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1. angina = exercise stress test

2. fat emboli
3. repeat bp in 4 wk
4. Diabetes insipidus ( serum osm inc. urine osm dec.)
5. central retinal vein occlusion
6. small bowel obstruction
7. bilateral varicocele
8. alcoholic cirrhosis = Decrease Calcium
9. pilosebaceous follicles = Acne
10. Upper resp. infection ( same ques. frm nbme 6)
11. Haloperidol for acute psychosis
12. CT scan (meningitis picture ruleout intracranial patho hemorr/mass)
13. child abuse ( shaken baby syndrome)
14. thymoma
15. Impetigo - topical mupirocin
16. urinary stasis
17. PCP (b/l nystagmus hypertonia HTN)
18. zenker diverticulum - barium swallow
19. Myasthenia gravis = dec ach receptors
20. GBS = demyelination of axons ( assending weakness + absent DTRs)
21 E
22. Thoracic aorta (blunt trauma + wide mediastinum + c5 facet fracture)
23. reassurance
24. c family therapy
25. sarcoidosis = Increase Calcium
26. E
27. Bone Marrow aspiration
28. G
29. encourage fluid intake
30. pericardial window
31. indomethacin
32. amniotomy + vaginal delivery
33. statin induced = Muscle
34. E
35. bipolar disorder
36. osteoperosis
37. splencetomy
38. Increase IV fluids
39. Intravascular volume depletion
40. D
41. Ankylosing spondylitis
42. compression fracture ( prednisone)
43. TGs ( gallstone pancreatitis)
44. T - lymphocytes (cellmediated immunity TB)
45. Latent TB ( PPD +ve CXR _ve) Rx 9m INH
Block 2
1. MDD
2. viridians step. (dental cleaning + prostatic valve)
3. amoxicillin (lyme)
4. Nursemaid elbow - suppination of forearm with elbow slight flexed
5. determine if pt. wants to discuss his decision with anyone else
6. wound dehiscence(rupture along suture,obesity, serosanguinous discharge)
7. Heat stroke
8. TTP
9. OCP ( protective for ovarian ,endometrial and colorectal cancer)
10. Osteoarthritis (20degree flexion hip contracture)
11. ERCP (cholangitis RUQpain, jaundice, fever)
12. Atropine ( organophosphate poisoning)
13. methamphetamine (tactile hallucination with cocaine n amphetamine)
14. intramuscular betamethasone
15. uterine atony
16. atrophic gastritis
17. B lymphocytes
18. neutrophils (CGD)
19. d
20. EColi - gram neg. bacilli
21. genital herpes
22. cricothyrotomy
23. HOCM
24. ALS emg:fibrillation potentials in multiple muscles of multiple extremities
25. education abt puberty for child and parents (normal puberty)
26. alveolar hypoventilation
27. trial of omeprazole (GERD)
28. Rh incompatibility
29. anaphylactic transfusion reaction
30. pneumococal vaccine
31. analgesic therapy
32. hypoglycemia
33. d
34. renal ultrasound
35. naloxone
36. botulism
37. urethral diverticulum
38. b
39. enterotoxicgenic EColi - watery diarrhea
40. clomiphene
41. no treatment
42. HYPOkalemia
43. hypercalcemia
44. carotid endarterectomy
45. abstinence from alcohol
1. digestive enzyme deficiency
2. epidural hematoma
3. brisk rotatory nystagmus on left lateral gaze
4. Hypothyroid
5. thiamine
6. C1 esterase inhibitor
7. measurement of serum amylase activity
8. measure platelet count
9. femoropopliteal arteries
10. achalasia = dec persistalsis Inc. LES
11. lorazepam (MRI claustrophobia)
12. CXR
13. psychogenic polydipsia
14. HIV antibody testing (molluscum contigiosum pt.)
15. repeated microfracture at tendon insertion (osgood-schlatter)
16. duplex scan
17. reassurance
18. bartholin duct cyst
19. costochondritis
20. cardiogenic shock
21. calcium disodium edetate (lead poisoning)
22. exploratory laparotomy (ovarian cancer)
25. SLE ( dec c3 ANA positive protein positive)
26. paget diease of breast
27. ductal ectasia
28. aspirin
29. c-section
30. allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
31. brief psychotic disorder
32. IV penicillin G (prophylaxis)
33. bromocriptine (microadenoma)
34. EBV
35. acute stress disorder
36. multiple myeloma strep pneumo
37. colonoscopy
38. IV labetalol ( aortic dissection)
39. d ATN
40. sensitivity INC. specificity Dec.
41. cutaneous larva migrans
42. acute cholecystitis
43. look for other tumors
44. x-ray of left hip
45. a(GBS -aspiration)
1. zinc
2. destruction and dilatation distal airways (emphysema)
3. colposcopy
4. stasis dermatitis with ulcer
5. schizophrenia
6. hypovolemia
8. ?
9. Dopamine
10. oral PTU (graves)
11. e
12. external carotid artery
13. abruptio placenta
14. compression fracture
15. spinal dysraphism (clubfoot n loss of motor/sensory)
16. wiskott-aldrich syndrome
17. IV 0.9 saline
18. acute MI ( st elevation in v2 v3 v4)
19. V-TACH
20. vancomycin
21. Mg sulfate (tocolysis)
22. organophosphate
23. j
24. a
25. fibrosis of sternocledomastoid muscle (torticollis)
26. brochogenic ca
27. olanzapine therapy
28. PID
29. Interferon Alfa (hep c - cryroglubinemia)
30. give all recommended immunization for age
31. no intervention necessary
32. dec. renal blood flow
33. add lisinopril
34. pill-induced esophagitis (ibuprofen)
35. inappropriate ADH secretion (dec serum, osm Inc. urine osm)
36. Mitral valve incompetence (Rheumatic fever)
37. surreptitious administration of thyroxine
38. viral infection (tender thyroid)
39. right lower lobe pneumonia
40. e
41. optic neuritis (affrent puppillary defect + central scotoma)
42. no Rx indicated at this time
43. appendicitis
44. finasteride (enlarge prostate oldy with obstructive sx-doxazosin wrong)
45. a
46. CT scan of the chest

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