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Transformer Operational

Principles, Selection and


Senlor WasLewaLer 1reaLmenL and process Lnglneer aL Lnglcon wlLh a
8.Sc. ln chemlcal and LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng from Sara[evo
Un|vers|tyand Alexandrla unlverslLy, LgypL (olluLlon ConLrol). Pe has
38 years of a unlque experlence ln Lhe waLer and envlronmenLal secLors
boLh naLlonally and lnLernaLlonal. CapaclLy bulldlng and Lralnlng has
been an lnLegral parL of Abdu| WahabMatar's work LhroughouL hls
career. Pe was an experL responslble for upgradlng and Lralnlng local
sLaff and operaLlon of Sana' LreaLmenL planL wlLh a capaclLy of S0,000
m3]day and exLended aeraLlon process.

Who Should Attend

Engineers & Technicians
from electricity supply industry

Engineering Professionals
from companies manufacturing
and operating power and
distribution transformers

Engineers & Technical Personnel in
power utilities, petrochemical
plants, service professionals
of large infrastructure projects

International Center for
Training and Development
Tel.: +971 (0) 2 6322275
Fax: +971 (0) 2 6342422
Abu Dhabi UAE
02-06 Nov 2014

Muscat, Oman
In-House Training
A gour couang rouiso is
auailablo. Conac us ior a

ower and dlsLrlbuLlon are essenLlal devlces ln elecLrlclLy supply. 1helr raLlngs
can vary from small slze dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformers of a few kvA up Lo very large
power Lransformers of 1000 MvA or more. ln Lerms of volLage raLlngs
Lransformers can have operaLlng volLages up Lo several hundreds of kllovolLs.
1hey represenL a ma[or asseL of Lhe power uLlllLy and any lndusLrlal planL. lallure
of a Lransformer can be very cosLly and dangerous for oLher ma[or equlpmenL
and personal allke.

1he deslgn and operaLlon of any Lransformer musL fulflll cerLaln requlremenLs ln
order Lo wlLhsLand Lhe elecLrlc, Lhermal and mechanlcal sLresses durlng lLs
servlce llfe. 1esLs and malnLenance of Lransformers accordlng Lo Lhe relevanL
sLandards are lnLended Lo ensure LhaL a Lransformer passlng Lhem wlll glve
Lrouble-free servlce for many years under Lhe condlLlons lL ls llkely Lo experlence
afLer lLs lnsLallaLlon.

1.6 AuLoLransformers
1.7 ulsadvanLages of rlnclpal ConnecLlons,
1erLlary Wlndlngs,
1.8 1ransformer Wlndlngs, lnLerconnecLlon
of Wlndlngs, AdvanLages and
1.9 Parmonlcs ln 1ransformers, arallel
CperaLlon of 1ransformers, Loadlng of
1ransformers ln arallel, arallellng
8equlremenLs, olarlLy
1.10 SLandards for 1ransformers, 1ypes
and 8equlremenLs
1.11 1ransformer 1applngs and ConnecLlons
1.12 AblllLy Lo wlLhsLand ShorL ClrculL, Sound
1.13 Case SLudles and Workshop ulscusslon

Modu|e (02) 1ransformer Construct|ona| Deta||s
2.1 1ransformer Cll, CharacLerlsLlcs, Cll CxldaLlon,
8reakdown volLage, WaLer ConLenL, AcldlLy,
Cll 1esLlng, lleld Cll 1esLlng, ulssolved Cas
Analysls, 1reaLmenL and lllLerlng of Cll
2.2 LffecL of Cll Lxpanslon, 8reaLhlng AcLlon,
8uchholz 8elay, Lxploslon venLs
2.3 lnsLrumenL 1ransformers
2.4 1ransformers for lndusLrlal AppllcaLlons:
a. LlecLro-chemlcal
b. Arc and lnducLlon lurnaces
c. Plgh volLage 1esLlng 1ransformers
d. reclplLaLor 1ransformers
e. ury 1ype 1ransformers
2.3 ConsLrucLlon and ueLalls, 1ransformer
Coollng, naLural Coollng, lorced Coollng
2.6 Case SLudles and Workshop ulscusslon

Modu|e (03) 1ransformers Ieatures and
1herma| erformance
3.1 1hermal erformance and Cycllc 8aLlng of
1ransformers. 1emperaLure lndlcaLors and
3.2 1ransformers lmpedance, LlecLromagneLlc
3.3 1ransformer ConsLrucLlon:
a. Cores
b. Assembly
3.4 1ransformer Wlndlngs ConsLrucLlon:
a. Coll 1ypes
b. ulsc Colls
c. Cross-over Colls
d. ConcenLrlc Colls
e. Sandwlch Colls
f. 1ransposlLlons

uelegaLes wlll galn a deLalled appreclaLlon of Lhe followlng:
racLlcal soluLlons for speclfylng, operaLlng and malnLalnlng power
Lransformers ln a uLlllLy or planL envlronmenL.
Comprehenslve undersLandlng of prlnclples, selecLlon, LesLlng and
commlsslonlng, proLecLlon, malnLenance and LroubleshooLlng of
dlsLrlbuLlon and power Lransformers.
1he necessary safe procedures relaLlng Lo Lransformer operaLlon and
relaLed clrculLry.
1esLlng and malnLenance of Lransformers.
Pow Lo care for your Lransformers.

18AlnlnC ML1PCuCLCC?
1hls Lralnlng program ls lecLure-based and cusLomlzed Lo Lhe needs of Lhe
audlence, provldlng meanlngful experlence for ma[or wasLewaLer
LreaLmenL planLs. ually sesslons lnclude formal presenLaLlon, prepared ln
Lhe ower olnL, lnLerspersed wlLh dlrecLed dlscusslon and case sLudy. ln
addlLlon Lo formal lecLures and dlscusslons, Lhe delegaLes wlll learn by
acLlve parLlclpaLlon Lhrough Lhe use of self-assessmenL, group dlscusslons,
analysls of real-llfe case sLudles.

CerLlflcaLe wlll be lssued from Lhe lnLernaLlonal CenLre for 1ralnlng &
uevelopmenL (lC1u) Lo all aLLendees compleLlng mlnlmum of 83 of Lhe LoLal
Lralnlng hours.

Course CuLllne
Modu|e (01) Introduct|on, Genera| r|nc|p|es and C|ass|f|cat|on
1.1 Ceneral ClasslflcaLlon of 1ransformers
1.2 1ransformer ConsLrucLlon, Core-1ype
1.3 Shell-1ype, ury-1ype 1ransformers
1.4 Cll-fllled 1ransformers
1.3 Coollng 1echnlques

3.3 1ransformer 1anks and 8adlaLors,
1ank Losses, alnL 1reaLmenLs
3.6 1ransformer llLLlngs:
LlfLlng Lugs
!acklng ads
1le-uown Lugs
8leed lpes
3.6 Case SLudles and Workshop ulscusslon

Modu|e (04) 1ransformer Cperat|on and Ma|ntenance

4 4.1 ulsLrlbuLlon volLage Ad[usLmenL, Cff-Load 1ap Changlng, Cn-Load 1ap Changlng
3 SwlLchlng of hlgh volLage underground cables supplylng dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformers
6 LarLhlng and over-currenL proLecLlon of dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformers
7 1ransformers malnLenance:
Cll preservaLlon
ueLerloraLlon of oll
CondlLlon monlLorlng
laulLs ln Lransformers
1applng and wlndlngs
8 4.2 Advanced Lransformer malnLenance
9 4.3 Culdellnes on how Lo care for your dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformers
4.4 Case SLudles and Workshop ulscusslon

Modu|e (0S) 1ransformer 1est|ng

4.1 1ransformer 8ouLlne 1esLs
4.2 MeasuremenL of Wlndlng 8eslsLance
4.3 MeasuremenL of volLage 8aLlon
4.4 MeasuremenL of lmpedance volLage ShorL-ClrculL
4.3 MeasuremenL of no-Loads Loss and CurrenL
4.6 lnsulaLlon 8eslsLance
4.7 Parmonlcs 1esLlng
4.8 SeparaLe-Source ower-lrequency volLage wlLhsLand 1esL
4.9 lnduced CvervolLage wlLhsLand 1esL
4.10 1ransformer 1ype 1esL
4.11 1emperaLure-8lse 1esL
4.12 LlghLlng lmpulse 1esL
4.13 Sound Level
4.14 Speclal 1esL:
a. 1ransformer arLlal ulscharge 1esLlng
4.13 Accuracy and lnLerpreLaLlon of 1esL resulLs and of 1esL 8eporLs

Da||y Course 1|m|ngs
07:30 - 08:00 Mornlng Coffee / 1ea
08:00 - 10:00 llrsL Sesslon
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee / 1ea / Snacks
10:20 - 12:20 Second Sesslon
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch 8reak & raylng 1lme
13:30 - 13:00 LasL Sesslon

3,300 US5 1hls raLe lncludes parLlclpanL's
manual, Pands-CuLs, buffeL lunch,
coffee/Lea on arrlval, mornlng & afLernoon
of each day.

!"#$%&'(&$)* ,"(,-$*"%.
/"0"* ,(1% 2'$)' &) 3)4'%" )55"'$*#

Send (3) delegaLes and geL a 678
,$%3)4*& on Lhe Lhlrd parLlclpanL.

ln-PCuSL 8LnLll1S
! A ta||ored approach
! keduced costs
! keduce d|srupt|on
! Conven|ent

IC1D - Internat|ona| Center for 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
1o reglsLer, please emall/fax Lhls page Lo us. lor more lnformaLlon or ln-PCuSL, conLacL:

Mr. Ahmed Al Cohary +971 (0) 326472884 agohary[
Ior fu|| ||st of courses, v|s|t our webs|te at http:]]www.|

Course]Sem|nar 1|t|e: Course Date:

art|c|pant Deta||s 95)' (,,$&$)*(- 2('&$3$2(*&%: 2-"(%" ;(<" 3)2$"% )5 &=$% 5)';>
nAML !C8 1l1LL LMAlL Auu8LSS


Ior us to serve you better |n the future, p|ease |nd|cate your mode of referra| for th|s tra|n|ng course:
LxlsLlng lC1u CllenL lC1u WebslLe lC1u Lmall-llyers Cnllne CLhers

lease lndlcaLe by puLLlng an x" ln Lhe relevanL box,.

Company Name: Company Address:

keg|strat|on Contact - A ] nk

Accounts ] 8||||ng Contact

ayment 1erms 9?-"(%" $*,$3(&" @ABCDBE@F/A E GFHIJ!FHKB!> ?-"(%" conLacL lC1u

1erms and Cond|t|ons
1. arLlclpanL reglsLraLlon ls conflrmed upon recelpL of reglsLraLlon form.
2. Courses wlll be conflrmed 3 weeks before daLe of commencemenL of course.
3. Cnce a course ls conflrmed, full paymenL has Lo be made lmmedlaLely.
4. lC1u, Abu uhabl reserves Lhe rlghL Lo reschedule or cancel any course ln Lhe evenL of unforeseen clrcumsLances, every efforL wlll be made Lo
lnform Lhe parLlclpanLs.
3. lull fees are refundable provlded wrlLLen noLlflcaLlon ls recelved 14 days before course commencemenL, and 30 of Lhe fee ls chargeable lf
noLlflcaLlon ls recelved wlLhln 14 days precedlng course commencemenL. AfLer whlch full course fees wlll be charged.
6. 8y submlLLlng Lhls reglsLraLlon form, you have accepLed and agreed Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons as sLaLed

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