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National Institute of Technology

ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'
ME304(Assgn #()nit * +ue on ,!0!3
Instructor: Dr. Pilaka Murty
Office: Room No: 2
Floor, Mechanical Engineering Department
Phone: +9!"#$!2%$&#'()*D *++ice,
- Sa.e(your(/or0(as(12oll3(45ullName4( Assgn #()nit * due,!0!3
2- Su6mit email to p.murty/t7hotmail-com as an attached /ord
document and ma0e sure name fits in-
3- )se this 8uestion sheet as page and clearly /rite your last and
first name and date on /hich the assignment is su6mitted and sign it-
5ailing /hich your assignment may not 6e accepted-
Assignment :or0 ;olicy9
. /tudent0 in group0 o+ no more than % -ill -ork on the a00ignment0.
2. 1roup -ork doe0 not imply that only one 0tudent -ork0 and the re0t take undue
ad2antage 3y copying that -ork. 4he idea o+ group home-ork i0 to encourage peer!
learning. Each 0tudent mu0t -ork on the a00ignment indi2idually and di0cu00 -ith
other 0tudent0 in the group to clear any dou3t0.
%. Each 0tudent in the group 0hall 0u3mit 0eparate an0-er0 3ut each an0-er 3ook mu0t
contain the name0 and roll num3er o+ other 0tudent0 in the group.
&. 5ll the pro3lem0 mu0t 3e 0ol2ed neatly and cleanly 0ho-ing all the 0tep0. 500ignment
i+ 0u3mitted in a 0lip!0hod manner may not 3e accepted.
#. /tudent0 mu0t +ollo- the Engineering Pro3lem /ol2ing 4echni6ue and +ollo- the
". E2en though -orking in group0 all 0tudent0 mu0t 0ign a declaration at the end that the
-ork i0 hi0 or her original and that undue ad2antage ha0 not 3een taken.
7. Assignments will be due as indicated at the time of assignment. Homework
submitted after the due date and time is treated late and will not be accepted.
8. If the students did not follow the prescribed drill for homework laid down below
then they may be entitled to more than 70 of the full credit.
Assignment :or0 <rading ;olicy
!. Assignments will be e"aluated on the following basis
o #0 of the assignment points will be based on the e$tent of work
performed on the problem. %he submitted assignment must consist of all
the re&uired steps in"ol"ed in engineering problem sol"ing techni&ue. 'our
score will be in proportion to the work performed. (or full credit you must
write the data gi"en) what is to be determined) formulas used) references)
correctness of the answer) intermediate results. Abo"e all the answer
should be self*speaking such that any person not familiar with the sub+ect
could understand the steps and sol"e the problem.
o ,- of the assignment points will be based on the e$planation supporting
the work performed on the assignment. %he submitted assignment must

National Institute of Technology

ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'
e$plain each and e"ery step in solution process along with the answers
rounded. 'our score will be in proportion to the e$planation of the work
o !0 of the assignment points will be based on !*page summary clearly
e$plaining what you learned from the assignment and state where you
would like to apply this knowledge. 'our score will be based on the clarity
and "alidity of the e$planation contained in the summary. .o summary
then no points.
o - of the assignment points are set aside for a signed declaration from
you affirming to state that the work submitted by you is your own original
work. .o declaration then no points.
2- See the Model Ans/er for guidance-
Assignment ;ro6lems9
/roblem !. Analytically define the ma$imum and minimum principal shearing
strain gi"en
&''' =
2''' =
y and
2&'' =
xy . 0heck your answers
using tentati"e 1ohr2s cirle if possible to scale on a graph sheet and if not in a
rough manner on a plain sheet. 'ou need to discuss the steps using problem
sol"ing method in detail as shown in class for both methods. 'ou must draw the
undeformed element diagram showing state of strain and also deformed element
diagram showing ma$imum and minimum linear and ma$imum shearing strains.
/roblem ,. Analytically define the ma$imum and minimum principal shearing
strain gi"en
&''' =
7'' =
y and
2'' =
xy . 0heck your answers
using tentati"e 1ohr2s cirle if possible to scale on a graph sheet and if not in a
rough manner on a plain sheet. 'ou need to discuss the steps using problem
sol"ing method in detail as shown in class for both methods. 'ou must draw the
undeformed element diagram showing state of strain and also deformed element
diagram showing ma$imum and minimum linear and ma$imum shearing strains.
/roblem 3. %he state of stress at a point in a structural member is as shown
below. 4nowing the /oisson2s ratio % . ' = nu and modulus of rigidity
psi E
' %' = or the material define the ma$imum and minimum principal
shearing strain. 0heck your answers using tentati"e 1ohr2s cirle if possible to
scale on a graph sheet and if not in a rough manner on a plain sheet. 'ou need to
discuss the steps using problem sol"ing method in detail as shown in class for
both methods. 'ou must draw the undeformed element diagram showing state of
strain and also deformed element diagram showing ma$imum and minimum
linear and ma$imum shearing strains
Solution ;ro6lem 9
National Institute of Technology
ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'
Solution ;ro6lem 29
National Institute of Technology
ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'
Solution ;ro6lem 39
5train*based method
National Institute of Technology
ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'
/tre00!3a0ed method
National Institute of Technology
ME 304 Mechanics of Solids
Autumn 203!4 "0#!0$!3 T% &!2!3'

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