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Arithmetic Sequences

An Arithmetic Sequence is made by adding some value each time.

1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 2, ...
!his sequence has a di""erence o" 3 bet#een each number.
!he $attern is continued by addin% 3 to the last number each time.
3, &, 13, 1&, 23, 2&, 33, 3&, ...
!his sequence has a di""erence o" bet#een each number.
!he $attern is continued by addin% to the last number each time.
!he value added each time is called the 'common di""erence'
(hat is the common di""erence in this e)am$le*
19, 27, 3, 43, ...
Ans#er+ !he common di""erence is 8
!he common di""erence could also be ne%ative, li,e this+
2, 23, 21, 19, 17, 1, ...
!his common di""erence is -2
!he $attern is continued by subtracting 2 each time.

Geometric Sequences
A -eometric Sequence is made by multiplying by some value each time.
2, 4, &, 16, 32, 64, 12&, 26, ...
!his sequence has a "actor o" 2 bet#een each number.
!he $attern is continued by multi$lyin% the last number by 2 each time.
3, 9, 27, &1, 243, 729, 21&7, ...
!his sequence has a "actor o" 3 bet#een each number.
!he $attern is continued by multi$lyin% the last number by 3 each time.

Special Sequences
Triangular Numbers
1, 3, 6, 10, 1, 21, 2&, 36, 4, ...
!his sequence is %enerated "rom a $attern o" dots #hich "orm a trian%le.
.y addin% another ro# o" dots and countin% all the dots #e can "ind the ne)t
number o" the sequence.
Square Numbers
1, 4, 9, 16, 2, 36, 49, 64, &1, ...
!he ne)t number is made by squarin% #here it is in the $attern.
!he second number is 2 squared /2
or 2021
!he seventh number is 7 squared /7
or 7071 etc
ube Numbers
1, &, 27, 64, 12, 216, 343, 12, 729, ...
!he ne)t number is made by cubin% #here it is in the $attern.
!he second number is 2 cubed /2
or 202021
!he seventh number is 7 cubed /7
or 707071 etc
!ibonacci Numbers
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, , &, 13, 21, 34, ...
!he ne)t number is "ound by addin% the t#o numbers be"ore it to%ether.
!he 2 is "ound by addin% the t#o numbers in "ront o" it /1211
!he 21 is "ound by addin% the t#o numbers in "ront o" it /&2131
!he ne)t number in the sequence above #ould be /212341
!ibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
The next number is found b addin! u" the t#o numbers before it.
The 2 is found b addin! the t#o numbers before it $1%1&
Simi'ar', the 3 is (ust $1%2&,
)nd the 5 is (ust $2%3&,
and so on*
+xam"'e: the next number in the sequence abo,e #ou'd be $21%34& - 55
.t is that sim"'e*
/ere is a 'on!er 'ist:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 80, 144, 233, 311, 210, 081, 1501, 2584, 4181, 2125,
10042, 11111, 28251, 42328, 15025, 121303, 102418, 311811, ...
Can you figure out the next few numbers?
The Rule
The Fibonacci Sequence can be #ritten as a 34u'e3 $see Sequences and Series&:
The 4u'e is xn = xn-1 + xn-2
xn is term number 3n3
xn-1 is the "re,ious term $n51&
xn-2 is the term before that $n52&
The terms are numbered form 0 on#ards 'i6e this:
n = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
xn - 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 80 144 233 311 ...

+xam"'e: term 2 #ou'd be ca'cu'ated 'i6e this:
x6 = x6-1 + x6-2 = x5 + x4 = 5 + 3 = 8

Golden Ratio
)nd here is a sur"rise. .f ou ta6e an t#o successi,e !one
after the other" Fibonacci 7umbers, their ratio is ,er c'ose to
the 8o'den 4atio 33 #hich is a""roximate' 1.618034...
.n fact, the bi!!er the "air of Fibonacci 7umbers, the c'oser the
a""roximation. 9et us tr a fe#:
A B B / A
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.222222222...
5 8 1.2
8 13 1.225
... ... ...
144 233 1.218055552...
233 311 1.218025151...
... ... ...
7ote: this a'so #or6s if ou "ic6 t#o ando! #ho'e numbers to be!in the sequence,
such as 102 and 12 $ou #ou'd !et the sequence 192# 16# 208# 224# 432# 656# 1088# 1744#
2832# 4576# 7408# 11984# 19392# 31376# &:
A B B / A
1"2 16 0.08333333...
12 208 13
208 224 1.01202308...
224 432 1.02851143...
... ... ...
1408 11084 1.21111058...
11084 10302 1.21815154...
... ... ...
.t ta6es 'on!er to !et !ood ,a'ues, but it sho#s ou that it is not (ust the Fibonacci
Sequence that can do this*
#$in% The Golden Ratio to &al'ulate (i)ona''i
)nd e,en more sur"risin! is this formu'a for ca'cu'atin! an Fibonacci 7umber usin! the
8o'den 4atio:
)ma:in!' the ans#er a'#as comes out as a #ho'e number, exact' equa' to the addition
of the "re,ious t#o terms.
;hen . used a ca'cu'ator on this $on' enterin! the 8o'den 4atio to 2 decima' "'aces& .
!ot the ans#er 8.00000033. ) more accurate ca'cu'ation #ou'd be c'oser to 8.
Tr it for ourse'f*

Te!$ Belo+ ,eo
The sequence can be extended bac6#ards*
9i6e this:
n = $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
xn - ... 58 5 53 2 51 1 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 ...
!%ro&e to yourse'f that a((ing the )re&ious two terms together sti'' wor*s+"
.n fact the sequence be'o# :ero has the same numbers as the sequence abo,e :ero, exce"t
the fo''o# a %5%5 ... "attern. .t can be #ritten 'i6e this:
x<n - $<1&
;hich sas that term 35n3 is equa' to $<1&
times term 3n3, and the ,a'ue $<1&
ma6es the correct 1,51,1,51,... "attern.
Nature" The Golden #atio"
and !ibonacci too $$$
3lants %ro# ne# cells in
s$irals, such as this
$attern o" seeds in the
beauti"ul sun"lo#er.
!he s$iral ha$$ens
naturally because each
ne# cell is "ormed a"ter
a turn.
"New cell, then turn,
then another cell, then
turn, ..."

%o& !ar to Turn'
So, i" you #ere a $lant, ho# much o" a turn #ould you have in bet#een ne#
4" you don5t turn at all, you #ould have a strai%ht
.ut that is a very $oor desi%n ... you #ant
somethin% round that #ill hold to%ether #ith no

(hy not try
to )ind the
best *alue )or
!ry di""erent
values, li,e
you are tryin%
to ma,e a
$attern #ith
no %a$s "rom
start to end7
/.y the #ay, it
doesn5t matter
about the
#hole number
$art, li,e +$ or
,$ because
they are "ull
that $oint you
bac, in the

!his animation
needs 8lash
3layer. See
belo# "or ho#
this animation
(hat -id .ou Get'
4" you %ot somethin% that ends li,e /$0+8 /or 0.3&2, #hich is 1:0.61&1 then
"Congratulations, you are a successful member of the plant kingdom!"
!hat is because the -olden 6atio /+$0+8/1...1 is the best
solution to this $roblem, and the Sun"lo#er ,no#s it.
!ry it ... it should loo, li,e this.
.ecasue i" you choose any number that is a sim$le "raction /e)am$le+ 0.7 is 3;4,
and 0.9 is 19;20, etc1, then you #ill eventually %et a $attern o" lines stac,in% u$,
and hence lots o" %a$s.
.ut the -olden 6atio /its symbol is the -ree, letter 3hi,
sho#n at le"t1 is an e)$ert at not being any )raction.
4t is an 4rrational <umber /meanin% you cannot #rite it as a
sim$le "raction1, but more than that ... it is as "ar as you can
%et "rom bein% near any "raction.
2ust being irrational is not enough
3i /1$+3+,420,3...1, #hich is also irrational.
=n"ortunately it has a decimal very close to 1;7
/> 0.142&7...1, so it ends u$ #ith 7 arms.
e /2$5+828$$$1 also irrational, does not #or,
either because its decimal is close to ;7
/0.7142&...1, so it also ends u$ #ith 7 arms.
So" %o& -oes the Golden #atio (or6'
?ne o" the s$ecial $ro$erties o" the -olden 6atio is that it can be de"ined
in terms o" itsel", li,e this+
(In numbers: .!"#$... % & '.!"#$...(

!hat can be e)$anded into this "raction that %oes on "or ever /called a
"continued fraction"1+
So, it neatly sli$s in bet#een sim$le "ractions.
!ibonacci Numbers
!here is a s$ecial relationshi$ bet#een the -olden @ean and 8ibonacci
<umbers (#, , , ), $, *, ", $, ), ... etc, each number is the sum of the two
numbers before it(.
4" you ta,e any t#o successive (one after the other( 8ibonacci <umbers, their
ratio is very close to the -olden 6atio+
A 7 7 8 A
2 3 1.
3 1.666666666...
& 1.6
& 13 1.62
13 21 1.613&461...
... ... ...
144 233 1.61&06...
233 377 1.61&0271...
... ... ...
So, Aust li,e you naturally %et seven arms i" you
use 0.142&7 /1;71, you tend to %et 8ibonacci
<umbers #hen you use the -olden @ean.
!ry countin% the s$iral arms : the 'le"t turnin%'
s$irals, and then the 'ri%ht turnin%' s$irals ...
#hat numbers did you %et*

Spiral 9ea) Gro&th
!his interestin% behaviour is not Aust "ound in
sun"lo#er seeds.
Beaves, branches and $etals can %ro# in
s$irals, too.
(hy* So that ne# leaves don5t bloc, the sun
"rom older leaves, or so that the ma)imum
amount o" rain or de# %ets directed do#n to
the roots.
4n "act, i" a $lant has s$irals, the rotation tends to be a "raction made #ith t#o
successive 8ibonacci <umbers, "or e)am$le+
A hal" rotation is 1;2 /1 and 2 are 8ibonacci <umbers1
3; is also common /both 8ibonacci <umbers1, and
;& also /you %uessed it71
all %ettin% closer and closer to the -olden 6atio.
And that is #hy 8ibonacci <umbers are very common in
$lants. 1,2,3,,&,13,21,... etc occur in an amaCin% number
o" $laces.
Dere is a daisy #ith 21 $etals
/but e)$ect a "e# more or less, because
some may have dro$$ed o"" or be Aust %ro#in%1
Golden Angle
So "ar #e have been tal,in% about 'turns' /"ull
!he equivalent o" 0.61&03... rotations is 222.4922...
de%rees, or about 222.E.
4n the other direction it is about +15$,:, called the
'-olden An%le'.

+o, ne,t time you are walking in the garden, look for the -olden .ngle,
and count petals and lea/es to find 0ibonacci Numbers,
and disco/er how cle/er the plants are ... !
(hy don5t you %o into the %arden or $ar, ri%ht no#, and start countin% leaves and
$etals, and measurin% rotations to see #hat you "ind.
Fou can #rite your results on this "orm+
;lant Name or -escription:

-o the 9ea*es Gro& in Spirals' F ; <
Gount a %rou$ o" Beaves+
Do# many leaves /a1 *
Do# many "ull rotations /b1 *
6otation $er lea" /b;a1 +
6otation An%le /360 0 b;a1 +

Are There !lo&ers' F ; <
Do# many $etals on 8lo#er 1+
8lo#er 2+
8lo#er 3+
/.ut remember, nature may "ollo# mathematical rules but the results aren5t
al#ays $er"ect1
< Notes About the Animation
Sun"lo#er seeds %ro# "rom the center out#ards, but on the animation 4 "ound
it easier to dra# the youn%er seeds "irst and add on the older ones.
!he animation should continue lon%er to be the same as the sun"lo#er : this
#ould result in cloc,#ise s$irals and 34 countercloc,#ise s$irals
/successive 8ibonacci <umbers1. 4 Aust didn5t #ant it to ta,e too lon%.
!he s$irals are not $ro%rammed into it : they occur naturally as a result o"
tryin% to $lace the seeds as close to each other as $ossible #hile ,ee$in%
them at the correct rotation.
Golden #atio
The !o'den ratio !symbo' is the ,ree* 'etter -)hi- shown at 'eft" is a
s"ecia' number a""roximate' equa' to 1.218
.t a""ears man times in !eometr, art, architecture and other areas.
The -dea Behind -t
.f ou di,ide a 'ine into t#o "arts so that:
the 'on!er "art di,ided b the sma''er "art
is also equal to
the #ho'e 'en!th di,ided b the 'on!er "art
then ou #i'' ha,e the !o'den ratio.
Gue$$in% -t
There is on' one ,a'ue that #ou'd ma6e a=b equa' to $a%b&=a. 9et us tr out some
"ossibi'ities to see if #e can disco,er it:
.et u$ t/ a=0 and )=31 $o a+)=102
1=3 - 2.333..., but 10=1 - 1.42"..., so that won.t wor*

.et u$ t/ a=6 and )=41 $o a+)=102
2=4 - 1.5, but 10=2 - 1.666..., /'oser but not there yet+

.et u$ t/ a=6.18 and )=3.821 $o a+)=102
2.18=3.82 - 1.6108..., and 10=2.18 - 1.6181..., getting &ery /'ose+
.n fact the ,a'ue is:
1.618033"8804"8"484820... $6ee"s !oin!, #ithout an "attern&
The di!its (ust 6ee" on !oin!, #ith no "attern. .n fact the 8o'den 4atio is 6no#n to be an
.rrationa' 7umber, and . #i'' te'' ou more about it 'ater.
&al'ulatin% -t
>ou can ca'cu'ate it ourse'f b startin! #ith an number and fo''o#in! these ste"s:
)& di,ide 1 b our number $1=number&
?& add 1
@& that is our ne# number, start a!ain at )
;ith a ca'cu'ator, (ust 6ee" "ressin! 31=x3, 3%3, 313, 3-3, around and around. . started
#ith 2 and !ot this:
*u!)e 1/*u!)e Add 1
2 1=2-0.5 0.5%1-1.5
1.5 1=1.5 - 0.222... 0.222... % 1 - 1.222...
1.222... 1=1.222... - 0.2 0.2 % 1 - 1.2
1.2 1=1.2 - 0.225 0.225 % 1 - 1.225
1.225 1=1.225 - 0.2154... 0.2154... % 1 - 1.2154...
.t is !ettin! c'oser and c'oser*
?ut it #ou'd ta6e a 'on! time to !et there, ho#e,er there are better #as and it can be
ca'cu'ated to thousands of decima' "'aces quite quic6'.
3a+in% -t
/ere is one #a to dra# a rectan!'e #ith the 8o'den
Ara# a square $of si:e 313&
B'ace a dot ha'f #a a'on! one side
Ara# a 'ine from that "oint to an o""osite corner
$it #i'' be C5=2 in 'en!th&
Turn that 'ine so that it runs a'on! the squareDs
Then ou can extend the square to be a rectan!'e #ith
the 8o'den 4atio.
The (o!ula
9oo6in! at the rectan!'e #e (ust dre#, ou can see that there is a sim"'e formu'a for it. .f
one side is 1, the other side #i'' be:
The square root of 5 is a""roximate' 2.232028, so The 8o'den 4atio is a""roximate'
$1%2.232028&=2 - 3.232028=2 - 1.218034. This is an eas #a to ca'cu'ate it #hen ou
need it.
Ean artists and architects be'ie,e the 8o'den 4atio ma6es the
most "'easin! and beautifu' sha"e.
This rectan!'e has been made usin! the 8o'den 4atio, 9oo6s
'i6e a t"ica' frame for a "aintin!, doesnDt itF
Ean bui'din!s and #or6s of art
inc'ude the 8o'den 4atio in them,
such as the Barthenon in 8reece.
(i)ona''i 4e5uen'e
)nd here is a sur"rise. .f ou ta6e an t#o successi,e Fibonacci 7umbers, their ratio is
,er c'ose to the 8o'den 4atio. .n fact, the bi!!er the "air of Fibonacci 7umbers, the
c'oser the a""roximation.
9et us tr a fe#:
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.222222222...
5 8 1.2
8 13 1.225
... ... ...
144 233 1.218055552...
233 311 1.218025151...
... ... ...
This a'so #or6s if ou "ic6 t#o ando! #ho'e numbers to be!in the sequence, such as
102 and 12 $ou #ou'd !et the sequence 192# 16# 208# 224# 432# 656# 1088# 1744# 2832#
4576# 7408# 11984# 19392# 31376# &:
A B B / A
1"2 16 0.08333333...
12 208 13
208 224 1.01202308...
224 432 1.02851143...
... ... ...
1408 11084 1.21111058...
11084 10302 1.21815154...
... ... ...
The 6o$t -ational ...
The 8o'den 4atio is the !o$t irrationa' number. /ere is #h ...
Gne of the s"ecia' "ro"erties of the 8o'den 4atio is that it can be defined in
terms of itse'f, 'i6e this:
!0n numbers1 161803 = 1 2 13161803"

That can be ex"anded into this fraction that !oes on for e,er $ca''ed a
-/ontinue( fra/tion-&:
So, it neat' s'i"s in bet#een sim"'e fractions.
;hereas man other irrationa' numbers are reasonab' c'ose to rationa' numbers $for
exam"'e Bi - 3.141502254... is "rett c'ose to 22=1 - 3.1428511...&
7the *a!e$
The 8o'den 4atio is a'so sometimes ca''ed the %olden $e'tion, %olden !ean, %olden
nu!)e, di8ine 9o9otion, di8ine $e'tion and %olden 9o9otion.
Sequences - !inding The #ule
To find a missin! number in a Sequence, first ou must 6no# The Rule
:ui'; 3e<inition o< 4e5uen'e
Read Sequences and Series for a more in-depth discussion, but put
) Sequence is a set of thin!s $usua'' numbers& that are in order.
Each number in the sequence is called a term (or sometimes
"element" or "member"):
(indin% 6i$$in% *u!)e$
To find a missing number you need to first find The Rule behind the
Sometimes it is !ust a matter of loo"ing at the numbers and seeing the
Example: 1, 4, 9, 16, ?
#ns$er: they are Squares (%
'%, &
'(, )
'*, (
'%+, )
Rule: xn = n
Sequence: %, (, *, %+, 25, 36, 49, ...
,id you see ho$ $e $rote do$n the rule $ith "-" and "n" .
means "term number n", so term ) $ould be $ritten x
#nd $e also used "n" in the formula, so the formula for term ) is )
* This could be $ritten
x3 - 3
- 0
/nce $e ha0e The Rule $e can use it find any term, for e-ample, the
&1th term can be found by "plugging in" 25 $here0er n is
x25 - 25
- 225
2o$ about another e-ample:
Example: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?
They are the sum of the t$o numbers before, that is ) 3 1 ' 4, 1 3 4 ' %)
and so on (it is actually part of the 5ibonacci Sequence):
Rule: xn = xn-1 + xn-2
Sequence: ), 1, 4, %), &%, 34, 55, 89, ...
6o$ $hat does x
mean. 7ell that !ust means "the pre0ious term"
because the term number (n) is % less (n-1)
So, if n $as 6, then x
= x
(the +th term) and x
= x
= x
1th term)
So, let8s apply the Rule to the +th term:
x2 - x251 % x252
x2 - x5 % x4
7e already "no$ the (th term is %), and the 1th is &%, so the ans$er
x2 - 21 % 13 - 34
9retty simple !ust put numbers instead of "n"
6an/ Rule$
/ne of the troubles $ith finding "the ne-t number" in a sequence is
that mathematics is so po$erful you can often find more then one Rule
that $or"s
What ! the next num"er n the !e#uen$e 1, 2, 4, %, ?
There are (at least) three solutions:
Solution %: #dd %, then add &, ), (,
So, %31'&, &32'(, (33':, :34'%%, etc
Rule: xn = n&n-1'(2 + 1
Sequence: %, &, (, :, 11, 16, 22, ...
(The rule loo"s a bit complicated, but it $or"s)

Solution &: #dd the t$o pre0ious numbers, plus %:
Rule: xn = xn-1 + xn-2 + 1
Sequence: %, &, (, :, 12, 2), 33, ...

Solution ): #dd the three pre0ious numbers
Rule: xn = xn-1 + xn-2 + xn-3
Sequence: %, &, (, :, 13, 24, 44, ...
So, $e had three perfectly reasonable solutions, and they created
totally different sequences
7hich is right. The* are all r+ht.
#nd there $ill be other solutions
2ey, it may be a list of the $inner8s numbers so
the ne-t number could be anything;
4i!9le$t Rule
7hen in doubt choose the !mple!t rule that ma"es sense, but also
mention that there are other solutions
(indin% 3i<<een'e$
Sometimes it helps to find the ,--eren$e! bet$een each number
this can often re0eal an underlying pattern
2ere is a simple case:
The differences are al$ays &, so $e can guess that "&n" is part of the
<et us try 2n:
n: 1 2 3 4 5
Term! &xn': : * %% %) %1
2n: & ( + 4 %=
Wr.n+ "*: 1 1 1 1 1
The last ro$ sho$s that $e are al$ays $rong by 1, so !ust add 1 and
$e are done:
4u'e: xn - 2n % 5
/>, you could ha0e $or"ed out "&n31" by !ust playing around $ith the
numbers a bit, but $e $ant a !*!temat$ $ay to do it, for $hen the
sequences get more complicated
4e'ond 3i<<een'e$
?n the sequence /1, 2, 4, %, 11, 16, 22, ...0 $e need to find the
and then find the differences of th.!e (called second differences),
li"e this:
The !e$.n, ,--eren$e! in this case are %
;ith second differences ou mu'ti"' b 3n
= 23.
?n our case the difference is %, so let us try n
( 2:
n: 1 2 3 4 5
Term! &xn': 1 2 4 % 11

: % ( * %+ &1
( 2: ).5 2 4.5 8 12.5
Wr.n+ "*: =1 = -=1 -% -%1
7e are close, but seem to be drifting by =1, so let us try: n
( 2 -
( 2 - n(2: ) 1 3 6 1)
Wr.n+ "*: % % % % %
7rong by % no$, so let us add %:
( 2 - n(2 + 1: 1 2 4 % 11
Wr.n+ "*: = = = = =
The formula n
@ & - n@& 3 % can be simplified to n&n-1'(2 + 1
So, by "trial-and-error" $e $ere able to disco0er the rule
Sequence: %, &, (, :, %%, %+, &&, 29, 3%, ...
7the T/9e$ o< 4e5uen'e$
#s $ell as the sequences mentioned on Sequences and Series:
#rithmetic Sequences
Aeometric Sequences
5ibonacci Sequence
Triangular, etc Sequences
;ascal=s Triangle
Gne of the most interestin! 7umber Batterns is
Basca'Ds Trian!'e $named after 4'aise %as/a', a
famous French Eathematician and
To )uild the tian%le1 $tat +ith =1= at
the to91 then 'ontinue 9la'in%
nu!)e$ )elo+ it in a tian%ula
>a'h nu!)e i$ ?u$t the t+o
nu!)e$ a)o8e it added to%ethe
@ex'e9t <o the ed%e$1 +hi'h ae
all =1=A.
$/ere . ha,e hi!h'i!hted that 1+3 = 4A

Batten$ Cithin the Tian%le

The first dia!ona' is, of
course, (ust 313s, and the
next dia!ona' has the
@ountin! 7umbers $1,2,3,
The third dia!ona' has the
trian!u'ar numbers
$The fourth dia!ona', not
hi!h'i!hted, has the
tetrahedra' numbers.&
7dd$ and >8en$
.f ou co'or the Gdd and +,en numbers, ou end u"
#ith a "attern the same as the Sier"ins6i Trian!'e

DoiEontal 4u!$
;hat do ou notice about
the hori:onta' sumsF .s
there a "atternF .snDt it
.t doub'es each time
$"o#ers of 2&.
Tr this: ma6e a
"attern b !oin! u"
and then a'on!, then
add u" the squares
$as i''ustrated& ...
ou #i'' !et the
Fibonacci Sequence.
$The Fibonacci
Sequence starts 31,
13 and then
continues b addin!
the t#o "re,ious
numbers, for
exam"'e 3%5-8,
then 5%8-13, etc&
)nd the trian!'e is a'so smmetrica'. The numbers on the
#$in% Ba$'alF$ Tian%le
Dead$ and Tail$
Basca'Ds Trian!'e can sho# ou ho# man #as heads and tai's can combine. This can
then sho# ou 3the odds3 $or "robabi'it& of an combination.
For exam"'e, if ou toss a coin three times, there is on' one combination that #i'' !i,e
ou three heads $///&, but there are three that #i'' !i,e t#o heads and one tai' $//T,
/T/, T//&, a'so three that !i,e one head and t#o tai's $/TT, T/T, TT/& and one for a''
Tai's $TTT&. This is the "attern 31,3,3,13 in Basca'Ds Trian!'e.
To$$e$ Bo$$i)le Re$ult$ @Gou9edA Ba$'alF$ Tian%le
1, 1
/T T/
1, 2, 1
//T, /T/, T//
/TT, T/T, TT/
1, 3, 3, 1
///T, //T/, /T//, T///
//TT, /T/T, /TT/, T//T, T/T/, TT//
1, 4, 2, 4, 1
... etc ...
Chat i$ the 9o)a)ilit/ o< %ettin% exa'tl/ t+o head$ +ith 4 'oin to$$e$G
There are 1%4%2%4%1 - 12 $or 2
-12& "ossib'e resu'ts, and 2 of them !i,e
exact' t#o heads. So the "robabi'it is 2=12, or 31.5H
The trian!'e a'so sho#s ou ho# man @ombinations of ob(ects are "ossib'e.
+xam"'e, if ou ha,e 12 "oo' ba''s, ho# man different #as cou'd ou choose (ust 3 of
them $i!norin! the order that ou se'ect them&F
)ns#er: !o do#n to ro# 12 $the to" ro# is 0&, and then a'on! 3 "'aces and the ,a'ue
there is our ans#er, 560.
/ere is an extract at ro# 12:
1 14 91 364 ...
1 15 105 455 1365 ...
1 16 120 560 1820 4368 ...
.n fact there is a formu'a from @ombinations for #or6in! out the ,a'ue at an "'ace in
Basca'Ds trian!'e:

.t is common' ca''ed 3n choose 63 and #ritten @$n,6&.
The 3*3 means 3factoria'3, for exam"'e 4* - 1I2I3I4 - 24&
+xam"'e: 4o# 4, term 2 in Basca'Ds Trian!'e is 323. 9etDs see if the formu'a #or6s:

Basca'Ds Trian!'e can a'so sho# ou the coefficients in binomia' ex"ansion:
Bo+e Bino!ial >x9an$ion Ba$'alF$ Tian%le
2 $x % 1&
- 1x
% 2x % 1 1, 2, 1
3 $x % 1&
- 1x
% 3x
% 3x % 1 1, 3, 3, 1
4 $x % 1&
- 1x
% 4x
% 6x
% 4x % 1 1, 4, 2, 4, 1
... etc ...
The (i$t 15 .ine$
For reference, . ha,e inc'uded ro# 0 to 14 of Basca'Ds Trian!'e
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
1 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10
1 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11
1 12 66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220 66
12 1
1 13 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 1287 715 286 78
13 1
1 14 91 364 1001 2002 3003 3432 3003 2002 1001 364
91 14 1
The &hine$e Hne+ A)out -t
This dra#in! is entit'ed 3The G'd Eethod @hart of the Se,en
Eu'ti"'in! Squares3. Jie# Fu'' .ma!e
.t is from the front of @hu Shi5@hiehDs boo6 35su 6uan 67 Chien-
!%re/ious 8irror of the 9our :'ements", #ritten in A3 1303 $o,er
100 ears a!o*&, and in the boo6 it sas the trian!'e #as 6no#n
about more than t#o centuries before that.
The :uin'unx
)n ama:in! 'itt'e machine created b Sir Francis 8a'ton is a Basca'Ds
Trian!'e made out of "e!s. .t is ca''ed The Kuincunx.
?a''s are dro""ed onto the first "e! and then bounce do#n to the bottom
of the trian!'e #here the co''ect in 'itt'e bins.
)t first it 'oo6s com"'ete' random $and it is&,
but then ou find the ba''s "i'e u" in a nice
"attern: the 7orma' Aistribution.

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