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1 Constitution of the plant

MCIs proposed process is designed to have a capacity of 100,000 tons of Polyvinyl
Chloride based on 30.5 deg.C cooling ater te!perature "at #$ deg.C et bulb
te!perature% ith folloing &'value grade in an operating years of (,000 hours and
consists of the folloing sections.
&'value grade applications Production Capacity
)igid *le+ible ",% M-P.
5( -/'$00"000011% "5% 5,000
20 -/'(00"30001% "5% 5,000
22 -/'1000"0000M&% "05% 05,000
22 -/'1000"0000M% "30% 30,000
$# -/'1300"0000M3% "15% 15,000
-otal "100% 100,000
)a Material 3ection 3ection 100
Process 4ater 3ection 3ection #00
Poly!eri5ation 3ection 3ection 300
6CM )ecovery 3ection 3ection 000
3lurry 3tripping and 7rying 3ection 3ection 500
Product /andling and 8agging 3ection 3ection 200
/ot 4ater and Chilled 4ater 3ection 3ection $00
4aste 4ater -reat!ent 3ection 3ection (00
9 suspension poly!eri5ation process is adopted to produce P6C poder by
poly!eri5ation of ra !aterial 6CM. -he process e!ploys ater as the continuous
phase to disperse 6CM into it for the prevention of agglo!eration during the transition
fro! li:uid !ono!er droplet to solid resin particles.
1.1.# Process 7escription
P6C 100,000 -;. plant is co!posed of folloing facilities.
"1% )a Material section
3uspending agent solution "9gent 1,#,3,5% is prepared in 9gent 3olution -an<
"6=1101%. >ecessary :uantity of P4 is !easured and charged into 9gent
3olution -an<"6=1101%. >ecessary a!ount of 9gent is lifted up to the stage and
is thron into 9gent 3olution -an< "6=1101% ith agitating by 9gent 3olution
-an< 9gitator "M?1101% . 7uring this activity , 9gent 3olution -an< "6=1101% is
ventilated by 6entilation *an "811101% to protect or<er fro! dust. In case of
so!e agent , agent solution is heated up by using stea! in order to dissolve
easily and cooled by cooling ater after solution finish.
9fter sa!pling and !easuring of agent concentration is finished , agent is
transferred into 9gent *eed -an< "6C11019,8,C,7% by gravity.
>ecessary :uantity of catalyst is carried into the Catalyst 3ervice )oo! fro!
Catalyst 4arehouse. >ecessary catalyst :uantity for every 1 batch is !easured
batch by batch and stored in Catalyst 3ervice )oo! the day before
poly!eri5ation day.
8efore catalyst charge , !easured catalyst is thron into Catalyst *eed -an<
"6=1111% by operator. 9fter operator thro catalyst into Catalyst *eed -an<
"6=1111% , catalyst can is cleaned ith P4 and ashed P4 is thron into
Catalyst *eed -an< "6=1111% by operator . Catalyst *eed -an< 9gitator
"M?1111% is alays running.
4hen catalyst charge se:uence start , catalyst is fed into Poly!eri5er
")=13019,8% auto!atically by 7C3 se:uence. 9fter catalyst charging , Catalyst
*eed -an< "6=1111% and Catalyst feed line is ashed ith P4 by se:uence.
*resh 6CM is fed fro! 6CM 3torage -an< "6=1102% and @oined to )ecovered
6CM fro! 6CM )ecovery 3ection. 8oth 6CM is dehydrated in 7ehydrater
"-410019,8,C% in hich pellet caustic soda is pac<ed. 9nd 6CM is filtered by
Mist *ilter "*11001% to re!ove foreign !aterials such as dust in 6CM . -hen
6CM is fed into 6CM 3ervice -an< "6=1105%.
C/'3 is dissolved into caustic soda solution and stored in C/'3 7issolving -an<
C/'1( is prepared in C/'1( -an< "6=11008%. Certain :uantity of P4 is
charged into C/'1( -an< "6=11008% ,then 9gent'# solution "ta<en fro! 3110#%
and C/'1( poder is thron into C/'1( -an< "6=11008% fro! !anhole.
C/'1( is dispersed by C/'1( -an< 9gitator "M?11008% and stored in C/'1(
-an< "6=11008%. 9fter Ch'1( is charged into Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% ,
charging line is ashed ith P4 .
C/'#0 is diluted ith P4 and stored in C/'#0 -an< "6=1113%. C/'#0 is used
for &'value control of -/'$00"000011%. C/'#0 is fed to Poly!eri5er
")=13019,8% during poly!eri5ation period continuously. C/'#0 *eed Pu!p
"PA11138% is used as stand by pu!p for trouble of C/'#0 *eed Pu!p
"PA11139%. C/'#0 -an< 9gitator "M?1113% is used for !i+ing of C/'#0 by
!anual at field.
"#% Process 4ater 3ection
P4 is received fro! B.3.8.1.. )eceived P4 is heated by aste ater fro!
centrifuges in P4 /eat =+changer "/=1#01% and stea! in P4 Preheater
"/=1#0#% up to 00 deg.C.
P4 as ra !aterial of poly!eri5ation is charged by P4 Charge Pu!p
Pressure of flushing P4 is <ept to be 1( &g;c!# by P4 *lushing Pu!p
"PA1#009,8%. Bne of P4 *lushing Pu!p "PA1#009 or 8% is used for stand by
pu!p. 4hen one of P4 *lushing Pu!p "PA1#009 or 8% is troubled , another
P4 *lushing Pu!p "PA1#008 or 9% is started by 7C3 interloc< and flushing
P4 is <ept for safety.
*lushing P4 is used for sealant of !echanical seal or for rinsing ,splaying of
high pressure e:uip!ent .
Ceneral purpose P4 hich is used for hose station etc. is supplied fro! P4
pu!p "PA1#01%. Pressure of this line is controlled at 2 &g;c!# .
P4 for rinsing and ashing around Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% and )ecovery
-an< "6=1300% is supplied fro! P4 4ashing Pu!p "PA1#05%. -his P4 is used
in poly!eri5ation batch operation.
Instru!ent air is used as a sub !aterial too. In so!e grade , instru!ent air is
charged into Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% ith P4.
Instru!ent air for poly!eri5ation is received into 9ir -an< "6=1311%. )eceived
air is pressuri5ed by ?PC 1301 by its on pressure.
"3% Poly!eri5ation 3ection
Poly!eri5ation 3ection consists folloing facilities.
I. 9round Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8%
7ifferent rotation speed !otor is installed for Poly!eri5er 9gitator "M?13019,8'
1,#%. Main !otor is used for charging se:uence section and poly!eri5ation
se:uence section. 3ub !otor is used in discharging se:uence section and
e!ergency operation"poer failure etc.%
*lushing P4 is fed to Poly!eri5er header line , etc. for splaying or filling in
order to prevent plugging.
-o ad@ust resin :uality , co!bination of # or 3 <ind of agent is used in recipes.
9nd Co!bination of # <ind of catalyst is applied to i!prove e+other!ic heat
pattern of poly!eri5ation.
Poly!eri5ation batch operation is controlled by 7C3 fro! preparation to slurry
discharge. )a Material feed volu!e is calculated fro! recipes and other
necessary para!eter is set by 7C3 too. 8atch operation of this section is done
by 7C3 auto!atically as follos.
1. AF Sequence Section
8efore charging ra !aterials , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% inside is coated ith
anti'fouling agent "C/'#3%. 8efore coating , inside all is heated up by
circulating hot ater hich is circulated by Dac<et Circulation
Pu!p"PA13059,8% and heated ith stea! in@ection.
C/'#3 is splayed fro! C/'#3 3play E )inse 6alve "CM13019,8'1,#% after
inside all te!perature reaches to certain value and then Poly!eri5er all is
left for fe !inutes at coating te!perature to assist C/'#3 in depositing on the
all. 9fter depositing ti!e is passed , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% inside is
ashed ith P4 fro! P4 4ashing Pu!p "PA1#05% through C/'#3 3play E
)inse 6alve "CM13019,8'1,#% then ashed ater is discharged into 4aste
4ater -an< "6=1305%.
2.Charge Sequence Section
P4 charge into Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% is started at first. 9fter certain
a!ount of P4 is charged , discharge valve "?36131(9,8% is closed. -hen
other sub !aterial "9gent1,#,3,5 , C/'1(,air% and 6CM is charged
9gent is charged fro! 9C'1"#,3,5% *eed Pu!p "PA110#9,8,C,7% and C/'1( is
charged fro! C/'1( *eed Pu!p "PA11038%. Instru!ent air is charged in so!e
grade as !entioned above. 6CM is charged si!ultaneously too.

Main !otor is started fro! first in charging se:uence section and ra !aterials
and sub !aterials are charged into Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% ith agitation and
flushing P4 is also supplied fro! first to protect !echanical seal of Poly!eri5er
9gitator "M?13019,8'1,#%
In the last stage of 6CM charging , catalyst charge and heat up is done ith
6CM charging si!ultaneously . Catalyst is charged fro! Catalyst *eed Pu!p
"PA1111% and Poly!eri5er Dac<et is heated up by hot ater circulation ith
in@ection of stea!.
7uple+ed flo !eter syste! is applied to prevent overcharge. 7uring charging
period , folloing condition is chec<ed by 7C3 and se:uence ill stop
auto!atically if condition is abnor!al.
- Charging flo rate of !aterial
- 7ifference of charging a!ount beteen # flo!eter
- 7eviation beteen set point and actual result
3. Polymerization Sequence section
4hen Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% te!perature reaches near the reaction
te!perature , Dac<et Circulation Pu!p is stopped and cooling ater is fed to
Poly!eri5er @ac<et.
Poly!eri5ation heat "#3 &cal;!ol'6CM% is re!oved by using Poly!eri5er
Condenser "/=13019,8% and Poly!eri5er Dac<et. *luctuation of cooling ater
flo rate of poly!eri5er condenser "/=13019,8% shall be !ini!i5ed to prevent
foa!ing. 3o te!perature control of poly!eri5ation is !ainly done by @ac<et
cooling ater. 4hen @ac<et cooling ater flo rate can not cover poly!eri5ation
te!perature control , -C6 of Poly!eri5er Condensers cooling ater ill be
opened to prevent abnor!al reaction.
4hen conversion reaches near $5 , , li:uid 6CM can not be e+ist in slurry any
!ore so poly!eri5ation pressure started to decrease even though
poly!eri5ation te!perature is <ept to be constant.
*inally poly!eri5ation pressure reaches to final pressure of poly!eri5ation and
Poly!eri5ation 3e:uence 3ection ill finish. -hen C/'3 is charged to
poly!eri5er to ter!inate poly!eri5ation.
In case of 000011 , C/'#0 is fed to Poly!eri5er")=13019,8% during
poly!eri5ation continuously to control &'value as !entioned in section 100.
7uring poly!eri5ation , *P4 is splayed fro! Poly!eri5er Condensers top
cover to ash condenser and to <eep Poly!eri5ers slurry level to be constant
because controlling of slurry level is i!portant to prevent foa!ing.
In@ection ater flo rate is calculated by 7C3 and control accurately by using
double flo!eter syste!.
4. Discharge Sequence section
9fter poly!eri5ation finish , slurry is discharged to )ecovery -an< "6=1300%.
3lurry is discharged by 3lurry -ransfer Pu!p "PA1301% through Poly!eri5er
3lurry *ilter "*11301% . In this operation , unreacted 6CM is recovered fro!
recovery -an< "6=1300% by #nd )ecovery Co!pressor "CB100#% to Crude
6CM 9ccu!ulator "6=1003%.
7uring slurry discharging period , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% inside is cleaned
by 9uto Detter "CM13039,8'1,#% ith high pressure P4 fro! Detter Pu!p
3lurry is discharged by 3lurry -ransfer Pu!p "PA1301% until Poly!eri5er
")=13019,8% beco!es e!pty and inside all is ashed ith centrifuges aste
ater fro! C/'#3 3play E )inse 6alve "CM13019,8'1,#% by /igh Pressure
)inse 4ater Pu!p "PA130(%. 9fter this rinsing , s!all portion of re!ained
slurry on the botto! of Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% is ashed ith bloc< of aste
ater fro! Poly!eri5er header no55le.
)e!ained 6CM gas in Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% is recovered by using 1st and
#nd )ecovery Co!pressor "Co1001,100#% in parallel until Poly!eri5er
")=13019,8% beco!es at at!ospheric pressure.
In this period , Poly!eri5er 3lurry *ilter "*11301% is ashed ith P4
auto!atically by se:uence.
4hen above operation finish , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% beco!es ready for
ne+t batch.
5. Relace Polymerizer !rom "C# to Air or Air to "C#
8efore Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% !anhole opening , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8%
inside gas shall be replaced fro! 6CM to air and then !anhole can be opened.
)eplace!ent is done by folloing operation.
Poly!eri5er @ac<et is heated up by hot ater circulation and Poly!eri5er
pressure is reduced until near vacuu! by using 1st and #nd )ecovery
Co!pressor "CB1001,100#% in series.
4hen Poly!eri5er")=13019,8% reaches to near vacuu! , aste ater fro!
centrifuges is rinsed fro! C/'#3 3play E )inse 6alve "CM13019,8'1,#% by
/igh Pressure )inse 4ater Pu!p "PA130(% and 6CM gas is purged by
vapori5ed ater vapor fro! centrifuges aste ater. -hen vacuu! of
Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% is bro<en by air inta<e fro! ?3613159"8% and
!anhole is opened by operator.
9fter !anhole opening , Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% inside is replaced fro! air to
6CM for ne+t poly!eri5ation by folloing operation.
9t first s!all a!ount of P4 is charged into Poly!eri5er")=13019,8% ,then
Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% is evacuated by 6acuu! Po!p "CB1301% until
vacuu!. 9ir is purged by vapori5ed ater vapor fro! charged P4. 9fter
purging air , vacuu! of Poly!eri5er is bro<en 6CM fro! 6CM charging line.
$. %mergency &eration
4hen electric poer failure occur , inhibitor is in@ected re!otely to top and
botto! no55le of Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% fro! C/'# In@ection Pot "6=130#8'
1% hich is alays pressuri5ed ith nitrogen. Poly!eri5er 3ub 9gitator
"M?13019,8'#% is started by e!ergency diesel generator in order to assist
!i+ing of inhibitor and slurry.
Cooling ater is also supplied to Poly!eri5er Dac<et and Poly!eri5er
Condenser "/=13019,8% in order to decrease poly!eri5er te!perature.
-hen Poly!eri5er can be <ept to be at safety condition.
II. 9round )ecovery -an< "6=1300%

'1( Reco)ery Sequence Section
9fter slurry is transferred fro! Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% , unreacted 6CM
")ecovery 6CM% in slurry is recovered by depressing of )ecovery
)ecovery 6CM is recovered by #nd )ecovery Co!pressor "CB100#% until
)ecovery -an< "6=1300% beco!es at at!ospheric pressure. In order to prevent
foa!ing in 3tripping Colu!n "-41501% , 6CM concentration of slurry is
decreased further !ore by heating up ith stea! in@ection into recovery -an<
In this operation , recovery speed is regulated in order to prevent foa!ing.
9fter 6CM recovery finish , slurry is transferred by 3lurry Pu!p "PA130#% to
3lurry 3urge -an< "6=15019% , then inside of )ecovery -an< is rinsed ith
centrifuges aste ater fro! )ecovery -an< )inse 6alve "CM 130#% by /igh
Pressure )inse 4ater Pu!p "PA130(% every batch.
7uring slurry transfer operation fro! )ecovery -an<"6=1300% to 3lurry 3urge
-an< "6=15019% , both -an< pressure is e:uali5ed by =G line.
III. 9*9 Preparation
9nti'*ouling 9gent "C/'#3% is prepared in C/'#3 Preparation -an< "6=13#1%.
C/'#0 "9*9 as received concentration% is received by dru! pu!p into C/'#3
Preparation -an< "6=13#1% then certain a!ount of P4 is charged into C/'#3
Preparation -an< "6=13#1% and C/'#0 is diluted. Certain a!ount of C/'12
hich is diluted ith P4 in C/'12 -an< "6=13#3% is dropped into C/'#3
Preparation -an< "6=13#1% and P/ of 9*9 is decreased to be certain value.
9fter P/ of C/'#3 "9*9 solution% is chec<ed by sa!pling , C/'#3 is
transferred into C/'#3 3torage -an< "6=13##% then C/'#3 is fed to poly!eri5er
by C/'#3 *eed Pu!p "PA13#3%.
"0% 6CM )ecovery 3ection
)ecovery 6CM is recovered by 1st and #nd )ecovery Co!pressor
In case that higher recovery speed is re:uired such as 6CM recovery fro!
Poly!eri5er in 7ischarge se:uence section , 1st and #nd )ecovery
Co!pressor "Co1001,100#% are used in parallel.
In case that higher recovery speed is not re:uired such as 6CM recovery fro!
)ecovery -an< "6=1300% in 7ischarge 3e:uence 3ection and )ecovery
3e:uence 3ection , #nd )ecovery Co!pressor "CB100#% is !ainly used.
4hen Poly!eri5er shall be evacuated such as !anhole opening , 1st and #nd
)ecovery Co!pressor "CB1001,100#% are used in series.
In order to prevent 6CM condensation , 1st and #nd )ecovery Co!pressor
3eal 4ater 7ru! "6=1001,100#% is heated up by stea! coil and <ept at higher
te!perature than boiling te!perature of 6CM.
In place in hich 6CM and ater is e+ist , poly!eri5ation can be occurred ,so
inhibitor "C/'1% dissolved in C/'1# "!ethanol% is in@ected by C/'1 Pu!p
C/'1 feed line into each e:uip!ent is changed by 7C3 alternately according
to re:uired feed a!ount.
)ecovered 6CM by 1st and #nd )ecovery Co!pressor "CB1001,100#% is
condensed in )ecovered 6CM Condenser "/=1003% and stored in Crude 6CM
9ccu!ulator "6=1003%. )ecovered 6CM is cooled in 6ent Condenser "/=1000%
further!ore and off gas is vented to at!osphere through Cas /older "6=100F%.
4ater is separated fro! condensed 6CM in Crude 6CM 9ccu!ulator "6=1003%
, then recovered 6CM is fed to dehydrator by 7ehydrator *eed Pu!p
"PA10039"8%% . *resh 6CM @oins to recovery 6CM and is fed to 7ehydrator
"-410019,8,C% . C/'1 is also in@ected to )ecovered 6CM 9ccu!ulator
"6=1003% and recovered 6CM ith inhibitor is splayed to the top of )ecovered
6CM Condenser "/=1003% fro! !ini!u! flo line of 7ehydrator *eed Pu!p
"PA10039"8%% to prevent plugging.
3!all a!ount of ater contained in recovered 6CM "appro+i!ately 500 pp!%
is re!oved in 7ehydrator "-410019,8,C% in hich pellet caustic soda is
pac<ed and C/'1 "inhibitor% is also eli!inated in those colu!n.
)e!oved drain is discharged to Cushion -an< "6=1(03% fro! )ecovered 6CM
9ccu!ulator "6=1003% and 7ehydrator "-410019,8,C% in so!e interval. 4ater
"or Caustic soda drain% and 6CM is discri!inated by detecting density of li:uid
and drainage se:uence is controlled by 7C3. 9fter caustic soda of 7ehydrator
"-410019,8,C% is consu!ed , e!pty colu!n is separated fro! operating line
and caustic soda is nely re'pac<ed. 4hen colu!n inside is ashed ith ater
, ashed ater is discharged into Cleaning 4ater Pit "P-1001% and sent to
aste ater treat!ent section by Cleaning 4ater -ransfer Pu!p "PA1010% little
by little.
"5% 3lurry 3tripping and 7rying 3ection
P6C slurry is transferred fro! )ecovery -an< "6=1300% to 3lurry 3urge -an<
"6=15019% , then fed to 3tripping Colu!n "-41501% in order to re!ove
residual 6CM fro! slurry. 9fter 3lurry 3urge -an< , operation is changed fro!
batch to continuous.
-o prevent da!age of 3lurry 3urge -an< 9gitator "M?15019'1,#% , interloc<
se:uence is prepared beteen agitator operation and slurry tan< level.
"In case of lo level , agitator ill be stopped by interloc< se:uence%
3tripping Colu!n "-41501% consists ave type tray , internal baffle , 3'II type
tellerette ring . -his colu!n is operated under full li:uid and slurry contacts ith
in@ected stea!. 3tripped 6CM is recovered by 6acuu! Pu!p "CB1(01% and re'
used as ra !aterial of poly!eri5ation
In case of production grade change , 3tripping Colu!n "-41501% is ashed
ith P4 by se:uence. 9t first 3lurry 3urge -an< is rinsed ith P4 fro! top
shoer no55le and 3tripping Colu!n "-41501% repeats up'and'don of level
several ti!es ith stea! bubbling.
3tripped slurry is sent to 3lurry *eed -an< "6=15018% and fed to centrifuges by
3lurry *eed Pu!p "PA15018%. In so!e lo porosity grade , air is fed in 3lurry
*eed -an< "6=15018% ith stea! by 9eration 8loer "811505% and 3lurry -an<
6entilation 8loer "811502% to reduce residual 6CM concentration further
In case of grade change , to 3lurry *eed -an< "6=15018% is ashed ith P4
fro! shoering no55le.
3lurry is fed to Centrifuges "C=15019,8%. 7ensity and flo eight of slurry is
!easured and P6C solid feed eight to Centrifuges "C=15019,8% is controlled
by 7C3 in order to <eep stable operation of 7ryer "7)1501%.
4aste ater for! dryer is sent to )inse 4ater -an< "6=1302% by gravity and
re'used as ashing ater of Poly!eri5er ")=13019,8% and )ecovery -an<
"6=1300% , then heat of this aste ater is re'used for heating up 7ryer air and
Contact fluidi5er is applied in P6C dryer. 7ryer "7)1501% consists constant
drying rate area "8ac< Mi+ Hone% and falling drying rate area "Plug *lo Hone%.
3lurry is dehydrated in Centrifuges "C=15019,8% and P6C ca<e is dropped to
3cre Conveyor >o.1 "PM1501% and conveyed 3cre Conveyor >o.1
"PM1501% into 7ryer "7)1501% by 7ryer 7istributor "PM1503%.
P6C ca<e is distributed into 8ac< Mi+ Hone and !oisture is reduced to be fe
t, in this 5one . In order to dry up P6C poder in 8ac< Mi+ Hone , hot air is
supplied by 7ryer 9ir >B.1 8loer "811501% and hot ater is circulated by /4
Pu!p "PA1$00% through heat panel.
Moisture of P6C poder in this 5one is !easured by infrared !oisture
analy5er and !oisture is controlled by te!perature of hot ater circulation.
Moisture content of P6C product is controlled in Plug *lo Hone. /ot air is
supplied by 7ryer 9ir >B.# 8loer "81150#% . Moisture of P6C product in this
5one is also !easured by infrared !oisture analy5er and !oisture is controlled
by hot air te!perature. Pressure of dryer "7)1501% is controlled to be slightly
!inus by 7ryer =+hauster "811503%.
3cattered P6C fro! dryer is trapped in 7ryer Cyclone "3)1501% and fine
particles are ashed in 3crubber "3r150#% in hich ater is circulated by
3crubber Circulation Pu!p "PA1503%.
4hen 7ryer "7)1501% is stopped and re'started after so!e trouble , stea! is
fed into feed air of Plug *lo Hone to prevent electro static charge caused by
e+cess dry up.
4hen severe property is re:uired against conta!ination , 7ryer "7)1501% is
ashed during grade change ith P4 re!otely by using cleaning no55le fro!
7ried poder is sieved by 1st 3creen "*11500% and large particles are
eli!inated. -o prevent electro static charge of P6C , et air is added fro!
3creen 9ir *ilter "*11500% into P6C poder before 1st 3creen "*1150#%.
Bverfloed poder and large particles fro! 1st 3creen "*11500% are fed to #nd
3creen "*11503% and re'sieved . 1arge particles after #nd 3creen is collected in
fle+ible bag.
"2% Product /andling and 8agging 3ection
3ieved P6C poder is conveyed by pneu!atic conveyer hich consists
Conveyer 8loer "811201% , Pneu!atic )otary 6alve "PM1201% ,)ecycle
Product )otary 6alve "PM120#% etc.
Conveyed Poder is Pac<ed into paper bag fro! in pac<ing facilities.
"$% /ot 4ater and Chilled 4ater 3ection
/ot ater hich is applied in 7ryer "7)1501% is heated ith in@ected stea! and
circulated to 7ryer heat panel and 7ryer @ac<et. Bverfloed hot ater is @oined
ith other condensate and sent bac< to utility facilities by Condensate -ransfer
Pu!p "PA1$03%.
Chilled ater is refrigerated in )4 Chiller ")*1$01% and supplied to Catalyst
-an< "6=1111% and 6ent Condenser "/=1000% by )4 Pu!p "PA1$019,8%.

"(% 4aste 4ater -reat!ent 3ection
3tripped 6CM fro! 3tripping Colu!n "-41501% is fed to Cushion -an<
"6=1(03% by 6acuu! Pu!p "CB1(01%. 4aste ater hich include large
a!ount of 6CM and vent gas hich is born at 6CM sa!pling and strainer
cleaning is gathered into this tan<.
4aste ater is fed to 4aste 4ater Colu!n "-41(0#% and solved 6CM is
stripped by stea! in@ection. 4aste 4ater Colu!n "-41(0#% consists 3'II type
tellerette ring and baffles and operated ith full li:uid.
4aste gas is sent bac< to Crude 6CM 9ccu!ulator "6=1003% by 6CM
)ecovery Co!pressor "CB1(0#%. 4hen pressure of Crude 6CM 9ccu!ulator
"6=1003% is high because of 6CM recovery operation fro! Poly!eri5er
")=13019,8% or )ecovery -an< "6=1300% , recovered 6CM fro! 6CM
)ecovery Co!pressor "CB1(0#% is sent to suction line of 1st )ecovery
Co!pressor "CB1001%
6CM Co!pressor &.B. 7ru! "6=1(0#% is heated up to prevent condensation
of 6CM.

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