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Can you save a life? In an emergency, when every second is critical, would you know what to do?
According to recent statistics sudden cardiac arrest is rapidly becoming the leading cause of death in
America. Once the heart ceases to function, a healthy human brain may survive without oxygen for up
to minutes without suffering any permanent damage. !nfortunately, a typical "#$ response may take
%, & or even '( minutes.
)erforming C)* dramatically increases the survival chance while a person awaits the arrival of "#$.
C)* helps keep blood flow to the brain and heart and can be the crucial action that keeps a person
alive. +he skills needed to perform C)* can be learned by everyone.
PART ONE: PRE-TEST ( 8 points )
Open a new web browser window and visit http, to complete
the online self check to test your knowledge. In the center column below place the letter choice you
selected. In the column on the right, mark the .uestion you answered correct with a 0C1 and the
answers that were incorrect with an 0I1. 2or incorrect answers, also include the letter of the correct
Question Answer C or I
'. C C
3. C C
4. C C
. B C
5. E C

6. D I
&. B C
7. A I
'(. B C
PART TO: 8isit the #ayo Clinic9s website to learn the importance of and the steps in performing
Cardiopulmonary *esuscitation. Copy the following web address into a new web browser window,
http,' . Answer the following .uestions.
''. ;hat is the best method to learn C)*? ( ! points )
2rom an accredited first:aid training course.
'3. Identify the CA<9s of C)*, AND describe the meaning of each letter below in a complete sentence.
( " points )
C = Circulation. +his means to establish circulation of the blood through chest
A = Airway.+his means to check the airway for blockage, and to check for breathing.
< = <reathing. +his means to preform mouth to mouth on the victim.
'4. Identify differences in administering C)* to a child >ages ':& years? rather than for an adult. ( 8
points )
'. Adminsiter 3 minutes of care before calling 7''.
3.!se only one hand when doing heart compressions.
4. <reathe into them more gently.
.!se pediatric pads if they are available.
'. +he most common cause of cardiac arrest in infants is due to the lack of oxygen. ;hat are the two
most common causes of lack of oxygen in infants? ( # points )
'5. Aow do the rescue efforts differ when rescuing a baby if you are the only rescuer or if there is an
additional rescuer? ( # points )
A. If there is an additonal rescuer, have them call 7'' immediately.
<. If you are the only rescuer, preform two mintues of C)* and then call 7''.
'%. Aow does breathing for a baby differ from that of an adult or child? ( $ points )
Bou must gently puff into the baby rather than using deap breaths.
PART T%REE, 8ideo instruction.
8iew the following videos by opening a new browser window and visiting the website After viewing each video, describe-summari/e the steps one should follow when
performing C)* on Adults, Infants and Children. !se complete sentences and include each step in the
A&u't Su(()r* ( + points )
'. Check for response.
3. Call 7''.
4. )ump 4( times, between the nipples.
. <reathe into the mouth 3 times.
5. *epeat until help comes.
In,)nt Su(()r* ( + points )
'. Check for *esponse.
3. )ump 4( times below nipple line with 3 fingers.
4. <low twice into the mouth so the chest rises.
. *epeat for 3 minutes.
5. Call 7''.
C-i'&ren Su(()r* ( + points )
'. Check for response.
3. )ump 4( times into the center of the chest.
4. <reathe into the mouth 3 times.
. *epeat for 3 minutes.
5. If no one has, call 7''.
Choking Prevention
A person who has a completely obstructed airway will not be able to talk, cough or
To help prevent choking, there are a few safety measures we can employ.
ist at least five ways to prevent choking. ( 5 points )

!. "on#t drink a lot of alcohol before eating.
$. Take small bites.
%. "on#t give young children small ob&ects.
'. (eep ballons and plastic bags away from children.
). "on#t give foods like popcorn, or hard candy to small children.
Signs of Choking*aid*choking.pdf
!. +hat is the universal sign for choking, ( 2 points )
-rabing the thorat.
$. .n addition to the universal sign for choking, there are some other signs that indicate
a person is choking. /lease discuss three of them. ( points )
A. The person can#t breathe, cough, or speak.
0. They make high pitched sounds when breathing.
1 . Their lips and finger nails become blue.
Choking !escue Procedure" #he $eimlich %aneuver*aid*choking.pdf
!. "escribe the techni2ue for giving the 3eimlich maneuver for a conscious choking victim.
( points )
A. 4ake a fist with one hand.
0. 3old it with the other hand against the person#s abdomen.
1. /rovide 2uick, upwar and inward abdominal thrusts until the food/ob&ect is
.f a choking person becomes unconscious, what steps should be taken to secure
them assistance, ( 5 points )
!. 1all 5!!.
$. 6eturn to the person.
%. ay the person flat on his/her back.
'. 7pen his/her mouth.
). 6emove ob&ect if you see it.
Can &ou Save &ourself' Performing the $eimlich (n &ourself
.f you are choking and are alone, you can perform the 3eimlich maneuver on yourself.
+hat are two possible ways that could be utilized to dislodge the obstruction in your
throat, ( ) points )
!. /reform thrusts on your self.
$. ean over the back of achair and press hard.
PART .I0E: ( !+ points )
@evelop one of the following proCects below to outline the steps followed in performing C)* on
Adults, Infants and Children. <e sure to use your own words to create your proCect. If using
information found on another website, remember to include the websites used.
Dust pick one proCect,
@igital brochure
@igital poster
@igital movie-slide show
+he following rubric will be used to assess your work file including all .uestions and your creation
which demonstrates your knowledge of C)*,
All parts of the assignment are complete.
All answers are correct.
;ritten explanations are clear, written in complete sentences, and fully answer the .uestions.
@escriptions, information, and presentation are well labeled, appropriate and sensible.
1oo& (minor flaws)
All parts of the assignment are complete.
All work is shown and a maCority of answers are correct.
;ritten explanations are effective, with minor spelling errors. +he student has fully answered the
@escriptions, information, and presentation are appropriate and sensible.
S)tis,)3tor* (obvious flaws)
#ost parts of the assignment are complete.
#ost work is shown and a maCority of answers are correct.
;ritten explanations contain minor spelling and grammatical errors. +he student made an attempt
to fully answer the .uestion.
@escriptions, information, and presentation are appropriate and sensible.
/ns)tis,)3tor* (resubmit)
67E or below
Assignment not complete.
Answers are incorrect or no work is shown.
;ritten explanations contain maCor spelling or grammatical errors. +he explanation does not
address the .uestion.
@escriptions, information, and presentation are not labeled, are inappropriate or not sensible.

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