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Project Report

Brand equity of coca cala
Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree
Master of Business Administration
!ession ()*)+*(
Under t,e !u-er.ision of !u/mitted By
Prof0 1atima mariyam Pa2an 3umar
1aculty of Mana4ement !tudies Roll No+*5)*)67
Enrolment No+


I hereby declare that the project report entitledBrand equity of coca colasubmitted for
the Degree of Master Of Business dministration!is my original "or# and the project
report has not formed the basis for the a"ard of any degree!diploma!associate
ship!fello"ship or similar other titled$It has not been submitted to any other %ni&ersity or
institution for the a"ard of degree or diploma$
'singnature of student(
)ame of student
Pa"an #umar


I ha&e the pleasure in certifying that Mr$Pa"an #umar$is the student of +rapich ,ra
%ni&ersity of the Master!s Degree in Business dminstration'MB($-is uni&ersity Roll
)o *.0*0/0$
-e has completed his project "or# 1itle as Brand equity of coca colaunder the
I certify that is his original effort and has not been copied from any other source$1his
project has also not been submitted in any other %ni&ersity for the purpose of a"ard of
any Degree$
1his project fulfill the requirement of the curriculum prescribed by the +rapic ,ra
%ni&ersity!Dehradun for the said course$
I recommend this project "or# for e&aluation and consideration for the a"ard of Degree
to the student$
)ame of the +uide3
Prof$ 4atima mariyam

I e6press my sincere than#s to my project guide Prof$4atima mariyam faculty of
management Deptt$!for guiding me right form the inception till the successful completion
of the project$I also guidance during the presentation of this project report$I am grateful to
4aculty of Management 2tudies of +raphic ,ra %ni&ersity Dehradun$
I "ish to record my sincere than#s to our Parents! family members! relati&es and our
friends for their help and cooperation throughout our project and for pro&iding us
support! encouragement and suggestions at e&ery stage of our research
My than#!s are due to those "ho ha&e helped in collecting data or analysis or typesetting
'2ignature of student(
)ame of student
Pa"an #umar


Project report in any organi8ation is an attempt to pro&ide the student a practical Input
and ,6posure to the Real "orld situation in "hich he has to "or# in future$ My Project in
9O9:9O; "as an attempt in this regard$ 1he project "or# pro&ided to me "as a
sur&ey titled based on ,$D$2$:,&ery Dealer 2ur&ey it "as to find out the ,ffect of
Merchandising and Route ssessment on Producti&ity<2ales! &ailability of product!
M=1$ 9ondition! Demand > supply of product! Distribution 9hannel! 9ooler display!
"arm display! in Dehradun 9ity$ 1he ,6tract of the "or# is presented in this report under
&arious headings as! Introduction! 9ompany?s Profile! Project Introduction! Methodology!
Data analysis! 2uggestions and 9onclusions$
1his report pro&ides me a chance to study and analyses the practical aspects of the topic
'Merchandising and Route Producti&ity($ It enhanced my #no"ledge in the field of
mar#eting$ 1his project also ga&e me the chance to impro&e logical thin#ing and
interacting patterns$ @hile "or#ing on the project! "e came to #no" about the latest
mar#eting strategies and trends pre&ailing in the mar#et$ 1he "ay of selling and
distribution net"or# of 9oca 9ola "as different$
"AB8E 91 C9N"EN"
"itle -a4e no0
I$ D,9;R1IO) BA 21%D,)12
II$ 9,R1I4I91, BA +%ID,
III$ 9=)O@;,D;,M,)1 BA 21%D,)12
IB$ ,C,9%1IB, 2%MMRA
*$ I)1ROD%91IO)
5$ 9OMP)A PRO4I;,
7$ R,BI,@ O4 ;I1R,1%R,
.$ R,2,R9- M,1-ODO;O+A
/$ MR=,1I)+ 21R1,+A O4 9O=,
0$ D1 );A2I2 )D I)1,RPR,11IO)
D$ 9O)9;%2IO)! 2%++,21IO)!;IMI11IO)
F$ )),C%R,

1he cola industry has phenomenal possibilities for roc#eting profit gro"th inspite of the
sign of relief hea&ed by the manufacture at the abrupt sensational termination of coca
cola monopoly the tastes of cola is by no means e6tinguished the coca$ 9ola ha&e a status
symbol to it$$$! generated by the sub standard! penetrated! ad&ertising and e6tensi&e
distribution net"or#$
1otal soft drin# segment is gro"ing at the rate of *0H per year still if international
standard area considered the per capita consumption of three ser&ing in roc# bottom! less
than e&en our neighbors Pa#istan and Bangladesh! "here it is four more as much$ 2o "ith
#ind of a mar#et potential co#e entered in India in *FF* after the permissions of setting
up Britico 4ood company to co#e "as granted by the go&ernment in Pune in *FF5 the
plant "as established for is deducted then the bottle are ta#en out of the line and cleaned
again or rejected$
1he most important step is the mi6ing of drin# concentrate dissol&ed in the soft "ater the
sugar syrup at the same time$ 9arbon dio6ide is passed in the drin# to produce a fi88$
fter the cro"ing of the bottle the cro"n contains the manufacturing data batch number
and 1ime$ fter cro"ing the bottle! the bottle comes again at chec#ing screen for
chec#ing the bottle$
$9UG8A! N0 $A1"
C,airman of t,e Board and C,ief
E;ecuti.e 9fficer
",e Coca+Cola Com-any

Douglas )$ Daft "as elected chairman! Board of Directors! and chief e6ecuti&e officer
of 1he 9oca:9ola 9ompany on 4ebruary *D! 5000$ Mr$ Daft is the **th chairman of
the Board in the history of the 9ompany$
Mr$ Daft! 00! joined the 9ompany in *F0F as planning officer in the 2ydney! ustralia
office$ -e held positions of increasing responsibilities throughout sia and in *FE5
"as named &ice president of 9oca:9ola 4ar ,ast ;td$
In December *FEE! Mr$ Daft "as named president of the )orth Pacific Di&ision and
president of 9oca:9ola 'Iapan( 9o$! ;td$ -e mo&ed to the 9ompany?s tlanta
in *FF* to assume the responsibility of president of the Pacific +roup and in *FFF
his responsibilities "ere e6panded to include the 9ompanyJs frica +roup! and
2ch"eppes Be&erage Di&ision! as "ell as the Middle and 4ar ,ast +roup$
Mr$ Daft "as elected president and chief operating officer of 1he 9oca : 9ola
9ompany in December *FFF$
-e ser&es on the boards of 2un 1rust Ban#s! the Boys > +irls 9lubs of merica!
9atalyst! the 9,R+,:,I 4oundation'9enter for ,conomic Research and +raduate
,ducation : ,conomics Institute( in the 98ech Republic! the ;auder Institute for
Management and International 2tudies at the %ni&ersity of Pennsyl&ania! the Prince of
@ales International Business ;eaders 4orum! the +rocery Manufacturers of
merica! the British : merican 9hamber of 9ommerce! the +*00! the @oodruff rts
9enter! the 9ommerce 9lub! and the Mc+ra":-ill 9ompanies$ Mr$ Daft is a trustee of
,mory %ni&ersity! the merican ssembly and the 9enter for 2trategic > International
2tudies$ -e is also a member of 1he 1rilateral 9ommission! 1he Business 9ouncil! and
1he Business Round table$
AR9UN$ "HE :9R8$
lthough 9oca:9olaK "as first created in the %nited 2tates! it quic#ly became
popular "here&er it "ent$ Our first international bottling plants opened in *F00 in
9anada! 9uba and Panama! soon follo"ed by many more$ 1oday! "e produce more than
700 brands in o&er 500 countries$ More than D0 percent of our income comes from
outside the %$2$! but the real reason "e are a truly global company is that our products
meet the &aried taste preferences of consumers e&ery"here
1he 9oca:9ola 9ompany "or#s "ith a "ide &ariety of organi8ations to support
health! fitness and good nutrition$ Bisit these sites for more information about positions!
programs and acti&ities$
1he 9oalition for a -ealthy and cti&e merica '9-( 9- "as formed in
5007 by concerned organi8ations and national leaders to educate parents! children!
schools! and communities about the critical roles physical acti&ity and nutrition education
play in re&ersing the alarming trends of childhood obesity$ s a non:profit )ational
grassroots coalition! 9- is a &igorous ad&ocate for de&eloping healthy and acti&e
lifestyles for mericaJs youth$ 9- is committed to "or#ing "ith schools to
rededicate time for physical fitnessL gi&ing parents the freedom to help their children
ma#e their o"n nutritional choicesL building school:business model relationships that
benefit our families by supporting healthy and acti&e lifestylesL and finding solutions to
childhood obesity that are both responsible and realistic merican 9ouncil for 4itness
and )utrition 1he merican 9ouncil for 4itness and )utrition '94)( is a group of
food! be&erage and consumer products companies! not:for:profit organi8ations and trade
associations "or#ing together to impro&e the health of all mericans! particularly youth!
by encouraging a healthy balance bet"een fitness and nutrition$ 1he cornerstone of all
94) initiati&es is the idea that lasting solutions to the nationJs obesity problem must be
based on sound science and beha&ioral research$ 2uch policies are li#ely to help parents
and their children de&elop eating and e6ercise habits that lead to a healthier life$
+rocery Manufacturers of merica 1he +rocery Manufacturers of merica '+M(
represents the food! be&erage and consumer products industry on #ey issues that affect
the ability of brand manufacturers to mar#et their products profitably and deli&er superior
&alue to the consumer$
International 4ood Information 9ouncil 'I4I9( 4oundation 1he I4I9 4oundation is a
public education foundation disseminating sound! science:based information on food
safety! nutrition and health$ International ;ife 2ciences Institute 4ounded in *FDE! the
International ;ife 2ciences Institute 'I;2I( is a nonprofit! "orld"ide foundation that
see#s to impro&e the "ell:being of the general public through the pursuit of balanced
science$ Its goal is to further the understanding of scientific issues relating to nutrition!
food safety! to6icology! ris# assessment! and the en&ironment by bringing together
scientists from academia! go&ernment! and industry$=idnetic$com is a fun! interacti&e
@eb site that
emphasi8es healthy li&ing achie&ed through a balance of physical acti&ity and responsible
eating habits$ 1he @eb site gi&es young people and their parents the tools and ideas to
help change habits and plant the seeds for healthier families tomorro"$ =idnetic$com is a
program of the International 4ood Information 9ouncil 'I4I9( 4oundation$
)ational ssociation for 2port and Physical ,ducation association for 2port and Physical
,ducation see#s to enhance #no"ledge and professional practice in sport and physical
acti&ity through scientific study and dissemination of research:based and e6periential
#no"ledge to members and the public$
)ational 2oft Drin# ssociation the )ational 2oft Drin# ssociation ')2D( is the trade
association for mericaJs soft drin# industry! ser&ing the pub
9o#e is a households name and is the lips of e&ery one$ In present time e&ery person
#no" the name of coca cola since India is one of biggest mar#et and sultry summer from
march the end of October and huge population has immensely helped in the sales the
sales of co#e in India and its ma#ing it more economical$
;ast years! the mar#et share of 9oca 9ola "as not specific$ In this year company?s top
management adopted ne" policy and increased the rate of all brands of co#e$ By this
decision top management determined the rate of 700 ml < *0Rs$ nd the brand of 500 ml
determines the rate of this brand DRs$ By "hich medium si8e family and lo"er le&el
family can be ta#en the enjoy of co#e$ By this decision company?s mar#eting share has
been increased$In present time co#e is captured appro6imate 00H mar#et share in cold
Din#s line$ )o" co#e has defeated all the soft drin#s company$ ccording to ser&ice and
according to ad&ertising co#e has appropriate position$It has no" emerged as the "inner
and has a good image in the mar#et$
MI!!I9N 91 "HE C9CA+C98A C9MPAN#
1he mission of the 9oca:9ola 9ompany is to increase shareo"ner &alue o&er time$ 1he
company accomplished the mission by "or#ing "ith its business partners to deli&er
satisfaction and &alue to customers and consumers through a "orld"ide system of
superior brands and ser&ices! thus increasing brand equity on a global basis$
*$ @e "ill conduct oursel&es and our business acti&ities "ith the highest standards
of honesty integrity and professionalism$
5$ @e "ill recogni8e the positi&e contributions that "e ma#e as indi&iduals and team
members to produce our business success$
7$ @e "ill encourage a learning en&ironment "here people can constantly gro"!
de&elop and contribute$
.$ @e "ill stri&e for e6cellence and see# continuous impro&ement in e&erything "e
/$ @e "ill respect all sta#eholders! including employees! partners and suppliers and
instill them "ith a passion to deli&er the highest quality goods and ser&ice$
0$ @e "ill foster initiati&e and creati&ity by empo"ering indi&idual to attain "ell:
defined objecti&es$
De&eloped in a brass pot in *EE0! 9oca:9ola is the most recogni8ed and admired
trademar# around the globe$ )ot to mention the best selling soft drin# in the "orld$
In *F0*! a citrus:fla&ored drin# made its %$2$ debut! using
M2prite BoyM as inspiration for its name$ 1his elf "ith sil&er hair
and a big smile "as used in *F.0s ad&ertising for 9oca:9ola$
2prite is no" the fastest gro"ing major soft drin# in the %$2$!
and the "orldJs most popular lemon:lime soft drin#$
1he name M4antaM "as first registered as a trademar# in
+ermany in *F.*! "hen it "as used for a fe" years for a soft
drin# created from a&ailable materials and fla&ors$
1he name "as then re&i&ed in *F// in )aples! Italy! "hen it "as used for the M4antaM
orange drin# "e #no" today$ It is no" the trademar# name for a line of fla&ored drin#s
sold around the "orld$
DI,1 9O=,3
1he e6tension of the 9oca:9ola name began in *FE5 "ith the
introduction of diet 9o#e 'also called 9oca:9ola light in some
countries($ Diet co#e quic#ly became the number: one selling lo":calorie soft drin# in
the "orld$
B)I; 3
It is an Ice 9ream in taste$ ;aunched in 500.$
1his is thirst:quenching be&erage features a fresh and light
lemon:lime taste and a lighthearted attitude$ 1he ;imca brand
"as introduced in *FD* and acquired by the 9oca:9ola
9ompany in *FF7$
MN 3
Maa8a! launched in *FE. and acquired by 1he 9oca:9ola
9ompany in *FF7! is a non carbonated mango soft drin# "ith a
rich! juicy m natural mango taste$
1-%MP2 %P 3
In *FF7! 1he 9oca:9ola 9ompany acquired this brand! "hich
"as originally introduced in *FDD$ Its strong and fi88y taste
ma#es it unique carbonated Indian 9ola$
=I);,A @1,R3
1his is thirst:quenching be&erage features fresh the fresh "ater
"ith the saturated o6ygen le&el$
1his is thirst:quenching be&erage features a fresh and light
orange taste and a lighthearted attitude$
1he long:term &ision of 9oca:9ola in India is to pro&ide e6ceptional strategic
lead to the 9oca:9ola in India$
1hrough 9oca:9ola system resulting in consumer > customer preference and
loyalty through 9oca:9ola is commitment to them and in a highly profitable
9oca:9ola 9orporate branded be&erage system$
1he mission of coca cola in India is3
Increase in shareholderJs &alue o&er time$
1o achie&e the abo&e by "or#ing "ith business partners to deli&er satisfaction and
&alue to customers and consumers through "orld "ide system of superior brand
and ser&ices thus increasing the brand equity$
1o achie&e the mission the company see#s the contribution from each of the gi&en
People "or#ing in the company$
9ommitment of the company$
+oals > objecti&es of the company$
,n&ironmental policy$
Internal control$
Policy > producers$
literature re&ie" discusses published information in a particular subject area! and
sometimes information in a particular subject area "ithin a certain time period$
literature re&ie" can be just a simple summary of the sources! but it usually has an
organi8ational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis$ summary is a recap
or the important information of the source! but a synthesis is a re:organi8ation! or a
reshuffling! of that information$ It might gi&e a ne" interpretation of old material or
combine ne" "ith old interpretations$ Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the
field! including major debates$ nd depending on the situation! the literature re&ie" may
e&aluate the sources and ad&ise the reader on the most pertinent or rele&ant$
Purpose of re&ie" of ;iterature is to pro&ide a bac#drop of the present study$ It is the
conte6t to "fi*ch our present study can be referred to determine its rele&ance
9-erational !etu-+
1he success of any sur&ey is depends upon resources! quality and timing and
integrity of the sur&eyor "ho compiles the primary data$ 2o it is a &ery important tas# is
to manage all the a&ailable resources "hich ma#e impact on the quality of sur&ey$
1he approach behind a sur&eyor the project &aries "ith the purpose of the sur&ey$
%nder this report! Mquantitati&eM approach is used "hich is concerned "ith the objecti&e
assessment of the a&ailability and display that is clearly &isible and can be easily
quantified$ )o subjecti&e assessment is in&ol&ed in this report$
Area of sur.ey+
4or performing any sur&ey a sample is selected from the population$ ll the
consumers are chosen from different location of Dehradun 9ity$
4or a successful compilation and best result "ithin a limited time the planning
"as must$ In this "ay the first step "as to design an appropriate data form "e can say it
questionnaire that co&ers all the mandatory areas of information that is to be analy8ed$
1he data form "hich I "as used to collect data "as designed by my immediate
1o achie&e the desired goal it "as necessary to ma#e schedule of tas#s "hich
"ere handed o&er to us$ 2o #eeping in &ie" the original objecti&e! the content of the
schedule "as prepared$ 1hen I and my group members collected data from the desired
field$ 2ince the data form distribution and collection "as an official "or# so it "as a time
ta#ing process$ In the meantime it "as our "or# to #eep in touch "ith our fields$
!am-lin4 $esi4n <
Design is the plan! structure > strategy of in&estigation concei&ed so as to attain
ans"er to questionsJ to sur&ey and to control the &ariances$ ccording to this projectJs <
sur&eyJs purpose the analytical! interpreti&e<objecti&e design "as chosen$
$ata Collection Met,od<
1he t"o sources for data collection are documentary or secondary and field or
primary is used$ Because I ha&e to collect the information! "hich is fic#le in nature! the
a&ailability and display of the product changes e&en each and e&ery day! therefore
questionnaire is selected as the sur&ey instrument$ 1he forms used for the sur&ey "ere
close:ended questionnaire consisting of &arious items$
I ha&e co&ered $e,radun City > too# data of different areas it "as great to
&isit company li#e =Coca+Cola=> season li#e M2ummerM and product li#e M9old Drin#M!
combining all the factors together ma#e the sample design for the project &ery important
for the real e6tract from the mar#et$ ccording to my judgment and to co&er all the major
areas the sample "as selected$ 1he sample si8e "as *)) consumers0
!tatistical "ools<
Representation of statistical data by diagram! graphs! charts or pictures is more effecti&e
than tabular representation being easily intelligible to a layman! indeed diagrams is most
essential "hene&er it is required to con&ey any statistical information to the general
1he more important types of diagram "hich are use in statistical "or# are3:
*0 Bar $ia4ram <
Mode of diagrammatic representation of data is the bar diagram$ In this method
bar of equal "idth are ta#en for the different items of the series$ 1he length of the bar
represents &alue of the &ariables concerned$
(0 Pie C,art <
It is a circle "hose area is di&ided proportionately among the different
components by straight lines dra"n from the center to the circumference of the circle$
@hen statistical data are gi&en for a number of categories and "e are interested in the
comparison of &arious categories or bet"een a part of the "hole! such a diagram is &ery
helpful in effecti&ely displaying the data$
!am-le !i?e < *00
"y-e of !am-lin4 < Random 2ampling$
MAR&E"ING !"RA"EG# 91 C9&E
s millions of rural Indians reach for a cold soft drin# in the hottest summer in
years! 9oca:9ola India seems to ha&e disco&ered the consumers "ho could rescue its
dismal sales record$ 9oca:9ola India totally misjudged rural India! home to t"o:thirds of
the countryJs * billion population! "hen it re:entered the country a decade ago$
Aet as the country side emerges as the fastest:gro"ing source of demand for
consumer products! the local arm of the %2 soft drin#s giant seems to ha&e learnt its
lesson$ M@e "ere just not addressing the masses! that "ere the problem!M says Mr$ 2anjee&
+upta! 9oca:9olaJs operations chief$
1he companyJs ne" strategy of smaller bottles! price cuts and ad&ertising that
straddles cities and &illages pushed turno&er last year up by a quarter to nearly Rs$/000
crore$ nd 1humbs %p! a local brand that 9oca:9ola bought and then ran do"n! is also
reco&ering spectacularly$ 1he success of 1humbs %p! "hose mar#et share is no" roughly
equal to that of mar#er leader Pepsi at 57 percent! is an embarrassment for 9oca:9ola!
"hich is in third place "ith *0$/ percent 'from *5 percent three years ago( in IndiaJs
Rs$E000 crore soft drin#s mar#et$ 9oca:9ola returned to India after being #ic#ed out by
the go&ernment in the mid:*FD0s$ It paid a high price for the then mar#et leader! 1humbs
%p! and tried to #ill it off in the mista#en belief that this "ould pa&e the "ay for 9oca:
9olaJs rise$ ,6tra&agance! unoptimistic and nai&e reading of the mar#et and
mismanagement of its ne" bottling assets led 9oca:9ola to "rite do"n Rs$5000 crore of
its Indian assets in 5000$ 1he greatest indignity is that India is one of the fe" mar#ets
"here Pepsi has outsmarted 9oca:9ola$
M9oca:9ola came in bla8ing but mishandled itself and 1humbs %p$ 1hat ma#es its
reco&ery all the more remar#able$M says Mr$ 9 2rini&asan! chairman of business
consultant 1 =earney India$ 9oca:9olaJs Indian management! no" stable after recent
flurry of departures! persuaded the %2 parent to persist "ith India! and "on O*00 m to fi6
problems such as poor distribution$ Its tlanta headquarters "as "on o&er because of
IndiaJs potential$ IndiaJs per capita consumption of carbonated drin#s is less than hall the
le&el in Pa#istan and about E percent of 9hinaJs$ Mr$ +upta argued that closing the gap
"ould only come by chasing the rural consumer$
M@e had to address the D/ percent 'that li&es in rural areas( and not just the 5/
percent 'in cities( and that meant using small:pac# inno&ations!M says Mr$ +upta$ M1he
only consumer goods companies that ma#e it in India are those that sell micro:si8ed
products at lo" prices$M
9oca:9olaJs 500 ml bottle 'do"n from 700 ml( sells for Rs$D! half the price of a
con&entional si8ed bottle$ 1o achie&e a return on this Mlo" margin! high &olumeM strategy$
9oca:9ola had to shrin# its ballooning costs! "hile raising output in a mar#et gro"ing at
just E:F percent per year$ 9oca:9ola added 70 assembly lines! including fi&e plantsL cut
costly staffL re&amped transportL shrun#
bottles and made them lighter and pac#ed in smaller crates to increase a truc#Js
carrying capacityL added distributors and e6panded the number of outlets in to"ns and
&illages by a fifth to about * m$ 9oca:9olaJs aim "as to Mloc# inM retailers in &illages of at
least *!000 people connected to usable roads$ One method "as to help those "ith no
sa&ings or access to formal credit to buy their costliest asset3 a fridge$ 1he company
negotiated big discounts from fridge producers! placing an order equi&alent to t"o
monthsJ output of the domestic fridge industry$ Discounts "ere passed on to the retailers!
cutting the a&erage purchase price by Rs$7!000 more than three monthsJ "ages in a
4inally! 9oca:9ola dumped a global ad&ertising campaign that "as irrele&ant to
the Indian mar#et and adopted one featuring Bolly"ood stars$ M1he campaign is finally
spea#ing to the right mar#et$M says mar#eting consultant Mr$ Iagdeep =apoor$ 1he
ad&erts also loudly proclaimed the Rs$/ price benchmar#! meaning retailers could not
Mar3etin4 Mi; and !trate4y<
Mar#eting mi6 of any organi8ation consists of . PJs i$e$ product! price! place and
promotion ha&ing its o"n significance! "hich &aries from one organi8ation to the other$
In 9oca:9ola the information about all the . PJs that can be a&ailable to me is gi&en here3
Product mi6 of 9oca:9ola consists of the &arious brand pac#s and fla&ors gi&en in
the table$ Product strategy of the 9oca:9ola is to promote all the brands a&ailable in all
the brands pac#s and to introduce the product in ne" fla&ors and$ e&en ne" product$
Regarding this &inley soda is introduced$ 1anta in 4reen apple fla&or is also introduced$
Regarding the pricing policy or the price to the distributor is not disclosed to me!
but as done for the different product of the company! company has priced the product
same as that of its major competitor or the mar#et leader$
1he 9oca:9ola 9ompany in India is go&erned from its corporate office located at
+urgaon in -aryana$ It go&erns the "or#ing of fi&e 8ones co&ering "hole India these
8ones are3 : )orthern 8one! ,astern 8one! @estern 8one! 2outhern 8one and ndhra
Pradesh 8one$ 1hese 8ones are di&ided in to &arious! plants! "hich go&ern the area
assigned to them$ 1he areas are the &arious distribution centers called distributors and
9>4 agents$ 1hen comes the retailers<customer for the companyJs product! they recei&e
goods from distributors and 9>4 agents$ 4inally consumer is there! ha&ing the product
from the customerJs shops or deli&ered to their home! it is more clearly &isible through
this chart$ 1he 9oca:9ola 9ompany! "hich ga&e its reach to the mouth of billions of
people all around the "orld ha&ing a "ide distribution! net"or#$ In India! the pace and
speed at "hich 9oca:9ola has "idened its business is really ama8ing$ Distribution
net"or# is the biggest strength of the company$
1his part of the mar#eting is playing a &ery &ital and important role in the current
situation in India$ ;oo#ing at the competition and promotion and ad&ertising budget of
both the companies coca cola and Pepsi! one can easily estimate the importance of this$
1he promotion mi6 of 9oca:9ola is di&ided in to
2ince there is only one major competitor of the 9oca P 9ola i$e$ Pepsi$ 1here is
some information about the Pepsi 9ompany$
Pepsi 9ola! -eadquartered )$A$! is the refreshment be&erage unit of Pepsi 9o$
Be&erages and 4oods! a di&ision of Pepsi 9o$ Inc$ Pepsi 9o$ Be&erages and 4oods at
)orth merica also comprise Pepsi 9oQs 1ropicana! +atorade and Gua#er 4oods
businesses in the %nited 2tates of merica and 9anada also
Pepsi:9ola non:carbonated be&erage portfolio includes quafina! @hich is the
number one brand of bottled "ater in the %nited 2tates! Dole single ser&e juices and
some! "hich offers a "ide range of drin#s "ith herbal ingredients$ 1he company also
ma#es and mar#ets )orth merica?s best:selling! ready to drin# iced teas and coffees &ia
joint &enture "ith ;ipton and 2tarbuc#s! respecti&ely$
Pepsi 9o! Inc$ is one of the "orld?s largest food and be&erage companies$
The companys principle business includes:
1rito+8ay snac3s
Pe-si+Cola /e.era4es
Gatorade s-orts drin3s
"ro-icana @uices
Aua3er 1oods
Pepsi 9o Inc$ "as founded in *F0/ through the merger of Pepsi:9ola and 4rito:;ay$
1ropicana "as acquired in *FFE$ In 5*00* Pepsi 9o merged "ith the G%=,R Oats
9ompany! creating the "orld?s fifth largest food and Be&erage 9ompany! "ith */ brands:
each generating more than O*million in annual retail sales$ Pepsi 9oJs success is the result
of superior products! high standards of performance! distincti&e competiti&e strategies
and the high le&el of integrity of their people$
!oft drin# business is built on t"o pillars : Brands and Distribution$ @e present
belo" comprehensi&e conceptual co&erage of these and other #ey mar#eting concepts
*$ Branding
5$ Baluation of brands
7$ Distribution
.$ Mar#eting
/$ Mar#et Research
0$ Mar#et segmentation and positioning
D$ d&ertising and promotions
:,at is a /rand B
brand is name! term! sign! symbol or design or a combination of them "hich is
intended to identify the goods or ser&ices of one seller or group of sellers and to
differentiate them from those of competitorsJ
1rade mar# is Ma brand or a part of brand that is gi&en legal protection because
it is capable of e6clusi&e appropriation$M
Manufacturers can use their o"n brands '#no"n as ManufacturersJ brands( or
brands of their distributors 'DistributorsJ brands($
:,y /randin4B
Manufacturers< distributors use brand names for a &ariety of reasons from simple
identification purposes to ha&ing legal protection for unique features of the products from
imitations and help consumers recogni8e certain quality parameters$ In some cases!
brands are just used to endo" the product "ith unique story and character "hich itself
can be a basis for product differentiation$
!-ecial im-ortance of /rands for soft drin3 -roducts
@hile brands can represent all types of goods or entities! they ha&e special
importance for products$ Brand equities are stronger in soft drin# products as the
consumer is reluctant to try un#no"n brands< unbranded products for the follo"ing
1hese products indi&idually account for a small part of household spending$
Most of these products are for personal use$
In many cases! it is difficult to differentiate a product on technical or functional
grounds and therefore the consumer is reluctant to s"itch to an un#no"n brand$
2uccessful brands generate strong cash flo"s! "hich enable the o"ner of the
brand to rein&est a part of it in the form of aggressi&e ad&ertisements< promotions$
1his reinforces the percei&ed superiority of a brand
Ho2 a /rand is createdB
2oft drin# companies spends enormous sums on building a brand equity by "ay
: ad&ertisements<publicity
: free samples :lo" entry price
: promotions 'schemes for dealers! consumers etc(
d&ertisement and promotion can induce trials but for sustained loyalty! the
manufacturer has to offer superior quality and &alue for money$ Most successful brands
are founded on a chance disco&ery of a ne" product< process or assiduous research and
de&elopment "or#$ Major players in&est in R>D on their e6isting brands and impro&e
the product quality continuously to maintain their edge o&er competitors$
(0 A8UA"I9N 91 BRAN$! <
Balue of a brand is represented by the incremental cash flo" resulting from a
product "ith a brand &ersus a product "ithout a brand name or "ith "ea#er brand name$
Brand &aluation is a comple6 process and in&ol&es a lot of subjecti&ity$ 1here are
no "idely accepted techniques of brand &aluation$ 1here are se&eral considerations "hich
cannot be standardi8ed or quantified such as
1o pre:empt competition from ta#ing o&er a brand
R 2ynergy "ith the company acquiring e6isting brands< businesses
R 2trategic entry into a ne" product category
Pre&ent damage to e6isting brands$ Many a times stiff competition results in price
cutting! aggressi&e promotions! lo"er margins for all the competing brands$
9onfidence in the acquirer of the brand to reju&enate a languishing brand$
alue of an acquired /rand <
In case of an acquired brand! price paid for the brand o&er and abo&e the &alue of
tangible assets! represents &alue of the brand$ 4or accounting purposes consideration paid
for the brand is typically bro#en up as follo"s3
1rademar# and patents
1echnology and #no":ho"
)on compete agreement
2ome of the popular methods for &aluation of brands are discussed belo"
Bert technique 'Intra:brand Pic( &alues brands based on follo"ing factors$ It
gi&es scores on each factor and &alues the brand as multiple of sales< earnings based on
the aggregate score$
: %2PJs of the brand
: 2tability of the brand
: Mar#ets namely the industry in "hich the brand is in use$
: International of the brand commanding a higher "eightage than a local brand$
: 1he long term trends of the brands
: Brands recei&ing consistent in&estment are more &aluable$
: ;egal protection commanded by brands through registration and trade mar# la"s$
: Guality of support recei&ed by the brands$
Cost basis : 1he &aluation is done by aggregating all costs incurred on a brand
from the conception stage$ 1hese costs include mar#et sur&ey! research > de&elopment!
launch and subsequent ad&ertising e6penditures$ 1hese costs are adjusted for inflation
and present &alues are calculated$ 1hen adjustments are made to pro&ide for discount in
case of a declining trend in the product life cycle or premium in case of ascending trend
in mar#et share and product life cycle$
Market value : Baluation at mar#et price 'the best bidder quote( can be at
di&ergence from the fundamental &alue of the brand$ 4or instance! a large company may
pay an abnormally high price to protect its major brand or remo&e a nuisance from the
mar#et or deri&e synergies in its e6isting business$ 2uch &aluations are subjecti&e$
Earnings model : In this method! &aluation is done by identifying! separating and
quantifying earnings that can be attributed to the brand and capitali8ing these earnings at
a suitable discounting rate$ 1he multiple "ould depend on se&eral factors such as
category gro"th prospect! emerging competition and brandJs relati&e position! edge in
terms of technology! strength of loyalty to the brand etc$
C0 $I!"RIBU"I9N <
Mar#eting or Distribution channel refers to the set of mar#eting intermediaries
"hich manufacturerJs lin# together to reach their products to the ultimate consumers$
Depending on the product! nature of mar#et and manufacturersJ resources<strategy! there
can be one or more lin#s bet"een the manufacturer and consumer$
Manufacturer P Retailers
Manufacturer : @holesalers P Retailers
Manufacturer : 2toc#ists : @holesalers P Retailers
Why use distribution channels-
1here are se&eral benefits for a manufacturer particularly in case of consumer
goods to rely on these mar#eting intermediaries rather than de&elop oneJs o"n
distribution net"or#$
Efficiency in performing the basic mar#eting tas# by these intermediaries "ho
through their e6perience! speciali8ation! #no"ledge of local conditions! contacts
and scale! offer ser&ices$
@hich manufacturers can scarcely do on their o"n$
Cost advantage most of these intermediaries in India are family o"ned outfits$
1heir cost of operations and o&erheads are substantially lo"er$
Focus3 Manufacturers can concentrate on their core acti&ity and optimi8e return
on assets$
In India! there are o&er / million retail outlets dispersed all o&er the country$ 1he
retailing industry pro&ides employment to o&er *Emn people$ * out of e&ery 5/ families
in India is engaged in the business of retailing$ O"nership and management are
predominantly family controlled$ -o"e&er in sharp contrast to de&eloped countries! unit
a&erage si8e of a retail outlet in India is &ery small$
Organi8ed retailing! ho"e&er! has been a recent phenomenon and is relati&ely
unde&eloped$ 1here are no large super mar#et chains< shopping malls$ 9onsumers are
un"illing to pay a premium for con&enience shopping as their counterparts in the "estern
countries do$ @hile small chain stores called pna Ba8aars and 2aha#an Bhandaars!
"hich offer products at reasonable prices! ha&e been fairly popular! Department 2tores
and 4ood 2tores are slo"ly gaining popularity$ large number of corporates ha&e
recently &entured into retailing$
1he retail outlet in India can be broadly categori8ed as follo"s3
: +rocery stores
: +eneral purpose stores
: 4ood stores
: Pan bidi shops
: 9hemist< drug stores
: 9old chains
1he relati&e share of grocers dropped from o&er /0H in the early F0Js to 7/H in
the late F0Js$ 9hemist outlets on the other hand! ha&e been e6panding their product range
to include high margin 4M9+ products from shampoos to #etchup$ Pan:"allas are also
emerging as full fledged consumer product outlets
50 MAR&E"ING <
$irect mar3etin4 <
In direct mar#eting manufacturers reach the consumers directly$ Direct mar#eting
can be underta#en in se&eral "ays such as mail order! o"n retail outlets! mobile &ans etc$
ne" inno&ati&e approach to direct mar#eting &i8 multile&el mar#eting is becoming
increasingly popular$ lso gaining ground slo"ly is ,:tailing i$e$ selling products through
the internet$
Multile.el mar3etin4 model <
Multi le&el mar#eting refers to direct mar#eting through an e&er:increasing
number of direct distributors$ Independent distributors sell products directly to the
consumers and appoint ne" distributors and train them$ 1he distributor earns commission
at t"o le&elsL one is his< her o"n commission and t"o a proportion of commission earned
by other distributors appointed by him< her$ )one of these distributors are employees of
the company$
Distributors are not allo"ed to sell these products to retailers$ 1he company sa&es
about 5/H of reali8ations by eliminating retail channel! "hich is shared "ith distributors$
1he company insists that the distributors should ta#e prior appointment "ith the
consumer$ Personal interaction is not only con&enient but adds &alue as customer get
&aluable ad&ice on the product and ho" to use it$
1his helps in creating a"areness and remo&ing misconceptions li#e cosmetics are
harmful for the s#in$
Direct mar#eting 'multi le&el approach( in persona care products is e6tremely
popular abroad$ In Bra8il! about 00H of personal care products are sold through direct
mar#eting$ In India! direct mar#eting has been slo"ly gro"ing$ @ord of mouth has a
strong impact on purchase decision of a consumer! specially in personal care and
cosmetic products$ Direct mar#eting has mainly been underta#en by the ne" M)9
entrants 'notably Oriflame! &on($ -industan ;e&er has also recently launched a ne"
personal product brand viance "hich is sold directly to consumers e6clusi&ely by
trained beauty specialists$ Direct mar#eting has also been e6tensi&ely used in mar#eting
of household appliances li#e Bacuum cleaners$ -o"e&er gi&en the "idely spread
geographical area in India! direct mar#eting cannot be easily used to build an e6tensi&e
national reach and is more li#ely to be used as a supplementary channel$
60 Mar3et Researc, <
Mar#et research acti&ities encompass studies on
: mar#et characteristics
: measurement of mar#et potential and si8e!
: mar#et share analysis!
: competiti&e products!
: ne" products acceptance< product preference!
: sales 'region "ise! consumer "ise etc( analysis!
: short< long term sales forecasting!
: ad&ertisement effecti&eness
: post:shipment data 'actual shipment by manufacturers(!
: retail stores audit 'actual sales at sample outlets(
: trade feedbac# and distribution!
: brand recall! point of sale material etc$
It requires s#illed people for data collection as "ell as analysis$ 2e&eral large
consumer companies ha&e in:house MR department$ Most others retain speciali8ed and
professional MR agencies$
1he significance of mar#et research has increased considerably in the recent times
: 2i8e of operations of major players has increased to national and international
: Mar#eting e6ecuti&es are physically a"ay from the mar#et and hence the need for
flo" of information$
: In the en&ironment of increasing competition and multiple products competing for
consumersJ preference information about the mar#et has tremendous utility$
: Information is required for segmenting the mar#et and appropriate pricing and
positioning of the products$
Mar3et researc, a--roac, <
1ypically! a mar#et research acti&ity in&ol&es the follo"ing / steps!
Problems definition 1his forms the basis of research and failure to identify the
problem precisely "ill result in finding a correct solution for a wrong problem
!esearch design" 1he ne6t step is to set out objecti&es of research clearly!
determined data collection methods to finali8e research instruments and sampling plan$
#ield work" fter finali8ation of research design! the actual data collection
begins$ It can be done by the agency on its o"n or through subcontracting to third parties$
Data is collected by questionnaires< direct inter&ie"s! telephonic inter&ie"s! simple
obser&ation etc$
$ata analysis" 1he ne6t step forms the heart of research acti&ity$ It in&ol&es
e6tracting meaningful information from the data collected and analy8ing the information
statistically and also from business perspecti&e$ 2tatistical techniques include simple<
multiple linear programming models! time series! e6ponential series! regression analysis!
simulation! Mar#o chain process etc$
!eport preparation" 1he final step is to prepare a report! present major findings in
a manner amenable to managerial decision ta#ing$ 1here may be some follo" up and
re&alidation required$
"E!" MAR&E"ING <
1est mar#eting refers to testing out product and mar#eting mi6 "ith a small
number of "ell chosen consumers "hich are representati&e of the target segment$ 1est
mar#eting is frequently used by consumer companies! in contrast to industrial companies
"hich prefer feedbac# through informal channels$ 1est mar#eting impro&es #no"ledge of
target consumers! potential sales and is an effecti&e tool to pre:test alternati&e mar#eting
plan$ In most products! it is important to chec# trial rates as "ell as re:purchase rates$
9onsumer panels refer to a set of consumers "ith different demographic
characteristics 'so as to be representati&e of target population( "ho agree to co:operate in
mar#et research! typically for a consideration$ Mar#et research agencies and companies
try to collect information on buyerJs characteristics by introducing a ne" product to the
consumer panels$ 1he firm estimates trials as "ell as the repeat purchasing by this
method$ 1here are statistical models to forecast mar#et shares! demand! brand s"itching
%dvertising consists of non:personal form of communications$ 1he
communication is conducted through trade media under player sponsorships$ d&ertising
aims at pro&iding information about the product arouse demand for the product and
emphasi8e on superior features of the ad&ertised product o&er others$ Players ha&e to
decide on o&erall ad&ertisement budget! message and mode of presentation! type of
media! timing etc$ 1hey in&ariably do post audit of ad&ertising efficacy$
Promotions are of t"o types &i8$ pull promotions "here consumers are
incenti&i8ed and push promotion "here dealers< retailers are incenti&i8ed$ 1here are
se&eral forms of promotion such as distributing free samples! discount coupons! gift
offers for consumers and target based incenti&es and display schemes etc for retailers$
Mar#eters also sponsor charity programmes! sports etc to promote corporate< brand
definition of dynamic control is also required before "e go further$ Dynamic
control is the distribution managerJs ability to rapidly set and change priorities and modes
of transportation in response to the "ar fighterJs requirements$ If Guartermasters cannot
dynamically control the deli&ery of supplies and materiel! "e remain at the mercy of the
transportation system and "ill be forced into the comfort and e6pense of a stoc#age:
based supply system$
1he -ead quarter of India is at ,n#ay 1o"ers! %dyog Bihar!+urgaon$Coca Cola became
7rd largest 4M9+ from 8ero in India in just E years$ 1here are .0 producing units across
the country$
1here are / regions in India &i8$! )orth! 2outh! @est! ,ast > ndhra Pradesh$
1he company operates in t"o types of Bottling operations &i8$!
*0 9OBO '9ompany O"ned Bottling Operations( : In 9OBO! the 9ompany o"ns
the unit and is a property of India$
(0 4OBO '4ranchisee o"ned Bottling Operations( : 4OBO is operated by Bottlers!
"ho are gi&en license by the 9ompany to bottle its products on their behalf$
1he headquarter of )orthern Region is at IMD 1o"ers! Regent 2quare! +urgaon$
It comprises of Delhi! @estern %P! ,astern %P! Iammu > Iaipur units$ It has F production
units &i8! Delhi! Iaipur! =anpur! Baranasi! Dasna! Mund#a Depo! Iammu! Delhi 4OBOs
> ,ast:@est %P 4OBO$ It is the largest region in India "ith *7*7 employees
PR9$UC"! 91 C9MPAN#
It has bro"n colour "ith high content of 905 '9arbon di:o6ide( "hich ma#es its
9O; fla&our hea&y$ It is a&ailable in different &olumes in mar#et li#e 3
*0 500 ml glass bottle
(0 700 ml glass bottle
C0 000ml pet bottle
50 5$;itre pet bottle$
It has dar# bro"n color "ith &ery high content of 9O5 "hich ma#es the Cola
fla&or is &ery strong$ It is a&ailable in different &olumes in mar#et li#e3
& 500 ml glass bottle
' 700 ml glass bottle
( 000ml pet bottle
) 5$;itre pet bottle
It comes in many fla&ours li#e orange! "ith light content of 9O5 that ma#es its
ma#e its fla&our delicious$ It is a&ailable in different &olumes in mar#et$
*0 500 ml glass bottle
(0 700 ml glass bottle
C0 000 ml pet bottle
50 5$;itre pet bottle
;imca has light grey colour "ith light content of 9O5 that ma#es its fla&our tasty$
It is a&ailable in mar#et in follo"ing pac#s of quantities3
*0 500 ml glass bottle
(0 700 ml glass bottle
C0 000 ml pet bottle
50 5 ;itre pet bottle
It is colourless "ith pac#ing in green coloured bottle$ It has normal content of
9O5$ It has a nice fla&our a&ailable in mar#et in follo"ing pac#ing3
*0 500 ml glass bottle
(0 700 ml glass bottle
C0 000 ml pet bottle
50 5 ;itre pet bottle
It is of yello" colour "ith decent taste of mango$ It doesnJt contain 9O5$ Its
a&ailable pac#ing in mar#et are3
*0 5/0 glass Bottle
2oda: It is colourless > a&ailable in mar#et in 700 ml glass bottle in the mar#et$=
:@ater it is a mineral "ater a&ailable in follo"ing &olumes in the mar#et3
*0 * liter! pet little
(0 5 liter! pet little
4la&our Ingredients Pac# Product 9ompany
9ola 9ola 4la&our
carbonated "ater
*$/ ;itre
5 ;itre
Orange Orange 4la&our S
9arbonated @aterS
*$/ ;itre
5 ;itre
4ruit Iuice Mango PulpS 1reated
"aterS sugar
5/0 M; Maa8a
;emon 4la&or S
9arbonated @aterS
;imca 9oca:9ola
*$/ ;itre
5 ;itre Mirinda ;emon Pepsi
9lear ;emon ;emon 4la&ourS
9arbonated @ater S
*$/ ;itre
5 ;itre


"a/le+ I
Prefer to ,a.e cold drin3s
Res-onse No of Res-ondent Percenta4e % F'
Aes *00 *00H
)o 00 00H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en 9hart > 1able sho" that the most no$ of respondent li#e to ta#e cold
drin# because it gi&es the full satisfaction in the hot and humid day$ It "as found that
*00H of respondent li#es to ta#e the soft drin#s and 00H respondent don?t "ant to ta#e
cold drin#s$ 1he people "ho don?ts prefer are because of their taste and preference$ 1hey
are of the perception that ;assie and )imbu pani are beneficial than the carbonated soft
Prefer to ,a.e cold drin3s
"a/le+ II
Consum-tion of cold drin3s in a day
%"ime a day'
No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
;ess than 5 /. /.H
5 P . 7/ 7/H
More than . S ** **H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en diagram > table sho" the frequency of ta#ing cold drin#s in a
day$ It "as found that /.H of respondent ta#es the less than 5 cold drin# a day! 7/H of
respondent ta#es 5 P . cold drin#s a day$ nd **H of the respondent li#es to ta#es more
than . cold drin#s in a day$ 1he people "ho consume more than t"o cold drin#s ha&e a
habit of a high consumption$ 4or them a change in price doesn?t changes their demand to
a great e6tent$ 1hey also maintain a brand loyalty in the brand they are regularly
Gra-, II
Consum-tion of cold drin3s in a day
"a/le+ III
Preference of fla.ours
1la.our No of Res-ondent Percenta4e
9ola .* .*H
9itric 50 50H
;emon 5* 5*H
Orange *0 *0H
Others 05 05H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en graph > table sho" the most popular fla&our in cold drin#s is 9ola$ It
"as found that the .*H respondent li#es the 9ola 4la&oured! 5*H of respondent li#es the
;amon fla&oured! 50H of respondent li#es the citric fla&our! *0H li#es the Orange
fla&our and only 5H li#es the other fla&oured$
Preference of fla.ours
"a/le+ I
Preference of B rand name
Res-onse No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Aes /0 /0H
)o 7F 7FH
9an?t 2ay 0/ 0/H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he graph > table clear &ie" regarding the importance gi&en to a brand name
"hile choosing the cold drin#s$ It "as found that the /0H of Respondent says Aes and
7FH of respondent say )o and the only /H of respondent not in a position to say
Gra-, I
Preference of Brand name
1actors Influences c,oosin4 -articular Brand
Res-onse No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Brand 5E 5EH
4la&our .E .EH
d&ertisement 00 00H
9hilled *E *EH
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he chart and diagram sho"s that the "ay respondent li#es the particular brand of
cold drin#s$ It "as found that .EH of respondent li#es the because of fla&our! 5EH
respondent li#es the cold drin#s because of brand! *EH of respondent li#es because of
chilled and only 0H of respondent li#es because of ad&ertisement$
1actors Influences c,oosin4 -articular Brand
"a/le+ I
9-inion to2ards Po-ular Brand
Brands No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9o#e /E /EH
Pepsi 5* 5*H
Others 5* 5*H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en diagram gi&es the &ie" regarding the most popular and demanded
brand$ It "as found that the /EH of respondent preferred the 9o#e as most popular brand!
5*H of respondent say Pepsi as most popular brand! *0H of respondent referred the co#e
as the popular brand and the only 5*H of respondent say others "as a the most popular
Gra-, I
9-inion to2ards Po-ular Brand
"a/le+ II
A.aila/ility in retailerGs s,o-
Res-onse No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9ola 0* 0*H
9itric 70 70H
4ruit fla&oured F FH
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en chart table sho"s that the most a&ailable fla&our on the respondent
retailer?s shops$ It "as found that the 0*H of respondent '9onsumers( say that they find
9ola fla&our on their retailer?s shop$70H of respondent found the citric fla&or on their
retailer?s shop$ 2cience cola fla&our is a %ni&ersal fla&our in India! "ith consumers of
all age! se6 and preference accepting it "hole heartedly$
Gra-, II
A.aila/ility in retailerGs s,o-
"a/le+ III
A.aila/ility in C olle4e C anteenH 8 ocalityH C olony
Brand No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9o#e /* /*H
Pepsi .D .DH
Others 05 05H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<+
1he graph > table gi&es the information regarding the a&ailable the a&ailable
brand on their college canteen or a colony or a locality$ It "as found that /*H of
respondent found the 9o#e brands of cold drin# highly a&ailable "hile .DH of
respondent said that they found Pepsi brand as highly a&ailable and only 05H of
respondent said that they found other brand li#e 4rooti or others brands highly a&ailable$
1his difference in the response is because of the consumption of different brands in
different segments$
Gra-, III
A.aila/ility in Colle4e CanteenH8ocalityHColony
9-inion to2ards " aste
%i' In a cola fla.or0
Brand No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9o#e D/ D/H
Pepsi 5/ 5/H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en table and diagram gi&es the idea of the respondent opinion regarding
the 9ola fla&our drin#$ It "as found that the D/H of respondent li#es the 9o#e and the
only 5/H respondent li#es the Pepsi fla&our$
%ii' In Citric fla.ouredB
Brand No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Mountain De" .* .*H
DQ%p 70 70H
2prit 5F 5FH
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retation<
1he gi&en table and Diagram gi&es the idea of the respondent opinion regarding
the citric fla&our drin#$ It "as found that the .*H of respondent li#es the Mountain De"!
70H of respondent li#es the D %P and the only 5FH of respondent li#es the 2prit in 9itric
fla&oured$ 1he consumers of Mountain De" say that it has a better and genuine taste than
the 2prit fla&oured of 9o#e$
%iii' In oran4e fla.ouredB
Brands No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Miranda Orange 0. 0.H
4anta 5E 5EH
Others 0E 0EH
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he abo&e gi&en table and chart sho" the opinion of the respondent regarding
Orange fla&our$ It "as found that the 5EH of respondent li#es fanta of 9O=, brand! 0.H
of respondent li#es the miranda of the P,P2I brand and EH of respondent li#es the other
soft drin#s of orange fla&our$
%i.' In Man4o fla.ourB
Brands No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Ma88a 7D 7DH
2lice 55 55H
Others .* .*H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he abo&e sho"n table and chart gi&es the &ie" regarding the opinion of respondent
about the Mango fla&our$ It "as found that the .*H of respondent li#es 4rooti! 7DH of
respondent li#e Ma88a of 9o#e and only 55H of respondent li#es the 2lice of Pepsi
brand$ One of the greatest ad&antages "ith 4rooti is that it comes in tetra pac# "hich is a
one "ay pac#$ People find it con&enient to ta#e it home for consumption$ ,&en co#e and
Pepsi ha&e introduced tetra pac# in the Mango drin# recently but it "ill definitely ta#e
some time ta#e a"ay mar#et from the mar#et leader$ lso 4rooti is a "ell established
brand has a&ailable in tetra pac# for a long time$

Gra-, II
9-inion to2ards "aste
% I ' IN A C98A 18A9R
Gra-, II
9-inion to2ards "aste
Gra-, II
9-inion to2ards "aste
Gra-, II
9-inion to2ards "aste
Cause of C,oosin4 Brand
!u/@ect No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Blend 50 50H
Brand Image 7E 7EH
&ailability 50 50H
d&ertisement *0 *0H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he graph > table abo&e say that "hy the respondent li#e their fa&oured brand$ It
"as found that 7EH of respondent li#es his brand because of brand Image! 50H of
respondent li#es because of a&ailability! 50H of because of Blend and only *0H of
ad&ertisement$ Brand image refer to the perception of the customers regarding the choice
of a particular brand$ It comes "ith the #ind of ad&ertisement brought by the company$
Blend o&er here refers to the taste of the fla&our demanded$
(IV) Gra-, I
Cause of C,oosin4 Brand
Most a--ealin4 Brand ad.ertisement
Brands No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9o#e /5 /5H
Pepsi .E .EH
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he gi&en chart sho"s that the respondent about the most appealing brand
ad&ertisement$ It "as found that the /5H of respondent says that 9o#e ad&ertisement is
most appealing! .EH of respondent says Pepsi ad&ertisement is most appealing one$ 1he
ad&ertisement of 9o#e features Bolly"ood star li#e ishyar"a Rai! -riti# Roshan!
=arishma =apoor and mir =han "ho are highly acceptable by the public$ 1he
ad&ertisement of 9o#e featuring mir =han "ith a punch line
*+handa Matlab,,,,,Coca-Cola-
It "as a super hit "hich too# 9o#e not only to the rural mar#ets but also
o&erturned the mar#et of Pepsi$
Table XII
Most appealing Brand Punch Line
Gra-, II
Most a--ealin4 Brand ad.ertisement
Most a--ealin4 Brand P unc, 8 ine
Brand No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
9o#e 0E 0EH
Pepsi 75 75H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he chart sho"s the opinion regarding the most effecti&e punch line in respondent
&ie"$ It "as found that 0EH of respondent feel that 9o#e punch line is most effecti&e!
75H of respondent feels Pepsi TPunch line is most effecti&e! Major no$ of people thin#s
that the most effecti&e punch line is .+handa Matalab,,,Coca-Cola- and Punch
UMatlab ,,Chota Coke-! 1hen */e pyass hai Badi- and *yeh dil mange more-
Gra-, IIII
9-inion to2ards -roduct> 2,ic, is -romoted /y cele/rity
"a/le II
9-inion to2ards Pricin4 !trate4y
Res-onse No of Res-ondent Percenta4e %F'
Aes 0. 0.H
)o 55 55H
9anQt 2ay *. *.H
1otal *00 *00H
Analytical Inter-retations<
1he gi&en table > diagram sho"s that ho" effecti&e the companies facility the
consumer$ It "as found 0.H of respondent says yes$ 55H of respondent says )o and *.H
respondent can?t say anything$ India is a mass mar#et for the consumer product but at the
same time it is also a &ery UPrice 2ensiti&e Mar#et$ 2o "ith a small decrease in price
results in a drastic increase in the demand$ 2ince soft drin# is a consumer product! the
price has a great influence on the demand of the product$
"a/le II
9-inion to2ards Pricin4 !trate4y
!:9" ANA8#!I!
9oca:cola Potential brands position in the mar#et$
+ood quality and inno&ation of product for long term customer relationship$
+ood ad&ertising campaign! and brand ambassador$
d&ertisement campaign more effecti&e and change punch line ma#e$ ,motional
touch "ith customer and retail$
-igh in&estment in research and de&elopment$
9oca:cola has a good mar#et share$
2egment of co#e product to e&ery age group$
1o satisfy of retail or through schemes 2+! display$
;ac# of proper distribution in many areas$
;ac# a&ailability * it > *$/ it product pac#$
;ac# supply of =inley "ater in the mar#et$
Rising )o$ of date dealers that "ill "rong effect in mar#et condition$
Retailers are not getting schemes at the time$
)o distribute enough signage to retailers$
9o#e is able to capture large m#t$ 2hare$
More monopoly counters of co#e brand$
1o impro&e mar#et mi6 'Product! price! promotion! place($
1o increase the sale of =inley "ater$
Pepsi is the major competitors! that means "atch myopia in the mar#et e&ery
Pepsi ha&e captured major mar#et of /00 ml! *$/ > 5 lt$
Retailers di&ert to pepsi because they are getting good schemes and 2+
signage$ Increase local brand in the mar#et$
Doing a sur&ey on consumers mar#et pro&ided a lot of insight into the dynamics of the
mar#et place and "ith it &aluable insights "ere also gained into the psyche of consumer
and o"ners$
*0 !UPP8#
1he demand of 1hums up > Maa8a far e6ceed the supply especially in case of 500ml and
pet bottles$ 4e" shop o"ners? clamed that many a times no supply is made for 7 days and
some times e&en more$
2ometimes the deli&ery &ans of 9oca:9ola starts late from the distribution point and that
of ri&als reach early $so eateries! "hich generally ser&e soft drin#s in the glass! buy the
soft drin#s from the deli&ery &an "hich arri&es first$
2alesman at the deli&ery &an to be inconsistent on certain meters li#es the concept of
bro#en bottles$ @hen dealing "ith the shop and the eatery o"ners some salesman do
e6change bottles "hile some do notV
ll fla&ors and all si8e of bottles are #indly a&ailable in the mar#et$
O"ners confirmed that 9ompany representati&es don?t come "hen called repeatedly$

1he 9ompany must ensure that the representati&es do &isit an outlet at least once in 7
days to listen and to attained to complaints! if any$
C0 !A8E! PU!H B# EA" J $RIN& 9U"8E"
1he 9ompany easily influenced many eatery o"ners! "hich pro&ide them "ith better
facilities$ 1here "as a tendency to push the product of the 9ompany "hich e&er offered
them better scheme or benefits$
4rom this project titled =Merc,andisin4 and route -roducti.ity= in Coca+Cola> I
ha&e learned a lot about real practical "or# being done in the mar#et I ha&e also "atched
> learned the practical applicability of the &arious things that "e ha&e studied
I obser&ed on the basis of sur&ey in Dehradun city that Coca+Cola lay emphasis on
merchandising in order to become the No0* brand in soft drin# industry the report "as
finds out the a&ailability of different fla&or and pac#s$
Cola+Cola adopt a good customer relationship management! it is focus on the!
segment of the product because each segment is affected by different sets of factor "hich
hamper or enhance sales$ ,ach segment had its o"n Pros > 9ons$ 2o "e ha&e to
understand the &arious segment of soft drin# industry that "hich fla&or is e6isting more
in the mar#et! 2uch as 1hums:up strong brand of co#e "hich is more popular in young
generation$ I also obser&e about fate dealer! sub dealer! monopoly counter > its
mar#eting strategy$ 2uch as fate dealer is influence "rong direction to the mar#et$ 1hey
are supply product at high margin "ith lo" scheme$
s "e #no" till no" since ill soft drin# industry the concept of brand loyalty is not in
that shape in "hich it is in countries$ 2o company could ta#e some steps to be to ha&e a
good report "ith the retailers "hy supply them regularly and pro&ide them "ith other
monetary benefit$
*$1he area of study is limited to the merchandising and route producti&ity aspects of the
system! "hile the mar#eting has other crucial areas too "hich "ere left uncharted
5$ 1he study is limited to eastern region of coca cola "hich is a multinational company!
so the area plays as a constraint in the study$
7$ 1he time period allotted for the study "as only of t"o months! "hich may pro&ide a
decepti&e picture in comparison of the study based on long run$
.$ 1he study "as based on both primary and secondary data but the rele&ance of the
secondary data may not be justified$
/$ 1he success of any sur&ey depends upon the quality and integrity of the sur&eyor "ho
collect the basic data by e6pressing the subject under the study and on the respondents
"ho pro&ides the data required by filling up the questionnaire $1he accuracy of the data
collected solely depends upon the cooperation and truthfulness of the person "ho is being
0$ Interaction s#ills as "ell as the beha&iour of the respondents also played as a
constraints during the research$
*$ )ame of the Respondent3: WWWWWWWWWW
5$ ddress3 : WWWWWWWWWW
7$ ge group3 :
'a( Belo" */ 'b( */ P 50 'c( 50 P 5/
'd( 5/ P 7/ 'e( 7/ P ./ 'f( bo&e ./
*$ ,ducational Bac#ground
'a( Matric > Belo"
'b( Intermediate
'c( +raduation
'd( Post +raduation
5$ Do you ta#e cold drin#V
'a( Aes 'b( )o
D$ If yes ho" frequentlyV 'Daily(
'a( ;ess than 5 'b( 5 P . 'c( More than .
E$ @hich fla&our do you li#e mostV
'a( 9ola 'b( 9itric 'c( Orange
'd( ;emon 'e( Others$
F$ Do you gi&e importance to brand name "hile choosing your cold drin#V
'a( Aes 'b( )o 'c( 9an?t 2ay
*0$ @hich brand you prefer mostV
'a( 9o#e 'b( Pepsi 'c( Both 'd(
**$ Aou li#e the particular brand of cold drin# because ofV
'a( Brand 'b( 4la&or 'c( d&ertisement
'd( 9hilled
*5 In your opinion "hich brand of cold drin# is most demanded or popularV
'a( 9o#e 'c( Pepsi 'd( Others$
*7$ @hich brand is more a&ailable in your retailer?s shopsV
'a( 9ola 'b( 9itric 'c( 4ruit 4la&ored$
*. @hich brand of cold drin# do you find most in your college
'a( 9o#e Brand 'b( Pepsi Brand 'c( Others$
*/$ In your opinion "hich soft drin# is better tasteV
'i( In 9ola 4la&or
'a( 9o#e 'c( Pepsi
'ii( In 9itric 4la&oured$
'a(2prite 'b( Mountain De" 'c( DQ%p
'iii( In Orange fla&oured$
'a( 4anta 'b( Miranda Orange
'c( Others$
'i&( In mango 4la&oured$
'a( Ma88a 'b( 2lice 'c( Others$
*0$ @hy do you li#e your brandV
'a( Blend 'b( Brand Image 'c( &ailability
'd( d&ertisement
*D$ @hich brand ad&ertisement appeals you mostV
'a( 9o#e 'b( Pepsi 'c( Others$
*E$ Most effecti&e punch line in your opinion ofV
'a( 9o#e 'b( 1humps up
'c( Pepsi 'd( Others$
*F$ Aou li#e the product "hich is promoted by the celebrityV
'a( Aes 'b( )o 'c( 9an?t 2ay
50$ Do you thin# that the pricing strategy adopted by the cola companies fascinate the
'a( Aes 'b( )o 'c( 9an?t 2ay
5*$ ny 2uggestion3:
",an3 #ou>
*0 Researc, Met,odolo4y> =othari$ 9$R$! Research Methodology Methods
> 1echniques! )e":Delhi! @ish"a Pra#ashan! edition 5007$
*0 Multi 8e.el J $irect Mar3etin4> Brandin4> =otler! Philip$! Mar#eting
Management! Delhi! Pearson ,ducation '2ingapore( Pte$ ;td! **
(0 Mar3etin4 !trate4y> Barshney! R$;$ > Bhattacharya! B$! International
Mar#eting Management! )e":Delhi! 2ultan 9hand > 2ons edition 5007$
C0 Com-any Profile> @eb:2ite3: """$coca:cola$com Xhttp3<<"""$coca:
50 Merc,andisin4 J Route Producti.ity> """$as#:jee&es$com!
60 Retailin4> 9ompany 2ou&enirs$

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