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[The numbers refer to page •. )

Alkwith ... 112 Descartes 21

Bacharach 35 Edward 58, 148, 241
Basset 347,351 Elliot 83, 85, lOB
Bertini 188, 321, 327, 349 Euler 29,139
Blia. ... 327 Ferrer 7
Bobeck 318 Frost 227, 229, 243
Booth 4- Gergonne 32, 37, 157
Brianchon 6 Goursat 302,305
Brill 43, 281, 287, 308, 311, 317, Gregory 156
321,340,351,374- Gnccia ... 367
Brusotti 298 Haase 290, 295
Castelnuovo 274, 283 Halphen 50, 321, 327, 331, 339, 374
Cauchy 337 Hamburger 327
Cayley 8, 10, 29,34,61, 107, 121, Hamnet Holditch 162
148,151,158, 162,167, 182, Harnack ... 306
187, 209, 274, 281, 3OB, 311, Hart 193
317, 321, 325,332,369,372. Heath 167
Chaslel\ 6,31,90, 123, 189, 308, Henrichi 151
312,365,372 Hensel 327
01ebsch 67,96, 108, 113, 119, 134, Heise 107,108
193,290, 295,302, 306, Hill 151
318, 374 Hilton 304,347
Coble 272 Hil"St 257
; ote 86 Hobson 222
Cramer 29, 271, 321, 323, 328 Humbert 297
Cremona 107,721,250,272,321, Hurwitz 319
327, 361, 367 Jacobi 29
Dnrboux ... 298 Juel 351
De Beanne 6 Kantor 283
De Jonquiares 3OB, 365, 372 Klein 276,351
Desargues ... 11,12 Kotter '"

lrroneoker 327 Rowe ... 287

Lagrange 158 Salmon 5, 8, 10, 58, 89, 103, 110,
Landesbnrg 327 137, 151, 170, 185,209,225,
Leibnitz 6 241, 253, 2'15, 2'17, 279, 363,
Loria 298, 308 371,376
Lnroth 287 Sohwartz ... 2'16
Ka.elanrin 91 Scott 1,3, 17, 141,253,257,281,
)(agnns 251 3(11, 321, 351, 369
Karia Gaetana 248 Segre 286, 318, 321, 332
KlIbinB 6, 251, 253 Severi ... 318
Montesano .•. 273 8iebeck ••• 220
Moniard ..• 268 Smith 158,321,349
Kukhopadhyay... 356,359,360 Steiner 107, us, 121, 192, 197
Newton 227, 234, 236, 271, 328, 333 St. Laurent ..• 156
NOther 36, 43, 271, Z74, 281, 321, Stolz 332, 383
327, 329. 349 Study 45
Paecal 32, 33, 248, 208 Sylvester 37, 859
Paaoh ... 287 Taylor 55, 175, 196.202,208
peazo ... 192 Townsend 3S'1
Plticker 12, 29, 142, 181, 191, 209, Transon 3M
321,350 TllchirnhllWleIl 156
PQDoelet 10, 11, 135 lVaker 327
Portllr 306 lVieleitner 298
Pu,ilellX ... 333 lVilliamlon 166
Quetelet ... 157 Zeuthen 28, 188. 318, 321, 339,
B.iema.nn 63.277 845, 872, 373
&oIati ... 319 Zimmermann ... 202, 220

[The number8 refer to page•. ]

Aberrancy Approximate forms of ourves 2:27

axis of, 355 Newton's method of, 2'3
Transou'. theory of, 355 Areal co-ordinates, relation
radius of, 356 with Cartesian co-ordinates 1
centre of, 356
angle of,
Ail'gand's diagram 331
Aberrancy curve 368, 360
circular, 244
Absolute 8
determination of, 239
Acuode 57, 325
special methods of finding 240"'
Adjoint-adjoiut cnnes, 44, 282;
Asymptotic curves 242
circle ~
Affinity, linear ... 251
Algebraic curves, notion of 21 Autotomio curves '9
Auxiliary conic .. , 19
Analysis of higher singnlarities 326
Axis of projection 12:
Analytical treatment of
" of perspective 15
Quadrio Inversion 269
Basis curve of reaidua-tdon 37, 44
Analytical Triangle 227
Base conic of Quadric Inver-
properties of, 229 sion 258
use of, in three variables 232
Bicircular Quartic 280
Anautotomic curves 49 Biflecnode 7I
Angle made by tangents with Bipartite curves ... 299
any line 222 Birational Transformation 249
'between ourves unaltered Bitangents 73, ll8
by circular inversion. ... 18 of unicnrsal curves: 2'96
Anticaustio ]57 Bitaugential ourve 183
Antipoints 226 Booth 4t

Applioation of Quadric Inver- . Branches with higher singn-

lion 267 larities 287.-

Brill-Nother's theorem on Circular cubic 269

residuation 43 lines ~
Cartesian equation of pedal ... 168 inversion 268
Oval 166 asymptotes 243
curves, foci of, 225
Cardioid 180
Circular points at iufiuity 7
Cauchy 337
co-ordinates of, 10
Caustics 165 properties of, 10
classes of, 156 Cissoid 154,208
by reflection of a circle ... 158 Class of R. curve 101,319
st. line 158
Collineation 251
equation of, ... 159
treated !\,eometrically 252
tangential equation of, ... 163
Common elements of two
bitangents of, 161
intersection with the re- correspondences 314
fleeting circle 162
Complex singularities 70,321
singulariteis on 163
Conchoid 208
by refraction of a. line 163
Conjuga.te point... 57, 51, 143
" circle ... 166
Confocal curves ... 21f:i
Cayley-Brill's correspondence
Conics with four-pointic
formnla 3\7
contact 354
Cayley on intersections of
cnrves 34 Constituents of singularities 351
Cayley ••n )(\7,108, 121, 170 Co-ordinates
of a net of ourves 369 Cartesian as a special
class of, 122, 123 system of homoge-
order of, neODS, 3
characteristics of, 193 of circular points 10
in terms of elliptic func-
Centre of a curve ...
tions 300
aberrancy 356
•• mean distances 87 Oo-reaidual 37
Characteristics of curves 18\ Oorrespondence, theory of, ... 307
of a system of of pts. on a curve 307
curves 372 analytical discussion of ... 3ag

Chasles on intersection of Correspondence Index 313

cubics 31 Corresponding Points 108
definition of centre 90 Cote's Theorem on harmonic
eorr.~pondence 123
formula... mean 86
189,312,318 Covariant curves 107
Circuit of unioursal curves... 298 of ternary forms 370

Cramer's paradox 29 Degenerate curves 25

analysis 245,271 Derived curves ... 135, 207
transformation 328 Diametral carves 87
Cremona Transformation 250, Discriminant 56, 141, 151
274, 286, 327 Discriminantal Index 337, 338
Double cusps 323, 324
Cremons conditions 272,274
Critic centres of cn bics 362 Double points 48, 53, 81, 93, 130
Crunode 75 couditions for, 64
species of, 56
Curves, algebraic, notiou of, 21
limit to the number of,... 62
approximate forms of, 227
transcendental, 2l discrimination of inflex-

proper and degenerate ... 23,25 ions from, ... 130

intersections of, 26 Double focus .211

triangular symmetric, 84. 298 I Doubly periodio fnnction 302
confocal 216 Double tangent ... 73
foci of, 209 of reciprocal ourves 143, 186
centre of, 88
Dualistic Transformation 253, 254
singular points ou, 47
Duality, principle of, 142
with zero deficiency 67, 287
with unit defioiency 299 Effects of inversion on
with same deficiency si nzu 1arities ... 265
of closest contact 352 Effects of inversion on a
which touch a given curve 363 cune 266
particular cases of, 264 Elliptic Functions, co-ordi-
Curvilinear asymptotes 244- nates in terms of, 300
Cusp 57,58 143 Envelopes 145, 147, 149
species of, 322 Equivalent singnlarities 325

Cuspidailndex 348, 350, 3151 Evolute 153. 164, 166

Cycle 332 of a parabola 153

order of, 332 ellipse Hi3

ciasoid 164
Deficiency of curves 63. 186
normal of, 154-
Deficiency nnaltered by characteristics of, 197
Cremona Transformation 275
Expansion of a function 336
Deficiency of transformed
in line co-ordinates 343
curve 280 Extension of Pllicker's For-
Deficiency, curves with the mules 350
same 188
Extension of residual theorem '"
Deficieucies, point and Iiue 187 First Polar 100, 103, 112
Flfonode 7Q Inversion, theory of 1'1
Foci of curTes 206 oiroul6r, 268
singular, 211,1112 quadrio, 257
dekrmination of, 217 effects on singnla.rities of, 265
triple., 213 " a ourve of, ... 266
oo.ordinates of, 1114 an"lytioal treatment of, ..• 259
" nlp,w~keo.y w., 220 In~rsection8 of ourves 26
of inverse curves. 223 at singular points 60
of circular curves 225
at higher sing. points 339
reeiproeal, 'W•.1'.t. 224
Intersections with adjoints 284
Folium of Descartes 69
with a pencil of adjoints 284
Funotions, representation of, 22 of oanstics with reflecting
expansion of, .. 336 circle 162
Gauss plane 331 Irreducible function 23
G~.t:io~ne 32,157 curve 326

Gell"l'1!.tI9nof a curve ... 365 Isoleted point ... 57

Iacptic looi 173
R~monic mean . 87
oh~oteristics. of, 207
polar . 128
Isotropic lines 9, 10, 11
H'8IIIiian 107, 109, 114, 123, 100
cha.ra.o~ristica of 191 Jacobian of three ourves 366
of a net of curves ... 369 of a net of curves ... 368
mnltiple points on, ... 367
Higher singularities 321
Katacaustic 157, 158
Hurwitz Correspondence 319 Keratoid ousp ... 322
Inflexion, points of 49, 53, 74; 98, Line at infinity 2
ISO, 181
properties of, 11
number of; 129, 133, 134, 320
inverse of, 263
Illfl!!.xionalta.ngent 49, 143, 264 Linear transformation 250
lqfuUte branches 2S6 affinity 251
b~ch 381, 34iI.
Invariants of ternary forms· 370
Line co-ordinates 3
Inverse ourves 170
expansion of a funotion
proper, 262
foci of, 223
LimaQon 180, 248, 969
l¥~se of a right line 261
Maolaurin's theorem· 91'
Mixed polars 88
InYerse of·ijl61ine a~5nflility
of l!piIIli.l:pointa Mongian ..
, 859.
!IIllltiple points 511 liS, 1In, 145 Pascal's theorem on
tangents '13 hetaffoli ... 32, 33

Net of curves 3eB

Pedal curves 167
of first polars equation ot, Ills
characteristics of, 195
as JacobiaD 369
Newton's approximation 234
Pencil of on-ics Ml
parallelcgram 227 ooniea, appli08.ion of
the principles of
Nodal indea 351
characteristics to 375
Node 6'1, 128, 143
NlIther's transformation 271 Perspective, figures in, 14,
Number of points determining centre of, Iii
a ourve 24 axis of, 15
of inflexious 129 analytical treatment of, 15
Order, of a oycle 332 Pllicker'iI equations 18i
a super1inear branch 331 Point and line deficiencies... 187
regarded 8S an envelope, :143
Polar curves 19, 78
of a CUrve 24
of origin 91
Orthoptio looi 175 conic ... 112
equation of, 176 ot point of inflexlon 82
derived from polar reciprocal curves 135, 137
equation 179 of a Btiperlinear braBeh ~47
characteristics of, 202 Poles and polus, theory ot 77
O8culating cirole. invel'B6of 269 w.r.t. a triangle 99
•• curves 352, 353 Pole aad polar conics _ 256
Poles of a tight iilie 95, 98
O~I-inflexion 323
Polara, mixed 83
O¥!d of Descartes 166
li6int equation deri:Ved from
P•••.bolio branohes ~
tangential 140
Parallel CllrVes 111
Principle of duality 142
cbrdeterhltici of, 20i
Principal equivalence 351
Paradoil: of Cramer 29"
Projection, theory of, 11
Pan.metric 01•• 1i 372 axis of, 12
order of·•. family vertex of, 12
of ourves 379 analytical aspect of, 18
represeutation 287
Quaidrio inversion 281
in nne oo-ordinates 200
Q8i ratioli'" triiJdfor~
hatial branoh 333 mation 2&9'


Quadric Inversion Singular focus 211

analytical treatment of, 259 Singular points on curves 47
applications of, 267 at infinity .71
Quadrio:transformation 274 on unioursal curves 290
special 269
Singularities, equivalent 325
Quartic, trinodal 267
reciprocal 74
tricuspidal 268
higher, on curves 321
Kadius of curvature 0 aber-
analysis of, 326
rancy curve 360
method of expansion
of aberrancy 356
applied to 384
Ramphoid cusp 322
Rational ourves 65
Skew reciprocatiou 253

special olass of, 298 Speoiesof cusps 322

transformation lU9 of double points 56
Reoiprocal polars 19, 135, 144 Spimode 57
in homogeneous co- St. Laurent's equation of
ordinates 137 caustic 159
w.r.t. focus 224 Stationary tangent 49, 74, 170
singularities 74 Bteinerian 107, 110, 190
Beeiprocation, theory of, 19, 135 characteristics of, 192
skew, 253 class of, 116
order of, 119
Reduotion of the order of
inflexional tangent of, 119
transformed curve 279
with a multiple pt. 281 Bteinerian of a net of curves 269
Sucoessive transformations 328
Relation bet. line and point 4
oharacteristics of a Superlinear branches 333, 334
family 373 order of, 331
class of, 332
Residuation, theory of, 36
ReBidual 37 Tacnodal branch 35i
theorem 43 Tacnode 144, 247, 323, 326
extension of, 44 Tact-invariant of two curves 3M
Beaiduation Tangential co-ordinates 4.
addition theorem on, 38 equation derived from
subtraction 39 point equation 138
multiplication 40 equation of caustic 160
Riemann transformation 276, 277 Tangents to a cubic 85
Beco,dary caustic 157, 165 Traoing of curves 227, 245
Semicubioalparabola 152, 235 in Cartesian 245
Sextactic points 320 " homogeneous •.• 245·

Transcendental functions 23 Triple point 51,82, 12/\,161, 133

curves 21 classification of, 324
Transformation, rational 249 Undulation, points of 59
birational 249
Unicursal curves 65,69.287
linear 250
order of, 289
dualistic 253
class of, 290
special quadric 269
singular pts. on, 292
byadjoints 285
bitangents of, 295
successive 328
circuit of, 298
Noetber's 271
Riemann's 276 Unipartite curves 298
Transon's cheory of not necessarily uni-
aberrancy 355 cursal 299

Triangular symmetric curves United points 310

84, 298 Vanishing line 12
Vertex of projection 12
Tricuspidal quartic 268
Trilinear co-ordinates 1 Weierstrass's elliptic funo-
equation 6, 138 tions 302
of caustics 160 Witch 248
Trinodal quartic 70, 267 Zero residual 37

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