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Advanced Chemical Industries Limited

Company Profile
In 1968 Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Plc. The world renown multi-national
company formed the susidiary in the then !ast Pa"istan was named as ICI Pa"istan
#anufacturer$s %imited. &fter the %ieration in 19'1 ICI Pa"istan #anufacturer$s
%imited was re(istered in )an(ladesh on *+ ,anuary 19'- as ICI )an(ladesh
#anufacturers %imited. &t that time this was a Pulic %imited Company. .n *
199* ICI Plc di/ested its '01 shareholdin( and there was a mana(ement uyout and
ICI )an(ladesh #anufacturer$s %imited a(ain was re(istered as &d/anced Chemical
Industries %imited. This Company otained listin( with 2ha"a 3toc" !4chan(e (23!)
on *8 2ecemer 19'6. and with Chitta(on( 3toc" !4chan(e re(istration too" place on
** .ctoer 1995.
was estalished in 19686 as the susidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in the
then !ast Pa"istan. &fter independence6 the company was incorporated in )an(ladesh
on *+ ,anuary 19'- as ICI )an(ladesh #anufacturers %imited and also as Pulic
%imited Company. It also otained listin( with 2ha"a 3toc" !4chan(e (23!) on *8
2ecemer 19'6. In 199*6 ICI Plc di/ested '01 of its shareholdin( to local mana(ement
and later on6 it was re(istered under the name &d/anced Chemical Industries %imited.
The first tradin( of shares too" place on 9 #arch 199+ and the follow year6 in 19956 it
was listed with Chitta(on( 3toc" !4chan(e (C3!).
3ince its inception6 &d/anced Chemical Industries (&CI) %imited has flourished as the
leadin( con(lomerates in )an(ladesh. It has di/ersified into four ma7or usiness units -
Pharmaceuticals6 Consumer )rands 8 Commodity Products6 &(riusinesses and 9etail
&CI has earned the ima(e of a :uality house and achie/ed impressi/e (rowth throu(h
out the years. ;uality6 affordale products manufactured in world class manufacturin(
plants6 di/ersified product portfolio6 fast new product de/elopment capaility6 own 9 8
2 facilities to de/elop oth formulations and ready to fill ul" pellets6 inno/ati/e and
mar"et-focused mar"etin(6 professional mana(ement and e4perience in international
mar"ets are "ey dri/ers of &CI<s fast (rowth. &CI<s usiness today is di/erse in its
product line and readth of its mar"et participation. 3uch di/ersification ensures that
&CI maintain its trac" record of stron( (rowth and staility.
&CI =roup has (rown ao/e *01 durin( the last couple of years. #ost of the
usinesses of &CI ha/e contriuted to this (rowth. 2urin( the last couple of years6
many new products were presented to customers alon( with new usinesses. &CI also
too" the challen(e of estalishin( its retail and food usinesses. &t present6 it is in the
process of and has ac:uired se/eral competencies throu(h initiati/es to create
opportunities throu(h lin"a(e of usinesses.
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ACI Pharmaceutical Business
&CI Pharmaceutical usiness is a ma7or 3trate(ic )usiness >nit of the company that
formulates and mar"ets a comprehensi/e ran(e of products co/erin( all ma7or
therapeutic areas which come in the form of talet6 capsule6 powder6 li:uid6 cream6
ointment6 (el6 ophthalmic and in7ection. &CI ?ealth Care usiness (rew faster than its
mar"et (rowth o/er the last couple of years. The usiness launched numerous products
and amon(st them6 many are life sa/in( products for the treatment of "idney diseases
and critical care. The new launched products ha/e done e4ceptionally well in the
mar"et. Introduction of newer technolo(ies and e:uipments is an inte(ral part of the
company$s continuous impro/ement efforts to ser/e customers etter6 leadin( to hi(her
&CI is ta"in( the lead to e4port its products in the international mar"et. The usiness is
now e4portin( to countries li"e #yanmar6 3ri %an"a6 &f(hanistan6 =uatemala6 )eli@e6
3omalia6 Aemen and ?on( Bon(.
Curthermore6 &CI #edical 3er/ices team is continuously arran(in( seminars6
symposiums and medical camps all o/er the country to ser/e the medical community
with updated information. #oreo/er6 &CI Pharmaceuticals medical research team is
performin( clinical trials on /ariety of products and pharmacolo(ical effects.
ACI Consumer Brands Division
Consumer )rands was initiated in 1995 with two ma7or rands D &CI &erosol and
3a/lon &ntiseptic cate(ory. These two most presti(ious products are currently en7oyin(
leadership position in the mar"et. &CI Consumer )rands usiness6 which is an inte(ral
di/ision with many su-3trate(ic )usiness >nits6 has contriuted commendale results
o/er the years. Couple of other products of Consumer )rands di/ision are also creatin(
si(nificant impact in the mar"et. In addition6 it came up with a new product line
throu(h the healthy (rowth of Panasonic rand products.
&CI Pure Clour6 under the leadership of Consumer )rands6 has also e4perienced a
satisfactory (rowth and has penetrated the mar"et6 therey estalishin( its mar"et share.
The usiness added numer of new products in its product line in the recent years..
Currently6 &CI is marchin( forward to uild a healthy )an(ladesh y pro/idin( pure
essential randed commodities to the community. Consumers ha/e e(un to reali@e the
importance of :uality and purity of commodities they uy and the importance of
processin(6 :uality control and pac"a(in( to ensure the successful deli/ery of their
e4pectation. &CI Pure Clour %imited is committed to ensure 1001 Pure &tta6 #aida
and 3u7i to consumers throu(hout the country.
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&CI Consumer )rands has also launched Premium 3oyean .il with a /ision to ensure
healthy lifestyle. This premium soy ean oil is 1001 pure and super refined that
(uarantee 01 cholesterol and reduce the ris" of heart diseases.
Curthermore6 &CI is contriutin( to the nation6 y manufacturin( iodi@ed salt. &CI 3alt
has won the E)!3T )9&F2 .C )&F=%&2!3? &G&92 *008E for unparallel
customer loyalty eatin( all other rands in Coods and )e/era(es cate(ory.
There are three 7oint /enture companies in &CI =roup and the ma7or company is =odre7
&(ro/et %imited6 India which has partnered with &CI =odre7 &(ro/et Pri/ate %imited.
The company has inte(rated units li"e Ceed #ills6 )reedin( and ?atchery as well.
ACI Contribution in Agriculture of Bangladesh
)an(ladesh has a primarily a(ro-ased economy. &(riculture was the ma7or contriutor
of the country<s economy where it contriuted '01 of total =2P in 1950. &t present6
with decreasin( (rowth rate6 it has come down to *0.61 in *009. >ns"illed wor"forces6
use of outdated technolo(y6 old fashioned culti/ation are mainly responsile for
decreasin( contriution of this sector to =2P in )an(ladesh. This scenario also
indicates :uestion on the country<s food security condition o/er the comin( years.
Present population (rowth rate and a(ricultural (rowth rate are creatin( an alarmin(
food (ap. >nfortunately commercial farmin( practice has not een possile at a lar(er
scale. 2i/ersification in crop production6 use of modern technolo(y6 trainin( to farmers
on modern farmin( techni:ues and increasin( commerciali@ation can support the
de/elopment of a(riculture in )an(ladesh. This is where &CI &(riusiness starts its
operation. &CI &(riusiness aims to rin( prosperity of the farmer y pro/idin( a
complete solution to their needs and a(riculture aspect of the country.
#oreo/er6 it plays a /ital role towards maintainin( food security of the country y
distriutin( different hyrid and in-reed /arieties of cereals6 pulses6 and /e(etale
seeds throu(h &CI 3eed. There has een acute shorta(e in the supply of :uality
/e(etale seeds within the country as a result of which culti/ation of /e(etale crops
has een increasin(ly dependent on traditional seed (rower. Cor the last few years6
farmers< interest has (rown for commercial /e(etale culti/ation. &s a result6 their
economic condition has led to impro/ement of li/elihood statusas well due to more
production of /e(etale crop with more use of hi(h yieldin( hyrid seeds. &ll these
seeds are not imported. 3ome are also de/eloped locally and suse:uently are mar"eted
throu(hout the country. Gith this aim in /iew6 &CI 3eeds has underta"en acti/ities
efficiently to produce and supply :uality seeds throu(hout the country and ecame a
trusted name to de/elop crop /arieties and supply :uality seeds with farmer<s choice.
They ha/e (ained hi(h acceptance amon( the farmers due to their hi(h :uality and
etter yield. &CI 3eed also ha/e their own 9esearch 8 2e/elopment acti/ities in 9ural
2e/elopment &cademy (92&) at 3herpur6 )o(ra.
2espite ha/in( fa/orale soil conditions6 production has not een ade:uate. Poor
farmers needed to oost their production throu(h uses of /arious fertili@ers. In this
re(ard6 &CI iintroduced its wide ran(e of fertili@ers. &CI Certili@er deals with soil health
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products6 nutrient deficiency correctors6 supplementary products6 and plant (rowth
re(ulators. They are constantly tryin( to rin( in new technolo(ies in the picture for
more production6 consistin( of /arious micro-nutrient fertili@ers.
&CI also offers a complete ran(e of products includin( insecticides6 hericides6
fun(icides6 and yield oosters which help in protection from insects and fun(uses and
enhance yield of crops. The 3)> Crop Care 8 Pulic ?ealth (CC 8 P?) focuses on
usin( more ad/anced technolo(ies for etter yield and uildin( awareness amon( the
farmers on the safe uses of insecticides6 hericides6 fun(icides etc.
To encounter laor shorta(es and increase producti/ity6 )an(ladesh a(riculture
desperately needed mechani@ed culti/ation process. &CI #otors came up with modern
a(ricultural machineries in the a(riculture sector to speed up crop production and
reduce production cost. In this re(ard6 &CI #otors has a wide ran(e of product portfolio
consistin( of Tractors6 Power Tillers6 2iesel !n(ines6 Comine ?ar/esters and 9ice
Transplanters. They also ha/e ser/ice centers with :ualified technicians6 located all o/er
the country to train farmers on proper uses and pro/ide ser/ices6 when re:uired.
To rid(e the (ap etween the demand and supply of protein need of our nation6 &CI
%i/estoc" 8 Cisheries came into e4istence. They ha/e their own manufacturin( plant at
Farayan(an76 and also imports poultry /accines6 nutrition6 and hy(iene products from
reputed multinational companies such as Ce/a6 In/esa6 and &yur/et. &CI %i/estoc" 8
Cisheries is ma"in( a "ey contriution in fulfillin( the protein need for our (rowin(
!nsurin( fair price to the farmers has always een a /ital issue in this country. &CI
Crope4 is a remar"ale addition for the a(ricultural ad/ancement with an o7ecti/e to
ensure fair price to the farmers for their crops. They aid farmers y e4chan(in( their
crops at the time of their necessity and pro/idin( them with technolo(ical and ad/isory
ser/ices. The usiness intends to produce /arious a(ricultural crops throu(h contract
(rowers and preser/e them in warehouses and cold stora(es and suse:uently mar"et
the preser/ed items to ul" uyers.
&CI has a dominatin( presence in inte(rated poultry solution in )an(ladesh. &CI
=odre7 &(ro/et Pri/ate %imited is in the usiness of pro/idin( inte(rated solution to the
mar"et y producin( and mar"etin( :uality Poultry6 &:ua6 Cattle Ceed and 2ay .ld
Chic"s for the impro/ement of socio-economic condition of the farm owners of
)an(ladesh. &CI =odre7 &(ro/et Pri/ate %imited is a 7oint /enture company formed y
a fifty-fifty sta"e of &CI %imited6 )an(ladesh and =odre7 &(ro/et %imited6 India.
To summari@e6 each of the different units and the 7oint /entures of &CI pro/ided the
a(ricultural sector of )an(ladesh with :uality inputs such as seeds6 fertili@ers6
pesticides6 machineries6 and irri(ation which are critical to promote di/ersification6 and
increase producti/ity. Prosperity of the farmers is the /ision of &CI &(riusiness. &CI is
wor"in( towards the de/elopment of the nation y ma"in( it a self-sufficient nation and
ensurin( food security. It has achie/ed its (oal to some e4tent6 and is ready to stri/e
e/en harder in the future to contriute e/en more to ma"e its mar" stron(er in the
a(ricultural sector with its complete solutions for famers and )an(ladesh.
Pa(e + of 6
&CI had entered into this usiness with a /iew to reducin( the (ap etween the demand
and supply of protein. The usiness is continuously transferrin( "nowled(e6 technolo(y
and est culti/ation practices to ma"e farmers more successful. The &(ricultural
di/ision of &CI has numer of 3)>s and each 3)> is mo/in( ahead to (i/e the
followin( enefits to the people of the countryH
ACIs presence in Retail Chain
9etail is one of the most promisin( usiness with tremendous (rowth potential in
)an(ladesh. &CI has /entured into this usiness and has come up with massi/e retail
chain outlets for pro/idin( customer con/enience. &CI is constantly in the persuasion
of continuous impro/ement for customer deli(ht.
&CI %o(istics %td. launched with the dream to chan(e the life style of )an(ladeshi
consumers with the rand name I3?G&PF.J in the form of retail chain in *008. 3ince
inception (oin( the e4tra mile the company has always ensured est /alue in est price
throu(h product a/ailaility6 :uality6 price and ser/ice for its /alued customers. Cor its
uni:ue /alue proposition 3hwapno has already ecame the most preferred shop for daily
shoppin(. )ein( the lar(est con/enience retail chain of )an(ladesh 3hwapno is
currently operatin( +1 outlets in 2ha"a6 Chitta(on( 8 3yhlet.
The company maintains distriution networ" to facilitate its usinesses and maintainin(
strate(ically located sales centers in /arious locations of )an(ladesh. It has de/eloped
an ad/anced distriution system throu(h its more than +00K s"illed and trained
manpower and a lar(e fleet of own and outsourced /ehicles. The distriution system of
the Company is capale of handlin( continuin( /olume of di/erse ran(e of products
from the /arious usinesses.
The company<s distriution centers are hi(hly streamlined6 computeri@ed and
automated. The distriution is also capale of maintainin( a cold chain for some
speciali@ed ran(e of products such as /accines and insulin. The comination of this
ad/anced function and multidimensional capailities made it possile to handle
hundreds of products efficiently.
&CI elie/es that ?uman 9esources are the most important asset of the or(ani@ation.
&CI has /alue ased culture where di(nity of the indi/idual is the hi(hest priority. &CI
elie/e in empowerment and dele(ation. &CI is a place to learn6 (row and contriute for
impro/in( the :uality of life of people of )an(ladesh.
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ACIs otable Achievements:
9ecei/in( I3. 9001 Certificate for ;uality #ana(ement 3ystem in 1995. &CI
was the first company in )an(ladesh to introduce the concept of :uality
mana(ement and is renowned for followin( the policy of continuous
impro/ement in all its operations.
.tainin( I3. 1+001 Certificate for !n/ironmental #ana(ement 3ystem in
*000 for compliance with standard en/ironmental mana(ement policy.
&CI has also achie/ed >nited Fation =loal Compact 9eco(nition in *010 due
to its acti/ities pertainin( to corporate social responsiility. 2r. &rif 2owla6
#ana(in( 2irector has een included in the list of Aoun( =loal %eader
?onorees *009 y the Gorld !conomic Corum.
&CI recei/es IThe )est !nterprise of the Aear &ward for *011J on 18 #ay *01*
or(ani@ed y the 2aily 3tar D country$s most read !n(lish newspaper6 and 2?%
!4press D the world$s leadin( lo(istics company.
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