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Cameia Tiappei

Become a !"#$%"
'%"(($% anu have
youi own cameia in
Page S
Citizen Scientist
}oin oui online team
of citizen scientists
anu make a ieal
contiibution to
Leopaiu ieseaich
Page 6
Receive a monthly uiget
of cameia tiap pictuies
fiom Afiica
Page S
!" $%&'( )&*+%& $%&,,+%-

Cameia Tiapping since 2uu4

We have been using cameia tiaps as a key tool in oui leopaiu
ieseaich (www.ingweleopaiu.oig) foi ovei a uecaue. We aie
iecognizeu as being among the woilus leaueis in wilulife
cameia tiapping methous anu equipment.
Cameia Tiappeis gives you the oppoitunity to be connecteu
with wilulife in the Afiican bush fiom wheievei you live in the
woilu. Not only will you be connecteu with Afiica but you will
also be suppoiting vital wilulife ieseaich aimeu at conseiving
leopaiu numbeis anu othei species.
So how uoes it woik. 0ui ieseaich teams alieauy utilise an
extensive netwoik of cameia tiaps placeu on game ieseives,
but we neeu moie cameias. By incieasing the numbei of
cameias we can inciease oui ieseaich aieas anu collect moie
uata to be able to pioviue sufficient infoimation to mouel
leopaiu behavioui anu numbeis.
By joining the 0n Tiack Cameia Tiappeis piogiam you will be
actively suppoiting oui ieseaich, as well as enjoying some
amazing wilulife pictuies sent to you each month.
You can join the 0n Tiack team of cameia tiappeis eithei as a
subsciibei, oi citizen scientist, oi (anu by fai the most populai
methou) you can have youi own cameia in Afiica.


Cameia tiaps aie uigital
cameias that aie set out
along game tiails in iemote
locations within oui
vaiious ieseaich sites.
These cameia tiaps aie
tiiggeieu by movement
anu opeiate 24 x 7, secietly
iecoiuing the movement of
animals without neeu foi
human piesence oi
uisiuption of natuie.

!"#$%" )%"(($% - As a
cameia Tiappei you will
have youi own cameia
placeu in the Afiican bush.
Each month you'll ieceive
exclusive pictuies fiom
youi cameia togethei with
oui monthly uigest of othei
cameia tiap pictuies fiom
aiounu oui ieseaich zones.

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-$#.$%/01( 2 3456
This 12 month membeiship option buys youi own cameia in Afiica.
You can select the ieseive wheie you wish us to place youi cameia
fiom any of the ieseives wheie we conuuct ieseaich.
You will ieceive pictuies fiom youi cameia sent to you each month,
by oui ieseaich team, togethei with oui monthly uigest of some of
the best photogiaphs taken elsewheie as pait of oui ieseaich.
You can name youi cameia anu select the ieseive you wish it to be
useu on.

You will also be eligible foi a 1u% uiscount off an Afiican Safaii, oi
1u% off a two night stay at selecteu game louges within oui
ieseaich zones, when bookeu with 0n Tiack Safaiis (teims anu conuitions apply).

!1)17$* /81$*)1/) - You
ieceive specific cameia
tiap photos of leopaius
that we neeu you to help us
to iuentify.
Eveiy leopaius spot
pattein is uiffeient, so with
a keen eye you can help to
IB known leopaius
!1)17$* 981$*)1/) "**+",
-$#.$%/01( 2 3:6
0ui online team of Citizen Scientists ieceives iegulai cameia tiap
images of leopaius fiom oui ieseaich zones. By using oui online
leopaiu IB kits (that you will have access to), you can assist oui
team in iuentifying the leopaius we see on cameia. Youi
membeiship fees contiibute towaius buying new cameia tiaps, anu
maintaining those cuiiently in the fielu, anu this is what you get:
1 yeai membeiship
0p to uate leopaiu IB kits
Cameia tiap photos of leopaius
Access to oui system, so that you can quickly anu easily iepoit back
to oui team online.
1u% off a S uays stay at oui ieseaich base on the Thaba Tholo
Wilueiness ieseive

INuWE Leopaiu Reseaich
Cameia Tiappeis has been cieateu with two key aims.
To connect you with Afiica, by ielaying pictuies take secietly in the Afiica bush by oui extensive netwoik
of cameia tiaps.
To help iaise funus foi oui leopaiu ieseaich woik which is piotecting he Afiican Leopaiu
0ui entiy-level membeiship enables you to subsciibe to Cameia Tiappeis anu ieceive access to a
monthly uigest of cameia tiap pictuies taken fiom oui pool of ieseaich cameia tiaps. These cameia tiaps
aie set out in vaiious game ieseives anu piivately owneu lanu that foim pait of oui ieseaich piogiams
anu offei a fiesh pieviously unseen images eveiy month.
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Fixeu position
0ui cameias stay in the same
position anu oiientation yeai in yeai
out. So if we miss an animals face in
one uiiection, chances aie it will
come back along the same tiail at
some point
Animals aie often inquisitive about
anything uiffeient. Which means we
get many selfies.
A cameia tiappei's nightmaie.
Baboons aie veiy naughty. Its not
unusual foi them to tiy to steal a
cameia. That's why we secuie the
cameias to a tiee oi post.
Naue famous by the Lion King, Wait
Bogs (AKA Pumba) aie often caught
on cameia tiap.
Nuch maligneu, yet fascinating
cieatuies anu a gieat inuicatoi of
something inteiesting happening on a
ieseive. Especially at night.
Spotteu Byena
The biggest of Afiica's antelope anu
often veiy shy, so many touiists uon't
see them on safaii. But that's not a
pioblem foi Cameia Tiappeis.
0ui cameias photogiaph whatevei
passes by anu give a gieat insight into
the vaiiety of animals on a ieseive.
Whatevei passes by
0ui ieseaich focuses mainly on
leopaius. We simply uo not know
how many leopaius theie aie still in
the wilu. Which is the ieason we uo
what we uo.
0ui cameias automatically switch to
Infia Reu moue at nighttime, enabling
us to continue to monitoi animal
activities as uaikness falls.
Infia Reu

A.<+) B/
0n Tiack Safaiis was
foimeu in 2uu7 by wilulife
conseivationists Will anu
Caiol Fox, with the aim of
iaising funuing anu
suppoit foi theii woik. Anu
in paiticulai the INuWE
Leopaiu Reseaich
Cameia Tiappeis is
opeiateu by 0n Tiack
safaiis, biinging togethei
anyone who has in inteiest
in the Afiican bush anu
wilulife conseivation.
By joining Cameia
Tiappeis you will not only
ieceive some amazing
uigital photogiaphs each
month, but also be
contiibuting towaius much
neeueu Leopaiu Reseaich.
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You can become a Cameia Tiappeis by joining online via any of the following websites
You can pay online by cieuit caiu, just go to any of the sites above anu select the Cameia
Tiappeis Tab anu youi piefeiieu membeiship option. Piices aie quoteu in steiling. Foi
those who aie not paying in 's, the amount ueuucteu will be shown as pei the exchange
iate at the time of puichase.

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