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Math 321-02

Ordinary Differential Equations

(Fall 2014)
Hongia (!aura) "in# $issin% Hall 2&1# 3'(-221)# hongia*yin+,nsu*edu
Schedule: 10-00--10-.0a,* M/$H# $H 2')0*
Office Hours: M/$H 11-00-11-.0a,# 3-00-3-.01,*
Textbook: Ele,entary Differential Equations# 10th Edition# 2y 3oy4e and Di5ri,a

Course Content:
First order linear and nonlinear differential equations* 6e4ond order linear differential
equations* /he !a1la4e /ransfor,s* /7o-di,ensional linear and nonlinear differential
equation syste,s* 8n the tet2oo%# 7e 7ill study 9ha1ters 1-3# )-&# and so,e to1i4s in
9ha1ter (*

/est 1- /hursday# Ot4* 2nd*
/est 2- /hursday# :o;* )th*
Final examination: /hursday# De4* 11th# '-00a,-10-00a,*
Grading Policy:
Your grade will be based on your hoework and !ui""es# $ tests# and a final exa%
/ests (.0<)- $e 7ill ha;e 2 ,idter, tests during the se,ester (2.< ea4h)* Ea4h test 7ill
ta%e .0 ,inutes# and 7ill 2e graded on its o7n s4ale nor,ali=ed to 100<* 0t the end of
the se,ester# your lo7est test 7ill 2e dro11ed and re1la4ed 2y the s4ore of your final
ea, if that is to your 2enefit* Ma%e-u1 tests 7ill 2e gi;en only in s1e4ial 4ases# 7hen an
e4used a2sen4e has 2een 1rearranged*
Ho,e7or% and >ui==es (2.<)- For ea4h se4tion of the 2oo% that 7e 4o;er# you 7ill 2e
gi;en a list of 1ro2le,s to do* Ho,e7or% 7ill 2e 4olle4ted during the 4lass and graded*
>ui==es 7ill also 2e gi;en in the 4lass (a11roi,ately 10-20 ,inutes in length)* 6o,e
,ay 2e announ4es or not* 3y the end of the se,ester# all of the ho,e7or% and qui==es
4olle4ted 7ill 2e totaled and graded as one test*
Final ea,ination (2.<)- /he final ea, is 4u,ulati;e and 7ill ta%e 120 ,inutes* Final
ea, 7ill also 2e graded on a s4ale nor,ali=ed to 100<* Ho7e;er# sin4e it 4an 2e used
to re1la4e a test (if that is 2enefit for you)# it is 1otentially .0< of your grade*
?rading 7ill refle4t the ,athe,ati4al 4orre4tness of the ans7er and the quality of the
1resentation in ter,s of 4o,1leteness and organi=ation* 04ti;e 1arti4i1ation in the 4lass
dis4ussions 7ill also 2e fa4tored into the e;aluations* 8n4o,1letes 7ill follo7 the
uni;ersity@s 1oli4y as e1ressed in the student 2ulletins and the fa4ulty hand2oo%* :o
in4o,1lete 7ill 2e gi;en to re1eat the entire 4ourse*
8n deter,ining your final grade# earning a 4ourse a;erage of (0< 7ill guarantee you an
0# '0< a 3# et4* 8 ,ay lo7er these 1er4entages# 2ut 8 7ill not raise the,*
M6A 1ro;ides students 7ith disa2ilities reasona2le a44o,,odation to 1arti4i1ate in
edu4ational 1rogra,s# a4ti;ities or ser;i4es* 6tudents 7ith disa2ilities requiring
a44o,,odation to 1arti4i1ate in 4lass a4ti;ities or ,eet 4ourse require,ents should first
register 7ith the Offi4e of Disa2ility 6er;i4es# lo4ated in 0132 Me,orial !i2rary#
tele1hone 3'(-2'2.# /DD &11 and then 4onta4t ,e as soon as 1ossi2le*
How to Study for this Class: /a%e notes during the le4ture as needed* Bead the tet2oo%
4arefully and ,a%e a note of questions to as% in 4lass* Due to the ra1id 1a4e of the 4ourse#
not all ty1es of ea,1les nor all to1i4s of the 2oo% for 7hi4h you are res1onsi2le are
4o;ered in the le4ture* 6o,e of your ho,e7or% 7ill require you to study these to1i4s on
your o7n* Do the ho,e7or% 4arefully and ,a%e a note of questions to as% in 4lass* "ou
are en4ouraged to dis4uss ho,e7or% 7ith other students and then do the ho,e7or% on
your o7n*
Student Conduct: 5lease do the follo7ing- 0rri;e to 4lass on ti,e* /urn off your 4ell
1hone if you ha;e one* /a%e the full .0,in in the 4lass e4e1t e,ergen4y* 5ro;ide ,e
7ith an e1lanation in ad;an4e if you need to lea;e the 4lassroo, early or need to ,iss a

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