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Fall 2008
MGT502- Organizational Behavior !"e##ion - 2$
Ti%e& '0 %in
Mar(#& 50
"t)ent In*o
+enter& O,-"T
E.a%Date& /20/102008 /2&00&00 AM
For Tea2her3# 4#e Onl5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Q No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Q No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Q No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Q No. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Q No. 41 42

6e#tion No& / ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Receivers in communication see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience,
background, and other personal characteristics. This is called:
Selective perception
Selective selection

6e#tion No& 2 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

When manager marketing is communicating ith the manager production, it is called:
!pard communication
Donard communication
"ateral communication
#ertical communication

6e#tion No& 1 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing process is folloed b$ a receiver hen he%she translates a
sender&s message'

6e#tion No& 7 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

)n the communication process, hich of the folloing steps occurs first'

6e#tion No& 5 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is a group decision making method in hich individual members
meet face*to*face to pool their +udgments in a s$stematic but independent fashion'
.ominal group Techni/ue
Delphi model

6e#tion No& ' ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is a tendenc$ for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions
ithout eighing all the facts, especiall$ those contradicting the ma+orit$ opinion'
-roup conformit$
-roup shift
Social loafing

6e#tion No& 8 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is true about virtual teams'
There is an absence of verbal cues
There is limited social context
0eople collaborate online
1ll of the given options

6e#tion No& 8 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing t$pe of teams allos for collaboration beteen team members
ho are ph$sicall$ dispersed'

6e#tion No& 9 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Team members ith good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess
Technical expertise
0roblem*solving skills
Decision*making skills
)nterpersonal skills

6e#tion No& /0 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

1fter hich stage of a group&s development is there a relativel$ clear hierarch$ of
leadership ithin the group'

6e#tion No& // ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is the stage of group development characteri3ed b$ the
development of close relationships and cohesiveness'

6e#tion No& /2 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing statements most accuratel$ describes interest groups'
The$ are longer lasting than friendship groups
The$ are formed because of some common ob+ective
The$ are governed b$ labor las
The$ are likel$ to involve great social conflict

6e#tion No& /1 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Fahad, 4ain and !sama ork in different departments, but often take lunch together.
The$ are an example of hat t$pe of group'

6e#tion No& /7 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

When do informal groups appear'
)n response to the need for social contact
)n reaction to formal groups
6ost fre/uentl$ in bureaucracies
When formal groups cannot meet their goals

6e#tion No& /5 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is NOT a strateg$ to reduce social loafing'
7ave group members evaluate each other8s contributions
9eep ork groups as small as possible
6ake individual contributions or levels of performance in a group identifiable
5ontributions of the group, not the individual, are most important

6e#tion No& /' ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

)f a group of emplo$ees has been given an assignment and one of the group members
does not usuall$ take responsibilit$ and depends on others for completion of tasks, he is
acting as:
1n irresponsible
1n unskilled
1 free rider
1 0arasite

6e#tion No& /8 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is a +ob that does not lend itself to telecommuting'
1n attorne$ ho spends most of her time researching on the computer
1 car salesman ho demonstrates the features of a ne model of car
1 telemarketer ho uses the phone to contact clients
1 product support specialist ho fields calls from customers

6e#tion No& /8 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is a direct monetar$ incentive given b$ the organi3ations to its
-ain sharing
Flexible ork hours
1ppreciation certificate

6e#tion No& /9 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which one of the folloing statement is not true regarding the relationship beteen age
and +ob performance'
:lder orkers bring to their +ob: experience, +udgment and strong ork ethics
:lder orkers have more commitment to /ualit$
:lder orkers are perceived as flexible and elcome ne technologies
:lder orkers are perceived as lacking flexibilit$ and resistant to ne

6e#tion No& 20 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing statements concerning tenure is NOT true'
Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of emplo$ee productivit$
Tenure and satisfaction are positivel$ related
Tenure is a good variable in explaining turnover
Tenure and organi3ational investment are negativel$ related

6e#tion No& 2/ ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is one of the relationships proposed in expectanc$ theor$'
Reard*satisfaction relationship
Satisfaction*performance relationship
Reards*personal goals relationship
(ffort*satisfaction relationship

6e#tion No& 22 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

1 theor$ ; manager ould assume that emplo$ees ould 2222222222222222.
Dislike ork
.eed to be controlled
1ttempt to avoid ork
(xercise self direction

6e#tion No& 21 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing theories as proposed b$ Douglas 6c-regor'
7ierarch$ of needs theor$
Theories < and ;
To*factor theor$
(R- theor$

6e#tion No& 27 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

7unger, thirst, sex, pa$, and ph$sical ork environment are examples of hich of
1lderfer&s needs'

6e#tion No& 25 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

7o is the satisficing decision maker best characteri3ed'
1s using rationalit$
1s using bounded rationalit$
1s using creativit$
1s rel$ing on others to make decisions

6e#tion No& 2' ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

1sma is experiencing conve$ance problem for her college pick and drop. She decides to
use the rational decision*making model to decide hat to do. What might be the next step
she takes if she follos this model'
Define the problem
)dentif$ the decisions criteria
(valuate other available alternatives
Select the best alternative

6e#tion No& 28 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing statements is NOT true about the difference beteen men
and omen hen it comes to emotional reactions'
Women sho greater emotional expression
6en express emotions more intensel$
6en express anger more fre/uentl$
Women ma$ have a greater need for social approval

6e#tion No& 28 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

(motional Responses that the organi3ation re/uires orkers to sho and considers
appropriate in a given +ob are called:
Felt (motions
Displa$ed (motions
(motional )ntelligence

6e#tion No& 29 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

)f $ou believe that outside forces are largel$ responsible for $our fate, $ou are the person
(xternal "ocus of control
0ersonal "ocus of control
)nternal "ocus of control
5ore locus of control

6e#tion No& 10 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

6r. 1bad thinks that his on actions and behaviors have an impact in determining hat
happens to him. What do $ou think he has'
5ore locus of control
0ersonal "ocus of control
)nternal "ocus of control
(xternal "ocus of control

6e#tion No& 1/ ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is .:T one of the traits according to the ,ig Five 6odel'
Self actuali3ation

6e#tion No& 12 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing are defined as accepted principles or standards of a person or a

6e#tion No& 11 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is defined as a a$ of looking at life= a a$ of thinking, feeling
or behaving'

6e#tion No& 17 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing abilities one should have to perform the +ob of a beach lifeguard'
To have strong muscles onl$
To have inductive reasoning skills
To have deductive reasoning skills
Strong spatial*visuali3ation abilities and bod$ coordination

6e#tion No& 15 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

The boss ho praises his emplo$ee for a +ob ell done falls in the categor$ of:
.egative reinforcement
0ositive reinforcement

6e#tion No& 1' ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

6r. 7ussain is a salesperson. 7e remembers the names of his customers easil$ because he
is able to retain and recall past experience. 7e is able in hich of the folloing
dimensions of intellectual abilit$'
.umber 1ptitude
Deductive Reasoning
0erceptual speed

6e#tion No& 18 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

6r. 1li can identif$ visual similarities and differences /uickl$ and accuratel$. 7e is
expert in hich of the folloing dimensions of intellectual abilit$'
Deductive Reasoning
0erceptual Speed
.umber 1ptitude

6e#tion No& 18 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

Which of the folloing is defined as intellectual and mechanical processes used b$ an
organi3ation to transform inputs into products or services'
:perational s$stem
)nformation s$stem

6e#tion No& 19 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

6r. 1hmed is responsible to transmit information to outsiders on organi3ation&s plans,
policies, actions and results. Which managerial role is he pla$ing in organi3ation'

6e#tion No& 70 ! Mar(#& / $ - ,lea#e 2hoo#e one

The abilit$ to ork ith, understand, and motivate other people, both individuall$ and in
groups, describes hich one of the folloing skills'
Technical skills
7uman skills
5onceptual skills
:rgani3ing skills

6e#tion No& 7/ ! Mar(#& 5 $

7o does the si3e of a group affect its productivit$ '

6e#tion No& 72 ! Mar(#& 5 $

7o organi3ations can create an ethical culture'

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