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Kala sarpa Yoga

Kala amrita Yoga
Q.There are two Yogas: Kala sarpa and Kala amrita. Can
you tell me a little about them, especially Kala amrita
Yoga. I read that they are very inauspicious. What can
one do against it? n what must one pay attention while
upbringing, i! a child has one o! these Yogas in
A. "egarding your #uestions. Kala sarpa Yoga is not
recognized in classical te$ts or at least is not mentioned
by %arasara and others. It seems to be a newly minted
I remember bac& in the late '(s and early )(s much in&
was spilt in the columns o! Astrological
Magazine discussing this issue without much success. It
is not really applicable to a person's chart but is
relevant in Mundane astrology. *o one yoga should
ever be stressed because many other !actors must be
ta&en into account. Though I studied yogas intensely in
my +rst years o! ,yotish study I gradually lost interest as I
saw that whole patterns must be ta&en into account and
that o! course is what yogas are, ,ust that you can-t ta&e
one to the e$clusion o! others.
B.V. Raman has this to say about Kala sarpa yoga:
Kala sarpa Yoga has its bright shades. It .is said to/ ma&es one
industrious, hardwor&ing, aware o! one-s own ability0 despite
mental restlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in their
respective +elds provided o! course other "a,a Yogas are
present. "ahu0Ketu a$is !avors rise in mundane li!e while Ketu0
"ahu a$is indicates elevation in spiritual matters. It is also !ound
that Kala sarpa Yoga natives get betrayed by trusted !riends and
even relatives. 1u2ering due to developments in li!e strengthens
the mind and mellows one-s outloo&. This is a blessing o! Kala
sarpa Yoga.
It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given
to Kala sarpa Yoga. The view held by some astrologers that
Kala0sarpa Yoga a2ects longevity and adversely a2ects the
operation o! other yogas !avoring a rise in li!e, achievement, and
accomplishment is not tenable. The overall assessment o the
horoscope is important. *o single yoga, including Kala sarpa
Yoga, is capable o! marring or ma&ing a horoscope. In our
view, Kala sarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane
astrology .assessment o! world events/ and is not o much
importance in individual charts.
I agree with him and ever since I read that many years
ago I, !or all practical purposes, ignore this yoga and
wonder why everyone gets all e$cited about it.
"egarding Kala amrita yoga it is a variation o! Kala sarpa
yoga as mentioned above by 3.4. "aman where all the
planets are between "ahu0Ketu or between Ketu0"ahu.
5or e$ample i! "ahu is in 6esha 78ries9 and Ketu is Tula
7:ibra9 then i! we were to go in the regular order o! the
signs !rom 6esha to Tula and all the planets 7ignore
lagna9 !all between "ahu and Ketu this is Kala0sarpa Yoga.
The !ollowing chart !or 8ugust ;(, <((= illustrates a Kala
sarpa yoga.
In the ne$t diagram we show a Kala amrita yoga !or
>une ?, <(((. 3ecause all the planets are !ound between
Ketu and "ahu, when going in regular order 7!rom
Capricorn to Cancer in this case9 it is a Kala0amrita yoga.
In a Kala sarpa yoga it is said that the planets have been
eaten by "ahu. Why? 3ecause the motion o! "ahu and
Ketu is bac&ward with "ahu the head and Ketu the tail so
when the planets are between "ahu and Ketu as
described above they are in the belly o! the beast. 3ut
when they are between Ketu and "ahu as described above
they are outside o! the beast. Which is why you get the
two di2erent interpretations o! the yogas as !ollows.
8s B.V. Raman says:
@"ahu0Ketu a$is !avors rise in mundane li!e while Ketu0"ahu a$is
indicates elevation in spiritual matters.@
Aence Kala sarpa yoga !avors rise in material lie, while
Kala 8mrita !avors rise in spiritual matters. 3ut I would
suggest that you lay more stress on the second
paragraph that I #uoted o! his, that being:
In our view, Kala sarpa Yoga plays an important
role in mundane astrology .assessment o! world
events/ and is not o! much importance in individual
The reason one should not get e$cited or depressed by a
particular yoga will now be e$plained.
!a"a#esari Yoga is considered a very good yoga !ormed
by >upiter and 6oon being in #uadrants !rom each other.
In his 300 Important Combinations 3.4. "aman says
this about the yoga:
Ba,a&esari Yoga 0 When >upiter and Chandra are in respective
Kendras to each other they produce Ba,a&esari Yoga. The 6oon
and >upiter may be in one and the same house or in the =th, 'th,
or ;(th !rom each other.
"esults: Will have many and inCuential relations 0 polite and
generous, good li!e and high education, a happy turn o! mind
and a strong determination to overcome any di2iculties which
may come in the way o! achieving real success, polite and
obliging in behavior, ruler or constructor o! villages, towns and
cites, will do substantial charitable acts by which his name will
be remembered long a!ter his death, and a real bene!actor to
"emar&s: Aere as elsewhere great di2erence in the en,oyment o!
results should be pronounced. The original writers say that the
person born in this yoga will build villages and towns. $ literal
interpretation o the results leads one no%here.
They have to be adapted to suit modern conditions and climes.
ne born in this yoga may become a member o! 6unicipality and
engineer or i! the yoga is really power!ul, a mayor. The results
ascribed to a yoga are sub,ect to #uali+cation or modi+cation
according as the yoga&ara&as are strong or wea&. There are
magistrates !rom the villages to the district with di2erent
powers. 5rom a builder o! a small village shrine or choultry to
the builder o! a large and rich temple there is much di2erence.
Combinations are given but the results o! the same con,unction
will vary with the strength or the planets, bhavas and the
constellations. I would give here two typical horoscopes
illustrative o! the di2erent variations in Ba,a&esari.
8bove are given two charts 0 illustrative o! Ba,a&esari Yoga.
&hart '( 0 Yoga&ara&as are >upiter and the 6oon. :agna is
1corpio, hence bene+cs lords are the 6oon, the 1un and >upiterD
male+cs are 6ercury and 4enusD neutrals are 6ars and 1aturn.
7a9 The 6oon is a bene+c lord................ ; unit
7b9 The 6oon occupies a !riendly sign.. ; @
7c9 The 6oon-s aspect strength............... .E<F@
7d9 The 6oon is not associated .............. ( @
................................................Total <.E<F Gnits
7a9 >upiter is a bene+c lord ............... ; unit
7b9 >upiter has no association ........... ( @
7c9 >upiter-s aspect strength .............. ; @
7d9 >upiter is in a neutral sign ........... .'F @
..................................................Total <.'F Gnits
3oth the 6oon and >upiter are bene+cially disposed and as
>upiter gets more units he will !ul+ll the larger part o! the
blessings o! the yoga. 8s the native en,oys 4enus Hasa at birth
7about < years9, the 6oon in his Hasa 7) to ;) age9 gives rise to
the results o! the yoga to some e$tent while the larger part o! it
7particularly regarding +nance and !ortune9 will be raised in
>upiter-s Hasa to begin !rom the =?rd year. The e$tent o! the
results depends upon the residential strength.
&hart ') 0 The ascendant is Cancer. There!ore bene+cs are
6ars and >upiterD male+cs are 4enus and 6ercuryD and neutrals
are the 1un, the 6oon and 1aturn.
7a9 The 6oon is a neutral....................... .F unit
7b9 The 6oon is not associated.............. ( @
7c9 The 6oon-s aspect strength............... .'F @
7d9 The 6oon is in enemy-s house .......... 0; @
........................................................Total .<F Gnits
7a9 >upiter is a 3ene+c........................... ; unit
7b9 >upiter is with Ketu.......................... 0; @
7c9 >upiter-s aspect strength.................. ;.;<F@
7d9 >upiter is in an un!riendly sign ....... 0; @
......................................................Total .;<F Gnits
>upiter and the 6oon are eebly bene*c. The 6oon will give
rise to a larger part o! the yoga results than >upiter. The 6oon
can !ul+ll his part o! the results as ma,or lord and sub0lord
particularly in >upiter-s Hasa. The yoga is practically neutraliIed
i! the positive and negative units o! strength obtained by both
the planets are e#ual.@
1o !rom the above remar&s o! 3.4. "aman we can
conclude that the mere e+istence o! a particular yoga
doesnJt mean the results will automatically mani!est.
The yoga must be careully "udged be!ore we can
determine i! the results attributed to that particular
yoga would mani!est or not.
5or !urther reading see this article by K.*. "ao 7opens
new window9 on Kala 1arpa yoga.
Yours !aith!ully,
1hyamasundara Hasa
,-. In re!erence to my remar& about minting new yogas
this is not necessarily a bad thing. What is a yoga? In
astrology a @yoga@ is a pattern consisting o! certain
planets, signs, houses, amsas, etc. associated with a
certain good or bad result. The number o! possible
patterns is very large so it is entirely possible !or an
astrologer to note a new previously unstated pattern
associated with a certain result. It would be wise however
to understand the basis o! how things wor& in astrology
than to simply loo& !or particular yogas !or as we can see
!rom the e$amples regarding Ba,e&esari Yoga that there
will be variations o intensity o! that yoga. To be able to
,udge that re#uires an understanding o! the basis o!
,,- There is no Chart ;.
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