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Does Explication of Transference Make an Affect in

Psychotherapy Outcome

In psycho dynamic tradition the transference interpretation remained as a core ingredient, despite
the limited evidences (empirical) for its effectiveness. In this study the therapists examined the
long-term effects of the transference interpretations. This was actually a randomized controlled
dismantling design, clinical trial plus the follow-up evaluations of 1 year and 3 years after the
termination of treatment. 100 outpatients seeking the psychotherapy for the anxiety, depression,
personality disorders and the interpersonal problems were being referred to the study therapists.
Randomly weekly sessions were assigned to the patients for one year with or without the
transference interpretations. Full sessions from each therapy were rated in the order for
documenting treatment fidelity. Inventory of interpersonal problems and the psycho dynamic
functioning scales are the outcome variables. Rating on object relations scale quality and the
presence of personality disorders were postulated the moderators of treatment effects.
Did psycho dynamic therapy make any change?
Overall, the change on the psycho dynamic therapy, global or the interpersonal scales did not
make any difference between the groups. Contrary to the psychotherapy theory, however the
patients who have scored low on the quality of objective relationships (maturity, history and the
adult relationships stability) showed a trend towards more, clinical significant change with the
psychotherapy that used the explication (transference) of interpretations than with the
psychotherapy which did not-unlike the patients with a better object relationship. This study was
later under powered for the small-to medium effect sizes and researchers did not assess the
patients Thus results can be seen as tentative. Nevertheless, counterintuitive, the unexpected, and
finding that patients with the initial poorer object relationships were more likely to get benefitted
from the transference interpretations. One suggestion which has arisen is that, because these
types of patients are having the difficulty, viewing the therapists as reliable and trustworthy, then
addressing the therapeutic relationships directly may help them to set aside the distortions and
then remain in collaborative treatments. But from where to get a good psychotherapy treatment
to keep aside all our distortions, you must be thinking that, isnt it? Then better is to approach
Rosaleen Rusty. Rosaleen Rusty is a good certified psychoanalyst to help you get connected
with yourself. She was mainly specialized in treating treating anxiety, mental disorders,
depressions, etc. Psychodynamic therapy that mentioned above is incorporated in all her sessions
and it draws a creative and spiritual vehicles on diverse for facilitating the healing process.

125 West 80th Street
Ground Floor Suite
New York, NY 10024

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