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Complaint at the restaurant.

too, too much, too many (traduction de 'trop' en anglais)
not enough (traduction de 'pas assez')
Past simple
Offering help "'ll loo! into it"
ha"e a complaint to ma!e.#our pizza is $ust too salty.
'm sorry to say this %ut your food is inedi%le. &ant to spea! to the chef.
'he portion is too large( small.
)*cuse me + ,y meal is ....
%urnt +
O"er salted( too salty
too spicy ( too hot
not fresh
Could you ta!e care of it, please-
&ould li!e a ne& helping.
am not paying for this.
&ant to choose a different dish.
don.t &ant anything else.
Positi"e response to complaints:
'm so sorry, %ut this &ill ne"er occur ( happen again.
'm sorry, &e promise ne"er to do the same mista!e again.
'm really sorry/ &e'll do our utmost(%est not to do the same mista!e again.
0egati"e response to complaints:
1orry there is nothing &e can do a%out it.
'm afraid, there isn't much &e can do a%out it.
2e are sorry %ut the food is $ust alright.
'oo much, too many, too
t's too hot.
3on't eat too much +
ha"e too much &or!.
'here are too many people.
4o& to translate "trop" in )nglish- 5y using ' too much' 6 'too many' 6 'too'
too much + Nsing (nom au singulier)
too many + Nplur
5e careful: sometimes, the nouns are not e*plicite, %ut implicite. 'hey are not e*pressed. (Attention,
parfois, les noms ne sont pas exprims. Ils sont sous-entendus).
too + adjective
ha"e put too much sugar in it.
#ou didn't put too much &ine in the rago7t, that's o!.
'here &as too much cream in the soup yesterday.
4o& many salads ha"e you prepared today - "too many" (8trop.... de salades: le nom est sous-
'here are too many customers in the dining room+
2hat &armth + t is really too &arm in the !itchen+ (8 Quelle chaleur ! Il fait vraiment trop chaud
dans la cuisine).
4e is dressed too &armly. (8 Il est haill trop chaudement.)
9et's go further ...
- !i 'too many' ou 'too much' prc"de un pronom ou un dterminant alors on utilisera : too much
of / too many of
3on't coo! too many of these sausages or &e &ill thro& them a&ay.(8#e cuis pas trop de ces
saucisses sinon on les $ettera)
6 'oo much peut aussi %tre utilis comme advere seul
4e shouts too much. (8Il crie trop)
!i dans la notion d&exc"s vous voule' plut(t exprimer le fait )u&il * a &tellement de..& )uel)ue chose,
alors vous utilisere' 'so much' ou 'so many'
'here &as so much salt that dran! the &hole %ottle of &ater. (8 Il * avait tellement de sel )ue $&ai
u toute la outeille d&eau).
0otez la diff:rence a"ec l'e*emple pr:c:dent :
'here &as too much salt, so decided to lea"e it. (8 Il * avait trop de sell c&est pour)uoi $&ai dcid
de le laisser.)
Choose the correct ans&er:
;) t is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< &arm here + you should open the &indo&.
= >too many
= >too much
= >too
?) 4e dri"es <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< fast / he may ha"e an accident.
= >too much
= >too many
= >too
@) 'here is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< noise, can't hear you.
= >too
= >too much
= >too many
A) 'here are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< cars, &e'd %etter ta!e the tu%e.
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
B) ha"e drun! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< coffee, feel ner"ous.
= >too many
= >too much
= >too
C) ha"e eaten <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< %iscuits, feel sic!.
= >too much
= >too
= >too many
D) ha"e eaten <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< of them +
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
E) eat <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< / am too %ig +
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
F) change my mind <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< often.
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
;G) ,y %ag is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< hea"y, can't carry it.
= >too much
= >too many
= >too
;;) 1he is singing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< loud, it's a&ful +
= >too many
= >too
= >too much
;?) ha"e <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< &or!, 'll ne"er finish %efore E.GG pm.
= >too many
= >too
= >too much
;@) 'here are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< sna!es in that country.
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
;A) t is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< e*pensi"e, 'll ne"er %uy it.
= >too
= >too much
= >too many
;B) #ou are <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< young to go a%road on your o&n.
= >too
= >too much
= >too many
;C) 3on't ta!e <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ris!s + it may %e dangerous.
= >too many
= >too much
= >too
;D) smo!e <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< / 'd %etter stop smo!ing.
= >too
= >too many
= >too much
;. too ?. too @. too much A. too many B. too much C. too many D. too many E. too much F. too ;G.
too ;;. too ;?. too much ;@. too many ;A. too ;B. too ;C. too many ;D. too much =;) too H ad$ectif
?) "too"H ad$ectif @) "too much"de"ant un nom singulier A) "too many"de"ant un nom pluriel (cars)
D) I'en ai trop mang: (de gJteau*) 6 too many E) Ie mange trop 6 c'est un constat Kui ne fait pas
r:f:rence L une nourriture particuliMre 6 $'utilise too much F) too H ad"er%e>

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