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Wipro Confidential 2/9/2005

101 101 101 101

Oracle SQL Tuning Tips

Daison Jose

101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
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SQL Tuning

The first thing you need to know is the data. The volume of data and the distribution of data
will affect how you tune individual queries. You also need to have a shopping cart" full of
tuning methods to try. Multiple approaches must be made to cover all types of queries. A
single method of tuning or a single tuning product is not enough. You also need to know
where the system is slow. Many DBAs and developers spend endless hours finding problem
queries instead of asking the users of the system. Users will almost always be happy to
volunteer this information. You also need to network with other developers that work on a
similar system. Sharing information at user groups is a great way to network.
General Points

Do not always assume Oracle is at fault. If you have used an inefficient algorithm,
then your code will always run slowly.

Use EXPLAIN PLAN and TKPROF to verify that PL/SQL is causing the performance
problem and not the SQL that it executes.

Avoid selects against the database when the same functionality can be achieved in

Anonymous PL/SQL should be moved into a stored object when possible and this
object then pinned in the shared pool using dbms_shared_pool.keep(), if the object is
frequently referenced.

1) For If statement(s) use the NOT IN operator, and rewrite them with NOT EXISTS.

2) Compose Predicates Using AND and =.

3) Use equijoins (a join with a join condition containing an equality operator).

4) Avoid a full-table scan if it is more efficient to get the required rows through an index.

5) Avoid using an index that fetches 10,000 rows from the driving table if you could instead
use another index that fetches 100 rows and choose selective indexes.

6) Choose the join order so you will join fewer rows to tables later in the join order.

7) Set up the driving table to contain the filter condition that eliminates the highest
percentage of the table.

8) Use untransformed column values.

9) Do not use SQL functions in predicate clauses or WHERE clauses. Use function-based
indexes where possible.
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10) Avoid mixed-type expressions.

11) When using IN and NOT IN with a sub query try to rewrite it with WHERE (NOT) EXISTS as
an alternative.

12) Minimize the use of DISTINCT.

14) Do not use inequality operators such as <>, =!.

15) Do not use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL.

16) Use INDEX BY clause while using collections.
17) Avoid Rollback Segment Problems with huge Updates / Deletes. If you have to UPDATE or
DELETE a huge number of rows, you may encounter problems with Rollback Segments. One
solution is to COMMIT after sets of n Rows.
18) Use SQL standards within an application. Rules like the following are easy to implement
and will allow more sharing within Oracle's memory.

Using a single case for all SQL verbs
Beginning all SQL verbs on a new line
Right or left aligning verbs within the initial SQL verb
Separating all words with a single space
19) Use a standard approach to table aliases. If two identical SQL statements vary because
an identical table has two different aliases, then the SQL is different and will not be shared.
20) Use table aliases and prefix all column names by their aliases when more than one table is
involved in a query. This reduces parse time AND prevents future syntax errors if someone
adds a column to one of the tables with the same name as a column in another table. (ORA-
21) Beware of WHERE clauses which do not use indexes at all. Even if there is an index over a
column that is referenced by a WHERE clause included in this section, Oracle will ignore the
index. All of these WHERE clauses can be re-written to use an index, while returning the same
values. In other words, don't perform operations on database objects referenced in the
WHERE clause. Read More.
22) Don't forget to tune views. Views are SELECT statements and can be tuned in just the
same way as any other type of SELECT statement can be. All tuning applicable to any SQL
statement are equally applicable to views.
23) Avoid including a HAVING clause in SELECT statements. The HAVING clause filters
selected rows only after all rows have been fetched. Using a WHERE clause helps reduce
overheads in sorting, summing, etc. HAVING clauses should only be used when columns with
summary operations applied to them are restricted by the clause. Read More.
24) Minimize the number of table lookups (subquery blocks) in queries, particularly if your
statements include subquery SELECTs or multicolumn UPDATEs. Read More.
25) Consider the alternatives EXISTS, IN and table joins when doing multiple table joins.
None of these are consistently faster; it depends on your data. If there is a poor performer
here, it's likely the IN clause. Read More.
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26) Avoid joins that require the DISTINCT qualifier on the SELECT list in queries which are
used to determine information at the owner end of a one-to-many relationship. The DISTINCT
operator causes Oracle to fetch all rows satisfying the table join and then sort and filter out
duplicate values. EXISTS is a faster alternative, because the Oracle optimizer realizes when
the subquery has been satisfied once, there is no need to proceed further and the next
matching row can be fetched. Read More.
27) Consider whether a UNION ALL will suffice in place of a UNION. The UNION clause forces
all rows returned by each portion of the UNION to be sorted and merged and duplicates to be
filtered before the first row is returned. A UNION ALL simply returns all rows including
duplicates and does not have to perform any sort, merge or filter. If your tables are mutually
exclusive (include no duplicate records), or you don't care if duplicates are returned, the
UNION ALL is much more efficient. Read More.
28) Consider using DECODE to avoid having to scan the same rows repetitively or join the
same table repetitively. Note, DECODE is not necessarily faster as it depends on your data
and the complexity of the resulting query. Also, using DECODE requires you to change your
code when new values are allowed in the field. Read More.
29) Oracle automatically performs simple column type conversions (or casting) when it
compares columns of different types. Depending on the type of conversion, indexes may not
be used. Make sure you declare your program variables as the same type as your Oracle
columns, if the type is supported in the programming language you are using. Read More.
30) If you specify 2 tables in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, the parser will process
the tables from right to left, so the table name you specify last will be processed first. In this
case you have to choose one table as driving table. Always choose the table with less number
of records as the driving table.
31) If three tables are being joined, select the intersection tables as the driving table. The
intersection table is the table that has many tables dependent on it.
32) Never compare NULL to anything else. All expressions return NULL if one of the operands
is NULL. This is applicable for all operators except Concatenation operator (||).
33) Use DECODE when you want to scan same rows repetitively or join the same table
repetitively. Read More.
34) Always use table alias and prefix all column names with the aliases when you are using
more than one table.
35) Use NOT EXISTS in place of NOT IN. Read More.
36) Use Joins in place of EXISTS. Read More.
37) Use EXISTS in place of DISTINCT. Read More.
38) The optimizer fully evaluates expressions whenever possible and translates certain
syntactic constructs into equivalent constructs. This is done either because Oracle can more
quickly evaluate the resulting expression than the original expression or because the original
expression is merely a syntactic equivalent of the resulting expression. Read More.
39) Never use NOT on an indexed column. Whenever Oracle encounters a NOT on an index
column, it will perform full-table scan. Read More.
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40) Never use a function / calculation on an indexed column. If there is any function is used
on an index column, optimizer will not use index. Use some other alternative. Read More.
41) Use AFTER row triggers instead of BEFORE row triggers if at all possible.
42) Use a WHEN clause on the trigger if at all possible so that the trigger is only fired when
absolutely necessary.
43) Are there 8 or more tables in the join? If so then the CBO may not be even considering
the join order that you want to use. Consider using the
Parameter:OPTIMIZER_MAX_PERMUTATIONS parameter to change the maximum number of
permutations considered.
44) Add or remove indexes (BOTH CBO/RBO). Additional indexes may provide a better access
path for slow queries. Equally an unselective index may be causing an inefficient access path.
The CBO should be able to determine the relative usefulness of different indexes if the
statistics provided are adequate. If indexes are causing a problem but cannot be removed
then they can be disabled using hints or other methods.
45) If the problem relates to CPU bound applications then CPU information for each session
can be examined to determine the culprits. The v$sesstat view can be queried to find high cpu
using sessions and then SQL can be listed as before. Read More.
46) Avoid unnecessary sorting. Read More.
47) Late row elimination. Queries are more likely to be performant if the bulk of the rows can
be eliminated early in the plan. If this does happen then unnecessary comparisons may be
made on rows that are simply eliminated later. This tends to increase CPU usage with no
performance benefits. If these rows can be eliminated early in the access path using a
selective predicate then this may significantly enhance the query performance.
48) Missing indexes/use of 'wrong' indexes .If indexes are missing on key columns then
queries will have to use Full Table Scans to retrieve data. Usually indexes for performance
should be added to support selective predicates included in queries.
49) Wrong plan or join order selected. If the wrong plan has been selected then you may want
to force the correct one. If the problem relates to an incorrect join order, then it ofter helps to
draw out the tables linking them together to show how they join e.g.

This can help with visualisation of the join order and identifications of missing joins.
When tuning a plan, try different join orders examining number of rows returned to get an
idea of how good they may be.
50) Insufficiently high sample rate for CBO (Cost Based Optimization). If the CBO does not
have the correct statistical information then it cannot be expected to produce accurate
results. Usually a sample size of 5% will be sufficient, however in some cases it may be
necessary to have more accurate statistics at its' disposal
51) Use Explain plan to find problematic queries. Read More.
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52) Use the top command to find the worst user on the system at a given point of time.
53) The sar and iostsat commands can be used to find potential disk I/O problem areas. These
commands are further enhanced by utilizing the capabilities of shell scripting.
54) Use the vmstat command to find blocked processes (users waiting for CPU time) and also
for paging and swapping problems. The vmstat command is a great way to see many of the
sar options in one screen.
55) Retrieving information from memory is over 10,000 times (depending on the memory you
have) faster than retrieving it from disk, so make sure that the SGA is large enough. Ensure
that the INIT.ORA parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE is large enough to accommodate sorts in
memory; otherwise, the sort will take place on disk. Caching an often used but relatively small
table into memory will ensure that the data is not pushed out of memory by other data.
56) Concatenated (composite) indexes that can be used to satisfy a query without accessing
the table. This eliminates the need to go to the table to retrieve the data, reducing I/O.
57) Separate key Oracle data files to ensure that disk contention is not a bottleneck. By
separating tables and indexes of often-joined tables, you can ensure that even the worst of
table joins do not result in disk contention. Solve disk contention problems by moving data
files to disks that are not as heavily accessed.
58) To minimize disk I/O on a single large table, break the table into multiple partitions that
reside on different physical disks. Partitions can dramatically increase performance.
59) Add larger and drop the smaller redo log files to increase the speed of large INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
60) De-normalise frequently joined tables. Normalisation is an analysis technique, not a design
61) Make sure indexes are being used where appropriate. Functions on an indexed column
(except for Oracle8i and above function-based indexes) will prevent the use of an index.
e.g. select <my_data> from <my_table> where max(indexed_col) = <some_val>
will require a full table scan of the table being queried.
62) If you have an OLTP system, beware of having too many indexes. Whenever records are
inserted or deleted the corresponding index entries have to be created or removed, generating
twice as much work for the database.
63) Use bit-map indexes for columns that store boolean/flag values.
64) The parse phase for statements can be decreased by efficient use of aliasing. This helps
the speed of parsing the statements in two ways:
If an alias is not present, the engine must resolve which tables own the specified
A short alias is parsed more quickly than a long table name or alias. If possible, reduce
the alias to a single letter.
65) List of factors that will prevent an index from being used:
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The optimizer decides it would be more efficient not to use the index. As a rough rule
of thumb, on evenly distributed data an index will be used if it restricts the number
rows returned to 5% or less of the total number of rows. In the case of randomly
distributed data, an index will be used if it restricts the number of rows returned to
25% or less of the total number of rows.
You perform a function on the indexed column i.e. WHERE Upper(name) = 'JONES'
You perform mathematical operations on the indexed column i.e. WHERE salary + 1 =
You concatenate a column i.e. WHERE firstname || ' ' || lastname = 'JOHN JONES'
You do not include the first column of a concatenated index in the WHERE clause of
your statement. For the index to be used in a partial match, the first column (leading-
edge) must be used.
It is debatable whether the order of columns referencing the index is important. There
are sometimes differences in the performance of the statement depending on column
order, especially when using Rule Based Optimization (RBO).
The use of 'OR' statements confuses the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO). It will rarely
choose to use an index on column referenced using an OR statement. It will even
ignore optimizer hints in this situation. The only way of guaranteeing the use of
indexes in these situations is to use the /*+ RULE */ hint.
66) The structure of the FROM and WHERE clauses of DML statements can be tailored to
improve the performance of the statement. The rules vary depending on whether the database
engine is using the Rule or Cost based optimizer. The situation is further complicated by
the fact that the engine may perform a Merge Join or a Nested Loop join to retrieve the
data. Despite this, there are a few rules you can use to improve the performance of your SQL.
Read More.
67) Queries will execute much faster if the data they reference is already cached. For small
frequently used tables performance may be improved by caching tables. Normally, when full
table scans occur, the cached data is placed on the Least Recently Used (LRU) end of the
buffer cache. This means that it is the first data to be paged out when more buffer space is
required. If the table is cached (ALTER TABLE employees CACHE;) the data is placed on the
Most Recently Used (MRU) end of the buffer, and so is less likely to be paged out before it
is re-queried. Caching tables may alter the CBO's path through the data and should not be
used without careful consideration
68) The EXISTS function searches for the presence of a single row meeting the stated criteria
as opposed to the IN statement which looks for all occurrences. Use Exists to avoid processing
PRODUCT- 1000 rows
ITEMS - 1000 rows
SELECT p.product_id
FROM products p
WHERE p.item_no IN (SELECT i.item_no
FROM items i);
SELECT p.product_id
FROM products p
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
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FROM items i
WHERE i.item_no = p.item_no)
For query A, all rows in ITEMS will be read for every row in PRODUCTS. The effect will
be 1,000,000 rows read from items. In the case of query B, a maximum of 1 row from
ITEMS will be read for each row of PRODUCTS, thus reducing the processing overhead
of the statement.
69) If a query uses inequalities (item_no > 100) the optimizer must estimate the number of
rows returned before it can decide the best way to retrieve the data. This estimation is prone
to errors. If you are aware of the data and it's distribution you can use optimizer hints to
encourage or discourage full table scans to improve performance.

If an index is being used for a range scan on the column in question, the performance can be
improved by substituting >= for >. In this case, item_no > 100 becomes item_no >= 101. In
the first case, a full scan of the index will occur. In the second case, Oracle jumps straight to
the first index entry with an item_no of 101 and range scans from this point. For large indexes
this may significantly reduce the number of blocks read.
70) Identify the specific statement(s) that are causing a problem. The simplest way to do this
usually involves running the individual statements using SQLPlus and timing them (SET
71) Use EXPLAIN to look at the execution plan of the statement. Look for any full table
accesses that look dubious. Remember, a full table scan of a small table is often more
efficient than access by rowid.
72) Check to see if there are any indexes that may help performance. A quick way to do this is
to run the statement using the Rule Based Optimizer (RBO) (SELECT /*+ RULE */ ). Under the
RBO, if an index is present it will be used. The resultant execution plan may give you some
ideas as to what indexes to play around with. You can then remove the RULE hint and replace
it by the specific index hints you require. This way, the CBO will still be used for table accesses
where hints aren't present. Remember, if data volumes change over time, the hint that
helped may become a hindrance! For this reason, hints should be avoided if possible,
especially the /*+ RULE */ hint.
73) Try adding new indexes to the system to reduce excessive full table scans. Typically,
foreign key columns should be indexed as these are regularly used in join conditions. On
occasion it may be necessary to add composite (concatenated) indexes that will only aid
individual queries. Remember, excessive indexing can reduce INSERT, UPDATE and
DELETE performance.
74) Order of the tables in Joins: If you specify 2 or more tables in the FROM clause of a
SELECT statement, then Oracle parser will process the tables from right to left, so the table
name you specify last will be processed first. In this case you have to choose one table as
driving table.Always choose the table with less number of records as the driving table.

75) Name the Columns in a Query: There are three good reasons why it is better to name
the columns in a query rather than to use "select * from ...".
1. Network traffic is reduced. This can have a significant impact on performance if the
table has a large number of columns, or the table has a long or long raw column (both of
which can be up to 2 GB in length). These types of columns will take a long time to transfer
over the network and so they should not be fetched from the database unless they are
specifically required.
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2. The code is easier to understand.
3. It could save the need for changes in the future. If any columns is added to or
removed from the base table/view, then select * statement can produce wrong results set
and statement may fall

76) Avoid High Cardinality Operations. Read More

77) Avoid High cost Operations. Read More.

78) Use Bind Variables: It is also better to use bind variables in queries. That way the query
becomes generic and therefore re-usable. For example, instead of writing a query like

SELECT ename, sal
FROM emp
WHERE deptno = 20;

Change it to

SELECT ename, sal
FROM emp
WHERE deptno = :deptno;

The first query can be re-used for deptno number 20 only, whereas the second query
can be reused for any other deptno also.

79) Avoid REVERSE KEY index together with a FOREIGN Key. Read More.

80) Use of expressions and indexes: The optimizer fully evaluates expressions whenever
possible and translates certain syntactic constructs into equivalent constructs. This is done
either because Oracle can more quickly evaluate the resulting expression than the original
expression or because the original expression is merely a syntactic equivalent of the resulting
expression. Read More.

81) Use of NOT operator on indexed columns: Never use NOT operator on an indexed
column. Whenever Oracle encounters a NOT on an index column, it will perform full-table
For Example:

FROM emp
WHERE NOT deptno = 0;

Instead use the following:

FROM emp
WHERE deptno > 0;

82) Function or Calculation on indexed columns: Never use a function or calculation on
an indexed column. If there is any function is used on an index column, optimizer will not use
For Example:

Do not use until need exactly match string:

FROM emp
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
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WHERE SUBSTR (ename, 1, 3) = 'MIL';

Use following instead:

FROM emp
WHERE ename LIKE 'MIL%';

83) Do not use the following as || is the concatenate function. Like other functions and it
disables index.

FROM emp
WHERE ename || job = 'MILLERCLERK';

Use the following instead

FROM emp
WHERE ename = 'MILLER' AND job = 'CLERK';.

84) Avoid Transformed Columns in the WHERE Clause: Use untransformed column

For example, use:

WHERE a.order_no = b.order_no

Rather than

WHERE TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR(a.order_no, INSTR(b.order_no, '.') - 1))
= TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR(a.order_no, INSTR(b.order_no, '.') - 1))

85) Combine Multiples Scans with CASE Statements: Often, it is necessary to calculate
different aggregates on various sets of tables. Usually, this is done with multiple scans on the
table, but it is easy to calculate all the aggregates with one single scan. Eliminating n-1 scans
can greatly improve performance.

Combining multiple scans into one scan can be done by moving the WHERE condition of each
scan into a CASE statement, which filters the data for the aggregation. For each aggregation,
there could be another column that retrieves the data.

The following example has count of all employees who earn less then 2000, between 2000 and
4000, and more than 4000 each month. This can be done with three separate queries.

FROM emp
WHERE sal < 2000;
FROM emp
WHERE sal BETWEEN 2000 AND 4000;
FROM emp
WHERE sal>4000;

However, it is more efficient to run the entire query in a single statement. Each number is
calculated as one column. The count uses a filter with the CASE statement to count only the
rows where the condition is valid. For example:

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CASE WHEN sal < 2000
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count1,
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count2,
COUNT (CASE WHEN sal > 4000
THEN 1 ELSE null END) count3
FROM emp;

86) Find problem queries hurting memory. A single index or a single query can bring an
entire system to a near standstill. By using v$sqlarea, you can find the problem queries on
your system. Below, the example shows how to find the problem queries. I am searching for
queries where the disk reads are greater than 10,000. If your system is much larger, you
may need to set this to a higher number. Read More.

87) Using Key Hints for Optimization: The Oracle optimizer is not perfect; however, there are
HINTS that can be used to change how the optimizer behaves. Eventually, you will find a
query that requires specific tuning attention. When the query is found, you must take
advantage of the hints that Oracle offers for tuning individual queries. The syntax for the
main hints are listed below. Keep in mind, the syntax must be correct or the hint will be
ignored, and no error message will be issued. Also, remember that hints only apply to the
statement they are in. Nested statements are treated as totally different statements, requiring
their own hints. I will cover the most effective hints (many more are available) for query

88) If you compare the wrong data types, your index may be suppressed internally. This is
because Oracle will re-write the query so that the comparison is correct. This problem is at
times difficult to track down.

89) You must be careful when writing queries or you may unintentional suppress (turn off) an
index that you may have intended on using. Any function that modifies the column name in a
WHERE clause will suppress the corresponding index. In Oracle8I, there are function-based
indexes that allow indexes to be built on functions like UPPER, SUBSTR and DECODE. Many
common functions that are used to suppress a standard index are listed below

NOT / IS NULL / != or <>
Comparing a number field to a character field
Any modification to the Indexed Column Name
(TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, +0, || '', SUBSTR, DECODE...)
90) Developers using the UPPER function can suppress an index on a column for a given
query. In Oracle8i, there is now a way to combat this problem. Function-based indexes allow
you to create an index based on a function or expression. The value of the function or
expression is specified by the person creating the index and is stored in the index. Function-
based indexes can involve multiple columns, arithmetic expressions or may be a PL/SQL
function or C callout.

91) Using nested subqueries instead of joining tables in a single query can lead to dramatic
performance gains (at times over 1000%). Only certain queries will meet the criteria for
making this modification. When you find the right one, this trick will take performance
improvement to an exponentially better height. The conditions for changing a query to a
nested subquery occur when:

Tables are being joined to return the rows from ONLY one table.
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Conditions from each table will lead to a reasonable percentage of the rows to be
retrieved (more then 10%)
92) A better way for measuring the performance of queries is to use the AUTOTRACE

93) When multiple indexes on a single table are used within a query, use the most restrictive
index. While Oracles cost-based optimizer will generally force the use of the most restrictive
index, variations can occur based on the version of oracle used and structure of the query.
Forcing the use of the most restrictive index will guarantee the best performance.

94) Any modification to the column side of the query results in the suppression of the index.

95) In a three-table join, the driving table is the intersection table or the table that has join
condition to each of the other two tables in the join. Try to use the most limiting table as the
driving table (or intersection table) so that your result set from the join of the first two tables
is small when you join it to the third table. Also, ensure that all join conditions on all tables are

96) To ensure that you are reading your EXPLAIN PLAN correctly, run a query for which you
are sure of the driving table (with nested subqueries)

97) Identify tables for caching. You can frequently find small, frequently accessed tables for
placement in the KEEP pool or for use with the CACHE option.

98) Identifying tables for row sequencing. You can locate large tables that have frequent
index-range scans in order to resequence the rows, to reduce I/O.

99) Dropping unused indexes. You can reclaim space occupied by unused indexes. Studies
have found that an Oracle database that never uses more than a quarter of all indexes
available or doesnt use them in the way for which they were intended.

100) Avoid literal values in SQL. Any SQL statement that contains embedded literal values is
highly unlikely to be reused (e.g. select * from sales where name=JONES;). These non-
reusable statements can fill the library cache with non-reusable SQL statements. The solution
is to encourage all developers to use host variables in all SQL.

101) Any of the following conditions will cause Oracle to invoke a full-table scan:

When no indexes exist for the table.
When a query does not contain a where clause
When an indexed column references in invalidated by placing it inside a BIF
When a query use like operator and it begins with a %
With the cost-based optimizer, when a table contains a small number of rows.
When the optimizer_mode = all_rows in the initialization file.
Queries with NULL conditions. Oracle cannot use an index to select NULL column
values because the NULLs are not stored in the index.
Queries with a NOT Equals Condition. The not equals condition or a not in
condition will always use a full-table scan unless the common values are skewed
and column histogram indicate that the index scan is faster.

Niemiecs 7 Rules of Tuning:
Rule 1: The level of tuning achieved can be directly attributable to the number of straight
hours that you can work and how much junk food is available.
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Rule 2: The level of tuning achieved is tremendously increased if user input is solicited and
those users are NOT of the type that try to be politically correct (i.e. You need users that are
not afraid to say that this report runs horribly!).
Rule 3: The level of tuning achieved can be directly attributable to the security access to the
system that the tuning professional has.
Rule 4: The level of tuning achieved is severely hampered by the level of theoretical
knowledge required by the tuning professional.
Rule 5: The level of tuning achieved is severely hampered by the amount of time that a
manager is present.
Rule 6: The level of tuning achieved by the number of keyboards, terminals, monitors and
PCs that are within the reach of the tuning professional.
Rule 7: The usual attributes of a good tuning professional (outside of actual performance) can
usually be spotted by the person who; calculates the shortest line at McDonalds; calculates
the most efficient method for getting each task done yet still leaves at 1am; has coupons for
every pizza place that stays open 24 hours at their desk; tends to use twice as much coffee
grounds when making the coffee or uses caffeine enhanced water when making the coffee;
asks if you would like to go to lunch when it is time for dinner; answers email with a single or
half sentence (never a paragraph); has an occasional triple digit weekly hours reported; has
no time to be political; and when they have one hour left to go with a problem, you can
guarantee that you better multiply by at least four.



Do Not Use Use
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE SUBSTR(account_name,1,7) =
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE account_name LIKE 'CAPITAL%';
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE account_name = NVL (
:acc_name, account_name);
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE account_name LIKE NVL (
:acc_name, '%');
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
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FROM transaction
WHERE TRUNC (trans_date) = TRUNC
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE account_name || account_type
= 'AMEXA';
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE account_name = 'AMEX'
AND account_type = 'A';
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE amount + 3000 < 5000;
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE amount < 2000;
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE amount != 0;
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE amount > 0;
SELECT account_name, trans_date,
FROM transaction
WHERE amount NOT = 0;
SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE amount > 0;


Do Not Use Use
SELECT region, AVG (loc_size)
FROM location
GROUP BY region
HAVING region != 'SYDNEY'
AND region != 'PERTH';
SELECT region, AVG (loc_size)
FROM location
WHERE region != 'SYDNEY'
AND region != 'PERTH';
GROUP BY region;


SELECT emp_name
FROM emp
WHERE emp_cat = (SELECT MAX (category)
FROM emp_categories)
AND emp_range = (SELECT MAX (sal_range)
FROM emp_categories)
AND emp_dept = 0020;
SELECT emp_name
FROM emp
WHERE (emp_cat, sal_range)
= (SELECT MAX (category), MAX (sal_range)
FROM emp_categories)
AND emp_dept = 0020;

(Note, this query returns the employee names from each department in department
category 'A'.)
SELECT emp_name
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 15

FROM emp E
FROM dept
WHERE dept_no = E.dept_no
AND dept_cat = 'A');
SELECT emp_name
FROM emp E
WHERE dept_no IN ( SELECT dept_no
FROM dept
WHERE dept_no = E.dept_no
AND dept_cat = 'A');
SELECT emp_name
FROM dept D, emp E
WHERE E.dept_no = D.dept_no
AND D.dept_cat = 'A';

26) (Note: This query returns all department numbers and names which have at least one

Do Not Use Use
FROM dept D,
emp E
WHERE D.dept_no = E.dept_no;
SELECT dept_no, dept_name
FROM dept D
FROM emp E
WHERE E.dept_no =

Do Not Use Use
SELECT acct_num, balance_amt
FROM debit_transactions
WHERE tran_date = '31-DEC-95'
SELECT acct_num, balance_amt
FROM credit_transactions
WHERE tran_date = '31-DEC-95';
SELECT acct_num, balance_amt
FROM debit_transactions
WHERE tran_date = '31-DEC-95'
SELECT acct_num, balance_amt
FROM credit_transactions
WHERE tran_date = '31-DEC-95';


FROM emp
WHERE status = 'Y'
AND emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%';
FROM emp
WHERE status = 'N'
AND emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%';
SELECT COUNT(DECODE(status, 'Y', 'X', NULL)) Y_count,
COUNT(DECODE(status, 'N', 'X', NULL)) N_count
FROM emp
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 16

WHERE emp_name LIKE 'SMITH%';


Datatype of field
in where clause
Your Query
After Implicit
FROM emp
emp_no =
FROM emp
WHERE emp_no =
FROM emp
emp_type =
FROM emp
(emp_type) = 123;





The same result can be achieved using a single query as follows:


In sub-query statement such as the following NOT IN clause causes an internal

FROM emp e
WHERE e.deptno NOT IN ( SELECT d.deptno
FROM dept d
WHERE d.dname like %S% ) ;

To improve performance, use the following code.

FROM emp e
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 17

FROM dept d
WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno
AND d.dname LIKE '%S%' ) ;


In general, join tables rather than specifying sub-queries.

FROM emp e
FROM dept d
WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
AND d.dname = 'RESEARCH') ;

To improve performance, use the following:

FROM emp e, dept d
WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno
AND d.dname = 'RESEARCH' ;


Use EXISTS in place of DISTINCT if you want the result set to contain distinct values
while joining tables.

d.dname ,
FROM dept d ,
emp e
WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno ;

The following SQL statement is a better alternative.

SELECT d.deptno ,
FROM dept d
FROM emp e
WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno ) ;


Any computation of constants is performed only once when the statement is
optimized rather than each time the statement is executed. Consider these
conditions that test for monthly salaries greater than 2000:

sal > 24000/12

sal > 2000

sal*12 > 24000

If a SQL statement contains the first condition, the optimizer simplifies it
into the second condition.

Note that the optimizer does not simplify expressions across comparison
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 18

operators. The optimizer does not simplify the third expression into the
second. For this reason, application developers should write conditions
that compare columns with constants whenever possible, rather than
conditions with expressions involving columns.

The Optimizer does not use index for the following statement.

FROM emp
WHERE sal*12 > 24000 ;

Instead use the following statement.

FROM emp
WHERE sal > 24000/12 ;


FROM emp
WHERE NOT deptno = 0;

Instead use the following.

Note : Optimizer uses the index only when optimizer_goal=FIRST_ROWS,
otherwise it doesn't use it in the below query either:

FROM emp
WHERE deptno > 0;


/** Do Not use **/

FROM emp

/** Suggested Alternative **/

Note: Optimizer uses the index only when optimizer_goal is set to

FROM emp

/** Do Not use **/

FROM emp
WHERE sal != 0 ;

101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 19

Note: Index can tell you what is there in a table but not what is not in a

Note: Optimizer uses the index only when optimizer_goal = FIRST_ROWS.

/** Suggested Alternative **/

FROM emp
WHERE sal > 0 ;

/** Do Not use **/

FROM emp
WHERE ename || job = 'MILLERCLERK' ;

Note: || is the concatenate function. Like other functions it disables

/** Suggested Alternative **/

Note : Optimizer uses the index only when optimizer_goal=FIRST_ROWS.

FROM emp
WHERE ename = 'MILLER'
AND job = 'CLERK' ;


1. Verify the reference number for the 'CPU used by this session'
SELECT name ,statistic#
FROM v$statname
WHERE name LIKE '%CPU%session';

----------------------------------- ----------
CPU used by this session 12

2. Then determine which session is using most of the cpu:

SELECT * FROM v$sesstat WHERE statistic# = 12;

---------- ---------- ----------
1 12 0
2 12 0
3 12 0
4 12 0
5 12 0
6 12 0
7 12 0
8 12 0
9 12 0
10 12 0
11 12 0
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 20

12 12 0
16 12 1930

3. Lookup details for this session:

SELECT address ,SUBSTR(sql_text,1,20) Text, buffer_gets, executions,
buffer_gets/executions AVG
FROM v$sqlarea a, v$session s
WHERE sid = 16
AND s.sql_address = a.address
AND executions > 0

4. Use v$sqltext to extract the whole SQL text.

5. Explain the queries and examine their access paths. Autotrace is
a useful tool for examining access paths.


The first question to ask is 'Does the data REALLY need to be sorted?'
If sorting does need to be done then try to allocate enough memory to
prevent the sorts from spilling to disk an causing i/o problems.

Sorting is a very expensive operation:

- High CPU usage
- Potentially large disk usage

Try to make the query sort the data as late in the access path as possible.
The idea behind this is to make sure that the smallest number of rows
possible are sorted.

Remember that:

- Indexes may be used to provided presorted data.

- Sort merge joins inherently need to do a sort.

- Some sorts don't actually need a sort to be performed. In this case the
explain plan should show NOSORT for this operation.

In summary:

- Increase sort area size to promote in memory sorts.

- Modify the query to process less rows -> Less to sort

- Use an index to retrieve the rows in order and avoid the sort.

- use sort_direct_writes to avoid flooding the buffer cache with sort



101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 21

When an SQL statement is passed to the server the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) uses
database statistics to create an execution plan which it uses to navigate through the data.
Once you've highlighted a problem query the first thing you should do is EXPLAIN the
statement to check the execution plan that the CBO has created. This will often reveal that the
query is not using the relevant indexes, or indexes to support the query are missing.
Interpretation of the execution plan is beyond the scope of this article.
Plan Table
AUTOTRACE - The Easy Option?
Statement ID

Plan Table

The explain plan process stores data in the PLAN_TABLE. This table can be located in the
current schema or a shared schema and is created using in SQL*Plus as follows:

SQL> @%ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\utlxplan.sql
SQL> GRANT select, insert, update, delete ON plan_table TO public;
SQL> CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM plan_table FOR .plan_table;

AUTOTRACE - The Easy Option?

Switching on the AUTOTRACE parameter in SQL*Plus causes an explain to be performed on
every query.


1 row selected.

Execution Plan

0 recursive calls
4 db block gets
1 consistent gets
0 physical reads
0 redo size
363 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
429 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
1 rows processed

This is a relatively easy way to get the execution plan but there is an issue. In order to get the
execution plan the statement must be run to completion. If the query is particularly inefficient
and/or returns many rows, this may take a considerable time.

101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 22

The EXPLAIN PLAN method doesn't require the query to be run, greatly reducing the time it
takes to get an execution plan for long-running queries compared to AUTOTRACE. First the
query must be explained:

2 SELECT * FROM dual;


Then the execution plan displayed:
SQL> @%ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\utlxpls.sql

Plan Table
| Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes| Cost | Pstart| Pstop |
| SELECT STATEMENT | | | | | | |

5 rows selected.

For parallel queries use the utlxplp.sql script instead of utlxpls.sql.

Statement ID

If multiple people are accessing the same plan table, or you would like to keep a history of the
execution plans you should use the STATEMENT_ID. This associates a user specified ID with
each plan which can be used when retrieving the data.

2 SELECT * FROM dual;



By default the Oracle scripts to not accept a statement_id parameter. You can easily modify
the scripts or you can use the script listed under DBA Scripts on this site.

Oracle processes result sets a table at a time. It starts by retrieving all the data for the first
(driving) table. Once this data is retrieved it is used to limit the number of rows processed for
subsequent (driven) tables. In the case of multiple table joins, the driving table limits the rows
processed for the first driven table. Once processed, this combined set of data is the driving
set for the second driven table etc. Roughly translated into English, this means that it is
best to process tables that will retrieve a small number of rows first. The optimizer will
do this to the best of it's ability regardless of the structure of the DML, but the following
factors may help.

Both the Rule and Cost based optimizers select a driving table for each DML statement. If a
decision cannot be made, the order of processing is from the end of the FROM clause to the
start. Therefore, you should always place your driving table at the end of the FROM clause.
Subsequent driven tables should be placed in order so that those retrieving the most rows are
nearer to the start of the FROM clause. Confusingly, the WHERE clause should be writen in the
opposite order, with the driving tables conditions first and the final driven table last. ie.
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 23

FROM d, c, b, a
WHERE a.join_column = 12345
AND a.join_column = b.join_column
AND b.join_column = c.join_column
AND c.join_column = d.join_column;
If we now want to limit the rows brought back from the "D" table we may write the following:
FROM d, c, b, a
WHERE a.join_column = 12345
AND a.join_column = b.join_column
AND b.join_column = c.join_column
AND c.join_column = d.join_column
Depending on the number of rows and the presence of indexes, Oracle my now pick "D" as the
driving table. Since "D" now has two limiting factors (join_column and name), it may be a
better candidate as a driving table so the statement may be better written as:
FROM c, b, a, d
AND d.join_column = 12345
AND d.join_column = a.join_column
AND a.join_column = b.join_column
AND b.join_column = c.join_column
This grouping of limiting factors will guide the optimizer more efficiently making table "D"
return relatively few rows, and so make it a more efficient driving table.

Remember, the order of the items in both the FROM and WHERE clause will not force the
optimizer to pick a specific table as a driving table, but it may influence it's decision. The
grouping of limiting conditions onto a single table will reduce the number of rows returned
from that table, and will therefore make it a stronger candidate for becoming the driving

High cardinality operations
Cardinality is the expected number of rows returned from an operation. Therefore high
cardinality operations are those that process or return large numbers of rows. Large numbers
of rows can cause problems when optimizing and executing queries. Depending on the access
methods used, the performance of a particular access path is highly dependant on the number
of rows involved in the query.
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 24

Typically, when faced with high cardinality, the goal is to reduce the number of rows
processed by each step in the query as much as possible. The most benefit should be gained
by reducing the number of rows as early in the query as possible. Otherwise operations may
be performed on rows that are eliminated later, thus wasting resources. Specifically, look for
the following:
Operations that drive other operations (i.e. outer tables in Nested Loop joins)
The efficiency of a nested loop join relies on 2 factors: the number of rows in the
driving row source and the size of the inner row source. Nested loop joins work by
reading the outer row source and then executing the inner row source once for every
row in the outer. For a nested loop joins to operate efficiently, the number of rows in
the outer row source should be a small as possible. If the number of times the inner
row source is probed is excessive then this can have a major affect on performance. If
a remote (in a distributed query) or other expensive row source is used as the inner
then any changes in the number of rows in the outer row source can have a drastic
affect on the overall query performance.
Operations that have functions applied to them and Sorting/Aggregate/Merging
All these operations involve use of cpu to manipulate a row source or multiple row
sources. The more rows there are, the more cpu is likely to be consumed.
Unfortunately, in current releases, CBO does not really take cpu costs into account
because it is felt that cpu cost is likely to be insignificant compared to io costs and so
plans are be chosen on the basis that they minimise io cost instead. This policy will
usually provide a decent access plan but sometimes, with large numbers of rows and
complex computations, cpu usage can become a significant factor in query
performance and the io based plan may not turn out to be the best available. To avoid
excessive cpu activity, cpu intensive operations should be performed when as many
rows have been removed as possible (i.e. as late as possible in the query execution or
when the number of rows involved is as close as possible to the final number of rows).
Index Range scans
Indexes are especially good at finding and returning small numbers of rows quickly.
Index range scans involve single block io and key comparisons are cpu intensive
operations. If large numbers of rows are being processed using indexes then it is likely
that there is a more efficient access method available.
Guidelines to reduce the impact of high cardinality operations:
Include more selective predicates
Apply the selective predicates as early as possible to reduce the number of rows
operated by the subsequent steps
Apply operations whose performance is row dependant as late as possible in the
queries execution when the result set is complete.
Potentially, find alternative, less expensive, methods of achieving the same goal. For
example, if there are performance issues associated with sorting a large row source,
then consider driving off a pre-sorted index to avoid the sort at execution time.
High cost operations
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 25

This section covers operations that consume significant amounts of operating system io. Both
the RBO and CBO can be effected by high cost operations, but it is easier to identify potentially
expensive operations from CBO explain plan output.
If high cost operations are present the solutions are similar to the high cardinality options: try
to minimise the quantity of data that is under manipulation at each step of the query and
attempt to eliminate as much data as possible early in the execution of the query. Additionally
there are numerous system changes that can be implemented to memory etc that can reduce
the io requirements of queries. These are beyond the scope of this document and are
discussed at length in other articles..
Reverse key index on foreign key column allows deletion of parent key !
The FOREIGN KEY integrity constraint is provided to define and ensure the integrity of a
parent-child relationship between two tables. It requires that each value in a column, or a set
of columns match a value in a related (parent) table's UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY. FOREIGN KEY
integrity constraints also define referential integrity actions such as ON DELETE CASCADE
which specifies that upon the deletion of the row in the parent table, all corresponding rows in
the referential (child) tables will be deleted as well. If the ON DELETE CASCADE option is not
specified for the FOREIGN KEY constraint, the deletion of the row from the parent table is
prevented with an error message signalling the presence of corresponding rows in a child
If, however, a REVERSE KEY index is created on the column(s) defined in the FOREIGN KEY
integrity constraint, the deletion of the row in the parent table is allowed to proceed without
error, thereby leaving orphaned rows in the corresponding child table(s). If the FOREIGN KEY
was created with the ON DELETE CASCADE option, this directive is ignored and the
corresponding rows in the child table are not deleted.
Likelihood of Occurence
If you have defined a REVERSE KEY index on column(s) designated as a FOREIGN KEY
constraint and have deleted rows from the parent table, then it is likely that you will have
orphaned rows in the child table.
There are no error messages generated unless you disable and attempt to re-enable the
FOREIGN KEY constraint. If orphaned rows exist in the child table, you will receive an ORA-
02291 error message listing the name of the FOREIGN KEY constraint. "ORA-02291:integrity
constraint (SCOT7.FK-DEPTNO),violated-parent key not found"

Any computation of constants is performed only once when the statement is optimized rather
than each time the statement is executed. Consider these conditions that test for salaries
greater than $2000.
sal > 24000/12
sal > 2000
sal*12 > 24000
If a SQL statement contains the first condition, the optimizer simplifies it into the second
Please note that optimizer does not simplify expressions across comparison operators. The
optimizer does not simplify the third expression into the second. For this reason, we should
write conditions that compare columns with constants whenever possible, rather than
conditions with expressions involving columns.
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 26

The Optimizer does not use index for the following statement:
FROM emp
WHERE sal*12 > 24000 ;
Instead of this use the following statement:
FROM emp
WHERE sal > 24000/12 ;


(Finding the largest amount of physical reads by query):
select disk_reads, sql_text
from v$sqlarea
where disk_reads > 10000
order by disk_reads desc;

------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
12987 select order#,columns,types from orders
where substr(orderid,1,2)=:1
11131 select custid, city from customer
where city = CHICAGO

(Finding the largest amount of logical reads by query):
select buffer_gets, sql_text
from v$sqlarea
where buffer_gets > 200000
order by buffer_gets desc;

------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
300219 select order#,cust_no, from orders
where division = 1

You may need to join to the v$sqltext view:

You may have to join in the v$sqltext table to get the full text since v$sqlarea only shows a
portion of the SQL_TEXT.

Break on User_Name On Disk_Reads on Buffer_Gets on Rows_Processed

Select A.User_Name, B.Disk_Reads, B.Buffer_Gets,
B.Rows_Processed, C.SQL_Text
From V$Open_Cursor A, V$SQLArea B, V$SQLText C
Where A.User_Name = Upper('&&User')
And A.Address = C.Address
And A.Address = B.Address
Order By A.User_Name, A.Address, C.Piece;

User Name Disk Reads Buffer Gets Rows Processed
Angelina 2 2300 210

101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips
Wipro Confidential Page 27

select itemno, custno from items where custno = A101
Bbrown 3 23213
select itemno, custno from items where state = IL
Jtrezzo 0 200 2

select itemno, custno from items where orderno = 131313

Rniemiec 32000 45541 7100
select itemno, custno from items where nvl(orderno,0) = 131313 or nvl(orderno,0) = 777777

See Also
101 Oracle SQL Tuning Tips Available in Knet
PL-SQL Coding Standards Available in Knet
PL-SQL Best Practices Available in Knet
Explain Plan Usage In Detail Available in Knet

Oracle Performance Tuning Tips and Techniques - Richard J. Niesmic
Oracle High Performance SQL Tuning - Donald K Burleson

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