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CAS ID #: 67-64-1
Affected Organ Systems: Hematological (Blood Forming), Neurological (Nervous System)
Cancer Effects: None
Chemical Classification: Volatile organic compounds
Smmary: Acetone is a manufactured chemical that is also found naturally in the environment.
t is a colorless li!uid "ith a distinct smell and taste. t evaporates easily, is flamma#le, and
dissolves in "ater. t is also called dimethyl $etone, %&propanone, and #eta&$etopropane.
Acetone is used to ma$e plastic, fi#ers, drugs, and other chemicals. t is also used to dissolve
other su#stances.
t occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gases, forest fires, and as a product of the #rea$do"n
of #ody fat. t is present in vehicle e'haust, to#acco smo$e, and landfill sites. ndustrial
processes contri#ute more acetone to the environment than natural processes
!o" is acetone sed#
As A Chemical Intermediate
(he amount of acetone used annually in the production of other chemicals is increasing. For
e'ample, the production of derivative solvents no" accounts for appro'imately one&third of total
acetone usage. )arge amounts are also used in the production of methacrylates and #isphenol&A,
and in the production of acetone amines, "hich serve as antio'idants for ru##er, $etone, and
various cosmetic products.
*any people li$e to "ear clear or colored nail polish. +hen it is time to remove that nail polish,
they reach for nail polish remover. Acetone nail polish remover is a type of nail polish remover
that contains an ingredient called acetone. (his type of nail polish remover usually ta$es off nail
polish easier than a remover that does not contain acetone. Acetone nail polish remover is also
useful for ta$ing off false nails and removing strong glue from fingers.
Before applying a ne" coat of nail polish, the old polish should #e completely removed and the
nail should #e cleaned. A person can do this #y using acetone nail polish remover. Acetone nail
polish remover is often the cheapest $ind of remover availa#le, and it is effective at removing
nail polish !uic$ly. t has a strong aroma and evaporates rapidly, leaving a cooling sensation on
the nails. ,ne of the main dra"#ac$s of this type of nail polish remover is that it can dry out
Acetone is a natural material that is found in trees. t is also produced "hen the human #ody
#rea$s do"n fat. n addition, acetone can #e manufactured. t is a common ingredient in plastics.
(he reason that acetone nail polish remover is so effective is #ecause acetone is a solvent. n fact,
acetone is used as a solvent in some la#oratories and as an ingredient in some paint thinners and
cleaning supplies. t is mentioned on -ra.y/ 0lue pac$aging as one of the "ays to free fingers
stuc$ together #y the glue.
Although small amounts of acetone can #e #ro$en do"n #y the liver "ithout any adverse effects,
moderate and large doses of the solvent can #e harmful. Breathing in larger doses of the product
can cause di..iness and coma. 1ye and lung irritation can also result. n animals, acetone has
also #een sho"n to cause #irth defects.
(he long term effects of acetone on humans are still not clear, #ut for some the $no"n dangers
are sufficient. For this reason, non&acetone nail polish removers are also availa#le for purchase.
Non&acetone nail polish removers are commonly more e'pensive than acetone&#ased versions.
(hey also do not typically smell as strongly as acetone nail polish remover does. n addition,
these removers are not usually as effective as acetone nail polish remover, so larger amounts may
#e necessary. Non&acetone removers are, ho"ever, normally easier on the nails. (hus, they may
#e the #est choice for those "ith "ea$ or #rittle nails!pical-

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