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September 4-10, 2014

Myanmar Business Today
Inside MBT September 4-10, 2014 | Vol 2, Issue 35
Your Myunmur Tuxes (PurL
): CommercIuI Tux P-
SLuLe oI ServIced Om ce MurkeL
In Yungon (PurL ) P-z
Myanmar Summary
Dawei SEZ Project to Come Out of
Hiatus by November
May Soe San
Ie IuILed muILIbII-
lion dollar Dawei
SpecIuI EconomIc
Zone (SEZ) projecL Is
expecLed Lo resume by
November us LIe govern-
menL Ius InvILed Lwo com-
punIes Lo submIL cIosed
tenders to complete the
hrsL pIuse oI LIe projecL,
u mInIsLer suId.
U Hun SeIn, depuLy un-
ion minister for transport
and also the chairman of
LIe DuweI SEZ munuge-
ment committee, told
Myanmar Business Today
LIuL LuIIun-TIuI DeveI-
opmenL (TD) PcI Irom
Thailand and a Japanese
compuny Iuve been In-
vILed In u seIecL Lender
process. A seIecL Lender Is
onIy open Lo u seIecL num-
ber oI purLIes us opposed
to an invitation to tender
by pubIIc udverLIsemenL
In cuse oI un open Lender.
TD goL InvoIved In
LIe DuweI projecL In LIe
zo1o-11 hscuI yeur und
ugreed upon u Irumework
oI undersLundIng wILI LIe
Myunmur PorL AuLIorILy
Lo ImpIemenL LIe projecL.
However, Thailand and
Myanmar seized control
oI LIe projecL In Novem-
ber IusL yeur Irom TD
us LIe IuLLer sLruggIed Lo
secure prIvuLe hnuncIng
Ior LIe umbILIous projecL.
DespILe IosIng concessIon
rIgIL Lo joIn uucLIons In
severuI projecLs.
LuIIun-TIuI IuILed pro-
jecL ucLIvILIes due Lo ILs Iuck
oI cupucILy Lo munuge LIe
wIoIe projecL. We Iuve
unnounced u seIecL Lender
instead of an open tender
und InvILed boLI TD und u
Jupunese compuny.
TIe Lender Is Ior sev-
en projecLs, wIIcI LIe
Lwo compunIes sIouId
be ubIe Lo IundIe joInLIy.
TIe projecL Is currenLIy
suspended Lo uddress
compensuLIon Issues und
wIII resume In OcLober or
November, U Hun SeIn
told Myanmar Business
PIuse one oI LIe projecL
IncIudes buIIdIng u deep-
seu porL, un IndusLrIuI
zone, commercial and
resIdenLIuI InIrusLrucLure,
hospitals and schools,
murkeLs, u IIgIwuy und
ruIIwuy IInkIng TIuIIund
und Myunmur, und u gus
pIpeIIne uIong LIe IIgI-
wuy rouLe.
TD, TIuIIund`s IurgesL
consLrucLIon group, wIII
be reImbursed Ior LIe
work it has completed,
om cIuIs suId eurIIer. TIe
cuIcuIuLIon oI LIe vuIue
oI TD`s prevIous InvesL-
menL wIII be conducLed
beIore LIe end oI AugusL,
U Hun SeIn suId.
ocuLed uIong LIe TIuI-
Myunmur penInsuIur wILI
IIgIwuy IInks Lo IndusLry
Iubs neur Bungkok, InILIuI
cosL Ior LIe DuweI ProjecL
wus esLImuLed uL $8 bII-
_ ., ._ ~.~: ~_ .e: q,
~.~.:.~ ~.|..'e:.
_.. .~:~~:. .~:.
~~. _.,..:..__e.._~:.
. ..: .q.~, _ ~ ._:, _ ._
.: . . ~, _ ~ . .e, . , ~
_.~. ~ q~.,~ ._ .:
. ..:q~..q.~~~
.~ q . . ~ .,._ ..
. ~~:..~.:..~.~
..~~ITD . .,..
~ . ~ ~. . ~ ~ .q ..e ~:
(Selecting Tender) ..'e:.
_.. ..~..q..e.~.
_. .. .. :..|~ . . , ..:.~
.~q~ :.~e...:..q.
~,~.|~._ ~~:..
~ . ~ - q .. ._. . . . ~, e .
~~.~......~ _.~.
~~ ._. .. ..~: ..: q ~ .,
._~:. .q._.
IIon, wIIcI IuLer jumped
up Lo somewIere beLween
$o Lo $zoo bIIIIon. My-
anmar and Thailand for
Iong Iuve courLed Jupun
Lo be u purLner Ior LIe
projecL mosLIy becuuse oI
the massive investment
LIuL Is requIred Ior LIe
WIIIe DuweI IunguIsIed
becuuse oI Iuck oI InvesLor
interest and the dearth of
hnuncIng, unoLIer Jup-
unese-bucked SEZ pro-
jecL zkm Irom Yungon,
TIIIuwu SEZ, Is currenLIy
goIng uIeud In IuII swIng.
A motorcyclist rides past a dirt road at a site for the multibillion dollar industrial estate in Dawei district.

AmerIcun Irms OpLImIsLIc
AbouL DoIng BusIness In My-
unmur, ASEAN: ReporL P-11
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Board of Editors
Editor-in-Chief - Sherpa Hossainy
Email -
Deputy Editor - Aundrea Montao
Email -
Editor-in-Charge - Wai Linn Kyaw
Email -
Ph - 09 40 157 9090
Regional & International Editors
Logan Linnane
Reporters & Contributors
Htun Htun Minn, May Soe San, Kyaw Min,
Wai Linn Kyaw, Tin Mg Oo, Aye Myat,
Aung Phyo, Zwe Wai, Phyo Thu,
David Mayes, Sherpa Hossainy,
Aundrea Montao, Logan Linnane
Art & Design
Zarni Min Naing (Circle)
Email -
Ko Naing
Email -
May Su Hlaing
Aye Chan Wynn, Wai Linn Kyaw,
Phyu Maung
Seint Seint Aye, Moe Hsann Pann, Htet Wai Yan,
Zin Wai Oo, Nay Lin Htike
Advertising Hotline - 09 420 237 625, 09 4211 567 05,
09 31 450 345, 09 250 411 911, 09 2500 18646
Email -
Managing Director
Prasert Lekavanichkajorn
U Myo Oo (04622)
No. 1A-3, Myintha 11
South Okkalapa Township, Yangon.
Tel: 951-85000 86, 8500 763
Fax: 951-8603288 ext: 007
Shwe Naing Ngan Printing (04193)
Subscription & Circulation
Aung Khin Sint -
09 20 435 59
Nilar Myint -
09 4210 855 11
Khaing Zaw Hnin -
09 4211 30133
Business News in Brief
Bank to lend to gems i ndustr y to open soon
A Gems DeveIopmenL PubIIc Bunk wIII be esLubIIsIed
soon Lo Iend Lo busIness peopIe Irom LIe IndusLry, Io-
cuI medIu quoLed Myunmur Gems MercIunLs AssocIu-
LIon CIuIrmun Yone Mu us suyIng. TIere ure ubouL Lwo
dozen IocuI prIvuLe bunks In Myunmur uL LIe momenL.
Jopon 1D1 to increose in current pscol geor
Jupunese IoreIgn dIrecL InvesLmenL (D) InLo My-
unmur durIng LIe presenL hscuI yeur, wIIcI sLurLed on
AprII 1, wIII be mucI more LIun IusL yeur, especIuIIy In
LIe SME und InIrusLrucLure secLors, IocuI medIu quoLed
ederuLIon oI CIumbers oI Commerce und ndusLry
CIuIrmun WIn Aung us suyIng uL u recenL Iorum. ToLuI
Jupunese D In LIe hrsL hve monLIs oI LIIs hscuI yeur
wus $z; mIIIIon, more LIun durIng LIe sume perIod In
LIe prevIous hscuI yeur.
Sugar Development Publi c Co to sell up to
Myunmur Sugur DeveIopmenL PubIIc Co, esLubIIsIed
In MurcI, wIII seII up Lo zoo,ooo sIures. SuIes sLurLed
sLurLIng on AugusL z6 uL K11,ooo ($11.6) u sIure, IocuI
medIu quoLed MunugIng DIrecLor WIn HLuy oI LIe com-
puny us suyIng. TIe compuny Iud soId oo,ooo sIures
beIore ILs IncorporuLIon us u pubIIc IImILed compuny In
Total for ex r eser ves esti mated at over $5b
Myunmur`s LoLuI IoreIgn excIunge reserves Is esLImuL-
ed uL jusL over $ bIIIIon, IocuI medIu quoLed Zuw Oo,
LIe presIdenL`s economIc udvIser, us suyIng. TIe cenLruI
bunk suId IusL SepLember LIuL Iorex reserves were uL
$;.6 bIIIIon. Over $ bIIIIon Is jusL enougI Lo meeL hve
monLIs` ImporLs.
Ri ce expor ts up 25pc on Russi an demand
RIce exporLs Irom Myunmur Iuve rIsen more LIun z
percenL LIIs hscuI yeur, uccordIng Lo LIe IuLesL hgures
Irom LIe MInIsLry oI Commerce. BeLween AprII 1 und
AugusL 1, $1q6 mIIIIon worLI oI rIce Ius been exporLed,
up $; mIIIIon Irom LIe sume perIod IusL hscuI yeur, LIe
mInIsLry suId, uLLrIbuLIng LIe rIse Lo Increused demund
Ior sLeumed rIce Irom RussIu. RIce exporLs rose Lo 1.
mIIIIon Lonnes worLI $z8 mIIIIon In hscuI yeur zo1z-
1, buL dropped Lo 1 mIIIIon Lonnes IusL hscuI, IeLcIIng
$8o mIIIIon.
Ai r bus taps Myanmar s tour i sm
AIrbus HeIIcopLers SouLIeusL AsIu suys AIrbus Iopes
Lo seII or Ieuse IeIIcopLers Lo LourIsm servIce operuLors
In Myunmur. AIrbus HeIIcopLers SouLIeusL AsIu vIce
presIdenL, IoneI SInuI-SIneInIko, LoId IocuI medIu
LIuL AIrbus Iopes Lo suppIy IeIIcopLers Ior sIgILseeIng
LrIps sImIIur Lo wIuL Is oered by IoL uIr buIIoons uL
I ndi an Govt plans to i mpor t 500,000 tonne
r i ce fr om Myanmar
TIe ndIun governmenL Is pIunnIng Lo ImporL
oo,ooo Lonnes oI rIce Irom Myunmur Lo meeL ILs
PubIIc DIsLrIbuLIon SysLem (PDS) requIremenLs oI Lwo
norLI-eusLern sLuLes, TrIpuru und MIzorum. TIIs comes
In LIe wuke oI IIkeIy dIsrupLIon oI rIce suppIy Lo LIese
sLuLes due Lo LIe proposed ruIIwuy guuge conversIon
work sLurLIng OcLober 1. L Is Ior LIe hrsL LIme In dec-
udes LIuL LIe counLry wIII ImporL rIce In sucI sIgnIhcunL
quunLILIes Ior PDS purpose. TIe Ideu Is Lo ImporL Irom
LIe neIgIbourIng counLry Ior u yeur, us LIe megu bIock
wouId IIkeIy exIsL Ior LIuL perIod oI LIme.
Myanmar Summary
_._~.q .~:~.~q~,:..,...~.,..: ...:..q.
..,.q.:.~ .....:....~..q,~~~ .~:~.~
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.~:~ _.~. ' q~.,. .~.q:..._.. qee:~...
~.. ~~,~~~ ~..q~,..'.: ~~ ... ,' _e .q:...
._~:. .q._.
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.,._.~~.._~:. ...:.~..,.~,_~._:,. .q._. -_..
~ q~.,. _.~. ~ q~.,~~. .,..|.~... ~..q
~,..'.: ~' .,.qq.._e .q._. e.~.~.~~.q
_...: ,q:... ..|..,~e.~:._.~~._..._~:_e.
._~:. .q._.
Airbus ._ _.,.:.q..:.~,..:...,..:.~~~ ,.
~-qe~e:.:.~ .q:..:.q...q, ...,._e
Airbus qe~e:~.q.~:~:q.~e~_~ ._.:.._.
.~ ......e:._e .:~,...:. _~_.~. Airbus
~.,_e ._ . e .~ . ~, ..: . .:. .:~ . .... q, ..: .
.,._e .q._.
~.e~..q._ .-~.q._.:~...q .,.~..~q.,
..: _._,e...~~~ _.,.:.. .,~,.,|..,.~..
q, ...,._e .q._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
MMPD to Sell 70,000 Shares
Phyo Thu
Ie Myunmur Mo-
LIon PIcLures DeveI-
opmenL PubIIc Co
Ld (MMPD) Is pIunnIng
Lo seII ;o,ooo sIures Lo
prIvuLe InvesLors und In-
dIvIduuIs workIng In LIe
IndusLry, munugIng dIrec-
Lor oI LIe hrm U Mg Mg
Oo suId.
TIe sIures wIII be oI-
Iered uL K1o,ooo eucI.
More LIun ;o,ooo
sIures, worLI over K;oo
mIIIIon, wIII be soId. TIIs
Is un eorL Lo deveIop My-
unmur`s hIm IndusLry. We
will set the limit on the
umounL oI sIures un IndI-
vIduuI cun buy Lo u muxI-
mum oI Ko mIIIIon In or-
der to prevent monopoly
by u sIngIe sIureIoIder,
Mg Mg Oo LoId Myunmur
BusIness Toduy.
A LoLuI oI K8oo mIIIIon
worLI oI sIurers Iuve uI-
reudy been soId In prevI-
ous suIes, 8o percenL oI
wIIcI were bougIL by
pIuyers In LIe IndusLry, Ie
Myunmur`s movIe In-
dusLry Iuces muny ob-
sLucIes, IncIudIng LIe
Iew numbers oI cInemus
uvuIIubIe Lo IndIvIduuIs
Lo enjoy u sIow, LIe Iuck
oI InLeIIecLuuI properLy
rIgILs und LIe proIusIon
of piracy, which also
deepIy ImpucLs LIe musIc
BoLI IndusLrIes desper-
ately need investment,
u sLruLegIc deveIopmenL
plan and economic vision,
unuIysLs suy.
[The company] said
IL Is workIng Ior LIe de-
veIopmenL oI LIe hIm In-
dusLry. ProIessIonuIs In
LIe IndusLry need cupuc-
ILy buIIdIng und we need
Lo Increuse LIe umounL
oI cInemus. We uIso need
sLuLe supporL, suId Duw
KIIn uy TIeInL, u My-
unmur MoLIon PIcLure
OrgunIzuLIon uwurd-wIn-
nIng producer.
Awurd-wInnIng ucLress
Duw Swe ZIn HLIke suId
muny weIcome LIe seII-
Ing oI sIures becuuse LIey
beIIeve InvesLIng In LIe
IndusLry Is besL done by
pubIIc compunIes, wIIIe
the Myanmar Motion
PIcLure OrgunIzuLIon, u
nonprohL oversIgIL body
comprIsIng IeudIng Indus-
try professionals, seeks to
supporL und reguIuLe LIe
IndusLry ruLIer LIun com-
mercIuIIy InvesL.
Myunmur IIm De-
velopment can provide a
creativity investment and
uIso be InsLrumenLuI In
negoLIuLIng purLnersIIps
wILI IoreIgn compunIes,
sIe suId.
The company is also
currenLIy buIIdIng u DVD
dIsc munuIucLurIng pIunL
In No.z HIuIng TIuryur
IndusLrIuI zone, wIIcI Is
q percenL hnIsIed.
Kachin Traders Call for
Easing Trade Restrictions
May Soe San
ILIougI vurIous
goods Irom CIInu
ow seumIessIy
InLo Myunmur, ugrIcuILur-
uI producLs Irom KucIIn
sLuLe cunnoL be om cIuIIy
exporLed Lo CIInu, U Puw
Oo, cIuIr oI LIe KucIIn-
bused AssocIuLIon oI n-
dusLry und Commerce,
suId uL LIe Myunmur-
CIInu Trude PromoLIon
Despite Kachin states
sLruLegIc geogrupIIc Iocu-
LIon, wIIcI borders boLI
CIInu und ndIu, LrudIng
wILI CIInu LIrougI Kun-
pILe Tee border guLe Is
noL uIIowed. AgrIcuILuruI
producLs sucI us rIce,
corn und rubber produced
In LIe sLuLe ure noL uI-
Iowed Ior exporL Lo CIInu,
even uILer requesLs were
mude In prevIous Myun-
mur-CIInu Lrude Iorums.
Now goods musL LruveI
ouL oI LIe wuy LIrougI
KuLIur, Bumuw Lo
wuIJeI, becuuse LIe Kun-
pILe Tee Is bIocked. We
Iuve requesLed In LIe pusL
Lo uIIow exporLs oI rIce
und corn us subsLILuLes
Ior opIum, suId U Puw
Oo wIIIe expIuInIng LIese
dIm cuILIes uL LIe Iorum.
KucIIn Lruders musL
LruveI LIrougI SIwe I-
KyuIKIuun, LIe border
ureu oI SIun sLuLe, Lo buy
goods, wIIcI LIey LIen
Iuve Lo smuggIe buck InLo
KucIIn sLuLe LIrougI In-
IormuI cIunneIs, becuuse
om cIuI pussuge Is noL uI-
Iowed, Ie conLInued,
wIIIe cuIIIng Ior LIe eus-
Ing oI resLrIcLIons Lo en-
sure eusy LrunsporLuLIon
oI goods Lo MyILkyInu, LIe
cupILuI oI KucIIn.
Most of the transactions
beLween Myunmur und
CIInu go LIrougI Muse`s
1o-mIIe border LrudIng
Iub, wIIIe on CIInu`s
sIde, SIwe I und KyuI
KIuung ure LIe busIness
cenLres Ior LrudIng wILI
nvesLors Irom CIInu
also come into Kachin
sLuLe Lo deveIop joInL
ugrIcuILuruI busInesses
producIng crops sucI us
bununu, sugurcune und
cussuvu. TIese crops ure
LIen exporLed Lo CIInu,
wIo LIen dIsLrIbuLes LIem
gIobuIIy wILIouL IubeIIIng
Myanmar or Kachin state
us LIe producer, Ie suId.
We ure gIud Lo Iuve
CIInu us LIe cIIeI Inves-
Lor In Myunmur. AILIougI
we ure seeIng muny CII-
nese InvesLors conducL-
Ing busIness In KucIIn by
IeusIng Iund, LIey Iuve yeL
Lo muke un eorL Lo Lruns-
Ier LecInoIogy or produce
empIoymenL benehLs In
LIe IocuI popuIuLIon.
ocuI peopIe sIouId be
involved in this process,
und InLernuLIonuI InvesL-
menL sIouId be In IIne
wILI LIe om cIuI InvesL-
menL Iuws, U Puw Oo
CurrenLIy, Lrude In
Kachin state is hindered
by urmed conIcLs, wIIcI
mukes LIe need Ior om cIuI
Lrude cIunneIs Increus-
IngIy crucIuI, U Aung Sun,
vIce presIdenL oI LIe usso-
cIuLIon, suId.
Over 8o percenL oI My-
unmur`s rIce exporLs go
Lo CIInu, mosL oI wIIcI
ure LIrougI LIe Muse 1o
LrudIng Iub. WILI corn us
unoLIer mujor exporL Lo
CIInu, LIe ussocIuLIon Ius
usked LIe Iorum Ior uu-
LIorIsuLIon Lo exporL LIe
muxImum quoLu oI Lur-
I-Iree corn LIrougI LIe
KunpILe Tee border posL.
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
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The Shae Saung Cinema theater in Yangon.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Bean Exports to the
EU Hit Snags
Phyo Thu
Ie pIun Lo expund
beun und puIse ex-
ports to the EU is
IucIng dImcuILIes due Lo
the lack of international
cerLIhcuLIons und uccredI-
LuLIons, uccordIng Lo My-
unmur PuIses, Beuns und
Sesume Seeds MercIunLs
AssocIuLIon (MPBSMA).
TIere Iuve been u Iew
exporLs Lo LIe EU uILer LIe
suncLIons were IIILed buL
they were only aimed at
LesLIng LIe wuLers LIere.
DespILe benehLs prom-
Ised by EU`s grunLIng GSP
benehLs Lo Myunmur, IL Is
sLIII ImpossIbIe Lo deIIver
LIe quuIILy und quunLILy
LIey requIre, U Soe WIn
MyInL, u consuILunL Irom
the association, told My-
anmar Business Today.
AILIougI LIere Iuve
been eorLs Lo Improve
LIe quuIILy oI LIe prod-
ucLs, eIImInuLe InsecLIcIde
uses und provIde cupucILy
buIIdIng Lo LIe Lruders Lo
meet the standards of the
EU, LIe subsequenL In-
creuse In cosLs Is posIng u
Beun und puIse sLocks
in the market have
reucIed LIe IowesL In 1o
yeurs und exporLs Lo LIe
EU ure sLIII murgInuI. I
emcIency Is Improved In
LIe producLIon cIuIn Irom
sowIng Lo sLorIng, LIen
our producLs cun guIn ex-
posure In new murkeLs,
U Tun wIn, cIuIr oI
MPBSMA, LoId Myanmar
Business Today.
AILIougI IocuI beun
und puIse murkeL Ius
seen prIce munIpuIuLIons
LIrougI unIuIhIIed deuIs
and promises, the com-
modILy Is enjoyIng u good
prIce currenLIy wILI un es-
LImuLed 1. mIIIIon Lonnes
IuvIng been exporLed per
Myunmur`s exporLs oI
beuns und puIses rose
LIIs hscuI yeur, up $1o
mIIIIon In vuIue Lo $8o
mIIIIon, uccordIng Lo LIe
commerce mInIsLry. Ex-
porLs oI beuns und puIses
LoLuIIed oo,66q Lonnes
Irom AprII 1 Lo AugusL 8,
duLu sIows.
ndIu Is LIe onIy mujor
buyer wILIouL uny puruI-
lel demand from other
counLrIes. We uIso need
Lo expund LIe currenL neL-
work oI buyers, U Soe
WIn MyInL suId.
Beuns und puIses ure
uIso exporLed Lo SIngu-
pore and Thailand in ad-
dILIon Lo ndIu und LIe nu-
LIonuI sLruLegIc progrum
concernIng LIe commod-
ILy Is cIose Lo be hnuIIsed.
. -. ~ . . ~ ._.. . .
~..~.,_e EU ..:.
. ~.q:~..q..: ~q_
~.. .~. ~. ~ _..~ . ~
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Senction .e~~_.~
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EU ~ ~..,.~ ~~,
~.~ ~:._e ,_ ..,...~e .
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qq .:. . :_e. .|~e ''e _., .:
. . . .. . . . .~ , ._ . . , .
q.:.~..~_ .,..
~ ._.:._.
Women from Myanmar shell kidney beans in front of a closed store in the border town of Moreh.


Myanmar Plans to
Expand Yangon City
via Private Investment
Zwe Wai
yanmars Yan-
gon regIon
governmenL Is
druwIng pIuns Ior LIe ex-
punsIon oI Yungon cILy
LIrougI prIvuLe InvesL-
ment of developers and
LIe pubIIc, LIe regIonuI
governmenL suId.
Tenders wIII be exLend-
ed to potential developers
In LIe neur IuLure, LIe re-
gIonuI governmenL suId In
u sLuLemenL.
n vIew oI rupId In-
creuse In popuIuLIon und
socIo-economIc deveI-
opment and the need to
expund LIe ureu oI LIe
cILy, LIe Yungon regIon
governmenL Ius desIg-
nuLed LIe ureus beLween
LIe Pun HIuIng rIver
and the Twante canal
und beLween LIe HIuIng
RIver und HIuIngLIuryur-
TwunLe roud Ior expun-
sIon oI LIe cILy, IL suId.
AccordIng Lo LIe sLuLe-
menL, LIe governmenL
Ius been orgunIsIng
worksIops, conducLIng
pubIIc opInIon surveys
und IeusIbIIILy LesLs Ior
InIrusLrucLure und druIL-
Ing concepLuuI pIuns Ior
urbun deveIopmenL wIIIe
InvILIng InvesLmenL Irom
LIe prIvuLe secLor.
Yungon, wILI un ureu oI
;q squure kIIomeLre, Ius
u popuIuLIon oI un esLI-
muLed ;.8 mIIIIon.
WILI growIng urbun
popuIuLIon und Ieuvy
Lrumc jum cuused by u
surge In veIIcIe ImporLs,
Yungon Ius become Ieuv-
IIy congesLed despILe
rusIed consLrucLIons oI
some overpusses.
q, ~ , ~ ...._ ~ .~. .q._
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_ . _ .. ..q~ .~~ .:. .
..: .~: ~:.~ . .. _. ~~
.:_. .~_~ ..:.._ e: ._~:
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Your Myanmar Taxes (Part III):
Commercial Tax
oes Myanmar have
u VAT? A vuIue
udded Lux, or VAT,
Is wIuL muny counLrIes
use Lo Lux economIc ucLIv-
ity in the marketplace at
eucI IeveI oI u producL or
servIce`s wuy LIrougI LIe
economy. or exumpIe In
IeveI one u cur munuIuc-
Lurer seIIs u veIIcIe Lo u
wIoIesuIer. n IeveI Lwo
the wholesaler sells to a
dealer and in step three
LIe deuIer seIIs Lo LIe con-
sumer. WILI u VAT, LIere
Is u Lux on eucI IeveI oI LIe
LrunsucLIon. AL eucI IeveI,
Iowever, LIe person puy-
Ing LIe Lux Is IuLer gIven
u credIL Ior LIe eurIIer Lux
puId on LIe producL, so
LIey puy onIy LIe Lux ruLe
on LIe Increuse In vuIue
of the level on which they
ure doIng busIness.
While Myanmar doesnt
have a VAT, it does have
someLIIng sImIIur cuIIed
LIe commercIuI Lux CT.
TIe CT dIers In LIuL
while every transaction
IeveI Is Luxed sImIIur Lo
the VAT, entities dont
receIve u credIL on Luxes
puId on prevIous IeveIs.
TIe CT uppIIes Lo servIces
perIormed by non-resI-
denLs wIIcI IuII under LIe
scope oI LIe CT. However,
uccordIng Lo LIe Commer-
cIuI Tux ReguIuLIon sec-
LIon qz compunIes cun In
LIeory receIve u deducLIon
on Luxes puId Ior goods. n
practice, the commercial
Lux mosL oILen resembIes
u VAT us peopIe rouLIneIy
do noL uppIy Ior LIe Lux
credIL due Lo LIe convo-
IuLed requIremenLs und
LIe dIm cuILy oI uppIyIng.
Lets look at how the
commercIuI Lux works
In Myunmur. IrsL, IeL`s
Iook uL servIces. TIIs yeur
IeuLured u bIg cIunge Ior
CT cIurged Ior servIces.
PrevIousIy onIy servIces
on LIe governmenL`s IIsL
were subjecL Lo commer-
cIuI Lux. Now LIe reverse
Is Lrue, und onIy specIh-
cuIIy exempLed servIces In
LIe UnIon Revenue uw
oI zo1q ure noL Luxed,
wILI uII oLIers subjecL Lo
commercIuI Lux.
James Finch &
Kyaw Swa Myint
Here ure u Iew exumpIes
oI servIces LIuL uren`L sub-
jecL Lo commercIuI Lux:
EducuLIon, bunkIng, cIIId
nursery, movIng, IeuILI-
cure, veLerInury, pubIIc
LrunsporL (e.g. bus) und
ouLbound uIr LrunsporLu-
LIon, InIormuLIon LecInoI-
ogy, LecInoIogy und mun-
ugemenL consuILIng.
TIe sLundurd Lux ruLe
for most services that fall
under LIe CT Is percenL.
TIere ure, Iowever, z6
servIces wIIcI Iuve dII-
IerIng Lux ruLes. or exum-
ple, healthcare services,
bunkIng servIces, und IIIe
Insurunce servIces ure uII
Luxed uL u dIerenL ruLe.
BusInesses smuIIer LIun
LIe ones on LIe IoIIowIng
LubIe don`L Iuve Lo cIurge
commercIuI Lux:
An exumpIe oI LIe CT
In ucLIon Is II you go Lo
u resLuurunL or sLuy In u
hotel in Myanmar, when
you geL LIe bIII you`II see
LIere`s un uddILIonuI
percent tacked on for
commercIuI Lux und you
sIouId budgeL Ior LIIs.
As Lo CT on goods, n
LIe pusL LIere wus no sIn-
gIe sLundurd commercIuI
Lux ruLe on LIem. L wus so
conIusIng LIuL mosL mer-
cIunLs Ignored LIe Lux uII
LogeLIer. Now LIe com-
mercIuI Lux on prucLIcuIIy
uII goods Is one number
- percenL. AccordIng Lo
LIe Tux uw oI LIe UnIon
zo1q, LIere ure severuI
excepLIons IncIudIng LIe
IoIIowIng: CIgureLLes ure
Luxed uL 1oo percenL; uI-
coIoI Is Luxed uL o; curs
ubove 18oocc ure Luxed uL
z percenL.
Keep In mInd LIuL com-
mercIuI Lux, IIke VAT, Is
puyubIe on every IeveI
of commerce for these
goods, IncIudIng munu-
IucLure, suIe, LrudIng und
TIere ure u Iew goods
LIuL ure exempL Irom
commercIuI Lux. TIey In-
cIude LexLbooks, medIcuI
equIpmenL, IerLIIIsers und
pesLIcIdes. Some goods
produced In Myunmur,
sucI us ugrIcuILuruI prod-
ucLs, ure exempL Irom
commercIuI Lux unLII LIey
ure exporLed.
James Finch is a part-
ner at DFDL Myanmar
Limited, resident in Yan-
gon. Kyaw Swa Myint is
an advisor at DFDL My-
anmar Limiteds Yangon
Tax Business Unit.
_.,.:.~ .~~:.:
~. ~... .q:...
~, ..: . ~. ~ .~~ ~
., (VAT) .q..:._. ...:.
.q.. , (CT) ..'~.:. ._:,
~~.,~...q._. CT ~
VAT ,_.~ ~.~._.:.
~. ~ .~~ ~ ~. , .~:~
..: ._ . ~ :_.:..~ . : e.
~..:.~ .....::.
..:~.,.:.~~~ .,:~
~.~ ..:..|..q_.._e.
._. ~._...,..e~
..:.~ ..:q~..: ~,
..:..:.~:.._. CT -
~~.~~:~ .|~.
~q:.~q ~.~.:.~.,_e
~ , .. _ .. :.~~ ~ ~. ,
..: ..| . .:.. .:.. q ._ .
.~ .~ ~ . , . . ...:
.~..~.:.. .~:~.q,
.~._..~._~: ~.,~.
.~ ..|.__...q..:
._~: CT .: VAT .
e...~. CT .: _~..:.
. :._.: .. . :.. ._ . e.
~ ~..q~..' ~,..:..:.
~.: CT .~:~.q._e
.~.~:.._ .
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Contd. P 9...
Myanmars Special Economic Zones:
Jumpstarting an Economy in a Rut
Htun Htun Minn
yunmur`s SpecIuI
Economic Zone
Law, enacted
In zo1q, sLuLes LIuL LIe
gouI oI deveIopIng specIuI
economIc zones (SEZ) Is
to improve the socioeco-
nomIc sLuLus oI LIe coun-
Lry und communILIes by
provIdIng job opporLunI-
LIes Ior IocuIs - buL muny
cILIzens remuIn doubLIuI
LIey wIII see LIe supposed
economic prosperity from
LIe new SEZs.
L Is unsurprIsIng LIuL
the Myanmar people,
IuvIng IIved Ior more
LIun IuII u cenLury In u
cIosed economy under
un uuLIorILurIun regIme,
ure noL opLImIsLIc ubouL
the new development ini-
LIuLIves Ied by LIe quusI-
democruLIc governmenL.
und grubs remuIn u
cenLruI Issue In LIe de-
veIopmenL oI SEZs und
IueI cILIzen dIsLrusL oI LIe
governmenL. or exum-
ple, locals relocated from
residential areas for the
development of Thilawa
SEZ LesLIIy LIey ure yeL Lo
receive the fair compen-
sation promised in the
SEZ Iuw, wIIcI requIres
companies to compensate
residents for land and
crops, and to provide a
sLundurd oI IIvIng LIuL Is
not lower than that en-
joyed prIor Lo LIeIr reIo-
CurrenLIy, Myunmur Is
deveIopIng LIree specIuI
economIc zones: TIIIuwu,
DuweI, und KyuukpIyu.
DespILe dIerences In
geogrupIIc IocuLIon und
purpose, LIe LIree SEZs
Iuve one LIIng In com-
mon: LIe IucL LIuL LIe
development process has
been unyLIIng buL smooLI
und deveIopers conLInue
Lo Iuce cIuIIenges uround
every corner.
BeIow Is u generuI over-
vIew oI LIe LIree SEZs
und some oI LIe cIuIIeng-
es LIey Iuce. uLer urLIcIes
will take an in depth look
uL eucI oI SEZ`s probIems
und Iook uL LIe IuLure Lru-
jecLory Ior success, or IuII-
Thi lawa SEZ
TIIIuwu SEZ, IocuLed
zo kIIomeLers souLIeusL
oI Yungon, Is u joInL ven-
Lure deveIopmenL projecL
beLween LIe Myunmur
und Jupunese govern-
ments and private con-
sorLIums, wIIcI Iorm LIe
Myunmur-Jupun TIIIuwu
Development Limited
compuny. TIe Myunmur
governmenL owns 1o per-
cenL LIrougI LIe TIIIuwu
SEZ MunugemenL Com-
mILLee, LIe Jupunese gov-
ernmenL owns 1o percenL
LIrougI JCA, u Myun-
mur prIvuLe consorLIum
owns q1 percenL LIrougI
the Myanmar Thilawa
SEZ HoIdIngs PubIIc
Limited, and a Japanese
prIvuLe consorLIum owns
zq percenL LIrougI MMS
TIIIuwu DeveIopmenL Co
n Muy zo1q, MTSH
purcIused q;8 ucres ureu
Ior LIe hrsL pIuse oI LIe
projecL, IoIIowed by u
sLruLegIc envIronmenL
ussessmenL (SEA) on LIe
q,qqz ucres secured Ior
LIe second pIuse.
has made relatively more
progress compured Lo LIe
oLIer Lwo SEZs, conLInues
Lo deuI wILI uIIeguLIons
international standards
In deveIopIng LIe hrsL
pIuse. TIe Issue oI com-
pensuLIon Is uIso u mujor
probIem wILI escuIuLIng
conIronLuLIons beLween
developers and local resi-
denLs. n order Lo uvoId u
repeuL oI LIe sume prob-
Iems, LIe governmenL
avoided residential areas
In cIoosIng LIe ureu Ior
the second phase of the
However, local farmers
conLInue Lo worry ubouL
IosIng LIeIr IIveIIIoods
und IuvIng Lo hnd oLIer
means to economically
supporL LIeIr IumIIy be-
Iore LIe SEZ Is operuLIon-
Kyaukphyu SEZ
Unlike Myanmars other
SEZs, wIere LIe govern-
ment is heavily involved,
KyuukpIyu Is u busIness-
Lo-busIness venLure. TIe
KyuukpIyu SEZ, wIIcI Is
seLup Lo provIde u dIrecL
cIunneI connecLIng CII-
nu, ndIu und LIe ASEAN
counLrIes, wIII be deveI-
oped in three phases, with
LIe expecLed compIeLIon
duLe Lo be someLIme In
TIe SEZ wus hrsL
pIunned Lo be deveIoped
Iour mIIes uwuy Irom LIe
Lown oI KyuukpIyu, buL
was later moved to a site
neur TIILLuw und SImuw
vIIIuges In KyuukpIyu
LownsIIp due Lo LIe dIs-
covery of a clay volcano at
LIe orIgInuI sILe. TIe pro-
jecL ureu wus uIso expund-
ed Lo more LIun q,ooo
n uddILIon Lo RukI-
Ine sLuLe beIng u conIcL
zone, displacement of
resIdenLs Is un ever-pre-
senL probIem. TIe expun-
sIon oI LIe SEZ resuILed
in a plan that places the
consLrucLIon oI resIden-
tial zone in the sea area,
exposIng resIdenLs Lo Ire-
quenL LypIoons, sLrong
sLorms und oodIng LypI-
cuI oI RukIIne sLuLe. DIs-
placement of residents is
quIckIy becomIng un Is-
sue In LIe deveIopmenL
oI LIe SEZ. ResIdenLs LIuL
currenLIy resIde In LIe ur-
eas set for development
doubL LIe benehLs uI-
Iorded by un SEZ wIII Im-
pact their socioeconomic
prospecLs. WILI resIdenLs
IuvIng Lo seII und gIve up
their land and livelihoods
now, IL couId be decudes
beIore LIese IndIvIduuIs
IeeI LIe economIc benehLs
oI LIe projecL.
urLIer compIIcuLIng
muLLers Is unLI-CIInese
senLImenL, wIIcI Ius be-
come u growIng nuLIonuI
Lrend. DurIng LIe buIIdIng
oI LIe SIwe Gus PIpeIIne,
and now the development
oI KyuukpIyu KunmIng
RuIIwuy ProjecL, resIdenLs
ure Iorced Lo gIve Increus-
IngIy Iurge umounLs oI
Iund. AddILIonuIIy, LIe
neguLIve response Lo CII-
nese investment in the
MyILsone Dum projecL
und LIe eLpuduung cop-
per mIne, conLInue Lo
conLrIbuLe Lo u neguLIve
vIew oI CIInu`s presence
In communILIes.
KyuukpIyu SEZ
consists of three
components,which in-
cIudes LIe deveIopmenL
oI u deep-seu porL, Indus-
LrIuI purk und un InLegruL-
ed resIdenLIuI ureu. TIe
hrsL pIuse oI LIe Lender
process wus kIcked o In
eurIy JuIy wILI un InvILu-
LIon Ior ExpressIon oI n-
LeresLs. TIe second pIuse
of the tender process will
be currIed ouL on SepLem-
ber 1, wIen seIecL com-
punIes wIII submIL projecL
plans that will help deter-
mIne LIe bId wInner by
ebruury zo1.
Dawei Deep Seapor t
TIe buIIdIng oI DuweI
SEZ commenced In zoo8,
Ied by LuIIun-TIuI DeveI-
opmenL Co PcI, buL wus
suspended In November
zo1 due Lo InudequuLe
IundIng. Becuuse TD
wus unubIe Lo IuIhII LIeIr
obIIguLIons, LIe deveIop-
menL oI DuweI SEZ wus
LrunsIerred Lo DuweI SEZ
DeveIopmenL Compuny
(DSDC) - u TIuI regIs-
Lered compuny - und Is
u o-o venLure beLween
the Myanmar and Thai-
Iund governmenLs.
To uId In jumpsLurL-
Ing LIe sLuIIed specIuI
economIc zone, DSDC
is in talks with Japan to
become u purLner In LIe
projecL. TIe governmenLs
of Myanmar, Thailand
und Jupun ure expecLed Lo
meeL In SepLember Lo dIs-
cuss LIIs purLnersIIp us
well as the tender process
to invite interested inter-
national companies to
pusI LIe projecL Iorwurd,
DuweI SEZ MunugemenL
CommILLee CIuIr TIuru
U TIuung wIn suId.
Japan is also consider-
Ing InvesLIng In DuweI
SEZ, wIIcI II reuIIsed,
wIII provIde muny bene-
hLs Ior LIe SEZ, suId U SeL
Aung, LIe cIuIr oI DuweI
SEZ IeguI und proceduruI
coordInuLIon sub-com-
Japan has participated
us un observer In every
negoLIuLIon beLween My-
unmur und TIuIIund.
TIey Iuve LecInoIogy
that is far more advanced
LIun LIuL oI boLI oI LIe
counLrIes. TIey IoIIow su-
perior principles in preci-
sion and environmental
conservuLIon. So LIey wIII
brIng muny benehLs, Ie
Despite cooperation
wILI oLIer counLrIes, LIe
rIgIL Lo reguIuLe LIe pro-
cess will remain with the
Myunmur governmenL,
U SeL Aung suId. L Is
IIgIIy IIkeIy Jupun wIII
joIn LIe purLnersIIp, buL
IL Iusn`L mude un omcIuI
unnouncemenL us oI yeL.
WIen Jupun joIns LIe
purLnersIIp, LIe ugree-
ments and frameworks
wILI TIuIIund wIII be re-
vIsed Lo IncIuded rehned
specIhcuLIons. A meeLIng
beLween LIe governmenLs
of Myanmar, Thailand
und Jupun Is expecLed Lo
be IeId In IuLe SepLember,
U SeL Aung suId.
TIe hrsL pIuse oI LIe
projecL Is expecLed Lo In-
cIude LIe consLrucLIon oI
LIe Myunmur-TIuI IIgI-
wuy, u deep-seu porL, In-
dusLrIuI purks, IucLorIes,
busIness IucIIILIes, u Ios-
pital, school and market
TIIs yeur, Germun-
bused RoIund Berger
SLruLegy ConsuILunLs wus
cIosen LIrougI un InLer-
national tender process to
develop the initial infra-
sLrucLure, wIIcI IncIudes
u Lwo-Iune roud Irom Du-
weI Lo LIe TIuI border,
u smuII porL, IndusLrIuI
park, power plant, resi-
denLIuI ureu, u wuLer sup-
pIy sysLem, und commu-
nIcuLIons IucIIILIes. PIuse
one wus supposed Lo be
compIeLed In IuLe zo1;
however, with the pro-
jecL currenLIy suspended,
consLrucLIon Ius severeIy
IuIIen beIInd. L remuIns
Lo be seen II LIe projecL
cun cuLcI up und deIIver
on ILs InILIuI commILmenL.
Myanmar Summary
Contd. P 9...
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.~.:.~.. ~.~:._.q,
.~. ~ :.,. _ e. ._ ..~ q
_.. . .,..: ~ .. .. :..q.
~,...~,..:.~~~ ._.e:
...e_...: .....~.,
_e ~..q~..' .e_~_.~
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.:. ...eq:~ ._ .e:..:
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~ . ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ..~:
._.: ..q ...q._ .... .
~~~ . .~ ., . ~ ..:
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~ . .~|~ .. .. :..q.~ ,
~~~ ._.:..q ....q._
.....:.~ .~....
_.,.:.~ ~....:..q.
~,..~,....~ q,~,_q
..: ..~|..~,.~ .,
Former Dawei Development Companys Managing Director Somjet Thinaphong shows a model of the
Dawei economic zone. After months of negotiations and failed promises, a proposed multi-billion dollar
Myanmar port and special economic zone that could transform Southeast Asian trade appears back on

September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmars Solar Ambitions Kickstarts with
$480-m ACO Pact
Cathy Chan
yunmur wIII ex-
pund ILs sources
oI cIeun energy
LIrougI un ugreemenL
wILI ACO nvesLmenL
Group, u US-bused prI-
vuLe-equILy Iund IocusIng
on AsIun emergIng mur-
kets, to develop two solar
energy pIunLs.
TIe projecL, consIsLIng
oI Lwo 1o-meguwuLL so-
Iur IucIIILIes, Is vuIued uL
$q8o mIIIIon, uccordIng
Lo u reIeuse Irom LIe OI-
hce oI LIe US Trude Rep-
resenLuLIve. TIe pIunLs
ure expecLed Lo uccounL
Ior 1o percenL Lo 1z per-
cent of Myanmars power
generuLIon wIen com-
pIeLed In zo16, LIe reIeuse
TIe underLukIng comes
us LIe counLry begIns Lo
puL u poIIcy sLrucLure In
pIuce Lo encouruge renew-
ubIe energy.
ACO co-Iounder HurI
AcIuLIun, u Iormer Cred-
IL SuIsse Group AG bunk-
er, said last year that the
Iund Is beLLIng $;oo mII-
lion on Myanmar as the
counLry oers InvesLors
LIe besL growLI opporLu-
nILy In SouLIeusL AsIu.
n JuIy zo1z, LIe US
dropped economic sanc-
LIons uguInsL Myunmur
uILer PresIdenL TIeIn SeIn
begun u democruLIc pro-
cess that elected opposi-
LIon Ieuder Aung Sun Suu
KyI Lo purIIumenL uILer 1
yeurs oI Iouse urresL.
ACO expecLs LIe soIur
projecL Lo creuLe qoo con-
sLrucLIon jobs In MyIng-
yan and Meiktila districts,
where the two plants are
expecLed Lo be IocuLed. An
uddILIonuI 1oo permunenL
jobs wIII be creuLed Irom
LIe projecL, wIIcI wIII be
munuged by ConvuIL En-
ergy C, u porLIoIIo com-
puny owned by ACO.
US Trude RepresenLu-
tive Michael Froman was
scIeduIed Lo Ieud u sIgn-
Ing ceremony Loduy Ior
LIe ugreemenL, wIIcI Is
beLween ACO und LIe
Burmu MInIsLry oI EIec-
LrIc Power.
I nvestment Push
US PresIdenL Buruck
Obumu Is deepenIng US
trade and investment ties
wILI AsIu-PucIhc nuLIons
und Is encourugIng LIe
buIIdIng oI InIrusLrucLure
necessury Ior LIe emerg-
Ing counLrIes Lo grow, uc-
cordIng Lo u June q speecI
mude by US Commerce
SecreLury Penny PrILzker.
EorLs IIke LIese sup-
porL LIe umbILIous dehnI-
tion of development that
is at the heart of President
Obumu`s Lrude ugendu,
Froman said in the re-
TIe US oreIgn Com-
mercIuI ServIce Ius ex-
panded its footprint in
AsIu by openIng new oI-
hces In WuIun In CIInu,
und Yungon In Myunmur
to promote partnerships
In LIe regIon, uccordIng
Lo PrILzker`s speecI.
AsIu-PucIhc wIII be un
engIne oI gIobuI growLI
In LIe nexL decude, TIe
regIon`s nuLIons wIII Im-
porL neurIy $1o LrIIIIon
oI goods und servIces by
zozz, neurIy z 1Jz LImes
todays level, Pritzker
Mandalay regi on
ACO`s projecL Is LIe
hrsL-ever soIur energy
development in the Man-
duIuy regIon. L wIII IeIp
Myunmur provIde sLubIe
energy becuuse LIe coun-
try depends heavily on
hydropower, which de-
creuses In ouLpuL durIng
the dry season, the re-
Ieuse suId.
n Muy, LIe AsIun DeveI-
opmenL Bunk unnounced
u pIun Lo brIng power Lo
z o-grId vIIIuges In LIe
counLry LIrougI u $z mII-
IIon grunL projecL Lo ex-
pund cIeun energy use.
Myunmur, LIe SouLI-
east Asian nation that
exILed o yeurs oI mIII-
Lury ruIe In zo11, sIgned u
IoreIgn InvesLmenL bIII In
zo1z Lo woo overseus cor-
poruLIons InLo spendIng
more In LIe Iormer urmy-
run nuLIon. CompunIes
scouLIng opporLunILIes
In Myunmur or sIgnIng
deveIopmenL ugreemenLs
IncIude BesL WesLern
nLernuLIonuI nc., LIe
worId`s second-IurgesL
cIoseIy IeId IoLeI cIuIn;
Cocu-CoIu Co, UnIIever
NV und VIsu nc.
MIC Announces Investment Categories with
No Tax Exemption
Kyaw Min
Ie Myunmur n-
vesLmenL Com-
mIssIon (MC) Ius
prescrIbed some IocuI und
IoreIgn InvesLmenL busI-
ness cuLegorIes IneIIgIbIe
Ior exempLIon und reIIeI
Irom commercIuI Lux und
cusLom duLIes, uccord-
Ing Lo u noLIhcuLIon oI LIe
TIese cuLegorIes oI
busInesses IncIude munu-
IucLurIng oI uIcoIoI, beer,
cIgureLLes und reIuLed ser-
vIces; dIsLrIbuLIon oI gus-
oline, diesel, machine oil
und nuLuruI gus; und veII-
cle services and low tech-
noIogy und Iow InvesL-
menL IndusLrIes wIIcI
cun be currIed ouL by My-
unmur nuLIonuIs excepL
Ior IndusLrIes LIuL requIre
u Iurge Iubour Iorce.
TIe non-Lux exempLIon
InvesLmenL busInesses
uIso comprIse oLIer busI-
nesses sucI us renLIng
IoresL ureus Ior ugrIcuI-
Lure und IoggIng; con-
sLrucLIon oI buIIdIngs und
suIe oI LIem; veIIcIes und
mucIInery renLuI servIce;
und resLuurunLs und Iood-
seIIIng busIness.
However, Iood IndusLry
which is related to milk
und duIry producLs wIII be
grunLed exempLIon Irom
cusLom duLIes, wIIIe LIe
commercIuI Lux remuIns
In pIuce.
AccordIng Lo omcIuI sLu-
tistics, Myanmar received
Luxes worLI K1. LrIIIIon
($1. bIIIIon) In zo1z
und Kz.;1 LrIIIIon In zo1.
TIe expecLed umounL oI
Lux Ior zo1q Is K.q LrII-
IIon, LIe nLernuI Revenue
DepurLmenL suId eurIIer.
TIe governmenL re-
formed the investment
commIssIon In June us
purL oI ILs eorLs Lo druw
more IoreIgn InvesL-
menL InLo LIe counLry.
TIe MC, sLundIng us un
IndependenL orgunIzu-
LIon under LIe MInIsLry
oI NuLIonuI PIunnIng und
Economic Development,
has so far this year per-
mILLed ubouL o projecLs
Ior InvesLmenL by IocuI
enLrepreneurs, und 6o by
IoreIgn InvesLors.
OmcIuI hgures sIow
that Myanmar attracted
Irom q counLIes u LoLuI
conLrucLed IoreIgn InvesL-
menL oI $q6.;1 bIIIIon us
oI June.
Electric power sector
receIved LIe IurgesL In-
vesLmenL wILI $1q.z8 bII-
IIon, uccounLIng Ior q1.z8
percent of the total, fol-
Iowed by oII und gus wILI
$1q.; bIIIIon (o.;6 per-
cenL) und munuIucLurIng
wILI $q.1z bIIIIon (8.8q
percenL). OLIer secLors
LIuL receIved sIgnIhcunL
InvesLmenLs ure mInIng,
IoLeIs und LourIsm, reuI
esLuLe, IIvesLock, hsIery
und ugrIcuILure.
Myanmar Summary
q (MIC) ._ ~. ..:_._
~ .. . _.:.q .. ._. . . . . .
, .~. .~.:.. :.~:.. .. :.
.q.~. , ~ . ~.~:~ . , ~ .
..: ..| . .:.. ~ .. ~ . .:.
. .:.. .q e .~ . ~ . ~ ._~: .
.~: .q . ~ _., .~ ~q.
q._ .
e .. . , .~. .~.:..:.~
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.:~.:~ . _e, . .q. ..:
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~ .|~ ._ .
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~ ..:. ..:~ . . .q: .._. .
:.q. ._. .. .:...:~ . .
~.:.~..:~ . . , ..:.~ . :
._ .~. , ~ .. ~ .q .|.
~..'~:, . ~ q .. ._. . . ..:
. . ~. ._~.q, . . q .. ._. .
. .q.. . , . ACO . ..:~
~ e .q. .., . . . . ~_
.: _., . . . .~ ~ . .
. ~ . ._ _e. ._ .
~~ . |~. .,.q: _._ . . .
._ ~. ~. . : ~, e .~:._e
..'.:., . ,~ ~ , ~._ e
., . , .:.._~: . . q._ .
e ..., ..:._ ~~' . . .
~ ~_ ..:~ _. .. ..|~_., .:
. - . . .. ~ . . . - ~~ .
~ q:. . , .~ _e_ ._ ....
. ._ e ., . , .:._~._ .
_., .:. ~.,_e _., _._ _.
. . .~ ~ _ . ~ q, . ~|..
.: . :..~ . . ~ ..:
q ~ . , ~ _~. ~. ..'
..|~ .:_. ._e. ._ .
~.:. :.q ._ ~~ ~ e .
~ . ~ ~.,_e ..'.:., . ~~
._~: .. .~ ~_ .: . e:q
~.., ~. ._ .
_.,.q: _._ . . .~ . ..
. ~ , ..:..e: ..: ._ _e. ..:
_. ._. . . ~ .:., .:.~
..:~ . . .q.. . , ...| .
,~~.~: e, ~ ....._ e ACO
~., . , .:.._ .
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
From page 6...
Myanmar Summary
Japan to Provide Three New Ferries
for Yangon River
Tin Mg Oo
upun Is seL Lo suppIy
three new ferries to
Myunmur In u bId Lo
provIde round LrIp servIce
ucross LIe Yungon rIver,
uccordIng Lo LIe nIund
WuLer TrunsporL AuLIor-
ILy (WTA).
n order Lo suppIy LIese
IerrIes, LIe Jupun nLernu-
LIonuI CooperuLIon Agen-
cy (JCA) Is coIIuboruLIng
wILI Myunmur und wIII be
sLudyIng LIe wuLerwuy be-
tween Pansodan and Dala
jeLLIes over LIe nexL yeur.
AILIougI LIe consLruc-
tion of the three ferries was
completed over a month
ugo, LIey Iuve noL yeL been
LrunsIerred Lo Yungon.
nILIuIIy, LIe sIIps were
Lo be drIven Lo Myunmur,
buL due Lo bud weuLIer In
LIe SouLI CIInu Seu, LIey
ure Lo be deIIvered vIu u
Iurge sIIp urrIvIng Irom
Japan, said U Myint Than
Tun, depuLy dIrecLor oI
murIne dIvIsIon oI WTA.
All three ferries are
reudy, buL we cunnoL suy
Ior sure wIen LIey wIII geL
Iere becuuse LIe Jupu-
nese sIde Is urrungIng LIe
LrunsIer. TIey ure IookIng
Ior u Iurge vesseI, wIIcI
has the capacity to load
the three ferries, and will
LIen Ieud In our dIrec-
LIon, Ie suId.
The pilots who will
A ferry on the way to Dala jetty on Yangon river.


run LIe new IerrIes Iuve
been enroIIed In u Lwo-
week LruInIng progrum
In Jupun. TIe IerrIes ure
numed CIerry 1, z und
in reference to the cherry
bIossoms Irom Jupun, U
Myo NuIng, depuLy dIrec-
Lor oI LIe LrunsporL dIvI-
sIon oI WTA, suId.
L`s good news LIuL new
IerrIes ure comIng. TIe cur-
rent ferries are so crowded
wILI vendors seIIIng goods
LIuL even IeeI sorry Ior
LIe IoreIgners wIo Luke
LIem, LoId u commuLer
wIo comes Lo Yungon Irom
DuIu duIIy Ior work.
CurrenLIy, LIree IerrIes,
numed HLee HIuIng SIIn,
Kyun SIL TIur und TupIn
SIwe HLee, muke up LIe
eeL LIuL runs LIe rouLe
Lo und Irom Yungon und
DuIu. Two IerrIes operuLe
Long-term henepts
DespILe concerns re-
gurdIng LIe SEZ`s muny
Issues, pubIIc InLeresL re-
muIns IIgI wILI demund
exceedIng muny LImes LIe
number oI sIures uIIoLLed
Lo be soId wIen TIIIuwu
SEZ compuny wenL pub-
um InLeresLed Lo In-
vesL In LIe hrsL SEZ oI
Myunmur. pIun Lo InvesL
In uII oI LIe pIuses, suId
a shareholder of Thilawa
SEZ pubIIc compuny.
Even LIougI pubIIc`s
undersLundIng oI LIe SEZ
law remains limited, it is
generuIIy uccepLed LIuL
LIe deveIopmenL oI SEZs
wIII IeIp jumpsLurL Myun-
mars economic recovery
process, wIIcI Ius se-
vereIy IuIIen beIInd oLIer
counLrIes In LIe regIon.
TIe poLenLIuI Ior LecI-
noIogy LrunsIers und
LruInIng progrums on be-
IuII oI IoreIgn compunIes
Is uLLrucLIng young peopIe
In Myunmur. Even LIougI
concerns remuIn und Iu-
Lure bumps In LIe roud
sIouId be expecLed, LIe
pubIIc generuIIy uccepLs
LIe deveIopmenL oI SEZs,
buL conLInues Lo doubL
LIe uuLIorILIes In cIurge
oI LIe projecLs.
By compIyIng wILI LIe
SEZ Iuw und by-Iuws, LIe
people at the helm of the
deveIopmenL oI LIe SEZs
sIouId work Lo provIde
vIubIe soIuLIons Ior uII
sLukeIoIders IncIudIng
LIe pubIIc, governmenL
und IoreIgn InvesLors.
From page 6...
duIIy us eucI one Is In-
spected for repairs every
Lwo duys. TIe IerrIes run
Irom um Lo q:opm
und LrunsporL z,ooo Lo
o,ooo pussengers duIIy,
uccordIng Lo WTA.
..._..~:. ~,.:q
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. . . .. . , ._... _. . . . q~ .
~...q.,:._ ..:_~..
.. ..._. ...: q ~ ._~: .
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
China UnionPay to be
Introduced This Month
Aye Myat
IInu UnIonPuy n-
LernuLIonuI (UP),
in cooperation with
IocuI CooperuLIve Bunk
(CB), wIII InLroduce EASI
Travel UnionPay card for
LIe hrsL LIme In Myunmur
sLurLIng SepLember 1, u
bunk omcIuI suId.
IonPuy Curd Issued In My-
unmur cun be deposILed
wILI LIe IocuI currency
KyuL und cun be used
In und ouLsIde CIInu, U
Kyuw ynn, execuLIve vIce
cIuIrmun und CEO oI CB,
LoId u press brIehng.
AccepLed In over 1qo
counLrIes und regIons,
CIInu UP curds ure beIng
Issued In more LIun o
counLrIes IncIudIng My-
n December zo1z,
CIInu UP und LIe CB
sIgned un ugreemenL Lo
open ATM busIness In
Myunmur. n Muy zo1,
LIe UP uIso sIgned un
ugreemenL wILI Myunmur
PuymenL UnIon (MPU)
for payment at ATM and
poInLs-oI-suIe (POS) oI ILs
member bunks.
CurrenLIy, LIere ure 8oo
ATMs und ,ooo POS
ucross Myunmur.
Flightline Wins Jet Refuelling
Orders in Myanmar
Wai Linn Kyaw
IIgILIIne SupporL
Ld, un OxIord-
bused munuIucLurer
oI uIrcruIL reIueIIIng ve-
hicles and systems, has
secured exporL conLrucLs
worLI over 6oo,ooo
($qqq,ooo) In Myunmur
und Morocco.
TIe hrm Is umong LIe
hrsL UK compunIes Lo
clinch orders in the for-
mer purIuI counLry sInce
the trade sanctions were
IIILed ubouL u yeur ugo, u
BrILIsI governmenL un-
nouncemenL suId.
Amid the recent open-
Ing-up, Myunmur`s mujor
uvIuLIon Iub Yungon n-
ternational Airport is now
expecLed Lo see over .8
mIIIIon pussengers u yeur.
IIgILIIne won u con-
LrucL Lo suppIy LIe uIrporL
wILI Lwo zo,ooo IILre uIr-
cruIL reIueIIIng veIIcIes.
Richard Lewis, sales and
murkeLIng munuger Ior
IIgILIIne SupporL, suId:
When the tender came
up In zo1 we worked
cIoseIy wILI our IocuI
partner company, who
provIde IueI und IueIIIng
experLIse, Lo secure LIe
TIe IucL LIuL our com-
puny Is renowned gIobuIIy
Ior IIgI quuIILy und uILru
reIIubIe equIpmenL guve
us u IeudsLurL.
IIgILIIne uIso recenLIy
secured u zoo,ooo or-
der Lo suppIy OIIIbyu In
Morocco wILI u zo,ooo
IILre uIrcruIL reIueIIIng ve-
Southeast Asi a focus
TIe hrm suId IL Is now
IocusIng on oLIer ureus
In SouLIeusL AsIu us ILs
success In Myunmur Ius
resuILed In enquIrIes Irom
TIuIIund und Pupuu New
GuIneu. L pIuns Lo Ieud
ouL Lo LIe regIon wILI
UKT IuLer In LIe yeur.
SLepIen MyuLL, uero-
spuce specIuIIsL Ior UKT
SouLIeusL, suId: IIgIL-
line are a fantastically am-
bILIous compuny. TIe IucL
they are already a well es-
LubIIsIed gIobuI exporLer,
buL conLInue Lo pusI Lo
new markets shows their
Lewis added, Thailand,
ndonesIu, MuIuysIu und
Pupuu New GuIneu, ure
uII very sLrong growLI
markets where airport de-
veIopmenL Is on LIe up.
The company are also
uLLendIng LIe nLernu-
tional Airport show in
SIngupore wIere LIey
Iope Lo cIIncI IurLIer
IIgILIIne SupporL suId
IL Is uIso sLuyIng on Lruck
wILI ILs exporL sLruLegy.
Ruy HurrIs, munugIng
dIrecLor oI IIgILIIne sup-
port, recently visited the
re-opened BrILIsI Em-
bussy In Burmu Lo meeL
UK Trude & nvesLmenL
(UKT) sLu. TIey dIs-
cussed IorgIng sLronger
ties with Myanma Petro-
Ieum ProducLs EnLerprIse
(MPPE) und LIe MInIsLry
oI Energy.
ewIs suId: We ure ex-
perIenced exporLers - we
Iuve exporLed Ior muny
years to markets across
East and West Africa, the
MIddIe EusL und even SI-
berIu, buL LIe IeIp UKT
provIdes us cunnoL be un-
IIgILIIne SupporL Is
workIng cIoseIy wILI
UKT Lo IeIp exporL over
LIree quurLers oI LIeIr 8
mIIIIon Lurnover, uccord-
Ing Lo UKT.
Myunmur InLroduced
MusLerCurd us LIe hrsL
international electronic
payment card in Novem-
ber zo1z, IoIIowed by VIsu
In December LIe sume
JTJB omciully opens in Myunmur
Aung Phyo
Ingupore-bused Iuw
hrm JosepI Tun
Jude Benny (JTJB)
Ius omcIuIIy opened ILs
Myunmur omce, LIe hrm
TIe new omce wIII Iocus
on inward investment,
advisory and corporate
CorporuLe Iuwyer Su Su
Myat, who was formerly
wILI LIe Myunmur nvesL-
menL CommIssIon, wIII
be munugIng dIrecLor oI
JTJB Myunmur.
Su Su MyuL wIII be joIned
by U MyuL Toe, u reLIred
judge oI Myunmur`s HIgI
CourL, und U HLuy CIun,
Iormer depuLy dIrecLor oI
LIe Myunmur nvesLmenL
WILI LIe openIng up
of Myanmar, there was a
mussIve Inux oI IoreIgn
busIness und LIIs creuLed
a need in Myanmar for
IeguI servIces uL un InLer-
nuLIonuI IeveI. Our My-
unmur omce Is exLremeIy
busy und conLInues Lo
grow wILI Lwo new IIres
In LIe pusL Lwo monLIs -
Daw Hla Hla Khine, who
specialises in telecom-
munIcuLIons, und u junIor
ussocIuLe, suId MuruII
Puny, JTJB`s munugIng
partner and director of
JTJB Myunmur.
Myanmar Summary
. ~:. ~._ .. ~ J oseph
Tan J ude Benny (J TJ B) ~.,
_e _.,.:.~~. ~q:.~
,.e.qq.._~:. ~..|
J TJ B . .qq._.
, ... ~.,_e q .. ._. . . _. .
.q:.:. ~_~.....,..
q:.:.. ~.....,..q:
.:.~ . . ..: . :.._ _e. ._ .
_ ., .: q .. ._. . . . .~: .q ~
.q .,_e. . e .. ..'. . _.~ ~.,
_e J TJ B Myanmar -
., ., ..|, ~ ~:~_e. ..:
q ~ ._ _e. ._ .
ChinaUnionPay International
(UPI) ~.,_e _._~.~
~. . _ e. ._ Cooperative
Bank (CB) . ~~ .~. ...| .
_.. EASi Travel UnionPay
Card ~ .~ ~ :~q~ ., ~
... .~_~ . ~_e. . ~ .~ ...
.__e.._~:. .q._.
EASi Travel UnionPay card
._ _ ._ ~ .~ . . ~_ e.
~:.. :.. ._ ~_. ~, ~
.| ~.._..._e CB ~
- CEO _e.. ..~:...
._.:_~:.._ .ChinaUPI cards
._ _., .:. ~.|~~ .
..|. ~,~ .~: . .~ . ._~: .
. q._.
China UPI . CB ~
~._ ATM Card ..
..:. . , ..:. _., .:. ~ .
..:q~.q,~~~ ~~
December ~ ..:~
.~ . ~ .q. .. ._~: . . q
Myanmar Summary
.~:~ .e ~._.. ~ ..e: .
_ e_ ~ . .q. e: . :. .
.~ .. .. _ ..:.~ ~ . .
.~q ._ Flight Line Ltd
._ e,._.:~.,. ~..q
~,..'.: ,,~~~ ~,e.q
.. _ ..:.~ _., .:. . ..: , ~
. .:.. .q: ..q, ..:
~_.qq.._e .q._.
~..|~.~._ ~.,:~
..:.~ _.,.:.. ...:.
.q..~..~ ..:..~_..
.,:~..~ ~.q:~...:
_-~,~.~~.._e._.. _.,.:
. -~. ~.q .._ .:.~
~.~q._ q,~,~_._
_._.q:....~ ~.._.
q, ~~ ~ ~. .|e: .:.~
. :e . _. ._e. ._ .e .... .
~.,_e ~.... .q.._
, ... .,. ~~.q,
..: . .~ q ._~: . . q._ .
~. .|~ . ~ ._ e.... .
~~~ .~: ~,~~~ .
..e: . _e_ ~ ..q.e:
.:~.q, .:.......
._. e.~.~._ _.,.:
.~_. ~_.:.~.q .~:
~:q..:.. .|.q:,e.,
. .:.~ .~ . ~.,_. . ~. .|
..:.. ..e:..:.:.
. .. .. .:..~ . qq .~ q ._ .
_. Flight Line Ltd ._
..: , ~ . . e , . . . , .~, e .q
..e:..~: ~,~~~ .
_e_~..q.e:.:. ~eeq,
..:~_.qq.._e .q
Flig htLine Ltd - ~.q:.
. ...~~_. ~.q..,.,:
q. .~ . .~. ~ ~ . , .q :.
. ....q:. ,e.,.._
. .:.._ ... . e _e .~ .~~
.q.~~~ ~.,~:..~:.
._ .. .~ ~ ~. . _ e. .,.

September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
MPE Invites Oil Tanker,
River Crafts Tender
Aye Myat
he Myanma Pet-
rochemical En-
LerprIse (MPE)
under LIe MInIsLry oI
Energy Ius InvILed eLLer
oI ExpressIon oI nLeresL
(OE) Ior u joInL venLure
projecL oI cousLuI oII Lunk-
ers, rIver cruILs und burge
Ior MPE`s Crude OII und
Petrochemical Movement
The invitation is open
to all interested local and
IoreIgn InvesLors und
TIIs busIness wIII be
currIed ouL by cIussIhcu-
tion in accordance with
coastal oil tankers, river
cruILs und burges group,
MPE suId.
nLeresLed uppIIcunLs
cun submIL proposuIs In-
dIvIduuIIy or us u consor-
TIe requIred duLu Ior
OE submIssIon und
information related to
coastal oil tankers, river
American Firms Optimistic About
Doing Business in Myanmar, ASEAN: Report
Wai Linn Kyaw
.S. compunIes In
ASEAN expecL In-
vesLmenL expun-
sIon, workIorce growLI,
und prohL Increuses In
zo1 uccordIng Lo LIe
ASEAN BusIness OuL-
Iook Survey reIeused uL
LIe ASEAN EconomIc
MInIsLers MeeLIng In Nuy
PyI Tuw.
TIe survey wus desIgned
und ImpIemenLed by LIe
US CIumber oI Com-
merce and the American
CIumbers oI Commerce
In ASEAN member coun-
LrIes und IncIuded 88
busIness execuLIves rep-
resenLIng smuII, medIum,
und Iurge US compunIes
In uII Len ASEAN coun-
As zo1 und LIe esLub-
EconomIc CommunILy
(AEC) upproucIes, US
companies keep a keen
eye on opporLunILIes oI-
Iered by LIe regIonuI
economIc InLegruLIon,
uILIougI mosL respond-
enLs don`L beIIeve LIuL
LIe gouIs oI LIe AEC wIII
be reucIed unLII zozo or
SLIII, Lwo LIIrds oI LIe
respondents in Myanmar
indicate that their com-
panys level of trade and
InvesLmenL In ASEAN
has increased in the past
Lwo yeurs und expecL LIIs
Lrend Lo conLInue In LIe
nexL hve yeurs. OveruII,
86 percenL oI busIness
execuLIves bused In My-
unmur regurd ASEAN
InLegruLIon us ImporLunL
Lo IeIpIng LIeIr compu-
nIes do busIness In LIe
TIe busIness expunsIon
ouLIook Is IIgI wILI q1
percent of respondents
suyIng LIey expecL LIeIr
companies in Myanmar
Lo expund und us muny
expecLIng Increused proI-
ILs In zo1.
TIe ASEAN BusIness
OuLIook Survey sIows
that Myanmar is one of
LIe mosL popuIur coun-
LrIes Ior busIness expun-
sIon In ASEAN, oerIng u
reudy suppIy oI uordubIe
Iubour und personuI secu-
TIe economIc growLI
Is uIso vIsIbIe In LIe num-
ber oI US compunIes com-
Ing Lo InvesL In Myunmur
und becomIng members
oI AMCHAM`s Myunmur
CIupLer. TIe CIupLer wus
esLubIIsIed Iess LIun u
yeur ugo und we uIreudy
Iuve 1oo member compu-
nIes, suId MurIuno VeIu,
president of the Myanmar
Myunmur`s expuL work-
Iorce ure generuIIy suL-
Ished wILI IIvIng und
workIng condILIons us q1
percent report satisfac-
LIon wILI LIeIr ussIgn-
menLs und ;; percenL uL-
LempL Lo exLend LIeIr LIme
In LIe counLry.
n uddILIon, US com-
panies are viewed more
IuvourubIy In Myunmur
LIun In uny oLIer coun-
Lry In ASEAN. TIe mujor
ImpedImenLs Lo IIvIng
und doIng busIness In
Myunmur uccordIng Lo
respondenLs ure IousIng
und omce Ieuse cosLs, In-
IrusLrucLure, und LIe IIm-
ILed uvuIIubIIILy oI LruIned
Myanmar Summary
cruILs und burges group
ure uvuIIubIe In LIe MInIs-
Lry oI Energy websILe und
MPE`s omce In Nuy PyI
TIe deudIIne Ior sub-
mIssIon oI OE Is Sep-
Lember z, und submIs-
sIon by Iux or emuII wIII
noL be uIIowed, MPE suId.

. . .~ ~, _~ ._:,.~ .~:~
q _., .: .q, . .:~ .-.. . , .
._ ~.., .~, .. :...: .:.
~..:.:. .q._~:..:.
.qe: .:.. ~. ._.:..e e
. ..: .q.e: .:.~ . .~
q .. ._. . . . _ .. . . q, ~~ ~
. .. q, e ~ ..'. ._ ~: .
~. .|e ~ ..'. ._ _._ ~ .
. _._ .. . ~ ~ .:.._ q .. .
_.....:..~.~.:.~~ ~
_e._.. .~~.:..._...
~. .. .~. ~ ..: ._ .
.~: . ~. ~e . ~ ..: ._ .
.~:. ~_..._e .q
._ .
~:.e~ q..._.....:.
_. ~~ ~:~. . ..:.~ ~:.
_~.:..:_.. ~~.~_.~.:.
._. _.~~.:._e ~..
q~,~.~.:.~ .,.,.:.
_~._~: . ~:. e . .. :..q.
~, _ ~ .. :.~._ .~.~.~
~ _ ., . ~ ..: ~:. e
. .. :..q.~.:.~.:.:q .
.~:~e.~q .q._.
e . .:q . .~:~ e . ~
.:.~..~ ~:.e..:.
~~.~ ..~..:q~
_.._e._.. ~:.e .e.q
~....:. ~.~.:..~_~.
.:. ~..q~,~.~.:.. ~.
..:~q:q..|. .~:.
..._., .~.~ ~.~ qe :.
~~ .~~ ~:.e...:.
.q.~.~~~,. (AEC) ..'
..|~.:.~:.__e.q: ~..
q~,~.~~.:..._ AEC
-.~_.~.:. ~~ .
.e~ e..,:~...~.
~ _._ . . q, ._e. . .|.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
MAI to Fly to Osaka from October
Kyaw Min
LuLe-run Myunmur
AIrwuys nLernu-
tional said it will
sLurL u IgIL Lo connecL
Yungon und Jupun`s LIIrd
IurgesL cILy Osuku Irom
OcLober 8.
TIe IgIL servIce wIII be
provIded vIu LIe Cumbo-
dian capital Phnom Penh
LIree LImes u week.
TIIs wIII be LIe hrsL
IgIL Irom Myunmur
sInce MurcI zooo wIen
All Nippon Airways halt-
ed a service to and from
AILIougI LecInIcuIIy
operated as a charter ser-
vIce, LIIs wIII be LIe hrsL
scIeduIed IgIL Lo Cum-
bodIu Irom Osuku`s Kun-
suI nLernuLIonuI AIrporL.
TIe Myunmur ug cur-
rIer sLunds Lo benehL
Irom sLrong demund Irom
Jupunese LourIsLs vIsILIng
BuddIIsL IerILuge sILes In
AmId LIe surgIng num-
ber oI busIness LruveIIers
to Myanmar, the airline
Is consIderIng upgrudIng
the service from a char-
Ler Lo u reguIur scIeduIed
IgIL, IL suId.
~. .q. ..._ ~: .. .
MAI ._ .:._.~:~~
:.. .~ _ ., . -
~~ e~_ ~ . . ._. _e. ..:
~ .:~:_ . . ..._ ~: .
. ., .. .:. .~ _.. . ._ e
~. .|. ., .. ~ ~. .~ .
.._~._....__e._.. ~..:
. .e:.. _. .~: e. . .. _ . .
~.. . .,...:._....:.
._e .q._. e...,..
._ ~~ ... .,:~..
ANA ..._ ~: . . . -
~ .:~:_ . . q, ~ , _ . .
. ., .. ~ q. . .. _. ..,:~ . .
_., ._ .~ . ~~ ~ . . ..:
._.._e.._..,.. .q.
. :.-_ ._ ~.:.~_.:.._
_., .:. q - . ~.. ~. . .,q:
.:.. .:.q:~ ._ .~ _. .~
.._. _.,.:.. .q.._
~.:.~_.:.~ .q:~ q, q .,_. .
._~: ~..|..._~:...
~.,_e , .~ -. . , . . .. .
:..q...:.~ ~._.._...
q, ...,._e .q._.

Myanmar Summary
Turkey, Myanmar Sign
Civil Aviation Agreement
Aung Phyo
urkey und Myun-
mur Iuve sIgned
Ior LIe hrsL LIme
u bIIuLeruI cIvII uvIuLIon
ugreemenL LIuL wIII enu-
bIe uIrIInes Lo y beLween
LIe Lwo counLrIes.
Under LIe negoLIuLIons
currIed ouL beLween Tur-
key and Myanmar civil
uvIuLIon execuLIves In Yun-
gon, uIrIInes wIII be ubIe Lo
InILIuLe IgILs und sIure
codes - un uvIuLIon busI-
ness urrungemenL wIere
two or more airlines share
LIe sume IgIL, beLween
Yungon und sLunbuI, uc-
cordIng Lo Turkey`s Gen-
eruI DIrecLoruLe oI SLuLe
AIrporLs AuLIorILy.
Turkey Ius sIgned sImI-
Iur uvIuLIon ugreemenLs
wILI 16z counLrIes.
TIe deuI wIII hnuIIy
puve LIe wuy Ior TurkIsI
AIrIInes, LIe counLry`s nu-
LIonuI ug-currIer, Lo kIck
sLurL ILs scIeduIed IgILs
Lo und Irom Yungon.
~ q~ . . _., .:. ~
._ ....~_~.~_e. ..
..:~ _ .~ ~ .~ . ~
.q. .. ._ e . q._ .
~q~.._ ~.:.~..
._~: .. ., .. . q:..:
~ _ .~ .:.~ . ..| . ~'
. . .~ . ~ .q. .:.._~: .
.q._. ..:~_.~q. .
. ..._ ~: .. .~ ._
~. .~, . q, ~ , _ . .
..e: . :.._ ... q, ._ .
MIC Gives New Onshore
Investment Nod
Phyo Thu
yunmur nvesL-
menL CommIs-
sIon (MC) Ius
recenLIy gIven upprovuI Lo
two local and internation-
al companies to invest in
onsIore oII und gus bIocks
In IuLe AugusL.
Two IocuI compunIes:
PrecIous SLone MInIng
Co Ld und PurumI En-
ergy DeveIopmenL Co
Ld, und SIngupore-regIs-
Lered UNOG PLe Ld und
IberIu-regIsLered PeL-
ronus CurIguII Myunmur
nc Iuve been upproved
Lo operuLe on oII und gus
bIocks In PuLIeIn, Muw-
lamyine and Htan Ta Pin
LownsIIps on LIe produc-
LIon-sIurIng busIs.
L`s good Lo uIIow oper-
ation in areas with poten-
LIuI. And us LIey suy LIuL
LIe resources produced
from the operations will
be muInIy used InsIde
LIe counLry, IL wIII Im-
prove LIe sILuuLIons. As
LIe governmenL perIorms
ILs duLy und LIe compu-
nIes buIId up operuLIonuI
and capital capacity, the
counLry wIII be ubIe Lo up-
pIy udvunced LecInoIogy
In LIe nuLuruI resource
secLor InsLeud oI reIyIng
on reseIIIng LIe exLrucLs,
LoId U WIn Myo TIu, u
coordinator from Ecodev
workIng Ior Myunmur`s
uccessIon InLo ExLrucLIve
ndusLrIes Trunspurency
nILIuLIve (ET).
Irms Irom ndIu, Cun-
udu, NeLIerIunds, BruneI
und uxembourg Iuve
uIso been recenLIy uwurd-
ed oII und gus bIocks In
JuIy comprIsIng bIocks In
nnkuw-Yunung ureu und
ZeepIyu Tuung-NunLuw
ureu In SugIun regIon,
Tuungngu-PyInmunu ure,
TIekone-SIweLu ureu
und Muyumun-Pyuy ureu
In Bugo regIon, MyInLIu,
Myunuung und SIwe PyI
Thar areas in Ayeyarwad-
dy regIon und KyuukgyI-
MIndone ureu In Mugwuy
MInIng exLrucLs, oII und
gus mude up LIe mosL oI
LIe counLry`s exporLs uc-
counLIng Ior uveruge ;o
percent of the total trade
In prevIous yeurs wIIIe
$1.6 bIIIIon Ius been
guIned Irom exporLs oI
gus und IndusLrIuI prod-
ucLs durIng LIe hrsL Iour
monLIs oI LIe currenL hs-
cuI yeur.
As Myunmur Ius been
recognIsed us u cundI-
duLe nuLIon In ET, LIe
governmenL wIII monILor
LIe exLrucL IndusLry more
closely and it also has to
prepare a report on the
IndusLry In LIe nexL 18
monLIs. L Is uIso seL Lo
implement a three year
progrum In LIe resource
exLrucLIng IndusLry.
Myanmar Summary
_., .:. q .. ._. . . . .~: .q
- _.~..,.~._.~.~.
~,~~,,~q_._ ~ .~ . ~
. . . . _._ .~ . ~ . .. ~ ~ , .
~...~~.:.~ .q,.
.:~.:~ . q :.e ~ ..e: .
.:.~~~ ._......_~:.
_._~. Precious Stone
Mining Co.,Ltd . Parami
Energy Development Co.,Ltd
. .~:.. UNOG Pte
Ltd, PetroleumExploration
Pte Ltd . .~..q .e:.
Petrona Carigali Myanmar
Inc ~~ ._....._.._e._..
... ..:._. ,.~.
....:.q .q,..:~.:~
. ~ ,.~ .. . ~ ~ .:.~ . .
~ ..._ _e. ._~: . . q._ .
~..|~. ..~..:.~
~..~~.~._. ~.e
~.,.| ,e.:., ,..
. .~~~. ~.~.:.~
~ ..q.. . , ..:.~~ ~ .:.
.... _. . .. ~ .~ . ~ ..~:
q,, ....,~._e.~: ,, .~:
..., . . .~ ..~: . ..,:.
..., . ~ , ..q ~ ...,
.q., ... _._ ..., -q:~~
~. _..:..., _.,.~:
... .q _._ .:...,. ..~ .
~ . .~:~ _~ .. .~ , ....,
~_e.._~:. .q._.
_ ., .:. ._ .~ q ~
EITI ~e~.~_e.q. ~_
.:. _. . ~ . ~ ~..e: .q...
, . . :. ~..'e. . . .:.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Mongolia and China Expand Size of
Bilateral Currency Swap to $2.4 Billion
Chen Yixin
ongoIIu und
CIInu ugreed u
LIree-yeur bI-
IuLeruI currency swup ur-
rungemenL Ior 1 bIIIIon
yuun ($z.qq bIIIIon), In u
deuI sIgned durIng u vIsIL
by CIInu`s presIdenL XI
TIe new swup urrunge-
menL murks u o percenL
increase in size from the
prevIous deuI sIgned In
XI uIso sIgned z6 new
deals on railroads, min-
Ing und power generuLIon
wILI MongoIIu durIng u
sLuLe vIsIL LIuL begun on
AugusL z1.
Moody`s nvesLors Ser-
vice said in its research
reporL LIuL LIe exLensIon
sIgnIhed LIe economIc
und geopoIILIcuI Impor-
Lunce LIuL CIInu pIuced
on ImprovIng ILs reIuLIon-
sIIp wILI MongoIIu und
suggesLed u IundumenLuI
sIIIL In MongoIIu`s prevI-
ousIy IosLIIe sLunce Lo-
wurd CIInese purLIcIpu-
LIon In ILs economy.
or u IIsL oI CIInu`s cur-
renL sLundIng currency
swups, cIIck Iere:
($1= 6.1o8 CIInese
yuun) Reuters
Tata Steel Thai Unit Sees No Sales Growth
This Year on Weak Demand
Ie TIuI unIL oI n-
dIu`s IurgesL sLeeI-
maker said it did
noL expecL suIes Lo grow
In zo1q us TIuIIund`s do-
mestic demand had not
recovered enougI Lo boosL
growLI Ior LIe wIoIe yeur.
TuLu SLeeI (TIuIIund)
PcI expecLed zo1q suIes
voIume Lo be cIose Lo IusL
yeur`s 1. mIIIIon Lonnes
und wouId Iocus more
on exporLs Lo SouLIeusL
AsIun counLrIes Lo IeIp
oseL weukness uL Iome,
PresIdenL und CEO RujIv
MunguI LoId reporLers.
n LIe hrsL IuII oI LIIs
year, Thailands over-
uII sLeeI consumpLIon
dropped 1 percenL Irom
u yeur eurIIer us monLI-
Iong poIILIcuI unresL de-
Iuyed consLrucLIon ucLIvI-
Ly. TIe counLry consumed
1;.; mIIIIon Lonnes oI
sLeeI producLs In zo1.
Domestic demand for
Iong sLeeI, TuLu`s muIn
producL used In LIe con-
sLrucLIon secLor, IeII 1z
percenL In LIe hrsL IuII,
MunguI suId uddIng de-
mund Ius pIcked up In
LIe second IuII, buL Is noL
enougI Lo compensuLe Ior
LIe decIIne In LIe hrsL.
While overall demand
Ior sLeeI Is noL expecLed
Lo rIse LIIs yeur, MunguI
suId IL sIouId Luke sIx Lo
nIne monLIs Lo see ucLuuI
demand from the mili-
Lury governmenL`s pIun
Lo spend $; bIIIIon on
LrunsporL InIrusLrucLure
projecLs by zozo.
TuLu sIures Iuve surged
1; percenL In LIe pusL
LIree monLIs on expecLu-
LIons LIe compuny wouId
benehL Irom LIe govern-
menL`s pIunned spendIng
on InIrusLrucLure pro-
HIL by oversuppIy boLI
at home and in interna-
tional markets, Thai steel-
mukers uIso Iuce dump-
Ing Irom CIInese hrms,
wIIcI sIouId conLInue Lo
puL pressure on domesLIc
Thai steelmakers have
also asked the commerce
ministry to implement
unLI-dumpIng meusures
Lo Lux ImporLed Iow cur-
bon sLeeI rod Ior CIInese
mukers, MunguI suId.
Myanmar Summary

Steel slabs are stored at a Tata steel plant.
NEFIT Plans Car Rally to Boost
Ties with Myanmar, Thailand
ith an aim to
promote trade
LIes beLween
ndIu`s NorLIeusL regIon
und SouLIeusL AsIu, re-
gIonuI Lrude body NET
Is pIunnIng u LIree-nuLIon
cur ruIIy In November.
The North East Fed-
eruLIon on nLernuLIonuI
Trude (NET), u body oI
exporLers und ImporLers
Irom ndIu`s NorLI-EusL
regIon pIuns Lo orgunIse
LIe ndIu-Myunmur-TIuI-
Iund rIendsIIp Cur RuIIy
expedILIon In wIIcI up Lo
1oo purLIcIpunLs ure ex-
SurIuce connecLIvILy Is
the only option left to es-
LubIIsI NorLI-EusL ndIu`s
meunIngIuI connecLIvILy
wILI SouLI EusL AsIu Ior
economic prosperity and
deveIopmenL In conjunc-
LIon wILI LIe counLry`s
ook EusL poIIcy, NET
WorkIng PresIdenL BIjoy
PIungcIo LoId PT.
The proposed car rally
Lo be IeId Irom November
z-zo LIIs yeur Is u kInd
oI conhdence buIIdIng
meusure LIuL wIII open up
a new dimension of over-
Iund LrudIng und dIspeI
muny doubLs oI prospec-
LIve Lruders, Ie udded.
PIungcIo suId LIe ruIIy
wouId be un opporLunILy
Lo see und sLudy hrsL-
Iund knowIedge on Lrud-
Ing opporLunILIes Ior new
murkeLs Ior LIe producLs
und produce oI ndIu, My-
unmur und TIuIIund by
ucLuuIIy crossIng LIe bor-
L wIII uIso IeIp In
meeLIng prospecLIve buy-
ers und seIIers LIrougI
BzB meeLIng, semInur on
border Lrude, InvesLmenL
opporLunILIes, murkeLIng
prospecLs und oLIer busI-
ness sessIons, Ie udded.
The main aim of the
ruIIy, Irom GuwuIuLI Lo
Bungkok vIu Myunmur
und buck, Is Lo mup con-
necLIvILy oI LIe NorLI-
East with Myanmar and
TIuIIund und Iocus on
buIIdIng more under-
sLundIng und cooperuLIon
Ior beLLer reIuLIons, Ie
Myanmar and Thai-
Iund couId be LIe mujor
LrunsIL poInLs und mujor
Iub Ior ASEAN counLrIes
by zo1 wIen ucLuuIIy LIe
ASEAN EconomIc Com-
munILy (AEC) comes InLo
eecL, Ie udded.
This is open to nation-
uIILIes oI ndIu, Myunmur
und TIuIIund. We expecL
ubouL 8o-1oo purLIcI-
punLs und up Lo z curs.
We may consider allow-
Ing nuLIonuIILIes oI oLIer
ASEAN counLrIes In LIe
second Ieg oI LIe ruIIy
Irom Bungkok Lo Guwu-
Myanmar Summary
. , . .e:.. . ~, ~ .
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._..._~: e... ....
~~ ~~ . .. -. . ..| .
.~ .. .. . . :_. .. ._ . . ~~
~ q:..,.~...._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Border Trade Fuels Chinas $32-b Money
Smuggling Operations
espite strict re-
sLrIcLIons on ouL-
wurd Iund remIL-
Lunces, u sLuggerIng zoo
bIIIIon yuun ($z. bII-
IIon) In Iunds Is smuggIed
ouL oI CIInu every yeur,
uccordIng Lo LIe esLImuLes
oI CIInese scIoIurs und
experLs, reporLs LIe CII-
nese-Iunguuge CIInu Se-
curILIes JournuI.
und smuggIIng, Ior
instance, is rampant in
LIe souLIern provInces
oI Yunnun und GuungxI,
wIere IL supporLs LIrIvIng
border Lrude, uccordIng Lo
LIe reporL.
oILen need mIIIIons
oI yuun In Iunds, muInIy
suppIIed by underground
money Iouses, In order
Lo oer Lender Ior pub-
IIc bIddIng on emeruId
suIes, suId u mun sur-
numed Xu, u deuIer In
precIous sLones.
TIe LoLuI scuIe oI LIe jusL
concIuded pubIIc emeruId
uucLIon In Myunmur IIL z
bIIIIon yuun ($.; bIIIIon),
wILI CIInese IndIvIduuIs
and enterprises the main
buyers. Underground
money Iouses pIuyed u
crILIcuI roIe smuggIIng Lens
oI bIIIIons oI yuun In Iunds
into Myanmar to pay for
LIe LrunsucLIons, uccordIng
Lo LIe reporL.
Xu suId LIuL LIe remIL-
tance of massive renmin-
bI Iunds Lo Myunmur Ior
LIe uucLIons Ius been un
open secreL, us sucI un ur-
rungemenL cun IeIp CII-
nese buyers, mosLIy smuII
A security guard rides his bicycle past a beer advertisement at a market in Bangkok.
Thai Junta Cracks Down on Alcohol Promotions

Wai Linn Kyaw
IuIIund`s junLu Ius
warned that it in-
tends to enforce
IursI meusures reguIuL-
Ing LIe udverLIsIng und
promotion of alcohol, in
u move LIuL wIII uecL
LIousunds oI busInesses
LIrougIouL LIe counLry.
Details of the law are
vugue und open Lo InLer-
preLuLIon, uccordIng Lo
TIuI medIu reporLs. Mem-
bers oI LIe TIuI medIu
were InvILed by LIe CII-
ung MuI ProvIncIuI PubIIc
HeuILI Omce wIIcI uL-
LempLed Lo cIurIIy LIe nu-
unces oI LIe Iuw und gIve
wurnIng us Lo LIeIr Imme-
dIuLe enIorcemenL.
Second IeuLenunL Tuw-
eesuk JInLujIrunun LoId
reporLers: TIIs Iuw wus
puL InLo eecL due Lo LIe
rupIdIy growIng cosLs oI
uIcoIoI Lo LIIs nuLIon.
AIcoIoI-reIuLed uccI-
denLs Iuve Increused sIg-
nIhcunLIy In recenL yeurs.
WIIIe LIe governmenL
mukes ;o bIIIIon buIL per
yeur Irom uIcoIoI Lux, LIe
cosL Lo LIe governmenL
Is upwurds oI 1o bIIIIon
Under the newly en-
Iorced ruIes uII uIcoIoI
producLs musL curry
IeuILI wurnIngs, suIes ure
bunned Lo unyone under
LIe uge oI zo, und InILIu-
LIves promoLIng uIcoIoI
- sucI us Iuppy Iours,
Iree Ice und mIxers, und
LIe use oI 'beer gIrIs` - ure
TIe Iuw sLIpuIuLes LIuL
no drInkIng Is uIIowed
uILer mIdnIgIL In burs or
resLuurunLs, even LIougI
suIes Iuve ended; no uI-
coIoI Iogos ure uIIowed
on gIusses, usILruys und
oLIer purupIernuIIu; und
burs wIII noL be uIIowed Lo
dIspIuy posLers or boLLIes
- even oId ones - IeuLur-
Ing sucI Iogos.
L udds: Bur sLu cunnoL
weur T-sIIrLs wILI uIco-
IoI Iogos, und IL Is IIIeguI
Lo promoLe evenLs sucI
us wIne und beer LusL-
Ings. AIcoIoI Iogos - or
even Imuges uccepLed us
represenLuLIve oI brunds,
sucI us u deer Ieud Ior
Benmore or red sLurs Ior
HeIneken - ure noL uI-
Iowed Lo be dIspIuyed In
sponsorship or any kind
oI udverLIsIng or promo-
PromoLIng uIcoIoI
LIrougI word oI mouLI
uIso becume IIIeguI
LIrougI LIe Iuw, meun-
Ing II u wuILer Is usked Lo
recommend u purLIcuIur
brund oI beer Ie wouId
be breukIng LIe Iuw II
Ie responds. AII prInLed
pIoLogrupIs oI gIusses or
boLLIes In LIe medIu musL
uIso Iuve vIsIbIe brunds
und Iogos bIurred.
OmcIuIs Iuve uIso vowed
to strictly enforce laws on
uIcoIoI udverLIsIng. TIIs
Is expecLed Lo Iuve u bIg
eecL on TIuI medIu busI-
nesses IIke CILyIIIe, CIL-
yNow! und Spoon & ork,
which rely heavily on ad-
verLIsIng by IoLeIs und en-
LerLuInmenL venues.
Myanmar Summary
enterprises, avoid any of-
hcIuI busIness sLuLus und
LIe consequenL Lux IevIes.
The appetite for ren-
mInbI Ius uIso been wIeL-
Led by growIng numbers oI
CIInese LourIsLs In border
Lowns sucI us Yunnun`s
RuII, wIIcI borderIng My-
unmur, us weII us LIrIvIng
cross-border Lrude.
Some CIInese IndIvIdu-
uIs uIso smuggIe Iunds
themselves, in small
umounLs, ucross LIe bor-
Underground money
Iouses wIII Luke Iunds de-
posILed by busInesses und
transfer them to Myan-
mur LIrougI Hong Kong
or Macao, at a commis-
sIon oI 1- percenL. TIe
bunks ucLuuIIy Iuve soI-
Id credIbIIILy, Ior LIe mosL
part, on the market, and
Iuve been operuLIng Ior
yeurs, uccordIng Lo Xu.
A CIInese emeruId busI-
nessmun suId LIuL LIe un-
derground money cIun-
neI Is quILe esLubIIsIed,
cupubIe oI LrunsIerrIng
Iunds In LIe mIIIIons or
tens of millions and con-
verLIng LIem InLo Euro or
US doIIurs. CerLuIn rIcI
eLInIc CIInese In Myun-
mur uIso enguge In LIe
smuggIIng busIness. WCT
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September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Chinas Net Gold
Imports from Hong
Kong Fall to Lowest
Since June 2011
Lewa Pardomuan
IInu`s neL goId Im-
porLs In JuIy Irom
muIn conduIL Hong
Kong LumbIed Lo LIeIr
IowesL sInce June zo11
becuuse oI umpIe suppIy
und us jeweIIers wuILed
Ior burguIns.
JuIy neL goId ows InLo
CIInu Irom Hong Kong
dropped Lo zz.1o; Lonnes
versus qo.q Lonnes In
June, uccordIng Lo duLu
Irom LIe Hong Kong Cen-
sus und SLuLIsLIcs DepurL-
ToLuI goId ImporLs Irom
Hong Kong IeII Lo 8.qq
Lonnes Irom 6.oq;
Lonnes In June. CIInu,
wIIcI overLook ndIu us
LIe bIggesL consumer oI
LIe precIous meLuI IusL
yeur, ImporLed over 1,ooo
Lonnes oI goId In zo1.
Thai Green Tea Maker Ichitan
to Build New Plant in Indonesia
First foreign expansion for green tea supplier
Khettiya Jittapong
IuIIund`s IurgesL
green Leu muker
cIILun Group suId
IL wouId seL up u joInL ven-
Lure wILI ndonesIu`s PT
ALrI PusIhx Lo buIId u new
pIunL In ndonesIu wILI un
uuLIorIsed cupILuI oI 1.18
bIIIIon buIL ($; mIIIIon).
TIe move Is LIe hrsL
IoreIgn expunsIon Ior
cIILun, purL oI u drIve Lo
tap into a market where
demund Ior green Leu Is
expecLed Lo grow uL un
uveruge oI 1 percenL u
year, the company said in
u sLuLemenL.
cIILun suId IL wIII InvesL
qz mIIIIon buIL, buyIng
u o percenL sLuke, In LIe
joInL venLure expecLed
Lo be seL up In LIe IourLI
TIe ndonesIun purL-
ner Ius dIsLrIbuLIon cIun-
nels in modern trade and
convenience stores na-
LIonwIde. TIIs wIII IeIp
boosL cIILun`s murkeLIng
und suIes opporLunILy,
LIe sLuLemenL suId.
TIe TIuI hrm suId IL
pIuns Lo gIve u Ioun oI
86 mIIIIon buIL In IuLure
IundIng Lo LIe ndonesIu
purLner. WIen LIe Ioun
Is IormuIIy grunLed wIII
depend on ucLuuI revenue
und LIe consLrucLIon oI
LIe new pIunL, cIILun
n TIuIIund, cIILun
uIso pIuns Lo InvesL ;o
mIIIIon buIL Lo expund cu-
pucILy uL ILs exIsLIng pIunL
in the central province of
Tun, dubbed 'LIe green
Leu Lycoon`, seL up cIILun
In zo1o uILer seIIIng OIsII
Group Lo TIuI Beveruge
PcI, u ugsIIp beveruge
group conLroIIed by bII-
IIonuIre CIuroen SIrIvud-
OIsII, wIIcI uIso oper-
ates Japanese food res-
LuurunL cIuIns, Is uIso
IookIng Ior opporLunILIes
Lo expund ILs green Leu
und Iood busInesses In
SouLIeusL AsIu counLrIes,
especially in Myanmar,
CumbodIu, uos und Mu-
IuysIu. Reuters
Myanmar Summary

Around 500,000 T Thai Rice Shipments Delayed due to Labour Shortage-Traders
eluy Coold dent Thui Plun to Omoud Bolging Rice Stocks
LoLuI oI uround
oo,ooo Lonnes
of Thai rice ship-
ments, mostly of par-
boIIed grude Ior AIrIcun
buyers, Iuve been deIuyed
due Lo u Iubour sIorLuge
uL porLs, Lruders suId.
This is likely to dent a
pIun by TIuIIund`s new
mIIILury governmenL Lo
cuL Iosses on LIe buIgIng
rIce sLockpIIes buIIL up
under LIe prevIous gov-
ernments costly interven-
LIon scIeme.
June sIIpmenLs Iud
Lo be deIuyed Lo AugusL
wIIIe some voIumes were
pusIed IurLIer ouL Lo
SepLember due Lo u Iuck
of deck workers at ports,
suId RukesI SodIIu oI
orLunu nLernuLIonuI,
which trades several
grudes oI TIuI rIce.
oudIng process Look
Lwo weeks Ionger LIun
expecLed due Lo u Iu-
bour sIorLuge probIem
und LIuL dIsrupLed ex-
port in the second half of
LIe yeur, suId CIuroen
Laothamatas, the head of
LIe TIuI RIce ExporLers
TIuIIund, wIIcI exporL-
ed q.; mIIIIon Lonnes rIce
In LIe hrsL IuII oI zo1q, Is
IookIng Lo sIIp ouL 1o mII-
lion tonnes this year as
LIe governmenL gruduuIIy
omouds rIce Irom sLuLe
sLocks. TIe LurgeL Is jusL
sIorL oI LIe record 1o.6
million tonnes Thailand
exporLed In zo11.
On AugusL 1, LIe TIuI
mIIILury governmenL up-
proved LIe suIe oI ;,ooo
tonnes of rice from stocks
In LIe junLu`s hrsL suc-
cessIuI suIe sInce IL seIzed
power In Muy. L Is ex-
pected to hold similar
Lenders every monLI.
However, traders see
Thailands overseas rice
suIes uL q.o mIIIIon Lonnes
or even lower this year on
worrIes LIe Iubour sIorL-
uge probIem couId cuL ex-
porLs In LIe second IuII.
RIce IoudIng Is u Iubour
InLensIve job und wILI u
Iubour sIorLuge IIke LIIs,
IL couId uIso muke us IuII
Iur sIorL oI LIe q mIIIIon
Lonnes murk, u Bungkok-
bused Lruder suId. Reuters
Myanmar Summary
~, ~ . .. .~ ~ ~~ .
.q...:~.:q.,_.. q~,:
~,._.:.~._. .~.:
..:....,..:.~ ..:..
.,..:._ ~: ~. ~_ ~:..
.~.eq: .e:.~:..,
_ .q~.:.~ ~....:.
~~~ ....,:~.. ~,...
. ~. ..:._~: . . q._ .
.e: .~: . .,_ ~, ~ .
. .q~.:.~~.q:~..:
~,.~ ,~ ... ,, ~,
~.q:~.q:. ... ~~
~, . ~ . . . : . ._~: .
.e: .~: .:q .~ ._:,.
.q._.~.e~ .~:.,_
~. : .q ~. :.. .~ . ..
_e. .:._ ~,~.._
~~, ...~~.~ .q~,
. , ~, ~~~ .~: ~ . . .
._~:. .q._.
...~... Ichitan ~..
._ ~.,.q:.q PT Atri
. ~.....,.~_
.: ~: ~ . , .q :.~ .~ ,
.. ~_ ..:~ . :.._ _e. ~:
~ ~ ... ~ .e
..'.: , .,., ...q,
._.:.._~:. .q._.
_~.~..: Ichitan -
... ._._ .. ...~ ~ .
._e._.. .~e~...~e.~:.
. : . . . ~ q:. . , . _. ~~
.:._ e ..: . :...:
~.,.q:....~~~ ~.
~.. ..:. qe q, _e. ._~: .
Ichitan ._ ~
., .. .. ~:e .~. .. . . , .
- ~ q:..,.~ ~ee._
_e.~: e....,:~.....
.~ ~ .~ ~_ .: ._
_e.._~:. .q._.
Soldiers check sacks of rice at a warehouse in Ayutthaya province,
north of Bangkok.

~:eq ~. . :e :. ..:
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e ._ ..,:._ ~: e.
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~~ ..~ ~_e. ~, q .,. ..:
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.:.~ ..:.q, ..~..q..
-~. ~. ~~ ~ ~~:.~. .
.:. ..'..|~...~q._.
.. ._ ~~, . . .
... . ~~ ~~ .~ .,
~,., , ... .,.~.
:._. . ~. .q. .. : , .:..
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.q:..,._.~_ e...
~ ~,. , ~~ .,.~..
q, q_qe:.._...:~
.: ~~~ ... .. ,~ ~.
. ~,., ~~ ... .,.
~ ~,_.e .:..: ._ .
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
German Business Morale Sours for Fourth
Straight Month in August
IFO economist says Ukraine crisis burdening German economy
Michelle Martin
ermun busIness
sentiment dropped
Ior u IourLI sLruIgIL
monLI In AugusL, suggesL-
Ing concerns ubouL LIe
Ukraine crisis and the im-
pucL oI suncLIons uguInsL
RussIu ure sweepIng
LIrougI corporuLe bourd-
rooms In Europe`s IurgesL
TIe MunIcI-bused Io
LIInk Lunk`s busIness cII-
muLe Index, bused on u
monLIIy survey oI some
;,ooo hrms, IeII Lo 1o6.
Irom 1o8.o, undersIooL-
Ing LIe ReuLers consensus
forecast for a decrease to
That was its lowest lev-
eI In jusL over u yeur und
murked LIe IongesL perIod
oI successIve monLIIy de-
cIInes In LIe Index sInce
LIe IeIgIL oI LIe euro
zone crIsIs In zo1z.
TIe reudIng ruIsed
doubLs ubouL LIe sLrengLI
of the economy after a
surprIse second-quurLer
conLrucLIon, sendIng LIe
euro Lo u duy`s Iow uguInsL
LIe doIIur und pusIIng
Germun Bund IuLures up
Lo u duy`s IIgI.
TIIs sIgnIhcunL drop
Ieuves no doubL ubouL IL -
the German economy has
pussed ILs peuk Ior now,
said Thomas Gitzel, chief
economIsL uL VP Bunk
Geopolitical risks are
unnervIng Germun hrms
buL even wILIouL LIe vurI-
ous conIcLs IL wouId noL
Iuve been possIbIe Ior LIe
Germun economy Lo grow
more, Ie udded.
Germun gross domes-
LIc producL (GDP) sIrunk
by o.z percenL beLween
AprII und June und LIe
hnunce mInIsLry Ius
purLIy bIumed LIIs on LIe
Ukraine crisis and sanc-
LIons uguInsL RussIu.
Io economIsL KIuus
WoIIrube suId LIe
UkruIne crIsIs wus bur-
denIng LIe economy,
LIougI Ie suId LIe ImpucL
wus Iurd Lo quunLIIy. He
said Germany was still far
uwuy Irom recessIon.
Germuny Ius exLensIve
busIness LIes wILI Rus-
sIu, wILI more LIun 6,ooo
Germun hrms ucLIve
LIere. Around 1o percenL
oI Germun exporLers send
goods Lo RussIu und some
of those are concerned
LIuL LIe sLundo beLween
Moscow and the West
over UkruIne wIII IurL
LIeIr busIness.
Consumer goods group
Henkel has forecast a
LougI sIx monLIs uIeud
wILI poIILIcuI LurmoII In
RussIu und Germun de-
Ience hrm RIeInmeLuII
Ius cuL ILs prohL ouLIook.
TIe vuIue oI Germun
sIIpmenLs Lo RussIu IeII
1. percenL Lo C1. bII-
IIon In LIe hrsL sIx monLIs
oI LIe yeur, Ied by u sIurp
fall in car and machinery
sIIpmenLs und Io suId
munuIucLurers were ex-
pecLIng Iess ImpeLus Irom
exporLs. Reuters
IMFs Lagarde Put Under
Investigation in French Fraud Case
Chine Labbe

M cIIeI CIrIsLIne u-
gurde Ius been pIuced
under IormuI InvesLI-
guLIon by rencI mugIs-
LruLes Ior Ier uIIeged roIe
In u Iong-runnIng poIILIcuI
Iruud cuse, u source cIose
Lo LIe Iormer rencI h-
nunce mInIsLer suId.
TIe source suId u-
gurde, wIo eurIIer wus
quesLIoned by mugIsLruLes
In PurIs under Ier exIsL-
Ing sLuLus us u wILness,
considered their decision
Lo InvesLIguLe Ier Ior uI-
Ieged negIIgence wus
unIounded und wouId up-
peuI IL. A rencI judIcIury
source uIso conhrmed LIe
n rencI Iuw, mugIs-
LruLes pIuce someone un-
der IormuI InvesLIguLIon
wIen LIey beIIeve LIere
ure IndIcuLIons oI wrong-
doIng, buL LIuL does noL
uIwuys Ieud Lo u LrIuI.
TIe InquIry InLo Ly-
coon Bernurd TupIe Ius
embroIIed severuI oI Ior-
mer president Nicolas
Surkozy`s cubIneL mem-
bers IncIudIng ugurde.
Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF).

TupIe - wIo supporLed
Surkozy In LIe IusL Lwo
eIecLIons - wus uwurded
Cqo mIIIIon In u zoo8
urbILruLIon puymenL un-
der Surkozy`s presIdency
Lo seLLIe u dIspuLe wILI LIe
now deIuncL, sLuLe-owned
bunk CredIL yonnuIs
over u 1qq sIure suIe.
ugurde wus hnunce mIn-
IsLer uL LIe LIme. Reuters
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Pedestrians and the spire of Munich CathedraI are seen reHected in the window of a retaiI store in Mu-
nich, Germany.

:., . -... :..q.. ~ ~:.
~~ _~. . :_. ~ .~ ....
.~ ~ ~ .~ .~ ~...~
q_.. e~q,.._.~. ,q:.
~..' . .. :..q.. ~ . . .:.
. . ~ _ . .-, ~ .~ . ~..'
..q...:..: .q:....:..q.
~ ~:.~_ ~ .. .. _ ~ ..
.~: . q ~ . . , ._ ~ .. :.-
~._.~.~..,..:.~ ..._.
.~ q ._ ~: . .e: , ..~
..,...|. ,~~~ .~:
~:. .. .:q ..~:~ e . .:.
~ ~._..:...: _..,._.
~._.. ~ . .~.,. ~_~ ...
..,. Ifo -...:..q.q:.
~~,.~,..: ~~ ...
. _. ~~' ... , . ~. .
.:.._~:. .q._.
. ~~:. ._~.q, . . ~e
(IMF) ~_~.~~ Christine
Lagarde ~:. _.....~
.e:. Nicolas Sarkozy .
.~.e.,..: ..q.~,.
~q._..,:~ .|~.._
e..:....~_e ~q:.~
.........._...q, _...
~~ ~, .~q:.. _~ ..:.~
Sarkozy - .q..~:~.
. . _~ . . .~ .:~ . . . ..
..:.._. Bernard Tapie .:
Sarkozy .~~~ ~_ .
. :.. ..: ._~. ..| ,~, ., .
. ._. . . q. ~~ ~ . .. ... ...
. .:._.. . .~ q ._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
BoHett Pots Shureholders Aheud oI
Patriotism in Canadian Deal
Luciana Lopez
urren BueLL
muy be mosL
Iumous Ior LIe
bIIIIons oI doIIurs Ie Ius
mude Irom InvesLIng buL
he is also well known
as a cheerleader for the
UnILed SLuLes. TIe Oru-
cIe oI OmuIu rouLIneIy
exIorLs InvesLors Lo puL
their money in America,
the mother lode of op-
porLunILy, us Ie wroLe In
IIs unnuuI IeLLer LIIs yeur.
So BueLL`s purLIcIpuLIon
In IusL-Iood cIuIn Burger
KIng WorIdwIde nc`s pur-
cIuse oI coee und dougI-
nuL cIuIn TIm HorLons nc
- compIeLe wILI reIocuLIon
oI Burger KIng`s domIcIIe
Lo Cunudu - mIgIL uL hrsL
bIusI ruIse quesLIons ubouL
IIs puLrIoLIsm.
nvesLors und Lux experLs
suy MIumI-bused Burger
KIng`s move Lo Cunudu
LIrougI u so-cuIIed Lux In-
versIon wIII IeIp curb ILs
US Lux bIII. SImIIur recenL
moves by oLIer US com-
punIes - muInIy LIrougI
LIe purcIuse oI Europeun
compunIes - Iuve druwn
LIe Ire oI PresIdenL Buruck
Obumu, wIo suggesLed
they are corporate desert-
ers IuckIng economIc puL-
BuL unuIysLs und Inves-
Lors suy LIuL LIe Burger
KIng deuI underIInes
the market savvy thats
Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive ofcer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, speaks during an in-
terview in New York.

IeIped IIm buIId IIs Ior-
Lune more LIun prompL-
Ing quesLIons ubouL IIs
commILmenL Lo LIe US.
WIen Wurren BueLL
udvocuLes InvesLIng In
AmerIcu, us undersLund
IL, LIuL`s becuuse LIuL`s
wIere LIe opporLunILIes
IurgeIy IIe, suId Meyer
SIIeIds, munugIng dIrec-
Lor uL InvesLmenL bunk
KeeIe, BruyeLLe & Woods
nc. nvesLIng In AmerIcu
Is ucLuuIIy LIe ouLcome oI
his analysis instead of the
begInnIng ussumpLIon.
BueLL`s BerksIIre
Hathaway has committed
$ bIIIIon oI preIerred eq-
uILy Ior G CupILuI, wIIcI
conLroIs Burger KIng, Lo
buy TIm HorLons In u deuI
worLI uImosL $1z bIIIIon.
TIuL sIouId gIve IIm u
juIcy reLurn und u sLuke
In uny Increuse In vuIue oI
LIe combIned enLILy.
BerksIIre, u spruwIIng
congIomeruLe wILI more
LIun 8o compunIes und u
wIde-rungIng sLock porL-
folio, will have no role in
operuLIng LIe new enLILy.
BueLL LrIed Lo expIuIn
the reasons for the move
Lo Cunudu In commenLs
Lo LIe InuncIuI TImes.
Tim Hortons earns more
money LIun Burger KIng
does, Ie LoId LIe puper.
jusL don`L know Iow
LIe CunudIuns wouId IeeI
ubouL TIm HorLons mov-
Ing Lo IorIdu. TIe muIn
LIIng Iere Is Lo muke LIe
CunudIuns Iuppy.
Not a di me mor e
BueLL, LIe worId`s
third richest person, has
been cIeur In LIe pusL on
LIe quesLIon oI corporuLe
Lux ruLes.
Anybody wIo LIInks
corporuLe Luxes ure Loo
IIgI sIouId Iook uL u
cIurL oI corporuLe Luxes
us u percenLuge oI GDP
sInce WorId Wur ,
BueLL suId uL LIe un-
nuuI BerksIIre HuLIuwuy
sLockIoIders` meeLIng In
Nebrusku In Muy LIIs yeur
In reIerence Lo u bIg drop
In LIuL IeveI.
He has also advocated
IIgIer Lux ruLes Ior LIe
uILru rIcI, noLIng LIuL IIs
IongLIme secreLury, Deb-
bIe Bosunek, puys u IIgI-
er Lux ruLe LIun Ie does.
BuL Ior uII LIuL BueLL
has defended the idea
that corporations in the
US see envIubIe prohLs,
Ie`s uIso been cIeur LIuL
IL`s noL IIs job Lo wrILe uny
more cIecks Lo LIe gov-
ernmenL LIun necessury.
wIII noL puy u dIme
more oI IndIvIduuI Luxes
LIun owe, und won`L
pay a dime more of corpo-
ruLe Luxes LIun we owe,
Ie LoId orLune muguzIne
LIIs yeur.
BerksIIre`s sLock porL-
IoIIo Is sLued IuII oI Icon-
ic American companies,
sucI us Cocu CoIu und
BM. And LIe InvesLmenL
company owns plenty
oI weII-known numes,
us weII, IncIudIng DuIry
Queen und Insurer GeIco.
BuL In LIe crILerIu Ie`s
LuIked ubouL over LIe yeurs
Ior wIy Ie buys u compu-
ny, sucI us LIe sImpIIcILy oI
u busIness, sLrong munuge-
menL und eurnIngs power,
u US IeudquurLers does
noL IucLor.
SImpIy puL, suId BIII
US Budget Gap Narrows to Smallest
Since 2007, CBO Says

Kasia Klimasinska
Ie US budgeL deh-
cit will narrow less
than forecast this
year even as it falls to the
IowesL IeveI sInce zoo; us
a share of the economy,
uccordIng Lo LIe Congres-
sIonuI BudgeL Omce.
TIe projecLed sIorL-
IuII wIII be $o6 bIIIIon
In LIe 1z monLIs endIng
SepLember o, compured
with an April prediction
Ior $qqz bIIIIon und u
$68o bIIIIon gup posLed
last year, the nonparti-
sun CBO suId In u reporL.
n zo1 IL`s projecLed Lo
sIrInk Ior u sIxLI sLruIgIL
yeur, Lo $q6q bIIIIon, cup-
pIng LIe IongesL sLreLcI oI
hscuI ImprovemenL sInce
zooo, neur LIe end oI un
eru oI surpIuses.
A decIInIng jobIess ruLe
LIuL`s IIILIng IndIvIduuI
und corporuLe Lux revenue
wIII IeIp nurrow LIe gup
nexL yeur Lo ubouL u LIIrd
oI LIe record $1.q LrIIIIon
dehcIL reucIed In zooq,
uccordIng Lo CBO duLu.
The report today shows
u hscuI pIcLure LIuL`s Im-
provIng In LIe neur Lerm
beIore sLurLIng Lo deLerIo-
ruLe, wILI dehcILs sweIIIng
uguIn sLurLIng In zo18.
TIe IederuI budgeL deI-
IcIL Ius IuIIen sIurpIy dur-
Ing LIe pusL Iew yeurs und
Is on u puLI Lo decIIne Iur-
LIer LIIs yeur und nexL,
CBO DIrecLor DougIus
Elmendorf said at a press
conIerence. BuL IuLer In
LIe comIng decude, un-
der currenL Iuw, LIe gup
beLween spendIng und
revenues wouId grow
uguIn reIuLIve Lo LIe sIze
of economy, and federal
debL wouId cIImb.
TIe dehcIL wIII be z.q
percenL oI gross domes-
LIc producL LIIs yeur und
z.6 percenL nexL yeur, LIe
CBO suId. n zoo;, IL wus
1.1 percenL oI GDP.
Lower yi elds
US TreusurIes udvunced
as the collapse of yields in
Europe prompLed Inves-
Lors Lo reucI Ior IIgIer-
yIeIdIng US debL.
TIe CBO reporL pre-
dicted the economy will
expund 1. percenL In
LIe IourLI quurLer oI LIIs
year compared with the
sume perIod In zo1, Iess
LIun IuII LIe .1 percenL
growLI LIe CBO predIcLed
In ebruury.
TIe economy wIII grow
sIowIy LIIs yeur, on buI-
ance, and then at a faster
buL sLIII moderuLe puce
over LIe nexL Iew yeurs,
LIe CBO suId.
Unemployment this
yeur wIII uveruge 6.z per-
cenL beIore decIInIng Lo
un uveruge oI .q percenL
nexL yeur, IL suId. SIuck
In LIe Iubour murkeL Is
expecLed Lo IurgeIy dIsup-
peur by LIe end oI zo1;,
LIe CBO suId.
TIe CBO projecLs LIe
ruLe on LIree-monLI
Treusury bIIIs wIII remuIn
neur zero unLII LIe second
IuII oI zo1, und Increuse
Lo un uveruge oI z.1 per-
cenL In zo1;. Bloomberg
_~. ~|q,~e~._ ~..q
~, _ ._ .: . ~~ .~~ ~
._. ,:.__~._.. q..._...
..:.~:. ~.~...._~.''
e , .q_ , .._ ~..q ~,
_._.:.~ q..._..._~
q, ._~:.~~ ~~ ,...q ._ .
._~: ~ e~ - Burger
King .~~:~_.,.:..q:
.~..,._~..: ~.,.|.
TimHortons .~:e. ..,~
. , . ~ . . , .~ ~e e _
~.,.|. ._.:..q~._..~
._~._.:.~.._~: ~..
q ~, _ ._ .: . -~., ~
.q : _ .~ .:q:. .q ._.: .
_. ._e. ._~: . . . . _ , .-
. ... . ~ ~..' .... , . ~
..:. ..'..|~.:._.
.q:~ ~.q:.~~e.:
~ e~ - ~..q ~, _ ._
.: . ~..' ..: . . ~:.
.... , . ~ q, . ..: _. .~
, .~ .__~e . ._._e. .:q:
~ ~.q..|..:...~ ~ ~..'
,:.._~..~.~ ....:.
._..,._~:. q..._....
.:.. ...:.,.....:.~
Smeud, cIIeI InvesLmenL
omcer oI Smeud CupILuI
MunugemenL und u Berk-
sIIre InvesLor, BueLL Is
u cupILuIIsL hrsL und u pu-
LrIoL second. Reuters
~..q ~, _._ .: . ~
~ . . _.. . :~~.,:~ . .
~ ~,.....:~. ~..
.:_...,:~ .._.,.,.:.
Myanmar Summary
._ ..:~~ ,_ .._ _ e.
._~: . ~ , q~ ~ ~ , .
(CBO) . ~_.,:.._.
., . , . :. ..:~ ~
.._....:~.: .~~:
,~ ~ ~ .~~. ..'.:
~' . e _e. _.. -_. .~~ .
~ ..'.: , .e.
e. . . ~ ..'.: '~ . e
~. .. .., . , .:.. ._~: .
_~:..,_:, CBO -~.~q
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Financial Sector Opens Up
for Foreign Banks
Stefanie Siegfried
yanmar is one
oI LIe IusL coun-
LrIes In SouLI-
eusL AsIu Lo deveIop u h-
nuncIuI servIces IndusLry
und seems Lo conLInue
Lo be ImpucLed Irom LIe
bunkIng crIsIs oI zoo.
SopIIsLIcuLed hnunce
mecIunIsms und bunk-
Ing producLs Iuve noL yeL
been InLroduced Lo LIe
murkeL. However, LIe
secLor Is currenLIy under-
goIng u reIorm process,
which once complete, will
provide a platform for
Lremendous cIunges In
Myunmur`s hnunce und
bunkIng secLor.
TIe openIng oI LIe
counLry In zo1z, und LIe
ouLIng oI LIe nuLIonuI
currency LIe KyuL, seL
LIe sLuge Ior meunIngIuI
hnuncIuI secLor reIorm.
One oI LIe mujor sLeps
in this process was the
pussIng oI LIe oreIgn Ex-
cIunge MunugemenL uw
(EM) In zo1z, wIIcI uI-
lows international inves-
Lors Lo open IoreIgn und
IocuI currency uccounLs.
TIe EM enubIes Ior-
eIgn InvesLors Lo LrunsIer
payments for all its com-
punIes regurdIess oI LIeIr
MC PermIL. Under LIe
zo1 Myunmur CenLruI
Bunk uw (MCB), LIe
CenLruI Bunk oI Myunmur
(CBM) Is gIven greuLer
Independence us u poIIcy-
mukIng body und no Iong-
er under LIe conLroI oI LIe
MInIsLry oI Inunce.
TIere Iuve been vurI-
ous reporLs regurdIng ex-
pecLuLIons Lo udopL BuseI
cupILuIIsuLIon requIre-
menLs, wIIcI ure u voIun-
Lury reguIuLory sLundurd
Ior bunk cupILuI, sLress
LesLIng und IIquIdILy rIsk,
In Myunmur. AddILIonuI-
Iy, LIe run up Lo LIe open-
Ing oI LIe Yungon SLock
ExcIunge wIII IeruId new
Iuws und brIng enIunced
scruLIny on hnuncIuI reg-
uIuLIons us u number oI
compunIes queue Lo seII
LIeIr sIures.
BuL Myunmur`s hnun-
cial sector faces several
cIuIIenges durIng LIe re-
Iorm process. OpenIng up
LIe counLry Lo uIIow com-
peLILors (IoreIgn bunks) Lo
oer servIces Is one muL-
ter, to meet international
sLundurds Is unoLIer one.
AnoLIer obsLucIe Is LIe
weukness oI busIc InsLILu-
LIons und InIrusLrucLure.
oreIgners LIuL come Lo
LIIs counLry LIe hrsL LIme
wIII Iuve Lo geL used Lo LIe
common sIgIL oI peopIe
curryIng cemenL sucks oI
money Irom LIe bunk Lo
puy LIeIr renL or Lo buy u
cur - Myunmur Is IIkeIy Lo
remuIn u cusI-bused socI-
eLy In LIe neur Lerm.
AccordIng Lo u reporL by
KPMG, LIe hnuncIuI sec-
Lor remuIns sLIII u IurgeIy
underserved murkeL.
ess LIun zo percenL oI
LIe popuIuLIon Ius uc-
cess Lo bunkIng servIces
und LIe number oI peo-
pIe ucLuuIIy usIng LIe
suId servIces umounLs Lo
jusL hve percenL oI LIe
popuIuLIon. PurLIcuIurIy
ImpucLed by LIe Iuck oI
uccess Lo hnuncIuI ser-
vIces ure peopIe IIvIng In
ruruI ureus IIke Iurmers.
und Is u Iuvoured coIIuL-
eruI Ior bunks Ior IendIng
and therefore mostly a re-
sLrIcLed hnuncIuI servIce
Ior IundIoIders.
Bused on LIe currenL
IegIsIuLIon, IoreIgn bunks
und hnuncIuI InsLILuLIons
ure resLrIcLed by LIe CBM
Lo conducL busIness In
Myanmar and are only
uIIowed Lo seL up u repre-
senLuLIve omce In counLry.
Over LIe pusL monLIs LIe
governmenL Ius IndIcuLed
ILs wIIIIngness Lo Ioosen
LIe resLrIcLIons on IoreIgn
hnuncIuI InsLILuLIons. TIe
governmenL`s InILIuI pIun
IndIcuLed LIree mujor
sLeps Ior LIe secLor:
1) EsLubIIsImenL oI rep-
resenLuLIve omces by Ior-
eIgn bunks In Myunmur
- wIIcI Ius uIreudy oc-
z) EnLry by Ior-
eIgn bunks engugIng In
directed operations as al-
Iowed by LIe CBM; und
) ssuunce oI IIcenses
Lo IoreIgn bunks Lo open
bruncIes In Myunmur.
AccordIng Lo u reporL
Irom ReuLers eurIIer LIIs
yeur, un omcIuI documenL
wus senL Lo u number oI
IoreIgn bunks LIuL Iud
uIreudy esLubIIsIed rep-
resenLuLIve omces In My-
unmur, InvILIng LIem Lo
uppIy Ior u IoreIgn bunk-
Ing IIcense. TIe govern-
menL`s pIun wIII grunL up
Lo 1o IIcences Lo IoreIgn
bunks uIIowIng LIem Lo
open u bruncI omce In
Myunmur Lo grunL Iouns
Lo IoreIgn compunIes und
IocuI bunks. SImIIur Lo LIe
bId In LIe LeIecommunI-
cuLIon secLor, LIe bIdIng
process Ior bunks Is beIng
overseen by u IoreIgn con-
suILuncy hrm.
TIIs move wIII be u sLep
Iorwurd In IIberuIIsIng LIe
bunkIng secLor, buL IL Is
noL wILIouL conLroversy.
WIIIe IoreIgn bunk see
LIe IIILIng oI resLrIcLIons
us un opporLunILy Lo enLer
new murkeLs, IocuI bunks
fear that their competi-
LIveness wIII be decreused.
ocuI bunks cIuIm LIuL
LIey Iuve noL been ubIe
Lo udequuLeIy prepure Ior
dereguIuLIon becuuse oI
the lack of information
gIven by LIe governmenL
regurdIng LIe pIunned
cIunges In Myunmur`s
bunkIng secLor. ocuI
bunks ure noL onIy wor-
rIed ubouL LIeIr decreus-
Ing compeLILIveness, buL
uIso Ieur IosIng LIeIr mosL
cupubIe sLu Lo IoreIgn
NoLwILIsLundIng LIe
conIcLIng InLeresLs oI
LIe uecLed purLIes In LIIs
reIorm process, u Iunc-
LIonIng hnuncIuI sysLem
is a necessary facilitator
Ior Myunmur`s conLInu-
ous deveIopmenL und wIII
requIre u sLrong reIorm
sLruLegy, wIIcI supporLs
the sectors rapid devel-
opmenL wIIIe ensurIng ILs
sLubIIILy, emcIency, und
Stefanie Siegfried is a
legal consultant at Stro-
hal Legal Group, a law
jrm ogerin hihl per-
sonalised services spe-
cialising in international
and cross border busi-
ness. SLG enjoys a well-
established reputation
across Europe, Southeast
Asia and the Middle East.
In Myanmar, SLG pro-
vides services under the
name U Min Sein & Stro-
hal Associates Law Firm.
The views and opinions
expressed here are the
authors own and do not
necesscril reject M-
anmar Business Todays
editorial opinion.
Myanmar Summary
While foreign bank see the lifting of restrictions as an opportunity to enter new markets, local banks fear that their competitiveness will
be decreased.



The run up to the open-

ing of the Yangon Stock
Exchange will herald new
laws and bring enhanced
scrutiny on financial regula-
tions as a number of companies
queue to sell their shares.
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~.~~.q.~~~ ~.._e.
..: . ._~..,. ~. q. . ~.
._ . ~~ ~ ~_~ . e _e .
~.~~.~ ~:....~: ~_
_.. .q:~.. .~....
...~~._. .:~...:
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
David Mayes
ost people dont
typically think of
usIng LIeIr LIme
to develop other people
us mukIng un InvesLmenL,
buL In IucL LIIs cun be one
oI LIe mosL prohLubIe
forms of investment in
LIe worId. n IucL, more
peopIe Iuve become mII-
lionaires worldwide from
LIIs Iorm oI InvesLIng LIun
uny oLIer. I you ure IIke
used Lo be, IL Is IIkeIy LIuL
you ure noL even uwure
LIuL LIIs kInd oI InvesLIng
DeveIopIng Ieuders wIo
cun dupIIcuLe your eorLs
Is LIe key Lo creuLIng LIe
mosL sLubIe Iorm oI pus-
sive income, and one that
grows exponenLIuIIy. WIIIe
it is often said that the core
usseL oI uny busIness Is ILs
peopIe, LIere Is ucLuuIIy
un enLIre IndusLry LIuL re-
voIves uround deveIopIng
Iumun usseLs. Muny peo-
ple are often closed mind-
ed Lo LIe IndusLry or Iuve
sImpIy never been InLro-
duced Lo IL.
RoberL KIyosukI, LIe uu-
LIor oI LIe Iumous RIcI
Dud, Poor Dud serIes oI
personuI hnunce books,
beIIeves LIuL neLworkIng
murkeLIng Is LIe busIness
oI LIe z1sL cenLury. He Is
the creator of the now fre-
quenLIy quoLed cusI ow
quudrunL, wIIcI dIvIdes
income into passive and
ucLIve. TIe reuson wIy
neLwork murkeLIng, or dI-
recL seIIIng, Is so powerIuI
of an investment tool is
LIuL us Iong us IL Is done
wILI u good compuny
und producL, LIere Is no
oLIer busIness LIuL cun be
sLurLed up wILI sucI u Iow
initial investment that has
LIe poLenLIuI Lo generuLe
Investing in Human Capital
millions in a short period
oI LIme. TIe reuson Is LIuL
you purcIuse essenLIuIIy
u Lurnkey busIness wILI-
ouL needIng LIe brIcks
und morLur LIuL wouId go
uIong wILI someLIIng IIke
u IusL Iood IruncIIse.
How you become suc-
cessIuI Is by InvesLIng
your LIme InLo LIe peo-
pIe you brIng In Lo LIe
orgunIsuLIon. L Is LruIy
one of the only places in
LIe busIness worId wIere
wIn-wIn Is noL onIy un op-
LIon, IL Is u requIremenL.
TIere Is no dog euL dog
envIronmenL becuuse In
order Ior you Lo be suc-
cessIuI, you need Lo IeIp
everyone on your Leum
ucIIeve LIe sume success.
recenLIy uLLended u
semInur In Bungkok Irom
one oI LIe Lop neLworkIng
murkeLIng compunIes In
SouLIeusL AsIu, und wus
sLunned by LIe number oI
umborgIInIs und er-
rurIs purked ouLsIde LIuL
beIonged Lo members
oI LIe orgunIsuLIon. TIe
oLIer umuzIng LIIng wus
LIuL muny oI LIe success
sLorIes Ieurd cume Irom
people from very poor
buckgrounds, wILI Iow
IeveIs oI educuLIon, buL
wIo Iud u sLrong desIre Lo
muke LIeIr IIIe beLLer und
who simply followed the
sysLem LuugIL Lo LIem.
TIere were muny suc-
cessIuI Burmese uL LIe
event, despite the fact
that the company had
noL yeL even opened up
ILs dIsLrIbuLIon cenLre In
LIe counLry. MosL were
mukIng u monLIIy LrIp Lo
Bungkok und yIng buck
and forth with their whole
Leum. Ieurned LIuL LIe
compuny wouId be open-
Ing up In Yungon very
soon, und LIIs muy be one
oI LIe besL opporLunILIes
Lo come uIong wILI LIe
openIng up oI LIe counLry
Lo LIe ouLsIde worId.
MosL oI LIe opporLunI-
ties in Myanmar will see
LIose uIreudy rIcI or bIg
muILInuLIonuI compunIes
reupIng LIe IIon`s sIure
oI LIe benehLs. NeLwork
murkeLIng on LIe oLIer
Iund, Is IeveI pIuyIng heId
und unybody In LIe coun-
Lry wIIIIng Lo Luke LIe Lype
to invest their time in
deveIopIng Iumun beIng
into leaders will have the
opporLunILy Ior enormous
success. eeI Iree Lo con-
LucL me II you wouId IIke
Lo Ieurn more, LIIs Is by
Iur LIe besL InvesLmenL
opporLunILy Iuve seen
in Myanmar for those
wILIouL vusL umounLs oI
weuILI uIreudy.
David Mayes MBA
provides wealth man-
agement services to ex-
patriates throughout
Southeast Asia, focusing
on UK Pension Trans-
fers. He can be reached
. ~.:.. ._ . . ~ ~. ,
~~ , . _ ~_.:. . .:. ~:.
. ..: _. ~ ...q_ . .~
q .. ._ . . . . e ._ . _ ~...
. q:~ ~. , ~~e .~: e .
.: ~.:..'~ ~~.~_.~
~.:...q..._......~. ..
. _ e. ._ . ~_ .:. . .:. -
~q_~....:.~ q..._...
..._.._e .,._~e.._._e.
.:. ~ ~_ .:.,_ .. :.~
._ ._ . . , .~~ ~ ..
~.~~._...: e...,.-
...:..:._e.._e ._~:
.~_~:.q._ _e. ._ ~. , ~
~ .: . .. .. :.. :.._
.~ .,..:. . , .~_~. .
q.,._. ~.:.~_.:..: e.
..,.~..' ~_.~..,_~
_.. ..~.._~:.e......:.
,:._ _~.. ._~.. q:.:~ .
.:..q..:.. Robert Kiyosaki
~ ~,q~...~~_.~.q.
(networking marketing) .:
~ q:.- ~.~..,._e..:
._ e ~. ~.:. . ._ .
e .~ , q~ ...~ ~ _. ~ .q.
..e~ ~~,~.q:.._..
.: ~e._~: .~~:.
.: e.,_....._ ~.~
.~: ..~: .. ~ , .. _ .
.~:..~:..:._e ~...,
._ ~:..~ . . .~q .
~. . ~,_ .e _ e ~~ . ~
_.~ ., .. _. .~. , ~ ~~ .
q :....._ ~_.:...,...
~.q .~: ~:q . ~, .
~ , q~ ...~ ~ _. ~ .q.
~ . ~ ~. . -. ... :e. e .
~..~ ,.~:~~ ._~:
....~ ~,.~:~~.q:~
.q: ~..:~~~_..~
...:,. eq:q~:.~.q
~~ ~ ~ _ ~_ _ ~.~: .
~ ~:.. . q._ .. _~ _.e e
.~:.._.: e...,._e
.~: _ . .,. ~. :.. ._
. .q ..:~. ~ ~~, ..:..
.:_._:.q.~._.. .~: .. :
.q...:._e..,._~:. .~q
~ .~:_..,..:
_ ., .:. . .~. :.~_ .:.~:.
._. _..~.q_.. e.~.~
. :_., .:. ~ _e, . .q.. ~:
. .e..q...._~:. .q
._.._ ~:.~:.~. ,.~
._ q, ~ , ~ ,.. e . . .~:
.__e._.. _.,.:. ...
.:. . ~~ ~ .q:~ .:..:
at david.m@faramond.
com. Faramond UK is
regulated by the FCA and
provides advice on pen-
sions and taxation.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
USABC Eyes to Boost Myanmar SMEs Competitiveness
Aundrea Montao
eurIy oo enLre-
preneurs guLIered
In Yungon Lo uL-
tend an event meant to
supporL cupucILy buIIdIng
of Myanmars small and
medIum sIzed enLerprIs-
es (SMEs) In deveIopIng
purLnersIIps und suppIy
cIuIn InLegruLIon In prep-
uruLIon Ior LIe ASEAN
EconomIc CommunILy
TIe evenL wus orgunIsed
ness AIIIunce Ior Com-
peLILIve SMEs, wIIcI Is
u purLnersIIp beLween
CouncII (USABC) und LIe
US Agency Ior nLernu-
LIonuI DeveIopmenL (US-
AD), und wus sponsored
by severuI muILInuLIonuI
hrms IncIudIng Proc-
Lor & GumbIe, UPS, HP,
Buker & McKenzIe wILI
LIe supporL oI LIe UnIon
of Myanmar Federated
CIumbers oI Commerce
nLernuLIonuI, Myunmur
Women`s EnLrepreneurs
AssocIuLIon, Myunmur n-
dusLrIes AssocIuLIon und
LIe MInIsLry oI ndusLry.
TIe LruInIng evenL IeId
In Yungon IusL week, wus
LIe IurgesL yeL IosLed by
LIe AIIIunce. SME`s LIuL
attended this event heard
brIehngs on LopIcs sucI
us murkeLIng, exporLIng,
LIe IeguI uspecLs oI cross-
border Lrude, und Iow Lo
InLegruLe LecInoIogy InLo
LIeIr busIness operuLIons.
Attendees also had the
opporLunILy Lo meeL one-
on-one wILI represenLu-
LIves Irom muILInuLIonuI
compunIes Lo buIId reIu-
LIonsIIps und geL udvIce.
n Myunmur, LIe deveI-
opmenL oI SMEs Is u LopIc
LIuL receIves IncreusIng
umounLs oI coveruge Irom
governmenL omcIuIs, LIe
busIness communILy und
medIu ouLIeLs uIIke.
TIe Myunmur govern-
ment is committed to
ImprovIng LIe busIness
und IeguI envIronmenL
Ior SMEs, IncIudIng pub-
IIsIIng LIe SME bIII und
seLLIng up u dedIcuLed
cenLre Ior SME deveIop-
menL. TIe governmenL
welcomes international
coIIuboruLIon Lo IeIp My-
unmur SMEs beLLer In-
LegruLe InLo regIonuI und
InLernuLIonuI murkeLs,
suId U Muung MyInL, un-
Ion mInIsLer Ior IndusLry,
uL LIe evenL.
TIe AIIIunce`s supporL
Ior SMEs Is u sLurL In My-
unmur, und LIe counLry
looks forward to more
engugemenL wILI muILI-
nuLIonuI hrms Lo benehL
from technical and infor-
muLIon LrunsIers.
TIe AIIIunce Is Iocused
on Iour pIIIurs LIuL In-
cIude hnunce, LIe LrunsIer
oI InIormuLIon, InLroduc-
LIon oI LecInoIogy und
LruInIng. Among LIese pII-
lars, Myanmar is incred-
IbIy cIuIIenged In LIe ureu
oI hnunce und ILs ubII-
ity to provide the capital
SMEs desperuLeIy need
Lo survIve domesLIcuIIy,
IeL uIone InLernuLIonuIIy.
The Alliance will work to
uddress LIese Issues, und
eecLIveIy udvocuLe on
beIuII oI SMEs wILI Lop
governmenL omcIuIs, buL
LIe scuIe oI LIe probIem Is
beyond LIe scope oI u sIn-
gIe projecL.
L`s u LougI Issue, und
jusL LIIs mornIng we
talked to the Minister of
ndusLry ubouL hnunce,
und Ie`s very Iocused on
brIngIng dIerenL oppor-
LunILIes, suId AIexunder
eIdmun, CEO oI LIe US-
ASEAN BusIness CouncII.
TIe counLry`s IIgI In-
LeresL ruLe, wIIcI cur-
renLIy sLunds uL 8. per-
cenL Ior SMEs, conLInues
Lo bIock uccess Lo cupILuI.
DebL hnuncIng Is onIy
one wuy LIuL SMEs cun
raise capital and we are
IookIng uL LIIs Issue In
LIe progrum ucross LIe
bourd. TIuL noL onIy In-
cIudes debL hnuncIng, buL
uIso mIcrohnunce, equILy,
mIxLures oI debL und eq-
uILy, und we ure LryIng Lo
geL some oI our venLure
capital companies inter-
esLed In ASEAN, wIIcI
cun uIso ruIse LIe bur Ior
Myunmur, eIdmun suId.
However, with decades
of economic isolation,
uIong wILI un exLremeIy
IImILed hnunce und bunk-
Ing secLor, Myunmur
SMEs ure generuIIy unu-
wure oI LIe vurIous Iorms
oI ruIsIng cupILuI. BrIng-
Ing u menu oI hnunce
options to Myanmar will
conLInue Lo be dImcuIL
In LIe neur Lo medIum
Lerm, especIuIIy gIven LIe
nascent development of
the sector and the lack of
InIormuLIon on beIuII oI
Myanmars small and me-
dIum-sIzed compunIes.
IrsL, LIe uveruge SME
busIness owner knows
noLIIng ubouL equILy h-
nuncIng or even Iow mI-
cro hnunce couId benehL
LIeIr operuLIons. WIIIe
Myunmur Ius u Iew pubIIc
companies, which trade
shares on an over the
counLer murkeL (OTC), IL
Is expecLed Lo be repIuced
by LIe Yungon SLock Ex-
cIunge In OcLober oI nexL
yeur. CompunIes InLer-
esLed In equILy hnunc-
Ing on LIe Yungon SLock
ExcIunge ure requIred Lo
demonsLruLe prohLs Ior
LIe prevIous Lwo yeurs or
sIow K1o bIIIIon ($1o mII-
IIon) In murkeL cupILuII-
suLIon, Iuve u mInImum
cupILuI umounL oI Koo
mIIIIon ($11,ooo), und
Iuve u mInImum oI 1oo
shareholders where the
mInorILy musL uccounL Ior
uL IeusL 1o percenL oI LIe
LoLuI equILy - LIese mInI-
mum requIremenLs, wIIIe
low to accommodate ac-
cess, wIII be dImcuIL Ior
mosL oI Myunmur`s SMEs
Lo meeL.
An attendee at the con-
Ierence suId, pIun Lo
usk Iow SME Is dehned.
While it may have an in-
ternationally accepted
meunIng In Lerms oI LIe
number oI empIoyees
und unnuuI revenue, In
Myunmur LIe dehnILIon
oI SME wIII be mucI dII-
IerenL. By uII meuns LIe
LrudILIonuI dehnILIon Ior
SME musL be udjusLed Ior
Myanmar if international
und domesLIc progrums
uImed uL supporLIng
SMEs ure Lo be eecLIve.
Second, mosL busIness
owners In Myunmur be-
lieve the only way to raise
cupILuI Is LIrougI debL
hnuncIng, Lo wIIcI LIey
have a historical aver-
sIon. DurIng LIe BrILIsI
colonial period, domestic
dIsconLenL rose durIng
LIe 1qos economIc de-
pression when the price
oI rIce pIummeLed und
ndIun moneyIenders
seIzed nuLIve Burmese
Iund. Even LIougI muny
Iuve LIe ubIIILy Lo puL up
their land as collateral on
u Ioun, mosL wouId ruLIer
noL rIsk IosIng everyLIIng
In un uncerLuIn murkeL
usLIy, venLure cupILuI
is most certainly a vi-
ubIe opLIon Ior Myun-
mur; Iowever, ILs reucI
remuIns IImILed. VenLure
capitalists, and even an-
geI InvesLors, ure wIIIIng
Lo Luke on IIgIer IeveIs
oI rIsk, buL ure InvesLIng
mosLIy In LIe LecInoIogy
und communIcuLIons sec-
Lor In Myunmur - wIIcI
Ignores u wIoIe runge oI
opporLunILy. TIe reuIILy
Is LIuL even venLure cupI-
LuI hrms conLInue Lo Iov-
er und ure wuILIng Lo see
how political risk models
wIII deveIop over LIe nexL
Lwo yeurs - especIuIIy
wILI LIe ImpendIng zo1
TruInIng und govern-
ment advocacy is incred-
IbIy ImporLunL Lo LIe
development of Myan-
mur`s SMEs. TIe AIII-
unce uIms Lo conLInue Lo
muke sLrIdes In supporL-
Ing SMEs LIrougIouL LIe
ASEAN regIon, und wILI-
In Myunmur us weII, by
brIngIng muILInuLIonuIs
Lo LIe LubIe, ussIsLIng In
suppIy cIuIn InLegruLIon
and preparation to com-
peLILIveIy enLer LIe AEC.
BuL In LIe ImmedIuLe
Lerm, LIe Issue oI hnunce
musL be uddressed II uny
oI LIese oerIngs ure Lo
be eecLIve.
Myanmar Summary
Panalists at the US-ASEAN Business Alliance for Competitive SMEs Conference.


Debt financing is only one way that

SMEs can raise capital and we are
looking at this issue in the program
across the board. That not only
includes debt financing, but also microfi-
nance, equity, mixtures of debt and equi-
ty, and we are trying to get some of our
venture capital companies interested in
ASEAN, which can also raise the bar for
_ ., .:. -~....:..
~.~.:...,..:. (SMEs)
.:.~:. . ...| ...: q ~ .
.:. .:_... ~..
_e_ ._ ._e, . . .. .._~: .
_ . ~ ..| .._ ._ . .~ _ e
(AEC) ~~~ _...q.
~ q,~,~ ~..q: .,.
~. ..,.q..|. ,~~
,..|. ~~.q:~._~._.
~..q ~, ~:. e . .. :..q.
.~:. (USABC) . ~..
q ~, . ~~:e _e .~ .~~
.q..~. (USAID) ~
....|.e._.:...: SME
.:.e _. . ~:..~: ..q..
q: .e:.~~e~ e..~
..~..._.._e.._. e.
..: .e:.~~e~ ~..
..: ..:.~,~ ~_~..._e.
_.. SME .:._..q._
~.~ .:.~ .:~ _..e:._.:
.,.~ .~~:~.~.:..
~e.:..e.:.~ ~....
.~ . _~.~ ~. e . :.
qe _ . .. ~_ ~ ..._ . .. :.
_.,.:~..q._ SME .:.
e_e.~.~~.q.~~~ ...:.
_.~...q, .._....:q~
.~q_.. SME ..._~..
~ _., _. .. SME .:. e _e .
.q..~:~._. ~_.:
.:..__e.._~:. .~...
,.~,_~. ...:_.~ .
._. _.,.: SME .:. ...
~.. .~~:...~~
~ .~:..:..|.._...q.
~~~ .~~:. ....|.
..:q~.~:. _~.._~:.
._. ,.~ .._.
.e:.~~e._ ._
....~ ~:,.~q...._..
e.~.: .._~. ~.~
~.~.._.:._.. ,_.._:
...~.....:. _e_._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Investments Inks
Iirst Ioreign Micronunce JV eul
Tin Mg Oo
yunmur n-
vestments Ltd
(M), u subsIdI-
ury oI Myunmur nvesL-
menLs nLernuLIonuI Ld,
Ius sIgned u condILIonuI
joInL venLure ugreemenL
with Myanmar Finance
Compuny (MC) Ld, LIe
SIngupore-bused hrm
MC Is u provIder oI
mIcrohnunce Iouns prIn-
cIpuIIy Lo smuII-scuIe
busIness operuLors In
ruruI und urbun ureus oI
Yungon und neIgIbourIng
Directors of the com-
puny suId LIey beIIeve
the new JV, Myanmar Fi-
nunce nLernuLIonuI Ld
(M), Lo be LIe hrsL
IoreIgn mIcrohnunce joInL
venLure In Myunmur.
M wIII Iuve boLI u
IendIng und deposIL Luk-
Ing IIcence, Issued by LIe
Myunmur governmenL.
n conIormILy wILI My-
unmur reguIuLIons, M
Ius been IncorporuLed
In Myunmur us u IoreIgn
compuny, LIe hrm suId.
Under the terms of the
deuI, MC wIII conjoIn
ILs exIsLIng mIcrohnunce
busIness InLo M,
wIIcI wIII be joInLIy mun-
uged by LIe Lwo purLners.
Myunmur nvesLmenLs
und MC Iuve ugreed Lo
an initial phased contri-
buLIon oI $q.8 mIIIIon
In cupILuI - Myunmur
nvesLmenLs` LoLuI con-
LrIbuLIon beIng US$z.;
mIIIIon - wILI Myunmur
nvesLmenLs ownIng
percent of the new com-
puny und MC IoIdIng
LIe resL.
The partners will ini-
LIuIIy conLrIbuLe $z mII-
IIon Ior sIures In M,
oI wIIcI Myunmur n-
vesLmenL`s conLrIbuLIon
Is $1,1oo,ooo In cusI und
MC`s conLrIbuLIon Is
MC`s InILIuI conLrIbu-
LIon wIII be prIncIpuIIy In
the form of a transfer of
LIe exIsLIng busIness wILI
u Lop up puymenL In cusI
wIen LIe vuIuuLIon oI LIe
exIsLIng busIness Is hnuI-
Ised, IL suId.
TIe buIunce oI LIe cupI-
LuI commILmenLs wIII be
In cusI und wIII be cuIIed
In Lwo IurLIer LruncIes us
LIe busIness expunds.
The JVA is conditional
on M receIvIng ILs
own mIcrohnunce IIcence
wIIcI Is expecLed Lo be Is-
sued sIorLIy by LIe Myun-
mur MIcrohnunce Super-
visory Enterprise, part of
the Myanmar Ministry of
Micronance activities at a viIIage in Ayeyarwaddy region.

Myanmars Small Energy Producers
Need Funding, Tech Support: Experts
May Soe San
o facilitate the de-
velopment of small
prIvuLe energy pro-
ducLIon, Increused uccess
Lo udvunced LecInoIogy
und IundIng ure requIred,
experLs LoId u summIL In
TIe mujor cIuIIenge Is
that there is little interna-
LIonuI supporL. Any Iuws
und reguIuLIons concern-
Ing prIvuLe smuII power
producers Iuve yeL Lo be
enucLed, suId U Aung
Myint, chair of Renew-
ubIe Energy AssocIuLIon
Myanmar, said at the en-
ergy summIL.
TIIs summIL Is success-
IuI In druwIng LogeLIer
InLernuLIonuI busIness-
men und experLs on LIe
LopIc. Myunmur provIdes
u good murkeL Ior LIem,
Ie udded.
He uIso dIscussed LIe
use oI envIronmenLuIIy
IrIendIy, susLuInubIe und
renewubIe energy sourc-
es sucI us wInd power,
bIomuss, soIur und Iydro-
L Is esLImuLed LIuL onIy
o percenL oI Myunmur`s
popuIuLIon Ius uccess Lo
eIecLrIcILy. AL LIe sum-
mIL muny suggesLIons
revoIved uround LIe use
oI pubIIc-prIvuLe purLner-
ships in order to rapidly
Increuse ruruI eIecLrIhcu-
LIon und Improve susLuIn-
ubIe green energy sources
TIe budgeL uIIocuLed
to the department of elec-
LrIcILy Is noL sumcIenL und
IncreusIng LIe use oI re-
newubIe energy producLs
wIII IurLIer Increuse LIe
TIese ure InexIuusL-
IbIe energy sources, buL
the cost to implement
LIem Is cuuse Ior concern.
L wIII prove Lo be emcIenL
if we can provide it at a
reusonubIe prIce, LoId
U Soe Moe, un execuLIve
engIneer Irom LIe Yungon
EIecLrIcILy SuppIy Bourd.
Myanmars electricity
consumpLIon In zo1-1q
hscuI yeur sLood uL ,q;o
meguwuLLs (MW), oI wIIcI
z,q1qMW, or ;q percenL,
wus obLuIned Irom Iy-
dropower. NuLuruI gus
und couI conLrIbuLed Lo
q1.8MW, or z percenL
oI LoLuI consumpLIon, und
1zoMW respecLIveIy.
TIe governmenL`s mus-
ter plan for electricity
uIms Lo generuLe u LoLuI oI
z,qqMW by LIe zoo-
1Y wILI 8,8q6MW, or
;. percenL Irom Iydro-
power, q percenL Irom
oLIer renewubIe energy
sources, zo percenL Irom
nuLuruI gus und . per-
cenL Irom couI, uccordIng
to the Ministry of Electric
..q:~q...._.~.q: ~
q:. . , .~ .qq _ e _e .~ .~~
..._...~_e.._ ~...
.q:...~.:..q:~q .q,
~ .....,_..:.. ,_.
_., ., . : .q:~ . q . ._~: .
_.,_._ _. . . .~ ~.. (Rean)
~_ ..~:_.~ ._.:._.
.~ q _ ., .:. ~.,_ e
~. . _. . ._ ... . . ~
Bio Mass ..: e~.,.|~|
.._ .:~~ ~._ .. _ . .
.:~.~ ~, .~ ~~ ~ .
.~.. .qq_e_e.~.~~
..._...~~ ~._..._
,_.....:.~ ......._..
_., .:.~ ...~qq.
~.,_e ~.~.....q:~q
._ .,q:.: ,~ q:..,.
.:q_.. ......q:~q._
.,q:.: ~ q:..,.q._~:.
e.._~: ~..q..~.,.
..: q ~ _. .~ . . ~. .
~:. ...~__...._.,.,.
.__e.._~:. .q._.
~~,~, _:.q...~
_., .:. ~ .. .. .:~ ~:.
,~ ... .|~. ~.._.
Myanmar Summary q:~ .q~:... .. . , q:.
. , . _ e.._ ~ .| ~.
.:~.:~ . . , q:. . , .
_e.._ ,~ ... .|~.
. .~:~ .... .. ~~ . |~.
~e.._~:.. electricity
mater plan ~,~~,~ _:
.q...~ ,,, .|~.~
..q, .::.._~: .. ..
...~:. ~,_~._:,. .q._.

_.,.:q..._.... .~~:
. . ~~ -.~ .~: ~ .
.~:.~._..~ _.,.:q...
_......~~ (MIL) ._
_.,.:.._~. ~.~ (MFC)
. ~.....,.~_.:
q, ..:~ .~ . ~ ..
._~: . e.~.~~ ~_.,
MFC._ q,~,. ..._.
.:.~~~q _._.. .~..~
....:.. ~....:...,.
....:.~:. ~.~.......
.,..: ~... .:. . ._ ~.
..,._e. ._ .~ . ~ .|, ~
~:. :. -~. ~q ~. ..
. . , . .. _ e. ..: _ ., .:
. ._ ~.. ~~:. . ~~
(MFIL)._ _.,.:.~
... . ~_ .: ..:
_._ .~...~....:..._~.
. . , ._e. .:._ e . q._ .
MFIL ._ _.,.:~..q-
._.._e ...... ..
.~ . . . . . . . .. .qq
MFIL ._ _.,.:.-
. . .. . ,_ .. :.. ~_
. _ .:.~ . ~ ~. q. ~_ e.
_ ., .:. ~ e ._ .~_
.:._.._e.._~:. ,.~.
~ .._...:~_.~.|
~.~.:.~q MFC ._
, .-.~ q ._ .~ .,..:
~....:.. ._~.. . , ..:.
~ MFIL . ..| ._ ._
_e._.. ..e~.~~e~.:.~
. ...| .. . ., . ._ _e. ._ .
_~. .. . . , ...'..| ~
q,.: MFIL ~~~ ~...
.:.. ._~.. . , .. . qq
_. .~..'. ~_ .~ q _. . _., .:
_:.q. ~, _ ~ . _:,-~.
. ~ ~. . ._ e. ..: _ ., .:
~... .:. . ._ ~. . . , .
_~._~..q...,.. ._~:.
~ .... :.._ e ..: .
:.._~:. .q._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar on Track to Full
AEC Implementation: President
Htun Htun Minn
IgILy percenL oI
the preparations
Ior ImpIemenLIng
ASEAN EconomIc Com-
munILy (AEC) Iuve been
completed and the rest is
expecLed Lo be ucIIeved
In LIe nexL 1; monLIs,
Myanmar President and
LIe cIuIrmun oI ASEAN U
TIeIn SeIn suId.
The plan for implement-
Ing AEC Ius been con-
ceived in Nay Pyi Taw
declaration adopted at
LIe zq
IeId In Muy zo1q.
As the chair, Myanmar
wIII conLInue endorsIng
the implementation of
AEC In LIe LurgeL LIme-
Irume, LIe presIdenL LoId
u regIonuI meeLIng.
ASEAN Is u murkeL oI
6oq mIIIIon peopIe wILI u
combIned GDP oI $z. LrII-
IIon. AmId LIe pusL gIobuI
economIc crIses und eu-
rozone crIsIs, ASEAN Ius
muInLuIned un uveruge un-
nuuI growLI ruLe oI more
LIun percenL und Is sLrIv-
Ing Lo emerge us u success-
IuI regIonuI bIoc.
TIe presIdenL under-
lined the importance of
seLLIng u vIsIon Ior posL
zo1 und uIso Lo pro-
moLe un uII-IncIusIve und
peopIe-cenLered commu-
nity that can lead to wide-
spread development and
sIure LIe benehLs Lo even
LIe mosL murgInuIIsed
groups In LIe counLry.
ASEAN Ius uIso worked
Lowurds InLegruLIng LIe
regIon und nurrowIng LIe
deveIopmenL gups umong
LIe member counLrIes
wIIcI succeeded In Im-
provIng LIe sIure oI LIe
combIned GDP oI new
members: CumbodIu,
Laos, Myanmar and Viet-
Irom 6 percenL In zooq
Lo 1z percenL In zo11, LIe
ASEAN cIuIrmun suId.
To implement a politi-
cally, economically and
socIuIIy InLegruLed com-
munILy In zo1, we Iuve
Lo ruIIy our unIhed eorLs.
L Is ImporLunL Lo Improve
the competitiveness of
ASEAN LIrougI InLegruL-
ed und equILubIe endeuv-
ours. ASEAN communI-
cuLIon sLruLegy musL uIso
be reuIIzed, suId U Wun-
nu Muung wIn, IoreIgn
mInIsLer oI Myunmur.
ASEAN Ius pIunned Lo
ImpIemenL AEC by Dec
1, zo1 buL Iuces some
obsLucIes In IuuncIIng LIe
IuII pIuLIorm In LIme.
CurrenLIy SIngupore Is
the only nation ready for
AEC wIIIe TIuIIund Ius
puL In LIe IurgesL umounL
oI Iunds In prepuruLIon.
SIngupore, ndonesIu und
MuIuysIu ure IeudIng LIe
pIun Lo IormuIuLe u posL-
zo1 vIsIon Ior ASEAN.
Four Firms Shortlisted for Myanmar
Jet Fuel Distribution Venture
Aung Hla Tun
our hrms Irom TIuI-
Iund und SIngupore
wIII go LIrougI Lo
u hnuI round oI bIddIng
Lo Iorm u joInL venLure In
Myunmur Ior dIsLrIbuLIng
jeL IueI wILI sLuLe-owned
Myunmu PeLroIeum Prod-
ucLs EnLerprIse (MPPE),
u senIor Energy MInIsLry
omcIuI suId.
SIngupore-bused SIn-
gupore PeLroIeum und
Pumu Energy Group Ld
und TIuIIund-bused PTT
und Bungkok AvIuLIon
ueI ServIces ure LIe Iour
sIorLIIsLed ouL oI LIe 1
pre-quuIIhers Ior LIe hnuI
round oI LIe bIddIng, LIe
omcIuI LoId ReuLers, usk-
Ing Ior unonymILy sInce
Ie wus noL u spokesmun.
One oI LIem wIII be-
come our purLner In LIe
joInL venLure. L`s u bIL
eurIy Lo suy wIen exucLIy
LIe hnuI seIecLIon wIII be
currIed ouL, Ie udded.
MPPE Is currenLIy LIe
soIe dIsLrIbuLor oI jeL IueI
In LIe counLry. Demund uL
the three international air-
porLs In Yungon, MunduIuy
and capital Naypyitaw is
expecLed Lo grow quIckIy us
LourIsL numbers cIImb IoI-
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary


~:. e... :..q.~. ~ ~~, .
.: . ._ .~ q ~. , ~
~ q:..,._.....,_.. .,:~
.:._ ~ .~~ . ~.~:
~_ .e: ..: q ~ . :.._ e
.. : . :..__ e. ._ ~: .
~:.e~_ _.,.:..~:
.. ~ .. , .. , ~ ~:. e
. _.:..q.~, _~ ..:.~._ .
~.~.~ ._.:_~:..._.
~~, ... ...~~.~
~ ... ._ , _ ~ . ._ .:~
~:. e . . .~._ .~.~.
~~ .~ ~:. e ~. ~ ~~, .
.,_._ .~: ._~_:.:~. .~
~ _., . ._ . ~:. e ._
...q '~ .,.q._ ...
~~_~._e..:_.. .~q~.,
~ . . ..| .~ , ~ ~, e. GDP
._ ~..q~, ..'.: ...
q.e.q.:._ ._e.._.
~:. e -. .. :..q.~ .~~ .
._ ~. : . .. :..q.~. ..
e , . ._~....~ ~ -~~.
~~_ ..:._~:.. :. . . .
.. ..|.q:. . , .~ .~: . ,
._.. ._~:.~:.e._ ~..
~_ ...:~. ~ ~~, ._ e
.~: _ . ..:.... q:
~e ~._ .~. . ~_ e. ..' , .
.:.~:._e ,.~.~._.:
~~,. , . ~:. e ~. _ ~
~ _~.,, ~:. e ~. ~
~~, . .: . ~ .~ . ~ :.
~~. ,~~._..._.:~.~:
~:....~ ~ ~ , .. :..e ''e
, .~.~ ._.:._ .~~ . . .
~., ~:.e..:.,..~~
..~..._ .:..:~.q._ ~.
_.. ~.:..|~...: _._.
~ -e _. ._ ~:. e ._
~e_.,._ ...:.~.~~.~
qq q._ _ e. ~: ~. ~.q.
,_ ..|.._ . ~e ~._ .~. ~
~. ..:.~ . .. :..q.e _e .
~ .~~ . -~~ .~ . .:.. ..
q._ _e. ._ ._.~._ . .. :.
.q. e _ e . ~ . ~~ . ~ qq q,
~:.e ~.,_e ~:.e..|.
._ ..q.. q:_~ ... .. . e _e ..
~ :e. .:. ..: ,_ ..,. .:.
~ _~ ......_.
IowIng LIe end oI mIIILury
ruIe In zo11. Reuters
Foreign Investors Permitted Full
Ownership of More Businesses
Kyaw Min
Ie Myunmur n-
vesLmenL Com-
mIssIon (MC) Ius
expunded LIe IIsL oI busI-
nesses LIuL cun be wIoIIy
owned by IoreIgn Inves-
Lors, In u recenL dIrecLIve.
uII IoreIgn ownersIIp
cun now be grunLed Lo
q joInL venLure busI-
nesses with endorsement
from relevant ministries,
In severuI ureus IncIud-
Ing mInIng, consLruc-
LIon, consLrucLIon muLe-
rIuI producLIon, jeweIIery
producLs, couI exporLs,
Iydropower und couI-
hred power generuLIon.
TIe oII und gus secLor
will remain a restricted
ureu: uII IoreIgn InvesLors
musL operuLe LIe busIness
In Myunmur onIy LIrougI
joInL venLures wILI LIe
Energy MInIsLry.
MC uIso dehnes z1
IndusLrIes LIuL musL be
operuLed under specIuI
Lerms und condILIons.
or InsLunce, cIgureLLe
producLIon Is permIL-
ted on the condition that
LIe InvesLors musL use uL
IeusL o percenL IocuI ruw
muLerIuIs und qo percenL
oI LIe ouLpuL musL be
exporLed. TIe ndusLry
MInIsLry wIII supervIse
LIe IndusLry.
_., .:. ~ ~ ..e: .
~ ~ , . . , . MPPE, .
~. .. . . , .~_ .: . .q.
~~ ~ .. . . ~:. .
~ . . . , ..... ._ .,:~ . .
~_~ . ~. .. . .. .:._.. . ._ _e.
._~: .. . .~ ~, _~ ._:,. ~
. _. ~q:q ~. .~. ._ .
. ~:. ~._.. ~ . ~:. .q,
. . ..:.. . .~ . . , .~ . .
.~._.. ~ . ~ ~ . , .~:~
..e: . ~, ..: . . . , .
.:.. :.,:~ . .~. ~ ~. .. . .
. .:.~~ ~ .q ..e . q..:. .
, . ~, . ~,~ . ., ~:~ .q .
_.e . q..:. . , ..... _e.
._ .
q ._ ._ ~:.... ~~. ,
._~_:.:~_.,~: _._.
q .. ._ . . . . . :.~_ ._ ~~
. . . ._ . . , ..:.-
q:~.....,. ,, ...
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Stute oI Serviced Omce Murket
in Yangon (Part I)
Kevin Heng
yanmar, for-
merly known as
Burmu, Ius been
mucI Iyped us LIe hnuI
IronLIer oI IoreIgn InvesL-
menL - u IILIerLo un-
Lupped murkeL oI 6o mII-
IIon In beLween LIe Lwo
mosL popuIuLed counLrIes
In LIe worId. SucI cIIcId
terms are often thrown
uround In uny urLIcIe one
comes across when re-
seurcIIng on Iow Lo In-
vesL In Myunmur. WIuL
Is Iess eecLIveIy commu-
nicated is that Myanmar
Is un emergIng murkeL
oI LIe exLreme vurIeLy.
NoLIIng cun be Luken Ior
grunLed Iere; noL LIe eIec-
tricity, not the contract
wILI your IocuI busIness
partner, not even the roof
over your Ieud. TIuL`s
rIgIL, conLrury Lo com-
mon expecLuLIons, despILe
LIe Iow cosL oI IIvIng In
generuI, properLy prIces
In Yungon ure on pur wILI
SIngupore, Hong Kong
und MunIuLLun. TIe pur-
pose of this article is to
udvIse reuders on LIe besL
wuy Lo seL up sIop In LIe
bruve new worId LIuL Is
Yangons commer ci al
real estate
TubIe 1u sIows LIe mosL
recent statistics for Grade
A commercial space in
Myunmur In Q1 zo1q.
JusL LIese Lwo buIIdIngs
In downLown Yungon -
Sukuru Tower und Cen-
LrepoInLs - conLrIbuLe up
Lo ; percenL oI wIuL Is
termed Grade A commer-
cial space in the entirety
oI Myunmur.
TubIe 1b sIows promI-
nent additions to Yan-
gon`s IuLure suppIy.
Due Lo LIe Iow umounL
oI LoLuI uvuIIubIe suppIy,
it is clear why prices are
so IIgI. TubIe z IIIusLruLes
cosLs In Yungon us com-
pured Lo SIngupore.
New projecLs ure In LIe
pIpeIIne buL consLrucLIon
wIII be deIuyed Ior u vu-
rIeLy oI reusons: DIspuLes
over the ownership of the
Iund due Lo uncIeur LILIe;
Iuck oI skIIIed personneI;
lack of imported materi-
uIs; zonIng Iuws wIIcI ure
sLIII evoIvIng und sIower
work durIng LIe monsoon
What type of custom-
er ar e you?
Given the operational
dImcuILIes oI seLLIng up
un omce In Yungon, muny
hrms wIII hnd LIe pIug
und pIuy uspecL oI ser-
vIced omces uLLrucLIve.
However, are they the
besL cIoIce Ior you?
TubIe orgunIses dII-
ferent types of companies
bused on Iow Imuge-
conscIous LIey ure und
whether their clients meet
LIem In LIeIr omce.
Box A (Imuge
conscIous - cusLomer vIsIL
omce quudrunL) sIows
companies who are the
most likely clients of ser-
vIced omces. TIey requIre
un omce LIuL projecLs un
Imuge oI proIessIonuI-
Ism und presLIge Lo LIeIr
cusLomers us LIeIr cIIenLs
vIsIL LIeIr omce.
CompunIes In
Box B (Imuge conscIous
- cusLomer do noL vIsIL
omce quudrunL) muy noL
have as many visitors, al-
LIougI LIey sLIII requIre
un omce LIuL behLs LIeIr
Imuge. L need noL be u
LrudILIonuI Lower bIock
or In LIe cenLruI busIness
Box C (Imuge noL
prIorILy - cusLomer vIsIL
omce quudrunL) consIsLs
of the service companies
sucI us LrudIng und dIs-
LrIbuLIon compunIes LIuL
import their own prod-
ucLs or represenL u muILI-
Lude oI brunds Irom over-
ndusLrIes In Box
D (Imuge noL prIorILy -
cusLomer do noL vIsIL oI-
hce quudrunL) wouId hnd
IL eusIesL Lo ucquIre omce
spuce becuuse LIey Iuve
LIe IeusL demundIng crI-
TIe second und hnuI In-
stalment of the article will
present more analysis on
LIe servIced omce secLor
In Yungon, scope oI IuLure
suppIy und prIces und
alternative to standard
commercIuI spuce.
Kevin is studying Poli-
tics and International
Relations at the Universi-
ty of York in the UK. This
article is a result of a pro-
ject that Kevin was in-
volved in while working
at Consult-Myanmar Co
Ltd in Yangon. Any views
or opinion expressed in
this article is the authors
oun cnd don't reject M-
anmar Business Todays
editorial opinion.
Contd. P 24...
Table 1 a
Table 1 b
Project facing difculties
_ ., .:. . : ~. : . ..q
~_q~: ..,. '~ q ~...
.~ .~ .. .~ ~ _ ~ ._ e. _
.,:~ . .e _ e .... .~ ~ _ ~ .
~_ e. ~ ..q., ..:..~ q
._._.,.:.~ q..._...
q, ...:e~,. ~~.|
~._~: .~q:.:.~ ~. ._~: .
. ..~ q._ . ...:~
.~: .....e: _._. ... q..:
~._~:.~q:.: _.,.:..:
.~..~.:..:q..: e_e..
._ . . . .. .:~ ~:. _ ._
~ .. ~ e~ . . , .. :..
~.~~.e ..,._
.,q:.._~ ~...~.~:.
q._ .e ~ .|. _., .:. ~
.ee~:._e .,.q~
.~ .:..: ._ .~.:...:.
:.._ . ., ~ . :. ~ . _.
._.....,..:..: .e:.~:
. ~:. . ., e~ ~, ~ .
q, ~ , -. .. :..q.. q:, .., .
~..:~~~.:. q,~,_.
.eq .:~q:~:~|..~:
. ~ . : _., .:~. . . .-
.~~.q ...:..q.,..,..,
q: ....|.- q:..,.~
_e_ ._ ..... . ..:~,_..|.
. _ . .._ ~: .. .. , ..:..:
Table 2
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
From page 23...
Table 4 (Serviced of ce comparison)
Table 3
China Says Planned
Property Database Wont
Be Open To Public
Koh Gui Qing
Ie CIInese pub-
lic cannot access a
planned property
duLubuse LIuL Ius been
seen by some us u vILuI
LooI Ior LuckIIng LIe coun-
Lry`s deep-rooLed probIem
wILI corrupLIon, preIImI-
nury ruIes reIeused by LIe
governmenL sIowed.
TIe duLubuse Ius been
In LIe works sInce zo1o
und Is supposed Lo uIIow
users Lo see Iow muny
properLIes u person owns.
L Ius been LouLed by
some experLs us un un-
LIdoLe Ior rumpunL gruIL
becuuse oI LIe Lrunspur-
ency LIuL IL couId pro-
vide, especially when it
comes Lo om cIuIs ownIng
more properties that they
sIouId be ubIe Lo uord
on governmenL suIurIes.
BuL LIe sysLem Ius been
repeuLedIy deIuyed us re-
gIonuI CIInese govern-
menLs buIked uL LIe Ideu
oI IuvIng u seurcIubIe,
central record of home
purcIuses LIuL couId ex-
pose LIe weuILI oI corrupL
om cIuIs.
Under LIe druIL pro-
posuIs Ior LIe duLubuse
reIeused by LIe govern-
ment on Friday, only the
owners of a property and
InLeresLed purLIes cun
vIew LIe record In LIe du-
WILIouL owners` con-
senL, records In LIe duLu-
buse cunnoL be dIscIosed
Lo LIe pubIIc, IL suId, wILI-
ouL IurLIer eIuboruLIon or
TIe druIL ruIes, open
Ior pubIIc consuILuLIon
unLII SepLember 1, were
supposed Lo Iuve been
unnounced uL LIe end oI
TIe governmenL Ius de-
nied that the aim of the
duLubuse Is Lo IeIp keep
om cIuI ubuse In cIeck,
suyIng InsLeud LIuL IL Is
Lo IeIp uuLIorILIes Ievy u
reuI esLuLe Lux nuLIonwIde
und Lemper CIInu`s neur-
record Iome prIces.
As IousIng Is regurded
us one oI LIe besL wuys Lo
preserve LIe vuIue oI suv-
Ings In CIInu, muILIpIe
Iome ownersIIp Is com-
mon, creuLIng u IeuducIe
for policymakers who
need Lo uddress LIe un-
happiness of those who
cunnoL uord Lo buy u
Iome. Reuters
. . ~ , ... .:.~ . . .e: ..:
.~q..:._. ~._~:.q.
.:.. :._~: ..:~ . . .q.
..,..:..: ~. ,eq.._
_e. ._ . ~. ~~._~: .q .
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,.~.,_..._. ,.~
-.e:~._.:.~:. ,.~
.~ . .~ . . q .q ~..'~._..
_ ~..~.:..:. .:.._.
Box A .| ~ . ~ .:.. :~, ..:
. , .., ..:. :.q. .. ._.~_.
. . . .: . _ e. ._ . , .., . .
._~: . ~.: . q:~ ..:
-_ ._ .:.~:. , .~ -._:
q ., . . .. .,:.. . q . ~ _..
q, .~.._.
~, ~ . ~ ,~ , . .:
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_..:.. _..,:~ ~ ~ e q:
~ ~.q..|..:.~ ,~ _e.
.:._e ~.~e..,..:
~ ~:,~ ~ . ~ q, . .
.,._ ~._.._.~.~~.~
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~ .q:~ _~_ , . ._ .e ~
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September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
MIE Insures over 8,700 Cars in 2013-14FY
Kyaw Min
LoLuI oI 8,;qz uuLo-
mobIIes Iuve been
Insured wILI LIe
sLuLe-run Myunmur n-
surunce EnLerprIse (ME)
durIng LIe zo1-1q hscuI
yeur, uccordIng Lo recenL-
Iy reIeused duLu.
AILIougI LIere ure up-
proxImuLeIy 6oo,ooo uu-
LomobIIes In Myunmur,
onIy u meugre Lwo per-
cent of these vehicles are
Insured under compre-
IensIve coveruge, uccord-
Ing Lo U Aye MIn TIeIn,
dIrecLor generuI oI ME.
There are only a few cli-
enLs wIo Iuve purcIused
compreIensIve coveruge.
However, we have had
more sales than private
Insurunce compunIes.
TIe combIned number
oI veIIcIes Insured under
the comprehensive cov-
eruge oI LIe sIx prIvuLe
Insurunce compunIes Is
6,qzq, Ie udded.
TIe Insurer under LIe
compreIensIve Insurunce
pIun Ius u muxImum In-
demnILy oI Ko mIIIIon
Ior veIIcIe dumuge und
K1o mIIIIon Ior LIe deuLI
oI u person.
AuLo Insurunce pre-
mIum ruLes Ior prIvuLeIy
owned veIIcIes ure o.8
percenL Ior K8o mIIIIon,
wIIIe IL`s 1.q percenL Ior
cubs Ior u K1o mIIIIon In-
surunce pIun.
Myunmur nsurunce
provIdes Lwo Lypes oI uuLo
Insurunce - compreIen-
sIve und IIubIIILy cover-
Kia to Build New Vehicle
Assembly Plant in Mexico
Dave Graham &
Luis Rojas
ouLI Koreun uu-
tomaker Kia Motors
Corp Ius eurmurked
$1 bIIIIon Lo buIId u ve-
IIcIe ussembIy pIunL In
MexIco, und PresIdenL
EnrIque Penu NIeLo suId
Ie expecLs LIe pIunL wIII
spur InvesLmenLs by sup-
pIIers oI unoLIer $1. bII-
The plant, with a capac-
ILy Lo buIId oo,ooo veII-
cIes u yeur, wIII be IocuLed
In LIe sLuLe oI Nuevo eon
und sIouId open In LIe
hrsL IuII oI zo16, KIu suId.
This investment will
LrIgger oLIers, LIose oI
LIeIr suppIIers. We esLI-
muLe LIuL suppIIers wIII
InvesL unoLIer $1. bII-
IIon, Penu NIeLo LoId un
evenL In MexIco CILy.
A sIew oI Koreun suppII-
ers ure expecLed Lo InvesL
In u suppIy neLwork Ior
LIe pIunL. HyunduI MobIs
pIuns u moduIe IucLory
In MexIco, wIIIe Mundo
Corp, wIIcI mukes purLs
Ior sLeerIng, brukIng und
suspensIon sysLems, Is
consIderIng u pIunL LIere,
spokesmen at those com-
punIes suId.
Economy MInIsLer Ide-
Ionso Guujurdo suId LIe
KIu IucIIILy wouId boosL
MexIco`s uuLo ouLpuL by
1 percenL.
The Kia plant marks the
IuLesL In u serIes oI mujor
InvesLmenLs by gIobuI uu-
tomakers as they seek to
Luke udvunLuge oI Mex-
Ico`s growIng IndusLrIuI
buse, Iow Iubour cosLs und
LurI-Iree uccess Lo LIe
US murkeL.
n JuIy, Germun Iuxu-
ry cur muker BMW un-
nounced u $1 bIIIIon Mex-
Icun pIunL InvesLmenL. So
Iur LIIs yeur, MexIco Ius
uLLrucLed uround $1o bII-
IIon In uuLo secLor InvesL-
RoIundo ZubIrun, sec-
retary of economic devel-
opmenL Ior Nuevo eon,
suId Ie wus conhdenL LIe
KIu pIunL`s cupucILy couId
IuLer be expunded beyond
oo,ooo unILs, depend-
Ing on demund.
One person wILI knowI-
edge oI LIe negoLIuLIons
prIor Lo LIe unnounce-
menL suId LIe pIunL couId
puve LIe wuy Ior SouLI
Koreu und MexIco Lo re-
sume sLuIIed bIIuLeruI Iree
Lrude LuIks.
Kia plans initially to pro-
duce LIe orLe compucL
und RIo subcompucL uL LIe
pIunL, peopIe In SouLI Ko-
reu cIose Lo LIe LuIks suId.
KIu Is uIso consIderIng
uddIng LIe SporLuge sporL
uLIIILy veIIcIe.
The plant will help Kia
meeL rIsIng demund In
boLI NorLI und SouLI
AmerIcu und reduce ILs re-
IIunce on exporLs Irom ILs
Iome murkeL, wIere IIgI
Iubour cosLs und u sLrong
currency Iuve eroded
VeIIcIes buIIL In SouLI
Koreu mude up ; per-
cenL oI KIu`s gIobuI suIes
last year, compared with
8 percenL Ior sIsLer com-
puny HyunduI MoLor Co.
We decIded Lo buIId u
MexIco IucLory becuuse IL
Is InevILubIe Ior us Lo ven-
Lure InLo new murkeLs Lo
secure IuLure growLI en-
gInes und survIve gIobuI
compeLILIon, KIu suId In
u sLuLemenL.
KIu suId LIuL IIgI Im-
porL LurIs Iuve curbed
ILs veIIcIe suIes In MexIco
und oLIer SouLI AmerI-
cun counLrIes, wIIIe IL Is
gruppIIng wILI u veIIcIe
sIorLuge In LIe US mur-
KIu`s US ussembIy pIunL
In GeorgIu, wIIcI produc-
es LIe OpLImu sedun und
SorenLo SUV us weII us
HyunduI`s SunLu e SUV,
Is runnIng uL IuII cupucILy.
KIu`s US veIIcIe suIes
rose ; percenL LIIs yeur
LIrougI JuIy Lo qq,;zz,
benehLIng Irom demund
for crossovers like the
SouI und SporLuge, und
ouLperIormIng HyunduI`s
1 percenL guIn und LIe
wIder murkeL`s percenL
rIse. Reuters
Honda Says to Recall
63,200 Vehicles over
Takata Air Bag Defect
Yoko Kubota
ondu MoLor Co
Is recuIIIng ubouL
6,zoo veIIcIes
due Lo u deIecL In drIver-
sIde uIr bugs mude by
TukuLu Corp, LIe IuLesL In
u serIes oI uIr bug recuIIs
ucross LIe IndusLry LIuL
Iuve uecLed neurIy 16
mIIIIon veIIcIes Lo duLe.
Hondu Is recuIIIng cer-
LuIn CR-V, CIvIc, BrIo und
Amuze, modeI yeurs zo1z-
zo1, mosLIy In CIInu und
oLIer AsIun counLrIes, LIe
uuLomuker suId.
L Is uIso recuIIIng veII-
cIes Irom severuI coun-
LrIes In Europe, uLIn
America and Africa,
spokesmun TeruIIko Tu-
Lebe suId. TIe cur muker
Is noL recuIIIng uny veII-
cles in North America, he
n LIe uecLed veIIcIes,
TukuLu`s drIver-sIde uIr
bug couId conLuIn un In-
uLor LIuL wus munuIuc-
Lured wILI un IncorrecL
purL, TuLebe suId.
As u resuIL, wIen un uIr
bug Is depIoyed, LIe Inu-
Lor couId expIode wILI Loo
mucI Iorce und sIooL ouL
meLuI IrugmenLs InLo LIe
vehicle, the company said
In u sLuLemenL.
Honda has received no
reporLs oI InjurIes or uc-
cIdenLs us u resuIL oI LIe
probIem, TuLebe udded.
Honda discovered
LIe probIem uILer Gen-
eruI MoLors Co recuIIed
uround ,ooo CIevroIeL
Cruze seduns In NorLI
AmerIcu In June over LIe
same defect, the Honda
spokesmun suId.
GM recuIIed LIe Cruze
uILer un uccIdenL In Oc-
Lober zo1 IeIL u GeorgIu
womun bIInd In one eye
und u IuwsuIL wus hIed In
AprII LIIs yeur.
SInce November zoo8,
muILIpIe uuLomukers In-
cIudIng Hondu, ToyoLu
MoLor Corp und BMW
Iuve recuIIed uround 1z.
mIIIIon veIIcIes gIobuIIy
due Lo TukuLu`s drIver-
sIde und pussenger-sIde
uIr bug InuLors LIuL
couId expIode. Reuters
.~: ~ q .e:.~:.~ . ~
Kia ._ .~ . ~ . _ ~..
q ~, ..'.: .,. ~~~~ ~, e .
q..: .~: e: ~. . .q.~. .
, ~. . ~:. ~_ ..:~ q,
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..: .~: e: ~. ..q. .. , .
., ~_ ..:~ . ._ _ e. _ . .
.:._ ~~' ......e..
~ e...._e .q._.
e.~. Kia - q..._....
.:.._ ~_.:.q..._.....:.
~~ ~ .q._..~. . _e. _. . ~.
.|~:..~ , ~_. ~_.:.q .. .
_. . . . .:.~~ ~ ~..q ~, ..'
.: ~ ... . e q .:._
e ._ ..~ . ~ .. ~. .:,
. ~._.:.._.
Kia ~.,_e ,.~-.,:~
. . ~. ~q . .._.. . . ~_ e.
.~ . ~ . - ~. ~e _ e .
~ .~~ .:..:.~ . . . , .
.:. - e _ e . ~ . ~~ . .:. ~
~. ..q, . . . ~:...~ .:
. . ~..q ~, .. . ~ ~ .
. e ~ . :~ . . . ~ ._~:
.~.~.~ q..._....
_. ._e. ._ .. , . ._ ~ . .
~ :., ~ . . ~:._ . . . .
BMW ~ .~.~.~
~..q~,..'.: .,. ~~~~
., q .. ._. . . . _.. . ._ e
~:~:~:.~: . .q.q ..
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.._~:. .q._.
e,.|~.,_e ~~ .
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._ e: ~. .~.:.~. _e.
._ CR-V, Civic, Biro .
Amaze ~...:~:..:.~
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Myanmar Summary
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September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Look, No Hands! Test Driving a Google Car
Paul Ingrassia
he car stopped at
sLop sIgns. L gIIded
uround curves. L
dIdn`L IurcI or joIL. TIe
mosL remurkubIe LIIng
ubouL LIe drIve wus LIuL
IL wus uLLerIy unremurk-
TIIs Isn`L dumnIng wILI
IuInL pruIse. L`s ucLuuIIy
IIgI pruIse Ior LIe cur In
quesLIon: GoogIe nc`s
drIverIess cur.
MosL uuLomoLIve LesL
drIves (oI wIIcI `ve done
dozens wIIIe coverIng LIe
cur IndusLry Ior neurIy o
yeurs) ure uILogeLIer dII-
TIere`s u IIgI-Iorse-
power cur. A IIgI-LesLos-
Lerone uuLomoLIve engI-
neer. And u IIgI-speed
ruce uround u LesL Lruck by
u boy-rucer journuIIsL eu-
ger Lo prove LIuL, wILI jusL
u Iew more breuks, Ie re-
uIIy couId Iuve been, you
know, u NASCAR drIver.
This test drive, in con-
trast, took place on the
pIucId sLreeLs oI MounLuIn
VIew, LIe SIIIcon VuIIey
Lown LIuL Iouses GoogIe`s
TIe engIneers on Iund
weren`L IIgI-powered
cur guys buL soIL-spoken
Alpha Geeks of the sort
LIuL Iuve emerged us LIe
Valleys dominant spe-
cIes. And LIere wusn`L uny
speedIng even LIougI,
IronIcuIIy, GoogIe`s en-
gIneers Iuve deLermIned
LIuL speedIng ucLuuIIy Is
suIer LIun goIng LIe speed
IImIL In some cIrcum-
TIousunds und LIou-
sands of people are killed
in car accidents every
yeur, suId DmILrI DoI-
gov, LIe projecL`s boyIsI
RussIun-born Ieud soIL-
wure engIneer, wIo now
Is u U.S. cILIzen, descrIb-
Ing IIs sense oI mIssIon.
TIIs couId cIunge LIuL.
DoIgov, wIo`s 6 yeurs
old, confesses that he
drIves u Suburu InsLeud oI
u IIgI-Iorsepower beusL.
NoL once durIng un Iour-
Iong conversuLIon dId Ie
uLLer LIe words perIor-
munce, Iorsepower, or
zero-Lo-6o, wIIcI ure
mantras at every other
new-cur LesL drIve. n-
sLeud DoIgov repeuLedIy
Invoked uuLonomy, LIe
techie term for cars capa-
bIe oI drIvIng LIemseIves.
GoogIe pubIIcIy dIs-
closed its driverless car
progrum In zo1o, LIougI
A Google self-driving vehicle is parked at the Computer History Museum after a presentation in Moun-
tain View, California.

IL begun LIe prevIous
yeur. L`s purL oI LIe com-
puny`s GoogIe X dIvI-
sIon, overseen dIrecLIy by
Sergey BrIn und devoLed
Lo moon sIoL projecLs
by LIe nLerneL compuny,
us DoIgov puLs IL, LIuL
mIgIL Luke yeurs, II ever,
Lo beur IruIL.
So II LIere`s u busIness
plan for the driverless car,
GoogIe Isn`L dIscIosIng
IL. DoIgov, wIo recenLIy
drove one oI IIs uuLono-
mous creuLIons LIe qo
mIIes (;z km) or so Irom
SIIIcon VuIIey Lo TuIoe
und buck Ior u sIorL IoII-
day, simply says his mis-
sion is to perfect the tech-
noIogy, uILer wIIcI LIe
busIness modeI wIII IuII
InLo pIuce.
Not wi nni ng beauty
contests, yet
JudgIng Irom my non-
evenLIuI uuLonomous Lrek
LIrougI MounLuIn VIew,
LIe LecInoIogy eusIIy Iun-
dIes rouLIne drIvIng. TIe
cur wus u exus RX qoI,
u gus-eIecLrIc IybrId
crossover veIIcIe - wILI
specIuI modIhcuLIons, oI
TIere`s u IronL-mounLed
radar sensor for collision
uvoIdunce. And more con-
spIcuousIy, u revoIvIng
cyIInder percIed ubove
the cars roof thats loaded
with lasers, cameras, sen-
sors and other detection
und guIdunce geur. TIe
cyIInder Is umxed wILI
ugIy meLuI sLruLs, sIgnuI-
Ing LIuL sLyIIsLIc gruce,
IIke LIe busIness pIun, Ius
yeL Lo emerge.
BuL IuncLIon precedes
form here, and that ro-
LuLIng cyIInder Is u reu-
sonubIe repIucemenL Ior
LIe Iumun bruIn (uL IeusL
some Iumun bruIns) be-
IInd LIe wIeeI oI u cur.
DurIng LIe z-mIn-
uLe LesL rIde LIe drIver`s
seuL wus occupIed by
BrIun TorceIIInI, wIose
title, oddly, is Lead Test
DrIver Ior LIe drIverIess
cur projecL.
BeIore joInIng GoogIe
LIe o-yeur-oId TorceI-
IInI, wIo sLudIed uL Sun
DIego SLuLe UnIversILy,
Iud Ioped Lo become u
surI journuIIsL. ReuIIy.
Now Ie`s rIdIng u dII-
IerenL kInd oI wuve. He
suL beIInd LIe LesL cur`s
sLeerIng wIeeI jusL In cuse
someLIIng wenL uwry und
Ie Iud Lo reverL Lo munu-
uI conLroI. BuL LIuL wusn`L
DoIgov, In LIe IronL pus-
senger`s seuL, enLered LIe
desired destination to a
IupLop compuLer LIuL wus
wIred InLo LIe cur. TIe
cur mupped LIe rouLe und
Ieuded o. TIe onIy ex-
cILemenL, sucI us IL wus,
occurred wIen un oncom-
Ing cur seemed ubouL Lo
Lurn IeIL ucross our puLI.
The driverless car hit the
brukes, und LIe drIver oI
LIe oncomIng cur quIckIy
correcLed course.
suL In LIe buck seuL,
noL my usuuI LesL-drIvIng
posILIon, rIgIL beIInd
TorceIIInI. TIe rIde wus
so smooLI und unevenL-
IuI LIuL, excepL Ior see-
Ing IIs Iunds, wouIdn`L
known that the car was
compIeLeIy pIIoLIng ILseII
- sLeerIng, sLoppIng und
sLurLIng - Iock, sLock und
GoogIe`s drIverIess cur
Is progrummed Lo sLuy
within the speed limit,
mosLIy. ReseurcI sIows
LIuL sLIckIng Lo LIe speed
limit when other cars are
goIng mucI IusLer ucLu-
uIIy cun be dungerous,
DoIgov suys, so ILs uuLon-
omous cur cun go up Lo 1o
mpI (16 kpI) ubove LIe
speed IImIL wIen Lrumc
condILIons wurrunL.
Not a toy
n uddILIon Lo LIe modeI
LesLed - und oLIer sucI
adapted versions of con-
venLIonuI curs - GoogIe
uIso Ius buIIL IILLIe bub-
bIe-sIuped LesL curs LIuL
Iuck sLeerIng wIeeIs,
brukes und ucceIeruLor
peduIs. TIey run on eIec-
tricity, seat two people
und ure IImILed Lo goIng
z mpI (qo kpI.) n oLIer
words, seII-drIvIng goII
GoogIe`s Isn`L LIe onIy
driverless car in develop-
menL. One oI LIe oLIers
Is jusL u Iew mIIes uwuy
uL SLunIord UnIversILy
(wIere DoIgov dId posL-
docLoruI sLudy.) GeLLIng
the cars to
recognIze unusuuI ob-
jecLs und Lo reucL properIy
In ubnormuI sILuuLIons re-
muIn sIgnIhcunL reseurcI
cIuIIenges, suys proIessor
J. CIrIsLIun Gerdes, Iuc-
uILy dIrecLor oI SLunIord`s
REVS nsLILuLe Ior AuLo-
moLIve ReseurcI.
Beyond LIuL, LIere ure
eLIIcuI Issues, us Ie
Lerms LIem. SIouId u
car try to protect its oc-
cupunLs uL LIe expense oI
IILLIng pedesLrIuns? Ger-
des usks. And wIII we uc-
cept it when
machines make mis-
takes, even if they make
far fewer mistakes than
Iumuns? We cun sIgnIh-
cunLIy reduce rIsk, buL
dont think we can drive it
Lo zero.
TIuL Issue, In Lurn, ruIs-
es LIe quesLIon oI wIo Is
IIubIe wIen u drIverIess
car is involved in a colli-
sIon - LIe cur`s occupunLs,
LIe uuLo muker or LIe
soILwure compuny. eguI
Issues mIgIL be uImosL us
vexIng us LecInIcuI ones,
some experLs beIIeve.
SeII-drIvIng curs couId
uppeur on rouds by LIe
end of this decade, pre-
dicted a detailed report
on LIe buddIng drIverIess
IndusLry Issued IuLe IusL
yeur by InvesLmenL bunk
Morgun SLunIey. OLIer
experLs deem LIuL Iore-
cusL exLremeIy opLImIsLIc.
BuL curs wILI semI-uu-
Lonomous IeuLures, sucI
Chris Urmson, (L) director of Googles Self-Driving Car Project, and
team members Brian Torcellini, Dmitri Dolgov, Andrew Chatham,
and Ron Medford (R), who is director of safety for the project, pose
for a photograph in front of a self-driving car at the Computer His-
tory Museum after a presentation in Mountain View, California.

us coIIIsIon-uvoIdunce
radar that maintains a
safe distance from the car
ahead, are already on the
murkeL. And LIe poLenLIuI
udvunLuges - Improved
suIeLy, Iess Lrumc conges-
LIon und more - ure wIn-
nIng converLs Lo LIe uu-
Lonomy cuuse.
TIIs Is noL u Loy, de-
cIured LIe Morgun SLun-
Iey reseurcI reporL. TIe
social and economic im-
pIIcuLIons ure enormous.
Paul Ingrassia, manag-
ing editor of Reuters, is
the author of three books
on automobiles, and has
been covering the indus-
try since 1985. The car he
drives is ... a red one.
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qq,.: ....|..:..: _~:.
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._:._ ..,...._~:.~
.~:..: ..:...._~:.
.~q._. ~:..: Lexus RX
450h _e._.. .:~.. ....
e~ .. ~:._e. ~: ~ ._. .
..:.._. _..:.._.
~:..q ~ .~~~.~:~e
.....: .q.| ~:, . ~ q e:
.|~ ._ .
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Ooredoo Reaches 1 Million Subscribers;
Eyes 25 Million by 2014
Kyaw Min
oredoo Myanmar
has crossed the
one mIIIIon cus-
tomer milestone within
LIree weeks uILer goIng
live with its services, the
QuLurI hrm suId.
Ooredoo suId sInce LIe
InLroducLIon oI ILs ser-
vIces, IL Ius seen unprec-
edenLed demund Ior ILs
mobIIe pIone und InLer-
net services, with people
queuIng overnIgIL Lo pur-
cIuse u Iow-cosL Ooredoo
Ross Cormuck, CEO
Ooredoo Myunmur, suId:
TIe response Lo our
IuuncI Ius been InspIr-
Ing. TIIs nuLIon`s penL-up
demund Ior mobIIe com-
munIcuLIon servIces Ius
surpussed even our expec-
TIe Leum Ius now been
cIuIIenged Lo Improve our
neLwork und expund our
coveruge so LIuL we cun
deIIver u greuL experIence
for the people of Myan-
Ooredoo suId LIe neL-
work wIII rupIdIy exLend
Lo IncIude z mIIIIon peo-
pIe by LIe end oI zo1q, us
LIe compuny brIngs LIe
benehLs oI connecLIvILy Lo
LIe popuIuLIon us IusL us Is
Cormuck reveuIed LIe
ucIIevemenL uL u guIu dIn-
ner event in Nay Pyi Taw,
wIere LIe LeIecoms hrm
claimed that its team is
sLrIvIng Lo deIIver up Lo
cusLomers` expecLuLIons,
oerIng crysLuI cIeur
voice services and fast in-
MoIummed BIn Suud AI
TIunI, cIuIrmun oI Oore-
doo Group, expressed IIs
deIIgIL uL LIe sLrong InLer-
esL purLIcuIurIy Irom peo-
pIe wIo prevIousIy Iud
noL Iud LIe opporLunILy
Lo benehL Irom mobIIe
and access to the inter-
net, and said the response
Irom cusLomers Ius been
MobIIe communIcuLIon
enrIcIes peopIe`s IIves.
um IumbIed by LIe wurm
welcome we have received
from the people of Myan-
mur, und by LIeIr dedIcu-
LIon Lo ImprovIng LIeIr
IIves wILI LecInoIogy. We
are committed to con-
LInuousIy ImprovIng our
servIce, Ie suId.
Ooredoo suId IL Ius In-
vested and installed the
worId`s hrsL nexL-gener-
uLIon pureIy UMTSqoo
neLwork LIrougIouL
Myanmar, which aims
to provide fast internet
und Is prImed Lo enubIe
a smooth transition to a
qG TE neLwork In LIe
U MyuL HeIn, unIon
mInIsLer Ior communI-
cations and information
LecInoIogy, suId: Over
the past few years, the
unIon governmenL und
the ministry have worked
Iurd Lo Iuy LIe IounduLIon
for the creation of a com-
peLILIve LeIecommunIcu-
LIons Iundscupe LIuL LruIy
serves our peopIe und we
are closer than ever to
ucIIevIng LIIs.

~,..:..:. .~.~.~
_.. ...~~_~:_ Ooredoo
._ .... ~..,..~:
.:q..: ....~.~:~~
_. Sheikh Abdullah ~
~,.~:~q ........
~. .e:~ _e. ~ |..q: .~
..'..q ~...... ..q
~, .~: ~ ...~ ~ ~ ... .
~.,, ~,..:..~ .~
. ~ .~ ~_. .~. ._. . ~. :
....~_~. ..e,...e.
~:.|.. .,_ .._:~ ~. ._.
_.. ....~~,.~, ~.~
~. e ._.~ q . ~:e: ~~e
~ .q ~ . ~e .~, ~ ~. ~.q.
~. q. .|. . ._.:_~:.. ~ .|
.,:~ ~.:.,:~....'
~._. 4G LTE ~,q~~
.e~..:...: ~.._.:.~,
..: . .... ._ . _ .,
..:_ ., . , ._ . ~ ~:,~
~,..:.~.....: ~.:..
.~.. UMTS 900 .,.~
_.,.:_._~._._..~ _e,
_~~q, Ooredoo ~ q...
.~ . e .q..~ .~. ~
_._.:.~,_~. ._.~e,.
~ _.,.:_._~ ._._..:.
~~~ ~.,~~e.~:..,
~ ~,..:..~~ ~_.
~.......q, ~e.~,
.~ . e .q..,. q ~._.. ~ ~
_...~ ~_..:~.e _._
.~ . e .q. .~ . ~. ~
~.~. ,_.._:~,_~._:,
~ e: . , . ~ . . ~,_ .e
~~.~.. ~._~....~:.
~._~.|~e.~..q ~.
q_.,..~~ _._.e~~~
~, . ~. . .~. , ~:. ~
.q:~ q . .,.|_. ''e ._.:. ._ .
Ooredoo _., .:-~. ..:
~q:q .. Ross Cormack ~
. . ~ .~~ .~: .. , ..q,
..:q~.~.~ _~.~
.,q..:. , ..'. .:.. .. . .
_ q .. .._.:_~:..~ ~ . ~
-,e ._.. ~, . ..:.., :.
._~.~.:~q Ooredoo
_.,.:q ~,....q ~~~~ q
._ ~,~ ~ ~~ ..: _., .:
. ..~, . ..:.~ . .. . . ~ _.
~._._~q..: ...q
~~.~~:~ .~.e.q.
~,..:..:.- ~~...:.
e..:......q,. ~~,
. . . ~~ , ~ . ..q-., .
..:.....:.~ ~,..:.
.:..... ..q, ~ , q~ ~ ~
. :.._ _e. ._~: .._.:.._.
Telenor Uncovers Child Labour at
Myanmar Network Suppliers
Aung Phyo
eIenor Ius Iound
cIIId Iubour uL sup-
pIIers IeIpIng LIe
NorwegIun hrm buIId one
oI Myunmur`s hrsL IoreIgn
mobIIe pIone neLwork,
the Financial Times re-
porLed, cILIng TeIenor`s
susLuInubIIILy reporL.
The company said it
Iud IdenLIhed hve cuses
InvoIvIng young peopIe
uged 1z Lo 1q, pIus un-
oLIer nIneLeen conhrmed
or suspecLed InsLunces oI
Leenugers oI beLween 1
und 18 workIng In poLen-
LIuIIy Iuzurdous consLruc-
LIon jobs.
CIIId Iubour Is u reuI
probIem In Myunmur,
suId CEO PeLLer urberg,
uddIng LIuL underuge
workers were sometimes
LIe breudwInners oI LIe
IumIIy. DespILe LIIs, TeI-
enor has entered Myan-
mar with the same stand-
urds und requIremenLs us
In uII LIe oLIer counLrIes
where it operates, he add-
TIe susLuInubIIILy re-
port said it had carried
ouL more LIun ;oo unun-
nounced IeuILI und suIeLy
inspections on companies
und subconLrucLors buIId-
Ing LrunsmIssIon Lowers.
n one cuse In Mundu-
lay in central Myanmar,
Lwo 1z-yeur-oIds und u
1-yeur-oId were Iound
doIng excuvuLIon work.
Two 1;-yeur-oIds were
Iound uL unoLIer sILe In
Bugo neur Yungon, LIe
muIn cILy, IuvIng come
Lo deIIver IuncI Lo LIeIr
Telenor said all the
young peopIe IL IdenLIhed
were removed from the
buIIdIng sILes, wILI some
oI LIe 1- Lo 18-yeur-oIds
gIven oLIer jobs sucI us
omce work. L dId noL
nume LIe subconLrucLors
und suId IL wus educuLIng
uII ILs suppIIers.
TeIenor`s susLuInubIIILy
reporL uIso suId Iund grub-
bIng und corrupLIon were
bIg rIsks In Myunmur,
wIIcI runked equuI 1;LI
wILI ZImbubwe und Bu-
rundI IusL yeur In Truns-
purency nLernuLIonuI`s
1;;-counLry unnuuI per-
cepLIons oI corrupLIon
Myanmar Summary
_., .:. ~.. .. .. .
,~ ~. ~. . ~ . ~ _ e. ._
.,:.~.~._..~ ~e..,:
._ ~......:.~.._..
._~:. The Financial Times
~ .e:_.:.._.
~ ... ~, ,. ~qe~...
.:.~....~._ |..q.
._ ~: .. ~_ .:.~._ .~.,
~ . q ._~: . ~ . ~ ~~~_ _.
.... ._ . _. ~. . . ~. .
~qe.e.:.._ ~.q:e
q..:..:~ . . .q.. . , .
.:.~ ..~.,q._ _e.
. . :.q. ._ ~: . ~ . ~ ~
~......:.._ _.,.:.
~.~~~e _..,:_e.._
e ~e . .,:~. ..: ~q:q
.. Petter Furberg ._.:._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Bangkok ((BKK) Fliggh htss ffroom Banggkok (BKKK) to Yaangon (RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
PG 706 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 7:15 9:30 Bangkok Airways DD4230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 06:30 07:55 NOK Airlines
DD4231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 8:00 9:45 NOK Airlines 8M336 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 6:40 7:25 MAI
FD2752 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 8:30 10:15 Thai AirAsia FD2751 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 7:15 8:00 Thai AirAsia
8M335 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 8:40 10:25 MAI TG303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 8:00 8:45 Thai Airways
TG304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 9:50 11:45 Thai Airways PG701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 8:50 9:40 Bangkok Airways
PG702 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 10:45 12:40 Bangkok Airways FD2755 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 11:35 12:20 Thai AirAsia
Y5-237 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 18:05 19:50 Golden Myanmar Airlines PG707 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 13:40 14:30 Bangkok Airways
TG302 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 14:45 16:40 Thai Airways Y5-238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 21:10 21:55 Golden Myanmar Airlines
PG703 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 15:20 17:15 Bangkok Airways FD2753 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 16:35 17:20 Thai AirAsia
8M331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 16:30 18:15 MAI PG703 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 16:45 17:35 Bangkok Airways
FD2754 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 17:50 19:35 Thai AirAsia TG305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 17:55 18:40 Thai Airways
PG704 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 18:25 20:20 Bangkok Airways DD4238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 19:30 20:15 NOK Airlines
TG306 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 19:40 21:35 Thai Airways 8M332 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 19:20 20:05 MAI
DD4239 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 21:00 22:45 NOK Airlines PG705 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 20:00 21:15 Bangkok Airways
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Chiaang Maii (CNX) FFliggh htss ffroom m Chiangg Mai (CCNX) to YYangon (RGN)
W9-9607 4 7 RGN CNX 14:50 16:20 Air Bagan W9-9608 4 7 CNX RGN 17:20 17:50 Air Bagan
Flligghtss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Sinngapore (SIN) Flligghtss ffroom Singaapore (SIN) to Yangon ((RGN)
Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 10:10 14:40 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 15:35 17:05 Golden Myanmar Airlines
MI509 1 6 RGN SIN 0:25 5;00 SilkAir SQ998 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 7:55 9:20 Singapore Airline
8M231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 8:30 13:00 MAI 8M6231/3K585 1 3 4 5 6 SIN RGN 9:10 10:40 Jetstar Asia
SQ997 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 10:25 14:45 Singapore Airline 8M232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:10 15:40 MAI
8M6232/3K586 1 3 4 5 6 RGN SIN 11:30 16:05 Jetstar Asia MI518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:20 15:45 SilkAir
8M233 5 6 7 RGN SIN 13:45 18:15 MAI 8M235 5 6 7 SIN RGN 19:15 20:45 MAI
TR2827 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 19:05 23:40 TigerAir TR2826 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 17:05 18:25 TigerAir
MI517 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 16:40 21:15 SilkAir MI520 5 7 SIN RGN 22:10 23:35 SilkAir
FFliightts frromm Yangonn (RGN) tto Kualaa Lumpuur (KUL) Fligghtts frro om m Kuala LLumpur (KUL)too Yangonn (RGN)
AK1427 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:30 12:50 AirAsia AK1426 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 6:55 8:00 AirAsia
8M501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:55 12:55 MAI MH740 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 10:05 11:15 Malaysia Airlines
MH741 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 12:15 16:30 Malaysia Airlines 8M502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 14:00 15:00 MAI
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to HHanoi (HHAN) Fligghtts frrom Hannoi (HANN) to Yanngon (RRGN)
VN956 1 3 5 6 7 RGN HAN 19:10 21:30 Vietnam Airlines VN957 1 3 5 6 7 HAN RGN 16:35 18:10 Vietnam Airlines
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Ho CChi Minhh (SGN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Ho Chii Minh (SSGN) to Yangonn (RGN)
VN942 2 4 7 RGN SGN 14:25 17:10 Vietnam Airlines VN943 2 4 7 SGN RGN 11:40 13:25 Vietnam Airlines
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTaipei (TTPE) Flligghtss ffrom Taipei (TPEE) to Yanngon (RGN)
CI7916 1 2 3 4 5 6 RGN TPE 10:50 16:10 China Airline CI7915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TPE RGN 7:15 10:05 China Airline
BR288 2 5 6 RGN TPE 11:35 17:20 EVA Air BR287 2 5 6 TPE RGN 7:30 10:35 EVA Air
Flliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Kunming(KMG) Flliggh htss ffroom Kunmming(KMMG) to Yangon ((RGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN KMG 14:15 17:35 Air China CA905 2 3 4 6 7 KMG RGN 12:40 13:15 Air China
MU2032 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KMG 14:40 17:55 China Eastern MU2031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KMG RGN 13:30 14:00 China Eastern
MU2012 3 6 RGN KMG 12:20 18:10 China Eastern (via NNG) MU2011 3 6 KMG RGN 8:25 11:30 China Eastern (via NNG)
Flligghtss from Yanngon (RGGN) to BBeijing (BJS) Flligghtss from Beijjing (BJSS) to Yanngon (RRGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN BJS 14:15 21:55 Air China (via KMG) CA905 2 3 4 6 7 BJS RGN 8:05 13:15 Air China (via KMG)
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Naanning (NNG) Fliggh htss ffroom Nannning (NNNG) to Yaangon ((RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
MU2012 3 6 RGN NNG 12:20 16:25 China Eastern MU2011 3 6 NNG RGN 10:15 11:30 China Eastern
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Honng Kong (HKG) HHonng g KKoong (HKG) Flights from Yaangon ((RGN)
KA251 1 2 4 6 RGN HKG 1:10 5:35 Dragon Air KA250 1 3 5 7 HKG RGN 21:50 23:45 Dragon Air
*PPleaasee noote thee dday change for the deparrture time too Hong Kongg.
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Guanng Zhouu (CAN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Guang Zhou (CCAN) to Yangonn (RGN)
8M711 2 4 7 RGN CAN 8:40 13:15 MAI CZ3055 3 6 CAN RGN 8:40 10:30 China Southern Airlines
CZ3056 3 6 RGN CAN 11:20 15:50 China Southern Airline 8M712 2 4 7 CAN RGN 14:15 15:45 MAI
CZ3056 1 5 RGN CAN 17:40 22:15 China Southern Airline CZ3055 1 5 CAN RGN 14:45 16:35 China Southern Airlines
FFlighhts ffroom Yanggon (RGN) to Koolkata (CCCU) FFlighhts ffroom Kolkkata (CCUU) to Yaangon (RRGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
AI228 5 RGN CCU 18:45 19:45 Air India AI227 1 5 CCU RGN 10:35 13:20 Air India
AI234 1 5 RGN CCU 13:40 16:55 Air India (via GAY) AI233 5 CCU RGN 13:30 18:00 Air India (via GAY)
Fliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to GGaya (GAAY) Fliggh htss ffrom Gayya (GAY) to Yanngon (RGGN)
8M 601 1 3 5 6 RGN GAY 10:30 11:50 MAI 8M 602 1 3 5 6 GAY RGN 12:50 16:00 MAI
AI234 1 5 RGN GAY 13:40 15:00 Air India AI233 5 GAY RGN 15:00 18:00 Air India
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTokyo (NNRT) FFliightts frrom Tokkyo (NRTT) to Yaangon (RRGN)
NH914 1 3 6 RGN NRT 22:00 06:40+1 ALL NIPPON Airways NH913 1 3 6 NRT RGN 11:10 17:05 ALL NIPPON Airways
FFliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to SSeoul (ICCN) FFliggh htss ffrom Seooul (ICN)) to Yanngon (RGGN)
KE472 1 3 5 7 RGN ICN 0:05 8:00 Korean Air KE471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ICN RGN 18:40 22:55 Korean Air
OZ7463 4 7 RGN ICN 0:50 8:50 Asiana OZ4753 3 6 ICN RGN 19:30 23:40 Asiana
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to DDoha (DOOH) Flightts frrom Dohha (DOH) to Yangon (RRGN)
QR619 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DOH 8:00 11:45 Qatar Airways QR618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DOH RGN 21:05 06:29+1 Qatar Airways
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Nay Pyi Taww (NYT) Flliggh htss ffroom m Nay Pyyi Taw (NNYT) to Yangonn (RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
FMI-A1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 7:30 8:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 8:50 9:50 FMI Air Charter
FMI-B1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 11:30 12:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-B2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 13:00 14:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-C1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 16:30 17:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-C2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 18:00 19:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-A1 6 RGN NYT 8:00 9:00 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 6 NYT RGN 10:00 11:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-A1 7 RGN NYT 15:30 16:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 7 NYT RGN 17:00 18:00 FMI Air Charter
FFliightts frrom Yangoon (RGN) to Manndalay ((MDY) FFliightts frrom Manddalay (MDDY) to YYangon (RGN)
Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:15 7:30 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 8:10 9:25 Golden Myanmar Airlines
YH 909 2 4 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:10 Yangon Airways YH 910 1 3 MDY RGN 7:40 10:30 Yangon Airways
YH 917 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:10 8:30 Yangon Airways YH 918 1 2 3 4 6 7 MDY RGN 8:30 10:25 Yangon Airways
YH 727 1 5 RGN MDY 11:15 13:25 Yangon Airways YH 728 1 5 MDY RGN 9:10 11:05 Yangon Airways
YH 731 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 15:00 17:10 Yangon Airways YH 732 1 2 3 4 5 6 MDY RGN 17:10 19:15 Yangon Airways
W9 501 1 2 3 4 RGN MDY 6:00 7:25 Air Bagan W9 502 1 2 3 4 MDY RGN 16:10 18:15 Air Bagan
K7 222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:40 Air KBZ K7 223 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 9:00 11:05 Air KBZ
YJ 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 11:30 12:55 Asian Wings YJ 202 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 16:00 17:25 Asian Wings
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:15 7:30 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 8:10 9:25 Golden Myanmar Airlines
Days - (1) Monday (2) TTueesdaay (33) WWeddnessdaay (4) Thursdayy (5) Friday (6) SSaturday (7) Suunday Days - (1) Monday (2) TTueesdaay (33) WWeddnessdaay (4) Thursdayy (5) Friday (6) SSaturday (7) Suunday
Mann Yadanarpon Airlines
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
A Tale of Two Markets
Samsung Mobile Device encourages both ZawGyi & Unicode for better localising in the market
Phyo Thu
ith the new tel-
ecom provid-
ers peneLruLIng
LIe IocuI murkeL, mobIIe
phone devices companies
ure ucLIveIy growIng und
promoLIng LIeIr gudgeLs
Ior IndIvIduuI needs, LesL-
Ing Iow LIe consumers`
perspecLIve wouId rev up
Members uL LIe hILI
edILIon oI MobIIe Mon-
duy Yungon were curIous
ubouL Iow mobIIe de-
vIces wouId be IocuIIsed
Lo hL LIe LusLe buds oI LIe
cusLomers In Myunmur
murkeL. More LIun 8o
enLrepreneurs Irom sLurL-
up IndusLry und expuLs
joIned LIe evenL us ex-
perLs LuIked ubouL IocuII-
suLIon oI gIobuI producLs
Ior Myunmur.
MobIIe Monduy, wIIcI
started in Helsinki, is an
informal monthly event
wIIcI enubIes mobIIe
IndusLry vIsIonurIes, de-
veIopers, und InuenLIuI
IndIvIduuIs Lo sIure Ideus
und coIIuboruLe, und sLurL-
ed In Yungon In AprII.
CEO oI Ooredoo Myun-
mur, Ross Cormuck, suId,
MujorILy oI LIe mobIIe
pIone users In Myunmur

Lo communIcuLe In IocuI
Iunguuge LIuL supporLs
every pIuLIorm Ior omce
uses, socIuI medIu uses
sucI us ucebook wILI
LIeIr mobIIe devIces.
To IuIhI every ungIe oI
LIe IocuI LusLe wouId be
reuIIy sLruLegIc Ior boLI
LeIecom und mobIIe de-
vIce hrms. rom usIng
data services with the
proper specs Lo InpuLLIng
rIgIL IuncLIons sucI us
keybourd und IonLs us-
uges, LIe devIces sIouId
reuIIy go IocuI Lo uLLrucL
MurkeL sIze oI mobIIe
devices, social media and
web conLenLs In Myunmur
sIows LIuL mosL users ure
used Lo LIe ZuwgyI IonL,
however, the standard is
sLIII quesLIoned umong
mobIIe pIone compu-
nIes wILI ZuwgyI even II
IL Is wIdeIy used ucross
LIe counLry. TIere Iuve
been suggesLIons LIuL LIe
UnIcode sLundurd IonL be
promoted and applied in
Myunmur T IndusLry.
We ure doIng our besL
Lo meeL LIe needs oI our
poLenLIuI users. n Myun-
mur, everyone Ius dIer-
enL opLIons Ior budgeLs,
need for connectivity vol-
ume, usuge und IuncLIon-
uIILy. AdupLIng Lo IocuI
Iunguuge Is our key cIuI-
Ienge In Lerms oI IocuIIs-
Ing, U ZurnI WIn HLeL,
Ieud oI cIunneI munuge-
menL oI Sumsung Myun-
We have already
pIunned Lo IncIude boLI
UnIcode und ZuwgyI sys-
Lem In our devIces buL we
Iuve Lo udmIL LIuL we hnd
IL cIuIIengIng Lo uppIy
boLI, Ie suId.
MPT Modernises Network with
American Firms Solutions
State-run carrier deploys Dialogic softswitch, media gateways and session border controllers
to keep pace with rapid growth in the newly opened market
Tin Mg Oo
uI I I or nI u- bus e d
communI cuL I ons
LecInoIogIes hrm
DIuIogIc nc unnounced
that Myanmar Posts and
TeI ecommunI cuL I ons
(MPT) seIecLed LIe hrm`s
InLeIIIgenL cuII conLroI so-
IuLIons Lo modernIse und
expund ILs domesLIc core
swILcIIng InIrusLrucLure.
MPT selected infra-
sLrucLure soIuLIons Irom
DIuIogIc, wIIcI Leumed up
with local partner Khine
Lo wIn LIe projecL.
Under Myanmars plans
to privatise its telecom-
munIcuLIons murkeL,
MPT unLIcIpuLes uddIng
mIIIIons oI new users by
zo16. n LIe buIId up Lo
that, MPT will deploy the
DIuIogIc ConLroI SwILcI
system as well as its me-
dIu guLewuys (MGWs) und
sessIon border conLroIIers
(SBCs) ucross muILIpIe
locations in Myanmar to
cup ILs exIsLIng cIuss q In-
IrusLrucLure und provIde
IIgI-quuIILy servIce us
new operators enter the
murkeL, DIuIogIc suId.
With the market open-
Ing up, we Iooked Ior u so-
IuLIon LIuL wouId gIve us
LIe geogrupIIc redundun-
cy, scuIubIIILy und unIque
bundwIdLI opLImIsuLIon
necessary to stay com-
peLILIve, suId un MPT oI-
We saw how other car-
rIers were benehLLIng
Irom DIuIogIc`s LecInoI-
ogy, und knew IL wus LIe
besL soIuLIon Lo IeIp MPT
modernIse our neLwork.
As MPT begun LIe pro-
cess oI upgrudIng ILs neL-
work und expundIng ILs
coveruge Lo uccommo-
duLe uddILIonuI cusLom-
ers, scuIubIIILy, cosL und
quuIILy were purumounL
criteria in the companys
assessment and selection
oI core LrunsIL swILcIIng
LecInoIogy, DIuIogIc suId.
WILI LIe swILcIIng sys-
Lem`s dIsLrIbuLed cuII
conLroI urcIILecLure und
operuLIonuIIy emcIenL
munugemenL, LIe currIer
cun eusIIy und quIckIy
conhgure, provIsIon und
munuge ILs InIrusLruc-
Lure, DIuIogIc suId.
MPT intends to deploy a
dIsLrIbuLed swILcIIng sys-
Lem und guLewuys In My-
anmar to connect its local
PSTN swILcIes und pro-
vide connectivity to other
operuLors, us weII us SBCs
Ior voIce over P (VoP)
peerIng und subscrIber
uccess, IL udded.
TIe sLuLe-run hrm Is
uIso purLnerIng wILI Ju-
pun`s KDD Lo IeIp wILI
ILs uggressIve pIuns Lo In-
creuse ILs subscrIber buse.
MPT Is IookIng Lo de-
IIver un excepLIonuI user
experIence uL u Iow cosL us
IL expunds coveruge und
accelerates penetration of
communIcuLIons servIces
In Myunmur, suId JIm
Machi, vice president of
producL munugemenL Ior
nsLeud oI cosLIy Iork-
IIIL upgrudes, DIuIogIc`s
LecInoIogy gIves servIce
provIders LIe exIbIIILy
und reIIubIIILy Lo supporL
rapid increases in voice
Lrumc, prepure Ior MS
mIgruLIon, und udupL neL-
work urcIILecLure us LIey
see hL.
Myanmar Summary
_ ., .:. .. .~ ~ ~~ .
~e . ~ , ..~: ..q~:~..
.:. ~ .q:~ .:_. .. ~~
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.:.._ ~_.~....~~
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.:.~ .....:. .e~~.
._...._ ....:.~.:.~
_e_.~..._..~:._e ..
e,......:.~ ...:.:
e. ~. .~ MobileMonday
~ Samsung MobileDevice .
Head of Channel Management
_e.. ~~:,_~ Zawgyi .
Unicode .e:.:.~ ~.._.
_. . . .e , ..:.~ . .. . .:.
. e ~ .~: ._ . ..: q ~
. ._ ~ .. ... .. .|._ .
Union Business Centre q
Peperoni Pizzeria ~ ~..
..: ........ ..,_.
._:. ~ ~ .:.. . :. . , .
~ . . , .q .:. .. .:
. .:.. ._:q .:.. . ..| .
~~~ .~: ~~.q:~......
Ooredoo _., .:-~. ..:
~q:q .. _e. . .q: . .~:.~ .
Ross Cormack ~ _.,.:.
. .e , ..~ . :_., .:.:~. ._.
. .~: . . ...~e . ~:
..e,.~.~.~~.,, .q:
~e . ~ , .~ . ~ .~ ~.,,
.| ~~e~ .e:-e:~~
. . ..: .~ _e. .|~e . e , .
.~. :.|~ ~ . . ..: .~
.~.,..~ _ .,.:....~
~.,, _.,.:.:, ~.e~~
~. ._., ..e e: ~. , ~.q.
_~..|~e. ~.._e _.,.:
...~.:..e: Gmail ,
Facebook .~. Email ,
Social Media .~.: ..
e,..~~.,~.. _.,.:.
.q..:..~~~~ ..e,.
.~~~~ _.,.:.:~.._..
q~ Font , Keyboard e:
~~e~. ._e...,.|~q.e
. . ..: .~ ~. . _e. .|~e ''
e ._.:_~:..:...|._.
e...:..:.e~ _.,.:
.q Social Media .:.
Website .:.~ Zawgyi
Font ~ ~.._.~: .q..:.
.~q_~..:._. Zawgyi
Font .: Unicode ~.
~~,.q..: Font .e~
._e Google ~...:
Unicode Standard ~ .~,:
..: Website .:.. Search
Engine .:.~ ~.._.q,
_ ., .:.~ . e .q.. . , .
(MPT) ~e,...'.....
q:.:.~ ~.._..:~~e
._eq .. q, . ~._.. ~..:~
~~...q:.:. ..~..
q, ~~ ~ ~e . e ., .e:.
~._..~ .~.e.q.,_.
._:. .. q:... :..q.. ., ..
_e.._ Dialogic Inc ~
.q..e.._~:. Dialogic Inc
~ ._~_:.._.
_., .: .~ . e .q.. . , .
~.,_e .~.e.q.~~~
. ~. ._ ~._ .. ~..:~
~~..,.~~~ ~.~~.
.:.~ ._eq .._ ~._.~.,.:.
~~ ~ Dialigic ~ .q ..e _..
_ ._ ~ .. . .. :~ . ~ ~
.~ . e .q. .. . ~ ~ ~
. . ~_ . . . .,._ _ ., .:
. ~ _., .:.~ . e .q.
..,.._ .... .,...|.
.:.~ ..qqq,.~..:.
.~q._. MPT ._ ..
.~ . :e ._ ~.:. Dialogic
control Switch system ~
.~ ~.. ._ . _ . ._ e. ._ .
e..,.~ MGWs .
SBCs ~..,..:..|~~:
~....~.q .~.e
.q.~..:~~~. ~,..:
. ~ ~_. . ..... . :_e. ._~: .
Dialogic ~ ~._.:_~:.:.
MTP ~.,_e .~.e.q.
,~~~.:. ~._.~_..
~.......:.~ ~.._.
..q, _.. . _. . . . ~ .. .
~. e ~~ _.. . . q, ~ , ~
.q~. ~q_~...~ ..
.~:..,.~: ~.~..,
_.. . _.. coretransit switching
,_ .._:~ ~. ._.. :_e. ._~: .
Dialogic ~ ._.:._.
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Daw Win Win Tint, managing director of City Mart Holding Co.Ltd.
Phyo Tu Wai Tit Lwin, vice president of City Mart Holding Co.Ltd. Phyo Tu
U Turein Nyein, secretary of Myanmar Retailers Association & general
manager of Nielsen MMRD. Phyo Tu
U Nay Win Myint, joint secretary of MRA & Advocacy Committee general
manager of Ga Mone Pwint Supermarket. Phyo Tu Guests at the event. Phyo Tu
U Khin Hlaing, vice president of Intellectual Property Association of Myan-
mar. Phyo Tu
Myanmar Retailers Association
CEO Pyi Wa Ken Tun answers a question from a Myanmar Busi-
ness Today journalist. Aundrea Montao
COO Yap Kwong Weng answers questions from the media.
Aundrea Montao
CSR Manager U Aung Myo Shein answers questions from the media.
Aundrea Montao
Opening Remarks at the US-ASEAN Alliance for Com-
petitive SMEs Conference. Aundrea Montao
Parami Energy Group Press Conference (L) U Aung Myo Shein-CSR Man-
ager (M) Pyi Wa Ken Tun-CEO (R) Yap Kwong Weng COO.
Aundrea Montao
Lucky draw program at the event. Kyaw Min
Presenter San Htut at the event. Kyaw Min
Te girl performs with Chin Lone at the event. Kyaw Min
Lucky draw program at the event. Kyaw Min
Alexander Feldman-CEO of the US-
ASEAN Business Council is interviewed
by local media at the event.
Aundrea Montao
Anthony Nelson-Director at the US-
ASEAN Business Council answers local
journalists questions at the event.
Aundrea Montao
Rinnai Mega Chance
Lucky Draw
Parami Energy Group Press Conference
US-ASEAN Business Alliance
for Comeptitive
SMEs Conference
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
September 4-10, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Lin Myat Aung Becomes Myanmars
First Mobile Tune Star
Aung Phyo
elenors nationwide
search for Myanmars
hrsL mobIIe Lune sLur
cume Lo un end us LIe pubIIc
seIecLed In MyuL Aung`s Lune
us TeIenor`s new uudIo IdenLILy
und rIngLune wIen mobIIe ser-
vIces IuuncI In SepLember.
TIe wInner oI LIe one-monLI
Iong compeLILIon wus crowned
at an award ceremony at Park
Royal hotel, with performances
by Tune SLur`s ceIebrILy judges
Lynn Lynn, Diramo and Khin
Myat Mon and the competition
hnuIIsLs. OLIer perIormunces oI
young musIcIuns Irom Myun-
mur pIuyIng pIuno und Iurp ure
uIso sIowcused.
TIere ure no words Lo de-
scrIbe wIuL `m IeeIIng rIgIL
now. wouId IIke Lo LIunk TeI-
enor Myunmur Ior creuLIng LIIs
opporLunILy und LIe muny Iuns
wIo voLed Ior my Lune. L wus
un umuzIng experIence workIng
wILI LIe ceIebrILy judges und
promIse LIuL wIII conLInue Lo
creuLe LIe musIc LIuL `m pus-
Lin Myat Aung after winning Tune Star award.

sIonuLe ubouL, suId In MyuL
Aung, LIe wInner oI TeIenor
Myunmur NuLIonwIde Tune
SLur ConLesL.
TeIenor Myunmur`s spokes-
person Ior LIe Tune SLur Con-
LesL, Ko Nuy Myo HLun suId,
We ure very proud Lo InLro-
duce LIe very hrsL mobIIe Lune
sLur Lo Myunmur. TIe Myun-
mur pubIIc Ius cIosen u worLIy
wInner wILI u Lune sIuped by
In MyuL Aung IndIvIduuI ex-
pressIon oI creuLIvILy und musI-
cuI pussIon. We ure proud LIuL
our IuLure mobIIe subscrIbers
wIII be ubIe Lo experIence LIe
Lune LIrougI our servIces wIen
we IuuncI In SepLember.
The competition, which
run Irom June z Lo JuIy z,
receIved 8,oo submIssIons
mude by musIc enLIusIusLs.
TIe uspIrIng musIcIuns were
from across Myanmar, from
dIerenL uge groups und Iocu-
LIons. TIe LIree hnuIIsLs were
cIosen by u puneI consIsLIng oI
Lynn Lynn, Diramo and Khin
Myat Mon as well as selected
TeIenor empIoyees.
People voted for the winner
on ucebook und LIrougI SMS
or pIone IIne. IILy sIorLIIsLed
contestants across Myanmar
were invited to the event to
wILness LIe seIecLIon oI LIe hrsL
MobIIe Tune SLur In Myunmur.
n uddILIon Lo becomIng My-
unmur`s hrsL mobIIe Lune sLur,
K1o mIIIIon wus rewurded Lo
LIe wInner und LIe Lwo runner-
ups receIved Kz mIIIIon eucI.
TIe wInnIng meIody wIII be
used Lo creuLe un excIusIve
uudIo IdenLILy Ior TeIenor In
Myunmur. TIe cIosen Lune
wIII uIso be purL oI promoLIonuI
TV und rudIo cumpuIgns, und
wIII be IeuLured wIerever LIe
cusLomers encounLer TeIenor,
sucI us IoIdIng musIc Ior LIe
cuII cenLre, us u mobIIe rIng
Lune und In uuLomuLed mes-
APT, Travelmarvel to Sail New
Myanmar River Cruise ships
Zwe Wai
usLruIIun LruveI und
Lour compunIes APT
and Travelmarvel have
joInLIy unnounced LIuL LIey
ure expundIng LIeIr runge InLo
Myanmar with the addition of
Lwo new cruIse sIIps.
EucI brund wIII Iuve one
cruIse sIIp.
TIe APT cruIse sIIp, LIe RV
SumuLIu Ius cubIns wILI o
suILes Irom z;sqm Lo q8.;sqm
wILI new buIconIes, swImmIng
pooI, uIr condILIoned Iounge
ureu on LIe sundeck, un obser-
vuLIon deck, Lwo resLuurunLs -
u muIn resLuurunL und u prIvuLe
hne dInIng resLuurunL, und u
spu und mussuge IucIIILy.
Travelmarvels new ship the
RV PrIncess PunIwur wIII be
u 6-suILe vesseI, oerIng pre-
mIum Iour sLur rIver cruIsIng
wILI cubIns wIIcI ure z6sqm Lo
qz.sqm In sIze, un uIr con-
dILIoned Iounge ureu on LIe
sundeck, u muIn resLuurunL und
u spu und mussuge IucIIILy.
TIe rIver sIIps ure beIng buIIL
In Yungon In purLnersIIp wILI
APT, Travelmarvel and the
MuIng ong Compuny.
APT generuI munuger Ior
suIes und murkeLIng, Debru
ox, suId LIuL LIe new sIIps
were brougIL In becuuse oI
boomIng InLeresL In Myunmur.
We uIreudy oer rIver cruIs-
Ing In Burmu Ior APT guesLs
ubourd LIe AmuPuru und
uILIougI LIIs Is our hrsL yeur,
suIes Iuve uIreudy exceeded
expecLuLIon, ox suId.
Burmu Is cIeurIy u pIuce LIuL
our guesLs Irom AusLruIIu, New
Zealand and the UK are keen
Lo expIore und so Lo buIId und
InLroduce our very own rIver
cruIse sIIps Ior boLI oI our re-
spective APT and Travelmarvel
brunds In LIIs emergIng desLI-
nuLIon Is IncredIbIy excILIng.
May Myat Noe.
Miss Myanmar Dethroned
Kyaw Min
yunmur`s hrsL beuuLy
queen Lo wIn un
InLernuLIonuI beuuLy
pugeunL, TIuL HLeL Aung (Muy
MyuL Noe), wus sLrIpped o Ier
LILIe oI MIss AsIu PucIhc WorId
zo1q LIuL sIe won In Muy.
TIe orgunIsers oI AsIu PucIhc
WorId beuuLy conLesL suId In u
statement that May Myat Noe
wIII be no Ionger LIe wInner,
und LIuL sIe Ius never been
quuIIhed enougI by Ier uL-
LILude Lo be LIe wInner oI sucI
u bIg pugeunL.
To cIoose u wInner, per-
sonuIILy, InLegrILy, IoyuILy Lo
LIe orgunIzuLIon, und IoveIy
cIurucLer Is LIe mosL Impor-
LunL, LIe sLuLemenL Irom LIe
PresIdenL oI MIss AsIu PucIhc
WorId Super TuIenL OrgunIzu-
LIon suId.
|sIc| SIe IIed und never Iud
respecL oI muIn orgunIzuLIon,
NuLIonuI DIrecLor, munuger,
media, fans who made her the
wInner, IL udded.
TIe orgunIsuLIon suId IL wus
sIocked wILI Ier moLIer`s
IIIeguI uLLempL Lo geL LIree-
monLI vIsu uILIougI we Issued
IeLLer oI InvILuLIon und reIer-
ence IeLLer Ior Ier moLIer unLII
AugusL zq.
TIe pugeunL orgunIsers wenL
on to say that there are few
oLIer Issues LIuL we do noL
wunL Lo menLIon ... In deLuIIs.
SImpIy, we Iuve no LrusL
on her and there no reason to
beIIeve LIuL sIe cun curry ouL
Ier duLIes us MIss AsIu PucIhc
WorId zo1q successIuIIy, LIe
sLuLemenL reud.
TIe orgunIsers suId IL doesn`L
want to take any risk that can
uecL LIe orgunIsuLIon un-
necessurIIy, uddIng LIuL IL Ius
bougIL LIe LIckeLs Lo send Ier
buck Iome.
|sIc| Her ungruLeIuI uL-
LILude und LrusLworLIIness Is
one of the main reasons which
conLrIbuLe u IoL Ior LIe decIsIon
wILI our worIdwIde nuLIonuI
directors and lawyers which we



Iuve mude sudIy.
As LIe orugnIsuLIon de-
LIroned LIe eIgILeen-yeur-
oId beuuLy queen, sIe Ius Lo
surrender Ier LILIe, crown und
susI buck Lo LIe orgunIsuLIon`s
nuLIonuI dIrecLor HIu Nu Tun
wIen sIe urrIves In Myunmur.
TIe orgunIsuLIon mIgIL
choose a new winner who
quuIIhes beuuLy sLundurds,
proIessIonuI sLundurds, per-
sonuI quuIILIes, wIo Ius beuuLy
und rIgIL uLLILude, uccordIng
Lo LIe sLuLemenL.
That Htet Aung (May Myat Noe).

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