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DATA: 03/04/13
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Trabalho produzido como requisito
parcial de avaliao na disciplina
LETD23 Ensino da Ln!ua "n!lesa para
#ins Espec$icos sob orientao do %ro$&
Dr. 'ustavo 'ama&
This -or. is product o$ m/ partner and mine0s idea to produce a speci$ic course that
could aid %ortu!! video !ame pla/ers -ho are 2ust startin! to !et acquainted to
the -orld o$ one o$ the most addictin! pastime en2o/ed b/ /oun!sters and adults ali.e& The
course isn0t $ocused on a sin!ular t/pe o$ audience3 the tools o$$ered in the $ollo-in! pa!es
aren0t directed onl/ $or be!inners3 but also $or those individuals -ho are alread/ inserted in
the video !amin! communit/ and see. to improve their !ame throu!h instruction manuals or
!ame boo.lets& The ES% course aims to provide its audience3 strate!ies to understand the
lan!ua!e 4En!lish5 or peculiar 2ar!ons -hich come alon! -ith the video !amin! e6perience&
7ithin the course plan there are activities aimed to reach old1timer pla/ers0 needs and also
aimed to reach the ne-comers0 needs& Thus3 the level o$ comple6it/ o$ each lesson ma/ var/
accordin! to the tar!et audience chosen& "t0s e6pected that -hen a class is directed to more
e6perienced pla/ers3 these more s.illed students help the ine6perienced ones to reach one
sin!le !oal&! into account that even thou!h these t-o .inds o$ pla/ers are neither
advanced En!lish students nor $luent in the En!lish lan!ua!e3 /et3 the/ are alread/
$amiliarized -ith some speci$ic terms concernin! controls3 commands and some o$ the usual
paraphernalia that is o$ten present in a pla/er0s routine3 the activities su!!ested in the
elaborated class plans ma/ not seem as 8basic0 as e6pected $or learners -ho are dealin! -ith a
$orei!n lan!ua!e $or the $irst time3 a$ter all3 the !roup probabl/ studied a bit o$ En!lish at
some point o$ their li$e in school and -ith little command o$ the lin!uistic code3 the/ mi!ht be
able to reco!nize some En!lish vocabular/ that has been adopted b/ the %ortu!uese lan!ua!e
throu!hout the /ears&
D,-(.+/$: 34 '/,-*
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N,3!#- /4 1&(**#*: 15
L($0,(0# ,*#% +$ 1&(**: P/-.,0,#*#/E$0&+*'
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P-#)+/,* 8$/7&#%0#: L+..&# 8$/7&#%0# /4 E$0&+*' 0-(33(- ($% )/1(!,&(-"
N##%* ($(&"*+*: Since in the -orld o$ video !ames 49's5 most pla/ers have to deal
-ith sounds and te6ts in the En!lish lan!ua!e3 t-o s.ills -ill be !iven priorit/ in this
course: the listenin! and readin! s.ills& ;ctivities involvin! the readin! s.ill -ill be
necessar/ to enable students to read instructions and dialo!ues that o$ten come up in
the screen -hile the/ are pla/in! the !ame3 as $or the listenin! s.ill3 it -ill be
practiced to enable these learners to perceive and understand the sounds heard throu!h
the !ame3 be it in a dialo!ue bet-een its characters or in -arnin!s and important clues
!iven throu!h a voice1over to alert the pla/er& The course also aims to stimulate its
audience to pla/ on the "nternet -ith other video !ame enthusiasts $rom all around the
-orld3 sharin! .no-led!e about a variet/ o$ rules3 strate!ies and !eneral in$ormation
about 9's& <ope$ull/3 as a result $rom such e6perience3 the learners -ill be more
con$ident to use the tools that he=she acquired durin! the course in order to improve
their !ame& Thus3 not onl/ their pla/in! de6terit/ -ill be enhanced3 but also their
net-or. and social s.ills3 since the lan!ua!e barrier in this case mi!ht not be an
obstacle that hinders their $urther participation in $orei!n online 9' communities
M(.#-+(&*: ,omputer3 boo.s3 pictures3 video !ame consoles 4%la/station 1 and Super
(intendo or 'amebo/ ;dvance53 !ame cartrid!es or di!ital copies o$ the !ames to be
studied 4"sos53 pencils3 pens3 noteboo.s and !ame boo.lets=manuals 4di!ital copies5&
S1'#%,&#: >onda/s3 7ednesda/s and #rida/s3 $rom 1 p&m to 3 p&m&
G-(%+$0 1-+.#-+(: #our evaluations to be done and handed in alon! the course&
,L;SSES ,*(TE(T %)*,ED+)ES= )E#E)E(,ES
"ntroduction o$
the course ?
A Era do
Video Game
Durin! the introduction o$ the course3 the evaluation criteria3 deadlines3 the
materials to be used in the course and the aims o$ classes are e6plained& Students are
as.ed to su!!est some !ames the/0d li.e to debate or anal/ze in class durin! the
course and a$ter-ards 2 episodes o$ the %ortu!uese dubbed documentar/ A Era do
video game is pla/ed $or the !roup& ;$ter the e6hibition the !roup is supposed to
discussion its content& #or home-or. the students shall -atch the other 3 episodes
o$ the documentar/ available on: @http:==---&/outube&com=pla/listA
Dealin! -ith
9' consoles
The article History of the Game Controller available on:
@http:==---&video!ameconsolelibrar/&com=art1controller&htmIpa!eBmotionH is
used to !enerate discussion& 9erb tenses are also supposed to be -or.ed on throu!h
the anal/sis o$ the te6t& The topic o$ video!ame consoles is $ollo-ed up b/ the 1F
min presentation o$ the histor/ o$ video !ame consoles3 in -hich students -ill be
able to reco!nize throu!h pictures and names $rom the oldest to the latest consoles
ever made& The presentation is available on: @http:==---&/outube&com=-atchA
%lat$orm L
The !roup is supposed to -or. on the video 'ame Super >ario Cros& Students are
supposed to brin! boo.lets or manuals and other sources o$ in$ormation re!ardin!
the !ame& ;t this point the/0re supposed to share all the .no-led!e the/ possibl/
ma/ have about the !ame3 includin! common terms used in the Mario Bros Series&
7ritten dialo!ues -ithin the !ame are e6tracted and handed in to be e6amined -ith
the !uidance o$ the teacher& Dictionaries are needed in order to create a !lossar/ o$
ne- -ords re!ardin! the plot o$ Super Mario Bros& 3&
Super >ario
;ctivities per$ormed to understand >ario0s ,haracters3 !oals3 commands3 controls&
Source o$ materials: (E7>;(3 Names& V+%#/0(3#*2 London: )outled!e3 200M&
Super Mario Bros. 3 O "nstruction Coo.let& ;vailable on:
Fth 1
</brid ,omposition to be -ritten partiall/ in the mother ton!ue and partiall/ in the
$orei!n lan!ua!e re!ardin! -hat the student has learned about consoles and
plat$orm !ames& Students shall save t-o para!raphs to e6plain !eneral aspects o$
Super Mario Bros. 3 in En!lish& The use o$ En!lish terms and 2ar!ons seen in the
previous lessons are encoura!ed& The number o$ speci$ic -ords in En!lish re!ardin!
the !ame universe -ill be ta.en to account&
"ntroduction o$
Ceat0 em +p
)eadin!3 production o$ !lossar/ and summar/ o$ the article: Beat em !p available
on: @http:==tvtropes&or!=pm-i.i=pm-i.i&php=>ain=CeatEm+pH
Qth %la/in!
Listenin! and readin! activities& The video BATMAN VENGEANCE review for
Nintendo GameCube is available at: @http:==---&/outube&com=-atchA
The te6ts used $or the readin! actitvit/ -ere e6tracted $rom the manul available at:
)eadin! o$ Genre: Ceat TEm +p3 throu!h the te6t available at:
@http:==snes!uide&com=!enres=beatemup=H& Students are supposed to $ind a lin.
bet-een the si6th lesson3 the 9' -or.ed on the seventh lesson and on this D
open a discussion re!ardin! ho- Batman Vengean"e shares similarities -ith the
other !ames discussed on the previous te6t Beat em !p and ho- it di$$ers $rom
adventure !enres as Super Mario Bros&
'roups o$ students are supposed to present seminars in -hich the/ shall discuss one
!ame -hich belon!s to the Ceat0 em +p !enre& Since the $irst da/ o$ class the
!roups o$ students are a-are that the/ have to prepare a seminar to e6plain ho- to
pla/ a certain 9'3 thou!h the/ don0t .no- the !enre o$ the !ame /et on $irst class&
<o-ever3 on the E
da/ o$ class the/0ll have to start! on a Ceat0 em +p 9'
to brie$l/ present it to the class3 e6plainin! plot3 characters3 commands and controls
in En!lish&
plat$orm !ame
%resentation o$ the characters3 the stor/ and its development -hile practicin! on
readin! strate!ies 4scannin!=s.immin!5 and listenin! activities&
o$ >atri60s
plat$orm !ame
Dealin! -ith the e6tremel/ di$$icult puzzles o$ ;lundra3 students -ill -or. on
readin! 4scannin!=s.immin!5 and listenin! strate!ies& E6ercises are presented -ith
strate!ies to deal -ith the !ame0s e6tensive plot&
12th 3
Evaluation ,ontent based on the plat$orm !ame Alundra.
%la/in! Son/0s
)%' 9, #he
$egend of
"ntroducin! the 9' #he $egend of %ragoon and verb tenses&
Di$$erin! #he
$egend of
%ragoon $rom
Students are supposed to $ind similarities bet-een the )%' #he $egend of %ragoon
and the plat$ormer Alundra.
%la/in! Son/0s
)%' #he
$egend of
The Simple present and simple past tenses are still supposed to be -or.ed on
throu!h the presentation o$ the )%'0s stor/line& Source o$ in$ormation re!ardin!
#he $egend of %ragoon is available at:
& http:==!uidesmedia&i!n&com=!uides=1323D=L*D&pd$H
1Eth M
evaluation ,ontent based on the )%' $egend of %ragoon.
Last Da/ o$
%lan o$ class number M : %la/in! (intendo0s >ario Cros&3
)esources: %ictures3 manuals3 dictionaries3 boo.3 internet sources
NOTE: The instruction boo.let o$ the !ame Super Mario Bros.3 brin!s some rich in$ormation $or
those !amers -ho are 2ust startin! to !et to .no- the adventurous >ario and his !an!& The boo.let
doesn0t provide onl/ the stor/line o$ the !ame3 it also e6plores -a/s to -in the !ame3 revealin! the
!oals and abilities o$ the characters& <o-ever3 $or non1En!! !amers the lan!ua!e barrier
.eeps them $rom! such a use$ul tool that could ma.e their !ame more success$ul& "n this
class3 students -ill be able to understand a little bit o$ the controls that move and !ive li$e to >ario
and his other pals&
7arm up: students are handed a picture -ith the 3 di$$erent manners in -hich the character
>ario can 2ump -ith their respective instructions concernin! possible control combinations&
;$ter-ards3 students are supposed to tr/ to $ind out the di$$erence in each o$ the 3
movements& ;$ter students !ive their !uesses $or each movement3 the teacher provides them
the translation in %ortu!uese $or the -ritten in$ormation that describes each 2ump and ho- to
per$orm them&
#ollo- up: students are instructed to
ma.e a !lossar/ -ith onl/ the .e/-ords -hich describe
each movement or control learned& Eg. press 'ump
left( right spot )utton3 and so on& #ollo-in!3 the learners are supposed to $orm !roups and
-ithout the use o$ a dictionar/3 tr/ to $ind out -hich abilit/ o$ the !ame characters is bein!
discussed in the te6t& The/ are instructed to observe the ima!e and vocabular/ -ithin the
para!raph and identi$/ the .e/-ord that appears on both the picture handed earlier and the
current te6t& <ope$ull/ the !roups -ill !uess that UNumpV or U2umpin!V is the topic o$ the
te6t& (e6t3 the/ shall $ind the name o$ the other characters in the lines& Later a translation o$
the te6t is !iven to them&
,learl/ desi!ned $or the e6panded audience3 8Super >ario Crothers 20
!ives its pla/ers $our options $or identi$ication: $or the core audience o$
males bet-een seven and $i$teen3 there are >ario and Lui!i3 veterans o$
the ori!inal 8Super >ario Crothers30 -ho have the !reatest 2umpin!
po-erW $or preschoolers3 there0s Toad3 the tiniest $i!ure3 -ho has the least
2umpin! po-er but the !reatest carr/in! po-erW and $or $emales3 there0s
%rincess Toadstool3 -ho3 despite her in$erior 2umpin! and carr/in! po-er3
has the unique abilit/ o$ $loatin! $or 1&F seconds O a $unctional di$$erence
that $requentl/ leads m/ son and his buddies to choose her over the
others3 even at the ris. o$ trans!ender identi$ication& 4X"(DE)3 >arsha& 9 i d e o ! a m e p l a / e r s
a n d c h a r a c t e r s& "n:(E7>;(3 Names& V+%#/0(3#*2 London: )outled!e3 200M3 p&12G5&
,ore lesson: Each !roup o$ students are handed some questions about the material the/ have
in hands& The/ are also instructed to ma.e a !lossar/ $or the ne- -ords the/ -ere e6posed in
class& The teacher must raise their a-areness to the $act that certainl/ the vocabular/
presented in the provided material is also common or share similarities to other !ames $rom
di$$erent !enres and st/les&
15 Kue boto deve ser pressionado para $azer o >ario pular precisamente num determinado
espao3 porYm se atin!ir altura considerZvelA
25 Kual o melhor pulo para evitar ataques inimi!osA ,omo se dZ a combinao de controles para
tal per$ormanceA
35 Kual a vanta!em do *o+er S,uat -umpA
M5 Kuais os outros persona!ens alYm do >ario no 2o!o em questoA Kual deles tem o poder de
pular com mais e$icZciaA
F5 Kual a persona!em que pula com menos e$icZcia3 contudo3 possui a habilidade de $lutuarA
E5 Kual a persona!em mais requisitada pelos 2o!adoresA
7rap up: ;$ter! the ans-ers o$ each !roup and correctin! possible mista.es3 a hand
out -ith some instructions provided earlier is !iven to the students3 so the/ can ans-er one
sin!le question3 U7hat can each character doAV& #or home-or.3 students are told to research
other !ames on the internet -hich brin! vocabular/ o$ abilities and controls similar to Super
Mario Brothers 3 and also throu!h the picture belo-3 $ind out the ob2ective o$ >ario and
Lui!i in the !ame&
* que cada um dos persona!ens abai6o pode $azerA
%lan o$ class number Q : %la/in! +biso$t0s Batman Vengean"e
)esources: %ictures3 manuals3 dictionaries3 boo.3 internet sources
7arm up: Open dicussion regarding the symbol showed below. Students are
led to talk about the character, perhaps the flms, the comic books, the
animated series and fnally the video game to be worked on. Theyre
asked if they know Batmans most feared enemies, his special moves,
weapons and items. brainstorm of words related to the hero and the
general plot he is inserted is supposed to be written on the board. !n case
the students are unable to give such terms in the "nglish language, the
teacher may help them with the translations, as e#emplifed below$
#ollo- up: Students are !iven hand outs -ith in$ormation about the !ame and $orm !roups to
read the $ollo-in! te6ts& #indin! some di$$icult/3 the/ ma/ use dictionaries or as. $or some
!uidance $rom the teacher in order to complete the sentences belo-:
a5PPPPP PPPPPP PPPPP PPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP Y o vilo que dese2a matar Catman e
destruir 'otham ,it/&
b5; capa do her[i Y usada no movimento de PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP&
c5PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPPP PPPP PPPPP PPPP PPPP so armas utilizadas para prop[sitos

;$ter !ettin! a !eneral idea o$ the te6t3 students are as.ed to -atch a video t-ice& *n the $irst
vie-3 the/0re supposed to understand as much as the/ can throu!h the ima!es and .e/1-ords
the/ ma/ identi$/ in the subtitles3 and throu!h the second vie-3 the/0re supposed to ta.e notes
o$ -hat the/ believe the video is about& ;s soon as the video is over3 the !roups shall voice
their impressions 4on the mother ton!ue5 about the audiovisual material presented& The teacher
mi!ht $acilitate the discussion3 rememberin! them to use the En!lish lan!ua!e $or the terms
that sho- up on the !ame revie-&
T-($*1-+9.+/$ /4 .'# )+%#/
0(3# -#)+#7
Batman the Animated Series +as ,uite possi)ly the )est thing Batman ever released. .t 'ust
understood +hat Batman is and supposed to )e and got that feel do+n. Batman should )e
dar/ and fe+ things sho+ed this )etter than the Animated Series. And Batman0 Vengean"e
tries to do 'ust that. #he game is a"tually set in the universe of the follo+(up to the Animated
Series1 "alled the 2e+ Batman Adventures. #he game has the art style do+n. 3rom the loo/ of
the "hara"ters1 to the gadgets1 and even Gotham City itself. .t4s great to see this art dire"tion
"ome to life1 and it really feels li/e the "artoon. .t even has 5evin Conroy doing the voi"e of
Batman1 a great tou"h to ma/e the game feel "omplete +ith one of the )est Batman4s out there.
#he game is )ro/en do+n into separate se"tions1 that feel li/e separate episodes1 even do+n to
ea"h having a separate title that falls right in line +ith others from the series. Ea"h episode
features a separate villain +ith there )eing the -o/er1 Harley 6uinn1 Mr. 3ree7e1 and *oison
.vy. Ea"h has their o+n dia)oli"al plot of ho+ to ma/e Gotham their o+n1 and it is up to
Batman to stop them. #he levels are fairly straightfor+ard1 +ith a mostly linear route for
Batman to ta/e. .t4s the getting from point A to B is +here the fun is. As you "ould imagine1
Batman "omes +ith plenty of different moves and gadgets that he +ill use to stop the villains.
He "an use his "ape to glide to different areas1 and also use his full arsenal of gadgets.
Batman has )atarangs1 and his Batgrapple1 and Bat($aun"her to deal +ith the environment
and enemies. Bad guys and hen"hmen are every+here and are +aiting for the +orld4s greatest
dete"tive. Batman has a full array of moves that help +ith the "om)at. After you /no"/ an
enemy do+n1 you have to hand"uff them or they +ill get )a"/ up later. #he only pro)lem is1
you only have so many hand"uffs1 so e8pe"t to fight the literal same enemies again and again.
And one thing that is disappointing are the levels. 9hile they are )ig and open1 they all feel
very empty1 and not very detailed. #e8tures are "ompletely smooth and open area are left
feeling )lan/1 ta/ing you a+ay from the great lo"ation of Gotham City. And +hile Batman has
many moves1 the "om)at feels repetitive ,ui"/ly and )e"omes tiresome. 9hile all the elements
for a great Batman game are here1 they 'ust don4t "ome together perfe"tly1 leaving the
appearan"e of Batman1 )ut one that is not very deep.:
,ore lesson: Students are !iven 3 tas.s: scan the material and $ind .e/1-ords both on
the video and the te6ts presented3 the material to ans-er some questions
re!ardin! the !ame and summarize each aspect o$ the !ame discussed in the lesson
4S%E,";L >*9ES3 9"LL;"(S3 7E;%*(S L "TE>S5 in their mother ton!ue&
Kual movimento especial do Catman Y comentado tanto na crtica do vdeo quanto na leitura
Kuais os vil\es do !ame e que tipo de ameaas eles apresentam para o her[iA
De acordo com o vdeo e a leitura3 quais os acess[rios usados pelo her[i para en$rentar seus
inimi!os e se adequar aos di$erentes ambientes do 2o!oA
De acordo com o vdeo3 o que acontece se o 2o!ador derrubar um inimi!o mas no al!emZ1loA
E de acordo com a leitura3 qual seria o acess[rio adequado para $az]1loA
De acordo com a crtica do vdeo3 qual aspecto do 2o!o dei6a a dese2arA %or queA
Students -ill acquire vocabular/ and internalize commands re!ardin! the video !ame Batman0
Vengean"e and at the same time such learners -ill be able to practice their readin! and listenin! s.ills
-hile discussin! about a character that a$ter conquerin! comic boo.s3 cartoons and movie
lovers3 can also i!nite the passion o$ 9' pla/ers&
;vailable at: @http:==---&romsMdroid&com=manuals=%,S20'ames=>anualsS204+S;5=;1,=Catman
Video BATMAN VENGEANCE review for Nintendo GameCube is available at:
Super Mario Bros. 3 O "nstruction Coo.let& ;vailable on:
A era do Video Game& ;vailable on: @http:==---&/outube&com=pla/listA
(E7>;(3 Names& V+%#/0(3#*2 London: )outled!e3 200M&

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