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Sample Item Booklet

October 2010

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
!"#$%&"#'() +,-&./" 0$%%#) 1,- 2'3$ 0($,,/

use aL leasL Lwo declmal place values when approxlmaLlng square rooLs or LrlgonomeLrlc raLlos.

Description Formula Variables
Arc Length
L =
L: Arc Length
B, C: endpoints of arc
d: diameter of the circle
m: the measure of
Area of Sector

A =
A: Area of Sector
B, C: endpoints of intercepted arc
r: radius of the circle
m: the measure of
SA = r rh
2 2 t t +
SA: Surface Area
r: radius of the base
h: height
V = r h
V: Volume
r: radius of the base
h: height
SA = r rl
t t +
SA: Surface Area
r: radius of the base
l: slant height
V = Bh

V = r h
V: Volume
r: radius of the base
h: height
B: area of the base
Prism V = Bh V: Volume
B: area of base
H: height
SA = 2B + Ph
SA = 2B + L
SA: Surface Area
B: area of base
P: Perimeter of the base
h: height
L: lateral surface area
V = Bh

V: Volume
B: area of the base
h: height
Quadratic Formula
b b ac

x: solution
a, b, c: coefficients

V =

V: Volume
r: radius
SA = 4ar

SA: Surface Area
r: radius

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.

!"#$%&"#'() +,-&./" 0$%%#) 1,- 2'3$ 0($,,/

use aL leasL Lwo declmal place values when approxlmaLlng square rooLs or LrlgonomeLrlc raLlos.

Special Right Triangles

Trigonometric Ratios

sln " #

cos " #

Lan " #


CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
1 Mrs. MorrIs gnvo hor sfudonfs fhIs nfforn of whIfo fIIos:

Sho nskod hor sfudonfs fo wrIfo nn oqunfIon fo rorosonf fho numbor of whIfo fIIos, /, for
nny fIguro numbor, n.

WhIch oqunfIon rorosonfs fho numbor of whIfo fIIos In fho nfforn

O !" / = n +2
O $" / = n + 4
O %" / = 4n + 4
O &" / = 4n + 8

2 SIIvIn workod In n sforo fhnf soId cyIIndor-shnod chIIdron`s ooIs. Sho mndo n sIgn roInfIng
fho voIumos of fhoso fwo ooIs.

Tho voIumo of fho InddIor IooI Is l08n cubIc foof.

Tho SInshor IooI hoIds whIch orconf of fho wnfor fho InddIor IooI hoIds

O !" 33
O $" ?5
O %" l33
O &" 300

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
3 In nrnIIoIogrnm PQRS fho monsurors of nngIo P nnd nngIo R nro onch l46.

Whnf Is fho monsuro of nngIo Q

O !" l46
O $" ll2
O %" 68
O &" 34

4 Tho oqunfIon $%x -&% - &' # -( hns fwo ronI soIufIons.

oformIno fho nognfIvo soIufIon of fho oqunfIon.

WrIfo your nnswor on fho IIno.

What i s t he negat i ve sol ut i on of t he equat i on?

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
5 WhIch form Is n fncfor of )o
* &$o

O !" 3o
O $" 4o
O %" 3o

O &" 4o

6 Vnnco grnhod fho roInfIon bofwoon fund-rnIsIng rofIfs for fho choss cIub nnd fho numbor
of mombors.

WhIch oqunfIon rorosonfs n IIno fhnf fIfs fho dnfn

O !" y # $+n *&,'
O $" y # -'n *&,'
O %" y #
n *&,'
O &" y #
n *&,'

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.

A roof Is shown.

IIII In fho bInnks for sfos 5 nnd 6 fo comIofo fho roof.

CIvon: I Is fho mIdoInf of AE .
I Is fho mIdoInf of CD.

Irovo: ABD EBC A ~ A

Statements Reasons
l. I Is fho mIdoInf of AE .
l. CIvon
2. AB BE ~
2. ofInIfIon of mIdoInf
3. I Is fho mIdoInf of CD.
3. CIvon
4. CB BD ~
4. ofInIfIon of mIdoInf
5. VorfIcnI AngIos Thoorom
6. ABD EBC A ~ A 6.

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
8 Konf Is usIng fho scnIo fo comnro fho woIghf of vnrIous soIIds.

How mnny shoros wIII bnInnco ono cubo

O !" 2 shoros
O $" 3 shoros
O %" 4 shoros
O &" 5 shoros

9 WhIch consfrucfIon rorosonfs fho confor of n cIrcIo fhnf Is InscrIbod In n frInngIo

O !" Tho InforsocfIon of fho fhroo nIfIfudos of fho frInngIo.
O $" Tho InforsocfIon of fho fhroo modInns of fho frInngIo.
O %" Tho InforsocfIon of fho nngIo bIsocfors of onch nngIo of fho frInngIo.
O &" Tho InforsocfIon of fho orondIcuInr bIsocfors of onch sIdo of fho frInngIo.

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
10 MIko kof frnck of fho numbor of nssongors on hIs bus, nofIcIng fho foIIowIng:

- Af fho fIrsf sfo, sovornI nssongors (p) gof on fho omfy bus.
- Af fho socond sfo, fho numbor of nssongors doubIod whon moro ooIo gof on.
- Af fho fhIrd sfo, 3 nssongors gof off fho bus nnd no nssongors gof on.
- Af fho fourfh sfo, 2 nssongors gof on fho bus nnd no nssongors gof off.

WhIch oxrossIon rorosonfs fho numbor of nssongors on fho bus nffor fho fourfh sfo

O !" 2 + 5
O $" 2 - l
O %" 2p - 5
O &" 2p + l

11 TrInngIo JK1 Is nn obfuso IsoscoIos frInngIo wIfh nz1 = l0 nnd K1 > JK.

Whnf Is fho monsuro of zJ

O !" l?0
O $" l60
O %" 85
O &" l0'

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
12 OnIy chocoInfo nnd vnnIIIn Ico cronm conos nro soId nf nn Ico cronm sforo. In ono dny, fho
numbor of chocoInfo conos soId wns l moro fhnn 4 fImos fho numbor of vnnIIIn conos soId.
A fofnI of l2l conos woro soId fhnf dny.

!of c = fho numbor of chocoInfo conos soId.
!of t = fho numbor of vnnIIIn conos soId.

- WrIfo oqunfIons fo doformIno fho numbor of chocoInfo conos soId fhnf dny.
- !so fho oqunfIons fo doformIno fho numbor of chocoInfo conos soId fhnf dny.

Show your work usIng words, numbors, nnd/or dIngrnms.

()* +,-. /0)/)1,23 /)-34 *353 4)16 20,2 6,.78888888888888888888888888888888888

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
13 orIno drow n qundrIInfornI on n coordInnfo grId.

orIno rofIocfod fho qundrIInfornI ovor fho IIno , = 2 nnd fhon frnnsInfod If Ioff 4 unIfs.

Whnf nro fho coordInnfos of fho Imngo of oInf M

O !" (2, 5)
O $" (2, 5)
O %" (6, l)
O &" (2, l)

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
14 Crnh A Is fho grnh of ( ) 2 3
y = nnd grnh I Is fho grnh of ( ) 3 2
y = .

WhIch sfnfomonf nbouf fho fwo grnhs Is fruo

O !" Iofh grnhs A nnd I rIso nf fho snmo rnfo.
O $" Crnh I rIsos nf n fnsfor rnfo fhnn grnh A.
O %" Crnh A rIsos nf n fnsfor rnfo fhnn grnh I.
O &" Tho y-Inforcof of grnh A Is nbovo fho y-Inforcof of grnh I.

15 IoInfs X, Y nnd Z nro coIIInonr. Y Is fho mIdoInf of XZ .

Tho coordInnfos of oInf X nro (4, 3). Tho coordInnfos of oInf Y nro (l, 2).

oformIno fho coordInnfos of oInf Z.

WrIfo your nnswor on fho IIno.

90,2 ,53 203 /))56:-,234 ); <):-2 !7 = > ?

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
16 Af n nrfIcuInr comnny, ovory omIoyoo rocoIvos n 4 cosf-of-IIvIng Incronso fo fhoIr

Whnf Imncf doos fhIs cosf-of-IIvIng Incronso hnvo on fho monn nnd on fho rnngo of
omIoyoo snInrIos nf fho comnny

O !" Tho monn Incronsos buf fho rnngo doos nof chnngo.
O $" Tho monn doos nof chnngo buf fho rnngo Incronsos.
O %" Tho monn nnd rnngo bofh Incronso.
O &" Tho monn nnd rnngo do nof chnngo.

17 Koshn Is InnnIng fo ronf n vnn for hor frI fo Mf. !nInIor. Two of hor frIonds onch ronfod
fho snmo fyo of vnn from fho snmo cnr ronfnI comnny Insf wook. ThIs Is whnf fhoy foId

John: Tho cosf of my ronfnI wns $240. Tho comnny chnrgod mo n corfnIn nmounf
or dny nnd n corfnIn nmounf or mIIo. I hnd fho ronfnI for fIvo dnys nnd I drovo If
200 mIIos.

KnfIo: Tho cosf of my ronfnI wns onIy $l00. I drovo If for l00 mIIos nnd hnd If for
fwo dnys.

Koshn Inns fo gof fho snmo fyo of vnn fhnf John nnd KnfIo hnd from fho snmo cnr ronfnI
comnny. Koshn osfImnfod hor frI wouId bo 250 mIIos, nnd sho wouId hnvo fho vohIcIo for
four dnys.

Let C = cost, M = miles, and D = days

WhIch oqunfIon couId Koshn uso fo fIguro ouf how much hor ronfnI wouId cosf

O !" C = 40.00M + 0.20D
O $" C = 40.00D + 0.20M
O %" C = 20.00M + 0.40D
O &" C = 20.00D + 0.40M

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
18 CIvon IIno PM, fho drnwIng shows fho bogInnIng sfos of n goomofrIc consfrucfIon.

WhIch consfrucfIon Is shown

O !" Tho orondIcuInr bIsocfor of IIno PM.
O $" A IIno nrnIIoI fo IIno PM fhrough oInf P.
O %" A IIno orondIcuInr fo IIno PM nf oInf M.
O &" A IIno orondIcuInr fo IIno PM nf oInf P.

19 In n corfnIn cnrnIvnI gnmo n Inyor gofs fo sIn onch of fho sInnors onco.

Whnf Is fho robnbIIIfy of goffIng fwo numbors fhnf hnvo n sum of ?

O !"

O $"

O %"

O &"

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
20 Tho chnrf shows fho nmounf of fofnI snInry (commIssIon Ius bnso snInry) nId fo omIoyoos
of n sforo fhnf socInIIzos In bIg scroon foIovIsIons.

WhIch oqunfIon bosf rorosonfs fho fofnI snInry (T) fhnf nn omIoyoo mnkos for soIIIng
nny numbor of foIovIsIon sofs (n)

O !" T = 50n + l00
O $" T = l00(n + 50)
O %" T = l00n + 50
O &" T = 50(n + l00)

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
!-4*35 @3. A35;)5+,-/3 BC<3/2,2:)-4
l. C Al.l.A/Ml.l.A
2. C C.6.C/M3.5.
3. C.3.I/M2.3.J
4. -2 Al.4.A/Ml.3.A
5. A Al.2.I/M2.5.A
6. A Al.6./Ml.3.I
?. Sfnfomonf #5: ABD EBC Z ~ Z
!onson #6: SAS Congruonco
8. I Al.8.I(Al.?.)/Ml.8.I(Ml.6.)
9. C C.3.I/M3.?.C
l0. I Al.8.I(Al.l.I)/Ml.8.I(Ml.l.I)
ll. I C.3.A/M2.3.I
l2. IIonso soo rubrIc on noxf ngo Al.l.C/Ml.l.C
l3. I C.5.I/M3.2.I
l4. C Al.?.A/Ml.?.A
l5. (-6, l) C.4.I/M2.3.!
l6. C Al.6.C/Ml.5.I
l?. I Al.l.A/Ml.l.A
l8. C.2.C/Ml.4.C
l9. I M2.4.A/A2.6.A
20. A Al.3.I/Ml.2.I
OTI: Tho coIor codIng In fhIs nnswor koy Is nIIgnod fo fho InformnfIon In fho
Ind-of-Courso CrosswnIks. Tho Ind-of-Courso CrosswnIks IdonfIfy fho
orformnnco oxocfnfIons fhnf nro nssossod on onch ond-of-courso nssossmonf.
Ifoms nIIgnod fo orformnnco oxocfnfIons hIghIIghfod In groon nssoss
orformnnco oxocfnfIons common fo oIfhor AIgobrn l/MnfhomnfIcs l or
Coomofry/Infogrnfod MnfhomnfIcs 2. Thoso IIs wIII bo nssossod for urosos
of grndunfIon usIng muIfIIo choIco, comIofIon, nnd shorf nnswor Ifoms on
ond-of-courso nssossmonfs nnd IOC mnkou nssossmonfs.
Ifoms nIIgnod fo orformnnco oxocfnfIons hIghIIghfod In yoIIow nssoss
orformnnco oxocfnfIons fhnf nro roorfod ns sfrongfh/wonknoss buf nro nof
nssossod for urosos of grndunfIon. Thoso orformnnco oxocfnfIons wIII bo
nssossod usIng muIfIIo choIco nnd comIofIon Ifoms on ond-of-courso
nssossmonfs onIy.

To vIow fho Ind-of-Courso CrosswnIks, Ionso vIsIf

CopyrlghL SepLember 2010 All rlghLs reserved. LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe SLaLe of WashlngLon have permlsslon Lo reproduce Lhls
documenL. All oLher lndlvlduals wlshlng Lo reproduce Lhls documenL musL conLacL CSl.
D/)5:-E FG:63 ;)5 :23+ -G+H35 IJ

A 2-oInf rosonso: Tho sfudonf shows undorsfnndIng of wrIfIng nnd soIvIng n sysfom of
oqunfIons by doIng fho foIIowIng:
- wrIfos oqunfIons fo doformIno fho numbor of chocoInfo conos soId; c = l + 4t nnd
c + t = l2l or oquIvnIonf
- shows work fhnf suorfs how fho numbor of chocoInfo conos wns doformInod
- wrIfos 9?.

OTI: IqunfIons cnn bo wrIffon usIng vnrInbIos ofhor fhnn c nnd t If fho vnrInbIos
nro dofInod nnd usod consIsfonfIy In bofh oqunfIons.

A l-oInf rosonso: Tho sfudonf doos ono of fho foIIowIng:
- wrIfos c = l + 4t or oquIvnIonf
- wrIfos oqunfIon In ono vnrInbIo l + 4t + t = l2l, or oquIvnIonf
- wrIfos 9?.

OTI: AIIow for nny vnrInbIos fhnf nro usod consIsfonfIy In bofh oqunfIons.

A 0-oInf rosonso: Tho sfudonf shows vory IIffIo or no undorsfnndIng of wrIfIng nnd
soIvIng n sysfom of oqunfIons.

Tlie i/en uoe pretiouel, releoeeJ in /le 2007 Higl Sclool IeleoeeJ 1/ene, i/en =1S. Ior
nore inforno/ion incluJing /le originol i/en, ecoring ruIric onJ onno/o/eJ eonple e/uJen/
reeponeee, pleoee eee pogee -63 of /le follouing Jocunen/.

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