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Patrick 1-8-09

Who owns the car? The STRAWMAN. The state doesn’t own it, your corporation owns.
That is in the fictional world and in the world of commerce. Until you can get that as a
private vehicle, you are operating a commercial vehicle. A lot of things people are trying
to fight, they don’t know what they are doing. It’s your corporation that owns the car.
Too many people are working forms and I tried with the 1099OID process early on and
saw all the paperwork people were putting in to Paulson, and I said why. You don’t want
to do bonds. For a living man, his word is his bond and I started looking at a lot of this
stuff and almost all those government forms are out there and they really do not apply to
what we need to do. I would be very leery about any government forms are out there if
they really do not fully apply. If you can’t find a requirement that ‘this’ has to be done,
don’t do it.

There is no requirement to file a birth certificate with the secretary of treasury and there
is no requirement to file any bonds and you don’t do it. I worked in nuclear power and I
fought the NRC tooth and nail a lot of times and said if you can’t prove to me where the
regulation is, I’m not doing it unless I think we need to do. We got along real well after
that and I started up 5 nuclear plants safely after that.

Question: Are you saying you prefer using a 1099A over releasing the escrow through a
90 or 91? You can’t release the escrow through a 90 or 91. It can’t be done. It’s not
settling the account. You have a monetary account. It may have worked because a
couple of judges and a few people did not fully understand and they got scared at first.
Now the judges are starting to wake up and basically this is not working.

The 1099A is a two part form. The top part of it says Acquisition. And then it says ‘or
abandonment of secured property. So it’s two functions on that one form. In an
acquisition you are going to acquire, buy or purchase or you are going to be a lender to
someone. The borrower on the form would be the seller, supplier. They had to hide
these forms from us in order to make us become educated. Nothing in this world is free
and you have to earn the right to it. This is one of those things and you have to prove you
are worthy of the right to have this. Is that fair? You have to wake up; lots of things
aren’t fair in this world. This was all the process we never got trained in high school how
to fill out tax forms. It should have been required by our senior year, when we were going
out in the real world. They don’t do it.

Acquisition—you are going to buy a house. You aren’t buying it. Your strawman trust
account corporation will buy it. The corporation side that we have out there is like any
corporation; it has a big piece of machinery that produces a product for us. It will supply
lubricant for that piece of machinery, and electricity to run the machine, and heating and
cooling, maintenances for the machine. It will supply an update to that ‘machine.’

Question: to do a 1099A do you still have to set up the paperwork with secretary of
treasury? No. All the contracts you signed in your life, you signed on the right hand
side. You started this whole process and didn’t know how to complete. On the right
hand side you are the creditor who lends money to someone…the bank, utility company,

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the hospital (when you signed the release form on the right hand side.) You didn’t release
the hospital from obligation, you released the money for the service they were going to
perform on you. You didn’t know that.

Questions: are we stating these assets are abandoned? No. On an acquisition you are the
piece of machinery which you can upgrade. If you need it to move around, you can
transport it around. To protect from the weather you put a building over it. You have a
corporation, a strawman and a trust account. You have 3 different functions in that
account. All the other accounts are single headed accounts, with one function and are a
corporation. You are the only employee and the owner, controlled, trustee of that
CORPORATION and you are the accountant for it. That account is there for you and if
dies, you die. You are the big piece of machinery I was just talking about. The
corporation will supply you with housing, food, water, electricity, heating, it will pay the
property tax, your medical and your education. It will buy the vehicle for you. It will
come out as operating expenses and those come out of the profits for that company for
the year and they are not taxed. There is no tax associated with the 1099A. there is no
place on the 1040 to file the 1099A. It is just a ledgering document that says that you are
satisfied with the transaction and the IRS ledgers that into your account as an operating
expense. In all cases when you acquire something, your account is going to be the
LENDER either on acquisition or abandonment, either case. No one else can lend any
money…the banks and mortgage companies can’t lend any money. They have to borrow
it. And who do they borrow it from? Us. All money is generated out of our accounts,
because we have assets in our accounts. All other corporations cannot have assets
because they are owned by stockholders and have no assets.

Questions: if you want a mortgage on a house. What do you do? Ok, you want to buy a
house. You go down and apply for an application for a loan. You sign on the right hand
side of that application and that turns that application into a negotiable instrument, a
money order. Let’s say your account is at the end of the football field and your
STRAWMAN is at the other end. Your account is at the other end. You go to your
banker at the 50 yard line say you want to borrow some money. He says okay fill out this
form. Then he takes the form to the account end of the football field and says that MAN
at the other end wants to borrow some money. So he takes it out of his DEBIT side of
the account down there and gives the asset to the banker in a ‘bucket’ and the banker runs
down to the 50 yard line, sets the bucket down. He pulls another contract out of his left
hand pocket and brings that to you and says, it was tough, your loan was approved and
we had to jack up the interest rate because of bad credit. They STRAWMAN wants the
house anyway and signs that second contract on the left hand side. By doing this the
STRAWMAN just made himself the DEBTOR. If you had your 1099A there and the
bank says your loan is approved, then you say, ‘good,’ here’s your 1099A that goes along
with that stating that I loaned you the money. In block 5 you mark NO that the borrower
is personally liable for paying the debt. You say no, you don’t want to money back from
the BANK, DEBTOR because you got the house.

The title to the house will be ledgered back into your account at the other end of the field
as a CREDIT valued at whatever the mortgage was. He owns the title to the house and

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the title to the house. The same is for an automobile. The state doesn’t own anything.
You can use the 1099A in foreclosure. Get a copy of the application you signed on the
right hand side and accept that for value. Before you sign and accept for value on that
form, take off anything that says ‘pay to department of treasury’ if you have that kind of
stamp. You are going to say ‘pay to’ the seller, Walmart, home seller, utility company.
A bunch of people doing seminars have put this stuff of pay to the department of treasury
and that’s been getting people in trouble.

Some of the paperwork that goes back to the IRS: there’s the US Treasury, and the US
Department of Treasury. There are 2 different corporations there and you have to follow
the instructions when paying taxes and make it out to the right corporation.

The acceptance contract is what you signed on the right hand side. Before you sign this
and put the accepted for value, you go to a notary and have them verify your signature.
Then you have a caveat, an extra care in the process. On the 1099OID I have an escrow
letter to help run this through. On a mortgage or foreclosure that’s in place, that escrow
bucket is sitting on the 50 yard line but the banker or mortgage company is using it all
this time. They can leverage that; they are only supposed to do that x ten. They can
write on Chicago board of trade; you can leverage a contract for corn for $1,000 up to
$10,000 on the board. If the market goes against you they will take money out of the
escrow and you’ll have to make it up at the end of the day (Chicago).

Lincoln, Silverado, AGI, went out there and in some cases have leveraged x twenty, x
thirty, x 100. there was a lot of paper floating around and those bonds are tied to the
escrow bucket on the 60 yard line and it has your account number. All those bonds are
tied to your account number, not to the mortgage company. They are tied to that account
number. That’s why a lot of this stuff out there….your account should be in the
neighborhood of $20 million. How much damage have you done over the years? It may
not be that high. You have allowed others to come in there. Like the Strawman and the
monkeys in the wizard of oz, they pulled the stuffing out of the strawman. What you
need to do is go after the escrow buckets.

Back to the mortgage. Go in and do the acceptance contract that you signed. That was
the first promissory note where you loaned the money to them. You accept that for value
and get it notarized. You fill out a 1099A and your account is the lender and they are the
borrower. Fill out the date the contract was initially signed and the initial value of that
and based on the fair market value it will stay the same. Was the borrower personally
liable? No, your account bought the house. He doesn’t have to pay it back. in your
description of property put down the number of the house. In the account number, put
the loan or application number you sigend with the mortgage copy. You give them the B
copy. You’ll make copies of the accepted for value, one for you and one for the IRS.
Include a letter, an escrow letter which is in FILE section of 1099_OID group. Make that
letter yours. Do not use any body else’s letter. You have to rewrite it or you will have no
earthly idea what it says.

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Make that letter fit your situation. You send that letter to them. There are two things:
they have 3 days to settle this and if they use that money in the bucket on the 50 yard
line, they owe money to that bucket and there is a 1099OID that they owe for the use of
that money from the bucket. From the date that you sign until the date you give the
1099A you need the money they owe. That’s why IRS needs the date on the form. They
will look at the date on the 1099A and the date on the acquisition, someone out there is
cheating us, and it isn’t the living man. The corporation, bank, mortgage, court, whatever
has been cheating on the IRS and they owe us some money. Only corporations owe taxes
in this country, not the living man.

Question: the payments people make on the mortgages, is that the escrow? No. That is
the other contract that you signed. This escrow money came directly out of the
corporation and the corporation bought the house for you. That was the money created
the mortgage check. They took one of the bonds, they leveraged that against the account
(your account) and they took a loan out on the bond they took from the bucket. They
cannot monetize anything. They can take a bond out and leverage that in the markets.
They took a bond out against the escrow bucket and borrowed money from your escrow
bucket ‘bank’ to pay the mortgage off. It’s a numbers game in the back room, pluses and
minuses and ones and zeroes. You don’t need to worry about that. You just need to
know that’ where the money came from and it came from your bucket. That is the
STRAWMAN CORPORATION’S escrow bucket. That bucket was supposed to come
all the way to you and it never did. The 1099A is saying that bucket should be in your
account, banker, and not sitting out at the 50 yard line and I should have had to sign that
second contract.

Question: Doesn’t that become a criminal act on the mortgage company for usury and for
bonding it out where I wasn’t noticed? Yes, that’s part of the game. It was your
responsibility to know that going in. If they can get away with it, they’ll do so.

Question: Is there a process to wrap around the 1099A? We’re pulling the curtain back,
aren’t we? They have 3 days … they took 3 days to get the money back. when they get
this form, they get 3 days to close out the account. You will address the fact in your
letter that need to pay interest on that. You signed a contract with them, and that is an
unconsciounable contract that you signed. In contract law, both sides of the table have to
put something on the table. You are paying out of your pocket for your side of the deal,
but what is the bank or mortgage company paying.

What did the mortgage company bring to the table. Nothing, they went to your bucket
and brought the money out for their so called ‘loan.’ They got everyone to get everyone
to think they have money. It’s a one-sided contract and a one-sided contract is null and
void. Once you understand this process and the escrow letter addresses the fiduciary
responsibility, basically this is true for all corporations out there that we deal with. The
utility, mortgage, hospital, government, county property tax, the educational people…
they have gotten us to sign a one-sided contract. It’s a null and void contract and they
could be held liable for twice the damage and dereliction of fidcuciary responsibility.
After they have been notified there is a certain duration. We as the creditors, and I stress

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that the creditors in our STRAWMAN CORPORATION is the secured party creditor to
the bankruptcy of the United States of America. The STRAWMAN is the US citizen that
is addressed in the 14th amendment, the person, all corporations were made persons under
the 14th amendment, not the live individual. This 14th amendment was under corporate
United States, not governmental United States. Everyone is out there fighting different
laws and they don’t know what laws they are under. They are under corporate, maritime
law and that’s it. All statutes are written against the STRAWMAN CORPORATION
account, the PERSON, that is the US citizen, not the living man. They cannot write one
law that infringes upon the rights of the living man. They haven’t. they have written all
these statutes, acts and codes that apply to the corporations and they get us to thinking
that we are that corporation. We have to know who we are and stay in that world. We
can operate in that world, but you are the authorized representative.

Question: After the 3 days? If they have not processed this through you turn this over to
the CID. Every piece of paper that travels around this monetary system especially
through the treasury department is tracked. It is like a snail, and it leaves a slime trail
and can be tracked from one place to another through the TTL1 system. All you have to
do is reference and you can call the IRS in as a witness to the court case if you need to.
you can call any witness in. Then you will file the 3949A and give them the copy of the
1099A and the copy that you accepted for value, and the letter that you sent the mortgage

Comment: Greg is working on an administrative process to track all the way to the other
side. He starts out with debt validation letter to get both parties certified that there is no
debt and then build the evidence and go into the 1099A. Elements of that letter they
cannot prove the validation of the debt.

After 3 days they should be able to settle. When you signed the bucket over to them
when you signed their note, you gave it to them. When you go to Walmart you say here
is the money, I don’t want it back, but I paid a bunch of money and interest to you and
you damaged me in the process and I accept some settlement. Right now you want to get
the house and get them off your back. The title is already in your CORPORATION and
went there 3 days after you signed. All this information is for the country and we need
to do this in a controlled manner. You can’t have 200 million people doing this. It has to
be done in a controlled process and the banks will have to collapse this down with all the
bonds associated with this. As soon as we identify this that it is no longer our escrow
TT&L Participation Options: The Treasury Tax and Loan Service provides three participation
options for financial institutions: Collector: A financial institution that participates as a Collector in the TT&L
program accepts electronic and/or paper tax payments from its corporate customers and transfers the payments to the
Treasury. Retainer: A financial institution that participates as a Retainer in the TT&L program accepts tax payments
from its corporate customers and may retain the tax deposits in its main account depending on its balance limit,
collateral value and account balance. All funds in a Retainer's TT&L account must be fully collateralized, and the
Retainer pays the Treasury interest for use of the funds. Investor: A financial institution that participates as an
Investor in the TT&L program may retain a portion of the tax deposits received from corporate customers depending on
its balance limit and collateral value. An Investors accepts funds from the Treasury via Direct Investments, Dynamic
Investments or Special Direct Investments. All investments in an Investor's TT&L account must be fully
collateralized, and Investors pay the Treasury interest for use of the funds.

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bucket and it is there, then their account number goes onto that bucket. At that time they
will want to get rid of that because they will not want to be held liable. They will try a
bluff for awhile, but it will be short. He who has the money will control the situation.
The debtor does not have any rights. We just identified them as the debtor and they lost
all their rights. That is what all court systems try to do, get us to the debtor situation and
then we lose all rights. We are always willing to pay any charges or debts. What will it
take? I have my 1099A here and we will pay it.

Question: What about forms 90, 91 and 28 and using on foreclosure case with unlawful
detainer. I’m making the judge the detainer. Make them the LENDER with the 1099A.
They are the ones who borrowed the money from you. Do away with the 90, 91 and 28.
they do NOT apply. They are government forms that are getting people in trouble. Some
of the court judges thought they were valid docs, but they are finding out they hold no
water. Some people got away with using 1099OIDS in some circumstances but now
everybody is getting in trouble using them in the way they were initially told. Get your
copy of the application you made for the loan and accept it for value; it’s the one you
signed on the right hand side. Accept it for value and get it notarized and put that with
your 1099A and on that fill it in from the initial acquisition date. The balance of
principle is what the loan was and the fair market value is still what that loan was and
mark in block 5 NO.

Question: How do you do the acceptance for value. Basically just write ‘accepted for
value’ and make a line and put by: and underneath put authorized representative. Then
the date goes there. Also put your strawman account there which is from the account
came from. Credit from this account___________________, the strawman account
number and then when you sign it have it notarized. Keep this in those guidelines.

Question: you keep referencing the bucket and the strawman trust? Basically you have
an account at the treasury department that is a 3 part account with a corporation, a
strawman function and a trust function. The corporation is the pinnacle of the 3. it is
basciallay like the father head and will supply all the basic essentials for the living man
out of that account. That will pay all the debts for you and the trust is the side that will
make you happy and clean up your messes. The STRAWMAN and the CORPORATION
use the 1099A form only. There are no taxes on the use of that form; it’s a nontaxing,
ledgering form to say that the transaction has been completed and the IRS can ledger that
against your corporation as operating expenses on the year.

The trust side that cleans up your messes uses the 1099OID form and will also use the
1099C if you feel very generous and you have someone out there like the mortgage
company that owes you the interest and principle that you paid, you can fill out the
1099C and forgive them their debt to you. You want them to pay tax one way or another.
If you forgive the debt you are declaring that as income to the IRS. You aren’t forgivng
them, you are turning them over to the IRS, the CID.

Question: if you follow all these steps and you want your funds, interest and usury fee,
would you take an SF95 as an injured party along with 3949A to the CID of the IRS?

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Correct. They did this usury without your permission. They do know the repercussions
of this and some of them are sort of scared. They were hoping with the 1099OIDs that
people wouldn’t figure this out with the 1099A. they will try to deny it and they cannot.

Question: what happens if you are eager to collect, but the mortgage company
completely paid off, within 3 years, can you collect off that note? Is there a statute of
limitations? You have 3 years under the IRS guidelines, unless they open up a past case.
In most cases some of the holes that are opened up by not getting the abandoned property
restored to your CORPORATION account and the IRS sees that hole as a red flag and
they think you are the one who is supposed to be the accountant and the tax reporter and
the corporation is the tax payer. If you haven’t reported correctly then you must be the
one who is responsible. You STRAWMAN function will pay to cover that for you.. if
you closed out your account, paid the loan off, and left the bucket sitting there with the
mortgage company you can only go back 3 years.

Question: if IRS has issues within a 10 year period on getting you to answer, is that an
easy open door on the mortgage. You can go back and straighten out your paperwork.
But you are not worried if IRS can get funds out of those entities. They know in some
cases they can’t retrieve the money for you.

Question: what about 3949A fraudulent claim on the mortgage company? No, statute of
limitations. The are protected in a way.

Question: if the house is not in foreclosure, and you file 1099A. Would box 5 be a NO?
That’s correct. If it was foreclosure would it still be NO? That is correct it is still no.
It is also NO for utility bills and credit cards you are giving them the money and you
don’t want that money back. You are buying something from them. It’s an acquisition
and it’s always NO with an acquisition.

Question: when you file a 1099A do you have to describe that it is acquisition or an
abandonment? Is there a box to check one of the other? No. Abandonment is YES and
acquisition is NO.

Question: if there was a mortgage and two refinances would you do the same process?
In the refinance you filled out the paperwork. Go after the abandonment of the previous
mortgage and have that returned to your account. With the new mortgage that you got in
2007 mark that NO. get the newer contract that you signed and accept for value when
you do the 1099A.

1099OID can only be done in one case and that is through a bank. The 1099OID states
original issue discount. When you deposit a check in your checking account they go and
get an original discount from the treasury. That is an original asset and they are going to
monetize that time ten in the currency market. The make $10 FRNs for every $1. they
give you $1 of those and it has a value of 10% of the original asset when you look at this
scenario. They are giving you a discounted item. Everything you write out of checking
or off your debit card, you 1099OID and ONLY THAT! That is the only one you can

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1099OID as you being the recipient and they are withholding all the tax on that. You
ledger that on your 1040 form on line 8A and you subtract from the 34 59 38% from that,
the IRS will give you back about 60% on your tax form at the end of the year. They will
take the tax money that you said the bank withheld and they will make the bank cough up
one or more of those FRNs they gave you and that will help to reduce the national debt.
You are being rewarded for turning in FRNs and trying to get them in a controlled
situation. Since you were discounted the original price, this will bring inflationary
numbers under control.

The other side to the 1099OID is that you have $500 in your pocket. You are classified
as a banker. If you go to Walmart and buy a TV for $250 out of your pocket you are the
Payor. They are the Recipient. You fill out the form and submit to Walmart and in block
1 you put $250. IN block 4 you will put 0 because you didn’t withhold anything from
them and you gave them full price. This goes on Walmart’s 1040 and they have to
declare that as income and if you don’t do that, Walmart doesn’t have to declare it. They
go build another Walmart and put another mom and pop business out of business.

Question: if you get your promissory money back and you have to go the bank, it’s tax
exempt. Do you do the 1099OID on that? Only when it is used out of the checking
account. What is the story of closed checking accounts. We are not going there yet. Let
people handle this portion first. We can do that on another show. Let’s get people into
their houses and out of debt.

Let’s talk about utility bills. We just completed last year. You paid with a check. You
add all those up. Fill out a 1099A and put that value into block 2 and the date of the
lender acquisition and you put Jan 1, 2008. the principle outstanding is the total amount
of the utility bills you paid last year. The fair market value is the same. The borrower
personally liable, you mark that block NO. description of property you put down
“monthly payments to the utility company paid for; this is escrow money and needs to be
credited to my account #_______________(the utility company account number). The
utility company holds that escrow money they have been trying to offer you and get you
to accept all year long and they have been using it. They have to hold that in escrow for a
year. You are saying ledger that as a credit to my account. You should get that full value
on a credit on your account. You shouldn’t have to pay.

If you don’t hear from Patrick later on, you knew he just touched a very sensitive bone in
someone’s back pocket and they will try to shut a lot of this down. With the mortgage
you are going to threaten them with the escrow letter in the yahoo group site, 1099_OID.
Then go to the file section for the letters. It’s an open forum as long as you don’t upset
me. If you have done a ZYA process you have done it wrong. You filled out 1040Vs
with that paper work. One other thing, when you do a 1099OID on line, 1 and 4 where
you put the value, do not put the same value on line 4. subtract $50 from it.

These are automatically scanned and they will kick them out and they won’t process and
they go to a pile that has to be manually loaded. Some have slipped through and some
are now coming back to bit the people. I’ve heard reports both ways so far. I haven’t

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seen all that much positive for all the people going to those seiminaras. There should be
an abundance if it was working. That’s my feedback from quite a few people. Use the
1099A in almost all cases. Use it to buy a car, on your loans, you can only settle a court
case by paying with an asset. If you pay with a FRN for a traffic ticket, why can the
insurance company jack up your rates after 2 or 3 traffic tickets? You have not paid
your debt for that traffic ticket and it is still on the books. If you pay with a 1099A and
you are paying with a real asset, that has to be completely removed from the books.
Gone, done out of here and it never existed. 3 strikes and you are out is a ridiculous
thing because you should allway be on strike one. You can’t strike out.

What about insurance. You sign up for a policy. Say life insurance and you make a
monthly payment. The first 3 months premioum of the policy goes to the guy whol sold
the policy. You think you are getting free insurance for 3 months. That value is say,
$250K. they pull that out of your account and they sit on it on the other side of the fence
and utilize that money. If there was a medical deal, you pay to use your own money.
You do not need insurance.

How about auto insurance. Your CORPORATION is going to pay any medical bills you
have or to bury you. That CORP stays open for 10 years after your death and then is
obliterated by the treasury department. On Auto insurance, this is a company vehicle and
the company owns it and can self insure if they want. This is where you use your UCC1.
you can use that in this regards, fill out the proper form about self insured that your
corporation is self insuring the vehicle. The kicker is that you have a corporation and it’s
a corporation vehicle. In contract law they cannot force one corporation to support
another corporation. If you go to Walmart and say they have to cough up $500Million to
support Target, they will say let them go under. We do not know all the ins and outs of
contract law or the maxims of law or we wouldn’t be in the straits we are in. it’s easy to
understand and we can do away with having to have insurance. If it goes to court they
haven’t got a leg to stand on.

Initial application for the property…the credit application is the promissory note; it’s the
one you sign on the right hand side. On the loan application you are applying for the loan
and you are signing on the right hand side. Many applications are split with the borrower
on the right and the coborrower on the right. The one you sign for the payments is signed
on the left. Your credit application must be signed on the right. They have to get the
money from you because they don’t have the money. That’s the other contract. They
can’t give you money if you signed on the left, because they haven’t got any money to
give you.

For the intial contract, go back to the agent or the title company, or trust company. If this
was over the phone for a credit card, you will just pay the bill and accept for value. Take
your credit card bill they sent to you every month…these are not bills they are coupons.
So is property tax. They already have the money sitting there. You accept if for value,
sign authorized representative, charged to YOUR ALL CAPS NAME and HIS
ACVCOUNT NUMBER. Fill out a 1099a for the full value. Check NO. Describe,
payment for credit card number xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx, put that number in there.

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Question: do you have to end both parts to the statement when you have it accepted for
value? No, you keep the bottom part, that is your receipt, not the coupon portion, but the
rest of the statement. Be sure to make a copy. The coupon portion has the money on it,
where they say, send this back. Make 2 or 3 copies back.

Do we send in 2 1099s? Yes. You can send all the 1099A’s. 1099OID is done once a
year. On the 1099A’s they want those back in 15 days after you make the payment to the
utility company. They want these because the utility company will bring it in as a ledger
and they want to process them in. there’s no tax on the 1099A but they want to keep the
operating expense ledger flowing and they know they should get these in on a monthly
basis from people. They want to keep up with the 1099As. Return it within 15 days.
You should have heating, electric, water, credit card, whatever bills you might have,
cable tv, phone. You should be sending in 2 sheets to the IRS every month.

Question: can you itemize these and put it in on one draft? You can’t combine these.
You can pretype these up on a sheet. The top could be phone, then electric and then
phone. Then you just have to write in the amount, because you’ll get the same ones over
and over again.

Question: what if you pay electronically? They will have to stop. We have to be our
own bookkeeper. They try every trick in the book to take the advantage away from
people. They call it simplicity. They are pretty devious how they have set the system up.
They’ve tried everything in the world to make money out of this and they think they are
doing it for the betterment of the country.

When you do a 1099OID you file on a 1040. All the 1099As do not go on the 1040. we
file the original loan amount on a 1099OID? No, there was no original discount. You
can only do that on currency out of the bank. Withdrawal of the ‘cash’; when that
transaction takes place you are in a currency situation. Otherwise you are in an asset

Question: when I put my job check in the bank and I use that money to pay my bills, car
note, etc. is that what I OID? Yes, everything that comes out of your checking account.
Of, if you don’t want to take it out of checking, you take a 1099A and accept their
coupon for value and attach the 1099A to the bill. The bank is supposed to 1099OID the
other entities and they don’t do it. So we do everything we write out of the checking
account. If the bank wants to ledger it to the utility company they can, but they won’t.
they will transfer it to the other 8 funny moneys and take the loss. It’ll cost them too
much to hire the people. You could do 1099A for every utility bill every month or I
could write the check and 1099OID the bank once a year. Why do that? You’re not
getting the value. It’s your corporation that is paying the bills. 1099A is tax free, you
pay tax on the 1099OID. You have more free money if you use 1099A on the utility

Page 10
Has anyone done that with utility bills? Will they shut off the utilities? They can’t. they
offered you the money. You are accepting their offer and they went to your account and
got the money before hand. They took the gold from us in 1933. they have to supply us
with the remedy when they present us with a bill. They get the money first and offer it to
us if we aren’t smart enough to accept it, they will sit on it and use it and we will pay
out of our back pocket. That’s the way all these corporations are operating; they are only
handled at the CFO area, not even the president and vice president know about these

What about the mortgage note? Put that on and OID at the end of the year? The note
they give when you get a mortgage, they get the money from your account. Your account
buys the house. The money is sitting on the 50 yard line in that bucket. The bank or
mortgage company goes out there and write bonds against the bucket and float them on
the market. They might write 10, 20, 30 or 40 on the bucket. If the market goes against
they collapse like Silverado and Lincoln Saving. They will borrow federal reserve notes
against that. They are not monetizing and giving you original issue discount. They are
giving you federal reserve notes and there have been no discounting of it.

What if you sent the 1099OID on the mortgage. If you tried to do that, void it out. What
happens, what does IRS do? They are going to send you a frivolous filing. You can’t do
a 1099OID on the original note. That original note only went down to the other end of
the field and got the asset out of your account and it’s sitting on the 50 yard line. There
has been no original issue discount. You could 1099A mortgage payments every month
but why? Pay the whole thing off. Does this need to be repaid? NO. they already have
the money. Why make the account pay for it twice. We can go back after the past
payments, but get the house paid for first…the mortgage company gets the 1099A. you
made a payment to the mortgage company and you were damaged by a single sided
contract. Basically in a single sided contract their fiduciary responsibility was not to
injure the living man, the secured party creditor of the united states and they were not to
deceive the IRS in the process. When they are caught they are in deep doodoo. Hand
over the whole loan to the original borrower.

If you have paid for 10 years, go to the 1099OID group in the file section, it’s in the
escrow data folder. Read that.

Question: 1099A and 1096 and accepted for value on the coupon. Go on the 1099OID
site in yahoo groups. Have you done this Patrick? I have heard rumors of people doing
this. No, my dad died this last Monday. All this has come together in the last 3 weeks
after Tony Fisher’s seminar on Dec. 7. I started looking at the process of the use of the
90,91 form and not thinking they were complete. I was trying to figure out the
abandoned property on that form. I’d been looking at the 1099A for a long time and I
couldn’t find where it went on the 1040 form. I couldn’t find anywhere. Acquisiition …
that means buy, sell, purchase. We’ve all been operating under the wrong form. This is
the first form in the 1099 series and you’d think the most important form in the series is
the first one. It is and it’s been sitting there all the time. All these gurus out there have

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kept everyone from it. A lot of these patriot groups are infiltrated by the corporate shells
and then people get in trouble.

For 91, 90 and 28 are for government contracting situations. If you want to release a
bond on a prisoner or your car, who bonded the car? The state. What is the debt and why
have they bonded it? If they leverage on the car, it’s like your taxes. they are bonding
the taxes and for a 7 years they’ll get so much off license fees. That is the bond they go
with. You can go in and pay it off and get the car free and clear and have the title
transferred to you. And you do this with a 1099A.

When you do the coupon for the utility bills you accept it for value. Look at it and see
what it has to say. My phone bill … I’ve looked at it for years. Payment coupon. A
coupon has a redeeming associated with it. It could be 100% or 5%. It has to be 100%.
They have done away with the gold and we have been told all along that they have to
supply the remedy when they make a presentment and this is the only form that fits the
scenario. If this isn’t it, why aren’t all the other gurus talking about? I don’t charge for
my time.

You can accept the coupon for value if you signed anything on a document. You signed
by your name and put authorized representative. If it doesn’t have your ss # or name in
all caps, you should put that IN ALL CAPS as credited from NAME and your ss#
without the dashes.

Send a 1099A to a summons for court hearing. Go get a certified copy of the ticket from
the clerk of the court for a couple of dollars. If you accept for value and fill out 1099A
you fill it all out. You ask for the EIN and if they don’t give it, say Refused, or leave it
blank. If it’s a zero amount, leave it blank. You can put in a letter, refused to provide
EIN when W9 is presented. Do the money order on the coupon payable to the company.
They have the money there, so just accept the coupon and turn it back it. They only want
the coupon portion of the bill. Get your bills offline and get paper statements.

What about the prisoner bonds? Don’t worry about them. What you want to do is
collapse the whole thing and the only way is to completely remove the charges. What are
the charges, what is the value. Fill out a 1099A and pay them off. The case has to be
dismissed and now they have no grounds to hold the prisoners. They are not giving
people the penal sum value of the case. You can get that by bribing an attorney to go in
and get them. Have someone dress up like nicely and check on records, acting like a
lawyer, and the clerk was very nice and told him everything. A bail bondsman will do
this. The bail schedule changes for every county and it will tell you the penal sum value.
Assault charge might be $50,000 for one county and $80,000 in another. After the
securities are written after the conviction we know it goes up, and we don’t the post
conviction value because it exposes what they are doing. If they don’t provide you with
it, you have to put in an accounting statement with your best estimate and have them
refute that and go after that.
This will only work for civil. They talk a lot about criminal actions. A criminal case is
only if you injured someone and a criminal case has to involve an injured party in some

Page 12
regards. That’s a criminal case. All others are civil, debtor cases because a statute has
been broken and they want you to pay the fine. We pay the fines with an asset so that
this totally gets removed from the books.

The bank and mortgage notes…you send the 1099A to the bank. My experience is that
the service provider is accepting the money transfer when you pay it under federal
reserve notes. How do I address it? To the service provider or locate the actual bank.
The one you signed the contract with. If I have the original note with #one bank and they
sold it seven times, you go to the last bank. You have to be the individual who is
supposedly holding the note. Attach the original contract. You never signed a contract
with these next six banks. If you refinanced you have to go back after the original escrow
bucket with one 1099A because that is abandoned property. The other is a new escrow
bucket with refinancing with a new 1099A. NO OIDs on any this, only your checking
account. Or if you paid FRNs to Walmart and you want to make them pay taxes.

If you want to know more about getting extra, go down and cash your check from the
bank. Then get FRNs for that and 1099OID that. Then you deposit that in your checking
account and 1099OID. However the IRS might catch you in that process by looking at
the ledger account…be careful, that’s double dipping.

1099A original bank loan; give it to bank #2 who bought the loan because they
transferred it over. you didn’t sign a new contract and that was with the original bank
who was the borrower from you escrow account for the bucket. You said that money was
really theirs; they have to adjust their books accordingly. When they sell to a second
mortgage company without your consent, it may or may not nullify the contract. You
want to make sure your house is covered and they may pick it up for 10 cents on the
dollar and the other company has lost the escrow and they are folding up and don’t have
any money. The second company is responsible for the escrow bucket because they
assume all liability. Put the original borrower and they will have to ledger to their

Question: does a release of escrow use a form 91 when loans are transferred? That
might fit that scenario. I hadn’t thought of that. The money was originally with the first
bank and was supposed to be transferred to the second. The 91 might really fit in this.
The bottom of the 90 and 91 states the agency is the GSA. These are government
services forms.

Is the proper usage for form 90 and 91 the prosecutor’s office? Why would it come from
the GSA, unless they treat the prisoner as property. Under private attorney general act
you come in as an agent and file the 90 and 91, you are deemed a government agent with
the proper authority to file them. I’m looking at that strictly that we want them to classify
this on their own. We pull the rug out from under them and they have to settle the case.
Let them do the process of how to bring it down in a controlled manner. The judge has a
fudiciary responsibility to do this. As soon as you pay the debt off with a real asset that
case is done and it has to go off the books. Now they have the bonds out there and they
have to close those down. They could do that in a controlled manner instead of us

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forcing them into the full situation. Basically they have to close it out. If you pay the
debt they have to close the account.

Question: if you have been to prison, when you go to prison you are told by Dept of
Corrections that you are their property. Then you go to parole. You are trying to close
out the original case, but everyone sold off to everyone else (courts to Dept of
Corrections) and its appears that the only one who can get the remedy if you could get it,
is not the courts, but the governor who oversees all the agencies who have a finger in
your bucket. What does the bible say? Only your brother can pay your debts for you.
Your debts are the charges that are sitting there. Your brother is your STRAWMAN in
the corporation account and has the real assets. The debt can only be paid with the real
assets. The governor is just another corporate debtor. I wouldn’t rely him for anything or
any of these government employees because they are all corporate officers working all
this for their own angle. If you operate in commercial law and under admiralty law, they
have to comply to those law standards that are set in the uniform commercial code. The
code is when a debt is paid with an asset the debt has to go away. It cannot be on the
books any more and it cannot be held against you. You cannot have 3 strikes if you paid
for 2 of the strikes you are back on strike one again.

What is real. What is currency. To have a case dismissed it has to be done by the real
side of the trust you can tap into, not using FRN’s. Someone in prison for 5 years has not
closed out the account. They have kept you out of the system and have really harmed
you by keeping you from your actually remedy. They are supposed to supply the remedy
in the court. When you go in to court they have to supply the remedy to you and if you
go in as the creditor in a court system and say I am the duly authorized representative for
the defendant and we are here to settle all charges and debts. They have to present you
with the charges and the debts. It’s a debtors court.

Can you use a habeas corpus to come to the remedy amount in filing the 1099A? You
probably could use a habeas, but if you stand there as the creditor and keep repeating that
and don’t get into their traps to stay in honor they have to supply the paperwork to you.
May I have these charges presented to me so we can settle the issue. If they keep
dodging the issue you keep repeating it over and over again. If they don’t do it at that
level, you say if there are no charges presented then I guess there is no case. This case is
over. the creditor is the controller; he who has the money controls the situation. All
these other outfits out here are debtors. We have to get rid of the thinking that they are a
legal system. They are basically puppet debtors.

When you do accepted for value on the coupon of the bill does it need to be notarized?
NO. who do we send the bill to, the CFO of the mortgage company. If you are doing the
monthly bills, electric, etc. If you do the mortgage you will send one 1099A to the one
you got the mortgage from. Not the CEO or CFO, it’ll get to the right person. For the
medical department send it where you’ve been sending them. Go back and find out what
the original bill was even if you have paid it down a little bit. Patrick had 2 bills from
appendicitis bill, one for $4K and one for $20K. I found the original amount and they
had that sitting in an escrow account. They have already paid the doctor and Patrick paid

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$50 a month against that. He has the forms filled out that will turn the whole escrow
amount over to them. That way they owe Patrick $1K or however much he has paid in.
In the letter he has sent in they are to address that from the fiduciary responsibility that
they have harmed me. I could go back against them for 2 times the damages or more.

You find out what the original value was and put that on balance and principle
outstanding on line 2 and the fair market value on line 4 and the date you originally had
the medical bill or contract with them. If you can get a copy of the release that you
signed, which was releasing the funds, not the hospital liability, that was a promissory
note that you signed. The got the money out of your account for the medical charges
when you signed the release form. That form released the funds from your account, not
releasing the hospital from liability. The doctor is not going to wait for you to pay $50 a
month; he wants the money when the operation is finished.

For the date on the mortgage do 3 days after or on the date that you signed the note.
Property taxes you use the date that you sign them. You’re just paying the property tax in
full. If you go back after abandoned property on that, you put the date that you got the
notice of the statement. You have property tax from last year. When did you get the
statement. That money has been sitting there since you got the bill. You will check YES
in the box if you are claiming abandoned that is over a year old. If you paid taxes last
year, mark that box YES. If you haven’t paid for it yet, you would mark the box NO.
you do not give them a check; you accept their coupon for value and give them a 1099A.
put the date that you are signing. You can go back 3 years on property tax. Do you use
the 1099A? yes. It will be returned to the source, back to your corporation. The
abandoned property goes back to source where it came from originally.

Get that part first, there’s some other remedies. Pay your monthly bills, secure your
home over heads. It’ll free up some funds for you. Pass your questions to me. Patrick
also says Greg is really good at this information and so is Mark on 1099 OID group.
Mark Garrett. the picture on the 1099_OID website is from Patrick’s county courthouse
with buzzards around it.

Greg, what is your feeling about doing the study group on Tuesday for the AIB people
forum? He’ll start on the 14th with another group. He’ll do it for an hour on Tuesday.
Someone order 1099A for 2009 and they are backordered. If you need one right away,
go to Fresno. These are triple copies and you need 3 off each one. You have to order
them. You can do the 1099A’s electronically. There is a site that has that with a
package, 1099fire. What do you do with coupons if you do this electronically. You
would have to mail them. The 1099A for 2009 may not be set up. Technically, we can
use 2008 forms till April 15, 2009. last year they didn’t have the 1040Z for 08 until the
end of the year. The 08 on the IRS site said to change the 07 to 08 on the 1040Z when
you used it. Patrick sees no problem in lining out the 8 and writing 9. for something in
the past use a 1099A for that particular year. Since they don’t have 2009 form, just line
out 8 on 2008 form and put a 9. they aren’t going to reject it.
Truth: if you do 2009 tax form now they will hold it till the end of the year. Patrick, not
on the 1099A because there are no taxes. they don’t like when you cross out and change

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the year. They don’t like it, but it can be done. There’s a 2008 form from the yahoo site
and you can fill it out from there.

Pattrick 641 622 2553.

Question: After three days you send the paperwork what is your confirmation they are
going to do something. What needs to transpire at that point, after you have sent the
paperwork to the mortgage company. Can you give me step 1, 2, 3. Patrick: No I can’t.

Chris: In your coversheet letter you have to make sure you have the elements that are
inclusive and what you will do if they do not act after 3 days. In other words you can
default them; give them 3 days to respond and then 10 days for default status. They will
have fair notice of the 1099A and you will notify them you will contact the IRS with a
3949A because of lack of their fiduciary duties to you and the contract. An sf95 which
would increase the amount of pressure to make IRS and CID to realize you are an
injured party.

Greg, use the FinCen 101 instead of the sf95. It’s the Financial Cen for crimes
enforcement network; it’s a suspicious acitivity report that goes with 3949A.
Chris: you could send them and write “void until such and such date.” You give them
the option to realize that you mean business.

What actions should I expect: you want a signed document saying this is paid in full
from the escrow document I have on the website. You ask for 1099INT for the interest
that is due, also the amount of money you have coming back to you, that you paid in
interest and principal on a mortgage. If they don’t want to settle now we’ll do that later.
Supply me with a statement that the account is paid in full and closed. That has now
gone away and they can’t ledger against you again.

Texas has found they pass things around from one bank to another so they could all share
in the profits. This is a felony act; they didn’t give 30 to 45 days to recontract or consider
the debt null and void. You didn’t sign a new contract. Make the 1099A to the original
contract and give it to the one who is holding the situation. They have 3 days to work it
back through the loop or you go to the CID. It took them 3 days to get it out of your
account. Go to 1099_OID and look in the file section for Escrow Data. In all cases any
1099A that we are associate with, if a bank tries to pass one off that they are the lender
and you are the borrower you correct that. They are always the debtor and the borrower.
We loaned them the money to begin with.

On Patrick’s letter you have 1 or 2. the first letter, Patrick went down and got a loan, and
wrote it up for that situation. That is like a personal loan and the money should have
come directly to me from the account. I was the one borrowing the money from the
account and I am the authorized representative to release money from that account.
That’s why I put that one down there. The 2nd one is the one most people will use,
whether property tax, medical bills or mortgages.
Chris: going back to the coversheet letter, couldn’t you say you are accusing the
mortgage company of misleading you regarding the money that came from your

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promissory note should have paid off the whole loan> Patrick: you don’t want to go too
far. I just wrote that up as a letter I would be using to go to the hospitals and the one
bank loan. I then tried to make it applicable to what other people wanted to use. I didn’t
put in truth and lending that they had to give full disclosure. I did put in disposable
contracts from Jack Smith Monday call. The fiduciary responsibility for these guys is
what I used from Jack Smith. It covers dereliction of their fiduciary duty. It covers all of
them, mortgage banks, utility companies.

Isn’t their responsibility to be in full disclosure, not hiding your remedy. Isn’t that a
criminal act and treason. Patrick: yes, but you are dealing with corporations. I put out
something, now I don’t want a form letter, I want you to make it your letter and that’s the
only way you do it. Do what you want with the letter, fix it for your situation.

Truth: you can know something and you’d better be able to prove it. Patrick: if you
make any threatening situations, we have homeland security and they can throw the keys
away and we won’t know where we are. They don’t have to charge you with anything,
they can take you away. Chris: you can use negative averment. Is it not true
that……..etc. Then you wouldn’t be acting in capacity of a threat. Greg; you don’t need
to do a negative averment. I agree with Truth, mention the fiduciary responsibilities in
the letter. Outline their fiduciary limitations. If they don’t perform they are in breach of
their duty.

Chris: do you need to send form 56. Patrick: No. Greg, it’s implied that anyone pulling
from your account has a fiduciary obligation to you to protect you. It’s under the doctrine
of fiduciary obligations. Patrick: he read it on the last Monday night meeting. Greg:
keep it simple. “under the doctrine of fiduciary responsibility, set this account off.”
Patrick, you are informing them you can go to the IRS and you can track that they had
that money and you can prove it. They will know that you know more than what they
hoped you know. They will know they can be held for twice the liabilities and the
damages. If IRS and CID get involved you have a whole lot more problems. They will
definitely scrutinize your account.

Truth: these people arrest, kidnap and imprison you. You better be able to back up any
accusations of paper terrorism, domestic terrorism. What can you do about it and how
have you protected yourself. They will hold you as a political prisoner, incommunicado.
You want to settle this without getting into too much conflict. Patrick was accused of
harassment, when he said he could go to other sources. I could take out US attorneys
right now because of their actions against farmers in Iowa. Everyone of these
corporations out here has damaged this country. That’s basically the problem. The
people don’t know what’s going on in the upper chambers. USDA borrows money from
the farmers and then turn around to pay it back to them. Everyone who works for Ford
Motor….Ford draws the money to pay the people out of those people’s STRAWMAN
CORPORATION TRUST accounts. People don’t know this. That’s why they need the
How does this treasury account work? By filing the 1099A you still keep the hosue and
pay for it. Your STRAWMAN CORPORATION buys the house from your account

Page 17
which is your portion of this country. The government does not own anything, the states
and counties do not own anything. They are all owned by stockholders in their
corporations and are debtor corporations. The only assets in the country are the ones that
are in our accounts. That is our property per se, but we have to operate like the elite of
the world. We own nothing but we control everything. We control our account. This
system has operated for eons like this, all the way back to the pharaohs. Every major
power up to the last 2000 years operated that way. The last 2000 years every individual
was supposed to be brought under this umbrella but it wasn’t. It was kept from the

How do we know if our account has sufficient funds. The people born in 1948, 1949,
their account started out with $700K. everyone born that year went into a pool.
Everyone that was naturalized that year went into a pool. The net increase in the value of
the country at their year had a certain value. The people in the pool were divided into
that and there was a bond issued in their name in their account under their birth certificate
or certificate of naturalization because this country is owned by we the people and it has
always been that way. The system was fully set into place when they confiscated the
gold from the people and did not give them the remedy to be able to pay their debts.
They were given this account that was set up, so they had remedy to pay their debts.
These corporations would go into our account, draw the money out, present it to us and
we were to accept it for value and ledger our accounts. Everything is essentially prepaid.
But it is prepaid only if you accept it.

Patrick has learned all this by studying the internet for the last 10 years, has 3 computers
running all the time and looks at all kinds of systems. Under Roosevelt in 1933 they
pulled the gold from the people.

You can have silver and gold in your possession at this time. Under Reagan he signed an
executive to allow us to have pure gold and silver for the purpose of exchange. If they
refuse it as payment, they have dishonored. Reagan said you could own it again. Nixon
let the dollar float and Reagan came back in and said you could own gold again.

Caller:There is no debt and there is no credit; we are only operating in a trust system.

Question: from letter, number 4. if you made payments, leave that statement in; that was
a letter I did with the bank. He borrowed money and paid them back in full. He initially
filled out the 91 form and submitted it around Dec. 1. I haven’t had time to get in there.
I’m going to submit a 1099A to them as the money is still in the escrow account. They
don’t have to send it to the trust account, they can just send it to me. So that would not
apply to property tax bill if I had not paid anything. It would apply to a medical bill I am
making payments on. That may be addressed further down in the letter and you could
take that off. Supply the 1099INT; it would only apply when it has been sitting for
awhile. For six months they owe you six months interest. The IRS has a standard , and
this came off the comptroller of currency website. The 1099INT applies to medical bills;
and also it applies to property taxes for however long they have been sitting on the funds
they withdrew. The 1099INT can be sent to the account or to you. You inform the IRS.

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On question 3 you have process the ______________. What do I fill that in with.

Chris: in regards to someone incarcerated and or they have a coram non judice or a
criminal complaint against an individual before or after conviction, when you file with
1099A, doesn’t it work like what we are trying to accomplish with 90, 91. do you want
to incorporate a habeas corpus or a replevin for a 1099A. You could do that to the court,
Patrick says. Basically you try and do this process before you ever get to court because
you are supposed to settle all matters before you get to court. You try to negotiate with
the prosecutor and go in with a witness when you go to meet with the prosecutor to make
your presentment to him. Ask for the charges so you can settle the matter before it goes
to court. Walk in with your 1099A and ask for that. He more than likely will try to say
no. he’s going to say no, because basically most of the prosecuting attorneys are pretty
damn dumb, per se. they are there for a reason, especially most county prosecuting

Here in the Midwest we have one little one who wants to get it into the court. They want
to get you into the court and try to get you into dishonor. By his refusal in your offering
to settle this before it goes to court, you need to document that in an affidavit. It will
stand as truth if it is uncontested when it goes into the court record. If he steps into the
court into the process he is already in dishonor. Now you get him into dishonor by
getting him in there and then it’s you and the judge. You have the prosecutor in silence
the whole time and you are just dealing with the judge. The judge, you try to control by
just stating your facts and asking a question, where are the charges. Can I be presented
with the charges so we can settle this matter? Try to settle this. I need the charges so we
can settle this. Don’t say anything else. If you get into an open discussion with him you
will eventually get into a dishonor. They try to get you in at the municipal level if they
can. If not, they will take you in at the county level. Things start escalating from there.
If you say you are not guilty you are in dishonor. Whenever you show up in court, that’s
a dishonor. They will take your initial charge and multiply times 10 at the county level,
multiply the county level times 10 and multiply that times 10 at the federal level. All the
judicial branches get a piece of the pie.

Can we go with a presentation of obligating the fiduciary appointment to the

prosecutor…….Patrick says NO. You don’t do away with your responsibility. You are
the authorized representative for your DEFENDANT. Do not do a form 56, it will just
get you in trouble. Go in and stand your ground as the creditor. You have the money and
they are the debtors. It’s like the movie where the guy was looking at the coach on the
other side of the time and thought he was a baby and he was laughing. You need to look
at all of the as DEBTORS and keep that scenario as they are the debtor, you are the
creditor and you are here to settle the matter. And that is it. That’s all you are there for.

So instead of going to 90, 91, 28, if you file a 1099A this releases the escrow in its own
right. It moves the bucket from your account name to the court’s account name and at
that point in time all the bonds associated with that bucket are no longer your
responsibility being assigned to you. They are now assigned to the court and the court
has to get rid of those.

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If this is where title 5 comes in, the coram non judice is that all courts are under the
administrative procedures act and what is occurring here is that the only provision in the
administrative procedures act is that they can claim jurisdiction on an article 3 on
anything that becomes an injury on a criminal act by you. Under that provision it
becomes a different thing than under title 5 which is administrative. They are allowed to
interface with article 3 crimes which is different.

What do you with judgments against you. Is it a mortgage? No, hospital bill and credit
card bills with 3rd party. Pay them with your account with 1099A and get on with your
life. Even though the judgment is satisfied. The judgement says you have to pay it to
somebody. You pay it to the plaintiff. The third party debt collector or the original
bank? The court awarded it, you lost and you pay it to the 3rd party. As soon as the
judgment comes out of the court you go ahead and pay it. Don’t argue with the court.
The decision has been rendered that you owe that money. Take that 1099A and mark that
up that the presentation was awarded to them for value. You should have a presentation
from the 3rd party. You can accept for value or turn into a money order and put a 1099A
with that and pay that off. Get on with your life and don’t fight it any more. Send it to
the IRS and everything.

With a credit card debt collector, third party, yes, you have lost the case so you settle it.
You didn’t know how to win the case in the court so you lost and settle the bill. That is
what your brother, your ACCOUNT is going to do for you. Now you know your brother
is the guy in the mirror. If it hasn’t gone to judgment yet, you pay the bill to the credit
card company, not the 3rd party. They are the ones who originally had it. They already
had the money and it should never have gotten to a 3rd party. You accept the payment
and then you go back after the money out of the credit card company. You want to get
that over and done with. You want to get free right now. Let them take so money out of
your account so you can get your feet on the ground and then learn. Don’t fight these
guys any longer; if you fight them you will lose. If you 1099A everyone you will not
have any creditors left in a bankruptcy. If you let it go to the trustee in bankruptcy, and I
went through one. The trustee will take the money out of your account and they will
settle all debts. That’s what it is all about. They will get the money out of your account
and pay off all those guys anyway. The value of what they take out of your account is
multiplied time 10 and that is what is given the state judicial system and that is multiplied
times ten and given to the federal bankruptcy group. That money is being used totally
against you in a lot of different ways.

Why do you think they get people into bankruptcy? It’s so they can fund these wars that
are going on right now. Bankruptcy…all the creditors have to make a claim. If you owe
a debt, they have to make a claim. You can get that from the trustee, so if you owe them
you can pay them. You can turn around and 1099A off that money back to you as
abandoned property. Just what the state and federal took from you. You know what the
trustee took from you for all the people who were creditors, multiply that time 10 and
then times 10 again and that’s what they took out of your ACCOUNT. When you file
bankruptcy you have to give a list of all the creditors who have to make a claim to get

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paid. You are entitled to a list of all the creditors that filed against you. When you say
1099A who do you send this to in order to recover? You would be the lender and the
bankruptcy court trustee is the borrower. Do you send that to the county? No, you send
it to the bankruptcy court.

Third party collectors who present a bill, accept for value and send the 1099A. Across
the document. Look and see if it needs to be a money order or accepted for value. Make
it look like a check out of your checkbook and write money order at the top. Make a
copy of everything and send the b copy of the 1099A to the third party along with the
money order or the accepted for value copy that you had and send it to them. You keep a
copy for your records and put a copy of the accepted for value and the 1099A and do that
with the 1096 and send them all together to the IRS.

Let’s say you are driving a 12 year old car on its last legs. You aren’t trying to be greedy
but you’d like to access your account so you can get into something reliable. Are you
going to go the bank with a 1099A and ask them to do a transaction fee to pull the funds,
and when they laugh uproariously, what do you do next. Patrick: if you want a new car,
go to one that has their account like ford financing, gmac financing and pick out the car
you want. Brand new one. Go down and say you want some extras for it and you apply
for the loan from the gmac. They are hurting to sell cars right now. One was knocked
off $10K and they would take it for cent. If your credit is bad you say I do not care what
interest rate you charge me. I want a car. You are not going to pay any interest. You
sign the contract to get them to go and see if your credit is going to be approved. As soon
as they say your credit is approved when they come back and they want you to sign the
other contract on the left hand side, you flop down your 1099A at that point and say this
is a done deal then. If they balk, you say they have 3 days to run this back through gmac
financing and straighten this out. I will be back to pick up the car one way or another,
either with a legal form that you are in grand theft auto or what you want me to do. This
is my car as of today. I will be nice and give you 3 days to run this back and assure
yourself that gmac does know when they see a 1099A that the car is paid for.

The bailout means that we just covered the escrows that they lost. We put the escrows
back in for the people who already had the car loans.

Can we go through your escrow letter on the next show. Patrick: you need to do this. It
is your responsibility to pick it up, learn it and make it your own. I can’t determine what
you want to say. Chris: Let’s get on the study group and hash this out and work with it
and come up with our own ingredients. We need to do our own due diligence. He has
given us the formula and we need to put this together. We can run it past him; we need
for him not to be preoccupied with ours.

Patrick: a lot of these letters, Sam Kennedy, Winston, Tim Turner, Earl Costello,
basically in some cases they tried to make a form letter where all you had to do was put
your name in it. People did that and you can’t do that. You have to make the letter yours
and rewrite in your own words so you can defend that letter. You have to know what you
want done with that letter. People have gotten in big trouble when they walk in and

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someone questions them. IRS is notorious for questioning people to see if they
understand if they are a creditor or a debtor.

Chris: I want to get hold of Rod and Greg so we can get down to brass tacks on this and
put together our letters. Every scenario is different and your cases are like that to. they
have to be the most effective in your situation. Patrick: you can mess up a little, but the
1099A is the big thing. The paper trail going through the TTL system flags it that you
know about the system. When you talk about the 1099INT then they know you know
what is going on and there is an escrow and there is supposed to be there with interest
paid on it. When you throw this out to them, that you know about this system, they know
they have been caught.

Truth: you must be able to defend what you are doing. Look at Roger Elvick. They will
lock you up.
Alternate number 712 451 6000 and pin 129424#. Patrick yahoo group is 1099_OID.

When we have sent 1099A on court cases you are talking about he INT and whether it
comes to the main account or back to you will there be a 1099A on the court cases,
governor warrants that we will get a response or we will go ahead and send the form
filled out by ourselves after the time. No one has responded yet. Chris: Rod did file an
sf95 and 3949A. It forced a full scale investigation.

They have taken several judges out for going…………….call ended.

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