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Helping Parents explain Communion to Kids

What is Communion?
Communion is an act of worship. It is a continual remembrance of Christs life,
death and resurrection; we also affirm that it is a mystery. Through this meal
we participate (commune) together in the living presence of Christ. As Protestant
Christians we believe that Communion is one of the two sacraments Christ
commanded us to observe, the other being Baptism.
When do we take communion?
Because we believe that Communion is a central part of corporate worship, as it
was in the early church, Quest has chosen to observe Communion every
Sunday, and on other special occasions. We invite individuals to come forward to
receive the elements. We use loaves of bread that are broken to symbolize
Christs broken body given for us. And we receive the elements of bread and
wine or grape juice by intinction; which means that we break off a small piece of
bread, dip it in the wine or grape juice and eat it.
Who can take communion?
Communion is for all who are "in Christ," to all who come in love for Christ and
desire to live for Him. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not
hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Mark 10:14).
The decision as to when a child can receive Communion is left to parents.
Parents who choose to wait until their child has made a conscious choice to
repent of their sins, those waiting to be "confirmed" in the Christian faith, or those
waiting until their child expresses a desire to receive Communion, may bring their
child forward for a brief prayer of blessing by one of the pastors. Pastors are
available in the front of the sanctuary, on both sides, to lay hands on the children
and bless them in Jesus' name.
If parents choose to have their little children participate in Communion, we would
ask that the parent break off a piece of bread for the child, dip it in the cup for
them and then offer it to the child. This is simply to help the process go smoothly
and prevent any possible accidents or spills.
Of course, pastors are always available to counsel with parents concerning the
participation of children in Communion.
Communion for Kids
Parents, it is important to talk to your child about communion, so here are some things
you should know, and tools to help you explain it. Keep in mind that each child will have
varied levels of understanding depending on their age and maturity level.
What is Communion?
Communion is an act of worship. It is a way to help us remember that Christ died for
our sins, that his body was broken and his blood was shed, so we could be forgiven and
be in relationship with God.
When do we take communion?
We take communion every Sunday and on other special occasions, usually at the end
of service.
How do we take communion?
Loaves of bread are broken to symbolize Christs broken body given for us. We break
off a small piece of bread, dip it in the wine or grape juice and eat it. This is called
Who can take communion?
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom
of God belongs to such as these" (Mark 10:14).
Communion is for all who are "in Christ," which means anyone who loves Jesus and
who chooses to live their life for Him. Sometimes families may decide to have kids wait
until they are older before they start taking communion. Other families may invite their
kids to take communion when they are very young. There is no
one right way to do it, but the most important thing to remember
is that communion is for anyone who loves Jesus. Kids, if you
want Jesus to be in charge of your life, and to be your best Friend,
talk to your mom or dad about it, and pray together, inviting
Jesus to forgive your sins, and give you new life with Him.

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