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for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase unto God with Thy
blood men of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation."
Revelation 5:9b. ^
APRIL, 1958
Tribes and Trolls
in Thailand
APRIL, 1958 VOL. 7, NO. 1
Published twice yearly, in spring and
autumn, by undenominational Christian
missionaries laboring to establish in
Thailand (Siam) self-supporting churches
after the New Testament pattern. Dis
tributed with the hope of gaining needed
prayer support for the Thailand work, of
getting more consecrated workers for
this and other fields and ofencouragmg
all to greater effort in the sjaeadof sim
ple undenominational Christianity
throughout the world. Missionaries en
gaged in this effort are presently lo
cated at two centers in extreme North
ern Thailand: Talat Chiengkan, Chang-
wat Chiengrai, Thailand; and Pua, Nan
Province, Thailand,
Elephants are still used in Thai
land to drag logs out of the jungle
to the logging roads where they are
loaded on trucks and transported to
sawmills or floated down the river
to the mills. The teak lumber indus
try has been nationalized by the
Thai government and extensive log
ging is being carried out in northern
Thailand. Many logging trucks pass
our home daily.
Yot, a young man from Chiengkam
who is attending school in Chieng-
mai, wrote asking that we teach him
about Christianity. We sent him a
Bible study course on John (pre
pared by the CMA mission). While
studying John he came to believe
and expressed a desire to accept
Christ as his Saviour. We are look
ing forward to seeing him when he
returns and having an opportunity to
teach him personally. Both Christ
ians and non-Christians in our area
are studying the Bible correspon
dence courses in John, Luke and
On February 4, 1958, Mr. and Mrs.
Garland Bare and their children,
Geoffrey and Corrine, arrived in
Bangkok, Thailand, for their second
term of missionary service.
In February a Bible Translators'
Conference was held in Chiengmai
for all missionaries working among
tribal people. Mr. and Mrs. Calla-
way, Don Byers and Mr. and Mrs.
Bare attended the conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Byers and their
four children expect to arrive in the
States about May. They may be con
tacted at 4726 S. W. Cameron Rd.,
Portland 19, Oregpn.
A short term Bible literacy school
was again held at St^e Waan in Jan
uary and February. The Bible course,
on the Israelites from Egyptian bond
age to the Promised Land, was a
rich and rewarding study with prac
tical application for Christian living.
In January two men from Ban Blong
came with the urgent request that a
missionary come to their village to
teach them. Previously they had
gpne to Chiengrai asking for teach
ing, but when no help was forthcom
ing one man took the long journey to
Chiengmai to ask for a teacher. The
years passed and no one came. Fin
ally journeying south they came and
asked Mel Byers to please come and
teach them. He arranged to go and
visit them. There are a few fami
lies in the area who have believed
in Jesus and others are interested,
but they need much teaching and
prayer that they may know Christ
and be built up in Him.
"Thou shall call His name Jesus..."
Everyone was anxious for the cur
tain to open and the play to begin
everyone that is except Mary, who
had to make the first appearance. It
was the weekend after Christmas
and seventeen young people from
Sope Vt'aan had gone out to Tung Daa
Village to give the Christmas play
for the new Christians there. Just
where they could give it seemed a
problem 'til someone suggested they
use an actual stable which was just
an open space under a granary. The
buffalo and oxen were moved, the
ground cleaned, bamboo mats ar
ranged for walls and floor, blue
cloth hung for curtains and the stage
was ready. The angels were scared
and Joseph's voice shook a bit but
the large audience watched and lis
tened carefully and thought it was
wonderful. Most of the people were
hearing of the birth of Christ for the
first time and the many non-Christ
ians seemed as interested as the few
Christians. A neighboring village
asked that the play be given the
next night as all their people could
n't come the first night.
After the play each night colored
slides of the Life of Christ were
shown, including the crucifixion and
It was hard to say who enjoyed
themselves the most: the Christians
in the village who were enjoying the
fellowship and receiving help in
learning to sing and pray, or the
group from Sope Waan who were giv
ing of what they had learned, or the
missionaries, Mel Byers, Dorothy
Uhlig and myself, who received
blessing from them all. The greatest
joy came on Sunday afternoon when
Jesus was truly born in the hearts
of two young women. They had con
sidered giving their lives to Him be
fore but hadn't made a real decis
ion. That afternoon they were bap
tized into Him and arose to walk in
the new life. We praise Him and re
joice that Jesus is still being born
in the hearts of people not only at
Christmas time but all through the
Imogene Williams
"For He shall save His people from
their sins."
Church in Yaodom
Last year a Yunnanese youth came
frequently to visit us and listened
eagerly to the Gospel message. Up
on each visit he would take some
Chinese Gospel books or tracts to
read and would return those taken
on his previous visit. Soon he bought
a copy of the Bible and the message
therein was readily received.
"Wherewith shall a young man
cleanse his way? By taking heed
thereto according to Thy Word."
This young man took heed to the
word and sought cleansing. At the
close of October we rejoiced with
the Heavenly angels when Shen Wen
Bang, in obedience to His Lord's
command, was baptized in a moun
tain stream. His was the first bap
tism in the Yao mountains. We have
since thrilled at his sincerity and
enthusiastic witness both among
Chinese and tribespeople. His two
brothers with their Yao wives and
another Chinese friend all heartily
participate in church services and,
we trust, will all "enter Christ" be
fore long. We are grateful to each of
you who have labored faithfully with
us in {xayer and to whom belongs
so much credit for these "first
fruits of the harvest." But please
do not sheathe your swords yet,
brethern. As you may sense in read
ing the following paragraphs the bat
tle for a sound mature church is only
begun in Yaodom.
As yet there is no church building,
but we alternate church services be
tween our home and the Shen broth
ers' home in Purple Creek Village
which is a two-hour walk away.
In mid-November the Chinese Shen
brotners went some distance from
home to harvest rice and Lois went
to Chiengkam to give special teach
ing at Sope Waan Leprosy Colony.
On the Lord's Day I anticipated a
quiet home church service. Sickness,
however, Ixought Shen Wen Bang
back from the harvest field and he
arrived at our house early Sunday
morning. I invited two Thai carriers
to join us for church service. Five
Miao tribespeople came in and were
invited to seated during the ser
vice. As we commenced our worship
Shen Wen Bang sang in Chinese
while I sang with one of the Thai
boys in Thai. All others merely
looked on curiously.
As there were now Yao people pre
sent I sang the hymns in Yao and
the others continued in Chinese and
Thai. The Miao soon grew impatient
and interrupted our singing to ask
that I play the phonograph for them.
I explained that the worship service
Mrs. Genevieve Webb, Canadian,
Texas, is the new forwarding agent
for Lois and C. W. Caliaway, but un
til further notice, all correspondence
and funds will be sent to \lrs. C. W.
Caliaway, Sr., Box 757, Canadian,
Texas, as formerly.
must come first and that later we
would play for themthe Miao Gospel
records. Then we continued to sing.
Just as Shen Wen Bang began to
lead a prayer the Miao began a live
ly conversation among themselves
in their own language. It became
necessary to "hush" them twice dur
ing the prayer to maintain something
of the atmosf^ere of devotion.
Reading from Romans Eight I be
gan my message in Chinese with an
occasional brief summary in Thai
and Yao. No doubt bored by it all a
Miao man behind Shen Wen Bang
began chattering with a Miao woman
who sat behind me. Again and again
it became necessary to "quiet the
After a communion hymn and scrip
ture reading I explained the purpose
of the Lord's Supper. At this point
the village headman appeared and
thus was provided a welcome oppor
tunity for further emphasis upon the
Lord's Supper.
The service ended I explained
some details of our worship more
fully. The headman listened atten
tively and asked some keen ques
tions about Christianity before ex
cusing himself. Shen Wen Bang
played the Gospel records for the
Miao. Then Miao, Thai, Chinese,
and Americans sat down together
to a simple meal of rice and native
C. W. Caliaway, Jr.
Chiengkam, Chiengrai, Thailand
Mark Caliaway painting a picture of
a Miao tribesman for his living-link
The Caliaway children are in a
boarding school for missionary chil
dren in Chiengmai. Lelan and Mark
enjoyed one term there last year,
but Joy and Jenni went for the first
time in January. You may write to
them at Children's Center, Box 38,
Chiengmai, Thailand.
Nai Jan Ta, a former spirit doctor,
became a Christian about VA years
ago. Since then he has been witnes
sing for Christ. As a result his mar
ried daughter, Nang Jaan, recently
accepted the Lord and was bap
tized. Her husband, Nai Ta, is in
terested as are several other vil
Churches wanting material about
Thailand for DVBS will find 10
stories on Thailand in the Standard
DVBS manual for 1958.
For These We
Pray and Labor
Situated on the beautiful Yao Riv
er, about 15 miles from its mouth at
Wang Pa, is the small Khamoo vill
age of Ban Nam Mong. Nam Mong is
quite typical of a few thousand other
villages scattered throughout the
low foothills of Northern Thailand.
Here some 130 souls live eking out
their meager existence from their
hill fields, fishing and the making
and selling of baskets and mats.
The knowledgeable world of most
reaches no further than a radius of
20-30 miles. In the enchanting
beauties of hills, forests and streams
the native is born and here he mar
ries, toils and dies. Tastes are
simple, desires little, loves strong
and fears real. He must ever be
careful not to offend the tempera
mental spirits that are ever present
and ^rk in unsuspecting places and
are ever near in catastrophes and
special events. His life is geared
to the appeasement of -these unseen
Of course the knowledge of God
and His grace is unknown.
Such was the state of Nam Mong a
couple of years ago. At this time
Garland Bare came into contact with
a couple of Thai brothers who had
married Khamoo wives and were liv
ing in the village. They had gone to
a mission school when young but
their contact with Christianity was
all but forgotten. From this initial
contact has grown a nucleus of a
couple dozen Christians.
Upon the invitation of all the men
in the village we decided to build
our home there. What hostility there
was to the gospel has died out and
most have shown a vital concern and
interest. Many are just standing by
to see how the . Christians act and
As could well be expected the
Christians are still very immature.
There are habits that need correct
ing, convictions that need to take
root and attitudes that need sancti
fying. Very few are the souls who
grasp readily the spiritual implica
tions and force of the gospel. Their
previous concept of religion is en
tirely outward with little thought for
the heart. Hence one of the greatest
blessings is to see a little bit of
light and conviction get below the
surface and touch the inner life.
The darkness is great but we labor
with the sure conviction that the
Light is greater.
The Christians in Nam Mong are
learning the gospel songs with
eagerness. The study of the Word,
for the six who can read, is a la
borious chore which cannot be en
gaged in for long at one sitting, but
there is a willingness to learn. The
conception of the church as a pure,
set-apart people for God is new, but
the truth of it is beginning to take
hold. The idea of evangelizing the
neighboring Khamoo, Lu, Yao and
Thai villages is likewise stirring in
some of their hearts as they see
their divine privilege of sharing this
good news with others.
Yes, a beginning has been made,
a door has been opened, a crack in
the stubborn wall of superstition and
false religion has been made. With
our whole heart we are willing to
enter this door and give ourselves
to the task of establishing these in
the faith and nurturing them to ma
turity. A small beginning? Yes, in
deed. A small village to labor in?
Yes. A backward, ignorant people?
True. But our eyes are not only on
the present. Through faith we can
see the future with Christian groups
scattered in many villages, a called
out people who know how to testify
and sing of the Christ who has re
deemed them.
For these and this we pray and
Don & Roberta Byers
Pua, Nan
iuuL Oil Sea
How do you translate "camel" in
to the language of a jungle people
who have never seen an animal faint
ly resembling a camel? Can you
find adequate words to make the
people of the rain forests visualize
an ocean or a desert? What is go
pher wood and where does it grow?
These are some of the many per
plexing problems which face the
missionary who must translate the
Word of God into a new language.
During the past few years a com
mittee has been formed in Thailand
for the revision of the Thai Old
Testament. A translation from Eng
lish into an oriental language is
never adequate. Furthermore lan
guages are always changing so ar
chaic usages must be corrected.
Thai is a poetic language, and the
criticism has been made that the
present Thai translation is in terse,
unpoetic language. The possibility
of beautifying the language used in
the Thai Bible while maintaining
accuracy must be explored.
In this translation project it has
been my special privilege to work
on the botany and zoology of the
Old Testament. Every plant and
animal name must be traced in the
Hebrew lexicon and properly identi
fied. This has led to many interest
ing discoveries. For instance the
"gourd" mentioned in the book of
Jonah is actually the castor oil
bean, a fast-growing plant found
throughout Asia, and known to the
people of Thailand.
When the Hebrew name has been
properly identified, the next step is
to determine whether the plant or
animal in question is found in Thai
land. Hie records of the Thai For
estry Department and local scienti
fic journals must be examined. Many
plants in Thailand have five or more
local names, so the Thai name of
widest usage or clearest description
is usually chosen for use in the
Bible. If the plant mentioned in the
Bible is not known in Thailand, bo
tanic reference works must be ex
plored to find the nearest equivalent
known to the Thai people. Translit
eration should be avoided if poss
ible, for our chief aim is to make the
Bible understandable.
The project has required months of
research including visits to the
Singsqiore Botanic Gardens and the
Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew near
London. Our trip to furlough in the
U.S. conveniently took us near these
Translation work is due to occupy
much of the time ahead for your
missionaries in the land of tribes
and trails. The Bible must be trans
lated into the language of the Yao,
Miao, and Khamoo tribes before a
full teaching program can be inaug
urated among them. Each of the
tribes will present its peculiar trans
lation problems. The word "rain
bow" in the Miao languages carries
the connotation of a supernatural
act by an evil beast. How can we
reconcile this with God's promise
that the earth will not again be des
troyed ty flood?
To deal with problems such as
this, conferences will be held with
the American Bible Society this dry
season which some of us will attend.
Prayer is needed for wisdom indeal
ing with this vital phase of evangel
ism. We are determined, with God's
help, that all of the tribes in Thai
land shall have His Word and have
it accurately.
Garland Bare
Thai Wedding
It was a bright clear morning and
I awoke with a start. Today was a
very special Sunday for we were to
attend our first wedding. I thought
back for a moment to this youngman,
Nai Brong, who had asked Mel to
perform his wedding. When we first
saw him he was without money,
ragged and wandering aimlessly in
life, but he wanted to know about
Christ. What a wonderful change
God had wrought in him.
My thoughts were soon brought to
the present by the excited voice of
our oldest girl who called, "Mother
the ox-cart is here." Sure enough it
had arrived and we must start early
if we would make it in time for the
wedding. Soon mother and the ba
bies were tightly squeezed into a
two by four ox-cart bumping down
the hot dusty road. When we arrived
the church was already full.
The ceremony began by singing a
few hymns after which Mel delivered
the message. Another hymn was sung
and after what seemed a long time
the bride and groom accompanied by
the best man and a bridesmaid came
walking down the aisle. The bride
wore a bright colored skirt, a long
sleeved blouse and a silk colored
handkerchief over her head as a veil.
The groom wore a white shirt and
dark trousers. The whole ceremoay
Mel Byers, Nai Brong and his bride.
was short and simple but very beau
tiful for these two were Christians
endeavoring to build their lives up
on Christian principles.
Next came the wedding feast. The
women spread straw mats upon the
floor on which was placed a large
plate of glutinous rice, a bowl of
ground meat with peppers and anoth
er curry dish. Everyone ate heartily
except for our four-month-old baby
who preferred milk to sticky rice.
When the congratulations had been
exchanged we climbed back into the
ox-cart and headed home arriving
just in time for our own Sunday ser
Truly this had been a good day
with all the memories, excitement
and sentiments which go to make a
happy Christian wedding among the
believers in Thailand.
June Byers
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for Thou wast slain^^tmH diSst pur
Tribes and Trails
in Thailand
CX:T0BER, 1958 VOL. 7. NO. 2
Published twice yearly, in springand
autumn, by undenominational Christian
missionaries laboring to establish in
Thailand(Sam) self-supporting churches
after the NewTestament pattern. Dis
tributed withthe hope of gaining needed
prayer supportforthe Thailand work, of
getting more consecrated workers for
this and other fields and ofencouraging
all to greater effort in the spread of sim-
pie undenominational Christianity
throu^out the world. Missionaries en
gaged in this effort are presently lo
cated at two centers in extreme North-
emThailand: Talat Chiengkam,Chang-
wat Chiengrai, Thailand; and Pua, Nan
Province, Thailand.
Our White Miao coyer girl is con
sidered pretty and intelligent by her
neighbors in the picturesque village of
Phu Vae. Her skill with the needle is
shown inher bright costume. Yet, long
pastthe age when mostMiao girlshave
husbands, she remains unmarried. Miao
brides are purchased on the basis of dieir
physical strength. Our cover girl is
shunned due to the fact that she often
faints whiledigging fields on a hot day.
WhenJesus reigns in Miao hearts, every
thing will change, for marriage will
then be based on the love God com
JocelynKay, first daughter andfourth
child of Donald and RobertaByers, was
bornin PuaAugust 19. Misses Dorothy
Uhlig and Imogene Williams came by
horseback the five days* journey from
Chiengkam to assist. The Byers family
expected to move to the Khamoo vill
age of NamMong as soon as arrange
ments could be completed. Their mail
ing address will remain Pua, Nan Pro
Yi, the Blue Miao Christian boy,
was seriouslywounded in a huntingacc -
ident on June 17. There were a total of
eighteen gunshot wounds in body and
Umbs. His left arm was shattered, and
he was not expected to Uve. His witch
doctor uncles declared that this was his
punishment for becoming a Christian.
GarlandBareand DonByers went up to
Kang Haw to care for him. When able
to travel, Yi went to Chiengmai for
bonesurgery in his left arm. His rapid
recovery has led many pagan relatives
to comment on God's power to answer
The C. W. Callaway family spent
three months of the rainy season in
Chiengmai doing classification and
primer wodc on the Yao language. The
four older children have been attend
ing school in Chiengmai.
In the seven years tiiat Tribes and
Trails has been published there has been
very little reader response. Doyou like
it? Are you finding it helpful? Can you
suggest improvements? Your opinion
would be appreciatedin guiding as to
whether the publication shall be con
tinued or changed.
A dau^ter, Roseanhe Pearl, was
bom to Mel and June Byers on Septem
ber 17, 1958. She is their fifth child,
and fourth daughter.
Mrs. Genevieve Webb is the new
forwarding agent for C. W. and Lois
Callaway in Thailand, replacing Mrs.
C. W. Callaway, Sr., who is retiring.
All funds and communications for the
Callaways should now be addressed to
Mrs.Genevieve Webb,Canadian,Texas.
.dect ^ 'i^euuC
As thehorsesploddedalongthe moun
tain trail the song "The Lord leads the
way thru the wilderness, all I have to
do is follow" came to mind. It became
the theme songfor our trip as wewatch
ed Him lead day by day.
Our journey took us over the moun
tains from Chiengkam to Pua through
territory that neither we nor our horse
men had evertraveled. During the five
daytripwe stayed with a tribe speaking
a different language each night. We
thus had an opportunitytovisit and wit-
ness to Miao.Yao.Thai, Gau and Kha-
moo using the Thai language.
During out stay with the Garland
Bare and Don Byers families in Pua it
was arranged for us to study the Blue
Miao language with two young men
from that tribe. Chao and Lao studied
in a Thai school and can read and
speak Thai fluently, and they can read
English. Theyproved to be goodteach
ers and with their help we learned to
read Miao and can speak a little. Nei
ther of these young men are Christians,
but they are interested in die Gospel.
It was a joy to talk to them, but our
hearts are burdened for them that they
may be saved.
We were conscious of the Lord's lead
ing and help all during our journeyand
during our stay in Pua, especially at
the time the Don Byers baby girl was
bom. Every little detail worked out so
After leaving Pua we journeyed on
byox-cart and spent the night in aYao
home. They were friendly and listened
with interest as we told them how the
Lord had changed the lives of other Yao
who have accepted Christ. It sounded
good to them, but the next morningwe
saw them offering sacrifices and wor
shipping the evil spirits. Someone must
come and teach theYao in the Pua area
that they may turn to the true and liv
ing God.
On the boat trip down the Nan River
Dorothy Uhlig and Imogt
on arrival in^a, Nan P
;ene WilUams
the next day we gave some tracts to the
other passengers. After they had read
them theybegan askingquestions about
Christianity. One man seemed to grasp
the idea of a new life in Christ Jesus
thru the power of the indwelling Spirit.
Thetrain tookustoChiengmaiwhere
we visited the leprosy colony to observe
the newtreatments used to rehabilitate
deformed hands and help the patients
regain feeling in their arms and legs.
Also we enjoyed a time of fellowship
with the Callaways.
There was an unexpected opportun
ity to go with a group to visit a nearby
Miao village. It was good to see the
Miao in the Chiengmai area. While
talking to one man we mentioned that
some Miao in a village to the south had
become Christians and given up their
worship of the evil spirits. "Yes," he
said, "I've heard that, but no one has
come to teach us."
On our journey back to Chiengkam
his words have kept goingthru mymind,
"No one has come to teach us." When
willsomeone be able to go to their vill
age and really teach them? There are
still so many waiting to hear the gospel
forthe firsttime in their own language.
Where are the workers?
"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest that he send forth laborers."
--Dorothy Uhlig
Chiengkam,Chiengrai, Thailand
Mui Goy, on left, and her
Yao neighbor
The widow Mui Goy came one day
in June with a small gift of vegetables
for us. Abruptly she announced that she
would come the next day and believe
in Jesus. I explained again that if she
were to follow Jesus she should cut off
all devil worship and sin and fully sur
render to Jesus. She must plant opium
one more time, she said (not yet e-
nough faith to trust Christfor a respec
table means of livelihood), but next
year she would sell all her opium and
would be baptized. She wanted, how
ever, to break now with the demons
and to begin to worship Jesus.
The next day I pointed out that aU
manner of devil worship must cease and
that demon worship paraphernalia should
all be destroyed. Our God is indeed "a
jealous God" who cannot accept less
than our complete allegiance to Him,
and Christ must be "all in all." In this
connection I referred to the charm
strings tied about her wrist to ward off
evil spirits. Decisively she stretched
out her arm and said, "Will you cut
them off for me now?" "1*11 be glad to,"
I answered, "but first let us pray."
Gratefully, I prayed in my simple Yao
our thanks to God for this step of faith
that Mui Goy was taking. How simple
this seems to the Western mind--just
cutting a little dirty old string off a
But behind this string lay her fifty
some years of bondage to heathen sup
erstition. From her birth the demon
shelf had been prominent in the center
of the home. Daily conversation dealt
at length with the evil spirits. The
spirits must be taken into consideration
at every turn of the trail, at every drop
of the hoe, or at every chop with the
Mui Goy had often expressed to us
her wish to he free from the spirits but
had admitted to being still afraid of
them .Some months ago she had asked,
"What will become of us if we believe
in Jesus and you leave to go back to
America? Will the demons then come
back to harm us and wiU we then have
no means to appease them?" We had
thereupon explained that their trust must
be in Christ and not in us.
But now she had made her decision.
There was her outstretched arm, and
Ishe was waiting for me to cut the strings.
Cutting the strings I put them into our
little wood stove which was burning
brightly. "Tomorrow," she said, "Tm
going to bring over my demon worship
things for you to burn." Then--"Or
would it be all right for me to bring
them now?" Assured that there was no
time like the present she hurried off
and was soon back with a shoulder bag
containing imitation paper money, a
few sundry sticks, a small iron, and
small cups used for offering rice-wine
to the spirits. Her collection was small
er than that of the average person in
asmuch as she was but a poor widow.
We prayed again, then burned the items
that would Durn. She helped me to
break up the cups. The iron I buried.
During the breakingof the cups sheoff
ered a spontaneous plea on her own to
Jesus, and twice laterasked me to pray
on her behalf. With a sigh of relief she
went back home--the home ofher dau
ghter and Chinese son-in-law wherein
their demon shelf still stands, but to
which Mui Goyhas disclaimed and share.
Won't you pray with us forMuiGoy's
fiill obedience and complete victory
over "the spiritual hosts or wickedness."
Pray, too, that her example may in
spire others to cease their sacrifice un
to demons and present themselves a
living sacrifice unto God.
--C. W. Callaway, Jr.
Talat Chiengkam, Chiengrai, Thailand
"Lo, children are an heritage of the
Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His
reward. As arrows are in the hand of a
mighty man; so are the children of
youth. Happy is the man that hath his
quiver full of them."
As we stood waiting for the gang
plank to be lowered to us for the first
time in New York City, a friend said,
"You will find your children a won
derful passport anywhere in the world."
He was right. Children make friends
and sometimes prove to doubting hea
then peoples that the parents are norm
al, loving people.
Children are a "vaccination" against
homesickness, too. With little ones a-
bout, home can be anywhere in the
world: a crowded apartment in a steam -
ing tropical city; a small room in a
home for evacuees; a bamboo shack in
the jungle; or an ordinary missionary
home, sans civilization and its appoint
And yet the prayer needs of a miss
ionary family are increased with each
wee new member. The nearest doctor
is miles, and days, away. The parents
must leam that "it is better to put trust
in the Lord than to put confidence in
man." (Ps. 118:8)
When babes begin to walk about
they make friends rapidly. They are
soon bi-or even tri-lingual. But even
this has its hazards. The missionary
mother has to setherselfto learn "swear
words" in order that she may delete
them from the vocabulary of herunsus-
pecting offspring.
Then school days come.There is no
school. There are no friends with like
tastes and aspirations. Excellent home
study courses can be purchased, but
they are not magic. They still require
hours of patient teaching. They dp not
furnish any element of competition.
C.W.and Lois Callawayand children
Back: Mark and Lelan. Front: Jennie,
David and Joyce.
nor do they furnish any extra-curricular
activities for social development.
It is at this pointthat many mission
ary parents meet the first real sacrifice
they have been called upon to make.
The children must go to a boarding
school, being away from home for many
months of the year.
Some have said, "Oh, you can't
take this precious baby out into that
God-forsaken country." Missionaries
have learned that there is no God-for
saken country. Men may have forsaken
God, but where there are trusting hearts,
God is faithful to them in their every
Others have said, "It is not fair that
we should have to pay so much to send
such large families out to the field." We
believe that God still looks upon child
ren as arrows in the hand of their fath
er, and missionary fathers are no ex
ception. Missionary children, through
the artless frankness of childhood are
often able to speak of Christ to men
who would sneer at the same message
from an adult. Many missionary child
renreturn to the field, prepared in lan
guage, and most ofall in anunderstand
ing of the heart and mind of the people
towhomthey go. Arrows alreadysharp
ened,as it were,forthe missionary ta^.
Manysmaller churches have taken as
their living-links missionary children.
Missionary parents are grateful to them.
Theirprayers fortheir young links both
strengthens the hearts of missionary
parents, and helps immeasurably in
charting the course of a future ambassa
dor of me King of Kings.
--Lois Callaway
Talat Chiengkara, Chiengrai, Thailand
^ iism
Happy Khamoo children,
"God is love," we repeat glibly, but
do we realize the nature of that love?
Perfect love as manifest in Jesus is any
thing but a soft, namby-pamby emotion.
It does notincUide a grandmotherlyin
dulgence toward petty sins. In God's
book there is no such thing as a "little
white lie" or a trivial sin. Sin is no trifle
as we may see from the ruins it has
wrought. Calvary should open our eyes
to the intensity with which God hates
sin. The fact that God receives sinners
does not minimize the horror of sin, but
rather magnifies the mercy of God. If
He were tolerant of the smallest sin He
would be less than perfect.
Khaek, whoa year ago wasaKhamoo
witchdoctor, but is now a radiant Chris
tian, came to us ten days ago with dis
turbing news. "We areafraid Mrs.Duang
is going to lose her mind," he said. Tor
several days she has not eaten and she
spends much time alone in the jungle
"Whatseemsto be her problem?" we
"Well, the last few months, as you
know she has been attending worship
services. What 'Teacher Don" hastaught
from God's Word disturbs her very much,
forsheisa verysinful woman--an adult
eress. She has wanted to come to Christ
and get rid of her sin, but her husband
would not let her.Her guilt is so heavy
that she feels life is hopeless. Since she
has become so depressed her husband
has become worried abouther.He came
to ask us about the Jesus way, and has
decided that he, too, needs to follow
Christ. He has sent me to ask you to
come to Nam Mong this weekend and
teach them further."
The fifteen mile walkto Nam Mong
involved the crossing of three flooded
rivers in dugout boats. Rain did not fall
on us, however, and the trip was with
out undue difficulty. Mrs. Duang and
Gaao, her husband, were waiting in
their home. For some time we sat with
them on their porch explaining again
the all-sufficiency of Christ, and ans
wering their questions. Finally Gaao
said, "We have no further doubts. Can
we be baptized today?"
As a witness to their neighbors that
they were breaking with the old life,
they destroyed their demon altar. We
all walked down to the mouth of the
flooded creek where they were buried
in baptism as the Christians sang and
prayed on the bank.
Mrs. Duang's problemshave not end
ed . Intercessory prayer is requested that
this new babe in Christ may learn to
cast her cares upon Him as she faces
temptation and strives to overcome the
emotional scars of herordeal. Prayalso
for Donald and Roberta Byers as they
move to Nam Mong. Garland Bare
Pua, Nan, Thailand
For weeks Moon greeted the mission
ary with "when can I be baptized?"
She had believed for months and was
anxious to completely obey Him, but
her father refused to allow her to be
baptized until she finished school. She
was in the 4th Bratom(6th grade) and
would soon finish the required educa
tion in Thailand. The head teacher in
school told her she would not be allow
ed to remain in school if she became a
Christian. Thai law says there is free
dom of religion, but this was in a little
country village where the law isn't well
known and where public opinion and
custom is stronger. Her father was bap
tized two years before and remained
faithful in times of sickness and perse
cution. Friends insisted his illness was
caused from hisforsakinghis parentsre-
ligion. His housewasrockedmanytimes
and neighbors did manythings trying to
make him return to his oldreligion. He
was willing to suffer for his faith, but
did not wanthis daughterto have troub
le in school.
Finally school was out and Moon was
beaming for now she thought nothing
could keep her from fully entering
Christ. But again her father stopped
her. He said she must wait til the re
port came telling whether she had pass
ed her exams or not. If not she would
have to go back to school another year
and could not be baptized. Moon was
disappointed, but not really worried for
she thoughtshe had passed inevery sub-
ject--and she had. So the day arrived
when she had her father's permissionto
be baptized. Moon had chosenthe place
long before and on that Sunday morn
ing she ran to the place before anyone
else could get there. Her father, two
otherChristians inthe village, tw miss
ionaries and several onlookers from the
village walked thru die dry rice fields
to a small stream. Some laughed and
Moon on the day of her baptism.
thought it funny tosee this little girl
going down into the water, butforMoon
it was the happiest day of her life.
What does the future hold for this
fourteen year old girl? Life won't be
easy for her. She is the only young
Christian in her village and knows no
other Christianyoung people. Herfath
er, uncle and older cousinare the only
Christians in the area. Her sister, who
is twenty-one, has had three husbands
and seems more interested in worldly
things thanfollowing Christ, Her moth
er was formerly veryanti-Christian and
was bitter and angry when her husband
accepted Christ, She nowsays shewants
to enter, butdoesn'tunderstand enough.
ThusMoonhas noChristian compan
ions her age. She had many school
friends and was very popular before she
became aChristian. Shealways brought
many of them to the services held in
her home, but since she was baptized
their parents refuse to let them come.
She wants to win her friends to Christ
and is very zealous in teUing them
about Jesus.
Your prayers can help this girl, who
is so radiant for Christ, to continue to
grow and mature in Him and become a
living witness for Him to her own
people. Please pray!
--Imogene Williams
Talat Chiengkam, Chiengrai, Thailand
As the rickety truck came to a jerky
stop many brown hands reached out to
help Little White Boy and Little White
Girl. These friendly brown people had
helped to care for Little White Boy,
Geoffrey and Little White Girl, Cor-
inne when they were tiny babies. This
tmck had just brought Geoffrey and
Corinne to the end of a long journey
around the world and many months in
America. They had forgotten their
brown Thai friends and now they be
gan to cry in fear.
After just a few days in their Thai
land home, however, they began to love
these Thai friends again. Soon Maa
Gaao, our "automatic dishwasher" and
"washing machine," was teaching Geo-
ffrey to sing "Jesus Loves Me" in the
Thai language, Nai Sook, our handy
man, was putting Corinne on top of his
load of rocks and giving her rides over
to the ditch he was filling.
Little brown boys and girls came to
play, too. They could not understand
this strange American language. Child
ren, though, somehow understand each
other, and so they, too,became friends.
Before long another strange kind of
people came to see Geoffrey and Cor-
Junior missionaries in Pua.
inne in their Thailand home. These
men, with their queer-looking "pony
tails," wore black clothes decorated
with silver ornaments and bright red
sashes. They talked loudly and laughed
a lot, shouting sometimes as they under
stood the voice talking to them on the
Thai children fear or make fun of
these bold mountain men. But Geoffrey
and Corinne are not afraid. They sit on
the men's laps and play with the silver
bells on their jackets. They try to im
itate the difficult sounds of the moun
tain men's language. One of Geoffrey's
favorite games is to put a bag over his
shoulder, fill it with books, and "go to
the mountains to teach the Miao people
about Jesus." Some day perhaps he really
--Dorothy Bare
C. W. and Lois Callawjy, Missionaries
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