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Chapter 2

Literature Review
2.1 Fading Channel:
Mehboob Ul Amin et al (201! worked on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) which is an attractive air-interface solution
for next generation wireless local area networks (!"#s)$ wireless %etropolitan area networks
(M"#s)$ and fourth generation %o&ile cellular wireless syste%s' (owever one of the %ain
disadvantage associated with MIMO-OFDM syste%s is the high peak-to-average power ratio
()")*) of the trans%itter+s output signal on different antennas' (igh )eak to "verage )ower
*atio ()")*) for MIMO-OFDM syste% is still a de%anding area and difficult issue' ,o far
nu%erous techniques &ased on )")* reduction have &een proposed' In this work a new
technique &ased on the co%&ination of Orthogonal ,pace -i%e .lock /ode (O,-./) 0ncoder
and Discrete /osine -ransfor% &ased ,elective !evel Mapping as %ethod of )")* reduction
technique has &een proposed and si%ulated' -he results have &een verified in ter%s of various
graphs and plots and are co%pared with earlier results of e%&edded transfor% techniques'
,i%ulations show that &etter
results are o&tained in the proposed technique 123
-he work investigates one of the &ottleneck pro&le% that exist in MIMO-OFDM syste%s
i'e high peak to average ratio and suggests a new technique to overco%e it' -he new technique is
&ased on the co%&ination of O,-./ encoder and D/- %atrix' -he proposed O,-./ 0ncoder
uses varia&le nu%&er of trans%it antennas that are adaptive and change either %anually or
according to an adaptation algorith%' ,i%ulation results show a greater reduction in )")* for
the proposed sche%e as co%pared to earlier conventional ,!M technique' "lso the )")*
decreases significantly for higher values of M as co%pared to original signal OFDM signal' -he
proposed sche%e has a lot of scope in next generation network syste%s' Moreover with this
i%prove%ent it can &e considered as a potential candidate for high speed data trans%ission
syste%s 123'
Mr. Apoorva "ande# et al (201! proposed an algorith% for wireless co%%unication fading of
channels is the serious cause of the received degraded signals' -he effect of fading can &e
%ini%i4ed &y using various ti%e and space do%ain techniques' (owever$ space do%ain
techniques are preferred over the others due to its advantages' In this work$ co%parison of the
wireless MIMO syste% under "l%outi5s and %axi%u% ratio co%&ining sche%es is presented'
.asic idea in these sche%es is to trans%it and receive %ore than one copy of the original signals'
6sing two trans%itter antennas and one receiver antenna$ the sche%e provides the nearly sa%e
diversity order as the %axi%al-ratio receiver co%&ining (M**/) with one trans%itter antenna$
and two receiver antennas' *esults for one trans%itter and four receivers under M**/ is also
presented and co%pared' Finally$ results are presented while varying the average trans%itted
power 173'
In this work$ a co%parison of diversity technique for esti%ating the channel perfor%ance
of %o&ile co%%unication signals affected &y *ayleigh %ultipath fading pheno%ena is discussed'
-he perfor%ance of "la%outi sche%e and Maxi%u% ratio co%&ining techniques are evaluated
under the assu%ption of .),8 signals affected &y reflection$ diffraction and scattering
environ%ent' It is shown that in wireless MIMO$ syste% &ased on "la%outi diversity technique
and Maxi%u% ratio co%&ining a technique can help to co%&at and %itigate against *ayleigh
fading channel and approach "9# channel perfor%ance with constant trans%its power' hile
the results are equally applica&le if the average trans%itted power varies 173'
2.2 M$M% &#'tem:
( A Mohammed et al (2012! said that the %erging of Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM) with Multiple-input %ultiple-output (MIMO) is a pro%ising %o&ile air
interface solution for next generation wireless local area networks (!"#s) and :9 %o&ile
cellular wireless syste%s' -his work details the design of a highly ro&ust and efficient OFDM-
MIMO syste% to support per%anent accessi&ility and higher data rates to users %oving at high
speeds$ such as users travelling on trains' It has high relevance for next generation wireless local
area networks (!"#s) and :9 %o&ile cellular wireless syste%s' -he work &egins with a
co%prehensive literature review focused on &oth technologies' -his is followed &y the %odeling
of the OFDM-MIMO physical layer &ased on ,i%ulink;Matla& that takes into consideration high
vehicular %o&ility' -hen the entire syste% is si%ulated and analy4ed under different encoding
and channel esti%ation algorith%s' -he use of (igh "ltitude )latfor% syste% ((")s) technology
is considered and analysed 1<3'
-he possi&ility of using OFDM-MIMO technology as an ro&ustness co%%unication
syste% with the help of high altitude platfor% syste% ((")s) against the high Doppler effects on
users travelling within high speed vehicles (highly %o&ile environ%ent)$ especially when
accessing various I) &road&and services' In this work different si%ulation %odels have &een
introduced to identify a solution for the %ain draw&ack' De%onstrating the work that has &een
done until now$ which involved designing and &uilding the necessary %odules for the %odel
pro=ect that led to OFDM-MIMO prototype transceiver' "lso$ including %odifying and
developing the %a=or parts of each side of the 6!;D! co%%unication network (-x;*x)' Finally$
testing the si%ulation %odel with different signal para%eters$ and trying to reduce as %uch of
Doppler 0ffect on data during trans%ission to users within high speed vehicles and trains$
si%ulation results are presented to indicate the suita&le %odel which will used later for the real
virtual si%ulation scenarios as (")s payload supported with satellite syste%s in hy&rid
architectures 1<3'

&ri)ri'hna *ardhan et al (2012! worked in wireless co%%unications$ spectru% is a scarce
resource and hence i%poses a high cost on the high data rate trans%ission' Fortunately$ the
e%ergence of %ultiple antenna syste% has opened another very resourceful di%ension i'e' space
for infor%ation trans%ission' Multi-antenna syste%s are expected to play very i%portant role in
future %ulti%edia wireless co%%unication syste%s' ,uch syste%s are predicted to provide
tre%endous i%prove%ent in spectru% utili4ation' (ere$ the orthogonal space-ti%e &lock codes
are considered for the capacity and error pro&a&ility analysis of MIMO syste%s' -he nu%erical
and si%ulation results o&tained using M"-!". are presented for the %ulti-antenna syste%
channel capacity and &it-error rate in *ayleigh fading channels 1:3'
In this work$ the capacity and .0* of MIMO syste%s in *ayleigh fading channels has
&een exa%ined' It has &een seen that the use of %ultiple antennas increases the capacity although
significant i%prove%ent can &e achieved using equal or higher nu%&er of receive antennas
co%pared to trans%it antennas' ,i%ilarly$ the perfor%ance of "la%outi code is worse &y a&out
<d. co%pared to M*/' -his is &ecause in space-diversity-on trans%it sche%e using "la%outi
code$ the trans%it power in each of the two antennas is one- half of the trans%it power in the
space-diversity-on receive sche%e using M*/' .ut the .0* perfor%ance of MIMO- ,-./ 17
&y 73 sche%e is &etter than M*/ case due to higher diversity order' 1:3
(ar'h &hah et al (200+! they analy4ed the perfor%ance of an i%portant class of MIMO
syste%s$ that of orthogonal space ti%e &lock codes concatenated with channel coding' -his
syste% configuration has an attractive co%&ination of si%plicity and perfor%ance' e study this
syste% under spatially independent fading as well as correlated fading that %ay arise fro% the
proxi%ity of trans%it or receive antennas or unfavora&le scattering conditions' e consider the
effects of ti%e correlation and present a general analysis for the case where &oth spatial and
te%poral correlations exist in the syste%' e present si%ulation results for a variety of channel
codes$ including convolution codes$ tur&o codes$ trellis coded %odulation (-/M)$ and %ultiple
trellis coded %odulation (M-/M)$ under quasi-static and &lock-fading *ayleigh as well as
*ician fading' ,i%ulations verify the validity of our analysis 1>3'
-his work presents perfor%ance analysis for syste%s consisting of a concatenation of
channel codes and orthogonal space-ti%e &lock codes' ,uch syste%s are of theoretical and
practical interest' e use the concept of a unifor% inter leaver in the context of &lock fading
channel to calculate &it error pro&a&ilities' -his analysis is perfor%ed &oth for the case of
spatially uncorrelated fading$ as well as spatially correlated fading due to proxi%ity of trans%it
or receive antennas' e also consider =oint spatio-te%poral correlation' e give results for a
wide variety of codes and several types of fading channels' ,i%ulations verify the accuracy of
our analysis' Future work in this area can address &it-interleaved %odulation$ as well as the case
where only partial channel state infor%ation is availa&le at the receiver 1>3'
2. Channel ,'timation:
&ou)a#na -handour.(aidar et al (2011! dealed with the esti%ation of a flat fading *ayleigh
channel with ?akes+s spectru%' -he channel is approxi%ated &y a first-order autoregressive
("*(2)) %odel and tracked &y a 8al%an Filter (8F)' -he co%%on %ethod used in the literature
to esti%ate the para%eter of the "*(2) %odel is &ased on a /orrelation Matching (/M) criterion'
(owever$ for slow fading variations$ another criterion &ased on the Mini%i4ation of the
"sy%ptotic @ariance (M"@) of the 8F is %ore appropriate$ as already o&served in few works
1A3' -his letter gives analytic =ustification &y providing approxi%ated closed-for% expressions of
the esti%ation variance for the /M and M"@ criteria$ and of the opti%al "*(2) para%eter 1A3'
-his work addresses the pro&le% of esti%ating a *ayleigh channel using a first order "*
%odel' "n analytic study clearly shows that the %ost widely used choice for the "*(2) pole
esti%ation (the /M criterion) is not accurate for low ,#* and low Doppler fd-' -herefore$
switching to an esti%ation error variance criterion as already proposed in we carry out the
opti%i4ation of the "*(2) %odel and the calculation of its perfor%ance' e provide an
approxi%ate expression of the M,0 for the /M and M"@ criteria first$ and of the "*(2) (M"@)
para%eter for a given ,#* and Doppler scenario' It is de%onstrated that the M,0 of the "*(2)
8F (M"@) is proportional to the (7B<) power of the product ( fd- CD
n )$ where D
n is the
o&servation noise variance 1A3'
Angel Lo/ano et al (20000! worked on a conte%porary perspective on the tradeoff &etween
trans%it antenna diversity and spatial %ultiplexing is provided' It is argued that$ in the context of
%ost %odern wireless syste%s and for the operating points of interest$ trans%ission techniques
that utili4e all availa&le spatial degrees of freedo% for %ultiplexing outperfor% techniques that
explicitly sacrifice spatial %ultiplexing for diversity' In the context of such syste%s$ therefore$
there essentially is no decision to &e %ade &etween trans%it antenna diversity and spatial
%ultiplexing in MIMO co%%unication' *eaching this conclusion$ however$ requires that the
channel and so%e key syste% features &e adequately %odeled and that suita&le perfor%ance
%etrics &e adoptedE failure to do so %ay &ring a&out starkly different conclusions' "s a specific
exa%ple$ this contrast is illustrated using the <9)) !ong--er% 0volution syste%
design 1F3'
,ince the 2G>H+s$ antenna diversity had &een a preferred weapon used &y %o&ile wireless
syste%s against the deleterious effect of fading' hile narrow&and channeli4ation and non-
adaptive links were the nor%$ antenna diversity was highly effective' In %odern syste%s$
however$ this is no longer the case' !ink adaptivity and scheduling have rendered trans%it
diversity undesira&le for low-velocity users whereas a&undant ti%e;frequency selectivity has
rendered trans%it diversity superfluous for high-velocity users' Moreover$ the prevalence of
MIMO has opened the door for a %uch %ore effective use of antennasI spatial %ultiplexing'
Indeed$ the spatial degrees of freedo% created &y MIMO should &e regarded as additional
+&andwidth+ and$ for the sa%e reason that sche%es &ased on ti%e;frequency repetition are not
used for they waste &andwidth$ trans%it diversity techniques waste +&andwidth+' Of all possi&le
DM- points$ therefore$ the 4ero-diversity one stands out in i%portance' -echniques$ even
su&opti%u% ones$ that can provide full %ultiplexing are %ost appealing to %odern wireless
syste%s whereas techniques that achieve full diversity order &ut fall short on %ultiplexing gain
are least appealing' Our findings further the conclusion in where a si%ilar point is %ade solely
on the &asis of the %ultiplexing gain for frequency-flat channels' "lthough this conclusion has
&een reached on the pre%ise that the coded error pro&a&ilities of discrete constellations are well
approxi%ated &y the %utual infor%ation outages of 9aussian code&ooks$ we expect it to hold in
any situation where the code operates at a (roughly) constant gap to the %utual infor%ation'
-he trend for the foreseea&le future is a sustained increase in syste% &andwidth$ which is &ound
to only shore up the a&ove conclusion' !-0$ which for our case study was taken to use 2H M(4$
is already %oving towards 7H M(4 channeli4ation' "t the sa%e ti%e$ exceptions to the foregoing
conclusion do exist' -hese include$ for exa%ple$ control channels that convey short %essages'
-rans%it diversity is fitting for these channels$ which do &enefit fro% a lower error pro&a&ility
&ut lack significant ti%e;frequency selectivity' Other exceptions %ay &e found in applications
such as sensor networks or others where the %ediu% access control is non-existent or does not
have link adaptation and retrans%ission %echanis%s' Our study has only required evaluating
well-known techniques under realistic %odels and at the appropriate operating points' Indeed$ a
%ore general conclusion that can &e drawn fro% the discussion in this work is that$ over ti%e$ the
evolution of wireless syste%s has rendered so%e of the traditional %odels and wisdo%s o&solete'
In particularI
J Frequency and ti%e selectivity should always &e properly %odeled'
J )erfor%ance assess%ents are to &e %ade at the correct operating point$ particularly in
ter%s of error pro&a&ility'
J -he assu%ptions regarding trans%it /,I %ust &e consistent with the regi%e &eing
considered' "t low velocities$ adaptive rate control &ased on instantaneous /,I should &e
incorporatedE at high velocities$ only adaptation to average channel conditions should &e
J /oded &lock error pro&a&ilities or %utual infor%ation outages$ rather than uncoded
error pro&a&ilities$ should &e used to gauge perfor%ance'
)roper %odeling is essential in order to evaluate the &ehavior of trans%ission and reception
techniques in conte%porary and future wireless syste%s' "s our discussion on trans%it diversity
and spatial %ultiplexing de%onstrates$ i%proper %odeling can lead to %isguided perceptions and
fictitious gains 1F3'
123 Meh&oo& 6l "%in et al K" #ew Method for )")* *eduction in MIMOOFDM 6sing
/o%&ination of O,-./ 0ncoder and D/- MatrixL International ?ournal of *ecent
-echnology and 0ngineering (I?*-0) I,,#I 77>>-<M>M$ @olu%e-7$ Issue-7$ May 7H2<'
173 Mr' "poorva )andey et al K /o%parison of ireless MIMO ,yste% 6nder "la%outi5s
,che%e and Maxi%u% *atio /o%&ining -echniqueL I'?' I%age$ 9raphics and ,ignal
)rocessing$ 7H2<$ 7$ <2-<> )u&lished Online Fe&ruary 7H2< in M0/, (httpI;;www'%ecs-
press'org;) DOII 2H'AM2A;i=igsp'7H2<'H7'HA'
1<3 ( " Moha%%ed et al KInvestigation of Doppler 0ffects on high %o&ility OFDMMIMO
syste%s with the support of (igh "ltitude )latfor%s ((")s)L ?ournal of )hysicsI
/onference ,eries <F: (7H27) H27H:M doiI2H'2HMM;2>:7-FAGF;<F:;2;H27H:M'
1:3 ,rikrishna .ardhan et al K /apacity and )erfor%ance "nalysis of MIMO-,-./ in
*ayleigh Fading /hannelsL International ?ournal of 0ngineering *esearch N -echnology
(I?0*-) @ol' 2 Issue M$ Octo&er - 7H27 '
1A3 ,oukayna 9handour-(aidar et al+ KOn the 6se of First-order "utoregressive Modeling
for *ayleigh Flat Fading /hannel 0sti%ation with 8al%an FilterL "uthor %anuscript$
pu&lished in O,ignal )rocessing G7$ 7 (7H27) FH2-FHFO DOI I
1F3 "ngel !o4ano et al$ K-rans%it Diversity v' ,patial Multiplexing in ModernMIMO
,yste%sL arPivIHM22'<MM>v7 1cs'I-3 A Mar 7HHG'
1>3 (arsh ,hah et al$ K)erfor%ance of /oncatenated /hannel /odes and Orthogonal ,pace-
-i%e .lock /odesL I000 -*"#,"/-IO#, O# I*0!0,, /OMM6#I/"-IO#,$
@O!' A$ #O' F$ ?6#0 7HHF'

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