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An Overview of the World System of
Bondage and Separation from Life

By the Living Man, kenneth scott, of the House of Cousens

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An Overview of the World System of
Bondage and Separation from Life

By the Living Man, kenneth scott, of the House of Cousens

What Is the Issue of Status, Standing and Capacity All About?

This presentation will cover a brief overview of the history and legal structure of how we have
become the indentured debt slaves of the world system. The word indenture means to attach
something of value to a contract whereby the attached value becomes the bonded surety
(guarantor) for the performance of the contract. We have all heard of the term indentured
servant. This refers to a man who voluntarily attaches his life (the value) to a contract to serve
for a period of time in return for some value. An example is when a man wished to come to
America in the 17-1800s and would agree to be an indentured servant to pay off his passage to the
new world because he did not have money to pay for the passage. So, instead, he exchanged the
value of his future labor for the value of the passage on a ship. The contract of this agreement is
the same as a trust. The man is the grantor and he places his future labor into trust. This creates
an indenture. A grantor trust is essentially an indenture that bonds the value of the initial grant
into the trust body (corpus), and now the legal title and control of the trust is vested in the trustee
and the equitable value (equity) is vested in the beneficiary. This creates a split title, which is
important to understand because ultimately we must collapse the grantor trust created by our
mother that split the title and attached us as indentured servant against our future labor to maintain
the public persona, the all capital letter name United States person, with the bankrupt UNITED
STATES holding legal title and we having a limited beneficial use (usufruct
) until we repay the
debt (which never happens, hence indentured from cradle to grave).

In short, world history is the story of how all the people in the world have been placed into
individual indentured trusts that bond their future labor to underwrite the perpetual monetized debt
system. This in turn leads to the discussion of how we become free of that, how this relates to the
process of status correction and for those familiar with a process known as Secured Party
Creditor process, to compare and contrast the two approaches so that we know exactly what we
are doing when we engage the status correction process. Additionally, it is important to
understand that underlying the public persona is the substance of value created by the estate. The
public US PERSON/CITIZEN is the fiction that is underwritten by social insurance schemes to
create public debt. Every instrument created such as court cases (complaints, indictments, orders,
warrants, judgments), traffic tickets, tax liabilities, among many others, are debt securities,
underwritten by the insurance scheme (social security, social insurance, etc.), and a liability
against the estate. All public codes and statutes are codicils attached to the estate, and until the
secured liabilities are liquidated and the estate claimed and brought into solvency, the codes act as
codicils, which are attached to the will expressed by and through the public trust. A codicil is an
attachment to a will, hence our acceptance of codes are our agreement that they are now part of the
will that controls our behavior within the public system. When our status is finally corrected then
the codes/codicils do not apply, hence one is no longer attached to public civil and commercial

Usufruct is a right of enjoyment, enabling a holder to derive profit or benefit from property that either is titled to another person or which is held
in common ownership, as long as the property is not damaged or destroyed.
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codes. This is achieved by claiming the underlying estate and proving oneself to be alive, not in
the public civil body which by definition is a status of civil death, as explained further on in this

To begin, we will address the topic of what people call the secured party process comparing this
to what we are now focused on in the GEMSTONE University curriculum, the status correction
course, and how many so eloquently put it as how to remove oneself from the matrix. This
presentation and discussion is to synopsize exactly where we have come in our exploration and
understanding in this research and applications thereof and to compare and contrast the
distinctions that many have pursued in the realms of commerce, as opposed to how one truly can
disengage from the dead fiction worlds and re-enter Life. In the past many have attempted or
specifically applied a process called the Secure Party Process in which the all capital name of
the fiction is listed on a UCC Financing Statement as DEBTOR, and the name with Capital first
letter and the rest small case is listed as the secured party process. A UCC1 financing statement is
a public record as notice to inform the public of a secured relationship between a debtor and a
secured party.

The basis of this has been that the upper/lower case name is considered the living man when in
fact, if it is in commerce, which by definition using a UCC1 financing statement as a public record
of Debtor/Secured Party means that all parties involved are fictions in law. The UCC1 is to
establish a public record of secured interests in a debtor and collateral between two fictions, so the
upper/lower case is only another fiction. At the same time, wherever there is a Debtor-Creditor
relationship by definition it is in commerce, and to remain in commerce is still to be lost at sea and
considered a debt entity, as we will explore and delineate in this essay. Additionally, most think
that a secured party filing equates to being sovereign and nothing could be further from the
truth, as we shall see.

As with all things, there very well can be more than one pathway to get to the same endpoint.
Nonetheless, there are key and substantive issues as integral points of what people call the secured
party process that have been determined to be deficient -- if one wants to be a sovereign one
must remove oneself from commerce and one must be solvent. To begin lets ask the question:
What is a true sovereign by definition? A sovereign is one who is solvent, without impairment or
obligatory attachments (liens, levies, distraints, distresses or the like) that attach to a living being;
and since in commerce the living being is the surety guarantor of all the debts attached to the
franchise (ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME) within the commercial system, then by definition
one cannot be sovereign and remain in commerce; commerce and its civil codes are in fact the
matrix and to be more specific, it is the law merchant Admiralty system, to which almost
everybody, by definition and design, is attached, and thus by definition is not sovereign because
they have no status, standing and capacity. This is how the world system has been constructed
over thousands of years, and has never deviated from the path towards world bondage and
enslavement. This is why Gemstone University teaches and presents a course entitled Status
Correction, because it all gets down to status. So to define this point, lets answer the question
what is a franchise?

The franchise is the initial vessel that is attached to the trust that was created at birth, which is then
bonded by the birth certificate. The birth certificate account is the facility by which public funds
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are created under public-policy, public-policy having replaced public law, post bankruptcy of
March 1933. So public policy is the maintenance of the public body, which is equivalent to the
civil body; the civil body going back to Roman civil law is known in that context as the civitus.
The Latin word civitus is basically a civil body, a containment field, that was created in the
Roman period so that those without standing could be lifted off the land, held within containment,
and basically "chattelized" to coin a phrase, to be contained as the chattel property of the state to
be utilized by what we now call the elite, those with standing. Chattel is movable property, not
attached to the land. The word is related both to the modern words cattle and capital. Cattle are
the stock held in the stockyard, the equity value derived from the land that they are grazed upon.
It is no different than the people as chattel property that graze the plantation of the modern
economy to create corporate stock as equity, that is traded, monetized and become capital to create
public funds as currency.

Just briefly, as a legal and historical note to understand this point, the civil law was brought into
North America via Louisiana, and specifically New Orleans. When the so-called Louisiana
Purchase took place, it was actually not what we were taught in seventh grade as that whole
central swath of the United States. It was specifically the metropolitan area of New Orleans that
was actually purchased. All of that land actually was owned by a sovereign nation called the
Washita. They were not Indians; they are black and have been on the North American continent
for 6000 years as documented by their own historical records. Basically they are the Nubian royal
race that existed in the whole Egyptian construct if we go back into the first Dynasty around 3100
BC and we look at the records and they talk about the Nubians and so forth. They were considered
the royalty. So the intrusion of the Hykksos Kings in Egypt in the 13th Dynasty, that lasted until
the end of the 18
Dynasty (roughly 1800 to 1350 BC), was about taking control of a royal race
from Africa who were the original dynastic pharaohs of Egypt. The Hykksos period is
characterized by an overlord elite system that did not in fact contribute to society, but operated as
a parasite to draw and extract the vitality (life force) out of the social and economic fabric sound
familiar?). The mechanism that was utilized for this purpose was virtually the same as the money
system we have today; it was designed and perfected back then, and has been used over and over
again ever since. The Nubians had already been in America as the Olmecs south of what is today
called Vera Cruz on the Caribbean coastline of Mexico (which is where Cortez landed on Easter
day in 1519), the area with the big stone heads that are Negroid in facial features.

The Olmecs were all along the Gulf of Mexico coast up through Texas and Louisiana, that whole
area. In that area they were known as the Washita, and they controlled all that land. Specifically,
Napoleon had established his control by establishing New Orleans. That is the grounding point of
the Napoleonic Code, which was a codification of the Roman Civil law that Napoleon had done in
the late 1790s and was published in March of 1804. So when the Louisiana Purchase was done,
that brought the Napoleonic or the Roman Civil Code to North America and then continued that
intrusion through Admiralty and everything else that has followed in the implementation of
Roman Civil Code, Law Merchant, Maritime and Admiralty (insurance) and Commercial Codes.
The history of the process of bringing the law of the sea onto the land began in the 1800s the first
time a ship traveled up the Mississippi River that was part of a legal controversy that had to be
settled; this was used as a precedent to bring the law merchant, the admiralty law onto the land in
North America and eventually the plaques for the high watermarks being placed on all the peaks
of the continent. The key is the civil body, the civitus, as part of the implementation of the civil
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code. Thereafter began the passage of the federal acts (1866, 1871, 1964) implementing Civil
Rights, creating a form of privilege as a benefit from the system, to replace true substantive rights.
So how the civitus translated into our modern system was basically through the Napoleonic code,
through the New York civil code, California civil code, the judicature acts, and the hybridization
of all law forms under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. It's all to bind the people through their
estates and that's the key element.

How Is the Estate Bound by the Law Merchant?

To answer that we have to go back to ask what is an estate? For every living man, woman and
child on the planet, there exists an ancestral, lineal estate that each has the capacity to claim;
ultimately, it is the DNA in our bodies. Through the biological incarnate form we can claim our
life and prove standing in life. When our mothers informed us as the original corpus (put us
into the form of the body of a trust) we were declared a ward of the State and the presumption
prevailed that we had abandoned our estate. That's the lawful ancestral estate that is recognized
in global estate and trust law as being capable of being claimed by each and every lineal,
generational descendant, every one of us currently embodied. So how to capture that? How is that
done? Well, remember that in the 1600s there were many things that took place. One of those
things was the completion of the so-called King James Version of the law a.k.a. the Bible, the
binding of the genetics in Genesis, all that was claimed to be held by right of King and Priest (land
and law). Then you have the beginning of the British East India Company, which is the
commercial maritime extension of the City/Corporation (of London). Then you have the
Virginia Company in yet another extension of that and securing an initial foothold in the
Americas. The Virginia Company was granted five principle capacities in the 1680s: 1) To
establish administrative courts as required; 2) The ability to claim and hold land; 3) The ability to
coin money; 4) The ability to declare war and peace; and 5) The ability to enter into treaties. These
are the macro scale elements of the law of nations. Ultimately, it all boils down to be what is
symbolically represented in all esoteric systems, secret societies and modern corporate imagery:
the two pillars. Pillar one is the Line of the King, which controls all land, and pillar two is the
Line of the Priest that controls all of the law. The priests create the law that binds the man to the
temple. The temple establishes both the religious binding as well as the monetary system because
originally the temples were the banks. To accept the binding nature of the law of the priest is to
agree to bind ones substance to the codes, the statutes, the canons, the commercial constructs and
the civil system, to be the collateral for the monetized debt system.

Fundamental to this is the origin of the word bank, which is a synthesis of the Egyptian Book of
the Dead, which had to do with what happened to the dead when they left the Ba, which is the
physical body, and wanted to rise up into the integration of the Ka, which is the spiritual body
(substance and being). If a man's being is not unified in the Ba and the Ka, then he is separate and
he is containable, he can be put into the physical containment field, or the civitus, and the life
force can be bound and bonded through the law of the priest, lifted off the land and then the life
force or the substance, the substantive capacity one creates with, is therefore controlled and

When we say we want to get out of the matrix, our goal is really to reclaim our life force, reclaim
our life and integrate it with the Ba and the Ka (the physical substance and the being). The origin
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of the word bank is in the word Ba and Ka and the interposer called An or Anu. Anu was the head
of the Annunaki, the Annunaki being the bridge between earth and heaven. Anu being heaven, Ki
being earth, and Na being the bridge. These are all Sumerian terms. The word Annunaki means
literally a bridge between earth and heaven, or on an individual basis the bridge between the body,
or Ba, and the spirit, or Ka. There has ever since been an interposer, standing in between the
physical and the so-called spiritual, which is really our true beingness, who we are as an eternal
being. We are separated from that and we have consented to that state of separation. And we are
afraid we do not have the capacity to integrate ourselves and become whole, so we externalize our
capacity and power, our status, standing and capacity, into Church and State, Priest and King, and
are willing to give all that power to those two stanchions of power, those two pillars of the social,
political, economic construct of the world system, and in between who we are here as the physical
and who we are somewhere out there the being or spiritual, is the priest that binds us to the law,
the king who lifts us off the land, and the bank that controls our capacity to be, to create, to
motivate our life force, and we must always pay our tithes, our taxes and our interests. What
stands in between is the world system, the fictions in law, which are the constructs of the Mind.
Thus, government is instituted to control the mind which is the literal translation of the Latin
and Greek origins of the word government, gubernere = to control and mente = mind.

Now lets take a look at what is the basis of every religion, every spiritual path, whether it is New
Age or "Old Age", it's always "out there" that salvation lies, some means or method of being saved
by an outside force, benevolent presence, etc., and of course there is always some path that must
be walked, price to pay, priesthood to appease to get entry, codes or laws to follow so that you
prove you are worthy. As we know by now (if we are willing to look at the historical and current
evidence), is that everything that they say is where you are supposed to go, is where you are not
supposed to go. It's the mirror image, so the way out is the way in. The way in is claiming our life,
embodying our "Ka" in this physical "Ba", and getting rid of the interposer which is "An" or
"Anu" or the bridge, as represented by his elite and priesthood, and that priesthood now consists of
medical priests, judicial priests, legal priests, code enforcement priests and monetary priests; they
all are part of the temple system. So Ba for body, An for the bridge to cross, and Ka for the spirit
or true authentic self as being, combined together is the word (Ba-An-Ka) "bank", and what
happens when we go to the bank? It always takes its bite - it always takes its tithe, its
interest/inflation or taxation, and it diminishes and undermines our capacity to be whole.
Additionally, as best represented in the origins of Greek mythology and creation stories, there is a
distinction between our Fate and Destiny.

Fate is what we are bound to as a preprogrammed life path that we dare not stray from or we will
encounter and be the focus of the wrath of the gods. So in order to avoid that, we stay within the
constraints of the rules of the gods, as dispensed by their representatives on Earth the priests and
the demigods (those with partial blood of the gods that gives them elite status). Over thousands
of years and many generations this has systematized into the controls and boundaries of the legal
system, to which we bind ourselves by oath and repetition, and believe it to be the legitimate right
of the external authority to thus control our every breath and every step in life. Destiny on the
other hand is what we choose to create out of the substance of our being, our life force and our
own will to excel and manifest our true capacities. This the gods do not like, and so there are
many mechanisms by which one who dares to tempt fate and forge his or her own destiny shall
encounter, over and over again. Yet, there lies a middle path, in which we can integrate our fate
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with our destiny and emerge as a living being that is not bound and constrained by the laws of the
priests and the monitors of the machine.

The goal with walking out of the matrix is being in life by integrating our Ba and Ka, or being
with our substance. The only way to be here, whole, is to be on the physical land - to be on the
land and to be in ones landed estate which is the physical body. The only place where law
actually exists is on the land. You can look at the entire history of the last thousand years of law -
it's all about the land and who holds law, which is only those who hold the land; it's called "law
of the land" for a reason.

Standing On the Land

One cannot be on the land if there is anything between you and the reintegration of your substance
and your being. Hence, if you are the bonded surety to the debt created by your franchise (the all
capital letter name created within the first few days after birth, which is true not only in the United
States but every country in the world, all of which are corporations, all of which are bankrupt, all
of which have central banks of issue to created bonded debt). In todays terms, that is the whole
purpose of the money system, to create an indentured trust that bonds our body, our life force and
our being, to the imaginary system of debts, because anyone attached (indentured) to debt is not
whole, is not solvent and therefore cannot be one and equal with their own life and substance. We
agree to all this by contract, virtually every day of our lives, by accepting and allowing by consent
the contractual nexus of the law merchants, allowing ourselves to be lifted off the land into the
artificial construct, the containment field of the civil body, which is a system and construct that
originated in ancient history in Egypt, Sumer and Babylon, and is now structured by and through
Rome, which is todays global empire. This is the basis of Roman Civil Code, to bind the lives
and substance of the mass populace. This functions in the same way as the law of the priest that
binds the people to the temple and its control through money, admiralty/maritime law, and
civil/commercial codes. So, ultimately, we are responsible because we consent and we bind
ourselves to the contract. First our parents and then ourselves agreed to all of this from the day of
birth onward.

Many who have studied these ideas and historical facts know that we have three city-state
sovereign entities that control the world. If you look at the flag of Washington D.C., you will see
the two fundamentals that control the whole system: You have three red stars, three pentagram
five-pointed stars, and then you have the two pillars. The two pillars are horizontal and above
them are the three stars. The three stars represent the three city-states that control the commercial
law, the kingdom law, and the canon law of the District of Colombia, City of London and Vatican
City, respectively. Then you have the two pillars that represent the law of the priest and the land
of the king, or the law of the Church and the land of the Crown. That sums it up in its entirety
right there.

In the year 1666 the construction of the City of London was commenced after the great fire of
London, which cleared the real estate, after which the City was built. This is the home of The
Corporation, for there is only one corporation on the planet, every other one is a sub-division as a
joint stock company. The joint stock is the stockade to corral the chattel/cattle people, and to
create a Wall to bring the slaves for auction and brand them as a secured interest (Wall Street and
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the securities markets). Within that City is the Office of the Exchequer, which is the location of
the Arch Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire. The word arch references the arc of the Sun as it
crosses the heaven every day, the primary source of power and hence the primary construct of the
entire esoteric and symbolic system developed and perfected over thousands of years. The entire
world system is a synthesis of the Solar, Lunar and Stellar cults of ancient civilizations. The three
primary godheads for these were: Isis, (Amen) Ra and El Elyon, and when we combine the first
two letters of each name we get Is-Ra-El. When we complete a prayer we invoke Amen Ra, the
hidden One. So the Arch, is the Arc of the Sun, which is the Vault of Heaven, which is the
Mantle of Anu. That arc sits atop every entrance to the temple, as two pillars flanking the entrance
and the mantle cross binding the two. In between is the binding of the slaves, symbolized by the
image on every Social Security Card in the United States.

This image is the original design of the card in 1938. Notice how there are two pillars with an
arch or mantle over the top binding the two pillars. The two pillars of course are the King and the
Priest, controlling the Land and issuing the Law that binds the substance of the living being into
the interior realm of the fictions in law (codes). It requires the employee signature, and in the
system the term employee means specifically an employee of the government. A living man
cannot be an employee, only a dead fiction. And the application of the wet ink signature is the
attachment of the binding agreement; it is the life force that consents to attach itself to the interior
control of the temple.

Additionally, held within the City is the Temple Bar, which is the location of the BAR association
and the Four Inns of Court to control the law through the priests known as attorneys and judges,
and you have the Banks, all of which are the component parts of the Crown. The Corporation
established within the City is the starting point of all corporations of the world, all of which are
contained within the creation of joint-stock companies that bind the stock of the human herd,
containing them within the stockyard on the plantation, which is the corporate governments of
the world. By the law of the priest, the law binds the human flesh and the spirit to become the
churn if you will - recycling, ever eviscerating control of the life force. And then the land - the
King or the Crown controls the land and if you don't have the land, you don't have the law.

When we talk about sovereignty - the only one who can be Sovereign is a man who has
substantive free hold in a claim of right on the land. Anything short of that, we are not sovereign.
This discussion will weave all of this into the context of the secured party process and the issue of
status, standing and capacity as we progress.

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When we have a look at the constructs of words through etymology the root of words, and
homophonology - words that have the same sound but have different meanings, such as the words
"See" and "Sea" which are known as homonyms - there is no accident in how the control
through the mind is perpetrated and maintained. So being "lost at sea" is a homonymic equivalent
to being lost and controlled in the "Holy See". There are of course many other permutations of
that. The "Holy See", the "Third Eye", the "All Seeing Eye" -- the point being that the "Holy See"
controls the maritime, admiralty, merchant law of the sea to implement the binding law of the
priest to bind us by consensual agreement in the posited sea of commerce - because as creator
beings when we agree to something contractually, we are bound to it. We have agreed to be bound
to commercial paper known as negotiable instruments, which are securities that bind our life force
and beings as the surety, guarantor and debt servicer. We must be licensed to operate in
commerce because commerce is illegal. We have gone to sea when we are on the sea of
commerce, and because we do not know who we are and are separate from the substance of our
own lives, we are effectively lost at sea.

Another name for the lunar goddess was Mon, from which we get the words money, monetary and
other derivatives. This also ties in with the All Seeing Eye, as the word Money is a combination
of Mon + Eye. The singular Eye that sees all and controls all. Another interesting word set is
Testament, Testimony, Testify, etc. The root of these words is teste, the male generative
principle, as in testes, testicles, etc. A testament, as in a testamentary trust, binds the genetic code,
through the male principle, to the mind. Out of this, when we bind ourselves by testimony as
when we swear on a Bible we are binding our life force to the binding nature of the Law of the
Priest, and allowing the priest, by operation of his law, to create money out of it, hence Teste
Money. There are many, many instances of language and words that take us into the roots of our
own enslavement, too many for this discussion, so these are just key instances and examples.

The issue of being lost at sea reflects back to the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, enacted in the
same year as the construction of the City was initiated. The act provides for how estates shall be
passed on to heirs and beneficiaries in order to settle the estate if a man is lost and presumed dead.
When we are lost at sea and presumed dead we have abandoned our estate, the landed estate, the
Ba/Body. We are licensed to float on the sea of commerce in what is effectively a ghost ship
and since we are then effectively enemies of the state, the attorneys are authorized to board our
vessels/ships and effect legal piracy operating under BAR cards as Letters of Marque and
Reprisal. A Letter of Marque and Reprisal allows the captain of a ship under one flag and
sovereign to board the ship of a captain under another flag and sovereign, when the two are at war
with each other. We have all been made enemies of the state and thus the BAR Attorneys are
allowed to board the ships of commerce that we float in, in order to legally plunder these ships of
commerce for booty and prize, to re-prize such booty back to the sovereign under whose flag they
sail (the Crown) and keep their fair share via the courts, bonded estates and so forth.

Therefore, we must follow the requirements of the Cestui Que Vie Act by returning from sea
(leaving commerce), proving our life, claiming our estates, settling claims against the estate, and
thus walking into life and the land of the living. And the real twist to all of it is the way out is
now the way in. The Holy See is the adjudicating body that controls commerce, civil procedures
and codes and all those bound to it by that which binds, as described above. The See is the world
judicial system, and all pertains to Canon and Ecclesiastical law, ecclesiastical being derived from
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the foundation of the ekklesia, the body of the congregation, the world population that is bound
and constrained within the containment field of the civil body until such time as a being musters
up the capacity to begin the journey of walking into life. It is all encoded in the Bible, which has
very little to do with what those without eyes think it does, and for those with eyes to see it has
everything to do with establishing a road map of how to walk back into life.

The Essence of Bondage and Separation from Life

All ties that bind must be removed; so ultimately rescinding those contractual agreements within
the law of the contract is essential to be free. We leave the sea of the dead and walk onto the land
of the living, where we have standing, status and capacity, where we are a king or queen as both
sovereign and solvent. The sea of death, as commerce, is where civilly dead entities are contained,
which is why when we take out a debt we actually project ourselves into an imaginary future,
called hypothecation, and are in effect wagering that we will win the bet against the state that we
can pay it off and become whole again. But remember, the house always wins. This is why a
debt against our home is known as a mortgage, derived from the French wherein the word mort
means death or dead, and gage means a pledge. So a mortgage is a pledge of death, and our
home becomes a house of death and will always revert to the winner, the state.

Underlying all of that, concurrent with the building of the City of London, which was the second
of the three City-States that were to be, was the passage of the Cestui Que Vie Act. The essence of
it was that for roughly four to five hundred years men were going to war by land and exploration
by sea. By men we mean a man on the land one who is bound by oath of fealty to be of the
landed gentry, the nobility, the elite. All others are not men, they are human beings, who were...
not considered "men", which by definition in law, a human being is an animal, a monster. So when
they define that term in law dictionaries - the definition of a human being is a "monster". In other
words, a domesticated animal whose signature is only a mark and hence is attached to a number
to create commercial bondage, thus the mark of the beast. Human beings are domesticated
animals because the zone in which the civil body is contained, per the Roman Civil Code, is the
domestic zone.

Those considered animals are no more than chattel, which is movable property, not real property.
Real property is of the land, and is derived from royal, as in the royal estate (pronounced Ray-Al
from the Latin, for royal). Thus we are no more than cattle, landless serfs, those who are in the
civil body or "civitus", lifted off of the land, without substance or standing or capacity because we
are little more than domesticated animals. In the eyes of the owners, the royals and the elite:
Monsters. And of course, all cattle are branded, and thus, as we stare mindlessly into the electronic
beam tube called TV, we are continually branded in the mind by the corporate logos (brands). So
men first went to war on land during the crusades, and later went to sea - were landed and of the
peerage through an oath of fealty - a royal grant that gave them land and standing on the land, for
which there was a reciprocal relationship with the one sovereign who held the Crown, which was
the King, through an oath of "fealty", an oath of loyalty. This is why when we think we are
dealing in the substance of land and life, in fact, we are only being used as bonded sureties to
support the royal estate, as in real estate, where real, is not REAL, but is Ray Al, or Rei-Al, of the
King, the royal estate. This is also why children are made to repeat an Oath of Allegiance to the
Flag. The United States flag was originally the flag of the British East India Company, the
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original joint stock corporation out of the City. When we pledge allegiance we are swearing an
oath of fealty to the flag and its owner, the Lord Mayor of the City of London. This is our Liege
Lord. The root of allegiance, liege, legal, legislation is all the same. Thus, when we bind
ourselves as vassals to the liege lord, we bind ourselves to legislation as another variation of the
law of the priest.

Returning then to the context of when such men would go to war and not return, those estates
would not be settled because there was no proof of the cessation of that living man. Then of course
the age of global exploration and conquest began in 1492 - now you have men going to sea and
not returning, and it's the same thing. So in 1666 the Cestui Que Vie Act is passed. The act begins
with the phrase "There are Cestui Ques who have gone to sea." And what is a cestui que? It
literally means It is the Life. It is the royal "we". It is the Crown, the monarch (Mon = Moon
Arch = Sun, Monarch = Singular power, by holding the forces of masculine and feminine
combined rather than split or polarized) and the Crown. "There are Cestui Ques, who have gone to
sea", essentially paraphrasing "who have not returned". The Cestui Que belongs to the Crown by
Oath of Fealty, hence the Royal We as the Life. The Crown presumes control and ownership fo
the pledged lives. So, first of all the "we" in reference to Cestui Que Vie means the noble lives
that are held by those oaths of fealty in feudal relationship to the Crown. The Crown is the Lord
and even though they are of the aristocracy and noble birth, those men of the land are vassals to
the higher lord. This is why the titular head of the City of London is called the Lord Mayor. So,
such Cestui Ques, when lost at sea and presumed dead, must in one way or another have their
estates settled so that the ancestral lineage of the estates can be properly maintained and moved
forward as part of the all encompassing Global Estate, because ultimately it is all one hierarchical
pyramid with the Holy See as the "Seeing Eye" at the top that will control everything based on the
1302 Papal Bull which was called the "Unum Sanctum" that claimed all Land, all Flesh and all
Souls. The Unum Sanctum (Holy Unity) was also known as the Tri-Regnum, or Triple Crown.
We see that on the miter worn by the Pope with three layers, or Crowns.

The fulfillment of the Unum Sanctum unfolded and was put in place over the next 700 years to
present time. The two pillars, as referenced above, referred to the two parallel lineages of the
King to control the Land, and the Priest to control the Law. Ultimately they were merged together
into the one unified field of the head of the universal church that would own, control and bind it
all, much like the phrase from the Tolkien story of Middle Earth: One Ring of Power to Bind
them All. The English word law is derived from an original word LAL wherein the two Ls
represent the two pillars that shall bind, hold and contain all flesh and souls of the world. The
letter A in the middle represents the Alpha, which is also the Pentagram, the feminine principle
directly reflected in the orbit of the planet Venus, which over an eight-year period inscribes a
perfect pentagram (by five conjunctions when the Earth, Venus and the Sun are aligned, and
Venus is behind the Earth, and the positioning of those five occurrences, during every eight year
period, inscribes a perfect pentagram. This is also why the number 40 is the primary number used
in the Bible, as it is the factor of 5 x 8). The modern letter A is simply a pentagram where the
cross bar is shortened, but if extended, creates the center cross of the pentagram and from those
extended points cross over and connect to the two anchor points at the bottom. So, contained
within the two pillars is the symbolic representation of the feminine principle, the alpha, the
beginning of all Life, the Mater of the physical substance of Earth whence all life emerges.
Similaryly, the two pillars on the Social Security Card will contain the wet ink signature of the
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indentured slave when he or she places his consenting signature (signet) into the center. Hence,
binding life between the two pillars of the control of the land and the law. Have a look at the
image above on the front of a U.S. Social Security Card. There you see the two pillars and the
cross mantle, contained within which a living being places his/her wet ink signature to bind his/her
life within the bonding contract of the insurance hypothecation of the life force. Once again, its
all right there, hidden in plain sight.

The two pillars are always the essential component. If you look at the solar orbit, the solar year,
they place two pillars to harvest the flesh and harvest the souls. May First, the "May Pole", "May
Day", "Worker's Day", "All Communists Day", that is the harvesting of the flesh, the gathering of
flesh around the pole and harvesting it. Little children dancing around the May Pole, a primal
phallic symbol of the progenitive capacity of the masculine principle, twirling ribbons of DNA
double helices to bind the crystalline encoded essence of life in the physical itself, singing we all
fall down in a mock dance of death. Of course, the May Pole is the artificial phallus of Osiris,
the male brother/twin/husband of Isis, who upon his death and dismemberment by his Dark Twin
Set, is scattered along the Nile, and when resurrected by Isis cannot find the phallus, so an
artificial one (Obelisk) is raised in its stead. Thus, we mind the obelisk in Peters Square,
Washington DC, Paris, London and all the other power centers of the world.

Six months later, for those who left the flesh during that solar orbit, have left their ancestral lineal
estates abandoned for the global estate of the Holy See to take up and harvest, to harvest the
physical construct, the equity, the abundance of the flesh, the living substance of who we in fact
really are. The flesh is gathered around the pole on May First, and six months later on November
First is "All Souls Day"; that is when the system will energetically and dimensionally harvest all
souls, and thus on a global scale you have the two pillars. It's all about gaining control of the land,
the source of life from whence all nourishment, all wealth, all derivative sustenance of life is
obtained, including the living flesh, and then training the minds through religion and government
(the externalized expressions of the two pillars that bind the minds of men) to believe it's all "out
there," which it's not. It's right here.

Being Lost at Sea

The Cestui Que Vie Act states: There are Cestui Ques who have gone to sea and have not
returned and have left estates without settlement, and we need to move them on. In a seven year
period, which is coincidentally the same amount of time that it takes for a physical human body
to regenerate all of its cells, if the man has not returned then the heirs of the estate can bring it
forward and claim the estate. He will be pronounced dead, presumed lost at sea and the estate can
be claimed and moved on to the heirs and beneficiaries.

If you think of it, at every level - the physical, the physiological, the cellular, the biological level,
the "Ba" and the "Ka" level, getting back to that integration of substance with being -- it is
substance with being that we want to make whole. We are creative beings and through that
creative capacity we contractually bind ourselves to any and all of that which is artificially
constructed in the containment field of law as civil code and commercial binding contracts.
Then we continually reanimate (contract) every seven years, while concurrently there is a
completely new body that has been regenerated during that same seven years. The patterns and
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templates remain, but the substance has migrated through us. The legal system is directly
reflective of the biological reality of the substance that we inhabit in our physical bodies. The
contract has kept us bound to it by agreeing to be bonded by the surety of indebtedness, it is a
perpetual bonding of the flesh until the soul of the being leaves the flesh and it can be harvested
leaving what is left behind in the real world, the masters can take the substance of what has been
created and harvest it through the law of estates.

An important and key point with respect to the monetary system and constructs is that in Rome,
the goddess of money was called Juno Moneta. As stated above, this reflects back to an earlier
name of the goddess known as Mon (also Min and Sin). Money is nothing more than the
externalized illusory construction of a lunar cult designed to entrance and entrain the mind into
believing that something without substance is actually real (true lunacy). Time of course is
Money, hence Mon was also known as Min, and thus the Minutes of the clock in the artificial
constructs of time are also part of the lunacy of the moon goddess cult. In classic Roman times, in
order to enter Rome, which was to enter with standing as a man, you had to cross a bridge and you
had to pay a toll just like you had to pay a priest in Egypt to guide you in the underworld to merge
your Ba with your Ka. Ultimately, the more money you had to pay the priest, the more service
you got, and therefore the further you were guided through the journey into the heavens in the
afterlife, so thusly, money directly equated to your elevation in the dimensions of Heaven, directly
reflective of the physical reality as well, hence As Above, So Below. It's always that. It's
always the Ba and the Ka and Anu the interposer. This is the essence of the modern system
of money and banking, The Ba-An-Ka (Bank), so that in order to gain the entrance to Heaven,
one must pay the bridge toll keeper, the priest, representative of the one almighty Anu in order
to cross that bridge to enter salvation, heaven. Thus, the more money, the better the seat in
heaven, and the system of money to control all of that and monitor who may cross the bridge. It is
always about crossing the bridge. That's why the Pope is called the Pontius Maximus - "Pontius"
is Latin for bridge, hence the Supreme Bridge, the vicarious person incarnate, sitting in for Anu
in Heaven. In Greek creation stories, Anu was renamed as Uranus, which when we extend the
phonetics of that name we get You Are Anus (U-R-ANU-S).

It is also always about splitting the mind to polarize on itself, and to project the enemy construct
outside of itself. The road where all the banks were located in Rome was called Janus, which was
the two-headed god. Have a look at the two-headed Eagle symbol in Washington, in Russia, in
Nazi Germany and in Rome. This is the god Janus, which is translated as Of Anu: JAnus. That
is why the first month of the year, the beginning of the Solar Orbit is his: JAnu-ary. He is also
there collecting the substance of life on the way out, through the anus (Anus).

All of the intricacies and etymology in language, religion, literature, symbol and the world system
are right there hidden in plain sight. The key is the power of contract; it is the most powerful force
in this matter, because as a creator being, the paramount capacity we have is our ability to enter
contract with another being. Thus, the law of contract was and is paramount. Everything that is in
the world system is contractual and clearly defined. The essence of a contract is its choice of
where it binds itself by mutual agreement of the parties to jurisdiction. Underlying the word
jurisdiction is the definition word of the law, but it is also the Word (Sound) of my Bond
(Oath), Juris in Latin is both law and oath. This is how we bring forward the essence of
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our being to bind ourselves to the artificial construct of legal fictions, to become bonded sureties
for illusions of money and debt, and therefore are lost at sea and presumed dead.

Back to the Cestui Que Vie Act. The fourth section of it establishes and fulfills a maxim of law -
there always has to be a remedy, because if the binding is voluntary, which it is, then we must
have the remedy to unbind ourselves. If it were not voluntary then it would be involuntary
servitude (slavery) which in the modern world is not allowed, so it is all voluntary. This is where
we have the capacity to withdraw from contracts that are not complete and do not have the
elements that make them valid, etcetera, etcetera. In the same way there is a remedy within the
Cestui Que Que Vie Act, which is that if a man is declared dead and his estate is passed on, what
if he returns? This is the essence of it. Section four says that if a man returns from sea he must do
two things: Prove his life, and essentially claim his life, and to secondly, after proof of life, to
claim his estate. Now the man has returned from the presumption of death, has returned from
being lost at Sea/See (the C of Commerce) and has the right and the capacity to take control of his
estate, settle any claims and liabilities of the said estate, and lay full claim to what is called
reversionary interest, that which must revert back to his control. The act itself says all profits
and proceeds generated off of his estate while having been lost at sea must revert back to him,
hence reversionary interests.

In simple terms, as it would apply to someone engaging this process at this time, the basic
principle has to do with reducing and liquidating - zero out all of the claims and liabilities against
the estate and then claim and receive the reversionary/remainder interests. Once done, a man now
standing in Life becomes solvent, not bankrupt, and thereby has standing, status and capacity.
Within estate and probate law, this includes the expressing of the Will, because we all have been
trained to be will-less, and to be incompetent as a ward of the State. We are trained from an early
age to bind ourselves to the artificial construct, whether to Pledge Allegiance to the Flag (as
stated earlier, but worth repeating, a pledge being a bonded oath, allegiance being derived from the
feudal term of Liege Lord to whom one as a serf or vassal is bound, and the Flag in the case of
the United States being the flag of the joint stock company known as the British East India
Company. Joint Stock because it is a joint charter between the Crown and the Capital
shareholders, capital being derived from the stock of the chattel/cattle/capital, contained within the
Stock-Yard, to be monetized and bonded, traded as stocks and bonds, or through religion where
we recite Not my Will but Thy Will Be Done, not realizing the Lord to whom one is subrogating
his or her will to is not the Lord in the sky, but the Lord Mayor of the City of London (Earth)
whose superior is the Father, Papa, Pope, in Vatican City (Heaven).

To Will or Not to Will, That is the REAL Question?

Beingness is equal to having a Directive Principle as Self. In essence this means to have and
express ones Will. In the world system from birth onward, all children are taught the opposite, to
be will-less and without directive capacity as an integrated Whole Being, here in Life, standing on
the Land.

For purposes of settlement and closure of any and all outstanding debts, claims and liabilities
(chains of bondage to the living flesh and soul of the being), the expressed Will and reclamation of
Life establishes the Office of Executor to settle any claims against the estate - liquidating them out
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of the value of the assets of the estate, returning them to balance, which is returning them to
solvency, and then all reversionary interest which means everything generated after the
presumption of death must revert back to the standing man. What we all were not told when we
came of age, is we could have done this long ago, but instead continued as landless serfs, in
bondage to the Lord of the Manor, who created debts and securities and bonds as liabilities against
the estate while trading such securities for years and decades and building incalculable wealth for
every man, woman and child on the planet, and once the death of the flesh occurs and the estate is
abandoned, reaping such earthly rewards whilst the soul is harvested in heaven As Above, So
Below. But again, remember, in the law there must be a remedy. So the Lords Prayer
provides that, too. Forgive us our trespasses (debts), as we forgive the trespasses of others. A
trespass is a traverse as well, when we cross over to the realm of the dead, and leave Life.
Therefore, the remedy is that we can claim our estate, prove our Life, have standing on the land
with and as the Living, and liquidate the trespasses/debts that bind our beings to the fictions of the
money and law system.

The completion of the global system of bondage was realized when the United States corporation
was put into bankruptcy in 1933. What followed was the creation of securities systems to bind all
flesh, then the globalization of the Federal Reserve Note and the private jurisdictional system by
and through the Empire State (New York) where the Fed resides. Every new being born into the
flesh was captured, bonded, placed as a ward of the State, and the underlying estate was and is
plundered from birth to death. This is a global system, not just in the United States, because it is
all consolidated in one centralized system of Ba-An-Ka, Banks, and every nation is a corporate
sub-division of the one Corporation in the City of London.

When a baby is born, the mother acts as the informant to inform to the State, to place the form of
the infant body as the corpus of a trust, and the lineal ancestral estate is now under the
guardianship and management of the United States, a bankrupt debtor in possession (of all bonded
property and lives), the creditor being the Crown and the Holy See. The mother acts as the
informer, informing - meaning placing in form, physical body of the baby, declaring it abandoned,
hence having to be a ward of the state and effectively declaring that within the Cestui Que Vie Act
that this being now incarnate, has been lost at sea, where the sea is the mother's water having come
through the birth canal (berth canal), received by/at the doc (dock), thus as a ship from the sea has
been birthed (berthed) and is then claimed by the port master, which is the hospital acting in that
capacity to receive the vessel, arrest it, and hold it until the adjustment of any claims. This takes
place in legalistic terms because a baby is born in sin (Sin being another name of the lunar
goddess), which means it misses the mark, of being able to come into Life. So again, words - Birth
- B-I-R-T-H, Berth B-E-R-T-H. Birthing at the doc (berthing at the dock), it's all been locked in
place because these are all admiralty maritime terms that have been constructed as overlays upon
the physical reality. The metaphor in the New Testament (binding the life force, genetics to the
mind) is that Jesus walked on water, which in fact means he rose above the commercial dead
fiction in admiralty/maritime law (commerce, com = with, mer = the sea), and stood in Life. One
must be born again means to leave the realm of the dead and rise above the maritime fictions
into the Book of Life.

The mother and father have full capacity to contract or not contract, but now it is mostly by rote,
as they are all mostly forced to because they, too, are wards of the State and have entered a
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contract with the State via the marriage contract and license. This has been implemented
progressively beginning around 75 to 80 years ago. By their acts, out of ignorance, the baby is
abandoned, has no patrimony because the father is not involved in the process of informing (only
the mother from whose waters the baby emerged) and the State takes control. There are seven
years in which that life can be claimed. At the age of seven, the baby and the life is presumed to
have died and now must be attached as surety to the franchise that is created by the birth
certificate. The all capital letter name that many have erroneous called a strawman is nothing
more than a franchise of the United States (and all other countries that use Federal Reserve Notes
as reserve currencies in their central banks, which is been all but three of the worlds countries)
that permits the being with limited beneficial use of the (cestui que trust) to operate in commerce,
which of course involves the acceptance of the mark of the beast that binds the flesh to the realm
of fictions and legalistic codes, the social security or social insurance number.

When the baby grows up and is ready to enter life or more precisely, the similitude of it, they
must do so on the citizen-ship that floats on the Sea/See/C of Commerce. This is now all
controlled by one unified system of security and bondage, known as the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC). The UCC is the law of merchants, mer = sea, com-mer/ce being with the sea.
In the law merchant, law of the sea, UCC paper is created which is negotiable paper off of the
substance of the value of the estate. When the baby is born the estate has an initial value. It will
increase in value over time as bonds and securities are created against that value, then sold and
traded through Wall Street, an institution whose original function was to sell African slaves into
the North American market, and it now sells the paper that bonds the slaves under its control to the
world financial markets. Nonetheless, a man/woman can always return from sea and claim his/her
estate; it is always there to be claimed. If it is not claimed when that baby is grown into a man or
a woman, it remains a ward and a bonded indentured slave until, presumably, on average at the
age of 68 to 72 years, it dies, the flesh dies, the soul is harvested, the estate is abandoned. Now
there is obviously a public estate that goes through probate - that is just the little stuff. The
substance of the estate is abandoned, all that was accrued over the course of the lifetime through
the bonding, buying, selling, trading and so forth. If it is not claimed after three years, it is
harvested. The death certificate harvests the trust created by the birth certificate and the
remainder/reversionary interests of the private estate. This of course reverts back to the State and
its owner (for after all the State is nothing more than a subpart of the Global E-State) the
Corporation, the City, the Crown and the Father in Heaven.

During the course of a lifetime, the baby grows up to be a young man or woman, volunteers to be
a registered agent to receive service of process for the franchise, within the commercial corporate
venue - under statutes and code, and as stated above, codes are in fact codicils that are addendums
to the will. The first 1040 form signed by the young person is the first codicil, giving the system
further control over the estate. Of course, the baby, the being, cannot contest it because he or she
has no will taking us full circle back to the discussion of the Lord Mayor lets have a closer look
at the Lords Prayer: Our Father who art in Heaven, Vatican City is Heaven and Our
Father is the Pope. hallowed be Thy name (sanctifying the Name of the Father as sacred, as
Deified. Thy Kingdom (the Crown) come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. This
means that the Earthly realm will become the sole body of the Father in Rome, to own and control
forever. Whenever it is stated: Thy will be done it is externalizing our own will. If one does not
have a will, one has no presence of being, no directive principle, and hence no actual presence in
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Life. No presence in life is equal to being abandoned and lost at sea; one has not claimed ones
life, and hence cannot stand whole. Religion is a form of bondage - re-lig means to bind again,
binding oneself to the will of the Lord (Mayor) and to the will of the Father and the Lord in the
Vatican. But remember, in law there must always be a remedy, and hence it also says Forgive
us our trespasses (debts), as we would forgive the debts/trespassers of others. This is
essentially paraphrasing how the modern system of commerce, negotiable paper as money and
settlement of accounting functions. The Lords Prayer is a commercial contract within which we
have the capacity to settle debts, which upon settlement and closure is equal to the function of
stabilizing oneself in life and to be equal with Life, to be whole, to be solvent, to return from the
realm of the dead.

All of the worlds people are held in bondage through this system. Each has a franchise in the
corporation into which they have been born and bonded (nationalized, as in nativity, native, born
and bonded). This is also what is known as a Cestui Que Trust, which is defined as a trust in
which a limited beneficial use is granted to one party, in which title is held by another. Title is
held by the King, the Lord, the Crown, the U.S. corporation (as a bankrupt debtor in possession,
owned by the Federal Reserve as creditor, which is also true of all the other national corporations).
The limited beneficial use is that we can use the property that belongs to another, in limited use
and benefit; the other that it belongs to is the State. We have limited beneficial use, but not full
beneficiary status. In law this is also called a usufruct, the right to use something that does not
actually belong to you. That includes your home, your body, your children, the whole lot of it.
Additionally, we always volunteer to be the trustee because in trust law, the trustee holds the
liability. Whenever one goes into a court, which is equal to stepping onto the ship of a captain
(priest/judge), you are supposed to be the beneficiary, but you agree to be the surety and to carry
the liability as the trustee. Thus you pay the fine or do the time.

Reclaiming the Abandoned Estate and Beneficial Interests

Ultimately, we are all the beneficiaries, but we have abrogated that claim. We are supposed to be
the living beneficiaries of the global estate, the beneficiaries of Life. What we've done is
accepted limited beneficial use by contractual agreement, and instead of owners we are tenants, we
do not have real title to our automobiles, our homes, even our bodies and our children, but only
certificates of title (Certificate of Title, Deeds of Trust, Birth Certificates), and we get the privilege
of use, we pay the taxes for the benefit of using their private paper (Federal Reserve Notes) and oh
so much morethe rabbit hole goes very deep indeed Alice. Usufruct is a word derived from the
Latin Usus from which also we have the word usury. Essentially usury (use) and commerce
(with the sea) are illegal. We must be licensed to use that which belongs to the State. Usufruct
means to have use of something that belongs to somebody else. When title belongs to somebody
else as in a corporate estate, then we get usufruct (limited beneficial use) as a limited beneficiary
of the Cestui Que trust. On top of that, we volunteer to be a registered agent, to receive service of
process, in the form of tax bills, utility bills, debt service bills, mortgages, fee agreements,
charges, civil complaints and criminal indictments. When we go to the Department of Motor
Vehicles to get a license the first time we are at one and the same time volunteering to be the
registered agent as well as confessing to being a driver in interstate commerce, which is fully
controlled by the United States Congress through its constitutional authority to regulate interstate
commerce (as is true for every other system on the planet as well). The DMV, of course, is in the
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Department of Transportation (state and federal), which handles vessels - vessels of commercial
bodies at sea and to obtain the license for the privilege to use those commercial vessels to do
what? To create public funds within and under public policy. Those public funds are debts -
commercial paper created against the Cestui Que trust, the corporate franchise controlled by public
policy, and those pieces of debt-bonded paper create public funds as circulating currency, so-
called money.

And for as long as we remain in that system, we're attached to the debt as the surety that
guarantees the servicing of the debt through labor, wages, fines and time. As long as we are a
bonded surety, we cannot have standing - we cannot be solvent and free. As to the role of
registered agent, the question is then: What is service of process? It is due process of law by
which the presentment of commercial instruments is engaged under the law of merchants, the
UCC, which are claims of liability against the estate - bonded and underwritten by the social
security contract, which is the insurance as a maritime contract to insure that debt liability is
serviced, underwritten and can circulate as public funds. In the United States, all the franchise
debt (franchises of the one sole debtor, UNITED STATES) is held by the Bureau of Public Debt,
which holds the total franchise debt and manages it. Underneath the substance of the land is held
by the Custodian of Alien Property, an office created in 1917 by the Trading With the Enemy Act.
That act excluded the US PERSON from being construed as the enemy in 1917, but was
amended when the UNITED STATES bankruptcy was declared in March 1933 to INCLUDE the
US CITIZEN/PERSON. From that point forward the living people were enemies of the corporate
STATE, and had to be registered, licensed and regulated to have access to commerce. Commerce
is a battlefield, and thus when one is in commerce, one is at war. Ultimately, of course, this is an
aggregate projection of our individual and collective separation within ourselves; we are
projecting the polarized reality of our inner landscape into the exterior hologram onto an outside
enemy that in fact does not exist. Thus, we are ultimately at war with ourselves, a condition we
have been in for a very, very long time. The world system is simply the consequential
manifestation of our own primordial separation from our true beings.

In the Realm of the Living Dead

Everything you do in this public system of commerce, and everything you've received as
registered agent for service of process, is another liability attached to the franchise as the debtor,
underwritten by the social security insurance. By and through every instrument created against the
debtor, for as long as we remain and continue to agree to having those commercial contracts that
bind us to the debt as the surety, is continuing our existence without status, to be in essence the
living dead. As such, we are bankrupt and have no standing or status. Without status one
cannot state a claim. Without the ability to state a claim one cannot own land, and without land,
we are without law; we are only part of a civil body that is afforded civil rights (privileges). As
such, we have no capacity to be the directive force in changing our lives or our world. Ultimately,
the claim of right and freehold on the land is the capacity to stand on the land, which means you
have the capacity to state a claim. If you don't have the capacity to state a claim because you are
inured, insured, and bonded to that bankrupt franchise, you have no standing and that is why you
cannot state a claim.
When one is brought into a court in the civil system, what has actually

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Page 19 of 19
happened is the vessel has been arrested (a maritime/admiralty term). You accept the bond as
surety when you sign the ticket, appear in court, or any of the other actions thus enacted. You
stand on the deck of the ship; the judge is the captain of that ship. The attorneys with BAR cards
are also captains as esquires, a title of nobility issued from the Four Inns of Court and the Temple
Bar. That BAR card is their Letter of Marque and Reprisal, with which they can board your vessel
because you are an enemy combatant, at war, and they can engage in legal piracy and go after the
plunder and booty, your life force. Whether you see it or not, you are brought before that captain
on his ship bound and chained, just like any other slave.

The core of the issue is that everything in commerce is by definition a fiction. No living being can
exist in commerce. It is a fictional world - it is the realm of the civilly dead. When one files a
financing statement into the UCC record, it contains a debtor or debtors, and secured party or
parties; every entity named on that financing statement is a fiction. The Secretary of State of
every corporate state maintains the office of commerce, the UCC, for the public recording of
relationships, secured interests, and all the rest of it under the UCC.

For twenty years people have been doing secured party processes on the presumption that they are
the living being that has secured interests against the debtor but it is not complete, and is not
accurate to say that the living man is in a secured position as explained above. Therefore, when
one says somebody has done a secured party process and therefore is sovereign - that is indeed not
accurate. Ultimately, there must be a collapsing of the liabilities attached to the franchise through
the social security account to bring the estate into solvency, which also collapses the trust when
the two forms of ownership which are normally split legal and equitable title are collapsed into
one integrated ownership. This is what we want when we walk into Life, to merge the titles (so to
speak) and integrate the being with the substance.

In commerce, and within a UCC financing statement, by definition the polarity of a debtor and
secured party has nothing to do with solvency. The account has to be settled and closed. Just to
be a secured party is still a debtor/creditor relationship. Pursuant to the Cestui Que Vie Act a
man must return from being lost at sea. He must claim and prove his life. He must have standing
as a living being. This essay has outlined the overall context for how we exist in a realm of
fiction and death, and what are the essential elements for walking back into Life. If the reader
wishes to explore this further, you are invited to become a member of the PanTerra DOro Private
Society, which has established a private online university to teach its members the detail as
outlined in this document and to undertake a course for status correction, which can be used to
disconnect oneself from the system, close and settle open debts and liabilities, and step back
amongst the living. This also addresses asset protection and provides methods for creating a
multi-layered structure that enables one to utilize a properly constructed strategy to operate in
commerce if and as necessary.

For more information, visit: and

(" <*=',? (" ,-& +&0&'6/ 323,&4? (3 ("%*H& A=/& :;>I Failure to state a claim can be found as Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). http://legal- - Rule 12b. Even when one represents oneself as in a pro se action, you are
admitting to being the fiction in the courtroom, and thus you have no standing, therefore cannot state a claim.

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