í∫_-®Ω-Èé-∞¡Ÿxç-ú≈-Lqç--C -Å-E -Å-†’-èπ◊ç--ô’Ø√o.) 2) You should have gone to my barber. a hair cut. I am satis- (who èπÿú≈ ™‰èπ◊Ø√o last sentence correct)
Suraj: Look here My barber gave me this hair Everyone likes him. fied with it. My bar- 9) There are two or three books here. - I find
cut. I am satisfied with it. I don't know (´÷ hair dresserü¿í∫_-JéÀ †’´¤y ¢Á∞¡Ÿxç-ú≈-LqçC. ber gave me a hair them interesting =
your hair stylist.Why should I go to him v°æA äéπ\®Ω÷ ÇûªEo É≠æd-°æ-úø-û√®Ω’.) cut which I am satis- There are two or three books here which I
at all? He is just across the road from your man's fied with. find interesting =
(îª÷úø÷. ´÷ barberÉ™« î˨»úø’. Ø√èπ◊ shop.)
(O’ ¶«®Ωs®˝ áü¿’-®Ω’-í¬ØË ÅûªúÕ É™«çöÀ Ææçü¿-®√s¥™ x There are two or three books here I find
3) My barber gave me a hair cut. I am satis- which èπÿú≈ ´C-™‰- M. SURESAN interesting. (which correct).
Ææçûª%-°œhí¬ ÖçC. O’¢√úÁ-´®Ó Ø√éπÆæ©’
fied with it. ߪ’ôç ¢√úø’-Èéj-§Ú-®·çC. É°æ¤p-úø’ ´’Sx îª÷úøçúÕ.
1) ؈’ †´’t-éπ-¢Á’i† ´uéÀh-éÓÆæç îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o†’ =

The author is a great historian who...

(؈’ á´-J-ØÁjûË †´’t-í∫-©ØÓ Å™«çöÀ ´uéÀh-éÓÆæç
îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o†’.) =
I am looking for a person who (whom
•ü¿’©’) I can trust (trust = †´’túøç).
= I am looking for a person I can trust.
2) The man who (whom she wants is
here = The man she wants is here =
(Ø√ barber Ø√èπ◊ îËÆœ† éπöÀçí˚ Ææçûª%-°œhí¬ îª÷úøçúÕ!
★ My barber gave me a haircut I am satisfied
Ǣ˒ 鬢√-©-†’-èπ◊†o -Åûª†’ Ééπ\-úø’-Ø√oúø’.
3) Fèπ◊ ؈’ E†o É*a† pen áéπ\úø?=
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 163
ÖçC.) with.
4) I don't know your hairstylist. Why should I Where is the pen which I gave you yes-
(with it
ûª®√yûª ´’Sx ®√ü¿’).
go to him at all? terday? =
4) I don't know your hair stylist why should I go
hair dresser Where's the pen I gave you yesterday?
to him at all.
4) ؈’ ¢Áûª’èπ◊-ûª’†o °æ¤Ææhéπç ÉüË =
(F (ÉC èπÿú≈ ¢√úøû√ç) Ø√èπ◊ éπ©’-°æ¤ü∆ç:
Why should I go to your hair stylist who
ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿’. ØËØÁç-ü¿’èπ◊ ¢Á∞«xL ÅûªúÕ ü¿í∫_-JéÀ?) ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’. ØËØÁç-ü¿’-Èé-∞«xL Åûª-E-ü¿-í∫_®Ωèπ◊?)
Neeraj: Come, Suraj. Don't be cross with me. 5) You bought some books yesterday. You This is the book which I've been searching
(whom é¬ü¿’) I don't know at all?
There are more interesting things to didn't show them to me. for=
(ÉC §Ú©açúÕ. Why should I go to a hair styl-
talk about, aren't there? You bought (E†o †’´¤y éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ éÌØ√o´¤. ¢√öÀE ist I don't know at all- who
Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ ´C-™‰- This is the book I've been searching for.
some books yester day.You didn't show Ø√èπ◊ îª÷°œç-îª-™‰ü¿’.) ߪ’ôç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ). practice
鬕öÀd ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ who (whom),
them to me at all. 6) These are the books. I bought them at dis- 5) You bought some books. You didn't show which sentences join
¢√úø-èπ◊ç-ú≈ØË îËߪ’-´îª’a.
(Ææ÷®Ωñ ¸ éÓ°æp-úÌü¿’l. Éçûª-éπçõ‰ ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i† count of 30% to 40% each. them to me = Å™« îËÊÆh ´’† conversation î√™« Åçü¿çí¬,
N≠æ-ߪ÷-©’-Ø√o®· éπü∆? E†o †’´¤y é̆o (ÉO Ç °æ¤Ææh-鬩’. OöÀE ؈’ äéÓ\-ü∆Eo 30 You bought some books which you didn't modern í¬ Öçô’çC.
°æ¤Ææh鬩†’ Ø√èπ◊ îª÷°œç-îªØË ™‰ü¿’) †’ç* 40 ¨»ûªç ´®Ωèπÿ Discount ™ éÌØ√o†’)
Suraj: These are the books. I bought at a dis- 7) This book is different. It deals with the EXERCISE Answer:
count of 30% to 40% each at the book future of Kashmir. Practise the following aloud in English. Saran: Who was the man I saw you with yes-
fare. They are interesting books. Kashmir terday? (whom who
(-Ñ °æ¤Ææhéπç -v°æ-ûËuéπ-¢Á’i-†-C. ÉC ¶µºN- Saran: E†o FûÓ Ö†o ÅûªØÁ-´®Ω’? •ü¿’©’ ¢√úË ™‰èπ◊çú≈).
(Ç °æ¤Ææh-é¬-LN. v°æ-B-C 30 †’ç* 40 ¨»ûªç ûª†’ -N-¨Ïx-≠œç-*ç-C.) Varun: Åûªúø’ Ø√ friend Tarun. Majority students Varun: My friend Tarun. He is a student leader
ûªT_ç°æ¤ üµ¿®Ω™ éÌØ√o†’) 8) The author is a great historian. All scholars majority of students support.
Neeraj: What are they about? support îËÊÆ student leader Åûªúø’.
respect him. Saran: I read his article in
(°ævA-éπ™x ®√ÊÆ ¢√uÆæç)
( ÅN üËE í∫’Jç*?) Saran: ؈’ àüÓ °ævA-éπ™  Åûªúø’ ®√Æœ† ¢√uÆæç îªC-
some paper. I saw his photo in it. That's
(®Ωîª-®·ûª íÌ°æp îªJvûªé¬®Ω’úø’. °æçúÕ-ûª’-©-ûª-úÕE
Suraj: All of them are fiction. But this book is íı®Ω-N-≤ƒh®Ω’.) ¢√†’ Åéπ\úø ؈-ûªúÕ photo îª÷¨». Åçü¿’-éπE why I am asking.
different. It deals with the future of 9) There are two or three books here. I find ÅúÕí¬.
Kashmir. It's interesting. The author is a Varun: The articles he writes are interesting
them interesting. Varun: Åûªúø’ ®√ÊÆ ¢√u≤ƒ©’ î√™« interesting í¬,
great historian. Great Scholars respect and thought provoking. (Thought pro-
(OöÀ™E È®çúø’ ´‚úø’ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ Ø√èπ◊ ÇÆæ-éÀh-éπ-
Ç™- Í®Èé-Ahç-îË-Ní¬ Öçö«®·. voking = Ç™-îª-†©’ Í®Èé-AhçîË)
®Ωçí¬ ÖØ√o®·.)
fictions - Saran: ÅC ؈’ í∫´’-Eç-î √†’. Åûªúø’ Lecturers Saran: I've observed that. I think he is a student
(Å´Fo éπü∑∆ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’. éπü∑¿©’. Sentence groups No 1, and No 9 ©†’ äéπ-
(éπLpç-*-†N 鬕öÀd) Fiction - éπLpûªç. öÀí¬ éπ©-°æ-ú≈-EéÀ, who and which ©†’ ûª°æp-E-Ææ- èπÿú≈ É≠æd-°æúË student ņ’-èπ◊çö«. the lecturers like too.
Å®·ûË ÉC ´÷vûªç ûËú≈. ÅC Kashmir Jí¬ ¢√ú≈-LqçüË. Varun: ÆæçüË-£æ«´÷? ´’ç* book reader. Åûªúø’ Varun: Why doubt? He is a book reader too.
deal with =
¶µºN≠æuûª’h†’ îªJa-Ææ’hçC. äéπ Sentence group No 1 îªC¢Ë books î√™« serious books. Ñ The books he reads are serious ones.
°æ¤Ææhéπç/ äéπ ã Ö°æ-Ø√uÆæç/ã Ö°æ- My barber is an expert hairstylist. He This is a book he has advised me to
°æ¤Ææhéπç Åûªúø’ îªü¿-´-´’E Ææ©£æ… É*açüË.
Ø√u-Ææ-èπ◊úø’ îªJaç-îªôç.) always gives me the latest in hair cut= read.
Eg: Zoology deals with animals = Saran: Å™«çöÀ students †’ Å®Ω’-ü¿’í¬ îª÷≤ƒhç
(ïçûª’- My barber is an expert hair stylist who gives Saran: Such students are rare, aren't they?
¨»ÆæYç ïçûª’-´¤-©†’ í∫’Jç* îªJa-Ææ’hçC/ Åüµ¿u- me...

Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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