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Sustaining and Improving local Livelihoods In Burao By Developing and Creating

LS and Animal Support Services:

Project Name: Developing Local Animal Feed Production And Services:

1-Brief Introduction.

Burao is the regional capital of Togdher and the second largest city in Somaliland. Burao
was and, still is, a major LS trade centre or route in the region and services many pastoral
tribes and LS producers, Pastoralists, in various eastern regions. Due to this long standing
relations and connections with rural pastoralists, Burao is attracting many failing/former
pastoralists and rural communities. As well as many struggling and least well of pastoral
families who rear small LS not far from the city, and few LS husbandry activities.

As a result, Burao’s population is rapidly increasing and anecdotal information/evidence

indicates that its population is between 350-500 thousand people. Most local families
own a minimum of one goat to supplement their basic daily needs,- food, income or
otherwise. This indicates that there are 50-100 thousand goats in Burao. Needless to say,
there is no LS support services what so ever.


This animal feed resources production/service is exploring ways of producing

affordable and accessible feed resources in Burao. This project is targeting the
most vulnerable groups that include: poor pastoralists, urban/Village dwellers,
semi sedentary small scale herders and LS husbandry farms in Burao and
Togdher livelihood zone. Burao and its surrounding areas constitute the eventual
target areas in which this project intervention aimed to focus. The affected
districts have experienced localized drought condition that triggered an alarming
feed/folder shortage felt by these communities. In addition, Togdher is one of the
most neglected/isolated regions and structurally vulnerable setting within
Somaliland. This is why the target region/area lagged behind in terms of general
infrastructural development and access to basic services. The project will put
spotlight on safety of human lives and livelihood assets through the provision of
feed production and availability for targeted SH.

The target population is affected by localized drought situation which prompted

critical shortages of animal feed/folder as result of complete or partial failure of
past rainy and recent Deyr seasons, which has reduced quantity and quality of
available feed resources in the region.

The following problems are already in effect or expected to take a tighter grip on
the target community in the near future if situation is not addressed:
• Severe and increased shortage of animal feed resources for vulnerable
pastoral and urban families, and local SH.
• Increased livelihood uncertainties among the affected poor pastoral
households due to depletion of herd size created by the lack of access to
natural/common and affordable feed resources..
• The expensive folder/grass siphoned large portion of the family budget and
may result sales of productive assets
• Possible out break of livestock diseases due to lack of feed/folder and
nutrition, Camels in particular, which require large quantities of feed and are
vital for pastoralists way of life.

3. Interventions

3.1 Objectives

Main goal
The overall goal of the project is to increase AFR production and availability for
all local SH in the region (Togdher), particularly for vulnerable poor semi-pastoral
and urban households/communities during dry and distress periods and seasons.

Specific objectives
• Provide AFR production expert attachments and technical support to MLF
and one/two selected local producers/fields in Burao
• Help with relevant and appropriate farming equipment and assistance
• Improve present local producers’ capacity, knowledge, know-how, skills
and ability to further develop and expand AFR production in future.
• Improve health condition of Livestock/Animals and reduce vulnerability to
diseases due to lack of nutrition through provision of adequate AFR

3.2 Project strategy

The project will and intent to deploy two parallel components or approaches to ensure
local availability and increased production of relevant affordable feed and mineral
resources for LS and local SH in the region.

3.2.1-The project will support and engage present local feed producers in and around
Burao, Maandeeq in particular, through the provision of Dry-Land Farming expert
attachment/s and appropriate technical inputs- equipment, water and irrigation systems

In return for project support, selected producer/s will be required to sell discounted or
subsidized quantity of harvested feed to local SH. As well as exploring schemes to
provide free feed to most poor families/communities during distress periods.
3.2.2-The project will also support, engage and encourage above local producers to
develop and explore ways of importing affordable and appropriate animal feed and
mineral resources, if and when possible.

UB will sign a MOU with MLF and other selected producers. The following are
highlights of the implementation procedure:

• UB in collaboration with CLASS will locate/identify and recruit experienced

AFR production professional, externally or otherwise.
• Facilitate deployment and attachment of professional to MLF and others.
• Procurement and availability of all required and relevant
farming/production inputs- equipment, fertilizers and so on.
• Set up a Steering Group (SG) from relevant SH to guide and advice on all
project delivery and implementation activities.
• Camel Livestock and Animal Support Services (CLASS), a LNGO, will
lead project co-ordination mechanisms, activities, establishing discounted
AFR schemes and selection criteria for recipients.
• UB will supervise and ensure that project support and services reaches all
intended beneficiaries.
• A total of two/three local AFR producers will be supported/assisted, 100-
200 percent increase in present cultivated land- 16 hectors more in MLF’s
case, help 100-200 poor pastoral and urban households with discounted
• UB will ensure the smooth management/running of the project and
resolving of any problems and disputes.

The project will start its core activities with preparation of contract agreement and
Memoranda of Understanding with MLF and other selected producers.

The local leaders/authorities and regional administrations of the target areas

were met and consulted during proposal development. They will therefore be
involved in the actual project delivery and implementation so that all stakeholders
participate and ensure transparency of this vital programme.

3.3 Assumption and Risk analysis.

• Timely recruitment deploymentof Dryland Farming Professionanon.
• Project funds are secure and arrive on scheduled time frame.
• Optimum collaboration by AFR producers, the community, relevant
ministries and local authority in smoot implementation of the project.

3.4 Project location:

Project main target site is located within the district of Kabadhere, Burao and
one/two selected sites in the region..

3.5 Project Partners

UB and partner (CLASS) will enter into detaile Memorandum of Understanding

detailing their specific roles. CLASS will deliver and implement the project in the
field UB will play a management and supervisory role. UB will have MoUs with all
participating AFR producers. Other partners in the implementation of the project
will include:
• District local authority (Mayors, D.C, District local Municipality secretary
and coordinator of local Governments and rural development).
• Regional authority in target areas.
• Regional Ministry Offices (RMO) of Pastoral Development, Livestock and

3.7 Expected results of the projects

4. Budget:

Budget for Developing ANF production and Services in Burao, Togdher.

Unit cost No. No. Total cost Contrib' UB contrib'n Grand
. Item $ units months $ n$ $ Total $
1 Personnel
1.1 University Of Burao (UB)
1 UB Dryland and AFR farmin expert
for (MLF and other producers) 4,000 1 12 48,000 48,000 0 48,000
1 UB assistant/admin 800 1 12 9,600 9,600 0 9,600

1.2. National NGO, SADO

Project Co-ordinator 1,000 1 12 12,000 12,000 0 12,000
2 Volunteer DF trainees/Assistants 100 2 12 2,400 2,400 0 2,400

Sub-total personnel costs 72,000 72,000 0 72,000

2 Project Inputs
Net wire fence for cultivated land, 27
hectors, (MLF) 11.84 3800 45,000 45,000 0 45,000
360 metal poles 3.00 360 1,080 1,080 0 1,080
2 Water sprinkle (50m radius reach) 2,000 2 4,000 4,000 0 4,000
2 Rubber water pipes (500m long) 550 2 1,100 1,100 0 1,100
100 bags of fertilizers (Nitrates) 10 100 12 1,000 1,000 0 1,000

Sub-total project inputs 49,180 49,180 0 49,180

3 Agency administration (for 2

3.1 Communication - email/phone/fax 300 2 12 7,200 7,200 0 7,200
3.2 Stationery 50 2 12 1,200 1,200 0 1,200
3.3 Office rent 700 1 12 6,400 6,400 0 6,400
Sub-total agency administration 14,800 14,800 0 14,800

4 Transport & storage costs

4.1 Vehicle rent for monitoring &
supervision,DF Expert etc 800 1 12X30d 9,600 9,600 0 9,600
4.2 Fuel 14.5 1 12X30d 5,220 5,220 0 5,200
4.3Feed Storage 4,000 1 4,000 4,000 0 4,000
Sub-total transport & storage costs 18,820 18,820 0 18,820

5 Audit costs
5.1 Audit fee
Subtotals 154,800 154,800

7 Contingency @ 2% 2322 2322

8 Total 157,122 2
9. Money Transfer costs (1.5%) 2356 2356
8 Total 159,479 159479

The total amount of funds requested from Donor is $159,479 USD.

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