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antigen /antigen/ (ant-jen) any substance capable of inducing a specific immune response

and of reacting with the products of that response, i.e., with specific antibody or specifically
sensitized T lymphocytes, or both. Abbreviated Ag.antigenic
blood-group antigens erythrocyte surface antigens whose antigenic differences determine
blood groups.
cancer antigen 125 (!A "#$) a surface glycoprotein associated with m%llerian epithelial tissue&
elevated serum levels are often associated with epithelial ovarian carcinomas, particularly with
nonmucinous tumors, but are also seen in some other malignant and various benign pelvic
capsular antigen one found in the capsule of a microorganism.
carcinoembryonic antigen (!'A) a cancer(specific glycoprotein antigen of colon carcinoma,
also present in many adenocarcinomas of endodermal origin and in normal gastrointestinal
tissues of human embryos.
CD antigen any of a number of cell surface mar)ers e*pressed by leu)ocytes and used to
distinguish cell lineages, developmental stages, and functional subsets& such mar)ers can be
identified by monoclonal antibodies.
class I antigens ma+or histocompatibility antigens found on every cell e*cept erythrocytes,
recognized during graft re+ection, and involved in ,-! restriction.
class II antigens ma+or histocompatibility antigens found only on immunocompetent cells,
primarily . lymphocytes and macrophages.
common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (!A//A) a tumor(associated antigen
occurring on lymphoblasts in about 01 per cent of patients with acute lymphoblastic leu)emia
(A//) and in 21$1 per cent of patients with blastic phase chronic myelogenous leu)emia (!,/).
complete antigen one which both stimulates an immune response and reacts with the products
of that response.
conjugated antigen one produced by coupling a hapten to a protein carrier molecule through
covalent bonds& when it induces immunization, the resultant immune response is directed against
both the hapten and the carrier.
D antigen a red cell antigen of the 3h blood group system, important in the development of
isoimmunization in 3h(negative persons e*posed to the blood of 3h(positive persons.
E antigen a red cell antigen of the 3h blood group system.
flagellar antigen - antigen.
Forssman antigen a heterogenetic antigen inducing the production of antisheep hemolysin,
occurring in various unrelated species, mainly in the organs but not in the erythrocytes (guinea
pig, horse), but sometimes only in the erythrocytes (sheep), and occasionally in both (chic)en).
1! a bacterial flagellar antigen important in the serological classification of enteric bacilli.
2! the precursor of the A and . blood group antigens& normal type 4 individuals lac) the enzyme
to convert it to A or . antigens.
hepatitis " core antigen (-.cAg) an antigen of the 56A core of the hepatitis . virus, indicating
the presence of replicating hepatitis . virus.
hepatitis " e antigen (-.eAg) an antigen of hepatitis . virus sometimes present in the blood
during acute infection, usually disappearing afterward but sometimes persisting in chronic
hepatitis " surface antigen (-.sAg) a surface coat lipoprotein antigen of the hepatitis . virus,
pea)ing with the first appearance of clinical disease symptoms. Tests for serum -.sAg are used
in the diagnosis of acute or chronic hepatitis . and in testing blood products for infectivity.
heterogenetic antigen heterophile a.
heterologous antigen an antigen that reacts with an antibody that is not the one that induced its
heterophil antigen , heterophile antigen an antigen common to more than one species and
whose species distribution is unrelated to its phylogenetic distribution (viz., 7orssman antigen,
lens protein, certain caseins, etc.).
histocompatibility antigens genetically determined isoantigens found on the surface of
nucleated cells of most tissues, which incite an immune response when grafted onto a genetically
different individual and thus determine compatibility of tissues in transplantation.
#$ antigens human leu)ocyte antigens.
homologous antigen
1! the antigen inducing antibody formation.
2! isoantigen.
human leukocyte antigens histocompatibility antigens (glycoproteins) on the surface of
nucleated cells (including circulating and tissue cells) determined by a region on chromosome 8
bearing several genetic loci, designated -/A(A, (., (!, (59, (5:, (53, (,., (,T, and (Te. They
are important in cross(matching procedures and are partially responsible for the re+ection of
transplanted tissues when donor and recipient -/A antigens do not match.
-% antigen a histocompatibility antigen of the cell membrane, determined by a locus on the ;
chromosome& it is a mediator of testicular organization (hence, se*ual differentiation) in the male.
Ia antigens one of the histocompatibility antigens governed by the < region of the ma+or
histocompatibility comple*, located principally on . lymphocytes, macrophages, accessory cells,
and granulocyte precursors.
In& group antigens =m a>s.
isogeneic antigen an antigen carried by an individual which is capable of eliciting an immune
response in genetically different individuals of the same species, but not in an individual bearing
' antigen a bacterial capsular antigen, a surface antigen e*ternal to the cell wall.
'm antigens the three alloantigens found in the constant region of the ? light chains of
#y antigens , #yt antigens antigenic cell(surface mar)ers of subpopulations of T lymphocytes,
classified as /y ", #, and @& they are associated with helper and suppressor activities of T
mumps skin test antigen a sterile suspension of mumps virus& used as a dermal reactivity
( antigen one occurring in the lipopolysaccharide layer of the wall of gram(negative bacteria.
oncofetal antigen carcinoembryonic a.
organ-specific antigen any antigen occurring only in a particular organ and serving to
distinguish it from other organs& it may be limited to an organ of a single species or be
characteristic of the same organ in many species.
partial antigen hapten.
pri&ate antigens antigens of the low freAuency blood groups, probably differing from ordinary
blood group systems only in their incidence.
prostate-specific antigen (9BA) an endopeptidase secreted by the epithelial cells of the
prostate gland& serum levels are elevated in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
public antigens antigens of the high freAuency blood groups, so called because they are found
in almost all persons tested.
self-antigen autoantigen.
) antigen
1! tumor antigen, any of several coded for by the viral genome, and associated with
transformation of infected cells by certain 56A tumor viruses.
2! see CD a.
*! an antigen present on human erythrocytes that is e*posed by treatment with neuraminadase or
contact with certain bacteria.
)-dependent antigen one reAuiring the presence of helper cells to stimulate antibody production
by . cells.
)-independent antigen one able to trigger . cells to produce antibodies without the presence of
T cells.
tumor antigen
1! T a. (").
2! tumor(specific a.
tumor-associated antigen a new antigen acAuired by a tumor cell line in the process of
neoplastic transformation.
tumor-specific antigen (TBA) cell(surface antigens of tumors that elicit a specific immune
response in the host.
+i antigen a = antigen of Salmonella typhi originally thought responsible for virulence.
5orland>s ,edical 5ictionary for -ealth !onsumers. C #11D by Baunders, an imprint of 'lsevier, <nc. All rights reserved.
an,ti,gen ( n t (+ n)
Any of various substances, including to*ins, bacteria, and the cells of transplanted organs, that
when introduced into the body stimulate the production of antibodies. Also called allergen,
an ti,gen ic ((+ n )) adj.
The American -eritageE ,edical 5ictionary !opyright C #11D, #112 by -oughton ,ifflin !ompany. 9ublished by -oughton
,ifflin !ompany. All rights reserved.
A substance that stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (immunoglobulins).
The function of antibodies is to fight off intruder cells, such as bacteria or viruses, in the body.
Antigens stimulate the blood to fight other blood cells that have the wrong antigens. <f a person
with blood type A is given a transfusion with blood type ., the A antigens will fight the foreign
blood cells as though they were an infection.

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