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Genealogy Project: Kevin McMullens Family

Group 5:
Laduanda Jones, Huy Le, Malena Ly, as!a Magee, Kevin McMullen
Kevin McMullens Genealogy "!art

Male, born #ic!ita Falls e$as, %ovem&er '()*, Married Jan
+,,), + c!ildren, Occupation: Fireman- com&at veteran,
Chronic Illness: %one .no/n 01ormer 2mo.er3
2ister Female, born 4u&a "ity, "5 June '()6, Married May +,',, 7
step8c!ildren, Occupation: eac!er, Chronic Illnesses: pre8
dia&etic, di9culty carrying c!ildren to term
2. Parents
Male, born Pottsville P5, Jan '(7(, Married Mar '()+, + c!ildren,
:ccupation: 5ir Force pilot- Mec!anical ;ngineer, "!ronic
<llnesses: ype + =ia&etic, acid re>u$
Mot!er Female, born Las 5ngeles "5, %ov '(7), Married + c!ildren,
Occupation: 2/im "oac!, Chronic Illnesses: ?reast cancer $+
+,',, lung cancer +,,6, emp!ysema +,,), ast!ma +,,),
0Former +,,53, .nee replacement, acid re>u$, di9culty
carrying c!ildren to term
3a. Paternal
Male, born Kas.a, P5, 2ep '('*, Married '(7), 5 c!ildren,
Occupation: Mill, Cause of Death: lung cancer '(*(,
Chronic Illnesses: myocardial in1arction, 0smo.er3

Female, born ?roc.ton, P5, Jan '(+', Married '(7), 5 c!ildren,
Occupation: !, Chronic illness: 5l@!eimers +,,*,
dou&le .nee replacement +,,6, acid re>u$
5unt ' Female, born Pottsville, P5, %ov '(7), Married $+, A .ids
Occupation: !, Chronic Illnesses: dou&le .nee
replacement +,,5, acid re>u$
Bncle ' Male, born Pottsville P5, July '(5,, Married $A, + c!ildren,
Occupation: commercial Ce1rigeration Mec!anic, Chronic
Illnesses: %one .no/n
Bncle + Male, &orn Pottsville, P5, 5ug '(5', Married, A c!ildren,
:ccupation: o/ns construction company, "!ronic <llnesses: %one
5unt A Female, born Pottsville P5, May 56, Cause of Death: Hit &y
=run. =river '()+, Chronic Illness: Mentally disa&led 0only
a&le to Dnd out s!e /as Eslo/F, a condition !er maternal uncle
also !ad3
A&G Maternal
Male, born 0"ity <ndiana,'(+7, Married $+, A c!ildren,
Occupation: 2c!ool 2uperintendent, Cause of Death: Heart
Failure +,'', Chronic Illness: Myocardial <n1arction $A

Female, born 0city 5H, Jan '(+), Divorced, A c!ildren,
Occupation: 2ecretary, Cause of Death: Heart Failure +,,(,
Chronic Illness: ype + =ia&etes, Hig! ?lood Pressure
Bncle Male, born ?a.ersDeld "5, Jan '(5A, Married, A c!ildren,
Occupation: 2tone, Chronic Illnesses: ype + dia&etes,
5unt Female, born ?a.ersDeld "a, =ec '(6', Married $+,

Occupation: Mortgage ?, Chronic Illness: Ialley Fever,
Hig! ?lood Pressure, alco!olism =i9culty carrying c!ildren to

Kevin McMullenJs Family Pedigree

Male =eceased =ia&etes 5cid Ce>u$
Myocardial <n1arction
Female ?reast "ancer Pre8=ia&etes Mentally =isa&le Knee
?: JanG'(5A
?: JanG'(7(
?: 2epG'('*
=: '(*( 8Lung
?: JanG'(+'
?: '(+7
=: +,''8 Heart
?: %ovG
?: JunG
?: JanG'(+)
=: +,,(8 Heart
&unt 2
?: MayG'(56
=: '()+8
!ncle 1
?: JulG'(5,
!ncle 2
&unt 1

5l@!eimer 5st!ma Hypertension Ialley Fever Lung
=i9culty "arrying "!ildren to erm

5lt!oug! t!e c!art does not reveal any in1ormation on t!e !ealt! o1 Kevin
McMullen, t!e in1ormation provided 1or t!e genealogy c!art and pedigree does s!o/
t!at Kevins 1amily !as an average li1espan 1rom &irt! to deat! 0o1 natural causes3 o1
around ), yearsG His 1amily also !as various common !ealt! issues t!at are spread
t!roug!out &ot! t!e paternal and maternal sidesG :1 t!e diKerent !ealt! traits,
Kevin runs t!e ris. o1 developing ype + dia&etesG Kevins maternal grandmot!er
and uncle /ere &ot! diagnosed /it! ype + dia&etesG His 1at!er is also a ype +
dia&etic and !is sister is a pre8dia&etic, /!ic! means s!e may !ave gained t!e trait,
&ut it is yet to &e e$pressedG 5ccording to t!e 5merican =ia&etes 5ssociation, ype
+ dia&etes !as a strong Elin. to 1amily !istory and lineage,F &ut environmental and
li1estyle 1actors also contri&ute to t!e diseaseG !e disease is seen on &ot! t!e
maternal and paternal sides o1 Kevins 1amilyG ?ecause !is 1at!er !as t!e disease
and not !is mot!er, !is c!ances o1 in!eriting dia&etes is reduced greatlyG !e
c!ance o1 Kevin developing ype + dia&etes or &ecoming pre8dia&etic can &e 1urt!er
reduced or even prevented /it! t!e proper diet and e$ercise regimen 0'3G
!ere is also a small c!ance t!at Kevin may develop acid re>u$G ?ot! o1 !is
parents and paternal grandmot!er and aunt all suKer 1rom acid re>u$G !e
Bniversity o1 Maryland insists t!at A,87,L o1 G;C= 0/!ic! is also acid re>u$3 may
&e !ereditary due to in!erited mutations in muscular structures o1 t!e stomac! and
esop!agusG !ese mutations may also develop overtime /it!out &eing in!eritedG
5lt!oug! !e may develop acid re>u$, t!e lo/ percentage o1 in!eritance suggests
t!at Kevin may just &e a portion o1 t!e !al1 o1 5mericans t!at e$perience it at least
once a mont! 0+3G

0'3 M=ia&etes ?asicsGM Genetics of DiabetesG 5merican =ia&etes 5ssociation, nGdG
#e&G ,5 2eptG +,'AG
0+3 MGastroesop!ageal Ce>u$ =isease and Heart&urnGM University of Maryland
Medical CenterG Bniversity o1 Maryland Medical "enter, nGdG #e&G ,6 2eptG
+,'AG N!ttp:--ummGedu-!ealt!-medical-reports-articles-gastroesop!ageal8
Points: Criteria:
5 "over page: name, date due, course
name, project title 0centered in t!e
middle o1 t!e page3
+5 Part ' c!art
+5 Part + c!art
Part A
aG 2ummary and e$planation must
&e at least + paragrap!s, and a
paragrap! s!ould contain 58)
sentences on t!e same topicG
&G =iscuss and descri&e t!e
in!eritance pattern 0ie
autosomal dominant, autosomal
recessive, multi1actorial, or
general genetic-1amilial
+, :verall project appearance, grammar,
1ormatting, clarity, logical >o/ o1
contents, 5P5 style 1ormatting

5lso, copy-paste t!e grading criteria
c!art 0t!is c!art3 onto t!e last page o1
your paper, so t!at it can &e easily
accessed /!ilel grading your paper

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