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Finnish Verbs

Verb types
Verbs are a class of words that are to express actions, processes and
conditions. In Finnish, there are six types of verbs (V means any vowel):
Type 1 (-Va/ -V, e.g. lukea, puhua, etc.)
Type 2 (-da/-d, e.g. saada, syd, etc.)
Type 3 (-la/-l, -na/-n, -ra/-r, -sta/-st, e.g. tulla, menn, surra, nousta,
Type 4 (-Vta/-Vt, e.g. haluta, pelt, pelata etc.)
Type 5 (-ita/-it, e.g. tarvita, mainita, hallita, etc.)
Type 6 (-eta/-et, e.g. paeta, kyet, etc.)
In addition Finnish verbs decline according to 4 tenses:
the present tense (e.g. puhun)
the preterite or past tense (e.g. puhuin)
the perfect tense (e.g. olen puhunut)
the past perfect or pluperfect tense (e.g. olin puhunut)
Finnish verbs also have 4 moods:
the indicative (e.g. puhun)
the conditional (e.g. puhuisin)
the imperative (e.g. puhu!)
the potential (e.g. puhunen)
The indicative can be used with all 4 tenses, the conditional and the potential
with the present and past, and the imperative only with the present.
The three most important forms
In order to use a verb in Finnish, there are three basic forms of that verb that
need to be remembered:
the infinitive form
the 1st person singular present form
the 3rd person plural present form
Personal endings for the verbs
In Finnish, there are 6 personal endings for verbs:

Singular Plural
1st person -n -mme
2nd person -t -tte
3rd person -V or - -vat or -vt
NB! These endings look like the negative verb forms, minus the e- in the
beginning. In addition, when using the 3rd person forms, you must
remember vowel harmony.
The negative verb
There is a so-called negative verb in Finnish, which declines according to
person and, in effect, removes the affirmative verb's personal suffix,
e.g. puhun 'I talk' becomes en puhu 'I don't talk'.

Transitive and intransitive verbs
When using Finnish, proper attention should be paid as to whether and
intransitive verb (never takes an object) is needed or a transitive one (may
take an object). For instance, the sentenceJohtajamme erotettiin is
completely different in meaning from Johtajamme erosi. In the first one, the
infinitive is erottaa, and the manager was dismissed (he was asked to leave),
whereas in the second one the infinitive form is erota and he quit (he left on
his own). To somewhat facilitate this, I have put up a chart comparing the

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