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According to website (James, 2009) The systems development life cycle (S!") is a concept#al
model #sed in pro$ect management that describes the stages involved in an information system
development pro$ect, from an initial feasibility st#dy thro#gh maintenance of the completed
&ased on my #nderstanding, S!" is the model that had been #sed by organi'ation or
management to develop an information system% (t also can be described as the one of the detail
process that m#st need to follow the step in order to solve the problem% This model that been #sed by
the system analyst% )ario#s S!" models have been created and also can be implemented s#ch as
waterfall model, prototyping, spiral model, rapid application development (*A) and etc% There are +
stages or steps that involved in the S!"% S!" stages incl#de the plannin! anal"#$! %$&in!
i'pl$'$n(a(i)n an% 'ain($nan*$.
SDLC P+a&$ O,-$*(i.$
Plannin To identify the scope of the new system, ens#re
that the pro$ect is feasible, develop a sched#le,
reso#rce plan, and b#dget for the remainder of the
Anal"&i& To #nderstand and doc#ment in detail the
b#siness needs and the processing re,#irements
of the new system%
D$&in To design the sol#tion system based on the
re,#irements defined and decisions made d#ring
I'pl$'$n(a(i)n To b#ild, to test, and install a reliable information
system with trained #sers ready to benefit as
e-pected from #se of system%
Main($nan*$ To .eep the system r#nning prod#ctivity initially
and d#ring the many years of system/s lifetime%
1.1) Plannin
According to the online article (0ay, 2001) it states that planning stages in the S!" is to
establish a high2level view of the intended pro$ect and determines its goals%
As we .now, 3lanning is the /i0&( &($p in the S!" steps% (n this phase, before a program is created,
the organi'ation has to .now 1+a( (+$" 1an( () *0$a($% (n simple words, the ob$ective of the pro$ect
that needs to be done is determined and the re,#irements to prod#ce the prod#ct are considered s#ch
as an estimate of reso#rces, s#ch as personnel and costs is prepared, along with a concept for the new
prod#ct% 3lanning also need beca#se () $&(a,li&+$& a +i+2l$.$l .i$1 )/ (+$ in($n%$% p0)-$*(% The
company has #sed this stage () %$($0'in$ (+$ n$$% )/ (+$ p0$&$n( )/ (+$ 'a03$(% So, the pro$ect can
,$ 04n &'))(+l" in the ne-t phase after this phase%
4or the planning phase, the organi'ation m#st identify the b#siness val#e% The b#siness val#e here
means before the organi'ation want to do the pro$ect, what are the benefits that can give to the
organi'ation by that pro$ect% The idea of the pro$ect m#st be eval#ated again and
again% The pro$ect m#st be '$$( (+$ $n%24&$0 n$$%$%% &esides that, the company the ,#ite important
to developer that needs to .now is the /$a&i,ili(" &(4%" )n (+$ p0)-$*(% The main reasons for the
feasibility st#dies for the aimed at %$($0'inin 54i*3l" (+$ p0)-$*( 1i(+ (+$ 0$a&)na,l$ *)&( i/ (+$
p0),l$' *an ,$ &)l.$%% 4or e-ample, the organi'ation m#st also interview the individ#als to get the
information abo#t their opinion if the pro$ect is The organi'ation also m#st ta.e a loo. the
possible competition that will happen if the pro$ect is done% After determine the b#siness val#e and
analy'e the feasibility, the organi'ation can develop the wor. plan% There is where the organi'ation
m#st ma.e an estimate of the pro$ect% Then, the organi'ation m#st staff the pro$ect% 5hich means
here, the organi'ation m#st have the systematic flow while the pro$ect% The organi'ation also
m#st control the pro$ect from time to time%
There have fo#r factors that can be concl#de in the feasibility st#dies that (s ($*+ni*al! )p$0a(i)nal!
$*)n)'i*al an% &*+$%4l$%
According to the website (6, 2009), it states that feasibility st#dy is an analysis and eval#ation of a
proposed to determine if it (7) is technically feasible, (2) is feasible within the estimated cost, and (8)
will profitable% 4easibility st#dies are almost always cond#cted where large s#ms at sta.e%
4or the factors of the ($*+ni*al, is abo#t the problem that e-ists in the pro$ect can be solve% 4irstly the
organi'ation or developer m#st .now the so#rce that been #sing is ,#ite eno#gh is not in term of
hardware and software% This very important beca#se it can ma.e the organi'ation or developer is
.now that the hardware and software is available or can s#pport to do what are they needed% The
hardware and software that implemented or #sing by the organi'ation is s#itable to #se it in term of
e-ist the technology or not%
9e-t, for the factors )p$0a(i)nal, we need to .now that beca#se it very important% This
factors are determined the system will receive s#pport from the people who operate it and also ma.e it
wor.% This operational factor is e-ists when the pro$ect will operate and will be #sed after the
installation or the pro$ect wor.s% As we loo. as e-ample in the organi'ations, the team pro$ect that
will be s#b2con will handle to the installation of the wi2fi in the organi'ation s#ch as T: wor.ers%
Then the wi2fi are e-ist in will be #sed by the wor.ers in the organi'ations%
Another factors is $*)n)'i*al, this factors can be described as the li.ely benefits o#tweigh of
the cost of solving the problems% (t can be determined by the money, people and time% 4or the money,
it can be generally described as the b#dget that will be #sing on the pro$ect% The developers m#st
.now the b#dget that will be #sing% (t can minimi'e the cost if the developers .now that to handle
with b#dget brilliantly% 4or the people and time, the developers or organi'ations m#st .now the
e-pertise or people that have been #sing beca#se it can ma.e the time of the pro$ect is , be done
witho#t any problem will be occ#r%
!astly, for the factors of &*+$%4l$ in the feasibility st#dy is also important, the organi'ations need to
.now that the flow of the pro$ect% (n the pro$ect, the organi'ation m#st planning first the
sched#le of the time d#ration for the pro$ect %This is beca#se the organi'ation m#st .now this factor
beca#se any delayed that occ#r for the pro$ect will be affected the flow of the pro$ect%
So! (+i& p+a&$ i& .$0" i'p)0(an( in )0ani#a(i)n beca#se it is re,#ired () %$($0'in$ (+$ /$a&i,ili("
)/ 1+$(+$0 (+$ p0)-$*( &+)4l% p0)*$$% )0 n)(% (n this phase, the company m#st to .now the
feasibility of the pro$ect that sho#ld ongoing or not% (f fail#re may occ#r on the planning phase, the
company sho#ld not to proceed with the pro$ect% (n this step also, the company m#st determine the
information system that fit or s#itable to #se it% This is beca#se, by planning, the organi'ation can
have the systematic pro$ect%
1.6) Anal"&i&
According to the comp#terworld%com websites, it states that anal"&i& is refines pro$ect goals
into defined f#nctions and operation of the intended application% it is also abo#t to analy'es end2#ser
information needs%
This is the second step that n$$%& () ,$ /)*4& a/($0 plannin. This step is involved *)ll$*(in!
%$/inin an% .ali%a(in /4n*(i)nal! &4pp)0( and (0ainin 0$54i0$'$n(% This step is /)*4&$& )n
1+a( (+$ &"&($' 1ill %) in an effort that views all sta.eholders, incl#ding sponsors and potential
#sers, as important so#rces of information% This phase sho#ld be based on the analysis of the end2#ser
information% &ased on that, the organi'ation can ma.e the analysis abo#t what the end2#ser needed%
To complete this step, the organi'ation needs to gather all the information abo#t the pro$ect need to be
done especially the end2#ser information% &esides that, it also needs to create a process diagrams% (n
this phase, the organi'ation really needs to foc#s abo#t what they really and end2#ser really needed for
the pro$ect to refines pro$ect goals into defined f#nctions and operation of the intended application% %
5ith the description above, it can be simply that the analysis phase is for the information
gathering techni,#es% This phase arise beca#se () %$($0'in$ (+$ p0),l$' (+a( (+$ %$.$l)p$0& n$$%&
() /i7 in order to ma.e s#re that the system will wor.% (n simple it can be described as the pro$ect is
done with the problem are not occ#rred% The activities the done in completion the tas.s also will affect
the pro$ect beca#se i( 1ill 'ini'i#$ )0 0$%4*$ (+$ 0$%4n%an*" (+a( 1ill ,$ )**400$%% This phase
also is important for the pro$ect beca#se it can give the alternative ways if the problem arises% That
beca#se, the developer will *0$a($ (+$ /l)1 %ia0a' )/ (+$ p0)-$*(% So, if the problem arises it can
be solved with the alternative ways that had been created%
The problem will be solved #sing the fact findings that had been so#ght thro#gh p0i'a0"
%a(a and &$*)n%a0" %a(a. As we .now, collection of the primary data is the best so#rce of the
information% The e-ample of the method to ma.e the collection of the data is 54$&(i)nnai0$!
in($0.i$1 or ),&$0.a(i)n% ;sing this collection will be the best so#rce information gather beca#se the
developer or organi'ation will get the precise or basic data of information that they need% The
collection of the data that collected also will be #nbiased information for the pro$ect that will be
&esides that, the developer also can #se the &$*)n%a0" &)40*$ as to facing the problem that
will be occ#rred s#ch as $o#rnal and internet% Secondary data can #s#ally be obtained ')0$ 54i*3l"
an% a( l)1$0 *)&( (+an p0i'a0" %a(a% So, it will c#t the cost that had been #sing to solve the
problem% ;sing secondary data also can ma.e sometimes provide data an individ#al company cannot
collect on its own2information that either is not directly available or wo#ld be too e-pensive to collect
to overcome the problem%
1.8) D$&in
According to the comp#terworld%com website, it states that design is to describe desired
feat#res and operations in detail, incl#ding screen layo#ts, b#siness r#les, process diagrams,
pse#docode and other doc#mentation%
This is the third phase need to be foc#s after analysis phase% (n this phase, the organi'ation will design
the pro$ect that they want based on the planning and the analysis that had been done% There is many
costs will be #sed in this phase% The organi'ation need to design the system models% There will be the
e-pert person to be wor. in this phase%
(n this phase, the main reason of the phase is arise beca#se it to describes how the proposed sol#tion is
to be developed% The sol#tion design is specific to the system/s technical environment and the tools to
be #sed in constr#cting the system% This phase also is to create a bl#eprint for the new system that
will satisfy the doc#mentation re,#irements% There are two elements that need to be f#lfilled that are
logical and physical%
4or the logical elements, a logical element is the system is logic for the #ser% That/s mean that
the developer needs to .now the system are logic for the #ser or not% 4or the ill#stration, the
developer needs to find o#t the system that will be created and also will help to overcome the problem
that will be occ#rred% So, with the logic based that they have #sed it based on the information that
they get% They need to acc#rate determine the f#nction of the flow in the system% 5ith that, the
developers can fig#re o#t the flow of the pro$ect and system that will be operated%
9e-t, the second elements are the physical element% This element is for the creation of
interface of the system design% 4or an e-ample, the physical element is important beca#se it can ma.e
the developer ill#strate or vis#ali'e the pro$ect that will be ongoing% To ma.e it easy, they will create
the flow chart or story board beca#se it will give them lot of advantages% 5ith the ill#stration, it will
help them to design the system and find o#t the f#nction of the system% This ill#stration also will help
them in order to avoid the error% 5ith this element, it will be foc#sed on the whole re,#irement that
the system that will be create need% 5ith that, it will overcome the problem that will occ#r%
1.9) I'pl$'$n(a(i)n
According to the comp#terworld%com website, it states that implementation is abo#t to brings
all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then chec.s for errors, b#gs and
This is the forth phase need to be foc#sed after the design phase% (mplementation is the fo#rth phase
of the systems development life cycle% (mplementation proceeds after the system design phase has
ta.en place% The main reason for this stage is an implementation of the design specified in the design
doc#ment into e-ec#table programming lang#age code% This stage also is for the detection of errors in
the system% The testing process starts with a test plan that recogni'es test2related activities% The code
is tested against the design doc#ment created in the design phase% There are fo#r types of
implementation of the system which is (+$ Pil)(! Pl4n$! Pa0all$l and P+a&$%.
The first type is pilot, for this type the developer is trying o#t a new information system at
one site and #sing the e-perience to decide if and how the new system sho#ld be deployed thro#gho#t
the organi'ation% That/s mean the new system that will deploy will ma.e the b#siness r#n well with
the prod#ction also will better%
9e-t, the type is pl#nge% (n pl#nge, the developers will change over from the old information
system to a new one by t#rning off the old system when the new one is t#rned on% The developer also
m#st to ma.e s#re that the system that being #sing are contin#o#sly #pdated to avoid any problem
that will be occ#rred% That beca#se, with the contin#o#sly #pdated the system, it will ma.e the
b#siness r#n smoothly beca#se the system more sophisticated before this%
4or the third factor is parallel, the developer m#st r#nning the old information system and the
new one at the same time #ntil management decides the old system can be t#rned off% That beca#se,
the old system can be considered a bac.#p for the new system if there is a problem and also o#tp#t of
one system is compared to the o#tp#t of the other that which one is better% 5ith the parallel type that
implemented, it can ma.e the developers will be safest beca#se they already have the bac.#p if
anything bad will happen%
!astly, the type is phased, in this phase, the developer need to change from the old
information system to the new one incrementally (step by step), starting with one or a few f#nctional
components and then grad#ally e-tending the installation to cover the whole new system% 4or an
e-ample, as we can see in the 03:S(, the installation of wi2fi in the certain part of area has been
done% After few months, the installation will be #pgraded and added to another place and also the
service is also provided widely% So, with this type, it can ma.e s#re that the developer can ma.e the
#sers can reap the benefits of part of the system before the entire system is completed%
1.:) Main($nan*$
!astly, the last phase is maintenance, after the developer are s#ccessf#lly implemented the
system, they m#st to be ma.e s#re that the system will be r#n on smoothly and the problem does not
happen% They need to always chec. and #pdate the system that had been their created%
4or the simple ill#stration, android software are #s#ally fast #pdated s#ch as gingerbread
version to $elly bean version beca#se it to ma.e s#re that their software are compatible with the latest
and #pdate smart phone or tablet to ma.e the gadget will be r#n fast and smoothly% This stage called
that maintenance beca#se it incl#de the #pgrading the system%
:aintenance is very important phase in order to maintain the prod#ction r#n better with
sol#tion if any problem arises% 5ith the #pdate time by time, developer will concern and
noticed that if any problem occ#r d#ring the system r#n% So, developers need to review and find the
sol#tion to overcome the problem% The main reason for the maintenance phase is developer will .now
abo#t the capabilities of their system% That/s mean the system is efficiency and effectively or
not% 5ith the or #pdated time to time, the developers can add the re,#irement to ma.e their
system become efficient and effective% So, with that the system can be r#n smoothly witho#t any
( can concl#de after listing all the phases in S!" is, S!" is create and design for the #ser
beca#se #sing this system can ma.e the res#lt ,#ality is better and can f#lfill the c#stomer wants% The
system that need to create m#st wor. effectively and efficiency, from that it can ma.e the system will
maintain to r#n and r#n smoothly witho#t any problem occ#r% (f any problem, developer m#st need to
ma.e s#re their system will be maintained to solve that the problem%
FIGURE 1.1; S"&($' D$.$l)p'$n( Li/$ C"*l$ <P.A.D.I.M )
(n the case of I&0a3 T$*+n)l)" S%n =+% they has appoint G))%C)0$ S)/(1a0$ S%n =+% to help
them develop a new information system, so to develop new system <ood"ore Software Sdn &hd have
to go again = eval#ation of models which is waterfall, spiral, JA, *A, 3rototyping and SSA:%
So before G))%C)0$ S)/(1a0$ S%n =+% proceed to create the system to I&0a3 T$*+n)l)" S%n =+%
they have to choose the model that they want to #se and foc#s when they creating the system so that
the flow of the system can be synchroni'e and be in the systematic arrangement%
As we .now, <ood"ore is a pioneering software company in :alaysia, <ood"ore has paved the way
for software development o#tso#rcing for companies in :alaysia% Their software company in
:alaysia has steadily ramped #p its software development portfolio to incl#de web design, web
application development, mobile application development, application development, software
maintenance and a lot more%
This has led them to feat#ring on the wish list of many c#stomers who are for a reliable and
dependable software development company in :alaysia% 3roviding cost2effective, yet high2,#ality
agile software development is a priority at <ood"ore, beca#se <ood"ore #nderstand that e-cellence
is not necessarily a derivative or conse,#ence of high cost% 5e are one of the few software companies
in :alaysia to offer a f#ll2fledged and m#lti2faceted portfolio of agile software development service
offerings% So based on my own #nderstanding and my point of view the best model that <ood"ore
Software Sdn &hd can choose is *A which is stand for Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n(%
According to the >a'$& Ma0(in, 1??1, Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( i& a %$.$l)p'$n( li/$ *"*l$
%$&in$% () i.$ '4*+ /a&($0 %$.$l)p'$n( an% +i+$0254ali(" 0$&4l(& (+an (+)&$ a*+i$.$% 1i(+
(+$ (0a%i(i)nal li/$ *"*l$. I( i& %$&in$% () (a3$ (+$ 'a7i'4'$ )/ p)1$0/4l
%$.$l)p'$n( &)/(1a0$ (+a( +a& $.)l.$% 0$*$n(l".
4rom the above definitions, it can be described as the development life cycle that has been
created and design to give lot of advantages to the #ser that #sed this model% (t can be said that
beca#se (+i& ')%$l +a.$ ,$$n *0$a($% /)0 i.$ '4*+ /a&($0 %$.$l)p'$n( an% +i+$0 54ali(" 0$&4l(
(+an an)(+$0 li/$ *"*l$ (+a( $7i&(% That beca#se, (n *A models, the components or f#nctions are
developed in parallel% This is the incremental model design% RAD al&) *0$a($ 'a3$ $na,l$& 54i*3
%$.$l)p'$n( )/ &)/(1a0$ p0)%4*(& ," 4&in C)'p4($0 Ai%$% S)/(1a0$ Enin$$0in <CASE)
())l&, with this combination with methods of iterative development and rapid prototyping, (t *an
'a3$ 0$%4*in (+$ (i'$ involved in the planning phase%
Fi40$ 1.6 ; Ra% Li/$ C"*l$
Fi40$ 1.8 ; G))%C)0$ S)/(1a0$ S%n =+%
As we .now that <ood"ore Software Sdn &hd is well2.nown (T e-pert in creating an information
system and <ood"ore be in (T ind#stry for 20 years so we can see that <ood"ore is a big well .now
company so it is s#itable to #se *A beca#se we .now that *A is #sed by the designer or developer
that have high .nowledge in (T and also able to wor. in the short period of time%
>ere we can see (sra. Technology as. <ood"ore Software Sdn &hd to create an information system
that will help them to improve the company, so here <ood"ore Software is the o#tso#rce of (sra.
Technology beca#se (sra. Technology has hired third party to help them to create the system which is
the system is video streaming system sol#tion, as we .now that (sra. was established to help any
organi'ation to ta.e advantage of new channel via internet and video to facilitate mar.eting and
corporate comm#nications%

(sra. Technology has made video streaming system b#t to ma.e it more variety and to increase the
company and they need to another , to #tili'ing open so#rce software and platform we develop a
#ni,#e and powerf#l 5eb 3ortal, 5ebT) and igital Signage application that wo#ld s#rpass yo#r
e-pectation according to www%isra.%com%my% 5hy ( s#ggest *A to be #se by <ood"ore beca#se we
can see that (sra. Technology Sdn &hd proposed to have a new comple- information system which is
needs to be ready in a ,#ite #rgently which is in a short period of time the system need to be ready% So
based on that statement we #nderstand that *A itself refers to the term for a pro$ect that emphasi'es
development speed and, if done properly, can be str#ct#red and disciplined% espite the word ?rapid,?
it is intended as a ?,#ic. or fast? process creating system%
Fi40$ 1.9 ; I&0a3 T$*+n)l)"
*A concentrates on the delivery of the prod#ct and involves the client from the start and foc#ses on
the client/s needs, #ses an incremental approach, .eeps the pro$ect plan #pdated, applies development
f#ndamentals, and manages ris.s to avoid any problem happen% @ther than that (sra. Technology Sdn
&hd want the system to be ready #rgently so it is one of the cl#e that <ood"ore sho#ld #s *A
beca#se it is faster than order model and normally the d#ration ta.en in *A model is )nl" 6 () 8
')n(+& () *)'pl$($ a &"&($' &) i( i& .$0" &4i(a,l$ to be #sed to create system for (sra.%
The other reason why ( s#ggest *A to be #sed by <ood"ore Software Sdn &hd beca#se the model
can occ#r sim#ltaneo#sly by involving JA, 3rototyping, "AS6 Tools, by #sing the combination of
these model it 1ill p0).i%$% a ))% &"&($' ,$*a4&$ 1i(+ (+$ +$lp )/ C)'p4($0 Ai%& S)/(1a0$
Enin$$0in% The larger the pro$ect li.e (sra. Technology Sdn &hd the important it becomes to #se
"AS6 tools in the softwareAs development, the standardi'ation provided by #sing "AS6 tools all)1&
'an" %$.$l)p$0& () 1)03 )n )n$ p0)-$*( 1i(+)4( &p$n%in (i'$ 1)03in )4( 1+a( *$0(ain
&$*(i)n& )/ *)%$ %)$&, it also $na,l$& $a&i$0 %$,4in 1+i*+ ,$*)'$& ')0$ i'p)0(an( 1i(+ a
p0)-$*( (+a( in.)l.$& a la0$ a')4n( )0 *)'pl$7 *)%in a& &)/(1a0$ &4*+ a& (+i& i& ')0$ li3$l" ()
+a.$ $00)0&, by #sing this "AS6 Tools the system that will be create by <ood"ore Software will
always following the dateline that gave by (sra. "ompany so the problem of overd#e of date can be
avoid% The #se of integrated "AS6 toolset to enforce technical integrity in modeling and designing
the system, as well as, to generate b#g2free code from f#lly validated design%
5hy they sho#ld #se *A beca#se it brings a /$1$& to them to create the video streaming
system which are *A is %$&in$% () +$lp %$li.$0 (+$ &"&($'& /a&($0 1i(+ 'ini'i#$& *)&( beca#se
here we .now that (sra. said that it (a3$ l)1 *)&( ! an% in&40$% 54ali("% eliverables sometimes are
easier to port beca#se they ma.e greater #se of high2level abstraction, scripts and intermediate code%
Also, the development is cond#cted at a higher level of abstraction beca#se *A tools operate at that
level% *A offers its #sers early visibility beca#se of prototyping, greater fle-ibility beca#se
developers can redesign at will, and red#ction of the man#al coding beca#se of wi'ards, code
generators, code re#se% (n addition, *A tends to &+)0($n (+$ %$.$l)p'$n( *"*l$& an% 'ini'i#$
%$/$*(& ,$*a4&$ CASE ())l& 'a" $n$0a($ '4*+ )/ (+$ *)%$ )0 )(+$0 p0$2%$&in$% appli*a(i)n&%
So for <ood"ore Software Sdn &hd the best model sho#ld be #se is *A beca#se, *A has been
p0).$n () ,$ a .al4a,l$ &)/(1a0$ &(0a($" an% i( i& *)'pa(i,l$ 1i(+ (+$ &)/(1a0$ (+a( 1ill ,$ 4&$%
in *0$a(in .i%$) &(0$a'in &"&($'% (t is not witho#t pitfalls and ris.s% (t re,#ires the right mi- of
methodologies, tools, personnel and management% (ts #se depends #pon comple-ity of the domain or
application, the organi'ational environment, the s.ills of staff and management and the architect#res
and infrastr#ct#res available% *A is worthy of contin#ed research and capitali'ation%
a. P0)-$*( &i#$
,. Ti'in
*. C)&(
%. U&$0 in.)l.$'$n(
$. I'pl$'$n( )/ &(a$&
4rom the model that ( chosen in Tas. 2 that is *apid Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( <RAD), the
other models that will be compared is P0)()("pin M)%$l and Wa($0/all M)%$l.
D$/ini(i)n )/ Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( <RAD)! P0)()("pin an% Wa($0/all M)%$l
Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( <RAD);
According to the >a'$& Ma0(in, 1??1, Rapid Application Development is a development
life cycle designed to give much faster development and higher-quality results than those achieved
with the traditional life cycle. It is designed to take the maximum advantage of powerful
development software that has evolved recently.
4rom the above definition ( can describe that the *A is development life cycle that have
been designed to give the developer are ma.e the system with faster development and also prod#ce
higher ,#ality res#lt% &ased on that model, it will give the lot of advantage for the developer when
#sing this model%
FIGURE 1.:; T+$ pi*(40$ )/ Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( <RAD)
According to the AllinIn($0.i$1.*)', 3rototyping definition is this is a cyclic version of the
linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design for a prototype is
made, the development process gets started
4rom the above definitions, ( can describe that the 3rototyping is model that will be develop first and
will be #se by end #ser to #se it% 4rom on that, it will .now the re,#irement that #ser want it% (t will be
edit in the design stage if the problem will have the problem occ#r% The res#lt of the system that will
develop will get after had been #se by the end #ser%
FIGURE 1.@; T+$ Pi*(40$ )/ P0)()("pin M)%$l
Wa($0/all M)%$l;
According to the $n*"*l)p$%ia6.(+$/0$$%i*(i)na0".*)', definition of waterfall model is a software
life-cycle or product life-cycle model, descried y !. !. Royce in "#$%, in which development is
supposed to proceed linearly through the phases of requirements analysis, design, implementation,
testing &validation', integration and maintenance. (he !aterfall )odel is considered old-fashioned
or simplistic y proponents of o*ect-oriented design which often uses the spiral model instead.
5aterfall model can be described as the traditional model in the development life cycle% This
model is simple to #se it% (n this model, it shown that the #ser m#st to f#lfill every phase% 6ach phase
m#st be complete before go to another phase% This model is very inefficient beca#se if there any error
at the end of phase, this model sho#ld be not to contin#e%
FIGURE 1.A; T+$ Pi*(40$ )/
Wa($0/all M)%$l
T+$ *)'pa0i&)n ,$(1$$n Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( M)%$l! Wa($0/all M)%$l an%
P0)()("pin M)%$l;
C0i($0ia Rapi% Appli*a(i)n
D$.$l)p'$n( M)%$l
P0)()("pin M)%$l Wa($0/all M)%$l
P0)-$*( &i#$ "an handle large pro$ect "an handle large pro$ect S#itable for small pro$ect
Ti'in Short Short !ong
C)&( "heap 6-pensive "heap
U&$0 in.)l.$'$n( (n all stages esign and analysis phase (mplementation phase
4ollow all steps in
S!" (parallel)
"an be t#rning bac. in
previo#s phase%
4ollow common steps
in S!"%
"an be t#rning bac. in
design phase%
4ollow common steps
in S!"%
"annot be t#rning
bac. in previo#s
TA=LE 1; Di//$0$n*$& ,$(1$$n Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( M)%$l! P0)()("pin M)%$l an%
Wa($0/all ')%$l.
4rom the table above, it shown the point of comparison between *A model, 3rototyping
and 5aterfall :odel, this differences have been divide by some criteria that is pro$ect si'e, timing,
cost, #ser involvement and implementation stage%
4or the first criteria, the characteristics are pro$ect si'e% 4or the RAD ')%$l, this model can
handle the large pro$ect% That beca#se, this model is #ses the all people or #ser to implement this
model% So, it can ma.e the system that will develop to the end2#ser% This model also is mostly s#itable
for the large pro$ect beca#se, if there have any errors on phase, it can be t#rning bac. to the previo#s
phase to solve that problem% 4or the prototyping, this model also can handle for the large pro$ect, that
beca#se if there any error for the implementation stage for this pro$ect, it can be t#rning in design
phase to solve that problem% So, based on that, this model will can be handle for the large pro$ect as
beca#se the end2#ser had involved at the earlier stage%
"ompare with the 1a($0/all ')%$l, this model are s#itable for the small pro$ect% (t can be described
that beca#se this models are allowed the #ser to complete the stage by stage% This model are cannot
the #ser to t#rn on the previo#s stage if there have the problem% So, it ma.e this model are s#itable for
the only small pro$ect%
9e-t, the criteria that will be disc#ssed are timing, for the *A, the timing for this model is
short% That beca#se, it involved all the #ser or e-pertise to design and create abo#t the system that will
develop% They will meeting and give o#t the opinion to create the system% The model also can be
t#rning bac. ma.e this model are short time beca#se if there have problem, it will be fi-% 4or the
prototyping model, this model also is short time to develop it% That beca#se, according to the
definition that ( disc#ss above, #ser .eep the feedbac., so if there have any problem or b#gs, it will be
fi- at the design stage% So this model allowed the #ser to b#ild the system in the short time% "ompare
to the waterfall model, it will be ta.e a long time to create the system% That beca#se, this models has
to follow stages by stages% (t not allowed the developer to re2edit the system that want develop% So, it
will ma.e the long time period beca#se it want to ma.e the #ser had to finish the stages first%
The third criteria is cost, for the *A, the cost is lower, beca#se this models needs all the
e-pertise to create the model, so it can prod#ce the ,#ality res#lt% (t will save the cost beca#se if there
any error also, the errors will be fi- with the lower cost% "ompare to the 3rototyping model, it
involved a higher cost% That beca#se this model is needs to prod#ce a cost to b#ild the model first to
be test for the end2#ser% This model also higher cost beca#se if there any problems, it need to be
solved first then it will ma.e the lot of cost for the developer to fi- it based on the model prototyping
that had been made% 4or the waterfall model, the cost is lower b#t it also can be higher d#e of several
factors% 5hen the problem e-ist, the developer need to fi- #ntil the problem are fi-ed% That beca#se,
in this model to proceed to another stages, it m#st f#lfill or complete the stages first%
4or the fo#rth criteria, the criteria are #sers/ involvement, for the *A, this model are
allowed #ser to involve in all stages% So, it will ma.e the system will be developed with the higher
,#ality% 4or the prototyping model, the #sers had involved in two stages that is planning stages and
analysis stages% That beca#se, this #ser has to involve in two stages to create the prototyping to give at
the #ser% (t will ma.e the system that will b#ild meet the satisfaction for the #ser% 4or the waterfall
model, the #ser is only involved at the implementation stage%
That beca#se, at this stage, the system will be tested with the #ser environment% So, it will ma.e this
model are ,#ite hard to give the f#lly satisfaction for the #sers%
!astly, for the last criteria are implementation stages% 4or the *A, this model m#st be
following all steps in S!"% &#t this model will be advantage beca#se this models are allowed the
developer to t#rning bac. in previo#s phase if there any problems% This model also has the
prototyping to give the #sers test the system% That will ma.e the system meet the re,#irement that
#sers needs% So, it will ma.e this model really save time and money% "ompare to prototyping model,
this model m#st be follow common steps in S!"% At the planning and analysis phase, the
prototyping will be and it contin#es to another stage #ntil the system developed% &#t if there
any problem occ#rred, this model is can be t#rning bac. in design phase% 4or the waterfall model,
implementation of stages also commonly follows step by step in S!"% The stages also m#st be
complete to go thro#gh to another phase% The phase cannot be t#rning bac. to the previo#s% So it will
ma.e this system inefficient beca#se if there have problems, the problems can be solved after all the
phase is complete in S!"%
So, from the above e-planation, it had shown the comparison between *apid Application
evelopment, 3rototyping and 5aterfall model% After ma.e some comparison, it shown that the *A
is still lot of advantages for the <oodcare Software Sdn &hd (<ood"ore) to #se the comple-
(nformation System that (sra. Technology Sdn% &hd ((sra.) need%
T+$ &i'ila0i(i$& ,$(1$$n Rapi% Appli*a(i)n D$.$l)p'$n( M)%$l! Wa($0/all M)%$l an%
P0)()"pin M)%$l;
The similarity that will be fo#nd for all this model is this model needs to follow the common
steps in S!"% That beca#se, all this models are been b#ilt based on the S!" steps% (t shown that
beca#se, for all this models are depending on the S!" stages to ma.e the system is meet the #ser
(n concl#sion from the research that has been made abo#t S!" we can .now that the str#ct#re
imposed by this S!" is specifically designed to ma-imi'e the probability of a s#ccessf#l
software development effort% To ma.e a good system, when rely on S!" it will provide an
e-traordinary res#lt beca#se we .now that thro#gh S!" the developer will go thro#gh each of
the phase and it will give them a good res#lt from the analysis that they have made in each of the
phase% So here S!" is important to the developer and with S!" it will bring the create great
o#tp#t res#lt beca#se S!" also provides a detailed g#ide to help system developer to all aspects
of (T system development, regardless of the system si'e and scope%
@ther than that S!" also cooperation with all people involve for normally it will involve the third
party to gain more information abo#t the system that will be prod#ce and thro#gh these
cooperation it will give e-tra scope of idea to the developer to create the system and at the same
way it will help the developer f#lfill the re,#irements easily% So what we can concl#de here is
S!" need to be #sed by all the system analyst so that it will give a clear view abo#t the system
that they need to create beca#se S!" g#ide them in every phase and it ma.e the systematic
arrangement of the process the system will be created%
@ther than that what can ( concl#de here is regarding the *A model that have been s#ggest to
<ood"ore Software Sdn &hd, so here what can ( said is *A model can be #sed in system
needed by (sra. Technology as a life cycle for <ood"ore "ompany beca#se here we can .now
that it is high in speed, it will help the company to have good system beca#se #ser re,#irements
can be added or modified at any time of the d#ring the pro$ect is going on so it will ma.e the
system is good beca#se it is follow the #ser re,#irements easily% So for <ood"ore Software Sdn
&hd *A is most s#itable beca#se it have f#lfilled all the condition from (sra. which is they
want the system #rgently% @ther than that from my point of view, ( can concl#ded is *A is good
beca#se altho#gh it is faster in time%
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