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A Triple Sec Recipe to Make Your Drink Recipes Taste Even Better

Posted By Pamela On February !" #!# $ #%! pm

Recipe: Homemade Triple Sec Recipe
& Tan'erines (sliced )*+ t,ick-
)# .up Tan'erine /uice (0rom appro1imately 2 tan'erines-
# Ounces Everclear
# Ounces 3odka
2 .ups Su'ar
& .ups 4ater
Oran'e Blossom 4ater
5 Pre,eat oven to #!! de'rees Faren,eit5
#5 On parc,ment paper (or silicone bakin' matte- lined s,eet pan" lay out tan'erine slices in a
sin'le layer5
&5 Bake 0or )# ,ours5 Tan'erine slices s,ould be some6,at s,riveled" but still sticky (not dry-5
75 Remove 0rom oven and let cool5
25 Pour everclear into a sealable 8ar and add tan'erine slices5 .over" s,ake 8ar and set in a cool
95 T,e sliced tan'erines s,ould stay in t,e everclear 0or *:# ,ours (s,ake occasionally-5
;5 <n anot,er sealable 8ar" pour vodka and tan'erine 8uice5 .over" s,ake 8ar and set in cool place5
*5 T,e 8uice and vodka s,ould sit 0or #7 ,ours (s,ake occasionally-5
=5 Strain t,e everclear t,rou', a 0ine mes, strainer5 Strain a'ain t,rou', a co00ee 0ilter and set
!5Strain vodka and 8uice t,rou', a double layer o0 c,eese clot,5 T,en strain t,rou', a co00ee 0ilter
(you may need to do t,is strainin' in batc,es and use a ne6 0ilter 0or eac, batc, strained-5 Set
5<n a lar'e saucepan add t,e su'ar and 6ater5
#5Stir until su'ar is dissolved and brin' to a lo6 boil 0or a minute5 Take o00 ,eat and let cool to
room temperature5
&5.ombine su'ar syrup" everclear mi1ture and vodka mi1ture into a very lar'e bo6l5
75Add a drop or t6o o0 t,e oran'e 0lo6er 6ater i0 you 6ould like a little more oran'e aroma5 (>o
easy 6it, t,is stu00?it@s really potent and i0 you add too muc, you could end up 6it, stu00 t,at
tastes like per0ume5-
25Pour triple sec into sealable bottles5
Quick notes
Store in t,e re0ri'erator 0or a mont,5
Feel 0ree to use ot,er types o0 tan'erines or oran'es5
Preparation time% #7 ,our(s-
.ookin' time% 2 minute(s-
Aumber o0 servin's (yield-%
.ulinary tradition% BSA (>eneral-
Article printed 0rom My ManCs Belly%
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Dimoncello Recipe
< kno6 t,is isn@t Euite t,e 6ay t,e <talians do it" but < reckon t,ey mi',t i0 t,ey 'ot t,eir ,ands on a
bus,el o0 s6eet Meyer lemons5 < don@t ,ave anyt,in' a'ainst Sorrento lemons" mind" < 8ust t,ink t,ese
smoot, little 'lobes o0 suns,ine mi',t ,ave one up on t,eir Mediterranean counterparts5
For starters" Meyer lemons ,ave t,at tin'ly" sour kiss o0 a lemon" but 6it,out t,e bitter lip:bitin' o0
t,ose less e1perienced in t,e art o0 makin' out5 T,eir rinds are satiny" delicate and tautF unlike t,e
clunky" pit,y Eureka" covered in all t,ose un0ortunate pores5
Aormally" limoncello 6ould be made 6it, 8ust t,e Gest o0 a lemon (and 'rain spirits" su'ar and 6ater H
see 0or yoursel0 in t,is recipe publis,ed on t,e 4as,in'ton Post-" but usin' 6,ole Meyer lemons yields
a product t,at is 8ust as 0ine as a classic <talian limoncello5 < did it a little di00erently% < Euartered about a
doGen or 9 Meyer lemons and pus,ed t,em into a #:Et 8ar" t,en poured a 6,ole ;2!:mD bottle o0 'rain
alco,ol over t,e top5 < s,ook everyt,in' up" t,en put it in a cool" dark place 0or a mont, or so (visitin'
every so o0ten to 'ive t,in's anot,er s,ake-5 T,en < poured everyt,in' into a strainer (savin' t,e liEuid-
and dumped t,e lemons into a pot on t,e stove 6it, about 7 cups o0 6ater" & cups o0 su'ar and a cup o0
,oney 0or t,at sensuous 0uGGy bee 0lavor5 < turned on t,e stove and simmered t,is lemon mas, 0or a 0e6
moments (maybe 2 or ! minutes- 6,ile t,e su'ar dissolved" crus,in' and 8uicin' t,e lemons into a
6ort:o0:sorts 6it, a potato smas,er5 Finally" < strained t,e lemon:su'ar:6ater mi1ture into t,e in0used
alco,ol" stirred everyt,in' to'et,er and strained into 'ro6lers5
Even t,ou', < made t,is because < 6as at t,e end o0 a #!lb case o0 Meyer lemons and t,e skin on my
,ands itc,ed and burned 0rom a t6o:day marmalade marat,on" < 6ould buy lemons 8ust 0or t,is
purpose5 T,ose lucky you t,at ,ave trees in t,eir yards" t,is is t,e laGiest 6ay to use up a lot o0 lemons
at once H only mar'inally more 6ork t,an s,ovelin' t,em into your compost5 <0 it 6ere summertime
(alas" it 6ould never be 6,en lemons are in season-" < mi',t toy 6it, t,e idea o0 addin' a spri' or t6o
o0 lavender to t,e bottles5 < bet a 0res, bay lea0 6ould be lovely" too5 Maybe <@ll add one or t,e ot,er
Dimoncello is a 'or'eous aperti0 (served strai',t 0rom t,e 0reeGer-" or it can be used to 0orti0y a 'lass o0
lemonade5 < bet it@d be nice added to a 'lass o0 iced ,ibiscus tea5 S,oot" < mi',t 8ust turn up t,e ,eat"
,ave a 'lass and 0an mysel0 lan'uidly 6,ile starin' out t,e 6indo6 and 0antasiGin' about livin' in a
6armer clime5
T,e Recipe%
;2! ml bottle o0 Everclear
*:! medium siGe lemons
# )# cups o0 6ater
&)7 cups o0 su'ar
You 6ill also need a 'lass container to a'e t,e lemons and Everclear5 4e like usin' an old apple sauce
8ar5 You 6ill also need bottles to store t,e 0inis,ed limoncello5 You can buy ne6 bottles" or save your
Everclear and ot,er 6ine bottles5
4,en c,oosin' lemons you 6ant to use or'anic i0 possible5 T,ey 6onCt ,ave
6a1 and pesticides on t,e peel5 <0 you canCt" make sure you 6as, t,em very
6ellI You also 6ant lemons t,at ,ave beauti0ul 0la6less peels5
Ao6 it is time to Gest t,e lemons5 You can use 6,atever met,od you pre0er :
peeler" kni0e or micro plane5 You 8ust 6ant to make sure you 'et AO pit,
(6,ite part o0 t,e peel- into t,e limoncello5 <t 6ill make t,e limoncello bitter5
Put t,e Gest in your 'lass 8ar" pour t,e Everclear over
t,e top" and close t,e lid5
Ao6 0or t,e really ,ard part5 You ,ave to 4A<T :
somet,in' t,at us Mamas are not 'ood at5 <n t,e
recipe t,at 6e used" t,ey recomend 6aitin' 72 days5
4e ,ave never been able to 6ait t,at lon' 4e try to
6ait at least a 6eek5 Apparently it makes t,e drink
smoot,er i0 you 6ait5 T,ere are many recipes out
t,ere on t,e 6eb" and some ,ave you only 6aitin' 7
days5 Maybe one o0 t,ese days 6eCll 0ind a little
patience and 6ait t,e 0ull 72 days5
T,e peels 6ill lose t,eir color and 'et ,ard and crispy5
Our pantry is 0ull o0 all sorts o0 t,in's 6aitin' and bre6in'5 Dabel
everyt,in'5 You donCt 6ant to mi1 t,e Jomemade EnGyme .leaner
6it, t,e lemoncelloI
Finally itCs time to make t,e limoncelloI
You are 'oin' to add simple syrup to t,e
alco,ol mi1ture5 Mi1 t,e su'ar and 6ater in a
pan5 Stir over medium ,eat until t,e su'ar is
dissolved5 Det t,e su'ar completely coolI
4,ile it is coolin'" you can strain t,e t,e Gest into anot,er pitc,er5
Discard t,e peels and t,en pour t,e liEuid back into t,e 8ar5 Strain t,e
liEuid a'ain usin' a co00ee 0ilter5 (4,en 6e peeled our lemons 6it, a
ve'etable peeler" 6e didnCt need to use t,e co00ee 0ilter-5
A0ter t,e syrup is cool" add it to t,e lemon liEuid5
Pour t,e limoncello into t6o clean bottles5 A'ain" our recipe says you
s,ould let t,is a'e anot,er 72 days5 4e donCt" 6e 8ust stick one bottle in t,e
0reeGer and one in t,e pantry5 4,en t,e bottle in t,e 0reeGer is completely cold
(it 6onCt 0reeGe- it 6ill be ready to serve5 (DonCt drink it 6armI YuckI-
Most people serve it in c,illed 'lasses 6it, no ice5 Some like it over ice5 4e
,ave also ,eard it is delicious over vanilla ice cream5
<0 you en8oy t,e limoncello" you can also try makin' ot,er citrus 0lavors5 4e
,ave made oran'ecello (deliciousI- and as you can see 6e are no6 makin'
Even t,e kids like it 6,en 6e make limoncello5 T,ey kno6 it means
lemon:sEuares and ,omemade lemonadeI

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