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Food Technology

Years 710
June 2003
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3 9ntroduction.......................................................................................................................7
3.3 The <=30 Curriculu...........................................................................................7
3.2 Students with Special >ducation Needs................................................................0
2 ?ationale...........................................................................................................................2
3 The 5lace of the 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Syllabus in the
Technology <=32 Curriculu........................................................................................../
4 "i.....................................................................................................................................
7 ,b'ecti#es.......................................................................................................................33
0 ,utcoes........................................................................................................................32
1 Content............................................................................................................................34
1.3 ,rganisation of Content......................................................................................34
1.2 Content for @ears 1=30........................................................................................32
2 Aife S(ills ,utcoes and Content..................................................................................32
2.3 ,utcoes.............................................................................................................32
2.2 Content................................................................................................................3/
/ Continuu of Aearning in 8ood Technology <=30........................................................47
/.3 Stage Stateents..................................................................................................47
30 "ssessent.....................................................................................................................73
30.3 Standards.............................................................................................................73
30.2 "ssessent for Aearning.....................................................................................73
30.3 ?eporting.............................................................................................................73
30.4 Choosing "ssessent Strategies.........................................................................74
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
1 Introduction
1.1 The K10 Curriculum
This syllabus has been de#eloped within the paraeters set by the Board of Studies NSW in
its #10 C"rric"l"$ Fra$e%or&' This fraewor( ensures that <=30 syllabuses and
curriculu re)uireents are designed to pro#ide educational opportunities that&
engage and challenge all students to a%iise their indi#idual talents and capabilities for
lifelong learning
enable all students to de#elop positi#e selfBconcepts and their capacity to establish and
aintain safe$ healthy and rewarding li#es
prepare all students for effecti#e and responsible participation in their society$ ta(ing
account of oral$ ethical and spiritual considerations
encourage and enable all students to en'oy learning$ and to be selfBoti#ated$ reflecti#e$
copetent learners who will be able to ta(e part in further study$ wor( or training
proote a fair and 'ust society that #alues di#ersity
proote continuity and coherence of learning$ and facilitate the transition between
priary and secondary schooling.
The fraewor( also pro#ides a set of broad learning outcoes that suarise the (nowledge$
understanding$ s(ills$ #alues and attitudes essential for all students to succeed in and beyond
their schooling. These broad learning outcoes indicate that students will&
understand$ de#elop and counicate ideas and inforation
access$ analyse$ e#aluate and use inforation fro a #ariety of sources
wor( collaborati#ely with others to achie#e indi#idual and collecti#e goals
possess the (nowledge and s(ills necessary to aintain a safe and healthy lifestyle
understand and appreciate the physical$ biological and technological world and a(e
responsible and infored decisions in relation to their world
understand and appreciate social$ cultural$ geographical and historical conte%ts$ and
participate as acti#e and infored citiCens
e%press thesel#es through creati#e acti#ity and engage with the artistic$ cultural and
intellectual wor( of others
understand and apply a #ariety of analytical and creati#e techni)ues to sol#e probles
understand$ interpret and apply concepts related to nuerical and spatial patterns$
structures and relationships
be producti#e$ creati#e and confident in the use of technology and understand the ipact
of technology on society
understand the wor( en#ironent and be e)uipped with the (nowledge$ understanding and
s(ills to e#aluate potential career options and pathways
de#elop a syste of personal #alues based on their understanding of oral$ ethical and
spiritual atters.
The ways in which learning in the Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s contributes to the
curriculu and to the student*s achie#eent of the broad learning outcoes are outlined in
the syllabus rationale.
9n accordance with the #10 C"rric"l"$ Fra$e%or&$ the Food Technology Years 710
ylla!"s ta(es into account the di#erse needs of all students. 9t identifies essential (nowledge$
understanding$ s(ills$ #alues and attitudes. 9t enunciates clear standards of what students are
e%pected to (now and be able to do in @ears 1=30. 9t pro#ides structures and processes by
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
which teachers can pro#ide continuity of study for all students$ particularly to ensure
successful transition through @ears 7 to 2 and fro @ear 30 to @ear 33.
The syllabus also assists students to a%iise their achie#eent in 8ood Technology through
the ac)uisition of additional (nowledge$ understanding$ s(ills$ #alues and attitudes. 9t contains
ad#ice to assist teachers to progra learning for those students who ha#e gone beyond
achie#ing the outcoes through their study of the essential content.
1.2 Students ith S!ecial "ducation #eeds
9n the <=0 curriculu$ students with special education needs are pro#ided for in the following
through the inclusion of outcoes and content in syllabuses which pro#ide for the full
range of students
through the de#elopent of additional ad#ice and prograing support for teachers to
assist students to access the outcoes of the syllabus
through the de#elopent of specific support docuents for students with special
education needs
through teachers and parents planning together to ensure that syllabus outcoes and
content reflect the learning needs and priorities of students.
Students with special education needs build on their achie#eents in <=0 as they progress
through their secondary study and underta(e courses to eet the re)uireents for the School
9t is necessary to continue focusing on the needs$ interests and abilities of each student when
planning a progra for secondary schooling. The progra will coprise the ost appropriate
cobination of courses$ outcoes and content a#ailable.
Life Skills
8or ost students with special education needs$ the outcoes and content in sections 0 and 1
of this syllabus will be appropriate but for a sall percentage of these students$ particularly
those with an intellectual disability$ it ay be deterined that these outcoes and content are
not appropriate. 8or these students the Aife S(ills outcoes and content in section 2 and the
Aife S(ills assessent ad#ice below can pro#ide the basis for de#eloping a rele#ant and
eaningful progra.
Access to Life Skills outcomes and content in Years 710
" decision to allow a student to access the 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Aife S(ills outcoes
and content should include parents:carers and be based on careful consideration of the
student*s copetencies and learning needs.
The decision should establish that the outcoes and content in sections 0 and 1 of the Food
Technology Years 710 ylla!"s are not appropriate to eet the needs of the student.
Consideration should be gi#en to whether odifications to progras and to teaching$
including ad'ustents to learning acti#ities and assessent$ would enable the student to
access the syllabus outcoes and content.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
"s part of the decision to allow a student to access the 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Aife
S(ills outcoes and content$ it is iportant to identify rele#ant settings$ strategies and
resource re)uireents that will assist the student in the learning process. Clear tie fraes
and strategies for onitoring progress$ rele#ant to the age of the student$ need to be identified
and collaborati#e plans should be ade for future needs.
9t is not necessary to see( perission of the ,ffice of the Board of Studies for students to
underta(e the 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Aife S(ills outcoes and content$ nor is it
necessary to subit planning docuentation.
Life Skills assessment
>ach student underta(ing a 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Aife S(ills course will ha#e
specified outcoes and content to be studied. The syllabus content listed for each outcoe
fors the basis of learning opportunities for students.
"ssessent should pro#ide opportunities for students to deonstrate achie#eent in relation
to the outcoes and to generalise their (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills across a range of
situations or en#ironents including the school and the wider counity.
Students ay deonstrate achie#eent in relation to 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 Aife S(ills
outcoes independently or with support. The type of support will #ary according to the
particular needs of the student and the re)uireents of the acti#ity. >%aples of support ay
the pro#ision of e%tra tie
physical and:or #erbal assistance fro others
the pro#ision of technological aids.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
2 $ationale
The "ustralian food industry is growing in iportance$ pro#iding nuerous eployent
opportunities and increasing the rele#ance of 8ood Technology for the indi#idual and society.
There are increasing counity concerns about food issues$ including hygiene and safety$
nutritional clais and the nutritional )uality of food$ genetic engineering$ functional food and
the en#ironental ipact of food production processes. Students will e%plore foodBrelated
issues through a range of practical e%periences$ allowing the to a(e infored and
appropriate choices with regards to food.
8ood habits change as a result of econoic$ social$ cultural$ technological and en#ironental
factors. 9n "ustralia$ consuers are confronted by an increasing array of food products
designed to copleent our changing lifestyles. !a(ing infored food decisions re)uires an
e%plicit understanding of nutrition principles in both theory and practice$ and this is ebedded
in a study of 8ood Technology. This is essential to the de#elopent of sound food habits and
contributes significantly to the wellBbeing of all "ustralians.
The study of 8ood Technology pro#ides students with a broad (nowledge and understanding
of food properties$ processing$ preparation and their interrelationships$ nutritional
considerations and consuption patterns. 9t addresses the iportance of hygiene and safe
wor(ing practices and legislation in the production of food. 9t also pro#ides students with a
conte%t through which to e%plore the richness$ pleasure and #ariety food adds to life.
This (nowledge and understanding is fundaental to the de#elopent of foodBspecific s(ills$
which can then be applied in a range of conte%ts enabling students to produce )uality food
products. Students de#elop practical s(ills in preparing and presenting food that will enable
the to select and use appropriate ingredients$ ethods and e)uipent.
This course pro#ides for the de#elopent of rele#ant and eaningful learning e%periences$
inclusi#e of life e%periences$ #alues$ learning styles and indi#idual student characteristics.
Through a study of food and its applications in doestic$ coercial$ industrial and global
settings$ the syllabus caters for all students* needs and interests. 9t contributes to both
#ocational and general life e%periences. 9ntegral to this syllabus is the ability to design$
produce and e#aluate solutions to situations in#ol#ing food. These for part of a broad set of
s(ills that are transferable to other study$ wor( and life conte%ts that students ay encounter.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
% The &lace o' the Food Technology Years 710 Syllabus in the
Technology K12 Curriculum
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
( )im
The ai of the Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s is to acti#ely engage students in
learning about food in a #ariety of settings$ enabling the to e#aluate the relationships
between food$ technology$ nutritional status and the )uality of life. Students will de#elop
confidence and proficiency in their practical interactions with and decisions regarding food.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
* +b,ecti-es
Knowledge, understanding and skills
Students will de#elop&
3 (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills related to food hygiene$ safety and the pro#ision of
)uality food
2 (nowledge and understanding of food properties$ processing and preparation and an
appreciation of their interrelationship to produce )uality food
3 (nowledge and understanding of nutrition and food consuption and an appreciation of
the conse)uences of food choices on health
4 s(ills in researching$ e#aluating and counicating issues in relation to food
7 s(ills in designing$ producing and e#aluating solutions for specific food purposes
0 (nowledge$ understanding and appreciation of the significant role of food in society.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
. +utcomes
Students will de#elop&
Stage # Outcomes
" student&
Stage $ Outcomes
" student&
3 (nowledge$
understanding and
s(ills related to food
hygiene$ safety and
the pro#ision of
)uality food
4.3.3 deonstrates hygienic
handling of food to ensure a
safe and appealing product
7.3.3 deonstrates hygienic
handling of food to ensure a
safe and appealing product
4.3.2 describes and anages the
ris(s of in'ury and WDS
issues associated with
handling food
7.3.2 identifies$ assesses and
anages the ris(s of in'ury
and WDS issues associated
with the handling of food
2 (nowledge and
understanding of
food properties$
processing and
preparation and an
appreciation of their
interrelationship to
produce )uality
4.2.3 lists the basic coponents of
a #ariety of foods
7.2.3 describes the physical and
cheical properties of a
#ariety of foods
4.2.2 describes changes which
occur during processing$
preparation and storage of
7.2.2 accounts for changes to the
properties of food which
occur during food
processing$ preparation and
4.2.3 applies appropriate ethods
of food preparation
7.2.3 applies appropriate ethods
of food processing$
preparation and storage
3 (nowledge and
understanding of
nutrition and food
consuption and an
appreciation of the
conse)uences of
food choices on
4.3.3 relates the nutritional #alue of
foods to health
7.3.3 describes the relationship
between food consuption$
the nutritional #alue of foods
and the health of indi#iduals
and counities
4.3.2 identifies the factors that
influence food habits and
relates the to food choices
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by
analysing the factors that
influence eating habits
4 s(ills in researching$
e#aluating and
issues in relation to
4.4.3 collects$ interprets and uses
inforation fro a #ariety of
7.4.3 collects$ e#aluates and
applies inforation fro a
#ariety of sources
4.4.2 counicates ideas and
inforation using a range of
edia and appropriate
7.4.2 counicates ideas and
inforation using a range of
edia and appropriate
7 s(ills in designing$
producing and
e#aluating solutions
for specific food
4.7.3 uses appropriate techni)ues
and e)uipent for a #ariety of
foodBspecific purposes
7.7.3 selects and eploys
appropriate techni)ues and
e)uipent for a #ariety of
foodBspecific purposes
4.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and
e#aluates practical food
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and
e#aluates food solutions for
specific purposes
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students will de#elop&
Stage # Outcomes
" student&
Stage $ Outcomes
" student&
0 (nowledge$
understanding and
appreciation of the
significant role of
food in society
4.0.3 outlines the influence of
technology and society on
food supply
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship
between food$ technology
and society
4.0.2 recognises the ipact of food
and related acti#ities on the
indi#idual$ society and the
7.0.2 e#aluates the ipact of
acti#ities related to food on
the indi#idual$ society and
the en#ironent
Stage 4 outcoes ha#e been pro#ided to assist the assessent and reporting of student
achie#eent in those schools that choose to begin electi#e study before @ear /. Teachers are
ad#ised to select fro the syllabus content to target the specific needs of students who
coence study in Stage 4.
Life Skills
8or soe students with special education needs$ particularly those students with an
intellectual disability$ it ay be deterined that the abo#e outcoes are not appropriate. 8or
these students$ Aife S(ills outcoes and content can pro#ide the basis for the de#elopent of
a rele#ant and eaningful progra = see section 2.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
7 Content
7.1 +rganisation o' Content
8ood Technology @ears 1=30 is an electi#e course designed to build upon the Technology
-!andatory. course at Stage 7. ,utcoes for Stage 4 ha#e been included to allow fle%ibility
for those schools who wish to offer the course in @ears 1 and 2.
%nits of &ork
When creating a unit of wor($ rele#ant content will be selected fro the core and integrated
with all of the content of a selected focus area and appropriate practical e%periences. Euring
the study of each unit students will be re)uired to underta(e practical acti#ities designed to
refine and enhance student (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills. +nits of wor( are de#eloped
to eet student needs and interests.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
'ssential content
8ood Technology can be offered as a 300Bhour or a 200Bhour course. Students underta(ing the
300Bhour course are re)uired to coplete 2=4 units of wor(. Students studying the 200Bhour
course are re)uired to coplete 4=2 units of wor(. Students in both courses are re)uired to
co#er all of the core content.
Additional content
Students can o#e beyond the essential content in order to broaden and deepen their
understanding and s(ills$ and to e%tend their interest in particular aspects of 8ood Technology.
"dditional content is suggested for each of the focus areas. Students copleting the 200Bhour
course can also elect to underta(e a student negotiated pro'ect$ for e%tension of student
learning$ in which they will re#isit one of the focus areas and research it in ore detail.
(ocus Areas
8ocus areas pro#ide a conte%t through which the core will be studied. There are eight focus
8ood in "ustralia
8ood e)uity
8ood product de#elopent
8ood selection and health
8ood ser#ice and catering
8ood for special needs
8ood for special occasions
8ood trends.
Life Skills
Aife S(ills outcoes and content are in section 2.
)ross*curriculum content
CrossBcurriculu content assists students to achie#e the broad learning outcoes defined in
the Board of Studies #10 C"rric"l"$ Fra$e%or&. 9t is incorporated in the content of the
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s in the following ways&
In'ormation and Communication Technologies /ICT0
Students will engage a #ariety of 9CTs through acti#ities such as researching$ e#aluating and
counicating issues and ideas related to food.
9CTs that students will use include&
word processing applications = in the core Ffood preparation and processing* students will
use word processing pac(ages to generate and anipulate procedural te%t
spreadsheets = in the core Fnutrition and consuption* students will tabulate data and
generate graphs using a spreadsheet
graphics = in the focus area Ffood trends* students who elect to underta(e additional
content will use digital technologies to produce a finished #isual iage
electronic counication = in the core Fnutrition and consuption* and the focus area
Ffood ser#ice and catering* students will conduct ad#anced web searches using appropriate
search engines
databases = in the core Fnutrition and consuption* students will use a database accessed
online or use a CEB?,! to analyse inforation.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
1or23 "m!loyment and "nter!rise
Students will de#elop an understanding of wor( and eployent through the study of
wor(place practices within the "ustralian food industry. Students will e%plore wor(Brelated
concepts in the core Ffood preparation and processing* and in the focus area Ffood ser#ice and
catering*. Students will de#elop an understanding of current wor( practices including Wor(
Dealth and Safety -WDS. re)uireents$ safe wor( practices$ industrial legislation$ industrial
awards and enterprise agreeents and the "ntiBEiscriination "ct. <nowledge and s(ills
gained through food handling in all practical classroo acti#ities are transferable to personal
and #ocational conte%ts.
)boriginal and Indigenous
Students will de#elop (nowledge and understanding of "boriginal and 9ndigenous culture
through the study of the focus areas Ffood in "ustralia* and Ffood e)uity*. Students will learn
to appreciate and #alue aspects of "boriginal and 9ndigenous cultures through the
in#estigation of traditional and conteporary use of nati#e and bush foods. Students will
de#elop an awareness of the iplications of less traditional food being eaten.
Ci-ics and Citi4enshi!
Students will de#elop a sound understanding of the nutritional$ social and en#ironental roles
of food and food products. 9n the focus areas Ffood selection and health* and Ffood product
de#elopent* students will de#elop understanding that will allow the to becoe
discriinating consuers of food products$ enabling the to participate in society in an
acti#e and infored anner. 9n the focus area Ffood e)uity* students will de#elop their
understanding of ine)uities in food distribution on a global scale. Students will e%aine how
the operations of go#ernents affect citiCens and how these factors ipinge on huan rights
in relation to access to resources doestically and internationally.
5i''erence and 5i-ersity
Students will e%aine socioeconoic$ cultural and religious issues related to food. 9n the
focus areas Ffood in "ustralia*$ Ffood for special occasions* and Ffood for special needs*
students will e%plore the anner in which food is used by indi#iduals and groups within the
counity. Students will de#elop an awareness of the positi#e and negati#e ipact of foodB
related issues on di#erse groups. This (nowledge will enable students to de#elop an
awareness and acceptance of di#ersity within our counity.
Students will de#elop an understanding of the ecological ipact of food production$
pac(aging and processing$ and the #arious ways in which en#ironents influence access to
and choice of food through the study of the core Ffood preparation and processing*$ and the
focus areas Ffood in "ustralia*$ Ffood product de#elopent* and Ffood e)uity*. This will enable
the to a(e infored decisions with regard to food and the en#ironent.
8ood Technology in#ol#es students in practical situations that support the de#elopent of
(nowledge$ s(ills and understanding to e%plore and challenge stereotypes of asculinity and
feininity. 5ositi#e relationships are de#eloped through effecti#e interpersonal
counication and respect for the contributions$ needs and efforts of others. 9t is inclusi#e of
the needs$ interests and aspirations of all students. 9n the study of the core Fnutrition and
consuption*$ students will ha#e the opportunity to e%plore the special nutritional
re)uireents of both en and woen. 9n the study of the focus area Ffood ser#ice and
catering*$ students will de#elop an awareness of >>, principles and "ntiBEiscriination
legislation with regard to gender in eployent.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Key Com!etencies
8ood Technology pro#ides a conte%t within which to de#elop general copetencies essential
for students to becoe effecti#e learners and a(e a positi#e contribution to their counity.
Euring the course$ students will&
source$ select and se)uence inforation about food issues$ de#eloping copetence in
collecting, analysing and organising information
debate$ describe$ discuss and e%plain food issues in written$ graphic and oral for$
de#eloping copetency in communicating ideas and information
plan$ prepare and present food and eals to eet a range of needs$ de#eloping
copetence in planning and organising activities
cooperate with indi#iduals and groups de#eloping copetence in working with others
and teams
design$ a(e and e#aluate solutions to food situations$ de#eloping copetence in solving
e#aluate the nutritional re)uireents and assess the nutritional #alue of eals:diets and
food products for indi#iduals and groups$ and utilise easureent s(ills in practical
acti#ities$ de#eloping copetence in using mathematical ideas and techniques
e%perient with and prepare food using appropriate aterials and e)uipent$ de#eloping
copetence in using technology.
Throughout the study of 8ood Technology students will de#elop literacy s(ills in reading$
writing$ spea(ing and listening. Students will learn to use a technical #ocabulary specific to
8ood Technology. They will engage with inforation critically and will ac)uire$ copose$
process and e#aluate te%t and counicate ideas in oral$ graphic and written fors
throughout the course.
9n the study of the focus areas Ffood in "ustralia* and Ffood e)uity* students will e%plore a
nuber of ulticultural perspecti#es concerning food. Students will enhance their
understanding$ appreciation and acceptance of people fro a #ariety of cultural bac(grounds.
9n the focus area Ffood for special occasions*$ students will e%aine #arious cultures and the
way in which they celebrate occasions with food.
Nueracy s(ills are integral to the effecti#e use of food through concepts such as )uantity$
easureent$ and costing$ which are significant parts of practical wor( and nutritional
analysis. Nueracy s(ills are transferable to sol#ing probles that are encountered across a
range of conte%ts.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
7.2 Content 'or Years 710
A note to teac+ers aout ,ractical e-,eriences
To satisfy the re)uireents of the syllabus students ust underta(e a range of practical
e%periences that occupy the a'ority of course tie. 5ractical e%periences will be used to
de#elop (nowledge and understanding of and s(ills in designing$ producing and e#aluating.
Student capability$ confidence and e%pertise at their current stage of de#elopent is an
iportant consideration in deterining the teaching and learning se)uences in the course.
9n de#eloping and deli#ering teaching progras teachers should be aware of and adopt the
rele#ant guidelines and directi#es of their education authorities and:or schools. Teaching
progras should recognise and reflect rele#ant State and Coonwealth legislation and
con#entions including Wor( Dealth and Safety$ Cheical Safety in Schools and "nial
Welfare guidelines. Teachers need to be aware of acti#ities that ay re)uire notification$
certification$ perission$ perits and licences.
Teachers should be aware that students ay ha#e food allergies that can result in anaphyla%is$
a se#ere and soeties sudden allergic reaction which is potentially lifeBthreatening and
always re)uires an eergency response. This is an iportant consideration in selecting foods
to be handled and consued.
)ore. (ood ,re,aration and ,rocessing
8ood is processed to #arying degrees. Students will e%plore safety and hygiene practices
relating to food$ and changes that occur in the functional properties of food. They will also
e%aine the social$ econoic and en#ironental ipact of food processing technology$ and the
role pac(aging plays in the distribution of food fro the point of production to consuption.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
" student&
7.3.3 deonstrates hygienic handling of food to ensure a safe and appealing product
7.3.2 identifies$ assesses and anages the ris(s of in'ury and WDS issues associated with the
handling of food
7.2.3 describes the physical and cheical properties of a #ariety of foods
7.2.2 accounts for changes to the properties of food which occur during food processing$ preparation
and storage
7.2.3 applies appropriate ethods of food processing$ preparation and storage
7.0.2 e#aluates the ipact of acti#ities related to food on the indi#idual$ society and the en#ironent
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
food safety and hygiene practices including
personal hygiene
food hygiene
safe wor( practices
deonstrate safe$ cooperati#e and hygienic
wor( practices
assess food handling re)uireents for a
#ariety of situations
describe legislation specifically lin(ed to food
causes of food deterioration and spoilage
icrobial acti#ity
enCyic changes
physical and cheical reactions
en#ironental factors
outline the causes of food deterioration and
identify ingredients that pose a high ris( for
food deterioration and spoilage
describe techni)ues and ethods that a(e
food products less prone to deterioration and
principles of food preser#ation and storage
oisture le#els
addition of cheicals
pD le#el
e%plain the principles of food preser#ation
describe a range of ethods used to preser#e
and store foods safely
apply the principles of food preser#ation and
storage when producing food products
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
reasons for coo(ing foods
sensory properties including colour$
odour$ te%ture$ fla#our
properties of food
functional properties of carbohydrates$
proteins and lipids
discuss the reasons why basic ingredients
need to be coo(ed for consuption
appreciate the role food coponents play on
the sensory )ualities of foods
e%aine the functional properties of a #ariety
of foods
prepare food products that deonstrate the
functional properties of ingredients -eg starch
as a thic(ener$ egg yol( as an eulsifier.
identify the properties of foods that a(e
the suitable for particular preparation
techni)ues:coo(ing ethods
basic ingredients used in food preparation
protein rich foods
carbohydrate rich food
fruit and #egetables
fats and oils
create food ites using cobinations of basic
e%plain how different cuisines are created by
#arying basic ingredients and techni)ues
generate procedural te%t to outline the steps in
processing and preparing food products using
a word processing pac(age
ethods and e)uipent used in the
preparation and processing of food
deonstrate appropriate selection of
techni)ues and e)uipent in food preparation
the role of technology in the preparation of
food doestically and the social iplications
discuss social iplications of technological
de#elopents in doestic food preparation
physical and nutriti#e effects of preparation
and processing in doestic and industrial
e%plain how #arious ethods of food
processing and preparation affect the physical
characteristics of food
outline ways in which nutriti#e loss can be
iniised during preparation and processing
industrial food preparation
le#els of processing
en#ironental$ social$ health and
econoic effects
identify the #arying le#els of processing and
the accopanying changes that occur to food
identify the role of additi#es in food
discuss the en#ironental$ social$ health and
econoic iplications of food processing
presentation and ser#ice of food
#isual appeal
styles of ser#ice such as buffet$ a la carte
and sil#er ser#ice
select and apply appropriate presentation
techni)ues and styles of ser#ice for #arious
food pac(aging
technological de#elopents such as
barrier$ acti#e$ #acuu and gas
outline the functions of pac(aging$ including
the persuasi#e purpose of food pac(aging
suggest suitable pac(aging for a #ariety of
food types in different circustances
identify food labelling re)uireents
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
en#ironental ipact
labelling:legal re)uireents
ethical considerations in declaration of
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
)ore. Nutrition and consum,tion
<nowledge of nutrition is integral to a(ing healthy food choices. Students will e%aine the
nutritional coponents of food and food de#elopents aied at enhancing health$ the ipact
of food consuption on nutrition and e%plore ways of eeting nutritional re)uireents to
aintain optiu nutrition or anage nutritional issues.
" student&
7.3.3 describes the relationship between food consuption$ the nutritional #alue of foods and the
health of indi#iduals and counities
7.4.3 collects$ e#aluates and applies inforation fro a #ariety of sources
7.4.2 counicates ideas and inforation using a range of edia and appropriate terinology
7.0.2 e#aluates the ipact of acti#ities related to food on the indi#idual$ society and the en#ironent
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
nutritional coponents of food = food
nutrient groups
e%plain the role of the nutritional coponents
of food in the body
the role of fibre in the diet describe the significant role of fibre in the diet
foods which are de#eloped to enhance health
functional foods
discuss the role of nutritionally odified
foods in the diet
discuss current de#elopents in the nutritional
odification of food
iplications of under and o#er nutrition and
dietBrelated disorders such as
diabetes type 2
coeliac disease
coronary heart disease
colon cancer
outline conditions of o#er and under nutrition
with reference to at least two dietBrelated
e%plore the incidence of and reasons for eating
disorders in woen and en
anore%ia and restrained eating describe the nature of anore%ia and how it
copares with other fors of disordered
food consuption in "ustralia and the ipact
this has on nutrient inta(e and health
relate the ipact of changes in food
consuption patterns to health
influences on food selection and the
subse)uent effects on health
outline how diet can assist in pre#enting and
anaging dietary disorders
identify dietary strategies that would be
adopted by indi#iduals with food allergies
national guidelines for healthy eating
including the National Eietary 6uidelines for
children and adolescents
identify broad guidelines for healthy eating to
proote optial health and pre#ent disease
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
nutrition labelling
health clais
legal re)uireents
labelling sybols such as 6lycaeic
9nde% and Dealthy Deart tic(
analyse the nutriti#e content of food using
electronic databases either online or by using
a CEB?,!
discuss the #alue to the consuer of endorsed
labelling sybols
nutritional re)uireents of different stages of
the lifecycle
outline the special nutritional re)uireents at
different stages of the lifecycle for both
feales and ales
selection of nutritious foods design$ plan and prepare balanced diets for
#arious stages of the lifecycle
changes in consuption patterns in relation to
processed and unprocessed food
conduct an ad#anced web search using
appropriate search engines to identify trends
in food consuption
tabulate data using a spreadsheet and generate
graphs for analysis
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood in Australia
!igration has had a draatic effect on the food eaten in "ustralia. Students will e%aine the
history of food in "ustralia$ beginning with traditional bush foods prepared by "borigines$ the
influence of early >uropean settlers together with continuing iigration fro a #ariety of
cultures$ and e%aine the subse)uent effects on conteporary "ustralian eating patterns.
Students will plan and prepare safe foods$ which reflect the eclectic nature of "ustralian
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
use of foods nati#e to "ustralia in#estigate traditional and conteporary use
of nati#e:bush foods
odify a recipe to include traditional
ingredients:bush foods
early >uropean influences including
diet of early >uropeans
introduction of new foods to "ustralia
discuss the ipacts of early >uropean
influences -ipact of igration on food
consider the nutritional iplications to
indigenous "ustralians of less traditional food
being eaten as a conse)uence of >uropean
ulticultural influences including
effects of iigration on lifestyle and
food habits
types of foods and fla#ourings
preparation techni)ues and coo(ing
identify the a'or ulticultural influences on
conteporary "ustralian diets
in#estigate:e%aine the food habits of a
specific culture
e#olution of an "ustralian cuisine discuss the defining characteristics of
"ustralian food
design$ plan and prepare safe food ites$
which reflect the changing nature of
"ustralian cuisine
influences on food selection including
geographical -topography:cliate.
e%aine the influences on food selection and
changes in eating habits
assess the relati#e ipact of current
circustances on food selection
e%aine the ipact of edia on food
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
factors affecting current consuption patterns
relate changes in consuption patterns to their
social$ econoic$ nutritional and
en#ironental ipact
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
de#elopent of food production and
processing fro both historical and
conteporary perspecti#es
in#estigate the de#elopent of the "ustralian
food industry in consideration of foodBrelated
technologies that ha#e eerged o#er tie
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood e/uity
"ccess to an ade)uate food supply is a global issue. Students e%aine food production and
distribution globally and how this is influenced by factors such as transport$ infrastructure$
political en#ironent and geographic considerations. Students plan and prepare safe and
nutritious foods appropriate to specific situations.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
circustances that bring about food ine)uity
access to a continuous and safe supply of
a#ailability of safe and nutritious food
financial eans to eet food needs
(nowledge of nutrition principles to
enable appropriate selection of food
distribution issues
e%plain the circustances that relate to food
groups that ay e%perience food ine)uity in
de#eloped and de#eloping countries such as
rural and isolated people
people on low incoes or uneployed
woen and children
people with disabilities
the aged:elderly
"boriginal and indigenous people
chronically ill people
people with deentia
alcohol and drug abusers
hoeless people
identify groups at ris( of food ine)uity locally
and globally
discuss how belonging to ore than one ris(
group can copound nutritional disad#antage
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
influences on food a#ailability and
distribution such as
religious:cultural beliefs
socioeconoic status
go#ernent policy such as trade
natural disasters such as flooding or
educational le#els
technological de#elopents such as
transport and refrigeration
relate the factors that influence food
a#ailability and distribution to food e)uity
copare and contrast access to food by
different groups
food production practices = cash cropping$
subsistence faring
e%aine food production and distribution on
a global scale
physical and social cost of alnutrition e%plain the conse)uences of alnutrition
identify dietary diseases associated with
pro#ision of aid
aid agencies
eergency:relief aid
de#elopental aid$ eg prooting breast
feeding$ de#eloping agricultural s(ills
identify the role of agencies which pro#ide aid
design$ plan and prepare safe and nutritious
food ites appropriate to specific situations
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
support networ(s for groups that ay
e%perience food ine)uities including
e%aine a group that e%periences food
ine)uity and in#estigate a#ailable support
networ(s and the support pro#ided
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood ,roduct de"elo,ment
"n e#er increasing array of food products is a#ailable in the ar(etplace as a result of food
product inno#ations. Students will e%aine the reasons for de#eloping food products and the
ipact of past and present food product inno#ations on society and e%plore the processes in
food product de#elopent. Students will de#elop$ produce and e#aluate a food product.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
reasons for de#eloping food products
ar(et concerns$ eg health concerns$
en#ironental issues
technological de#elopents$ eg
increasing copany success$ eg line
enhanceents$ inno#ati#e products
consuer deand$ eg taperBe#ident$
increasing con#enience
special applications$ eg ary rations$
caping supplies$ space foods$ edical
target ar(et changes$ eg aging$ reduced
siCe of households$ ulticultural
e%plore the purpose of product de#elopent
identify new food products
e%aine the characteristics of new food
ipact of past and present food product
inno#ations on society including
social:cultural$ eg acceptance$ lifestyle
econoic$ eg increase in spending on
new products #ersus decrease in
traditional purchases$ cost of new
en#ironental$ eg sustainable resources
relate the introduction of new food products
and their effect on society
steps in food product de#elopent including
design$ eg identify ar(et$ de#elop ideas$
assess options
produce$ eg recipe de#elopent$
prototype production
e#aluate$ eg ar(et e#aluation = sensory
assessent by target ar(et
outline the design and de#elopent process
for food products
design$ produce and e#aluate a food product
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
role of ar(et research in product
de#elopent including
identifying needs
econoic #iability
consuer feedbac(
sensory assessent
outline the role of ar(et research in new
food product design and de#elopent
prootion of new food products including
ar(eting i%
prootional techni)ues
copetitions$ ad#ertising capaigns$
celebrity endorseents
identify the eleents of a ar(eting i%
analyse the effecti#eness of a range of
ar(eting and prootional techni)ues for
new food products
proote a new food product for a specific
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
eerging technologies and new food products in#estigate the application of an eerging
technology in the de#elopent of a new food
design an inno#ati#e$ newBtoBtheBworld food
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood selection and +ealt+
The health of counities is related to the nutritional content of the food eaten. Students will
e%aine the role of food and its nutritional coponents in the body$ e%plore the nutritional
needs of indi#iduals and groups$ e%plain the effects of poor nutrition and in#estigate eans of
ipro#ing the nutritional status of indi#iduals and groups. Students will select$ plan and
prepare safe and nutritious foods to reflect national food guides.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
function of food in the body
growth and de#elopent
pro#ide energy
repair and aintain the body*s cells
outline the functions of food in the body
digestion of food
gastroBintestinal tract
process of digestion
absorption of nutrients
describe the process of digestion
function and sources of food coponents
#itains and inerals
outline the source and function of the
coponents of food
nutritional needs including
factors that affect nutritional needs
?ecoended Eietary 9nta(es -?E9s.
for #arious life stages
identify ?E9s of a'or nutrients at #arious life
select foods to pro#ide a balanced inta(e of
design and prepare a enu:eal:dish to eet
the needs of specific groups
factors that influence food habits including
social practices
geographic location
econoic situation
technological de#elopents
indi#idual preferences
ass edia
recognise the factors that influence food
habits and e%plain how they affect food
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
nutritional iplications of food consuption
patterns = under and o#er nutrition
outline the effects of e%cess:insufficient
nutrient inta(es
response to general nutrition le#els including
social$ political and anufacturing
ethical responsibilities of go#ernent and
discuss responses by #arious groups to general
nutrition le#els
application of food guides for enu planning
and food choices
e#aluate the usefulness of nutritional food
analyse the nutritional #alue of a enu$ eal
or food ite
odify a enu$ eal or food ite to reflect
food guides
design$ plan and prepare safe and nutritious
food ites to reflect food guides
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
acti#e nonBnutrients such as phytocheicals
and probiotics
e#aluate the potential health benefits of acti#e
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood ser"ice and catering
8ood ser#ice and catering are iportant areas of the food industry. They pro#ide people with
both food and eployent. Students will e%aine food ser#ice and catering #entures and
their operations across a #ariety of settings and in#estigate eployent opportunities.
Students will plan and prepare safe and appealing foods appropriate for catering for sall or
large scale functions.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
food ser#ice and catering #entures including
profit$ eg restaurants
nonprofit$ eg hospitals
e%aine a #ariety of food ser#ice and catering
the econoic and social #alue of the food
ser#ice and catering industry
discuss the contribution of the food ser#ice
and catering industry to society
eployent opportunities including
bac( of house$ eg chef$ (itchen hand
front of house$ eg waiter$ super#isor
conduct an ad#anced web search using
appropriate search engines to in#estigate
eployent opportunities in the hospitality
industry including reuneration and fullBtie$
partBtie and casual wor( opportunities
eployer and eployee rights and
responsibilities with regard to food
establishents such as
WDS "ct
industrial legislation such as industry
awards$ enterprise agreeents
antiBdiscriination legislation
>>, principles
outline the responsibilities of the eployer
and eployee under #arious "cts and
legislation with regard to food establishents
assess and anage ris(s when preparing and
anaging foods
deonstrate safe wor( practices when
preparing and ser#ing food
consuer rights and responsibilities in
relation to food including
safety and hygiene
#alue for oney
accurate inforation with regard to food
labelling and ar(eting
outline the rights and responsibilities of
consuers with regard to food
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
enu planning considerations such as
scale of function
types of enus for e%aple cyclic$ a la
facilities$ staff$ tie$ oney
tie of year$ tie of day$ occasion
health$ occupation$ gender$ age$
preferences$ nuber of people
copare and contrast a #ariety of enus fro
a range of catering and ser#ice operations
recipe de#elopent including
ingredients to be used
ethod of preparation
)uantity re)uired for #arious portions
cost per portion
recipe writing
identify the eleents of a recipe
copare a recipe for a sall scale production
with a recipe for use in large scale catering
de#elop:odify a recipe for use in large scale
purchasing systes = ordering$ recei#ing$
controlling$ issuing
e%aine organisational systes used in a
ser#ice or catering operation
food ser#ice and catering considerations such
plating food
style of eal
nuber of courses
custoer re)uireents
tie a#ailable
design$ plan and prepare safe and appealing
food ites appropriate for catering for sall
or large scale functions
deterine an appropriate table layout or
setting for a specific style of eal
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
aspects of operating a sall food business
#enture including
create a proposal for a sall food business
#enture using a design brief approach
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood for s,ecial needs
Special food needs arise for a #ariety of reasons including age$ health$ lifestyle choices$
cultural influences or logistical circustances. Students will e%plore a range of special food
needs and the eans to satisfy these. Students will plan and prepare safe and nutritious foods
to eet specific food needs in #arious circustances.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
circustances which lead to special food
needs including
identify the circustances that ay lead an
indi#idual to ha#e special needs
stages of the life cycle outline the special re)uireents for each stage
of the life cycle
health status such as
B allergies and intolerances
B reco#ery fro illness:in'ury
B dietBrelated disorders
e%plore the ipact of a #ariety of health needs
on the food re)uireents of the indi#idual
lifestyle choices such as
B athletes
B #egetarians
in#estigate the effects of lifestyle on food
cultural influences and religious beliefs e%aine cultural influences and religious
beliefs which ay ipact upon food needs
logistical considerations such as bush
wal(ing$ caping$ hospitals$ canteens$
nursing hoes and plane tra#el
identify the logistical ipacts on food needs
and suggest suitable ethods of eeting these
logistical needs
support networ(s for indi#iduals with special
e%aine a range of support networ(s a#ailable
for indi#iduals with special needs
preparation and processing of foods for
special needs such as low (ilo'oule$ low salt$
high fibre$ high protein$ low fat
identify e%aples of foods that are
processed:prepared to suit indi#iduals with
special needs
assess the suitability of a range of
processed:prepared foods for dietary disorders
e%plore ethods of processing:preparing
foods in the hoe to suit a specific need
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
planning considerations for safe and
nutritious foods for special needs
enus for special needs
nuber of courses
tie a#ailable
analyse the nutriti#e #alue of a dish
identify foods that are suitable for a nuber of
special needs
design$ plan and prepare a enu:eal:dish
suitable for a particular special need
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
specific circustances which lead to special
nutritional needs
research the circustances of a particular
organise a dietary plan
produce a ultiedia presentation to educate
ebers of the counity
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood for s,ecial occasions
8ood is an iportant coponent of any special occasions. Students will e%plore a range of
special occasions including social$ cultural$ religious$ historical and faily$ and e%aine the
eleents of sall and large scale catering. Students will plan and prepare safe food$
deonstrating appropriate food handling and presentation s(ills.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
role and significance of food around the
world throughout history
outline the significance of food throughout
reasons for celebration including
e%plore the special occasions celebrated by
#arious groups
production and preparation of foods for
special occasions including
foods$ techni)ues and e)uipent for
special occasions
sall and large scale catering for special
design$ plan and prepare food ites for
special occasions
enu planning considerations for special
occasions including
nutritional #alue of food
appeal of the food such as colour$ aroa$
fla#our$ te%ture
occasion and setting
characteristics of diners including age$
health$ energy le#els$ culture$ tastes$
resources such as ingredients$ e)uipent$
s(ills$ oney$ tie
plan a enu for a special occasion using
products in the ar(etplace
wor( flow plan including se)uencing tas(s
and allocating tie
de#ise a wor( flow plan to be used when
conducting a practical acti#ity
iportance of presentation and ser#ice for
special occasions including garnishing and
decorating techni)ues
deonstrate appropriate food handling and
presentation s(ills for a special occasion
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
use of preBprepared and partly prepared
con#enience foods for presenting food on a
special occasion
plan$ prepare and host a function to celebrate a
special occasion that incorporates the use of
con#enience foods
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
(ocus area. (ood trends
8ood trends influence food selection$ food ser#ice and food presentation. Students will
e%aine historical and current food trends and e%plore factors that influence their appeal and
acceptability. Students will plan$ prepare and present safe$ appealing food that reflects
conteporary food trends.
" student&
7.3.2 'ustifies food choices by analysing the factors that influence eating habits
7.7.3 selects and eploys appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent for a #ariety of foodBspecific
7.7.2 plans$ prepares$ presents and e#aluates food solutions for specific purposes
7.0.3 e%aines the relationship between food$ technology and society
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
trends in food such as
organic ingredients and produce
genetically odified foods
preBprepared fresh food products -eg preB
cut #egetables$ fruit$ eat.
increased use of fresh herbs and spices
heat and ser#e eals
eal replaceents -eg brea(fast
be#erages and bars.
snac( bars
electrolyte replaceent drin(s
use of functional foods and ingredients
copare past and present food trends
identify current trends in food$ food ser#ice
and food presentation
trends in dining and food ser#ice such as
types of establishents and le#els of
ser#ice including ta(eBaway$ dining out$
foral and buffet ser#ice
table setting$ croc(ery$ cutlery$ glassware$
identify e%aples of ser#ice offered by a
range of hospitality establishents
trends in food presentation and food styling
garnishing and decorating
plating styles
plate food for ser#ice
design$ plan$ prepare and present safe$
appealing conteporary food that reflects the
latest food trends
food styling and photography identify e%aples of food styling and
e%plain the influence of food styling and
photography in prooting trends
style food for photography
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
factors influencing acceptance of food trends
personal e%periences -eg de#elopent of
food habits restricting e%perientation
with food.
cultural taboos and beliefs -eg acceptance
of nonBtraditional food sources and
tradition -eg foods traditionally ser#ed at
occasions such as >aster$ ?aadan$
Dannu(ah$ Chinese New @ear$ weddings.
relate the factors that influence the acceptance
of new food trends to e%aples of recent
the relationship between ar(eting and food
discuss the role of the edia in prooting
food trends
Additional content
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
ar(eting of current food trends create an inno#ati#e ar(eting concept for a
current food trend
food styling and photography for ar(eting
through print or electronic edia
produce a #isual iage of styled food using
coputer technology
Life Skills
8or soe students with special education needs$ particularly those students with an
intellectual disability$ it ay be deterined that the abo#e content is not appropriate. 8or
these students$ Aife S(ills outcoes and content can pro#ide the basis for the de#elopent of
a rele#ant and eaningful progra = see section 2.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
9 7i'e S2ills +utcomes and Content
The Board of Studies recognises that a sall percentage of students with special education
needs ay best fulfil the andatory curriculu re)uireents for 8ood Technology by
underta(ing Aife S(ills outcoes and content. -?e)uireents for access to Aife S(ills
outcoes and content are detailed in section 3.2..
Aife S(ills outcoes will be selected on the basis that they eet the particular needs$ goals
and priorities of each student. Students are not re)uired to coplete all outcoes. ,utcoes
ay be deonstrated independently or with support.
9n order to pro#ide a rele#ant and eaningful progra of study that reflects the needs$
interests and abilities of each student$ schools ay integrate 8ood Technology Aife S(ills
outcoes and content across a #ariety of school and counity conte%ts.
9.1 +utcomes
Students will de#elop&
" student&
3 (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills related
to food hygiene$ safety and the pro#ision of
)uality food
AS3.3 deonstrates hygienic and safe practices in
the selection$ handling and storage of food
2 (nowledge and understanding of food
properties$ processing and preparation and
an appreciation of their interrelationship to
produce )uality food
AS2.3 recognises the relationship between food
properties$ preparation and processing
3 (nowledge and understanding of nutrition
and food consuption and an appreciation of
the conse)uences of food choices on health
AS3.3 recognises the nutritional #alue of food
AS3.2 recognises the ipact of food habits and
choices on health
4 s(ills in researching$ e#aluating and
counicating issues in relation to food
AS4.3 gathers and uses inforation fro a #ariety
of sources
AS4.2 uses a #ariety of counication techni)ues
7 s(ills in designing$ producing and e#aluating
solutions for specific food purposes
AS7.3 participates in a(ing food ites
AS7.2 uses appropriate e)uipent and techni)ues
in a(ing a #ariety of food ites
AS7.3 deonstrates safe practices in the a(ing
of food ites
AS7.4 cares for e)uipent
0 (nowledge$ understanding and appreciation
of the significant role of food in society
AS0.3 e%plores the ipact of inno#ation and
eerging technologies on food
AS0.2 recognises the significant role of food in
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
9.2 Content
The content fors the basis for learning opportunities. Content will be selected on the basis
that it eets the needs$ goals and priorities of each student. Students are not re)uired to
coplete all of the content to deonstrate achie#eent of an outcoe.
The e%aples pro#ided are suggestions only.
Outcome LS101. " student deonstrates hygienic and safe practices in the selection$ handling
and storage of food.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
hygiene and safe practices in the selection$
handling and storage of food
use hygienic and safe practices in
selecting food$ eg chec( FuseBby*:Fbest
before* dates$ chec( for obser#able
containation including ould$ #erin
infestation$ foreign ob'ects$ colour
changes$ odour$ taste$ swollen cans$
daaged pac(aging$ taper e#ident seals
handling and preparing food$ eg
thoroughly wash hands$ wear personal
protecti#e e)uipent$ co#er cuts and
abrasions with appropriate dressings$
co#er or secure hair$ use utensils and
e)uipent safely and appropriately when
handling and ser#ing food
storing food$ eg refrigerate perishable
foods$ retain hot and cold foods at correct
teperature$ store dry cereal products in
airtight containers
possible health ris(s recognise ris( areas$ eg crossBcontaination$
bacterial transfer$ poor personal hygiene$
incorrect preparation and storage of food
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Outcome LS101. " student recognises the relationship between food properties$ preparation and
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
food properties including
recognise properties of coon foods$
eg carrots are crisp when eaten raw -te%ture.$
il( can sell sour when out of date -odour.$
bananas turn brown when o#erBripe -colour.$
leons ha#e a sour taste -taste.
changes that occur to food as a result of
preparation and processing
recognise changes to food properties as a
result of preparation$ eg eggs becoe light
and frothy when beaten$ eggs fir or set when
poached$ rice softens and swells when boiled
recognise changes to food properties as a
result of processing$ eg e%aine the te%ture$
colour and fla#our of peas = raw$ freeCe dried$
canned$ froCen
reasons for changing food properties through
preparing and processing food
recognise why foods are prepared and
processed$ eg ipro#ing palatability$
increasing shelf life$ con#enience$ transport
and storage
select appropriate ingredients for preparing
and processing foods in the conte%t of a(ing
food ites
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Outcomes LS201. " student recognises the nutritional #alue of food ites.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
functions of food in the body
growth and de#elopent
pro#ide energy
repair and aintain the body
recognise the functions of food in the body
eg il( assists in de#eloping healthy bones$
cereals pro#ide energy$ fruit and #egetables
proote healthy s(in and hair
food nutrients
recognise a'or sources and functions of food
nutrients eg
protein in eat for growth and repairing
the body
carbohydrate in cereals for energy
#itains in fruit and #egetables to pre#ent
nutritious foods recognise foods which pro#ide high le#els of
nutrition$ eg fruit is ore nutritious than chips
as a snac($ a soothie is ore nutritious than
cola as a drin(
food odels which could include
"ustralian Eietary 6uidelines
"ustralian 6uide to Dealthy >ating
use current food odels in the conte%t of
a(ing food choices eg use food guides to
plan a day*s eals with pictures and
drawings$ use the "ustralian 6uide to Dealthy
>ating to plan a day*s eals for an acti#e
food labelling use food labelling to identify nutritious foods$
eg nutrition panel on pac(aging$ order of list
of contents$ sybols such as Dealthy Deart
tic($ persuasi#e ar(eting such as prooting
low fat$ lite$ salt reduced food products
Outcome LS201. " student recognises the ipact of food habits and choices on health.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
factors that influence food habits and choices recognise the factors that influence food
habits and choices including
body iage
food intolerances:allergies
relationship between food choice and health recognise the ipact of poor food choices on
health including
s(in conditions
dental health
heart disease
allergic reactions
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Outcome LS#01. " student gathers and uses inforation fro a #ariety of sources.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
obtaining inforation fro a #ariety of
access sources of inforation in the conte%t of
a food pro'ect including$ electronic edia$
print edia$ library$ internet$ CEB?,!&
eg a(e a collage of foods suitable for a
faily celebration day$ use the internet to
locate recipes for a #egetarian dinner$ access a
#ariety of sources to plan a day*s eals to
eet the nutritional re)uireents of
Outcome LS#01. " student uses a #ariety of counication techni)ues.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
using a #ariety of counication techni)ues use techni)ues to counicate ideas
including pictures$ photographs$ odels$
paphlets$ coputer graphics( discussions$
eg use a teplate to write a brea(fast enu$
design a enu for a fast food outlet$ use a
#ariety of counication techni)ues to
present ideas for an original food pac(age
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
" student&
AS7.3 participates in a(ing food ites.
AS7.2 uses appropriate e)uipent and techni)ues in a(ing a #ariety of food ites.
AS7.3 deonstrates safe practices in the a(ing of food ites.
AS7.4 cares for e)uipent.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
using a process in the conte%t of a(ing a
food ite
techni)ues used in a(ing food ites
e)uipent used in a(ing food ites
participate in a(ing food ites eg easure
and cobine a #ariety of ingredients to a(e
uesli$ a(e a uffin suitable for brea(fast$
a(e a brea(fast following an established
eal pattern
follow the steps in a process to a(e a #ariety
of food ites$ eg
e%plore ideas& use a #ariety of sources to
find recipes$ a(e enu selections$
present ideas
plan& identify tas(s and allocate according
to s(ills$ consider ingredients for cost and
a#ailability$ prepare wor( flow plan
use personal protecti#e e)uipent
select techni)ues and re)uireents&
choose and list ingredients$ appliances$
coo(ing e)uipent$ utensils$ ser#ing
dishes$ and table setting
prepare ingredients$ cooperate with others
in group tas(s$ present in appealing
anner$ ser#e
e#aluate& consider such things as
teawor($ #isual appeal$ #ariety$ taste$
colour$ te%ture
the application of Wor( Dealth and Safety
practices in relation to safe handling of a
#ariety of aterials:ingredients$ utensils and
recognise properties of aterials$ ingredients$
utensils and appliances that a(e the
dangerous$ eg flaability$ to%icity$
sharpness$ weight$ teperature$ electrical$
recognise safety labelling$ eg international
sybols$ safety signage$ colour coding
carry and transfer aterials$ utensils and
appliances safely$ eg handling (ni#es$
transferring hot food$ carrying ob'ects of
#arying weights and lengths
use aterials$ utensils and appliances safely in
the conte%t of a(ing food ites
routines for care of e)uipent including
utensils and appliances
store e)uipent appropriately
regularly clean e)uipent after use
(eep wor(places clean and clear
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Outcome LS301. " student e%plores the ipact of inno#ation and eerging technologies on food.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
the ipact of inno#ation and eerging
technologies on food and food products
recognise food inno#ations$ eg artificial
sweeteners$ icrowa#eable foods$ soft
butters:argarines$ ultra high teperature
the ipact of inno#ation and eerging
technologies on e)uipent$ preparation and
processing techni)ues
recognise food preparation e)uipent that has
resulted fro inno#ation and technology$
eg icrowa#es and icrowa#e safe dishes$
proliferation of appliances with a specific
purpose -piea(er$ 'uicer.$ utensils that are
heat resistant
reasons for food inno#ation e%plore factors that ha#e oti#ated food
inno#ations$ eg health$ a#ailability of foods$
cost$ con#enience
Outcome LS301. " student recognises the significant role of food in society.
Students learn aout. Students learn to.
the role of food in society recognise food as a basic physical need
en'oy a #ariety of food
recognise the social aspects of food
e%plore cultural influences on food
e%plore food industry careers
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
: Continuum o' 7earning in Food Technology K10
:.1 Stage Statements
Stage stateents illustrate the continuu of learning in the Food Technology Years 710
ylla!"s and are suaries of the (nowledge$ understanding$ s(ills$ #alues and attitudes that
ha#e been de#eloped by students as a conse)uence of achie#ing the outcoes for the rele#ant
stage of learning.
'arly Stage 1 Science and 4ec+nology
Students who ha#e achie#ed >arly Stage 3 show a growing awareness of$ and interest in$ the
natural and ade en#ironents. They deonstrate confidence in proposing ideas for designs
they de#elop through play and odelling. They deonstrate curiosity about artefacts$ e#ents$
phenoena$ places and li#ing things around the.
>arly Stage 3 students use play to e%plore ideas$ anipulate aterials and trial solutions.
They de#elop and begin to refine their understanding of en#ironents$ aterials$ e)uipent
and other resources through trial and error. They as( )uestions$ suggest ideas$ propose their
own e%planations and are able to report #erbally and graphically on their actions and
Students in this stage use their senses to obser#e features of their iediate en#ironent and
to e%plore the properties of a range of coon aterials. They identify and group li#ing and
nonBli#ing things according to soe coon characteristics.
Students e%plore and identify the needs of people and other li#ing things. They recognise the
use of soe fors of energy and their ideas about it are beginning to de#elop as they
e%perience energy in different conte%ts.
Students generate their own ideas$ using a(eBbelie#e$ and e%press these #erbally$ pictorially
and through odelling. They are unli(ely to percei#e the steps in a designing and a(ing
process as they often wor( in situations where these aspects occur at the sae tie. They
identify what they li(e or disli(e about their designs or e%plorations.
Students in >arly Stage 3 recognise that inforation can coe fro a #ariety of sources$
including other people and fro different edia$ for e%aple$ boo(s and #ideos. They
deonstrate an awareness of a range of uses for coputerBbased technology as well as
showing an eerging confidence in their ability to e%plore and use coputerBbased
technologies$ with assistance$ to create te%t$ iages and play gaes.
Students show growing awareness of the appropriate use and aintenance of a range of
classroo e)uipent. They gi#e reasons for safe wor(ing practices and organisational
procedures related to the use of e)uipent$ resources and aterials. Students de#elop ideas
through the use and anipulation of concrete aterials as a eans of progressing towards
abstract thought.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Stage 1 Science and 4ec+nology
Students who ha#e achie#ed Stage 3 are de#eloping an awareness of the wider world and are
applying their scientific and technological understanding to new and different situations. They
are starting to de#elop the social s(ills re)uired to in#estigate$ design and a(e products and
Students are starting to appreciate the interdependence of li#ing things and their
en#ironents. They recognise that people create products$ ser#ices and en#ironents to eet
their own needs. They build on their e%isting understanding of soe of the fors of energy.
Students are able to interpret inforation and a(e predictions based on their own
obser#ations. They are better able to accept that the result of a test ay be different fro what
was originally e%pected.
Students are able to recognise the purpose of an in#estigation and see( further inforation as
a result of their own curiosity. They begin to see that an in#estigation is a series of orderly
steps. They use their senses to identify siilarities and differences. Students show curiosity
about natural and ade en#ironents and see( e%planations that allow the to interpret their
+sing plans$ drawings and odels$ Stage 3 students begin to generate and select ideas to best
eet design tas( ob'ecti#es$ and gi#e siple e%planations of why they ha#e chosen a certain
idea. Students in this stage can draw plans for a design and can e%plain soe of the features
and aterials to be used. They can write labels and siple e%planations when creating
Students recognise and discuss with others soe of the strengths and liitations of what they
ha#e done and identify soe changes that could be ade to ipro#e plans or odels$ for
e%aple in appearance. They a(e coparisons about what they li(e and disli(e about
failiar products$ systes or en#ironents.
Students effecti#ely anipulate aterials that are a#ailable in the classroo en#ironent$ and
show a growing awareness of the different properties of such aterials and how they affect
the way in which the aterials are used. They recognise that soe aterials occur naturally$
while others are ade.
Students ha#e a de#eloping awareness of a range of edia and inforation products. They are
able to use coputer technology to start and open files or applications$ sa#e and shut down.
They are able to use coputerBbased technologies where appropriate for a gi#en tas(.
They are able to identify the different fors of technology in their iediate en#ironents
and e%plain how they help us. They safely use$ aintain and store e)uipent such as scissors$
agnifying glasses$ coputers and dis(s.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Stage 1 Science and 4ec+nology
Students who ha#e achie#ed Stage 2 are able to initiate their own in#estigations as a result of
soething that has aroused their curiosity. They as( percepti#e )uestions and respond to
design tas(s in inno#ati#e ways. They identify ways of ipro#ing their own scientific and
technological acti#ities by considering issues such as how well soething wor(s$ its
appearance and how it ight affect the en#ironent.
Students de#elop the capacity to as( )uestions to clarify understanding. They predict
outcoes by proposing e%planations and testing to see if their predicted outcoes e#entuate.
"s students de#elop s(ills in predicting$ testing$ recording results and drawing conclusions$
they begin to for understanding about Ffair testing* that ta(es into account the need for
consistent conditions cobined with one #ariable$ in order to ensure accurate results.
Students who ha#e achie#ed Stage 2 are able to e%plore ideas for in#estigations and their
design proposals in order to identify where decisions still need to be ade$ and to suggest
possible courses of action. Students ay suggest odifications to ipro#e their initial
proposals$ including the selection of different solutions to arri#e at a suitable outcoe.
Students are able to e%plore the properties$ capabilities and wor(ing characteristics of both
natural and anufactured aterials and coponents. They recognise that aterials are #aried
and ha#e different properties that affect their use. They can select$ aintain and safely use
classroo tools and e)uipent$ hardware and software$ and 'ustify their selection for
particular tas(s.
Students gi#e consideration to issues such as function and aesthetics when designing and
e#aluating products$ ser#ices and en#ironents. They can identify soe liitations when
carrying out a design tas(. Students de#elop plans that show soe consideration of the types
and )uantities of aterials re)uired and an awareness of the need for accuracy in a plan for
production purposes.
Students recognise the function of soe hardware and software and are able to select and use
these to eet the re)uireents of a tas(. They can discuss the possibilities and liitations of
using a range of technology including coputerBbased technology.
Students are de#eloping a capacity to understand relationships in the natural world. They can
identify and describe soe aspects of the structure and function of li#ing things and soe of
the ways li#ing things interact. They can also identify and describe soe of the interactions of
the >arth with other parts of the solar syste. Students in this stage de#ise systes that
infor or utilise their understanding of soe fors of energy.
Students also deonstrate a greater understanding of and control o#er a design process. They
recognise the iportance of e#aluation throughout a design cycle.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Stage 2 Science and 4ec+nology
Students who ha#e achie#ed Stage 3 are able to underta(e in#estigations independently in
order to satisfy their own curiosity. They deonstrate a willingness to initiate their own
in#estigationsG this ight include designing appropriate fair tests to e#aluate a range of
possible e%planations for the results of their in#estigations.
Students select and use appropriate language$ structures and edia and deonstrate s(ills in
critically e%aining and counicating scientific and technological ideas and issues.
Students can relate their scientific and technological understanding to new tas(s or different
Students research and in#estigate to identify phenoena and processes that ha#e influenced
>arth o#er tie. They build on their e%isting understanding of fors of energy.
Students are aware of the s(ills and processes in#ol#ed in designing and a(ing$ in#estigating
and using technology. They anage the design process including aspects of tie
anageent$ design constraints and needs of the target audience. "t this stage$ they can a(e
decisions in#ol#ing soe conflicting interests or issues$ for e%aple ethical$ aesthetic$
en#ironental and cultural.
Students use twoB and threeBdiensional drawings and odels to de#elop and odify their
design ideas and to counicate details to others. They recognise and use soe con#entions
and sybols related to de#eloping plans and diagras$ such as easureents and soe use
of scale. They can obser#e the for and detail of ob'ects carefully in order to produce
accurate drawings fro different #iews and they reflect on their drawings$ s(etches or
coputer odels.
Students are aware of a range of issues related to scientific and technological achie#eents.
They are capable of ac)uiring inforation fro a #ariety of sources and are able to
e%perient with new techni)ues and s(ills as technologies change. Students identify
eerging trends by using data$ diagras and a range of tools and e)uipent to assist with
Students recognise that coputerBbased technologies ha#e a wide range of applications in
society and can identify and describe soe of the effects of such technologies on indi#iduals
and counities. Students who ha#e achie#ed Stage 3 can confidently and copetently use a
range of coputerBbased hardware and applications. Students at this stage can identify
alternati#e uses and can be creati#e in adapting a#ailable software to the re)uireents of a
Students reflect on the ethods used and positi#e and negati#e results of technological and
scientific acti#ity both throughout their own pro'ects and in personal$ local and global
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Stage # 4ec+nology 56andatory7
Students at Stage 4 are able to independently initiate design pro'ects and in#estigations that
reflect an understanding of needs and opportunities. They deonstrate the ability to research
and e%tract inforation fro a #ariety of sources and a willingness to use e%perients and
tests to enhance the de#elopent of a design pro'ect. They describe factors that influence
Students select and use a broad range of edia and ethod and appropriate language and
structures to accurately counicate design ideas to a di#erse audience. This ay include
recounting the process of designing$ producing and e#aluating used when de#eloping design
pro'ects. Students are aware of the s(ills and processes in#ol#ed in designing and are able to
generate and counicate design ideas and solutions. They de#elop (nowledge and
understanding of a range of design processes$ roles of designers and associated wor(
opportunities. They can identify what a(es good design and are able to creati#ely de#elop
)uality design pro'ects.
Students responsibly$ safely$ confidently and accurately apply a range of conteporary and
appropriate tools$ aterials and techni)ues and understand the iplications and applications
of these in the wider counity. Students deonstrate copetence when using a range of
9CTs and ha#e the ability to select and use the appropriately in de#eloping design pro'ects.
Students recognise the iportance of safety$ )uality and anageent in the design and
production of design pro'ects. They learn to anage their own tie by se)uencing processes
of designing$ producing and e#aluating to plan ahead. They wor( collaborati#ely and learn to
wor( safely with others in technological en#ironents.
Throughout the design process students reflect on and e#aluate their design pro'ects. They
consider the ipact of inno#ation and eerging technology on society and the en#ironent
and identify and e%plain ethical$ social$ sustainability and en#ironental considerations
related to design pro'ects.
Stage # (ood 4ec+nology
Students at Stage 4 ha#e de#eloped higher order understandings and s(ills in the conte%t of
ore specialised technology applications through a study of 8ood Technology.
Students recognise the iportance of hygienic handling of food when de#eloping safe and
appealing products. They list the basic coponents of a #ariety of foods and describe
changes$ which occur during processing$ preparation and storage of food.
Students relate the nutritional #alue of foods to health and identify the factors that influence
food habits.
Stage $ (ood 4ec+nology
Students at Stage 7 a(e infored decisions based on (nowledge and understanding of the
ipact of food in society$ of food properties$ preparation and processing$ and the
interrelationship of nutrition and health. This understanding enables the to design$ anage
and ipleent solutions$ in a safe and hygienic anner$ for specific purposes with regard to
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
Students select$ use and apply appropriate terinology$ resources and a broad range of edia
to accurately counicate ideas$ understanding and s(ills to a #ariety of audiences for a
nuber of purposes.
Students deonstrate practical s(ills in preparing and presenting food that enable the to
select and use appropriate ingredients$ ethods and e)uipent. Students apply s(ills and
confidence in anaging$ realising and e#aluating solutions for specific food purposes.
Through the study of 8ood Technology$ students are aware of the de#elopent of technology
and its ipact on the indi#idual$ society$ the en#ironent and the food industry. Students ha#e
(nowledge$ s(ills and understanding of a range of processes$ resources and technologies$
including coputerBbased$ appropriate to the anufacture and preparation of food. Students at
Stage 7 can confidently and copetently use a range of technologies.
Students ha#e a body of (nowledge$ s(ills$ #alues and attitudes and apply these in a practical
anner. Students e%press ideas and opinions$ e%perient and test ideas and deonstrate
responsibility in decisionBa(ing in a safe learning en#ironent.
Students reflect on and e#aluate decisions ade in relation to solutions for specific purposes
with regard to food at a personal le#el$ and also consider the social iplications of these in a
#ariety of settings.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
10 )ssessment
10.1 Standards
The Board of Studies #10 C"rric"l"$ Fra$e%or& is a standardsBreferenced fraewor( that
describes$ through syllabuses and other docuents$ the e%pected learning outcoes for
Standards in the fraewor( consist of two interrelated eleents&
outcoes and content in syllabuses showing what is to be learnt
descriptions of le#els of achie#eent of that learning.
>%eplar tas(s and student wor( saples help to elaborate standards.
Syllabus outcoes in 8ood Technology contribute to a de#elopental se)uence in which
students are challenged to ac)uire new (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills.
The standards are typically written for two years of schooling and set high$ but realistic$
e%pectations of the )uality of learning to be achie#ed by the end of @ears 2$ 4$ 0$ 2$ 30 and 32.
%sing standards to im,ro"e learning
Teachers will be able to use standards in 8ood Technology as a reference point for planning
teaching and learning progras$ and for assessing and reporting student progress. Standards
in 8ood Technology will help teachers and students to set targets$ onitor achie#eent$ and$
as a result$ a(e changes to progras and strategies to support and ipro#e each student*s
10.2 )ssessment 'or 7earning
Assess$ent )or learning in 8ood Technology is designed to enhance teaching and ipro#e
learning. 9t is assessent that gi#es students opportunities to produce the wor( that leads to
de#elopent of their (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills. Assess$ent )or learning in#ol#es
teachers in deciding how and when to assess student achie#eent$ as they plan the wor(
students will do$ using a range of appropriate assessent strategies including selfBassessent
and peer assessent.
Teachers of 8ood Technology will pro#ide students with opportunities in the conte%t of
e#eryday classroo acti#ities$ as well as planned assessent e#ents$ to deonstrate their
9n suary$ assess$ent )or learning&
is an essential and integrated part of teaching and learning
reflects a belief that all students can ipro#e
in#ol#es setting learning goals with students
helps students (now and recognise the standards they are aiing for
in#ol#es students in selfBassessent and peer assessent
pro#ides feedbac( that helps students understand the ne%t steps in learning and plan how
to achie#e the
in#ol#es teachers$ students and parents in reflecting on assessent data.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
8uality Assessment 9ractices
The following Assess$ent )or *earning +rinciples pro#ide the criteria for 'udging the )uality
of assessent aterials and practices.
Assessment for learning.
em,+asises t+e interactions etween learning and manageale assessment strategies
t+at ,romote learning
9n practice$ this eans&
teachers reflect on the purposes of assessent and on their assessent strategies
assessent acti#ities allow for deonstration of learning outcoes
assessent is ebedded in learning acti#ities and infors the planning of future
learning acti#ities
teachers use assessent to identify what a student can already do.
clearly e-,resses for t+e student and teac+er t+e goals of t+e learning acti"ity
9n practice$ this eans&
students understand the learning goals and the criteria that will be applied to 'udge the
)uality of their achie#eent
students recei#e feedbac( that helps the a(e further progress.
reflects a "iew of learning in w+ic+ assessment +el,s students learn etter, rat+er
t+an !ust ac+ie"e a etter mark
9n practice$ this eans&
teachers use tas(s that assess$ and therefore encourage$ deeper learning
feedbac( is gi#en in a way that oti#ates the learner and helps students to understand
that ista(es are a part of learning and can lead to ipro#eent
assessent is an integral coponent of the teachingBlearning process rather than being
a separate acti#ity.
,ro"ides ways for students to use feedack from assessment
9n practice$ this eans&
feedbac( is directed to the achie#eent of standards and away fro coparisons with
feedbac( is clear and constructi#e about strengths and wea(nesses
feedbac( is indi#idualised and lin(ed to opportunities for ipro#eent.
+el,s students take res,onsiility for t+eir own learning
9n practice$ this eans&
assessent includes strategies for selfBassessent and peer assessent ephasising
the ne%t steps needed for further learning.
is inclusi"e of all learners
9n practice$ this eans&
assessent against standards pro#ides opportunities for all learners to achie#e their
assessent acti#ities are free of bias.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
10.% $e!orting
?eporting is the process of pro#iding feedbac( to students$ parents and other teachers about
students* progress.
Teachers can use e#idence gathered fro assessent to e%tend the process of assess$ent )or
learning into their assess$ent o) learning. 9n a standardsBreferenced fraewor( this in#ol#es
teachers in a(ing professional 'udgeents about student achie#eent at (ey points in the
learning cycle. These ay be at the end of a year or stage$ when schools ay wish to report
differentially on the le#els of (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills deonstrated by students.
Eescriptions of le#els of achie#eent for Stage 4 and Stage 7 in 8ood Technology ha#e been
de#eloped to pro#ide schools with a useful tool to report consistent inforation about student
achie#eent to students and parents$ and to the ne%t teacher to help to plan the ne%t steps in
the learning process. These describe obser#able and easurable features of student
achie#eent at the end of a stage$ within the indicati#e hours of study. Eescriptions of le#els
of achie#eent pro#ide a coon language for reporting.
"t Stage 7 there are si% le#els of achie#eent. Ae#el 0 describes a #ery high le#el of
achie#eent in relation to course ob'ecti#es and outcoes. Ae#el 2 describes satisfactory
achie#eent$ while the le#el 3 description will help identify students who are progressing
towards the outcoes for the stage.
"t the end of @ear 30$ teachers of 8ood Technology @ears 1=30 will a(e an onBbalance
'udgeent$ based on the a#ailable assessent e#idence$ to atch each student*s achie#eent
to a le#el description. This le#el will be reported on the student*s School Certificate ?ecord of
"t Stage 4 there are four le#els of achie#eent. Ae#el 4 describes a #ery high le#el of
achie#eentG le#els 2 and 3 describe satisfactory and high achie#eent that should pro#ide a
solid foundation for the ne%t stage of learning. The le#el 3 description will help identify
students who are progressing towards the outcoes for the stage.
8or students underta(ing Aife S(ills outcoes and content in @ears 1=30$ the content listed
for each identified Aife S(ills outcoe fors the basis of the learning opportunities for these
students. 9t also pro#ides e%aples of acti#ities on which teachers can base 'udgeents to
report student progress in relation to indi#idual learning goals.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
10.( Choosing )ssessment Strategies
5lanning for assessent is integral to prograing for teaching and learning. 9n a standardsB
referenced fraewor($ teachers assess student perforance on tas(s in relation to syllabus
outcoes and a(e onBbalance 'udgeents about student achie#eent. "ssessent relies on
the professional 'udgeent of the teacher and is based on reliable data ac)uired in a fair and
challenging en#ironent$ fro ultiple perforances in a #ariety of conte%ts. "ssessent is
fundaental for furthering student learning.
9n planning progras$ teachers$ indi#idually and collaborati#ely$ re#iew the syllabus and
standards aterials. They use these aterials to describe for thesel#es what students should
(now and be able to do at a particular stage$ and they consider the (inds of e#idence their
students could produce to show they ha#e learnt what they needed to learn.
Students are pro#ided with a description of the learning e%pected to be accoplished$
opportunities to discuss the criteria on which 'udgeents will be based$ tie to learn$ and
where possible$ e%aples of what that learning loo(s li(e.
"ssessent is used to deterine the students* initial (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills$ to
onitor student progress and to collect inforation to report student achie#eent. The
assessent cycle is continuousG students recei#e and gi#e thesel#es feedbac( on what they
ha#e learnt$ and what needs to be done to continue their learning. Students gain inforation
about their learning through feedbac( fro teachers and fro selfBassessent and peer
assessent. The challenge and cople%ity of assessent tas(s increase to enable students to
de#elop e#aluati#e independence as they assess their own (nowledge$ understanding and
s(ills$ and deterine ways to ipro#e their learning.
Teachers of 8ood Technology should eploy a range of assessent strategies to ensure that
inforation is being gathered regarding the (nowledge and understanding that are being
ac)uired$ and the s(ills that are being de#eloped. Strategies should be appropriate to the
outcoes being addressed$ be anageable in nuber and be supporti#e of the learning
process. Teachers could wor( collaborati#ely in planning appropriate assessent strategies.
Wor(ing collaborati#ely leads teachers to de#elop a shared understanding of the syllabus
standards and also supports teachers in a(ing consistent and coparable 'udgeents of
student achie#eent in relation to these standards.
9n planning for assessent in 8ood Technology it is iportant for teachers to consider&
the re)uireents of the syllabus
the accessibility of the proposed acti#ity in ters of language re)uireents
the appropriateness of the challenge presented to indi#idual students
resource a#ailability
how the tas( will be adinistered
the way in which feedbac( will be pro#ided.
9n planning for assessent$ teachers of 8ood Technology need to consider how results will be
recorded$ with a #iew to ensuring that there is sufficient and appropriate inforation collected
for a(ing an onBbalance holistic 'udgeent of the standard achie#ed by the student at the
end of the stage. The e#idence collected should enable teachers of 8ood Technology to a(e
consistent 'udgeents to eet the #arious reporting re)uireents that the syste$ school and
counity ay ha#e.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
8ood Technology particularly lends itself to the following assessent techni)ues.
9ractical e-,eriences
5ractical e%periences should occupy uch of the allocated tie for students of 8ood
Technology. These practical e%periences include handsBon in#estigation$ designing$ producing
and e#aluating acti#ities that are readily assessed through applying direct obser#ation and
teacher 'udgeent to the process and e#aluating docuentation when rele#ant.
9n practical wor($ 8ood Technology students o#e fro underta(ing teacherBguided wor( to a
ore independent ode. "ssessent of these pro'ects should reflect the change in nature and
deand at different stages.
When underta(ing practical e%periences$ students could be assessed on their ability to&
deonstrate hygienic handling of food to ensure a safe and appealing product
select and apply appropriate techni)ues and e)uipent
anage WDS issues
apply appropriate ethods of food processing$ preparation and storage
plan$ prepare$ present and e#aluate practical food acti#ities
apply their ac)uired (nowledge$ understanding and s(ills in different conte%ts.
5ortfolios allow students to record the progress of pro'ects$ de#eloping (nowledge and s(ills
in decisionBa(ing and setting priorities. They can de#elop critical thin(ing s(ills. When this
techni)ue is used for assessent purposes$ students could be assessed on their ability to&
plan$ prepare$ present and e#aluate food solutions for specific purposes
collect$ e#aluate and apply inforation fro a #ariety of sources.
:esearc+ ,ro!ects and written re,orts
These can be used to de#elop students* analytical$ organisational and probleBsol#ing s(ills.
They ay include case studies$ e#aluation reports$ inter#iews and essays.
Students could be assessed on their ability to&
collect$ e#aluate and apply inforation fro a #ariety of sources
e%aine the relationship between food and society
analyse the factors that influence eating habits and 'ustify food choices
account for changes to the properties of food which occur during food processing$
preparation and storage.
These allow students to de#elop s(ills in counicating their ideas in oral$ graphic and
written fors using a #ariety of sub'ectBspecific concepts and content. They pro#ide
opportunities for students to de#elop their s(ills and reflect on the perforances of others.
"ssessent strategies ay include prepared and iproptu oral presentations$ ultiBedia
presentations and #arious fors of display techni)ues.
Food Technology Years 710 ylla!"s
When presentations are used for assessent purposes$ students could be assessed on their
ability to&
e#aluate the ipact of acti#ities related to food on the indi#idual$ society and the
collect$ e#aluate and apply inforation fro a #ariety of sources
counicate ideas and inforation using a range of edia and appropriate terinology.
&ritten and ,ractical tests
Written and:or practical tests can be used to deterine if students ha#e the necessary s(ills$
can use correct techni)ues and can recall$ interpret$ coprehend and apply (nowledge at a
le#el that is appropriate for the to o#e on to the ne%t step in the learning process. Tests can
pro#ide inforation prior to coencing a unit of wor($ or along the way$ about students*
understanding of concepts and allow the teacher to plan further learning acti#ities. 9t is
iportant that feedbac( is pro#ided on test perforance in order to enhance student learning.
9eer assessment
8ood Technology encourages the acti#e in#ol#eent of students in the learning process.
,pportunities e%ist for indi#idual and collaborati#e wor(. "cti#ities in#ol#ing peer
assessent ight include e#aluating the contribution of indi#iduals to a group tas($ and
reflecting on a peer presentation.
9n 8ood Technology students are encouraged to ac)uire basic s(ills to becoe selfBdirected
learners. ,pportunities e%ist for students to reflect on their progress towards the achie#eent
of the syllabus outcoes$ using tools such as diaries and 'ournals. This reflection pro#ides the
basis for ipro#ing their learning. Ee#eloping selfBassessent s(ills is an ongoing process$
becoing increasingly ore sophisticated and selfBinitiated as a student progresses. Students
can assess their own ability to&
identify their own personal de#elopent o#er tie
identify (ey indicators and e#idence of their own learning.

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