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Global Warming..

Global warming is greatest threat then terrorism.

Frequently Asked Questions about Global Warming
1. What does the greenhouse effect have to do with global warming?
2. What is causing global warming?
3. What is the best source of scientific information on global warming?
4. Is global warming already happening?
5. re humans contributing to global warming?
!. "ow much warmer is the #arth li$ely to become?
%. Would a temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global
&. Is global warming connected to the hole in the o'one layer?
(. Is there anything we can do about global warming?
1). Will responding to global warming be harmful to our economy?
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What does the greenhouse effect have to do with global warming?
1he 2greenhouse effect2 refers to the natural phenomenon that $eeps the #arth in a
temperature range that allows life to flourish. 1he sun3s enormous energy warms the
#arth3s surface and its atmosphere. s this energy radiates bac$ toward space as
heat4 a portion is absorbed by a delicate balance of heat5trapping gases in the
atmosphere6among them carbon dio7ide and methane6which creates an insulating
layer. With the temperature control of the greenhouse effect4 the #arth has an
average surface temperature of 5(89 :158+;. Without it4 the average surface
temperature would be )89 :51&8+;4 a temperature so low that the #arth would be
fro'en and could not sustain life.
2/lobal warming2 refers to the rise in the #arth3s temperature resulting from an
increase in heat5trapping gases in the atmosphere.
What is causing global warming?
.cientists have concluded that human activities are contributing to global warming
by adding large amounts of heat5trapping gases to the atmosphere. <ur fossil fuel
use is the main source of these gases. #very time we drive a car4 use electricity from
coal5fired power plants4 or heat our homes with oil or natural gas4 we release carbon
dio7ide and other heat5trapping gases into the air. 1he second most important source
of greenhouse gases is deforestation4 mainly in the tropics4 and other land5use
.ince pre5industrial times4 the atmospheric concentration of carbon dio7ide has
increased by 31 percent. <ver the same period4 atmospheric methane has risen by
151 percent4 mostly from agricultural activities li$e growing rice and raising cattle.
s the concentration of these gases grows4 more heat is trapped by the atmosphere
and less escapes bac$ into space. 1his increase in trapped heat changes the climate4
causing altered weather patterns that can bring unusually intense precipitation or dry
spells and more severe storms.
What is the best source of scientific information on global warming?
In 1(&&4 the -nited *ations #nvironment 0rogramme and the World =eteorological
<rgani'ation set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to
e7amine the most current scientific information on global warming and climate
change. =ore than 1425) authors and 245)) scientific e7perts reviewers from more
than 13) countries contributed to the panel3s most recent report4 Climate Change
2007: The Fourth Assessment Report :the full report will be released in *ovember
2))%;. 1hese scientists reviewed all the published and peer5reviewed scientific
information produced during the previous few years to assess what is $nown about
the global climate4 why and how it changes4 what it will mean for people and the
environment4 and what can be done about it.
1he I0++ 9ourth ssessment >eport is the most comprehensive and up5to5date
evaluation of global warming. s the new benchmar$4 it serves as the basis for
international climate negotiations.
Is global warming already happening?
?es. 1he I0++ concluded in its 1hird ssessment >eport4 2n increasing body of
observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the
climate system.2 1he $inds of changes already observed that create this consistent
picture include the following@
#7amples of observed climatic changes
Increase in global average surface temperature of about 189 in the 2)

Aecrease of snow cover and sea ice e7tent and the retreat of mountain
glaciers in the latter half of the 2)
>ise in global average sea level and the increase in ocean water temperatures
Bi$ely increase in average precipitation over the middle and high latitudes of
the *orthern "emisphere4 and over tropical land areas
Increase in the freCuency of e7treme precipitation events in some regions of
the world
#7amples of observed physical and ecological changes
1hawing of permafrost
Bengthening of the growing season in middle and high latitudes
0oleward and upward shift of plant and animal ranges
Aecline of some plant and animal species
#arlier flowering of trees
#arlier emergence of insects
#arlier egg5laying in birds
Are humans contributing to global warming?
In 1((54 the world3s climate e7perts in the I0++ concluded for the first time in a
cautious consensus4 21he balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible
human influence on the global climate.2
In its 2))1 assessment4 the I0++ strengthened that conclusion considerably4 saying4
21here is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the
last 5) years is attributable to human activities.2
.cientists have found significant evidence that leads to this conclusion@
1he observed warming over the past 1)) years is unli$ely to be due to natural
causes aloneD it was unusual even in the conte7t of the last 14))) years.
1here are better techniCues to detect climatic changes and attribute them to
different causes.
.imulations of the climate3s response to natural causes :sun4 volcanoes4 etc.;
over the latter half of the 2)
century alone cannot e7plain the observed
=ost simulation models that ta$e into account greenhouse gas emissions and
sulphate aerosols :which have a cooling effect; are consistent with
observations over the last 5) years.
How much warmer is the Earth likely to become?
1he I0++3s 1hird ssessment >eport proEects that the #arth3s average surface
temperature will increase between 2.58 and 1).489 :1.4855.&8+; between 1(() and
21)) if no maEor efforts are underta$en to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases
:the 2business5as5usual2 scenario;. 1his is significantly higher than what the 0anel
predicted in 1((5 :1.&85!.3894 or 1.)853.58+;4 mostly because scientists e7pect a
reduced cooling effect from tiny particles :aerosols; in the atmosphere.
.cientists predict that even if we stopped emitting heat5trapping gases immediately4
the climate would not stabili'e for many decades because the gases we have already
released into the atmosphere will stay there for years or even centuries. .o while the
warming may be lower or increase at a slower rate than predicted if we reduce
emissions significantly4 global temperatures cannot Cuic$ly return to today3s
averages. nd the faster and more the #arth warms4 the greater the chances are for
some irreversible climate changes.
Would a temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global
n increase of a few degrees won3t simply ma$e for pleasantly warmer temperatures
around the globe. #ven a modest rise of 285 389 :1.1851.%8+; could have dramatic
effects. In the last 1)4))) years4 the #arth3s average temperature hasn3t varied
by more than 1.&89 :1.)8+;. 1emperatures only 585(89 cooler than those today
prevailed at the end of the last Ice ge4 in which the *ortheast -nited .tates was
covered by more than 34))) feet of ice.
.cientists predict that continued global warming on the order of 2.5851).489 over the
ne7t 1)) years :as proEected in the I0++3s 1hird ssessment >eport; is li$ely to
result in@
a rise in sea level between 3.5 and 34.! in. :(5&& cm;4 leading to more
coastal erosion4 flooding during storms4 and permanent inundation
severe stress on many forests4 wetlands4 alpine regions4 and other natural
greater threats to human health as mosCuitoes and other disease5carrying
insects and rodents spread diseases over larger geographical regions
disruption of agriculture in some parts of the world due to increased
temperature4 water stress4 and sea5level rise in low5lying areas such as
Fangladesh or the =ississippi >iver delta.
Is global warming connected to the hole in the ozone layer?
/lobal warming and o'one depletion are two separate
but related threats. /lobal warming and the greenhouse
effect refer to the warming of the lower part of the
atmosphere :also $nown as the troposphere; due to
increasing concentrations of heat5trapping gases. Fy
contrast4 the o'one hole refers to the loss of o'one in
the upper part of the atmosphere4 called the
stratosphere. 1his is of serious concern because
stratospheric o'one bloc$s incoming ultraviolet radiation
from the sun4 some of which is harmful to plants4
animals4 and humans.
1he two problems are related in a number of ways4 including@
.ome human5made gases4 called chlorofluorocarbons4 trap heat and destroy
the o'one layer. +urrently4 these gases are responsible for less than 1)
percent of total atmospheric warming4 far less than the contribution from the
main greenhouse gas4 carbon dio7ide.

*. image 55 <'one layer hole
1he o'one layer traps heat4 so if it gets destroyed4 the upper atmosphere
actually cools4 thereby offsetting part of the warming effect of other heat5
trapping gases. Fut that3s no reason to reEoice@ the cooling of the upper layers
of the atmosphere can produce changes in the climate that affect weather
patterns in the higher latitudes.
1rapping heat in the lower part of the atmosphere allows less heat to escape into
space and leads to cooling of the upper part of the atmosphere. 1he colder it gets4
the greater the destruction of the protective o'one layer. >educing o'one5depleting
gases is crucial to preventing further destruction of the o'one layer4 but eliminating
these gases alone will not solve the global warming problem. <n the other hand4
efforts to reduce all types of emissions to limit global warming will also be good for
the recovery of the o'one layer.

Is there anything we can do about global warming?
?esG 1he most important action we can ta$e to slow global warming is to reduce
emissions of heat5trapping gases. /overnments4 individuals4 and businesses can all
/overnments can adopt a range of options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions4
increasing energy efficiency standards
encouraging the use of renewable energy sources :such as wind and solar
eliminating subsidies that encourage the use of coal and oil by ma$ing them
artificially cheap
protecting and restoring forests4 which serve as important storehouses of
Individuals can reduce the need for fossil fuels and often save money by
driving less and driving more fuel5efficient and less5polluting cars
using energy5efficient appliances
insulating homes
using less electricity in general
Fusinesses can increase efficiency and save substantial sums by doing the same
things on a larger scale. nd utilities can avoid building e7pensive new power plants
by encouraging and helping customers to adopt efficiency measures.
Will responding to global warming be harmful to our economy?
>educing our impact on the global climate does not have to hurt the world3s
economies. 1he answer depends much on the 2how2 and 2when.2
1he challenge is to stri$e a balance between responding early enough to avoid maEor
negative :costly; impacts4 and responding some time later in order to avoid ta$ing
big4 e7pensive steps now which then may turn out to be unnecessary or
inappropriate. 1his type of challenge is typical in business and industryD decision5
ma$ing under uncertainty is the daily bread of most managers.
+learly4 global warming still involves many un$nowns4 but the remaining
uncertainties in our scientific understanding no longer warrant a 2wait and see2
stance. .cience tells us with increasing certainty that we are in for a serious long5
term problem that will affect all of us.
nd there is much we can do now that ma$es sense in terms of the economic bottom
line while helping to reduce our impact on the global climate and on our local
environment and health. 1he -nited .tates and other developed countries should
sei'e the opportunity to ta$e the lead in developing new4 clean4 energy5efficient
technologies4 and help developing countries ta$e a greener path to economic
prosperity. ll of this can be done in a cost5effective manner4 while creating Eobs and
new business opportunities.

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