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Time, Movement, and Space: Genocide Studies and
Indigenous Peoples

International Association of Genocide Scholars
July 16!19, 2014

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg! Canada

Conference Papers ! Abstracts
Wednesday Iu|y 16, 2014

7:30 am 1urt|e Lodge Lxcurs|on- ueparL from Lhe lorL Carry PoLel or unlverslLy of
ManlLoba (ln fronL of unlverslLy CenLre) Lo Lhe 1urLle Lodge ln Sagkeeng
llrsL nauon
- Lunch wlll be provlded aL 1urLle Lodge

3:00 pm ueparL from 1urLle Lodge/Sagkeeng llrsL nauon (reLurn Lo hoLels aL
approxlmaLely 4:30)

S:30 pm 8us deparLs from lorL Carry PoLel for unlverslLy of ManlLoba

6:00 pm Cpen|ng kecepnon |n Marsha|| McLuhan room, Un|vers|ty of Man|toba
- 8ecepuon (compllmenLary food, cash bar)

7:00 pm Cpen|ng keynote Lvent, Marshall McLuhan room, unlverslLy of ManlLoba
(3 mlnuLes)
- unlverslLy welcome (3 mlnuLes)
- lACS welcome and Lhanks (3 mlnuLes)
- lellx Cardenas Agullar- Cpenlng keynoLe address from vlce-MlnlsLer of
uecolonlzauon, 8ollvla (40 mlnuLes)
- ned 8lackhawk, rofessor of PlsLory and Amerlcan SLudles, ?ale
unlverslLy (40 mlnuLes)

resentanon 1|t|e: 1be Ooesuoo of CeooclJe ooJ tbe ltoxls of Nouve
Ametlcoo 5toJles"

Abstract: Lodged wlLhln a celebraLory and Leleologlcal narrauve of
nauonal developmenL, Lhe hlsLorlography of Lhe unlLed SLaLes has
ellded cenLral and endurlng feaLures of norLh Amerlcan hlsLory:
namely, Lhe holocausL, dlspossesslon, and anu-colonlal pracuces of
norLh Amerlca's lndlgenous peoples. 1hls presenLauon querles Lhe
naLure of Lhls hlsLorlographlcal absence and conslders Lhe varylng
uullues of Lhe concepL of genoclde wlLhln nauve Amerlcan hlsLory. As
Lhe growlng dlsclpllne of nauve Amerlcan and lndlgenous SLudles has
reallgned numerous concepLual and meLhodologlcal approaches Lo
lndlgenous hlsLory, Lhls legacles of genocldal encounLers beLween
emplres, seuler, nauons, and lndlgenous peoples have come lnLo
lncreaslngly sharp rellef.

- C & A (30 mlnuLes)

9:1S pm 8eLurn 8us from unlverslLy of ManlLoba Lo downLown

Cngo|ng Lvents: 1hroughout the conference, p|ease v|s|t the Un|vers|ty of Man|toba
Schoo| of Art Ga||ery to see !"#$%#&'$() +,-- .'#/01&0 ,12 3$- 450%6,$"- '1 $"0 7#89#$#

1hursday Iu|y 17, 2014

7:30 and 8:30 am 8uses deparL from Lhe lorL Cary PoLel Lo Lhe unlverslLy of ManlLoba

8:00 am 8eglsLrauon opens

9:00 - 10:30 am coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Genoc|de's Space, Genoc|de's Natures

Moderator: Mark Meuwese, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg

Andrew Woolford, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, SLrange AgenLs: non-Puman Allles and Seuler Colonlal
1hls presenLauon explores Lhe varled roles of non-human agenLs ln faclllLaung or obsLrucung genocldal
processes aL Lhe Albuquerque lndlan School (AlS). 1o arrlve aL Lhls polnL, l concepLuallze seuler colonlal
pracuces of asslmllauve educauon as a serles of neLs LhaL operaLe aL Lhe macro-, meso-, and mlcro-
socleLal levels. 1hese neLs ughLen or slacken as Lhey sLreLch across space and ume, and when broughL
LogeLher, one on Lop of Lhe oLher, form a seuler colonlal mesh," whlch operaLes Lo enLrap lndlgenous
peoples wlLhln Lhe seuler colonlal asslmllauve pro[ecL. 8uL Lhls mesh ls also prone Lo snags and Lears.
1haL ls, aL speclc polnLs wlLhln Lhe seuler colonlal mesh, relauons beLween Lhe acLors and lnsuLuuons
engaged ln processes of seulemenL and asslmllauon are such LhaL Lhey allow for a loosenlng of Lhls
mesh, and for Lhe emergence of reslsLance and subverslon. AlS ls concelved as a node wlLhln Lhe
seuler colonlal mesh. ln parucular, lL ls argued LhaL AlS was noL solely Lhe slLe of compeuuon beLween
sLa members, lndlan agenLs, parenLs, chlldren, and oLhers lnvesLed ln ughLenlng or weakenlng Lhe
seuler colonlal mesh. lL was also a place where non-human acLors - space, ume, dlsease, food, and
blood - were moblllzed Lo advance, expand, lnLenslfy, or, alLernaLely, subverL, dlsrupL, and reslsL Lhe
seuler colonlal asslmllauve onslaughL.

Lyndsey Amou, Legal Ald, Wlnnlpeg, Cerms and Cenoclde: uld Lhe 8rlush use Smallpox-lnfecLed
8lankeLs Lo LxLermlnaLe Lhe lndlans?"
Accordlng Lo lrancls arkman ln 1884 (1be coospltocy of loouoc ooJ tbe loJloo wot ofet tbe
coopoest of coooJo), !eery AmhersL, 8rlush Commander ln Chlef ln norLh Amerlca from 1739 Lo
1763, wroLe Lo Colonel Penry 8ouqueL ln !uly 1763 and asked: Could lL noL be conLrlved Lo send Lhe
5moll lox among Lhose dlsaecLed Lrlbes of lndlans? We musL on Lhls occaslon use every sLraLagem Lo
reduce Lhem."
ln books and essays wrluen slnce 1884 LhaL lnclude !eery AmhersL, one would be hard-pressed Lo
nd any LhaL do noL menuon Lhls leuer, descrlbed ln places as proof of genocldal pollcy and lnLenL. ln
facL, !eery AmhersL dld noL wrlLe lL, he and Penry 8ouqueL exchanged leuers ln whlch 8oopoet
suggesLed Lhe ldea of lnoculaung Lhe lndlans wlLh [smallpox-lnfecLed] blankeLs, and AmhersL agreed Lo
lL: ?ou wlll do well Lo Lry Lo lnnoculaLe Lhe lndlans by means of blankeus, as well as Lo Lry every oLher
meLhod LhaL can serve Lo exurpaLe Lhls execrable race."
uslng Lhe acLual correspondence of !eery AmhersL, Colonel 8ouqueL and oLhers, as well as LranscrlpLs
of meeungs wlLh lndlan nauons and LranscrlpLs of governmenLal debaLes ln ennsylvanla, Lhls paper
places Lhls smallpox-lnfecLed blankeLs eplsode ln an evldence-based conLexL of Lhe complex evenLs ln
Lhls colonlal perlod.

1asha Pubbard, unlverslLy of SaskaLchewan, 'klll, skln and sell': 8ualo Cenoclde"

ln my own Neblyow Lradluon, an embodled undersLandlng of Lhe world ls aruculaLed wlLh Lhe Lerm
wobkobtowlo, or klnshlp/relauonshlps. Cree scholar neal McLeod Lells us LhaL, 1hrough relauons, we
are able Lo creaLe Lhe web of undersLandlng of our embodled locauons and sLreLch lL ouLwards Lo a
wlder conLexL of collecuve hlsLorlclLy." ln our bellef, Lhe 8ualo ls our grandfaLher, who guldes us and
Leaches us. CLher lndlgenous nauons have slmllar klnshlp relauonshlps wlLh Lhe bualo, oen
conslderlng Lhem Lo be elder broLhers. ln Lhe lauer half of Lhe 19
cenLury, Lhe bualo were hunLed
and slaughLered as a resulL of colluslon beLween governmenLs, Lhe mlllLary and hlde hunLers. 1he
bualo, once numberlng as hlgh as 100 mllllon, were reduced Lo a few hundred by Lhe 1890s. 1hls was
a specLacular acL of genoclde, and had a profound lmpacL on plalns lndlgenous collecuve psyche. noL
[usL a loss of a food source, lL was a loss of lmmense and unlmaglnable proporuons. Added Lo Lhe
bualo Lrauma are decades of connemenL Lo corrals and reservauons, Lhe by-producLs of
colonlzauon. 8oLh Lhe bualo and lndlgenous peoples of Lhe plalns conunue Lo recover from Lhe
colonlal genocldal pro[ecL. lurLher Lo Lhls, resLorauon of bualo Lo Lhe land ls analogous Lo resLorlng
soclal sLrucLure, culLure and well-belng for lndlgenous peoples.

naLalla llynlak, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, undersLandlng Cne Mlcro-lnsLance of Colonlal Cenoclde: A
racuce ln uecolonlzlng Self and 8esearch"
My goal ls Lo creaLe an undersLandlng of one mlcro-lnsLance of colonlal genoclde ln Canada. As l
learn abouL locallzed experlences wlLh desLrucuon, l am Lhlnklng abouL how colonlal genoclde can be
sLudled by someone llke myself, a researcher worklng from a prlvlleged posluon as a seuler wlLhln
Lhe academy, ln a way LhaL mlghL address some of Lhe LurocenLrlc assumpuons LhaL exlsL ln
soclology and Lhe sLudy of genoclde, as well as assumpuons wlLhln myself. l conslder Lhree
eplsLemologlcal approaches LhaL l uullze ln my auempL Lo conducL research ln llne wlLh decolonlzlng
eplsLemologles. llrsL, how mlghL a relauonal approach Lo genoclde address some of Lhe colonlal
Lendencles wlLhln genoclde sLudles, namely movlng away from Lhe rlgld and Luropean-based unlLed
nauons Convenuon on Lhe revenuon and unlshmenL of Lhe Crlme of Cenoclde? Second, how can
reexlvlLy allow Lhe research process Lo be more conslsLenL wlLh decolonlzlng prlnclples? 1hlrd, how
mlghL uslng Lhe concepL of Lranslauon Lo frame my represenLauon of a culLure LhaL ls noL my own
address Lhe hlsLorlcal colonlal Lendency for seuler researchers Lo speak for lndlgenous groups?
urawlng from llLeraLure on decolonlzlng meLhodologles, as well as varlous relauonal Lhlnkers, such as
8ourdleu and AcLor-neLwork LheorlsLs (malnly LaLour and Callon), l explore Lhese quesuons.

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - kwanda and the Space of eace 8u||d|ng and keconc|||anon
Moderator: 8orlslava Mano[lovlc, SLeLon Pall unlverslLy

!obb Arnold, Cueen's unlverslLy, 8wandan SLudenL Cenoclde Survlvors: Space for AlLernauves?"

1wenLy years aer Lhe 8wandan genoclde, scholars and human rlghLs advocaLes have expressed
concerns LhaL Lhe 8wandan aLrlouc lronL (8l)'s auLhorlLarlan approach Lo lmplemenung nauonal
unlLy and 8econclllauon" may be semng Lhe sLage for fuLure ouLbursL of vlolence (Scou SLrauss and
Lars Waldorf 2009). 1he forceful appllcauon of Lhe 8ls program of soclal englneerlng boLh seeks Lo
conLrol dlscourse and Lo condluon mass behavlor ln Lhe publlc sphere. 1hls paper explores how soclal
spaces can generaLe alLernauves Lo an ldeologlcal rheLorlc LhaL lmplles LhaL lf lndlvlduals don'L endorse
Lhe sLaLe-based lmplemenLauon of condluonal, neollberal peace," Lhen Lhey are fosLerlng Lhe
condluons for a reLurn Lo eLhnlc vlolence. l wlll dlscuss core elemenLs of alLernauve dlscurslve space
LhaL emerged from my eLhnographlc eldwork conducLed wlLh a group of 8wandan 1uLsl sLudenL
genoclde survlvors: muLual ald, obscurlLy, Lemporarlness, creauvlLy, saluLogenesls, and amnlLy. ln
comblnauon, Lhese elemenLs can render Lhe LoLallzlng aspecLs of sLaLe conLrol lnoperauve, wlLhouL
lncreaslng Lhe rlsk of lnLer-eLhnlc vlolence. 1hey conLrlbuLe Lo a form of Lemporary auLonomous
zone" LhaL eludes Lhe full grlp of Lhe sLaLe ls more responslve Lo Lhe emouonal needs of paruclpanLs,
encourages creauve acuon, and bullds Lhe meanlngful connecuons needed for ongolng supporL, LrusL,
and securlLy. 1hls paper wlll argue LhaL Lhe prollferauon of such alLernauve spaces may help lndlvlduals
Lo pragmaucally negouaLe, and occaslonally Lo subverL, Lhe sLausL dlscourse, poLenually desLablllzlng
genocldal processes ln Lhelr nascenL forms.

Marshal n. Mapondera, Zlmbabwe lnsuLuLe of Legal SLudles, 8ebulldlng and sLrengLhenlng local
governmenL ln a posL-conlcL sLaLe: exposlng 8wanda's LwenLy-year success secreL"

1he paper ls a brlef crlucal evaluauon of Lhe success and fallures of Lhe 8wandan model of pollucal
leadershlp for Lhe pasL 20 years, parucularly ln resLorlng cluzen's condence ln Lhelr local governmenL.
1he paper focuses on Lhe role of cenLral governmenL ln resLorlng eecuve local governmenL sLrucLures
durlng and aer a posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon sLage. CenLral Lo Lhe dlalogue ls Lhe lmporLance of local
governmenL ln a posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon phase and beyond as pollcy-makers conslder susLalnable
and equlLable economlc growLh, as well as soclal developmenL. 1he paper evaluaLes Lhe convenuonal
models of posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon ln empowermenL of an lndlgenous LargeLed group 20 years aer
Lhe 1994 genoclde beyond Lhe lnlual sLeps of posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon (soclal and economlc
recovery and reconsLrucuon). Challenges faced by Lhe governmenL ln rebulldlng of 8wanda lncluded
endlng Lhe vlolence and creaung securlLy and peace-bulldlng (Lhe posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon phase
almed aL susLalnlng Lhe peace Lo prevenL relapse lnLo conlcL). 1he arucle exposes Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
success of posL-conlcL sLaLe bulldlng ls Lhe sole responslblllLy of Lhe cenLral governmenL desplLe
lnLernauonal and reglonal responslblllLy Lhrough Lhe un and Lhe Au. lurLher, Lhe role of lnLernauonal
[usuce ls llmlLed when lL comes Lo sLaLe rebulldlng, peace, and Lransluonal [usuce. lL ls Lhe hope of Lhls
presenLauon, Lherefore, Lo provlde posslble governance soluuons Lo falled sLaLes ln Lransluon llke
Somalla, as well as falllng sLaLes llke SouLh Sudan and LgypL Lhrough Lhe 8wandan model.

1lm Calllmore, lndependenL 8esearcher, !udlclal/Legal narrauve as 8econclllauon Space ln
8ebuldlng osL-Cenoclde 8wanda"

!usuce, psychologlcal heallng and reconclllauon are mulu-generauonal challenges faclng posL-
genoclde 8wanda. 1ransluonal [usuce lnluauves, llke Lhe lnLernauonal Crlmlnal 1rlbunal for 8wanda
(lC18) and Lhe Cacaca communlLy courLs, serve as lnsuLuuons for dlscurslve and symbollc processes
almed aL endlng Lhe hlsLorlcal culLure of lmpunlLy and dlsmanLllng Lhe mlmeuc sLrucLures of
vlolence. 1he narrauve produced by Lhese processes creaLes a psychlc space for reconclllauon and
for reconsLrucung ldenuLy ln order Lo rebulld Lhe 8wandan nauon-sLaLe aer genoclde.
1hls paper analyzes Lhe soclal and psychologlcal componenLs of [usuce ln response Lo Lhe 1994
genoclde ln 8wanda. lL presenLs Lhe conLrlbuuons of Lhe legal/[udlclal process ln creaung a narrauve
Lo serve as a unlversal rlLual for Lrauma heallng, reconclllauon, and nauon-bulldlng.
1he analysls draws on Lhe [udlclal/legal narrauve ln Lhe lC18 case declslons, Lhe Cacaca Lrlals, and
Lhe prosecuuon of genoclde denlal ln Lhe 8wandan nauonal courLs. ollucal and mass medla
communlcauon abouL genoclde [usuce are also assessed for Lhelr conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe nauonal meLa
narrauve LhaL creaLes Lemporal and spaual room for reconclllauon Lo Lake place and for consLrucung
a nauonal ldenuLy LhaL ls crlucal for Lhe rebulldlng and survlval of Lhe sLaLe.

8eglne uwlbereyeho klng, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 'lf you knew who you were and who l was, you
would noL have kllled me.' Meanlngs and ldenuues of genoclde memorlal slLes ln 8wanda
nyamaLa and nLarama are genoclde memorlal slLes ln Lhe 8ugesera reglon ln 8wanda. 1hey were
caLhollc churches prlor Lo 1994. uurlng Lhe genoclde, Lhese churches became places of exLreme
vlolence where Lhousands of persons were kllled. Corpses were plled up beLween benches and
behlnd Lhe alLar. 1he blood of vlcums was splauered as hlgh as Lhe celllngs by grenades, bulleLs and
macheLes. Cver Lhe pasL Lwo decades Lhese slLes have been changed lnLo orderly exhlblLs wlLh
deslgnaLed areas LhaL dlsplay decaylng bones and everyday lLems LhaL once belonged Lo Lhe dead.
leces of cloLhlng, klLchen lLems and chlldren's school books lay near Lools LhaL were used for
murder. 1hese Lwo slLes hosL respecuvely Lhe remalns of more Lhan 23,000 and 3,000 persons. AL Lhe
nyamaLa slLe, an lnscrlpuon reads: lyo ozo kwlmeoyo ooojye okomeoyo otobo wotooylsbe, whlch
LranslaLed means lf you knew who you were and who l am, you would noL have kllled me."
8wandan and lnLernauonal vlslLors who vlslL Lhese slLes pay respecL Lo Lhe dead and ask quesuons
abouL Lhe genoclde. Cuards, oen survlvors wlLh scars from macheLe blows, welcome guesLs and
speak for Lhe dead. Cver Lhe lasL 20 years, l have vlslLed Lhese places several umes and wlLnessed
Lhelr physlcal Lransformauon. Lach sLage was lmbued wlLh varlous meanlngs and complexlLy. 1hls
presenLauon wlll crlucally examlne Lhe conLesLed slgnlcance of genoclde memorlal slLes paylng
parucular auenuon Lo LemporallLy and permanence of place ln shaplng meanlng and ldenuLy.

*koom 224a (St. Anne) - Genoc|de Anx|enes and Spheres of kespons|b|||ty
Moderator: eLer kararl, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

8oberL A. Lord, Amerlcan unlverslLy, unlndlcLed: A ConLemporary Analysls of lrench 8esponslblllLy
for Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde"
1he lrench governmenL was lnvolved ln armlng, provldlng mlllLary ald, and perhaps mosL
lmporLanLly, pollucally proLecung Lhe Pabyarlmana governmenL ln 8wanda LhroughouL Lhe perlod of
Lhe clvll war ln 1990 and Lhen Lhe genoclde ln 1994. osLgenoclde, lrance provlded varlous
proLecuons Lo genoclde perpeLraLors, and dld noL, Lo Lhe full exLenL of lLs ablllLy, ald ln Lhe execuuon
of lnLernauonal [usuce. lrench legal and moral responslblllLy for Lhe genoclde has been wldely
LreaLed ln Lhe llLeraLure. 1hls arucle conLrlbuLes Lo LhaL body of llLeraLure, reamrmlng lrance's legal
accounLablllLy under, aL Lhe leasL, Arucle l of Lhe 1948 cooveouoo oo tbe lteveouoo ooJ loolsbmeot
of tbe ctlme of CeooclJe (fallure Lo prevenL and fallure Lo punlsh Lhe crlme of genoclde). 20 years
laLer, however, lrance's orlglnal pollcy of dlsmlssal and denlal of Lhe above accusauons has shled
slgnlcanLly. 1hus, Lhls arucle proceeds from Lhe facLs of lrench culpablllLy ln Lhe early 1990s Lo
assess Lhe counLry's conLradlsuncuve and proacuve pollcy of prosecuung former qooclJoltes ln Lhe
second decade of Lhe 21sL cenLury. 1he currenL acuvlues of an lncreaslngly auLhorlLarlan reglme ln
klgall are cenLral Lo Lhls narrauve. ln Lhe end, l suggesL LhaL conLemporary lrench pollcy Loward
8wanda (and lrancophone Afrlca more broadly) may represenL a resumpuon of Lhe pollcy-posluon
LhaL led lrance Lo lnLervene so deeply ln 1994.

Lmmanuel nkurunzlza, ?ork unlverslLy, Amnesued or WanLed? 1he 8urundlan SuspecLs ln Lhe
8wanda 1uLsl Cenoclde"
8urundl and 8wanda have Lhe same soclal groups and Lhey share Lhe experlence of genoclde. ln
1998, a unlLed nauons reporL esLabllshed LhaL close cooperauon exlsLed beLween Lhe perpeLraLors
of Lhe 1uLsl genoclde ln 8wanda and Lhe 8urundlan rebels. ?eL, Lhe responses Lo genoclde ln Lhe Lwo
counLrles are anunomlc. ln 8wanda, suspecLs are on Lrlal aL Lhe lC18 and ln Cacaca. ln 8urundl, whaL
had once been ldenued as acLs of genoclde were laLer deemed pollucally mouvaLed crlmes" and
Lherefore granLed amnesLy. WhaL ls more, alLhough ln 2008 8wanda submlued Lo 8urundl a llsL of
670 8urundlans wanLed for genoclde, Lo daLe, no one has been summoned.

8ased on omclal sLaLemenLs from boLh counLrles, my paper explores how Lhese conLradlcLory
responses Lo genoclde Lransplred Lhrough dlscourse. l argue LhaL whlle 8wanda's omclal dlscourse
hlghllghLs Lhe necesslLy Lo prosecuLe Lhe suspecLs, Lhe lexlcon and synLax of 8urundl rulers suggesL
LhaL all genoclde-relaLed cases are Lo be handled ln Lhe framework of her sull-awalLed Lransluonal
[usuce program, whlch favors reconclllauon over reLrlbuuon. l argue furLher LhaL one way of
prevenung genoclde perpeLraLors from abscondlng [usuce, ls by surveylng Lhe pollucal dlscourse ln
boLh nauons, wlLh a vlew Lo deLecL poLenual vlolauons of Lhe prlnclple of genoclde lmprescrlpublllLy.

8ory llossof, WaLerloo unlverslLy, Wllfrld Laurler unlverslLy and ?ehonaLan Alseh, unlverlslLy of Lhe
lree SLaLe, Cenocldal Anxleues among WhlLe larmers ln SouLh Afrlca"
Cenoclde research has so far dedlcaLed llule auenuon Lo Lhe phenomenon of genocldal anxleues.
Some have researched Lhe role genocldal anxleues play ln Lhe emergence, dlssemlnauon and
enLrenchmenL of genocldal ldeologles. Powever, genocldal anxleues LhaL dld noL underpln Lhe
perpeLrauon of an acLual genoclde are sull ln need of furLher research and proper concepLuallzauon.
1hls paper looks aL genocldal anxleues as a phenomenon ln lLs own rlghL, argulng LhaL whlle
obvlously relaLed Lo Lhe acLual perpeLrauon of acLs of genoclde, genocldal anxleues also relaLe Lo
many oLher pollucal phenomena such as nauonallsm, reglme Lransformauon, conlcL resoluuon, and
pollucal Lheology. A proper sLudy of Lhe phenomenon of genocldal anxleues requlres auendlng Lo
Lhese dlerenL relauons as well as undersLandlng Lhe full lmpllcauons of Lhe ways ln whlch genocldal
anxleues are embedded ln Lhe pollucal experlence.
As a case sLudy, Lhls paper provldes a dlscourse analysls of genocldal anxleues among whlLe farmers
ln Zlmbabwe and SouLh Afrlca. 8y looklng aL farmlng volces and dlscourses from 2000 onwards, Lhls
paper shows how genocldal fears were framed, manufacLured and presenLed by Lhese communlues.
1hese anxleues found lnLernauonal audlences. CeooclJe wotcb lncluded Zlmbabwe and SouLh Afrlca
ln lLs llsL of sLaLes on genoclde waLch". 1hls acL, expresslng exLernal concern regardlng Lhe slLuauon
ln souLhern Afrlca ls noL wlLhouL lLs own eecLs on Lhe very slLuauon lL monlLors. 1he role of
CeooclJe wotcb ralses lnLeresung quesuons abouL Lhe lnLernauonal recepuon of seuler populauons
ln posL-colonlal, posL-Cold War souLhern Afrlca and how genocldal anxleues ue lnLo Lhe pollucal
economy of Lhe reglon.

koom UC 217 (GSA Lounge) - Ak1S

ArusL: Csman Ahmed, MlnlsLry of CulLure and ?ouLh, kurdlsLan 8eglonal CovernmenL

10:30 - 11:00 am co[ee bteok

11:00 am - 12:30 pm coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Genoc|de and Amer|can Ind|ans, 1640-1890
Moderator: ned 8lackhawk, ?ale unlverslLy

Mark Meuwese, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg, lronuer War or Cenoclde? kle's War ln new norLhwesL
Crdlnance of 1781"
lrom 1640 unul 1643 a vlolenL conlcL raged beLween uuLch seulers and Algonqulan-speaklng Munsee
groups ln Lhe uuLch colony of new neLherland ln norLh Amerlca. 1hls conlcL has become known as
kle's War aer Lhe uuLch governor who ls generally seen as belng responslble for Lhe war. MosL
hlsLorlcal sLudles have Lypled kle's War as a Lraglc fronuer conlcL ln whlch Luropean seulers and
lndlgenous groups were more or less evenly maLched and ln whlch boLh sldes lnlcLed casualues on
each oLher. Slnce a number of promlnenL seulers were crlucal of kle's acuons, many scholars have
also examlned Lhe moral and pollucal debaLe abouL Lhe war ln new neLherland and ln Lurope.
Surprlslngly llule auenuon has been pald Lo Lhe lmpacL of Lhe uuLch mlllLary sLraLegles on Lhe Munsee
groups. uuLch expedluons frequenLly LargeLed Munsee vlllages and Lhelr food supplles. Cn aL leasL Lwo
occaslons durlng Lhe war uuLch omclals perpeLraLed carefully planned massacres of Munsee
communlues, one of whlch resulLed ln Lhe kllllng of approxlmaLely ve hundred people. ln Lhls paper l
examlne Lhe lmpacL of Lhe expedluons and massacres on Lhe Munsee groups and Lo whaL exLenL Lhe
uuLch pollcles Lowards Lhe Munsees can be characLerlzed as genocldal.

!erey CsLler, unlverslLy of Cregon, !usL War on Cenocldal War ln Lhe (u.S) norLhwesL Crdlnance
of 1781"
1he norLhwesL Crdlnance ls besL known for Lhe mechanlsms lL provlded for Lhe federal governmenL Lo
regulaLe seulemenL. Scholars also frequenLly noLe lLs prohlbluon of slavery. Much less auenuon has
been glven Lo Arucle 3: 1he uLmosL good falLh shall always be observed Lowards Lhe lndlans, Lhelr
lands and properLy shall never be Laken from Lhem wlLhouL Lhelr consenL, and . . . Lhey shall never be
lnvaded or dlsLurbed, unless ln [usL and lawful wars auLhorlzed by Congress." When scholars have
noLed Lhls secuon, Lhey have been conLenL Lo hlghllghL Lhe uLmosL good falLh" clause. 1he words
abouL lnvaslon and war have recelved no scruuny.
1hls paper focuses on Lhe [usL and lawful wars" of Lhe norLhwesL Crdlnance. under whaL condluons
dld Lhe Crdlnance envlslon war as belng [usL and lawful?" WhaL were Lhe legal and ldeologlcal
rauonales for such wars? WhaL klnd of war was belng auLhorlzed? 1hrough analyzlng Lhe norLhwesL
Crdlnance ln Lhe conLexL of seuler colonlal expanslon ln Lhe Chlo valley, Lhe elaborauon of ldeologlcal
and legal [usucauons for Lhe Laklng of lndlan lands, and pollcymakers' formulauons of war's posslble
necesslLy, Lhe paper argues LhaL Lhe Crdlnance legallzed war under condluons ln whlch Lhe u.S.
governmenL deemed lndlans Lo have re[ecLed reasonable" oers for Lhelr lands. 1he paper furLher
argues LhaL Lhe [usL and lawful wars" Lhe norLhwesL Crdlnance envlsloned exceeded war LhaL could
legally be foughL among Luropean nauons. Wars agalnsL lndlans would be wars of exurpauon" and
exLermlnauon," Lerms synonymous wlLh Lhe modern Lerm genoclde.

8en[amln Madley, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles, Callfornla and Cregon's Modoc lndlans:
Pow lndlgenous 8eslsLance Camouages Cenoclde ln Colonlal PlsLorles"

8eLween 1831 and 1873, whlLes launched seven campalgns agalnsL Lhe Modocs of Callfornla and
Cregon. Along wlLh dlsease, dlsplacemenL, and less organlzed vlolence, Lhese campalgns reduced Lhe
Modoc populauon from 1,000 Lo 2,000 people or more, Lo some 230, a decllne of roughly 73-88.
uesplLe Lhe many books abouL Lhe 1872-1873 Modoc War-durlng whlch a handful of Modocs held o
Lhe unlLed SLaLes Army and sLaLe mllluamen-scholars have wrluen llule abouL Lhese prlor anu-
Modoc campalgns, and no auLhor has addressed Lhe 1831-1873 campalgns as genoclde. uslng varled
sources-lncludlng some new Lo Modoc sLudles-Lhls chapLer wlll narraLe Lhe seven anu-Modoc
campalgns, explaln how Lhey consuLuLed genoclde, and explore how lndlgenous reslsLance can
camouage genoclde ln colonlal hlsLorles before suggesung ways Lo overcome such

D|scussant: ned 8lackhawk, ?ale unlverslLy

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Lco|og|es and Spaces of Genoc|da| Destrucnon
Moderator: uanlel lelersLeln, nauonal Sclenuc and 1echnlcal 8esearch Councll CCnlCL1,
nauonal unlverslLy of 1res de lebrero (un18Ll)

Loulse Wlse, klng's unlverslLy, kCL War Crlmes 8esearch Croup, Colonlal ulmenslons of Cenoclde
ln Sudan"

osL-lndependence governance ln Sudan has been descrlbed as a case of lnLernal colonlallsm" (ualy,
2007: 2-3). uesplLe a large body of llLeraLure on Sudan ln general, and parucularly uarfur, Lhe
posslblllLy LhaL Lhe counLry's colonlal hlsLory and subsequenL laLenL colonlal dynamlcs may be
lmpllcaLed ln - or coosutouve of - decades of genocldal vlolence has been underexplored. lnLerwoven
wlLh deeply embedded colonlal relauons, cenLre-perlphery" dynamlcs (ue Waal, 2007: 3) have
dened Lhe geographlcal shape" of muluple genocldal eplsodes, ln Lhe souLh, Lhe nuba MounLalns,
uarfur, and also ln Lhe easL of Lhe counLry. CoLermlnous wlLh Lhese geographlcal conLours, mass
murder, rape, dlsplacemenL, and broader socleLal and culLural desLrucuon have been prlmarlly
dlrecLed agalnsL lndlgenous Afrlcan Lrlbal populauons.
1hls presenLauon wlll explore Lhe slgnlcance of Lhese dlmenslons for undersLandlng Lhe emergence
and characLer of muluple eplsodes of genocldal vlolence ln Sudan, as well as Lhe broader lmpllcauons
for concepLuallzauon of Lhe phenomenon of genoclde" lLself. uebaLes abouL genoclde ln Sudan"
have Lended Lo adopL a very narrow, speclc geographlc and Lemporal focus, namely, Lhe reglon of
uarfur from 2003. lL wlll also be suggesLed LhaL by paylng auenuon Lo Lhe dlmenslons descrlbed
above, a new way of looklng aL whaL has convenuonally been sLudled slmply as Lhe uarfur genoclde"
may emerge by broadenlng our focus Lo encompass oLher, slmllar vlcums wlLhln Lhe sLaLe. 1hus we
may slLuaLe Lhe uarfur genoclde" wlLhln Lhe conLexL of a geographlcally and Lemporally broader
neLwork of processes, agenLs, and relauonshlps LhaL LogeLher consuLuLe a Sudanese genoclde."

!e SLonehouse, lndependenL Scholar, ConcenLraLe Lo AnnlhllaLe: SLraLegy, Massacre and genoclde
ln 8wanda"

Cen descrlbed as Lhe rapldesL genoclde ln hlsLory, nearly a mllllon 8wandans were murdered over
100 days. AlLhough Lhe brevlLy of Lhls umeframe ls wldely acknowledged, we are le wlLhouL a
convlnclng accounL of Lhe role played by parucularly hlgh morLallLy and spaually consLralned
massacres ln explalnlng Lhe genoclde's devasLaung swlness.

1hls presenLauon alms Lo explaln Lhe leLhal speed of Lhe genoclde ln sLraLeglc Lerms by focuslng upon
Lhe mass massacres" of Lhe genoclde LhaL expedluously le Lhousands dead ln 8wanda's churches,
schools and governmenL bulldlngs. 8aLher Lhan belng sponLaneous and dlsorganlzed ouLbreaks of
random vlolence, Lhe largesL massacres were parL of a coordlnaLed sLraLegy developed prlor Lo Aprll
1994 by a coLerle of PuLu ower exLremlsLs.

Accordlng Lo Lhelr schemes, boLh clvll auLhorlues (bourgmesLres, prefeLs, church and school omclals)
and armed agenLs (lotetobomwe mlllua, gendarme, lA8 and 8epubllcan Cuard) would work ln parallel
Lo sLraLeglcally manage Lhe movemenLs of boLh hunLer" and hunLed." 1he overall purpose of Lhese
movemenLs was Lo converge 1uLsl and moderaLe PuLu upon slLes of concenLrauon and annlhllauon.
ln Lhe fooLsLeps of sLraLeglc LheorlsLs ClausewlLz, ParL and Cray, Lhls presenLauon argues LhaL, vla a
careful readlng of survlvor and perpeLraLor accounLs, we are able Lo charL Lhe dlmenslons of a
genocldal sLraLegy by examlnlng Lhe parallel movemenLs of boLh perpeLraLor and LargeLed groups ln
ume and space.

An undersLandlng of genocldal sLraLegy explalns how some of Lhe largesL, fasLesL and mosL spaually
consLralned mass kllllngs on record were organlzed and lmplemenLed durlng Lhe 8wandan genoclde.

!ose A, Marlmn Cuemenado, unlversldad de Sanuago de ComposLela, lavorlng Lhe LxlsLence of
Some lndlans and LxLermlnaung CLhers: 1he Chllean Lxperlence"
ln Lhe laLe nlneLeenLh cenLury Chllean seulers ln Lhe Magallanes reglon of souLhern Chlle, pald ln
pounds per ?amana or Shelman head. Why? uurlng Lhls perlod Lhe Chllean SLaLe encouraged Lhe
colonlzauon of LhaL LerrlLory, whlch was ldeal for ralslng sheep lnLroduced for wool producuon and
exporL Lo Luropean markeLs. 1he lndlans, who hunLed freely ln Lhese pampas before, were soon
barred by wlre fences, and Lhelr prey could no longer move freely. ln LhaL conLexL Lhey began Lo hunL
Lhls new and unknown anlmal. laced wlLh losses Lo Lhelr buslnesses, colonlsLs reacLed encouraglng Lhe
genoclde of Lhese populauons. noL far away Lowards Lhe cenLer of Chlle, ln Lhe Araucanla, a slmllar
process of colonlzauon was Laklng place. 1he SLaLe advanced on Lhe LerrlLory of Lhe Mapuche,
plundered lL and dlvldlng Lhe land among seulers broughL from Lurope and Chlle. Powever, Lhe
process of colonlzauon dld noL reach Lhe magnlLude of bruLallLy descrlbed above. Why dld Lhe
Mapuche noL face almosL LoLal exLermlnauon as Lhe ?amana and Shelnam dld? 1he Chllean nauon
favored Lhe exlsLence of some lndlans whlle lL soughL Lo exLermlnaLe oLhers. ln Lhls presenLauon l
explore a posslble answer Lo Lhls quesuon, rooLed ln Lhe Chllean nauonallsL myLh and lLs explanauon
of Lhe orlgln of Lhe Chllean nauon.

aula l. SmlLh and SLephen L. LgberL, unlverslLy of kansas, An unwelcome Landscape: lmpacLs of
lndlan Land AlloLmenL and Lhe klckapoo 1rlbe ln kansas as 8evealed ln ConLemporaneous Map

Whlle Lhe uawes AcL of 1887 was prlmarlly drlven by Lhe asslmllauonlsL vlslon of reformers, earller
alloLmenL schemes frequenLly had less alLrulsuc mouves. 1he hlsLory of Lhe klckapoo follows a famlllar
Lra[ecLory: removal from homelands ln Lhe easL Lo a new reserve of 768,000 acres ln norLheasL kansas.
ln 1834, lncreaslng pressure from whlLe mlgranLs and seulers lnduced a delegauon of klckapoo
represenLauves Lo conclude a LreaLy LhaL called for 618,000 acres of Lhe new reserve Lo be ceded Lo
Lhe u.S. for $300,000 and 130,000 acres Lo be reserved Lo Lhe Lrlbe. unforLunaLely, Lhe dlmlnlshed
130,000-acre reserve lay along a proposed rallroad rouLe, and unscrupulous lndlan agenLs, rallroad
promoLers, and a u.S. SenaLor underLook Lo creaLe Lhe fraudulenL klckapoo Land AlloLmenL 1reaLy of
1862, under whlch Lhe dlmlnlshed reserve was Lo be dlvlded lnLo 40 Lo 160-acre parcels and alloued Lo
lndlvldual members of Lhe Lrlbe and Lhe surplus" sold. uesplLe vlgorous proLesLs from 1rlbal
members, and even compeung rallroad lnLeresLs and some surroundlng seulers, Lhe LreaLy wenL lnLo
force, wlLh Lhe resulL LhaL nearly 123,000 acres of Lhe dlmlnlshed reserve were sold for $1.23 per acre
whlle Lhe remalnder was alloued Lo Lrlbal members ln Lwo separaLe areas, one for alloLmenL ln
severalLy and one for Lhose who wanLed alloLmenL ln common. 1hrough Lhe use of geographlc
lnformauon sysLems (ClS), conLemporaneous maps of Lhe orlglnal and dlmlnlshed reserves and of
lndlvldual alloLmenLs reveal Lhe devasLaung naLure of Lhe lmpacLs of alloLmenL on Lhe klckapoo as
lndlvlduals and as a Lrlbe.

koom 224a (St. Anne) - nero|c Movements: Surv|vors, kescuers and kes|||ence
Moderator: eLer kararl, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

Sarah L. 8rown, Clark unlverslLy, Women 8escuers uurlng Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde"

1hls paper explores and analyzes Lhe role of women who rescued LargeLed vlcums durlng Lhe 8wandan
genoclde. Women who chose Lo rescue dld so aL greaL rlsk and ln lnsLances of Lremendously llmlLed
opuons. And Lhough Lhelr slgnlcanL acuons and paruclpauon conunues Lo aecL 8wanda Loday,
currenL llLeraLure does noL scruunlze women who rescued durlng Lhe genoclde. ln general, women
acLors are shlelded by a gendered represenLauon of Lhe 8wandan genoclde LhaL emphaslzes female
passlvlLy and vlcumhood.

1hls presenLauon counLers LhaL narrauve and ls based upon research LhaL suggesLs LhaL 8wandan
women played cenLral roles durlng Lhe genoclde, wlLhln Lhe conLexL of a deeply enLrenched paLrlarchal
sysLem LhaL llmlLed Lhelr agency. lL wlll explore Lhelr moblllzauon, Lhelr acLs of rescue, and Lhelr posL-
genoclde Lra[ecLorles. Addluonally, Lhls presenLauon wlll sLress Lhe need Lo develop a comprehenslve
narrauve of Lhe 8wandan genoclde LhaL lncludes women rescuers as poLenual models for socleLy and
Lhe nexL generauon of upsLanders." Cen, Lhese women hld Lhelr acLs of herolsm for fear of
reLrlbuuon or, aL Lhe very leasL, allenauon from PuLu nelghbors. AlLhough Lhls Lrend has begun Lo shl
due Lo eorLs Lo recognlze and reward rescuers durlng Lhe genoclde, Lhe opporLunlLy Lo celebraLe and
emulaLe women rescuers, heroes of Lhe nauon, remalns overlooked.

8runa lonseca, uppsala unlverslLy, and Andrew 8asso, unlverslLy of Calgary, Complex Peroes:
Soclal Memory and ConLrasung LralLs of Speclc lndlvlduals ln Cenoclde"

Cur paper delves lnLo Lhe complexlues of rememberlng promlnenL lndlvlduals ln genoclde. 1hese
lndlvlduals are memorlallzed ln a generally herolc fashlon, buL are ln reallLy all complex and
conLroverslal. Cur sLudy cross-examlnes four lndlvlduals ln four dlerenL aLroclues and genocldes and
oers Lheoreucal crluques and perspecuves of soclal memory formauon and lmpllcauons of Lhls
memorlallzauon of herolc lndlvlduals.

1he four lndlvlduals we examlne are: klng Leopold ll of 8elglum, 8aoul Wallenbourg of Sweden, aul
kagame of 8wanda, and naser Crl of 8osnla-Perzegovlna. Leopold ll ls remembered ln 8elglum for hls
greaL nauon-bulldlng campalgns, buL hls dlrecuon of Lhe 8ubber 1error ln 8elglan Congo ls muLed ln
8elglum and ln popular memory. Wallenbourg's acuons Lo save Lens of Lhousands of !ews from Lhe
PolocausL ln 8udapesL are well documenLed, buL hls personal empowermenL and enrlchmenL whlle
deallng wlLh Lhe nazls ls neglecLed. aul kagame ls well known as Lhe mlllLary commander of Lhe
8wandese aLrlouc lronL and mosL noLable resldenL of posL-genoclde 8wanda, buL hls conslsLenL
lnLervenuon ln Congolese pollucs and relenLless pursulL and kllllng of PuLu exLremlsLs ls only [usL belng
dlscovered. llnally, Crl ls remembered for repelllng Serblan assaulLs on Lhe unlLed nauons Safe Areas
ln 8osnla, buL memory does noL lnclude Lhe facL hls ralds on Serb mlllLary unlLs orlglnaLed from
demlllLarlzed safe areas, vlolaung lnLernauonal agreemenLs, and hls acuons may have placed 8osnlan
clvlllans ln greaLer danger.

Cur prellmlnary concluslon ls LhaL lndlvldual heroes are Loo complex Lo apply a unlversal label Lo, and
labelllng Lhese heroes as such carrles slgnlcanL lmpllcauons for nauonal ldenuLy consLrucuon and an
lnaccuraLe and slmpllsuc reLelllng of hlsLory.

CdeLh kanLengwa, nauonal Commlsslon for Lhe llghL agalnsL Cenoclde, 8wanda, Pow
moLherhood Lrlumphs over Lraumahood among survlvors of genoclde rape ln 8wanda"

8ape ls consldered Lo be a common occurrence durlng genoclde and Lhe chlldren born as a resulL of
rape pose a challenge Lo posL-genoclde recovery processes. 1hls paper places moLhers of chlldren born
as a resulL of genocldal rape durlng Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde agalnsL Lhe 1uLsl Lo be a separaLe caLegory
of vlcums and explores Lhe conLrlbuuon of a posluve embrace of moLherhood Lo Lhelr recovery. lL ls
based upon a sLudy LhaL lncluded fourLeen (14) women from klgall clLy, karongl ulsLrlcL ln Lhe wesLern
provlnce and Puye ulsLrlcL ln Lhe souLhern provlnce. CuallLauve analysls of lndlvldual lnLervlews and
focus groups provlded a means Lo explore ln-depLh Lhe percepuons of moLhers and Lhe value of
moLherhood. lL was found LhaL moLhers of chlldren of rape experlenced challenges ralslng Lhelr
chlldren, especlally ln Lhe early sLages of parenung. Soclal sugma relaLed Lo rape and chlldren born of
rape creaLed challenges as dld Lhe lack of psychosoclal resources for Lhe women, parucularly when
faced wlLh dlscloslng paLernlLy Lo Lhe chlldren. Powever, desplLe Lhese and oLher dlmculues,
moLherhood played a posluve role for many women, oen provldlng a reason Lo llve agaln aer Lhe
genoclde. 1hese ndlngs show LhaL posluve experlences of moLherhood can be key Lo Lhe recovery of
survlvors of genocldal rape ln 8wanda and polnLs Lo fuLure dlrecuons for research and healLh
promouon among populauons aecLed by conlcL-relaLed sexual vlolence.

8ublna eroomlan, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles, 1he llghL of Armenlan Cenoclde
Survlvors: WlLhln Lhe ConLexL of Lhe Clobal lssue of uprooLed eople"

ln harmony wlLh Lhe mouf of Lhls year's Conference, Lhe rlghLs of Lhe lndlgenous people of Canada and
condemnauon of Lhe forced asslmllauon of lndlgenous chlldren, l propose Lo presenL a paper on Lhe global
lssue of uprooLed people-wlLh a case sLudy on Armenlans-as l belleve LhaL Lhe ulumaLe vlolauon of human
rlghLs, occurs when lndlgenous people are uprooLed and drlven away.
99 years ago, Lhe rsL ma[or uprooung of Lhe lndlgenous people ln modern hlsLory occurred ln Lhe Cuoman
Lmplre. 1he remnanL, Lhe survlvors of Lhe Armenlan Cenoclde, conslsLed of Lhose few who endured Lhe
unparalleled hardshlp of Lhe road and managed Lo escape Lhe llquldauon sLauons. 1helr predlcamenL of
refugees," dlsplaced persons," or forced mlgranLs," whaLever Lhe legal consLrucLs may be, wlll be Lhe Loplc of
my dlscusslon as l see reecLed ln Lhe collecuve psyche of ulasporan Armenlans all Lhe psychologlcal aspecLs
and elemenLs aL work ln Lhe communlues of uprooLed people ln Lhe world.
l have chosen Lo go beyond Lhe usual dlscourse of sLausucs and publlc sLaLemenLs and rely on arusuc llLeraLure,
Lhe llLerary responses Lo Lhls parucular dllemma, as for many arusLs suerlng Lhese condluons, llke
Sudharshana Coomarasamy, a refugee from Srl Lanka, Wrlung has ln one sense been a [ourney of dlscovery of
self and of Lransformlng paln lnLo poeLry." 1hrough Lhese llLerary responses l wlll show Lhe horrors of
oppresslon, Lhe horrldness of Lhe vlolence LhaL has produced" Lhe uprooLed, Lhelr fears, hopes and dreams.
1hls, l belleve, can be an eecuve Lool Lo ralse awareness of Lhe lssue and pave Lhe way Lowards Lhe recognluon
of Lhe crlme as a sloe poo ooo condluon for [usuce and reconclllauon.

koom 224b (Sour|s) - Canad|an Seu|er Co|on|a||sm and Memory Spaces
Moderator: 1rlcla Logan, unlverslLy of London

Menachem lreedman, MonLreal PolocausL Museum CenLre, A lace where Words lall:
Commemorauon and Memorlal as an lnLegral arL of Lhe lndlan 8esldenual Schools SeulemenL

ln Lhls paper, l explore Lhe marglns beLween law, memory and archlLecLure by asklng Lhe quesuon: ln
llghL of recenL archlLecLural responses Lo PolocausL memory, whaL mlghL a monumenL Lo Lhe lndlan
8esldenual School sysLem look llke and why ls lL necessary?"
1he l8S SeulemenL AgreemenL ls sLrucLured around four axes: compensauon Lo survlvors, a 1ruLh and
8econclllauon Commlsslon, psychosoclal heallng lnluauves and commemorauon. A preponderanL
amounL of auenuon and crluclsm has been focused on Lhe rsL Lwo of Lhese remedles. lacL-ndlng
commlsslons may lead Lo premaLure closure and allow Lhe l8S experlence Lo be forgouen. Legal
soluuons may do a dlsservlce Lo Lhe memory of whaL occurred, by pumng lnLo words, hlsLorlclzlng and
caLegorlzlng crlmes whlch defy rauonal orderlng. 1hese problems are noL unlque Lo l8SSA buL are
engaged ln any legal response Lo sLaLe-sponsored, 'nauonal crlmes'.
1hls paper envlslons a memory space LhaL could address Lhese gaps. 8ulldlng on Lhe model of Lhe
'counLer-monumenL' developed by arusLs and archlLecLs Lo commemoraLe Lhe aLroclues of WWll, l wlll
argue LhaL a slmllarly lnsplred monumenL could be a lasung place of memory and an essenual parL of
Lhe reconclllauon process. 8aLher Lhan auempung Lo repalr Lhe harm wlLh resuLuuonary paymenLs or
hlsLorlcal accounLs, counLer-monumenLs bulld lnLo Lhe rlp ln Lhe nauonal fabrlc so LhaL lL wlll noL be
forgouen or plasLered over. A nauonal monumenL Lo Lhe vlcums of Lhe l8S sysLem musL be a space
where words fall, where legal concepLs are found wanung, a place of... sllence where we are forced Lo
humbly ponder Lhe human condluon, ever mlndful LhaL lL cannoL be capLured ln manageable docLrlnes

karen Llla McCallum, unlverslLy of London, 8edrawlng Lhe 8oundarles of ubllc Memory:
lndlgenous 8esldenual School Survlvor 1esumonlals and Lhelr ldeologlcal 1ranslauon"

8oger l. Slmon has argued LhaL Canadlans are challenged by lndlgenous Lesumony Lo remember
oLherwlse." Slmon explalns LhaL when seulers wlLness lndlgenous Lesumony Lhey encounLer Jl[colt
koowleJqe-knowledge LhaL fundamenLally dlsrupLs Laken-for-granLed Lemporal boundarles and
caLalyzes Lhe formauon of new reallues and relauonshlps wlLh pasLs, LhaL open-up muluple new
fuLures. Slmon lnslsLs LhaL seulers are eLhlcally obllged by wlLnesslng lndlgenous Lesumonles Lo redraw
boundarles of klnshlp Lo lnclude lndlgenous llves and sLorles. 1hls non-lndlerence" Lowards
lndlgenous sLorles and llves would fosLer Lhe Lranslauon of Lesumony of lndlgenous survlvors lnLo a
form of counsel', enLalllng hearlng sLorles os lf loJlqeooos stotles moueteJ. 1o llve as lf lndlgenous
sLorles mauered would necessarlly obllge llsLeners Lo Lhlnk Lowards a fuLure LhaL reacLs eLhlcally
Lowards Lhe pasL-for mosL seulers, a radlcal shl ln consclousness.
Pere, l llsLen" Lo vldeo Lesumony from Canada's 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon, a sLaLe-funded
pro[ecL LhaL gaLhered Lesumony from resldenual school survlvors. ln Lhe lnLervlews, especlally whereln
speakers are unable Lo go on speaklng, l argue LhaL would-be specLaLors" are sommooeJ-are
clalmed by Lhe speaker lnLo a relauonshlp of co-ownershlp of memorles, Lhus openlng up fresh
posslblllues for Lhe memorles Lhemselves. l argue LhaL whaL were once prlvaLe memorles have, slnce
becomlng publlc, become Lhe Canadlan publlc's responslblllLy ln a new way Lhan before. ln my paper l
argue for Lhe posslble fuLures of Lhe vldeo Lesumony, and explore some of Lhe eLhlcal obllgauons and
lmpllcauons of Lhe pedagoglcal counsel' oered, or, gled," by Lhe Lesumony.

Charlene 8earhead, nauve Counselllng Servlces of AlberLa (nCSA), 1rlna Cooper-8olam, Aborlglnal
Peallng loundauon, CarleLon unlverslLy, neolloq ooJ/ot kecooclllouoo. 8eLhlnklng
Commemorauon of Canada's lndlan 8esldenual School SysLem"
resenung lLself on Lhe lnLernauonal sLage as a counLry wlLh no hlsLory of colonlallsm," Canada's
commemorauon needs Lo appear Lo bear no llkeness Lo Lhose of oLher nauon-slLes of aLroclLy and
genoclde. uesplLe creaung exhlbluons dedlcaLed Lo Lhe lndlan 8esldenual School (l8S) SysLem, even
Lhe Canadlan Museum for Puman 8lghLs has refralned from uslng Lhe word genoclde wlLhln lLs
narrauves. Slmllarly, arks Canada's nauonal rogram of PlsLorlc Commemorauon excludes sub[ecLs of
dlmculL' commemorauon, lncludlng former slLes of lndlan resldenual schools. ln many ways, one
could say LhaL Lhe 20 mllllon dollar Commemorauon lund, an elemenL of Lhe lndlan 8esldenual
Schools SeulemenL AgreemenL (l8SSA), safeguards exlsung federal commemorauon lnfrasLrucLure
from unwanLed change, allowlng lL Lo conunue Lo show Canada ln lLs besL' llghL. ls herlLage redress ln
Lhe form of federal herlLage deslgnauon of Lhe former lndlan resldenual schools deslrable, or wlll lL
render reconclllauon and heallng an elLher/or proposluon? 1hls workshop wlll dlscuss some of Lhe
lssues lnvolved ln worklng Lo commemoraLe lndlan resldenual schools, boLh from wlLhln Lhe federal
herlLage sysLem Lhrough Lhe PlsLorlc SlLes and MonumenLs 8oard and SecreLarlaL, as well as from Lhe
ouLslde, Lhrough Lhe lnfrasLrucLure creaLed by Lhe l8SSA commemorauon fund. 8oLh presenLers -1rlna
Cooper-8olam and Charlene 8earhead - are Survlvor advocaLes, have managed nauonal l8S
commemorauon lnluauves, and have negouaLed Lhe Lenslons beLween Lhe deslre for omclal'
reconclllauon and Lhe real needs of heallng ln communlues aecLed by Lhe legacy of Lhe l8S. 1hls
workshop wlll be presenLed as conversauon beLween Lhe presenLers, open Lo paruclpanLs.


SLacey !esslman, SLanford Archaeology CenLer, unlverslLy of 8rlush Columbla, CulLural PerlLage
8epaLrlauon as a Means of 8esLorauve !usuce, Amrmauon and CulLural 8evlval for Aborlglnal
eoples ln Canada"

Colonlal church and governmenL asslmllauon and eradlcauon laws and pracuces ln Canada - lncludlng
relocaung Aborlglnal peoples from Lradluonal LerrlLorles, ouLlawlng key culLural ceremonles, and
forclbly removlng chlldren Lo resldenual schools where nauve languages and culLural expresslon were
prohlblLed -- faclllLaLed Lhe large-scale removal ln Lhe laLe 19
and early 20
cenLurles of culLural
ob[ecLs from Aborlglnal communlues LhaL were devasLaLed culLurally, nanclally and psychologlcally.
ln many cases, Lhose culLural ob[ecLs ended up ln nauonal and lnLernauonal museums, whlch when
confronLed wlLh repaLrlauon clalms alleged Lhey acqulred valld uLle Lo Lhe ob[ecLs or ralsed oLher
defences and barrlers Lo repaLrlauon.

uslng as examples Lhe 1922 conscauon of ceremonlal regalla from kwakwaka'wakw llrsL nauons by
Canadlan governmenL omclals under LhreaL of lmprlsonmenL, and Lhe 1929 removal of Lhe C'psgolox
LoLem pole from Palsla llrsL nauon Lradluonal LerrlLory Lo Lhe Swedlsh Museum of LLhnography, Lhls
paper examlnes Lhe ways ln whlch governmenL omclals, mlsslonarles, museum represenLauves and
oLhers paruclpaLed ln Lhe genoclde pro[ecL by removlng culLural ob[ecLs under clrcumsLances of
duress. lL Lhen explores how Aborlglnal communlues have used repaLrlauon of culLural herlLage Lo
combaL genoclde and lLs ongolng eecLs, lncludlng as a means of resLorauve [usuce, ldenuLy
amrmauon and culLural revlval. lL wlll also crlucally examlne from legal and eLhlcal perspecuves
varlous barrlers museums have ralsed Lo repaLrlauon of Aborlglnal culLural herlLage. ln dolng so, lL wlll
compare museum responses Lo requesLs for reLurn of arL Laken or acqulred under duress from !ewlsh
persons by nazl governmenL omclals durlng WWll.

*koom 224c (Ste|nbach) - Workshop: Commun|ty-8ased Approaches to Atroc|ty revennon
Moderator: uavld Slmon, ?ale unlverslLy

Workshop Leaders:
1. Saghar 8lr[andlan, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy and SCA8's Cenoclde revenuon rogram,
LnLry polnLs for prevenuon Lhrough communlLy-based approaches Lo [usuce, heallng, and
reconclllauon - uganda"
2. 8orlslava Mano[lovlc, SeLon Pall unlverlLy, lndlvldual responslblllLy and aLroclues
3. 8rldgeL Molx, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy, uSAlu's Cmce of ConlcL ManagemenL and
Mlugauon, Pow communlLy-led early warnlng, early response sysLems can close Lhe
response gap - kenya, Llberla, 8urundl, and CA8"
4. 1eLsushl CgaLa, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy and SCA8's Cenoclde revenuon rogram,
ALroclLy revenuon 1ranslaLed aL Lhe CommunlLy Level"

Cver Lhe pasL decade, genoclde scholars have played a crlucal role ln advanclng new undersLandlng,
pollcy developmenL, and pracucal lnluauves Lo lmprove Lhe lnLernauonal communlLy's ablllLy Lo
prevenL genoclde and mass aLroclLy crlmes befote Lhe kllllng beglns. Crowlng commlLmenL by Lhe
unlLed nauons and lLs member sLaLes Lo Lhe prlnclple of Lhe responslblllLy Lo proLecL, along wlLh new
reglonal and nauonal mechanlsms dedlcaLed Lo prevenung genoclde ln Laun Amerlca, Lhe CreaL Lakes
8eglon of Afrlca, and Lhe unlLed SLaLes, demonsLraLes slgnlcanL progress ln bulldlng lnLernauonal
sLrucLures for genoclde prevenuon.

Sull under-sLudled and oen neglecLed, however, are lndlgenous and communlLy-based approaches Lo
prevenung aLroclues, proLecung clvlllans from vlolence, and heallng communlues LhaL experlence
mass vlolence.
new scholarly research and pracucal work on local warnlng and response sysLems, communlLy
sLraLegles for nonvlolenL proLecuon, sysLems approaches Lo peacebulldlng, and lndlgenous
mechanlsms for heallng and reconclllauon oer an lmporLanL sLarung polnL for lmprovlng our
undersLandlng of whaL consuLuLes communlLy-based approaches Lo aLroclLy prevenuon. Moreover, we
dlscuss Lhe need for redenluon of responslblllLy Lo prevenL genoclde and mass aLroclues, whlch oers
a new lens for pollcymaklng and pracuce. 1hrough an lnLeracuve workshop LhaL lnLegraLes emerglng
Lheory and Lhe llved experlence of Lhe paruclpanLs, we wlll explore lmporLanL new dlmenslons of Lhe
eld of genoclde sLudles.
1he workshop wlll lnclude presenLauon of papers and research on commoolty-8oseJ Apptoocbes to
Attoclty lteveouoo, uecoosttocuoq kespooslblllty to lteveot Moss-Attoclues, commoolty-8oseJ
Apptoocbes ooJ 5tote lotmouoo ltocesses, ooJ lteveouoo letspecuves ooJ ltocuces lo o locol 5eose
by Lhe organlzers and draw on Lhe experlence of paruclpanLs, parucularly Lhose from lndlgenous
communlues, Lo deepen and expand our undersLandlng of how local communlues choose peaceful
sLraLegles for proLecuon and prevenuon of vlolence, even ln Lhe mldsL of genocldal LhreaLs.

12:30 - 2:00 pm loocb

Marsha|| McLuhan na||: CompllmenLary Lunch and CeooclJe 5toJles ooJ lteveouoo Iootool

2:00 - 3:30 pm coocotteot sessloos

koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Genoc|de Stud|es and the Connnu|ng Cha||enge of Genoc|de
Moderator: Chrls owell, 8yerson unlverslLy

Maureen S. PleberL, unlverslLy of Calgary, 1he 8ole of Law ln Lhe erpeLrauon of Cenoclde:
Leglumauon and Lhe uenluon of uevlance'"
A small buL growlng llLeraLure ln genoclde sLudles has begun Lo explore Lhe role of law noL ln Lhe
prevenuon of genoclde, buL ln lLs perpeLrauon. ln Lhls largely Lheoreucal paper l seek Lo conLrlbuLe Lo
Lhls dlscusslon, rsL, by drawlng on lnLerpreuve and crlucal soclo-legal Lheorles Lo undersLand how Lhe
law leglumaLes group desLrucuon by renderlng such pracuces lawful" and by classlfylng, and Lhus
deleglumlzlng, LargeLed groups as devlanL". Second, l confronL Lhe asseruon, found ln Lhe works of
some scholars, LhaL Lhe use of law ln genoclde seems Lo lnvolves Lhe non, or less vlolenL, aspecLs of
genoclde (segregauon, deporLauon, marklng, revocauon of cluzenshlp eLc.) whlle Lhe more expllclLly
vlolenL processes of desLrucuon are usually exLralegal." 1hls argumenL ls largely accuraLe lf we are
referrlng only Lo mass vlolence genocldes. ln Lhese clrcumsLances, lL would seem LhaL whlle Lhe law
can be benL" Lo play a role ln creaung Lhe condluons for genoclde, lL cannoL be broken" Lo sancuon
exLermlnauonlsL vlolence on a masslve scale. 8uL, l wlll argue, lf we conslder cases of culLural genoclde
ln seuler socleues, more speclcally Lhe resldenual school sysLem ln Canada, we can see LhaL law,
wlLhouL belng benL" or broken", plays a leadlng role ln Lhe enure process of desLrucuon as
democrauc governmenLs wedded Lo Lhe rule of law Lurn Lo Lhe law lLself Lo cra and enforce programs
of forced asslmllauon leglumaLed as lawful" agalnsL groups dened under Lhese same laws as

uanlel lelersLeln, nauonal Sclenuc and 1echnlcal 8esearch Councll CCnlCL1, nauonal unlverslLy of
1res de lebrero (un18Ll), lndlgenous and nauonal ldenuues: 1he 8lsk of a new 8aclsm as
Cpposed Lo Assumlng Muluple ldenuues"
1hls paper examlnes Lhe lmpacL of lndlgenous ldenuLy pollucs on dlscusslons of nauonal ldenuLy ln Lhe
laLe LwenueLh and early LwenLy-rsL cenLurles. Aer a long hlsLory of persecuuon durlng whlch Lhelr
ldenuues were denled, varlous peoples - especlally ln Lhe Amerlcas buL also on oLher conunenLs llke
Cceanla - have begun a process of recoverlng Lhelr culLures and ldenuues, whlle condemnlng Lhe
vlolenL lmposluon of WesLern ldenuLy on Lhe sLaLes of dlerenL reglons.
neverLheless, Lhls enormously rlch and lmporLanL process has also broughL problems. lor one Lhlng, lL
has lumped LogeLher under Lhe headlng of lndlgenous" or aborlglnal" peoples a varleLy of culLures
and ldenuues LhaL had already been homogenlzed under colonlallsm. Colonlallsm dened Lhese
peoples largely ln negauve Lerms - l.e. Lhey were oot parL of WesLern culLure, lL lgnored Lhelr hlsLorlcal
and culLural dlerences as well as Lhelr dlerenL concepLs of ldenuLy. AnoLher problem ls LhaL Lhls
process has someumes led Lo tevetse toclsm, prlorluzlng blood and soll' nauonallsm Lyplcal of
WesLern raclsL Lhlnklng ln Lhe nlneLeenLh and LwenueLh cenLurles, lncludlng ues wlLh LerrlLorles where
lndlgenous peoples once llved and from whlch Lhey were vlolenLly expelled.
1hls paper crlucally analyzes some of Lhe rlsks assoclaLed wlLh Lhls resurgence of raclsm. lL explores
oLher alLernauve hlsLorlcal processes LhaL have soughL Lo lnLegraLe lndlgenous ldenuues lnLo a
muluculLural nauonal ldenuLy, sLarung wlLh Lvo Morales' pollucal pro[ecL of Lhe MovemenL Loward
Soclallsm ln 8ollvla and Lhe enacLmenL of a new 8ollvlan ConsuLuuon.

Adam !ones, unlverslLy of 8rlush Columbla, lsrael and genoclde"
1he paper wlll conslder Lhe mulufaceLed relauonshlp beLween Lhe sLaLe of lsrael and modern
genoclde. 8orn from Lhe !ewlsh PolocausL, one of Lhe worsL genocldes ln hlsLory, Lhe lsraell sLaLe has
memorlallzed and pollucally uullzed Lhe PolocausL Lo generaLe coheslon among !ewlsh lsraells. lL has
also deplcLed lLs forelgn pollcles as underplnned by Lhe need Lo ensure LhaL never Agaln wlll !ews be
vlcums of genoclde. vlewed from anoLher angle, Lhe foundlng of Lhe lsraell sLaLe ln 1948 lnvolved Lhe
dlspossesslon and expulslon of hundreds of Lhousands of alesunlan Arabs, accompanled by
subsLanual mass kllllngs and oLher aLroclues. 1he conquesL of Lhe WesL 8ank, Colan PelghLs, and Caza
SLrlp ln 1967 produced furLher masslve refugee ows, and a mlllLary occupauon of alesunlan
LerrlLorles and communlues LhaL conunues, as does Lhe lnundauon of Lhe alesunlan LerrlLorles by
hundreds of Lhousands of !ewlsh colonlsLs and Lhe evoluuon of an aparLheld-sLyle seuler reglme.
8eclprocal acLs of Lerrorlsm, by alesunlans agalnsL !ews and vlce-versa, reecL Cerald Caplan's sense
LhaL a quarLer of all lsraells and all alesunlans harbour genocldal feellngs Lowards each oLher. 1he
paper wlll skeLch Lhe parameLers of Lhls debaLe, and evaluaLe wheLher a genoclde framework, noLably
a Lemklan one, can usefully be applled Lo Lhe alesunlan-lsraell conlcL. 1he paper concludes wlLh
commenLs abouL Lhe place of Lhe lsrael-alesune lssue wlLhln Lhe lACS, and Lhe long-runnlng
exchanges on Lhls sub[ecL among genoclde scholars on Lhe lACS llsLserv.

Adam Muller, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, Cenoclde, lnLernauonal Law, and Lhe 8eLurn Lo 8aphael
1hls paper argues LhaL we are currenLly ln Lhe mldsL of a paradlgm shl ln our undersLandlng of
genoclde, whlch has hlLherLo been deeply lndebLed Lo caLegorles and norms enshrlned ln lnLernauonal
law. 8ecenLly, ln order Lo [usufy movlng away from legally derlved concepuons of genoclde, scholars
have begun reLurnlng Lo Lhe early wrlungs of 8aphael Lemkln (1900-39), Lhe ollsh-!ewlsh [urlsL
responslble for dralng Lhe un's Cenoclde Convenuon as well as for colnlng Lhe Lerm genoclde."
Crlucs have argued LhaL Lhe legal concepuon of genoclde, by precludlng Lhe conslderauon of culLural
genoclde as a crlme and requlrlng clear evldence of Lhe lnLenL Lo desLroy, falls Lo do [usuce Loo many
lnsLances of mass vlolence plauslbly consldered genocldal on oLher grounds. 1hls fallure ls parucularly
sLrlklng ln Lhe conLexL of dlscusslons of Lhe Lraumas assoclaLed wlLh Canadlan seuler-colonlallsm.
1hls paper proposes Lo conLexLuallze Lhls reLurn Lo Lemkln, argulng LhaL lL ls sympLomauc of (as well as
fuellng) an auempL Lo enlarge and nuance our undersLandlng of genoclde's crlmlnallLy. 1he need for
Lhls enlargemenL wlll be explalned wlLh reference Lo Lhe debaLe ongolng ln Canada over wheLher or
noL seuler-colonlallsm was genocldal here. ln dlalogue wlLh work by Andrew Woolford, ulrk Moses,
uonna-Lee lrleze, uouglas lrvln, eLer 8alaklan and oLhers, l wlll show how auenuon Lo culLural
aspecLs of Lhe desLrucuon of human klnds" enables rlcher and subLler accounLs of genoclde, lLs
harms, and resulLanL sLruggles for recognluon and redress.

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Den|a|
Moderator: !ack nusan orLer, 1he uavls CenLer for 8usslan and Luraslan SLudles, Parvard
Cregory u. 8oese, Slmon lraser unlverslLy, kaLherlne 8. SLarzyk, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, and
SLephen C. WrlghL, Slmon lraser unlverslLy, A uark SpoL ln PlsLory and Lhe Mlnd: 1owards a
sychologlcal undersLandlng of Cenoclde uenlal"
ln Lhls paper, we alm Lo provlde a descrlpuve psychologlcal framework for undersLandlng Lhe
phenomenon of genoclde denlal. Cur analysls draws on Lheory and research from boLh soclal (e.g.,
soclal ldenuLy Lheory, 1a[fel & 1urner 1979) and cognluve psychology (e.g., meLaphorlcal framlng
model, Cuau, 8ensLrom, & rlce 2014). We rsL revlew exlsung research on Lhe role of perpeLraLor
ldenuLy as a moderaLor of genoclde denlal. We Lhen descrlbe some of our own research on Lhe role
of knowledge (ln our case, of Lhe hlsLory of resldenual schools) as a moderaLor of genoclde denlal.
We presenL several experlmenLal sLudles where we puL forLh and LesL compeung hypoLheses abouL
Lhe role of knowledge. Cn Lhe one hand, knowledge of resldenual schools could concelvably acL Lo
decrease genoclde denlal by lncreaslng percepuons of Lhe magnlLude of Lhe harm. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, however, knowledge of resldenual schools could acL Lo exacerbaLe genoclde denlal because
sald knowledge may noL L" wlLh Lhe relauvely narrow lay-concepLuallzauon of genoclde as a purely
physlcal acL of harm. We see Lhls as an lmporLanL quesuon because Lhese compeung hypoLheses
suggesL dlerenL soluuons Lo genoclde denlal. Speclcally, Lhe former lmplles we should focus on
expandlng people's knowledge of Lhe hlsLory of resldenual schools, whlle Lhe lauer lmplles we should
focus on expandlng people's concepLuallzauon of genoclde Lo lnclude culLural or group-based forms
of desLrucuon (Woolford 2009). ln Lhls paper, we presenL a serles of mlxed experlmenLal ndlngs LhaL
lead us Lo LenLauvely belleve boLh mechanlsms are llkely acung slmulLaneously.

Augusune 8rannlgan, unlverslLy of Calgary, Labellng Cenoclde: 1he ConsuLuuve roblem of
Cenoclde Aurlbuuon, Cenoclde uenlal, Mlssed Cenocldes and Mlsclassled ALroclues"
1he creauon of lnLernauonal laws Lo curb such human rlghLs abuses as genoclde and crlmes agalnsL
humanlLy ls a relauvely recenL developmenL. 1he llberal legallsL accounL aurlbuLes Lhls Lo Lhe
emergence of supranauonal or cosmopollLan norms. 1he reallsL accounL sLresses Lhe role of soverelgn
self-lnLeresL and geo-pollucal power dynamlcs. Such compeung perspecuves problemauze how
evenLs auracL Lhe 'genoclde' label. 1hls paper examlnes Lhe aruclal llmlLs placed on whlch soclal
groups en[oy proLecuon under Lhe un genoclde convenuon, and whlch aLroclues are mere murder.'
Compeung narrauves over soclal conlcLs can lead Lo genoclde amrmauon, genoclde denlal, false
genocldes and mlssed genocldes. 1hese labellng ouLcomes are deplcLed ln a Lypology creaLed by
[uxLaposlng wheLher evenLs are accepLed or re[ecLed as genoclde, versus wheLher Lhey conLaln or fall
Lo conLaln Lhe elemenLs requlred of genoclde sensu sLrlcLo. l canvas Lhe recenL debaLes over Lhe
polluclzauon of genoclde allegauons and denlal Lo lllusLraLe Lhe precarlousness of clalms maklng ln
respecL of such crlmes. l lllusLraLe Lhe debaLe ln Lerms of 8ass's work on 1he 8lood 1elegram (2013),
uaschuk's work on lalns nauves (2013) and Perman and eLerson's ollucs of Cenoclde (2010).
Mlguel Salguelro Melro, unlversldade do Mlnho, orLuguese 8ar Assoclauon, Crlmlnallzlng
Cenoclde uenlal: A necessary means Lo prevenL genoclde or an unnecessary auack on freedom of
ln 2012 Lhe lrench SenaLe approved a law maklng lL a crlme Lo publlcly deny Lhe Armenlan genoclde,
laLer ruled unconsuLuuonal by Lhe lrench consuLuuonal councll. 1hls re-launched Lhe debaLe abouL
Lhe crlmlnallzauon of genoclde denlal: uoes lL make sense? ls lL necessary? uoes lL lnfrlnge upon
freedom of expresslon?
Cenoclde denlal ls noL a punlshable acL under Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon. neverLheless, some genoclde
scholars argue LhaL denlal ls always presenL ln genocldes, as lLs lasL sLage (see Cregory SLanLon's 8
SLages of Cenoclde") and LhaL ls among Lhe suresL lndlcaLors of furLher genocldal massacres". Some
counLrles have already crlmlnallzed genoclde and holocausL denlal. 8uL doesn'L Lhls lnfrlnge upon
freedom of expresslon? lreedom of expresslon ls a core human rlghL, buL noL an unllmlLed rlghL. lL ls
poLenually sub[ecL Lo cerLaln resLrlcuons, such as Lhe respecL of Lhe rlghLs or repuLauons of oLhers, for
Lhe proLecuon of nauonal securlLy or of publlc order, or of publlc healLh or morals. 1hus, should Lhe
crlmlnallzauon of genoclde denlal be consldered a leglumaLe resLrlcuon on Lhe freedom of expresslon?
Cn whaL grounds and wlLh whaL llmlLs? Cnly ln counLrles LhaL had prevlously experlenced Lhe drama
of genoclde and where Lhere ls sull a poLenual hlgh rlsk of new genoclde eplsodes Lo come should Lhe
crlmlnallzauon of some genoclde denlal acLs be admlued as an excepuonal and exLreme measure of

8uLh Llnn, unlverslLy of Palfa, lsrael, Cenoclde heroes never dle - 1hey are [usL lgnored: WhaL do
you know abouL Lhe escape from AuschwlLz?"
1he LruLh abouL Lhe AuschwlLz-8lrkenau exLermlnauon camp was Lhe besL-kepL secreL of Lhe nazl
archlLecLs of Lhe llnal Soluuon. Cn Aprll 7 1944, Lwo Slovak !ewlsh prlsoners, 8udolf vrba and Alfred
WeLzler sneaked ouL of Lhe camp. Aer a perllous 11 days of walklng and hldlng, Lhe escapees made
lL back Lo Lhelr nauve counLry, Slovakla and for Lhree days Lhey revealed Lhe secreLs of Lhe
geographlcal plan of AuschwlLz-8lrkenau, Lhe speclcs of Lhe Cermans' meLhod of mass murder -
Lauoolng, gasslng, and cremauon - and Lhe course of evenLs Lhey had wlLnessed aL Lhe camp. 1he 32-
page vrba-WeLzler reporL was Lhe rsL documenL abouL Lhe AuschwlLz deaLh camp Lo reach Lhe free
world and Lo be accepLed as credlble.
ln Lhe presenL sLudy, Lhe auLhor delves lnLo Lhe mysLery of Lhe escapees' 1944 dlsappearance noL
only from AuschwlLz- 8lrkenau buL also from varlous LexLbooks and Lhe PolocausL narrauve. 1hls
Lake lnvolves managlng lnformauon ln a manner LhaL creaLes ldenuues, advanLages, and
dlsadvanLages of knowlng, by keeplng cerLaln blLs of knowledge hldden Lo avold observablllLy by

*koom 224a (St. Anne) - kepresentanons as]of Genoc|de
Moderator: Amy lagln, lndependenL Scholar and ArusL
!eremy Maron, Canadlan Museum for Puman 8lghLs (CMP8) 8arrlers of Lxperlence: 1he PolocausL
ln Canadlan Clnema"
1hls paper analyzes Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhe PolocausL ln Canadlan clnema. Lacklng Lhe experlenual
relauonshlp Lo Lhe PolocausL of counLrles llke Cermany, lrance, or oland, Canada's lms do noL
manlfesL a speclc nauonal hlsLory of Lhe evenL. Slmllarly, Canada lacks a unlversallzlng sysLem llke
Pollywood, Lhrough whlch Amerlca (also havlng a dlsLanced hlsLorlcal relauonshlp wlLh Lhe PolocausL)
has lncorporaLed/Amerlcanlzed" Lhe PolocausL.
1aklng Lhls dlsLance as a sLarung polnL, Lhls paper uses a 4-polnL analysls Lo show how a bottlet of
expetleoce funcuons as a Lrope across Canada's PolocausL clnema. llrsL, lL looks Lo lms LhaL dlrecLly
engage Canada's hlsLory durlng Lhe Second World War, and poslL Lhe PolocausL as separaLed from Lhls
experlence. Second, lL explores lms LhaL feaLure Lhe gure of an emouonally lsolaLed survlvor ln
Canada ln order Lo dellneaLe lnLerpersonal barrlers beLween Lhe PolocausL (represenLed ln Lhe
survlvor), and Lhe surroundlng Canadlan envlronmenL. 1hlrd, lL wlll dlscuss lms LhaL alm Lo tesolve
Lhls barrler, buL ulumaLely suggesL LhaL lL remalns lnLacL.
1hls leads Lo a fourLh way LhaL Canadlan lms address Lhe barrler of experlence, whlch ls explored vla
Lhe lms of !ack kuper - a survlvor and lmmaker from 1oronLo. kuper's lms - produced by someone
wltb a dlrecL experlence of Lhe PolocausL - sull approach Lhe evenL extetoolly, as lnaccesslble excepL
vla medlauon. 1hey Lhus suggesL LhaL Lhe barrlers manlfesL ln Canada's PolocausL clnema are noL
slmply derlved by Canada's lnexperlenual relauonshlp Lo Lhe PolocausL, buL polnL Lo a more unlversal
challenge Lo represenLauon lnherenL ln experlence lLself.

Amy !. lreler, WesLern unlverslLy, Skln and 8ones: hoLography as llesh ln Lhe AermaLh of
ln her book, kemembetloq to lotqet, 8arble Zellzer argues LhaL Lwo lconlc lmages Lypes emerged ln Lhe
years followlng Lhe llberauon of nazl concenLrauon camps, Lhese caLegorles lnclude sotvlvots and
occootetmeots (plles of shoes, eyeglasses, luggage, eLc.). 8y conLrasL, ln Lhe wake of Lhe 8wandan
Cenoclde one domlnanL lconlc lmage Lype has emerged LhaL feaLure skulls and/or bones. ln eecL, Lhe
domlnanL lmage Lype emerglng from Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde harkens back Lo Lhe lconographles from
Lhe PolocausL, buL compllcaLes and condenses Lhe meLonymlc relauonshlp: emaclaLed survlvors are
replaced wlLh dead vlcums and plles of cloLhes are replaced wlLh plles of bones. 1hls resulLs ln a
caLegory LhaL l have Lermed vlcum occootetmeots. uslng vlvlan Sobchack's undersLandlng of fesb and
lotetobjecuvlty, Lerms LhaL encapsulaLe compllmenLary and conLradlcLory assoclauons Lo
lnLersub[ecuvlLy and empaLhy ln cases of Lrauma, Lhls paper wlll rsL develop connecuons beLween
lnLerob[ecuvlLy and genoclde. As lnLerob[ecuvlLy ls an eLhlcal and aesLheuc posluon LhaL sLrlves Lo
reallze Lhe reverslble sLrucLure" of human llfe ln whlch humans are boLh sub[ecuve Lhlnklng belngs
and maLerlal ob[ecLs, and genoclde ls a crlme ln whlch vlcums are ob[ecued and dehumanlzed, Lhe
space for connecuons beLween Lhe Lwo phenomenon requlre auenuon. lollowlng Lhls, l wlll reLurn Lo
Lhe lconographles of genoclde, whlch provlde a frame Lo conslder Lhe specLrum of reverslblllLy and
lrreverslblllLy lnherenL ln phoLography as a medlum and genoclde as an oence LhaL alms Lo leave
none Lo Lell Lhe sLory. Comparauvely, Lhe phoLographs of skln and bones work ln dlsuncL ways Lo
engage audlences ln Lhe ongolng eecLs of genoclde, and lmporLanLly compllcaLe nouons of
phoLography's ablllLy Lo faclllLaLe wlLnesslng and empaLhy wlLh dlsLanL vlcums.

ArLhur Anyaduba, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 1he uses and Abuses of Lhe uead: Mass Craves ln
8oubacar 8orls ulop's Murambl 8ook of 8ones"
1he dlscurslve landscape of genoclde ls characLerlsed by narrauves of aecL and Lrauma LhaL ralse
exlsLenual quesuons concernlng Lhe human condluon (see Schaer and SmlLh, SonLag, uawes,
SlaughLer). 1hese narrauves are largely abouL rlghung Lhe wrongs of masslve human rlghLs vlolauons.
AlLhough Lhe ascendance of llfe narrauves and novel[s] of human rlghLs" (uawes, SlaughLer) reveals a
Lrend ln genoclde narrauves founded on moral unlversals (Alexander) or a commlLmenL Lo global soclal
[usuce (SanLos), l wlll argue LhaL Lhe eLhlcal vocabulary of genoclde narrauves also heavlly relles on Lhe
uses and abuses of dead vlcums, who are oen used Lo glve welghL Lo Lhe Lraumauc experlences of
My paper wlll Lherefore examlne Lhe represenLauons of Lhe dead and Lhe mass grave as a human
rlghLs slLe, ln 8oubacar ulop's Motombl, a novel on Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde. AparL from Motombl's
posLmodernlsL approach Lo Lrauma (Parrow, PlLchcou), lLs aesLheuc and Lhemauc focus on auLonomy
and agency ln Motombl dlsungulshes Lhe novel as an lmporLanL LexL for an examlnauon of how dead
vlcums of massacre are narraLed. My purpose ls Lo ralse quesuons concernlng Lhe rlghLs of Lhe
aLroclous dead. 1hese quesuons wlll allow me Lo problemause an lnuenual concepuon of Lhe
human" LhaL ls founded on Lhe condluons of llfe and on human capablllues (nussbaum), buL LhaL
remalns lndlerenL Lo human deaLh. lf human rlghLs are concepLually and morally predlcaLed on ldeas
of agency and auLonomy, how do we resolve Lhe eLhlcal and represenLauonal compllcauons LhaL arlse
ln narraung Lhe dead?

Slmar[lL kaur, lndependenL Scholar, volces of Lhe Slkh Cenoclde wlLh LxcerpLs from Saron
Saron Salvauon ls a novel LhaL crosses splrlLual dlmenslons, pollucal dlmenslons and Lhe narrauves of
Slkhs auacked ln Lhe Slkh genoclde. l would llke Lo share an exLracL from Lhe novel LhaL glves a semng,
and Lhen share Len sLorles of wldows of exLra [udlclal kllllngs- Lhelr lndlvldual volces LhlrLy years on. ln
Lhe background, Lhelrs and Lhelr loved one's lmage would show, and Lhen l would relay ln Lngllsh whaL
Lhelr suerlng has meanL along wlLh muslc and songs sung by Lhem playlng falnLly. We can dramauze
Lhls furLher lnLo sollloquys. Cur formaL remalns open. l wlll be ln Lhe un[ab worklng wlLh wldows for
lebruary 2014, when Lhls wlll be gaLhered and recorded. lf we can arrange Lhe lnvlLauon leuers, l wlll
Lry Lo see lf any have passporLs and fund one or Lwo Lo come and [oln Lhe ensemble.
1he lssues around Lhe 1984-1994 Slkh genoclde ln lndla, lnclude mlllLary operauons', wldows of exLra
[udlclal kllllngs, and an overall level of lmpunlLy conunulng ln un[ab. 1hls denlal by Lhe sLaLe, and Lhelr
sugmauzauon as LerrorlsL' famllles, have had long Lerm lmpacLs on Lhelr survlval, as a resulL of
wonderlng where Lhelr loved ones are and lf Lhey could have done more. 1hls comes ouL ln Lhelr

koom 224b (Sour|s) - I|nd|ng eace |n Loca| and Internanona| Space
Moderator: klmberley uucey, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg

vahram Ayvazyan, lndependenL Scholar, Cloballzauon and Pumane' CulLure"
1he globe ls currenLly faclng vehemenL challenges: A global economlc crlsls, dramauc growLh of Lhe
world populauon and a posslble food crlsls. Also, Syrlan deadlock, Lhe Arab Sprlng and Musllm
upheaval, mass aLroclues ln CA8 and Lhe Sudans, lranlan nuclear lssue, Chlna's rlse and nauonallsuc
appeuLe, global envlronmenLal change, and so on encapsulaLe Lhe 21sL cenLury's gloomy plcLure.
1o allevlaLe Lhe on-golng lnLernauonal suerlng, Lhe world needs a dramauc change, a new culLure. l
wlll call Lhls Lhe Pumane" culLure. 1hls new culLure encompasses humane phenomena: frlendshlp,
cooperauon, muLual LrusL and undersLandlng- wln-wln prlnclples. We nd a slmllar Lhesls wlLh WendL
who calls lL (culLure) kanuan," ln conLrasL Lo Pobbeslan and Lockean, followlng lmmanuel kanL's
famous work letpetool leoce. 1he sLrucLure LhaL a kanuan culLure ls based upon ls frlendshlp" and lLs
sub[ecL posluon frlend." WlLhln Lhls sLrucLure, frlends are expecLed Lo follow Lwo baslc rules: rsL,
Lhe rule of non-vlolence," meanlng Lhe resoluuon of dlspuLes wlLhouL recourse Lo war or even LhreaL
of war, and second, Lhe rule of muLual ald," namely Laklng collecuve acuon as a Leam" agalnsL an
ouLslder who LhreaLens Lhe securlLy of a Leam member. lL ls of uLmosL slgnlcance Lo undersLand who
Lhe Wenduan ouLslder ls. Pe ls Lhe cllmaLe change, he ls hunger and dlsease, he ls Lhe Lerrorlsm, he ls
war, he ls Lhe genocldes and genoclde denlals. no generauon has beneLed from Lhose above, and
nelLher wlll we.

eLer kararl, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 1he 8ole of Lhe 4Cs ln de-1PLMlcauon and Cenoclde
revenuon: 1he kenyan Case SLudy
1he end of Lhe cold war saw Lhe emergence of a new global challenge- Lhe prollferauon of lnLrasLaLe
and eLhnopollucal vlolence ln whlch nauon sLaLes are faced wlLh muluple challenges as Lhey seek Lo
come Lo Lerms wlLh Lhelr vlolenL pasL whlle lnvesung ln Lransluonal and resLorauve [usuce. roLracLed
conlcLs are rooLed ln complex consLrucuons relaLed Lo pollucal, soclal, and culLural ldenuues. 1hese
ldenuues characLerlzed by negauve eLhnlclLy, auachmenL Lo collecuve myLhs and symbols, deep-
seaLed grlevances, and lnLolerance are derlved from sLrucLural and hlsLorlcal ln[usuces, experlences,
vlolence, and pauerns of engagemenL wlLh Lhe poLenual or percelved enemy' oLher/s. 1hese frozen
conlcLs LhreaLen reglonal sLablllLy and lnLernauonal securlLy, fundamenLal freedoms, and human
rlghLs, Lhey desLroy soclal and physlcal lnfrasLrucLure, and are capable of creaung global humanlLarlan
dlsasLers lncludlng genoclde ln Lhe absence of focused and umely lnLervenuon. locused lnLervenuon
requlres addresslng Lhe rooL causes of Lhls proLracLed vlolence.
ln Lhls presenLauon, l argue LhaL lnLra-sLaLe and eLhnlc vlolence emanaLes from whaL has been referred
Lo as Lhe mosL dangerous four-leuer word ln Lngllsh language- 1PLM, one LhaL has caused
lndenable suerlng and deaLh of mllllons of people globally. 1PLMlcauon has nurLured nger
polnung among dlspuLanLs Lherefore, compromlslng unlLy, harmony, and peaceful coexlsLence. l argue
LhaL, 1PLMlcauon can be allevlaLed by applylng Lhe prlnclple of Lhe 4Cs: we need Lo be Consc|ous
abouL eLhnlc pre[udlce, labels, and sLereoLypes, we need Lo be Cur|ous abouL Lhe sLorles of oLher
people, we need Lo be Compass|onate abouL breaklng Lhe cycle of Lhe oLherness, and we need Lo
Cha||enge Lhe foundauons of 1PLMlcauon. llnally, Lhls presenLauon focuses of how de-1PLMlcauon
uslng Lhe prlnclple of Lhe 4Cs can be applled ln kenya, a counLry LhaL has wlLnessed proLracLed
eLhnopollucal vlolence for Lhe lasL Lwo decades.

1ushar kanu Saha, unlverslLy of LesoLho, LxperlmenL wlLh 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon: A
SouLh Afrlcan erspecuve"
1ruLh Commlsslons are sLraLeglc ln naLure wlLh plan devlsed for slLuauons ln whlch war crlmes and
human rlghLs abuses have largely came Lo an end and socleues are sLruggllng Lo come Lo Lerms wlLh
Lhe Lragedy. Cne focus ls on lnvesugauons Lo deLermlne whaL acLually happened, especlally Lo people
who may have [usL dlsappeared". 1he Lask ls also Lo nd ouL who was responslble and asslgnlng
approprlaLe punlshmenL wlLhln Lhe provlnce of lnvesugauon by a credlble lnsuLuuon. 1hls requlres one
Lo conslder Lhe forces LhaL led people Lo commlL such crlmes. ln Lhe mosL serlous cases Lhe crlmes are
aurlbuLable Lo absoluLely lndefenslble behavlor by people who knew whaL Lhey were dolng and had
Lhe power Lo sLop lL. Cn Lhe oLher slde, crlmes may have been perpeLuaLed by lower ranklng omclals
who were, ln facL, belng forced Lo do under superlor command whaL Lhey dld was ln facL vlcarlously
done by Lhe people ln hlgher auLhorlLy. Sull, a Lhlrd dlmenslon polnLs Lo Lhe facL LhaL some crlmes may
have resulLed from Lhe Lerrlble cascadlng eecLs of vlolenL escalauon whlch could have led Lo Lhe klnd
of emouonal hysLerla causlng people Lo do Lhlngs LhaL Lhey would oLherwlse conslder absoluLely
unLhlnkable. 1hls resulLs ln a recurrlng cycles of dlsorder ln whlch boLh sldes are commlmng aLroclues
Lo avenge and reLallaLe for aLroclues commlued by Lhe oLher slde.

8econclllauon of pasL war crlmes oen presenLs a dlmculL dllemma. Cn Lhe one hand, vlcums of Lhese
Lerrlble crlmes nd lL lmposslble Lo slmply forgeL and forglve abouL Lhe crlmes and llve ln a socleLy wlLh
Lhe perpeLraLors as lf noLhlng happened. lor Lhem some measure of [usuce ls llkely Lo be an essenual
parL of Lhe heallng process. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf Lhe vlcums of such crlmes lnslsL on holdlng everyone
fully responslble for whaL mlghL be qulLe murderous acLs, Lhen Lhe resulL ls llkely Lo be an all-ouL ghL
Lo Lhe deaLh raLher Lhan reconclllauon and heallng. Pere sLraLegles LhaL comblne a search for LruLh and
[usuce, llnked wlLh amnesLy and forglveness are llkely Lo heal Lhe wound for long Lerm peaceful
soluuon wlLh less Lrace of Lraumauc experlence rubbed on Lhe soul. 1he aper proposes an ln-depLh
sLudy of Lhe problem as experlenced ln Lhe annals of hlsLory ln Lransluon Lo sLablllLy ln Lhe SouLh
Afrlcan conLexL and polnL Lo Lhe way forward Lo Lhe new paLh of lnLegrauon and progress. 1he purpose
of Lhe sLudy ls Lo reveal Lhe harsh hlsLorlcal LruLh and share Lhe ndlngs wlLh peers for sumulaung
furLher lnLeresL ln Lhe value and lmporLance of Lhe appllcauon of Lhe prlnclple of LruLh and
reconclllauon ln posL-conlcL heallng process and lLs llmlLauon and repllcauon as a model elsewhere
such as ln Sudan as an alLernauve Lo Lrlal by lnLernauonal Crlmlnal CourL.

CulsLan AbuzeylL, unlverslLy of WaLerloo, 1urnlng a 8llnd Lye Lo Lhe kurdlsh Cenoclde"

3:3S - 4:3S pm 5peclol Coest lteseotouoo

koom 210 (k|||arney): 1he 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon of Canada Commlssloners
Marle Wllson and WllLon Llulechlld

1kC CCMMISSICNLk MAkIL WILSCN: Slnce 2009, Marle Wllson has been one of Lhe Lhree
Commlssloners chosen Lo lead Lhe hlsLorlc 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon of Canada,
problng lnLo Lhe hlsLory and lmpacLs of more Lhan a cenLury of forced resldenual schoollng
for aborlglnal chlldren.

Ms. Wllson came Lo be Commlssloner followlng more Lhan 30 years of professlonal
experlence as an award-wlnnlng [ournallsL, Lralner, and senlor execuuve manager. She has
also been a unlverslLy lecLurer, a hlgh school Leacher ln Afrlca, a senlor execuuve manager
ln boLh federal and LerrlLorlal Crown Corporauons, and an lndependenL conLracLor and
consulLanL ln [ournallsm, program evaluauon, and pro[ecL managemenL. She has llved,
sLudled and worked ln cross-culLural envlronmenLs for almosL forLy years, lncludlng Lurope,
Afrlca, and varlous parLs of Canada.

As a [ournallsL, Ms Wllson worked ln prlnL, radlo and Lelevlslon as a reglonal and nauonal
reporLer, and Lhen as Lhe senlor program and execuuve manager for Lhe Lhree norLhern
1errlLorles of Canada and norLhern Cuebec. She was Lhe rsL Lelevlslon program hosL of
norLhern Canada's agshlp weekly lnformauon program, locus norLh. Per reporLs Lackled
complex lssues, from Lhe Cuebec soverelgnLy referendum and nauonal unlLy debaLes, Lo
Lhe nauonal ConsuLuuonal Lalks of Lhe 1980's, from Lhe seulemenL of hlsLorlc aborlglnal
rlghLs agreemenLs, Lo Lhe sLaLe of healLh ln llrsL nauons and lnulL communlues, from apal
vlslLs, Lo cenLennlal celebrauons of Lhe 8lel 8ebelllon.

As a 8eglonal ulrecLor for Lhe Canadlan 8roadcasung Corporauon, Ms Wllson was a ploneer.
She launched Lhe rsL ually 1elevlslon news servlce for norLhern Canada, agalnsL a back-
drop of four ume zones and Len languages: Lngllsh, lrench and elghL lndlgenous. She
developed Lhe Arcuc WlnLer Cames and 1rue norLh ConcerL serles for a wlder nauonal
audlence ln order Lo share unlque norLhern performlng arusLs and Lradluonal lndlgenous
sporLs wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe counLry. She foughL for Lhe recrulLmenL and developmenL of
aborlglnal sLa and Lhelr on-alr reecuon. She acknowledged sLa excellence wlLh Lhe
esLabllshmenL of Lhe C8C norLh Awards. She acknowledged Lhe wlder communlLy wlLh
program lnluauves Lo supporL and promoLe llLeracy.

lor several years Ms Wllson was a member, and Lhen Chalr of Lhe Canadlan 8roadcasung
Corporauon's 1ralnlng Advlsory Commluee, provldlng Lralnlng boLh wlLhln Lhe C8C, and
lnLernauonally Lo several counLrles ln Lurope and SouLh Amerlca, and SouLh Afrlca. A career
hlghllghL was Lo dellver Lralnlng Lhrough Lhe SouLh Afrlcan 8roadcasung Corporauon as parL
of LhaL counLry's Lransluon Lo democracy, preparlng Lhelr [ournallsLs for broadcasL coverage
of SouLh Afrlcan's rsL democrauc elecuon and Lhelr own 1ruLh and 8econclllauon

lor several years Marle Wllson served as an assoclaLe board member of whaL was Lo
become A1n, Lhe Aborlglnal eoples 1elevlslon neLwork. Cver Lhe years she has also
worked wlLh varlous oLher boards and agencles commlued Lo soclal [usuce, [ournallsm and
clvlc engagemenL, communlLy, splrlLual and lnLernauonal developmenL, and Lhe wellbelng
of chlldren and youLh.

ln 2012 Ms Wllson recelved an Ponorary uocLoraLe of Laws from SL. 1homas unlverslLy ln
new 8runswlck ln recognluon of her conLrlbuuons Lo excellence ln communlcauons,
educauon, clvlc and democrauc engagemenL and soclal [usuce. She has also recelved a C8C
norLh Award for Llfeume AchlevemenL, a norLherner of Lhe ?ear Award, and varlous
recognluons for [ournallsm, wrlung, and work-place safeLy lnluauves. She has posL-graduaLe
degrees ln lrench and !ournallsm from Lhe unlverslLy of WesLern CnLarlo, cerucaLes ln
pro[ecL managemenL and program evaluauon, and a lrench language cerucaLe from Lhe
unlverslLy of 8esancon, lrance.

Marle Wllson ls marrled Lo Lhe Ponourable SLephen kakfwl. 1hey are blessed wlLh Lhree
chlldren, kyla, uaylyn and keenan, and four grandchlldren, Maslyn, 1ydzeh, Sadeya and

1kC CCMMISSICNLk CnILI WIL1CN LI11LLCnILD: ln 1976, Chlef WllLon Llulechlld had Lhe
dlsuncuon of belng Lhe rsL 1reaLy llrsL nauon person Lo acqulre hls law degree from Lhe
unlverslLy of AlberLa. Pe recelved hls 8achelor of hyslcal Lducauon uegree ln 1967 and hls
MasLer's uegree ln hyslcal Lducauon ln 1973. ln !une of 2007, Lhe unlverslLy of AlberLa
besLowed Lhe uocLor of Laws uegree on Chlef Llulechlld for hls ouLsLandlng achlevemenLs.
An avld sporLsman and aLhleLe, Chlef Llulechlld has won more Lhan y provlnclal, reglonal,
nauonal and lnLernauonal champlonshlps. Pe has served as a coach and organlzer of sporLs
evenL - belng a founder of Lhe norLh Amerlcan lndlgenous games, and has been lnducLed
lnLo seven SporLs Palls of lame.
Chlef Llulechlld ls a respecLed lawyer and operaLes Lhe law rm of !. WllLon Llulechlld,
8arrlsLer and SollclLor, whlch ls slLuaLed ln Lhe Lrmlneskln 8eserve. Pe ls a sLrong advocaLe
for Lhe rlghLs of lndlgenous eoples and promoLer of lmplemenLauon of Lhe Lreaues
beLween Lhe lndlgenous eoples of Canada and Lhe Crown, now represenLed by Lhe federal
governmenL. Chlef Llulechlld also served as Lhe Chalrperson for Lhe Commlsslon on llrsL
nauons and Meus eoples and !usuce 8eform, mandaLed Lo revlew Lhe [usuce sysLem ln
Lhe provlnce of SaskaLchewan.
Chlef Llulechlld served as a Member of arllamenL from 1988 - 1993 for Lhe rldlng of
WeLasklwln-8lmby. Pe served on several senlor commluees ln Lhe Pouse of Commons and
was a parllamenLary delegaLe Lo Lhe unlLed nauons. Chlef Llulechlld organlzed a coalluon
of lndlgenous nauons LhaL soughL and galned consulLauve sLaLus wlLh Lhe Lconomlc and
Soclal Councll of Lhe unlLed nauons. Pe was re-appolnLed by Lhe L.C.C.S.C.C. resldenL Lo
represenL norLh Amerlca and has compleLed hls second and nal Lerm as Lhe norLh
Amerlcan represenLauve Lo Lhe un ermanenL lorum on lndlgenous lssues.
Chlef Llulechlld was honoured by belng appolnLed Lhe Ponourary Chlef for Lhe Maskwacls
Crees and also honoured by Lhe Chlefs of Lhe Confederacy of 1reaLy Slx llrsL nauons as Lhe
lnLernauonal Chlef for 1reaLy no. 6 Confederacy.
LlecLed by Lhe Chlefs of 1reaues 6, 7, 8 (AlberLa) as Lhe 8eglonal Chlef for Lhe Lhree 1reaLy
LerrlLorles ln CcLober of 2006 Lo serve a Lhree-year Lerm. Pe ls marrled Lo Pelen eacock,
and ls Lhe faLher of Lhree chlldren: 1eddl, nell and Megan.

4:40 - 6:10 pm keyoote lectote

koom 210 (k|||arney): Amy LoneLree

resentanon 1|t|e: uecoloolzloq Moseoms ooJ AJJtessloq tbe notJ
1totbs of coloolzouoo

Abstract: Cver Lhe lasL Lhree decades we have wlLnessed slgnlcanL changes ln Lhe
relauonshlp beLween lndlgenous communlues and malnsLream museums as a resulL of
lndlgenous acuvlsm and new museum Lheory and pracuce. 1hese changes lnclude Lhe
sharlng of curaLorlal auLhorlLy, collaborauve parLnershlps, and eorLs Lo decolonlze
museums. My research examlnes Lhe currenL sLaLe of conLemporary exhlbluon pracuces aL
boLh nauonal and Lrlbal museums. CenLral Lo my analysls ls explorlng how museums can
serve as slLes of decolonlzauon Lhrough honorlng lndlgenous knowledge and worldvlew,
and by dlscusslng Lhe hard LruLhs of colonlzauon ln exhlbluons ln an eorL Lo promoLe
heallng and undersLandlng. resenung Lhls hlsLory ls an lmporLanL parL of a decolonlzlng
museum pracuce and l wlll explore Lwo slLes, Lhe SmlLhsonlan's nauonal Museum of Lhe
Amerlcan lndlan and Lhe Zllblwlng CenLer for Anlshlnabe CulLure and Llfeways ln Mlchlgan,
and Lhelr LreaLmenL of Lhe hlsLory of colonlallsm and genoclde ln Lhelr exhlbluons.

6:1S and 7:1S pm 8uses deparL from unlverslLy of ManlLoba for downLown


Ir|day Iu|y 18, 2014

7:30 and 8:30 am 8uses deparL from Lhe lorL Carry PoLel for Lhe unlverslLy of ManlLoba

8:00 am 8eglsLrauon opens

9:00 to 10:30 am coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Workshop: Speech, V|o|ence revennon: Genoc|de and the o||ncs of

Workshop leaders:
1. Cregory S. Cordon, unu CenLer for Puman 8lghLs and Cenoclde SLudles
2. Cregory P. SLanLon, Cenoclde WaLch, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy
3. uavld !. Slmon, ?ale unlverslLy
ln Lhe absLracL, speech may have much lnLrlnslc value wlLh lLs power Lo faclllLaLe democracy, self-
acLuallzauon, and good wlll. 8uL, ln cerLaln conLexLs, lL can also be qulLe deleLerlous, spawnlng
dlvlslon, lgnorance, and haLred. WlLhln Lhe cruclble of genoclde or oLher mass aLroclLy, speech may be
slmllarly !anus-faced. lLs power Lo prevenL mass vlolence ls lndublLable. 8uL lLs capaclLy for enabllng
mass vlolence ls slmllarly unquesuonable. So Lhe lssue arlses: when and how may speech work for
good or lll ln relauon Lo genoclde or oLher mass aLroclLy? 1hls panel grapples wlLh LhaL quesuon. lL
wlll show LhaL, ln poLenually pre-genocldal conLexLs, speech can go a long way Loward prevenung
genocldal pre[udlce and/or dlscrlmlnauon. 8uL aL a cerLaln polnL, when vlrulenL pre[udlce and
dlscrlmlnauon have passed Lhe upplng polnL and speech ls clearly ln Lhe servlce of ongolng mass
vlolence or dlrecLed Loward lnclung lL, Lhe goal becomes prevenung lnlmlcal speech Lhrough clvll legal
acuon or crlmlnal punlshmenL. Such measures may have a slgnlcanL deLerrenL eecL and help
combaL Lhe culLure of lmpunlLy. AL Lhe same ume, aer Lhe physlcal execuuon of genoclde, speech
conunues Lo play an lmporLanL role Lhrough Lhe medlum of denlal. 1he panel wlll conslder 8wanda as
a case sLudy. erpeLraLors of Lhe 8wandan genoclde have employed Lhe same denlal Lechnlques as
Armenlan genoclde denlers and PolocausL denlers, among oLhers. 1helr denlal campalgns, an
lnLegral parL of Lhe lasL phases of genoclde, have creaLed Lhelr own pollucal lssues and movemenLs,
whlch wlll be explored.

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Spaces of D|spossess|on and D|sp|acement I
Moderator: 1rlcla Logan, unlverslLy of London

Suren Manukyan, Armenlan Cenoclde Museum-lnsuLuLe, newcomers and lndlgenous:
Pomogenlzauon of Armenlan Pomeland as nauon and SLaLe 8ulldlng ro[ecL ln Lhe LaLe Cuoman

AuempLs Lo reduce Lhe demographlc welghL of Armenlans had a long hlsLory LhroughouL Lhe exlsLence
of Lhe Lmplre. erlodlcal massacres, seulemenL of muha[lrs ln Armenlan dwelllngs and forclble
1urklcauon were dlrecLed Lo Lhe same goal. 1he Cenoclde was culmlnauon of Lhe process of cleanlng
up AnaLolla from lLs lndlgenous people.
1hls LerrlLory was abandoned before lL became percelved as Lebensraum" aL Lhe beglnnlng of 20

cenLury. ln 1urklsh mlnds, WesLern Armenla would be Lhe very Land where new 1urklsh SLaLe would
emerge. 1hls feellng sLrengLhened wlLhln Cuoman ellLe aer LerrlLorlal losses as a resulL of defeaLed
8alkan and 1rlpollLanla wars.
SlmulLaneously Lhe process of consLrucuon of new 1urklsh nauon was golng on. lL was enhanced by
Lhe facL LhaL some of Lhe leaders of Lhe Cu, as well as many of Lhe organlzers of Lhe Armenlan
Cenoclde, were noL eLhnlcally 1urks. Moreover, many of Cu leaders emlgraLed from Lhe 8alkans were
ln searchlng of new homeland. 1hey chose AnaLolla for LhaL role, and Lhe pro[ecL of purlcauon of Lhe
WesLern Armenlan meL Lhelr expecLauons. 8luerness over experlences wlLh Chrlsuans ln Lhe 8alkans
or Caucasus may color Lhe amLudes of Musllm refugees Loward Lhe Armenlans. 1hey eagerly
paruclpaLed ln Lhe kllllng process.
So, Armenlan Cenoclde was noL [usL enormous kllllng of one and half mllllon Armenlans, buL
reallzauon of pro[ecL of space purlcauon from Lhe lndlgenous populauon and lLs colonlzauon" by

Carroll . kakel, !ohns Popklns unlverslLy CenLer for Llberal ArLs, PlLler's lndlan Wars' ln Lhe Wlld
LasL': 1he PolocausL as Colonlal Cenoclde"

ln Lhe lasL decade, Lhe scholarly debaLe abouL Lhe lnumaLe relauons beLween genoclde, colonlallsm,
and Lhe PolocausL has lnsplred a large (and sull growlng) llLeraLure. My paper explores whaL l lnLerpreL
as Lhe 'decldedly colonlal' orlglns, conLexL, and conLenL of nazl genoclde ln occupled Lurope durlng Lhe
Second World War -- focuslng on Lhe pervaslve lnuence of Amerlcan wesLern expanslon on nazl
Lhlnklng (as evldenced by PlLler's spaual and raclal fanLasles). lL revlslLs famlllar evenLs Lhrough Lhe
(correcuve) lenses of 'conunenLal lmperlallsm', 'seuler colonlallsm', and 'colonlal genoclde'. 8y
employlng a new 'opucs' -- lnformed by Lhe emerglng elds of lmperlal sLudles, colonlal sLudles, and
genoclde sLudles -- Lhls paper suggesLs an alLernauve way Lo read, lnLerpreL, and undersLand nazl
genoclde, as well as Lhe evenLs we have come Lo call 'Lhe PolocausL'. 1hls paper also ldenues
lmporLanL ldeologlcal and causal llnks beLween Lhe nazl lmperlal-colonlal pro[ecL ln LasLern Lurope
and nazl genocldal vlolence. lL argues, moreover, LhaL one dld, lndeed, lead Lo Lhe oLher.

Sharon venne, Cree Lawyer and Scholar, and lrene WaLson, unlverslLy of SouLh AusLralla,
Comparauve SLorles of Cenoclde: AbouL Lhe Seuler Colonlal SLaLes of Canada and AusLralla"

1hls presenLauon wlll recall Lhe pasL when boLh Lhe Canadlan and Lhe AusLrallan sLaLe forclbly
removed llrsL nauons chlldren from Lhelr nauons for Lhe purpose of asslmllaung chlldren lnLo Lhe
whlLe colonlal seuler socleLy. Lvldence from boLh Canada and AusLralla of Lhe lnLenL Lo asslmllaLe ls
overwhelmlng, sLaLe responses Lo Lhe evldence wlll be consldered ln Lhls presenLauon. 1hls paper wlll
also conslder how Lhe colonlal hlsLorles of chlld removal resonaLe ln Lhe conLemporary momenL and by
examlnlng Lhe followlng quesuons. WhaL has been Lhe eecL of Lhose acLs of genoclde? Pow have
colonlal seuler legal sysLems responded Lo Lhose eecLs? WhaL does lnLernauonal law say on Lhe
mauer of genoclde ln Lhese lnsLances? WhaL mlghL an lndlgenous knowledges approach brlng Lo Lhe
dlscusslon of llrsL nauons Cenoclde?

Chrls MaLo nunpa, SouLhwesL MlnnesoLa SLaLe unlverslLy, Slca 1anka kln, 1he greaL Lvll':
Cenoclde and Lhe uakoLa eople of MlnnesoLa"

1he purpose of Lhls presenLauon wlll be Lo lllusLraLe Lhe Cenoclde of Lhe uakoLa eople of MlnnesoLa.
1he paper proposes Lo use Lhe ve crlLerla of Lhe 1948 un Cenoclde Convenuon and Lo provlde
examples of genocldal acuons for each crlLerlon. 1he Cenocldalres, l.e., Lhe perpeLraLors of Cenoclde
agalnsL Lhe uakoLa eople, are Lhe SLaLe of MlnnesoLa, Lhe u.S. governmenL, and Lhe Luro-MlnnesoLan

1he perspecuve of Lhe paper ls lndlgenous, generally, and uakoLa, speclcally. lor example, Lhe wrlLer
comes from a people who were Lhe vlcums of Cenoclde and, Lhus, hls vlews wlll be dlameLrlcally
opposlLe Lo LhaL of Lhe Luro-MlnnesoLan and Lhe u.S. Luro-Amerlcan cluzenrles who perpeLraLed Lhe
genoclde. 8ounues were placed on Lhe scalps of uakoLa eople. 1he nal sum was $200, an annual
salary aL Lhe ume, on uakoLa scalps. 1hls acuon by Lhe sLaLe of MlnnesoLa and Lhe governor of
MlnnesoLa, Alexander 8amsey, whose savage cry was LxLermlnauon Cr 8emoval" of Lhe uakoLa
eople, Ls very nlcely lnLo CrlLerlon a," LhaL ls, kllllng Members of Lhe Croup." 8ounues are an
example of sLaLe-sponsored Cenoclde

ln addluon Lo 8ounues, lorced Marches, Mass Lxecuuons, ConcenLrauon Camps, lorclble 8emovals,
8ellglous Suppresslon, eLc., were perpeLraLed agalnsL Lhe uakoLa eople, and all are genocldal acLs
whlch fulll one or more of Lhe ve crlLerla of Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon. 1he paper wlll, also, show
LhaL Lhe uakoLa eople who ed Lo Canada ed because of Lhe genocldal envlronmenL ln MlnnesoLa,
and who now llve on reserves ln Lhree provlnces of Canada.

*koom 224a (St. Anne) - Ind|an kes|denna| Schoo| kecords: Creanon, Acqu|s|non and Use
Moderator: krlsun 8urneu, Lakehead unlverslLy

8renda Lllas, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 1he challenge of counung Lhe mlsslng when Lhe mlsslng
were noL counLed"
1he Canadlan 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon of Canada on lndlan 8esldenual Schools (18C)
deLermlned LhaL more Lhan 4,000 chlldren ln Lhe schools may have dled. 1hls gure however ls based
on lncompleLe federal archlval documenLs. 1hls paper wlll explore Lhls morLallLy reporung challenge ln
relauon Lo how vlLal sLausucs were or were noL recorded for Canada's lndlgenous chlldren.

8y Moran, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, lndlan 8esldenual School 8ecords: WhaL has been collecLed?"
1he 18C has been charged wlLh creaung as compleLe an archlve as lL can on lndlan 8esldenual Schools
and, as Lhe 18C's work wlnds down, Lhe archlve wlll be Lransferred Lo Lhe nauonal 8esearch CenLre for
1ruLh and 8econclllauon (n8C18). Pow dld Lhe 18C go abouL creaung Lhls archlve and ln parucular how
dld lL manage Laklng survlvor sLaLemenLs? WhaL are Lhe maln conslderauons ln Lransferrlng Lhls archlve
Lo Lhe n8C18.

karen 8usby, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 1he aper Chase: uslng Llugauon Lo CeL lndlan 8esldenual
1he 18C was creaLed ouL of a seulemenL agreemenL beLween Survlvors, Lhe federal governmenL and
church enuues lnvolved ln Lhe lndlan 8esldenual School class acuons. 1he seulemenL agreemenLs
provlde LhaL Lhe governmenL and Lhe churches wlll provlde coples of all relevanL records Lo Lhe 18C
and LhaL Lhese records wlll, ulumaLely, ow Lhrough Lo Lhe n8C18. 1hls paper wlll explore how Lhe
governmenL and churches have reslsLed provldlng Lhese records and how Lhe Survlvors, Lhe 18C and
Lhe n8C18 have foughL back.

Camllle Calllson, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, Ponourlng lndlan 8esldenual School Archlves"
Cne of Lhe rsL challenges faclng Lhe n8C18 wlll be Lhe formulauon of prlvacy, access and copyrlghL
lssues reglmes governlng records ln Lhe archlve LhaL are respecul of boLh wesLern and lndlgenous
laws and approaches Lo research. 1hls paper wlll explore how Lhe n8C18 ls creaung Lhese reglmes.

*koom 224b (Sour|s) - Gender|ng Genoc|de Across 1|me and Space
Moderator: klmberley ulcey, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg

Azra 8ashld, lndependenL Scholar/lllmmaker, Cender, nauonallsm and Cenoclde"
nauonallsm, rooLed ln Lhe word nauon, blnds lndlvlduals Lo an lmaglnary homeland by Lhe vlrLue of
shared characLerlsucs, eLhnlclLy and landscape. lemlnlsL scholarshlp has shown Lhe ldea of nauonallsm
Lo be gendered, craed Lo serve mascullne prlvllege. Cenoclde happens when nauonallsm, lLself a
producL of lmaglnauon, creaLes sub[ecLs, who ghL over lmaglnary homelands, and Lhe slLe of vlolence
becomes women's bodles. Powever, Lhe femlnlsL scholarshlp - unlversallsL and LransnauonallsL -
remalns dlvlded on Lhe relauve lmporLance of gender and eLhnlclLy ln Lhe conLexL of vlolence endured
by women ln genoclde. WlLh genoclde dened along Lhe llnes of eLhnlc dlvlde and reproducuon, lL
becomes lmposslble Lo focus more or less on eLhnlclLy or gender, as boLh are markers of asymmeLrlcal
soclal relauons and power hlerarchy. uesplLe Lhe slmllarlues ln Lhe naLure of vlolence endured by
women ln eLhnlc conlcLs, women's experlences vary across Lhe globe because paLrlarchy and
nauonallsm have Laken dlerenL forms ln Lhelr evoluuon, necesslLaung dlerenL sLruggles on women
ln dlerenL geographlcal locauons. lnsLead of Lreaung women" as a unled caLegory LhaL Lranscends
hlsLory, space and boundarles, Lhere ls a need for deLranscendenLallzauon wlLhln Lhe femlnlsL
dlscourse on genoclde. 1he femlnlsL Lask ls Lo noL only reslsL and challenge Lhe paLrlarchal accounL of
genoclde buL also Lo make vlslble Lhe dlerence ln experlences and Lhe exlsLence of represslve
mechanlsms LhaL creaLe Lhem ln Lhe rsL place. ln Lhls paper, l explore Lhe represenLauon of vlolence
endured by women ln Lhe PolocausL, and Lhe genocldes ln 8wanda and 8angladesh.

Lmlly Sample, PolocausL Museum PousLon, LyslsLraLa 8lslng: Women eace- bullders ln osL-
conlcL uganda"
uganda has been conunuously engaged ln conlcL for over four decades. Slnce uganda's lndependence
from Lhe 8rlush colonlal emplre ln 1962, norLhern uganda has been especlally vlcumlzed by a serles of
mlllLary coups and rebel armles, Lhe mosL recenL of whlch ls !oseph kony's Lord's 8eslsLance Army,
whose exlsLence conunues Lo Lerrorlze Lhe reglon, desplLe a Lenuous ceasere ln place slnce 2006. 1hls
paper focuses on Lhe pasL, presenL, and fuLure of women and peace ln norLhern uganda, and how
women are on Lhe fronL llnes ln Lhelr communlues prevenung human rlghLs abuses. 1he paper cenLers
on lnLervlews wlLh Llna Zedrlga, a Lugbara acuvlsL, who ls currenLly ulrecLor of Women eace and
SecurlLy and Lhe sole reglsLered and accredlLed female medlaLor ln uganda, and ulana Cromo, ulrecLor
of Women eace lnluauves uganda, who grew up ln Llra durlng Lhe war and now ghLs agalnsL sexual
and gender based vlolence ln Lhe reglon, ln addluon Lo women who are engaglng locally wlLh Lhe on-
golng peace eorL. 1hls paper uses Lhelr experlences Lo frame a Lheoreucal analysls of peace bulldlng
pracuces and of unlLed nauons SecurlLy Councll 8esoluuon 1323, whlch has long-Lerm lmpllcauons for
how women lnLeracL wlLh Lhe peace process. 8y explorlng Lhe hlsLory and fuLure of norLhern uganda, l
alm Lo lnvesugaLe women's conLrlbuuon Lo conlcL resoluuon and prevenuon. 1o whaL exLenL do
women play a unlque role when lL comes Lo peace bulldlng and prevenung fuLure aLroclues ln posL-
conlcL norLhern uganda?

Carmelo uomenlco Leoua, unlverslL Luropea dl 8oma, 8ape as a Cenocldal AcL: A SLudy of lC18's
Leadlng Cases"
1he sources of lnLernauonal Crlmlnal Law do noL expllclLly quallfy rape as a genocldal acL. noneLheless,
lC18 and lC1? admlued LhaL sexual vlolence and rsLly rape could become a mean Lo commlL

ln facL, Lhrough sexual oences perpeLraLed wlLh Lhe lnLenL Lo desLroy a proLecLed group, Lhe acLor can
cause serlous harms Lo hls vlcums, he can lnlcL on Lhe group condluons of llfe calculaLed Lo brlng
abouL lLs physlcal desLrucuon or he can lmpose measures of llfe lnLended Lo prevenL blrLhs wlLhln Lhe
group. All Lhese conducLs are punlshed by lC1?, lC18 and lCC SLaLuLes as genoclde.

llrsL of all, Lhe paper wlll analyze lC18's leadlng cases abouL genocldal rape. Second, lL wlll deal wlLh
Lhe relauonshlp beLween Lhe rule of sLrlcL lnLerpreLauon ln lnLernauonal Crlmlnal Law, nowadays
provlded ln lCC SLaLuLe (arL. 22), and Lhe posslblllLy of non-llLeral lnLerpreLauon of Lhe norms llsung
genocldal conducLs. 1o quallfy rape and sexual vlolence as genocldal acLs, ln facL, lC18 and lC1?
overcame Lhe llLeral formulauon of Lhelr SLaLuLes LhaL do noL lnclude sexual vlolence among acLs of
genoclde. 1hls was admlsslble because lC18 and lC1?'s SLaLuLes do noL provlde Lhe rule of sLrlcL
lnLerpreLauon. lCC SLaLuLe, acLually, expressly lmposes Lhe lnLerpreLauon of Crlmlnal Law ln a sLrlcL
sense (arL. 22).

Movlng from Lhls clarlcauon, Lhe paper ls golng Lo answer Lhls quesuon: under Arucles 6 and 22 lCC
SLaLuLe, ls lL sull posslble Lo adopL Lhe non-llLeral lnLerpreLauon of Lhe oJ boc 1rlbunals abouL
genocldal rape?

Myrlam !.A. Chancy, MLA, leLzer lnsuLuLe Cn Lhe Ldge of Sllence: (llo)-lmoqlooble and
(gendered) represenLauons of Lhe 8wandan Cenoclde ln phoLography and 8aoul eck's 5omeumes
lo Aptll."
1aklng for polnL of deparLure Mlchel-8olph 1roullloL's reconcepLuallzauon of lerre 8ourdleu's nouon
of Lhe unLhlnkable," and key Lerms of 1eshome Cabrlel's denluon of 1hlrd Clnema," Lhls essay
evaluaLes Lhe uneasy Lerraln of posL-Lraumauc represenLauons of Lhe 8wandan genoclde. ln parucular,
Lhls essay seeks Lo explore Lhe llmlLs of represenung gendered Lrauma experlenced slmulLaneously aL
nauonal and lndlvldual levels. l demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe narrauve/framlng cholces of phoLographers such
leLer Pugo and Sebasuo Salgado, who have oered us Lhe mosL lconlc vlsuallzauons of Lhe 8wandan
genoclde and Lhe represenLauon of Lhe genoclde as endured by survlvors ln 8aoul eck's 2004 lm,
5omeumes lo Aptll, all navlgaLe around a sllence surroundlng Lhe parucularly horrlc vlolauons of
women durlng Lhe caLaclysm. l argue LhaL each auLeur Lransgresses Lhe codes of Lhelr parucular genre
ln order Lo expose Lhls sllence wlLh more or less degree of success. ln parucular, l show LhaL Salgado,
unllke Pugo, ls deLermlned Lo represenL survlvors ln 1hlrd Clnema" Lerms of deance, reslllence and
reslsLance, whlle eck, borrowlng from elemenLs of documenLary phoLography and Lhe graphlc arLs,
esLabllshes a space for Lhls sllence and lLs seemlngly unLhlnkable dlmenslons, an unLhlnkablllLy"
endemlc Lo Lrauma lLself. lL explores how eck's lm exerclses 1roullloL's unLhlnkable" as a means of
acuvaung whaL l Lerm (llo)lmoqlooble, or Lhe (un)lmaglnable, for vlewers, so LhaL Lhe pasL can be
undersLood lf noL prevenLed ln a fuLure ume and, moreover, so LhaL we may beuer grasp why vlolence
agalnsL women remalns under-represenLed and sllenced.

*koom UC 217 (GSA Lounge) - Ak1S

ArusL: Sonya de LaaL, Memorles WlLness: hoLographs of unrepresenLable suerlng aer

10:30 - 11:00 am co[ee bteok

11:00 am - 12:30 pm coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Workshop: An Cpnona| rotoco| to the Genoc|de Convennon: A
Moderator: Cregory Cordon, unu CenLer for Puman 8lghLs and Cenoclde SLudles

Workshop Leaders:
1. Cregory SLanLon, Cenoclde WaLch, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy
2. !ean-lranols 8usslre-WalloL, Cenoclde WaLch, unlverslLy of Cuebec

All petsoos oueoJloq tbe koooJ 1oble wlll tecelve tbe text of oo Opuoool ltotocol to tbe CeooclJe
cooveouoo JtofeJ by Ieoo-ltoocols 8osslte-wollot ooJ ut. Cteqoty 5tootoo of CeooclJe wotcb.
ur. SLanLon wlll presenL why Lhe Cpuonal roLocol ls necessary, whaL lL would accompllsh, and how lL
could be adopLed by SLaLes-arues Lo Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon. Slnce 1931, Lhe un SecurlLy Councll
has been paralyzed by LhreaLs of erm-3 veLoes, or has noL had Lhe pollucal wlll Lo auLhorlze armed
force Lo sLop or prevenL mosL genocldes. 1he Cenoclde Convenuon does noL clarlfy Lhe amblgulLy ln
Lhe un CharLer abouL whaL bodles - un SecurlLy Councll, un Ceneral Assembly, 8eglonal
Crganlzauons, or nauon-sLaLes - have Lhe obllgauon Lo prevenL genoclde. 1he roLocol reasserLs Lhe
duLy of Lhe un Ceneral Assembly and 8eglonal Crganlzauons Lo Lake acuon Lo prevenL genoclde when
Lhe un SecurlLy Councll falls Lo Lake acuon. 1he roLocol creaLes a legal obllgauon for SLaLes-arues Lo
prevenL genoclde and proLecL clvlllans from lL. lL lncludes preparaLory sLeps Lowards genoclde" so
acuon can be Laken Lo prevenL genoclde raLher Lhan walung Lo declde a full genoclde ls underway. lL
encourages cooperauon on early warnlng and rlsk assessmenL by poLenual prevenLers, lncludlng a
cenLral role for Lhe Cmce of Lhe Speclal Advlsor Lo Lhe un SecreLary Ceneral on Lhe revenuon of
Cenoclde, SLaLes-arues Lo Lhe roLocol are obllgaLed Lo reporL any acLs LhaL could lead Lo genoclde
or consuLuLe genoclde" anywhere ln Lhe world, boLh Lo Lhe un and Lo relevanL 8eglonal Crganlzauons.
1he language used does noL requlre Lhe same burden of proof as a declslon on wheLher such acLs are
already legally provable genoclde. 1he alm ls Lo avold legal debaLes, and sLress Lhe prevenuve prlnclple
- Lhe duLy of acuve prevenuon.
!ean-lrancols 8usslre-WalloL wlll explaln Lhe legal provlslons of Lhe Cpuonal roLocol and lLs
relauonshlp Lo Lhe un CharLer. 1he Cpuonal roLocol creaLes no obllgauons LhaL conLradlcL Lhose
under Lhe un CharLer. 1he SecurlLy Councll reLalns lLs prlmacy. Powever, when Lhe un SecurlLy Councll
falls Lo Lake prevenuve acuon, Lhe un Ceneral Assembly acung under un Ceneral Assembly 8esoluuon
377 A (v) , or 8eglonal Crganlzauons acung under un CharLer ChapLer vlll and Lhelr own rules, may
recommend prevenuve acuon blndlng upon SLaLes-arues Lo Lhe roLocol. All measures Laken musL
respecL lnLernauonal law and Lhe un CharLer. SLaLes-arues Lo Lhe roLocol become legally obllgaLed
Lo acL on recommendauons by Lhe un Ceneral Assembly or relevanL 8eglonal Crganlzauons Lo prevenL
genoclde lf Lhe un SecurlLy Councll falls Lo Lake prevenuve acuon. 1he roLocol requlres SLaLes-arues
Lo supporL nanclal conLrlbuuons of Lhe un Lo prevenuve acuon by 8eglonal Crganlzauons. 1hey musL
noL accepL prohlbluons on Lhe use of force Lo proLecL clvlllans ln any un or reglonal peacekeeplng
operauon. ueclslons on lnLervenuon wlLh force remaln pollucal declslons by Lhe un SecurlLy Councll,
un Ceneral Assembly, or 8eglonal Crganlzauons.
rof. Cregory Cordon wlll lead Lhose auendlng Lhe 8ound 1able ln dlscusslng Lhe pros and cons of Lhe
roLocol, probable ob[ecuons Lo lL, and posslble pollucal obsLacles Lo lLs adopuon.

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Genoc|de Memory: 1|me, Space and Movement I
Moderator: Adam Muller, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

Amy lagln, lndependenL Scholar, CulLures under Class: 1he Lvoluuon of 1he Modern Museum'
and Lhe 8epresenLauon of lndlgenous eoples of Lhe norLheasL uS. lour Case SLudles"
lL ls wldely undersLood among genoclde scholars LhaL lndlgenous populauons, world- wlde, have been
sub[ecLed Lo sysLemauc dlspossesslon of land, culLure, lndlvldual and group rlghLs Lo self-
deLermlnauon slnce Lhe earllesL voyages of colonlal seuler Luropeans Lo new worlds". lurLhermore
Lhese same peoples, durlng Lhls era of seuler colonlal nauon bulldlng, were vlcumlzed by
overwhelmlng and repeaLed forces of vlolenL conquesL and dlseases whlch ulumaLely annlhllaLed Lhe
vasL ma[orlLy of Lhelr pre-colonlal populauons.
ln new Lngland Lhe hlsLory and Lransformauon of Lhe lndlgenous populauons ln Lhe aermaLh of
colonlal seulemenL and modernlsm reecLs a unlque Lra[ecLory LhaL can be crlucally surmlsed Lhrough
Lhe explorauon and comparauve evaluauon of museums dedlcaLed Lo Lhe narrauve of lndlgenous
orlglns ln whaL ls now known as new Lngland.
1hls presenLauon wlll revlew Lhe developlng role of Lhe museum" as an lnsuLuuon wlLh Lhe LrlparuLe
goals of educauon, enLerLalnmenL and research and Lhe evolvlng role of exhlbluons of new Lngland
nauve hlsLory, ldenuLy, culLural herlLage and modern socleLy. lour museums locaLed ln Lhe new
Lngland area wlll be explored, assessed and analyzed, crlucally, wlLh regards Lo Lhelr orlglnal
concepuons, acqulsluons and collecuons, mlsslon sLaLemenLs, exhlbluons, ouLreach and publlc
1he four museums where research wlll be conducLed are: 1he equoL Museum ln MashanLuckeL, C1,
1he ML kearsarge lndlan Museum ln Warner, nP, 1he Seneca-lroquols nauonal Museum ln Salamanca,
n? and Lhe Amerlcan Museum of naLural PlsLory (Puman Crlglns and CulLural Palls).
A plcLure of Lhe complex hlsLory and modern socleLy of nauve new Lngland Lrlbes and Lhelr
relauonshlp Lo Lhe greaLer non-nauve culLure and economy whlch has evolved over ume slnce Lhe
eenLh cenLury wlll emerge Lhrough Lhls crlucal, comparauve case sLudy of Lhese culLures under

karen lrosug, Lesley unlverslLy, 8randels unlverslLy, 1he vlenna ro[ecL: PlsLory, Memory and
aruclpaLory rocesses"
ueslgned as a collaborauve venLure, 1be vleooo ltoject, a new soclal acuon memorlal pro[ecL
concernlng nauonal Soclallsm ln vlenna sLarung ln 1938, ls commlued Lo lnLegraung rlgorous sclenuc
daLa collecuon wlLh publlc lnpuL, and wlLh advenLurous lnLerpreLauons of Lhe pasL. 1he pro[ecL
provldes Lhe publlc wlLh muluple enLry polnLs regardlng AusLrla's hlsLory of genoclde. varlous
componenLs of Lhe pro[ecL are welghLed dlerenLly ln regard Lo hlsLory, memory, and paruclpauon. AL
Lhe sevenLy-h annlversary year of Lhe PolocausL wlLh few survlvors and eyewlLnesses le Lo provlde
rsL-person Lesumony, Lhe vlLallLy of Lhls klnd of layered approach ls especlally promlslng. lL should be
noLed, however, LhaL memory serves a dlerenL purpose Lo hlsLory, and LhaL paruclpaLory pracuce
furLher compllcaLes Lhe Lenuous equauon beLween memory and hlsLory.
Memory, as a generauve force ls LranslenL, lrregular, and lnLrlnslcally varlable. uslng a model of co-
producuon, 1be vleooo ltoject ls sLaged ln dlerenL locauons around Lhe clLy, reslsung ldeas abouL
cenLrallzauon, dlssemlnauon of a parucular polnL of vlew, and nouons of permanence conLradlcung
Lhe ephemeral sLrucLures of memory. ueveloped under Lhe genre of durauonal performance, 1be
vleooo ltoject reads as a serles of memory modules, performed ln Lhe publlc sphere.
1he vlenna ro[ecL: PlsLory, Memory and aruclpaLory rocesses" wlll dlscuss Lhree lnsLallauons
represenung dlerenL formaLs for publlc engagemenL wlLh memory:1) arcour des Lrlnnerns uses
lnLeracuve Lechnologles Lo produce new encounLers wlLh memory, 2) Memory Map and Lhe
SmarLphone app uses Lechnology Lo reach across borders, and 3) 1he 38 Sldewalk lnsLallauon pro[ecL
deals wlLh ldeas abouL LerrlLory, auLhorlLy, and excluslons. ldeas abouL ume and space and Lhe
LranslLory naLure of memory permeaLe all Lhree modules.

Alexander PlnLon, 8uLgers unlverslLy, uarkness lnLo LlghL: ArL, ollucs, and Memory aL Lhe 1uol
Sleng Museum of Cenoclde ln Cambodla"
ln early !anuary 1979, [usL days aer Lhe khmer 8ouge had been Loppled from power ln Cambodla, Lhe
lnvadlng forces made a gruesome dlscovery aL a compound from whlch a sLrong sLench was
emanaung. lnslde Lhey found Lhe decomposlng corpses of a number of recenLly execuLed men who
had been lncarceraLed ln whaL appeared Lo be a large prlson complex. Cver Lhe nexL several days,
lnvesugaLors dlscovered LhaL, ln Lhelr hasLe Lo ee, Lhe khmer 8ouge had le behlnd a varleLy of
documenLauon, ranglng from cadre noLebooks and revoluuonary magazlnes Lo prlsoner mug shoLs and
confesslons, suggesung LhaL Lhls former hlgh school, 1uol Sleng, was a cenLral lnLerrogauon faclllLy
where many prlsoners had been LorLured lnLo confesslon.
1he new governmenL qulckly seL ouL Lo Lransform Lhls compound lnLo a museum devoLed Lo
documenung Lhe crlmes of Lhe khmer 8ouge, who enacLed pollcles leadlng Lo Lhe deaLh of 1.7-2.2
mllllon of Cambodla's 8 mllllon lnhablLanLs due Lo sLarvauon, overwork, and execuuon. A recenLly
concluded lnLernauonal Lrlal of uuch, Lhe former head of Lhe prlson, conrmed LhaL over 12,000 of
Lhese deaLhs, and probably many more, Look place aL 1uol Sleng (S-21), where almosL all of Lhe
prlsoners were execuLed, many aer belng lnLerrogaLed and LorLured.
1he 1oul Sleng Cenoclde Museum became Lhe foremosL symbol of Lhe khmer 8ouge aLroclues, Lhough
one LhaL has been moblllzed for pollucal purposes over Lhe years. lf lL was rsL used Lo leglumaLe Lhe
new governmenL LhaL had deposed Lhe khmer 8ouge reglme, lL now closely bound up wlLh Lhe khmer
8ouge Lrlbunal.
1hls presenLauon wlll lnvolve a vlsual Lour of Lhls museum, explorlng Lhe lnLerrelauonshlp of arL,
pollucs, and memory aer genoclde. ln dolng so, l focus on how grey zones are ellded ln Lhe
represenLauon of Lhe pasL and currenL use of Lhe museum for ouLreach for Lhls Lransluonal [usuce
mechanlsm. Speclcally, l wlll explore Lhe greyness and erasures ln represenLauons of vlcums,
perpeLraLors, and Lopographles of space, ume, and Lhe [urldlcal.

uylan Coleman, unlverslLy of Adelalde, narrauves from Cenoclde Lo Self-CovernmenL -
LmpowermenL Lhrough a narrauve SLoryboard 1oolklL"

lf Aborlglnal narrauve processes and Lhelr capaclLy Lo recreaLe sLorles of Lrauma and loss lnLo ones of
survlval and llberauon can help heal a hlsLory of genoclde, can Lhese processes also creaLe hopeful
fuLures Lhrough pollucal acuvlLy?
AusLrallan llrsL nauon peoples have experlenced genoclde ln all lLs forms across Lhe shorL hlsLory of
8rlush colonlsauon of AusLralla, Lhrough massacre, dlsease, and soclally englneered governmenL
pollcy, lnLenL on annlhllauon Lhrough asslmllauon by breedlng ouL lndlgenelLy. An approach LhaL has
conunued Loday, Lhrough excluslonary governmenL pollcy and process LhaL keeps Aborlglnal people
ouLslde of pollucal declslon-maklng and resources of Lhe SLaLe, and dlsempowers Lhem. Powever, ln
SouLh AusLralla Lhe 1836 Leuers aLenL, Lhe foundlng documenL of Lhe sLaLe and sealed wlLh Lhe
lmperlal sLamp of klng Wllllam lv, enLrenched Aborlglnal nauve uLle rlghLs and empowermenL for Lhe
llrsL nauons uescendanLs ln SouLh AusLralla. 1oday, ln SouLh AusLralla, Lhrough Lhe revlLallslng of Lhe
1836 Leuers aLenL, a group of llrsL nauons people, soclal [usuce acuvlsLs and supporLers are drawlng
on culLural knowledges Lhrough a narrauve sLoryboard Lo work Lowards Lhls empowered fuLure ln Lhe
semng up of a llrsL nauon represenLauve assembly on Lhe paLh Lo self-governmenL.

koom 224a (St. Anne) - 1he Construcnon of kwandan Idennty through 1|me and Space
Moderator: 1lmoLhy Calllmore

8anglra 8ea Calllmore, unlverslLy of Mlssourl, 8eyond LLhnlclLy: CulLural and nauonal ldenuLy ln
osL-genoclde 8wanda Lhrough Space and 1lme"
!usuce, psychologlcal heallng and reconclllauon are mulu-generauonal challenges faclng posL-genoclde
8wanda. 1ransluonal [usuce lnluauves, llke Lhe lnLernauonal Crlmlnal 1rlbunal for 8wanda (lC18) and
Lhe Cacaca communlLy courLs, serve as lnsuLuuons for dlscurslve and symbollc processes almed aL
endlng Lhe hlsLorlcal culLure of lmpunlLy and dlsmanLllng Lhe mlmeuc sLrucLures of vlolence. 1he
narrauve produced by Lhese processes creaLes a psychlc space for reconclllauon and for reconsLrucung
ldenuLy ln order Lo rebulld Lhe 8wandan nauon-sLaLe aer genoclde.
1hls paper analyzes Lhe soclal and psychologlcal componenLs of [usuce ln response Lo Lhe 1994
genoclde ln 8wanda. lL presenLs Lhe conLrlbuuons of Lhe legal/[udlclal process ln creaung a narrauve Lo
serve as a unlversal rlLual for Lrauma heallng, reconclllauon, and nauon-bulldlng.

1he analysls draws on Lhe [udlclal/legal narrauve ln Lhe lC18 case declslons, Lhe Cacaca Lrlals, and Lhe
prosecuuon of genoclde denlal ln Lhe 8wandan nauonal courLs. ollucal and mass medla
communlcauon abouL genoclde [usuce are also assessed for Lhelr conLrlbuuon Lo Lhe nauonal meLa
narrauve LhaL creaLes Lemporal and spaual room for reconclllauon Lo Lake place and for consLrucung a
nauonal ldenuLy LhaL ls crlucal for Lhe rebulldlng and survlval of Lhe sLaLe.

!oseph karorero, nauonal Commlsslon for Lhe llghL AgalnsL Cenoclde, ldenuLy of 8order
opulauons and 8eglonal SLablllLy ln LasL Afrlca"
1hls presenLauon wlll expose Lhe problems faced by populauons of 8wandan orlgln LhaL llve ln Lhe
counLrles borderlng 8wanda. 1hese groups have been sub[ecLed Lo dlscrlmlnauon, expulslon, and mass
vlolence, and oLher human rlghLs vlolauons by Lhe oLher nauonal groups who conslder Lhem as
forelgners and lnLruders desplLe Lhelr hlsLorlcal resldence ln Lhe counLry. 1he focus on lndlgenous
ldenuLy has placed Lhese vulnerable border populauons aL rlsk LhroughouL hlsLory and Lhelr sLaLus and
LreaLmenL conunue Lo be a source for Lhe cycle of conlcL LhaL conunues ln Lhe LasL Afrlca reglon.

AnasLase Shyaka, 8wanda Covernance 8oard, 1he ollucs of ldenuLy"
1hls presenLauon wlll hlghllghL Lhe ldenuLy pollucs of pollucal ellLes durlng colonlal, pre-genoclde, and
posL-genoclde 8wanda. lL wlll Lrace Lhe hlsLorlcal eorLs of pollucal leaders Lo manlpulaLe ldenuLy as a
Lacuc Lo obLaln and reLaln power. lL wlll also reporL Lhe lmpacL LhaL Lhls hlsLory of manlpulauon ls
havlng on currenL governmenL programs Lo address Lhe ldenuLy quesuon for nauon-bulldlng ln posL-
genoclde 8wanda.

*koom 224b (Sour|s) - Genoc|de |n and through the Med|a
Moderator: SLefan Wole[szo, CovernmenL of Canada

Marla aula kugler, unlverslLy of 8uenos Alres, news medla ln Lhe keotqoolzloq qeooclJes
1hls paper presenLs an lnLernauonal comparauve analysls abouL news medla lnLervenuon ln Lhe
8wandan and Argenunean genocldes. 1he maln purpose ls Lo compare Lhe role played by koJlo
1elevlsloo llbte ues Mllle collloes (81LMC) and by lo Noevo ltovloclo (Ln) newspapers durlng Lhe
8wandan (1994) and Argenunean (1976-1983) genocldes, respecuvely. 1he acuve paruclpauon of Lhe
news medla ln Lhe keotqoolzloq qeooclJes, Lhe purpose of whlch was Lo break Lhe exlsung soclal
relauonshlps and Lo refound a new socleLy Lhrough Lhe maLerlal and symbollc genocldal soclal
pracuces agalnsL members of socleLy ldenued as enemles, ls Lhoroughly examlned. 1hls paper
focuses on some of Lhe dlerenL acuons carrled ouL by Lhe medla durlng genoclde perlods, such as Lhe
consLrucuon of negauve oLherness, Lhe dlscurslve leglumlzauon of soclal genoclde pracuces and Lhe
necessary annlhllauon of Lhe oLher", encouraglng cluzens Lo beLray one anoLher and Lo order
murders. 1o conclude, Lhe paper explores legal documenLs produced by 1be lotetoouoool ctlmlool
1tlboool of kwooJo and Lhe Otol 1tlol 1tlboool of 8oblo 8looco clty, whlch recognlzed Lhe paruclpauon
of 81LMC and Ln ln genoclde pracuces.

!oel Pughes, Concordla unlverslLy, 'noL a slngle lndlan': 1raclng AsslmllauonlsL ldeology ln
ConLemporary Canadlan news Medla
ln 1920, uuncan Campbell Scou, uepuLy SuperlnLendenL of Lhe ueparLmenL of lndlan Aalrs, famously
sLaLed LhaL Lhe ob[ecuve of lndlan educauon and advancemenL slnce Lhe earllesL umes. [has been]
Lo conunue unul Lhere ls noL a slngle lndlan ln Canada LhaL has noL been absorbed lnLo Lhe body polluc
(1be nlstotlcol uevelopmeot of tbe loJloo Act, 2
ed). As uavld Mcuonald and Craham Pudson
convlnclngly clalm (1be CeooclJe Ooesuoo ooJ loJloo keslJeouol 5cbools lo coooJo, 2012), Lhe lndlan
8esldenual School SysLem can be undersLood as paruclpaung ln culLural genoclde, Lhe condluons of
whlch sLrlve Lo ellmlnaLe an oppressed populauon's cusLoms and Lradluons ln order Lo eecuvely erase
culLural dlerence. 1hls sLraLegy gures promlnenLly ln Lhe governmenL's conslsLenL reframlng of Lhe
l8S SysLem's mandaLe ln Lerms LhaL ldeologlcally underscore Lhe eLhlcal lmpllcauons of Lhe asslmllauve
process. 8heLorlcally absorblng" llrsL nauons peoples lnLo Lhe body polluc" enabled Lhe Canadlan
governmenL Lo encourage lLs cluzens Lo lgnore whaL were ln essence Lhe schools' genocldal pracuces.
My presenLauon ldenues how conLemporary dlscourse has lnherlLed Lhe concepL of asslmllauon as
Lhe domlnanL mode of lnLerpreung llrsL nauons culLures ln Canada, and Lakes serlously lLs close
relauon Lo genocldal lnLenL. l look closely aL lnsLances ln conLemporary Canadlan news medla whlch
work Lo promoLe a framlng of llrsL nauons eoples ln Lhe very Lerms LhaL Scou aruculaLed
nearly one hundred years ago.

!ane CrlmLh, ?ork unlverslLy, 1lme and Space ln Lhe newspapers of lndlan 8esldenual School"
ln boLh lndlan 8esldenual Schools and Amerlcan lndlan 8oardlng Schools, sLudenLs and Leachers
produced newspapers from Lhe lncepuon of Lhe schools ln Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury unul as laLe as Lhe
1960s. 1hese newspapers had many audlences and purposes, whlch dler by reglon and ume perlod.
Cenerally, Lhey served as a means of communlcaung a school's purpose and progress Lo parenLs,
mlsslonarles, sLudenLs, and Lhe conunenL (as well as Lngland).
1hough my larger pro[ecL sLudles how Lhese newspapers documenL Lhe llngulclde of Lhese schools-
Lhe compllcaLed denlgrauon of lndlgenous languages and enforcemenL of Lngllsh-Lhls paper wlll
share ndlngs from Lhese newspapers ln Lerms of ume and space. Some arucles ln Lhese newspapers
expllclLly spell ouL Lhe problem wlLh lndlan ume" and lndlgenous concepuons of space, pralslng
governmenL pollcy LhaL would correcL such slgnlers of savagery." ln oLher lnsLances, ume and space
are more LaclL: arucles abouL rellglous holldays, Lhe day-Lo-day of classes, Lhe whlsLle of Lhe
schoolyard, Lhe expanslon of Lhe rallroad, and Lhe very schedule for lssulng each newspaper. SLudenLs
also wrlLe amldsL a larger newspaper auempung Lo wrlLe Lhem, Lhelr ume, and Lhelr space ouL of
1hls presenLauon argues LhaL Lhese newspapers-across almosL a cenLury and Lhe colonlal border-
oer much ln Lerms of undersLandlng Lhe genoclde Lhese schools sLood for. 1hough Lhey are
caLalogues of llngulclde, deaLh, and slckness, Lhey also sLand as documenLary evldence Lo Lhe less
overL Lacucs of colonlallsm ln Lhelr redenluons of lndlgenous space and ume.

!e 8envenuLo, 8uLgers unlverslLy, 1he 8heLorlc of Cenoclde: A ulscourse Analysls of Lhe l8S
SysLem ln Ma[or Canadlan newspapers"
WhaL does genoclde" mean ln norLh Amerlcan publlc dlscourses? 8roadly conslderlng Lhls open-
ended quesuon, l oer a dlscourse analysls of genoclde" and relaLed keywords from four ma[or
Canadlan newspapers: 1be Clobol ooJ Moll, Nouoool lost, 1otooto 5tot, and wloolpeq ltee ltess. ln
parucular, l look aL Lhe ongolng debaLe over uslng Lhe Lerm genoclde" Lo descrlbe lndlgenous
experlences wlLh Lhe Canadlan sLaLe and socleLy, quesuonlng Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhls Lermlnology ls
emanclpaLory and/or parusan. 1hls speclc source maLerlal ls Lhen used Lo reecL on Lhe pollucs
lnherenL Lo genoclde sLudles as an lnLellecLual endeavor. l Lhus suggesL LhaL genoclde has been
convenuonally framed, formulaLed, and undersLood Lhrough a generally LurocenLrlc lens, and LhaL lLs
consuLuuve componenLs (such as Lhe ldea of groups, lnLenL, desLrucuon, eLc.) are Lyplcally lnLerpreLed
ln ways LhaL preclude and LaclLly dlsavow endurlng ln[usuces agalnsL lndlgenous peoples. As such, l
wonder whaL role (lf any) a purporLedly non-parusan organlzauon llke Lhe lnLernauonal Assoclauon of
Cenoclde Scholars (whlch has prevlously used lLs auLhorlLauve sLaLus Lo challenge Lhe denlal of Lhe
Cuoman genocldes, for example) has ln lnformlng Lhe publlc dlscourse ln Canada on colonlal genoclde.
ln concluslon, Lhe emerglng crlucal genoclde sLudles approach ls suggesLed ln order Lo shed new llghL
on Lhls eld's perennlal Lenslon beLween advocacy and scholarshlp, and how Lhls posslbly lrresolvable
Lenslon lmpllcaLes Lhe ongolng challenge Lo decolonlze Canadlan-lndlgenous relauonshlps.

*koom 224c (Ste|nbach) - 1he Space for 1ruth, the 1|me for keconc|||anon
Moderator: uavld Macdonald, unlverslLy of Cuelph

!anls !udson, Pood College, A 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon for Amerlcan lndlan Cenoclde"
l am currenLly wrlung a book on Lhe need Lo esLabllsh a LruLh and reconclllauon commlsslon for Lhe
Amerlcan lndlan aLroclues of genoclde and eLhnoclde, parucularly Lhe culLural declmauon perpeLraLed
on chlldren ln nauve Amerlcan boardlng schools. l auended Canada's 1ruLh and 8econclllauon
Commlsslon hearlngs ln SaskaLoon ln !une 2012 where l lnLervlewed llrsL nauon survlvors and
recorded Lesumony from Lrlbal elders. lL was a profound and movlng experlence and l wondered lf Lhls
model for resLorauve [usuce could be uullzed ln Lhe uS. As parL of my research l Lraveled Lo lne 8ldge
8eservauon, 8osebud Sloux 8eservauon and Wounded knee ln SouLh uakoLa and Lo several Alaskan
nauve reservauons Lo chronlcle lndlgenous people's LhoughLs on a LruLh and reconclllauon
commlsslon. l have shared my research wlLh !usuce Murray Slnclalr and Commlssloner WllLon
Llulechlld of Lhe Canadlan 18C, wlLh academlc scholars aL a ?ale unlverslLy conference on lndlgenous
slavery and vlolence and aL Lhe lnLernauonal CenLer for 1ransluonal !usuce's global semlnar on LruLh
commlsslons ln 8arcelona ln SepLember where l was a paruclpaung member. l am also worklng closely
wlLh a Cherokee elder who ls sharlng narrauve sLorles on genoclde and colonlzauon wlLh me. All agree
Lhere ls much Lo be done here ln Lhe uS wlLh respecL Lo Amerlcan lndlan genoclde and culLural
desLrucuon. My paper wlll address Lhe reasons, processes and exlgencles of a uS LruLh commlsslon for
lndlgenous human rlghLs. lL wlll also examlne Lhls crlucal [usuce lnluauve ln Lhe presence of pollucal
and hlsLorlcal denlal and ln Lhe conLexL of Amerlcan excepuonallsm on lndlan aalrs.

8enneu Colllns, unlverslLy of SL. Andrews, ScoLland, unlverslLy of Cxford, uk and Allson WaLson,
unlverslLy of SL. Andrews, ScoLland, 1he sllence ls noL worklng for us': ueconsLrucung Lhe Malne
Wabanakl-SLaLe 18C and Lhe Canadlan 18C wlLhln Lhe ConLexL of Lhe Wabanakl Confederacy"
ln 1978, u.S. Congress passed Lhe lndlan Chlld Welfare AcL (lCWA), Lhus formally recognlzlng Lhe
suerlng LhaL nauve Amerlcan famllles had endured under pollcles, such as Lhe lndlan Adopuon
ro[ecL, LhaL had removed hundreds of nauve chlldren from Lhelr famllles Lo be ralsed ln whlLe fosLer
homes. Many have deemed Lhese chlld welfare pracuces as a vlolauon of Arucle ll, Clause L of Lhe
Cenoclde Convenuon, whlch clarles a crlme of genoclde as Lhe forclble Lransfer of chlldren from one
group Lo anoLher." WlLh Lhls ln mlnd, Lhe Malne Wabanakl-SLaLe Chlld Welfare 1ruLh & 8econclllauon
Commlsslon was creaLed ln a ground-breaklng lnluauve of local soclal workers and communlLy acuvlsLs
from Lhe nauve and non-nauve communlues. 1he model belng used ls a unlque one - Lhe rsL Lo
lnvolve lndlgenous people and sLaLe governmenL - and Lhe process LhaL resulLs poLenually has wlder
lmpllcauons. 1he paper ls based on lnLervlews and focus groups wlLh Lhose dlrecLly lnvolved and alms
Lo be parL of a wlder dlscusslon LhaL recognlzes rsL, Lhe lmporLance of addresslng lnLer-generauonal
suerlng (someLhlng ur Marla ?ellow Porse 8rave PearL labels as hlsLorlcal Lrauma') ln conlcL
resoluuon, second, Lhe condluons under whlch such processes of resLorauve [usuce can Lruly be sald
Lo bear wlLness Lo Lhe pasL ln order LhaL heallng can conunue for Lhe fuLure, and nally, Lhe
slgnlcance of lndlgenous rlghLs and acuvlsm Lo posL-llberal debaLes.

!ohn C. Pansen, unlverslLy of SaskaLchewan, Colonlallsm, Cenoclde and lndlgenous !usuce:
lndlgenous erspecuves on Peallng from Colonlallsm"
ln Canada and many oLher colonlal counLrles, Lhe crlmlnal [usuce sysLem has been used ln an auempL
desLroy Lhe soclal and culLural way of llfe of lndlgenous people, oen Lhough ouLrlghL forced
asslmllauon sLraLegles. Such lmplemenLauon of colonlal laws, charLers and pollcles have been an
lmporLanL facLor ln Lhe eroslon of lndlgenous pollucal, economlc, soclal and culLural Lradluons.
Conslderlng LhaL Lhe 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon of Canada ls scheduled Lo release lLs nal
reporL on Canada's hlsLory and legacy of Lhe forced asslmllauon of lndlgenous chlldren Lhrough
resldenual schools', Lhls paper wlll dlscuss lndlgenous perspecuves on Lhe eecLs of Lhe Canadlan
[usuce sysLem and resldenual schools on lndlgenous chlldren, famllles and communlues Lhrough
quallLauve research lnLervlews conducLed wlLh Swampy Cree Llders of norLhern ManlLoba. 1hls sLudy
ls conducLed ln Lhe conLexL Lhe 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon, and wlll speak of Lhe need for
decolonlzauon of lndlgenous models of [usuce as a vehlcle for heallng lndlgenous communlues.
uenls 8lkesha, 8wanda nauonal unlverslLy, ConLrlbuuon of 8esLorauve !usuce Lo Memory and
Memorlzauon ln osL-Cenoclde 8wanda"
1he year 2014 marks Lhe 20
annlversary of Lhe genoclde perpeLraLed agalnsL Lhe 1uLsl ln 8wanda.
Lvery year, 8wandans commemoraLe Lhls genoclde where Lesumonles are shared and publlc Lalks are
auended. 1hls paper argues LhaL memory can play an lnsLrumenLal role ln resolvlng and reconclllng Lhe
varlous componenLs of 8wandan socleLy, especlally by lllng Lhe gap beLween Lhe harmers and Lhe
harmed. 1he auLhor dlscusses Lhe conLrlbuuon of resLorauve [usuce Lo memory and memorlzauon.
Cococo CourLs belng on Lhe peak of resLorauve [usuce ln 8wanda, wlLhln Lhese ausplces, much
lnformauon has been shared Lo bulld publlc memory. 1hls paper argues LhaL Lradluon-based ways of
seullng dlspuLes llke Cococo can conLrlbuLe Lo memory much more Lhan any oLher means ln Lhe
aermaLh of Cenoclde. Cn Lhe oLher hand, publlc memory ls a resulL of lndlvldual memorles LhaL also
help ln Lransluonal [usuce mechanlsms Lo address Lhe challenges arlslng from Lhe eecLs of Lhe
carnage ln Lhe socleLy. 1hls paper provldes responses Lo quesuons llke: whaL are sources of memory ln
8wanda? Pow can Lhls memory be reLalned and preserved? WhaL are Lhe challenges faced ln reLalnlng
and preservlng Lhls memory? WhaL ls Lhe role of Lhls memory ln Lhe soclal processes of unlLy and
reconclllauon ln 8wanda?

koom UC 217 (GSA Lounge) - Genoc|de's resent and Iuture
Moderator: Andrew Woolford, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

ChrlsLopher owell, 8yerson unlverslLy, Cenoclde and Clobal Puman SocleLy: asL Connecuons and
an undeclded luLure"
Slnce ChrlsLopher Columbus's genocldal occupauon of presenL-day Plspanlola, Lhe pracuce of genoclde
has been a chronlc feaLure of WesLern clvlllzauon's global expanslon. ln addluon Lo desLroylng
lndlvldual llves, colonlal genocldes have damaged or desLroyed many of Lhe dlsuncL culLures of
colonlzed peoples. ulerenL culLures make posslble dlerenL ways of organlzlng and experlenclng
soclal llfe, dlerenL ways of worldmaklng". 1he cumulauve lmpacL of colonlal genoclde has Lherefore
been an eroslon of global human eLhnodlverslLy whlch enLalls a loss of dlerenL ways of belng human.
Colonlzauon has also esLabllshed Lhe economlc and pollucal lnfrasLrucLure of Lhe modern world-
sysLem. ln Lhe pasL four decades, neo-llberal globallzauon has acceleraLed Lhe eroslon of Lhe
boundarles of nauon-sLaLe socleues and Lhe formauon of global lnsuLuuons. lor Lhe rsL ume ln lLs
hlsLory, Lhe human specles ls abouL Lo be unlLed lnLo a slngle global human socleLy. WhaL wlll be Lhe
faLe of culLural dlerence ln LhaL socleLy? Wlll pracucal human unlversallLy lnclude a plurallLy of
culLures, or wlll Lhe many alLernauve ways of belng human be sacrlced for a unlversallLy LhaL deals
wlLh dlerence by eraslng lL?

MargareL urban Walker, Marqueue unlverslLy, 8adlcal Pope and Lhe AermaLh of Cenoclde"
1here ls noL much ln Lhe way of a dlscourse abouL hope ln aermaLh of genoclde. Cne excepuon ls
!onaLhan Lear's koJlcol nope. tblcs lo tbe loce of coltotol uevostouoo. Lear's book focuses on Lhe
hlsLory of Lhe Crow people as an example of culLural devasLauon (and populauon declmauon) and aL
Lhe ume of Lhe Crow's connemenL Lo a reservauon under Lhe leadershlp of lenLy Coups. Lear uses
Lhe sLory Lo lllusLraLe a human posslblllLy LhaL he calls radlcal hope," Lhe ablllLy of people or a people
Lo orlenL Lhemselves Loward some fuLure good LhaL cannoL be grasped due Lo a loss of concepLs wlLh
Lhe collapse of a way of llfe. Lear's book ls noLable for lLs use ln a work of WesLern phllosophy of nauve
people as an exemplar of human posslblllLy, lL ls somewhaL puzzllng ln lLs repeaLed dlsavowal LhaL Lhe
sLory he Lells ls more Lhan Lhe demonsLrauon of a posslblllLy and noL a clalm abouL whaL acLually
happened." l ldenufy concerns wlLh Lhe ldea of radlcal hope ln connecuon wlLh genoclde generally, and
ln connecuon wlLh nauve Amerlcans. l argue LhaL Lhere ls a boLh a need Lo Lalk and a relucLance Lo Lalk
abouL hope as a cenLral aecuve resource for survlvors ln Lhe aermaLh of genoclde, so a dlscusslon of
hope ls welcome. 1he focus on radlcal hope, however, lnvolves mlsundersLandlng abouL boLh hope and
genoclde. lL mlsses varlauon ln Lhe naLure and parucular experlence of genocldes and lL
mlsundersLands Lhe lmporLance of qulLe speclc hopes LhaL are cenLral for vlcums of mass vlolence,
lncludlng genoclde survlvors, and LhaL are lllusLraLed by nauve Amerlcan culLural and land reclamauon.
l argue LhaL lL ls lmporLanL for survlvors and descendanLs Lo dene Lhe everyday hopes, hopes for
undersLandlng, and hopes for [usuce LhaL susLaln Lhem. lL ls survlvors who should be Lhe [udge of whaL
Lhey can and do hope for.

Marla krause, Cueen's unlverslLy, lnsuLuuonallzlng LLhnlc ldenuLy ln 8wanda"
8econclllauon lnvolves resLorlng and rebulldlng relauonshlps LhaL have been broken or were bullL
Lhrough oppresslve means. lL ls a long-Lerm, deeply personal, and dlmculL process. 1hls leads Lo
skepuclsm over Lhe posslblllLy for reconclllauon Lo be lnsuLuuonallzed ln a Lop-down fashlon by
nauonal bodles and governmenLs. loge 8uLera, an Ponorary WlLness of Lhe 1ruLh and 8econclllauon
Commlsslon ln Canada and survlvor of Lhe 1994 8wandan genoclde spoke of Lhese dlmculues, saylng
LhaL reconclllauon ln Lhe wake of genoclde ls a bruLal and serlous buslness." ln response Lo 8uLera's
words, one Aborlglnal survlvor of Lhe resldenual school sysLem sald Lhe real vlolence of her experlence
was LhaL lL robbed her of her bellef ln Lhe value of her culLural ldenuLy. ln presenL day 8wanda,
resldenL kagame and hls governmenL are auempung Lo reconclle 8wanda by ellmlnaung eLhnlc
dlverslLy and unlung Lhe counLry under a slngle ldenuLy of 8wandanness." 1hls pollcy of unlLy and
reconclllauon lnvolves reeducaung" 8wandans Lo ldenufy wlLh Lhe governmenL-sancuoned ldenuLy of
8wandanness," and Leachlng Lhem LhaL Lhe eLhnlclues Lhey ldenufy wlLh caused Lhe genoclde. ln Lhls
paper, l grapple wlLh Lhe quesuons Lhls governmenL pollcy ralses, asklng lf, llke ln Lhe case of Canada,
Lhe sllenclng and demonlzlng of eLhnlclLy ls a new form of vlolence. ulumaLely, l conclude LhaL by
removlng eLhnlclLy as a form of ldenucauon, Lhe governmenL denles 8wandans Lhelr ldenuues and
denles Lhem Lhe open dlscusslon necessary for undersLandlng Lhe vlolence of Lhe genoclde and for
formlng a new, reconclled relauonshlp.

SLephanle Wolfe, Weber SLaLe unlverslLy, 8wanda's Comlng Lo 1erms wlLh Lhe asL'"
AL Lhe 20
annlversary of Lhe 8wandan genoclde, can we argue LhaL 8wanda has lndeed come Lo
Lerms wlLh lLs pasL? 1hls paper wlll examlne Lhe sLaLus of reparauons and memorlallzauon work ln
8wanda ln an explorauon of wheLher Lhe acuons Laken by Lhe 8wandan governmenL and clvll socleLy
are adequaLely fullllng Lhe needs of survlvors and Lhe expecLauons of Lhe broader communlLy.
1hls paper wlll bulld upon Lhe baslc frameworks creaLed and publlshed ln my 2013 work 1be lollucs
of kepotouoos ooJ Apoloqles (examlnlng Cermany, !apan, and Lhe unlLed SLaLes) whlch esLabllshed
LhaL redress and reparauon movemenLs are boLh hlghly pollucal and sensluve ln naLure and LhaL Lhe
lncreaslng Lrend of reparauon pollucs slnce World War ll has broughL an expecLauon wlLhln
lnLernauonal and domesuc socleues LhaL sLaLes wlll redress Lhe wrongs lnlcLed upon Lhe vlcumlzed
groups. 1hls expecLauon of [usuce can fall lnLo ve broad caLegorles, whlch l have dened as
crlmlnal, reparaLory, leglslauve, hlsLorlcal, and symbollc [usuce.
8ulldlng upon Lhls framework, and lncorporaung research conducLed ln 8wanda ln 2011 and my
upcomlng research Lrlp ln 2014, l wlll examlne how 8wanda ls auempung Lo come Lo Lerms wlLh lLs
pasL, and dlscuss my lnlual eld ndlngs regardlng Lhe eecuveness of currenL symbollc
memorlallzauon pollcles and planned expanslon(s) such as maLerlal reparauons.

12:30 - 2:00 pm loocb

Marsha|| McLuhan na||: CompllmenLary Lunch and lACS 8uslness Meeung

2:00 - 3:00 pm 5peclol looel lteseotouoo

*koom 210 (k|||arney): A resenLauon from Lhe Canadlan Museum for Puman 8lghLs

CllnL Curle, Pead of SLakeholder 8elauons

1he Canadlan Museum for Puman 8lghLs (CMP8) ls Lhe rsL museum solely dedlcaLed Lo
Lhe evoluuon, celebrauon and fuLure of human rlghLs. Cur alm ls Lo bulld noL only a
nauonal hub for human rlghLs learnlng and dlscovery, buL a new era of global human rlghLs
Creaung lnsplrlng encounLers wlLh human rlghLs, we wlll engage Canadlans and our
lnLernauonal vlslLors ln an lmmerslve, lnLeracuve experlence LhaL oers boLh Lhe lnsplrauon
and Lools Lo make a dlerence ln Lhe llves of oLhers. We wlll welcome our vlslLors as
parLners on a [ourney Lo erase barrlers and creaLe meanlngful, lasung change.
1he Canadlan Museum for Puman 8lghLs ls Lhe rsL nauonal museum Lo be bullL ln nearly
half a cenLury, and Lhe rsL ouLslde Lhe nauonal CaplLal 8eglon.
As we prepare Lo open our doors ln SepLember 2014, we are foundlng a new conversauon
focused on bulldlng a sLrong fuLure for Canada, and a beuer world.

3:0S - 4:3S pm coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC214 (Neepawa) - Genoc|de: revennon, kescue, and S||ence
Moderator: Cregory SLanLon, Cenoclde WaLch, Ceorge Mason unlverslLy
8hlannon Slan lrls nellsen, unlverslLy of Cueensland, '1oxlcauon' as a more lndlcauve Larly
Warnlng Slgn for genoclde"
ln Landem wlLh Lhe focus of Lhls year's conference, Lhls paper seeks Lo shed llghL on Lhe way ln whlch
Lhe genocldal process comes Lo fruluon over ume and sLages. MosL noLably, lL provldes a
more lndlcauve and accuraLe early warnlng slgn of genoclde - LhaL ls, a process l've Lermed
Loxlcauon'. 1oxlcauon ls separaLe Lo, buL may bulld upon, Lhe early warnlng slgn of
dehumanlsauon: lL ls Lhe process whereby Lhe LargeL group ls concelved Lo be noL merely lnhuman,
buL as a mallgnanL and carclnogenlc pesL LhaL musL be purged for Lhe survlval of socleLy. 1oxlcauon
goes beyond sLrlpplng or denylng Lhe LargeL's humanlLy: lf convlnced of a LargeL group's lncurable
LoxlclLy, an lnsuncLual survlval-mechanlsm ls Lrlggered among Lhe perpeLraLors, and klll before belng
kllled' zero-sum loglc ls employed whlch sees Lhe onseL of sysLemauc, lnLenuonal bloodlemng. l
argue LhaL Loxlcauon ls a cruclal expedlung faceL of genoclde, because lL acLs as Lhe lrrefuLable and
reasonable' valldauon for perpeLraLors Lo exLermlnaLe LhaL, whlch ls conLamlnaung' and lnherenLly
polsonlng' socleLy. As such, lL slLs ln conLrasL Lo oLher early warnlng slgns, and ls more speclc Lo Lhe
phenomenon of genoclde. ln remembrance of 20 years annlversary, l focus Loxlcauon's appllcablllLy
Lo Lhe 8wandan genoclde of 1994.

8arbara Par, u.S. naval Academy, Cenoclde 8lsks ln 2014 and 8eyond: A new Clobal 8lsk
1he annual rlsk assessmenLs of fuLure genoclde and polluclde, rsL publlshed ln my 2003 Amerlcan
ollucal Sclence 8evlew arucle no Lessons Learned from Lhe PolocausL?" wlLh updaLes posLed on
Lhe webslLe, have been enurely redone. All daLa on predlsposlng varlables have been
updaLed Lo 2012 and a new sLausucal meLhod, hazard analysls, ls used Lo esumaLe rlsks of onseL
durlng every year of sLaLe fallure from 1933 Lo 2012. 1hls enables us Lo speclfy Lhe rlsks, for every
counLry aL presenL ln sLaLe fallure (clvll war, reglme breakdown, or boLh), Lhe annual llkellhood LhaL a
fuLure ouLbreak of genoclde or polluclde wlll begln. 1he hlghesL rlsk counLrles ln 2013 lncluded
LLhlopla, Syrla, and Sudan. 1he analysls also ldenues Lhe oen-surprlslng whaL lf" rlsks for now-
sLable counLrles lf Lhey wenL lnLo fallure. 1he speclc rlsk facLors and currenL condluons ln Lhe
hlghesL-rlsk counLrles are ldenued. 1he lmpllcauons for early warnlng and prevenuve responses are
brley dlscussed.

MorLon WlnsLon, 1he College of new !ersey, lmplemenung Lhe 8lghL Lo 8escue"
1he fallure of nauon sLaLes Lo suppress Lhe genoclde LhaL Look place ln 8wanda LwenLy years ago
should have LaughL us LhaL peoples who are LargeLs of genoclde and oLher forms of lnsuLuuonallzed
lnLergroup vlolence have a rlghL Lo be rescued by Lhe lnLernauonal communlLy. ln Lhe lnLervenlng
Lwo decades oplnlon has moved pasL Lhe old debaLe abouL wheLher sLaLe soverelgnLy permlLs such
rescues Lo Lake place, and on Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe docLrlne of Lhe responslblllLy Lo proLecL
(82). AlLhough 82 ls a slgnlcanL advance, lL has Lhus far been hampered by varlous facLors,
lncludlng abuse and polluclzauon, lack of resources, llmlLed scope of appllcablllLy, and famlllar
collecuve acuon problems. under Lhe currenL world order Lhe rlghL Lo rescue ls lnoperauve because
Lhere are no asslgned addressees who are boLh a) capable of meanlngful lnLervenuon, and b) who
are recognlzed as Lhe prlmary duLy-bearers for Lhls rlghL. Aer revlewlng Lhe problems wlLh 82 l
suggesL LhaL one posslble, Lhough conLroverslal soluuon lles ln Lhe creauon of a prlvaLe securlLy force
supporLed by Lhe humanlLarlan communlLy as a whole, whlch ls deslgned for and speclcally Lasked
wlLh proLecung humanlLarlan ald workers and Lhose clvlllans who are ln Lhelr care.

!an[a 8ec-neumann, laculLy of Luropean Legal and ollucal SLudles, novl Sad unlverslLy, Zones of
Pow Lo escape zones of sllenclng? Pow Lo escape zones of sllence of vlcums? Pow Lo escape zones
of sllence of perpeLraLors? Pow Lo escape zones of sllence of bysLanders? Pow Lo escape zones of
sllence of rescuers? Sllence aer Lraumauc evenLs ls very sophlsucaLed, lL ls noL banal, and has a very
hlgh level of complexlLy. 1raumauc evenLs creaLe zones of sllenclng, ln mlcro and macro levels.
Sllenclng aer genoclde has Lhe mosL sophlsucaLed forms and Lhe hlghesL levels of complexlLy. We
have mlnlmum four zones of sllence: zone of sllence of perpeLraLors, zone of sllence of vlcums, zone
of sllence of bysLanders and zone of sllence of rescuers. 1hese four zones are dlerenL and
complemenLary: sllenclng Lhe acLs and responslblllLy of perpeLraLors, sllenclng Lhe shame and Lhe
suerlng of vlcums, sllenclng Lhe role of bysLanders and sllenclng someumes even Lhe role of
rescuers who rescued Lhe vlcums from hands of perpeLraLors. All Lhese four zones of sllenclng are
noL monollLhlc. Sllenclng of perpeLraLors who kllled someone ls dlerenL from sllenclng of dlsLanL-
perpeLraLors who planned, organlzed, and coordlnaLed kllllng/s. Sllenclng of bysLanders who as
helpless could noL help and become rescuers ln slLuauon of vlolence ls dlerenL from sllenclng of
bysLanders who had lnLenL of proLeerlng ln vlolenL slLuauons. Sllenclng of vlcums who are suerlng
alone ls dlerenL from sllenclng of vlcums who are ashamed because Lhey dld noL managed Lo help
Lhose who are more fraglle and need proLecuon, mosLly parenLs, chlldren, women, elderly, close
frlends and wounded. Sllenclng of rescuers who rescued vlcums from hand of perpeLraLors for
money ls dlerenL from Lhe sllenclng of rescuers who were rlsklng llves Lo rescue vlcums from hands
of perpeLraLors.

koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Spaces of D|spossess|on and D|sp|acement II
Moderator: 8ochelle !ohnsLon, unlverslLy of 1oronLo
!eremy aLzer, CarleLon unlverslLy ulspossesslon and ulsempowermenL: Walklng Lhe 8oad Lo
8esldenual School"
Crlucs suggesL LhaL Lhe lndlan 8esldenual Schools SeulemenL AgreemenL and lLs subsequenL 1ruLh
and 8econclllauon Commlsslon are orlenLed Loward promoung pre-empuve reconclllauon whlle
elldlng underlylng lssues such as colonlal dlspossesslon and Lhe sLruggle for decolonlzauon and self-
deLermlnauon. ls Lhere a connecuon beLween Lhese lssues and Lhe pervaslve, mulugenerauonal
harm caused by resldenual schools, or should land and self-deLermlnauon form Lhe crux of anoLher
argumenL aL anoLher ume? My argumenL ls LhaL Lhere ls a connecuon. Cne relauon Lo be drawn
beLween dlspossesslon, Lhe dlsmanLllng of Lradluonal Aborlglnal
governance sLrucLures, and resldenual schoollng ls Lhrough Lhelr role as governmenL soluuons Lo
hlsLorlcal faceLs of Lhe evolvlng lndlan problem." 1hus whlle Lhe nouon of reconclllauon Lakes an
enure relauonshlp as lLs ob[ecL, such a hlsLory suggesLs LhaL lL ls worLhwhlle lnLerrogaung a
conLemporary process of reconclllauon LhaL deploys an lndlvlduallzlng Lherapeuuc eLhos focused
dlsproporuonaLely on vlcums (and noL on perpeLraLors) and LhaL lgnores muluple sources of rupLure
ln Lhe hlsLorlcal relauonshlp. LasLly, Lhere ls Lhe lssue of causablllLy. 1he depredauons of colonlzauon
-Lhe despollmenL of land and Lhe means of survlval on lL, as well as Lhe assumpuon of a plenary
pollucal-bureaucrauc conLrol over llrsL nauons-creaLed Lhe very condluons of posslblllLy for lndlan
resldenual schoollng, such LhaL any reckonlng wlLh Lhe lauer cannoL be dlssoclaLed from Lhe former.
ln eecL, Lhe resLorauon of self-deLermlnauon llkely represenLs one of Lhe mosL assured forms of
lnoculauon agalnsL Lhe posslble repeuuon of paLernallsuc, genocldal lnsuLuuonal arrangemenLs such
as Lhe resldenual schoollng experlence.

SLephen L. LgberL, unlverslLy of kansas, Paskell lndlan nauons unlverslLy, 'A 1yranny Slncerely
Lxerclsed for Lhe Cood of lLs vlcums': lndlan AlloLmenL ln Lhe u.S. and Lhe AsslmllauonlsL
Ceographlcal lmaglnauon"
8eglnnlng ln Lhe mld-1830s and culmlnaung ln Lhe uawes AcL of 1887, progresslvlsL reformers ln Lhe
u.S. pushed for Lrlbal lands Lo be subdlvlded (alloued") Lo lndlvldual nauves as parL of a larger
movemenL Lo asslmllaLe Lhem lnLo whlLe culLure. underlylng asslmllauon and Lhe push for alloLmenL
was a parucular geographlcal lmaglnauon LhaL envlsloned nauve peoples as occupylng a proper buL
subsLanually dlmlnlshed role ln Lhe landscape: Lhey would sull be presenL as sedenLary farmers buL
would no longer be ouL of place." Asslmllauon may be vlewed as a geopollucal pro[ecL LhaL soughL
Lo break up Lrlbal governmenLs and communlues, ln parL Lhrough Lhe process of alloLmenL where
lndlvlduals were glven land parcels Lo seule and farm, whlle surplus" lands, reservauon lands
beyond Lhose needed for alloLmenL, were sold Lo seulers and oLher lnLeresLs. unforLunaLely, Lhe
nave geographlcal lmaglnauons of Lhe asslmllauonlsLs doveLalled perfecLly wlLh Lhe lmaglnauons of
land speculaLors, seulers, rallroad promoLers, and a hosL of oLhers, creaung an unholy alllance
beLween Lhose who advocaLed asslmllauon and Lhose who soughL Lo aggrandlze Lhemselves by
means of nauve lands and who had an alLogeLher dlerenL geographlcal lmaglnauon. 1he dlsasLrous
resulLs were noL only dlmlnlshed Lrlbal auLhorlLy and ln some cases new and forelgn surnames, buL
ab[ecL poverLy, loss of boLh surplus" and alloued lands, and severe fracuonauon (dlvlded ownershlp
of lndlvldual parcels by numerous descendanLs) - a reallzed geography LhaL ln no way maLched Lhe
lmaglned geography of Lhe reformers and LhaL sulLed nelLher Lhem nor Lhose Lhey lnLended Lo help.

Andrew 8. 8asso, unlverslLy of Calgary, 1owards a ulsplacemenL ALroclues 1heory: 1he Cherokee,
Perero, and onuc Creeks"
1hls paper examlnes Lhree cases of how ume and space were used Lo klll Lhree dlerenL populauons,
ln Lhree dlerenL umes, on Lhree dlerenL conunenLs, by Lhree dlerenL Lypes of reglmes. l develop a
Lheory of how and why perpeLraLors uullze dlsplacemenL as a Lool of aLroclLy crlmes and also
dlerenuaLe Lhls unlque experlence of movemenL from oLher meLhods of crlme perpeLrauon. WhaL
ls mosL fasclnaung abouL Lhese cases ls Lhe slmllar meLhods of perpeLrauon ln enurely dlerenL
conLexLs. l concepLuallze aLroclLy crlmes Lo lnclude genoclde, crlmes agalnsL humanlLy, and war
crlmes as dened ln Lhe 1998 8ome SLaLuLe of Lhe lnLernauonal Crlmlnal CourL.
1he Cherokee 1rall of 1ears ln Lhe SouLhern unlLed SLaLes (1838-1839), Cerman desLrucuon of Lhe
Perero ln Cerman SouLh-WesL Afrlca (1904-1908), and Lhe Cuoman exLermlnauon of Lhe onuc
Creeks (1916-1918 and 1919-1923) are all lnslghul cases of how dlsplacemenL ls used as Lhe maln
Lool of aLroclLy crlmes. ln each case, men were segregaLed, dlmlnlshed ln power, or kllled whlch
weakened group reslsLance opporLunlues. re-dlsplacemenL ralds on Lhe LargeLs were used Lo
desLablllze Lhe populauons. A general dlsplacemenL Lhen Look place. llnally, Lhe group perlshed ln
whole or ln large parL due Lo exposure Lo naLural elemenLs, malnuLrluon, dlsease, or ln small parL,
dlrecL kllllngs of group members.

ulsplacemenL can be undersLood ln Lerms of llnear dlsLance or deserLed space. WhaL mauers mosL ls
LhaL Lhe LargeLs are movlng and are sysLemaucally denled vlLal dally needs (food, waLer, shelLer, and
cloLhlng) by perpeLraLors for exLermlnauonlsL ends. l poslL LhaL perpeLraLors uullze dlsplacemenL as
a Lool of aLroclLy crlmes because lL ls cosL eecuve kllllng, does noL menLally sLraln perpeLraLors,
shlelds Lhe publlc from crlmes whlch Lake place far away, and allows for a denlal of responslblllLy

*koom 224 (St. Anne) - 1he Iraught Spaces of Genoc|de Law
Moderator: karen 8usby, unlverslLy pf ManlLoba
SLefan Wole[szo, CovernmenL of Canada, llndlng Lhe Core of lllegallLy: 1he Canadlan rosecuuon
of ueslre Munyaneza"
ln 1997 ueslre Munyaneza, who was a mld-level perpeLraLor ln Lhe 1994 genoclde ln 8wanda,
obLalned a falsled passporL and lmmlgraLed Lo Canada dlsgulsed as a Cameroonlan cluzen. Aer a
slx-year lnvesugauon LhaL lncluded Lravel Lo 8wanda ln order Lo lnLervlew wlLnesses, Lhe 8oyal
Canadlan MounLed ollce arresLed Munyaneza ln CcLober of 2003 Lo face charges of genoclde,
crlmes agalnsL humanlLy and war crlmes under Lhe ctlmes Aqolost nomoolty ooJ wot ctlmes Act.

Munyaneza was charged wlLh crlmes commlued ln anoLher soverelgn sLaLe, and nelLher Lhe
perpeLraLor nor Lhe vlcums were Canadlan cluzens aL Lhe ume of Lhe oenses. 8ased on provlslons
ouLllned ln Lhe Crlmes AgalnsL PumanlLy and War Crlmes AcL, Lhe courL uullzed cusLodlal unlversal
[urlsdlcuon for Lhe Munyaneza proceedlngs. When Lhls Lype of [urlsdlcuon ls lnvoked, lL ls
undersLood LhaL lf Lhe lndlvldual ln quesuon dld noL enLer lnLo Canada, Canadlan auLhorlues would
have no lnLeresL ln exLradlung Lhe person from anoLher sLaLe. urawlng upon a legal brlef creaLed ln
1983 by Cowen CuesL for Lhe ueschnes Commlsslon, whlch auempLs Lo clarlfy Lhe core of lllegallLy
for war crlmlnals resldlng wlLhln Canada, Lhls presenLauon examlnes Lhe onLologlcal confuslon
caused by Lhe use of cusLodlal unlversal [urlsdlcuon ln Lhe Munyaneza proceedlngs.

Modul Poque, Llberauon War Museum, lnLernauonal Crlmes 1rlbunal of 8angladesh: ConLesLed
Space of a uomesuc 1rlal"
1he lnLernauonal communlLy ended Lhelr 'llfy eots of 5lleoce' and began Lo address Lhe genocldal
crlmes slnce Lhe early 1990's. AlLhough lCC hlghllghLed Lhe lmporLance of nauonal eorLs Lo dellver
[usuce for lnLernauonal crlmes, Lhere were few moves Lo esLabllsh such Lrlbunal. MosL of Lhe
Lrlbunals are lnLernauonal ln lLs formauon, or hybrld ln few cases. Cne ma[or domesuc Lrlbunal of
recenL-era ls Lhe lnLernauonal Crlmes 1rlbunal of 8angladesh esLabllshed ln 2010, Lhe reference polnL
of whlch was Lhe landmark acL adopLed by Lhe nauon's parllamenL ln 1973.
1he paper wlll hlghllghL sallenL feaLures of Lhe lnLernauonal Crlmes (1rlbunal) AcL of 1973 as
amended ln 2010 and how lL ended lmpunlLy and lnluaLed Lhe [usuce process. 1he 1rlbunal has
lndlcLed Lhe ma[or local collaboraLors of Lhe aklsLan Army and mosL lmporLanL cases are now
nearlng compleuon. 1hls slgnles Lhe end of lmpunlLy for pasL crlmes whlch was lmposed on Lhe
nauon by Lhe mlllLary dlcLaLorlal reglme ln alllance wlLh Lhe rellglous fundamenLallsL forces. 1he
nauon esLabllshed Lhelr rlghL Lo [usuce Lhrough a proLracLed sLruggle of four decades. As such Lhe
1rlbunal generaLes loL of heaL boLh for and agalnsL. AlLhough ma[orlLy of Lhe people sLood behlnd Lhe
Lrlal, Lhe 1rlbunal has been severely crluclzed ln Lhe world press as well as by few lnLernauonal
nCC's. 1he accused who represenL a rellglous fundamenLallsL group, also mounLed sLrong campalgn
Lo Larnlsh Lhe lmage of Lhe 1rlbunal. 1he 1rlbunal, Lhe CovL. and Clvll SocleLy Crganlzauons could noL
adequaLely address Lhe mlslnformauon and mlsundersLandlng whlch prevalled. 1he [usuce process
Lhereby opened up Lhe lssue of Lhe pollucs of genoclde and ralsed perunenL quesuons regardlng Lhe
rlghLs of Lhe vlcum and [usuce as a conLesLed nouon.
1he paper wlll Lry Lo ascerLaln Lhe role Lhe lnLernauonal communlLy played or falled Lo play ln
promoung [usuce. 1he shorLcomlngs and success of Lhe 8angladesh 1rlbunal wlll be [udged agalnsL
Lhls complex hlsLorlcal and pollucal background.

Arua Cko Cmaka, McMasLer unlverslLy, When erpeLraLors become rosecuLors: 1he nlgerlan
CovernmenL and Lhe lnLernauonal Cbserver 1eam ln Lhe Alleged Cenoclde ln 8lafra"
1here appears Lo be a consplracy of sllence among scholars on Lhe quesuon of genoclde ln Lhe
nlgerla-8lafra War. 1he 8lafran governmenL accused Lhe nlgerlan MlllLary CovernmenL of
perpeLraung genoclde ln 8lafra. 1he allegauon auracLed global auenuon and was debaLed ln Lhe
medla and ln many parllamenLs ln Lurope and norLh Amerlca. Concerns expressed by dlerenL world
governmenLs and humanlLarlan organlzauons led Lo Lhe lnvlLauon of an observer Leam LhaL laLer
became known as lnLernauonal Cbservers 1eam." 1he lnLernauonal observers" ln Lhelr verdlcL,
concluded LhaL Lhere was no evldence of genoclde ln 8lafra. Slnce Lhe war ended ln 1970, llule or no
eorL has been made Lo re-examlne Lhe reporLs of Lhe observer Leam. 1hls paper reassesses Lhe
lnvesugauon and reporLs of Lhe observer Leam. lL argues LhaL Lhe observers ob loluo were
lncapaclLaLed by Lhe Lerms of reference glven Lo Lhem by Lhe nlgerlan governmenL and so could noL
have produced an ob[ecuve reporL. 8ased on Lhe lnherenL obsLacles found ln Lhe Lerms of reference,
Lhe paper concludes LhaL Lhe lnvlLauon of Lhe Leam, Lhough unlque ln Lhe hlsLory of wars, merely
served as publlc relauons exerclse almed aL savlng Lhe lmage of Lhe nlgerlan governmenL LhaL was
greaLly damaged ln Lhe lnLernauonal communlLy. 1hls paper, Lherefore, ls an auempL Lo reopen Lhe
genoclde dlscourse as an unnlshed buslness, especlally, for scholars of nlgerlan hlsLory.

rosper 8aseka wa 8aseka, 8elnwardL Academy, 8wanda Memorlal Museums: 1he lmpacL of
ulsplaylng Puman 8emalns"

Accordlng Lo Lhe currenL nauonal pollcy, human remalns musL be shown ln publlc Lo emphaslse Lhe
scale and horror of Lhe genoclde so LhaL people never forgeL Lhe kllllngs. ln conLrasL, 8wandans, and
survlvors ln parucular, quesuon Lhe eLhlcs of dlsplaylng human remalns ln publlc space, slnce such
pracuces go agalnsL 8wandan culLure. ln 8wandan culLure, when a person dles Lhelr relauves musL
bury hlm as soon as posslble. 8wandans of all ages and backgrounds need Lo know whaL happened lf
a new genoclde ls Lo be prevenLed, however, lf Lhey are noL comforLable wlLh Lhe conLenL, wlll Lhey
vlslL such klnds of sensluve collecuons"? As sLaLed by lCMLMC, lnformauon conveyed ln
exhlbluons, publlcauons and educauonal pro[ecLs abouL hlsLorlcal evenLs should evoke empaLhy wlLh
Lhe vlcums as lndlvldual humans and groups whlch were speclcally LargeLed for persecuuon." ln
addluon, Lhe survlvors are frequenLly Lraumaused when seelng Lhe remalns presenLed as Lhose of
Lhelr relauves ln Lhese learnlng cenLres. 1o prevenL Lrauma, Lhey refuse Lo vlslL Lhem. 1hls
presenLauon wlll address Lhese challenges by asklng whaL klnd of collecuons should be exhlblLed ln
order Lo creaLe lncluslve memorlal museums. Puman remalns should be noL shown publlcly buL
can be well conserved for oLher acuvlues llke remembrance evenLs. lnformauon ls more lmporLanL
for publlc educauon Lhan human remalns Lhemselves.

*koom 224b (Sour|s) - Genocode and the 1|me of Ch||dhood
Moderator: Leslle 1hlelen-Wllson, nlplsslng unlverslLy
8uLh Amlr, ?ezreel valley College, kllllng 1hem Soly: 1he (non-ueaLh) Cenocldes of Chlldren ln
Lhe 1wenueLh CenLury"
1hls paper deals wlLh non-deaLh genocldes of chlldren on nauonal, eLhnlc, or pollucal grounds
Lhrough forclble Lransfer [Arucle 2(e) of Lhe unCCC]. llrsL, l explore Lhe lnLrlnslc non-deaLh
genocldal pracuces of dlsplacemenL, forced mlgrauon or lnsuLuuonallzauon of chlldren of parucular
groups. Second, l examlne Lhe 2eltqelst and collecuve meos toe LhaL broughL abouL Lhese pracuces.
1he cases concern lndlgenous chlldren ln seuler socleues ln Canada, uS, and AusLralla, chlldren of
?emenl lmmlgranLs ln lsrael, chlldren of pollucal opponenLs ln lranco's Spaln and Lo Lhe exlled
chlldren of operauon eLer an ln Cuba.
l argue LhaL Lhese 20
cenLury genocldes of chlldren were premlsed on Lhe sclenuc modernlsL
dlscourses of culLure, chlldhood, and rlghLs LhaL provlded Lhe sclenuc basls for Lhe ob[ecucauon of
Lhe non-clvlllzed sub[ecL. SLaLes asplred Lo ellmlnaLe or aL leasL reduce all loyalues and dlvlslons
excepL for Lhose sancuoned by Lhe domlnanL group. 1hus, lndlgenous people, lmmlgranLs, and
pollucal dlssldenLs were, ln parucular, sub[ecLs Lo governmenL ln Lhe loucauldlan sense. Sub[ecLs
were classled lnLo useful, worLhless and damaglng.

l furLher argue LhaL Lhese non-deaLh genocldes Look Lwo prlmary forms. llrsL, Lhe aggresslve
asslmllauon of chlldren lnLo domlnanL culLure, lf Lhelr purporLedly lnherenL faulLs were LhoughL of as
benlgn and redeemable as ln Lhe case of lndlgenous peoples and lmmlgranLs. Second, permanenL
exLernal or lnLernal dlsplacemenL Lhrough adopuons or deporLauons of groups deemed non-
asslmlble or mallgn. ln boLh forms, however, Lhe lnLenL Lo desLroy or lrrevocably harm a group ln parL
or whole was clearly evldenL.

Anas karzal and Marlanne vardalos, Laurenuan unlverslLy, klll Lhe Chlld Save Lhe Consumer: 1he
Cenocldal racuces of CorporaLe CaplLallsm:
ln Lhls presenLauon we argue LhaL Lhe quesL of corporaLe caplLallsm Lo galn brand-loyalLy by
Largeung chlldren aL younger ages ls a pracuce lnvolvlng Lhe same sLraLegles used ln Lhe documenLed
genocldes of lndlgenous peoples: dlvlde and conquer. AlLhough economlc growLh ls leglumaLed by
Lhe rullng-class as beneclal and llfe-enhanclng, all sLausucs reveal lL Lo be a Lyranny whlch
[eopardlzes publlc healLh by pumng proL before humanklnd. As scholar 8aphael Lemkln explalned,
genoclde does noL mean Lhe lmmedlaLe desLrucuon of a people or nauon. 1he process ls lnLended
raLher Lo slgnlfy a coordlnaLed plan of dlerenL acuons almlng aL Lhe desLrucuon of essenual
foundauons of Lhe llfe of nauonal groups, wlLh Lhe alm of annlhllaung Lhe groups
Lhemselves." (1943).
Corporauons dellberaLely dlvlde chlldren from Lhe famllles whlch have hlsLorlcally provlded youLh
wlLh auachmenLs cruclal Lo sLablllLy, ldenuLy and well-belng. Cnce Lhe lnLrlcaLe web of markeung
pushes crlucal sources of securlLy Lo Lhe marglns, chlldren become noL [usL vulnerable Lo, buL
dependenL on Lhe endless enucemenLs of worlds oered Lo Lhem Lhrough consumpuon. urawlng on
Lhe lnslghLs of healLh experLs, educaLors, medla crlucs, and lndusLry lnslders, we wlll show LhaL Lhe
youLh markeung lndusLry's sLealLh Lacucs have a slnlsLer purpose. 8y desLroylng Lhe naLural ways ln
whlch chlldren develop, learn and grow, corporauons creaLe dlsLress and Lhen oer Lo subllmaLe Lhe
very anxleLy Lhey have caused wlLh lmperauves Lo buy producLs and servlces. ln order Lo capLure llfe-
long cusLomers, lndusLrles of Lhe corporaLe economy are desLroylng Lhe essenual foundauons of llfe
lLself: chlldhood.

ulem LaforLune, Slnger/songwrlLer, acuvlsL, 8ehlnd Lhe 60's Scoop - 8eproducuve rlvacy and Lhe
rlvauzauon of Cenoclde"
1he 1omllnson 8eporL and Lhe Posklns 8eporL of 1920 gulded Lngland's creauon of adopuon
leglslauon, whlch, unul Lhen, had been unregulaLed by Lhe sLaLe. ln 1921, CnLarlo (and mosL
commonwealLh [urlsdlcuons) adopLed Lhls leglslauon folt occompllt from Lngland. ln 1927, CnLarlo's
leglslauon expllclLly sealed adopuon records. lrom 1921 unul 1978, Lhere ls llLerally a vacuum ln
CnLarlo noosotJ on adopuon - no commluees, no soclal sclence reporLs, noLhlng. 1hls ls Lhe case ln
nearly all [urlsdlcuons - Lhere ls no hlsLory of Lhe orlglns of Lhe secrecy" provlslons. lurLher, Lhe
sLaLed purpose for condenuallLy" has shled ln Lhe debaLes and ln courL declslons from 1921 unul
Lhe presenL. 1hls shl ls comparable Lo Lhe allegorles of colonlzauon. LaforLune argues LhaL Lhe
myLh of secrecy" ls a convenlenL lle - an obllLeraung masLer narrauve and Lool of genoclde whereby
Lhe chlld's narrauve ls cleaned ouL" and replaced by Lhe narrauve of Lhe adopuve parenLs. 1he
leglslauve reglme allows Lhls - adopuve parenLs are exempL [by fallure Lo enforce], from Lhe federal
crlmlnal code prohlblung Lhe creauon of fraudulenL blrLh records. Colonlal mlnded soclal workers
encourage lL. As Lhe land ls empLy so ls Lhe chlld's head - tobolo toso. LaforLune argues LhaL
adopuon ls psychlc colonlzauon and LhaL Lhe shllng excuses for deprlvlng adopLed people of Lhelr
records are analogous Lo Lhe allegorles of colonlzauon. Moreover, paLrlarchy and caplLallsm have
drlven and conunue Lo drlve Lhe adopuon lndusLry and Lhe rescue" allegory conunues Lo fuel Lhe

1amara SLarblankeL, nauve Lducauon College - vancouver, '1he Cenoclde Convenuon and Lhe
Canadlan Crlmlnal Code' ln Cenoclde: lndlgenous nauons and Lhe SLaLe of Canada"
My conference proposal ls based on my dlsserLauon LhaL examlnes Lhe Canadlan governmenL's
forclble Lransferrlng of lndlgenous chlldren lnLo resldenual schools and now lnLo fosLer homes. 1he
proposal ls based on a chapLer from my Lhesls: 1he Cenoclde Convenuon and Lhe Canadlan Crlmlnal
Code. WhaL ls Lhe legal meanlng of Lhe Crlmlnal Code when Canada has conunued Lo remove
lndlgenous chlldren from Lhelr famllles, communlues and nauons whlch Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon
consuLuLes genoclde? 1he governmenL of Canada cannoL absolve lLself of acLs LhaL are deemed Lo be
ln vlolauon of cusLomary lnLernauonal laws. 1he Canadlan governmenL's Crlmlnal Code leglslauon
obsLrucLs Lhe appllcauon of Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon Lo posslble governmenL conducL wlLh respecL
Lo arucles 2 (b) (d) and (e). 1he domlnaung and dehumanlzlng framework of lnLernauonal law has
allowed Lhe sLaLe Lo vlolaLe lnLernauonal laws wlLh respecL Lo Lhe forclble Lransferrlng of lndlgenous
chlldren. lL wlll be shown LhaL Lhe Crlmlnal Code and Lhe llmlLed denluon of genoclde are lndlcauve
of Lhe domlnaung and dehumanlzlng relauonshlp creaLed by colonlallsm.

*koom UC 2177 (GSA Lounge) - Ak1S
Sarah !eweu, WesL ChesLer unlverslLy, Lxplorlng ulscrlmlnauon ln PumanlLy Lhrough ArL"
1here exlsLs a human lncllnauon LhroughouL hlsLory for lndlvlduals and groups Lo lmpose superlorlLy
over oLhers for one reason or anoLher. lor lnsLance, Lhe common phrase ls LhaL Lhe eyes are Lhe
wlndow of Lhe soul, buL hlsLory suggesLs LhaL a more accuraLe sLaLemenL would be LhaL Lhe face ls
percelved as such. Cf course Lhls ls noL Lrue, buL lL ls a sLrong enough mlsconcepuon Lo asslsL ln Lhe
dlscrlmlnauon and genoclde of mllllons LhroughouL ume. 1he sLudy of geneucs proves LhaL we are
fundamenLally equal desplLe our physlcal dlerences, and LhaL whaL dlcLaLes any varlauons are
Lyplcally culLural condluonlng, geographlc lnuences, and eplgenucs.

1hese concepLs are explored ln a group of palnungs and sculpLures, buL Lhe prlmary focus ls puL on a
mosL recenL palnung, Mlgrauon. ln Lhe maln group of work, Lhe face ls explored as Lhe expresslon of
self, as well as Lhe usage of gold and oLher meLal leaf as a means of honorlng Lhe vlcum. Also
addressed ls Lhe soclal responslblllLy of arusLs and Lhe lmpacL Lhese messages may have on Lhe
vlewer. ln Mlgrauon, Lhrough Lhe usage of lmagery from Lhe PolocausL, Lhe vlcLorlan era, and
lndlgenous cave arL from dlerenL reglons of Lhe world, Lhe cycllcal naLure of humanlLy's darkesL
hlsLory ls explored Lhrough symbollsm and porLralLure.


4:40 - S:30 pm koom 210 (k|||arney): Cenoclde Commemorauon: 8wanda: 20 ?ears

S:30-7:00 pm keyoote AJJtess

koom 210 (k|||arney): 1ony 8arLa, La 1robe unlverslLy

resenLauon 1lLle: Llberaung Cenoclde"

Abstract: AlmosL all our problems wlLh genoclde go back Lo Lhe foundlng denluons from
half a cenLury ago. 1he mosL well-known LexLs Lemkln le us have had an lnuence on
lnLernauonal law he would have been proud of and some eecLs on hlsLorlcal
undersLandlng he would have deplored. ls lL feaslble Lo llberaLe Lhe concepL of genoclde Lo
creaLe more reallsuc undersLandlngs of Lhe pasL wlLhouL lessenlng lLs power ln
prosecuuons? 8ecenL work shows LhaL lL ls. Lemkln hlmself, as boLh lawyer and hlsLorlan,
gave us some very useful leads. 1he range of research we have broughL here shows how far
we have come ln explorlng cases and conLexLs on conunenLs oLher Lhan Lurope and how far
we sull have Lo go. lor lndlgenous peoples caughL up ln Lhe colonlzlng manla of Luropeans,
genoclde could be vlolenL and lmmedlaLely devasLaung. 8uL Lhe desLrucuon of peoples was
also furLhered by conLradlcLory and someumes benevolenL lnLenuons, lL was reslsLed by
survlval sLraLegles oen opaque Lo Lhe colonlzers. 1he very dlerenL undersLandlngs of ume
and place, movemenL and belonglng, knowledge and ownershlp would make Lerms llke
seuler' and properLy' lnsLrumenLs of genoclde few Luropeans, Lhen or laLer, could
comprehend from an lndlgenous perspecuve. We need more eLhnographlc hlsLory lf we are
Lo make Lhe hlsLorlcal experlence real and Lhe hlsLorlcal processes lnLelllglble. 1haL
endeavour, wlLh lLs openness Lo Lhe wldesL specLrum of dlsclpllnes-and arLs-can llberaLe
genoclde sLudles lnLo new ambluons.

7:00 pm ulooet

Marsha|| McLuhan na||: CompllmenLary ulnner

8:30 and 9:30 pm 8uses deparL from unlverslLy of ManlLoba for downLown


Saturday Iu|y 19, 2014

7:30 and 8:30 am 8uses deparL from Lhe lorL Carry PoLel for Lhe unlverslLy of ManlLoba

8:30 am 8eglsLrauon opens

9:00 to 10:30 am coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - 1he 1empora||ty of Seu|er Co|on|a| Genoc|de |n Canada
Moderator: Andrew Woolford, unlverslLy of ManlLoba
uavld 8. Macuonald, unlverslLy of Cuelph, Canada's lndlan 8esldenual Schools: Cenoclde,
Collecuve Memory, and 8econclllauon"
When 8aphael Lemkln colned Lhe Lerm genoclde" ln 1944, lndlan 8esldenual Schools ln Canada had
been operaung for more Lhan half a cenLury. Cenerauons of Aborlglnal chlldren were forced Lo
auend Lhe Schools, whlch became Lhe locl of wldespread verbal, physlcal, and sexual abuse.
Communlues deprlved of Lhelr chlldren oen became slLes of lnLergenerauonal Lrauma. WlLh Lhe
1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon nearlng Lhe end of lLs mandaLe, genoclde ls belng wldely used
as a descrlpLor for Lhe many crlmes of Lhe sysLem. 1hls paper explores Lhe legal and academlc
meanlngs of genoclde, and wheLher Lhe l8S sysLem can be seen as genocldal. l argue here LhaL 2e ls a
reasonable ground oor Lo begln Lo make such a clalm. 1hls does noL mean LhaL oLher elemenLs of
Lhe unCC could noL also be lnvoked. 8aLher Lhls ls a pragmauc recognluon LhaL only Lhe case for 2e
can be sLrongly aruculaLed aL Lhls sLage. l also oer a brlef dlscusslon of whaL are we Lo do now lf we
recognlze LhaL Lhe l8S sysLem was genocldal. WhaL sorL of resuLuuon and reconclllauon needs Lo
occur beLween Aborlglnal and seuler peoples, and how much wlll Lhls change Canada as lL ls now
pollucally consuLuLed? And Lo whaL exLenL ls an amrmauon or refuLauon of genoclde a mauer of
lnLuluon or emouon rooLed ln collecuve memory?

Leslle 1hlelen-Wllson, nlplsslng unlverslLy, Cenoclde Cngolng: lndlan 8esldenual School Case Law,
lnLergenerauonal lmpacL, and Lhe Seuler Collecuve Across 1lme"
1he lndlan 8esldenual School SeulemenL AgreemenL (l8SSA) broughL Lo a close Lhe nauonal class
acuon: 8oxtet v coooJo. 8oxtet clalmed LhaL Lhe CovernmenL of Canada was dlrecLly responslble for
Lhe lndlan 8esldenual School (l8S) sysLem, and LhaL Lhe l8S sysLem resulLed ln culLural loss for l8S
survlvors and Lhelr famllles. 8oxtet clLed u.n. Convenuons concernlng genoclde, war crlmes, and Lhe
rlghLs of Lhe chlld. ln Lhls paper l argue LhaL seuler Canadlans can learn a greaL deal abouL our-selves
and abouL how colonlal power operaLes wlLhln Lhe presenL, from l8S survlvors' accounLs of Lhe
lnLergenerauonal lmpacL of l8S. urawlng from l8S llugauon, lncludlng Lhe 8oxtet clalm, l show how
accounLs of Lhe lnLergenerauonal lmpacL of l8S:

a) reveal Canada as a nauon bullL Lhrough Lhe dlshonourable behavlour' of genoclde, and
expose Lhe llleglumacy of Canada's clalm Lo soverelgnLy over lndlgenous people and land, and,
b) brlng lnLo vlew Lhe seuler collecuve across ume, and reveal Lhe ongolng and everyday
naLure of genoclde (and seuler llleglumacy) wlLhln presenL day Canada.

Whlle Lhe l8SSA eecuvely sllenced whaL Lhe 8oxtet clalm LhreaLened Lo reveal, Lhe forLhcomlng 18C
reporL and museum have an opporLunlLy Lo breaLhe new llfe lnLo Lhls LhreaL. Seulers may once agaln
have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo learn abouL our collecuve llleglumacy and abouL whaL Lhls means for our
collecuve responslblllLy Lo address ongolng colonlal ln[usuce. l conclude wlLh a brlef suggesuon as Lo
how seulers may acL on Lhls knowledge ln a way LhaL supporLs lndlgenous soverelgnLy and

1rlcla L. Logan, unlverslLy of London, Meus peoples and Canada: llleglumaLe breedlng and
percepuons of Lhe half-casLe'"
Canadlan hlsLorlographles, nauon-bulldlng myLhs and seuler colonlal genoclde hlsLorles should
lnevlLably merge aL varlous polnLs. CranLed, Lhese hlsLorles are oen qulLe complex and oen
mlsundersLood so oen mlsrepresenL seuler colonlal genoclde ln Canada. ln order Lo conLexLuallze
and adequaLely represenL Lhe narrauves of lndlgenous ellmlnauonlsm ln Canada, Lhey musL be
undersLood from dlscreLe conLexLs, lncludlng Lhose of llrsL nauons, Meus and lnulL peoples.
1hls paper wlll examlne relauonshlps beLween Meus people seuler colonlallsm ln Canada. lL ls
lmporLanL Lo dlsungulsh how Lhelr hlsLorles conLrlbuLe Lo a broader narrauve of seuler colonlal
genoclde ln Canada. 1he Meus ln Canada were casL as Palreeds" and consldered rebels by Lhe
newly-formlng nauon-sLaLe, Canada. 8lologlcal markers llke, Palreed", Lhe dlscouragemenL of
Meus peoples' llleglumaLe breedlng" and Lhe classlcauon of Lhe half-casLe" were pro[ecLed Lo Lhe
Meus peoples ln Canada.
8lologlcal, culLural and physlcal Lechnlques' developed by 8aphael Lemkln, when descrlblng colonlal
genocldes, manlfesLed ln Canada and have only recenLly sLarLed be lncluded ln Canadlan hlsLorles.
Lxperlences of Lhe resldenual school sysLem, forced sLerlllzauons and blologlcal classlcauon of
Palreeds" creaLed colonlally-consLrucLed classlcauons of lndlgenous peoples ln Canada.
Moreover, soclal, culLural and pollucal LreaLmenL of Meus ln Canada was oen ouLslde legal and
moral boundarles of sLaLe conLrol' of pre-exlsung communlues aL perlods LhroughouL Canada's
colonlal legacy. 1hls paper wlll lnLegraLe Lhese oen fragmenLed or unexamlned segmenLs of
Canadlan hlsLory ln conLexL of nauon-bulldlng and seuler-colonlal genoclde.

!ulla erlsLerakls, unlverslLy of ManlLoba, 'We musL separaLe Lhem from Lhelr famllles': Canadlan
pollcles of chlld apprehenslon and relocauon from lndlgenous communlues"
uebaLe has been relgnlLed abouL wheLher genoclde occurred ln Canada. 1he resldenual school
sysLem has garnered auenuon as a sysLem of auempLed genoclde, lnvolvlng Lhe forclble removal of
lndlgenous chlldren from Lhelr famllles and communlues wlLh Lhe goal of asslmllaung Lhose chlldren
lnLo Anglo-Luropean culLure. 1he resldenual school sysLem began Lo wlnd down ln Lhe 1960s, buL
Lhe lnLroducuon of provlnclal chlld welfare servlces on reserves and Lhe mlgrauon of many
lndlgenous famllles Lo urban cenLres led Lo an lncreased apprehenslon of chlldren from Lhelr famllles
by Lhe sLaLe. MosL of Lhese chlldren were placed wlLh non-lndlgenous fosLer and adopuve famllles,
oen ouL-of-provlnce and someumes ouL-of-counLry. 1hls perlod of apprehenslon and relocauon of
lndlgenous chlldren came Lo be known as Lhe Slxues Scoop. ln Lhls paper, l wlll examlne Lhe
conunulues beLween Lhe resldenual school sysLem and Lhe Slxues Scoop era of Lhe chlld welfare
sysLem uslng a relauonal genoclde framework Lo analyze auempLed group desLrucuon. l wlll focus on
Lhe forclble removal of chlldren from one group Lo anoLher and wlll assess Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhese
pollcles LhreaLened Lhe survlval of lndlgenous communlues Lhe ablllLy of groups Lo reproduce
Lhemselves accordlng Lo Lhelr own culLural codes.


*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Genoc|de Memory: 1|me, Space and Movement II
Moderator: Mark Meuwese, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg

Margo 1amez, unlverslLy of 8rlush Columbla, ln Lhe Shadow of Lhe Wall: lndlgenous Memory and
1ruLh Confronung kllllng Socleues ln Lhe 1exas-Mexlco 8eglon"
ln Lhls presenLauon, l wlll address Lhese quesuons: now Jo Jesttocuve ptocesses socb os qeooclJe
fotm ooJ toke sbope ovet ume ooJ octoss spoce? now ote spoces ooJ ploces moblllzeJ lo tbe
Jesttocuoo of loJlqeooos qtoops? and, now mlqbt we eovlsloo oew spoces fot cobobltouoo ooJ
tecooclllouoo lo tbe ofetmotb of, ot omlJst ooqoloq, qeooclJol ptocesses? l wlll slLuaLe Lhese ln Lhe
conLexL of lndlgenous research conducLed ln parLnershlp wlLh nde (Llpan Apache) elders, chlefs, and
famllles ln Lhe 1exas-Mexlco reglon. ln Lhe aermaLh of 9/11 and Lhe 2006-2009 u.S. border wall
consLrucuon, lndlgenous peoples' acuve recovery of lnLergenerauonal narrauves and key documenLs
whllsL undergolng forced dlspossesslon has confronLed and unseuled Lhe celebraLory, conquerlng
hlsLory lnscrlbed by europeans and euro-amerlcan groups. nde, and relaLed lndlgenous survlvor
memory of vlolenL colonlzauons, beLween 1820 and 2012, are chlpplng away aL Lhe veneer of whlLe,
seuler, 1exan myLhs, and are reveallng a dlsLurblng LruLh lylng beneaLh Lhe surface. rovldlng key
examples from Lhe nde lndlgenous rlghLs pro[ecL unfoldlng ln Lhe shadow of Lhe wall, l wlll unpack
an lndlgenous perspecuve of seuler genoclde underplnnlng on-golng forms of genoclde. urawlng
from recenL human rlghLs procedures underLaken by colleagues aL Lhe unlverslLy of 1exas School of
Law, Puman 8lghLs Cllnlc, and myself wlLh Lhe nde, l wlll share recommendauons for enacung
respecul parLnershlps for redresslng nde and relaLed lndlgenous peoples' rlghLs under lndlgenous
and lnLernauonal law sysLems.

!eremy Carsha, unlverslLy of Cambrldge, '8eclamauon 8oad': ConLenuon and 8econclllauon ln
lndlgenous Cenoclde Memorlals"
1hls paper Lakes a comparauve approach ln examlnlng Lhe changlng memorlal represenLauons of
colonlal genocldes ln Callfornla, namlbla, and 1asmanla. Whlle Lemporally and geographlcally
removed from one anoLher, Lhe producuon (and sllenclng) of hlsLorlcal memory unlLes Lhese
genocldes under emerglng and shllng nauonal narrauves. 1hls paper conLexLuallzes conLemporary
slLes of hlsLorlcal memory-ln publlc memorlals and monumenLs-by Lraclng Lhelr currenL
presenLauon back Lhrough hlsLorlcal Lransformauons. 1he paper focuses on Lhe commlsslon and
changes Lo plaques marklng Lhe slLe of Lhe omo lndlan massacre aL 8loody lsland ln Clear Lake,
Callfornla, Lhe Lransformauon of Lhe Shark lsland concenLrauon camp, o Lhe coasL of LuderlLz,
namlbla, lnLo a munlclpal campground for LourlsLs, as well as Lhe cemeLery of Swakopmund,
namlbla, whlch unul 2003, allowed all-Lerraln vehlcles Lo drlve over Lhousands of unmarked
lndlgenous graves. 8lsdon Cove, near PobarL, 1asmanla, ls explored as boLh Lhe slLe of Lhe rsL
colonlal seulemenL and a massacre eplcenLer. 1he paper furLher explores Lhe namlblan preservauon
of lnherlLed monumenLs honorlng Lhe fallen Cerman colonlal perpeLraLors, Lhe co-opuon of Lhe
omo massacre slLe by Lhe nauve Sons of Lhe Colden WesL," an Anglo-Amerlcan organlzauon, and
Lhe desecrauon of Lhe 8owen MonumenL aL 8lsdon Cove, whlch was covered ln a blood spauered
sheeL durlng Lhe 2004 blcenLennlal. Cverall Lhls paper unpacks Lhe sLraLegles of preservauon,
Lransformauon, and commemorauon of Lhese genocldes ln relauon Lo Lhe consLrucuon and shls ln
emerglng hlsLorlcal narrauves, underscorlng Lhe lnLerplay of physlcal locauons ln Lhe consLrucuon of
rememberlng and forgemng aLroclous hlsLory.

8ochelle n. !ohnsLon, unlverslLy of 1oronLo, 8eecuons and perspecuves on an lndlgenlsL
approach Lo research on genoclde"
1hough lndlgenous acuvlsLs are lncreaslngly uslng Lhe dlscourse of genoclde Lo draw auenuon Lo Lhe
hlsLorlcal and conLemporary LhreaLs Lhelr peoples face, Lhere ls sull very llule research ln Lhe eld of
genoclde sLudles by lndlgenous academlcs (!ohnsLon, 2013). erhaps as a resulL, Lhe Cenoclde
Convenuon, and by exLenslon Lhe eld of genoclde sLudles, falls Lo capLure Canadlan Aborlglnal
nouons of belng" (Woolford & 1homas, 2009, p. 82) or reecL Lhe worldvlews of lndlgenous peoples
more generally. lronlcally, represenLauves of Lhe groups sLrucLurally compllclL ln colonlal genocldes -
non-lndlgenous academlcs - are shaplng emerglng Lheorles of colonlal genoclde. ln Lhls paper l
reecL on my own role ln Lhese processes as a non-lndlgenous Canadlan conducung research wlLh
lndlgenous academlcs and acuvlsLs on Lhe bysLandlng behavlor of oLher non-lndlgenous peoples ln
Canada and Sudan. l share Lhe reacuons of my lndlgenous collaboraLors and me Lo academlc
Lheorles of colonlal genoclde and bysLandlng and Lhe quesuons we plan Lo ask lnuenual non-
lndlgenous people who are bysLandlng ln Lhe conLexL of genoclde. l also reecL on my own auempLs
aL Laklng an lndlgenlsL approach, one lnformed by lndlgenous worldvlews, Lo research on colonlal
genoclde, Lhe Lenslons l have encounLered ln Lrylng Lo Lake Lhls approach wlLhln Lhe academy, and
how my approach and research deslgn has changed Lhrough my research relauonshlps wlLh
lndlgenous academlcs and acuvlsLs. ln addluon Lo presenung on Lhese Loplcs from my own
perspecuve l wlll be lnvlung Lhe lndlgenous academlcs and acuvlsLs l am collaboraung wlLh Lo
conLrlbuLe Lhelr perspecuves.

Seema Ahluwalla, kwanLlen olyLechnlc unlverslLy, racuclng Sllence, whlle 8eslsung Sllenclng and
CompllclLy: A Seuler-wlLness accounL of LakoLa supporL for 1eachlng and Learnlng abouL Cenoclde
ln Lhls paper, l reecL on LakoLa uses of Lhe Lerm genoclde. As a Canadlan seuler-wlLness", l
recognlze my conLradlcLory and overlapplng posluons as a Canadlan seuler/ Leacher marrled lnLo a
LakoLa famlly and communlLy and learnlng abouL LakoLa culLure. lrom Lhls vanLage polnL, l reecL on
Lhe ways LhaL LakoLa people pracuce Lradluonal knowledge and ceremony as an expresslon of
soverelgnLy and reslsLance Lo genoclde.

1he Lerm genoclde ls broadly consLrued by LakoLa people as Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lo undersLand Lhe
perllous posluon Lhey are ln as an lndlgenous nauon reslsung ongolng occupauon by a seuler sLaLe.
lndlgenous Llders, scholars, [urlsLs, parenLs and acuvlsLs have oered crlucal lnslghL lnLo Lhe llmlLed
and myoplc un convenuon denluon of genoclde, noung Lhe colonlal conLexL ln whlch lL was
derlved, auempLs Lo domesucaLe genoclde clalms, and Lhe focus on lndlvldual lnLenuon and

uslng Lhe Lerm genoclde ln Canadlan unlverslues Lo descrlbe ongolng aLroclues agalnsL lndlgenous
peoples ls conLroverslal and oen meL wlLh re[ecuon, anger and auempLs Lo sllence, shun, or
dlscredlL. Meanwhlle, LakoLa Leachers and oLher members of lndlgenous communlues nd Lhe Lerm
genoclde ls preclsely Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lo undersLand Lhe polsonlng of Lhelr waLers, desLrucuon of
Lhelr lands and sacred slLes, llngulclde" and removlng chlldren from Lhelr famllles and communlues.
LakoLa culLural pracuces llke sllence, respecL, bravery and generoslLy have been shared wlLh me as
lmporLanL Lools for reslsung sllenclng and compllclLy ln Leachlng and learnlng abouL genoclde.

*koom 224a (St. Anne) -- Genoc|de Lducanon
Moderator: klmberley uucey, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg
noreen 8arlas, unlverslLy College of Lhe norLh, Cross-culLural percepuons, acuons and resulLs ln a
posL-genoclde 8wanda lnsuLuuon"
A comparauve conslderauon of nef's Puman SecurlLy lndex ouLllnes parallels and dlerences
beLween 8wanda and norLhern ManlLoba. AlLhough Lhe narrauves are qulLe dlerenL, genoclde ls a
percepuon ln boLh semngs. 1he goals and ouLcomes of a pro[ecL conducLed aL Lhe Puman 8esource
(P8) deparLmenL of Lhe nauonal unlverslLy of 8wanda (nu8) are compared Lo capaclLy developmenL
assoclaLed wlLh cross-culLural advancemenL of ManlLoba's unlverslLy College of Lhe norLh (uCn). ln
8wanda, Lhe human resource capaclLy developmenL aL nu8 was lnlually recelved wlLh heslLancy, buL
wlLh frequenL soclallzlng and bulldlng of LrusL, people evenLually shared Lhelr sLorles and
perspecuves whlch were crlucal ln denlng posluve sLeps forward. 1he developmenL of LrusL-based
relauons durlng lnvesugauon was plvoLal ln formlng connecuons requlred for co-auLhorshlp work
and communlLy developmenL. AL uCn, emphasls ls belng placed upon Lhe developmenL and llnkages
assoclaLed wlLh a neLwork of reglonal lndlgenous communlues, as well as focus on areas such as
language preservauon. Puman resource developmenL lncludes Lhe esLabllshmenL of local reglonal
cenLre coordlnaLors Lo faclllLaLe communlLy empowermenL and help lnsure LhaL Lhere ls balanced
approach Lo communlLy developmenL. Cne uCn challenge ls how besL Lo move forward wlLh local P8
capaclLy developmenL. Conslderauon ls glven Lo Lhe lmporLance and process of approprlaLe
denluon of pasL aLroclues as belng dened as genoclde and subsequenLly Lhe fallure ln recognluon
essenually hlnders Lhe reconclllauon and heallng eorLs requlred for a healLhy sLaLe or lnsuLuuon.

Susan Penderson, unlverslLy of Lhe WesL - ScoLland, '8uL we saw blrds aL 8lrkenau' - some sallenL
ndlngs from a soclo-maLerlal sLudy of learnlng aL AuschwlLz-8lrkenau Memorlal and Museum."
8ecenL evenLs wlLhln ScoLland - such as shock sLausucs' whlch lndlcaLe ScoLland's record levels of
haLe (Campsle, 2012) - have convlnced LhaL elemenLs of 8rlush socleLy reslsL muluculLurallsm
(!ackson, 1989). 1he place of Lhe PolocausL has Lhus never been more vlndlcaLed, boLh ln Lerms of lLs
hlsLorlclLy and Lhe lessons we can learn from Lhese genocldes, regardlng cluzenshlp and moral
educauon (Cowan and MalLles, 2011). ?eL, desplLe a burgeonlng body of llLeraLure whlch purporLs Lo
evaluaLe Lhe besL meLhods' for PolocausL Leachlng, llule ls undersLood abouL educauonal aecLs', ln
parucular, Lhe lnLrlnslc value as well as Lhe cosL-eecuveness of educauonal excurslons Lo PolocausL
slLes abroad (LlndqulsL, 2011). 1hls paper ouLllnes sallenL ndlngs of a hu sLudy lnvesugaung spaces
of pedagogy aL AuschwlLz-8lrkenau SLaLe Museum, oland. Pere, learnlng processes are explored
Lhrough one of Lhree sLudled conLexLs (a Scomsh CovernmenL-funded sLudenL excurslon). ueploylng
a novel soclomaLerlal meLhodology, daLa collaLed from observanL-paruclpauon, lm and group
lnLervlews show how PolocausL knowledges are performed by archlLecLure, arLefacLs and oLher
pedagoglcal devlces of Lhe museum space (kell, 2003). lndeed whllsL Lhe narrauve of Lhe museum
guldes ls successful ln sacred places' of Lhe slLe, Lhls sLudy found LhaL sLudenLs also experlence
momenLs of reallsauon' abouL Lhe PolocausL Lhrough Jlstopuoos Lo Lhe formal Lour, ln LranslenL
spaces such as Lhe museum exlL area, where encounLers wlLh anlmals unexpecLedly occurred (cf.
LllsworLh, 2003). ln Lhls way, lL ls argued LhaL peJoqoqy mokes ploce buL oen, ploce mokes
(e[ecuve) peJoqoqy whlch has lmpllcauons for how fuLure PolocausL Lours mlghL be conducLed.

!esslca Perdman, unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkley, l speak Lo Lhose who undersLand': 1eachlng
Muslc and ConlcL"
lrom Lhe psalms of Lhe roLesLanLs lnclung CaLhollcs Lo vlolence ln clvll-war ravaged 8enalssance
lrance, Lo Lhe lngando songs used ln 8wandan posL-genoclde reconclllauon camps, muslc serves
boLh Lo lname and lnsugaLe, and Lo paclfy wlLhln zones of lnLense soclal conlcL. 1hese LumulLuous
clrcumsLances breed lnLense emouonal sLaLes where muslc can funcuon wlLhln a nexus of oLherlng,
of unlfylng, of ecsLasy, and of desLrucuon. uesplLe Lhls poLency, muslcologlcal scholarshlp has only
begun Lo focus on muslc and conlcL as a clrcumscrlbed sub[ecL durlng Lhe pasL decade.
CuL of a concern for conslderlng Lhe soclologlcal, psychologlcal, and aesLheuc aspecLs of muslc LhaL
may propel or deLer dlrecL conlcL, Lhls paper wlll oer an exploraLory framework for Leachlng muslc
and conlcL - one whlch crosses chronologlcal, geographlcal and culLural boundarles. Whlle
comparauve culLural analysls has been commonplace ln muslcologlcal work on conlcL, hlsLorlcal
vlewpolnLs prlor Lo Lhe 20Lh cenLury have rarely come Lo Lhe fore. Such pedagoglcal approaches Lo
muslc and conlcL LhaL lnLegraLe hlsLorlcal analyses may oer novel vlews on presslng quesuons ln
genoclde sLudles - poslung aecuve processes LhaL sull remaln sallenL ln modernlLy (cf. Cushman
2003). 1hls paper explores how Lo delve lnLo whaL muslc does ln dlerenL, poLenually genocldal
conLexLs - how lL works for ldenucauon, for acung ouL ldenuues, Lowards lnclLemenL, Lowards
conclllauon - and how Lhls work ls posslble. lollowlng from Andrew Woolford's (2006) lnLerrogauon
of whaL makes genoclde Lhlnkable (or how Lo make lL unLhlnkable), Lhls paper poslLs Lhe unlque
posluon of muslc ln brldglng pedagoglcal approaches Lo Lhe culLural vlolence LhaL propels genocldal

Llsa k. 1aylor, 8lshop's unlverslLy, ulsrupung colonlal fuLurlsL loglcs and lnumaLe publlcs: ullemmas
ln reparauve and resuLuuve pedagogles wlLh preservlce Leachers"
1hls paper reporLs on research conducLed as parL of my response Lo Lhe 18C's lnvlLauon Lo educaLors
Lo engage our broader socleLy ln Lhe Lask of publlcly wlLnesslng and commemoraung Lhe Lesumonles
of llrsL nauons, lnulL, and Meus resldenual school survlvors as parL of a hlsLorlc process of revlslng
Lhe Lerms of our nauonal lmaglnary, hlsLorlography and cluzenshlp.
l approach Lhls pro[ecL of whaL 8oger l. Slmon calls remembrance pedagogy wary of Lhe challenges ln
lnluaung such conversauons wlLh non-lndlgenous Canadlans who brlng uneven aecuve lnvesLmenLs
ln a seuler colonlal muluculLural neollberal democracy and auachmenLs Lo Lhe normauve promlses
of educauon. LncounLers wlLh represenLauons of Lhe hlsLory and legacy of resldenual schools can
open producuve quesuons regardlng Leachers' posluonlng wlLhln an lnsuLuuon compllclL ln ongolng
genocldal pollcles buL also concernlng Lhe aecuve and dlscurslve horlzons sLrucLurlng Lhelr
response Lo Lhese encounLers.
ln Lhls case sLudy-a 8. Ld. undergraduaLe course on dlmculL llLeraLure"-l examlne excerpLs from
sLudenL [ournal responses Lo phoLographlc, lmlc and llLerary Lesumonlal LexLs addresslng Lhls
parucular hlsLory of Lrauma and survlval. My analysls focuses on Lhe fuLurlsL loglcs sLrucLurlng
powerful soclal formauons ln seuler colonlal nauons, parucularly lnsuLuuonal culLures of educauon
and redress. l examlne how Lhe gural loglcs of clvlllzauonal fanLasles of raclal redempuon and
asslmllauon sLrucLurlng asplrlng Leachers' opumlsuc auachmenLs are boLh dlsrupLed and
relnvlgoraLed when my pedagogy asks sLudenLs Lo engage wlLh resldenual school survlvor Lesumony
and Lesumonlal llLeraLure.

*koom 224b (Sour|s) - Genoc|de's Spaces of Memory and Iusnce
Moderator: karen 8usby, unlverslLy of ManlLoba
Wllllam rulu, Llmlra College, Aggravaung and Mlugaung SenLenclng lacLors aL Lhe lC18-An
LxploraLory Analysls"
1he lnLernauonal Crlmlnal 1rlbunal for 8wanda has been operaung for nearly Lwo decades now and
has senLenced over slxLy defendanLs. Whlle Lhe senLenclng guldellnes form Lhe omclal 1rlbunal
sLaLuLe and rules of procedure are vague and lndenlLe, Lhe courL has esLabllshed a senLenclng
[urlsprudence of lLs own, especlally when lL comes Lo aggravaung and mlugaung facLors. 1he use of
Lhese facLors ln senLenclng have been quesuoned, so an exploraLory analysls of whaL facLors Lhe
courL has consldered and how Lhey have done so was consLrucLed. 1he resulLs show a wlde ranglng
llsL of boLh aggravaung and mlugaung facLors wlLhouL provldlng a sLrlcL senLenclng sLrucLure. 1hese
senLenclng facLors may seL a sLandard for fuLure lnLernauonal courLs senLenclng defendanLs for Lhe
mosL helnous of crlmes.

Pollle nyseLh 8rehm, unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa, ChrlsLopher uggen, unlverslLy of MlnnesoLa, and
!ean-uamascne Casanabo, unlverslLy of Ceneva, Cenoclde, !usuce, and 8wanda's Cacaca CourLs"
More Lhan one mllllon people paruclpaLed ln Lhe 1994 genoclde agalnsL Lhe 8wandan 1uLsl. Pow dld
8wanda, whose crlmlnal [usuce lnfrasLrucLure was declmaLed by Lhe genoclde, auempL Lo brlng Lhe
perpeLraLors Lo [usuce? ln Lhls arucle, we provlde Lhe rsL sysLemauc analysls of Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe
Cococo courLs, a Lradluonal communlLy-based [usuce sysLem LhaL was greaLly modled Lo address
crlmes of genoclde. Aer brley revlewlng Lhe creauon of Lhe nauonal Servlce of Cococo
!urlsdlcuons, we presenL an overvlew of Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe courLs wlLh a focus on Lhe speclc
sancuons glven Lo Lhose found gullLy. 1hls arucle provldes Lhe rsL compleLe analysls of Lhese
sancuons, conLrlbuung boLh an emplrlcal overvlew and new lnslghLs lnLo how 8wanda auempLed Lo
brlng [usuce Lo Lhe many cluzens who Look parL ln Lhe genocldal vlolence. We conclude by
hlghllghung some successes and fallures of Lhe Cococo sysLem and lLs broader lessons for [usuce ln
oLher conLexLs.

Mlchelle 8enae uragoo, Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy, 'We Are All 8wandans' ldenuLy, Cenoclde and
1ransluonal !usuce SysLems"
1hls year marks Lhe LwenueLh annlversary of Lhe 8wandan genoclde. Scholars from a varleLy of
dlsclpllnes have reecLed over Lhe pasL LwenLy years and have oered boLh crluclsm and pralse for
8wanda's posL-conlcL, nauonal reconsLrucuon. ln Lhe wake of Lhe 100 day genoclde, Lhe 8wandan
aLrlouc lronL (8l), Lhe sole rullng parLy ln 8wanda, enforced and culuvaLed a CovernmenL of
nauonal unlLy as one Lransluonal [usuce mechanlsm Lo recover soclal sLablllLy lmmedlaLely aer Lhe
genoclde and Lo prevenL fuLure conlcLs. aul klgame, 8wanda's presldenL, has presenLed Lhls
CovernmenL of nauonal unlLy as a road LhaL leads 8wanda away from eLhnlc ldenucauon ln order
Lo eradlcaLe Lhe counLry of Lhose forces LhaL helped generaLe Lhe eLhnlc conlcL and Lowards Lhe
non-eLhnlc, harmonlous socleLy" LhaL exlsLed before colonlallzauon.
CompleLely modlfylng eLhnlc ldenuues Lhrough a Lop-down" meLhod provokes quesuons and
concerns abouL Lhe consequences of rlddlng people of deeply enLrenched eLhnlc ldenucauon. ln
Lhls paper, l alm Lo analyze aul klgame's nauonal unlLy 8eglme, lncludlng crlmlnallzlng laws LhaL
penallze any dlscourse of eLhnlc ldenuLy and consuLuuonal revlslons LhaL commlL Lhe governmenL Lo
Lhe eradlcauon of eLhnlc, reglonal and oLher dlvlslons." l wlll argue LhaL ellmlnaung eLhnlc ldenuues,
especlally ln publlc dlscourse, ls deLrlmenLal Lo susLalned peace and sLablllLy ln 8wanda. 8aLher, Lhe
nouon of ldenuLy and culLure could be used as a lens Lo analyze genoclde prevenuon, lnLervenuon,
and posL-conlcL reconsLrucuon.

Mohammed Ayub khan, McMasLer unlverslLy, Pyderbad 1948: 8evlvlng Lhe Memory of a
lorgouen Cenoclde"
1he 1947 paruuon of lndla on rellglous llnes was a Lraumauc and bloody eplsode ln Lhe reglon's
hlsLory. 1he physlcal paruuon of lndla, however, wasn'L Lhe end of Lhe sLory. lndla had Lhe
Lremendous Lask of lncorporaung hundreds of seml-auLonomous prlncely sLaLes .1he largesL of Lhese
was Lhe landlocked sLaLe of Pyderabad. lL was ruled by a Musllm dynasLy whereas Lhe populauon
was predomlnanLly Plndu. Cn Lhe eve of paruuon Lhe ruler refused Lo accede Lo elLher lndla or
aklsLan and proclalmed lndependence. Aer Lhe fallure of Lalks, Lhe lndlan sLaLe ordered lLs mlllLary
Lo lnvade Pyderabad ln SepLember 1948. Cmclally dubbed as ollce Acuon', lL was a full-edged
mlllLary lnvaslon. Accompanylng Lhe army were gangs of varlous amllauons and lnLeresLs who
lndulged ln kllllngs, looung, rape and forclble converslons. A newly dlscovered CovernmenL of lndla
reporL (1be 5ooJetlol commluee kepott oo tbe Mossocte of Mosllms) reveals Lhe kllllng of aL leasL
27,000-40,000 people. ln Lhls paper, l wlll presenL an analysls of Lhls forgouen eplsode by analyslng
Lhe pollucal conLexL of Lhe ume and assess wheLher lL can be caLegorlzed as genoclde.

koom 224c (Ste|nback) - Irom Counterfactua| and kea| 1|me to Contemporary Man|festanons of
Moderator: Adam Muller, unlverslLy of ManlLoba
noah Csher, unlverslLy of WesLern CnLarlo, 1amar lleggl, Cpen unlverslLy and Lllhu u. 8lcher,
Pebrew unlverslLy, uslng Lpldemlologlc 1lmellnes and WaL-lf CounLerfacLuals Lo 1esL Cholces ln
lnLervenuon AgalnsL Cenoclde"
"Lveryth|ng |s determ|ned, but cho|ce |s g|ven" (1almud)
Cenoclde resulLs from human cholce and bysLander lndlerence. 1lme llnes and whaL-lf upplng
polnLs can be used Lo Lrack and assess cause-eecL relauonshlps and consequences. CounLerfacLuals
-whaL lf LhoughL experlmenLs-can be used Lo LesL Lhe role of cholce and mlssed opporLunlues by
acLors and bysLanders.
Lven before mass kllllng sLarLs, epldemlologlc ume llnes for acuons by perpeLraLors, bysLanders,
enablers and responders can be relaLed Lo Lhe ouLcomes: umellnes for deaLh or vlolence... Such
umellnes lnLroduce Lhe rlgor of chronology. 1hey glve lnslghLs concernlng early warnlng slgns, upplng
polnLs, clrcumsLanual and causal assoclauons and opporLunlues losL.
1lmellnes of deaLh Lolls provlde evldence-based daLa Lo LesL when or wheLher 82 lnLervenuons -
warnlngs, LhreaLs, lnLernauonal law, sancuons, use of force are eecuve ln deallng wlLh pasL LhreaLs.
1hey lnform proacuve, precauuonary and prevenuve pollcy Lowards currenL LhreaLs Lo human llfe
(mass murder) and human rlghLs vlolauons, (l.e. persecuuon, execuuons, and exporL of Lerror.
Lxamples from Lhe Armenlan Cenoclde, Lhe mass murders of SLalln and PlLler, uarfur lran, Lhe
second lnufada and Syrla show mlssed opporLunlues from neglecung precauuonary lnLervenuons
and Lhe cosLs of delay, buL Lhere are examples of successes. We suggesL: Lessons from yesLerday's
umellnes. 1lpplng polnLs and whaL-lf counLerfacLuals can be applled Lo predlcung and prevenung
Loday. 1hey enable us Lo examlne Lhe role and llmlLauons of cholce and moral agency ln prevenuon
of genocldal LhreaLs

Lllhu u. 8lcher, Pebrew unlverslLy, uefeaung 8oycou-ulvesL-Sancuons aL APA: A Case SLudy"
SLarung from 2001, a campalgn Lo bran lsrael as an aparLheld sLaLe was launched aL Lhe uurban
Conference on 8aclsm, based on Lhe precedenL of 8oycou-Sancuons-ulvesLmenL dlrecLed aL SouLh
Afrlca. ln laLe 2013, 1he SocleLy of lndlgenous eoples, Lhe Amerlcan SLudles assoclauon and Lhe
Modern Language Assoclauon passed resoluuons endorslng 8uS, clung harshness of occupauon,
1he Wall," persecuuon of lndlgenous peoples, barrlers Lo access Lo medlcal care,
Cperauon Case Lead ln Caza refugees, and Lhe menLal sLress of occupauon.
8uL ln november 2013, Lhe Lxecuuve Councll of Lhe Amerlcan ubllc PealLh Assoclauon - re[ecLed by
a 3 Lo 1 margln - passed a resoluuon recommendlng selecuve dlslnvesLmenL desplLe a campalgn by
8uS acuvlsLs and endorsemenLs by 4 pasL presldenLs and noam Chomsky. ln 2012, Lhere had been a
ue voLe.

1hls paper revlews Lhe case made by Lhe APA CpponenLs of 8uS: Lhe proposed resoluuon was
based on ma[or errors of facL, lL was blased, selecuve and dlscrlmlnaLory, lL lgnored Lhe mass
aLroclues ln Syrla and Lhe persecuuon of refugees ln Slnal, Lhe masslve lmprovemenLs ln publlc
healLh lndlcaLors ln Lhe WesL bank and Caza, 200,000 alesunlan pauenLs recelvlng medlcal care ln
lsrael, and lsrael's role ln Lralnlng of medlcal professlonals. CpponenLs Lo 8uS called auenuon Lo Lhe
world's sllence durlng 8 years of Lhousands of rockeL auacks and Lerror dlrecLed aL lsraell clvlllans
(genocldal Lerror) as well as cradle Lo grave alesunlan lnclLemenL Lo Lerror.
APA delegaLes clLed all Lhe above ln Lhelr warnlngs LhaL endorsed 8uS would undermlne Lhe
credlblllLy of APA. APA ls a role model for lACS.

1amar lleggl, Cpen unlverslLy, ?oram llnklesLeln, Lllhu u. 8lchLer, Pebrew unlverslLy, Shaaray
Zedek, !erusalem CenLre for Cenoclde revenuon, A CenLury of Casslng Chlldren: lrom 1urklsh Lo
nazl hyslclans Lo 8ashlr Assad"
:;"# ,50% ,// -<0,=- $#2,( #9 $"0 ,11'"'/,>#1 #9 $"0 4%601',1-?@ - n|t|er, August 22,
8ashlr Assad's use of Sarln, a nerve gas agenL, Lo klll clvlllans, lncludlng hundreds of chlldren, ln 2013, recalls
Lhe cenLral role of 1urklsh physlclans ln Lhe Armenlan Cenoclde, and nazl docLors ln Lhe PolocausL.
We examlne Lhe consequences of Lhe acuons of Lhe 1urklsh docLors as archlLecLs of Lhe Armenlan Cenoclde
as well as bysLander lnacuon. We use umellnes Lo revlew Lhe sLory of Lhe role of 1urklsh docLors durlng Lhe
Armenlan Cenoclde. We Lhen use whaL-lf" LhoughL experlmenLs and umellnes - Lo ask whaL falled Lo deLer
1urklsh and Cerman docLors from provldlng lnLellecLual and organlzauonal leadershlp as perpeLraLors of Lhe
mass murder of Armenlans and !ews respecuvely.
ln laLe 1914, and onward, Luropean Lralned 1urklsh docLors drew up Lhe Len commandmenLs' - Lhe pollcy
behlnd Lhe mass murder of more Lhan one mllllon Armenlan uocLors were acuve as eld commanders of Lhe
klller unlLs and supervlsed Lhe murder of lnfanLs and chlldren wlLh morphlne ln[ecuons.
We ask: Would Lhere have been an Armenlan Cenoclde wlLhouL medlcal leadershlp? And wlLhouL Lhe
precedenL of Lhe 1urklsh docLors, would nazl docLors have provlded leadershlp for compulsory euLhanasla
and mass murder? 1he quesuons sLaLe Lhe case for codes of medlcal eLhlcs proscrlblng docLors paruclpaung
ln mass murder - as ln Syrla - or even as compllclL bysLanders.

*koom UC 217 (GSA Lounge) - Ak1S
Amy lagln, lndependenL scholar, 8eyond Cenoclde: ower olnL resenLauon"
"8eyooJ CeooclJe" ls Lhe uLle for Lhe emerglng serles of conLemporary lllumlnaLed manuscrlpLs
whlch explores Lhe hlsLory and legacy of genoclde and mass murder from plvoLal aLroclues execuLed
around Lhe globe. 1he serles ls deslgned for Lemporary exhlbluon ln academlc and culLural
lnsuLuuons worldwlde. "8eyooJ CeooclJe ls a vlsual ne arL experlence whlch uullzes Lhe
Lradluonal arL-form of Lhe lllumlnaLed manuscrlpL ln a conLemporary conLexL, wresLllng wlLh Lhe
lnLracLable and consumlng desLrucuon of genoclde on Lhe planeL. 1he formal exhlbluon ls a
professlonal and museum grade dlsplay avallable for loan Lo lnsuLuuons wlLh 1000 sq. . of
presenLauon space. LlmlLed Ldluon glclee reproducuons of 8eyooJ CeooclJe are also avallable for
purchase for permanenL collecuons.
1he arusL would presenL aL Lhe lACS conference Lhe serles "8eyooJ CeooclJe" as a ower olnL
overvlew and presenL varlous pasL lnsLallauons Lo demonsLraLe how hosL lnsuLuuons may uullze Lhls
vlsual arL serles for appreclauon, educauon and prevenuon ln Lhelr locale. 1he presenLauon wlll run
klosk sLyle ln a cenLral locauon durlng Lhe conference for vlewlng aL lnLervals where publlc dlsplay of
an lndependenL presenLauon can be organlzed. WlLh proper seL up Lhe presenLauon can run
lndependenLly of audlo vlsual supporL aL scheduled umes. An example of seL of slldes ls lncluded
wlLh Lhls proposal.

10:30 - 11:30 am loJloo keslJeouol 5cbool 5otvlvot 1esumooy

koom 210 (k|||arney) - 1ed Ionta|ne, D|scuss|on and kead|ng from A%#=01 B'%&/0) C"0 D,%=
E0F,&( #9 312',1 G0-'201>,/ 7&"##/-

1heodore (1ed) lonLalne ls a member of Lhe Sagkeeng Anlshlnaabe llrsL nauon ln
Canada, and auLhor of nauonal besLseller, 8tokeo cltcle. 1be uotk leqocy of loJloo
keslJeouol 5cbools, A Memolt. Pe ls a regular speaker and medla commenLaLor on lndlan
resldenual schools. Pe's been called a Survlvor, buL sees hlmself as a vlcLor.
lrom 8tokeo cltcle: 1heodore (1ed) lonLalne losL hls famlly and freedom [usL aer hls
sevenLh blrLhday, when hls parenLs were forced Lo leave hlm aL an lndlan resldenual school
by order of Lhe 8oman CaLhollc Church and Lhe CovernmenL of Canada. 1welve years laLer,
he le school frozen aL Lhe emouonal age of seven. Pe was confused, angry and conlcLed,
on a paLh of self-desLrucuon. AL age 29, he emerged from Lhls blackness. 8y age 32, he had
graduaLed from Lhe Clvll Lnglneerlng rogram aL Lhe norLhern AlberLa lnsuLuLe of
1echnology and begun a [ourney of self-explorauon and heallng.
ln Lhls powerful and polgnanL memolr, 1ed examlnes Lhe lmpacL of hls psychologlcal,
emouonal and sexual abuse, Lhe loss of hls language and culLure, and, mosL lmporLanL, Lhe
loss of hls famlly and communlLy. Pe goes beyond deLalls of Lhe abuses of nauve chlldren Lo
relaLe a unlque undersLandlng of why mosL resldenual school survlvors have posL-Lraumauc
sLress dlsorders and why succeedlng generauons of llrsL nauons chlldren suer from Lhls
dark chapLer ln hlsLory.
1old as remembrances descrlbed wlLh lnslghLs LhaL have evolved Lhrough hls heallng, hls
sLory resonaLes wlLh hls resolve Lo help hlmself and oLher resldenual school survlvors and
Lo share hls endurlng bellef LhaL one can plck up Lhe shauered pleces and use Lhem for
- S e e mo r e a L : h up : / / www. h e r l L a g e h o u s e . c a / b o o k d e L a l l s . p h p ?


11:30 am - 12:00 pm co[ee bteok

12:00 - 1:30 pm coocotteot sessloos

*koom UC 214 (Neepawa) - Cu|tura| Genoc|de
Moderator: Mark Meuwese, unlverslLy of Wlnnlpeg
Mlrlam 8orensLeln, Wayne SLaLe unlverslLy, '1he llag My uad uled lor': CulLural genoclde ln
norLhern lreland"
1hls sLudy Lo examlnes use of Lhe Lerm genoclde Lo descrlbe Lhe hlsLory of 8rlush conquesL and
subsequenL rullng of lreland, and uses Lhe case of norLhern lreland Lo clarlfy Lhe murky Lermlnology
surroundlng Lhe Lerms coltotol qeooclJe and etbooclJe. 1he paper conslders Lhe expanslon of Lhe
8rlush Lmplre lnLo lreland, Lhe oLaLo lamlne, Lhe vlolenL ouLbreaks known as Lhe lrlsh 1roubles, and
Lhe conunued occupauon and culLural suppresslon of lreland and lLs people by Lngland. lramlng Lhls
hlsLorlography, Lhe paper observes Lhe work of genoclde scholars, lrlsh hlsLorlans, polluclans,
leglslaLors, and proLesL leaders.

1hough genoclde scholars have debaLed Lhe appllcablllLy of Lhe Lerm qeooclJe Lo Lhe oLaLo lamlne,
Lhey have seldom consldered applylng lL Lo Lhe culLural suppresslon of Lhe lrlsh beglnnlng wlLh Lhe
LasLer 8lslng of 1916 and conunulng Lhrough Lhe LwenueLh cenLury. Some clalm LhaL Lhe conunued
occupauon and suppresslon of lrlsh culLure quallfy Lhe enureLy of Lhe Lroubles as genocldal acuon,
whlle oLhers caLegorlze lL wlLh slmllarly colonlzed LerrlLorles. Cf speclc lmporLance ls Lhe auempLed
desLrucuon of Lhe lrlsh language and Lhe locallzed dlscouragemenL of Caellc lrlsh nauonallsL eLhnlc
ldenuLy as a means of non-murderous genoclde.

!e 8achman, Amerlcan unlverslLy, lndlgenous opulauons, Lhe Cmlsslon of CulLural Cenoclde,
and Lhe lncluslon of Lhe CpL-ln Clause ln Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon"
lollowlng Lhe Armenlan Cenoclde and Lhe PolocausL, Lhe lnLernauonal communlLy began
negouauons Lo creaLe a convenuon LhaL recognlzed genoclde as a vlolauon of lnLernauonal law and
requlred lLs prevenuon and punlshmenL. 8aLher Lhan commlL Lhemselves Lo Lhe creauon of a LreaLy
LhaL Look lnLo accounL Lhe forms genoclde was mosL llkely Lo Lake ln Lhe fuLure, Lhe permanenL
members of Lhe SecurlLy Councll placed Lhelr own nauonal lnLeresLs, speclcally Lhelr deslre noL Lo
be lmpllcaLed ln Lhe commlsslon of genoclde by Lhe very LreaLy Lhey were creaung, ahead of Lhe
creauon of a comprehenslve LreaLy almed aL eradlcaung genoclde. l argue LhaL, for Lhe unlLed
klngdom, lrance, and Lhe unlLed SLaLes, Lhls meanL ensurlng Lhe removal of Lhe prohlbluon of
culLural genoclde, Lhe crlme of genoclde mosL llkely Lo be commlued agalnsL lndlgenous populauons,
from Lhe adopLed LexL of Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon, as well as Lhe lncluslon of Lhe opL-ln" clause,
whlch gave ConLracung arues Lhe excluslve rlghL Lo declde wheLher Lhe Cenoclde Convenuon would
exLend Lo LerrlLorles under Lhelr conLrol.

Llcln Paskollar, ueance College, undersLandlng CnLologlcal uesLrucuon: 1he Case of kurds ln lraq
and 1urkey"
1hls paper explores Lhe relauonshlp beLween culLure and genoclde. lL examlnes Lhe conLemporary
mechanlsms and Lhe soclal and pollucal forces LhaL underllne Lhe process vls--vls Lhe sLaLe
asslmllauon pracuces agalnsL Lhe kurdlsh populauons ln lraq and 1urkey. WlLh Lhe crlsls ln Syrla
emboldenlng Lhe counLry's kurdlsh populauon, Lhe world's largesL sLaLeless nauon has become an
lncreaslngly lmporLanL aspecL of Mlddle LasLern pollucs: Lhelr growlng lndependence ln Lhe reglon ls
seen as an lndlcauon of lnLenslfylng conlcL and greaLer reglonal lnsLablllLy, and Lhe proLecuon of
Lhelr culLural rlghLs has become an lmperauve precondluon Lo ensure Lhe democrauzauon process
moves forward ln lraq and 1urkey. 1he greaLer problem, and Lhe puzzle Lhls research ls prlmarlly
lnLeresLed ln solvlng, ls LhaL Lhe Lenslon beLween rlghLs and prlnclples ls used Lo provlde a normauve
framework Lhrough whlch kurdlsh rlghLs are dlscussed ln Mlddle LasLern pollucs. 1he prlmary daLa ls
collecLed from seml-sLrucLured lnLervlews, conducLed wlLh 20 key lndlvlduals (academlcs,
lnLellecLuals, polluclans, and members of clvll socleLy organlzauons) ln ulyarbaklr, 1urkey and Lrbll,
lraq. 1hese lndlvlduals are consldered Lo be experLs ln Lhe eld of kurdlsh lssues and acuvely
underLake roles Lo resolve kurdlsh lssues ln Lhelr respecuve counLrles. l analyze Lhe lnLervlew resulLs
Lo assess Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhey emphaslze Lhree ouLcomes: human rlghLs, nauonallsm and
culLural genoclde.

*koom UC 220 (kusse||) - Genoc|de |n Canada: Spec|a| Issue of the H#I%1,/ #9 J01#&'20 G0-0,%&"
Moderators: !e 8envenuLo, 8uLgers unlverslLy, and Andrew Woolford, unlverslLy of

!ennlfer Puseman, unlverslLy of London, 8esource Colonlallsm: A new lronuer ln Lhe Cngolng
Cenoclde of nauve norLh Amerlcans

As aLrlck Wolfe argued, seuler colonlal genoclde ls a sLrucLure noL an evenL,' possesslng an
ellmlnauon loglc' LhaL, raLher Lhan belng an lsolaLed one-o (and superseded) occurrence', operaLes
as an organlzlng prlnclple' ln seuler colonlal socleLy. Moreover, lLs prlmary mouve ls access Lo
LerrlLory' - LerrlLory whlch an ever expandlng seuler socleLy unremlmngly demands. 1hrough a
dlscusslon of Lhe resldenual school sysLem and Lar sands oll developmenL ln Canada, l shall lllusLraLe
how Lhls ellmlnauon loglc has been susLalned, leglslaLed, and morally [usued over space and ume
by successlve Luro norLh Amerlcan governmenLs, lnsuLuuons, and lndeed every level of LhaL socleLy,
evolvlng lLs sLraLegles ln Landem wlLh Lhe wanLs and amLudes of Luro norLh Amerlcan seulers.
l wlll show how Lhe organlzlng prlnclple LhaL lnformed fronuer massacres, and Lhe formulauon of Lhe
posL-fronuer asslmllauonlsL agenda ln Lhe mld Lo laLe nlneLeenLh cenLury, has (over Lhe lasL hundred
years or so), LransmuLed lnLo whaL may be hlsLory's subLlesL form of physlcal, blologlcal and culLural
exLermlnauon yeL: letbol cootomloouoo of Nouve looJ boses by ttoosleot loJostty.
lL shall be argued LhaL such lndusLrlal pro[ecLs are Lesumony Lo how Luro norLh Amerlca conunues Lo
Lhrlve vla Lhe ongolng dlsempowermenL and dlspossesslon lnculcaLed ln nauve peoples vla Lhe
resldenual schools, and LhaL Lhe genoclde nauve people face Loday (as LhroughouL hlsLory) ls Laklng
place noL only on Lhelr land, buL ln Lhe bureaucracles of governmenL, and Lhe boardrooms of
Lransnauonal corporauons. lL ls a sLruggle Lhey conunue Lo rlse Lo. lndeed, lndlgenous reslsLance Lo
Lhe new colonlallsm of global Lrade may prove Lo be Lhe cenLral drlvlng force ln Lhwarung Lhe
corporauzauon of Lhe planeL'.

krlsun 8urneu, Lakehead unlverslLy and 1ravls Pay, ?ork unlverslLy, CovernmenL ollcy, lood, and
lndlgenous eople ln norLhern Canada ln Lhe osL WWll erlod"
1hls paper looks aL Lhe pollcles of Lhe federal governmenL regardlng food and lndlgenous people ln
norLhern Canada. We argue LhaL food has served as a vlLal Lechnology of sLaLe power ln Lhe counLry's
auempLs Lo conLrol, asslmllaLe, and ellmlnaLe lLs lndlan problem.' When Lhe hlsLory of food ln
lndlgenous communlues durlng Lhe LwenueLh cenLury has been examlned, food has noL been Lhe
focus of analysls, raLher lL ls an aslde ln a broader dlscusslon of colonlallsm, lndlan pollcy, and lll
healLh ln llrsL nauons communlues. 8efocuslng Lhe lens on colonlal food pollcles ln Lhe posL-WWll
era serves Lo hlghllghLs how Lhe sLaLe used food Lo desLroy and Lhen replace Lhe ways ln whlch
lndlgenous people relaLed Lo Lhe land, Lhelr famllles, and Lhelr sense of bodlly well-belng. Such an
lnqulry permlLs a reappralsal of Lhe food subsldy lnluauves llke Lhe loodmall rogram (now called
nuLrluon norLh) as lmpllcaLed ln a wlder seuler-colonlal hlsLory of genoclde. Moreover, ln llghL of Lhe
recenL reporL by Lhe unlLed nauons Speclal 8apporLeur on Lhe 8lghL Lo lood, Cllvler ue Schuuer,
whlch lndlcLed Lhe federal governmenL and lLs fallure Lo address Lhe food lnsecurlLy of llrsL nauons
ln Canada, Lhls ls a umely paper. We seek Lo make vlslble Lhe hlsLorlcal and ongolng genoclde
perpeLraLed agalnsL lndlgenous peoples by Lhe Canadlan sLaLe. lndeed, food serves as an absenL
referenL for all of Lhe vlolence and falled promlses of Lhe federal governmenL Lo lndlgenous peoples.

nlcholle uragone, 8lack hllls SLaLe unlverslLy, Lxplorlng Lhe Cendered ulmenslons of Canada's
Cenocldal lndlan SLaLus AcL Lhrough Lhe ersonal narrauve of ?vonne ulon-8ualo"
ShorLly before she became lll ln 2004, Lhe laLe ?vonne ulon-8ualo (Samson Cree) began worklng Lo
ensure LhaL her Lhen-unborn grandson would have Lhe rlghL Lo clalm hls ldenuLy as a Samson Cree
lndlan and Lo engage ln Lhe culLural llfe of Lhe Samson Cree people. Sadly, ulon-8ualo passed away
3 years before her Lwo grandchlldren regalned Lhelr ldenuLy and rlghLs as lndlans, as Samson Cree,
under 8lll C-3 (2011). Powever, her sLory conunues Lo Leach us how a nauon-sLaLe, llke Canada,
known for lLs champlonlng of human rlghLs, rauonallzes genocldal laws. ulon-8ualo, a full-blood
Samson Cree woman, marrled a non-lndlan man aL a ume when Lhe Cradual LnfranchlsemenL AcL
(1869) and Lhe lndlan AcL (1876) legally conLrolled Lhe ldenuLy and rlghLs of lndlans by separaung
Lhem lnLo Lwo groups: SLaLus and non-SLaLus. under Lhese laws, lf an lndlan woman, llke ulon-
8ualo, marrled a non-lndlan man, she and her chlldren losL Lhelr ldenuLy and rlghLs as SLaLus"
lndlans and Lhelr legal and culLural rlghLs Lo paruclpaLe ln Lhe culLural and rellglous llves of Lhelr
lndlgenous nauons. 1hls law forclbly Lransferred Lhese lndlan women and Lhelr chlldren, from one
group (SLaLus lndlans) Lo anoLher (non-SLaLus). As such, Lhe lndlan AcL, and Lo some exLenL 8-C31
are sLaLe-sancuoned acLs of genoclde. 1hls paper seeks Lo develop ?vonne ulon-8ualo's personal
narrauve as a means explorlng Lhe gendered dlmenslons of genocldal naLure of Canadlan legal
lnLervenuons, speclcally Lhe lndlan SLaLus AcL, ln Lhe llves of lLs lndlgenous peoples.

1amara SLarblankeL, nauve Lducauon College - vancouver, '1he Colonlal lramework and Lhe
lndlan roblem' ln Cenoclde: lndlgenous nauons and Lhe SLaLe of Canada"
My conference proposal ls based on my dlsserLauon LhaL examlnes Lhe Canadlan governmenL's
forclble Lransferrlng of lndlgenous chlldren. My proposal ls based on a chapLer of my Lhesls enuLled,
1he Colonlal lramework and Lhe lndlan roblem. My presenLauon wlll unpack Lhe domlnaung and
dehumanlzlng experlence of colonlal lnvaslon by examlnlng Lhe framework upon whlch Lhe forclble
Lransferrlng of lndlgenous chlldren Lakes place. lL wlll be shown LhaL Lhe concepLs of colonlallsm and
genoclde are lnexLrlcably llnked. 1he paper develops an explanauon of colonlal lnvaslon and Lhe
lndocLrlnauon of colonlal sysLems, lnsuLuuons, docLrlnes, values, bellefs or more speclcally Lhe so
called clvlllzauon process" lmposed on an lndlgenous chlld. 1he forclble Lransferrlng of lndlgenous
chlldren ls [usued by Canadlan laws and pollcy LhaL are premlsed on Lheorles of raclal superlorlLy. A
model ls explalned LhaL unpacks lndlgenous eoples/nauons' experlence of colonlal lnvaslon and
Lhen applled Lo Lhe forclble Lransferrlng of lndlgenous chlldren. lndlgenous eoples' experlence of
colonlal lnvaslon ls characLerlzed as demonlzauon, lsolauon and desLrucuon.

*koom 224a (St. Anne) - Lxp|a|n|ng and Understand|ng Genoc|de
Moderator: Adam Muller, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

k[ell Anderson, lndependenL Scholar, lnsLrumenLal and re[udlclal Mouves ln Mass PaLe Crlmes:
An AssessmenL of lndoneslan Cppresslon ln WesL apua"
Cenoclde ls dlrecLed aL Lhe desLrucuon of an eLhnlc, raclal, nauonal, or rellglous group. As such,
genoclde can be classled as a sorL of moss bote ctlme, alongslde oLher lnLernauonal crlmes such as
Lhe crlme agalnsL humanlLy of persecuuon and Lhe crlme of aparLheld. Llke domesuc haLe crlmes
Lhese mass haLe crlmes requlre persecuLory lnLenL - Lhey are mouvaLed by haLe.

?eL, l would argue LhaL such crlmes are always Lhe producL of boLh lnsLrumenLal and pre[udlclal
mouves. 1he sub[ugauon of Lhe LargeLed group can never be purely lnsLrumenLal, as susLalned
campalgns agalnsL peoples based on Lhelr (sugmaused) ldenuues are only posslble wlLh an enabllng
ldeology of pre[udlce. ln a sense Lhen mass haLe crlmes may use lnsLrumenLal means Lo reallse
pre[udlclal mouves. Some crlmes may be more lnsLrumenLal Lhan oLhers buL Lhe slLuauon ls always
lnLerpreLed Lhrough Lhe lens of pre[udlclal ldeology, whlch lLself ls rooLed ln xenophobla. 1hls paper
wlll uullse Lhe case of lndonesla's persecuuon of lndlgenous WesL apuans Lo examlne Lhe nexus
beLween pre[udlclal and lnsLrumenLal mouves for mass haLe crlmes. lL wlll draw from an analysls of
lndoneslan pollcy, as well as sLaLemenLs made by governmenL omclals, ln order Lo argue LhaL
pre[udlclal mouves appear Lo exlsL alongslde muluple forms of lnsLrumenLallLy.

1lmoLhy Wllllams, unlverslLy of Marburg and lree unlverslLy 8erlln, 1he slmple complexlLy of
perpeLraLor mouvauons - an lnnovauve and mulufaceLed model of why people paruclpaLe ln
Whlle much has been wrluen on general condluons and faclllLauve facLors of genoclde occurrence,
Lhe research on Lhe mlcro-dynamlcs of who paruclpaLes ln genoclde and why ls noL as broad ln
genoclde sLudles llLeraLure. 1here have been several excellenL sLudles on lndlvldual cases, buL Lhus
far llule work has been done on developlng a more absLracL and overarchlng model of why and how
people come Lo paruclpaLe ln genoclde octoss Jl[eteot cootexts. 1he model developed ln Lhls paper
wlll synLheslze Lhe concepLs garnered from dlerenL case sLudles from across dlerenL elds, wlLh
ldeas from soclal-psychologlcal and soclologlcal llLeraLure. Among oLher facLors, obedlence Lo
auLhorlLy, peer pressure, role expecLauons, coerclon, opporLunlsm, fear, ldeology and sadlsm are
found Lo play a key role ln mouvaung people Lo paruclpaLe ln genoclde.

ln Lhls paper l would llke Lo demonsLraLe a LenLauve rsL verslon of Lhe model and suggesL several
facLors LhaL are key mouvauons for paruclpauon ln genoclde across dlerenL cases, dlerenuaung
beLween necessary, sumclenL and merely faclllLauve condluons and demonsLraung how dlerenL
mouvauons can lnLeracL wlLh each oLher. 1he paper wlll reecL crlucally on Lhe llLeraLure on Lhe
mlcro and meso-dynamlcs of paruclpauon ln genoclde and wlll pull LogeLher Lhe lnslghLs from
prevlous research, auempung Lo draw ouL commonallues from across Lhe very dlerenL conLexLs
prevlously analysed. 1he paper hopes Lo provlde sumull for a broader dlscusslon of Lhe dynamlcs
behlnd lndlvldual paruclpauon ln genoclde, by brlnglng LogeLher Lhe prevlous llLeraLure and
sysLemaucally synLheslslng lL lnLo a more absLracL model.

8amu Manlvannan, unlverslLy of Madras, uocLrlne of uouble LecL and Lhe Cenoclde of LLhnlc
1amlls ln Srl Lanka"
1he genoclde of 1amlls ln Srl Lanka has Laken place over a perlod of ume lnvolvlng several
premedlLaLed sLeps and concealed sLraLegles. 1hls lncludes organlzed auack and desLrucuon of
essenual foundauons of human llfe common Lo all clvlllzed human socleues. Pow Lo deLermlne
wheLher an acuon ls genocldal? 1he auLhor belleves Lhe eLhnlc genoclde of 1amlls has been
pollucally consLrucLed for over slx decades and execuLed wlLh Lhe mlllLary rauonale of a war agalnsL
hlsLorlcal enemy (l.e. 1amlls for Lhe ma[orlLy Slnhala) and wlLhln Lhe global agenda of war agalnsL
Lerror. ln recognluon of Lhe war crlmes and crlmes agalnsL humanlLy commlued by Lhe Srl Lankan
governmenL and lLs auLhorlues, we need Lo ask wheLher Lhere ls a unlque case or a dlsuncL crlme
here. 1he answer ls ?LS 1he genoclde of 1amlls ln Srl Lanka has Laken place over a perlod of ume
lnvolvlng several sLeps and sLraLegles. 1hls lncludes conunuous dlsmanLllng and desLrucuon of Lhe
essenual foundauons of human llfe, of Lhe 1amlls ln Srl Lanka. 1o be preclse, Lhe Srl Lankan
governmenL has employed Lhe 'doctr|ne of doub|e eect', Lhe bruLal mlllLary resoluuon of Lhe eLhnlc
conlcL comblned wlLh Lhe long-Lerm sLraLegy of eLhnlc cleanslng. 1hls doctr|ne of doub|e eect'
has been Lhe mosL unmlsLakable exhlbluon of Lhe genoc|da| |ntent of Lhe SLaLe and lLs Slnhala
nauonallsm. 1hls paper explores Lhe lssues, approaches and sLraLegles adopLed by Lhe successlve Srl
Lankan governmenLs slnce 1948 boLh ln underLaklng and execuung Lhe SLaLe sponsored pro[ecL of
Cenoclde of 1amlls ln Srl Lanka.

Mohammed P. 1oq, lndependenL Scholar, Anfal as kurdlsh Cenoclde"
Anfal, as kurdlsh genoclde was perpeLraLed by Lhe former lraql reglme of Saddam Pusseln agalnsL
Lhe clvll kurds ln Lhe counLryslde of Lhe kurdlsh lnhablLed reglon ln Lhe norLhern of lraq kurdlsLan
8eglon", and lLs mlllLary culmlnauon was from lebruary Lo SepLember 1988. 1he lraql army and
securlLy forces conducLed a wlde scale mlllLary campalgn ln elghL sLages for slx deslgnaLed
geographlcal areas, lncludlng Lhe use of chemlcal gases ln each sLage, Lo arresL many Lhousands of
Lhose people and Lransferred Lhem Lo Lhe concenLrauon camps, exacLly slmllar Lo Lhe !ews ln Lhe
PolocausL. LaLer Lhey have been processed very calmly ln Lhe camps, whlch Lhe people of ages 13 -
30 years were segregaLed and senL secreLly Lo Lhe deserLs of Lhe souLhern parL of lraq and Lhey have
been kllled Lhere or burled allve.
1hls acL was capLured Lhe descrlpuon of Cenoclde as Lhe sysLemauc kllllng of all or parL of a nauonal,
eLhnlcal, raclal or rellglous group and Lhe legal denluon of Lhe unlLed nauons' Convenuon on Lhe
revenuon and unlshmenL of Lhe Crlme of Cenoclde ln 1948, (Arucle 2, of Lhls convenuon). Also lL
capLures 8aul Pllberg's paradlgm of genoclde ln hls famous book 1be uesttocuoo of tbe otopeoo
Iews, LhaL ln any case of genoclde Lhree baslc elemenLs musL be exlsLed: uenluon, arresL and
annlhllauon of Lhe group. !usL for remlndlng Lhe Supreme lraql Crlmlnal 1rlbunal (CourL), durlng Lhe
Lrlal Saddam Pusseln and oLher crlmlnals of Anfal and Palab[a chemlcal auack consldered Lhe boLh
as Lhe acL of CLnCCluL, ln 2007, and Lhe lraql parllamenL also Look Lhe same declslon. nowadays,
Lhe parllamenLs of many Lurope counLrles, such as uk, Sweden were admlued Anfal as Lhe acL of

koom 224b (Sour|s) - Genoc|de's Mutanons Across 1|me and Space
Moderator: 8eglne klng, unlverslLy of ManlLoba

Alexandra Clshefsky, Mcglll unlverslLy, ConLalnlng Aborlglnal 8odles: A Crluque of Lhe Safe SLreeLs
and Communlues AcL"
l'm currenLly ln my nal year of Law aL McClll. 1he essay draws from work l dld durlng my lnLernshlp
wlLh Lhe 1ruLh and 8econclllauon Commlsslon Lhls pasL summer, drawlng on archlved governmenL
pollcy documenLs daung from 1960 onwards.
8ecenL reforms by Canada's Conservauve governmenL have lncluded a reducuon ln welfare-sLaLe
measures ln favour of an lndlvlduallsm and freedom of cholce expressed Lhrough Lhe exLenslon of
markeL relauonshlps. 1hls soclo-economlc pollcy ls rooLed more sLrongly ln ldeologlcal
concepLuallzauons of personal responslblllLy Lhan lL ls
ln emplrlcal evldence. ln Lhe case of crlmlnal law, sLausucs lndlcaLe LhaL Conservauve consuLuenLs
favour pollcy whlch ls Lough-on-crlme. 1he currenL governmenL was responslve, focuslng on
crlmlnal leglslauon LhaL would ulumaLely make-up Lhe omnlbus crlme blll C-41, now known as Lhe
Safe SLreeLs and Communlues AcL. CenLral Lo Lhe AcL ls an lncrease ln mandaLory mlnlmum

Canada has seen a sharp lncrease ln Lhe prlson populauon - prlmarlly amongsL soclo-economlcally
dlsadvanLaged - desplLe crlme raLe slmng aL lLs lowesL slnce 1973. nowhere has over-represenLauon
been so sLrlklng as among lndlgenous populauons. 1he pracuce of lncarcerauon ls one ln a long llne
of colonlal pracuces whlch worked Lowards Lhe conLalnmenL and conLrol of lndlgenous bodles. 1he
over-represenLauon of lndlgenous peoples ln cusLody and [all consuLuLes an assaulL on lndlgenous
chlldren, famllles, and culLure by once agaln removlng Lhose charged from Lhe communlLy and
placlng Lhem wlLhln an lnsuLuuonal semng meanL Lo conLrol.

1he omnlbus crlme blll LhreaLens Lhe appllcablllLy of progresslve measures such as secuon 718(e) of
Lhe Crlmlnal Code. 8y narrowlng Lhe scope of [udlclal conLrol over senLenclng, 'Lough on crlme'
leglslauon such as Lhe Safe SLreeLs and Communlues AcL slmulLaneously narrows Lhe soluuons Lo
lndlgenous over-represenLauon wlLhln Lhe Canada's crlmlnal [usuce sysLem.

Lucrecla Mollnarl, unlversldad naclonal de 1res de lebrero, nauonal SecurlLy uocLrlne,
CounLerlnsurgency and 8epresslon of Labour unlon MovemenL: Ll Salvador 1963-1972"
1he paper wlll presenL an analysls and a perlodlzauon of Lhe docLrlne, Lhe represslve sLraLegy and Lhe
performance of Lhe armed forces, securlLy forces and parasLaLals organlsms of Ll Salvador. lL wlll
focus ln Lhe way Lhese organlsms dealL wlLh Lhe rlse of Lhe unlon moblllzauon beLween 1963 and
1972. 1haL ls Lo say, before Lhe emergence of Lhe guerrlllas.
numerous sLudles analyze Lhe performance of Lhe represslve organlsms emphaslzlng Lhe challenge
LhaL guerlllas had posed Lo Lhe sLaLe slnce Lhe mld-1970s. 1hls paper Lakes lssue wlLh Lhls perspecuve
because, alLhough guerrlllas rsL arose ln 1970 and became recognlzed ln 1972, lL ls posslble Lo
deLecL a counLerlnsurgency sLrucLure ln Ll Salvador as early as 1963 and a change ln lLs funcuon ln
ln Lhls sense, Lhe paper wlll emphaslze ln Lwo maln ldeas. llrsL, LhaL Lhe soclal, pollucal and economy
sLrucLure of Ll Salvador was serlously LhreaLened by Lhe unlon moblllzauon ln Lhe perlod under
sLudy. And secondly, LhaL Lhls happened even before Lhe labor and popular organlzauons declded Lo
abandon Lhe legal ghL and came closer Lo Lhe recenLly emerged guerrlllas.

Marcelo Moreno, unlverslLy of 8uenos Alres, ArchlLecLure and Cenoclde hyslcal records of Lhe
Cenoclde perpeLraLed ln Argenuna and SouLh Amerlca 1492/1983"

PerberL Lkwe-Lkwe, unlversldade de lorLaleza, LongesL genoclde - Slnce 29 May 1966"
1he lgbo genoclde by nlgerla ls Lhe foundauonal genoclde of posL (Luropean) conquesL ln Afrlca. lL ls
also Afrlca's mosL devasLaung genoclde of Lhe 20Lh cenLury. A LoLal of 3.1 mllllon lgbo were
murdered beLween 29 May 1966 and 12 !anuary 1970. MosL of Lhe world sLood by and waLched,
hardly crlucal or condemnaLory of Lhls wanLon desLrucuon of human llves, murderlng, raplng,
sacklng and plunderlng of Lowns, vlllages, communlues ln 8lafra and elsewhere... As Lhls paper
demonsLraLes, Lhls genoclde, mosL Lraglcally, goes on.8eLween 1980 and 2013 Lhe lgbo have been
sub[ecLed Lo 20 pogroms ln Lhe musllm norLh nlgerla reglon, wlLh Lhe murder of Lhousands. 1he
followlng llsL eerlly slgnposLs Lhe years of Lhese aLroclues: 1980, 1982, 1983, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. nlneLy per cenL of
Lhe 34,000 people murdered ln nlgerla by Lhe sLaLe/quasl-sLaLe operauves slnce 1999 are lgbo. Slnce
ChrlsLmas uay 2011, Lhe 8oko Param lslamlsL lnsurgenL group spearheads Lhese murders. 1he
consequences of Lhls genoclde for Afrlca have been caLasLrophlc. Several reglmes here are
convlnced" of Lhe lessons Lhey have drawn: We can murder our peoples aL wlll. 1here wlll be no
sancuons from Lhe world". As a resulL, Lhe kllllng elds of Afrlca's age of pesulence have moved
lnexorably beyond nlgerla's fronuers wlLh Lhe murders of addluonal 12 mllllon Afrlcans, slnce
!anuary 1970, by reglmes ln furLher genocldes ln 8wanda, uarfur/Lhe Sudan and Zare/uemocrauc
8epubllc of Congo and ln kllllngs ln oLher wars ln Afrlca.

1:4S and 2:4S pm 8uses deparL from Lhe unlverslLy of ManlLoba campus for downLown

Thanks to our sponsors:
The University of Manitoba,
The Departments of Sociology and English, and the Faculty of Arts,
Tourism Winnipeg,
The Social Sciences and Humanities Federation of Canada,
The Centre for Human Rights Research.

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