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Briefly explain the role of Co-Curricular activities in a students life!
Students can learn through an! ed"us l"#e tal#"ng to the"r $eer% l"sten"ng to
e&$er"ences% $er'or"ng e&$er"ents to coe to a conclus"on and (! )or#"ng on $ro*ects
"n grou$s+ These ethods a" at hel$"ng the students to ga"n a co$lete understand"ng o'
the conce$t and (u"ld other s#"lls l"#e anal!,"ng% )or#"ng "n co-ord"nat"on% e&$lor"ng the
to$"c etc+ Co curr"cular act"."t"es "n school are another )a! o' ensur"ng the all round
de.elo$ent o' the students+
Co-curr"cular Act"."t"es are de'"ned as the act"."t"es that ena(le to su$$leent and
co$leent the curr"cular or a"n s!lla("c act"."t"es+ These are the .er! "$ortant $art
and $arcel o' educat"onal "nst"tut"ons to de.elo$ the students/ $ersonal"t! as )ell as to
strengthen the classroo learn"ng+ These act"."t"es are organ",ed a'ter the school hours%
so #no)n as e&tra-curr"cular act"."t"es+ Co-curr"cular Act"."t"es ha.e )"de hor",on to
cater to the cultural% soc"al% aesthet"c de.elo$ent o' the ch"ld+
Co-curr"cular act"."t"es "n school are those that are not a $art o' the regular acade"c
curr"culu+ The! are also #no)n as e&tra-curr"cular act"."t"es+ These act"."t"es are $resent
across all le.els o' educat"on+ In soe schools $art"c"$at"ng "n these act"."t"es "s
co$ulsor! )hereas a 'e) schools #ee$ the .oluntar!+ The act"."t"es are d"rected (! the
'acult! and soet"es e&ternal hel$ "s also ta#en 'ro e&$erts+
Such act"."t"es ostl! "nclude "nter-house co$et"t"ons% annual da!s% $arent/s da!%
s$orts% $er'or"ng arts% de(ates and uch ore+These act"."t"es are not e&a"ned as the
regular curr"culu% (ut the! are as "$ortant as the acade"c curr"culu% 'ollo)ed "n
school+ The! 'or the core o' a student/s l"'e and a"d the students "n de.elo$"ng
co$et"t"on s$"r"t% creat".e th"n#"ng% (alanc"ng $r"or"t"es and tea s$"r"t+
It hel$s to de.elo$ the all-round $ersonal"t! o' the students to 'ace the undaunted tas#
and tur(ulent )orld o' 'uture+ E&$er"ence and accolades ga"ned through an! o' these
act"."t"es hel$ dur"ng "nternsh"$s and other school s$onsored )or# $rogras+
The a" o' curr"cular act"."t"es "s to a#e the students '"t 'or the 'uture t"e and to
de.elo$ a sense o' co$et"t".e s$"r"t% co-o$erat"on% leadersh"$% d"l"gence% $unctual"t!%
tea-s$"r"t as )ell as to $ro."de a (ac#dro$ 'or the de.elo$ent o' the"r creat".e talents+
0hen soe one "s chosen as a head (o! or "s g".en leadersh"$ "n certa"n atters% "t
(oosts sel'-con'"dence and sense o' ach"e.eent+ E&tra-curr"cular act"."t"es can hel$
students to de.elo$ the"r all-round $ersonal"t! and handle d"''erent #"nds o' tas#s and
challenges+ Such act"."t"es "nclude a lot o' tea )or#% th"n#"ng out o' the (o&% atch"ng
u$ to co$et"t"on and )or#"ng "n $ressure+ These s#"lls are e&treel! use'ul "n 'uture
)hen these students )or# "n cor$orate and 'ace challenges da"l!+ A student )ho "s act".e
)"th co curr"cular act"."t"es de.elo$ attr"(utes l"#e co$et"t".e s$"r"t% co-o$erat"on% tea
lead"ng% $eo$le anageent% $unctual"t!% d"l"gence along )"th de.elo$"ng one o' the"r
a*or talents+ Th"s "$ the student/s sel' con'"dence and creates a sense o'
ach"e.eent "n h"+
Add"t"onal act"."t"es 'or school students are a eans to enhance soc"al "nteract"on%
leadersh"$% health! recreat"on% sel'-d"sc"$l"ne and sel'-con'"dence+ Co$et"t"ons a! also
(e organ",ed to create a co$et"t".e en."ronent and grou$s )"th an o(*ect".e to )or#
to)ards a (etter soc"et! and the )orld as )ell+ 0hen the students "n the"r earl! teens are
g".en soe res$ons"("l"t"es l"#e g"."ng '"rst a"d the! ac1u"re a sense o' res$ons"("l"t!+
Soe tas#s re1u"re $rec"s"on% anageent and organ",at"onal and such act"."t"es $ro."de
tra"n"ng to $re$are students 'or the outs"de )orld+ Also $h!s"cal act"."t"es that are an
essent"al $art o' e&tra- curr"cular act"."t"es hel$ the students to rea"n '"t and re'resh the"r
"nd+ Also such act"."t"es #ee$ students a)a! 'ro har'ul "ndulgence l"#e drugs% cr"e
and an! ore+
In toda!2s co$et"t".e )orld% $ercentage a#es a lot o' d"''erence dur"ng ad"ss"on
"nto .ar"ous courses+ Such students are g".en $re'erence as co$ared to non $art"c"$ants+
These a! a#e a d"''erence )hen the students are cons"dered 'or the ost $o$ular
courses+ Cand"dates )ho ha.e r"ch e&tracurr"cular (ac#ground "n school l"'e are a su"ta(le
cho"ce 'or e$lo!ent (! recru"ters+ The! are .alua(le student e&$er"ences that
recru"ters loo#out 'or+
These act"."t"es are a(solutel! essent"al as the! de.elo$ the student "ntellectuall!+
The #"nd o' e&$osure these act"."t"es $ro."de "s not $oss"(le to (e acco$l"shed through
theoret"c eans+ The! are e&treel! hel$'ul "n de.elo$"ng the student/s talent+ The! are a
good (reather 'ro the regular classroo teach"ng and re'resh the ch"ld/s "nd to
concentrate (etter+ It "s "$ortant that $arent/s too ta#e $art "n these act"."t"es and
encourage the"r ch"ldren to $er'or (etter+

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